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More than Just a Pain Medicine

October 8, 2008


Welcome and Introductions   Paul Klein and Team

A Look at Our Agency        Paul, Rich Roth, and Phil Silvestri

 Our Strategy               Kate Persky, Kate Gill
 Creative Ideas             Kurt Nossan, Yvonne DeSanti
 Strategies and Tactics     Maureen Russell, Sue Maserjian
 Approach to Measurement    Kate Gill

Discussion                  Group

Our Strategic Process

Creative Business Idea Approach

                        Research and Other
                           Insight Feeds

Market Momentum:   Consumer      Category            Brand


CBI Focus:                  Creative Business Idea

                    Brand                            Category

What We Did to Prepare

 Review of Milnacipran                 On-line Review:          Review of Secondary Resources      Conducted Qualitative Adcept &
  Briefing Documents           Monitored Chat Rooms, Analyzed                                       Imagery Research: In-Depth
                              FMS Websites & Support Programs                                         Interviews/Focus Groups

                Competitive Audit: Review of Category                               Interviews with
               Communications and Competitive Brands                       KOL Rheumatologist Dr. John Nitsche
                                                                             and Psychiatrist Dr. Lydia Fazzio


                   Brand              Category

The Consumer


It’s About Physical Pain…
                                                               Brand              Category

_ “Even like brushing my teeth sometimes, pain in
  my hand from holding the toothbrush.”
_ “I cannot read a hardcover book; it’s too heavy to
_ “It affects everything you do. Combing your hair
  becomes a chore when your arms feel like lead
  and they’re burning.”
_ “A feather feels like a 10-ton truck.”
_ “It feels like this tiny tourniquet is turning all the
_ “It’s like having the flu; everything aches.”
_ “It’s definitely about more than pain.”

Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08


There Are Other Physical Symptoms
                                                            Brand              Category

_ “It’s like nobody’s home. You ask me questions
  and I can’t even grab words.”
_ “I couldn’t get my brain focused.”
_ “If I just water the plants and take the dogs out,
  I’m exhausted.”
_ “It’s psychological, depression’s involved, lack of
  sleep…can’t work as much.”
_ “You feel like you’re in a fog…not functioning
  properly. You’re doing what you have to do but
  you’re not fully there.”

                        MY BODY CALLS THE SHOTS

Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08


It Changes the Way I Live My Life
                                                                    Brand              Category

_ Universally, the most difficult part of the day is
  getting out of bed in the morning, when sufferers
  feel stiff, even “paralyzed”
_ Most have some type of “barometer” to evaluate the
  kind of day they’re going to have
     _ “I’m having a good fibro day or a bad fibro day”

_ Movement is important but the body doesn’t always
_ Managing the disease requires ongoing negotiation
  with their body…plus a pharmacopoeia of drugs and
  alternative treatments
_ A positive attitude and proactivity help somewhat
_ The constant grind wears them down
     _ “It’s like being punished, pummeled, being in the ring
       every day”

Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08


It’s an Emotional Struggle, Too
                                                                        Brand              Category

                               The doctors said
                                                     “I feel all alone and
                             “you’re crazy, you’re
                                                       kind of trapped ”
                              losing your mind”

    “Keeping it secret
                                                            “It’s all the time, like
      makes my life
                                                               Chinese torture”

“When they tell you
                                                                “There’s a lot of fury
  you’re crazy, it
                                                                 and a lot of rage”
  infuriates you”

                                                     “You start to wonder if they
          “Everyone with FMS
                                                      could be right; you start to
          is pretty pissed off”
                                                          question yourself”

Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08


I Have No Support
                                                                Brand              Category

_ Sufferers feel discounted and misunderstood…
  even by medical community
    _ Can take years to be diagnosed correctly
    _ Often told “it’s all in your head”; feel
      anger/frustration—at docs, friends, family who are
      skeptical or don’t understand
    _ The invisibility of the disease leads to secrecy

Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08

focus group video

It’s a Vicious Cycle
                                                                             Brand              Category

_ Different symptoms exacerbate and reinforce one another with emotional
  consequences, leading to the need for medication plus support

                     Anger                             Frustration

                                  Cognitive Problems                                  Self-doubt
                                    Physical Pain


                                   Sleep Disorders
   Punished                      Depression/Anxiety

                     Stress                                  Misunderstood


The Consumer
                                             Brand              Category

                  Trapped in the
               multi-dimensional vise
                  of fibromyalgia


                    Brand              Category

The Category


An Emerging, Yet Unformed Category
                                                             Brand              Category

_ Significant potential as category projected to grow
_ Influx of new medications and an upsurge in
  diagnosis rates
_ Lack of disease awareness and understanding
  among general population and medical community
_ No one owns the FMS relationship—PCP,
  rheumatologist, psychiatrist, osteopath, yogi—
  nor the brand
_ Opportunity to shape the conversation, as the
  dialogue is just beginning

Source: DataMonitor 2007


Lyrica: Legitimizing FMS
                                                     Brand              Category

_ Beginning to shape the fibromyalgia space
_ Communications live in the solution
_ Captures a real consumer insight with
  “the unique pain of fibromyalgia” yet fails
  to fully leverage the power of this idea
_ Focuses on the functional improvement
  and the reduction of pain the drug
  delivers, but doesn’t capitalize on the
  emotional aspect of the condition
_ Positions itself as the fibromyalgia
  medication not indicated for depression
_ Branded and unbranded communications


Cymbalta: Entrenched in Depression, Stepping into FMS
                                                                       Brand              Category

_ Recognizes the mind/body connection with “Depression hurts, Cymbalta can
  help” campaign — in the depression category
_ Depression heritage may limit Cymbalta’s potential to leverage FMS indication
_ FMS DTC to date online only, and professional print
_ Anticipate Lilly to capitalize on existing relationships with HCP’s to promote the
  FMS indication
_ Prasugrel didn’t get approved; may free up money to allocate to Cymbalta


The Category
                                                  Brand              Category

                 Efforts are just beginning to
                validate the condition, but no
               one owns the FMS relationship


                 Brand              Category

The Brand


Strong Functional Advantage
Creates Meaningful Benefits
                                                    Brand              Category

Ultimate Benefit       Feel less trapped/more positive

                              Treat FMS symptoms
Functional Benefit
                               more successfully

                                    A more
Functional Advantage           complete treatment


But Huge Need Gap Remains with FMS
                                                                                 Brand              Category

_ Doctor/patient face-to-face time is as brief as six minutes

_ 72% of doctors interrupt the patient’s opening statement
  after an average of 23 seconds (Source: A. Suchman, Journal of American
  Medical Association)

_ Doctors remain key source of information, but access to
  them is limited — HCPs can’t fill the gap
_ “With FMS, if you just throw medication at them, and don’t
  give them the benefit of the time and counseling they need, I
  don’t think their treatment will be optimal” (Source: Interview with
  John Nitsche, MD, September 2008)


Getting a Prescription Is Just the Beginning
                                                                                                           Brand              Category

_ 75% still seek information via talk, online, ads*
                                                                                                               Actions taken
                                                                                                                after filling

 Read the product information that came with the medicine                                                                87%
 Ask your pharmacist questions about the medicine                                                                         41%
 Talk with a friend/family member who is taking the same/                                                                 33%
 similar medicine
 Find yourself stopping to read/watch an advertisement for the medicine                                                   29%
 Look online for:
 Information about the medical condition                                                                                  38%
 Information about the medicine                                                                                           34%
 Recontact your doctor to ask more questions:
 About the condition or illness                                                                                           25%
 About the medicine                                                                                                       21%

  * % who say they filled the prescription, when a doctor prescribes a medicine they have never taken before
  Does not include read the product info that came with the medicine they saw or heard advertised

Source: Prevention magazine 2007 DTC Study


Information Overload, but Little
Understanding of What to Believe
                                                                                        Brand              Category

_ The search for chronic pain relief drives sufferers to
  seek the latest information and to be open to new
_ Seeking information can be overwhelming
  _ Google search: over 9MM results for fibromyalgia in .14

_ Media contradictions lead to patient confusion and
  become barriers to treatment/prevention
  _ Even Dr. Frederick Wolfe, who first defined the diagnostic
    guidelines for FMS, now does not consider it a disease
    (Source: The New York Times, “Drug Approved. Is Disease Real?” January 2008)


Sufferers Need a Guide or Advocate to
Help Them Navigate
                                                               Brand              Category

_ The increasing complexities of medical care make it
  harder for patients to understand their condition and
  treatment options
      _ “Getting reliable information is a source of
        comfort and empowerment…patients are even
        attending disease advocacy group meetings to
        hear about the latest research and meet other
        patients.” –Ken Schueler, Patient Advocate

 They need someone to partner with them in managing
   their FMS—physically, mentally, and emotionally


The Milnacipran Brand
Can Address These Needs
                                                              Brand              Category

         Giving sufferers greater control over the
       physical, mental, and emotional impact of FMS
       Body Is in Control                  Feeling of Personal Control


            Endless           The Brand             Meaningful
           Struggle                                 Management


     Multi-dimensional Vise                  Reduced Symptoms,
                                                More Support

          Turning a vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle


The Milnacipran Brand Can Redefine
the Relationship
                                                                  Brand              Category

_ Milnacipran needs to become the:
  _ More complete treatment that goes beyond pain—to
    treat the total fibromyalgia syndrome
  _ Ally: embracing the whole person—physical, mental, and
  _ Advocate: giving sufferers a voice and changing the
    conversation about FMS: patient to doctor, patient to
    family, patient to peers
  _ Partner: delivering a true personalized support
    program, with on-going dialogue and feedback

  Insulating the brand from competitive encroachment
                 now – and in the future


Extending the Strategy via a Personalized Support
Program Makes for a Stronger Emotional Connection
                                                                  Brand              Category

Ultimate Emotional Benefit       Feel less trapped/more positive

Elevated Brand Benefit                                   Better control of your

                                                        Treat FMS symptoms more
Functional Benefit            Treat FMS symptoms
                                                         successfully and manage
                               more successfully        condition more successfully

                               A more complete             A more complete
Functional Advantage              treatment               treatment/support

Source: Adcept Focus Groups


                                           Brand              Category

        Address the whole person in
             a whole new way

The Creative Business Idea


                                Trapped in the
                                     of FMS

                            Finally, a reason
                            to be optimistic

                                                  Beginning to
                 Address the
                                              legitimize condition,
               whole person in a              but no one owns the
                whole new way                   FMS relationship

       Brand                                                          Category

Milnacipran Creative Brief

                                                  What is the challenge?
To drive diagnosed sufferers to ask their doctor about Milnacipran and connect with sufferers on a more meaningful level, by
demonstrating a keen understanding of the condition and their physical and emotional plight

                                                 Who are we talking to?
Sufferers who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (primarily women ages 20–60) and are open to new treatment options to
enhance their quality of life.

                                                  What is their mindset?
Fibromyalgia is about more than just pain. It can include symptoms such as sleep disorders, fatigue, morning stiffness, anxiety,
and cognitive problems—symptoms that can reinforce and exacerbate one another. It’s a vicious cycle and wears on sufferers
physically, mentally, and emotionally, as they learn how to live with and manage the disease. Added to this daily grind is the
frustration they feel as a result of often being misunderstood by their family and friends, and misdiagnosed and mistreated by
the medical community. The disease becomes their secret—you can’t see it, and others are skeptical about it. Those who
manage the disease best try to maintain a positive attitude and are more proactive about their condition.

                                                           The Idea
                                Finally, there’s a reason for fibromyalgia sufferers to be optimistic.

                                                    Reasons to Believe
_New milnacipran does more than just treat pain: It’s a more complete treatment for the total fibromyalgia syndrome
_It’s proven to help you function better in your day-to-day life
_Milnacipran offers a true, comprehensive support program for the fibromyalgia patient

                                            How should the brand speak?
                                          With conviction, understanding, and optimism.

                                               Lead with print and deliver 360° idea.


Strategies and Tactics

Moving to a Better Model for DTC

                                  Transaction Model: Mass Awareness

                                Info               Click to
                               search              websites

     Mass                                                           Ask doctor                   Compliance
   Awareness                                                         for drug

                                                          Read articles

                               Relationship Model: Creating Better Patients

 Targeted                                                             Ask Dr
Engagement               Foster         Refer to doctor              for drug                 Loyalty
                     understanding                  Discuss
                                                   condition               Compliance
                                   Self-           with doctor                      Persistency       Advocacy
             Start two-way
                                                              Discuss drug
                                                               with doctor

Strategic Imperatives

FROM                       TO
Mass awareness             Targeted engagement
Empower with information   Empower with understanding
Drive to physician         Start a conversation
Ask for drug by name       Discuss condition and drug
                           with doctor
Do not upset doctors       Help doctors
Contrived messaging        Relevance and richness of
Acquisition                Acquisition and real relationships

How We Get There

    Brand and agency collaboration: Obs/Strats, alignment

         Consumer Deep Dive – identify gaps, research, gain insights
         Develop branded campaign

         Unbranded campaign to educate and build database
                    Launch unbranded support program

                                                       Branded campaign launch: NEW 6 mos.

                                                       Launch branded support program

                                                       Convert unbranded to branded

         Professional Marketing

                                    DDMAC         DDMAC
                                  Submission     Response

Q4 ’08                                                                                  Dec ’09

Approach to Measurement

Measurement, Optimization, and ROI

_Euro RSCG is known for creating integrated marketing
 communications that “move needles”
  _ ETHOS: We deliver “applied creativity”; if it doesn’t work, it wasn’t
    creative. And we monitor all the indicators through the purchase
    funnel—from copy-testing through lead generation, and on to
    profitable share growth

Measurement, Optimization, and ROI

_ GLOBAL ANALYTICS CAPABILITIES: Our Global Director of Marketing
  Science serves as lead on the group that manages Tracking studies, DR
  analytics, medical marketing research, author support statistics services
  _ All of our below-the-line projects have built-in tracking and measurement
  _ For larger projects, we can draw on the resources of Euro RSCG offices globally
_ FLEXIBLE PARTNERING: We can provide turnkey services across the
  marketing measurement cycle. Or we can work to integrate information
  streams from your databases and those of third-party vendors
_ A NETWORK BEHIND US: When customized analytics are required, we
  have access to our network for specialized analyses

Thank you


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  • 1. Milnacipran More than Just a Pain Medicine October 8, 2008 1
  • 2. Agenda Welcome and Introductions Paul Klein and Team A Look at Our Agency Paul, Rich Roth, and Phil Silvestri Milnacipran Our Strategy Kate Persky, Kate Gill Creative Ideas Kurt Nossan, Yvonne DeSanti Strategies and Tactics Maureen Russell, Sue Maserjian Approach to Measurement Kate Gill Discussion Group 2
  • 4. Creative Business Idea Approach Research and Other Insight Feeds Market Momentum: Consumer Category Brand Consumer CBI Focus: Creative Business Idea Brand Category 4
  • 5. What We Did to Prepare Review of Milnacipran On-line Review: Review of Secondary Resources Conducted Qualitative Adcept & Briefing Documents Monitored Chat Rooms, Analyzed Imagery Research: In-Depth FMS Websites & Support Programs Interviews/Focus Groups Competitive Audit: Review of Category Interviews with Communications and Competitive Brands KOL Rheumatologist Dr. John Nitsche and Psychiatrist Dr. Lydia Fazzio 5
  • 6. Consumer Brand Category The Consumer 6
  • 7. Consumer It’s About Physical Pain… Brand Category _ “Even like brushing my teeth sometimes, pain in my hand from holding the toothbrush.” _ “I cannot read a hardcover book; it’s too heavy to hold.” _ “It affects everything you do. Combing your hair becomes a chore when your arms feel like lead and they’re burning.” _ “A feather feels like a 10-ton truck.” _ “It feels like this tiny tourniquet is turning all the time.” _ “It’s like having the flu; everything aches.” _ “It’s definitely about more than pain.” Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08 7
  • 8. Consumer There Are Other Physical Symptoms Brand Category _ “It’s like nobody’s home. You ask me questions and I can’t even grab words.” _ “I couldn’t get my brain focused.” _ “If I just water the plants and take the dogs out, I’m exhausted.” _ “It’s psychological, depression’s involved, lack of sleep…can’t work as much.” _ “You feel like you’re in a fog…not functioning properly. You’re doing what you have to do but you’re not fully there.” MY BODY CALLS THE SHOTS Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08 8
  • 9. Consumer It Changes the Way I Live My Life Brand Category _ Universally, the most difficult part of the day is getting out of bed in the morning, when sufferers feel stiff, even “paralyzed” _ Most have some type of “barometer” to evaluate the kind of day they’re going to have _ “I’m having a good fibro day or a bad fibro day” _ Movement is important but the body doesn’t always cooperate _ Managing the disease requires ongoing negotiation with their body…plus a pharmacopoeia of drugs and alternative treatments _ A positive attitude and proactivity help somewhat _ The constant grind wears them down _ “It’s like being punished, pummeled, being in the ring every day” Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08 9
  • 10. Consumer It’s an Emotional Struggle, Too Brand Category The doctors said “I feel all alone and “you’re crazy, you’re kind of trapped ” losing your mind” “Keeping it secret “It’s all the time, like makes my life Chinese torture” smoother” “When they tell you “There’s a lot of fury you’re crazy, it and a lot of rage” infuriates you” “You start to wonder if they “Everyone with FMS could be right; you start to is pretty pissed off” question yourself” Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08 10
  • 11. Consumer I Have No Support Brand Category _ Sufferers feel discounted and misunderstood… even by medical community _ Can take years to be diagnosed correctly _ Often told “it’s all in your head”; feel anger/frustration—at docs, friends, family who are skeptical or don’t understand _ The invisibility of the disease leads to secrecy Source: Euro RSCG Tonic Qualitative Research, 9/08 11
  • 13. Consumer It’s a Vicious Cycle Brand Category _ Different symptoms exacerbate and reinforce one another with emotional consequences, leading to the need for medication plus support Anger Frustration Cognitive Problems Self-doubt Exhaustion Fatigue Physical Pain FMS Sleep Disorders Self-blame Punished Depression/Anxiety Stress Misunderstood 13
  • 14. Consumer The Consumer Brand Category Trapped in the multi-dimensional vise of fibromyalgia 14
  • 15. Consumer Brand Category The Category 15
  • 16. Consumer An Emerging, Yet Unformed Category Brand Category _ Significant potential as category projected to grow substantially _ Influx of new medications and an upsurge in diagnosis rates _ Lack of disease awareness and understanding among general population and medical community _ No one owns the FMS relationship—PCP, rheumatologist, psychiatrist, osteopath, yogi— nor the brand _ Opportunity to shape the conversation, as the dialogue is just beginning Source: DataMonitor 2007 16
  • 17. Consumer Lyrica: Legitimizing FMS Brand Category _ Beginning to shape the fibromyalgia space _ Communications live in the solution _ Captures a real consumer insight with “the unique pain of fibromyalgia” yet fails to fully leverage the power of this idea _ Focuses on the functional improvement and the reduction of pain the drug delivers, but doesn’t capitalize on the emotional aspect of the condition _ Positions itself as the fibromyalgia medication not indicated for depression _ Branded and unbranded communications 17
  • 18. Consumer Cymbalta: Entrenched in Depression, Stepping into FMS Brand Category _ Recognizes the mind/body connection with “Depression hurts, Cymbalta can help” campaign — in the depression category _ Depression heritage may limit Cymbalta’s potential to leverage FMS indication _ FMS DTC to date online only, and professional print _ Anticipate Lilly to capitalize on existing relationships with HCP’s to promote the FMS indication _ Prasugrel didn’t get approved; may free up money to allocate to Cymbalta 18
  • 19. Consumer The Category Brand Category Efforts are just beginning to validate the condition, but no one owns the FMS relationship 19
  • 20. Consumer Brand Category The Brand 20
  • 21. Consumer Strong Functional Advantage Creates Meaningful Benefits Brand Category Ultimate Benefit Feel less trapped/more positive Treat FMS symptoms Functional Benefit more successfully A more Functional Advantage complete treatment 21
  • 22. Consumer But Huge Need Gap Remains with FMS Brand Category _ Doctor/patient face-to-face time is as brief as six minutes (Source: _ 72% of doctors interrupt the patient’s opening statement after an average of 23 seconds (Source: A. Suchman, Journal of American Medical Association) _ Doctors remain key source of information, but access to them is limited — HCPs can’t fill the gap _ “With FMS, if you just throw medication at them, and don’t give them the benefit of the time and counseling they need, I don’t think their treatment will be optimal” (Source: Interview with John Nitsche, MD, September 2008) 22
  • 23. Consumer Getting a Prescription Is Just the Beginning Brand Category _ 75% still seek information via talk, online, ads* Actions taken after filling Read the product information that came with the medicine 87% Ask your pharmacist questions about the medicine 41% Talk with a friend/family member who is taking the same/ 33% similar medicine Find yourself stopping to read/watch an advertisement for the medicine 29% Look online for: Information about the medical condition 38% Information about the medicine 34% Recontact your doctor to ask more questions: About the condition or illness 25% About the medicine 21% * % who say they filled the prescription, when a doctor prescribes a medicine they have never taken before Does not include read the product info that came with the medicine they saw or heard advertised Source: Prevention magazine 2007 DTC Study 23
  • 24. Consumer Information Overload, but Little Understanding of What to Believe Brand Category _ The search for chronic pain relief drives sufferers to seek the latest information and to be open to new medications/treatments _ Seeking information can be overwhelming _ Google search: over 9MM results for fibromyalgia in .14 seconds _ Media contradictions lead to patient confusion and become barriers to treatment/prevention _ Even Dr. Frederick Wolfe, who first defined the diagnostic guidelines for FMS, now does not consider it a disease (Source: The New York Times, “Drug Approved. Is Disease Real?” January 2008) 24
  • 25. Consumer Sufferers Need a Guide or Advocate to Help Them Navigate Brand Category _ The increasing complexities of medical care make it harder for patients to understand their condition and treatment options _ “Getting reliable information is a source of comfort and empowerment…patients are even attending disease advocacy group meetings to hear about the latest research and meet other patients.” –Ken Schueler, Patient Advocate They need someone to partner with them in managing their FMS—physically, mentally, and emotionally 25
  • 26. Consumer The Milnacipran Brand Can Address These Needs Brand Category Giving sufferers greater control over the physical, mental, and emotional impact of FMS Body Is in Control Feeling of Personal Control Empower Endless The Brand Meaningful Struggle Management Empathize Multi-dimensional Vise Reduced Symptoms, More Support Turning a vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle 26
  • 27. Consumer The Milnacipran Brand Can Redefine the Relationship Brand Category _ Milnacipran needs to become the: _ More complete treatment that goes beyond pain—to treat the total fibromyalgia syndrome _ Ally: embracing the whole person—physical, mental, and emotional _ Advocate: giving sufferers a voice and changing the conversation about FMS: patient to doctor, patient to family, patient to peers _ Partner: delivering a true personalized support program, with on-going dialogue and feedback Insulating the brand from competitive encroachment now – and in the future 27
  • 28. Consumer Extending the Strategy via a Personalized Support Program Makes for a Stronger Emotional Connection Brand Category Ultimate Emotional Benefit Feel less trapped/more positive Elevated Brand Benefit Better control of your condition Treat FMS symptoms more Functional Benefit Treat FMS symptoms successfully and manage more successfully condition more successfully A more complete A more complete Functional Advantage treatment treatment/support Source: Adcept Focus Groups 28
  • 29. Consumer Brand Brand Category Address the whole person in a whole new way 29
  • 30. The Creative Business Idea Consumer Trapped in the multi-dimensional vise of FMS Finally, a reason to be optimistic Beginning to Address the legitimize condition, whole person in a but no one owns the whole new way FMS relationship Brand Category 30
  • 31. Milnacipran Creative Brief What is the challenge? To drive diagnosed sufferers to ask their doctor about Milnacipran and connect with sufferers on a more meaningful level, by demonstrating a keen understanding of the condition and their physical and emotional plight Who are we talking to? Sufferers who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (primarily women ages 20–60) and are open to new treatment options to enhance their quality of life. What is their mindset? Fibromyalgia is about more than just pain. It can include symptoms such as sleep disorders, fatigue, morning stiffness, anxiety, and cognitive problems—symptoms that can reinforce and exacerbate one another. It’s a vicious cycle and wears on sufferers physically, mentally, and emotionally, as they learn how to live with and manage the disease. Added to this daily grind is the frustration they feel as a result of often being misunderstood by their family and friends, and misdiagnosed and mistreated by the medical community. The disease becomes their secret—you can’t see it, and others are skeptical about it. Those who manage the disease best try to maintain a positive attitude and are more proactive about their condition. The Idea Finally, there’s a reason for fibromyalgia sufferers to be optimistic. Reasons to Believe _New milnacipran does more than just treat pain: It’s a more complete treatment for the total fibromyalgia syndrome _It’s proven to help you function better in your day-to-day life _Milnacipran offers a true, comprehensive support program for the fibromyalgia patient How should the brand speak? With conviction, understanding, and optimism. Media Lead with print and deliver 360° idea. 31
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  • 91. Moving to a Better Model for DTC Transaction Model: Mass Awareness Info Click to search websites Mass Ask doctor Compliance Awareness for drug Peer-to-peer Read articles Relationship Model: Creating Better Patients Targeted Ask Dr Engagement Foster Refer to doctor for drug Loyalty understanding Discuss condition Compliance Self- with doctor Persistency Advocacy assessment Start two-way Discuss drug conversation with doctor 91
  • 92. Strategic Imperatives FROM TO Mass awareness Targeted engagement Empower with information Empower with understanding Drive to physician Start a conversation Ask for drug by name Discuss condition and drug with doctor Do not upset doctors Help doctors Contrived messaging Relevance and richness of meaning Acquisition Acquisition and real relationships 92
  • 93. How We Get There Brand and agency collaboration: Obs/Strats, alignment Consumer Deep Dive – identify gaps, research, gain insights Develop branded campaign Unbranded campaign to educate and build database Launch unbranded support program Branded campaign launch: NEW 6 mos. Launch branded support program Convert unbranded to branded Professional Marketing FDA DDMAC DDMAC Approval Submission Response Q4 ’08 Dec ’09 93
  • 95. Measurement, Optimization, and ROI _Euro RSCG is known for creating integrated marketing communications that “move needles” _Approach _ ETHOS: We deliver “applied creativity”; if it doesn’t work, it wasn’t creative. And we monitor all the indicators through the purchase funnel—from copy-testing through lead generation, and on to profitable share growth 95
  • 96. Measurement, Optimization, and ROI _ GLOBAL ANALYTICS CAPABILITIES: Our Global Director of Marketing Science serves as lead on the group that manages Tracking studies, DR analytics, medical marketing research, author support statistics services _ All of our below-the-line projects have built-in tracking and measurement _ For larger projects, we can draw on the resources of Euro RSCG offices globally _ FLEXIBLE PARTNERING: We can provide turnkey services across the marketing measurement cycle. Or we can work to integrate information streams from your databases and those of third-party vendors _ A NETWORK BEHIND US: When customized analytics are required, we have access to our network for specialized analyses 96
  • 97. Thank you 97