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Relationship Between Strength, Balance, and Swallowing
Deficits and Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury:
A Multicenter Analysis
Thao T. Duong, MD, Jeffrey Englander, MD, Jerry Wright, BA, David X. Cifu, MD,
Brian D. Greenwald, MD, Allen W. Brown, MD
  ABSTRACT. Duong TT, Englander J, Wright J, Cifu DX,                                      tation discharge. This association remains strong at 1 year after
Greenwald BD, Brown AW. Relationship between strength,                                     TBI. By using this information, clinicians should initiate ther-
balance, and swallowing deficits and outcome after traumatic                                apeutic interventions that optimize rehabilitation of the identi-
brain injury: a multicenter analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil                                fied impairments and should make necessary arrangement for
2004;85:1291-7.                                                                            the patient’s anticipated postdischarge needs. Further studies
   Objective: To examine the relation among strength, balance,                             are necessary to delineate the amount of unique variance that
and swallowing deficits, as measured on rehabilitation admis-                               these early physical examination findings contribute to out-
sion, and functional outcome at discharge and 1 year after                                 come prediction.
traumatic brain injury (TBI).                                                                 Key Words: Balance; Brain injuries; Multicenter studies;
   Design: Multicenter analysis of consecutive admissions to                               Rehabilitation; Swallowing; Treatment outcome.
designated Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS)                                       © 2004 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi-
facilities.                                                                                cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and
   Setting: Seventeen TBIMS centers.                                                       Rehabilitation
   Participants: Adults and children older than 16 years of age
with TBI (N 2363) enrolled in the national database from
January 1989 to November 2000.
   Interventions: Not applicable.
                                                                                           P EOPLE WITHcaregivers striveBRAIN injuryoutcomesand
                                                                                              their potential
                                                                                                                                for optimal
                                                                                           mobility and self-care. Persons are admitted to rehabilitation
   Main Outcome Measures: Transfers, locomotion, stairs,                                   programs to achieve goals in these specific areas, so that they
lower-body dressing, grooming, bathing, upper-body dressing,                               can regain their functional ability and can safely leave the
toileting, and eating as measured by the FIM instrument at                                 hospital. Rehabilitation professionals are frequently asked by
acute rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year after TBI.                                    family members, acute trauma teams, and third-party payers to
   Results: Lower-extremity strength less than 3/5 on admis-                               predict the likelihood of walking and performing self-care
sion to acute rehabilitation was associated with increased need                            activities for a given person with TBI. Transfers, ambulation,
for assistance in locomotion, transfers, and lower-body dress-                             dressing, grooming, and toileting skills are critical in reestab-
ing and less than 3/5 upper-extremity strength was associated                              lishing routines in the home environment. Gauging the need for
with the need for assistance in self-care at rehabilitation dis-                           another person to help perform these tasks is important for
charge and at 1 year postinjury. Similar relations were found                              planning current and future care needs. Knowing the best
between impaired swallowing and assistance with eating,                                    prognostic factors associated with achieving these mobility and
grossly impaired dynamic sitting, or standing balance and                                  self-care goals is important to all parties involved.
assistance with locomotion, transfers, eating, and self-care at                               Acute trauma factors and impairment levels impact func-
rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year after TBI.                                          tional outcomes in multiple areas, including self-care, mobility,
   Conclusions: Assessments of physical strength, swallowing                               and community reintegration. In 1996, Englander et al1 showed
ability, and dynamic balance on acute rehabilitation admission                             that, on admission to rehabilitation, subjects with motor
are helpful as screening tests in predicting the need for assis-                           strength less than 3/5 on manual muscle testing (MMT) and
tance of another person for mobility and self-care at rehabili-                            moderate to severe incoordination were more likely to need
                                                                                           physical assistance for mobility and self-care at rehabilitation
                                                                                           admission, discharge, and, to some extent, at 1 year postinjury.
                                                                                           Individuals with pelvic fractures, lower-extremity fractures,
   From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Duong, Englander);         and upper-extremity fractures had longer lengths of stay
and Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI (Wright), Santa Clara Valley
Medical Center, San Jose, CA; Department of PM&R, Virginia Commonwealth
                                                                                           (LOSs) in acute care and in rehabilitation. Interestingly, only
University/Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA (Cifu); Department of Re-             those with lower-extremity fractures had a higher likelihood of
habilitation Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY (Greenwald);           requiring physical assistance for self-care and mobility at ad-
and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic Rochester,             mission and discharge from rehabilitation.
Rochester, MN (Brown).
   Presented in part at the International Association for the Study of Brain Injury, May
                                                                                              Greenwald et al2 found that people who were below the age
2001, Turin, Italy.                                                                        of 50 years were more likely to have normal sitting and
   Supported in part by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Re-        standing balance on rehabilitation admission. Indications of
search, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, US Department of           higher severity TBI, such as lower Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
Education (grant no. H133A70018).
   No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research
                                                                                           score, longer length of coma, longer length of posttraumatic
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors(s) or upon any        amnesia (PTA), and longer acute care LOS were each associ-
organization with which the author(s) is/are associated.                                   ated with impaired sitting and standing balance ratings at
   Reprint requests to Thao T. Duong, MD, Dept of Physical Medicine and Reha-              rehabilitation admission. The presence of any midline shift or
bilitation, 751 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128, e-mail:                                                                         brainstem compression on computed tomography (CT) scan
  0003-9993/04/8508-8345$30.00/0                                                           was also associated with impairment in standing balance, but
  doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.032                                                           not sitting balance, at rehabilitation admission. Postural control

                                                                                                                 Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
1292                                STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong

is mediated by the complex integration of the sensory and                                  Table 1: Demographics
motor systems. Impairments in any one of these areas can
affect balance reactions. Attainment of sitting and standing                         Variable                          n (%)

balance is a critical element in the rehabilitation process. Im-             Sex
paired sitting balance affects a large number of activities of                 Men                                   1771 (75)
daily living (ADLs) including feeding, dressing, bathing, trans-               Women                                  592 (25)
fers, and wheelchair mobility.3,4 Adequate standing balance is               Race/ethnicity
essential for unassisted standing, walking, and negotiation of                 White                                 1420 (60)
stairs.5,6 Better scores on the FIM instrument and Disability                  African American                       655 (28)
Rating Scale during inpatient rehabilitation have been found by                Hispanic                               183 (8)
Cifu et al7 to be predictive of return to work at 1 year postin-               Other                                  103 (4)
jury. In a more recent study,8 high correlations were found                  Age (y)
between the impairment and disability measures of the leg and                  16–25                                  775 (33)
handicap situations. Interestingly, that study also found disabil-             26–35                                  507 (21)
ity of the leg to be more strongly associated with handicap than               36–45                                  486 (21)
was arm disability.                                                            46–55                                  270 (11)
   In a study of a heterogeneous acute inpatient rehabilitation                  55                                   324 (14)
population by Juneja et al,3 the Berg Balance Scale score’s                  Etiology
sitting-unsupported item was shown to account for 27% of the                   Motor vehicle crash                   1296 (55)
variance in rehabilitation LOS. It was suggested by Juneja that                Violence                               452 (19)
balance information may be helpful in setting goals in relation                Falls                                  382 (16)
to predicted LOS. Black et al9 also asserted that, after age, the              Other                                  224 (10)
degree of sitting balance impairment at rehabilitation admis-                History of TBI
sion was the second most powerful predictor of discharge total                 Prior TBI                              195 (8)
FIM score10,11 and selected elements of the discharge FIM                      No history                            2129 (92)
motor score in patients with TBI.
   Wober et al12 found that severe brain injury and deep pa-         NOTE. Sample size: N 2363.
renchymal lesions shown by magnetic resonance imaging were
significant indicators of postural imbalance. Englander et al13
studied the association between various brain CT findings and         asked by people with TBI, their caregivers, and rehabilitation
the need for assistance with mobility and self-care skills in        professionals.
patients with TBI who required acute inpatient rehabilitation. A                                METHODS
midline shift of greater than 5mm and subcortical contusions
were the lesions most highly correlated with the need for            Participants
assistance with ambulation, toileting, lower-body dressing,
continence, and overall supervision needs.                              A total of 2363 cases were available from the Traumatic
   The etiology of balance impairment in the TBI patient has         Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) Database. The study
been explored.2,12 Studies to date on resultant disability have      population consisted of people with TBI admitted between
focused mostly on rehabilitation discharge.3-6,9 Published re-       January 1989 and November 2000 to 1 of the 17 National
search and experiential knowledge suggest that motor strength,       Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research–funded
balance, and swallowing status on admission to rehabilitation        TBIMS facilities. Subjects were enrolled in the study if they
may be useful in predicting the need for assistance at rehabil-      met the following criteria: age 16 years or older, presentation to
itation discharge and at 1 year after TBI. Moreover, these           a designated system hospital emergency department within 24
measurements are routinely performed by members of the               hours of sustaining a TBI, and receiving acute care and inpa-
rehabilitation team. If these routine measurements of impair-        tient rehabilitation within the Model Systems hospitals. Sub-
ment can be shown to be associated with or predictive of             jects were followed annually. An institutional review board at
disability outcomes, then they can be useful for the rehabilita-     each center approved the enrollment of subjects into the
tion program, for patients, and for caregivers in resource plan-     TBIMS Database. Informed consent was obtained and signed
ning for individual patients. In this investigation, we examined     by the patient or family/legal guardian. Demographic charac-
whether (1) lower-extremity strength as measured on rehabil-         teristics of the population are summarized in table 1. Of the
itation admission would be associated with capabilities for          subjects followed during inpatient rehabilitation, 1-year postin-
locomotion, transfers, and lower-body dressing at rehabilitation     jury data were collected in 1078 subjects at the time of data
discharge and at 1 year after TBI; (2) upper-extremity strength      analysis. Subject attrition at 1-year follow-up was examined in
as measured on rehabilitation admission would be associated          regard to our variables of interest (swallowing, balance,
with capabilities for eating and self-care at rehabilitation dis-    strength). The group followed at 1 year did not differ signifi-
charge and at 1 year after TBI; (3) impaired swallowing as           cantly from the group without 1-year data in terms of initial
measured at rehabilitation admission would be associated with        assessments in swallowing, balance, or strength. This popula-
eating capabilities at rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year        tion was comparable to populations studied in previously pub-
post-TBI; and (4) impaired dynamic sitting balance and stand-        lished TBIMS literature and reflected the population served by
ing balance as measured at rehabilitation admission would be         the participating regional trauma and brain injury rehabilitation
associated with capabilities for transfers, locomotion, and self-    programs.
care at rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year post-TBI.
   Although some of these questions have been partially ad-          Instruments and Assessment
dressed in the studies cited above, their inclusion here with a        Data were collected prospectively. MMT to assess strength
larger database and the end points of both discharge to home         was performed by a physiatrist within 72 hours of rehabilitation
and 1 year postinjury may be more applicable to the questions        admission. The voluntary muscle strength was recorded for

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong                                            1293

each extremity, using a scale from 0 to 5 (0, no movement; 1,          a minimum of 45m (150ft) or is able to walk independently
trace activation without joint movement; 2, movement with              shorter distances of a minimum of 15m (50ft) with or without
gravity eliminated; 3, movement against gravity; 4, movement           a device (household exception). Similarly, for stair climbing, a
against gravity with some resistance; 5, normal strength). The         score of 5 may either mean that the person requires supervision
strength recorded for each extremity was the average strength          to go up and down 1 flight of stairs or is able to go up and down
for all muscles tested in that extremity. The upper- or lower-         4 to 6 stairs independently. In our data analysis, for ambulation
extremity strength measurement used in the data analysis was           and stair climbing, scores of 5 to 7 were considered indepen-
considered less than 3/5 if either the right or left side’s strength   dent, and scores of 4 or fewer were considered as definitely
was less than 3/5. Swallowing was evaluated and rated as               requiring another person. The FIM raters at different centers
normal, impaired, absent, or nontestable. Dynamic sitting and          had either passed the Uniform Data System FIM certification
standing balance were rated as normal, mild impairment (able           testing or a similar vignette exercise administered by Santa
to maintain balance with some difficulty), or gross impairment          Clara Valley Medical Center.
(unable to maintain balance). Further description of these rat-
ings is available in the TBMIS National Database Syllabus.14
   In the present study, examinations of strength, swallowing          Statistical Analyses
ability, and dynamic balance were used to document the se-                Because of the categoric nature of the variables being ex-
verity of impairments on admission to acute rehabilitation.            amined (ie, normal, mild, gross impairment) and the dichoto-
Rating muscle strength is a skill that takes time to learn and         mous nature of the outcome variables (need assist, no assist),
perform with reliability because it encompasses both subjective        chi-square analyses were performed. Because the chi-square
and objective factors. Reliability and validity of this test also      test is influenced by sample size, a measure of effect size is also
depend on the subject’s ability to cooperate, fatigue factor, and      reported. Depending on the number of categories analyzed,
adherence to the same protocol in terms of patient positioning,        Cramer’s V or was used to measure effect size, with 0.2
joint stabilization, and avoiding substitutions. In a review of the    considered a moderate effect and 0.4 a large effect. For each
literature pertaining to the reliability and validity of physical
examination tests for the upper extremity, Marx et al15 found          analysis group, only those subjects with complete data for
that MMT had been described as semiquantitative because of             indicated items were included.
its ordinal nature and that this method of quantifying muscle
strength was reliable both within and among observers, partic-                                    RESULTS
ularly when the scale is expanded. To increase reliability, the
rating method used in our study only delineated between those          Lower-Extremity Strength
who showed antigravity strength and those who did not. This is            Significant differences in the percentage of subjects needing
a more easily observed and consistent rating than attempting to        assistance existed between those with a lower-extremity
discriminate between various degree of effort (eg, 4 vs 5              strength of less than 3/5 on MMT at rehabilitation admission
ratings).                                                              and those with a lower-extremity strength of 3/5 or greater. For
   Bedside swallowing evaluation is an important early screen-         locomotion, 35.2% of those with less than antigravity strength
ing tool for dysphagia and aspiration risk. Although it is safe        required assistance at acute rehabilitation discharge versus
and easily repeated, it has been variable in its sensitivity           11.2% in the group with at least antigravity lower-extremity
(42%–92%), specificity (59%–91%), and interrater reliability            strength (P .0001). Differences were 70.1% versus 24.5% for
( range, 0 –1.0), and is poor at detecting silent aspiration.16        stair climbing, 63.1% versus 27.0% for bed to wheelchair
Quantification of dynamic balance has been attempted by using           transfers, 64.9% versus 28.7% for toilet transfers, 73.3% versus
various techniques. Reliability estimates for 2 testing days have      42.6% for tub/shower transfers, and 68.6% versus 34.8% for
ranged from .67 to .87 by using the star-excursion test (subject       lower-body dressing (all P .0001; table 2). At 1 year, both
to balance on 1 leg while reaching with the other leg) to .58 to       groups showed continued improvement, with fewer subjects
.87 for 75% Limits of Stability Test.17,18 Given the limited           requiring assistance. However, the difference between the
reliability and validity of the assessment tools used in our           groups remained at 1 year (all P .0001; table 2). The effect
investigation, we kept the final subject categorization very            sizes, as measured by , were moderate except for locomotion,
simple and qualitative, with only 2 categories used for muscle         which was small at 1 year. Between 3 to 5 times as many
strength, 2 for swallowing, and 3 for dynamic balance.                 individuals in the less than antigravity strength group required
   Functional items such as eating, grooming, upper-body               assistance for these activites at 1 year post-TBI compared with
dressing, lower-body dressing, bathing, toileting, transfers, lo-      the greater than antigravity strength group.
comotion, and stair climbing were rated by the rehabilitation
staff at each center at rehabilitation discharge and by the            Upper-Extremity Strength
research staff either in person or via the telephone at 1 year
postinjury, using the FIM instrument.10,11 The FIM is an 18-              Statistically significant differences were found between the
item, 7-level scale used to assess self-care, functional mobility,     group with upper-extremity strength less than 3/5 and those
communication, cognitive, and bowel and bladder management             with strength of 3/5 or greater in needing assistance for eating,
status. Subscale scores for need of another person to complete         grooming, bathing, and upper-body dressing at acute rehabili-
the functional task were used in a dichotomous fashion. The            tation discharge and at year 1 (all P .0001; table 3). The
FIM outcome variables were dichotomized to lessen the ceiling          percentage of subjects with weaker upper-extremity strength
effects of the FIM (especially at 1y).19,20 For eating, bathing,       who required assistance at discharge and 1 year post-TBI was
dressing, toileting, and bowel and bladder management, a score         1.5 to 2.3 times and 2.8 to 4.3 times higher, respectively, than
of 6 or 7 is considered independent; a score 5 or less indicates       the percentage with stronger upper-extremity strength. In both
the need for another person. For ambulation and stair climbing,        groups, the percentage of subjects who still needed assistance
a score of 4 or less definitively indicates the need for another        after 1 year after TBI did improve when compared with acute
person. However, with ambulation, a score of 5 may either              rehabilitation discharge. The effect sizes, as measured by ,
mean that the person requires standby supervision to walk for          were moderate.

                                                                                              Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
1294                                    STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong

                         Table 2: Lower-Extremity Strength on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year

                            LE Strength          LE Strength                                LE Strength        LE Strength
                                 3/5                  3/5                                        3/5                3/5
                               % Req                % Req                                      % Req              % Req
                              Assist at            Assist at                                  Assist at          Assist at
                                                                         2                                                          2
        FIM Item            Rehab DC (n)         Rehab DC (n)                Test,           1 Year (n)         1 Year (n)              Test,

    Locomotion               35.2 (310)          11.2 (1562)          115.3, .25            11.8 (153)          3.5 (720)          18.5, .15
    Stairs                   70.1 (308)          24.5 (1563)          246.1, .36            23.0 (148)          6.5 (711)          39.5, .21
    Bed transfer             63.1 (309)          27.0 (1565)          152.0, .29            18.2 (154)          3.7 (722)          44.9, .23
    Toilet transfer          64.9 (308)          28.7 (1565)          149.3, .28            19.5 (154)          3.9 (722)          50.0, .24
    Tub transfer             73.7 (308)          42.6 (1567)          100.0, .23            27.5 (153)          7.6 (721)          50.3, .24
    LB dressing              68.6 (309)          34.8 (1568)          122.9, .26            25.6 (156)          8.3 (723)          38.3, .21

NOTE. All analyses were statistically significant at P .0001.
Abbreviations: Assist, assistance; DC, discharge; LB, lower body; LE, lower extremity; Rehab, rehabilitation; Req, requiring.

Swallowing Capabilities                                                      and 64.0%, 8.7% and 41.7%, and 6.5% and 35.7% for the
   In subjects with impaired swallowing on rehabilitation ad-                grossly impaired, mildly impaired, and normal balance groups,
mission, 44.9% required assistance for eating at acute rehabil-              respectively. Again, the more impaired the standing balance at
itation discharge and 15.5% still needed assistance at 1 year                admission, the more likely the need for assistance of another
after TBI as compared with 14.0% and 3.3%, respectively, for                 person at acute rehabilitation discharge. The effect size at acute
those with normal swallowing (both P .0001; table 4). The                    rehabilitation discharge was equal to or greater than .20 for all
effect sizes were moderate.                                                  functional activities measured except for grooming, upper-
                                                                             body dressing, and toileting between the grossly impaired and
Sitting Balance                                                              mildly impaired groups. The effect size was less than .10
   Statistically significant differences were found among the 3               between the mildly impaired and normal groups. At 1 year
groups with normal, mildly impaired, or grossly impaired bal-                post-TBI, differences were still statistically significant among
ance, as measured at acute rehabilitation admission, and capa-               the 3 groups (all P .0001; table 6), but the effect size between
bilities for self-care and mobility at discharge. The more im-               the pair-groups was less than .17 for the grossly impaired and
paired the sitting balance, the more likely was the need for                 mildly impaired groups and less than .11 for the mildly im-
assistance with each ADL and mobility task measured (all                     paired and normal groups.
P .0001; table 5). The percentage of subjects needing assis-
tance ranged between 8.0% and 38.2% for the normal group,                                                 DISCUSSION
between 14.5% and 52.1% for the mildly impaired group, and                      This investigation shows that, after TBI, persistent weakness
between 37.8% and 79.6% for the grossly impaired group.                      of the upper and lower extremities, impaired swallowing, and
When the groups were compared in a pairwise fashion, the                     abnormal sitting and standing balance at the time of admission
effect size at acute rehabilitation discharge ranged from .23 to             to inpatient rehabilitation were all associated with a need for
.30 between the grossly impaired and mildly impaired groups                  increased assistance at rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year
and was less than .20 between the mildly impaired and the                    postinjury. These findings are consistent with previously pub-
normal groups. At 1 year, the percentage of subjects needing                 lished data from the TBIMS projects and extend the analyses of
assistance decreased in all 3 groups. The differences among the              Englander1 and Greenwald2 and colleagues by incorporating
groups were still significant using chi-squares analyses (all                 gross sitting and standing balance into the initial evaluation.
P .0001; table 5), however, the effect sizes between the pair-               The confirmation that these early physical examination factors
groups were less than .20 for all, except for tub transfer                   are important early markers for short- and long-term disability
between the grossly impaired and mildly impaired groups.                     has significant clinical impact. Although much of inpatient and
                                                                             outpatient brain injury rehabilitation is standardized in an effort
Standing Balance                                                             to achieve predetermined functional levels or goals, the pres-
   For standing balance, the differences among the 3 groups                  ence of some or all of these findings should alert clinicians to
were also statistically significant (all P .0001; table 6). The               the need for modifying or individualizing rehabilitation efforts.
level of assistance needed at discharge ranged between 23.7%                 These modifications should emphasize selecting interventions

                         Table 3: Upper-Extremity Strength on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year

                          UE Strength           UE Strength                               UE Strength          UE Strength
                               3/5                   3/5                                       3/5                  3/5
                        % Req Assist at       % Req Assist at                           % Req Assist at       % Req Assist at
                                                                     2                                                              2
       FIM Item          Rehab DC (n)          Rehab DC (n)              Test,            1 Year (n)            1 Year (n)              Test,

   Eating                 44.0 (327)            19.1 (1587)         93.6, .22             18.8 (160)            4.4 (734)          42.1, .22
   Grooming               54.4 (327)            29.3 (1586)         77.1, .20             21.3 (160)            7.9 (734)          25.4, .17
   Bathing                70.3 (327)            45.6 (1585)         66.3, .19             26.9 (160)            9.5 (734)          35.8, .20
   UB dressing            58.7 (327)            30.6 (1586)         93.9, .22             23.8 (160)            6.7 (734)          43.6, .22

NOTE. All analyses were statistically significant at P .0001.
Abbreviations: UB, upper body; UE, upper extremity.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong                                                  1295

   Table 4: Swallowing on Admission and Eating at Discharge                   strength is a gross measure, although it is commonly used in
                          and 1 Year
                                                                              clinical research to quantify the neurologic examination.21-23
                      Swallowing    Swallowing                                The global clinical descriptors of balance used we used also
                       Impaired      Normal                                   lack the precision of other standardized measures.24,25 Thus,
                        % Req         % Req                                   even with inherent limitations noted, the clinical factors mea-
      FIM Item         Assist (n)    Assist (n)       2
                                                          Test                sured are useful screening tests that can assist in prescribing
Eating at rehab DC    44.9 (746) 14.0 (1361) 245.2, P .0001           .34     individual rehabilitation programs and predicting future needs.
Eating at 1y          15.5 (362) 3.3 (613) 47.2, P .0001              .22     If measures more specific to people with TBI are developed,
                                                                              the association between these physical impairments and short-
                                                                              and long-term disability may increase in predictive value. De-
                                                                              velopment of a unique, valid, quantifiable, and brief measure of
that optimize rehabilitation of the identified physical limita-                the neurologic impairment that occurs after TBI may provide a
tions, making adjustments to LOS, therapy intensities, and                    better method both to anticipate future needs and to follow
treatment settings to accommodate greater functional limita-                  clinical progress.
tions, and making arrangements for necessary aftercare and                       Impaired strength is an indicator of injury severity, most
family supports.                                                              likely an injury involving a focal lesion such as a peripheral
   Our findings provide an interesting contrast to a recent                    nerve injury or cortical and/or subcortical contusion. It is no
TBIMS analysis examining the association between head CT                      surprise that extremity weakness would be associated with
scan findings during the first week post-TBI and functional                     difficulties in completing the functional activities performed by
outcomes at rehabilitation discharge and 1 year.13 Although we                that extremity. Thus, the findings that upper-extremity weak-
found associations between findings of significant brain insults                ness correlates with feeding, grooming, and upper-body dress-
(ie, midline shift 5mm or subcortical contusions) and greater                 ing, and lower-extremity weakness correlates with transferring,
need for assistance at rehabilitation discharge in ambulation                 walking, and stair climbing are to be expected. The durability
and ADLs, these associations were weak at 1 year postinjury.                  of these associations for at least 12 months postinjury had not
Thus, although both severe CT scan abnormalities and the                      been previously shown and is not necessarily true of all early
presence of significant physical limitations are commonly ac-                  markers of injury severity, such as CT scan findings.13 The
cepted indicators of injury severity, the value of radiographic               same can be said of the demonstrated associations between
indicators in “predicting” disability appears to be limited to the            initial swallowing and balance deficits and subsequent disabil-
short term. Importantly, people who have had significant TBIs                  ities. Functional adaptation to physical limitations by people
and who have shown concomitant physical impairments are                       after TBI is typical, and this may help to explain the decreased
more likely to require assistance as a result of disabilities for             strength of associations over time.
the long term as well.                                                           Although the present study shows the association between
   The evidence that even gross measures of physical function-                early physical examination findings and functional outcome
ing such as strength, balance, and swallowing ability are useful              measures, a future study, using multiple regression analyses,
indicators of long-term disability after TBI is an additional                 may be able to show the amount of unique variance that early
contribution of this investigation. Additionally, although con-               physical examinations contribute to outcome prediction as
founding factors, such as concomitant fractures, pain, medica-                compared with other predictors (eg, GCS score, length of coma
tions side effects, and behavioral disturbances, may limit the                or PTA, CT scan findings). To perform this type of study, one
examiner’s ability to evaluate fully all aspects of a physical                would have to focus on only 1 or 2 variables of primary interest
examination at the time of rehabilitation admission, the exam-                (ie, transfers or ambulation).
ination components we used in the present investigation are                      With all these “common-sense” relationships demonstrated,
commonplace. Assigning a single value to describe limb                        the value of the present research is to highlight the importance

                          Table 5: Dynamic Sitting Balance on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year

                       Sitting            Sitting           Sitting                        Sitting          Sitting      Sitting
                       Balance           Balance            Balance                        Balance         Balance       Balance
                       Gr Imp            Mild Imp           Normal                         Gr Imp          Mild Imp      Normal
                        % Req             % Req              % Req                          % Req            % Req        % Req
                                                                              2                                                         2
                       Assist at         Assist at          Assist at           Test,      Assist at        Assist at    Assist at        Test,
     FIM Item        Rehab DC (n)      Rehab DC (n)       Rehab DC (n)      Cramer’s V    1 Year (n)       1 Year (n)   1 Year (n)   Cramer’s V

  Bed transfer        67.4 (417)        36.1 (723)         20.2 (885)       275.1, .37   15.0 (214)        6.5 (340)    1.3 (389)    44.0, .22
  Toilet transfer     69.8 (417)        38.6 (725)         21.0 (884)       288.4, .38   14.5 (214)        7.4 (340)    1.3 (389)    40.4, .21
  Tub transfer        79.6 (417)        52.1 (725)         35.3 (884)       224.0, .33   25.0 (212)       10.3 (339)    2.8 (389)    71.6, .28
  Locomotion          37.8 (418)        14.5 (719)          8.0 (885)       186.2, .30   10.3 (213)        5.0 (340)    1.8 (387)    21.4, .15
  Stairs              65.2 (417)        35.2 (722)         21.2 (882)       240.4, .35   20.6 (204)        8.4 (334)    2.9 (384)    52.3, .24
  Eating              50.4 (419)        25.8 (726)         12.7 (885)       215.1, .33   16.4 (214)        7.9 (342)    1.3 (390)    48.2, .23
  Grooming            60.1 (419)        36.9 (726)         22.1 (884)       182.1, .30   20.1 (214)       12.0 (342)    4.1 (390)    38.5, .20
  Bathing             78.8 (419)        52.0 (725)         38.2 (884)       187.0, .30   27.6 (214)       14.3 (342)    4.9 (390)    61.6, .26
  UB dressing         65.6 (419)        38.0 (726)         22.6 (884)       218.0, .33   21.0 (214)       11.4 (342)    3.1 (390)    49.8, .23
  LB dressing         73.0 (419)        45.2 (726)         27.1 (885)       246.6, .35   22.0 (214)       12.3 (342)    4.1 (390)    45.4, .22
  Toileting           61.4 (414)        32.6 (721)         20.2 (871)       214.5, .33   17.8 (214)        6.7 (342)    1.5 (390)    55.3, .24

NOTE. All analyses statistically significant at P .0001.
Abbreviations: Gr, grossly; Imp, impaired; Mild, mildly.

                                                                                                       Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
1296                                 STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong

                         Table 6: Dynamic Standing Balance on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year

                       Standing        Standing        Standing                   Standing     Standing     Standing
                       Balance         Balance         Balance                    Balance      Balance      Balance
                        Gr Imp         Mild Imp         Normal                     Gr Imp      Mild Imp      Normal
                        % Req           % Req           % Req                       % Req        % Req        % Req
                                                                      2                                                     2
                       Assist at       Assist at       Assist at        Test,      Assist at    Assist at    Assist at        Test,
     FIM Item        Rehab DC (n)    Rehab DC (n)    Rehab DC (n)   Cramer’s V    1 Year (n)   1 Year (n)   1 Year (n)   Cramer’s V

  Bed transfer        49.1 (678)      23.6 (762)      16.5 (340)    153.6, .29   11.0 (318)    3.3 (364)    0.7 (149)     27.2, .18
  Toilet transfer     50.7 (681)      24.8 (761)      17.1 (340)    157.5, .29   10.7 (318)    3.8 (364)    0.7 (149)     23.3, .17
  Tub transfer        64.0 (681)      38.4 (762)      30.9 (340)    137.1, .28   17.7 (316)    6.6 (363)    2.0 (149)     36.0, .21
  Locomotion          23.7 (680)       8.7 (761)       6.5 (387)     86.8, .22    8.2 (319)    2.8 (361)    1.3 (149)     15.6, .14
  Stairs              48.0 (680)      20.4 (761)      16.5 (339)    166.3, .31   14.0 (308)    4.8 (357)    2.7 (149)     26.1, .18
  Eating              36.1 (684)      18.5 (761)      10.3 (340)    103.3, .24   12.5 (321)    3.6 (364)    0.7 (149)     32.4, .20
  Grooming            46.1 (683)      28.2 (762)      20.3 (339)     84.6, .22   17.4 (321)    6.6 (364)    4.0 (149)     29.5, .19
  Bathing             61.6 (683)      41.7 (761)      35.7 (339)    83.7, .22    19.6 (321)    9.6 (364)    3.3 (149)     29.3, .19
  UB dressing         47.8 (683)      29.7 (762)      19.8 (339)     94.2, .23   15.6 (321)    6.9 (364)    1.3 (149)     28.9, .19
  LB dressing         55.5 (683)      31.9 (762)      24.1 (340)    125.3, .27   17.4 (321)    7.7 (364)    2.0 (149)     31.1, .19
  Toileting           42.0 (676)      24.3 (750)      17.8 (338)    82.6, .22    12.5 (321)    3.6 (364)    1.3 (149)     30.0, .19

NOTE. All analyses were statistically significant at P .0001.

of actively modifying a person’s rehabilitation program when a       patients must have been entered into the Model System acute
specific disabling neurologic impairment is identified. What           care facility within 24 hours after injury. Similarly, they all
focused interventions are activated based on the initial physical    must have been admitted directly to inpatient rehabilitation at
findings by the physicians and rehabilitation team? Are the           a Model System center after acute care discharge (ie, no
findings just “assumed” to be present in most patients and the        patients may have returned home first or been transitioned to a
management of them already incorporated into rehabilitation          subacute program). Additionally, individuals without some sig-
strategies, or are the rehabilitation programs specifically tai-      nificant physical impairment who do not require or qualify for
lored to the established needs of these individuals?                 inpatient rehabilitation services are not included in the Model
   This study identifies an important future area of investigation    Systems database. The vast majority of the TBIMS are situated
in TBI rehabilitation: namely, the efficacy of specific rehabil-       in large, urban, trauma centers. These inherent biases of the
itation interventions in improving functional capabilities. Al-      research system provide a greater likelihood that the subjects
though it may be quite interesting for patients, families, and       studied had more severe injuries, had more secondary injuries,
clinicians to know at the time of rehabilitation admission that,     and lived closer to a major city than patients seen in suburban
based on screening physical examination, a person with TBI
can be identified as being more likely or less likely to have         or rural hospitals not associated with major trauma centers.
increased short- and long-term disabilities, it is important to      Further, in studies with long-term follow-up, selective attrition
know the specific strategies to overcome these initial impair-        may exist in populations with TBI because of substance abuse
ments. The belief that more of a certain therapy type is the         issues, socioeconomic status, violent etiologies, and severity of
appropriate intervention for a focal motor deficit—for example,       motor deficits.27,28 Lost to follow-up rates of 40% at 1 year are
strengthening exercises in physical therapy (PT) for weak-           not unusual in this population, and thus these data need to be
ness—is fairly naive, considering the tremendous complexity          viewed carefully in light of all the confounding factors in-
involved in an injury to the brain and the great variability of      volved in persons with TBI. Overall, however, the present
patient response. In fact, recent TBIMS research26 has shown         investigation strongly suggests that simple physical examina-
that the intensity of speech and language pathology, as well as      tion variables at rehabilitation admission are associated with
PT services, is associated with improved ambulation skills.          relatively long-term functional outcome in self-care and mo-
More research identifying the value of therapy specificity,           bility.
timing, and intensity in different subpopulations of people with        With regard to the FIM ratings, no provision exists for
TBI is necessary to provide these answers. Unfortunately,            coding the reason for needing assistance. Individuals with TBI
existing limitations in available research methods and the fund-     may require supervision, such as a helper, to ensure their safety
ing mechanisms required for that research prevent a clearer          either because they lack the physical capability to perform
understanding of these factors. Future studies are needed to test    tasks independently or because they have cognitive or behav-
which methods are best for helping patients overcome their           ioral deficits. Those needing supervision for cognitive reasons
swallowing, balance, and/or strength impairments in order to         do not necessarily require physical assistance, but they may not
achieve self-care and mobility goals and to assess the impacts       be safe being left alone. Further, an individual’s functional
these impairments have on handicap after TBI.                        status at the time of rehabilitation discharge may be signifi-
                                                                     cantly influenced by his/her level of home supports, type of
Limitations                                                          reimbursement (with associated influence on LOS), and pres-
  Although the present investigation used more than a decade         ence of postacute therapy services, and thus be a “soft” end
of multicenter, prospectively collected, longitudinal data on        point to the study. A more relevant end point would be the
more than 2300 persons with moderate to severe TBI, it has           functional status at a specific time postinjury, which is captured
some inherent limitations. The generalizability of these find-        in this study only at 1 year postinjury. Unfortunately, uniform
ings to non–TBIMS-based TBI patients is unclear. Because of          time-interval data before 1 year after TBI are not available with
inclusion and exclusion criteria of the TBIMS program, all           the current TBIMS database.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong                                                  1297

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                                                                                                   Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004

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Strength, balance and swallowing deficits and outcome after trauma brain injury

  • 1. 1291 Relationship Between Strength, Balance, and Swallowing Deficits and Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multicenter Analysis Thao T. Duong, MD, Jeffrey Englander, MD, Jerry Wright, BA, David X. Cifu, MD, Brian D. Greenwald, MD, Allen W. Brown, MD ABSTRACT. Duong TT, Englander J, Wright J, Cifu DX, tation discharge. This association remains strong at 1 year after Greenwald BD, Brown AW. Relationship between strength, TBI. By using this information, clinicians should initiate ther- balance, and swallowing deficits and outcome after traumatic apeutic interventions that optimize rehabilitation of the identi- brain injury: a multicenter analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil fied impairments and should make necessary arrangement for 2004;85:1291-7. the patient’s anticipated postdischarge needs. Further studies Objective: To examine the relation among strength, balance, are necessary to delineate the amount of unique variance that and swallowing deficits, as measured on rehabilitation admis- these early physical examination findings contribute to out- sion, and functional outcome at discharge and 1 year after come prediction. traumatic brain injury (TBI). Key Words: Balance; Brain injuries; Multicenter studies; Design: Multicenter analysis of consecutive admissions to Rehabilitation; Swallowing; Treatment outcome. designated Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) © 2004 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi- facilities. cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Setting: Seventeen TBIMS centers. Rehabilitation Participants: Adults and children older than 16 years of age with TBI (N 2363) enrolled in the national database from January 1989 to November 2000. Interventions: Not applicable. P EOPLE WITHcaregivers striveBRAIN injuryoutcomesand their potential TRAUMATIC for optimal (TBI) in mobility and self-care. Persons are admitted to rehabilitation Main Outcome Measures: Transfers, locomotion, stairs, programs to achieve goals in these specific areas, so that they lower-body dressing, grooming, bathing, upper-body dressing, can regain their functional ability and can safely leave the toileting, and eating as measured by the FIM instrument at hospital. Rehabilitation professionals are frequently asked by acute rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year after TBI. family members, acute trauma teams, and third-party payers to Results: Lower-extremity strength less than 3/5 on admis- predict the likelihood of walking and performing self-care sion to acute rehabilitation was associated with increased need activities for a given person with TBI. Transfers, ambulation, for assistance in locomotion, transfers, and lower-body dress- dressing, grooming, and toileting skills are critical in reestab- ing and less than 3/5 upper-extremity strength was associated lishing routines in the home environment. Gauging the need for with the need for assistance in self-care at rehabilitation dis- another person to help perform these tasks is important for charge and at 1 year postinjury. Similar relations were found planning current and future care needs. Knowing the best between impaired swallowing and assistance with eating, prognostic factors associated with achieving these mobility and grossly impaired dynamic sitting, or standing balance and self-care goals is important to all parties involved. assistance with locomotion, transfers, eating, and self-care at Acute trauma factors and impairment levels impact func- rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year after TBI. tional outcomes in multiple areas, including self-care, mobility, Conclusions: Assessments of physical strength, swallowing and community reintegration. In 1996, Englander et al1 showed ability, and dynamic balance on acute rehabilitation admission that, on admission to rehabilitation, subjects with motor are helpful as screening tests in predicting the need for assis- strength less than 3/5 on manual muscle testing (MMT) and tance of another person for mobility and self-care at rehabili- moderate to severe incoordination were more likely to need physical assistance for mobility and self-care at rehabilitation admission, discharge, and, to some extent, at 1 year postinjury. Individuals with pelvic fractures, lower-extremity fractures, From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Duong, Englander); and upper-extremity fractures had longer lengths of stay and Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI (Wright), Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, San Jose, CA; Department of PM&R, Virginia Commonwealth (LOSs) in acute care and in rehabilitation. Interestingly, only University/Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA (Cifu); Department of Re- those with lower-extremity fractures had a higher likelihood of habilitation Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY (Greenwald); requiring physical assistance for self-care and mobility at ad- and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic Rochester, mission and discharge from rehabilitation. Rochester, MN (Brown). Presented in part at the International Association for the Study of Brain Injury, May Greenwald et al2 found that people who were below the age 2001, Turin, Italy. of 50 years were more likely to have normal sitting and Supported in part by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Re- standing balance on rehabilitation admission. Indications of search, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, US Department of higher severity TBI, such as lower Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Education (grant no. H133A70018). No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research score, longer length of coma, longer length of posttraumatic supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors(s) or upon any amnesia (PTA), and longer acute care LOS were each associ- organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. ated with impaired sitting and standing balance ratings at Reprint requests to Thao T. Duong, MD, Dept of Physical Medicine and Reha- rehabilitation admission. The presence of any midline shift or bilitation, 751 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95128, e-mail: brainstem compression on computed tomography (CT) scan 0003-9993/04/8508-8345$30.00/0 was also associated with impairment in standing balance, but doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2003.11.032 not sitting balance, at rehabilitation admission. Postural control Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
  • 2. 1292 STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong is mediated by the complex integration of the sensory and Table 1: Demographics motor systems. Impairments in any one of these areas can affect balance reactions. Attainment of sitting and standing Variable n (%) balance is a critical element in the rehabilitation process. Im- Sex paired sitting balance affects a large number of activities of Men 1771 (75) daily living (ADLs) including feeding, dressing, bathing, trans- Women 592 (25) fers, and wheelchair mobility.3,4 Adequate standing balance is Race/ethnicity essential for unassisted standing, walking, and negotiation of White 1420 (60) stairs.5,6 Better scores on the FIM instrument and Disability African American 655 (28) Rating Scale during inpatient rehabilitation have been found by Hispanic 183 (8) Cifu et al7 to be predictive of return to work at 1 year postin- Other 103 (4) jury. In a more recent study,8 high correlations were found Age (y) between the impairment and disability measures of the leg and 16–25 775 (33) handicap situations. Interestingly, that study also found disabil- 26–35 507 (21) ity of the leg to be more strongly associated with handicap than 36–45 486 (21) was arm disability. 46–55 270 (11) In a study of a heterogeneous acute inpatient rehabilitation 55 324 (14) population by Juneja et al,3 the Berg Balance Scale score’s Etiology sitting-unsupported item was shown to account for 27% of the Motor vehicle crash 1296 (55) variance in rehabilitation LOS. It was suggested by Juneja that Violence 452 (19) balance information may be helpful in setting goals in relation Falls 382 (16) to predicted LOS. Black et al9 also asserted that, after age, the Other 224 (10) degree of sitting balance impairment at rehabilitation admis- History of TBI sion was the second most powerful predictor of discharge total Prior TBI 195 (8) FIM score10,11 and selected elements of the discharge FIM No history 2129 (92) motor score in patients with TBI. Wober et al12 found that severe brain injury and deep pa- NOTE. Sample size: N 2363. renchymal lesions shown by magnetic resonance imaging were significant indicators of postural imbalance. Englander et al13 studied the association between various brain CT findings and asked by people with TBI, their caregivers, and rehabilitation the need for assistance with mobility and self-care skills in professionals. patients with TBI who required acute inpatient rehabilitation. A METHODS midline shift of greater than 5mm and subcortical contusions were the lesions most highly correlated with the need for Participants assistance with ambulation, toileting, lower-body dressing, continence, and overall supervision needs. A total of 2363 cases were available from the Traumatic The etiology of balance impairment in the TBI patient has Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) Database. The study been explored.2,12 Studies to date on resultant disability have population consisted of people with TBI admitted between focused mostly on rehabilitation discharge.3-6,9 Published re- January 1989 and November 2000 to 1 of the 17 National search and experiential knowledge suggest that motor strength, Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research–funded balance, and swallowing status on admission to rehabilitation TBIMS facilities. Subjects were enrolled in the study if they may be useful in predicting the need for assistance at rehabil- met the following criteria: age 16 years or older, presentation to itation discharge and at 1 year after TBI. Moreover, these a designated system hospital emergency department within 24 measurements are routinely performed by members of the hours of sustaining a TBI, and receiving acute care and inpa- rehabilitation team. If these routine measurements of impair- tient rehabilitation within the Model Systems hospitals. Sub- ment can be shown to be associated with or predictive of jects were followed annually. An institutional review board at disability outcomes, then they can be useful for the rehabilita- each center approved the enrollment of subjects into the tion program, for patients, and for caregivers in resource plan- TBIMS Database. Informed consent was obtained and signed ning for individual patients. In this investigation, we examined by the patient or family/legal guardian. Demographic charac- whether (1) lower-extremity strength as measured on rehabil- teristics of the population are summarized in table 1. Of the itation admission would be associated with capabilities for subjects followed during inpatient rehabilitation, 1-year postin- locomotion, transfers, and lower-body dressing at rehabilitation jury data were collected in 1078 subjects at the time of data discharge and at 1 year after TBI; (2) upper-extremity strength analysis. Subject attrition at 1-year follow-up was examined in as measured on rehabilitation admission would be associated regard to our variables of interest (swallowing, balance, with capabilities for eating and self-care at rehabilitation dis- strength). The group followed at 1 year did not differ signifi- charge and at 1 year after TBI; (3) impaired swallowing as cantly from the group without 1-year data in terms of initial measured at rehabilitation admission would be associated with assessments in swallowing, balance, or strength. This popula- eating capabilities at rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year tion was comparable to populations studied in previously pub- post-TBI; and (4) impaired dynamic sitting balance and stand- lished TBIMS literature and reflected the population served by ing balance as measured at rehabilitation admission would be the participating regional trauma and brain injury rehabilitation associated with capabilities for transfers, locomotion, and self- programs. care at rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year post-TBI. Although some of these questions have been partially ad- Instruments and Assessment dressed in the studies cited above, their inclusion here with a Data were collected prospectively. MMT to assess strength larger database and the end points of both discharge to home was performed by a physiatrist within 72 hours of rehabilitation and 1 year postinjury may be more applicable to the questions admission. The voluntary muscle strength was recorded for Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
  • 3. STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong 1293 each extremity, using a scale from 0 to 5 (0, no movement; 1, a minimum of 45m (150ft) or is able to walk independently trace activation without joint movement; 2, movement with shorter distances of a minimum of 15m (50ft) with or without gravity eliminated; 3, movement against gravity; 4, movement a device (household exception). Similarly, for stair climbing, a against gravity with some resistance; 5, normal strength). The score of 5 may either mean that the person requires supervision strength recorded for each extremity was the average strength to go up and down 1 flight of stairs or is able to go up and down for all muscles tested in that extremity. The upper- or lower- 4 to 6 stairs independently. In our data analysis, for ambulation extremity strength measurement used in the data analysis was and stair climbing, scores of 5 to 7 were considered indepen- considered less than 3/5 if either the right or left side’s strength dent, and scores of 4 or fewer were considered as definitely was less than 3/5. Swallowing was evaluated and rated as requiring another person. The FIM raters at different centers normal, impaired, absent, or nontestable. Dynamic sitting and had either passed the Uniform Data System FIM certification standing balance were rated as normal, mild impairment (able testing or a similar vignette exercise administered by Santa to maintain balance with some difficulty), or gross impairment Clara Valley Medical Center. (unable to maintain balance). Further description of these rat- ings is available in the TBMIS National Database Syllabus.14 In the present study, examinations of strength, swallowing Statistical Analyses ability, and dynamic balance were used to document the se- Because of the categoric nature of the variables being ex- verity of impairments on admission to acute rehabilitation. amined (ie, normal, mild, gross impairment) and the dichoto- Rating muscle strength is a skill that takes time to learn and mous nature of the outcome variables (need assist, no assist), perform with reliability because it encompasses both subjective chi-square analyses were performed. Because the chi-square and objective factors. Reliability and validity of this test also test is influenced by sample size, a measure of effect size is also depend on the subject’s ability to cooperate, fatigue factor, and reported. Depending on the number of categories analyzed, adherence to the same protocol in terms of patient positioning, Cramer’s V or was used to measure effect size, with 0.2 joint stabilization, and avoiding substitutions. In a review of the considered a moderate effect and 0.4 a large effect. For each literature pertaining to the reliability and validity of physical examination tests for the upper extremity, Marx et al15 found analysis group, only those subjects with complete data for that MMT had been described as semiquantitative because of indicated items were included. its ordinal nature and that this method of quantifying muscle strength was reliable both within and among observers, partic- RESULTS ularly when the scale is expanded. To increase reliability, the rating method used in our study only delineated between those Lower-Extremity Strength who showed antigravity strength and those who did not. This is Significant differences in the percentage of subjects needing a more easily observed and consistent rating than attempting to assistance existed between those with a lower-extremity discriminate between various degree of effort (eg, 4 vs 5 strength of less than 3/5 on MMT at rehabilitation admission ratings). and those with a lower-extremity strength of 3/5 or greater. For Bedside swallowing evaluation is an important early screen- locomotion, 35.2% of those with less than antigravity strength ing tool for dysphagia and aspiration risk. Although it is safe required assistance at acute rehabilitation discharge versus and easily repeated, it has been variable in its sensitivity 11.2% in the group with at least antigravity lower-extremity (42%–92%), specificity (59%–91%), and interrater reliability strength (P .0001). Differences were 70.1% versus 24.5% for ( range, 0 –1.0), and is poor at detecting silent aspiration.16 stair climbing, 63.1% versus 27.0% for bed to wheelchair Quantification of dynamic balance has been attempted by using transfers, 64.9% versus 28.7% for toilet transfers, 73.3% versus various techniques. Reliability estimates for 2 testing days have 42.6% for tub/shower transfers, and 68.6% versus 34.8% for ranged from .67 to .87 by using the star-excursion test (subject lower-body dressing (all P .0001; table 2). At 1 year, both to balance on 1 leg while reaching with the other leg) to .58 to groups showed continued improvement, with fewer subjects .87 for 75% Limits of Stability Test.17,18 Given the limited requiring assistance. However, the difference between the reliability and validity of the assessment tools used in our groups remained at 1 year (all P .0001; table 2). The effect investigation, we kept the final subject categorization very sizes, as measured by , were moderate except for locomotion, simple and qualitative, with only 2 categories used for muscle which was small at 1 year. Between 3 to 5 times as many strength, 2 for swallowing, and 3 for dynamic balance. individuals in the less than antigravity strength group required Functional items such as eating, grooming, upper-body assistance for these activites at 1 year post-TBI compared with dressing, lower-body dressing, bathing, toileting, transfers, lo- the greater than antigravity strength group. comotion, and stair climbing were rated by the rehabilitation staff at each center at rehabilitation discharge and by the Upper-Extremity Strength research staff either in person or via the telephone at 1 year postinjury, using the FIM instrument.10,11 The FIM is an 18- Statistically significant differences were found between the item, 7-level scale used to assess self-care, functional mobility, group with upper-extremity strength less than 3/5 and those communication, cognitive, and bowel and bladder management with strength of 3/5 or greater in needing assistance for eating, status. Subscale scores for need of another person to complete grooming, bathing, and upper-body dressing at acute rehabili- the functional task were used in a dichotomous fashion. The tation discharge and at year 1 (all P .0001; table 3). The FIM outcome variables were dichotomized to lessen the ceiling percentage of subjects with weaker upper-extremity strength effects of the FIM (especially at 1y).19,20 For eating, bathing, who required assistance at discharge and 1 year post-TBI was dressing, toileting, and bowel and bladder management, a score 1.5 to 2.3 times and 2.8 to 4.3 times higher, respectively, than of 6 or 7 is considered independent; a score 5 or less indicates the percentage with stronger upper-extremity strength. In both the need for another person. For ambulation and stair climbing, groups, the percentage of subjects who still needed assistance a score of 4 or less definitively indicates the need for another after 1 year after TBI did improve when compared with acute person. However, with ambulation, a score of 5 may either rehabilitation discharge. The effect sizes, as measured by , mean that the person requires standby supervision to walk for were moderate. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
  • 4. 1294 STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong Table 2: Lower-Extremity Strength on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year LE Strength LE Strength LE Strength LE Strength 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 % Req % Req % Req % Req Assist at Assist at Assist at Assist at 2 2 FIM Item Rehab DC (n) Rehab DC (n) Test, 1 Year (n) 1 Year (n) Test, Locomotion 35.2 (310) 11.2 (1562) 115.3, .25 11.8 (153) 3.5 (720) 18.5, .15 Stairs 70.1 (308) 24.5 (1563) 246.1, .36 23.0 (148) 6.5 (711) 39.5, .21 Bed transfer 63.1 (309) 27.0 (1565) 152.0, .29 18.2 (154) 3.7 (722) 44.9, .23 Toilet transfer 64.9 (308) 28.7 (1565) 149.3, .28 19.5 (154) 3.9 (722) 50.0, .24 Tub transfer 73.7 (308) 42.6 (1567) 100.0, .23 27.5 (153) 7.6 (721) 50.3, .24 LB dressing 68.6 (309) 34.8 (1568) 122.9, .26 25.6 (156) 8.3 (723) 38.3, .21 NOTE. All analyses were statistically significant at P .0001. Abbreviations: Assist, assistance; DC, discharge; LB, lower body; LE, lower extremity; Rehab, rehabilitation; Req, requiring. Swallowing Capabilities and 64.0%, 8.7% and 41.7%, and 6.5% and 35.7% for the In subjects with impaired swallowing on rehabilitation ad- grossly impaired, mildly impaired, and normal balance groups, mission, 44.9% required assistance for eating at acute rehabil- respectively. Again, the more impaired the standing balance at itation discharge and 15.5% still needed assistance at 1 year admission, the more likely the need for assistance of another after TBI as compared with 14.0% and 3.3%, respectively, for person at acute rehabilitation discharge. The effect size at acute those with normal swallowing (both P .0001; table 4). The rehabilitation discharge was equal to or greater than .20 for all effect sizes were moderate. functional activities measured except for grooming, upper- body dressing, and toileting between the grossly impaired and Sitting Balance mildly impaired groups. The effect size was less than .10 Statistically significant differences were found among the 3 between the mildly impaired and normal groups. At 1 year groups with normal, mildly impaired, or grossly impaired bal- post-TBI, differences were still statistically significant among ance, as measured at acute rehabilitation admission, and capa- the 3 groups (all P .0001; table 6), but the effect size between bilities for self-care and mobility at discharge. The more im- the pair-groups was less than .17 for the grossly impaired and paired the sitting balance, the more likely was the need for mildly impaired groups and less than .11 for the mildly im- assistance with each ADL and mobility task measured (all paired and normal groups. P .0001; table 5). The percentage of subjects needing assis- tance ranged between 8.0% and 38.2% for the normal group, DISCUSSION between 14.5% and 52.1% for the mildly impaired group, and This investigation shows that, after TBI, persistent weakness between 37.8% and 79.6% for the grossly impaired group. of the upper and lower extremities, impaired swallowing, and When the groups were compared in a pairwise fashion, the abnormal sitting and standing balance at the time of admission effect size at acute rehabilitation discharge ranged from .23 to to inpatient rehabilitation were all associated with a need for .30 between the grossly impaired and mildly impaired groups increased assistance at rehabilitation discharge and at 1 year and was less than .20 between the mildly impaired and the postinjury. These findings are consistent with previously pub- normal groups. At 1 year, the percentage of subjects needing lished data from the TBIMS projects and extend the analyses of assistance decreased in all 3 groups. The differences among the Englander1 and Greenwald2 and colleagues by incorporating groups were still significant using chi-squares analyses (all gross sitting and standing balance into the initial evaluation. P .0001; table 5), however, the effect sizes between the pair- The confirmation that these early physical examination factors groups were less than .20 for all, except for tub transfer are important early markers for short- and long-term disability between the grossly impaired and mildly impaired groups. has significant clinical impact. Although much of inpatient and outpatient brain injury rehabilitation is standardized in an effort Standing Balance to achieve predetermined functional levels or goals, the pres- For standing balance, the differences among the 3 groups ence of some or all of these findings should alert clinicians to were also statistically significant (all P .0001; table 6). The the need for modifying or individualizing rehabilitation efforts. level of assistance needed at discharge ranged between 23.7% These modifications should emphasize selecting interventions Table 3: Upper-Extremity Strength on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year UE Strength UE Strength UE Strength UE Strength 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 % Req Assist at % Req Assist at % Req Assist at % Req Assist at 2 2 FIM Item Rehab DC (n) Rehab DC (n) Test, 1 Year (n) 1 Year (n) Test, Eating 44.0 (327) 19.1 (1587) 93.6, .22 18.8 (160) 4.4 (734) 42.1, .22 Grooming 54.4 (327) 29.3 (1586) 77.1, .20 21.3 (160) 7.9 (734) 25.4, .17 Bathing 70.3 (327) 45.6 (1585) 66.3, .19 26.9 (160) 9.5 (734) 35.8, .20 UB dressing 58.7 (327) 30.6 (1586) 93.9, .22 23.8 (160) 6.7 (734) 43.6, .22 NOTE. All analyses were statistically significant at P .0001. Abbreviations: UB, upper body; UE, upper extremity. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
  • 5. STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong 1295 Table 4: Swallowing on Admission and Eating at Discharge strength is a gross measure, although it is commonly used in and 1 Year clinical research to quantify the neurologic examination.21-23 Swallowing Swallowing The global clinical descriptors of balance used we used also Impaired Normal lack the precision of other standardized measures.24,25 Thus, % Req % Req even with inherent limitations noted, the clinical factors mea- FIM Item Assist (n) Assist (n) 2 Test sured are useful screening tests that can assist in prescribing Eating at rehab DC 44.9 (746) 14.0 (1361) 245.2, P .0001 .34 individual rehabilitation programs and predicting future needs. Eating at 1y 15.5 (362) 3.3 (613) 47.2, P .0001 .22 If measures more specific to people with TBI are developed, the association between these physical impairments and short- and long-term disability may increase in predictive value. De- velopment of a unique, valid, quantifiable, and brief measure of that optimize rehabilitation of the identified physical limita- the neurologic impairment that occurs after TBI may provide a tions, making adjustments to LOS, therapy intensities, and better method both to anticipate future needs and to follow treatment settings to accommodate greater functional limita- clinical progress. tions, and making arrangements for necessary aftercare and Impaired strength is an indicator of injury severity, most family supports. likely an injury involving a focal lesion such as a peripheral Our findings provide an interesting contrast to a recent nerve injury or cortical and/or subcortical contusion. It is no TBIMS analysis examining the association between head CT surprise that extremity weakness would be associated with scan findings during the first week post-TBI and functional difficulties in completing the functional activities performed by outcomes at rehabilitation discharge and 1 year.13 Although we that extremity. Thus, the findings that upper-extremity weak- found associations between findings of significant brain insults ness correlates with feeding, grooming, and upper-body dress- (ie, midline shift 5mm or subcortical contusions) and greater ing, and lower-extremity weakness correlates with transferring, need for assistance at rehabilitation discharge in ambulation walking, and stair climbing are to be expected. The durability and ADLs, these associations were weak at 1 year postinjury. of these associations for at least 12 months postinjury had not Thus, although both severe CT scan abnormalities and the been previously shown and is not necessarily true of all early presence of significant physical limitations are commonly ac- markers of injury severity, such as CT scan findings.13 The cepted indicators of injury severity, the value of radiographic same can be said of the demonstrated associations between indicators in “predicting” disability appears to be limited to the initial swallowing and balance deficits and subsequent disabil- short term. Importantly, people who have had significant TBIs ities. Functional adaptation to physical limitations by people and who have shown concomitant physical impairments are after TBI is typical, and this may help to explain the decreased more likely to require assistance as a result of disabilities for strength of associations over time. the long term as well. Although the present study shows the association between The evidence that even gross measures of physical function- early physical examination findings and functional outcome ing such as strength, balance, and swallowing ability are useful measures, a future study, using multiple regression analyses, indicators of long-term disability after TBI is an additional may be able to show the amount of unique variance that early contribution of this investigation. Additionally, although con- physical examinations contribute to outcome prediction as founding factors, such as concomitant fractures, pain, medica- compared with other predictors (eg, GCS score, length of coma tions side effects, and behavioral disturbances, may limit the or PTA, CT scan findings). To perform this type of study, one examiner’s ability to evaluate fully all aspects of a physical would have to focus on only 1 or 2 variables of primary interest examination at the time of rehabilitation admission, the exam- (ie, transfers or ambulation). ination components we used in the present investigation are With all these “common-sense” relationships demonstrated, commonplace. Assigning a single value to describe limb the value of the present research is to highlight the importance Table 5: Dynamic Sitting Balance on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year Sitting Sitting Sitting Sitting Sitting Sitting Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Gr Imp Mild Imp Normal Gr Imp Mild Imp Normal % Req % Req % Req % Req % Req % Req 2 2 Assist at Assist at Assist at Test, Assist at Assist at Assist at Test, FIM Item Rehab DC (n) Rehab DC (n) Rehab DC (n) Cramer’s V 1 Year (n) 1 Year (n) 1 Year (n) Cramer’s V Bed transfer 67.4 (417) 36.1 (723) 20.2 (885) 275.1, .37 15.0 (214) 6.5 (340) 1.3 (389) 44.0, .22 Toilet transfer 69.8 (417) 38.6 (725) 21.0 (884) 288.4, .38 14.5 (214) 7.4 (340) 1.3 (389) 40.4, .21 Tub transfer 79.6 (417) 52.1 (725) 35.3 (884) 224.0, .33 25.0 (212) 10.3 (339) 2.8 (389) 71.6, .28 Locomotion 37.8 (418) 14.5 (719) 8.0 (885) 186.2, .30 10.3 (213) 5.0 (340) 1.8 (387) 21.4, .15 Stairs 65.2 (417) 35.2 (722) 21.2 (882) 240.4, .35 20.6 (204) 8.4 (334) 2.9 (384) 52.3, .24 Eating 50.4 (419) 25.8 (726) 12.7 (885) 215.1, .33 16.4 (214) 7.9 (342) 1.3 (390) 48.2, .23 Grooming 60.1 (419) 36.9 (726) 22.1 (884) 182.1, .30 20.1 (214) 12.0 (342) 4.1 (390) 38.5, .20 Bathing 78.8 (419) 52.0 (725) 38.2 (884) 187.0, .30 27.6 (214) 14.3 (342) 4.9 (390) 61.6, .26 UB dressing 65.6 (419) 38.0 (726) 22.6 (884) 218.0, .33 21.0 (214) 11.4 (342) 3.1 (390) 49.8, .23 LB dressing 73.0 (419) 45.2 (726) 27.1 (885) 246.6, .35 22.0 (214) 12.3 (342) 4.1 (390) 45.4, .22 Toileting 61.4 (414) 32.6 (721) 20.2 (871) 214.5, .33 17.8 (214) 6.7 (342) 1.5 (390) 55.3, .24 NOTE. All analyses statistically significant at P .0001. Abbreviations: Gr, grossly; Imp, impaired; Mild, mildly. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
  • 6. 1296 STRENGTH, BALANCE, AND SWALLOWING AFTER TBI, Duong Table 6: Dynamic Standing Balance on Admission and Function at Discharge and 1 Year Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Gr Imp Mild Imp Normal Gr Imp Mild Imp Normal % Req % Req % Req % Req % Req % Req 2 2 Assist at Assist at Assist at Test, Assist at Assist at Assist at Test, FIM Item Rehab DC (n) Rehab DC (n) Rehab DC (n) Cramer’s V 1 Year (n) 1 Year (n) 1 Year (n) Cramer’s V Bed transfer 49.1 (678) 23.6 (762) 16.5 (340) 153.6, .29 11.0 (318) 3.3 (364) 0.7 (149) 27.2, .18 Toilet transfer 50.7 (681) 24.8 (761) 17.1 (340) 157.5, .29 10.7 (318) 3.8 (364) 0.7 (149) 23.3, .17 Tub transfer 64.0 (681) 38.4 (762) 30.9 (340) 137.1, .28 17.7 (316) 6.6 (363) 2.0 (149) 36.0, .21 Locomotion 23.7 (680) 8.7 (761) 6.5 (387) 86.8, .22 8.2 (319) 2.8 (361) 1.3 (149) 15.6, .14 Stairs 48.0 (680) 20.4 (761) 16.5 (339) 166.3, .31 14.0 (308) 4.8 (357) 2.7 (149) 26.1, .18 Eating 36.1 (684) 18.5 (761) 10.3 (340) 103.3, .24 12.5 (321) 3.6 (364) 0.7 (149) 32.4, .20 Grooming 46.1 (683) 28.2 (762) 20.3 (339) 84.6, .22 17.4 (321) 6.6 (364) 4.0 (149) 29.5, .19 Bathing 61.6 (683) 41.7 (761) 35.7 (339) 83.7, .22 19.6 (321) 9.6 (364) 3.3 (149) 29.3, .19 UB dressing 47.8 (683) 29.7 (762) 19.8 (339) 94.2, .23 15.6 (321) 6.9 (364) 1.3 (149) 28.9, .19 LB dressing 55.5 (683) 31.9 (762) 24.1 (340) 125.3, .27 17.4 (321) 7.7 (364) 2.0 (149) 31.1, .19 Toileting 42.0 (676) 24.3 (750) 17.8 (338) 82.6, .22 12.5 (321) 3.6 (364) 1.3 (149) 30.0, .19 NOTE. All analyses were statistically significant at P .0001. of actively modifying a person’s rehabilitation program when a patients must have been entered into the Model System acute specific disabling neurologic impairment is identified. What care facility within 24 hours after injury. Similarly, they all focused interventions are activated based on the initial physical must have been admitted directly to inpatient rehabilitation at findings by the physicians and rehabilitation team? Are the a Model System center after acute care discharge (ie, no findings just “assumed” to be present in most patients and the patients may have returned home first or been transitioned to a management of them already incorporated into rehabilitation subacute program). Additionally, individuals without some sig- strategies, or are the rehabilitation programs specifically tai- nificant physical impairment who do not require or qualify for lored to the established needs of these individuals? inpatient rehabilitation services are not included in the Model This study identifies an important future area of investigation Systems database. The vast majority of the TBIMS are situated in TBI rehabilitation: namely, the efficacy of specific rehabil- in large, urban, trauma centers. These inherent biases of the itation interventions in improving functional capabilities. Al- research system provide a greater likelihood that the subjects though it may be quite interesting for patients, families, and studied had more severe injuries, had more secondary injuries, clinicians to know at the time of rehabilitation admission that, and lived closer to a major city than patients seen in suburban based on screening physical examination, a person with TBI can be identified as being more likely or less likely to have or rural hospitals not associated with major trauma centers. increased short- and long-term disabilities, it is important to Further, in studies with long-term follow-up, selective attrition know the specific strategies to overcome these initial impair- may exist in populations with TBI because of substance abuse ments. The belief that more of a certain therapy type is the issues, socioeconomic status, violent etiologies, and severity of appropriate intervention for a focal motor deficit—for example, motor deficits.27,28 Lost to follow-up rates of 40% at 1 year are strengthening exercises in physical therapy (PT) for weak- not unusual in this population, and thus these data need to be ness—is fairly naive, considering the tremendous complexity viewed carefully in light of all the confounding factors in- involved in an injury to the brain and the great variability of volved in persons with TBI. Overall, however, the present patient response. In fact, recent TBIMS research26 has shown investigation strongly suggests that simple physical examina- that the intensity of speech and language pathology, as well as tion variables at rehabilitation admission are associated with PT services, is associated with improved ambulation skills. relatively long-term functional outcome in self-care and mo- More research identifying the value of therapy specificity, bility. timing, and intensity in different subpopulations of people with With regard to the FIM ratings, no provision exists for TBI is necessary to provide these answers. Unfortunately, coding the reason for needing assistance. Individuals with TBI existing limitations in available research methods and the fund- may require supervision, such as a helper, to ensure their safety ing mechanisms required for that research prevent a clearer either because they lack the physical capability to perform understanding of these factors. Future studies are needed to test tasks independently or because they have cognitive or behav- which methods are best for helping patients overcome their ioral deficits. Those needing supervision for cognitive reasons swallowing, balance, and/or strength impairments in order to do not necessarily require physical assistance, but they may not achieve self-care and mobility goals and to assess the impacts be safe being left alone. Further, an individual’s functional these impairments have on handicap after TBI. status at the time of rehabilitation discharge may be signifi- cantly influenced by his/her level of home supports, type of Limitations reimbursement (with associated influence on LOS), and pres- Although the present investigation used more than a decade ence of postacute therapy services, and thus be a “soft” end of multicenter, prospectively collected, longitudinal data on point to the study. A more relevant end point would be the more than 2300 persons with moderate to severe TBI, it has functional status at a specific time postinjury, which is captured some inherent limitations. The generalizability of these find- in this study only at 1 year postinjury. Unfortunately, uniform ings to non–TBIMS-based TBI patients is unclear. Because of time-interval data before 1 year after TBI are not available with inclusion and exclusion criteria of the TBIMS program, all the current TBIMS database. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 85, August 2004
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