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Story About A Black Old Woman
Story Introduction /Overview:
The story is about a black old women (Phoenix Jackson) and her journey to the city to get the
medicine for her grandson throat . She walks for a long distance. She walks through the fence
carefully to protect her clothe from being torn. The woman walks through the cotton field and along
the narrow hills and passes the muddy track. She faces her fear of wild animals and their sounds
during her walk. After the woman passes the muddy track she faced a dog that is barking. She
becomes unconscious and fall down. The white hunter sees her and helps her. Finally the woman
reaches the hospital office. In the office the nurse asked her about her grandson but Phoenix Jackson
did not say any word and stay ... Show more content on ...
White Hunter: he helps Phoenix , he and his dog found her after she falls into a ditch.
Black Children: dozen of black Children that Phoenix saw before reaching Natchez.
Natchez Pedestrian: Woman who helped Phoenix and ties her shoes.
Attendant: Receptionist in a physician 's office.
Nurse: The Physician 's nurse.she gives Phoenix the medicine for her grandson.
Grandson of Phoenix: Child who once swallowed lye. He requires medicine to treat his throat.
C) Point of View:
A Worn Path is short story. It is written by Eudora Welty in third person point of view. The writer
reveals the story through the main character Phoenix Jackson which Phoenix Jackson talks to herself
in dialog. The writer sometimes reveals to Phoenix ' mind activities in the narration, which can be
seen in this passage "Down there, her senses drifted away. A dream visited her, and she reached her
hand up, but nothing reached down and gave her a pull." (Lawn, Beverly)
D) Themes:
The themes in the story are straight :
love can be seen through the purpose of the journey in the story. Phoenix walked in long distance in
cold weather facing many serious difficulties to get her grandson medicine.
Redemption can be in many situations through the story. first saturation is when the white hunter
helped Phoenix to get out of the ditch ,after she falls into a ditch. second situation is when Phoenix
asks a woman who was holding packages to tie her shoes
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African Slaves In The Novel Saltwater Slavery By Smallwood
The Natchez District where a tribe of Indians were housed as slaves was the first Mississippi region
where plantations were established. There African slaves were introduced into the Natchez
plantation system in the early 1700s by the French colonists where the first major profitable crop
that thrived from African slave labor in Natchez was tobacco products. The slaves shipped here
came with a militant spirit after being harbored amongst the torturous vessels. Their aggression, at
first took the form of resistance on slave ships as many deckhands and captive slaves experienced
the unforgiving waters, this is again explained in the novel Saltwater Slavery written by Smallwood.
One of the earliest recorded incidents of a slave resistance was the Natchez Indian Revolt of 1729
against the French colonists. The African arrival in Natchez did not quell this militancy. Instead it
caused the Natchez to increase their aggression. However, the French quickly recognized the
preceding contact and interaction between the slaves and the Natchez Indians and as a counter they,
(the French) eventually extended their cruelty to the Indians. The Natchez Indians became aware
that the French began to whip young Indian boys just as they did their African slaves, along with the
French commander at Fort Rosalie taking the Natchez land, encouraged the Natchez nobles to act in
retaliation. To reflect the cruelty of the French, Natchez Indians recruited several slaves, promising
them freedom, and in
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Natchez Tribe Social Structure
Native American life for the Natchez tribe was primitive and communal. The social structure of the
Natchez Native American tribe was organized by a caste system which drew from religious beliefs
and classified individuals as suns, nobles, honored people, and commoners. The most important
members of the tribe were the Peace Chief named the Great Sun, his right hand man, the War Chief,
and the four clan Mothers. The Chiefs were determined based upon the social status of their mother
at birth. Natchez were considered hierarchical because the Peace Chief named the Great Sun was
always the son of the clan Mother known as the Female Sun. Also, the Female Sun's daughter would
be the mother of the next the Great Sun. This made sure that the Chief was always male. The
Natchez tribe was a strong matrilineal society because the Female Sun gave birth to the Great Sun.
The power was passed through the Mother's part of the family. Therefore, the descent was
considered to be along female lines. Also, the Great Sun could have several wives and many
servants. When ... Show more content on ...
The Peace Chief or Great Sun had the final say but decisions were made through a tribal council
called the "Council of Suns" which was made up of leaders of associated clans. There were four
clans as well as four clan mothers. Each clan mother was responsible for maintaining the
progression of the tribe as well as all the judicial functions. The Natchez are called a four–mother
nation because the clan mothers are considered to be the "four mothers" of the people. Tribal affairs
were managed by the Peace Chief, otherwise known as the Great Sun, and his right hand the War
Chief. The two work in harmony and are selected by virtue of their traits and expertise for lifetime
appointments, as are the clan mothers. Religious leaders were seniors in the "Council of Suns" and
were the primary
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Merchandise Store History
The article investigates the accounting practices and cultural setting of a general merchandise store
located in Natchez, Mississippi during the post– civil war period in 1865. The store ledger records
complete sales and payroll entries from January through December 1865. The data regarding the
store came from a "cash book", ledger, which documented financial transactions both prior to and
after the Civil War. The article states that despite of devastating economic conditions, merchandisers
were able to continue as central figures in daily lives in the Natchez area. Natchez had a very
exciting history. It is named after the Naktche Indian tribe. Natchez was under English control until
admitted as part of the Mississippi territory in 1798. Located on the eastern shore of the Mississippi
river, it became a key–trading center along the Mississippi river. Adams County, where Natchez is
located, had the highest number of slaves in Mississippi. The slave trading market remained very
significant to the ... Show more content on ...
Sales and payments to individuals are described in sufficient detail that provide insight into a wide
variety of food and consumer item purchases as well as account settlements via barter or cash
payments. The use of bartering is further reinforced as a means of conducting business during the
period. The variety of goods available to individuals via the store is noteworthy given the time
period. The variety of goods available in the store indicates the availability of a trade/commerce
system that accomplished some level of functionality in early to mid–1865. The difficult economic
times and social turmoil of 1865 were partially alleviated by the store. The store provided a critical
lifeline to newly freed slaves. This life–line encompassed the ability to earn a wage, receive meal
rations, purchase goods and in general receive
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Phoenix's Hardships and Racism in A Worn Path Essay
"A Worn Path" tells of an elderly and frail black woman and of the hardships that she must
overcome. Upon reading the story, you realize that there is more to the story than meets the eye. She
faces many roadblocks along her way. Phoenix faces many dangerous obstacles along her way, for a
person of her age. She faces racism from some of characters she meets along the way. Phoenix faces
inferior treatment, as though she is nothing more than some insect to squash. This story is about not
only her 'journey' to Natchez, but also about her journey through society and the struggle to
overcome the dangers, being treated inferior, and the racism. It's December when Phoenix starts on
her journey to Natchez and it is a journey she has taken ... Show more content on ...
She runs the risk of having that barbwire slash though her dress and cut her back to pieces. , if she
was to get caught going under that fence, the consequences she faced could have been death. The
obstacles on the path to Natchez were dangerous and Phoenix could have suffered serious injury.
Any kind of injury suffered out in the open and alone like she was in the middle of the winter could
have resulted in death. However, it is in the end that the reader sees just how precious her journey is
and for the lover of her grandson moves Phoenix to town. It is the same type of unfair obstacles that
Phoenix must have dealt with her entire life. Yet she made it through them all un–harmed and her
spirit still intact. Phoenix lived in a society where racism was still running strong. Yet she faced and
dealt with that every day of her life. As an African–American slave, she would have toil in the
fields, wondering if she would still be alive by the time the sun was setting. Phoenix is visible
shaken with a run a scarecrow she believed to be a ghost. She says to image, "'Ghost,' she said
sharply, 'who be you the ghost of? For I have heard of nary death close by" (Welty 24).Slave
mothers would often show that same fear as they watched the shadows return from the field;
wondering if their loved ones were still alive or was going to come home unharmed. Phoenix faced
those same fears as a mother and grandmother. If Phoenix was caught in the
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Natchez Trace Research Paper
We had a fast trip down to Mississippi to visit with Dad & Kay. With all the storms blowing
through, we managed to evade them all thankfully. We did have sunny skies on Friday & Monday.
And the little Miata just hummed along. We took the top down Friday after we left Hopkinsville KY.
Getting off the Pennyrile Pkwy and onto I–24 for a bit, traffic became quite heavy heading into
Nashville, so we got off the interstate and cut across the countryside to the far edge of Nashville.
Once on the southwest side of Nashville and the beginning of the Natchez Trace Parkway we
stopped at the infamous Loveless Cafe before driving the Natchez Trace. We thought we'd just sit
down, have a meal and drive on.....uh no, 1 1/2 hr wait, the place was packed with people there to
eat smoked BBQ sandwiches. In the next building over, they sold sandwiches to go, so that is what
we did, sort of. We found some chairs outside in the shade, ate our meal. The Natchez Trace is a
destination drive within itself, maintained by the National Park Service, it is a beautiful drive with
lots of places to pull off, hike, see waterfalls, vistas, etc.....none of which we did :–) ... Show more
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Saturday we were at Dad & Kay's at 11am. We had a nice lunch and a good visit with them, great to
see them again. Sunday, storms were moving through in the morning, so we waited to check out till
noon, our time. We had a good lunch at a place called Harvey's and a stop by Elvis's birthplace in
Tupelo. Later, at a rest stop in Paris TN, evening was coming on and cooler, so top down till we
stopped at the Kentucky Dam Village State Park for supper in the lodge overlooking the lake. After
that, we were really getting tired, decided not to drive on home, it was near 9pm then, so we stayed
the night in Eddyville, KY. We are glad to be back home in the hills of beautiful southern Indiana!
Southern Indiana is just as pretty as western KY & TN
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Summary Of Coming Of Age In Mississippi
Coming of Age in Mississippi is a journal by African–American creator Anne Moody. Published in
1968, it spreads Moody's life from youth through her mid–twenties, itemizing life in the pre–Civil
Rights Movement South, and additionally Moody's opportunity at Tougaloo College and her
developing contribution in social liberties activism. The book investigates in detail the racism
Moody looked as a child, and in addition the sexism she attempted to overcome among her fellow,
for the most part, male, activists. Coming of Age in Mississippi investigates topics of race, sexual
orientation, southern culture, activism, and the energy of one individual to make an extraordinary
social change. It has been broadly lauded, thought about outstanding amongst other diaries of the
Civil Rights Movement. It won honors from the National Library Association and the National
Council of Christians and Jews is yet utilized broadly as allocated perusing on African–American
Coming of Age in Mississippi is isolated into four sections, beginning with "Childhood." Moody
recounts her initial life on the ranch, where she lives with her mother, Toosweet, and her father,
Diddly, the two tenant farmers. She has two more youthful kin, Adline and Jr. In any case, while her
mom is pregnant with Jr., her dad takes part in an extramarital entanglement, and her folks split up
soon a short time later. I'll humored moves with her mom and kin to live around the local area with
her extraordinary close
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Eudora Welty A Worn Path
There are several different interpretations of A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty. Some believe that it is a
story about life and death or about strength. While others believe it is about the love that a
grandmother has for her grandchild. Although I am not completely opposed to the opinions of
others, it is clearly a story that demonstrates a theme of racial inequality and the struggles African
Americans had to endure to obtain freedom. The path itself is a symbol that makes it apparent that
this is a story about racism. There is also evidence in the appearance of the main character, Phoenix,
a black woman who is wearing a red bandana, apron, and a striped dress. Lastly, the supporting
characters in the story such as, the white hunter, ... Show more content on ...
These kids are an indication of the slaves that had already escaped and were celebrating their new
found freedom. As Phoenix continues on her journey through town, she reaches the medical
building, where she is not pleasantly welcomed by one of the attendants. As Phoenix enters the
building, the attendant speaks about her saying, "a charity case, I suppose" and impolitely calls her
"granny" (269). Once again, Welty uses characters to show the disrespect blacks received from
white people in that era.
The short story, "A Worn Path," represents through symbolism the obstacles that African Americans
had to face on their path to freedom and racial equality. Throughout the story there are many
references to race and racism, with some symbols being obvious and others being more subtle.
Eudora Welty was one of the few writers of her time who were not afraid to show the hidden side of
racial inequality in
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Benefits Of Critical Race Theory
Furthermore, the critical race theory approach draws attention to African–Americans seeking to
break historical norms to create a new respect for their race. For example, Natchez, who claims
himself to be James Fulton's nephew confines in Lila Mae about his desire to obtain his uncle's
"black box," which will not only benefit his family but the African–American race as a whole.
Natchez said, "They always take away from our people. I don't know if they know he was colored...
When I hear them talk about his invention, they always saying it's the future. It's the future of the
cities. But it's our future, not theirs. It's ours. And we need to take it back" (Whitehead, 140). This
quote strengthens the argument of critical race theory because as previously
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Compare And Contrast The Natchez Tribes
The Natchez and Iroquois Native American peoples have some interesting correlation and
differences in their way of life. Their traditional descent groups, the membership of those descent
groups, and leadership positions all played a role in their political systems. The Natchez people
recognized a matriarchal descent group. They had a socio–political system which included the
following in descending order, The Great Sun, Nobles, Honored Men, and Stinkards (commoners).
The system was different in the traditional hierarchical sense, in that the royal family were obligated
to marry in a lower social status, also that the only way to be a Great Sun was through the
matrilineal line. Male offspring from a Noble man become a Honored man, therefore ... Show more
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They were both matriarchal societies, and to be part of a group, you either had to be born into it, or
marry into it. In contrast, the Natchez peoples operated as a hierarchy, and the Iroquois peoples
operated more as a democracy. The Natchez people's' political system was a sociopolitical system
(matriarchal hierarchy). The descendant grouping factored into the political system in that they were
nearly indistinguishable. The Sun rank was the highest socially, as well as politically, and held the
most powerful political positions. The Nobles held secondary positions, and the Honored Men held
some small political positions. The Commoners did not seem to have any political position. They all
operated under their "King," the "Great Sun," thus mirroring a hierarchy. The Iroquois peoples
elected officials to focus on goodwill, peace, and harmony. The Grand Council, of about 50 men,
was selected by women and represented the leading matrilineages. This shows that their political
system was closely related to their descent grouping in that all of the major groups had a say in their
politics.. Their political system was very close to being a
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Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay example
The first main event that I believe led to Anne Moody becoming an activist for Civil Rights was
when she was younger, her cousin George Lee was babysitting and he burned down the house in a
fit of rage and when Daddy gets home he blames it on Essie Mae (Anne Moody). This foreshadows
all of life's injustices that will be thrown her way. The next time was when she made friends with
white neighbors and they decided to go to the movies, Anne couldn't sit with her friends, she had to
sit in the balcony with all of the other blacks. She did not understand why it was this way. Another
event was when she was in high school, she changes her name to Anne Moody, and a white boy,
whose name was Emmitt Till who was visiting from Chicago, whistled at a ... Show more content on ...
She showed them that they could be equal. The only difference was the color of the skin. She taught
them that that wasn't even a big difference. She fought segregation her entire life.
The most drastic incident that happened to Anne was when she was working in Canton, Mississippi
for a cause of voter registration. People involved in the movement are dying left and right, and this
becomes very discouraging to her. She finds out that she is on the KKK black list and fears for her
life. She finds out that her family is also afraid and they stop talking to her. She quits her job and
moves back to Canton and goes back to her family. She sees how complacent her family is and this
frustrates her. Her family treated her like a stranger, and when she graduated from Tougaloo, no one
showed up for her graduation. In the end of the book, McKinley is murdered in front of nonviolent
civil rights activists. Anne Moody wonders if things will ever work out.
Growing up in the north, and being white, we were taught in school what the conditions were in the
south and all over America for blacks. I never really thought much of it, like many kids my age,
because it never affected me. I've been told by teachers, speakers, and whoever else my school
would bring in to tell us about what it was like for blacks back in the 1940's and the 1950's. After I
read the book, Coming of Age in Mississippi, I realized what it was really like
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A Worn Path By Eudora Welty
Abstract A Worn Path is a great short story because it expresses what Africa Americans went
through back in the 1940's. The main character of the story is Phoenix Jackson; she went through
many hardships but never gave up. Ms. Jackson is a very determined, strong–willed woman that has
endured a lot of pain. She really loves her grandson and wants to do anything that would make him
healthy. A Worn Path
Eudora Welty is the author of the short story; she is from Jackson, Mississippi. Welty created
characters that are often secluded and complicated. A Worn Path was first published in The Atlantic
Monthly in February 1940.The short story A Worn Path is about an elderly black woman named
Phoenix Jackson who walks from her home to the city of Natchez to get medicine for her sick
grandson. Phoenix describes the scenery as alternately beautiful. The story has a lot of different
literary elements such as genre, main characters, minor characters, setting, style and theme. More
importantly, the themes of this short story is love, perseverance, racial prejudice, and redemption.
To elaborate, love is a main theme in this story because it explains how much Phoenix loves her
grandson. She would do anything for her grandson to make him feel better; for example she walk in
the cold, slippery weather. Welty states that "It was December a bright frozen day in the ... Show
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Jackson had to take demonstrates her will to preserve in an unsympathetic world. For example, "she
must endure the cold, keep her footing on frozen ground, crawl under a barbed–wire fence, walk
through the maze of a cornfield, and watch out for dangerous animals such as wild hogs"
(Welty,222). As an example, she must deal with poverty and the pains of old age, care for a child
with a sore throat. An example of old age is "Moving slowly and from side to side, she went into the
big building, and into a tower steps, where she walked up around and around until her feet knew to
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Dr. Natchez Morice Research Paper
Dr Natchez Morice
Dr. Natchez Morice is a leading Tubal reversal surgeon in the USA. He has been performing tubal
reversal surgeries since 2000 and in 2003; he became the founder of Atchafalaya Gynecology and
Obstetrics. First he earned his MBA degree from Tulane University and then at Louisiana State
University, he earned his medical degree. He was very passionate to become an expert in women's
health so at Louisiana State University he completed gynecology and obstetrics residency where he
polished his microsurgical skills for the tubal reversal surgery.
Tubal reversal is a very common surgery in the United States. Women very popularly are moving
towards this surgery when they want to repair their fallopian tubes in order to conceive naturally. ...
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It is a safe and reliable procedure that shows successful results. The stitches are also absorbable that
are not required to be removed. The procedure takes the maximum of 1.5 hours and is allowed to go
home in a few hours. Patients recover very quickly after the operation.
Tubal ligation reversal surgery restores a woman's fallopian tubes, allowing her to conceive
naturally. This is a Dr Morice's tubal reversal surgery can be performed in $5,250 which is quite low
in charges. He is a renowned surgeon in the United States who has performed hundreds of tubal
ligation reversal surgeries from 14 years. Now Dr Morice is very expert in reconnecting woman's
blocked fallopian tubes so that the egg may pass to the uterus where it is fertilized.
Dr Morice proudly claims that about 75 percent of his patients conceive after having this tubal
reversal treatment. Usually the success of the treatment also depends on the age of the patient.
Different methods are used for blocking or damaging the tubes in tubal ligation but Dr Morice's
skills and experience can restore any kind of tubal ligation and the couples will be blessed with the
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Powwow Observation Report
The event I chose to attend was the Natchez 29th Annual Powwow. I was unaware of how much
history that was in the city of Natchez. This was a pretty fun experience for my husband and me.
The Powwow takes place every year in March in the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians. I had
never attended a Powwow before, but had always heard how interesting it is. The Native Americans
use Powwows to meet together in dancing, singing, visiting with old friends and meeting new
friends. Powwows honor and keep alive the Native American traditions and cultures. Through this
experience, I was able to see how important spirituality is to the Native American cultures.
Counselor Awareness of Own Cultural Values and Biases I did not have valid knowledge about ...
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Representatives from all different tribes were present and they danced and sang together in harmony.
The traditional dress wear of the each tribe was beautiful and they introduced the tribes that were
present. I loved the sense of togetherness the participants had. Also, the experience broke a
stereotype for me. I was under the impression that all Native Americans were tan and had black hair.
I guess I related it to the movie Pocahontas and some western movies I've seen. This certainly was
not the case. It goes to show you really can't judge someone with how they look or guess their
culture with how they look. This changed my way of thinking. I do anticipate to learn more about
the Native American culture and learn not to assume culture based on appearance. I generally do not
mean to, but I belive that everyone has unconscious thoughts and assumptions when they see
someone different than themselves. With the more knowledge I gain as a counselor and though my
classes I want to tackle my unconscious thoughts and assumptions. Through this class I have
definitely become more aware of what I have been told in relation to people different than
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Natchez Review: Fastest Steamboat In America
Natchez Review A few days ago I went on the fastest steamboat in America! It is known as the
Natchez. We left the school to head to the Natchez at ten in the morning. We arrived around Ten
Forty–Five, but we did not start boarding until eleven. We immediately where sent to the dinning
room for lunch. The menu was all New Orleans food, which was expected since it is a New Orleans
boat. The food that was available was catfish, mashed potatoes, jambalaya, red beans and rice, and
pasta salad, which is cold noodles and olives. In my opinion the food wasn't all that great but some
of classmates really enjoyed the food. The drinks where water and ta but there was also alcohol for
the adults. When we finished lunch
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Natchez Trace Library History
There is also the Elise E Jurgens Memorial library located off of highways 51. This library has a
variety of books and online material. This library was established in 1994 and in well kept but dated.
Another landmark located in Ridgeland is the historical Natchez Trace Parkway, which is a 444–
mile road from Natchez, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee. The history of the Natchez Trace is
rooted in the Native Americans such as the Choctaws and Chickasaws, who traveled by foot along
the path in search of bison. The "Trace", as many refer to it today, was constructed in 1938 and
serves as a historical landmark in Ridgeland, Mississippi. The Natchez Trace Arts and Crafts center
is the only museum in Ridgeland. This museum displays many crafts from the Native ... Show more
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On the right side of the interstate driving away from Jackson to Canton, the streets are fair but there
are potholes and areas that need to be tended to. On the left side of the interstate all of the roads are
new and there are hardly any potholes, but there is country land that has not been developed and has
dirt roads. All parts of the city are equally served by electricity, water, phone, fiber optic, wastewater
treatment, and waste disposal. There is also functional transportation such as buss and taxi that run
in Ridgeland. The closes Amtrak station is 10 miles away from Ridgeland on 300 W Capitol Street.
It is well used by men and women that do not have any other means of transportation or choose to
use it. It is easily accessible to all parts of the community and it is easy to navigate and use. Traffic
in Ridgeland is not bad compared to Jackson because it is a smaller community and it a majority
private cars. There is almost never gridlock or bicycle traffic because Ridgeland have a variety of
bike trails. According to City–Data, a majority of people spends between 10–20 minutes traveling to
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Jane Long's Jane Long-The Mother Of Texas
The Mother of Texas
Jane Long, also known as the mother of Texas, is one of the most important historical figures of all
time. Growing up she had a difficult life, from her father dying before she reached the age of one to
her mother dying just a few short years later. Jane was a tenacious woman, when she set her mind on
doing something she would always follow through with it.
Jane met her husband James, a physician, when he had traveled into Natchez to help as a surgeon at
the battle of New Orleans. They soon fell in love and wanted to get married , but Barbara, Jane's
sister said no because she felt they were too young. But, both Jane and James were steadfast on
marrying each other. So, James came up with the plan that because Jane was ... Show more content
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James got bored with his medical practice so to fill his time, they purchased a plantation near
Vicksburg. But, this still wasn't enough for him so they decided to move back to Natchez where he
entered the mercantile business. While they were in Natchez, James began socializing with the other
men in town and they started to plan an expedition into Texas. What they intended to do was sencure
independence from Spain and also open the state to American settlement. Out of all the men in
town, James was chosen to lead the expedition into Texas. But, because Jane was expecting another
child soon she decided to stay behind in Natchez and promised to meet them there as soon as
possible. Not long after, their second child, Rebecca, was born in June, 1819. Only twelve days after
she gave birth to Rebecca, she joined James which made her one of the very few women to be brave
enough to travel into the Texas frontier. Sadly, Jane became ill on the way to Texas and had to stay
with her sister in Louisiana till she was fully recovered. While she was there, her sister talked her
into leaving her children with her, but little did she know, her second daughter Rebecca died a
month later from an unknown cause. When Jane finally met up with her husband,
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Natchez: A Short Story
It is December 26, 2011. The trees are bare; the grass is lifeless. The brutal winds send shivers down
my spine. My family and I pack our suitcases in the car, and we begin the long journey up to
Natchez. Everywhere I look, I see dead trees and brown grass. I listen to the wind, whistling past the
car. The three hour drive seems like an eternity. We are headed to Pine Log, my great–uncle's
hunting camp. Three hours and many windy roads later, we finally arrive. It is a bitterly cold and
foggy day. I step out the car, and look out at the wilderness. The 850 acre property seems to go on
forever. I look to my left and see seventeen of my cousins racing towards us. They embrace us with
the warmest hugs they could give. The warmth brings ... Show more content on ...
The fountain is frozen and icicles hang from the rooftop. The grass is bright white, covered in ice
crystals. The sidewalks are frozen and the cars look like monstrous marshmallows. The entire family
gathers for breakfast in the Mess Hall, which is an enormous room with a table shaped like a
horseshoe and over two dozen chairs. Mounted deer hang on the wall, too numerous to count. A
chandelier made of antlers hangs down in the center of the room. People gather around the burning
fireplace for warmth. I hear pots and pans clanking together; I can smell the bacon and biscuits
cooking to perfection. The smell of the brewing coffee engulfs the room. After breakfast, the kids go
to our cabins and find the warmest clothes we can. We walk out the Mess Hall and everything we
see is frozen. These polar temperatures are just like the ones when our family went skiing. We drove
eighteen hours up to Wintergreen, Virginia for a ski trip with our cousins from North Carolina. Since
it was our first time skiing, it took some practice and falling on our faces before we got the hang of
it. Every night after the slopes closed, my cousins, my two sisters, and I brought sleds onto the slope
and slid down part of the mountain. I can feel the arctic temperatures blowing on my face. My ears
and nose turn shades of red and blue. My vision is blinded by snowflakes falling in my face. I
cannot see where I am going until I hit a fence face first. I suddenly feel
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Analysis Of Arth 202 : Survey Of The History Of Western...
ARTH 202: Survey of the History of Western Art II
Professor Schmunk
Field trip to the Greenville County Museum of Art
N.C. Wyeth's Anthony Adverse originally served as the endpaper for the Hervey Allen novel of the
same name, originally published in 1933. The novel is described by the Encyclopedia Britannica as
being "a long, rambling work set in Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the Napoleonic era."
Throughout the story, Anthony has many adventures, including slave trading in Africa, working as a
businessman and plantation owner in New Orleans, and being imprisoned and subsequently dying in
Mexico. The endpaper by N.C. Wyeth depicts the slave trade portion of Anthony Adverse. The
function of the piece was decorative, as it was the ... Show more content on ...
A character of note is the friar standing beside the character presumed to be Anthony. There is much
contrast in the facial expressions of the two characters. While Anthony looks at the slaves with
disdain and unconcern, the friar seems to feel apathy for these people who are being driven out of
their homes. The composition of the piece, unsurprisingly, places the most important figures closest
to the viewer. Anthony is the clear focal point, as he is made larger than all other figures, leaving
little doubt about his importance in the ensuing novel. The colors, as previously mentioned, are
generally light and subdued. The poses of Anthony and the friar in the foreground are static, as they
are watching the action unfold behind them. In contrast, the slave masters and slaves are seen in
motion. Linear perspective is evident in the orthogonal lines made by the fence of the holding pin.
This is the only instance of orthogonal in the piece, so it is unclear where the exact vanishing point
is located. The gradual decreasing in size of the figures also adds to the linear perspective and depth
of the painting. The piece similar to A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by
Georges Seurat in its composition, as two characters are seen in the foreground with many
characters in the background. This is the extent of similarities between the two paintings, as the
subject content of Anthony Adverse is much heavier than the
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Mississippi Tribe Essay
Mississippi has been known to be the home of Native Americans. It dates all the way back to the
civil war times. Many people feel that Mississippi has no type of history to this country, well it does.
Mississippi was made the 20th state in the country in 1817. Before becoming a state it was nothing
but land and hills that the three major tribes lived on.
The three major tribes in late Mississippi were the Chickasaw, Choctaw, and the Natchez tribes. The
Natchez tribe was made up of 4500 people. The mostly migrated in the southwestern part of
Mississippi. They worshiped the sun as if it was a supreme god in which they believed in life after
death. They also believed if an important member of the tribe died several people had to sacrifice
their ... Show more content on ...
The tribe was made up of 20,000 members across the state. They had mounds located in Winston
County called Nanih Waiya. The mounds are said to be sacred and the headquarters of the tribe. The
Choctaws were a peaceful tribe they would settle issues with a game of stick ball which is an old
Native American game.
The Chickasaw tribe was made up of 15,000 people before coming in contact with the Europeans. In
the 1600's the tribe had 5,000 before the United States government forced them to leave their
homelands. The Choctaw and the Chickasaw were said to be a part of the same tribe because of their
related language. In the early 19th century the Chickasaw tribe had trouble finding meat so they
resorted to become successful farmers. In the civil war the Chickasaw fought with the confederacy.
When the war was over settlers began coming into their land. So by the late 1970's the tribe was no
longer an Indian society.
Other great facts about Mississippi's history include the state bird, flower, and other great things.
The states bird is a mocking bird which was selected by the women's federated clubs of Mississippi.
On feburary23, 1944 the sate declared the mocking bird to be the official state bird. The mocking
bird is known for its territorial ways just like the state. The mocking bird likes to copy and mock the
sounds of other
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Analysis Of The Article: The Language Of Natchez
I will talk about Natchez in this article. Who is Natchez? The word Natchez is apparently derived
from a French interpretation of the name of their settlement, called Natchez. The language of the
Natchez is an isolate, meaning that it had no widely accepted ties with any other language. It is
interesting to note that although the women spoke the same language as the men. I found the most
interesting thing is about their lifestyle because they have different culture and custom. Therefore, I
was struck by their live environment. I read these items from the textbook and lecture in class.
According to the text, the author talks about their traditional life, origins account, subsistence
activities, and religious system. First, the author says
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Coming Of Age : A Memoir Written By Anne Moody
Coming of Age in Mississippi is a memoir written by Anne Moody. It is a detailed life story written
from the author's own personal experiences. The story is broken out into four major life phases,
which are, childhood, high school, college and the movement, where Moody details her experiences
in each event. Moody does not specifically state when her story begins, but the reader is able to get
the feel that it takes place after the Reconstruction Era. It is important to note that by Moody not
giving specific dates, her story is timeless and details the ongoing struggles of African Americans in
the United States. Childhood Anne's story begins as an introduction into her childhood. She lived on
a farm where her parents worked, as did all the Negroes that lived on the property. Her family lived
in a small wooden shack; it had one large room and a kitchen. Anne is four years old when she
begins her story. Anne and her family grew up very poor, both of her parents had to work. Her father
did not make enough money so their mother could stay home and the girls rarely saw their parents
because they had to work so much. Anne's uncle George watched her and her sister Adline, he was
only eight years old. Her uncle George did not like the fact he had to watch Anne, he wanted to fish,
chase birds or go out to play, but was forbidden by the girls mother to take them out of the house.
This angered George, whenever he wanted to play he would beat Anne, one day George is playing
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Natchez-Adams Curriculum Assessment
This report summarizes my findings after evaluating the curriculum of Natchez–Adams School
District. I was granted access to the curriculum by Dr. Delarious Stewart, Curriculum Director for
the Natchez–Adams School District. This report is designed to reflect how the curriculum is aligned
with state and district standards. A curriculum is vital to promoting the success of all students
because it is the content that is being taught in the school district. For this reason, the person or
persons designing and developing the curriculum must understand the many different facets of an
effective curriculum. I will present my findings in the following paragraphs.
The Natchez–Adams School District developed a curriculum management plan that expressed ...
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The Curricula Assessment Tool (CAT) is designed to assess school curricula based on a set of
standards–based elements to determine its effectiveness. The evaluation tool assesses curricula on a
four–point scale (4. effective, 3. good, 2. fair, and 1. ineffective). I found that the Natchez–Adams
curriculum establishes high expectations for teaching and learning. The curriculum is integrated,
relevant, and student–centered. Moreover, it uses scientific–based research to drive instructions to
ensure that the district is promoting student success. The curriculum team utilized student data to
create standards that demand instruction. Moreover, the curriculum also institutes lesson objectives
and student exercises that scaffold student knowledge to meet the lesson or unit standards. However,
I did notice that the curriculum lacked pacing guides for some subjects. I think pacing guides are
critical for the implantation of an effective curriculum. Pacing guides facilitate alignment of state
standards and national standards. Pacing guides also help teachers and students make the most of
their time. More importantly, pacing guides allow districts to increase student academic performance
and lessen gaps in student learning. In summation, I believe the design and implementation of the
curriculum is consistent with the state and district
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Eudora Welty 's A Worn Path
The Relentless Journey
The sun pounding down, the cramp creeping up from deep inside the calf muscle, the extreme
fatigue sinking in; yet just ahead, he can make out the banner flying in the barely–there–breeze. He
may have made a wrong turn at mile 8, started getting cramps at mile 17, and twisted his ankle when
he fell at mile 23, but he keeps limping forward. Phoenix Jackson, the elderly woman in Eudora
Welty's, "A Worn Path", is a lot like the injured runner. It is her astounding bravery and her innate
cunning, along with her eternal love for her grandson, which gives her the ability to endure the
hardships of her journey to get her grandson's medicine. Phoenix Jackson is able to overcome each
obstacle and adversity she encounters along the path due to her unending perseverance.
Phoenix Jackson is described as a frail, weathered, old woman, yet she exudes bravery while she
follows the worn path to the city of Natchez. When she reaches a creek, she must use a fallen log to
cross it. Phoenix says, "Now comes the trial."(92) She knows what she must do in order to reach her
destination. Phoenix, though small and weak, pushes herself to climb up on the log and over the
creek. Even though she closed her eyes tightly as she walked across the log, she strutted across it
fiercely and with gumption. Later, she encounters a hunter who, after helping her get out of a ditch,
points a gun towards her and asks her if the gun scares her. When she replies no, the hunter says,
"you must
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Natchez Daily Courier Summary
The United States was in the throes of the Civil War at the time of Scott's death. Slaves that once ran
plantations have runaway or have joined the Union forces. The workforce of the South was
diminishing and the taxation of the confederacy was wearing. Medora comes to depend on Eviline
and Washington Bone/Brown (slaves of Medora) as well as Delaney and Easter Jackson and their
families. The Civil War, though not fought in Jefferson County, Mississippi, experienced occasions
when the soldiers of both the Union and the Confederate Armies did cross Poplar Hill Plantation and
other properties of the late Samuel Scott. What is important about the article found in the "Natchez
Daily Courier" is that it is focused on Poplar Hill and how ... Show more content on
At Dr. Hardin's they took a Mr. Dun, and carried him with them seven or eight miles. At Mrs.
Samuel Scott's, they took a Negro boy to pilot them, declaring that if he took them to Fayette they
would kill him. Two miles above Fayette they cut the telegraph wire, and turning towards Port
Gibson, proceeded about one mile, and then by a circuitous route reached the Union Church road,
three miles east of Fayette. Proceeding in that direction, they halted at Mrs. W. Scott's about nine
o'clock at night and fed. After a delay of an hour and a half, they took up their line of march in the
direction of Union Church. Soon after leaving Mr. Scott's, (William Scott brother of Samuel) the
Negro boy made his escape and returned home. On the road, they met a Mr. Baldridge, and after
breaking his gun, they took him with them. They disturbed no property. They inquired of several
Negroes, if they had seen any Yankee troops." At best a difficult story to retell of the terror that the
boy and Mr. Baldridge experienced. Rodney is recognized by the Mississippi Department of
Archives and History as a "ghost town". Currently, the town is occupied by seasonal hunters.
Rodney was a port town in its hey–day located in Southwestern Mississippi, approximately 32 miles
(51 km) northeast of Natchez and about 15 miles from
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Symbolism within in A Worn Path
Symbolism is a literary device that uses objects or events that hides the even greater idea beyond
what the text it gives you. For example, the bald eagle may seem like a fascinating bird, but to the
eyes of an American the bald eagle represents freedom. Symbolism can be found throughout our
everyday lives. Shoes have logos that are used to show what brand of shoes ones self is wearing,
also money may seem like just paper, but it can also represent power.
In the short story, A Worn Path, the main character Phoenix Jackson ventures through the forest to
get to her main destination Natchez. Phoenix Jackson is an old, little woman that is blind and needs
to be carrying a cane due to her almost complete blindness. Phoenix Jackson travels through the
dangerous forest alone. On her venture she meets many obstacles such as a crossing a river by
walking over a log that lay across it. During her advances she often drifts into a daydream and
dreams about events happening, but it turns out to be her mind playing games on her. While on her
way to Natchez she encounters a white hunter, the hunter shows no respect for her by calling her
granny and even pointing a gun at old Phoenix herself. During Phoenix's time of living segregation
was still prevalent because in the short story Phoenix makes her way in Natchez and the Anglo
Americans call her names such as: Granny, Grandma, and Old Timer. After making it through the
city, Phoenix enters a building that supplies aid to colored people and
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A Comparison Of A Worn Path And A Rose For Emily
The two stories, A Worn Path and A Rose for Emily are very similar in some ways but yet different
in their own unique way. When you look at the characters, their theme and tone, you can clearly see
the difference in these two stories. Miss Emily and Phoenix both have mental problems. In A Worn
Path the story deals with Phoenix's life and the love she has. When Phoenix was walking and
traveling through the Natchez Trace she was face with problems. Phoenix love for grandson shows
her determination along the way of her journey.
While reading the story it appeared that Phoenix does not have a Grandson, or at least he was not
alive anymore. She told the Doctor that her Grandson had a sore throat for a long time. When the
doctors asked how ... Show more content on ...
They both had a different financial status and family upbringing but there mental state is the same.
In A Worn Path, Phoenix was faced with several problems but she still managed to get the medicine
for her grandchild no matter problems she faced along the way.
In the story A Rose for Emily, she just did not want to be alone. Emily and Phoenix both
accomplished their goals, Emily was not left alone and Phoenix got her medicine for her grandchild.
The theme of both stories are different. Emily doesn't want to go anywhere, she just wants to sit at
home and have people visit. Phoenix's story take place during her journey on the Natchez Trace and
her story unfolds as she is out and about traveling to get medicine for her grandchild. Phoenix was
very determine to get the medicine. She was also more talkative then Emily.
In both stories, A Rose for Emily and A Worn Path, they were told in third person. When reading
both stories it is hard to tell if they were mentally disturbance or not because you could not tell what
they were thinking. You cannot tell what Phoenix was thinking when she was walking through the
trail, when she tripped or when she got to town. Which made it difficult to tell if she was sane.
You could immediately tell Emily was crazy when she killed her boyfriend and slept with the dead
body. Emily showed emotions which displayed she was not mentally stable
The two stories both deal with elderly women
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What Is William Johnson Case
Haley peters Brandi teasley 2nd period 27, February 2017 William Johnson William Johnson was a
black man who was a barber in Natchez, Mississippi. William Johnson was a slave when he was
young. His freedom at eleven years old followed that of his mother Amy and hi. Sister Adelia. After
workings an apprentice to his brother–in–law James Miller, Johnson bought the barbershop in 1830
for three hundred dollars and explain trade to free black boys. It was shortly after he established a
barber shop in downtown Natchez that he started to keep a diary. The diary was a mainstay in
Johnson's life until he died in 1851. As a young prominent citizen in the black community of
Natchez, Johnson's interest ... Show more content on ...
Johnson loved he company of friends such as Robert McCary and other free blacks. His journal is
filled with hunting and fishing trips as well as his love of going to the local horse track and betting
on the races. In 1851 a boundary argument with his neighbor Baylor Winn found the two men in
court. However, the judge ruled in Johnson's favor, Winn was not satisfied. Winn, besides a free
black attacked Johnson returning from his farm and shot him.johnson lived long enough to name
Winn as the man who attacked him. Through strange circumstances, Winn was never found guilty of
killing Johnson. Winn And his defense argued that he was really white and not a free man of color
because of his Indian ancestry in Virginia. Therefore, the " mulatto" boy who accompanied Johnson
on that fatal day could not testify against Winn. Two hung could not rule if he was white or black, so
Johnson's killer walked free. Although a black man, at the time of his death, Johnson had sixteen
slaves. He wrote openly in his diary about his slaves and frail and tribulations of being a slave
owner. William Johnson's diary enclose sixteen years of his life. Johnson's house on state street in
downtown Natchez continued to be closely –held by the family until they sold it to the Ellicott Hill
Preservation Society in
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Summary: Engagement
G1: Engagement O1: Charles will be open to weekly meetings with the MHP. Intervention: MHP
educated Charles about engagement and socialization. MHP provided Charles an opportunity to
attend an educational program at the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians in Natchez, MS. MHP
guided Charles in identifying rewards that would increase his engagement with his peers. MHP
assisted Charles in realizing the value of socializing with others. MHP taught Charles social skills.
MHP aided Charles with educational awareness for adequate engagement. MHP assisted in
providing Charles with literature about the Natchez Indians. MHP asserted positive reinforcements
for increased engagement. Response: Charles appeared to be in a positive mood at the onset
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Natchez Analysis
"The strategic location of Natchez, on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River, ensured that it
would be a pivotal center of trade, commerce, and the interchange of ethnic Native American,
European, and African cultures in the region; it held this position for two centuries after its
founding. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the city attracted wealthy Southern planters as
residents, who built mansions to fit their ambitions". Their plantations were vast tracts of land in the
surrounding lowlands along the riverfronts of Mississippi and Louisiana, where they grew large
commodity crops of cotton and sugarcane using slave labor. "Natchez became the principal port
from which these crops were exported, both upriver to Northern ... Show more content on ...
Years of rumors and stories of Delaney were that he was the man who traveled with Scott to
Natchez. Family members found that this duty of slave selection an embarrassment and for years
would only whisper of this disgrace to other family members. His daughter–in–law who knew him
told the story of Delaney's duties to his great grandchild explaining that this was a black mark on the
family. Though her grandmother told the story of slave selection she admonished his great
grandchild to not speak of this openly as it would be a negative measure of the character of the
entire family. One might say that in "polite company" Delaney's job of slave selection would not be
spoken of and that rule was followed. Many years later the story of this disgraceful experience of
slave selection as told to me came with an equal admonishment to not reveal my source, but to tell
the story without authorship. Poplar Hill Plantation, the largest of Scott's properties at the height of
the Civil War, contained more than 1195 acres. The war tax receipts, filed at the time of probate
recorded the acreage of Poplar Hill. The war tax imposed by the Confederacy applied to all property,
that included land, cattle, homes, chattel (slaves), personal property (watches, clocks, pianos,
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Natchez Trace History
The Natchez Trace was the overland coffle that led slave caravans, from Virginia, Maryland,
Kentucky, and Tennessee to the Forks of the Road market of Natchez. Delaney arrived in
Mississippi through the second middle passage. We also believe he traveled with other slaves down
the "Old Natchez Trace". According to the National Park Service the "Trace" as it is known greatly
supported the slave trade of the second middle passage. "The Natchez Trace was possibly the most
recent legal slave route in North America. From the 1830s through the Civil War, many thousands of
bondspeople were transported from the southeast (Maryland to Florida) to the 'new' lands of the old
southwest (Mississippi and Alabama). The most efficient route for this was often the Natchez Trace
where, at the end of their journey, they would be sold at the "Forks of the Road" slave market. " ...
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We are certain that the stories of the dangers that lurked on the "Trace" during the days of slavery
were relayed from generation to generation. Today, "The Natchez Trace Parkway is a 444–mile
recreational road and scenic drive through three states. It roughly follows the "Old Natchez Trace" a
historic travel corridor used by American Indians, "Kaintucks," European settlers, slave traders,
soldiers, and future presidents.
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Eudora Welty's A Worn Path
Eudora Welty's A Worn Path is a short story about a very old African–American woman who
courageously goes the distance in unyielding circumstances. In the 1940s, in Mississippi, Phoenix
Jackson walks all alone to Natchez for half a day in December to reach the medical clinic. At the
clinic she receives medicine for her grandson, who swallowed lye several years ago. She makes this
trip twice a year. Phoenix has made this journey so many time that her path to Natchez is like a worn
path. "Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far.... Something always take a hold of
me on this hill ..." The story follows the old woman as she struggles and fights her way down that
path to get to the clinic.
The setting and character is crucial to this story because the story wouldn't be the same without the
difficult journey and the strong, devoted character. The setting of this story begins in the woods of
Mississippi all the way to the town of Natchez. In her quest to obtain her grandson's medicine, she
encounters a great deal of hardship, hindrances, and troubles. It makes her quest extremely hard to
complete but still the old woman soldiers on for her grandson. ... Show more content on ...
A mean dog even makes her fall in a ditch. Not only does she face nature's obstacles but she also
faces her own physical ailments and limitations. While in the cornfield maze, her nearsightedness
caused her to think she was seeing ghosts but it was only a scarecrow. She also struggled with her
forgetfulness. But Phoenix wants to do what she can to ease her grandson's pain and suffering, so
she willingly endures these travails of trudging along this worn
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Analysis Of A Worn Path By Eudora Welty
"A real parent is someone who puts that child above their own selfish needs and wants" Parents are
customarily seen as willing to do anything and everything for their children's safety and health.
Their perpetual love for their offspring allows them to willingly put themselves in any situation, if it
benefits their children. This powerful love also extends greatly to grandparents. Due to their elderly
age, many grandparents are viewed as incapable of providing sufficient care for their grandchildren.
Although age does act as a roadblock, grandparents love for their grandchildren overcomes this. In
"A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty, the protagonist Phoenix Jackson defies all odds and proves that
love can cause any grandparent to provide for their ... Show more content on ...
This allows her to voluntarily risk her life when she faces a rude and cocky hunter on her path. The
hunter tries to abruptly force Phoenix to go back home telling her that Natchez is too far. He even
shows her a gun and threatens her; "But you take my advice and stay home, and nothing will happen
to you". When Phoenix denies, "I bound to go on my way, mister", she could have angered the
hunter and caused him to shoot her. Phoenix's selflessness however, causes her to forget about her
safety, and in turn only thinks about getting medicine for her son. Furthermore, when Phoenix is
about to leave the clinic where she gets medicine, she shows selflessness by forgoing her pride for
her son's enjoyment. When the attendant asks Phoenix, "Could I give you a few pennies out of my
purse?", Phoenix stiffly says, "Five pennies is a nickel". She is essentially begging the attendant for
a nickel but she does this all with a vivid face of her grandson in her mind. Phoenix afterwards says,
"I going to the store and buy my child a little windmill". Phoenix is one of those greatly loving and
caring parents who make all their decisions with their child in
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How Did Anne Escape From Centerville
By the age of fifteen Anne despised white people. She despised the whites for being so irrational,
ignorant, and inhumane, and she hated the blacks more for not doing anything about it. The blacks
were not doing anything to stop such aggressive behaviors and that angered Anne. Anne was
evolving and becoming a strong person with a strong personality and opinions. She was also getting
overwhelmed by following crimes from whites against the blacks; one of them being, Samuel
O'Quinn, a black NAACP member and empowerment activist, who was shot by white men because
he tried to secretly organize a meeting in Centreville. Anne needed an escape from Centerville, so
every summer, during her last three years of high school; she would escape from Centreville
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Tough Dumas Research Paper
Rhetaugh Dumas Rhetaugh Ethedra Graves Dumas was born in 1928, in Natchez, Mississippi.
Dumas was an American nurse. She was also a professor and health administrator. Dumas was the
first nurse to become director of the National Institute for Mental Health, which was known as the
NIMH. She had such a good heart. She was among the earliest researchers to use randomized
experimental design to study clinical problems in patient care. Dumas graduated from Dillard
University nursing school in 1951. Right after she graduated, she became an instructor there. In the
year of 1961, she earned her master's degree at Yale University. When she graduated from Yale, she
became part of the school's faculty. She eventually became the chair of psychiatric ... Show more
content on ...
Not only did she serve as president of the American Academy of Nursing, she served as president of
the National League of Nursing also. Dumas was a member of the Institute of Medicine. She was
also a Charter fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and a fellow of the A.K Rice Institute.
The A.K Rice Institute is an educational, non–profit organization. She was one of 36 nurses named
the academy's first Charters fellows in 1973. The Academy of Nursing named her a Living Legend
in 2002. Dumas even received honorary doctorates from the University of: San Diego, Yale, and
Dillard. In 1998, she gave the keynote address at the conference of the American Association for the
History of Nursing in Mississippi. Dumas died of cancer in a Houston hospice (a home providing
care for the sick) on July 22, 2007. Dumas died at the age of 78. Her funeral was held at West
funeral home in Natchez, Mississippi. The survivors included her daughter, Adrienne Josephine
Dumas of Houston and her two brothers. Her brothers were Wade Graves of Houston and Norman
Bell of Hartford, Connecticut. She will always be known for her academic units in achieving
concurrent ethic and racial and gender diversity in the faculty at the University of
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Natchez Tableaux Case Study
Attention: Membership at Large and Executive Committees: Natchez Garden Club Pilgrimage
Garden Club It was a great privilege for Imaginary Company, Inc. to donate professional creative
and design services for the audio visual components, script structure and printed program for the
2017 Historic Natchez Tableaux. The creation of the 2018 show made great strides in
professionalism and crafting a product that with further development could be sustainable and ticket
worthy. Many worked very hard with hope of insuring a new sustainable vision and execution for
the Tableaux. The task was 85% complete, it was with the understanding that we would continue to
refine it as the rewrite task was massive, and time had run out for effective staging
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Analysis Of `` Still I Rise, And Welty 's `` A Worn Path ``
Literature offered an approach for African–Americans to demonstrate their humanity and an ability
for creative invention and imaginary thought. Writing later developed into an instrument through
which African–Americans could voice not only their rejection of institutionalized racism and slavery
but also their desire for equality and freedom. African–American literature continues to be a method
in countering the incompetence or misrepresentation of black people in history. Two prominent
female writers during this era were Maya Angelou and Eudora Welty. Angelou was a civil rights
activist and educator and expressed her emotions in her works. Her poem, "Still I Rise," was written
to describe her willingness to overcome oppression. Welty expressed black triumph through her
character in her short story, "A Worn Path." Although both works tells stories of racial and female
empowerment, they express these ideas in distinctive methods. Angelou's "Still I Rise" and Welty's
"A Worn Path" are both written during a time of racial and sexual oppression. Both authors were
African–American females who grew up during extreme racial subjugation. Angelou speaks about
overcoming oppression and prejudice in her poem, "Still I Rise". She carries a confident tone,
assuring that she will overcome her troubles, asserting, "Just like moons and like suns, / With the
certainty of tides, / Just like hopes springing high, / Still, I'll rise" (Angelou 10–13). In "A Worn
Path," the narrator, also an
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Natchez: The Mississippi Community Analysis
As of 2016, the population of Mississippi is estimated to be 2.99 million. Its population density
ranks 32nd in the United States. The first permanent settlement in Mississippi was established in
1699 by the French near what is now Ocean Springs. Natchez is the oldest permanent settlement
along the Mississippi River, which was settled in 1716. Natchez was once was home to 500
millionaires, exceeding every other city in the US with the exception of New York City. Mississippi
is known for having farm raised catfish. Up until the 1930s, black Americans made up the majority
of citizens in Mississippi, and although that picture has not changed, there is still a relatively large
black community in the state. In 2010, Mississippi had the highest
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Natchez Steamboat Research Paper
Natchez Steamboat Review The Natchez Steamboat is an old steam powered paddle boat. It was
made in 1975. The engine was made in 1935. When you get on the dock you have to go through a
Disney World styled line it was long but you got through it quickly. They have big sailors wheel that
you can take a picture with and get back in a frame. As you're waiting to board the boat you can see
the beautiful Mississippi River and different statues. When you get your ticket you have to get half
ripped of and the other half you need to save the other part because that's how you will get your
lunch. As you cruise along the Mississippi you can see all of the things that make New Orleans
special. After about thirty minutes of riding we got called in for lunch.
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Story About A Black Old Woman

  • 1. Story About A Black Old Woman Story Introduction /Overview: Summery: The story is about a black old women (Phoenix Jackson) and her journey to the city to get the medicine for her grandson throat . She walks for a long distance. She walks through the fence carefully to protect her clothe from being torn. The woman walks through the cotton field and along the narrow hills and passes the muddy track. She faces her fear of wild animals and their sounds during her walk. After the woman passes the muddy track she faced a dog that is barking. She becomes unconscious and fall down. The white hunter sees her and helps her. Finally the woman reaches the hospital office. In the office the nurse asked her about her grandson but Phoenix Jackson did not say any word and stay ... Show more content on ... White Hunter: he helps Phoenix , he and his dog found her after she falls into a ditch. Black Children: dozen of black Children that Phoenix saw before reaching Natchez. Natchez Pedestrian: Woman who helped Phoenix and ties her shoes. Attendant: Receptionist in a physician 's office. Nurse: The Physician 's nurse.she gives Phoenix the medicine for her grandson. Grandson of Phoenix: Child who once swallowed lye. He requires medicine to treat his throat. C) Point of View: A Worn Path is short story. It is written by Eudora Welty in third person point of view. The writer reveals the story through the main character Phoenix Jackson which Phoenix Jackson talks to herself in dialog. The writer sometimes reveals to Phoenix ' mind activities in the narration, which can be seen in this passage "Down there, her senses drifted away. A dream visited her, and she reached her hand up, but nothing reached down and gave her a pull." (Lawn, Beverly) D) Themes: The themes in the story are straight : Love love can be seen through the purpose of the journey in the story. Phoenix walked in long distance in cold weather facing many serious difficulties to get her grandson medicine. Redemption Redemption can be in many situations through the story. first saturation is when the white hunter helped Phoenix to get out of the ditch ,after she falls into a ditch. second situation is when Phoenix asks a woman who was holding packages to tie her shoes ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. African Slaves In The Novel Saltwater Slavery By Smallwood The Natchez District where a tribe of Indians were housed as slaves was the first Mississippi region where plantations were established. There African slaves were introduced into the Natchez plantation system in the early 1700s by the French colonists where the first major profitable crop that thrived from African slave labor in Natchez was tobacco products. The slaves shipped here came with a militant spirit after being harbored amongst the torturous vessels. Their aggression, at first took the form of resistance on slave ships as many deckhands and captive slaves experienced the unforgiving waters, this is again explained in the novel Saltwater Slavery written by Smallwood. One of the earliest recorded incidents of a slave resistance was the Natchez Indian Revolt of 1729 against the French colonists. The African arrival in Natchez did not quell this militancy. Instead it caused the Natchez to increase their aggression. However, the French quickly recognized the preceding contact and interaction between the slaves and the Natchez Indians and as a counter they, (the French) eventually extended their cruelty to the Indians. The Natchez Indians became aware that the French began to whip young Indian boys just as they did their African slaves, along with the French commander at Fort Rosalie taking the Natchez land, encouraged the Natchez nobles to act in retaliation. To reflect the cruelty of the French, Natchez Indians recruited several slaves, promising them freedom, and in ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Natchez Tribe Social Structure Native American life for the Natchez tribe was primitive and communal. The social structure of the Natchez Native American tribe was organized by a caste system which drew from religious beliefs and classified individuals as suns, nobles, honored people, and commoners. The most important members of the tribe were the Peace Chief named the Great Sun, his right hand man, the War Chief, and the four clan Mothers. The Chiefs were determined based upon the social status of their mother at birth. Natchez were considered hierarchical because the Peace Chief named the Great Sun was always the son of the clan Mother known as the Female Sun. Also, the Female Sun's daughter would be the mother of the next the Great Sun. This made sure that the Chief was always male. The Natchez tribe was a strong matrilineal society because the Female Sun gave birth to the Great Sun. The power was passed through the Mother's part of the family. Therefore, the descent was considered to be along female lines. Also, the Great Sun could have several wives and many servants. When ... Show more content on ... The Peace Chief or Great Sun had the final say but decisions were made through a tribal council called the "Council of Suns" which was made up of leaders of associated clans. There were four clans as well as four clan mothers. Each clan mother was responsible for maintaining the progression of the tribe as well as all the judicial functions. The Natchez are called a four–mother nation because the clan mothers are considered to be the "four mothers" of the people. Tribal affairs were managed by the Peace Chief, otherwise known as the Great Sun, and his right hand the War Chief. The two work in harmony and are selected by virtue of their traits and expertise for lifetime appointments, as are the clan mothers. Religious leaders were seniors in the "Council of Suns" and were the primary ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Merchandise Store History The article investigates the accounting practices and cultural setting of a general merchandise store located in Natchez, Mississippi during the post– civil war period in 1865. The store ledger records complete sales and payroll entries from January through December 1865. The data regarding the store came from a "cash book", ledger, which documented financial transactions both prior to and after the Civil War. The article states that despite of devastating economic conditions, merchandisers were able to continue as central figures in daily lives in the Natchez area. Natchez had a very exciting history. It is named after the Naktche Indian tribe. Natchez was under English control until admitted as part of the Mississippi territory in 1798. Located on the eastern shore of the Mississippi river, it became a key–trading center along the Mississippi river. Adams County, where Natchez is located, had the highest number of slaves in Mississippi. The slave trading market remained very significant to the ... Show more content on ... Sales and payments to individuals are described in sufficient detail that provide insight into a wide variety of food and consumer item purchases as well as account settlements via barter or cash payments. The use of bartering is further reinforced as a means of conducting business during the period. The variety of goods available to individuals via the store is noteworthy given the time period. The variety of goods available in the store indicates the availability of a trade/commerce system that accomplished some level of functionality in early to mid–1865. The difficult economic times and social turmoil of 1865 were partially alleviated by the store. The store provided a critical lifeline to newly freed slaves. This life–line encompassed the ability to earn a wage, receive meal rations, purchase goods and in general receive ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Phoenix's Hardships and Racism in A Worn Path Essay "A Worn Path" tells of an elderly and frail black woman and of the hardships that she must overcome. Upon reading the story, you realize that there is more to the story than meets the eye. She faces many roadblocks along her way. Phoenix faces many dangerous obstacles along her way, for a person of her age. She faces racism from some of characters she meets along the way. Phoenix faces inferior treatment, as though she is nothing more than some insect to squash. This story is about not only her 'journey' to Natchez, but also about her journey through society and the struggle to overcome the dangers, being treated inferior, and the racism. It's December when Phoenix starts on her journey to Natchez and it is a journey she has taken ... Show more content on ... She runs the risk of having that barbwire slash though her dress and cut her back to pieces. , if she was to get caught going under that fence, the consequences she faced could have been death. The obstacles on the path to Natchez were dangerous and Phoenix could have suffered serious injury. Any kind of injury suffered out in the open and alone like she was in the middle of the winter could have resulted in death. However, it is in the end that the reader sees just how precious her journey is and for the lover of her grandson moves Phoenix to town. It is the same type of unfair obstacles that Phoenix must have dealt with her entire life. Yet she made it through them all un–harmed and her spirit still intact. Phoenix lived in a society where racism was still running strong. Yet she faced and dealt with that every day of her life. As an African–American slave, she would have toil in the fields, wondering if she would still be alive by the time the sun was setting. Phoenix is visible shaken with a run a scarecrow she believed to be a ghost. She says to image, "'Ghost,' she said sharply, 'who be you the ghost of? For I have heard of nary death close by" (Welty 24).Slave mothers would often show that same fear as they watched the shadows return from the field; wondering if their loved ones were still alive or was going to come home unharmed. Phoenix faced those same fears as a mother and grandmother. If Phoenix was caught in the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Natchez Trace Research Paper We had a fast trip down to Mississippi to visit with Dad & Kay. With all the storms blowing through, we managed to evade them all thankfully. We did have sunny skies on Friday & Monday. And the little Miata just hummed along. We took the top down Friday after we left Hopkinsville KY. Getting off the Pennyrile Pkwy and onto I–24 for a bit, traffic became quite heavy heading into Nashville, so we got off the interstate and cut across the countryside to the far edge of Nashville. Once on the southwest side of Nashville and the beginning of the Natchez Trace Parkway we stopped at the infamous Loveless Cafe before driving the Natchez Trace. We thought we'd just sit down, have a meal and drive on.....uh no, 1 1/2 hr wait, the place was packed with people there to eat smoked BBQ sandwiches. In the next building over, they sold sandwiches to go, so that is what we did, sort of. We found some chairs outside in the shade, ate our meal. The Natchez Trace is a destination drive within itself, maintained by the National Park Service, it is a beautiful drive with lots of places to pull off, hike, see waterfalls, vistas, etc.....none of which we did :–) ... Show more content on ... Saturday we were at Dad & Kay's at 11am. We had a nice lunch and a good visit with them, great to see them again. Sunday, storms were moving through in the morning, so we waited to check out till noon, our time. We had a good lunch at a place called Harvey's and a stop by Elvis's birthplace in Tupelo. Later, at a rest stop in Paris TN, evening was coming on and cooler, so top down till we stopped at the Kentucky Dam Village State Park for supper in the lodge overlooking the lake. After that, we were really getting tired, decided not to drive on home, it was near 9pm then, so we stayed the night in Eddyville, KY. We are glad to be back home in the hills of beautiful southern Indiana! Southern Indiana is just as pretty as western KY & TN ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Summary Of Coming Of Age In Mississippi Coming of Age in Mississippi is a journal by African–American creator Anne Moody. Published in 1968, it spreads Moody's life from youth through her mid–twenties, itemizing life in the pre–Civil Rights Movement South, and additionally Moody's opportunity at Tougaloo College and her developing contribution in social liberties activism. The book investigates in detail the racism Moody looked as a child, and in addition the sexism she attempted to overcome among her fellow, for the most part, male, activists. Coming of Age in Mississippi investigates topics of race, sexual orientation, southern culture, activism, and the energy of one individual to make an extraordinary social change. It has been broadly lauded, thought about outstanding amongst other diaries of the Civil Rights Movement. It won honors from the National Library Association and the National Council of Christians and Jews is yet utilized broadly as allocated perusing on African–American studies. Coming of Age in Mississippi is isolated into four sections, beginning with "Childhood." Moody recounts her initial life on the ranch, where she lives with her mother, Toosweet, and her father, Diddly, the two tenant farmers. She has two more youthful kin, Adline and Jr. In any case, while her mom is pregnant with Jr., her dad takes part in an extramarital entanglement, and her folks split up soon a short time later. I'll humored moves with her mom and kin to live around the local area with her extraordinary close ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Eudora Welty A Worn Path There are several different interpretations of A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty. Some believe that it is a story about life and death or about strength. While others believe it is about the love that a grandmother has for her grandchild. Although I am not completely opposed to the opinions of others, it is clearly a story that demonstrates a theme of racial inequality and the struggles African Americans had to endure to obtain freedom. The path itself is a symbol that makes it apparent that this is a story about racism. There is also evidence in the appearance of the main character, Phoenix, a black woman who is wearing a red bandana, apron, and a striped dress. Lastly, the supporting characters in the story such as, the white hunter, ... Show more content on ... These kids are an indication of the slaves that had already escaped and were celebrating their new found freedom. As Phoenix continues on her journey through town, she reaches the medical building, where she is not pleasantly welcomed by one of the attendants. As Phoenix enters the building, the attendant speaks about her saying, "a charity case, I suppose" and impolitely calls her "granny" (269). Once again, Welty uses characters to show the disrespect blacks received from white people in that era. The short story, "A Worn Path," represents through symbolism the obstacles that African Americans had to face on their path to freedom and racial equality. Throughout the story there are many references to race and racism, with some symbols being obvious and others being more subtle. Eudora Welty was one of the few writers of her time who were not afraid to show the hidden side of racial inequality in ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Benefits Of Critical Race Theory Furthermore, the critical race theory approach draws attention to African–Americans seeking to break historical norms to create a new respect for their race. For example, Natchez, who claims himself to be James Fulton's nephew confines in Lila Mae about his desire to obtain his uncle's "black box," which will not only benefit his family but the African–American race as a whole. Natchez said, "They always take away from our people. I don't know if they know he was colored... When I hear them talk about his invention, they always saying it's the future. It's the future of the cities. But it's our future, not theirs. It's ours. And we need to take it back" (Whitehead, 140). This quote strengthens the argument of critical race theory because as previously ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Compare And Contrast The Natchez Tribes The Natchez and Iroquois Native American peoples have some interesting correlation and differences in their way of life. Their traditional descent groups, the membership of those descent groups, and leadership positions all played a role in their political systems. The Natchez people recognized a matriarchal descent group. They had a socio–political system which included the following in descending order, The Great Sun, Nobles, Honored Men, and Stinkards (commoners). The system was different in the traditional hierarchical sense, in that the royal family were obligated to marry in a lower social status, also that the only way to be a Great Sun was through the matrilineal line. Male offspring from a Noble man become a Honored man, therefore ... Show more content on ... They were both matriarchal societies, and to be part of a group, you either had to be born into it, or marry into it. In contrast, the Natchez peoples operated as a hierarchy, and the Iroquois peoples operated more as a democracy. The Natchez people's' political system was a sociopolitical system (matriarchal hierarchy). The descendant grouping factored into the political system in that they were nearly indistinguishable. The Sun rank was the highest socially, as well as politically, and held the most powerful political positions. The Nobles held secondary positions, and the Honored Men held some small political positions. The Commoners did not seem to have any political position. They all operated under their "King," the "Great Sun," thus mirroring a hierarchy. The Iroquois peoples elected officials to focus on goodwill, peace, and harmony. The Grand Council, of about 50 men, was selected by women and represented the leading matrilineages. This shows that their political system was closely related to their descent grouping in that all of the major groups had a say in their politics.. Their political system was very close to being a ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay example The first main event that I believe led to Anne Moody becoming an activist for Civil Rights was when she was younger, her cousin George Lee was babysitting and he burned down the house in a fit of rage and when Daddy gets home he blames it on Essie Mae (Anne Moody). This foreshadows all of life's injustices that will be thrown her way. The next time was when she made friends with white neighbors and they decided to go to the movies, Anne couldn't sit with her friends, she had to sit in the balcony with all of the other blacks. She did not understand why it was this way. Another event was when she was in high school, she changes her name to Anne Moody, and a white boy, whose name was Emmitt Till who was visiting from Chicago, whistled at a ... Show more content on ... She showed them that they could be equal. The only difference was the color of the skin. She taught them that that wasn't even a big difference. She fought segregation her entire life. The most drastic incident that happened to Anne was when she was working in Canton, Mississippi for a cause of voter registration. People involved in the movement are dying left and right, and this becomes very discouraging to her. She finds out that she is on the KKK black list and fears for her life. She finds out that her family is also afraid and they stop talking to her. She quits her job and moves back to Canton and goes back to her family. She sees how complacent her family is and this frustrates her. Her family treated her like a stranger, and when she graduated from Tougaloo, no one showed up for her graduation. In the end of the book, McKinley is murdered in front of nonviolent civil rights activists. Anne Moody wonders if things will ever work out. Growing up in the north, and being white, we were taught in school what the conditions were in the south and all over America for blacks. I never really thought much of it, like many kids my age, because it never affected me. I've been told by teachers, speakers, and whoever else my school would bring in to tell us about what it was like for blacks back in the 1940's and the 1950's. After I read the book, Coming of Age in Mississippi, I realized what it was really like ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. A Worn Path By Eudora Welty Abstract A Worn Path is a great short story because it expresses what Africa Americans went through back in the 1940's. The main character of the story is Phoenix Jackson; she went through many hardships but never gave up. Ms. Jackson is a very determined, strong–willed woman that has endured a lot of pain. She really loves her grandson and wants to do anything that would make him healthy. A Worn Path Eudora Welty is the author of the short story; she is from Jackson, Mississippi. Welty created characters that are often secluded and complicated. A Worn Path was first published in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1940.The short story A Worn Path is about an elderly black woman named Phoenix Jackson who walks from her home to the city of Natchez to get medicine for her sick grandson. Phoenix describes the scenery as alternately beautiful. The story has a lot of different literary elements such as genre, main characters, minor characters, setting, style and theme. More importantly, the themes of this short story is love, perseverance, racial prejudice, and redemption. To elaborate, love is a main theme in this story because it explains how much Phoenix loves her grandson. She would do anything for her grandson to make him feel better; for example she walk in the cold, slippery weather. Welty states that "It was December a bright frozen day in the ... Show more content on ... Jackson had to take demonstrates her will to preserve in an unsympathetic world. For example, "she must endure the cold, keep her footing on frozen ground, crawl under a barbed–wire fence, walk through the maze of a cornfield, and watch out for dangerous animals such as wild hogs" (Welty,222). As an example, she must deal with poverty and the pains of old age, care for a child with a sore throat. An example of old age is "Moving slowly and from side to side, she went into the big building, and into a tower steps, where she walked up around and around until her feet knew to stop" ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Dr. Natchez Morice Research Paper Dr Natchez Morice Dr. Natchez Morice is a leading Tubal reversal surgeon in the USA. He has been performing tubal reversal surgeries since 2000 and in 2003; he became the founder of Atchafalaya Gynecology and Obstetrics. First he earned his MBA degree from Tulane University and then at Louisiana State University, he earned his medical degree. He was very passionate to become an expert in women's health so at Louisiana State University he completed gynecology and obstetrics residency where he polished his microsurgical skills for the tubal reversal surgery. Tubal reversal is a very common surgery in the United States. Women very popularly are moving towards this surgery when they want to repair their fallopian tubes in order to conceive naturally. ... Show more content on ... It is a safe and reliable procedure that shows successful results. The stitches are also absorbable that are not required to be removed. The procedure takes the maximum of 1.5 hours and is allowed to go home in a few hours. Patients recover very quickly after the operation. Tubal ligation reversal surgery restores a woman's fallopian tubes, allowing her to conceive naturally. This is a Dr Morice's tubal reversal surgery can be performed in $5,250 which is quite low in charges. He is a renowned surgeon in the United States who has performed hundreds of tubal ligation reversal surgeries from 14 years. Now Dr Morice is very expert in reconnecting woman's blocked fallopian tubes so that the egg may pass to the uterus where it is fertilized. Dr Morice proudly claims that about 75 percent of his patients conceive after having this tubal reversal treatment. Usually the success of the treatment also depends on the age of the patient. Different methods are used for blocking or damaging the tubes in tubal ligation but Dr Morice's skills and experience can restore any kind of tubal ligation and the couples will be blessed with the ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Powwow Observation Report The event I chose to attend was the Natchez 29th Annual Powwow. I was unaware of how much history that was in the city of Natchez. This was a pretty fun experience for my husband and me. The Powwow takes place every year in March in the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians. I had never attended a Powwow before, but had always heard how interesting it is. The Native Americans use Powwows to meet together in dancing, singing, visiting with old friends and meeting new friends. Powwows honor and keep alive the Native American traditions and cultures. Through this experience, I was able to see how important spirituality is to the Native American cultures. Counselor Awareness of Own Cultural Values and Biases I did not have valid knowledge about ... Show more content on ... Representatives from all different tribes were present and they danced and sang together in harmony. The traditional dress wear of the each tribe was beautiful and they introduced the tribes that were present. I loved the sense of togetherness the participants had. Also, the experience broke a stereotype for me. I was under the impression that all Native Americans were tan and had black hair. I guess I related it to the movie Pocahontas and some western movies I've seen. This certainly was not the case. It goes to show you really can't judge someone with how they look or guess their culture with how they look. This changed my way of thinking. I do anticipate to learn more about the Native American culture and learn not to assume culture based on appearance. I generally do not mean to, but I belive that everyone has unconscious thoughts and assumptions when they see someone different than themselves. With the more knowledge I gain as a counselor and though my classes I want to tackle my unconscious thoughts and assumptions. Through this class I have definitely become more aware of what I have been told in relation to people different than ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Natchez Review: Fastest Steamboat In America Natchez Review A few days ago I went on the fastest steamboat in America! It is known as the Natchez. We left the school to head to the Natchez at ten in the morning. We arrived around Ten Forty–Five, but we did not start boarding until eleven. We immediately where sent to the dinning room for lunch. The menu was all New Orleans food, which was expected since it is a New Orleans boat. The food that was available was catfish, mashed potatoes, jambalaya, red beans and rice, and pasta salad, which is cold noodles and olives. In my opinion the food wasn't all that great but some of classmates really enjoyed the food. The drinks where water and ta but there was also alcohol for the adults. When we finished lunch ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Natchez Trace Library History There is also the Elise E Jurgens Memorial library located off of highways 51. This library has a variety of books and online material. This library was established in 1994 and in well kept but dated. Another landmark located in Ridgeland is the historical Natchez Trace Parkway, which is a 444– mile road from Natchez, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee. The history of the Natchez Trace is rooted in the Native Americans such as the Choctaws and Chickasaws, who traveled by foot along the path in search of bison. The "Trace", as many refer to it today, was constructed in 1938 and serves as a historical landmark in Ridgeland, Mississippi. The Natchez Trace Arts and Crafts center is the only museum in Ridgeland. This museum displays many crafts from the Native ... Show more content on ... On the right side of the interstate driving away from Jackson to Canton, the streets are fair but there are potholes and areas that need to be tended to. On the left side of the interstate all of the roads are new and there are hardly any potholes, but there is country land that has not been developed and has dirt roads. All parts of the city are equally served by electricity, water, phone, fiber optic, wastewater treatment, and waste disposal. There is also functional transportation such as buss and taxi that run in Ridgeland. The closes Amtrak station is 10 miles away from Ridgeland on 300 W Capitol Street. It is well used by men and women that do not have any other means of transportation or choose to use it. It is easily accessible to all parts of the community and it is easy to navigate and use. Traffic in Ridgeland is not bad compared to Jackson because it is a smaller community and it a majority private cars. There is almost never gridlock or bicycle traffic because Ridgeland have a variety of bike trails. According to City–Data, a majority of people spends between 10–20 minutes traveling to ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Jane Long's Jane Long-The Mother Of Texas The Mother of Texas Jane Long, also known as the mother of Texas, is one of the most important historical figures of all time. Growing up she had a difficult life, from her father dying before she reached the age of one to her mother dying just a few short years later. Jane was a tenacious woman, when she set her mind on doing something she would always follow through with it. Jane met her husband James, a physician, when he had traveled into Natchez to help as a surgeon at the battle of New Orleans. They soon fell in love and wanted to get married , but Barbara, Jane's sister said no because she felt they were too young. But, both Jane and James were steadfast on marrying each other. So, James came up with the plan that because Jane was ... Show more content on ... James got bored with his medical practice so to fill his time, they purchased a plantation near Vicksburg. But, this still wasn't enough for him so they decided to move back to Natchez where he entered the mercantile business. While they were in Natchez, James began socializing with the other men in town and they started to plan an expedition into Texas. What they intended to do was sencure independence from Spain and also open the state to American settlement. Out of all the men in town, James was chosen to lead the expedition into Texas. But, because Jane was expecting another child soon she decided to stay behind in Natchez and promised to meet them there as soon as possible. Not long after, their second child, Rebecca, was born in June, 1819. Only twelve days after she gave birth to Rebecca, she joined James which made her one of the very few women to be brave enough to travel into the Texas frontier. Sadly, Jane became ill on the way to Texas and had to stay with her sister in Louisiana till she was fully recovered. While she was there, her sister talked her into leaving her children with her, but little did she know, her second daughter Rebecca died a month later from an unknown cause. When Jane finally met up with her husband, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Natchez: A Short Story It is December 26, 2011. The trees are bare; the grass is lifeless. The brutal winds send shivers down my spine. My family and I pack our suitcases in the car, and we begin the long journey up to Natchez. Everywhere I look, I see dead trees and brown grass. I listen to the wind, whistling past the car. The three hour drive seems like an eternity. We are headed to Pine Log, my great–uncle's hunting camp. Three hours and many windy roads later, we finally arrive. It is a bitterly cold and foggy day. I step out the car, and look out at the wilderness. The 850 acre property seems to go on forever. I look to my left and see seventeen of my cousins racing towards us. They embrace us with the warmest hugs they could give. The warmth brings ... Show more content on ... The fountain is frozen and icicles hang from the rooftop. The grass is bright white, covered in ice crystals. The sidewalks are frozen and the cars look like monstrous marshmallows. The entire family gathers for breakfast in the Mess Hall, which is an enormous room with a table shaped like a horseshoe and over two dozen chairs. Mounted deer hang on the wall, too numerous to count. A chandelier made of antlers hangs down in the center of the room. People gather around the burning fireplace for warmth. I hear pots and pans clanking together; I can smell the bacon and biscuits cooking to perfection. The smell of the brewing coffee engulfs the room. After breakfast, the kids go to our cabins and find the warmest clothes we can. We walk out the Mess Hall and everything we see is frozen. These polar temperatures are just like the ones when our family went skiing. We drove eighteen hours up to Wintergreen, Virginia for a ski trip with our cousins from North Carolina. Since it was our first time skiing, it took some practice and falling on our faces before we got the hang of it. Every night after the slopes closed, my cousins, my two sisters, and I brought sleds onto the slope and slid down part of the mountain. I can feel the arctic temperatures blowing on my face. My ears and nose turn shades of red and blue. My vision is blinded by snowflakes falling in my face. I cannot see where I am going until I hit a fence face first. I suddenly feel ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Analysis Of Arth 202 : Survey Of The History Of Western... ARTH 202: Survey of the History of Western Art II Professor Schmunk Field trip to the Greenville County Museum of Art N.C. Wyeth's Anthony Adverse originally served as the endpaper for the Hervey Allen novel of the same name, originally published in 1933. The novel is described by the Encyclopedia Britannica as being "a long, rambling work set in Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the Napoleonic era." Throughout the story, Anthony has many adventures, including slave trading in Africa, working as a businessman and plantation owner in New Orleans, and being imprisoned and subsequently dying in Mexico. The endpaper by N.C. Wyeth depicts the slave trade portion of Anthony Adverse. The function of the piece was decorative, as it was the ... Show more content on ... A character of note is the friar standing beside the character presumed to be Anthony. There is much contrast in the facial expressions of the two characters. While Anthony looks at the slaves with disdain and unconcern, the friar seems to feel apathy for these people who are being driven out of their homes. The composition of the piece, unsurprisingly, places the most important figures closest to the viewer. Anthony is the clear focal point, as he is made larger than all other figures, leaving little doubt about his importance in the ensuing novel. The colors, as previously mentioned, are generally light and subdued. The poses of Anthony and the friar in the foreground are static, as they are watching the action unfold behind them. In contrast, the slave masters and slaves are seen in motion. Linear perspective is evident in the orthogonal lines made by the fence of the holding pin. This is the only instance of orthogonal in the piece, so it is unclear where the exact vanishing point is located. The gradual decreasing in size of the figures also adds to the linear perspective and depth of the painting. The piece similar to A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat in its composition, as two characters are seen in the foreground with many characters in the background. This is the extent of similarities between the two paintings, as the subject content of Anthony Adverse is much heavier than the ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Mississippi Tribe Essay Mississippi has been known to be the home of Native Americans. It dates all the way back to the civil war times. Many people feel that Mississippi has no type of history to this country, well it does. Mississippi was made the 20th state in the country in 1817. Before becoming a state it was nothing but land and hills that the three major tribes lived on. The three major tribes in late Mississippi were the Chickasaw, Choctaw, and the Natchez tribes. The Natchez tribe was made up of 4500 people. The mostly migrated in the southwestern part of Mississippi. They worshiped the sun as if it was a supreme god in which they believed in life after death. They also believed if an important member of the tribe died several people had to sacrifice their ... Show more content on ... The tribe was made up of 20,000 members across the state. They had mounds located in Winston County called Nanih Waiya. The mounds are said to be sacred and the headquarters of the tribe. The Choctaws were a peaceful tribe they would settle issues with a game of stick ball which is an old Native American game. The Chickasaw tribe was made up of 15,000 people before coming in contact with the Europeans. In the 1600's the tribe had 5,000 before the United States government forced them to leave their homelands. The Choctaw and the Chickasaw were said to be a part of the same tribe because of their related language. In the early 19th century the Chickasaw tribe had trouble finding meat so they resorted to become successful farmers. In the civil war the Chickasaw fought with the confederacy. When the war was over settlers began coming into their land. So by the late 1970's the tribe was no longer an Indian society. Other great facts about Mississippi's history include the state bird, flower, and other great things. The states bird is a mocking bird which was selected by the women's federated clubs of Mississippi. On feburary23, 1944 the sate declared the mocking bird to be the official state bird. The mocking bird is known for its territorial ways just like the state. The mocking bird likes to copy and mock the sounds of other ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Analysis Of The Article: The Language Of Natchez I will talk about Natchez in this article. Who is Natchez? The word Natchez is apparently derived from a French interpretation of the name of their settlement, called Natchez. The language of the Natchez is an isolate, meaning that it had no widely accepted ties with any other language. It is interesting to note that although the women spoke the same language as the men. I found the most interesting thing is about their lifestyle because they have different culture and custom. Therefore, I was struck by their live environment. I read these items from the textbook and lecture in class. According to the text, the author talks about their traditional life, origins account, subsistence activities, and religious system. First, the author says ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Coming Of Age : A Memoir Written By Anne Moody Coming of Age in Mississippi is a memoir written by Anne Moody. It is a detailed life story written from the author's own personal experiences. The story is broken out into four major life phases, which are, childhood, high school, college and the movement, where Moody details her experiences in each event. Moody does not specifically state when her story begins, but the reader is able to get the feel that it takes place after the Reconstruction Era. It is important to note that by Moody not giving specific dates, her story is timeless and details the ongoing struggles of African Americans in the United States. Childhood Anne's story begins as an introduction into her childhood. She lived on a farm where her parents worked, as did all the Negroes that lived on the property. Her family lived in a small wooden shack; it had one large room and a kitchen. Anne is four years old when she begins her story. Anne and her family grew up very poor, both of her parents had to work. Her father did not make enough money so their mother could stay home and the girls rarely saw their parents because they had to work so much. Anne's uncle George watched her and her sister Adline, he was only eight years old. Her uncle George did not like the fact he had to watch Anne, he wanted to fish, chase birds or go out to play, but was forbidden by the girls mother to take them out of the house. This angered George, whenever he wanted to play he would beat Anne, one day George is playing ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Natchez-Adams Curriculum Assessment This report summarizes my findings after evaluating the curriculum of Natchez–Adams School District. I was granted access to the curriculum by Dr. Delarious Stewart, Curriculum Director for the Natchez–Adams School District. This report is designed to reflect how the curriculum is aligned with state and district standards. A curriculum is vital to promoting the success of all students because it is the content that is being taught in the school district. For this reason, the person or persons designing and developing the curriculum must understand the many different facets of an effective curriculum. I will present my findings in the following paragraphs. The Natchez–Adams School District developed a curriculum management plan that expressed ... Show more content on ... The Curricula Assessment Tool (CAT) is designed to assess school curricula based on a set of standards–based elements to determine its effectiveness. The evaluation tool assesses curricula on a four–point scale (4. effective, 3. good, 2. fair, and 1. ineffective). I found that the Natchez–Adams curriculum establishes high expectations for teaching and learning. The curriculum is integrated, relevant, and student–centered. Moreover, it uses scientific–based research to drive instructions to ensure that the district is promoting student success. The curriculum team utilized student data to create standards that demand instruction. Moreover, the curriculum also institutes lesson objectives and student exercises that scaffold student knowledge to meet the lesson or unit standards. However, I did notice that the curriculum lacked pacing guides for some subjects. I think pacing guides are critical for the implantation of an effective curriculum. Pacing guides facilitate alignment of state standards and national standards. Pacing guides also help teachers and students make the most of their time. More importantly, pacing guides allow districts to increase student academic performance and lessen gaps in student learning. In summation, I believe the design and implementation of the curriculum is consistent with the state and district ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Eudora Welty 's A Worn Path The Relentless Journey The sun pounding down, the cramp creeping up from deep inside the calf muscle, the extreme fatigue sinking in; yet just ahead, he can make out the banner flying in the barely–there–breeze. He may have made a wrong turn at mile 8, started getting cramps at mile 17, and twisted his ankle when he fell at mile 23, but he keeps limping forward. Phoenix Jackson, the elderly woman in Eudora Welty's, "A Worn Path", is a lot like the injured runner. It is her astounding bravery and her innate cunning, along with her eternal love for her grandson, which gives her the ability to endure the hardships of her journey to get her grandson's medicine. Phoenix Jackson is able to overcome each obstacle and adversity she encounters along the path due to her unending perseverance. Phoenix Jackson is described as a frail, weathered, old woman, yet she exudes bravery while she follows the worn path to the city of Natchez. When she reaches a creek, she must use a fallen log to cross it. Phoenix says, "Now comes the trial."(92) She knows what she must do in order to reach her destination. Phoenix, though small and weak, pushes herself to climb up on the log and over the creek. Even though she closed her eyes tightly as she walked across the log, she strutted across it fiercely and with gumption. Later, she encounters a hunter who, after helping her get out of a ditch, points a gun towards her and asks her if the gun scares her. When she replies no, the hunter says, "you must ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Natchez Daily Courier Summary The United States was in the throes of the Civil War at the time of Scott's death. Slaves that once ran plantations have runaway or have joined the Union forces. The workforce of the South was diminishing and the taxation of the confederacy was wearing. Medora comes to depend on Eviline and Washington Bone/Brown (slaves of Medora) as well as Delaney and Easter Jackson and their families. The Civil War, though not fought in Jefferson County, Mississippi, experienced occasions when the soldiers of both the Union and the Confederate Armies did cross Poplar Hill Plantation and other properties of the late Samuel Scott. What is important about the article found in the "Natchez Daily Courier" is that it is focused on Poplar Hill and how ... Show more content on ... At Dr. Hardin's they took a Mr. Dun, and carried him with them seven or eight miles. At Mrs. Samuel Scott's, they took a Negro boy to pilot them, declaring that if he took them to Fayette they would kill him. Two miles above Fayette they cut the telegraph wire, and turning towards Port Gibson, proceeded about one mile, and then by a circuitous route reached the Union Church road, three miles east of Fayette. Proceeding in that direction, they halted at Mrs. W. Scott's about nine o'clock at night and fed. After a delay of an hour and a half, they took up their line of march in the direction of Union Church. Soon after leaving Mr. Scott's, (William Scott brother of Samuel) the Negro boy made his escape and returned home. On the road, they met a Mr. Baldridge, and after breaking his gun, they took him with them. They disturbed no property. They inquired of several Negroes, if they had seen any Yankee troops." At best a difficult story to retell of the terror that the boy and Mr. Baldridge experienced. Rodney is recognized by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History as a "ghost town". Currently, the town is occupied by seasonal hunters. Rodney was a port town in its hey–day located in Southwestern Mississippi, approximately 32 miles (51 km) northeast of Natchez and about 15 miles from ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Symbolism within in A Worn Path Symbolism is a literary device that uses objects or events that hides the even greater idea beyond what the text it gives you. For example, the bald eagle may seem like a fascinating bird, but to the eyes of an American the bald eagle represents freedom. Symbolism can be found throughout our everyday lives. Shoes have logos that are used to show what brand of shoes ones self is wearing, also money may seem like just paper, but it can also represent power. In the short story, A Worn Path, the main character Phoenix Jackson ventures through the forest to get to her main destination Natchez. Phoenix Jackson is an old, little woman that is blind and needs to be carrying a cane due to her almost complete blindness. Phoenix Jackson travels through the dangerous forest alone. On her venture she meets many obstacles such as a crossing a river by walking over a log that lay across it. During her advances she often drifts into a daydream and dreams about events happening, but it turns out to be her mind playing games on her. While on her way to Natchez she encounters a white hunter, the hunter shows no respect for her by calling her granny and even pointing a gun at old Phoenix herself. During Phoenix's time of living segregation was still prevalent because in the short story Phoenix makes her way in Natchez and the Anglo Americans call her names such as: Granny, Grandma, and Old Timer. After making it through the city, Phoenix enters a building that supplies aid to colored people and ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. A Comparison Of A Worn Path And A Rose For Emily The two stories, A Worn Path and A Rose for Emily are very similar in some ways but yet different in their own unique way. When you look at the characters, their theme and tone, you can clearly see the difference in these two stories. Miss Emily and Phoenix both have mental problems. In A Worn Path the story deals with Phoenix's life and the love she has. When Phoenix was walking and traveling through the Natchez Trace she was face with problems. Phoenix love for grandson shows her determination along the way of her journey. While reading the story it appeared that Phoenix does not have a Grandson, or at least he was not alive anymore. She told the Doctor that her Grandson had a sore throat for a long time. When the doctors asked how ... Show more content on ... They both had a different financial status and family upbringing but there mental state is the same. In A Worn Path, Phoenix was faced with several problems but she still managed to get the medicine for her grandchild no matter problems she faced along the way. In the story A Rose for Emily, she just did not want to be alone. Emily and Phoenix both accomplished their goals, Emily was not left alone and Phoenix got her medicine for her grandchild. The theme of both stories are different. Emily doesn't want to go anywhere, she just wants to sit at home and have people visit. Phoenix's story take place during her journey on the Natchez Trace and her story unfolds as she is out and about traveling to get medicine for her grandchild. Phoenix was very determine to get the medicine. She was also more talkative then Emily. In both stories, A Rose for Emily and A Worn Path, they were told in third person. When reading both stories it is hard to tell if they were mentally disturbance or not because you could not tell what they were thinking. You cannot tell what Phoenix was thinking when she was walking through the trail, when she tripped or when she got to town. Which made it difficult to tell if she was sane. You could immediately tell Emily was crazy when she killed her boyfriend and slept with the dead body. Emily showed emotions which displayed she was not mentally stable The two stories both deal with elderly women ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. What Is William Johnson Case Haley peters Brandi teasley 2nd period 27, February 2017 William Johnson William Johnson was a black man who was a barber in Natchez, Mississippi. William Johnson was a slave when he was young. His freedom at eleven years old followed that of his mother Amy and hi. Sister Adelia. After workings an apprentice to his brother–in–law James Miller, Johnson bought the barbershop in 1830 for three hundred dollars and explain trade to free black boys. It was shortly after he established a barber shop in downtown Natchez that he started to keep a diary. The diary was a mainstay in Johnson's life until he died in 1851. As a young prominent citizen in the black community of Natchez, Johnson's interest ... Show more content on ... Johnson loved he company of friends such as Robert McCary and other free blacks. His journal is filled with hunting and fishing trips as well as his love of going to the local horse track and betting on the races. In 1851 a boundary argument with his neighbor Baylor Winn found the two men in court. However, the judge ruled in Johnson's favor, Winn was not satisfied. Winn, besides a free black attacked Johnson returning from his farm and shot him.johnson lived long enough to name Winn as the man who attacked him. Through strange circumstances, Winn was never found guilty of killing Johnson. Winn And his defense argued that he was really white and not a free man of color because of his Indian ancestry in Virginia. Therefore, the " mulatto" boy who accompanied Johnson on that fatal day could not testify against Winn. Two hung could not rule if he was white or black, so Johnson's killer walked free. Although a black man, at the time of his death, Johnson had sixteen slaves. He wrote openly in his diary about his slaves and frail and tribulations of being a slave owner. William Johnson's diary enclose sixteen years of his life. Johnson's house on state street in downtown Natchez continued to be closely –held by the family until they sold it to the Ellicott Hill Preservation Society in ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Summary: Engagement G1: Engagement O1: Charles will be open to weekly meetings with the MHP. Intervention: MHP educated Charles about engagement and socialization. MHP provided Charles an opportunity to attend an educational program at the Grand Village of the Natchez Indians in Natchez, MS. MHP guided Charles in identifying rewards that would increase his engagement with his peers. MHP assisted Charles in realizing the value of socializing with others. MHP taught Charles social skills. MHP aided Charles with educational awareness for adequate engagement. MHP assisted in providing Charles with literature about the Natchez Indians. MHP asserted positive reinforcements for increased engagement. Response: Charles appeared to be in a positive mood at the onset ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Natchez Analysis "The strategic location of Natchez, on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River, ensured that it would be a pivotal center of trade, commerce, and the interchange of ethnic Native American, European, and African cultures in the region; it held this position for two centuries after its founding. In the middle of the nineteenth century, the city attracted wealthy Southern planters as residents, who built mansions to fit their ambitions". Their plantations were vast tracts of land in the surrounding lowlands along the riverfronts of Mississippi and Louisiana, where they grew large commodity crops of cotton and sugarcane using slave labor. "Natchez became the principal port from which these crops were exported, both upriver to Northern ... Show more content on ... Years of rumors and stories of Delaney were that he was the man who traveled with Scott to Natchez. Family members found that this duty of slave selection an embarrassment and for years would only whisper of this disgrace to other family members. His daughter–in–law who knew him told the story of Delaney's duties to his great grandchild explaining that this was a black mark on the family. Though her grandmother told the story of slave selection she admonished his great grandchild to not speak of this openly as it would be a negative measure of the character of the entire family. One might say that in "polite company" Delaney's job of slave selection would not be spoken of and that rule was followed. Many years later the story of this disgraceful experience of slave selection as told to me came with an equal admonishment to not reveal my source, but to tell the story without authorship. Poplar Hill Plantation, the largest of Scott's properties at the height of the Civil War, contained more than 1195 acres. The war tax receipts, filed at the time of probate recorded the acreage of Poplar Hill. The war tax imposed by the Confederacy applied to all property, that included land, cattle, homes, chattel (slaves), personal property (watches, clocks, pianos, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Natchez Trace History The Natchez Trace was the overland coffle that led slave caravans, from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, and Tennessee to the Forks of the Road market of Natchez. Delaney arrived in Mississippi through the second middle passage. We also believe he traveled with other slaves down the "Old Natchez Trace". According to the National Park Service the "Trace" as it is known greatly supported the slave trade of the second middle passage. "The Natchez Trace was possibly the most recent legal slave route in North America. From the 1830s through the Civil War, many thousands of bondspeople were transported from the southeast (Maryland to Florida) to the 'new' lands of the old southwest (Mississippi and Alabama). The most efficient route for this was often the Natchez Trace where, at the end of their journey, they would be sold at the "Forks of the Road" slave market. " ... Show more content on ... We are certain that the stories of the dangers that lurked on the "Trace" during the days of slavery were relayed from generation to generation. Today, "The Natchez Trace Parkway is a 444–mile recreational road and scenic drive through three states. It roughly follows the "Old Natchez Trace" a historic travel corridor used by American Indians, "Kaintucks," European settlers, slave traders, soldiers, and future presidents. ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Eudora Welty's A Worn Path Eudora Welty's A Worn Path is a short story about a very old African–American woman who courageously goes the distance in unyielding circumstances. In the 1940s, in Mississippi, Phoenix Jackson walks all alone to Natchez for half a day in December to reach the medical clinic. At the clinic she receives medicine for her grandson, who swallowed lye several years ago. She makes this trip twice a year. Phoenix has made this journey so many time that her path to Natchez is like a worn path. "Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far.... Something always take a hold of me on this hill ..." The story follows the old woman as she struggles and fights her way down that path to get to the clinic. The setting and character is crucial to this story because the story wouldn't be the same without the difficult journey and the strong, devoted character. The setting of this story begins in the woods of Mississippi all the way to the town of Natchez. In her quest to obtain her grandson's medicine, she encounters a great deal of hardship, hindrances, and troubles. It makes her quest extremely hard to complete but still the old woman soldiers on for her grandson. ... Show more content on ... A mean dog even makes her fall in a ditch. Not only does she face nature's obstacles but she also faces her own physical ailments and limitations. While in the cornfield maze, her nearsightedness caused her to think she was seeing ghosts but it was only a scarecrow. She also struggled with her forgetfulness. But Phoenix wants to do what she can to ease her grandson's pain and suffering, so she willingly endures these travails of trudging along this worn ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Analysis Of A Worn Path By Eudora Welty "A real parent is someone who puts that child above their own selfish needs and wants" Parents are customarily seen as willing to do anything and everything for their children's safety and health. Their perpetual love for their offspring allows them to willingly put themselves in any situation, if it benefits their children. This powerful love also extends greatly to grandparents. Due to their elderly age, many grandparents are viewed as incapable of providing sufficient care for their grandchildren. Although age does act as a roadblock, grandparents love for their grandchildren overcomes this. In "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty, the protagonist Phoenix Jackson defies all odds and proves that love can cause any grandparent to provide for their ... Show more content on ... This allows her to voluntarily risk her life when she faces a rude and cocky hunter on her path. The hunter tries to abruptly force Phoenix to go back home telling her that Natchez is too far. He even shows her a gun and threatens her; "But you take my advice and stay home, and nothing will happen to you". When Phoenix denies, "I bound to go on my way, mister", she could have angered the hunter and caused him to shoot her. Phoenix's selflessness however, causes her to forget about her safety, and in turn only thinks about getting medicine for her son. Furthermore, when Phoenix is about to leave the clinic where she gets medicine, she shows selflessness by forgoing her pride for her son's enjoyment. When the attendant asks Phoenix, "Could I give you a few pennies out of my purse?", Phoenix stiffly says, "Five pennies is a nickel". She is essentially begging the attendant for a nickel but she does this all with a vivid face of her grandson in her mind. Phoenix afterwards says, "I going to the store and buy my child a little windmill". Phoenix is one of those greatly loving and caring parents who make all their decisions with their child in ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. How Did Anne Escape From Centerville By the age of fifteen Anne despised white people. She despised the whites for being so irrational, ignorant, and inhumane, and she hated the blacks more for not doing anything about it. The blacks were not doing anything to stop such aggressive behaviors and that angered Anne. Anne was evolving and becoming a strong person with a strong personality and opinions. She was also getting overwhelmed by following crimes from whites against the blacks; one of them being, Samuel O'Quinn, a black NAACP member and empowerment activist, who was shot by white men because he tried to secretly organize a meeting in Centreville. Anne needed an escape from Centerville, so every summer, during her last three years of high school; she would escape from Centreville ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Tough Dumas Research Paper Rhetaugh Dumas Rhetaugh Ethedra Graves Dumas was born in 1928, in Natchez, Mississippi. Dumas was an American nurse. She was also a professor and health administrator. Dumas was the first nurse to become director of the National Institute for Mental Health, which was known as the NIMH. She had such a good heart. She was among the earliest researchers to use randomized experimental design to study clinical problems in patient care. Dumas graduated from Dillard University nursing school in 1951. Right after she graduated, she became an instructor there. In the year of 1961, she earned her master's degree at Yale University. When she graduated from Yale, she became part of the school's faculty. She eventually became the chair of psychiatric ... Show more content on ... Not only did she serve as president of the American Academy of Nursing, she served as president of the National League of Nursing also. Dumas was a member of the Institute of Medicine. She was also a Charter fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and a fellow of the A.K Rice Institute. The A.K Rice Institute is an educational, non–profit organization. She was one of 36 nurses named the academy's first Charters fellows in 1973. The Academy of Nursing named her a Living Legend in 2002. Dumas even received honorary doctorates from the University of: San Diego, Yale, and Dillard. In 1998, she gave the keynote address at the conference of the American Association for the History of Nursing in Mississippi. Dumas died of cancer in a Houston hospice (a home providing care for the sick) on July 22, 2007. Dumas died at the age of 78. Her funeral was held at West funeral home in Natchez, Mississippi. The survivors included her daughter, Adrienne Josephine Dumas of Houston and her two brothers. Her brothers were Wade Graves of Houston and Norman Bell of Hartford, Connecticut. She will always be known for her academic units in achieving concurrent ethic and racial and gender diversity in the faculty at the University of ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Natchez Tableaux Case Study Attention: Membership at Large and Executive Committees: Natchez Garden Club Pilgrimage Garden Club It was a great privilege for Imaginary Company, Inc. to donate professional creative and design services for the audio visual components, script structure and printed program for the 2017 Historic Natchez Tableaux. The creation of the 2018 show made great strides in professionalism and crafting a product that with further development could be sustainable and ticket worthy. Many worked very hard with hope of insuring a new sustainable vision and execution for the Tableaux. The task was 85% complete, it was with the understanding that we would continue to refine it as the rewrite task was massive, and time had run out for effective staging ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Analysis Of `` Still I Rise, And Welty 's `` A Worn Path `` Literature offered an approach for African–Americans to demonstrate their humanity and an ability for creative invention and imaginary thought. Writing later developed into an instrument through which African–Americans could voice not only their rejection of institutionalized racism and slavery but also their desire for equality and freedom. African–American literature continues to be a method in countering the incompetence or misrepresentation of black people in history. Two prominent female writers during this era were Maya Angelou and Eudora Welty. Angelou was a civil rights activist and educator and expressed her emotions in her works. Her poem, "Still I Rise," was written to describe her willingness to overcome oppression. Welty expressed black triumph through her character in her short story, "A Worn Path." Although both works tells stories of racial and female empowerment, they express these ideas in distinctive methods. Angelou's "Still I Rise" and Welty's "A Worn Path" are both written during a time of racial and sexual oppression. Both authors were African–American females who grew up during extreme racial subjugation. Angelou speaks about overcoming oppression and prejudice in her poem, "Still I Rise". She carries a confident tone, assuring that she will overcome her troubles, asserting, "Just like moons and like suns, / With the certainty of tides, / Just like hopes springing high, / Still, I'll rise" (Angelou 10–13). In "A Worn Path," the narrator, also an ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Natchez: The Mississippi Community Analysis As of 2016, the population of Mississippi is estimated to be 2.99 million. Its population density ranks 32nd in the United States. The first permanent settlement in Mississippi was established in 1699 by the French near what is now Ocean Springs. Natchez is the oldest permanent settlement along the Mississippi River, which was settled in 1716. Natchez was once was home to 500 millionaires, exceeding every other city in the US with the exception of New York City. Mississippi is known for having farm raised catfish. Up until the 1930s, black Americans made up the majority of citizens in Mississippi, and although that picture has not changed, there is still a relatively large black community in the state. In 2010, Mississippi had the highest ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Natchez Steamboat Research Paper Natchez Steamboat Review The Natchez Steamboat is an old steam powered paddle boat. It was made in 1975. The engine was made in 1935. When you get on the dock you have to go through a Disney World styled line it was long but you got through it quickly. They have big sailors wheel that you can take a picture with and get back in a frame. As you're waiting to board the boat you can see the beautiful Mississippi River and different statues. When you get your ticket you have to get half ripped of and the other half you need to save the other part because that's how you will get your lunch. As you cruise along the Mississippi you can see all of the things that make New Orleans special. After about thirty minutes of riding we got called in for lunch. ... Get more on ...