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Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay
Crafting a persuasive essay on the subject of stem cell research can be a challenging endeavor
due to the intricacies and controversies surrounding this field. One must navigate through a
complex web of scientific, ethical, and societal considerations to construct a well-balanced and
convincing argument. The topic involves not only understanding the scientific aspects of stem
cell research but also delving into the ethical implications, political stances, and the divergent
perspectives within the scientific community.
The writer needs to assimilate and interpret information from various reputable sources, keeping
abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in stem cell research. Additionally, they
must grapple with ethical concerns, as this topic often sparks passionate debates regarding the
moral implications of manipulating human cells for scientific advancement.
Moreover, the essay should be structured in a way that effectively communicates the relevance
and significance of stem cell research. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, the
body must present a well-reasoned argument supported by evidence, and the conclusion should
leave a lasting impression. Achieving this balance can be challenging, as the writer needs to
present a compelling case while acknowledging and addressing counterarguments.
Furthermore, the essay's success depends on the ability to engage the reader emotionally and
intellectually, making them reconsider their preconceived notions about stem cell research.
Persuading individuals with diverse viewpoints adds an extra layer of complexity, as the writer
must appeal to a broad audience with varying levels of scientific understanding and ethical
In summary, composing a persuasive essay on stem cell research requires a careful synthesis of
scientific knowledge, ethical considerations, and persuasive writing skills. The ability to navigate
through the intricacies of the topic and present a coherent, compelling argument makes this task
demanding but intellectually rewarding.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, various
resources are available, including online platforms These services can
provide support and guidance, ensuring that your essay meets the desired standards and
effectively communicates your ideas.
Stem Cell Research Persuasive EssayStem Cell Research Persuasive Essay
Multivariate Analysis Of Variance And Multivariate
of variance (MANOVA) is a statistical analysis used when a researcher wants to
examine the effects of one or more independent variables on multiple dependent
variables. This method is an extension of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model
and is the most commonly used multivariate analysis in the social sciences.
MANOVA tests whether there are statistically significant, or not due to chance, mean
differences among levels of the independent variable(s) on a linear combination of
dependent variables. Multivariate analysis of variance tests belong to a larger family
of statistical techniques known as the General Linear Model, which include analyses
such as ANOVA, multiple types of regression, and repeated measures designs.
MANOVA is an inferential statistical analysis, meaning that the communication
researcher deduces a causal relationship between the independent variable(s) and the
dependent variables and can then take the results of their study conducted on a
smaller sample, or subset of the population, and generalize those results to a larger
population. A researcher uses MANOVA to answer questions about how the
combination of multiple dependent variables differs with respect to the chosen
independent variable(s). The researcher is hoping to see a stable pattern of cause and
effect between the independent and dependent variables (DV). To briefly review,
independent variables (IV) refer to those variables that
Tahlequah Short Stories
Characters:Billy,Kids,Officer,Grandpa,and the Sister
(It was an early when Billy was walking to the store to see his grandpa but the only
thing that was in his mind was that phone he really wanted to get but his parents did
not have the money)
Grandpa: Billy I have great news your phone is in the store we can go pick it up.
Billy: Where is the place?
Grandpa: It in Tahlequah its 32 miles away from here.
Billy: Ok Thanks. I need to take food and hope god it the color I ordered.
(it was 7 Am and he was leaving)
(Bill was Sing) I am going to Tahlequah to get my phone !!!
Sister: What are you doing Billy it so early?
(she said when yawning)
Billy: I Am going to Tahlequah on the bus to get the phone I ordered.
Billy: Go back to bed ... Show more content on ...
Did you steal it from someone ?
(kids start a fight)
Billy: No its my phone, I did not steal it let it go.
Kids: Get him!!! (officer see and start to running to the fight)
Officer: Let him go.
Officer: They re real nice kids I don t know what got in them.
Billy: I know what got in them jealousy!!!
Officer:I guess so.
Officer: So where are you going ?
Billy: I Am going to the the store to buy some stuff for my family.
Officer: Want me to take you?
Billy: Yes and thank you sir for your help I really appreciate it.
Monologue: (Billy faces the audience, alone)
I don t how why these kids would to attack me because I payed the phone with my
hard sweat. and they don t have to work to get anything but they are still going to
get the phone but have to break their backs. I feel like I am the one that has to be
jealous that they don t work and I have to get money to buy stuff. They really don t
appreciate what they and what they don t have to do. I wish had everything on palm
of hand like they do.Their parent should teach them how hard work pays off and
how it feels to work under the hot sun.
The Current Practice Of Health Insurance
The Current Practice of Health Insurance in Ethiopia The practice of health insurance
coverage in Ethiopia is limited. Private sector insurance in health is underdeveloped
and covers only a small proportion of the population through the Ethiopian Insurance
Corporation (EIC) and recently through a few private insurance companies.
Beneficiaries of health insuranceschemes are a few private organizations and public
enterprises. According to NHA III, private health insurance accounts for only 1.1 %
of the total health expenditure. (Health Insurance Strategy: FMOH Planning and
Program Director; May 2009) Civil servants are also entitled to receive limited
health care benefits (50% of the costs, in the case of inpatient care at public... Show
more content on ...
The health sector policy gives primary focus to prevention and primary care for the
neediest segments of the population, and to
Address the predominant public health problems in the country. The major program
Are: Health Service Delivery and Quality of Care; Health Facility Construction,
Extension, Equipping and Access; Human Resource Development; Pharmaceutical
Services; Information,
Education and Communication; HMIS and M E; and Health Care Financing. (Health
Strategy; May 2009)
It is clearly stated in the PASDEP that the focus of the program s health component
will be on improving maternal health, reducing child mortality, and combating HIV
/AIDS, malaria, TB and
Other diseases with the ultimate goal of improving the health status of the Ethiopian
people and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. To achieve these goals,
13,635 Health Posts, and
3,200 health centers were constructed and 30,000 HEWs and 5,000 health officers
were trained and deployed during the program period. (Health Insurance Strategy;
May 2009) Overall, the government is putting its maximum effort into improving the
health status of its citizens. The various interventions have resulted in remarkable
achievements, mainly from the supply side, by both improving physical access to
health care and
Bush And Clinton Comparison
While this was largely due to the similarity on their views regarding Russia and
China, the two also bonded over topics as disparate as NAFTA and the line item veto
to an assassination attempt on H.W. Bush. Despite Carter s fall out with his
predecessor, Clinton effectively employed Carter. Their relationship had an
unchallenging beginning due in large part to the similarity in their upbringings and
political affiliations. Despite temporary fallouts, the two collaborate on major foreign
policy conflicts in North Korea and Haiti. Both ventures were risky and unstable, yet
ultimately successful all due to Carter. During another risky time, the Monica
Lewinsky scandal, Clinton was largely aided by Ford. Ford instructed him on the
importance... Show more content on ...
Bush was revived when he found his place in politics. Unlike his more methodical
father, W. Bush was instinctive; moreover, he appealed to the very Evangelical
voters which his father had found elusive to obtain. This was largely because W.
Bush separated himself from his father during his presidential campaign. He took
more conservative stances on economic and social issues for example, focusing on
tougher educational standards (Duffy and Gibbs ?) than his seemingly bipartisan
father. Yet, as they were father and son, H.W. Bush never publicly critiqued W.
Bush s foreign policy decisions, despite many of W. Bush s decisions being
incongruous with H.W. Bush s foreign policy stances (for example, the War in Iraq).
Unlike former presidential relationships which often centered on political alliances,
H.W. Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush bonded over non partisan interests natural disaster
relief. They raised millions of dollars in aid for the Boxing Day Quake in Indonesia,
and their pleasant personal relationship (Duffy and Gibbs FIND) was well received
by the general American public, as it was a sharp contrast from the bitter divisiveness
and resentment that characterized most political relationships
Voting Rules For Minority Governments
Voting establishes choice; it allows opportunities and variety to be discovered
amongst individuals. In Canada, voters choose to elect one Member of Parliament in
their riding. The political party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons
becomes the government s ruling party. If this party wins more than half the seats, it
forms a majority government. If they win less than half the seats, it results in a hung
parliament, which can either, be a minority governmentor a coalition. Canada mostly
forms minority governments, which are made up of cabinet ministers from the party
alone and the rest is left up to chance that opposing members will support their plans.
I agree with the statement that minority governments are preferable to majority
governments because in order to remain in power and maintain confidence in the
House of Commons they have to negotiate with other parties. Since they do not have
a majority, they cannot use party discipline to confirm support in legislature.
(Minority Governments in Canada, 2007) Due to this, they must work with
opposition parties in order to garner support for their government legislation.
Minority governments are said to be unstable due to needing the support of other
parties to stay in power and are ineffective for bringing change to the country.
However in Canada, Since 1921, we have had 29 elections, and 13 have resulted in
minority governments. (Why a Minority Government is a Win for Canadians, 2015)
These governments have
The Importance Of Love In The Great Gatsby
Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring. This crazy little thing called love
has the power to control us and most everything around us. A novel that expresses
the cruelty of life in the roaring 20 s from intermerital affairs to accidental murder is
more than it seems. It shows more than what is on the surface, that we as a society
can learn even now. All from a man named Jay Gatsby, who makes these mistakes
that teaches its readers important life lessons. This is why The Great Gatsbyby F.
Scott Fitzgeraldshould be saved rather than any other book. The Great Gatsby shows
distinct themes with various life lessons, such as love is more important than
materialistic possessions, not everything is what it seems, and it shows that pride
derives from hardwork and dedication.
Contrast to what Daisy Buchanan believes, materialistic items do not mean
anything in the real world. Love can drive people to do crazy things, just take a
look at Jay Gatsby s house, it is all for Daisy. Many people learn from the society
around them, and in this case many people caught the selfish disease in the 1920 s.
Her voice is full of money... That was it. I d never understood before. It was full of
money that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the
cymbal s song of it... (Page 106). The book displays Daisy s feelings of love toward
materialistic items instead of real world people. Daisy intends to stay with the love
of her life in order to stay
Foreign Exchange Markets Trade Currencies
Foreign exchange markets trade currencies around the world. Traders in large banks in
North America, Europe, and Asia carry out the majority of the buying and selling of
foreign exchange. A foreign exchange rate is the price of a country s currency in
terms of another currency. Exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange
market. Foreign exchange rates are figured in either U.S. dollars per unit of foreign
currency or in units of foreign currency per
U.S. dollar; they have both domestic and foreign currency components, which can be
quoted either directly or indirectly (Hubbard O Brien, 2013). When using a country s
domestic currency as the quoted price currency, it is known as direct (price)
quotation; most countries use this quotation. An indirect (quantity) quotation is when
a country s domestic currency is quoted as the unit currency.
Exchange rates also have a base currency and a counter currency. In a direct quotation,
the foreign currency is the base and the domestic currency is the counter
(InvestorGuide, 2013).
An indirect quotation is just the opposite. The U.S. dollar is the base currency used
the most, and the other currencies are used as the counter currency except for the
euro, the British pound, the Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar. The base
currency is determined by market convention and by using the currency that gives an
exchange rate greater than 1.000. This helps prevent rounding issues and quoting
We Shall Remain Summary
1.Having had the opportunity to watch the entire series of We Shall Remain , it is
my educated opinion that United States history books need to be rewritten in order to
display the magnitude in which the founding fathers of the United States were
nothing more than liars, thieves, and murders to the Native Americans. The signing
of the Peace Treaty in March 1621 marked the first of more than 350 Peace Treaties
by the United Statesand Native Americans that would later be overturned by the
United States. It appears that once the Colonists began actually outnumbering the
Wampanoag, the Colonists conceit, gluttony, and bigotry had come to the top of their
agenda and it began to show their true intentions.
It is appalling that over the next two hundred years the United States was determined
to keep expanding its borders, without concern to the Native Americans. When I
think about how Tecumseh, the Shawnee, and many Native Americans were forced
to move from one area to another because the United States Government. The U.S.
fundamentally professed war on the Native Americans by forcing them out of the
areas they occupied for countless years in order to advance the U.S. s monetary gain
and affluence. The fact that these folks were dying off in large masses because of
illness and disease, while our Government leaders ... Show more content on ...
This Act gave the United States president the authorization to eradicate all Native
American tribes that were long standing inside the boundaries of the United States
onto Indian Territory west of the Mississippi river. During the winter of 1839, the
Cherokee Indians were forcibly displaced west by the United States military.
Chronicled as the wickedest winter on record, the involuntary journey caused the
demise of nearly 4000 Cherokees, later known as the Trail of Tears . During this time
Essay on Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
Michelle Lasseter
Mrs. Stover
Speech Class
March 27, 2012
How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse In the possible occurrence of a zombie
apocalypse, certain measures involving shelter, food, weapons, and fitness should be
taken to better the chances of survival in such a desperate situation. Throughout the
years, movies, television shows, and other miscellaneous hype have heightened a
large number of people s suspicion about the possibility of disease ridden humans
taking over the world. In reality, that atrocity is not exactly far fetched. With so many
vaccines and medicines being mass produced without the sufficient steps taken to test
the results, the chance of humans contracting unimaginable side effects is a rational
possibility. If ... Show more content on ...
If not, going out and gathering as much food as possible is extremely important.
Before the outbreak gets too large, getting food will be fairly easy. You just sneak
to the closest food supplier and stock up. Getting foods you would normally get for
other emergencies such as non perishable canned and boxed foods is ideal. Also,
make sure you have something, if not a can opener, to open your cans with. If you do
not have a heat source to heat up foods, concentrate on ready to eat, already prepared
foods. If and when you are forced to live like a gypsy, you will need to know how to
live off the land and eat what is presented to you. You will adopt the hunter and
gatherer technique to get the sufficient nutrition you need to survive (Khan).
The third key to staying alive during a zombie outbreak is your arsenal. Above all,
the only way to end the apocalypse and to keep yourself human is to rid the earth of
zombies, and the only way to do that is to kill them. Of course guns are extremely
important, but other household items that may not have been so obvious can act
as brutal weapons. Shovels, knives, hammers, and other large, sharp, or heavy
tools work perfect to bash in the brains of the undead (Hilton). Again, if you have
taken refuge in a large store, you will have easy access to the weapons you need. If
not, it is very important that you stock up on weapons along with food. Both will
play a huge role in your survival. Guns are
Ned Kelly Cruelty
Such is life These words is thought to be Ned Kelly s last before he was hanged for
his crimes. But who was Ned Kelly? What did Ned do that he deserved to be
hanged? Why was Ned important? To many Ned Kelly is seen as a hero, to others
he was seen as a villain but in either event he changed what would later be Australia.
Was Ned Kellygood or bad? Before we understand Ned s story we must understand
Austraila before Ned. Australia was first inhabited by the Aborigonals (the
indigenous people) and was left alone by the outside world until Europeans first
had set sail for the country at around 1606. Between 1606 and 1770 an estimated
54 European ships had came to Australia. Most of these European ships were from
the Dutch East India Company and for a small time became New Holland. It wasn
t until August of 1770 that somebody officially claimed Australia his name was
Lieutenant James Cook. Cook had claimed Australia in the name for King George
the Third and renamed Australia to New South Wales. Once claimed, two fleets
came to Australia the first had eleven ships with about 1,350 people on it. The
second fleet had provided food and supplies that were badly needed but many on
the second fleet were ill and many were near death. None of the people on the
second fleet were helpful to the colonies. One thing to note is that many of the people
getting sent to Australia were pervious convicts not only that, but in 1790 there was
one woman to four men.This made making a new colony
Beowulf Is The Oldest Recorded English Poem
Although Beowulf is the oldest recorded English poem, it is amazing how it can
still relate to life today. Beowulf is an Old English epic poem created by an
unknown Anglo Saxon author whose intention for this poem was that it be read
aloud and passed down orally. In the epic Beowulf, it is easy to see how different
the values of the Anglo Saxons are compared to the values of our modern society
when it comes to honor and value. In the epic poem, Beowulf, a major theme is the
differences and similarities of a warrior and noble kings character, as well as how the
author utilizes the qualities of the character Beowulf to embody both groups.
Besides the fact that one wears a gold crown, a king and a warrior are very
different when it comes to responsibility, and personal motives. In Beowulf a noble
king is to be generous and is expected to protect their kingdom, on the other hand a
warrior doesn t protect others out of necessity but they protect others to gain fame
and adoration. King Hrothgar is a marvelous example of a generous king since he
provides an extravagant mead hall for the Danes to gather and enjoy the company
of one another. King Hrothgar s decision to build the mead hall is solely based on
the goodness of his heart not the intention to get praise and adulation. Unlike a
good king, a typical good warrior s actions are based off of greed and popularity,
according to author the typical mindset of an Anglo Saxon warrior is that good deeds
should be done for
Reflection On Team Work
This essay will reflect on my experience during an activity which required team
work and leadership. I will be using Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Reid, 1994) to support
my structure and to help me reflect further into my experience. This activity was
carried out in Todd s Leap (an outdoor activity centre); my team and I were required
to pass a golf ballthrough pipes across 40m to a bucket at the end with a time limit
of 10 minutes. Within my team there were 12 people and each person had a 1m
pipe. The team and I had to piece the pipes together so that the ball could fall
through without falling to the floor; if the ball fell we then had to begin again. This
activity was made competitive as we were competing against another team who were
carrying out the same activity.
As a team leader it was my role to ensure everyone was in the correct place and were
communicating effectively. This was a difficult activity and resulted in our team
dropping the ball numerous amount of times. The opposing team had went into the
lead as they had got the hang of where they had to place their pipes and therefore had
potted 9 balls in while we only potted 2. I noticed a few minutes before the time ran
out that my team where not holding their pipes at the correct height resulting in the
ball falling to the floor which meant we had to start over again. I re evaluated the
situation and quickly improved our positioning; this then resulted in 5 more balls
being potted. Unfortunately by the time we began to catch up, it was too late and the
bell rang to indicate time up. The consequence of this was that our team came second
with 7 balls while the other team won the competition with a total of 9 balls.
At the beginning we were put into groups where I was elected as team leader. I
was quite nervous due to the fact I did not know anyone within my group.
However, I quickly started to focus on the activity at hand and was excited to begin;
considering I am an extremely competitive person. During the experience I felt
determined to establish a perfect technique to result in the highest amount of balls
being potted in the bucket. Once the opposing team were in the lead I begin to feel
nervous as I was afraid of losing. I was also frustrated that
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey
The Contradiction Between Tyranny and Sanity
In the final scene of One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, Chief Bromden is the main
character. The characters that preform in this scene are Chief Bromden, McMurphy,
and Nurse Ratched. Even though McMurphy would be considered the main character
of the novel, Bromden is the main character of this scene because he shows the
strongest desire. In this one scene, Bromden has many desires that to him could be
both life or death threatening.
Nurse Ratched makes one last attempt to gain back the control when she uses the
same principle she used earlier to ensure that the patients acceptance to her well
being. She starts off with a lot of distrust with the mental patients by making the
financial gain public which McMurphy has enjoyed since his transfer from the
farms where someone is constantly defending McMurphy, this leads to pointing out
that McMurphy has more than repaid the patients with there financial losses and
providing them with the means to dodge nurse Ratched s terrible influence.
McMurphy knows that nurse ratchet is cruel and states, In one week, I can put a
bug so far up her ass, she don t know whether to shit or wind her wristwatch. This
shows that McMurphy is ready for a fight and he is not afraid to tell nurse Ratched
what he thinks about her. This final scene shows us the contradiction between
Tyranny and Sanity. However, it is McMurphy s timing of the set up bet on the
control panel that is proved
Mattie And Zeena In Edith Wharton s Ethan Frome
In the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, the main character Ethan is heavily
influenced by the two women in his life, Mattie and Zeena. Both Mattie and Zeena
contribute to Ethan s choices and life. These two women are both very similar and
different as they share a common outcome but different traits. These two women
are physically different as stated throughout the novel. In the novel Zeena s
physical looks would be quoted in chapter 3, the pale light reflected from the banks
of snow made her face look more than usually drawn and bloodless, sharpened the
three parallel creases between ear and cheek, and drew querulous lines from her
thin nose to the corners of her mouth. Though she was but seven years her husband
s senior, and he was only twenty eight, she was already an old woman . This quote
shows that Zeena was of unpleasant looks and looked unattractive to Ethan. Mattie
on the other hand can be described as beautiful, in the novel it stated She stood just
as Zeena had stood, a lifted lamp in her hand, against the black background of the
kitchen. She held the light at the same level, and it drew out with the same
distinctness her slim young throat and the brown wrist no bigger than a child s.
Then, striking upward, it threw a lustrous fleck on her lips, edged her eyes with
velvet shade, and laid a milky whiteness above the black curve of her brows
(Chapter 3). This quote shows that Mattie, in Ethan s eyes and physically was
attractive. Mattie and Zeena are
Cultural Background
Nurses Cultural Background and Impact On Care
With the increasing multicultural population developing cultural competency has
been a dynamic challenging process for healthcare providers to find a common
ground between the individual and provider and is the goal for delivering holistic,
cultural sensitivity care throughout every health care setting (Engebretson, n.d.).
Throughout this paper I will discuss the four generations by defining and describing
them, explain which group I belong to and how I fit within that generation group. I
will further discuss another group which I do not belong and explain how each
generational group can learn from each other.
Four Generations
The Veterans, also known as the Silent generation, Traditionalist, Radio... Show more
content on ...
They believed that if a material did not bring any value to them or have any
meaning than that material was removed (Harber, 2011). The Baby Boomers have
and keep a lot of material possessions and are not willing to live without their
possessions (Harber, 2011). The Boomers can learn from the Generation Xto let go of
their material possessions and simplify their
ASPCA Advertisement Analysis
Many ASPCA advertisements use a combination of different appeals to recruit
people, specifically pet owners, to donate to their important cause, which is saving
and rescuing endangered, neglected, and abused animals. The many different
strategies that the ASPCA advertisements use are ethos, pathos, logos, warm colors,
a scene of a loving environment, images of animals in pain and hurting, and a
reward if their target audience does decide to help their cause. I think that this is an
effective advertisement due to all of the strategies that they do use. In this
commercial it starts of with a sad song performed by Sarah McLachlan, and a fact that
every hour an animal is beaten or abused . This is a very good attention getter using
the appeal... Show more content on ...
This is because people will imagine that happening to their own loving pet and it
pulls on their heartstrings to help. People do not want to see animals, which are
pets hurting like they are in this commercial. They fear for these animals and want
them to feel that love that they give to their own animal. They use three different
but major appeals in this as well, the first being logos. The advertisement tells us
that an animal is abused every hour. They used this so we could put it into
perspective just how often it happens. The next appeal they had used is ethos
because they used someone who is famous to help build the credibility of ASPCA.
If it is someone we know, we as humans are more likely to listen to what they have
to say. The last major appeal they used was pathos. Pathos was used in many forms
in this commercial from the song that was used, to the pictures that scrolled across
our screen, to the fact that no pet owner want to see a pet hurting and in pain as the
pictures showed. The words the Sarah said as well played into the appeal of pathos,
by saying these animals NEED your help . This appeal is the one that is suppose to
pull on ones emotions and it does just that in this
The Psychology Of Conversion Therapy
What Conversation Therapy Actually Does
While reading Hard Rock Return to Prison by Etheridge Knight one may start to
think of the effects of correcting or convert someone s behavior to a more favorable
one. This idea is present in today s society and to better understand this believe and
practice one will have to explore the psychology of conversion therapy. Conversion
Therapy or reparative therapy is a range of dangerous and discredited practices that
falsely claim to change a person s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression
(Human Rights Campaign). This defines what Hard Rock experiences in this poem
and to further understand and deepen ones understand modern psychology and
medicine offer a way of explain this. Through explore the effects and what happens
to someone during correction therapy one can be educated more on Hard Rock.
Conversion therapy which is primary used to convert homosexual or bisexual males
and females to become heterosexual has been proven not to work by many modern
day experts in the field of psychology and psychiatry. David Michael Conner, a writer
for the Huffington Post in the LGBQ department, explains conversion therapy as the
following It involves electrocuting and drugging LGBT people to make them suffer
while looking at homosexual pornography in order to convert them to heterosexuality
(Conner). Those who are homosexual are tortured in attempts to correct them of their
illness .
Hard Rock suffered from a problem, which
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. If you can t fly, then run, if you can t run, then walk, if you
can t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.
(King). Martin Luther King Jr. is a name many know. He was born on January 15,
1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in a very religious family, with his father
being a pastor, and all. He was galvanized by his father and became a Baptist
minister and social minister after he attended Boston University at the age of 15.
He, later, married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953, a woman who mothered his four
children, Yolanda King (1955), Martin Luther King III(1957), Dexter Scott King
(1961) , and Bernice King (1963). He was greatly motivated by many great people
such as Gandhi, Lincoln, and many other well known males. King played a
tremendous role in the civil rights movement. He was a great leader who inspired
many people, during and after his lifetime. A huge role model for many people to
this very day, and generations to come. He was an inspiration and role model
because he used nonviolence to fight for equal rights, he never stopped fighting for
what he believed in, and because he was a voice that convinced people that all men
are created equal. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to fight for equal rights, not
violence. Like his incredible accomplishment in the bus boycott, when they chose
King as the protest s leader and official spokesman. First of all, the bus boycott all
started when Rosa Parks was
Ancient Egypt Essay
Ancient Egypt is a fascinating ancient civilization. The Egyptian culture was heavily
polytheistic with a complex view of the afterlife, which was evident in their
architecture and communication. Even today as ancient Egypt melts together with
modern Egypt. The pull of their ancient cities is still seen in Cairo and Alexandia.
The highly developed belief of polytheism in the Egyptian culture was made up of
many gods. This belief is the base to the Egyptian culture and life. In the Egyptian
polytheistic culture the gods took on form and characteristics of objects found in
nature. The Egyptian god Ra is considered the father of gods and was the most
important and worshiped god. When the Egyptians think of the figure that Ra looks
like ... Show more content on ...
During the fourth dynasty pharaohs were known as the sons of Ra . Ra was a
primary god in the fifth dynasty, which is when he became associated with the king
and then the pharaoh. Ra became more and more popular during the new kingdom,
which resulted in a sort of monotheism.
The Eye of Ra is an Egyptian symbol for protection and the divine royal power. This
symbol even appears on the United Sates dollar bill. The eye within the pyramid
represents Ra awaiting rebirth. Even though the Eye of Ra is within the pyramid
his soul remains alive and watchful as the open eye indicates. Osiris is the Egyptian
god of the underworld. Osiris is one of five children born to Geb and Nut; the god of
earth and the goddess of the skies. He was also the great grandson of Ra. All of
Osiris s siblings played an important role in his story: Seth, his brother and his two
sisters Isis and Nepthys. Osiris inherited the throne of Egypt because he was the first
born son if Geb and Nut.
Though Osiris and Isis were brother and sister they were married and were not
destined to be happy. Osiris s other sister, Nephthys, at one point takes on the
appearance of Isis and presented herself as Isis. Osiris, not knowing the difference,
was seduced by Nephthy; she had Anubis. Seth developed a jealousy toward Osiris
either because Osiris had inherited the throne or because he had gotten Nephthy, Seth
s wife, pregnant. Seth sought to kill Osiris by luring Osiris into a coffin and
Why Did The Black Death Occur
The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea in October 1347. It was carried by 12
trading ships docked at the Sicilian port of Messina after they traveled through the
Black Sea. When the ships docked, the people waiting at the docks were met with
horror when they saw that most of the sailors were either dead or gravely ill. They
were all covered with insane black boils that oozed blood and pus. This is what gave
the illness the name The Black Death. The Sicilian Authorities ordered that the Death
Ships were removed from the harbor, but it was too late. Little did they know, the
Black Death would kill more than 20 million people in Europe. PlagueBoils began to
appear in the groin and armpit areas. They oozed with pus and blood. These people
Essay on The Progressive Reformers
Reform was the goal of the Progressive movement, and with that in mind the
reformers had great success. Progressive reformers were made up primarily of
middle class men and women whose two main goals were to limit the trusts and to
improve conditions of life and labor. These people were part of both political
parties at the time, as well as in all regions of the country, and in all levels of the
government. They wanted to remove bribed members of the legislature so that just
laws and regulations were made that would benefit the people rather than the power
hungry corporations. This major movement altered all aspects of life creating a better
living and working environment for people. The Progressive Erareformers and federal
... Show more content on ...
So finally in 1913, Congress passed the 17th amendment that called for the direct
election of United States senators. Also Congress would later pass the 19th
amendment which allowed women s suffrage, or the ability to vote. Also states
and people began to use the secret Australian ballot to keep the privacy of the
voters. Before, big bosses and companies used to be able to scare or buy people to
vote for whom they wanted, but now people could vote without the fear of being
connected to their ballot. With people now voting anonymously, these businesses
no longer as successful as before for they could no longer tell for whom the bribed
were actually voting for. In the bar graph, it shows the gradual decrease in the
number of voters who voted for the presidency (Document J). this showed how
people were no longer being bribed or forced to vote for whomever the businesses
wanted. This called for more fair and impartial elections for such important offices
in the government. In the Washington Post 1907 article, Roosevelt is shown
standing over a dead bear of bad trusts (Document A). This demonstrated Roosevelt
s attempted to rid the country of bad trusts for the good of the people. Also these
reformers made great strides in the social component of the country. The people of
the Progressive Era morphed society into a more sanitary and enhanced place. Social
matters of the country had just begun to play a major
The Strategies For A Company
The Strategies for A Company s I.T. Success
The world has entered the information age, the reliance of the development of
economy and the progress of the society on information resources, information
technology and the information industry is more and more big. The more mature and
widely used information technology is profoundly changing people s traditional
ideas, ways of thinking, working style, life style and even industrial structure and
social structure of the society as a whole. Information technology has become a global
common choice for the development of economy, the degree of informatization has
become a measure of a country s national strength and an important symbol of
modernization level(Khurshudov, Andrei, 2001). The... Show more content on ...
In this process, the CIO must make right I. T. Choices. A study found that most CIOs
say their organizations do not have the clear, consistent, actionable goals needed to
produce alignment: Either they are too vague (e.g. Excellence in Service Support ) or
too ephemeral (e.g. Become the #2 firm in our industry ) or don t exist at all. As a
result, efficient information network, scientific management system is the strongest
technical force for a company. There is typically a Pressure Point for I.T. caused by
the demands to focus more on the immediate/local (tactical) than the long term/global
(Strategic). This pressure point is typically (but not always) between I.T. and the
business units. This is a Natural Tension and it must be managed! While yielding to
local needs of a business unit (alignment) may provide short term solutions... it may
(in the long term) come at a very high cost and greater I.T. Complexity. Information
technology in the field of management is to provide more and better way for
enterprise management, is advantageous to the enterprise leaders best effect in the
management. however, whether using ERP in finance, production, or using of OA in
office management, CIO must be familiar with the use of these software methods
first. Therefore, to strengthen the the enterprise internal planning of CIO is
Wgu Est 1 Ethics in Business Essay
Ethical Issues in Business
Lisa B. Luckenbach
Western Governors University
ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS2 Company Q is a small local grocery store chain
that has a poor attitude toward social responsibility. After reviewing the given, I feel
the chain is more committed to profit than social responsibility. Most companies are
in a business to make a profit, however, the difference in what is considered
reasonable and what is considered ridiculous comes into play. Most people start
companies because it something they are interested in and to make a living. In today
s society the line between outright social responsibility ... Show more content on ...
If I were a company I would never want to advertise that those are the types of
employees I have, it would be a management issue and not a community problem.
Company Q missed a few opportunities to improve their attitude toward social
responsibility. The first is closing the stores. The areas where the stores closed were
in high crime rate areas, before
ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS3 closing the stores they could have done
community outreach or service projects to help lower the rate of crime. They
could have led the establishment of a neighborhood crime watch. They could have
set up a mentorship program for teens at risk. There are a multitude of programs
they could have implemented, some could probably have been used as a tax write
off. If all of these efforts failed then I understand closing the stores. If they had to
close the stores they should have made every effort to be sure that the displaced
employees were able to find a job in another store or assisted them in being placed in
another job. They also need to make every attempt to keep the building they were
using occupied or cleaned up until it is occupied. How do these actions contribute to
being socially responsible? It shows they care about their community, that even
though they may have to shut down a store, they still
Environmental Issue Raised By The Mining Industry
The mining industry has seen an explosive growth from the past few decades. It has
played an important role in economic growth, infrastructure development and a raise
in the living standard of the whole world. According to the Australian National
Accounting System, the mining sector has made contributions of 9.8% GDP growth
to the Australian economy between 2008 to 2009 (Australia Bureau of Statistics,
2012). However, the miningindustry has caused many environmental issues such as
adverse effect to air, land and water quality and continues to affect global environment
as a whole. According to the World Health Organization, it evaluated that 25% of
worldwide death are directly associated with environmental pollution(Blacksmith
Institute, n.d). This essay will outline the environmental issue raised by the mining
industry with pinpoint focus on the effects to air, water and land. It will also provide
strategies for mining companies to improve the environmental conditions.
Surface mining process include the excavation of overburden including the profitable
topsoil and regular vegetation has spread to meet the mineral ores (singh, et al. 2010).
These activities are connected with destructive impact to neighborhood. Proper
planning needs to be done in mining since it is a short term environmental activity
with long term hazards. There are several measures which can be implemented to
prevent the harmful effects of mining. Mining exercise are completed in different
stages, each
The Importance Of Lowering The Drinking Age
Fun Fact!: You only have to be 18 to die for your country in the military, but you
can t buy a beer. In the United States, the legal drinking age, as many of you know,
is 21 years old. Now it wasn t always like this as the original drinking age was 18.
However, it was moved up to 21 when an organization known as MADD (Mothers
Against Drunk Driving) became well known amongst societies in the USA. This
organization was created after a 13 year old girl died due to a 46 year old drunk
driver. With help from the US Congress, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act
passed, and it stated that you had to be at least 21 in order to legally drink and
purchase alcohol. The goal of this was to lower the rates of DUI s by allowing
more mature individuals to be able to handle alcohol. What s ironic is that MADD
used underage drinking and driving to justify passing that law, when the original
drunk driver was 46 years old; someone clearly not underage (Doman). There are
many reasons as to why the drinking age should be lowered to 18, including
teaching responsible drinking and lowering the frenzy around alcohol, and the
level of significance of other rights granted at eighteen compared to the drinking
law. By lowering the drinking age to 18, it allows for parents to oversee and teach
their child about how to drink responsibly before going away to college. Under their
watchful eye, they can make sure that their kid is fully educated on the do s and don
ts of alcohol consumption. In
Reaction Paper On The Armenian Genocide
Genocide is the intentional murder of a massive group of people, especially those
of a certain nation or pagan group. The word genocide comes from the Greek word
genos, which means race , or tribe , and Latin word cide, which means killing . The
Armenians were forced to suffer in 1915, April when the Turks decided to organize
genocide, which was the first of the 20th century. In 1915, chiefs of the Turkish
government organized a plan to remove and butcher Armenians living in the Ottoman that time there were about 2 million Armenians. In the early 1920s, when
the butchers and relegations were ultimately ended, some 1.5 million of Armenians
were murdered. I want to talk about a film which is about Armenian Genocideand a
love story... Show more content on ...
After 1918 when the Ottomans surrendered, the chiefs of the Young Turks fled
Germany. They were promised not to be prosecuted for the massacre. (But a group of
Armenian nationalists organized a plan named Operation Nemesis, to follow and kill
the organizers of the Armenian Genocide). Since then, the Turkish government has
never recognized that a genocide took place. Armenians all over the world have
demanded that the international community should officially recognize the Armenian
Genocide without any doubts. In 1965, Uruguay was the first that recognized the
Armenian Genocide. More resolutions were accepted by the European Parliament.
Armenians should never surrender, and must always remember and
Critical Appreciation Of The Old Man And The Sea
The Old Man and the Sea is a striking yet frustrating novel about an elderly Cuban
fisherman and his struggles with unluckiness. His supposed misfortune is depicted
through the loss of a relationship, the loss of his sanity, and the loss of the largest
fish he had ever caught. Written by Ernest Hemingway in 1952 then awarded the
Pulitzer prize in 1953, The Old Man and the Sea became a fascinating work of
literary art that portrays a pessimistic story of defeat.
Within the first few sentences of chapter one, the Cuban fisherman, named Santiago
is clearly struggling with his profession, and had gone eighty four days without
catching a single fish. Also observed in chapter one, was the presence of a young boy
that had befriended the aged fisherman. Sadly, the boy had been commanded by his
father to leave Santiago and board a lucky boat, due to forty days of misfortune with
the old man. Santiago loved the boy, and did not want to him abandon their fishing
trips together, but he respected the boy s father. The young lad was not in favor of
the separation either, but obeyed his father s wishes by casting his lines out with
another boat. When time allowed, the boy still checked in with his friend to keep him
company. Throughout the book, the old man is almost constantly thinking about the
boy, or how situations would be better if the boy were present. The loss of the boy
represents Santiago s first misfortune, the loss of a relationship.
On the eighty fifth day of
Television And Internet News Programs
News or Nonsense Television and internet news programs have began to stray
away from a strictly informative report of current happenings to vague, non
factually based entertainment stories. This is a direct result of society s desire to
worry about everyone s feelings. In the past, viewers passionately desired accurate
information and statistics on the nation s current events. As of now, a different
generation of viewers and new s providers bestow the supply and demand of news
stories based on emotions, rather than fact. With extremist groups becoming
increasingly popular the demand for highly biased news is snowballing. New s
corporations like FOX capitalize on this by providing news that is consistently
biased to one point of view. Having a one sided production such as FOX creates a
type of animosity between them and their competition. This seems rather childish,
making these top tier new companies look like a joke. In result, a viewer will
struggle to find a new s broadcast that provides more than a couple of relevant
stories based on factual information. Instead, the bulk of content is displayed in a
look at me, feel bad for me, or look at them format. From this, the broadcasters
work at the heart strings of their viewers. They get the viewer to invest emotion into
a story, creating a reaction and desire to hear, see, and feel more. Given the response,
broadcasters see interest in emotionally based stories skyrocket and interest in
factually based stories
How Is It Used To Revolutionize The Telegraph
Technology has advanced throughout the years. Almost every invention has changed
in shape, size and the way it is used. Some even have a different function from they
were first made. One of the most successful creations, is the telephone. Almost
everyone has one it is used daily by many people. The beginning of telephones came
around when a man by the name of Samuel Morse, thought of a way to send
messages to people more quickly over long distances. The invention was created by
many other inventors that helped revolutionize the telegraph.
The first telegraph was created in 1835. The telegraph was powered by a battery,
which sent a current through a wire. To keep the signal, the electric created a
magnetic field which kept the electricity running through the copper wire. The idea
was to send dots onto a paper by using certain amounts of taps. These dots
represented a letter. The way they read this, was from an alphabet created by
Samuel Morse, which was called visible speech. In the 1800 s, the telegraph was
the fastest way of communicating over a long distance. The only problem was if
you wanted to send a message to someone, you would have to take to the post office
and have an operator send that message for you. The operator would use morse code
to ... Show more content on ...
Alexander Graham Bell had an had an idea of improving the telegraph by using
tuning forks, this would make it possible to send and receive messages without the
electromagnetic fields interfering with each other. In 1873 he had another idea
though, instead of tuning forks, Bell thought of using small stripss of metal near a
coiled wire. This would make a continuous current, but he didn t try it since the
current would be so small. Alexander was a creative man and had yet another idea
in 1874. The idea was to use just strips of metal. He thought he was not skilled
enough and also didn t think it would transmit messages that far, so he forgot all
about that
Padraig Harrington Research Paper
Padraig Harrington was born on August 31, 1971, in Dublin, Ireland. Padraig was
raised in a pretty wealthy family with his parents and his four siblings, his brothers
Tadhg, Feargal, Fintan, and Columb. Padraig s father was involved in building a golf
course in South Country Dublin called Stackstown. Padraig loved to practice on the
golfcourse with his two brothers, his uncle, and his father all playing off 5
handicaps, and the Stackstown soon became a second home to Padraig. Padraig
went to school in Ballyroan Boy s National School and then to Colaiste Eanna
Secondary School. He played his first amateur tournament in 1987, the Connaught
Boy s Championship. He got to the finals, but was beaten on the 22nd after losing a
golf ball.
Harrington s career started at age 15 when he played his first golf tournament, but
he had started playing golf at age 5. Padraig chose this career because he fell in
love with the sport, he liked calculating and rerunning his thoughts on how he was
going to hit his golf ball to land closer to the putt hole. He also had to pay attention
to where and how fast the direction of the wind was headed to make his swing more
accurate. Padraig s love for golf has helped not only himself, but scientists calculate
how his Happy Gilmore technique travels far in a perfectly legal swing. ... Show more
content on ...
Using three time major winning, Padraig Harrington and launch monitor Trackman,
scientists have calculated that a properly struck drive using the famous Happy
Gilmore technique will travel 10% further than a ball hit by a standard swing. This
means that Harrington can hit 330 yard bombs, at a significant increase in his already
impressive 300 yard driving distance. Padraig Harrington has won three championship
trophies, the Open Championship in 2007 and 2008 and the PGA Championship,
also in
Modern Us Drama Midterm Paper
Mary Hannah Dober
Modern US Drama Midterm Paper
March 30, 2015
Glengarry Glen Ross in 1984, 1992, 2005 and 2012.
The year is 1984. Ronald Reagan has just been re elected by a landslide, including
many votes from disaffected liberals. Yuppie culture fuels a high consumption
economy. Tom Brokaw is now sole anchor of NBC s Nightly News. Michael Jackson
dominates the Grammys. McDonald s debuts the McNugget. And Glengarry Glen
Ross opens on Broadway. Because Glengarry Glen Ross is so inherently American, it
s hard to believe that it actually didn t premiere in the United States, but at the
National Theatre in London, to wildly successful reviews, before moving to
Broadway the following year, where it ran for eleven months, and won the Pulitzer
Glengarry Glen Ross gave an unforgiving, yet comedic examination of American
identity in the 1980 s, when capitalism was an all powerful force under Reagan ,
and America was experiencing a new upsurge of consumerism. Still under the threat
of the Cold War, American patriotism was loyal to the capitalist model and glorified
American ideal of hard work, and individual success of man. The second wave of
feminism which flowed through the seventies was ebbing, as waves do, and the
newly invigorated desire to achieve success sharpened the gender binary of American
Glengarry Glen Ross explores the harsh binary systems male vs. female and win vs.
lose which are linked with the psychosexual binary of dominance vs.
Battle Of Waterloo Research Paper
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in
present day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A French
army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by two of the armies
of the Seventh Coalition: an Anglo allied army under the command of the Duke of
Wellington, and a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard Leberecht von
BlГјcher, Prince of Wahlstatt . Upon Napoleon s return to power in March 1815,
many states that had opposed him formed the Seventh Coalition and began to
mobilize armies. Wellington and BlГјcher s armies were cantoned close to the north
eastern border of France. Napoleon chose to attack them in the hope of destroying
them before they could join in a coordinated invasion of France with other
members of the coalition. Waterloo was the decisive engagement of the Waterloo
Campaign and Napoleon s last. According to Wellington, the battle was the nearest
run thing you ever saw in your life .[10] The defeat at Waterloo ended Napoleon s
rule as Emperor of the French, and marked the end of his Hundred Days return from
exile. Napoleon abdicated 4 days later, and on the 7 July... Show more content on ...
After the simultaneous Battle of Ligny the Prussians withdrew parallel to Wellington,
drawing a third part of Napoleon s forces away from Waterloo to the separate and
simultaneous Battle of Wavre. Upon learning that the Prussian army was able to
support him, Wellington decided to offer battle on the Mont Saint Jean escarpment,
across the Brussels road. Here he withstood repeated attacks by the French throughout
the afternoon, aided by the progressively arriving Prussians. In the evening Napoleon
committed his last reserves to a desperate final attack, which was narrowly beaten
back. With the Prussians breaking through on the French right flank Wellington s
Anglo allied army counter attacked in the centre, and the French army was
Technology in Life
In the past people have difficult life because of many things and technology is one
of them .As we know, technology is very important in our life for many reasons, it
makes life easy, save the time and improve the quality . Day to day we see new
technology and suitable for everyone , so no thing stay as it is.If we aske old man
or woman will know how they suffered because of having poor of technology. In the
futuremany types of technology will change and comes with new ideas. That is whey
every country takes care of the technology. Omanis also go ahead for this and it want
to be the best. In this project I will talk about the future of technology in Oman and
how it will be effective .
when we talk about technology ,that means we human are talking about something
that made the life of easy and us do a lot of things in a short time . so my point is
technology is too important in this geuiration.
As we know, Oman has good technology and it provides the citizens with technology.
But we want do this plan improve technology and develop it by studding it here in
Oman and making new inventions by support the students. If we do this plan, we will
have great strong technology in future. That what we really want, strong future by
technology. So we have to start the plan right now.
Last point, Technology has effected human to good way. Because technology has
advantages more than disadvantage. advantages for future technology in Oman to
provide noun Oman ,to make their work
Patrick Eugene Boss Case Study
Please accept my most personal regards and deepest sympathy on the recent death
of your son, Specialist Patrick Eugene Boss. Words cannot describe to you how
terribly sorry I am about this tremendous loss. Patrick s loss has had a great impact
on all of us who had the pleasure of serving with him. As you know, the alert for
mobilization of Patrick s battalion while being stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado
arose. The deployment came soon after in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Patrick served as the Human Resources Information System Management Specialist
for the 1st Battalion of the 22nd Infantry Regiment. On Wednesday, March 10, 2010,
Patrick was on his way to begin his rest and recuperation leave when enemy forces
Comparing John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale from
Comparing John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale John Proctor and Arthur
Dimmesdale are exceptionally similar characters despite the fact that each was
written about in very different eras. Both characters lived in the same time period,
however, The Scarlet Letter was written in the late 1800 s, and The Crucible was
written in the 1950 s. One cannot look at the qualities of Proctor and Dimmesdale
without discussing each author and the time period in which each story was written.
Despite minor differences, Proctor and Dimmesdale are very similar characters.
Proctor and Dimmesdale both live in late 17th century New England. This is a time
when religion is the only basis of government and moral standards. Everyone believes
so deeply... Show more content on ...
Proctor, who is very religious but does not attend Church regularly, will lose his
status in the eyes of the townsmen if his sin is revealed to them. Proctor does not
attend Church because he does not like the minister in his town. It has nothing to
do with his involvement in the religion. He would be banished from the
community, as would his family, and his name would be destroyed. Proctor and
Dimmesdale, despite having very similar personalities, were written about in
extremely different time periods. The Crucible was written in the 1950 s, at a time
when many people were McCarthyists. McCarthyism was a belief that the United
States should be purified of all people who were involved with Communism. Anyone
who was suspected of being communistic could have been arrested. Miller wrote The
Crucible at this time to show the American people the ignorance of their acts. The
Americans in the 1950 s were behaving almost exactly like the 17th century
townspeople in The Crucible. Miller made his point by demonstrating to the
Americans the absurdity of their actions using the ridiculous witch hunts. One
difference between Proctor and Dimmesdale is that while Proctor s actions were
purely lustful, Dimmesdale and Hester committed their sin because they were in
love. At the time that Proctor had committed adultery, his wife had been sick. He had
sex with Abigail Williams entirely out of lust. Hester had never loved her husband,
so Dimmesdale was the only love
Who Is Frank Mccourt
Social justice is something that everyone expects. It is having opportunities and
privileges within a society, such as health care, an education, and even welfare.
Equity is linked to social justice. It is having fair and equal rights no matter your
race or religion. With social justice comes equity, or at least that s what people
assume. For some it is given to, but for others they have to work for it and give it
their all in order to have those basic human rightspeople take advantage of on the
daily basis. Somebody who faced this obstacle was Frank McCourt, an American
citizen who left America at a young age due to poverty to live in Ireland. He then
was able to come back to America and make a flourishing life for himself. In the
interview... Show more content on ...
When I was 5 years old I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).
My joints would severely swell up with fluid causing me to be in great pain. I had
to go in to get my joints drained which was a very painful experience, so I ve been
told. It was quite some time ago, but I do remember bits and pieces. From that day,
I remember waiting in CHOC s waiting room until my name was called and the
next thing I know I m lying down on a bed feeling pretty good. My parents tell me
the needles were about 3 inches and the tubes were filled to the rim with fluid. My
life has been like a roller coaster. Not long after I was diagnosed with JRA, I found
out I had a rare condition called uveitis. In some cases uveitis is caused by an
autoimmune disease. If left untreated I could go blind, so we needed to find a
doctor who we trusted. After going through multiple doctors, I found an amazing
eye doctor in Los Angeles. My doctor at CHOC and UCLA talked back and forth
until we found a perfect balance where both my JRA and uveitis was stable. Being
around medicine has made such an impact in my life. Ever since I was diagnosed I
have always wanted to become a doctor. Being around children at CHOC has made
me more aware of the struggles children and families go through. The thought of
being able to help people live another day and possibly cure them from a disease or
sickness would be my dream come true. I just have little obstacles in my
Outer Conditions And Strengths That Can Impact The...
For any association, the earth comprises of the arrangement of outer conditions and
strengths that can possibly impact the association. On account of Subway, for
instance, nature contains its clients, its adversaries, for example, McDonald s and
Kentucky Fried Chicken, social patterns, for example, the move in the public eye
toward more advantageous eating, political substances, for example, the US
Congress, and numerous extra conditions and strengths.
It is helpful to break the idea of nature down into two segments. The general
environment (or macro environment) incorporates general patterns and occasions in
the public arena, for example, social patterns, innovative patterns, socioeconomics,
and financial conditions. The business (or aggressive environment) comprises of
various associations that on the whole contend with each other by giving comparable
products, administrations, or both.
Each move that an association makes, for example, raising its costs or propelling a
promoting effort, makes some level of changes in it s general surroundings. Most
associations are constrained to impacting their industry. Metro s turn to cut salt in its
sandwiches, for instance, may lead other fast food firms to return to the measure of
salt contained in their items. A couple of associations employ such power and impact
that they can shape a few components of the general environment. While most
associations essentially respond to major innovative patterns, for instance, the
Katherine Johnson Hidden Figure
Character Analysis of Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures is a 2016 American biographical drama film, based on a non fiction
book by Hampton native Margo Lee Shetterly of the same name and year. It portrays
three trailblazing female African American mathematicians, instrumental in space
exploration during its earliest days. This is during the Civil Rights Era, beginning in
the 1950s. The women in the movie lived in segregated Hampton, Virginia. As the
story opens, the main role is Katherine who is a bright child happily walking and
skipping while counting steps to a road, and the rocks and trees along her path. She
loves counting and performs complex mathematical problems and solutions. Her
genius, recognized at an early age, is pivotal throughout her life and career. In time,
Katherine meets National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) colleagues
Dorothy and Mary. These brilliant women s life experiences contribute to their space
achievements, although largely concealed due to their second class
citizenship.Katherine Johnson is the youngest of four children. She looks forward to
attending school with her siblings, wishing she could go ... Show more content on ...
Jackson reaches her highest grade potential as an engineer. Although she wants to
advance to a management level, she has hit a glass ceiling and her request is denied.
Then, Ms. Jackson decides to help others by stepping down a grade and applying for
an Administrative Professional position in the Equal Opportunity Specialist field. As
a role model, Ms. Jackson helps many minorities and women reach their highest
potential through promotions and movement into supervisory positions. Her love of
science and a commitment to improving the lives of the people around her are the
same. In the 1970s, she helps youngsters in the science club at Hampton s King Street
Community Center build their own wind tunnel. They used it to conduct
experiments. Ms. Jackson retires in 1985 and lives to be
Okapi Research Paper
The okapi (Okapia johnstoni), is a giraffid artiodactyl animal naturally locate in the
upper east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Okapis live
alone in addition, hide away in tropical rain forests. Okapi have the beautiful black
and white Zebra strips and the long neck of a Giraffe making him an exclusive
creature Their Gestation range from 14 to 16 months and they live 20 to 30 years.
They are strongly differentiating, zebra like markings separate the layout of the
okapi s shape, making a practically camouflage in the light and shade of the woods
understory. First discovered in the Congo s rain forest the Okapis were imported
at first in San Diego than South Africa and Japan to extend his existence in the
world. This marvelous creature is two animals in one. The okapi (Okapia
johnstoni) profile An okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is an uncommon timberland giraffe
discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo s National Park of Virunga,
regardless of more than 10 years of common war and expanded poaching. From the
mid 1900s, the okapi stayed unseen in the reserve for more than five decade. Two
years prior findings this... Show more content on ...
In spite of its Deer like appearance the Okapi is really one of the final precursors of
the Giraffe, which is the tallest creature on Earth. Alongside having a generally long
neck contrasted with its body measure, the most striking component of the Okapi is
the flat stripes that are especially obvious on their behinds and give this creature a
just about Zebra like appearance. The Okapi is extremely modest and shrouded, to
such an extent truth be told that they were not perceived as a particular animal group
by western science until the earth twentieth century. In spite of the fact that they are
at times seen by individuals, the Okapi is not a jeopardized species as they are
thought to be genuinely regular in their remote
Children In Bilingual Education
1.Learning a second language will be helpful while finding a job in the future.
Increased language flexibility is a skill that one can put on a resume. This will open
up a far larger job market for those who are educated bilingually.
2.Learning a second language makes it easier to learn a third.
Once a person has learned a second language, it becomes easier for them to learn a
third and a fourth. Being bilingual increases a person s ability to focus on learning
new tasks and also stimulates increased concentration. Multitasking is also a skill that
becomes simpler for those who are bilingual.
3.There are many personality benefits.
The child will be less likely to suffer from anxiety. Bilingual education stimulates
working memory.
4.Children in bilingual education will become well rounded.
Children will learn to understand and relate to other cultures around the world. They
will have an advantage over ... Show more content on ...
Children will be able to understand other subjects.
Proponents of bilingual education believe that when non English speaking students
are educated in both their native language and English, their ability to learn and speak
English is enhanced. They learn English in an efficient manner and they re able to
learn core subjects (math, history, science, etc.).
1.Bilingual education is expensive.
Schools all across the country are struggling to keep their foreign language programs
funded. Running a dominant language program is cheaper than foreign language
2.Foreign Language Students Do Not Integrate As Easily
In order to learn a new language, foreign language students need to make certain
sacrifices, most commonly their native language. These sacrifices can make it
difficult to learn other subjects such as science or math.
3.Reduces Focus On A Career
While learning a language, a child may become so time consumed to this subject that
they will struggle in other subjects. They will become frustrated and not be able to
The Impact Of Technology On Socialization
At the beginning of Sunday morning, I reached for my phone for the last time to
silence my alarm that woke me up for church. My dependence on my phone and
other forms of technology has grown significantly since I joined online school. For
most of the day, it remains my only form of communication with the outside world
as I attend school from my living room. Because of this, I choose to attempt to do
the twenty four hours of technology free on Sunday. I would be with my family for
most of the day and normally wouldn t use most electronics for the time period any
way. However, my confidence in abstaining from my phone weakened shortly after as
I felt the urge to Snapchat my close friends. The increase in technology has changed
the... Show more content on ...
The values regarding how a good friend should act have dramatically changed to
someone that is always available and ready to talk. Ergo, because of the shift in
technology, socialization now includes a new set of rules on how to behave
regarding technology. By foregoing my electronics, I was breaking the more
recent values instilled by technological socialization. This made Sunday incredibly
difficult as I would be unaware if any of my close friends were in trouble. In
addition, since all of our plans are created through our group text, I was unaware
my friends had planned to hangout on Sunday night. I even went as far as to have
my best friend manage my snapchat for the day in order to ensure my snap streaks
were kept. I felt an immense pressure exerted by the social rules of technology to
break from the project and check my phone. However, I understood the goal was
for one day and it wasn t very long in actuality so I managed to not look at it. The
other forms of technology weren t as hard for me to avoid as they didn t carry the
same social rule set as my social media. Thus, although Sunday felt like I was
breaking a rule, I reluctantly followed the rule of the project and didn t use any
technology for the day. In conclusion, technology has changed socialization to
include values and rules based on technology. This negatively impacted my
experience going twenty four
The Protest Song By Charles Albert Tindley
The protest song selected for this report was We Shall Overcome (Various Artists,
1945) written by various artists, with lyrics originating from an older activist s
hymn. This report will cover the history, purpose, lasting effects, and the value of
We Shall Overcome and its predecessor I ll Overcome Someday . We Shall Overcome
the protest song has found itself tied to multiple social movements, however, its
origin has its roots planted in the civil rights movement. After researching about this
song I came across the fact that the lyrics and the style of the song originated from I
ll Overcome Some Day , a hymn created by Charles Albert Tindley, An East Coast
Methodist Minister, in 1901. Charles Tindley was the son of an African American
slave father and free mother. It wasn t until the mid 1940s (ten years after Charles
had passed on, leaving behind a lifetime of community work and activism) that we
see the first rendition of the modern We Shall Overcome as a protest song by a
tobacco and food union group. A few short years later in 1947 this song s title was
recognized as We Shall Overcome in an edition of people s songs bulletin , a
publication directed by Pete Seeger, who is very well known for his rendition of this
song and many others. This song is an anthem, a chant if you will. Its purpose is not
to drag attention to a specific event, such as 41 Shots (Springsteen, 2000) where
Bruce Springsteen emotionally portrays the events of a fatal

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Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay.pdf

  • 1. Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay Crafting a persuasive essay on the subject of stem cell research can be a challenging endeavor due to the intricacies and controversies surrounding this field. One must navigate through a complex web of scientific, ethical, and societal considerations to construct a well-balanced and convincing argument. The topic involves not only understanding the scientific aspects of stem cell research but also delving into the ethical implications, political stances, and the divergent perspectives within the scientific community. The writer needs to assimilate and interpret information from various reputable sources, keeping abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in stem cell research. Additionally, they must grapple with ethical concerns, as this topic often sparks passionate debates regarding the moral implications of manipulating human cells for scientific advancement. Moreover, the essay should be structured in a way that effectively communicates the relevance and significance of stem cell research. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, the body must present a well-reasoned argument supported by evidence, and the conclusion should leave a lasting impression. Achieving this balance can be challenging, as the writer needs to present a compelling case while acknowledging and addressing counterarguments. Furthermore, the essay's success depends on the ability to engage the reader emotionally and intellectually, making them reconsider their preconceived notions about stem cell research. Persuading individuals with diverse viewpoints adds an extra layer of complexity, as the writer must appeal to a broad audience with varying levels of scientific understanding and ethical perspectives. In summary, composing a persuasive essay on stem cell research requires a careful synthesis of scientific knowledge, ethical considerations, and persuasive writing skills. The ability to navigate through the intricacies of the topic and present a coherent, compelling argument makes this task demanding but intellectually rewarding. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, various resources are available, including online platforms These services can provide support and guidance, ensuring that your essay meets the desired standards and effectively communicates your ideas. Stem Cell Research Persuasive EssayStem Cell Research Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Multivariate Analysis Of Variance And Multivariate Analysis MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (MANOVA) Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is a statistical analysis used when a researcher wants to examine the effects of one or more independent variables on multiple dependent variables. This method is an extension of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model and is the most commonly used multivariate analysis in the social sciences. MANOVA tests whether there are statistically significant, or not due to chance, mean differences among levels of the independent variable(s) on a linear combination of dependent variables. Multivariate analysis of variance tests belong to a larger family of statistical techniques known as the General Linear Model, which include analyses such as ANOVA, multiple types of regression, and repeated measures designs. MANOVA is an inferential statistical analysis, meaning that the communication researcher deduces a causal relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variables and can then take the results of their study conducted on a smaller sample, or subset of the population, and generalize those results to a larger population. A researcher uses MANOVA to answer questions about how the combination of multiple dependent variables differs with respect to the chosen independent variable(s). The researcher is hoping to see a stable pattern of cause and effect between the independent and dependent variables (DV). To briefly review, independent variables (IV) refer to those variables that
  • 3. Tahlequah Short Stories Characters:Billy,Kids,Officer,Grandpa,and the Sister (It was an early when Billy was walking to the store to see his grandpa but the only thing that was in his mind was that phone he really wanted to get but his parents did not have the money) Grandpa: Billy I have great news your phone is in the store we can go pick it up. Billy: Where is the place? Grandpa: It in Tahlequah its 32 miles away from here. Billy: Ok Thanks. I need to take food and hope god it the color I ordered. (it was 7 Am and he was leaving) (Bill was Sing) I am going to Tahlequah to get my phone !!! Sister: What are you doing Billy it so early? (she said when yawning) Billy: I Am going to Tahlequah on the bus to get the phone I ordered. Billy: Go back to bed ... Show more content on ... Did you steal it from someone ? (kids start a fight) Billy: No its my phone, I did not steal it let it go. Kids: Get him!!! (officer see and start to running to the fight) Officer: Let him go. Officer: They re real nice kids I don t know what got in them. Billy: I know what got in them jealousy!!! Officer:I guess so. Officer: So where are you going ? Billy: I Am going to the the store to buy some stuff for my family. Officer: Want me to take you? Billy: Yes and thank you sir for your help I really appreciate it.
  • 4. Monologue: (Billy faces the audience, alone) I don t how why these kids would to attack me because I payed the phone with my hard sweat. and they don t have to work to get anything but they are still going to get the phone but have to break their backs. I feel like I am the one that has to be jealous that they don t work and I have to get money to buy stuff. They really don t appreciate what they and what they don t have to do. I wish had everything on palm of hand like they do.Their parent should teach them how hard work pays off and how it feels to work under the hot sun. (curtain
  • 5. The Current Practice Of Health Insurance The Current Practice of Health Insurance in Ethiopia The practice of health insurance coverage in Ethiopia is limited. Private sector insurance in health is underdeveloped and covers only a small proportion of the population through the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation (EIC) and recently through a few private insurance companies. Beneficiaries of health insuranceschemes are a few private organizations and public enterprises. According to NHA III, private health insurance accounts for only 1.1 % of the total health expenditure. (Health Insurance Strategy: FMOH Planning and Program Director; May 2009) Civil servants are also entitled to receive limited health care benefits (50% of the costs, in the case of inpatient care at public... Show more content on ... The health sector policy gives primary focus to prevention and primary care for the neediest segments of the population, and to Address the predominant public health problems in the country. The major program components Are: Health Service Delivery and Quality of Care; Health Facility Construction, Extension, Equipping and Access; Human Resource Development; Pharmaceutical Services; Information, Education and Communication; HMIS and M E; and Health Care Financing. (Health Insurance Strategy; May 2009) It is clearly stated in the PASDEP that the focus of the program s health component will be on improving maternal health, reducing child mortality, and combating HIV /AIDS, malaria, TB and Other diseases with the ultimate goal of improving the health status of the Ethiopian people and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. To achieve these goals, 13,635 Health Posts, and 3,200 health centers were constructed and 30,000 HEWs and 5,000 health officers were trained and deployed during the program period. (Health Insurance Strategy; May 2009) Overall, the government is putting its maximum effort into improving the health status of its citizens. The various interventions have resulted in remarkable achievements, mainly from the supply side, by both improving physical access to health care and
  • 6. Bush And Clinton Comparison While this was largely due to the similarity on their views regarding Russia and China, the two also bonded over topics as disparate as NAFTA and the line item veto to an assassination attempt on H.W. Bush. Despite Carter s fall out with his predecessor, Clinton effectively employed Carter. Their relationship had an unchallenging beginning due in large part to the similarity in their upbringings and political affiliations. Despite temporary fallouts, the two collaborate on major foreign policy conflicts in North Korea and Haiti. Both ventures were risky and unstable, yet ultimately successful all due to Carter. During another risky time, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Clinton was largely aided by Ford. Ford instructed him on the importance... Show more content on ... Bush was revived when he found his place in politics. Unlike his more methodical father, W. Bush was instinctive; moreover, he appealed to the very Evangelical voters which his father had found elusive to obtain. This was largely because W. Bush separated himself from his father during his presidential campaign. He took more conservative stances on economic and social issues for example, focusing on tougher educational standards (Duffy and Gibbs ?) than his seemingly bipartisan father. Yet, as they were father and son, H.W. Bush never publicly critiqued W. Bush s foreign policy decisions, despite many of W. Bush s decisions being incongruous with H.W. Bush s foreign policy stances (for example, the War in Iraq). Unlike former presidential relationships which often centered on political alliances, H.W. Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush bonded over non partisan interests natural disaster relief. They raised millions of dollars in aid for the Boxing Day Quake in Indonesia, and their pleasant personal relationship (Duffy and Gibbs FIND) was well received by the general American public, as it was a sharp contrast from the bitter divisiveness and resentment that characterized most political relationships
  • 7. Voting Rules For Minority Governments Voting establishes choice; it allows opportunities and variety to be discovered amongst individuals. In Canada, voters choose to elect one Member of Parliament in their riding. The political party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons becomes the government s ruling party. If this party wins more than half the seats, it forms a majority government. If they win less than half the seats, it results in a hung parliament, which can either, be a minority governmentor a coalition. Canada mostly forms minority governments, which are made up of cabinet ministers from the party alone and the rest is left up to chance that opposing members will support their plans. I agree with the statement that minority governments are preferable to majority governments because in order to remain in power and maintain confidence in the House of Commons they have to negotiate with other parties. Since they do not have a majority, they cannot use party discipline to confirm support in legislature. (Minority Governments in Canada, 2007) Due to this, they must work with opposition parties in order to garner support for their government legislation. Minority governments are said to be unstable due to needing the support of other parties to stay in power and are ineffective for bringing change to the country. However in Canada, Since 1921, we have had 29 elections, and 13 have resulted in minority governments. (Why a Minority Government is a Win for Canadians, 2015) These governments have
  • 8. The Importance Of Love In The Great Gatsby Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring. This crazy little thing called love has the power to control us and most everything around us. A novel that expresses the cruelty of life in the roaring 20 s from intermerital affairs to accidental murder is more than it seems. It shows more than what is on the surface, that we as a society can learn even now. All from a man named Jay Gatsby, who makes these mistakes that teaches its readers important life lessons. This is why The Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgeraldshould be saved rather than any other book. The Great Gatsby shows distinct themes with various life lessons, such as love is more important than materialistic possessions, not everything is what it seems, and it shows that pride derives from hardwork and dedication. Contrast to what Daisy Buchanan believes, materialistic items do not mean anything in the real world. Love can drive people to do crazy things, just take a look at Jay Gatsby s house, it is all for Daisy. Many people learn from the society around them, and in this case many people caught the selfish disease in the 1920 s. Her voice is full of money... That was it. I d never understood before. It was full of money that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbal s song of it... (Page 106). The book displays Daisy s feelings of love toward materialistic items instead of real world people. Daisy intends to stay with the love of her life in order to stay
  • 9. Foreign Exchange Markets Trade Currencies Foreign exchange markets trade currencies around the world. Traders in large banks in North America, Europe, and Asia carry out the majority of the buying and selling of foreign exchange. A foreign exchange rate is the price of a country s currency in terms of another currency. Exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange rates are figured in either U.S. dollars per unit of foreign currency or in units of foreign currency per U.S. dollar; they have both domestic and foreign currency components, which can be quoted either directly or indirectly (Hubbard O Brien, 2013). When using a country s domestic currency as the quoted price currency, it is known as direct (price) quotation; most countries use this quotation. An indirect (quantity) quotation is when a country s domestic currency is quoted as the unit currency. Exchange rates also have a base currency and a counter currency. In a direct quotation, the foreign currency is the base and the domestic currency is the counter (InvestorGuide, 2013). An indirect quotation is just the opposite. The U.S. dollar is the base currency used the most, and the other currencies are used as the counter currency except for the euro, the British pound, the Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar. The base currency is determined by market convention and by using the currency that gives an exchange rate greater than 1.000. This helps prevent rounding issues and quoting exchange
  • 10. We Shall Remain Summary 1.Having had the opportunity to watch the entire series of We Shall Remain , it is my educated opinion that United States history books need to be rewritten in order to display the magnitude in which the founding fathers of the United States were nothing more than liars, thieves, and murders to the Native Americans. The signing of the Peace Treaty in March 1621 marked the first of more than 350 Peace Treaties by the United Statesand Native Americans that would later be overturned by the United States. It appears that once the Colonists began actually outnumbering the Wampanoag, the Colonists conceit, gluttony, and bigotry had come to the top of their agenda and it began to show their true intentions. It is appalling that over the next two hundred years the United States was determined to keep expanding its borders, without concern to the Native Americans. When I think about how Tecumseh, the Shawnee, and many Native Americans were forced to move from one area to another because the United States Government. The U.S. fundamentally professed war on the Native Americans by forcing them out of the areas they occupied for countless years in order to advance the U.S. s monetary gain and affluence. The fact that these folks were dying off in large masses because of illness and disease, while our Government leaders ... Show more content on ... This Act gave the United States president the authorization to eradicate all Native American tribes that were long standing inside the boundaries of the United States onto Indian Territory west of the Mississippi river. During the winter of 1839, the Cherokee Indians were forcibly displaced west by the United States military. Chronicled as the wickedest winter on record, the involuntary journey caused the demise of nearly 4000 Cherokees, later known as the Trail of Tears . During this time in
  • 11. Essay on Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Michelle Lasseter Mrs. Stover Speech Class March 27, 2012 How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse In the possible occurrence of a zombie apocalypse, certain measures involving shelter, food, weapons, and fitness should be taken to better the chances of survival in such a desperate situation. Throughout the years, movies, television shows, and other miscellaneous hype have heightened a large number of people s suspicion about the possibility of disease ridden humans taking over the world. In reality, that atrocity is not exactly far fetched. With so many vaccines and medicines being mass produced without the sufficient steps taken to test the results, the chance of humans contracting unimaginable side effects is a rational possibility. If ... Show more content on ... If not, going out and gathering as much food as possible is extremely important. Before the outbreak gets too large, getting food will be fairly easy. You just sneak to the closest food supplier and stock up. Getting foods you would normally get for other emergencies such as non perishable canned and boxed foods is ideal. Also, make sure you have something, if not a can opener, to open your cans with. If you do not have a heat source to heat up foods, concentrate on ready to eat, already prepared foods. If and when you are forced to live like a gypsy, you will need to know how to live off the land and eat what is presented to you. You will adopt the hunter and gatherer technique to get the sufficient nutrition you need to survive (Khan). The third key to staying alive during a zombie outbreak is your arsenal. Above all, the only way to end the apocalypse and to keep yourself human is to rid the earth of zombies, and the only way to do that is to kill them. Of course guns are extremely important, but other household items that may not have been so obvious can act as brutal weapons. Shovels, knives, hammers, and other large, sharp, or heavy tools work perfect to bash in the brains of the undead (Hilton). Again, if you have taken refuge in a large store, you will have easy access to the weapons you need. If not, it is very important that you stock up on weapons along with food. Both will play a huge role in your survival. Guns are
  • 12. Ned Kelly Cruelty Such is life These words is thought to be Ned Kelly s last before he was hanged for his crimes. But who was Ned Kelly? What did Ned do that he deserved to be hanged? Why was Ned important? To many Ned Kelly is seen as a hero, to others he was seen as a villain but in either event he changed what would later be Australia. Was Ned Kellygood or bad? Before we understand Ned s story we must understand Austraila before Ned. Australia was first inhabited by the Aborigonals (the indigenous people) and was left alone by the outside world until Europeans first had set sail for the country at around 1606. Between 1606 and 1770 an estimated 54 European ships had came to Australia. Most of these European ships were from the Dutch East India Company and for a small time became New Holland. It wasn t until August of 1770 that somebody officially claimed Australia his name was Lieutenant James Cook. Cook had claimed Australia in the name for King George the Third and renamed Australia to New South Wales. Once claimed, two fleets came to Australia the first had eleven ships with about 1,350 people on it. The second fleet had provided food and supplies that were badly needed but many on the second fleet were ill and many were near death. None of the people on the second fleet were helpful to the colonies. One thing to note is that many of the people getting sent to Australia were pervious convicts not only that, but in 1790 there was one woman to four men.This made making a new colony
  • 13. Beowulf Is The Oldest Recorded English Poem Although Beowulf is the oldest recorded English poem, it is amazing how it can still relate to life today. Beowulf is an Old English epic poem created by an unknown Anglo Saxon author whose intention for this poem was that it be read aloud and passed down orally. In the epic Beowulf, it is easy to see how different the values of the Anglo Saxons are compared to the values of our modern society when it comes to honor and value. In the epic poem, Beowulf, a major theme is the differences and similarities of a warrior and noble kings character, as well as how the author utilizes the qualities of the character Beowulf to embody both groups. Besides the fact that one wears a gold crown, a king and a warrior are very different when it comes to responsibility, and personal motives. In Beowulf a noble king is to be generous and is expected to protect their kingdom, on the other hand a warrior doesn t protect others out of necessity but they protect others to gain fame and adoration. King Hrothgar is a marvelous example of a generous king since he provides an extravagant mead hall for the Danes to gather and enjoy the company of one another. King Hrothgar s decision to build the mead hall is solely based on the goodness of his heart not the intention to get praise and adulation. Unlike a good king, a typical good warrior s actions are based off of greed and popularity, according to author the typical mindset of an Anglo Saxon warrior is that good deeds should be done for
  • 14. Reflection On Team Work This essay will reflect on my experience during an activity which required team work and leadership. I will be using Gibbs Reflective Cycle (Reid, 1994) to support my structure and to help me reflect further into my experience. This activity was carried out in Todd s Leap (an outdoor activity centre); my team and I were required to pass a golf ballthrough pipes across 40m to a bucket at the end with a time limit of 10 minutes. Within my team there were 12 people and each person had a 1m pipe. The team and I had to piece the pipes together so that the ball could fall through without falling to the floor; if the ball fell we then had to begin again. This activity was made competitive as we were competing against another team who were carrying out the same activity. As a team leader it was my role to ensure everyone was in the correct place and were communicating effectively. This was a difficult activity and resulted in our team dropping the ball numerous amount of times. The opposing team had went into the lead as they had got the hang of where they had to place their pipes and therefore had potted 9 balls in while we only potted 2. I noticed a few minutes before the time ran out that my team where not holding their pipes at the correct height resulting in the ball falling to the floor which meant we had to start over again. I re evaluated the situation and quickly improved our positioning; this then resulted in 5 more balls being potted. Unfortunately by the time we began to catch up, it was too late and the bell rang to indicate time up. The consequence of this was that our team came second with 7 balls while the other team won the competition with a total of 9 balls. At the beginning we were put into groups where I was elected as team leader. I was quite nervous due to the fact I did not know anyone within my group. However, I quickly started to focus on the activity at hand and was excited to begin; considering I am an extremely competitive person. During the experience I felt determined to establish a perfect technique to result in the highest amount of balls being potted in the bucket. Once the opposing team were in the lead I begin to feel nervous as I was afraid of losing. I was also frustrated that
  • 15. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey The Contradiction Between Tyranny and Sanity In the final scene of One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, Chief Bromden is the main character. The characters that preform in this scene are Chief Bromden, McMurphy, and Nurse Ratched. Even though McMurphy would be considered the main character of the novel, Bromden is the main character of this scene because he shows the strongest desire. In this one scene, Bromden has many desires that to him could be both life or death threatening. Nurse Ratched makes one last attempt to gain back the control when she uses the same principle she used earlier to ensure that the patients acceptance to her well being. She starts off with a lot of distrust with the mental patients by making the financial gain public which McMurphy has enjoyed since his transfer from the farms where someone is constantly defending McMurphy, this leads to pointing out that McMurphy has more than repaid the patients with there financial losses and providing them with the means to dodge nurse Ratched s terrible influence. McMurphy knows that nurse ratchet is cruel and states, In one week, I can put a bug so far up her ass, she don t know whether to shit or wind her wristwatch. This shows that McMurphy is ready for a fight and he is not afraid to tell nurse Ratched what he thinks about her. This final scene shows us the contradiction between Tyranny and Sanity. However, it is McMurphy s timing of the set up bet on the control panel that is proved
  • 16. Mattie And Zeena In Edith Wharton s Ethan Frome In the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, the main character Ethan is heavily influenced by the two women in his life, Mattie and Zeena. Both Mattie and Zeena contribute to Ethan s choices and life. These two women are both very similar and different as they share a common outcome but different traits. These two women are physically different as stated throughout the novel. In the novel Zeena s physical looks would be quoted in chapter 3, the pale light reflected from the banks of snow made her face look more than usually drawn and bloodless, sharpened the three parallel creases between ear and cheek, and drew querulous lines from her thin nose to the corners of her mouth. Though she was but seven years her husband s senior, and he was only twenty eight, she was already an old woman . This quote shows that Zeena was of unpleasant looks and looked unattractive to Ethan. Mattie on the other hand can be described as beautiful, in the novel it stated She stood just as Zeena had stood, a lifted lamp in her hand, against the black background of the kitchen. She held the light at the same level, and it drew out with the same distinctness her slim young throat and the brown wrist no bigger than a child s. Then, striking upward, it threw a lustrous fleck on her lips, edged her eyes with velvet shade, and laid a milky whiteness above the black curve of her brows (Chapter 3). This quote shows that Mattie, in Ethan s eyes and physically was attractive. Mattie and Zeena are
  • 17. Cultural Background Nurses Cultural Background and Impact On Care With the increasing multicultural population developing cultural competency has been a dynamic challenging process for healthcare providers to find a common ground between the individual and provider and is the goal for delivering holistic, cultural sensitivity care throughout every health care setting (Engebretson, n.d.). Throughout this paper I will discuss the four generations by defining and describing them, explain which group I belong to and how I fit within that generation group. I will further discuss another group which I do not belong and explain how each generational group can learn from each other. Four Generations The Veterans, also known as the Silent generation, Traditionalist, Radio... Show more content on ... They believed that if a material did not bring any value to them or have any meaning than that material was removed (Harber, 2011). The Baby Boomers have and keep a lot of material possessions and are not willing to live without their possessions (Harber, 2011). The Boomers can learn from the Generation Xto let go of their material possessions and simplify their
  • 18. ASPCA Advertisement Analysis Many ASPCA advertisements use a combination of different appeals to recruit people, specifically pet owners, to donate to their important cause, which is saving and rescuing endangered, neglected, and abused animals. The many different strategies that the ASPCA advertisements use are ethos, pathos, logos, warm colors, a scene of a loving environment, images of animals in pain and hurting, and a reward if their target audience does decide to help their cause. I think that this is an effective advertisement due to all of the strategies that they do use. In this commercial it starts of with a sad song performed by Sarah McLachlan, and a fact that every hour an animal is beaten or abused . This is a very good attention getter using the appeal... Show more content on ... This is because people will imagine that happening to their own loving pet and it pulls on their heartstrings to help. People do not want to see animals, which are pets hurting like they are in this commercial. They fear for these animals and want them to feel that love that they give to their own animal. They use three different but major appeals in this as well, the first being logos. The advertisement tells us that an animal is abused every hour. They used this so we could put it into perspective just how often it happens. The next appeal they had used is ethos because they used someone who is famous to help build the credibility of ASPCA. If it is someone we know, we as humans are more likely to listen to what they have to say. The last major appeal they used was pathos. Pathos was used in many forms in this commercial from the song that was used, to the pictures that scrolled across our screen, to the fact that no pet owner want to see a pet hurting and in pain as the pictures showed. The words the Sarah said as well played into the appeal of pathos, by saying these animals NEED your help . This appeal is the one that is suppose to pull on ones emotions and it does just that in this
  • 19. The Psychology Of Conversion Therapy What Conversation Therapy Actually Does While reading Hard Rock Return to Prison by Etheridge Knight one may start to think of the effects of correcting or convert someone s behavior to a more favorable one. This idea is present in today s society and to better understand this believe and practice one will have to explore the psychology of conversion therapy. Conversion Therapy or reparative therapy is a range of dangerous and discredited practices that falsely claim to change a person s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression (Human Rights Campaign). This defines what Hard Rock experiences in this poem and to further understand and deepen ones understand modern psychology and medicine offer a way of explain this. Through explore the effects and what happens to someone during correction therapy one can be educated more on Hard Rock. Conversion therapy which is primary used to convert homosexual or bisexual males and females to become heterosexual has been proven not to work by many modern day experts in the field of psychology and psychiatry. David Michael Conner, a writer for the Huffington Post in the LGBQ department, explains conversion therapy as the following It involves electrocuting and drugging LGBT people to make them suffer while looking at homosexual pornography in order to convert them to heterosexuality (Conner). Those who are homosexual are tortured in attempts to correct them of their illness . Hard Rock suffered from a problem, which
  • 20. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. If you can t fly, then run, if you can t run, then walk, if you can t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. (King). Martin Luther King Jr. is a name many know. He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in a very religious family, with his father being a pastor, and all. He was galvanized by his father and became a Baptist minister and social minister after he attended Boston University at the age of 15. He, later, married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953, a woman who mothered his four children, Yolanda King (1955), Martin Luther King III(1957), Dexter Scott King (1961) , and Bernice King (1963). He was greatly motivated by many great people such as Gandhi, Lincoln, and many other well known males. King played a tremendous role in the civil rights movement. He was a great leader who inspired many people, during and after his lifetime. A huge role model for many people to this very day, and generations to come. He was an inspiration and role model because he used nonviolence to fight for equal rights, he never stopped fighting for what he believed in, and because he was a voice that convinced people that all men are created equal. Martin Luther King Jr. used his voice to fight for equal rights, not violence. Like his incredible accomplishment in the bus boycott, when they chose King as the protest s leader and official spokesman. First of all, the bus boycott all started when Rosa Parks was
  • 21. Ancient Egypt Essay Ancient Egypt is a fascinating ancient civilization. The Egyptian culture was heavily polytheistic with a complex view of the afterlife, which was evident in their architecture and communication. Even today as ancient Egypt melts together with modern Egypt. The pull of their ancient cities is still seen in Cairo and Alexandia. The highly developed belief of polytheism in the Egyptian culture was made up of many gods. This belief is the base to the Egyptian culture and life. In the Egyptian polytheistic culture the gods took on form and characteristics of objects found in nature. The Egyptian god Ra is considered the father of gods and was the most important and worshiped god. When the Egyptians think of the figure that Ra looks like ... Show more content on ... During the fourth dynasty pharaohs were known as the sons of Ra . Ra was a primary god in the fifth dynasty, which is when he became associated with the king and then the pharaoh. Ra became more and more popular during the new kingdom, which resulted in a sort of monotheism. The Eye of Ra is an Egyptian symbol for protection and the divine royal power. This symbol even appears on the United Sates dollar bill. The eye within the pyramid represents Ra awaiting rebirth. Even though the Eye of Ra is within the pyramid his soul remains alive and watchful as the open eye indicates. Osiris is the Egyptian god of the underworld. Osiris is one of five children born to Geb and Nut; the god of earth and the goddess of the skies. He was also the great grandson of Ra. All of Osiris s siblings played an important role in his story: Seth, his brother and his two sisters Isis and Nepthys. Osiris inherited the throne of Egypt because he was the first born son if Geb and Nut. Though Osiris and Isis were brother and sister they were married and were not destined to be happy. Osiris s other sister, Nephthys, at one point takes on the appearance of Isis and presented herself as Isis. Osiris, not knowing the difference, was seduced by Nephthy; she had Anubis. Seth developed a jealousy toward Osiris either because Osiris had inherited the throne or because he had gotten Nephthy, Seth s wife, pregnant. Seth sought to kill Osiris by luring Osiris into a coffin and
  • 22. Why Did The Black Death Occur The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea in October 1347. It was carried by 12 trading ships docked at the Sicilian port of Messina after they traveled through the Black Sea. When the ships docked, the people waiting at the docks were met with horror when they saw that most of the sailors were either dead or gravely ill. They were all covered with insane black boils that oozed blood and pus. This is what gave the illness the name The Black Death. The Sicilian Authorities ordered that the Death Ships were removed from the harbor, but it was too late. Little did they know, the Black Death would kill more than 20 million people in Europe. PlagueBoils began to appear in the groin and armpit areas. They oozed with pus and blood. These people
  • 23. Essay on The Progressive Reformers Reform was the goal of the Progressive movement, and with that in mind the reformers had great success. Progressive reformers were made up primarily of middle class men and women whose two main goals were to limit the trusts and to improve conditions of life and labor. These people were part of both political parties at the time, as well as in all regions of the country, and in all levels of the government. They wanted to remove bribed members of the legislature so that just laws and regulations were made that would benefit the people rather than the power hungry corporations. This major movement altered all aspects of life creating a better living and working environment for people. The Progressive Erareformers and federal ... Show more content on ... So finally in 1913, Congress passed the 17th amendment that called for the direct election of United States senators. Also Congress would later pass the 19th amendment which allowed women s suffrage, or the ability to vote. Also states and people began to use the secret Australian ballot to keep the privacy of the voters. Before, big bosses and companies used to be able to scare or buy people to vote for whom they wanted, but now people could vote without the fear of being connected to their ballot. With people now voting anonymously, these businesses no longer as successful as before for they could no longer tell for whom the bribed were actually voting for. In the bar graph, it shows the gradual decrease in the number of voters who voted for the presidency (Document J). this showed how people were no longer being bribed or forced to vote for whomever the businesses wanted. This called for more fair and impartial elections for such important offices in the government. In the Washington Post 1907 article, Roosevelt is shown standing over a dead bear of bad trusts (Document A). This demonstrated Roosevelt s attempted to rid the country of bad trusts for the good of the people. Also these reformers made great strides in the social component of the country. The people of the Progressive Era morphed society into a more sanitary and enhanced place. Social matters of the country had just begun to play a major
  • 24. The Strategies For A Company The Strategies for A Company s I.T. Success The world has entered the information age, the reliance of the development of economy and the progress of the society on information resources, information technology and the information industry is more and more big. The more mature and widely used information technology is profoundly changing people s traditional ideas, ways of thinking, working style, life style and even industrial structure and social structure of the society as a whole. Information technology has become a global common choice for the development of economy, the degree of informatization has become a measure of a country s national strength and an important symbol of modernization level(Khurshudov, Andrei, 2001). The... Show more content on ... In this process, the CIO must make right I. T. Choices. A study found that most CIOs say their organizations do not have the clear, consistent, actionable goals needed to produce alignment: Either they are too vague (e.g. Excellence in Service Support ) or too ephemeral (e.g. Become the #2 firm in our industry ) or don t exist at all. As a result, efficient information network, scientific management system is the strongest technical force for a company. There is typically a Pressure Point for I.T. caused by the demands to focus more on the immediate/local (tactical) than the long term/global (Strategic). This pressure point is typically (but not always) between I.T. and the business units. This is a Natural Tension and it must be managed! While yielding to local needs of a business unit (alignment) may provide short term solutions... it may (in the long term) come at a very high cost and greater I.T. Complexity. Information technology in the field of management is to provide more and better way for enterprise management, is advantageous to the enterprise leaders best effect in the management. however, whether using ERP in finance, production, or using of OA in office management, CIO must be familiar with the use of these software methods first. Therefore, to strengthen the the enterprise internal planning of CIO is
  • 25. Wgu Est 1 Ethics in Business Essay Running head: ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS 1 Ethical Issues in Business Lisa B. Luckenbach Western Governors University ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS2 Company Q is a small local grocery store chain that has a poor attitude toward social responsibility. After reviewing the given, I feel the chain is more committed to profit than social responsibility. Most companies are in a business to make a profit, however, the difference in what is considered reasonable and what is considered ridiculous comes into play. Most people start companies because it something they are interested in and to make a living. In today s society the line between outright social responsibility ... Show more content on ... If I were a company I would never want to advertise that those are the types of employees I have, it would be a management issue and not a community problem. Company Q missed a few opportunities to improve their attitude toward social responsibility. The first is closing the stores. The areas where the stores closed were in high crime rate areas, before ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS3 closing the stores they could have done community outreach or service projects to help lower the rate of crime. They could have led the establishment of a neighborhood crime watch. They could have set up a mentorship program for teens at risk. There are a multitude of programs they could have implemented, some could probably have been used as a tax write off. If all of these efforts failed then I understand closing the stores. If they had to close the stores they should have made every effort to be sure that the displaced employees were able to find a job in another store or assisted them in being placed in another job. They also need to make every attempt to keep the building they were using occupied or cleaned up until it is occupied. How do these actions contribute to being socially responsible? It shows they care about their community, that even though they may have to shut down a store, they still
  • 26. Environmental Issue Raised By The Mining Industry The mining industry has seen an explosive growth from the past few decades. It has played an important role in economic growth, infrastructure development and a raise in the living standard of the whole world. According to the Australian National Accounting System, the mining sector has made contributions of 9.8% GDP growth to the Australian economy between 2008 to 2009 (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2012). However, the miningindustry has caused many environmental issues such as adverse effect to air, land and water quality and continues to affect global environment as a whole. According to the World Health Organization, it evaluated that 25% of worldwide death are directly associated with environmental pollution(Blacksmith Institute, n.d). This essay will outline the environmental issue raised by the mining industry with pinpoint focus on the effects to air, water and land. It will also provide strategies for mining companies to improve the environmental conditions. Surface mining process include the excavation of overburden including the profitable topsoil and regular vegetation has spread to meet the mineral ores (singh, et al. 2010). These activities are connected with destructive impact to neighborhood. Proper planning needs to be done in mining since it is a short term environmental activity with long term hazards. There are several measures which can be implemented to prevent the harmful effects of mining. Mining exercise are completed in different stages, each
  • 27. The Importance Of Lowering The Drinking Age Fun Fact!: You only have to be 18 to die for your country in the military, but you can t buy a beer. In the United States, the legal drinking age, as many of you know, is 21 years old. Now it wasn t always like this as the original drinking age was 18. However, it was moved up to 21 when an organization known as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) became well known amongst societies in the USA. This organization was created after a 13 year old girl died due to a 46 year old drunk driver. With help from the US Congress, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act passed, and it stated that you had to be at least 21 in order to legally drink and purchase alcohol. The goal of this was to lower the rates of DUI s by allowing more mature individuals to be able to handle alcohol. What s ironic is that MADD used underage drinking and driving to justify passing that law, when the original drunk driver was 46 years old; someone clearly not underage (Doman). There are many reasons as to why the drinking age should be lowered to 18, including teaching responsible drinking and lowering the frenzy around alcohol, and the level of significance of other rights granted at eighteen compared to the drinking law. By lowering the drinking age to 18, it allows for parents to oversee and teach their child about how to drink responsibly before going away to college. Under their watchful eye, they can make sure that their kid is fully educated on the do s and don ts of alcohol consumption. In
  • 28. Reaction Paper On The Armenian Genocide Genocide is the intentional murder of a massive group of people, especially those of a certain nation or pagan group. The word genocide comes from the Greek word genos, which means race , or tribe , and Latin word cide, which means killing . The Armenians were forced to suffer in 1915, April when the Turks decided to organize genocide, which was the first of the 20th century. In 1915, chiefs of the Turkish government organized a plan to remove and butcher Armenians living in the Ottoman that time there were about 2 million Armenians. In the early 1920s, when the butchers and relegations were ultimately ended, some 1.5 million of Armenians were murdered. I want to talk about a film which is about Armenian Genocideand a love story... Show more content on ... After 1918 when the Ottomans surrendered, the chiefs of the Young Turks fled Germany. They were promised not to be prosecuted for the massacre. (But a group of Armenian nationalists organized a plan named Operation Nemesis, to follow and kill the organizers of the Armenian Genocide). Since then, the Turkish government has never recognized that a genocide took place. Armenians all over the world have demanded that the international community should officially recognize the Armenian Genocide without any doubts. In 1965, Uruguay was the first that recognized the Armenian Genocide. More resolutions were accepted by the European Parliament. Armenians should never surrender, and must always remember and
  • 29. Critical Appreciation Of The Old Man And The Sea The Old Man and the Sea is a striking yet frustrating novel about an elderly Cuban fisherman and his struggles with unluckiness. His supposed misfortune is depicted through the loss of a relationship, the loss of his sanity, and the loss of the largest fish he had ever caught. Written by Ernest Hemingway in 1952 then awarded the Pulitzer prize in 1953, The Old Man and the Sea became a fascinating work of literary art that portrays a pessimistic story of defeat. Within the first few sentences of chapter one, the Cuban fisherman, named Santiago is clearly struggling with his profession, and had gone eighty four days without catching a single fish. Also observed in chapter one, was the presence of a young boy that had befriended the aged fisherman. Sadly, the boy had been commanded by his father to leave Santiago and board a lucky boat, due to forty days of misfortune with the old man. Santiago loved the boy, and did not want to him abandon their fishing trips together, but he respected the boy s father. The young lad was not in favor of the separation either, but obeyed his father s wishes by casting his lines out with another boat. When time allowed, the boy still checked in with his friend to keep him company. Throughout the book, the old man is almost constantly thinking about the boy, or how situations would be better if the boy were present. The loss of the boy represents Santiago s first misfortune, the loss of a relationship. On the eighty fifth day of
  • 30. Television And Internet News Programs News or Nonsense Television and internet news programs have began to stray away from a strictly informative report of current happenings to vague, non factually based entertainment stories. This is a direct result of society s desire to worry about everyone s feelings. In the past, viewers passionately desired accurate information and statistics on the nation s current events. As of now, a different generation of viewers and new s providers bestow the supply and demand of news stories based on emotions, rather than fact. With extremist groups becoming increasingly popular the demand for highly biased news is snowballing. New s corporations like FOX capitalize on this by providing news that is consistently biased to one point of view. Having a one sided production such as FOX creates a type of animosity between them and their competition. This seems rather childish, making these top tier new companies look like a joke. In result, a viewer will struggle to find a new s broadcast that provides more than a couple of relevant stories based on factual information. Instead, the bulk of content is displayed in a look at me, feel bad for me, or look at them format. From this, the broadcasters work at the heart strings of their viewers. They get the viewer to invest emotion into a story, creating a reaction and desire to hear, see, and feel more. Given the response, broadcasters see interest in emotionally based stories skyrocket and interest in factually based stories
  • 31. How Is It Used To Revolutionize The Telegraph Technology has advanced throughout the years. Almost every invention has changed in shape, size and the way it is used. Some even have a different function from they were first made. One of the most successful creations, is the telephone. Almost everyone has one it is used daily by many people. The beginning of telephones came around when a man by the name of Samuel Morse, thought of a way to send messages to people more quickly over long distances. The invention was created by many other inventors that helped revolutionize the telegraph. The first telegraph was created in 1835. The telegraph was powered by a battery, which sent a current through a wire. To keep the signal, the electric created a magnetic field which kept the electricity running through the copper wire. The idea was to send dots onto a paper by using certain amounts of taps. These dots represented a letter. The way they read this, was from an alphabet created by Samuel Morse, which was called visible speech. In the 1800 s, the telegraph was the fastest way of communicating over a long distance. The only problem was if you wanted to send a message to someone, you would have to take to the post office and have an operator send that message for you. The operator would use morse code to ... Show more content on ... Alexander Graham Bell had an had an idea of improving the telegraph by using tuning forks, this would make it possible to send and receive messages without the electromagnetic fields interfering with each other. In 1873 he had another idea though, instead of tuning forks, Bell thought of using small stripss of metal near a coiled wire. This would make a continuous current, but he didn t try it since the current would be so small. Alexander was a creative man and had yet another idea in 1874. The idea was to use just strips of metal. He thought he was not skilled enough and also didn t think it would transmit messages that far, so he forgot all about that
  • 32. Padraig Harrington Research Paper Padraig Harrington was born on August 31, 1971, in Dublin, Ireland. Padraig was raised in a pretty wealthy family with his parents and his four siblings, his brothers Tadhg, Feargal, Fintan, and Columb. Padraig s father was involved in building a golf course in South Country Dublin called Stackstown. Padraig loved to practice on the golfcourse with his two brothers, his uncle, and his father all playing off 5 handicaps, and the Stackstown soon became a second home to Padraig. Padraig went to school in Ballyroan Boy s National School and then to Colaiste Eanna Secondary School. He played his first amateur tournament in 1987, the Connaught Boy s Championship. He got to the finals, but was beaten on the 22nd after losing a golf ball. Harrington s career started at age 15 when he played his first golf tournament, but he had started playing golf at age 5. Padraig chose this career because he fell in love with the sport, he liked calculating and rerunning his thoughts on how he was going to hit his golf ball to land closer to the putt hole. He also had to pay attention to where and how fast the direction of the wind was headed to make his swing more accurate. Padraig s love for golf has helped not only himself, but scientists calculate how his Happy Gilmore technique travels far in a perfectly legal swing. ... Show more content on ... Using three time major winning, Padraig Harrington and launch monitor Trackman, scientists have calculated that a properly struck drive using the famous Happy Gilmore technique will travel 10% further than a ball hit by a standard swing. This means that Harrington can hit 330 yard bombs, at a significant increase in his already impressive 300 yard driving distance. Padraig Harrington has won three championship trophies, the Open Championship in 2007 and 2008 and the PGA Championship, also in
  • 33. Modern Us Drama Midterm Paper Mary Hannah Dober Modern US Drama Midterm Paper March 30, 2015 Fucked: Glengarry Glen Ross in 1984, 1992, 2005 and 2012. The year is 1984. Ronald Reagan has just been re elected by a landslide, including many votes from disaffected liberals. Yuppie culture fuels a high consumption economy. Tom Brokaw is now sole anchor of NBC s Nightly News. Michael Jackson dominates the Grammys. McDonald s debuts the McNugget. And Glengarry Glen Ross opens on Broadway. Because Glengarry Glen Ross is so inherently American, it s hard to believe that it actually didn t premiere in the United States, but at the National Theatre in London, to wildly successful reviews, before moving to Broadway the following year, where it ran for eleven months, and won the Pulitzer Prize. Glengarry Glen Ross gave an unforgiving, yet comedic examination of American identity in the 1980 s, when capitalism was an all powerful force under Reagan , and America was experiencing a new upsurge of consumerism. Still under the threat of the Cold War, American patriotism was loyal to the capitalist model and glorified American ideal of hard work, and individual success of man. The second wave of feminism which flowed through the seventies was ebbing, as waves do, and the newly invigorated desire to achieve success sharpened the gender binary of American culture. Glengarry Glen Ross explores the harsh binary systems male vs. female and win vs. lose which are linked with the psychosexual binary of dominance vs.
  • 34. Battle Of Waterloo Research Paper The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition: an Anglo allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington, and a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard Leberecht von BlГјcher, Prince of Wahlstatt . Upon Napoleon s return to power in March 1815, many states that had opposed him formed the Seventh Coalition and began to mobilize armies. Wellington and BlГјcher s armies were cantoned close to the north eastern border of France. Napoleon chose to attack them in the hope of destroying them before they could join in a coordinated invasion of France with other members of the coalition. Waterloo was the decisive engagement of the Waterloo Campaign and Napoleon s last. According to Wellington, the battle was the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life .[10] The defeat at Waterloo ended Napoleon s rule as Emperor of the French, and marked the end of his Hundred Days return from exile. Napoleon abdicated 4 days later, and on the 7 July... Show more content on ... After the simultaneous Battle of Ligny the Prussians withdrew parallel to Wellington, drawing a third part of Napoleon s forces away from Waterloo to the separate and simultaneous Battle of Wavre. Upon learning that the Prussian army was able to support him, Wellington decided to offer battle on the Mont Saint Jean escarpment, across the Brussels road. Here he withstood repeated attacks by the French throughout the afternoon, aided by the progressively arriving Prussians. In the evening Napoleon committed his last reserves to a desperate final attack, which was narrowly beaten back. With the Prussians breaking through on the French right flank Wellington s Anglo allied army counter attacked in the centre, and the French army was
  • 35. Technology in Life In the past people have difficult life because of many things and technology is one of them .As we know, technology is very important in our life for many reasons, it makes life easy, save the time and improve the quality . Day to day we see new technology and suitable for everyone , so no thing stay as it is.If we aske old man or woman will know how they suffered because of having poor of technology. In the futuremany types of technology will change and comes with new ideas. That is whey every country takes care of the technology. Omanis also go ahead for this and it want to be the best. In this project I will talk about the future of technology in Oman and how it will be effective . when we talk about technology ,that means we human are talking about something that made the life of easy and us do a lot of things in a short time . so my point is technology is too important in this geuiration. As we know, Oman has good technology and it provides the citizens with technology. But we want do this plan improve technology and develop it by studding it here in Oman and making new inventions by support the students. If we do this plan, we will have great strong technology in future. That what we really want, strong future by technology. So we have to start the plan right now. Last point, Technology has effected human to good way. Because technology has advantages more than disadvantage. advantages for future technology in Oman to provide noun Oman ,to make their work
  • 36. Patrick Eugene Boss Case Study Please accept my most personal regards and deepest sympathy on the recent death of your son, Specialist Patrick Eugene Boss. Words cannot describe to you how terribly sorry I am about this tremendous loss. Patrick s loss has had a great impact on all of us who had the pleasure of serving with him. As you know, the alert for mobilization of Patrick s battalion while being stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado arose. The deployment came soon after in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Patrick served as the Human Resources Information System Management Specialist for the 1st Battalion of the 22nd Infantry Regiment. On Wednesday, March 10, 2010, Patrick was on his way to begin his rest and recuperation leave when enemy forces
  • 37. Comparing John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale from The... Comparing John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale are exceptionally similar characters despite the fact that each was written about in very different eras. Both characters lived in the same time period, however, The Scarlet Letter was written in the late 1800 s, and The Crucible was written in the 1950 s. One cannot look at the qualities of Proctor and Dimmesdale without discussing each author and the time period in which each story was written. Despite minor differences, Proctor and Dimmesdale are very similar characters. Proctor and Dimmesdale both live in late 17th century New England. This is a time when religion is the only basis of government and moral standards. Everyone believes so deeply... Show more content on ... Proctor, who is very religious but does not attend Church regularly, will lose his status in the eyes of the townsmen if his sin is revealed to them. Proctor does not attend Church because he does not like the minister in his town. It has nothing to do with his involvement in the religion. He would be banished from the community, as would his family, and his name would be destroyed. Proctor and Dimmesdale, despite having very similar personalities, were written about in extremely different time periods. The Crucible was written in the 1950 s, at a time when many people were McCarthyists. McCarthyism was a belief that the United States should be purified of all people who were involved with Communism. Anyone who was suspected of being communistic could have been arrested. Miller wrote The Crucible at this time to show the American people the ignorance of their acts. The Americans in the 1950 s were behaving almost exactly like the 17th century townspeople in The Crucible. Miller made his point by demonstrating to the Americans the absurdity of their actions using the ridiculous witch hunts. One difference between Proctor and Dimmesdale is that while Proctor s actions were purely lustful, Dimmesdale and Hester committed their sin because they were in love. At the time that Proctor had committed adultery, his wife had been sick. He had sex with Abigail Williams entirely out of lust. Hester had never loved her husband, so Dimmesdale was the only love
  • 38. Who Is Frank Mccourt Social justice is something that everyone expects. It is having opportunities and privileges within a society, such as health care, an education, and even welfare. Equity is linked to social justice. It is having fair and equal rights no matter your race or religion. With social justice comes equity, or at least that s what people assume. For some it is given to, but for others they have to work for it and give it their all in order to have those basic human rightspeople take advantage of on the daily basis. Somebody who faced this obstacle was Frank McCourt, an American citizen who left America at a young age due to poverty to live in Ireland. He then was able to come back to America and make a flourishing life for himself. In the interview... Show more content on ... When I was 5 years old I was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). My joints would severely swell up with fluid causing me to be in great pain. I had to go in to get my joints drained which was a very painful experience, so I ve been told. It was quite some time ago, but I do remember bits and pieces. From that day, I remember waiting in CHOC s waiting room until my name was called and the next thing I know I m lying down on a bed feeling pretty good. My parents tell me the needles were about 3 inches and the tubes were filled to the rim with fluid. My life has been like a roller coaster. Not long after I was diagnosed with JRA, I found out I had a rare condition called uveitis. In some cases uveitis is caused by an autoimmune disease. If left untreated I could go blind, so we needed to find a doctor who we trusted. After going through multiple doctors, I found an amazing eye doctor in Los Angeles. My doctor at CHOC and UCLA talked back and forth until we found a perfect balance where both my JRA and uveitis was stable. Being around medicine has made such an impact in my life. Ever since I was diagnosed I have always wanted to become a doctor. Being around children at CHOC has made me more aware of the struggles children and families go through. The thought of being able to help people live another day and possibly cure them from a disease or sickness would be my dream come true. I just have little obstacles in my
  • 39. Outer Conditions And Strengths That Can Impact The... For any association, the earth comprises of the arrangement of outer conditions and strengths that can possibly impact the association. On account of Subway, for instance, nature contains its clients, its adversaries, for example, McDonald s and Kentucky Fried Chicken, social patterns, for example, the move in the public eye toward more advantageous eating, political substances, for example, the US Congress, and numerous extra conditions and strengths. It is helpful to break the idea of nature down into two segments. The general environment (or macro environment) incorporates general patterns and occasions in the public arena, for example, social patterns, innovative patterns, socioeconomics, and financial conditions. The business (or aggressive environment) comprises of various associations that on the whole contend with each other by giving comparable products, administrations, or both. Each move that an association makes, for example, raising its costs or propelling a promoting effort, makes some level of changes in it s general surroundings. Most associations are constrained to impacting their industry. Metro s turn to cut salt in its sandwiches, for instance, may lead other fast food firms to return to the measure of salt contained in their items. A couple of associations employ such power and impact that they can shape a few components of the general environment. While most associations essentially respond to major innovative patterns, for instance, the activities
  • 40. Katherine Johnson Hidden Figure Character Analysis of Hidden Figures Hidden Figures is a 2016 American biographical drama film, based on a non fiction book by Hampton native Margo Lee Shetterly of the same name and year. It portrays three trailblazing female African American mathematicians, instrumental in space exploration during its earliest days. This is during the Civil Rights Era, beginning in the 1950s. The women in the movie lived in segregated Hampton, Virginia. As the story opens, the main role is Katherine who is a bright child happily walking and skipping while counting steps to a road, and the rocks and trees along her path. She loves counting and performs complex mathematical problems and solutions. Her genius, recognized at an early age, is pivotal throughout her life and career. In time, Katherine meets National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) colleagues Dorothy and Mary. These brilliant women s life experiences contribute to their space achievements, although largely concealed due to their second class citizenship.Katherine Johnson is the youngest of four children. She looks forward to attending school with her siblings, wishing she could go ... Show more content on ... Jackson reaches her highest grade potential as an engineer. Although she wants to advance to a management level, she has hit a glass ceiling and her request is denied. Then, Ms. Jackson decides to help others by stepping down a grade and applying for an Administrative Professional position in the Equal Opportunity Specialist field. As a role model, Ms. Jackson helps many minorities and women reach their highest potential through promotions and movement into supervisory positions. Her love of science and a commitment to improving the lives of the people around her are the same. In the 1970s, she helps youngsters in the science club at Hampton s King Street Community Center build their own wind tunnel. They used it to conduct experiments. Ms. Jackson retires in 1985 and lives to be
  • 41. Okapi Research Paper The okapi (Okapia johnstoni), is a giraffid artiodactyl animal naturally locate in the upper east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Okapis live alone in addition, hide away in tropical rain forests. Okapi have the beautiful black and white Zebra strips and the long neck of a Giraffe making him an exclusive creature Their Gestation range from 14 to 16 months and they live 20 to 30 years. They are strongly differentiating, zebra like markings separate the layout of the okapi s shape, making a practically camouflage in the light and shade of the woods understory. First discovered in the Congo s rain forest the Okapis were imported at first in San Diego than South Africa and Japan to extend his existence in the world. This marvelous creature is two animals in one. The okapi (Okapia johnstoni) profile An okapi (Okapia johnstoni) is an uncommon timberland giraffe discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo s National Park of Virunga, regardless of more than 10 years of common war and expanded poaching. From the mid 1900s, the okapi stayed unseen in the reserve for more than five decade. Two years prior findings this... Show more content on ... In spite of its Deer like appearance the Okapi is really one of the final precursors of the Giraffe, which is the tallest creature on Earth. Alongside having a generally long neck contrasted with its body measure, the most striking component of the Okapi is the flat stripes that are especially obvious on their behinds and give this creature a just about Zebra like appearance. The Okapi is extremely modest and shrouded, to such an extent truth be told that they were not perceived as a particular animal group by western science until the earth twentieth century. In spite of the fact that they are at times seen by individuals, the Okapi is not a jeopardized species as they are thought to be genuinely regular in their remote
  • 42. Children In Bilingual Education Pros: 1.Learning a second language will be helpful while finding a job in the future. Increased language flexibility is a skill that one can put on a resume. This will open up a far larger job market for those who are educated bilingually. 2.Learning a second language makes it easier to learn a third. Once a person has learned a second language, it becomes easier for them to learn a third and a fourth. Being bilingual increases a person s ability to focus on learning new tasks and also stimulates increased concentration. Multitasking is also a skill that becomes simpler for those who are bilingual. 3.There are many personality benefits. The child will be less likely to suffer from anxiety. Bilingual education stimulates working memory. 4.Children in bilingual education will become well rounded. Children will learn to understand and relate to other cultures around the world. They will have an advantage over ... Show more content on ... Children will be able to understand other subjects. Proponents of bilingual education believe that when non English speaking students are educated in both their native language and English, their ability to learn and speak English is enhanced. They learn English in an efficient manner and they re able to learn core subjects (math, history, science, etc.). Cons: 1.Bilingual education is expensive. Schools all across the country are struggling to keep their foreign language programs funded. Running a dominant language program is cheaper than foreign language programs. 2.Foreign Language Students Do Not Integrate As Easily In order to learn a new language, foreign language students need to make certain sacrifices, most commonly their native language. These sacrifices can make it difficult to learn other subjects such as science or math. 3.Reduces Focus On A Career While learning a language, a child may become so time consumed to this subject that they will struggle in other subjects. They will become frustrated and not be able to
  • 43. The Impact Of Technology On Socialization At the beginning of Sunday morning, I reached for my phone for the last time to silence my alarm that woke me up for church. My dependence on my phone and other forms of technology has grown significantly since I joined online school. For most of the day, it remains my only form of communication with the outside world as I attend school from my living room. Because of this, I choose to attempt to do the twenty four hours of technology free on Sunday. I would be with my family for most of the day and normally wouldn t use most electronics for the time period any way. However, my confidence in abstaining from my phone weakened shortly after as I felt the urge to Snapchat my close friends. The increase in technology has changed the... Show more content on ... The values regarding how a good friend should act have dramatically changed to someone that is always available and ready to talk. Ergo, because of the shift in technology, socialization now includes a new set of rules on how to behave regarding technology. By foregoing my electronics, I was breaking the more recent values instilled by technological socialization. This made Sunday incredibly difficult as I would be unaware if any of my close friends were in trouble. In addition, since all of our plans are created through our group text, I was unaware my friends had planned to hangout on Sunday night. I even went as far as to have my best friend manage my snapchat for the day in order to ensure my snap streaks were kept. I felt an immense pressure exerted by the social rules of technology to break from the project and check my phone. However, I understood the goal was for one day and it wasn t very long in actuality so I managed to not look at it. The other forms of technology weren t as hard for me to avoid as they didn t carry the same social rule set as my social media. Thus, although Sunday felt like I was breaking a rule, I reluctantly followed the rule of the project and didn t use any technology for the day. In conclusion, technology has changed socialization to include values and rules based on technology. This negatively impacted my experience going twenty four
  • 44. The Protest Song By Charles Albert Tindley The protest song selected for this report was We Shall Overcome (Various Artists, 1945) written by various artists, with lyrics originating from an older activist s hymn. This report will cover the history, purpose, lasting effects, and the value of We Shall Overcome and its predecessor I ll Overcome Someday . We Shall Overcome the protest song has found itself tied to multiple social movements, however, its origin has its roots planted in the civil rights movement. After researching about this song I came across the fact that the lyrics and the style of the song originated from I ll Overcome Some Day , a hymn created by Charles Albert Tindley, An East Coast Methodist Minister, in 1901. Charles Tindley was the son of an African American slave father and free mother. It wasn t until the mid 1940s (ten years after Charles had passed on, leaving behind a lifetime of community work and activism) that we see the first rendition of the modern We Shall Overcome as a protest song by a tobacco and food union group. A few short years later in 1947 this song s title was recognized as We Shall Overcome in an edition of people s songs bulletin , a publication directed by Pete Seeger, who is very well known for his rendition of this song and many others. This song is an anthem, a chant if you will. Its purpose is not to drag attention to a specific event, such as 41 Shots (Springsteen, 2000) where Bruce Springsteen emotionally portrays the events of a fatal