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Standard Deviation, Hypotheses, and Standard Error
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Due Date: Oct 20, 2015 23:59:59 Max Points: 145
Doctoral researchers must be able to manage statistical data in
order to draw conclusions about the data from a research study.
This assignment will allow you to practice your skills in
working with standard deviation, hypotheses, and standard
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion
of the assignment:
· Read each segment of this assignment carefully. There is
information in the segment that will guide your completion.
· Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the
assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric
prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar
with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful
completion of the assignment.
· Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their
writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the
Student Success Center.
· This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly
research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text
citation from each source be included.
In an essay of 250-500 words, thoroughly address the following
items and respond to the related questions:
1. Define the term standard deviation. Why is it important to
know the standard deviation for a given sample? What do
researchers learn about a normal distribution from knowledge of
the standard deviation? A sample of n=20 has a mean of M =
40. If the standard deviation is s=5, would a score of X= 55 be
considered an extreme value? Why or why not?
2. Hypothesis testing allows researchers to use sample data,
taken from a larger population, to draw inferences (i.e.,
conclusions) about the population from which the sample came.
Hypothesis testing is one of the most commonly used inferential
procedures. Define and thoroughly explain the terms null
hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. How are they used in
hypothesis testing?
3. Define the term standard error. Why is the standard error
important in research using sample distributions? Consider the
following scenario: A random sample obtained from a
population has a mean of µ=100 and a standard deviation of σ =
20. The error between the sample mean and the population mean
for a sample of n = 16 is 5 points and the error between a
sample men and population mean for a sample of n = 100 is 2
points. Explain the difference in the standard error for the two
The term standard deviation is defined correctly in a thorough
manner. All of the follow-up questions are correctly answered
in a thorough manner.
The terms null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are defined
correctly and thoroughly. The application of these terms to
hypothesis testing is thorough and indicative of deep
understanding of the concepts.
The term standard error is defined correctly in a thorough
manner. All of the follow-up questions are correctly answered
in a thorough manner.
Synthesis of source information is present and scholarly.
Argument is clear and convincing presenting a persuasive claim
in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are
authoritative. The synthesis and argument in the paper are of
publication caliber.
Thesis and/or main claim are clear and comprehensive; the
essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. The
development indicated by the thesis and/or main claim is
acceptable for publication.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic
The document is correctly formatted to publication standards.
All research presented is scholarly, topic-related, and obtained
from highly respected, professional, original sources. In-text
citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The
documentation of cited sources is free of error. The paper could
readily be accepted for publication.
No Plagiarism
Commentary Proposal on XX
First Name Last Name
DeVry University
Commentary Proposal on XX
This week’s goal is to begin collecting information and
planning for the rough draft and final Commentary essay by
reading, thinking, and engaging with your topic. As you
determine your topic, you’ll want to be sure it’s viable by
understanding the perspectives within it and determining what
unique angle you can offer to the conversation. Please answer
the following questions/prompts in complete sentences and
paragraph format. Retain the same outline points and words in
bold as shown below. Delete all directions here and below. See
the week 5 sample for how your paper should look.
I. Topic/Angle/Purpose
A. What is your chosen topic? Write your topic in one
sentence. Be sure to give a brief definition or description of the
B. What unique angle can you present on this topic?
Consider what is new about the topic or what unique perspective
can be shared about this topic.
C. What is your purpose for writing? What do you hope to
accomplish? Why are you writing? Reflect on how or why your
background, motivations, needs, or interest sparked your
interest on this topic and relate to your overall goals for
II. Background
Provide a brief summary of the topic. Explain the current issues
surrounding the topic and share at least two opposing positions
on the topic. As this is a summary, this section should be
written in your own words without any quotations, quotation
marks, or copying and pasting; however, you must first conduct
research to complete this section. Find at least two sources that
offer differing perspectives on this topic and summarize their
points of view, making sure to cite each of your two sources in
correct in-text citations. These summarized points of view
should be specific information found in one site, rather than
general, common-knowledge type information that can be found
in more than one site (common knowledge ideas). Be sure to
have correct in-text citations for borrowed ideas inside the
sentence, before the final period. If there are no in-text citations
for this section, your paper will not earn a passing grade. You
will have a corresponding Reference entry for in-text citation.
Analyze the borrowed ideas to make the topic clear—and allow
readers to understand the two opposing points of view on the
topic. This entire paragraph will become paragraph #2 in your
rough draft and in your final essay, so it’s an important
III. Audience
Who are your readers, and what are their needs, motivations,
and influences? In what ways will you need to structure your
writing to appeal to them? In one paragraph, analyze the groups
and individuals who are reading and writing on your chosen
topic. Work to define who they are and how their backgrounds
will dictate your writing approach. Start a new page below for
References; you must have a minimum of two sources listed
Put your first entry here in correct APA format for a Reference
entry, starting with author’s last name or the title of the article.
Sources should be in alphabetical order. Consult Citation
Machine (, or the textbook Writing Today
Using APA Style for more information about the References
list. See how the first line is flush left; each subsequent line is
hanging indented. To do this, highlight the second, third, etc.
lines, and in Paragraph, look for Special; in the drop-down box,
click on Hanging, and the indentation should be .5”. Pay
attention to capitalization (titles are not in all caps), spacing,
italics, and punctuation, as these elements need to be correct.
Note: most entries are not this long; they are usually 2 lines
Put your second entry here in correct APA format for a
Reference entry, starting with author’s last name or the title of
the article. Alphabetize by the author’s last name, so an author
whose last name ends in A appears before an author whose last
name ends with B, and so on. Pay attention to capitalization
(titles are not in all caps), spacing, italics, and punctuation, as
these elements need to be correct.
Put your third entry here (if you have one; the minimum for this
week’s assignment is 2) in correct APA format for a Reference
entry, starting with author’s last name or the title of the article.
Alphabetize by the author’s last name, so an author whose last
name ends in A appears before an author whose last name ends
with B, and so on. Pay attention to capitalization (titles are not
in all caps), spacing, italics, and punctuation, as these elements
need to be correct.
Commentary on Social Networking
Sammy North
DeVry University
Commentary on Social Networking
Ginger D’Amico had a really good time at her friend’s
bachelorette party. The party took place in Pittsburgh; she was
hosting the party for her friend, who was about to get married.
D’Amico took pictures of male entertainers posing with guests
at the party; in each picture, guests appeared to be laughing, and
no naked body parts were visible. She posted some of these
pictures on her Facebook page. People viewed the pictures,
including those at her workplace. Well, D’Amico happened to
be a teacher at a local high school, and there is a different,
higher standard for teachers compared to regular workers,
because D’Amico received a month-long suspension from
school without pay. She sued, and won back her job, along with
a small settlement including lost wages (as cited in Clemmitt,
2010). She won back her job and good name, but this is an
example of what happens when the line between one’s private
life and public persona is blurred. Is there any privacy anymore,
and does a user have the right to privacy? Can someone post
pictures or text on social networking sites without fear of
retribution? And more to the point, are these networking sites
beneficial? The answer to these questions is a resounding “yes.”
What’s more, they can and should be increased due to several
benefits. Social networking should be expanded as a
communication medium because as a review of its current issues
indicate, its benefits outweigh its drawbacks as it can provide
emotional support and is an effective tool for the workplace.
A review of what’s currently happening regarding this issue
reveals that it’s a very positive medium. These sites allow
users to interact and connect with others regarding common
interests. You can post comments and pictures on your
Facebook page, interact with like-minded users and “follow”
others with similar interests on Twitter, and build your
professional identity for prospective employers on LinkedIn.
Users of these sites can expect to improve their social spheres
and reach people they ordinarily would not interact with face-
to-face. In the workplace, social media is becoming an
important part of employees’ interaction. Although traditional
methods of communication are more commonplace in today’s
business world, younger employees (from Generation X and Y)
are more likely to use social media tools for communication to
collaborate with their colleagues (Cardon & Marshall, 2015).
This bodes well for the future of many companies whose
employees and clients are overseas. Companies can also use
social networking sites to market their products, as they can
connect with consumers on a personal level and put a face to
their products; politicians do the same to build support for their
candidacies. Users can be young children, as legislation to
make browsing the Internet safe has recently been enacted. But
there are drawbacks, including the decrease in socialization
among users, a decrease in risk-taking behaviors, and the ever-
present online predators. When users use online sites
exclusively and don’t venture out to meet people face-to-face, it
has a negative effect on their social skills, especially among
young people. According to University of Washington
professor Katie Davis, teenagers are not conversing face-to-face
and instead prefer texting or posting on social networking sites,
and this mode of communication leads to short, shallow
conversations that exemplify a downward trend in taking risks
(as cited in Clemmitt, 2013). When teens don’t take risks and
exhibit good communication skills, they may have trouble
forging real relationships and finding employment. What’s
more, online predators can take advantage of unsuspecting users
and cyberbully them, or make plans to meet them face-to-face,
which can lead to dangerous situations for young people. That
said, if users learn to have a safe, healthy balance between
online and offline communication, then they can thrive in all
aspects of their lives.
This medium can provide emotional support to its users. Users
can share their joy in order to increase it by posting pictures,
videos, and text about joyful events in their personal lives,
whether it’s an important milestone like a college graduation or
a small victory like earning a .25 raise at work. Today’s social
media sites allow you to maintain relationships with a wider
circle of people from varied backgrounds and walks of life,
even providing a forum for better inter-cultural or international
relations (as cited in Clemmitt, 2010). Your friends from around
the world can comment upon and learn from your victories,
sharing what it would mean to them. By the same token,
negative events in your life can also be shared, and your friends
can commiserate with you, even posting solutions to your
problems. Sorrow can be shared if only to decrease it. If you got
passed up for a promotion at work, there’s nothing like seeing a
few comments or jokes on your personal page to cheer you up.
Or if your child is acting out and you need help with discipline,
you can reach out to other like-minded people to gather
solutions. A larger than expected number of users use their own
social media sites to find answers about parenting or travel
issues (as cited in Clemmitt, 2010). So instead of using the
traditional means of research, social media users are finding
that the answer is truly in their own backyards.
Finally, social networking can be used as an effective tool for
the workplace. If you’re self-employed, it allows for
exponential advertising. Instead of reaching just those in your
community, you can advertise your services to anyone within
reach of a computer. In fact, 65% of users on social media sites
learn about companies or organizations and their products and
services (as cited in Clemmitt, 2013). People can work from
home selling their products online using just a Facebook page,
and include their products in their LinkedIn page. Those on
LinkedIn find social networking sites a real bonus. You can
always display information about your new accomplishments.
Potential employers find information about you by reading your
LinkedIn profile, so any skills, certifications, and updated
educational credentials can exist on your page, meaning your
profile often serves as your personal advertisement. There are
approximately 225 million LinkedIn users across 200 countries;
the rate at which people are registering for this site is two per
second (Peterson & Dover, 2014). With that kind of popularity
and reach, it is foolish not to consider this site as a source to
professional connections.
It is best to be prudent and to remember that anything published
on the Internet remains out in cyberspace forever, somewhere.
Users should post comments and pictures with this criterion in
mind: Is this idea or photo something that would offend my
grandmother? If so, do not post or use it. Also, keeping in mind
the drawbacks of the social networking, including cyberbullying
and online predators, users should be vigilant about whom they
give information to. Parents should monitor their children’s
online habits so that they are aware of what is posted, and who
has access to that information. Children should be reminded that
not everyone is who they say they are; “trust, but verify” is a
maxim to live by. These networking sites can be safe, healthy
places for everyone and will only increase as time goes by.
Cardon, P. W., & Marshall, B. (2015). The hype and reality of
social media use for work collaboration and team
communication. Journal of Business Communication, 52(3),
273-293. doi:10.1177/2329488414525446
Clemmitt, M. (2010, September 17). Social networking. CQ
Researcher, 20, 749-772. Retrieved from
Clemmitt, M. (2013, January 25). Social media explosion. CQ
Researcher, 23, 81-104. Retrieved from
Peterson, R. M., & Dover, H. F. (2014). Building student
networks with LinkedIn: The potential for connections,
internships, and jobs. Marketing Education Review, 24(1), 15-
20. doi:10.2753/MER1052-8008240102

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Standard Deviation, Hypotheses, and Standard ErrorView Rubric.docx

  • 1. Standard Deviation, Hypotheses, and Standard Error View Rubric Due Date: Oct 20, 2015 23:59:59 Max Points: 145 Details: Doctoral researchers must be able to manage statistical data in order to draw conclusions about the data from a research study. This assignment will allow you to practice your skills in working with standard deviation, hypotheses, and standard error. General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: · Read each segment of this assignment carefully. There is information in the segment that will guide your completion. · Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. · Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center. · This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included. Directions: In an essay of 250-500 words, thoroughly address the following items and respond to the related questions: 1. Define the term standard deviation. Why is it important to know the standard deviation for a given sample? What do researchers learn about a normal distribution from knowledge of the standard deviation? A sample of n=20 has a mean of M =
  • 2. 40. If the standard deviation is s=5, would a score of X= 55 be considered an extreme value? Why or why not? 2. Hypothesis testing allows researchers to use sample data, taken from a larger population, to draw inferences (i.e., conclusions) about the population from which the sample came. Hypothesis testing is one of the most commonly used inferential procedures. Define and thoroughly explain the terms null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. How are they used in hypothesis testing? 3. Define the term standard error. Why is the standard error important in research using sample distributions? Consider the following scenario: A random sample obtained from a population has a mean of µ=100 and a standard deviation of σ = 20. The error between the sample mean and the population mean for a sample of n = 16 is 5 points and the error between a sample men and population mean for a sample of n = 100 is 2 points. Explain the difference in the standard error for the two samples. Rubric- The term standard deviation is defined correctly in a thorough manner. All of the follow-up questions are correctly answered in a thorough manner. The terms null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are defined correctly and thoroughly. The application of these terms to hypothesis testing is thorough and indicative of deep understanding of the concepts. The term standard error is defined correctly in a thorough manner. All of the follow-up questions are correctly answered in a thorough manner.
  • 3. Synthesis of source information is present and scholarly. Argument is clear and convincing presenting a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. The synthesis and argument in the paper are of publication caliber. Thesis and/or main claim are clear and comprehensive; the essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. The development indicated by the thesis and/or main claim is acceptable for publication. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. The document is correctly formatted to publication standards. All research presented is scholarly, topic-related, and obtained from highly respected, professional, original sources. In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error. The paper could readily be accepted for publication. No Plagiarism Running head: COMMENTARY PROPOSAL ON XX 1 COMMENTARY PROPOSAL ON XX 3 Commentary Proposal on XX First Name Last Name DeVry University Commentary Proposal on XX
  • 4. This week’s goal is to begin collecting information and planning for the rough draft and final Commentary essay by reading, thinking, and engaging with your topic. As you determine your topic, you’ll want to be sure it’s viable by understanding the perspectives within it and determining what unique angle you can offer to the conversation. Please answer the following questions/prompts in complete sentences and paragraph format. Retain the same outline points and words in bold as shown below. Delete all directions here and below. See the week 5 sample for how your paper should look. I. Topic/Angle/Purpose A. What is your chosen topic? Write your topic in one sentence. Be sure to give a brief definition or description of the subject. B. What unique angle can you present on this topic? Consider what is new about the topic or what unique perspective can be shared about this topic. C. What is your purpose for writing? What do you hope to accomplish? Why are you writing? Reflect on how or why your background, motivations, needs, or interest sparked your interest on this topic and relate to your overall goals for writing. II. Background Provide a brief summary of the topic. Explain the current issues surrounding the topic and share at least two opposing positions on the topic. As this is a summary, this section should be written in your own words without any quotations, quotation marks, or copying and pasting; however, you must first conduct research to complete this section. Find at least two sources that offer differing perspectives on this topic and summarize their points of view, making sure to cite each of your two sources in correct in-text citations. These summarized points of view should be specific information found in one site, rather than general, common-knowledge type information that can be found in more than one site (common knowledge ideas). Be sure to have correct in-text citations for borrowed ideas inside the
  • 5. sentence, before the final period. If there are no in-text citations for this section, your paper will not earn a passing grade. You will have a corresponding Reference entry for in-text citation. Analyze the borrowed ideas to make the topic clear—and allow readers to understand the two opposing points of view on the topic. This entire paragraph will become paragraph #2 in your rough draft and in your final essay, so it’s an important paragraph. III. Audience Who are your readers, and what are their needs, motivations, and influences? In what ways will you need to structure your writing to appeal to them? In one paragraph, analyze the groups and individuals who are reading and writing on your chosen topic. Work to define who they are and how their backgrounds will dictate your writing approach. Start a new page below for References; you must have a minimum of two sources listed below. References Put your first entry here in correct APA format for a Reference entry, starting with author’s last name or the title of the article. Sources should be in alphabetical order. Consult Citation Machine (, or the textbook Writing Today Using APA Style for more information about the References list. See how the first line is flush left; each subsequent line is hanging indented. To do this, highlight the second, third, etc. lines, and in Paragraph, look for Special; in the drop-down box, click on Hanging, and the indentation should be .5”. Pay attention to capitalization (titles are not in all caps), spacing, italics, and punctuation, as these elements need to be correct. Note: most entries are not this long; they are usually 2 lines long. Put your second entry here in correct APA format for a Reference entry, starting with author’s last name or the title of the article. Alphabetize by the author’s last name, so an author whose last name ends in A appears before an author whose last
  • 6. name ends with B, and so on. Pay attention to capitalization (titles are not in all caps), spacing, italics, and punctuation, as these elements need to be correct. Put your third entry here (if you have one; the minimum for this week’s assignment is 2) in correct APA format for a Reference entry, starting with author’s last name or the title of the article. Alphabetize by the author’s last name, so an author whose last name ends in A appears before an author whose last name ends with B, and so on. Pay attention to capitalization (titles are not in all caps), spacing, italics, and punctuation, as these elements need to be correct. Running head: COMMENTARY ON SOCIAL NETWORKING 1 COMMENTARY ON SOCIAL NETWORKING 6 Commentary on Social Networking Sammy North DeVry University Commentary on Social Networking Ginger D’Amico had a really good time at her friend’s bachelorette party. The party took place in Pittsburgh; she was hosting the party for her friend, who was about to get married. D’Amico took pictures of male entertainers posing with guests at the party; in each picture, guests appeared to be laughing, and no naked body parts were visible. She posted some of these pictures on her Facebook page. People viewed the pictures, including those at her workplace. Well, D’Amico happened to be a teacher at a local high school, and there is a different,
  • 7. higher standard for teachers compared to regular workers, because D’Amico received a month-long suspension from school without pay. She sued, and won back her job, along with a small settlement including lost wages (as cited in Clemmitt, 2010). She won back her job and good name, but this is an example of what happens when the line between one’s private life and public persona is blurred. Is there any privacy anymore, and does a user have the right to privacy? Can someone post pictures or text on social networking sites without fear of retribution? And more to the point, are these networking sites beneficial? The answer to these questions is a resounding “yes.” What’s more, they can and should be increased due to several benefits. Social networking should be expanded as a communication medium because as a review of its current issues indicate, its benefits outweigh its drawbacks as it can provide emotional support and is an effective tool for the workplace. A review of what’s currently happening regarding this issue reveals that it’s a very positive medium. These sites allow users to interact and connect with others regarding common interests. You can post comments and pictures on your Facebook page, interact with like-minded users and “follow” others with similar interests on Twitter, and build your professional identity for prospective employers on LinkedIn. Users of these sites can expect to improve their social spheres and reach people they ordinarily would not interact with face- to-face. In the workplace, social media is becoming an important part of employees’ interaction. Although traditional methods of communication are more commonplace in today’s business world, younger employees (from Generation X and Y) are more likely to use social media tools for communication to collaborate with their colleagues (Cardon & Marshall, 2015). This bodes well for the future of many companies whose employees and clients are overseas. Companies can also use social networking sites to market their products, as they can connect with consumers on a personal level and put a face to their products; politicians do the same to build support for their
  • 8. candidacies. Users can be young children, as legislation to make browsing the Internet safe has recently been enacted. But there are drawbacks, including the decrease in socialization among users, a decrease in risk-taking behaviors, and the ever- present online predators. When users use online sites exclusively and don’t venture out to meet people face-to-face, it has a negative effect on their social skills, especially among young people. According to University of Washington professor Katie Davis, teenagers are not conversing face-to-face and instead prefer texting or posting on social networking sites, and this mode of communication leads to short, shallow conversations that exemplify a downward trend in taking risks (as cited in Clemmitt, 2013). When teens don’t take risks and exhibit good communication skills, they may have trouble forging real relationships and finding employment. What’s more, online predators can take advantage of unsuspecting users and cyberbully them, or make plans to meet them face-to-face, which can lead to dangerous situations for young people. That said, if users learn to have a safe, healthy balance between online and offline communication, then they can thrive in all aspects of their lives. This medium can provide emotional support to its users. Users can share their joy in order to increase it by posting pictures, videos, and text about joyful events in their personal lives, whether it’s an important milestone like a college graduation or a small victory like earning a .25 raise at work. Today’s social media sites allow you to maintain relationships with a wider circle of people from varied backgrounds and walks of life, even providing a forum for better inter-cultural or international relations (as cited in Clemmitt, 2010). Your friends from around the world can comment upon and learn from your victories, sharing what it would mean to them. By the same token, negative events in your life can also be shared, and your friends can commiserate with you, even posting solutions to your problems. Sorrow can be shared if only to decrease it. If you got passed up for a promotion at work, there’s nothing like seeing a
  • 9. few comments or jokes on your personal page to cheer you up. Or if your child is acting out and you need help with discipline, you can reach out to other like-minded people to gather solutions. A larger than expected number of users use their own social media sites to find answers about parenting or travel issues (as cited in Clemmitt, 2010). So instead of using the traditional means of research, social media users are finding that the answer is truly in their own backyards. Finally, social networking can be used as an effective tool for the workplace. If you’re self-employed, it allows for exponential advertising. Instead of reaching just those in your community, you can advertise your services to anyone within reach of a computer. In fact, 65% of users on social media sites learn about companies or organizations and their products and services (as cited in Clemmitt, 2013). People can work from home selling their products online using just a Facebook page, and include their products in their LinkedIn page. Those on LinkedIn find social networking sites a real bonus. You can always display information about your new accomplishments. Potential employers find information about you by reading your LinkedIn profile, so any skills, certifications, and updated educational credentials can exist on your page, meaning your profile often serves as your personal advertisement. There are approximately 225 million LinkedIn users across 200 countries; the rate at which people are registering for this site is two per second (Peterson & Dover, 2014). With that kind of popularity and reach, it is foolish not to consider this site as a source to professional connections. It is best to be prudent and to remember that anything published on the Internet remains out in cyberspace forever, somewhere. Users should post comments and pictures with this criterion in mind: Is this idea or photo something that would offend my grandmother? If so, do not post or use it. Also, keeping in mind the drawbacks of the social networking, including cyberbullying and online predators, users should be vigilant about whom they give information to. Parents should monitor their children’s
  • 10. online habits so that they are aware of what is posted, and who has access to that information. Children should be reminded that not everyone is who they say they are; “trust, but verify” is a maxim to live by. These networking sites can be safe, healthy places for everyone and will only increase as time goes by. References Cardon, P. W., & Marshall, B. (2015). The hype and reality of social media use for work collaboration and team communication. Journal of Business Communication, 52(3), 273-293. doi:10.1177/2329488414525446 Clemmitt, M. (2010, September 17). Social networking. CQ Researcher, 20, 749-772. Retrieved from Clemmitt, M. (2013, January 25). Social media explosion. CQ Researcher, 23, 81-104. Retrieved from Peterson, R. M., & Dover, H. F. (2014). Building student networks with LinkedIn: The potential for connections, internships, and jobs. Marketing Education Review, 24(1), 15- 20. doi:10.2753/MER1052-8008240102