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2o Νθπιαγωγείο Σκφρου
Τςαμπουνιάρθ Αναςταςία
Λειβαδίτθ Σοφία
Etwinning-young scientists
Μίγματα – διαλφματα
Ζννοιεσ: μίγμα ονομάηεται το ςϊμα που αποτελείται από δφο ι περιςςότερα υλικά,
τα οποία ςυνυπάρχουν. Θ ανάμειξθ των υλικϊν γίνεται ςε τυχαία αναλογία και κάκε
υλικό διατθρεί αμετάβλθτεσ τισ αρχικζσ του ιδιότθτεσ. Στθ φφςθ τα πιο πολλά υλικά
είναι μίγματα διαφόρων ειδϊν. Τα μίγματα διακρίνονται ςε ομογενι και ετερογενι.
Γενικά τα μίγματα διακρίνονται ςε ομογενι και ετερογενι, ανάλογα με το αν
διακρίνονται ι όχι τα ςυςτατικά τουσ. Ομογενι ονομάηονται τα μείγματα που ζχουν
τθν ίδια ςφςταςθ, ποιοτικι και ποςοτικι, και τισ ίδιεσ ιδιότθτεσ ςε όλθ τθ μάηα τουσ.
Τα ομογενι μείγματα ονομάηονται Και διαλφματα. Γενικά ζνα διάλυμα, αποτελείται
από τθ διαλυμζνθ ουςία και το διαλφτθ. Το νερό είναι ζνασ πολφ ςθμαντικόσ
διαλφτθσ γιατί διαλφει πολλζσ ουςίεσ. Αν ο διαλφτθσ είναι το νερό, τότε το διάλυμα
λζγεται υδατικό. Υπάρχουν πολλϊν ειδϊν διαλφματα. Στερεά ςε ςτερεά, ςτερεά ςε
υγρά, υγρά ςε υγρά, αζρια ςε υγρά, αζρια ςε αζρια. Ρεριεκτικότθτα ενόσ
διαλφματοσ, ονομάηεται θ ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ. Αραιό ονομάηεται το
διάλυμα που ζχει μικρι ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ, ενϊ πυκνό, ονομάηεται
το διάλυμα που ζχει μεγάλθ ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ. Κορεςμζνο
ονομάηεται το διάλυμα ςτο οποίο δεν μποροφμε να προςκζςουμε άλλθ διαλυμζνθ
ουςία. Ίηθμα ονομάηεται θ επιπλζον ουςία που δεν μπορεί να διαλυκεί και
κατακάκεται ςτον πάτο.
Concepts: mixture called body consisting of two or more materials,
which coexist. The mixing of the materials is made at random, and
ratio of each material unchanged the original properties. In nature
many more materials are mixtures of various species. The mixtures
are divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous. Generally
mixtures are divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous,
depending on whether or not there are the components. They called
homogeneous mixtures having the same composition, quality and
quantity, and the same properties throughout their mass.
Homogeneous mixtures are called and solutions. Generally a solution
consisting of solute and solvent. Water is a very important solvent
because it dissolves many substances. If the solvent is water, then the
aqueous solution is called. There are many types of solutions. Solid to
solid, solid to liquid, liquid in liquid, gas in liquid, gaseous. Content of
a solution, called the amount of the solute. Dilute called the solution
having a small amount of solute, and concentrated, called the
solution having a high amount of solute. Saturated called the solution
to which we can add another solute. Sediment called the additional
substance which can not be dissolved and settles to the bottom.
Conceitos: mistura chamada corpo constituído por duas ou mais matérias, que
coexistem. A mistura dos materiais é feita de forma aleatória, e proporção de cada
material inalteradas as propriedades originais. Na natureza muitos mais materiais
são misturas de várias espécies. As misturas são divididos em homogéneas e
heterogéneas. Geralmente são divididos em misturas homogéneas e heterogéneas,
dependendo se existem ou não os componentes. Eles chamaram as misturas
homogêneas com a mesma composição, qualidade e quantidade, e as mesmas
propriedades em toda a sua massa. Misturas homogêneas são chamados e
soluções. Geralmente, uma solução consistindo de soluto e solvente. A água é um
solvente muito importante porque se dissolve muitas substâncias. Se o solvente for
água, então a solução aquosa é chamado. Existem muitos tipos de soluções. Sólido
de sólido, sólido para líquido, líquido em líquido, gás em líquido, gasoso. Conteúdo
de uma solução, o chamado quantidade do soluto. Diluir chamada tendo a solução
uma pequena quantidade de soluto, e concentrou-se, a chamada solução possuindo
uma elevada quantidade de soluto. Saturada chamado a solução para que
possamos adicionar outro soluto. Sedimentos chamado a substância adicional, que
não pode ser dissolvido e deposita-se no fundo.
Εμπειρίεσ: ετερογενζσ μίγμα δφο ςτερεϊν και μζκοδοι διαχωριςμοφ των
ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ , όπωσ διαλογι με το χζρι, κοςκίνιςμα. Ετερογενζσ
μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρά και μζκοδοι διαχωριςμοφ των ςυςτατικϊν του
μίγματοσ, φιλτράριςμα, ι διικθςθ
- Διάλυμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρό και θ εξάτμιςθ ωσ μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ των
ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ.
- Διάλυμα υγροφ ςε υγρό. Υπάρχουν υγρά υλικά που διαλφονται και δεν
διαλφονται ςτο νερό.
επιςτθμονικζσ δεξιότθτεσ:
Ραρατιρθςθ, ταξινόμθςθ, επικοινωνία, υποβολι ερωτθμάτων, διατφπωςθ
λειτουργικοφ οριςμοφ, ερμθνεία παρατιρθςθσ, πρόβλεψθ, διατφπωςθ υπόκεςθσ,
ερμθνεία δεδομζνων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων, αναγνϊριςθ παραγόντων και
ζλεγχοσ μεταβλθτϊν, διερεφνθςθ.
heterogeneous mixture of two solids and
separation processes of the components of the
mixture as hand sorting, sorting magnet,
sieving, washing and flotation
A heterogeneous mixture of a solid and a
liquid separation processes of the components
of the mixture, filtration, or filtration
A solution of the solid in liquid and
evaporation as a method of separating
components of a mixture.
- A solution of liquid in liquid. There are liquid
materials which are dissolved and not
dissolved in water
Scientific skills
Observation, classification,
communication, query,
formulating operational
definition, interpretation of
observation, prediction,
hypothesis formulation, interpret
data and draw conclusions,
identify factors and control
variables, investigation.
Experiências: mistura heterogénea de dois
sólidos e processos de separação dos
componentes da mistura como triagem lado, a
triagem ímã, peneiramento, lavagem e
Uma mistura heterogénea de um sólido e um
líquido processos de separação dos
componentes da mistura, filtração, ou filtração
Uma solução do sólido em líquido e
evaporação, como um método para separar
componentes de uma mistura.
- Uma solução de líquido em líquido. Existem
materiais líquidos que são dissolvidos e não
dissolvidos em água
Competências científicas
Observação, classificação,
comunicação, consulta,
formulação de definição
operacional, interpretação
de observação, previsão,
formulação de hipóteses,
interpretar dados e tirar
conclusões, identificar os
fatores e variáveis ​​de
controle, investigação.
Διδακτικοί ςτόχοι
- Να παραςκευάηουν μίγματα με υλικά κακθμερινισ ηωισ
- Να ορίςουν τθν ζννοια του μίγματοσ
- Να παραςκευάςουν μίγματα ςτερεϊν με ςτερεά, υγρϊν με ςτερεά
και υγρϊν με υγρά.
Teaching objectives
To prepare mixtures with materials of daily life
Designate the meaning of the mixture
To prepare mixtures of solids with solids, solids with liquids and liquid fluids.
Objetivos de ensino
Para preparar misturas com materiais da vida cotidiana
Designar o significado da mistura
Para preparar misturas de sólidos com sólidos, sólidos com líquidos e fluidos
Στάςεισ: επικυμία για εξερεφνθςθ, επικυμία να ξαναδοκιμάηει ςε περίπτωςθ
αποτυχίασ, προςεκτικι εξζταςθ των γεγονότων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων, επιμονι
για αναηιτθςθ λφςεων, επιμονι για ολοκλιρωςθ τθσ προςπάκειασ, επικυμία να
ςυμμετζχει ςε ομαδικι εργαςία και να ςυνεργάηεται, να ςζβεται τα αποτελζςματα
των ερευνϊν του, να αντιλαμβάνεται ότι γίνεται πιο πειςτικόσ όταν τεκμθριϊνει τθν
άποψθ του με δεδομζνα, κι όταν εξθγεί το ςυλλογιςμό του. να αποκτιςει τθν επικυμία
για αλλαγι προςζγγιςθσ που αφορά ςτθν επίλυςθ ενόσ προβλιματοσ, με βάςθ τισ
εμπειρίεσ και τα δεδομζνα μασ..
Pára: desejo de exploração, desejo de novas tentativas em caso de falha, o exame
cuidadoso dos fatos e conclusões, a insistência na procura de soluções perseverança
para completar o esforço, o desejo de participar no trabalho em equipe e
cooperação, a respeitarem os resultados dos seus inquéritos, percebendo que se
torna mais convincente para documentar termos com os dados, e ao explicar o
raciocínio. para adquirir o desejo de uma mudança de abordagem em relação à
solução de um problema, com base em nossas experiências e dados ..
Stops: desire for exploration, desire to retries in case of failure, careful examination of the
facts and conclusions, insistence on seeking solutions perseverance to complete the effort,
desire to participate in teamwork and cooperate, to respect the results of his inquiries,
perceiving that becomes more convincing when documenting terms with data, and when
explaining the reasoning. to acquire the desire for a change of approach regarding the
solution of a problem, based on our experiences and data ..
Μζςα από μια αυτοςχζδια ιςτορία εξιγθςα ςτα παιδιά: μίγμα ονομάηεται το ςϊμα
που αποτελείται από δφο ι περιςςότερα ςυςτατικά, τα οποία υπάρχουν χωρίσ να
ενοχλεί το ζνα το άλλο. Στθ φφςθ υπάρχουν πολλά μίγματα. Τα μίγματα είναι δφο
ειδϊν. Ππωσ υπάρχουν αγόρια και κορίτςια, ζτςι και ςτθ φφςθ υπάρχουν τα ετερογενι
μίγματα και τα ομογενι μίγματα. Τα ομογενι μίγματα, μποροφμε να τα λζμε και
διαλφματα, ακριβϊσ όπωσ τον Κωνςταντίνο μποροφμε να τον λζμε και Κϊςτα, ι τθν
Ηαχαροφλα να τθ λζμε ΢οφλα. Τα ετερογενι μίγματα δεν ζχουν χαϊδευτικό όνομα. Τα
λζνε απλά ετερογενι μίγματα.
- Μίγματα ςχθματίηουν και τα ςτερεά και τα υγρά και τα αζρια. Και τα ςτερεά μαηί, και
τα υγρά μαηί, και τα αζρια μαηί. Επίςθσ, μίγματα ςχθματίηουν και τα ςτερεά με τα
υγρά, όλων των ειδϊν τα ςτερεά, και οι ςκόνεσ και τα ςτερεά με κρυςταλλικοφσ
κόκκουσ. Επίςθσ και τα αζρια με τα υγρά, όλοι οι ςυνδυαςμοί των υλικϊν.
- Τα ετερογενι μίγματα δεν μποροφν να κρυφτοφν. Πταν παίηουν κρυφτό και κρφβονται
μαηί , μποροφμε εφκολα να τα ξεχωρίςουμε . για παράδειγμα το ρφηι και οι φακζσ.
Πταν τα ανακατζψουμε μποροφμε να βροφμε και το ρφηι και τισ φακζσ και να τισ πάμε
ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ. Τα ομογενι μίγματα ι διαλφματα, όταν κρφβονται δεν μποροφμε να
τα βροφμε και να τα βάλουμε ςτο ςπίτι τουσ, ςτο δοχείο, ςτο ςακοφλι ι ςτο μπουκάλι
Θζλετε να γνωρίςουμε τα μίγματα και τα διαλφματα? Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν κετικά και
ξεκινιςαμε τισ δραςτθριότθτεσ.
Através de uma história improvisada explicou às crianças: um corpo chamado mistura
consistindo de dois ou mais componentes, que existem sem um perturbador outro. Na
natureza há muitas misturas. As misturas são duas. Como existem meninos e meninas,
então naturalmente há misturas heterogêneas e misturas homogêneas. Os
homogeneizados, podemos dizer e soluções, assim como Constantino não pode dizê-lo
e Costas, ou o Zacharoula a dizer Roula. Misturas heterogêneas não têm nome apelido.
O simplesmente dizer misturas heterogêneas.
- Misturas formadas e os sólidos e líquidos e gases. E os sólidos em conjunto e, em
conjunto líquidos e os gases em conjunto. Além disso, as misturas de formulário e
sólido para líquido, todos os tipos de sólidos, em pó ou em grãos de cristal sólido.
Também os gases em líquidos, ou qualquer combinação de materiais.
- Misturas heterogêneas não pode se esconder. Quando a brincar às escondidas e se
escondendo em conjunto, podemos distinguir facilmente. por exemplo, arroz e
lentilhas. Quando o mix podemos encontrar arroz e lentilhas, e levá-los no saco. As
misturas ou soluções homogêneas quando escondendo nós não podemos encontrá-los
e colocá-los em sua casa, o recipiente, o saco ou a garrafa.
Quer saber misturas e soluções; As crianças responderam positivamente e nós
Começamos atividades.
Through an improvised story explained to children: a mixture called body consisting of
two or more components, which exist without disturbing one another. In nature there
are many mixtures. The mixtures are twofold. As there are boys and girls, so naturally
there are heterogeneous mixtures and homogeneous mixtures. The homogenates, we
can say and solutions, just as Constantine can not say it and Costas, or the Zacharoula
(girl name), to say Roula. Heterogeneous mixtures have no nickname name. The simply
say heterogeneous mixtures.
- Mixtures formed and the solids and liquids and gases. And the solids together and
liquid together, and the gases together. Also, mixtures of form and solid to liquid, all
kinds of solid, powder or solid in crystal grains. Also gases to liquids, or any
combination of materials.
- Heterogeneous mixtures can not hide. When playing hide and seek and hiding
together, we can easily distinguish. for example, rice and lentils. When the mix we can
find rice and lentils, and get them in the sack. The homogeneous mixtures or solutions
when hiding we can not find them and put them in their home, the container, the bag
or the bottle.
Want to know mixtures and solutions; The children responded positively and we
We started activities.
1θ δραςτθριότθτα: μίγμα ςτερεϊν και μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ του μίγματοσ ( διαλογι
με το χζρι ).
Τα παιδιά χωρίςτθκαν ςε μικρζσ ομάδεσ. κάκε ομάδα προςπάκθςε να διαχωρίςει τα
υλικά που τουσ δόκθκαν, με όποιο τρόπο μποροφςαν. Τα υλικά που δόκθκαν ςτισ
ομάδεσ των παιδιϊν, ιταν όςπρια, ρφηι, κόκκοι καφζ. Τα παιδιά με ευκολία, διαχϊριςαν
τα ςυςτατικά των μιγμάτων με το χζρι. Εμείσ ρωτιςαμε τα παιδιά, αν μποροφν να
διακρίνουν τα ςυςτατικά των μιγμάτων αυτϊν κι αν μποροφν να τα βάλουν ςτο ςπίτι
τουσ, γιατί τα ψάχνει θ μαμά τουσ. Δϊςαμε ςτα παιδιά ζνα λευκό χαρτί και τα παιδιά
ζκαναν τθ διαλογι με το χζρι. Κατόπιν κόλλθςαν ςτο χαρτί ςε διαφορετικό ςθμείο τα
άτακτα μόρια για να τα βρει θ μαμά τουσ. Ζγραψαν όπωσ μποροφςαν διαλογι με το
First activity: a mixture of solid and
process mixture separation (sorting
by hand).
The children were divided into small
groups. each team tried to separate
the materials given them, in
whatever way they could. The
materials were given to groups of
children, it was beans, rice, coffee
beans. Children easily, they
separated the components of the
mixtures by hand. We asked the
children if they can distinguish the
components of those mixtures you
can put them in their home,
because looking their mom. We
gave the children a white paper and
the guys did sorting by hand. Then
the children stuck to the paper in a
different place the naughty
molecules to find their mom.
children wrote as they phrase hand-
Primeiro actividade: uma mistura de
separação de sólido e o processo de
mistura (triagem à mão).
As crianças foram divididas em pequenos
grupos. cada equipe tentou separar os
materiais lhes deu, sob qualquer forma
que poderia. Os materiais foram entregues
a grupos de crianças, era feijão, arroz,
grãos de café. Crianças facilmente,
separaram-se os componentes da mistura
à mão. Pedimos que as crianças se podem
distinguir os componentes dessas misturas
que você pode colocá-los em sua casa,
porque olhando para sua mãe. Nós demos
às crianças um papel branco e os caras
fizeram triagem com a mão. Em seguida,
as crianças preso ao papel em um lugar
diferente as moléculas impertinentes para
encontrar sua mãe. crianças escreveu
como eles frase mão-classificado.
Μοντελοποίθςαν τθν δραςτθριότθτα ςτο χαρτί. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να
ηωγραφίςουν ζνα ςακοφλι που μζςα ςε αυτό υπάρχουν όςπρια ( ότι όςπρια
κζλουν και όςα κζλουν), που παίηουν όλα μαηί ανακατεμζνα. Μετά είπα ςτα
παιδιά ότι τα φωνάηει θ μαμά τουσ και πρζπει να πάνε ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ.
Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ηωγραφίςουν τα ςακοφλια τουσ ςτο ίδιο χαρτί. Να
προςπακιςουν να βάλουν τα όςπρια ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ ςχεδιάηοντασ τα όςπρια
ςτα νζα ςακοφλια που ηωγράφιςαν . Να μετριςουν τα όςπρια ξεχωριςτά και να
τα ηωγραφίςουν ςτθν ςωςτι κζςθ και να βρουν τον ςωςτό αρικμό, γράφοντασ
τον αρικμό όπωσ μποροφν. Να αντιγράψουν όπωσ μποροφν τθν φράςθ … μίγμα
ςτερεό ςε ςτερεό, διαλογι με το χζρι.
Modelando a atividade no papel. Eu pedi as
crianças a desenhar uma bolsa que nele há
leguminosas (feijão que eles querem eo que
eles querem), tocando todos juntos
misturados. Depois que eu disse às crianças
que a mãe grita e precisa ir para o saco. Eu
pedi as crianças a tirar suas malas no mesmo
papel. Para tentar colocar feijão no saco
projetar legumes em sacos novos que eles
pintados. Para contar pulsos separadamente e
para desenhar a posição correta e encontrar o
número correto de escrever o número que
puderem. Para replicar como pode a frase ...
sólido na mistura sólida, a triagem com a mão.
Modelling activity in the paper. I
asked the children to draw a pouch
that in it there are legumes (beans
that they want and what they
want), playing all together mixed.
After I told the children that mom
shouts and need to go to the bag. I
asked the children to draw their
bags on the same paper. To try to
put beans in the bag designing
legumes in new bags that they
painted. To count pulses separately
and to draw the correct position
and find the correct number by
writing the number as they can. To
replicate as can the phrase ... solid
in solid mixture, sorting by hand.
2θ δραςτθριότθτα.
Μίγμα ςτερεοφ και ςτερεοφ με μικροςκοπικοφσ κόκκουσ ( μικρζσ πζτρεσ και
2nd activity.
A mixture of solid and solid with tiny grains (small stones and sand).
2a actividade.
Uma mistura de sólidos e sólidos com minúsculos grãos (pequenas pedras e areia).
Βάλαμε ςε διαφορετικά
δοχεία, τθν άμμο και τισ
πζτρεσ και ηθτιςαμε από τα
παιδιά να φτιάξουν ζνα
μίγμα με αυτά τα δφο υλικά.
Nós que colocamos em
diferentes recipientes, areia
e pedras e pediu às crianças
para fazer uma mistura
destes dois materiais.
We put in different
containers, sand
and stones and
asked the children
to make a mixture
of these two
΢ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν
διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά
αυτοφ του μίγματοσ. Τα παιδιά
είπαν: ναι, αυτά διακρίνονται.
΢ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν
μποροφμε να ξεχωρίςουμε τα
ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ με το
χζρι, όπωσ ακριβϊσ κάναμε ςτα
όςπρια. Τα παιδιά είπαν:
μποροφμε να πάρουμε τισ
πζτρεσ με το χζρι, και να μείνει
θ άμμοσ. Μπράβο παιδιά.
Μιπωσ μπορείτε να ςκεφτείτε
και κάποιον άλλον τρόπο? Τα
παιδιά δεν μποροφςαν να
ςκεφτοφν κάποιον τρόπο.
Ζφερα ςτα παιδιά, ζνα πλαςτικό
ςουρωτιρι, ςαν αυτό που πάμε
ςτθ κάλαςςα και ρϊτθςα τα
παιδιά αν ζχουν ξαναπαίξει με
αυτό. Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν
We asked the children if there are the
components of this mixture. The children said,
yes, they are distinguished. We asked the
children if we can distinguish the components
of the mixture by hand, just as we did in
legumes. The children said, we can get the
stones by hand, and leave the sand. Well done
kids. Did you think and another way; The
children could not think of a way. I brought the
children, a plastic strainer, like this we go into
the sea and asked the children if they have
never played it. Children responded negatively.
Pedimos que as crianças se não são
os componentes desta mistura. As
crianças disseram, sim, eles são
distinguidos. Pedimos que as crianças
se podemos distinguir os
componentes da mistura à mão,
assim como fizemos em leguminosas.
As crianças disseram, podemos obter
as pedras com a mão, e deixar a areia.
Bem feito rapazes. Você acha que e
uma outra maneira; As crianças não
poderia pensar de uma maneira. Eu
trouxe os filhos, um coador de
plástico, como este que vão para o
mar e pediu às crianças que nunca
tenham jogado. As crianças
responderam negativamente.
Απόρθςα που τα παιδιά δεν είχαν παίξει με αυτό το παιχνίδι. Ζδειξα ςτα παιδιά τθν
χριςθ του, κι εκείνα ζμειναν ζκπλθκτα. Τουσ άρεςε πάρα πολφ. Τα παιδιά ζριχναν το
μίγμα ςτο πλαςτικό κόςκινο και θ άμμοσ ζπεφτε από τισ μικρζσ τρφπεσ, ενϊ το πιο
χοντρό χαλίκι που δεν χωροφςε να περάςει από τισ τρφπεσ, ζμενε ςτο κόςκινο.
Ονόμαςα αυτόν τον τρόπο διαχωριςμοφ του μίγματοσ, κοςκίνιςμα.
Eu surpreendeu as crianças não tinha jogado este jogo. Mostrei as crianças o uso de, e
os que ficaram atônitos. Eles gostaram muito. Crianças verteu a mistura em peneiro de
plástico e a areia caiu de pequenos orifícios, enquanto que o cascalho mais grosso que
poderia acomodar não passam pelos orifícios deixados na peneira. Liguei para essa
separação caminho da mistura, britadeira.
I surprised the children had not played this game. I showed the children the use of,
and those were astonished. They liked it very much. Children poured the mixture into
plastic sieve and the sand fell from the small holes, while the more coarse gravel that
could accommodate not go through the holes left in the sieve. I called this way
separation of the mixture, sieving.
Μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε ςκόνθ ( αλεφρι ) και ςτερεοφ ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ ( ρφηι )
Μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ κοςκίνιςμα.
τα παιδιά καταςκεφαςαν μίγμα από αλεφρι και ρφηι, ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να
ονοματίςουν τα υλικά. Τα παιδιά είπαν για το αλεφρι ότι είναι ςτερεό ςε ςκόνθ και για
το ρφηι ότι είναι ςτερεό ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ. Τα παιδιά ζφτιαξαν το μίγμα και κατόπιν
Κάναμε διαχωριςμό του μίγματοσ με κοςκίνιςμα.
A mixture of solid powder (flour) and solid in small grain (rice)
Method separation sifting.
children built a mixture of flour and rice, I asked the children to name materials. The
children were told about the flour that is a solid powder and rice that is solid into small
We separate the mixture by sieving.
Uma mistura de pó sólido (farinha) e sólida no pequeno grão (arroz)
Separação método de triagem.
crianças construiu uma mistura de farinha e arroz, pedi às crianças que citem
materiais. As crianças foram informados sobre a farinha que é um pó sólido e arroz que
é sólido em pequenos grânulos.
Nós separar a mistura por peneiração.
Το ρφηι ζμεινε ςτο κόςκινο,
ενϊ το αλεφρι χφκθκε ςτθν
Arroz permaneceu na
peneira, enquanto a
farinha derramado na
Rice remained on the
sieve, while the spilled
flour in bowl.
Κατόπιν προςκζςαμε ρίγανθ ςτο μίγμα. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά τι υλικό είναι θ ρίγανθ. Τα
παιδιά είπαν ότι θ ρίγανθ είναι ςτερεό. Ρροςπακιςαμε να κοςκινίςουμε το μίγμα αλεφρι
και ρίγανθ.
Then we added oregano in the mix. I asked the children what material is oregano. The
children said that oregano is solid. We tried to sift the flour mixture and oregano.
Então nós adicionamos orégano na mistura. Perguntei aos filhos o que é material de
orégano. As crianças disseram que o orégano é sólido. Tentámos para peneirar a mistura de
farinha e orégano
Το αλεφρι ζμεινε πάνω ςτθν ςιτα, ενϊ
θ ρίγανθ πζραςε ςτθν λεκάνθ
A farinha foi deixada na tela, enquanto
o orégano passou na bacia
The flour was left on the screen, while
the oregano spent in basin
Ετερογενζσ Μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρό. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν μποροφν να ξεχωρίςουν τα
ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ αυτοφ, ι εάν φαίνονται ςαν να είναι ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι
ξεχωρίηουν τα ςυςτατικά αυτοφ του μίγματοσ. Ονόμαςα το μίγμα ετερογενζσ.
Μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ.
Σε μια κατςαρόλα, βάλαμε φφλλα δυόςμου και νερό. ΢ωτιςαμε τι κα γίνει αν το βάλουμε
ςτθ φωτιά. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι το νερό κα βράςει και κα πιοφμε ρόφθμα δυόςμου.
Ρράγματι, βάλαμε τθν κατςαρόλα ςτθ φωτιά και φτιάξαμε ρόφθμα από δυόςμο. Ρωσ όμωσ
μποροφμε να διαχωρίςουμε τα ςυςτατικά του? Τα παιδιά είπαν με ςουρωτιρι. μοιάηει με
το κοςκίνιςμα, είπαν τα παιδιά. Μπράβο μικροί επιςτιμονεσ. Το κοςκίνιςμα είναι ςτα
ςτερεά. Πταν ζχουμε ζνα υγρό , κι ζνα ςτερεό, αυτι θ μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ ονομάηεται
Uma mistura heterogénea de sólido em
líquido. Perguntei aos filhos se eles
podem distinguir os componentes
desta mistura, ou se eles se parecem
com eles são um só corpo. As crianças
foram disse que separar os
componentes desta mistura. Eu nomeei
a mistura é heterogênea.
Método de separação.
Em uma panela, nós colocamos folhas
de hortelã e água. Pedimos que vai
acontecer se você colocá-lo no fogo. As
crianças foram informados de que a
água vai ferver e beber bebida hortelã.
Na verdade, vamos colocar a panela no
fogo e fizemos infusão de menta. Como
podemos separar os ingredientes; As
crianças disseram com filtro. como
triagem, disse que as crianças. Bem
feito jovens cientistas. O rastreio é em
sólidos. Quando temos um líquido e
um sólido, este método de separação é
chamado de filtragem.
A heterogeneous mixture of the solid in the
liquid. I asked the children if they can
distinguish the components of this mixture, or
if they look like they are one body. The
children were told that separate the
components of this mixture. I named the
mixture is heterogeneous.
Separation method.
In a pot, we put mint leaves and water. We
asked what will happen if you put it in the fire.
The children were told that the water will boil
and drink mint. Indeed, we put the pot on the
fire and we made brew of mint. How can we
separate the ingredients; The children said
with strainer. like screening, said children. Well
done young scientists. The screening is in
solids. When we have a liquid and a solid, this
separation method is called filtering.
Μία από τισ προτάςεισ των παιδιϊν ιταν να ςουρϊςουμε το μίγμα ςε ςουρωτιρι
για τα μακαρόνια.
Uma das propostas dos filhos foram tensas sucos para a mistura em uma peneira
para espaguete.
One of the proposals of the children were strained juices to the mixture in a
colander for spaghetti.
Κακαριςμόσ νεροφ με τθ μζκοδο του φιλτραρίςματοσ. Σε ζνα δοχείο, βάλαμε νερό και
λίγθ άμμο και ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να διαχωρίςουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ. Τα
παιδιά δοκίμαςαν με το ςουρωτιρι, αλλά διαπίςτωςαν πωσ και θ άμμοσ και το νερό
ζπεφτε μζςα ςτο δοχείο. Κατόπιν ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν ζχουν δει αυτά τα χαρτιά και
τουσ ζδειξα φίλτρα του καφζ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ζχουν δει τουσ γονείσ ςτο ςπίτι να
φτιάχνουν με αυτά τα χαρτιά καφζ ςτθν καφετιζρα. Τα παιδιά είπαν γνωρίηουν πωσ
γίνεται αυτι θ διαδικαςία και προςπάκθςαν να κακαρίςουν το νερό από τα χϊματα.
A purificação da água pelo processo de filtração. Em um recipiente, colocamos
água e um pouco de areia e pediu às crianças para separar os componentes da
mistura. Crianças provei o filtro, mas descobriu que a areia ea água cair para
dentro do recipiente. Então eu perguntei as crianças se eles viram esses papéis e
mostrou-lhes filtros de café. As crianças disseram ter visto seus pais em casa para
fazer com estes cartões na máquina de café. As crianças disseram que sabem
como fazer este processo e tentou limpar a água do solo.
Purification of water by the process of filtration. In a container, we put water and
a little sand and asked the children to separate the components of the mixture.
Children tasted the strainer, but found that the sand and water fall into the
container. Then I asked the children if they have seen these papers and showed
them coffee filters. The children said they have seen their parents at home to
make with these cards in the coffee maker. The children said they know how to do
this process and tried to clear the water from the soil.
Ζνα παιδί κρατοφςε το ποτιρι,
κάποιο άλλο παιδί κρατοφςε το
διθκθτικό χαρτί και κάποιο
άλλο παιδί κρατοφςε το δοχείο
με το βρϊμικο νερό.
A child holding cup, another
child was holding the filter
paper and another child was
holding the container with dirty
Um copo criança segurando,
outro filho estava segurando o
papel de filtro e outra criança
estava segurando o recipiente
com água suja.
Τα παιδιά ζβαλαν
ρίγανθ ςε
χρωματιςτό νερό,
και προςπάκθςαν
να διαχωρίςουν τα
ςυςτατικά του
μίγματοσ με τθ
μζκοδο του
Ραρότρυνα τα
παιδιά να
βαμβάκι μζςα ςτο
και να κάνουν
προβλζψεισ για το
τι κα μποροφςε να
Children put oregano in
colored water, and
attempted to separate
components of the mixture
by the method of filtering.
Urge children to use cotton
in the filter paper, and make
predictions about what
might happen.
Crianças colocar orégãos em
água colorida, e uma
tentativa para separar os
componentes da mistura
pelo método de filtragem.
Urge as crianças a usar
algodão no papel de filtro, e
fazer previsões sobre o que
poderia acontecer.
Τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι θ
ρίγανθ κάκεται ςτο βαμβάκι
που βρίςκεται μζςα ςτο χαρτί
φιλτραρίςματοσ, ενϊ το νερό
πζφτει μζςα ςτο ποτιρι.
As crianças descobriram que o
orégano sentado ao algodão
está no papel de filtro,
enquanto a água cai no copo
Children found that oregano
sitting to cotton is in the filter
paper, while the water falls
into the beaker
Το πορτοκάλι ζχει μζςα
κουκοφτςια. Ρωσ κα πάρουμε
το χυμό του πορτοκαλιοφ και
κα αφαιρζςουμε τα
Orange has seeds inside. How
to get the juice of the orange
and remove the seeds;
Laranja tem sementes dentro.
Como obter o suco da laranja
e retire as sementes;
Μίγμα υγροφ με ςτερεό, όπου δεν διαχωρίηονται τα ςυςτατικά του. ( διαλφονται).
Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να βάλουν αλεφρι ςε μία λεκάνθ με νερό. Να το ανακατζψουν
και να δθμιουργιςουν ζνα μίγμα με νερό και αλεφρι.
Liquid mixture to a solid, which does not separate the components. (Dissolve).
I asked the children to put flour in a bowl with water. To mingle and create a mixture
with water and flour.
Mistura líquida a um sólido, que não se separa os componentes. (Dissolver).
Eu pedi as crianças a colocar farinha em uma tigela com água. Para se conhecer e criar
uma mistura com água e farinha.
Ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να μασ πουν αν ςε αυτό το μίγμα διακρίνονται τα
ςυςτατικά του ι αν είναι ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν διακρίνονται τα
ςυςτατικά τουσ.
Pedimos às crianças que nos dizer se nesta mistura repousar componentes ou
se é um corpo. As crianças disseram que eles dividiram seus componentes.
We asked the children to tell us if in this mixture stand components or if it is
a body. The children said that they divided their components.
Ρειραματίςτθκαν προςκζτοντασ νερό, άλλοτε λίγο και άλλοτε περιςςότερο και
παρότρυνα τα παιδιά να παρατθριςουν τθν διαφορετικι υφι τθσ ηφμθσ, με λίγο ι
με περιςςότερο νερό. Τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν πωσ όςο περιςςότερο νερό βάηουν
ςτθν ηφμθ, αυτι γίνεται πιο αραιι.
children experimented by adding water, sometimes a little, sometimes more, and
urge children to observe the different texture of the dough with a little water or
more. Children found that the more water they put in the dough, it becomes
more sparse.
crianças experimentado por adição de água, por vezes, um pouco, por vezes mais,
e instar crianças para observar a textura diferente da massa com um pouco de
água ou mais. As crianças descobriram que quanto mais água que colocar na
massa, ele se torna mais escasso.
Καταςκευάςαμε αντικείμενα από ηυμάρι και τα πλάςαμε . Κατόπιν τα ψιςαμε
ςτο φοφρνο. Είδαμε τθν μεταβολι τθσ φλθσ από εφπλαςτο υλικό ςε
ςκλθρότερο . Δεν ξεχωρίηουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ
Construímos objetos feitos de massa e dobra. Em seguida, o forno psisame.
Vimos a mudança na condição do material flexível mais difícil. Não distinguir os
componentes da mistura
We constructed
objects made of
dough and fold.
Then the psisame
oven. We saw the
change in
condition of
supple material
harder. Not
distinguish the
components of
the mixture
Συνεχίςαμε τθ δραςτθριότθτα βάφοντασ τισ όμορφεσ καταςκευζσ
μασ από ηυμάρι
We continued the activity staining our beautiful constructions of
Continuamos a
atividade coloração
nossas belas
construções de
Εδϊ θ ηφμθ ζγινε πολφ αραιι
κι επειδι δεν υπιρχε άλλο
αλεφρι ςτο ςχολείο, μία
ομάδα παιδιϊν ςκζφτθκε να
ρίξει μζςα ςτθ λεκάνθ χϊμα.
Aqui a massa tornou-se muito
fina e porque não havia mais
farinha na escola, um grupo de
crianças pensado para jogar na
bandeja de sujeira
Here the dough became
very thin and because
there was more flour in
school, a group of
children thought to throw
into the dirt tray
Τα παιδιά ςκζφτθκαν
να χρθςιμοποιιςουν
το διθκθτικό χαρτί για
να ξεχωρίςουν τθν
άμμο από το
υπόλοιπο μίγμα.
Crianças considerar a
utilização do papel de
filtro para separar a
areia da mistura
Children consider
using the filter paper
to separate the sand
from the remaining
Ζβαλαν το χαρτί φίλτρου ςε
ζνα βάηο κι ζριξαν το μίγμα
ςτο χαρτί. Διαπίςτωςαν
όμωσ πωσ δεν περνάει το
μίγμα από το χαρτί, όπωσ
είχε ςυμβεί προθγουμζνωσ
με το νερό.
They put the filter paper in
a vase and threw the
mixture into the paper. But
found that it does not pass
the mixture of the paper, as
had happened previously
with water.
Eles colocaram o papel de
filtro em um vaso e jogou a
mistura no papel. Mas
descobriu que ele não
passar a mistura do papel,
como havia acontecido
anteriormente com água.
Κάποια ποςότθτα
άμμου κάκεται
πάνω ςτο χαρτί,
όμωσ το υγρό δεν
πζφτει από το χαρτί
ςτο δοχείο.
Alguns de areia
assento no papel,
mas o líquido não
cair do recipiente de
Some of sand
sitting on the paper,
but the liquid does
not drop from the
paper container.
Θ ομάδα αυτι ζριξε αλάτι ςτθ ηφμθ. . και πάλι το αλάτι δεν διακρίνεται και ςτο
νζο μίγμα που ςχθματίηεται δεν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά του ( ζνα ςϊμα ).
The group threw salt in the dough. again the salt is not distinguished and the
new mixture is formed not distinguishable components (a body).
O grupo jogou sal na massa. novamente o sal não é distinto e a nova mistura é
formado não distinguíveis componentes (A) do corpo.
Ρροςκζςαμε νερό ςτθν πθχτι ατλακόλ και το μίγμα μασ ζγινε αραιότερο.
Τα παιδιά ςε ηευγάρια πειραματίςτθκαν ςτο πυκνό και αραιό μίγμα
προςκζτοντασ νερό ςτθν ατλακόλ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν μποροφν να
διακρίνουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ. Συνεχίςαμε τθν δραςτθριότθτα ωσ
εικαςτικά. Τυλίξαμε κλωςτζσ απαλζσ ςε μπαλόνι . Πταν ςτζγνωςαν
ςκάςαμε το μπαλόνι και φτιάξαμε καλακάκια.
Foi adicionada água à atlakol espessura e a mistura tornou-se mais
fina. Crianças em casais experimentado na mistura densa e diluída por
adição de água para atlakol. As crianças foram informados de que eles
não conseguem distinguir os componentes da mistura. Continuamos a
atividade como arte. Nós envolvemos tópicos no balão macio. Quando
seca estourar o balão e fizemos cestas.
Water was added to the thick atlakol and our mixture became thinner.
Children in couples experimented in dense and dilute mixture by
adding water to atlakol. The children were told that they can not
distinguish the components of the mixture. We continued the activity
as art. We wrap threads in soft balloon. When they dried pop the
balloon and we made baskets.
Μίγμα υγροφ με υγρό. Ραρότρυνα τα
παιδιά να πειραματιςτοφν μόνο με υγρά.
Ζριξαν ξφδι μζςα ςε νερό. ΢ϊτθςα τα
παιδιά, αν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά ι όχι.
Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν μποροφμε να
διαχωρίςουμε το νερό από το ξφδι.
Liquid mixture of liquid.
Encourage children to experiment with
liquids only. They threw vinegar in water. I
asked the children if there are the
ingredients or not. The children were told
that we can not separate the water from the
Mistura líquida de líquido.
Incentivar as crianças a experimentar com
apenas líquidos. Eles jogaram vinagre na
água. Perguntei aos filhos, se existem os
ingredientes ou não. As crianças foram
informados de que não se pode separar a
água do vinagre.
Θ υγρι μπογιά δεν
διαλφεται εφκολα
ςτο νερό, όμωσ με
ζνα πινζλο που
ανακατεφει τα
υλικά, θ μπογιά
A tinta líquida não é
facilmente solúvel
em água, mas com
uma escova que
mistura os
ingredientes, a tinta
The liquid paint is
not readily soluble
in water, but with a
brush that mixes
the ingredients, the
paint dissolved.
΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά εάν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά, ι εάν δεν διακρίνονται,
εάν ζγιναν ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι ζγιναν ζνα ςϊμα.
I asked the children if they can see the components, or if not distinguished, if
were a body. The children were told that a body
Perguntei aos filhos se eles podem ver os componentes, ou se não distingue,
se fosse um corpo. As crianças foram informados de que um corpo
ςε ζνα γυάλινο δοχείο ρίξαμε νερό και λίγθ
ηάχαρθ. τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι θ ηάχαρθ
διαλφεται ςτο νερό.
em um recipiente de vidro jogou água e um
pouco de açúcar. crianças descobriram que o
açúcar é dissolvido em água.
in a glass container threw water and a little
sugar. children found that the sugar is
dissolved in water.
Κατόπιν προςκζςαμε περιςςότερθ ηάχαρθ αρκετζσ φορζσ μζχρι που θ ηάχαρθ
δεν μποροφςε να διαλυκεί. Το νερό κουράςτθκε να διαλφει τόςθ ηάχαρθ, είπα
ςτα παιδιά. Είμαι κουραςμζνθ και με λζνε κορεςμζνθ, αςτειεφτθκα. Βγάλαμε
ζνα αυτοςχζδιο τραγοφδι. Τα παιδιά τραγουδοφςαν ρυκμικά…. Είμαι
κουραςμζνο και με λζνε κορεςμζνο. Δε διαλφω άλλο, φτάνει, ηάχαρθ κανείσ
μθ βάλει….
Then we added more sugar several times until
the sugar could not be dissolved. The water
dissolves tired of so much sugar, I said to the
children. I'm tired and say saturated joked.
We took an impromptu song. Children sang
rhythmically .... I'm tired and my name is
saturated. Not pulverize another arrives,
sugar ... not to put anyone.
Em seguida, adicionou mais açúcar
várias vezes até que o açúcar não
pode ser dissolvida. A água dissolve
cansado de tanto açúcar, eu disse aos
filhos. Estou cansado e saturado dizer
brincou. Nós pegamos uma música
improvisada. As crianças cantavam
ritmicamente .... Estou cansado e meu
nome está saturado. Não pulverizar
outro chega, açúcar ... para não
colocar ninguém.
Εξιγθςα ςτα παιδιά πωσ αυτό λζγεται ίηθμα ι κατακάκι. Τα παιδιά γνϊριηαν το
κατακάκι από το καφζ που πίνει ο παπποφσ ςτο ςπίτι.
Expliquei aos filhos que isso é chamado de sedimentos ou borras. As crianças
sabiam a borra de café que ele bebe seu avô em casa.
I explained to the children that this is called sediment or dregs. The children knew
the dregs of coffee he drinks his grandfather at home.
΢ίξαμε άμμο ςτο νερό όμωσ
όςο κι αν ανακατεφαμε θ
άμμοσ δεν διαλφκθκε. Τα
παιδιά είπαν ότι ξεχωρίηει θ
άμμοσ από το νερό και θ
άμμοσ δεν διαλφεται ςτο νερό.
We threw sand in the water
but as you stir the sand was
not dissolved. Children were
told that distinguishes the
sand from the water and
sand does not dissolve in
Nós jogou areia na água,
mas como você agitar a
areia não foi dissolvido. As
crianças foram informados
de que distingue a areia da
água e areia não se dissolve
na água.
Μίγμα υγρό ςε υγρό.
΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά τι υλικό είναι το γάλα και
θ μελάνθ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι είναι υγρά.
΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά να προβλζψουν εάν το
μίγμα αυτϊν είναι ι όχι διάλυμα, δθλαδι
εάν ςτο γάλα ρίξουμε μελάνθ και τα
ανακατζψουμε κα ξεχωρίηουν τα υλικά ι κα
είναι ζνα ςϊμα? Τα παιδιά είπαν κα γίνουν
ζνα ςϊμα. Κατόπιν κάναμε το πείραμα.
A mixture liquid to liquid.
I asked the children what material is milk
and ink. The children said they are wet. I
asked the children to predict whether their
mixture is a solution or not, ie if the milk
shed Ink and mix materials will stand out or
be a body; The children said will become
one body. Then we did the experiment.
Uma mistura líquida para o líquido.
Perguntei aos filhos o que é material de
leite e tinta. As crianças disseram que
estão molhadas. Perguntei aos filhos de
prever se a sua mistura é uma solução
ou não, ou seja, se a tinta derramado
leite e misturar materiais vão se
destacar ou ser um corpo; As crianças
disseram se tornará um corpo. Então
nós fizemos o experimento.
Τα παιδιά με ζκπλθξθ είδαν τθν μικρι κθλίδα μελάνι να απλϊνεται ςτο γάλα. Ρρότεινα
ςτα παιδιά να χρθςιμοποιιςουν μία οδοντογλυφίδα και να ςχεδιάηου πάνω ςτθν μελάνθ.
Τα παιδιά ενκουςιάςτθκαν και είπαν: κυρία αυτό είναι ηωγραφικι.
Crianças com surpresa viu a pequena mancha de tinta espalhando no leite. Eu sugeri para
as crianças a usar um palito e planejar tinta. As crianças estavam animado e disse senhora
está pintando
Children with surprise saw the small ink stain spreading in milk. I suggested to the children
to use a toothpick and plan on ink. The children were excited and said lady is painting
΢ίξαμε λάδι ςτο νερό και τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν
ότι τα ςυςτατικά ξεχωρίηουν. Δεν είναι διάλυμα
αυτό κυρία, είπε ζνα παιδί.
Jogou óleo em água e as crianças descobriram que
os componentes são distinguidas. Há uma solução
que senhora disse uma criança.
Threw oil in water and children found that the
components are distinguished. There is a solution
that lady said one child.
Το λάδι ζχει και κάποια άλλθ ιδιότθτα που δεν ζχουν άλλα υγρά. Φτιάξαμε καντιλια
από λάδι και πορτοκάλι.
O óleo também tem algumas outras capacidades que não têm outros líquidos.
Fizemos velas de óleo e laranja
The oil also has some other capacity who have no other liquids. We made candles
from oil and orange
Κακαρίηοντασ το
εςωτερικό του
πορτοκαλιοφ και
προςκζτοντασ λάδι
Cleaning the interior and
adding orange oil
Limpar o interior e adição
de óleo de laranja
Ζτοιμο το καντιλι μασ!
Nossa vela está pronto
Our candle is ready
ςτο χαρτί με κολλάη τα
διαλφματα. Σε ζνα
ποτιρι τα παιδιά
ςχεδίαςαν ζνα υγρό.
Στο άλλο ποτιρι ζνα
άλλο υγρό, και ςε ζνα
άλλο ποτιρι το
διάλυμα που
προζκυπτε εάν
ενωκοφν τα υγρά ςε
ζνα τρίτο ποτιρι.
Μοντελοποιιςαμε ςτο χαρτί με κολλάη τα διαλφματα. Σε ζνα ποτιρι τα
παιδιά ςχεδίαςαν ζνα υγρό. Στο άλλο ποτιρι ζνα άλλο υγρό, και ςε ζνα
άλλο ποτιρι το διάλυμα που προζκυπτε εάν ενωκοφν τα υγρά ςε ζνα τρίτο
Modelado em soluções de colagem de papel. Em um copo crianças projetado um
líquido. Em outro copo outro líquido, e em outro vidro da solução surgir se líquidos
unir em um terceiro copo.
Λάδι και νερό
Óleo e água .
Oil and water
Νερό και ξφδι
Água e vinagre
Water and vinegar
Νερό και κραςί
Water and wine
Água e vinho
Νερό και λεμονάδα
Água e suco de limão
Water and lemon juice
Ξφδι και κραςί
Vinegar and wine
Vinagre e vinho
Χυμόσ ντομάτασ και
ςοκολάτα ρόφθμα
Suco de tomate e
bebida de chocolate
Tomato juice and
chocolate drink

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προγραμματισμός έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα
γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές - 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Νέας Περάμου-σύνδεση με ΔΕΠΠΣ. (...
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γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές - 1ο Νηπιαγωγείο Νέας Περάμου-σύνδεση με ΔΕΠΠΣ. (...
αξιολόγηση του-Etwinning-προγράμματος-γαλαξιακοί-ονειροταξιδευτές-από-τους-εκ...
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αξιολόγηση του-Etwinning-προγράμματος-γαλαξιακοί-ονειροταξιδευτές-από-τους-εκ...
σύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα
σύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματασύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα
σύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα
σύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα
σύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματασύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα
σύνδεση του προγράμματος γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές με τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα
γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΟ - Δ ΜΕΡΟΣ)
γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΟ - Δ ΜΕΡΟΣ) γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΟ - Δ ΜΕΡΟΣ)
γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΟ - Δ ΜΕΡΟΣ)
γαλαξιακοι ονειροταξιδευτες Etwinning 2016 17 ΜΕΡΟΣ Γ (σύνδεση με ΔΕΠΠΣ )
γαλαξιακοι  ονειροταξιδευτες Etwinning 2016 17 ΜΕΡΟΣ Γ (σύνδεση με ΔΕΠΠΣ )γαλαξιακοι  ονειροταξιδευτες Etwinning 2016 17 ΜΕΡΟΣ Γ (σύνδεση με ΔΕΠΠΣ )
γαλαξιακοι ονειροταξιδευτες Etwinning 2016 17 ΜΕΡΟΣ Γ (σύνδεση με ΔΕΠΠΣ )
γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΔΕΠΠΣ) - Α ΜΕΡΟΣ
γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΔΕΠΠΣ) - Α ΜΕΡΟΣ γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΔΕΠΠΣ) - Α ΜΕΡΟΣ
γαλαξιακοί ονειροταξιδευτές (ΣΥΝΕΣΗ ΜΕ ΔΕΠΠΣ) - Α ΜΕΡΟΣ
θεωρητική τεκμηρίωση του έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα
θεωρητική τεκμηρίωση του έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα θεωρητική τεκμηρίωση του έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα
θεωρητική τεκμηρίωση του έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα
δομή έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα
δομή έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα δομή έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα
δομή έργου γαλαξιακά ονειροτάξιδα
μάζα ογκος 2
μάζα ογκος 2 μάζα ογκος 2
μάζα ογκος 2
μάζα όγκος
μάζα όγκος  μάζα όγκος
μάζα όγκος
Transparent opaque
Transparent   opaqueTransparent   opaque
Transparent opaque

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μιγματα διαλυματα

  • 1. 2o Νθπιαγωγείο Σκφρου Τςαμπουνιάρθ Αναςταςία Λειβαδίτθ Σοφία Etwinning-young scientists
  • 2. Μίγματα – διαλφματα Νοζμβριοσ Ζννοιεσ: μίγμα ονομάηεται το ςϊμα που αποτελείται από δφο ι περιςςότερα υλικά, τα οποία ςυνυπάρχουν. Θ ανάμειξθ των υλικϊν γίνεται ςε τυχαία αναλογία και κάκε υλικό διατθρεί αμετάβλθτεσ τισ αρχικζσ του ιδιότθτεσ. Στθ φφςθ τα πιο πολλά υλικά είναι μίγματα διαφόρων ειδϊν. Τα μίγματα διακρίνονται ςε ομογενι και ετερογενι. Γενικά τα μίγματα διακρίνονται ςε ομογενι και ετερογενι, ανάλογα με το αν διακρίνονται ι όχι τα ςυςτατικά τουσ. Ομογενι ονομάηονται τα μείγματα που ζχουν τθν ίδια ςφςταςθ, ποιοτικι και ποςοτικι, και τισ ίδιεσ ιδιότθτεσ ςε όλθ τθ μάηα τουσ. Τα ομογενι μείγματα ονομάηονται Και διαλφματα. Γενικά ζνα διάλυμα, αποτελείται από τθ διαλυμζνθ ουςία και το διαλφτθ. Το νερό είναι ζνασ πολφ ςθμαντικόσ διαλφτθσ γιατί διαλφει πολλζσ ουςίεσ. Αν ο διαλφτθσ είναι το νερό, τότε το διάλυμα λζγεται υδατικό. Υπάρχουν πολλϊν ειδϊν διαλφματα. Στερεά ςε ςτερεά, ςτερεά ςε υγρά, υγρά ςε υγρά, αζρια ςε υγρά, αζρια ςε αζρια. Ρεριεκτικότθτα ενόσ διαλφματοσ, ονομάηεται θ ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ. Αραιό ονομάηεται το διάλυμα που ζχει μικρι ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ, ενϊ πυκνό, ονομάηεται το διάλυμα που ζχει μεγάλθ ποςότθτα τθσ διαλυμζνθσ ουςίασ. Κορεςμζνο ονομάηεται το διάλυμα ςτο οποίο δεν μποροφμε να προςκζςουμε άλλθ διαλυμζνθ ουςία. Ίηθμα ονομάηεται θ επιπλζον ουςία που δεν μπορεί να διαλυκεί και κατακάκεται ςτον πάτο.
  • 3. Concepts: mixture called body consisting of two or more materials, which coexist. The mixing of the materials is made at random, and ratio of each material unchanged the original properties. In nature many more materials are mixtures of various species. The mixtures are divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous. Generally mixtures are divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous, depending on whether or not there are the components. They called homogeneous mixtures having the same composition, quality and quantity, and the same properties throughout their mass. Homogeneous mixtures are called and solutions. Generally a solution consisting of solute and solvent. Water is a very important solvent because it dissolves many substances. If the solvent is water, then the aqueous solution is called. There are many types of solutions. Solid to solid, solid to liquid, liquid in liquid, gas in liquid, gaseous. Content of a solution, called the amount of the solute. Dilute called the solution having a small amount of solute, and concentrated, called the solution having a high amount of solute. Saturated called the solution to which we can add another solute. Sediment called the additional substance which can not be dissolved and settles to the bottom.
  • 4. Conceitos: mistura chamada corpo constituído por duas ou mais matérias, que coexistem. A mistura dos materiais é feita de forma aleatória, e proporção de cada material inalteradas as propriedades originais. Na natureza muitos mais materiais são misturas de várias espécies. As misturas são divididos em homogéneas e heterogéneas. Geralmente são divididos em misturas homogéneas e heterogéneas, dependendo se existem ou não os componentes. Eles chamaram as misturas homogêneas com a mesma composição, qualidade e quantidade, e as mesmas propriedades em toda a sua massa. Misturas homogêneas são chamados e soluções. Geralmente, uma solução consistindo de soluto e solvente. A água é um solvente muito importante porque se dissolve muitas substâncias. Se o solvente for água, então a solução aquosa é chamado. Existem muitos tipos de soluções. Sólido de sólido, sólido para líquido, líquido em líquido, gás em líquido, gasoso. Conteúdo de uma solução, o chamado quantidade do soluto. Diluir chamada tendo a solução uma pequena quantidade de soluto, e concentrou-se, a chamada solução possuindo uma elevada quantidade de soluto. Saturada chamado a solução para que possamos adicionar outro soluto. Sedimentos chamado a substância adicional, que não pode ser dissolvido e deposita-se no fundo.
  • 5. Εμπειρίεσ: ετερογενζσ μίγμα δφο ςτερεϊν και μζκοδοι διαχωριςμοφ των ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ , όπωσ διαλογι με το χζρι, κοςκίνιςμα. Ετερογενζσ μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρά και μζκοδοι διαχωριςμοφ των ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ, φιλτράριςμα, ι διικθςθ - Διάλυμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρό και θ εξάτμιςθ ωσ μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ των ςυςτατικϊν του μίγματοσ. - Διάλυμα υγροφ ςε υγρό. Υπάρχουν υγρά υλικά που διαλφονται και δεν διαλφονται ςτο νερό. επιςτθμονικζσ δεξιότθτεσ: Ραρατιρθςθ, ταξινόμθςθ, επικοινωνία, υποβολι ερωτθμάτων, διατφπωςθ λειτουργικοφ οριςμοφ, ερμθνεία παρατιρθςθσ, πρόβλεψθ, διατφπωςθ υπόκεςθσ, ερμθνεία δεδομζνων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων, αναγνϊριςθ παραγόντων και ζλεγχοσ μεταβλθτϊν, διερεφνθςθ.
  • 6. Experiences: heterogeneous mixture of two solids and separation processes of the components of the mixture as hand sorting, sorting magnet, sieving, washing and flotation A heterogeneous mixture of a solid and a liquid separation processes of the components of the mixture, filtration, or filtration A solution of the solid in liquid and evaporation as a method of separating components of a mixture. - A solution of liquid in liquid. There are liquid materials which are dissolved and not dissolved in water Scientific skills Observation, classification, communication, query, formulating operational definition, interpretation of observation, prediction, hypothesis formulation, interpret data and draw conclusions, identify factors and control variables, investigation.
  • 7. Experiências: mistura heterogénea de dois sólidos e processos de separação dos componentes da mistura como triagem lado, a triagem ímã, peneiramento, lavagem e flutuação Uma mistura heterogénea de um sólido e um líquido processos de separação dos componentes da mistura, filtração, ou filtração Uma solução do sólido em líquido e evaporação, como um método para separar componentes de uma mistura. - Uma solução de líquido em líquido. Existem materiais líquidos que são dissolvidos e não dissolvidos em água Competências científicas Observação, classificação, comunicação, consulta, formulação de definição operacional, interpretação de observação, previsão, formulação de hipóteses, interpretar dados e tirar conclusões, identificar os fatores e variáveis ​​de controle, investigação.
  • 8. Διδακτικοί ςτόχοι - Να παραςκευάηουν μίγματα με υλικά κακθμερινισ ηωισ - Να ορίςουν τθν ζννοια του μίγματοσ - Να παραςκευάςουν μίγματα ςτερεϊν με ςτερεά, υγρϊν με ςτερεά και υγρϊν με υγρά. Teaching objectives To prepare mixtures with materials of daily life Designate the meaning of the mixture To prepare mixtures of solids with solids, solids with liquids and liquid fluids. Objetivos de ensino Para preparar misturas com materiais da vida cotidiana Designar o significado da mistura Para preparar misturas de sólidos com sólidos, sólidos com líquidos e fluidos líquidos.
  • 9. Στάςεισ: επικυμία για εξερεφνθςθ, επικυμία να ξαναδοκιμάηει ςε περίπτωςθ αποτυχίασ, προςεκτικι εξζταςθ των γεγονότων και εξαγωγι ςυμπεραςμάτων, επιμονι για αναηιτθςθ λφςεων, επιμονι για ολοκλιρωςθ τθσ προςπάκειασ, επικυμία να ςυμμετζχει ςε ομαδικι εργαςία και να ςυνεργάηεται, να ςζβεται τα αποτελζςματα των ερευνϊν του, να αντιλαμβάνεται ότι γίνεται πιο πειςτικόσ όταν τεκμθριϊνει τθν άποψθ του με δεδομζνα, κι όταν εξθγεί το ςυλλογιςμό του. να αποκτιςει τθν επικυμία για αλλαγι προςζγγιςθσ που αφορά ςτθν επίλυςθ ενόσ προβλιματοσ, με βάςθ τισ εμπειρίεσ και τα δεδομζνα μασ.. Pára: desejo de exploração, desejo de novas tentativas em caso de falha, o exame cuidadoso dos fatos e conclusões, a insistência na procura de soluções perseverança para completar o esforço, o desejo de participar no trabalho em equipe e cooperação, a respeitarem os resultados dos seus inquéritos, percebendo que se torna mais convincente para documentar termos com os dados, e ao explicar o raciocínio. para adquirir o desejo de uma mudança de abordagem em relação à solução de um problema, com base em nossas experiências e dados .. Stops: desire for exploration, desire to retries in case of failure, careful examination of the facts and conclusions, insistence on seeking solutions perseverance to complete the effort, desire to participate in teamwork and cooperate, to respect the results of his inquiries, perceiving that becomes more convincing when documenting terms with data, and when explaining the reasoning. to acquire the desire for a change of approach regarding the solution of a problem, based on our experiences and data ..
  • 10. Μζςα από μια αυτοςχζδια ιςτορία εξιγθςα ςτα παιδιά: μίγμα ονομάηεται το ςϊμα που αποτελείται από δφο ι περιςςότερα ςυςτατικά, τα οποία υπάρχουν χωρίσ να ενοχλεί το ζνα το άλλο. Στθ φφςθ υπάρχουν πολλά μίγματα. Τα μίγματα είναι δφο ειδϊν. Ππωσ υπάρχουν αγόρια και κορίτςια, ζτςι και ςτθ φφςθ υπάρχουν τα ετερογενι μίγματα και τα ομογενι μίγματα. Τα ομογενι μίγματα, μποροφμε να τα λζμε και διαλφματα, ακριβϊσ όπωσ τον Κωνςταντίνο μποροφμε να τον λζμε και Κϊςτα, ι τθν Ηαχαροφλα να τθ λζμε ΢οφλα. Τα ετερογενι μίγματα δεν ζχουν χαϊδευτικό όνομα. Τα λζνε απλά ετερογενι μίγματα. - Μίγματα ςχθματίηουν και τα ςτερεά και τα υγρά και τα αζρια. Και τα ςτερεά μαηί, και τα υγρά μαηί, και τα αζρια μαηί. Επίςθσ, μίγματα ςχθματίηουν και τα ςτερεά με τα υγρά, όλων των ειδϊν τα ςτερεά, και οι ςκόνεσ και τα ςτερεά με κρυςταλλικοφσ κόκκουσ. Επίςθσ και τα αζρια με τα υγρά, όλοι οι ςυνδυαςμοί των υλικϊν. - Τα ετερογενι μίγματα δεν μποροφν να κρυφτοφν. Πταν παίηουν κρυφτό και κρφβονται μαηί , μποροφμε εφκολα να τα ξεχωρίςουμε . για παράδειγμα το ρφηι και οι φακζσ. Πταν τα ανακατζψουμε μποροφμε να βροφμε και το ρφηι και τισ φακζσ και να τισ πάμε ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ. Τα ομογενι μίγματα ι διαλφματα, όταν κρφβονται δεν μποροφμε να τα βροφμε και να τα βάλουμε ςτο ςπίτι τουσ, ςτο δοχείο, ςτο ςακοφλι ι ςτο μπουκάλι τουσ. Θζλετε να γνωρίςουμε τα μίγματα και τα διαλφματα? Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν κετικά και ξεκινιςαμε τισ δραςτθριότθτεσ.
  • 11. Através de uma história improvisada explicou às crianças: um corpo chamado mistura consistindo de dois ou mais componentes, que existem sem um perturbador outro. Na natureza há muitas misturas. As misturas são duas. Como existem meninos e meninas, então naturalmente há misturas heterogêneas e misturas homogêneas. Os homogeneizados, podemos dizer e soluções, assim como Constantino não pode dizê-lo e Costas, ou o Zacharoula a dizer Roula. Misturas heterogêneas não têm nome apelido. O simplesmente dizer misturas heterogêneas. - Misturas formadas e os sólidos e líquidos e gases. E os sólidos em conjunto e, em conjunto líquidos e os gases em conjunto. Além disso, as misturas de formulário e sólido para líquido, todos os tipos de sólidos, em pó ou em grãos de cristal sólido. Também os gases em líquidos, ou qualquer combinação de materiais. - Misturas heterogêneas não pode se esconder. Quando a brincar às escondidas e se escondendo em conjunto, podemos distinguir facilmente. por exemplo, arroz e lentilhas. Quando o mix podemos encontrar arroz e lentilhas, e levá-los no saco. As misturas ou soluções homogêneas quando escondendo nós não podemos encontrá-los e colocá-los em sua casa, o recipiente, o saco ou a garrafa. Quer saber misturas e soluções; As crianças responderam positivamente e nós Começamos atividades.
  • 12. Through an improvised story explained to children: a mixture called body consisting of two or more components, which exist without disturbing one another. In nature there are many mixtures. The mixtures are twofold. As there are boys and girls, so naturally there are heterogeneous mixtures and homogeneous mixtures. The homogenates, we can say and solutions, just as Constantine can not say it and Costas, or the Zacharoula (girl name), to say Roula. Heterogeneous mixtures have no nickname name. The simply say heterogeneous mixtures. - Mixtures formed and the solids and liquids and gases. And the solids together and liquid together, and the gases together. Also, mixtures of form and solid to liquid, all kinds of solid, powder or solid in crystal grains. Also gases to liquids, or any combination of materials. - Heterogeneous mixtures can not hide. When playing hide and seek and hiding together, we can easily distinguish. for example, rice and lentils. When the mix we can find rice and lentils, and get them in the sack. The homogeneous mixtures or solutions when hiding we can not find them and put them in their home, the container, the bag or the bottle. Want to know mixtures and solutions; The children responded positively and we We started activities.
  • 13. 1θ δραςτθριότθτα: μίγμα ςτερεϊν και μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ του μίγματοσ ( διαλογι με το χζρι ). Τα παιδιά χωρίςτθκαν ςε μικρζσ ομάδεσ. κάκε ομάδα προςπάκθςε να διαχωρίςει τα υλικά που τουσ δόκθκαν, με όποιο τρόπο μποροφςαν. Τα υλικά που δόκθκαν ςτισ ομάδεσ των παιδιϊν, ιταν όςπρια, ρφηι, κόκκοι καφζ. Τα παιδιά με ευκολία, διαχϊριςαν τα ςυςτατικά των μιγμάτων με το χζρι. Εμείσ ρωτιςαμε τα παιδιά, αν μποροφν να διακρίνουν τα ςυςτατικά των μιγμάτων αυτϊν κι αν μποροφν να τα βάλουν ςτο ςπίτι τουσ, γιατί τα ψάχνει θ μαμά τουσ. Δϊςαμε ςτα παιδιά ζνα λευκό χαρτί και τα παιδιά ζκαναν τθ διαλογι με το χζρι. Κατόπιν κόλλθςαν ςτο χαρτί ςε διαφορετικό ςθμείο τα άτακτα μόρια για να τα βρει θ μαμά τουσ. Ζγραψαν όπωσ μποροφςαν διαλογι με το χζρι.
  • 14. First activity: a mixture of solid and process mixture separation (sorting by hand). The children were divided into small groups. each team tried to separate the materials given them, in whatever way they could. The materials were given to groups of children, it was beans, rice, coffee beans. Children easily, they separated the components of the mixtures by hand. We asked the children if they can distinguish the components of those mixtures you can put them in their home, because looking their mom. We gave the children a white paper and the guys did sorting by hand. Then the children stuck to the paper in a different place the naughty molecules to find their mom. children wrote as they phrase hand- sorted. Primeiro actividade: uma mistura de separação de sólido e o processo de mistura (triagem à mão). As crianças foram divididas em pequenos grupos. cada equipe tentou separar os materiais lhes deu, sob qualquer forma que poderia. Os materiais foram entregues a grupos de crianças, era feijão, arroz, grãos de café. Crianças facilmente, separaram-se os componentes da mistura à mão. Pedimos que as crianças se podem distinguir os componentes dessas misturas que você pode colocá-los em sua casa, porque olhando para sua mãe. Nós demos às crianças um papel branco e os caras fizeram triagem com a mão. Em seguida, as crianças preso ao papel em um lugar diferente as moléculas impertinentes para encontrar sua mãe. crianças escreveu como eles frase mão-classificado.
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  • 20. Μοντελοποίθςαν τθν δραςτθριότθτα ςτο χαρτί. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ηωγραφίςουν ζνα ςακοφλι που μζςα ςε αυτό υπάρχουν όςπρια ( ότι όςπρια κζλουν και όςα κζλουν), που παίηουν όλα μαηί ανακατεμζνα. Μετά είπα ςτα παιδιά ότι τα φωνάηει θ μαμά τουσ και πρζπει να πάνε ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ. Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ηωγραφίςουν τα ςακοφλια τουσ ςτο ίδιο χαρτί. Να προςπακιςουν να βάλουν τα όςπρια ςτο ςακοφλι τουσ ςχεδιάηοντασ τα όςπρια ςτα νζα ςακοφλια που ηωγράφιςαν . Να μετριςουν τα όςπρια ξεχωριςτά και να τα ηωγραφίςουν ςτθν ςωςτι κζςθ και να βρουν τον ςωςτό αρικμό, γράφοντασ τον αρικμό όπωσ μποροφν. Να αντιγράψουν όπωσ μποροφν τθν φράςθ … μίγμα ςτερεό ςε ςτερεό, διαλογι με το χζρι.
  • 21. Modelando a atividade no papel. Eu pedi as crianças a desenhar uma bolsa que nele há leguminosas (feijão que eles querem eo que eles querem), tocando todos juntos misturados. Depois que eu disse às crianças que a mãe grita e precisa ir para o saco. Eu pedi as crianças a tirar suas malas no mesmo papel. Para tentar colocar feijão no saco projetar legumes em sacos novos que eles pintados. Para contar pulsos separadamente e para desenhar a posição correta e encontrar o número correto de escrever o número que puderem. Para replicar como pode a frase ... sólido na mistura sólida, a triagem com a mão. Modelling activity in the paper. I asked the children to draw a pouch that in it there are legumes (beans that they want and what they want), playing all together mixed. After I told the children that mom shouts and need to go to the bag. I asked the children to draw their bags on the same paper. To try to put beans in the bag designing legumes in new bags that they painted. To count pulses separately and to draw the correct position and find the correct number by writing the number as they can. To replicate as can the phrase ... solid in solid mixture, sorting by hand.
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  • 24. 2θ δραςτθριότθτα. Μίγμα ςτερεοφ και ςτερεοφ με μικροςκοπικοφσ κόκκουσ ( μικρζσ πζτρεσ και άμμο). 2nd activity. A mixture of solid and solid with tiny grains (small stones and sand). 2a actividade. Uma mistura de sólidos e sólidos com minúsculos grãos (pequenas pedras e areia). Βάλαμε ςε διαφορετικά δοχεία, τθν άμμο και τισ πζτρεσ και ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να φτιάξουν ζνα μίγμα με αυτά τα δφο υλικά. Nós que colocamos em diferentes recipientes, areia e pedras e pediu às crianças para fazer uma mistura destes dois materiais. We put in different containers, sand and stones and asked the children to make a mixture of these two materials.
  • 25.
  • 26. ΢ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά αυτοφ του μίγματοσ. Τα παιδιά είπαν: ναι, αυτά διακρίνονται. ΢ωτιςαμε τα παιδιά αν μποροφμε να ξεχωρίςουμε τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ με το χζρι, όπωσ ακριβϊσ κάναμε ςτα όςπρια. Τα παιδιά είπαν: μποροφμε να πάρουμε τισ πζτρεσ με το χζρι, και να μείνει θ άμμοσ. Μπράβο παιδιά. Μιπωσ μπορείτε να ςκεφτείτε και κάποιον άλλον τρόπο? Τα παιδιά δεν μποροφςαν να ςκεφτοφν κάποιον τρόπο. Ζφερα ςτα παιδιά, ζνα πλαςτικό ςουρωτιρι, ςαν αυτό που πάμε ςτθ κάλαςςα και ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν ζχουν ξαναπαίξει με αυτό. Τα παιδιά απάντθςαν αρνθτικά.
  • 27. We asked the children if there are the components of this mixture. The children said, yes, they are distinguished. We asked the children if we can distinguish the components of the mixture by hand, just as we did in legumes. The children said, we can get the stones by hand, and leave the sand. Well done kids. Did you think and another way; The children could not think of a way. I brought the children, a plastic strainer, like this we go into the sea and asked the children if they have never played it. Children responded negatively. Pedimos que as crianças se não são os componentes desta mistura. As crianças disseram, sim, eles são distinguidos. Pedimos que as crianças se podemos distinguir os componentes da mistura à mão, assim como fizemos em leguminosas. As crianças disseram, podemos obter as pedras com a mão, e deixar a areia. Bem feito rapazes. Você acha que e uma outra maneira; As crianças não poderia pensar de uma maneira. Eu trouxe os filhos, um coador de plástico, como este que vão para o mar e pediu às crianças que nunca tenham jogado. As crianças responderam negativamente.
  • 28. Απόρθςα που τα παιδιά δεν είχαν παίξει με αυτό το παιχνίδι. Ζδειξα ςτα παιδιά τθν χριςθ του, κι εκείνα ζμειναν ζκπλθκτα. Τουσ άρεςε πάρα πολφ. Τα παιδιά ζριχναν το μίγμα ςτο πλαςτικό κόςκινο και θ άμμοσ ζπεφτε από τισ μικρζσ τρφπεσ, ενϊ το πιο χοντρό χαλίκι που δεν χωροφςε να περάςει από τισ τρφπεσ, ζμενε ςτο κόςκινο. Ονόμαςα αυτόν τον τρόπο διαχωριςμοφ του μίγματοσ, κοςκίνιςμα. Eu surpreendeu as crianças não tinha jogado este jogo. Mostrei as crianças o uso de, e os que ficaram atônitos. Eles gostaram muito. Crianças verteu a mistura em peneiro de plástico e a areia caiu de pequenos orifícios, enquanto que o cascalho mais grosso que poderia acomodar não passam pelos orifícios deixados na peneira. Liguei para essa separação caminho da mistura, britadeira. I surprised the children had not played this game. I showed the children the use of, and those were astonished. They liked it very much. Children poured the mixture into plastic sieve and the sand fell from the small holes, while the more coarse gravel that could accommodate not go through the holes left in the sieve. I called this way separation of the mixture, sieving.
  • 29.
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  • 31.
  • 32. Μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε ςκόνθ ( αλεφρι ) και ςτερεοφ ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ ( ρφηι ) Μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ κοςκίνιςμα. τα παιδιά καταςκεφαςαν μίγμα από αλεφρι και ρφηι, ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να ονοματίςουν τα υλικά. Τα παιδιά είπαν για το αλεφρι ότι είναι ςτερεό ςε ςκόνθ και για το ρφηι ότι είναι ςτερεό ςε μικροφσ κόκκουσ. Τα παιδιά ζφτιαξαν το μίγμα και κατόπιν Κάναμε διαχωριςμό του μίγματοσ με κοςκίνιςμα. A mixture of solid powder (flour) and solid in small grain (rice) Method separation sifting. children built a mixture of flour and rice, I asked the children to name materials. The children were told about the flour that is a solid powder and rice that is solid into small granules. We separate the mixture by sieving. Uma mistura de pó sólido (farinha) e sólida no pequeno grão (arroz) Separação método de triagem. crianças construiu uma mistura de farinha e arroz, pedi às crianças que citem materiais. As crianças foram informados sobre a farinha que é um pó sólido e arroz que é sólido em pequenos grânulos. Nós separar a mistura por peneiração.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. Το ρφηι ζμεινε ςτο κόςκινο, ενϊ το αλεφρι χφκθκε ςτθν λεκάνθ. Arroz permaneceu na peneira, enquanto a farinha derramado na bacia. Rice remained on the sieve, while the spilled flour in bowl.
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  • 38. Κατόπιν προςκζςαμε ρίγανθ ςτο μίγμα. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά τι υλικό είναι θ ρίγανθ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι θ ρίγανθ είναι ςτερεό. Ρροςπακιςαμε να κοςκινίςουμε το μίγμα αλεφρι και ρίγανθ. Then we added oregano in the mix. I asked the children what material is oregano. The children said that oregano is solid. We tried to sift the flour mixture and oregano. Então nós adicionamos orégano na mistura. Perguntei aos filhos o que é material de orégano. As crianças disseram que o orégano é sólido. Tentámos para peneirar a mistura de farinha e orégano
  • 39. Το αλεφρι ζμεινε πάνω ςτθν ςιτα, ενϊ θ ρίγανθ πζραςε ςτθν λεκάνθ A farinha foi deixada na tela, enquanto o orégano passou na bacia The flour was left on the screen, while the oregano spent in basin
  • 40. Ετερογενζσ Μίγμα ςτερεοφ ςε υγρό. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν μποροφν να ξεχωρίςουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ αυτοφ, ι εάν φαίνονται ςαν να είναι ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι ξεχωρίηουν τα ςυςτατικά αυτοφ του μίγματοσ. Ονόμαςα το μίγμα ετερογενζσ. Μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ. Σε μια κατςαρόλα, βάλαμε φφλλα δυόςμου και νερό. ΢ωτιςαμε τι κα γίνει αν το βάλουμε ςτθ φωτιά. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι το νερό κα βράςει και κα πιοφμε ρόφθμα δυόςμου. Ρράγματι, βάλαμε τθν κατςαρόλα ςτθ φωτιά και φτιάξαμε ρόφθμα από δυόςμο. Ρωσ όμωσ μποροφμε να διαχωρίςουμε τα ςυςτατικά του? Τα παιδιά είπαν με ςουρωτιρι. μοιάηει με το κοςκίνιςμα, είπαν τα παιδιά. Μπράβο μικροί επιςτιμονεσ. Το κοςκίνιςμα είναι ςτα ςτερεά. Πταν ζχουμε ζνα υγρό , κι ζνα ςτερεό, αυτι θ μζκοδοσ διαχωριςμοφ ονομάηεται φιλτράριςμα.
  • 41. Uma mistura heterogénea de sólido em líquido. Perguntei aos filhos se eles podem distinguir os componentes desta mistura, ou se eles se parecem com eles são um só corpo. As crianças foram disse que separar os componentes desta mistura. Eu nomeei a mistura é heterogênea. Método de separação. Em uma panela, nós colocamos folhas de hortelã e água. Pedimos que vai acontecer se você colocá-lo no fogo. As crianças foram informados de que a água vai ferver e beber bebida hortelã. Na verdade, vamos colocar a panela no fogo e fizemos infusão de menta. Como podemos separar os ingredientes; As crianças disseram com filtro. como triagem, disse que as crianças. Bem feito jovens cientistas. O rastreio é em sólidos. Quando temos um líquido e um sólido, este método de separação é chamado de filtragem. A heterogeneous mixture of the solid in the liquid. I asked the children if they can distinguish the components of this mixture, or if they look like they are one body. The children were told that separate the components of this mixture. I named the mixture is heterogeneous. Separation method. In a pot, we put mint leaves and water. We asked what will happen if you put it in the fire. The children were told that the water will boil and drink mint. Indeed, we put the pot on the fire and we made brew of mint. How can we separate the ingredients; The children said with strainer. like screening, said children. Well done young scientists. The screening is in solids. When we have a liquid and a solid, this separation method is called filtering.
  • 42. Μία από τισ προτάςεισ των παιδιϊν ιταν να ςουρϊςουμε το μίγμα ςε ςουρωτιρι για τα μακαρόνια. Uma das propostas dos filhos foram tensas sucos para a mistura em uma peneira para espaguete. One of the proposals of the children were strained juices to the mixture in a colander for spaghetti.
  • 43.
  • 44. Κακαριςμόσ νεροφ με τθ μζκοδο του φιλτραρίςματοσ. Σε ζνα δοχείο, βάλαμε νερό και λίγθ άμμο και ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να διαχωρίςουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ. Τα παιδιά δοκίμαςαν με το ςουρωτιρι, αλλά διαπίςτωςαν πωσ και θ άμμοσ και το νερό ζπεφτε μζςα ςτο δοχείο. Κατόπιν ρϊτθςα τα παιδιά αν ζχουν δει αυτά τα χαρτιά και τουσ ζδειξα φίλτρα του καφζ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ζχουν δει τουσ γονείσ ςτο ςπίτι να φτιάχνουν με αυτά τα χαρτιά καφζ ςτθν καφετιζρα. Τα παιδιά είπαν γνωρίηουν πωσ γίνεται αυτι θ διαδικαςία και προςπάκθςαν να κακαρίςουν το νερό από τα χϊματα. A purificação da água pelo processo de filtração. Em um recipiente, colocamos água e um pouco de areia e pediu às crianças para separar os componentes da mistura. Crianças provei o filtro, mas descobriu que a areia ea água cair para dentro do recipiente. Então eu perguntei as crianças se eles viram esses papéis e mostrou-lhes filtros de café. As crianças disseram ter visto seus pais em casa para fazer com estes cartões na máquina de café. As crianças disseram que sabem como fazer este processo e tentou limpar a água do solo. Purification of water by the process of filtration. In a container, we put water and a little sand and asked the children to separate the components of the mixture. Children tasted the strainer, but found that the sand and water fall into the container. Then I asked the children if they have seen these papers and showed them coffee filters. The children said they have seen their parents at home to make with these cards in the coffee maker. The children said they know how to do this process and tried to clear the water from the soil.
  • 45. Ζνα παιδί κρατοφςε το ποτιρι, κάποιο άλλο παιδί κρατοφςε το διθκθτικό χαρτί και κάποιο άλλο παιδί κρατοφςε το δοχείο με το βρϊμικο νερό. A child holding cup, another child was holding the filter paper and another child was holding the container with dirty water. Um copo criança segurando, outro filho estava segurando o papel de filtro e outra criança estava segurando o recipiente com água suja.
  • 46. Τα παιδιά ζβαλαν ρίγανθ ςε χρωματιςτό νερό, και προςπάκθςαν να διαχωρίςουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ με τθ μζκοδο του φιλτραρίςματοσ. Ραρότρυνα τα παιδιά να χρθςιμοποιιςουν βαμβάκι μζςα ςτο χαρτί φιλτραρίςματοσ, και να κάνουν προβλζψεισ για το τι κα μποροφςε να ςυμβεί.
  • 47. Children put oregano in colored water, and attempted to separate components of the mixture by the method of filtering. Urge children to use cotton in the filter paper, and make predictions about what might happen. Crianças colocar orégãos em água colorida, e uma tentativa para separar os componentes da mistura pelo método de filtragem. Urge as crianças a usar algodão no papel de filtro, e fazer previsões sobre o que poderia acontecer.
  • 48. Τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι θ ρίγανθ κάκεται ςτο βαμβάκι που βρίςκεται μζςα ςτο χαρτί φιλτραρίςματοσ, ενϊ το νερό πζφτει μζςα ςτο ποτιρι. As crianças descobriram que o orégano sentado ao algodão está no papel de filtro, enquanto a água cai no copo Children found that oregano sitting to cotton is in the filter paper, while the water falls into the beaker
  • 49.
  • 50. Το πορτοκάλι ζχει μζςα κουκοφτςια. Ρωσ κα πάρουμε το χυμό του πορτοκαλιοφ και κα αφαιρζςουμε τα κουκοφτςια? Orange has seeds inside. How to get the juice of the orange and remove the seeds; Laranja tem sementes dentro. Como obter o suco da laranja e retire as sementes;
  • 51.
  • 52. Μίγμα υγροφ με ςτερεό, όπου δεν διαχωρίηονται τα ςυςτατικά του. ( διαλφονται). Ηιτθςα από τα παιδιά να βάλουν αλεφρι ςε μία λεκάνθ με νερό. Να το ανακατζψουν και να δθμιουργιςουν ζνα μίγμα με νερό και αλεφρι. Liquid mixture to a solid, which does not separate the components. (Dissolve). I asked the children to put flour in a bowl with water. To mingle and create a mixture with water and flour. Mistura líquida a um sólido, que não se separa os componentes. (Dissolver). Eu pedi as crianças a colocar farinha em uma tigela com água. Para se conhecer e criar uma mistura com água e farinha.
  • 53. .
  • 54. Ηθτιςαμε από τα παιδιά να μασ πουν αν ςε αυτό το μίγμα διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά του ι αν είναι ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά τουσ. Pedimos às crianças que nos dizer se nesta mistura repousar componentes ou se é um corpo. As crianças disseram que eles dividiram seus componentes. We asked the children to tell us if in this mixture stand components or if it is a body. The children said that they divided their components.
  • 55. Ρειραματίςτθκαν προςκζτοντασ νερό, άλλοτε λίγο και άλλοτε περιςςότερο και παρότρυνα τα παιδιά να παρατθριςουν τθν διαφορετικι υφι τθσ ηφμθσ, με λίγο ι με περιςςότερο νερό. Τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν πωσ όςο περιςςότερο νερό βάηουν ςτθν ηφμθ, αυτι γίνεται πιο αραιι. children experimented by adding water, sometimes a little, sometimes more, and urge children to observe the different texture of the dough with a little water or more. Children found that the more water they put in the dough, it becomes more sparse. crianças experimentado por adição de água, por vezes, um pouco, por vezes mais, e instar crianças para observar a textura diferente da massa com um pouco de água ou mais. As crianças descobriram que quanto mais água que colocar na massa, ele se torna mais escasso.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58. Καταςκευάςαμε αντικείμενα από ηυμάρι και τα πλάςαμε . Κατόπιν τα ψιςαμε ςτο φοφρνο. Είδαμε τθν μεταβολι τθσ φλθσ από εφπλαςτο υλικό ςε ςκλθρότερο . Δεν ξεχωρίηουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ
  • 59. Construímos objetos feitos de massa e dobra. Em seguida, o forno psisame. Vimos a mudança na condição do material flexível mais difícil. Não distinguir os componentes da mistura
  • 60. We constructed objects made of dough and fold. Then the psisame oven. We saw the change in condition of supple material harder. Not distinguish the components of the mixture
  • 61. Συνεχίςαμε τθ δραςτθριότθτα βάφοντασ τισ όμορφεσ καταςκευζσ μασ από ηυμάρι We continued the activity staining our beautiful constructions of dough Continuamos a atividade coloração nossas belas construções de massa
  • 62. Εδϊ θ ηφμθ ζγινε πολφ αραιι κι επειδι δεν υπιρχε άλλο αλεφρι ςτο ςχολείο, μία ομάδα παιδιϊν ςκζφτθκε να ρίξει μζςα ςτθ λεκάνθ χϊμα. Aqui a massa tornou-se muito fina e porque não havia mais farinha na escola, um grupo de crianças pensado para jogar na bandeja de sujeira Here the dough became very thin and because there was more flour in school, a group of children thought to throw into the dirt tray
  • 63.
  • 64. Τα παιδιά ςκζφτθκαν να χρθςιμοποιιςουν το διθκθτικό χαρτί για να ξεχωρίςουν τθν άμμο από το υπόλοιπο μίγμα. Crianças considerar a utilização do papel de filtro para separar a areia da mistura restante. Children consider using the filter paper to separate the sand from the remaining mixture.
  • 65. Ζβαλαν το χαρτί φίλτρου ςε ζνα βάηο κι ζριξαν το μίγμα ςτο χαρτί. Διαπίςτωςαν όμωσ πωσ δεν περνάει το μίγμα από το χαρτί, όπωσ είχε ςυμβεί προθγουμζνωσ με το νερό. They put the filter paper in a vase and threw the mixture into the paper. But found that it does not pass the mixture of the paper, as had happened previously with water. Eles colocaram o papel de filtro em um vaso e jogou a mistura no papel. Mas descobriu que ele não passar a mistura do papel, como havia acontecido anteriormente com água.
  • 66. Κάποια ποςότθτα άμμου κάκεται πάνω ςτο χαρτί, όμωσ το υγρό δεν πζφτει από το χαρτί ςτο δοχείο. Alguns de areia assento no papel, mas o líquido não cair do recipiente de papel. Some of sand sitting on the paper, but the liquid does not drop from the paper container.
  • 67.
  • 68. Θ ομάδα αυτι ζριξε αλάτι ςτθ ηφμθ. . και πάλι το αλάτι δεν διακρίνεται και ςτο νζο μίγμα που ςχθματίηεται δεν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά του ( ζνα ςϊμα ). The group threw salt in the dough. again the salt is not distinguished and the new mixture is formed not distinguishable components (a body). O grupo jogou sal na massa. novamente o sal não é distinto e a nova mistura é formado não distinguíveis componentes (A) do corpo.
  • 69. Ρροςκζςαμε νερό ςτθν πθχτι ατλακόλ και το μίγμα μασ ζγινε αραιότερο. Τα παιδιά ςε ηευγάρια πειραματίςτθκαν ςτο πυκνό και αραιό μίγμα προςκζτοντασ νερό ςτθν ατλακόλ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν μποροφν να διακρίνουν τα ςυςτατικά του μίγματοσ. Συνεχίςαμε τθν δραςτθριότθτα ωσ εικαςτικά. Τυλίξαμε κλωςτζσ απαλζσ ςε μπαλόνι . Πταν ςτζγνωςαν ςκάςαμε το μπαλόνι και φτιάξαμε καλακάκια.
  • 70. Foi adicionada água à atlakol espessura e a mistura tornou-se mais fina. Crianças em casais experimentado na mistura densa e diluída por adição de água para atlakol. As crianças foram informados de que eles não conseguem distinguir os componentes da mistura. Continuamos a atividade como arte. Nós envolvemos tópicos no balão macio. Quando seca estourar o balão e fizemos cestas. Water was added to the thick atlakol and our mixture became thinner. Children in couples experimented in dense and dilute mixture by adding water to atlakol. The children were told that they can not distinguish the components of the mixture. We continued the activity as art. We wrap threads in soft balloon. When they dried pop the balloon and we made baskets.
  • 71.
  • 72. Μίγμα υγροφ με υγρό. Ραρότρυνα τα παιδιά να πειραματιςτοφν μόνο με υγρά. Ζριξαν ξφδι μζςα ςε νερό. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά, αν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά ι όχι. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι δεν μποροφμε να διαχωρίςουμε το νερό από το ξφδι. Liquid mixture of liquid. Encourage children to experiment with liquids only. They threw vinegar in water. I asked the children if there are the ingredients or not. The children were told that we can not separate the water from the vinegar. Mistura líquida de líquido. Incentivar as crianças a experimentar com apenas líquidos. Eles jogaram vinagre na água. Perguntei aos filhos, se existem os ingredientes ou não. As crianças foram informados de que não se pode separar a água do vinagre.
  • 73. Θ υγρι μπογιά δεν διαλφεται εφκολα ςτο νερό, όμωσ με ζνα πινζλο που ανακατεφει τα υλικά, θ μπογιά διαλφκθκε. A tinta líquida não é facilmente solúvel em água, mas com uma escova que mistura os ingredientes, a tinta dissolvida. The liquid paint is not readily soluble in water, but with a brush that mixes the ingredients, the paint dissolved.
  • 74. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά εάν διακρίνονται τα ςυςτατικά, ι εάν δεν διακρίνονται, εάν ζγιναν ζνα ςϊμα. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι ζγιναν ζνα ςϊμα. I asked the children if they can see the components, or if not distinguished, if were a body. The children were told that a body Perguntei aos filhos se eles podem ver os componentes, ou se não distingue, se fosse um corpo. As crianças foram informados de que um corpo
  • 75. ςε ζνα γυάλινο δοχείο ρίξαμε νερό και λίγθ ηάχαρθ. τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι θ ηάχαρθ διαλφεται ςτο νερό. em um recipiente de vidro jogou água e um pouco de açúcar. crianças descobriram que o açúcar é dissolvido em água. in a glass container threw water and a little sugar. children found that the sugar is dissolved in water. Κατόπιν προςκζςαμε περιςςότερθ ηάχαρθ αρκετζσ φορζσ μζχρι που θ ηάχαρθ δεν μποροφςε να διαλυκεί. Το νερό κουράςτθκε να διαλφει τόςθ ηάχαρθ, είπα ςτα παιδιά. Είμαι κουραςμζνθ και με λζνε κορεςμζνθ, αςτειεφτθκα. Βγάλαμε ζνα αυτοςχζδιο τραγοφδι. Τα παιδιά τραγουδοφςαν ρυκμικά…. Είμαι κουραςμζνο και με λζνε κορεςμζνο. Δε διαλφω άλλο, φτάνει, ηάχαρθ κανείσ μθ βάλει….
  • 76. Then we added more sugar several times until the sugar could not be dissolved. The water dissolves tired of so much sugar, I said to the children. I'm tired and say saturated joked. We took an impromptu song. Children sang rhythmically .... I'm tired and my name is saturated. Not pulverize another arrives, sugar ... not to put anyone. Em seguida, adicionou mais açúcar várias vezes até que o açúcar não pode ser dissolvida. A água dissolve cansado de tanto açúcar, eu disse aos filhos. Estou cansado e saturado dizer brincou. Nós pegamos uma música improvisada. As crianças cantavam ritmicamente .... Estou cansado e meu nome está saturado. Não pulverizar outro chega, açúcar ... para não colocar ninguém.
  • 77. Εξιγθςα ςτα παιδιά πωσ αυτό λζγεται ίηθμα ι κατακάκι. Τα παιδιά γνϊριηαν το κατακάκι από το καφζ που πίνει ο παπποφσ ςτο ςπίτι. Expliquei aos filhos que isso é chamado de sedimentos ou borras. As crianças sabiam a borra de café que ele bebe seu avô em casa. I explained to the children that this is called sediment or dregs. The children knew the dregs of coffee he drinks his grandfather at home.
  • 78. ΢ίξαμε άμμο ςτο νερό όμωσ όςο κι αν ανακατεφαμε θ άμμοσ δεν διαλφκθκε. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι ξεχωρίηει θ άμμοσ από το νερό και θ άμμοσ δεν διαλφεται ςτο νερό. We threw sand in the water but as you stir the sand was not dissolved. Children were told that distinguishes the sand from the water and sand does not dissolve in water. Nós jogou areia na água, mas como você agitar a areia não foi dissolvido. As crianças foram informados de que distingue a areia da água e areia não se dissolve na água.
  • 79. Μίγμα υγρό ςε υγρό. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά τι υλικό είναι το γάλα και θ μελάνθ. Τα παιδιά είπαν ότι είναι υγρά. ΢ϊτθςα τα παιδιά να προβλζψουν εάν το μίγμα αυτϊν είναι ι όχι διάλυμα, δθλαδι εάν ςτο γάλα ρίξουμε μελάνθ και τα ανακατζψουμε κα ξεχωρίηουν τα υλικά ι κα είναι ζνα ςϊμα? Τα παιδιά είπαν κα γίνουν ζνα ςϊμα. Κατόπιν κάναμε το πείραμα. A mixture liquid to liquid. I asked the children what material is milk and ink. The children said they are wet. I asked the children to predict whether their mixture is a solution or not, ie if the milk shed Ink and mix materials will stand out or be a body; The children said will become one body. Then we did the experiment. Uma mistura líquida para o líquido. Perguntei aos filhos o que é material de leite e tinta. As crianças disseram que estão molhadas. Perguntei aos filhos de prever se a sua mistura é uma solução ou não, ou seja, se a tinta derramado leite e misturar materiais vão se destacar ou ser um corpo; As crianças disseram se tornará um corpo. Então nós fizemos o experimento.
  • 80. Τα παιδιά με ζκπλθξθ είδαν τθν μικρι κθλίδα μελάνι να απλϊνεται ςτο γάλα. Ρρότεινα ςτα παιδιά να χρθςιμοποιιςουν μία οδοντογλυφίδα και να ςχεδιάηου πάνω ςτθν μελάνθ. Τα παιδιά ενκουςιάςτθκαν και είπαν: κυρία αυτό είναι ηωγραφικι. Crianças com surpresa viu a pequena mancha de tinta espalhando no leite. Eu sugeri para as crianças a usar um palito e planejar tinta. As crianças estavam animado e disse senhora está pintando Children with surprise saw the small ink stain spreading in milk. I suggested to the children to use a toothpick and plan on ink. The children were excited and said lady is painting
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84. ΢ίξαμε λάδι ςτο νερό και τα παιδιά διαπίςτωςαν ότι τα ςυςτατικά ξεχωρίηουν. Δεν είναι διάλυμα αυτό κυρία, είπε ζνα παιδί. Jogou óleo em água e as crianças descobriram que os componentes são distinguidas. Há uma solução que senhora disse uma criança. Threw oil in water and children found that the components are distinguished. There is a solution that lady said one child.
  • 85. Το λάδι ζχει και κάποια άλλθ ιδιότθτα που δεν ζχουν άλλα υγρά. Φτιάξαμε καντιλια από λάδι και πορτοκάλι. O óleo também tem algumas outras capacidades que não têm outros líquidos. Fizemos velas de óleo e laranja The oil also has some other capacity who have no other liquids. We made candles from oil and orange Κακαρίηοντασ το εςωτερικό του πορτοκαλιοφ και προςκζτοντασ λάδι Cleaning the interior and adding orange oil Limpar o interior e adição de óleo de laranja
  • 86. Ζτοιμο το καντιλι μασ! Nossa vela está pronto Our candle is ready
  • 87. Μοντελοποιιςαμε ςτο χαρτί με κολλάη τα διαλφματα. Σε ζνα ποτιρι τα παιδιά ςχεδίαςαν ζνα υγρό. Στο άλλο ποτιρι ζνα άλλο υγρό, και ςε ζνα άλλο ποτιρι το διάλυμα που προζκυπτε εάν ενωκοφν τα υγρά ςε ζνα τρίτο ποτιρι. Μοντελοποιιςαμε ςτο χαρτί με κολλάη τα διαλφματα. Σε ζνα ποτιρι τα παιδιά ςχεδίαςαν ζνα υγρό. Στο άλλο ποτιρι ζνα άλλο υγρό, και ςε ζνα άλλο ποτιρι το διάλυμα που προζκυπτε εάν ενωκοφν τα υγρά ςε ζνα τρίτο ποτιρι. Modelado em soluções de colagem de papel. Em um copo crianças projetado um líquido. Em outro copo outro líquido, e em outro vidro da solução surgir se líquidos unir em um terceiro copo.
  • 88. Λάδι και νερό Óleo e água . Oil and water Νερό και ξφδι Água e vinagre Water and vinegar
  • 89. Νερό και κραςί Water and wine Água e vinho Νερό και λεμονάδα Água e suco de limão Water and lemon juice
  • 90. Ξφδι και κραςί Vinegar and wine Vinagre e vinho Χυμόσ ντομάτασ και ςοκολάτα ρόφθμα Suco de tomate e bebida de chocolate Tomato juice and chocolate drink