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Chelsea Green
   Celebrating 25 Years

     Fall 2009
Meet the Staff
                                                            Celebrating 25 years!
                                                       “The go-to publisher for all things sustainable.”
Business & Distribution Director                                                                                                                                   Director of Sales
         Sandi Eaton                                                                                                                                               Peg O’Donnell

         Sales Assistant                New England & Mid-Atlantic Sales            Author Events Coordinator                West Coast Regional Sales       Mid West & Rocky Mtn. Sales
        Jeffrey Slayton                          Sue Miller                             Allison Lennox                          Michael Weaver                    Darrell Koerner

  Assistant Editor & Subrights         Fullfillment & Distribution Assistant                                                                                   Production Coordinator
     Brianne Goodspeed
                                                                                                                                    Production Director
                                                  Bit Babcock                                                                        Bill Bokermann               Patricia Stone

                                                                                      Margo & Ian Baldwin
       Associate Editor                          Editorial Director                                                          Assistant to the Publisher            Project Manager
   Jonathan Teller-Elsberg                        Joni Praded                                                                 Makenna Goodman                       Emily Foote

          Web Editor
       Jesse McDougall
                                                                                         Graphic Designer                Marketing & Publicity Coordinator        Publicity Assistant
                                                                                        Britney Blanchard                        Taylor Haynes                     Lauren Fifield
                                            Web Content Coordinator
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      Environmental Audit
  This catalog was printed using 100% postconsumer-recycled paper, processed chlorine-free and manufactured using biogas energy. Using 720 pounds of Rolland Enviro100 Print instead of virgin-
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  Printed in Canada by Marquis
               The Transition Timeline                  2

new releases
               The Looting of America                   3
               Howard Dean’s Prescription
                   for Real Healthcare Reform           4
               Connected Wisdom                         6
               From Asparagus to Zucchini               7
               Social Change 2.0                        8
               Marijuana Is Safer                       9
               Nontoxic Housecleaning                   10
               Sustainable Food                         11
               Time’s Up!                               12
               The Polytunnel Handbook                  13
               Stone House                              14
               The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook   15
               Death & Sex                              16
               The People v. Bush                       17
               Money and Soul                           18
               A Renewable World                        19
               Herbs for Home Treatment                 20
               Energy Free                              21
               The Raw Milk Revolution                  22
               Waiting on a Train                       23
               The World According to Monsanto          24

      1     802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                        Nature & Environment                                        Available Now

For a Local, Resilient Future
Shaun Chamberlin
Foreword by Rob Hopkins
                                     It’s possible to protect yourself and your community from
                                     climate change and peak oil. Here’s how.

                                     The revolutionary Transition Movement has been changing the way communities plan their
                                     future by teaching them to prepare for the confluence of climate change and peak oil. Now
                                     movement leaders have taken their transition training one step further, crafting a timeline for
                                     those who seek a life that is neither reliant on oil, nor based on the myth of perpetual growth.
                                     The Transition Timeline lightens the fear of our uncertain future by mapping out the challenges we
                                     face and our pathways to addressing them. The book describes four possible scenarios for the
                                     next twenty years—ranging from the denial scenario, in which we reap the consequences of failing
                                     to acknowledge and respond to our environmental challenges, to the transition vision, in which
•   Pub Date Available Now           we shift our cultural assumptions to fit our circumstances and move into a more fulfilling, lower-
•   $22.95 US, $29.95 CAN • Paper    energy world.
•   ISBN 9781603582001
                                     The practical, realistic details of this transition vision are examined in depth, covering key areas
•   83/4 x 83/4 • 192 pages
                                     such as food, energy, demographics, transport, and health care. The authors provide a sense of
•   Nature & Environment
                                     context for communities working toward a thriving future, as well as a detailed and accessible
                                     update on climate change and peak oil and the interactions between them—including their
                                     present and future impacts.
                                     Use The Transition Timeline to choose your path, and then make that future real with your
                                     actions, individually and with your community. As Transition movement founder Rob Hopkins
                                     outlines in the chapter he has contributed, there is a rapidly spreading movement addressing
                                     these challenges, and it needs you.

                                                                   Shaun Chamberlin is the founder of and has
                                                                   been involved with the Transition Network since its inception. He is
                                                                   also the Tradable Energy Quotas Development Director at The Lean
                                                                   Economy Connection and a member of the Department of Energy
                                                                   and Climate Change's Personal Carbon Allowances Advisory
                                                                   Group, as well as a core member of Transition Town Kingston, UK.

         • • • notes • • •

                                      “So here it is: the map and timeline of how to save our world and ourselves.
                                      Whether we WILL take up these suggestions as scheduled is a question for the cynics
                                      and dreamers to debate. For us realists, the only relevant questions are, Where do we
                                      start?, and, Will you join us?” —Richard Heinberg, senior fellow of the Post Carbon
                                      Institute, and author of eight books, including The Party’s Over and Peak Everything

                                       “The Transition Timeline isn’t another climate jeremiad, but a map of the course we’ll
                                       need to take over the coming decade if we are to save our planet, and ourselves. It
                                       is a book of hopeful realism, making clear that the future we want remains in our
                                       grasp—but only for a short while longer.” —Jamais Cascio, cofounder of
                              and founder of

                                     2        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                        Politics & Social Justice                                               June

How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs,
Pensions, and Prosperity—and What We Can Do About It
Les Leopold
                                     Not a Wall Street insider?
                                     A guide to the economic crisis for the rest of us.

                                     How could the best and brightest in finance crash the global economy and then get us to bail
                                     them out? What caused this mess? And what can Main Street do about it?
                                     In The Looting of America, Les Leopold debunks the prevailing myths that blame low-income
                                     homebuyers, credit-card debtors, and government interference. Instead, readers will discover
                                     how Wall Street undermined itself and the rest of the economy by playing and losing a highly
                                     lucrative and dangerous game of fantasy finance.
                                     He also asks some tough questions:
                                     • Why did Americans let the gap between workers’ and executives’ pay grow so large?
                                     • Why did we fail to realize that the excess money in those executives’ pockets was fueling
                                       casino-style investment schemes?
                                     • Why did we buy the notion that financial products that no one could even understand would
                                       somehow form the backbone of America’s new economy?
•   Pub Date June 2009               • And how can we get our money back and never give it away to gamblers again?
•   $14.95 US, $19.50 CAN • Paper    In this page-turning, plain-speaking narrative, Leopold tells us how everyone from individual
•   ISBN 9781603582056               investors to school districts to institutions around the world fell victim to Wall Street’s “innovative”
•   53/8 x 83/8 • 240 pages          financial products—like collateralized debt obligations, better known as CDOs, which sucked
•   Politics & Social Justice        trillions of dollars from the global economy when they failed.
•   World Rights                     As the country teeters on the brink of a depression, he warns we should be especially wary of
                                     advice from the so-called financial experts who got us here and then conveniently got themselves
                                     out. So far, it appears they’ve won the battle, but The Looting of America refuses to let them write
                                     the history—or plan its aftermath.

                                                                       Les Leopold cofounded and currently directs two nonprofit organi-
                                                                       zations, the Labor Institute and the Public Health Institute, and is the
                                                                       author of the award-winning The Man Who Hated Work and
                                                                       Loved Labor: The Life and Times of Tony Mazzocchi. Leopold
                                                                       designs research and educational programs on occupational safety
                                                                       and health, the environment, and economics and helped form an
         • • • notes • • •                                             alliance between the United Steel Workers Union and the Sierra
                                                                       Club. He attended Oberlin College and Princeton University’s
                                                                       Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He
                                            photo: Lilah Leopold
                                                                       lives in Montclair, New Jersey.

                                       “Les Leopold’s account of the economic crisis is the clearest and most accessible
                                       that I have seen. It gives a reader with little economics or financial background a
                                       riveting description of how Wall Street tore down our economy and what we can
                                       do about it. It’s a page turner we all should read.”
                                       —Leo Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers

                                         3        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                           Politics & Social Justice                                            July

HOWARD DEAN’S                           Prescription for          REAL HEALTHCARE REFORM
How We Can Achieve Affordable Medical Care for Every American and Make Our Jobs Safer
Howard Dean
with Igor Volsky and Faiz Shakir
                                         What would real healthcare reform look like? And how
                                         can everyday Americans trump big money and put
                                         healthcare back on track? Howard Dean speaks out.
                                         Americans have pondered how to reform healthcare since the days of Harry Truman. But for
                                         most Americans, little has changed—except that healthcare costs have soared, health insurance
                                         companies have grown bigger and more oppressive to both doctors and patients, and today
                                         even those Americans who pay dearly for health insurance frequently find that their policies
                                         don’t adequately cover them when they need their coverage most.
                                         Something has got to give. In his bold new book, Howard Dean—the physician and former
                                         governor widely credited for reviving the Democratic Party after the 2004 elections—tells
                                         Americans what needs to be done to successfully reform healthcare. One key, he writes, is to
                                         offer Americans the option to participate in a public health insurance program, much like
                                         Medicare. “America has had ‘socialized’ medicine since 1964,” says Dean. “It’s called Medicare;
                                         it covers every American over 65, and they are very happy with the program. The rest of
•   Pub Date July 2009                   America deserves a similar option.”
•   $12.95 US, $14.50 CAN • Paperback    In this straight-talking guide to overcoming today’s healthcare crisis, Dean spells out:
•   ISBN 9781603582285                   • What Obama’s healthcare plan is all about
•   53/8 x 83/8 • 144 pages              • How other countries handle healthcare
                                         • Which special interests are standing in the way of progress and why
                                         • How healthcare reform will help American businesses prosper
                                         • Why Americans need choice—between private and public health insurance coverage
                                         Millions of Americans lack health insurance; millions more pay for coverage that doesn’t protect
                                         them from serious illness; and the status quo leaves Americans at the mercy of corporate interests.
                                         This persuasive argument from a passionate political strategist shows Americans how to take back
                                         the healthcare reins.

                                                                       Howard Dean—physician and former chairman of the Democratic
                                                                       National Committee (DNC)—served six terms as Governor of Vermont
                                                                       before running for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in
         • • • notes • • •                                             the 2004 election. Dean also founded Democracy for America (DFA),
                                                                       the grassroots organization that organizes community activists, trains
                                                                       campaign staff, and endorses progressive candidates. While he was
                                                                       Vermont’s governor, the state expanded its universal healthcare pro-
                                                                       gram to cover nearly every child under age 18—and also lowered its
                                                                       public debt, balanced its budget, and reduced taxes.

                                         Faiz Shakir, currently the research director at the Center for American Progress in
                                         Washington, D.C., has been a researcher for the Democratic National Committee, a U.S.
                                         Senate legislative aide on veterans affairs, and a White House communications aide.

                                         Igor Volsky is a healthcare researcher and blogger at the Center for American Progress.

                                         4        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                           Politics & Social Justice                                    July

   from Howard Dean’s Prescription for Real Healthcare Reform:
Much has been made of the 48 million Americans who               industry that takes large amounts of money out of the
don’t have health insurance. Their stories are heart-rend-       healthcare system for shareholders, administrators, and
ing, and it’s a scandal that in the wealthiest nation on         executives, while denying people the basic coverage they
earth, we do not cover everybody. No other industrial            have paid for.
democracy in the world puts up with this embarrass-              How to frame the debate.
ment. But the debate on healthcare reform—which is               The debate about healthcare reform is not a debate
coming to a peak once again—should also focus on the             about how much a role the government should play.
fact that many Americans who do have health insurance            Instead, the debate should focus on this simple ques-
don’t find out that it doesn’t adequately cover them until       tion: Should we give Americans under 65 the same
it is too late.                                                  choice we give Americans over 65? Should we give all
What’s the real issue?                                           Americans a choice of opting out of the private health
The real issue in the debate over healthcare reform is not       insurance system and benefiting from a public health
whether we should have “socialized medicine” or not. It’s        insurance plan? Americans ought to be able to decide
whether we should continue with an extraordinarily               for themselves.
inefficient system that today features a private insurance

          What Americans Should Demand of Real Healthcare Reform.

• Choice: Everyone should be able to choose between a public health insurance option—like Medicare—
  or a private health insurance option.

• No forced moves: If you like the health insurance coverage you have, you should be able to keep it.
• Coverage options for small business: Very small businesses should have the option of handing over health
  insurance coverage for their employees to a public or private plan subsidized by the government.
• Everybody in, nobody out: Public and private health insurance plans should turn no one away based on
  illness, pre-existing conditions, or other criteria.
• Similar premiums for everyone: Despite age or illness, all Americans should be able to opt into a public or
  private healthcare without wide discrepancies in cost based on age or previous illness.
• More options, not less: Healthcare reform should expand Americans’ healthcare choices, not reduce them.
• Financial protection: A public health insurance option is more affordable because it’s more efficient.
  This protects families’ financial health.
• Fewer of your healthcare dollars spent on overhead: A public health insurance option is much cheaper
  to operate and will help reduce non-health-related overhead costs.
• Universality: Everyone other than those already covered by Medicare or Medicaid should have the option
  to join a public plan.
• Portability: A public health insurance plan should cover you no matter how many times you move, no matter
  who you work for, and no matter where you live.

                                   5       802.295.6300
SEED                                      Chelsea Green Kids                                          September

Living Stories About Living Systems
Linda Booth Sweeney, Ed.D.
                                                 A new collection of folktales reveals how people have
                                                 understood sustainable living over the centuries.

                                                 Connected Wisdom: Living Stories About Living Systems gathers twelve stories from different
                                                 cultures that each reveal a unique example of a “living system.” Through them, Linda Booth
                                                 Sweeney shows that what we now call systems thinking has been around for a very long time.
                                                 A Balinese folktale tells the story of a gecko who cannot sleep because of the sparks from a
                                                 firefly. He traces the cause of his complaint from one animal to another to the mosquitoes he
                                                 depends on for his survival. Like this gecko, young readers will understand that all life is inter-
                                                 related, and will be able to grasp the concept of the living system of “interdependence.” In a
                                                 Burmese folktale, a king spills a drop of honey on his windowsill, too little to bother cleaning
                                                 up. Yet the drop draws a fly, which attracts a lizard, which is followed by a cat, then a dog, and
                                                 the owners of the cat and the dog, each armed with a stick. When civil war erupts, the king
                                                 and readers understand the living system of “linearity,” in which an effect is disproportionate to
                                                 its cause.
•   Pub Date September 2009
                                                 Clear and simple notes accompany these and the other stories in Connected Wisdom.
•   $24.95 US, $32.50 CAN • Paper
•   ISBN 9780982248010                           Says Sweeney, “If kids understand living systems, they’re more likely to think and act in
•   9 x 12 • 96 pages • Full Color Throughout    informed ways and less likely to jump to blame a single cause for the challenges they
•   Ages 9 and up                                encounter.”
•   Chelsea Green Kids                           Connected Wisdom is a large-format, full-color volume that is as suitable for gift-giving as it is
                                                 for classrooms and libraries.

                                                                               Linda Booth Sweeney, Ed.D., is a researcher and writer dedicated
                                                                               to making the principles of systems thinking and sustainability
                                                                               accessible. She has worked with Outward Bound, Sloan School of
                                                                               M.I.T., and Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development,
                                                                               or SEED. She is the author of The Systems Thinking Playbook;
                                                                               When a Butterfly Sneezes: A guide for helping children explore
                                                                               interconnections in our world through favorite stories; The SEED
                                                                               Water Book; and numerous academic journals and newsletters.
                                                                               Sweeney lives outside Boston, Massachusetts. More information
                                                                               available at
         • • • notes • • •

                                                    “The moment you touch and open this book, its wisdom is evident. This is the wisdom
                                                    of wholes, of belonging, and connecting the dots to see the richer tapestry of life.”
                                                    —Raffi, singer and bestselling author of Wheels on the Bus and Baby Beluga

                                                   “. . . Linda Booth Sweeney has assembled a wonderful collection of ancient folk
                                                   tales and myths from around the world, which convey the profound "systemic wis-
                                                   dom" of peoples who lived close to nature and had a deep intuitive understanding
                                                   of life's networks, cycles, and processes of transformation. I highly recommend
                                                   Connected Wisdom as a superb tool for teaching and learning the systemic thinking
                                                   that is critical in our globally interconnected world.”
                                                   —Fritjof Capra, author, The Web of Life and The Hidden Connections

                                                 6        802.295.6300
MACSAC                                     Food, Health, & Travel                                        September

A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh
Seasonal Produce, Third Edition
Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition
                                                 Anyone who wants to eat locally needs a copy of this
                                                 bestselling cookbook—over 200,000 copies sold!

                                                 Ever wonder how you’ll ever be able to use all your vegetables? From Asparagus to Zucchini
                                                 answers the question of what to do with your armloads of greens, exotic herbs, and never-before-
                                                 seen vegetables with recipes that are as concise and doable as they are appealing. Created for and
                                                 by Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) members, the book is an indispensable tool for
                                                 anyone who wants to eat seasonally and locally.
                                                 Organized by vegetable—fifty-three in all—each section includes nutritional, historical, and storage
                                                 information, as well as cooking tips. With more than 420 original recipes created, tested, and
                                                 enjoyed by chefs, CSA members, and farmers, you’ll never be without a delicious recipe to make
                                                 the most of the season’s bounty. The best part is that lesser-known vegetables like burdock and
                                                 kohlrabi have more recipes, not fewer!
                                                 From Asparagus to Zucchini is more than just a cookbook. Also included are essays that address
•   Pub Date September 2009
                                                 the larger picture of sustainable agriculture, how our food choices fit into our economy,
•   $19.95 US, $25.95 CAN • Paper                environment, and community, and more information on home food preservation and how to
•   ISBN 9780615230139                           help kids appreciate—and even eat—their vegetables. Readers will find an extensive resource
•   (Previous ISBN: 9780972121781)               section and recipe index to round out this unique resource. With this book, prepare to awaken
•   81/2 x 11 • 240 pages • B&W illustrations    and reaffirm your dedication to enjoying the unique flavors of local foods while nourishing the
•   Food/Health/Travel                           life of sustainable family farms.

                                                                               The Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition
                                                                               (MACSAC) is a nonprofit organization of CSA farms and members
                                                                               promoting the production and consumption of fresh, local, and
                                                                               sustainable foods in southern Wisconsin. MACSAC promotes and
                                                                               supports CSA farms, coordinates community- and farmer-education
                                                                               programs on the benefits of locally grown foods, and operates the
                                                                               Partner Shares Program, which raises funds to subsidize CSA
                                                                               memberships for limited-income households. To learn more, visit

         • • • notes • • •

                                                   “From Aparagus to Zucchini sparkles with a sense of community, that all-important
                                                   ‘extra’ that comes along with beautiful food fresh from the farm. It answers the question
                                                   of what to do with your armloads of greens, exotic herbs, and never-before-seen veg-
                                                   etables with recipes that are as concise and doable as they are appealing. The essays
                                                   that precede the recipes shouldn’t be missed—they will reaffirm—or awaken, as need
                                                   be, your dedication to enjoy the unique flavors of your local foods while nourishing the
                                                   life of the sustainable family farm. What could be better than that?”
                                                   —Deborah Madison, author of Local Flavors, Cooking and Farmer’s Markets

                                                 7        802.295.6300
High Point                           Politics & Social Justice                                     September

A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World
David Gershon

                                         Achieving the “change” in social change.

                                         If “change” is the mantra of our moment in history, Social Change 2.0 may be poised to become
                                         its bible. Drawing on his three decades in the trenches of large-scale societal transformation,
                                         David Gershon—founder and president of Empowerment Institute, and described by the
                                         United Nations as a “graceful revolutionary”—offers an original and comprehensive roadmap to
                                         bring about fundamental change in our world.
                                         From his initiation as architect of the United Nations–sponsored First Earth Run—a mythic
                                         passing of fire around the world symbolizing humanity’s quest for peace on earth that drew tens
                                         of millions of participants, the planet’s political leaders, and, through the media, over a billion
                                         people at the height of the cold war—to his recent climate-change work helping citizens, cities,
                                         and entire states measurably reduce their carbon footprint (using his book Low Carbon Diet),
                                         Gershon offers readers strategies to evolve an effective new model for transformative change at
                                         any scale. These include:
                                         • The first comprehensive social-change model with proven, practical strategies and tools to
                                           either launch a social-change initiative or improve the efficacy of any existing change program.
•   Pub Date September 2009              • A “Practitioner’s Guide” accompanying each chapter, to help readers apply this social-change
•   $27.95 US, $36.50 CAN • Hardcover      framework to their initiative.
•   ISBN 9780963032775                   The result is an inspiring book that will quickly find its way onto the desks—and into the hearts—
•   6 x 9 • 416 pages                    of change agents from environmental activists, social entrepreneurs, community organizers, and
•   Politics & Social Justice            civic, government, and business leaders, to the vast number of baby boomers looking for a way to
                                         give back and the millennials just raring to go.

                                                                       David Gershon is the author of ten books, including the best-selling
                                                                       Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It and
                                                                       Low Carbon Diet: A 30-Day Program to Lose 5,000 Pounds, winner
                                                                       of the “Most Likely to Save the Planet” Independent Publisher Book
                                                                       Award. He is founder and president of Empowerment Institute and
                                                                       codirects its school for social change. His clients include cities,
                                                                       governmental agencies, nonprofits, large corporations, and social
                                                                       entrepreneurs engaged in furthering social change. Gershon has
                                                                       lectured at Harvard, MIT, and Duke Universities and served as an
                                                                       advisor to the Clinton White House and United Nations. He lives in
                                                                       upstate New York.
         • • • notes • • •

                                              From the Introduction . . .
                                              Social Change 2.0 has a simple and some might say radical premise: That the
                                              natural starting point for changing our world for the better is us. That taking
                                              personal responsibility to make the needed changes within ourselves and our
                                              communities is the foundation for changing our institutions, not the other way
                                              around. That people are willing to make these changes if empowered by a
                                              personal vision and the means to bring it to fruition. That these changes can be
                                              accelerated and reinforced with the right laws and financial incentives, but it
                                              begins with us.

                                         8        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                         Politics & Social Justice                                           September

So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?
Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, and Mason Tvert
                                     Evidence shows marijuana is safer than alcohol.
                                     Yet alcohol is legal and marijuana is not. Isn’t it
                                     time for some citizen-led sanity?

                                     Nationally recognized marijuana-policy experts Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, and Mason Tvert
                                     compare and contrast the relative harms and legal status of the two most popular recreational
                                     substances in the world—marijuana and alcohol. Through an objective examination of the two
                                     drugs and the laws and social practices that steer people toward alcohol, the authors pose a simple
                                     yet rarely considered question: Why do we punish adults who make the rational, safer choice to
                                     use marijuana instead of alcohol?
                                     Marijuana Is Safer reaches for a broad audience. For those unfamiliar with marijuana, it pro-
                                     vides an introduction to the cannabis plant and its effects on the user, and debunks some of
                                     the government’s most frequently cited marijuana myths. For current and aspiring advocates
                                     of marijuana-law reform, as well as anyone else who is interested in what is becoming a major
                                     political battle, the authors spell out why the message that marijuana is safer than alcohol must
•   Pub Date September 2009          be a prominent part of the public debate over legalization.
•   $14.95 US, $19.50 CAN • Paper    Most importantly, for the millions of Americans who want to advance the cause of
•   ISBN 9781603581448               marijuana-policy reform—or simply want to defend their own personal, safer choice—this book
•   53/8 x 83/8 • 192 pages          provides the talking points and detailed information needed to make persuasive arguments to
•   Politics & Social Justice        friends, family, coworkers, and elected officials.
•   World Rights

                                         Steve Fox   photo: Lisa Fox       Paul Armentano   photo: Mike Milkovich    Mason Tvert   photo: Lori Nagel

                                    Steve Fox is the Director of State Campaigns for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), the nation’s
         • • • notes • • •          largest organization dedicated to reforming marijuana laws. From 2002-2005, he lobbied
                                    Congress as MPP’s Director of Government Relations. He cofounded Safer Alternative for
                                    Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) in 2005 and has helped guide its operations since its inception. He
                                    is a graduate of Tufts University and Boston College Law School and currently lives in Maryland
                                    with his wife and two daughters.
                                     Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML (The National Organization for the Reform of
                                     Marijuana Laws) and the NORML Foundation, is a recognized expert in marijuana policy, health,
                                     and pharmacology. He appears regularly on Drew Pinsky’s nationally syndicated radio show, and
                                     his work has appeared in over 500 publications. Armentano is the 2008 recipient of the Project
                                     Censored Real News Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism. He currently lives in Vallejo,
                                     California, with his wife and son.

                                     Mason Tvert is the cofounder and Executive Director of Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation
                                     (SAFER) and the SAFER Voter Education Fund. He appears frequently in the news and travels the
                                     country promoting the “Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol” message. He resides in Denver, where he
                                     serves on the city’s Marijuana Policy Review Panel appointed by Mayor John W. Hickenlooper.

                                             9   802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                       Nature & Environment                                            September

Amy Kolb Noyes

                                    A pocket guide for making and using nontoxic
                                    cleaning products.

                                    When it comes to cleaning products, society often values convenience over personal and planetary
                                    health, thanks to decades of advertising propaganda from the chemical companies that market
                                    overpriced and dangerous concoctions. But awareness is changing: Not only are homemade and
                                    nontoxic cleaners strong enough for the toughest grunge, they are often as convenient as their
                                    commercial counterparts.
                                    Nontoxic Housecleaning—the latest in the Chelsea Green Guides series—provides a way for people
                                    to improve their immediate environment every day. Pregnant women, parents of young children,
                                    pet owners, people with health concerns, and those who simply care about a healthy environ-
                                    ment—and a sensible budget—can all benefit from the recipes and tips in this guide.
                                    Included are tips for:
                                    • The basic ingredients: what they are, and why they work.
                                    • Specific techniques for each room and cleaning need in the house.
•   Pub Date September 2009         • Detailed recipes for homemade cleaners, including floor polishes, all-purpose cleanser,
•   $7.95 US, $10.50 CAN • Paper      disinfecting cleanser, window cleaner, oven cleaner, furniture polish, mold- and mildew-
•   ISBN 9781603582032                killing cleansers, bathroom scrub, deodorizers, stain removers, laundry boosters and starch,
•   43/4 x 61/2 • 96 pages            metal polishes, scouring powder, and more.
•   Nature & Environment
•   Green Guides                                                     Amy Kolb Noyes lives at Indecision Farm in Vermont and writes
•   World Rights                                                     frequently on home and garden topics for a variety of regional
                                                                     and national publications. An environmental activist, she is vice
                                                                     chair of the nonprofit Green Up Vermont, has long served on its
                                                                     board of directors, and has authored Living the Green Up Way.
                                                                     She lives in northern Vermont.

                                          photo: Mickey Smith

                                        Grime Away Appliance Cleaner
         • • • notes • • •              In an 32 oz spray bottle mix in the given order:

                                        • 1 teaspoon castile soap with an essential oil
                                          OR 1 teaspoon unscented castile soap and 8-10 drops of your favorite oil
                                        • 1 teaspoon washing soda
                                        • 3 cups warm water
                                        • 1 tablespoon vinegar

                                        Shake well to mix before each use.

                                      10        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                             Food, Health, & Travel                                         September

How to Buy Right and Spend Less
Elise McDonough
                                           A guide to making ethical, budget-friendly,
                                           food-buying choices.

                                           Wondering whether it’s worth it to splurge on the locally raised beef? What about those organic
                                           carrots? New in the Chelsea Green Guides series, Sustainable Food: How to Buy Right and Spend
                                           Less helps the average shopper navigate the choices, whether strolling the aisles of a modern
                                           supermarket or foraging at a local farmers market.
                                           This down-to-earth, casual guide—small enough to be slipped into your pocket—answers these
                                           and other questions for the shopper:
                                           • What are the differences among organic, local, fair-trade, free-range, naturally raised, and
                                              biodynamic foods?
                                           • How affordable is it to subscribe to a CSA farm—and what are the advantages?
                                           • Is it better to choose wild Alaskan salmon at $18.99, or the Chilean farmed fish at $11.99?
                                           • What cooking oils can be sustainably sourced?
                                           • How can a food co-op increase access to, and affordability of, healthier, Earth-friendly foods?
                                           • Where can you find sustainably produced sugar, and are there any local replacements for
•   Pub Date September 2009
                                             sweeteners from faraway lands?
•   $7.95 US, $10.50 CAN • Paper           • What do the distinctions between shade-grown and trellised coffee mean?
•   ISBN 9781603581417                     • Is shark okay to eat? How about mackerel?
•   43/4 x 61/2 • 96 pages • other info    • Why is the war on plastic bags so important?
•   Food & Health
•   Green Guides                           Sustainable eating just got easier.
•   World Rights
                                                                          Elise McDonough trained at New York City’s Natural Gourmet
                                                                          Institute, but her informal training in counterculture cuisine began
                                                                          at the Cleveland Food Co-op, where she was initiated into the
                                                                          world of food politics, strange ingredients, and alternative diets.
                                                                          She lives in New York City, where she volunteers at the Union
                                                                          Square Greenmarket, and is actively involved in many local farm
                                                                          and food issues.

          • • • notes • • •
                                                 Try these great tips to get started!

                                                 • Fishing for good seafood? Try farmed tilapia, mussels, bay scallops,
                                                   or wild salmon. (And avoid farmed salmon at all costs.)
                                                 • Looking to eat lower on the food chain? Expand your repertoire with
                                                   polished barley instead of rice, or polenta instead of potatoes.
                                                 • Think you can’t afford organic food? Consider subscribing to a CSA farm.
                                                   Also, buying organic foods in bulk can be more frugal than the overly
                                                   packaged name-brand alternatives.

                                           11          802.295.6300
Green Books                         Nature & Environment                                            September

An Uncivilized Solution to a Global Crisis
Keith Farnish
                                     How to survive the unfolding global crisis.

                                     People know that the climate is changing for the worse, that species are being driven to extinction
                                     at a rapidly increasing rate, and that entire ecosystems are becoming shadows of their former
                                     richness. They know but they do not understand. The global environmental crisis is closing in on
                                     humanity from all directions, yet the crisis barely registers on this culture’s list of problems. As we
                                     stand around, humanity is doomed to a collapse that may leave only a few nomads and a toxic,
                                     barely survivable Earth in its wake.
                                     So why is nothing being done beyond changing light bulbs, recycling, and buying organic
                                     food? It’s certainly not for a lack of good reasons. Humans have no motivation stronger than
                                     survival, yet the culture that dominates—the culture we call industrial civilization—has created
                                     a set of priorities that values financial wealth, the possession of superfluous goods, and short,
                                     cheap thrills above that most basic need. In short, we are prepared to die in order to live a life
                                     that is killing us.
                                     Time’s Up! is about changing our behavior. The book describes how our actions affect the very
                                     things on Earth that we depend on for survival, at scales that we rarely contemplate. It arms us
•   Pub Date September 2009
                                     with the tools to free us from a culture that has blinded us for centuries, and which will allow
•   $17.95 US, $23.50 CAN • Paper    us to live in a way that will give Earth, and ourselves, a viable future.
•   ISBN 9781900322485
•   6 x 9 • 192 pages                                               Keith Farnish is an environmental writer, philosopher, and activist.
•   Nature & Environment                                            He founded The Earth Blog ( in 2006 and
                                                                    writes The Unsuitablog ( He is also a guest
                                                                    author on The Sietch Blog. Keith lives in Essex, England, with his
                                                                    wife and children.

                                        “What Farnish does very well in this book is to present the reader with a little more
         • • • notes • • •              than the obvious. It goes beyond recycling and bicycling, and he goes a step further
                                        in the way he explains climate change. His solutions may not be revolutionary, but
                                        maybe they don’t need to be. Farnish gives us the knowledge, the inspiration, and
                                        the empowerment to pull together and start this fight, even if we can’t all be like
                                        him—we can and we have do something.”
                                        —The Ecologist

                                     12        802.295.6300
Green Books                                Gardening & Agriculture                                          September

Planning • Siting • Erecting • Using • Maintaining
Andy McKee and Mark Gatter
                                               An affordable organic method of growing fresh food
                                               all year round.

                                               The last decade has seen an unprecedented rise in demand for organic fruit and vegetables, and
                                               each year more of us are discovering that homegrown food is fresher, tastier, and more nutritious
                                               than food shipped in from elsewhere. A polytunnel can be used as an affordable, low-carbon aid
                                               to growing your own food all year round, from crispy salads and fresh vegetables in the dead of
                                               winter to juicy melons and mouthwatering grapes in high summer.
                                               The Polytunnel Handbook looks at all aspects of polytunnel use, from planning your purchase to
                                               harvesting the rewards, and includes a step-by-step guide detailing how polytunnels are put up
                                               and maintained. There are chapters on developing healthy soil and preventing pests, and a jargon-
                                               free guide to the range of often mystifying accessories that many tunnel retailers offer. In addition,
                                               the do-it-yourself enthusiast will find a full set of instructions for building a polytunnel from
                                               scratch, and the authors explain how to keep your polytunnel productive in every season.

•   Pub Date September 2009                                                   Andy McKee first grew vegetables with his father at the age of five,
                                                                              and since then he has grown food in situations ranging from a
•   $18.95 US, $24.95 CAN • Paper                                             seventeenth-story window box to guerrilla gardening in the middle
•   ISBN 9781900322454                                                        of a Christmas-tree plantation. McKee had his eyes opened to the
•   6 x 9 • 128 pages • 8-page color insert                                   potential of polytunnels during a visit to one featuring a hot tub
•   Gardening & Agriculture                                                   warmed by a clay oven. He lives with his wife and family in rural
                                                                              Dorset, England, and is entirely self-sufficient in vegetables.

                                                                              Mark Gatter began growing vegetables while homesteading in
                                                                              northern California in the early eighties and has been an avid
                                                                              gardener ever since. He’s a firm advocate of an organic, raised-bed
                                                                              approach and relies on a polytunnel to keep fresh food on the table
                                                                              right through the winter. He and his wife share their smallholding in
                                                                              Wales with eleven sheep, several chickens, and two dogs.

         • • • notes • • •

                                               13        802.295.6300
Stonefield Publishing                                      Green Building                                             September

A Guide to Self-Building with Slipforms
Revised and Updated
Tomm Stanley

                                               The classic text on building stone homes.

                                               Stone House: A Guide to Self-Building with Slipforms has been the leading resource for people interested
                                               in building with stone and slipforms since it was first released in 2003. Stonefield Publishing’s revised
                                               edition of this classic has two new chapters from author Tomm Stanley and many new photographs;
                                               in addition, the original pictures and diagrams have been digitally enhanced.
                                               Stone House contains all the hard knowledge, helpful tips, and fresh ideas you’ll need to successfully
                                               build a stone home of your own. Tomm Stanley, an international business consultant, active
                                               ecologist, and all around handyman—who decided to go for his dream of building his own
                                               house—leads you through the entire process. Using a lighthearted narrative approach, Tomm
                                               describes the trials and tribulations that accompanied the wonderful successes he experienced as a
                                               first-time self-builder creating his own house of stone.
                                               Self-builders not working with stone will also find this book inspirational, educating, and
                                               entertaining. Alternative-building advocates will be interested in the eco-friendly approach that
                                               Tomm takes to building as much of his house as possible from locally sourced materials.
•   Pub Date September 2009
• $34.95 US, $45.50 CAN • Paper
• ISBN 9780473148218                                                          Tomm Stanley is an American who has been living in New Zealand
• (Previous ISBN: 9780473099701)                                              since 1995. On his rural New Zealand property Tomm has created
                                                                              an environmentally friendly, off-the-grid lifestyle that provides a
• 81/4 x 115/8 • 214 pages • 105 B&W photos
                                                                              balance to his professional life as an international management
  53 diagrams and illustrations                                               consultant. His Web-based business,,
• Green Building                                                              assists in funding his personal mission of restoring the former hillside
                                                                              farm, now infested with an imported plant weed, to its natural,
                                                                              forested state.

        • • • notes • • •

                                               14        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                               Gardening & Agriculture                                          October

A Complete Guide to Managing Finances,
Crops, and Staff—and Making a Profit
Richard Wiswall
                                             Learn the business of running your own profitable
                                             organic farm.

                                             Contrary to popular belief, a good living can be made on an organic farm. What’s required is
                                             farming smarter, not harder.
                                             In The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook, Richard Wiswall shares advice on how to make your
                                             vegetable production more efficient, better manage your employees and finances, and turn a profit.
                                             From his twenty-seven years of experience at Cate Farm in Vermont, Wiswall knows firsthand the
                                             joys of starting and operating an organic farm—as well as the challenges of making a living from
                                             one. Farming offers fundamental satisfaction from producing food, working outdoors, being one’s
                                             own boss, and working intimately with nature. But, unfortunately, many farmers avoid learning
                                             about the business end of farming; because of this, they often work harder than they need to, or
                                             quit farming altogether because of frustrating—and often avoidable—losses.
                                             In this comprehensive business kit, Wiswall covers:
•   Pub Date October 2009                    • Step-by-step procedures to make your crop production more efficient
•   $34.95 US, $45.50 CAN • Paper with CD    • Advice on managing employees, farm operations, and office systems
•   ISBN 9781603581424                       • Novel marketing strategies
•   8 x 10 • 256 pages                       • What to do with your profits: business spending, investing, and planning for retirement
•   Gardening & Agriculture                  A companion CD offers valuable business tools, including easy-to-use spreadsheets for projecting
•   World Rights                             cash flow, a payroll calculator, comprehensive crop budgets for twenty-four different crops, and
                                             tax planners.

                                                                           Richard Wiswall started Cate Farm in East Montpelier, Vermont,
                                                                           where he has farmed since 1981. Known for his work on farm
                                                                           profitability and appropriate business tools, Wiswall consults with
                                                                           other farmers and writes and speaks frequently on organic-farm
                                                                           business issues. To learn more about Wiswall and Cate Farm, visit

         • • • notes • • •

                                            15        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                          Science & Sciencewriters                                             October

Tyler Volk & Dorion Sagan
                                         Two books under one cover deliver a brief, incisive, and
                                         entertaining romp through the science of sex and death.

                                         On DEATH . . .
                                         What does death have to do with life? In his short, intriguing look at how and why things die,
                                         Tyler Volk explains that death is not simply the end of life. Rather, it is an essential step in natural
                                         selection that has long powered evolutionary design. Volk weaves the science of living and dying
                                         in a deft narrative that illustrates how life uses death for more adaptive living. In fact, death has
                                         been an exquisite, ever-shifting part of the grand evolutionary story—from life’s simple beginnings
                                         nearly four billion years ago to the evolved human culture and consciousness of today; from the
                                         simplicity of bacteria to the complexity of human psychology. Death reveals the connections
                                         between life and death, not as opposites, not even as complements. Volk illuminates death as an
                                         organ of life—rather like wings or fingers, mating behaviors, or thoughts.
                                         . . . and SEX
                                         In Sex, Dorion Sagan takes a delightful, irreverent, and informative gambol through the science,
•   Pub Date October 2009
                                         philosophy, and literature of humanity’s most obsessive subject. Have you ever wondered what the
•   $25.00 US, $32.50 CAN • Hardcover    promiscuous behaviors of chimpanzees and the sexual bullying of gorillas tell us about ourselves?
•   ISBN 9781603581431                   Why we lost our hair? What amoebas have to do with desire? Linking evolutionary biology to
•   5 x 8 • 224 pages                    popular culture, Sex touches on topics ranging from animal genitalia to sperm competition, jeal-
•   Science & Sciencewriters             ousy’s status as an aphrodisiac, the origins of language, Casanova and music, ovulation and
•   World Rights                         clothes, mother-in-law jokes and alpha females, love and loneliness. A brief, wonderfully enter-
                                         taining, highly literate foray into the origins and evolution of sex.
                                         Two books in one cover, Death & Sex unravel and answer some of life’s most fundamental questions.

                                                                        Tyler Volk is head of the science track in New York University’s
                                                                        environmental studies program and a professor of biology, with
                                                                        a research emphasis on the global carbon cycle. Volk’s previous
                                                                        books include CO2 Rising: The World’s Greatest Environmental
                                                                        Challenge; Metapatterns: Across Space, Time, and Mind; and
                                                                        Gaia’s Body: Toward a Physiology of Earth. He lives in New
                                                                        York City.

         • • • notes • • •                                              Dorion Sagan is author of numerous articles and twenty-three
                                                                        books translated into eleven languages, including Notes from the
                                                                        Holocene: A Brief History of the Future and Into the Cool, co-
                                                                        authored with Eric D. Schneider. His writings have appeared in
                                                                        The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, Wired,
                                                                        Smithsonian, The Ecologist, Natural History, and numerous other
                                                                        publications. He lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.

                                         16        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                       Politics & Social Justice                                     October

One Lawyer’s Campaign To Bring the President to Justice and the
National Grassroots Movement She Encounters along the Way
Charlotte Dennett
                                     A bold, ingenious look at how—and when—U.S.
                                     citizens might prosecute their former president for
                                     crimes committed in office.

                                     When journalist-turned-lawyer Charlotte Dennett became outraged that Bush White House
                                     officials were acting above the law, she did something that surprised even herself. While run-
                                     ning for a state attorney general seat, she pledged to prosecute George W. Bush for murder if
                                     elected. She lost the race, but found a nationwide movement—one that continues its quest to
                                     hold leaders accountable to U.S. law and preserve a Constitutional presidency.
                                     In The People v. Bush, Dennett recounts her seminal effort to make Bush answerable for sending
                                     troops to Iraq on false pretenses, introduces readers to a world where the actions of a few can
                                     indeed empower the many, and reports on the current state of the movement to hold Bush
                                     accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors.
                                     Dennett’s wild ride through politics began when she read in The Prosecution of George W. Bush
                                     for Murder, by lawyer Vincent Bugliosi, that a state attorney general could prosecute George W.
•   Pub Date October 2009            Bush—should one take up the cause. Soon after, Dennett launched her attorney-general race in
•   $19.95 US, $24.95 CAN • Paper    Vermont, signed up Bugliosi as her special prosecutor in the event that she won, and together
•   ISBN 9781603582094               the two made headlines across Vermont and the nation.
•   6 x 9 • 320 pages
                                     Dennett’s book also explores the tenacity of other Americans who launched grassroots cam-
•   Politics & Social Justice
                                     paigns to prosecute or impeach Bush, as well as Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, who proposed
•   World Rights                     a Truth Commission.
                                     With these stories and her own, Dennett shows that it’s not just possible but necessary to hold
                                     higher-ups responsible for heinous acts—not out of revenge, but to preserve justice and defend
                                     the Constitution.

                                                                  Charlotte Dennett, author and attorney, has been practicing law in
                                                                  Vermont since 1997 with an emphasis on personal injury litigation
                                                                  and suing the government under the Freedom of Information Act.
                                                                  She’s also been a reporter in the Middle East and is the coauthor
                                                                  with her husband, Gerard Colby, of Thy Will Be Done—The
         • • • notes • • •                                        Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in
                                                                  the Age of Oil. She and her husband live in Cambridge, Vermont.

                                       “George Bush took America to war in Iraq on a lie, causing incalculable death, horror,
                                       and suffering. In this very important and consequential book, Charlotte Dennett, a true
                                       American patriot who has been on the front lines of trying to bring Bush to justice,
                                       informs all who care deeply about this country what has to be done so that it never
                                       happens again.”
                                       —Vince Bugliosi, attorney and bestselling author of The Prosecution of George W.
                                       Bush for Murder and Helter Skelter

                                   17        802.295.6300
Green Books                          Ethical Marketplace                                            October

The Psychology of Money and the Transformation of Capitalism
Per Espen Stoknes
Translated from the Norwegian by Susan M. Davies
                                     A new way to think about money.

                                     Many feel that money and what we perceive as the psyche (or soul) are bitter enemies—do we
                                     choose money or soul, finance or feelings, markets or common humanity? Money and Soul
                                     traces the origins of these opposing concepts, and the emotions that money provokes.
                                     Economic ideas often stand out as being universal, globally valid, and without cultural ties. But
                                     when money is viewed in its cultural and philosophical context, it becomes evident that the
                                     money of today is a particular system of symbols—something that society itself has devised over
                                     many centuries—that both reflects and reinforces society’s dominant concerns.
                                     In the twenty-first century, our major concerns include social cohesion, global warming, and
                                     environmental destruction. Per Espen Stoknes shows how new forms of money can be developed
                                     that will encourage us to act in ways that protect these critically important aspects of our world
                                     that are currently excluded from the money system. He shows how currencies for natural and
                                     social capital could work in tandem with the manufactured capital that defines our monetary
                                     system to the exclusion of all else.
                                     Money and Soul opens up new methods of looking at, thinking about, and using money. It
•   Pub Date October 2009            points to a future where our ideas about money will be greatly expanded; a future with different
•   $19.95 US, $25.95 CAN • Paper    kinds of money—used for different social purposes—in circulation.
•   ISBN 9781900322461
•   6 x 9 • 296 pages                                              Per Espen Stoknes is an organizational psychologist, senior lecturer
•   Ethical Marketplace                                            at BI Norwegian School of Management, and a partner in the
                                                                   Digital Thinking Network—an international think tank for future-
                                                                   scenario planning. Stoknes has worked both as a clinical therapist
                                                                   and as an advisor to major national and international organizations.

                                      “Mainstream economics is bankrupt. In this book, Per Espen Stoknes guides us
         • • • notes • • •
                                      towards a saner alternative. He plunges deeply into the roots of our relationship with
                                      money and emerges with solid, workable proposals for a new economy. Money &
                                      Soul is a vitally important contribution to creating a sustainable future.”
                                      —Dr. Stephan Harding, coordinator of the MSc in Holistic Science at Schumacher
                                      College and author of Animate Earth

                                       “The need for new ideas has never been more pressing . . . Now is precisely the time
                                       to start thinking very differently indeed—and Per Espen Stoknes certainly rises to that
                                       particular challenge.”
                                       —Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director, Forum for the Future

                                    18        802.295.6300
Green Books                                       Nature & Environment                                             October

Policies, Practices, & Technologies
Herbert Girardet & Miguel Mendonça
                                                    How to influence and accelerate the measures needed to
                                                    deal with climate change and the energy crisis.

                                                    Climate change and energy shortages are set to become the greatest challenges for humanity in
                                                    the twenty-first century. While a few reports have given some indication about what can be done
                                                    to come to grips with these problems, very little has been written about how these necessary
                                                    changes can be brought about. A Renewable World outlines the key steps needed to make the
                                                    crucial transition actually happen.
                                                    The latest climate research indicates that the challenge facing us is not just the reduction of our
                                                    annual global emissions of greenhouse gases, but of their actual concentrations in the atmosphere.
                                                    After years of inaction, urgent and comprehensive action is now needed to turn an existential
                                                    crisis for humanity into an opportunity to secure the well-being and prosperity of present and
                                                    future generations.
                                                    This book shows how we can:
                                                    • Accelerate the renewable energy revolution
•   Pub Date October 2009
                                                    • Renew our local economies and our urban habitat
•   $27.95 US, $36.50 CAN • Paper
                                                    • Renew the living systems of planet earth
•   ISBN 9781900322492                              • Renew and invigorate international cooperation
•   61/2 x 9 • 208 pages • Full color throughout
•   Nature & Environment                            Illustrated in full color, A Renewable World deals with a variety of urgent issues in a holistic,
                                                    comprehensive, and accessible way.

                                                                                   Herbert Girardet is an author, filmmaker, and consultant focusing
                                                                                   on sustainable development. He is director of programs of the
                                                                                   World Future Council and a former chairman of the Schumacher
                                                                                   Society in the UK. He is a recipient of a UN Global 500 Award
                                                                                   for outstanding environmental achievements. His previous books
                                                                                   include The Gaia Atlas of Cities, 1992 and 1996; Cities, People,
                                                                                   Planet: Urban Development and Climate Change, 2004 and
                                                                                   2008; and Surviving the Century: Facing Climate Change and
                                                                                   Other Global Challenges, 2007.

                                                                                   Miguel Mendonça is research manager for the World Future
                                                                                   Council. He works in both research and advocacy, focusing
          • • • notes • • •                                                        on renewable energy policy. He has worked on four continents,
                                                                                   campaigning, coalition building, and speaking, and is a member
                                                                                   of the steering committee of the Alliance for Renewable Energy.

                                                    19        802.295.6300
Green Books                             Food, Health, & Travel                                        October

A Guide to Using Herbs for First Aid
and Common Health Problems
Anna Newton
                                          How to deal with common illnesses using medicinal
                                          herbs, and how to create your own apothecary.

                                          In Herbs for Home Treatment, Anna Newton explains the advantages of using herbs—and provides
                                          herbal remedies—to cure common ailments and improve general health. She provides easy-to-follow
                                          advice on creating your own apothecary with a small number of versatile herbs.
                                          Learn how to:
                                          • Prevent and treat common illnesses with herbs
                                          • Avoid some of the adverse side effects that are common with chemical-based medicines
                                          • Grow and store herbs, and create tinctures, oils, and ointments for a home apothecary
                                          This user-friendly guide to herbs and their medicinal properties explains how to deal with
                                          common illnesses—including digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous-system conditions.
                                          Newton suggests essential herbs everyone should have on hand, and offers advice on how to get
•   Pub Date October 2009
                                          the best out of herbs for general health, including how to maintain your energy level, increase
                                          your stamina, and improve your mood. Inside you’ll find information on dosages, possible
•   $24.95 US, $32.50 CAN • Paper
                                          allergies, and clues for when it’s time to seek professional help. Also included is guidance on
•   ISBN 9781900322423
                                          how to make your own apothecary, how to concoct a first-aid kit for when traveling abroad,
•   6 x 9 • 176 pages • 32 color pages    and a list of herb retailers and professional herbalists.
•   Food/Health/Travel
                                                                       Anna Newton studied herbal medicine at the University of Wales
                                                                       and has worked as a medical herbalist for Neal’s Yard in
                                                                       Cheltenham for the past six years. Newton is a member of the
                                                                       National Institute of Medical Herbalists and the College of
                                                                       Practitioners of Phytotherapy.

         • • • notes • • •

                                        20        802.295.6300
Green Building Press                          Green Building                                            December

Homes for a Small Planet
Ann V. Edminster
Foreword by Peter Yost
                                   How to create homes that produce at
                                   least as much energy as they consume.

                                   Energy Free equips building professionals and homeowners alike with a toolkit for creating homes
                                   that use no more energy than they produce—homes that are free from energy-price fluctuations
                                   and that also help free society from the high political and environmental costs of fossil fuels.
                                   Individuals and institutions have been working toward “zero-energy” homes for decades. This
                                   volume is the first to distill their experience into a practical and comprehensive how-to guide.
                                   The author includes step-by-step guidance on how to make decisions that will yield an energy-
                                   free residential project, whether a single-family home or multifamily building, new or existing,
                                   in an urban or a rural setting.
                                   The principal topics include:
                                   • Project boundaries (assessing your home’s behavior, and also your own)
•   Pub Date December 2009         • Prioritizing strategies (for instance, insulation vs. photovoltaics)
• $25.00 US, $32.50 CAN • Paper    • Economics (including payback periods and incentives)
• ISBN 9780976491132               • How to minimize a building’s energy needs
                                   • How to minimize your energy needs
• 8 x 10 • 264 pages
                                   • How to power the energy needs that remain
  87 B&W photos & illustrations
                                   • The critical role of integrated project planning
• Green Building
                                   Energy Free offers a wide array of resource information, including detailed window and insulation
                                   comparisons; assessments of the relative contributions of different building elements; and overall
                                   performance. It draws on research and empirical data from myriad sources, including the
                                   Department of Energy’s Building America program; Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s
                                   House of the Future; Passiv Haus Institute in Europe and the Passive House Institute of the U.S.;
                                   Florida Solar Energy Center; Living Building Challenge; Affordable Comfort, Inc.’s, Thousand
                                   Home Challenge; and many pioneering individual home projects across North America.

                                                                 Ann Edminster, M.Arch., LEED AP, is a recognized national expert
                                                                 on green home design and construction. She is a principal author
                                                                 of the LEED for Homes Rating System and consults to builders,
                                                                 homeowners, developers, supply-chain clients, design firms, utilities,
       • • • notes • • •                                         investors, and public agencies. She sits on the advisory boards of
                                                                 several private companies. She lives in Pacifica, California.

                                    “In Energy Free, Ann Edminster brings her wisdom and clarity to the issue of net-zero-
                                    energy homes. With so much attention being paid to energy savings and reduction of
                                    carbon emissions, we need a book like this that helps us sort through the confusing
                                    technologies, claims, and economics to create homes that are better for the planet and
                                    better for your budget.” —Alex Wilson, Executive Editor, Environmental Building
                                    News and

                                  21        802.295.6300
Chelsea Green                       Food, Health, & Travel                                        November

Behind America's Emerging Battle
Over Food Rights
David E. Gumpert
                                     How the fight over raw milk is changing the way
                                     Americans think about food-borne illness, chronic disease,
                                     and government regulation of what we eat and drink.
                                     Beginning in 2006, the agriculture departments of several large states—with federal backing—
                                     launched a crackdown on small dairies producing raw milk. Replete with undercover agents,
                                     sting operations, surprise raids, questionable test-lab results, mysterious illnesses, propaganda
                                     blitzes, and grand jury investigations, the crackdown was designed to disrupt the supply of
                                     unpasteurized milk to growing legions of consumers demanding healthier and more flavorful
                                     The Raw Milk Revolution takes readers behind the scenes of the government’s tough and occa-
                                     sionally brutal intimidation tactics, as seen through the eyes of milk producers, government
                                     regulators, scientists, prosecutors, and consumers. It is a disturbing story involving marginally
                                     legal police tactics and investigation techniques, with young children used as political pawns in
                                     a highly charged atmosphere of fear and retribution.
•   Pub Date November 2009
                                     Are regulators’ claims that raw milk poses a public health threat legitimate? That turns out to
•   $19.95 US, $25.95 CAN • Paper    be a matter of considerable debate. The Raw Milk Revolution reveals that the government’s
•   ISBN 9781603582193               campaign—ostensibly designed to protect consumers from pathogens like salmonella, E. coli
•   6 x 9 • 288 pages                0157:H7, and listeria—was based in a number of cases on suspect laboratory findings and
•   Food & Health                    illnesses that could well have had other causes, including pasteurized milk.
•   World English
                                     David Gumpert dares to ask whether regulators have the public’s interest in mind or the
                                     economic interests of dairy conglomerates. He assesses how the government’s anti–raw-milk
                                     campaign fits into a troublesome pattern of expanding government efforts to sanitize the food
                                     supply—despite rises in asthma, diabetes, and allergies. The Raw Milk Revolution provides an
                                     unsettling view of the future, in which nutritionally dense foods are ever less easy to obtain.

                                                                   David E. Gumpert is a journalist who specializes in covering the
                                                                   intersection of health and business. His popular blog, www.thecom-
                                                         , has chronicled the increasingly unsettling battles
                                                                   over raw milk. He has authored or coauthored seven books on
         • • • notes • • •                                         various aspects of entrepreneurship and business and previously
                                                                   has been a reporter and editor with The Wall Street Journal and
                                                                   the Harvard Business Review. He lives in Needham, Massachusetts.

                                    22        802.295.6300
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2009 Fall Catalog

  • 1. Chelsea Green Celebrating 25 Years Fall 2009
  • 2. Meet the Staff Celebrating 25 years! “The go-to publisher for all things sustainable.” —TreeHugger Business & Distribution Director Director of Sales Sandi Eaton Peg O’Donnell Sales Assistant New England & Mid-Atlantic Sales Author Events Coordinator West Coast Regional Sales Mid West & Rocky Mtn. Sales Jeffrey Slayton Sue Miller Allison Lennox Michael Weaver Darrell Koerner Assistant Editor & Subrights Fullfillment & Distribution Assistant Production Coordinator Brianne Goodspeed Production Director Bit Babcock Bill Bokermann Patricia Stone Co-founders Margo & Ian Baldwin Associate Editor Editorial Director Assistant to the Publisher Project Manager Jonathan Teller-Elsberg Joni Praded Makenna Goodman Emily Foote Web Editor Jesse McDougall Graphic Designer Marketing & Publicity Coordinator Publicity Assistant Britney Blanchard Taylor Haynes Lauren Fifield Web Content Coordinator Dennis Pacheco Environmental Audit This catalog was printed using 100% postconsumer-recycled paper, processed chlorine-free and manufactured using biogas energy. Using 720 pounds of Rolland Enviro100 Print instead of virgin- fibers paper for this printing of the Chelsea Green Fall 2009 catalog produces an ecological-footprint reduction equivalent to: • 6 trees • 389 pounds of solid waste • 3,671 gallons of water 3 • 2.5 pounds of particles suspended in water • 854 pounds of air emissions • 890 ft of natural gas Printed in Canada by Marquis
  • 3. contents contents The Transition Timeline 2 new releases The Looting of America 3 Howard Dean’s Prescription for Real Healthcare Reform 4 Connected Wisdom 6 From Asparagus to Zucchini 7 Social Change 2.0 8 Marijuana Is Safer 9 Nontoxic Housecleaning 10 Sustainable Food 11 Time’s Up! 12 The Polytunnel Handbook 13 Stone House 14 The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook 15 Death & Sex 16 The People v. Bush 17 Money and Soul 18 A Renewable World 19 Herbs for Home Treatment 20 Energy Free 21 The Raw Milk Revolution 22 Waiting on a Train 23 The World According to Monsanto 24 1 802.295.6300
  • 4. Chelsea Green Nature & Environment Available Now THE TRANSITION TIMELINE For a Local, Resilient Future Shaun Chamberlin Foreword by Rob Hopkins It’s possible to protect yourself and your community from climate change and peak oil. Here’s how. The revolutionary Transition Movement has been changing the way communities plan their future by teaching them to prepare for the confluence of climate change and peak oil. Now movement leaders have taken their transition training one step further, crafting a timeline for those who seek a life that is neither reliant on oil, nor based on the myth of perpetual growth. The Transition Timeline lightens the fear of our uncertain future by mapping out the challenges we face and our pathways to addressing them. The book describes four possible scenarios for the next twenty years—ranging from the denial scenario, in which we reap the consequences of failing to acknowledge and respond to our environmental challenges, to the transition vision, in which • Pub Date Available Now we shift our cultural assumptions to fit our circumstances and move into a more fulfilling, lower- • $22.95 US, $29.95 CAN • Paper energy world. • ISBN 9781603582001 The practical, realistic details of this transition vision are examined in depth, covering key areas • 83/4 x 83/4 • 192 pages such as food, energy, demographics, transport, and health care. The authors provide a sense of • Nature & Environment context for communities working toward a thriving future, as well as a detailed and accessible update on climate change and peak oil and the interactions between them—including their present and future impacts. Use The Transition Timeline to choose your path, and then make that future real with your actions, individually and with your community. As Transition movement founder Rob Hopkins outlines in the chapter he has contributed, there is a rapidly spreading movement addressing these challenges, and it needs you. Shaun Chamberlin is the founder of and has been involved with the Transition Network since its inception. He is also the Tradable Energy Quotas Development Director at The Lean Economy Connection and a member of the Department of Energy and Climate Change's Personal Carbon Allowances Advisory Group, as well as a core member of Transition Town Kingston, UK. • • • notes • • • “So here it is: the map and timeline of how to save our world and ourselves. Whether we WILL take up these suggestions as scheduled is a question for the cynics and dreamers to debate. For us realists, the only relevant questions are, Where do we start?, and, Will you join us?” —Richard Heinberg, senior fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, and author of eight books, including The Party’s Over and Peak Everything “The Transition Timeline isn’t another climate jeremiad, but a map of the course we’ll need to take over the coming decade if we are to save our planet, and ourselves. It is a book of hopeful realism, making clear that the future we want remains in our grasp—but only for a short while longer.” —Jamais Cascio, cofounder of and founder of 2 802.295.6300
  • 5. Chelsea Green Politics & Social Justice June THE LOOTING OF AMERICA How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity—and What We Can Do About It Les Leopold Not a Wall Street insider? A guide to the economic crisis for the rest of us. How could the best and brightest in finance crash the global economy and then get us to bail them out? What caused this mess? And what can Main Street do about it? In The Looting of America, Les Leopold debunks the prevailing myths that blame low-income homebuyers, credit-card debtors, and government interference. Instead, readers will discover how Wall Street undermined itself and the rest of the economy by playing and losing a highly lucrative and dangerous game of fantasy finance. He also asks some tough questions: • Why did Americans let the gap between workers’ and executives’ pay grow so large? • Why did we fail to realize that the excess money in those executives’ pockets was fueling casino-style investment schemes? • Why did we buy the notion that financial products that no one could even understand would somehow form the backbone of America’s new economy? • Pub Date June 2009 • And how can we get our money back and never give it away to gamblers again? • $14.95 US, $19.50 CAN • Paper In this page-turning, plain-speaking narrative, Leopold tells us how everyone from individual • ISBN 9781603582056 investors to school districts to institutions around the world fell victim to Wall Street’s “innovative” • 53/8 x 83/8 • 240 pages financial products—like collateralized debt obligations, better known as CDOs, which sucked • Politics & Social Justice trillions of dollars from the global economy when they failed. • World Rights As the country teeters on the brink of a depression, he warns we should be especially wary of advice from the so-called financial experts who got us here and then conveniently got themselves out. So far, it appears they’ve won the battle, but The Looting of America refuses to let them write the history—or plan its aftermath. Les Leopold cofounded and currently directs two nonprofit organi- zations, the Labor Institute and the Public Health Institute, and is the author of the award-winning The Man Who Hated Work and Loved Labor: The Life and Times of Tony Mazzocchi. Leopold designs research and educational programs on occupational safety and health, the environment, and economics and helped form an • • • notes • • • alliance between the United Steel Workers Union and the Sierra Club. He attended Oberlin College and Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He photo: Lilah Leopold lives in Montclair, New Jersey. “Les Leopold’s account of the economic crisis is the clearest and most accessible that I have seen. It gives a reader with little economics or financial background a riveting description of how Wall Street tore down our economy and what we can do about it. It’s a page turner we all should read.” —Leo Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers 3 802.295.6300
  • 6. Chelsea Green Politics & Social Justice July HOWARD DEAN’S Prescription for REAL HEALTHCARE REFORM How We Can Achieve Affordable Medical Care for Every American and Make Our Jobs Safer Howard Dean with Igor Volsky and Faiz Shakir What would real healthcare reform look like? And how can everyday Americans trump big money and put healthcare back on track? Howard Dean speaks out. Americans have pondered how to reform healthcare since the days of Harry Truman. But for most Americans, little has changed—except that healthcare costs have soared, health insurance companies have grown bigger and more oppressive to both doctors and patients, and today even those Americans who pay dearly for health insurance frequently find that their policies don’t adequately cover them when they need their coverage most. Something has got to give. In his bold new book, Howard Dean—the physician and former governor widely credited for reviving the Democratic Party after the 2004 elections—tells Americans what needs to be done to successfully reform healthcare. One key, he writes, is to offer Americans the option to participate in a public health insurance program, much like Medicare. “America has had ‘socialized’ medicine since 1964,” says Dean. “It’s called Medicare; it covers every American over 65, and they are very happy with the program. The rest of • Pub Date July 2009 America deserves a similar option.” • $12.95 US, $14.50 CAN • Paperback In this straight-talking guide to overcoming today’s healthcare crisis, Dean spells out: • ISBN 9781603582285 • What Obama’s healthcare plan is all about • 53/8 x 83/8 • 144 pages • How other countries handle healthcare • Which special interests are standing in the way of progress and why • How healthcare reform will help American businesses prosper • Why Americans need choice—between private and public health insurance coverage Millions of Americans lack health insurance; millions more pay for coverage that doesn’t protect them from serious illness; and the status quo leaves Americans at the mercy of corporate interests. This persuasive argument from a passionate political strategist shows Americans how to take back the healthcare reins. Howard Dean—physician and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC)—served six terms as Governor of Vermont before running for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in • • • notes • • • the 2004 election. Dean also founded Democracy for America (DFA), the grassroots organization that organizes community activists, trains campaign staff, and endorses progressive candidates. While he was Vermont’s governor, the state expanded its universal healthcare pro- gram to cover nearly every child under age 18—and also lowered its public debt, balanced its budget, and reduced taxes. Faiz Shakir, currently the research director at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C., has been a researcher for the Democratic National Committee, a U.S. Senate legislative aide on veterans affairs, and a White House communications aide. Igor Volsky is a healthcare researcher and blogger at the Center for American Progress. 4 802.295.6300
  • 7. Chelsea Green Politics & Social Justice July from Howard Dean’s Prescription for Real Healthcare Reform: Much has been made of the 48 million Americans who industry that takes large amounts of money out of the don’t have health insurance. Their stories are heart-rend- healthcare system for shareholders, administrators, and ing, and it’s a scandal that in the wealthiest nation on executives, while denying people the basic coverage they earth, we do not cover everybody. No other industrial have paid for. democracy in the world puts up with this embarrass- How to frame the debate. ment. But the debate on healthcare reform—which is The debate about healthcare reform is not a debate coming to a peak once again—should also focus on the about how much a role the government should play. fact that many Americans who do have health insurance Instead, the debate should focus on this simple ques- don’t find out that it doesn’t adequately cover them until tion: Should we give Americans under 65 the same it is too late. choice we give Americans over 65? Should we give all What’s the real issue? Americans a choice of opting out of the private health The real issue in the debate over healthcare reform is not insurance system and benefiting from a public health whether we should have “socialized medicine” or not. It’s insurance plan? Americans ought to be able to decide whether we should continue with an extraordinarily for themselves. inefficient system that today features a private insurance What Americans Should Demand of Real Healthcare Reform. • Choice: Everyone should be able to choose between a public health insurance option—like Medicare— or a private health insurance option. • No forced moves: If you like the health insurance coverage you have, you should be able to keep it. • Coverage options for small business: Very small businesses should have the option of handing over health insurance coverage for their employees to a public or private plan subsidized by the government. • Everybody in, nobody out: Public and private health insurance plans should turn no one away based on illness, pre-existing conditions, or other criteria. • Similar premiums for everyone: Despite age or illness, all Americans should be able to opt into a public or private healthcare without wide discrepancies in cost based on age or previous illness. • More options, not less: Healthcare reform should expand Americans’ healthcare choices, not reduce them. • Financial protection: A public health insurance option is more affordable because it’s more efficient. This protects families’ financial health. • Fewer of your healthcare dollars spent on overhead: A public health insurance option is much cheaper to operate and will help reduce non-health-related overhead costs. • Universality: Everyone other than those already covered by Medicare or Medicaid should have the option to join a public plan. • Portability: A public health insurance plan should cover you no matter how many times you move, no matter who you work for, and no matter where you live. 5 802.295.6300
  • 8. SEED Chelsea Green Kids September CONNECTED WISDOM Living Stories About Living Systems Linda Booth Sweeney, Ed.D. A new collection of folktales reveals how people have understood sustainable living over the centuries. Connected Wisdom: Living Stories About Living Systems gathers twelve stories from different cultures that each reveal a unique example of a “living system.” Through them, Linda Booth Sweeney shows that what we now call systems thinking has been around for a very long time. A Balinese folktale tells the story of a gecko who cannot sleep because of the sparks from a firefly. He traces the cause of his complaint from one animal to another to the mosquitoes he depends on for his survival. Like this gecko, young readers will understand that all life is inter- related, and will be able to grasp the concept of the living system of “interdependence.” In a Burmese folktale, a king spills a drop of honey on his windowsill, too little to bother cleaning up. Yet the drop draws a fly, which attracts a lizard, which is followed by a cat, then a dog, and the owners of the cat and the dog, each armed with a stick. When civil war erupts, the king and readers understand the living system of “linearity,” in which an effect is disproportionate to its cause. • Pub Date September 2009 Clear and simple notes accompany these and the other stories in Connected Wisdom. • $24.95 US, $32.50 CAN • Paper • ISBN 9780982248010 Says Sweeney, “If kids understand living systems, they’re more likely to think and act in • 9 x 12 • 96 pages • Full Color Throughout informed ways and less likely to jump to blame a single cause for the challenges they • Ages 9 and up encounter.” • Chelsea Green Kids Connected Wisdom is a large-format, full-color volume that is as suitable for gift-giving as it is for classrooms and libraries. Linda Booth Sweeney, Ed.D., is a researcher and writer dedicated to making the principles of systems thinking and sustainability accessible. She has worked with Outward Bound, Sloan School of M.I.T., and Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development, or SEED. She is the author of The Systems Thinking Playbook; When a Butterfly Sneezes: A guide for helping children explore interconnections in our world through favorite stories; The SEED Water Book; and numerous academic journals and newsletters. Sweeney lives outside Boston, Massachusetts. More information available at • • • notes • • • “The moment you touch and open this book, its wisdom is evident. This is the wisdom of wholes, of belonging, and connecting the dots to see the richer tapestry of life.” —Raffi, singer and bestselling author of Wheels on the Bus and Baby Beluga “. . . Linda Booth Sweeney has assembled a wonderful collection of ancient folk tales and myths from around the world, which convey the profound "systemic wis- dom" of peoples who lived close to nature and had a deep intuitive understanding of life's networks, cycles, and processes of transformation. I highly recommend Connected Wisdom as a superb tool for teaching and learning the systemic thinking that is critical in our globally interconnected world.” —Fritjof Capra, author, The Web of Life and The Hidden Connections 6 802.295.6300
  • 9. MACSAC Food, Health, & Travel September FROM ASPARAGUS TO ZUCCHINI A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce, Third Edition Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition Anyone who wants to eat locally needs a copy of this bestselling cookbook—over 200,000 copies sold! Ever wonder how you’ll ever be able to use all your vegetables? From Asparagus to Zucchini answers the question of what to do with your armloads of greens, exotic herbs, and never-before- seen vegetables with recipes that are as concise and doable as they are appealing. Created for and by Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) members, the book is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to eat seasonally and locally. Organized by vegetable—fifty-three in all—each section includes nutritional, historical, and storage information, as well as cooking tips. With more than 420 original recipes created, tested, and enjoyed by chefs, CSA members, and farmers, you’ll never be without a delicious recipe to make the most of the season’s bounty. The best part is that lesser-known vegetables like burdock and kohlrabi have more recipes, not fewer! From Asparagus to Zucchini is more than just a cookbook. Also included are essays that address • Pub Date September 2009 the larger picture of sustainable agriculture, how our food choices fit into our economy, • $19.95 US, $25.95 CAN • Paper environment, and community, and more information on home food preservation and how to • ISBN 9780615230139 help kids appreciate—and even eat—their vegetables. Readers will find an extensive resource • (Previous ISBN: 9780972121781) section and recipe index to round out this unique resource. With this book, prepare to awaken • 81/2 x 11 • 240 pages • B&W illustrations and reaffirm your dedication to enjoying the unique flavors of local foods while nourishing the • Food/Health/Travel life of sustainable family farms. The Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition (MACSAC) is a nonprofit organization of CSA farms and members promoting the production and consumption of fresh, local, and sustainable foods in southern Wisconsin. MACSAC promotes and supports CSA farms, coordinates community- and farmer-education programs on the benefits of locally grown foods, and operates the Partner Shares Program, which raises funds to subsidize CSA memberships for limited-income households. To learn more, visit • • • notes • • • “From Aparagus to Zucchini sparkles with a sense of community, that all-important ‘extra’ that comes along with beautiful food fresh from the farm. It answers the question of what to do with your armloads of greens, exotic herbs, and never-before-seen veg- etables with recipes that are as concise and doable as they are appealing. The essays that precede the recipes shouldn’t be missed—they will reaffirm—or awaken, as need be, your dedication to enjoy the unique flavors of your local foods while nourishing the life of the sustainable family farm. What could be better than that?” —Deborah Madison, author of Local Flavors, Cooking and Farmer’s Markets 7 802.295.6300
  • 10. High Point Politics & Social Justice September SOCIAL CHANGE 2.0 A Blueprint for Reinventing Our World David Gershon Achieving the “change” in social change. If “change” is the mantra of our moment in history, Social Change 2.0 may be poised to become its bible. Drawing on his three decades in the trenches of large-scale societal transformation, David Gershon—founder and president of Empowerment Institute, and described by the United Nations as a “graceful revolutionary”—offers an original and comprehensive roadmap to bring about fundamental change in our world. From his initiation as architect of the United Nations–sponsored First Earth Run—a mythic passing of fire around the world symbolizing humanity’s quest for peace on earth that drew tens of millions of participants, the planet’s political leaders, and, through the media, over a billion people at the height of the cold war—to his recent climate-change work helping citizens, cities, and entire states measurably reduce their carbon footprint (using his book Low Carbon Diet), Gershon offers readers strategies to evolve an effective new model for transformative change at any scale. These include: • The first comprehensive social-change model with proven, practical strategies and tools to either launch a social-change initiative or improve the efficacy of any existing change program. • Pub Date September 2009 • A “Practitioner’s Guide” accompanying each chapter, to help readers apply this social-change • $27.95 US, $36.50 CAN • Hardcover framework to their initiative. • ISBN 9780963032775 The result is an inspiring book that will quickly find its way onto the desks—and into the hearts— • 6 x 9 • 416 pages of change agents from environmental activists, social entrepreneurs, community organizers, and • Politics & Social Justice civic, government, and business leaders, to the vast number of baby boomers looking for a way to give back and the millennials just raring to go. David Gershon is the author of ten books, including the best-selling Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It and Low Carbon Diet: A 30-Day Program to Lose 5,000 Pounds, winner of the “Most Likely to Save the Planet” Independent Publisher Book Award. He is founder and president of Empowerment Institute and codirects its school for social change. His clients include cities, governmental agencies, nonprofits, large corporations, and social entrepreneurs engaged in furthering social change. Gershon has lectured at Harvard, MIT, and Duke Universities and served as an advisor to the Clinton White House and United Nations. He lives in upstate New York. • • • notes • • • From the Introduction . . . Social Change 2.0 has a simple and some might say radical premise: That the natural starting point for changing our world for the better is us. That taking personal responsibility to make the needed changes within ourselves and our communities is the foundation for changing our institutions, not the other way around. That people are willing to make these changes if empowered by a personal vision and the means to bring it to fruition. That these changes can be accelerated and reinforced with the right laws and financial incentives, but it begins with us. 8 802.295.6300
  • 11. Chelsea Green Politics & Social Justice September MARIJUANA IS SAFER So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, and Mason Tvert Evidence shows marijuana is safer than alcohol. Yet alcohol is legal and marijuana is not. Isn’t it time for some citizen-led sanity? Nationally recognized marijuana-policy experts Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, and Mason Tvert compare and contrast the relative harms and legal status of the two most popular recreational substances in the world—marijuana and alcohol. Through an objective examination of the two drugs and the laws and social practices that steer people toward alcohol, the authors pose a simple yet rarely considered question: Why do we punish adults who make the rational, safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol? Marijuana Is Safer reaches for a broad audience. For those unfamiliar with marijuana, it pro- vides an introduction to the cannabis plant and its effects on the user, and debunks some of the government’s most frequently cited marijuana myths. For current and aspiring advocates of marijuana-law reform, as well as anyone else who is interested in what is becoming a major political battle, the authors spell out why the message that marijuana is safer than alcohol must • Pub Date September 2009 be a prominent part of the public debate over legalization. • $14.95 US, $19.50 CAN • Paper Most importantly, for the millions of Americans who want to advance the cause of • ISBN 9781603581448 marijuana-policy reform—or simply want to defend their own personal, safer choice—this book • 53/8 x 83/8 • 192 pages provides the talking points and detailed information needed to make persuasive arguments to • Politics & Social Justice friends, family, coworkers, and elected officials. • World Rights Steve Fox photo: Lisa Fox Paul Armentano photo: Mike Milkovich Mason Tvert photo: Lori Nagel Steve Fox is the Director of State Campaigns for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), the nation’s • • • notes • • • largest organization dedicated to reforming marijuana laws. From 2002-2005, he lobbied Congress as MPP’s Director of Government Relations. He cofounded Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) in 2005 and has helped guide its operations since its inception. He is a graduate of Tufts University and Boston College Law School and currently lives in Maryland with his wife and two daughters. Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML (The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) and the NORML Foundation, is a recognized expert in marijuana policy, health, and pharmacology. He appears regularly on Drew Pinsky’s nationally syndicated radio show, and his work has appeared in over 500 publications. Armentano is the 2008 recipient of the Project Censored Real News Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism. He currently lives in Vallejo, California, with his wife and son. Mason Tvert is the cofounder and Executive Director of Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) and the SAFER Voter Education Fund. He appears frequently in the news and travels the country promoting the “Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol” message. He resides in Denver, where he serves on the city’s Marijuana Policy Review Panel appointed by Mayor John W. Hickenlooper. 9 802.295.6300
  • 12. Chelsea Green Nature & Environment September NONTOXIC HOUSECLEANING Amy Kolb Noyes A pocket guide for making and using nontoxic cleaning products. When it comes to cleaning products, society often values convenience over personal and planetary health, thanks to decades of advertising propaganda from the chemical companies that market overpriced and dangerous concoctions. But awareness is changing: Not only are homemade and nontoxic cleaners strong enough for the toughest grunge, they are often as convenient as their commercial counterparts. Nontoxic Housecleaning—the latest in the Chelsea Green Guides series—provides a way for people to improve their immediate environment every day. Pregnant women, parents of young children, pet owners, people with health concerns, and those who simply care about a healthy environ- ment—and a sensible budget—can all benefit from the recipes and tips in this guide. Included are tips for: • The basic ingredients: what they are, and why they work. • Specific techniques for each room and cleaning need in the house. • Pub Date September 2009 • Detailed recipes for homemade cleaners, including floor polishes, all-purpose cleanser, • $7.95 US, $10.50 CAN • Paper disinfecting cleanser, window cleaner, oven cleaner, furniture polish, mold- and mildew- • ISBN 9781603582032 killing cleansers, bathroom scrub, deodorizers, stain removers, laundry boosters and starch, • 43/4 x 61/2 • 96 pages metal polishes, scouring powder, and more. • Nature & Environment • Green Guides Amy Kolb Noyes lives at Indecision Farm in Vermont and writes • World Rights frequently on home and garden topics for a variety of regional and national publications. An environmental activist, she is vice chair of the nonprofit Green Up Vermont, has long served on its board of directors, and has authored Living the Green Up Way. She lives in northern Vermont. photo: Mickey Smith Grime Away Appliance Cleaner • • • notes • • • In an 32 oz spray bottle mix in the given order: • 1 teaspoon castile soap with an essential oil OR 1 teaspoon unscented castile soap and 8-10 drops of your favorite oil • 1 teaspoon washing soda • 3 cups warm water • 1 tablespoon vinegar Shake well to mix before each use. 10 802.295.6300
  • 13. Chelsea Green Food, Health, & Travel September SUSTAINABLE FOOD How to Buy Right and Spend Less Elise McDonough A guide to making ethical, budget-friendly, food-buying choices. Wondering whether it’s worth it to splurge on the locally raised beef? What about those organic carrots? New in the Chelsea Green Guides series, Sustainable Food: How to Buy Right and Spend Less helps the average shopper navigate the choices, whether strolling the aisles of a modern supermarket or foraging at a local farmers market. This down-to-earth, casual guide—small enough to be slipped into your pocket—answers these and other questions for the shopper: • What are the differences among organic, local, fair-trade, free-range, naturally raised, and biodynamic foods? • How affordable is it to subscribe to a CSA farm—and what are the advantages? • Is it better to choose wild Alaskan salmon at $18.99, or the Chilean farmed fish at $11.99? • What cooking oils can be sustainably sourced? • How can a food co-op increase access to, and affordability of, healthier, Earth-friendly foods? • Where can you find sustainably produced sugar, and are there any local replacements for • Pub Date September 2009 sweeteners from faraway lands? • $7.95 US, $10.50 CAN • Paper • What do the distinctions between shade-grown and trellised coffee mean? • ISBN 9781603581417 • Is shark okay to eat? How about mackerel? • 43/4 x 61/2 • 96 pages • other info • Why is the war on plastic bags so important? • Food & Health • Green Guides Sustainable eating just got easier. • World Rights Elise McDonough trained at New York City’s Natural Gourmet Institute, but her informal training in counterculture cuisine began at the Cleveland Food Co-op, where she was initiated into the world of food politics, strange ingredients, and alternative diets. She lives in New York City, where she volunteers at the Union Square Greenmarket, and is actively involved in many local farm and food issues. • • • notes • • • Try these great tips to get started! • Fishing for good seafood? Try farmed tilapia, mussels, bay scallops, or wild salmon. (And avoid farmed salmon at all costs.) • Looking to eat lower on the food chain? Expand your repertoire with polished barley instead of rice, or polenta instead of potatoes. • Think you can’t afford organic food? Consider subscribing to a CSA farm. Also, buying organic foods in bulk can be more frugal than the overly packaged name-brand alternatives. 11 802.295.6300
  • 14. Green Books Nature & Environment September TIME’S UP! An Uncivilized Solution to a Global Crisis Keith Farnish How to survive the unfolding global crisis. People know that the climate is changing for the worse, that species are being driven to extinction at a rapidly increasing rate, and that entire ecosystems are becoming shadows of their former richness. They know but they do not understand. The global environmental crisis is closing in on humanity from all directions, yet the crisis barely registers on this culture’s list of problems. As we stand around, humanity is doomed to a collapse that may leave only a few nomads and a toxic, barely survivable Earth in its wake. So why is nothing being done beyond changing light bulbs, recycling, and buying organic food? It’s certainly not for a lack of good reasons. Humans have no motivation stronger than survival, yet the culture that dominates—the culture we call industrial civilization—has created a set of priorities that values financial wealth, the possession of superfluous goods, and short, cheap thrills above that most basic need. In short, we are prepared to die in order to live a life that is killing us. Time’s Up! is about changing our behavior. The book describes how our actions affect the very things on Earth that we depend on for survival, at scales that we rarely contemplate. It arms us • Pub Date September 2009 with the tools to free us from a culture that has blinded us for centuries, and which will allow • $17.95 US, $23.50 CAN • Paper us to live in a way that will give Earth, and ourselves, a viable future. • ISBN 9781900322485 • 6 x 9 • 192 pages Keith Farnish is an environmental writer, philosopher, and activist. • Nature & Environment He founded The Earth Blog ( in 2006 and writes The Unsuitablog ( He is also a guest author on The Sietch Blog. Keith lives in Essex, England, with his wife and children. “What Farnish does very well in this book is to present the reader with a little more • • • notes • • • than the obvious. It goes beyond recycling and bicycling, and he goes a step further in the way he explains climate change. His solutions may not be revolutionary, but maybe they don’t need to be. Farnish gives us the knowledge, the inspiration, and the empowerment to pull together and start this fight, even if we can’t all be like him—we can and we have do something.” —The Ecologist 12 802.295.6300
  • 15. Green Books Gardening & Agriculture September THE POLYTUNNEL HANDBOOK Planning • Siting • Erecting • Using • Maintaining Andy McKee and Mark Gatter An affordable organic method of growing fresh food all year round. The last decade has seen an unprecedented rise in demand for organic fruit and vegetables, and each year more of us are discovering that homegrown food is fresher, tastier, and more nutritious than food shipped in from elsewhere. A polytunnel can be used as an affordable, low-carbon aid to growing your own food all year round, from crispy salads and fresh vegetables in the dead of winter to juicy melons and mouthwatering grapes in high summer. The Polytunnel Handbook looks at all aspects of polytunnel use, from planning your purchase to harvesting the rewards, and includes a step-by-step guide detailing how polytunnels are put up and maintained. There are chapters on developing healthy soil and preventing pests, and a jargon- free guide to the range of often mystifying accessories that many tunnel retailers offer. In addition, the do-it-yourself enthusiast will find a full set of instructions for building a polytunnel from scratch, and the authors explain how to keep your polytunnel productive in every season. • Pub Date September 2009 Andy McKee first grew vegetables with his father at the age of five, and since then he has grown food in situations ranging from a • $18.95 US, $24.95 CAN • Paper seventeenth-story window box to guerrilla gardening in the middle • ISBN 9781900322454 of a Christmas-tree plantation. McKee had his eyes opened to the • 6 x 9 • 128 pages • 8-page color insert potential of polytunnels during a visit to one featuring a hot tub • Gardening & Agriculture warmed by a clay oven. He lives with his wife and family in rural Dorset, England, and is entirely self-sufficient in vegetables. Mark Gatter began growing vegetables while homesteading in northern California in the early eighties and has been an avid gardener ever since. He’s a firm advocate of an organic, raised-bed approach and relies on a polytunnel to keep fresh food on the table right through the winter. He and his wife share their smallholding in Wales with eleven sheep, several chickens, and two dogs. • • • notes • • • 13 802.295.6300
  • 16. Stonefield Publishing Green Building September STONE HOUSE A Guide to Self-Building with Slipforms Revised and Updated Tomm Stanley The classic text on building stone homes. Stone House: A Guide to Self-Building with Slipforms has been the leading resource for people interested in building with stone and slipforms since it was first released in 2003. Stonefield Publishing’s revised edition of this classic has two new chapters from author Tomm Stanley and many new photographs; in addition, the original pictures and diagrams have been digitally enhanced. Stone House contains all the hard knowledge, helpful tips, and fresh ideas you’ll need to successfully build a stone home of your own. Tomm Stanley, an international business consultant, active ecologist, and all around handyman—who decided to go for his dream of building his own house—leads you through the entire process. Using a lighthearted narrative approach, Tomm describes the trials and tribulations that accompanied the wonderful successes he experienced as a first-time self-builder creating his own house of stone. Self-builders not working with stone will also find this book inspirational, educating, and entertaining. Alternative-building advocates will be interested in the eco-friendly approach that Tomm takes to building as much of his house as possible from locally sourced materials. • Pub Date September 2009 • $34.95 US, $45.50 CAN • Paper • ISBN 9780473148218 Tomm Stanley is an American who has been living in New Zealand • (Previous ISBN: 9780473099701) since 1995. On his rural New Zealand property Tomm has created an environmentally friendly, off-the-grid lifestyle that provides a • 81/4 x 115/8 • 214 pages • 105 B&W photos balance to his professional life as an international management 53 diagrams and illustrations consultant. His Web-based business,, • Green Building assists in funding his personal mission of restoring the former hillside farm, now infested with an imported plant weed, to its natural, forested state. • • • notes • • • 14 802.295.6300
  • 17. Chelsea Green Gardening & Agriculture October THE ORGANIC FARMER’S BUSINESS HANDBOOK A Complete Guide to Managing Finances, Crops, and Staff—and Making a Profit Richard Wiswall Learn the business of running your own profitable organic farm. Contrary to popular belief, a good living can be made on an organic farm. What’s required is farming smarter, not harder. In The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook, Richard Wiswall shares advice on how to make your vegetable production more efficient, better manage your employees and finances, and turn a profit. From his twenty-seven years of experience at Cate Farm in Vermont, Wiswall knows firsthand the joys of starting and operating an organic farm—as well as the challenges of making a living from one. Farming offers fundamental satisfaction from producing food, working outdoors, being one’s own boss, and working intimately with nature. But, unfortunately, many farmers avoid learning about the business end of farming; because of this, they often work harder than they need to, or quit farming altogether because of frustrating—and often avoidable—losses. In this comprehensive business kit, Wiswall covers: • Pub Date October 2009 • Step-by-step procedures to make your crop production more efficient • $34.95 US, $45.50 CAN • Paper with CD • Advice on managing employees, farm operations, and office systems • ISBN 9781603581424 • Novel marketing strategies • 8 x 10 • 256 pages • What to do with your profits: business spending, investing, and planning for retirement • Gardening & Agriculture A companion CD offers valuable business tools, including easy-to-use spreadsheets for projecting • World Rights cash flow, a payroll calculator, comprehensive crop budgets for twenty-four different crops, and tax planners. Richard Wiswall started Cate Farm in East Montpelier, Vermont, where he has farmed since 1981. Known for his work on farm profitability and appropriate business tools, Wiswall consults with other farmers and writes and speaks frequently on organic-farm business issues. To learn more about Wiswall and Cate Farm, visit • • • notes • • • 15 802.295.6300
  • 18. Chelsea Green Science & Sciencewriters October DEATH & SEX Tyler Volk & Dorion Sagan Two books under one cover deliver a brief, incisive, and entertaining romp through the science of sex and death. On DEATH . . . What does death have to do with life? In his short, intriguing look at how and why things die, Tyler Volk explains that death is not simply the end of life. Rather, it is an essential step in natural selection that has long powered evolutionary design. Volk weaves the science of living and dying in a deft narrative that illustrates how life uses death for more adaptive living. In fact, death has been an exquisite, ever-shifting part of the grand evolutionary story—from life’s simple beginnings nearly four billion years ago to the evolved human culture and consciousness of today; from the simplicity of bacteria to the complexity of human psychology. Death reveals the connections between life and death, not as opposites, not even as complements. Volk illuminates death as an organ of life—rather like wings or fingers, mating behaviors, or thoughts. . . . and SEX In Sex, Dorion Sagan takes a delightful, irreverent, and informative gambol through the science, • Pub Date October 2009 philosophy, and literature of humanity’s most obsessive subject. Have you ever wondered what the • $25.00 US, $32.50 CAN • Hardcover promiscuous behaviors of chimpanzees and the sexual bullying of gorillas tell us about ourselves? • ISBN 9781603581431 Why we lost our hair? What amoebas have to do with desire? Linking evolutionary biology to • 5 x 8 • 224 pages popular culture, Sex touches on topics ranging from animal genitalia to sperm competition, jeal- • Science & Sciencewriters ousy’s status as an aphrodisiac, the origins of language, Casanova and music, ovulation and • World Rights clothes, mother-in-law jokes and alpha females, love and loneliness. A brief, wonderfully enter- taining, highly literate foray into the origins and evolution of sex. Two books in one cover, Death & Sex unravel and answer some of life’s most fundamental questions. Tyler Volk is head of the science track in New York University’s environmental studies program and a professor of biology, with a research emphasis on the global carbon cycle. Volk’s previous books include CO2 Rising: The World’s Greatest Environmental Challenge; Metapatterns: Across Space, Time, and Mind; and Gaia’s Body: Toward a Physiology of Earth. He lives in New York City. • • • notes • • • Dorion Sagan is author of numerous articles and twenty-three books translated into eleven languages, including Notes from the Holocene: A Brief History of the Future and Into the Cool, co- authored with Eric D. Schneider. His writings have appeared in The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, Wired, Smithsonian, The Ecologist, Natural History, and numerous other publications. He lives in Amherst, Massachusetts. 16 802.295.6300
  • 19. Chelsea Green Politics & Social Justice October THE PEOPLE V. BUSH One Lawyer’s Campaign To Bring the President to Justice and the National Grassroots Movement She Encounters along the Way Charlotte Dennett A bold, ingenious look at how—and when—U.S. citizens might prosecute their former president for crimes committed in office. When journalist-turned-lawyer Charlotte Dennett became outraged that Bush White House officials were acting above the law, she did something that surprised even herself. While run- ning for a state attorney general seat, she pledged to prosecute George W. Bush for murder if elected. She lost the race, but found a nationwide movement—one that continues its quest to hold leaders accountable to U.S. law and preserve a Constitutional presidency. In The People v. Bush, Dennett recounts her seminal effort to make Bush answerable for sending troops to Iraq on false pretenses, introduces readers to a world where the actions of a few can indeed empower the many, and reports on the current state of the movement to hold Bush accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors. Dennett’s wild ride through politics began when she read in The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, by lawyer Vincent Bugliosi, that a state attorney general could prosecute George W. • Pub Date October 2009 Bush—should one take up the cause. Soon after, Dennett launched her attorney-general race in • $19.95 US, $24.95 CAN • Paper Vermont, signed up Bugliosi as her special prosecutor in the event that she won, and together • ISBN 9781603582094 the two made headlines across Vermont and the nation. • 6 x 9 • 320 pages Dennett’s book also explores the tenacity of other Americans who launched grassroots cam- • Politics & Social Justice paigns to prosecute or impeach Bush, as well as Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, who proposed • World Rights a Truth Commission. With these stories and her own, Dennett shows that it’s not just possible but necessary to hold higher-ups responsible for heinous acts—not out of revenge, but to preserve justice and defend the Constitution. Charlotte Dennett, author and attorney, has been practicing law in Vermont since 1997 with an emphasis on personal injury litigation and suing the government under the Freedom of Information Act. She’s also been a reporter in the Middle East and is the coauthor with her husband, Gerard Colby, of Thy Will Be Done—The • • • notes • • • Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. She and her husband live in Cambridge, Vermont. “George Bush took America to war in Iraq on a lie, causing incalculable death, horror, and suffering. In this very important and consequential book, Charlotte Dennett, a true American patriot who has been on the front lines of trying to bring Bush to justice, informs all who care deeply about this country what has to be done so that it never happens again.” —Vince Bugliosi, attorney and bestselling author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder and Helter Skelter 17 802.295.6300
  • 20. Green Books Ethical Marketplace October MONEY AND SOUL The Psychology of Money and the Transformation of Capitalism Per Espen Stoknes Translated from the Norwegian by Susan M. Davies A new way to think about money. Many feel that money and what we perceive as the psyche (or soul) are bitter enemies—do we choose money or soul, finance or feelings, markets or common humanity? Money and Soul traces the origins of these opposing concepts, and the emotions that money provokes. Economic ideas often stand out as being universal, globally valid, and without cultural ties. But when money is viewed in its cultural and philosophical context, it becomes evident that the money of today is a particular system of symbols—something that society itself has devised over many centuries—that both reflects and reinforces society’s dominant concerns. In the twenty-first century, our major concerns include social cohesion, global warming, and environmental destruction. Per Espen Stoknes shows how new forms of money can be developed that will encourage us to act in ways that protect these critically important aspects of our world that are currently excluded from the money system. He shows how currencies for natural and social capital could work in tandem with the manufactured capital that defines our monetary system to the exclusion of all else. Money and Soul opens up new methods of looking at, thinking about, and using money. It • Pub Date October 2009 points to a future where our ideas about money will be greatly expanded; a future with different • $19.95 US, $25.95 CAN • Paper kinds of money—used for different social purposes—in circulation. • ISBN 9781900322461 • 6 x 9 • 296 pages Per Espen Stoknes is an organizational psychologist, senior lecturer • Ethical Marketplace at BI Norwegian School of Management, and a partner in the Digital Thinking Network—an international think tank for future- scenario planning. Stoknes has worked both as a clinical therapist and as an advisor to major national and international organizations. “Mainstream economics is bankrupt. In this book, Per Espen Stoknes guides us • • • notes • • • towards a saner alternative. He plunges deeply into the roots of our relationship with money and emerges with solid, workable proposals for a new economy. Money & Soul is a vitally important contribution to creating a sustainable future.” —Dr. Stephan Harding, coordinator of the MSc in Holistic Science at Schumacher College and author of Animate Earth “The need for new ideas has never been more pressing . . . Now is precisely the time to start thinking very differently indeed—and Per Espen Stoknes certainly rises to that particular challenge.” —Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director, Forum for the Future 18 802.295.6300
  • 21. Green Books Nature & Environment October A RENEWABLE WORLD Policies, Practices, & Technologies Herbert Girardet & Miguel Mendonça How to influence and accelerate the measures needed to deal with climate change and the energy crisis. Climate change and energy shortages are set to become the greatest challenges for humanity in the twenty-first century. While a few reports have given some indication about what can be done to come to grips with these problems, very little has been written about how these necessary changes can be brought about. A Renewable World outlines the key steps needed to make the crucial transition actually happen. The latest climate research indicates that the challenge facing us is not just the reduction of our annual global emissions of greenhouse gases, but of their actual concentrations in the atmosphere. After years of inaction, urgent and comprehensive action is now needed to turn an existential crisis for humanity into an opportunity to secure the well-being and prosperity of present and future generations. This book shows how we can: • Accelerate the renewable energy revolution • Pub Date October 2009 • Renew our local economies and our urban habitat • $27.95 US, $36.50 CAN • Paper • Renew the living systems of planet earth • ISBN 9781900322492 • Renew and invigorate international cooperation • 61/2 x 9 • 208 pages • Full color throughout • Nature & Environment Illustrated in full color, A Renewable World deals with a variety of urgent issues in a holistic, comprehensive, and accessible way. Herbert Girardet is an author, filmmaker, and consultant focusing on sustainable development. He is director of programs of the World Future Council and a former chairman of the Schumacher Society in the UK. He is a recipient of a UN Global 500 Award for outstanding environmental achievements. His previous books include The Gaia Atlas of Cities, 1992 and 1996; Cities, People, Planet: Urban Development and Climate Change, 2004 and 2008; and Surviving the Century: Facing Climate Change and Other Global Challenges, 2007. Miguel Mendonça is research manager for the World Future Council. He works in both research and advocacy, focusing • • • notes • • • on renewable energy policy. He has worked on four continents, campaigning, coalition building, and speaking, and is a member of the steering committee of the Alliance for Renewable Energy. 19 802.295.6300
  • 22. Green Books Food, Health, & Travel October HERBS FOR HOME TREATMENT A Guide to Using Herbs for First Aid and Common Health Problems Anna Newton How to deal with common illnesses using medicinal herbs, and how to create your own apothecary. In Herbs for Home Treatment, Anna Newton explains the advantages of using herbs—and provides herbal remedies—to cure common ailments and improve general health. She provides easy-to-follow advice on creating your own apothecary with a small number of versatile herbs. Learn how to: • Prevent and treat common illnesses with herbs • Avoid some of the adverse side effects that are common with chemical-based medicines • Grow and store herbs, and create tinctures, oils, and ointments for a home apothecary This user-friendly guide to herbs and their medicinal properties explains how to deal with common illnesses—including digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous-system conditions. Newton suggests essential herbs everyone should have on hand, and offers advice on how to get • Pub Date October 2009 the best out of herbs for general health, including how to maintain your energy level, increase your stamina, and improve your mood. Inside you’ll find information on dosages, possible • $24.95 US, $32.50 CAN • Paper allergies, and clues for when it’s time to seek professional help. Also included is guidance on • ISBN 9781900322423 how to make your own apothecary, how to concoct a first-aid kit for when traveling abroad, • 6 x 9 • 176 pages • 32 color pages and a list of herb retailers and professional herbalists. • Food/Health/Travel Anna Newton studied herbal medicine at the University of Wales and has worked as a medical herbalist for Neal’s Yard in Cheltenham for the past six years. Newton is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy. • • • notes • • • 20 802.295.6300
  • 23. Green Building Press Green Building December ENERGY FREE Homes for a Small Planet Ann V. Edminster Foreword by Peter Yost How to create homes that produce at least as much energy as they consume. Energy Free equips building professionals and homeowners alike with a toolkit for creating homes that use no more energy than they produce—homes that are free from energy-price fluctuations and that also help free society from the high political and environmental costs of fossil fuels. Individuals and institutions have been working toward “zero-energy” homes for decades. This volume is the first to distill their experience into a practical and comprehensive how-to guide. The author includes step-by-step guidance on how to make decisions that will yield an energy- free residential project, whether a single-family home or multifamily building, new or existing, in an urban or a rural setting. The principal topics include: • Project boundaries (assessing your home’s behavior, and also your own) • Pub Date December 2009 • Prioritizing strategies (for instance, insulation vs. photovoltaics) • $25.00 US, $32.50 CAN • Paper • Economics (including payback periods and incentives) • ISBN 9780976491132 • How to minimize a building’s energy needs • How to minimize your energy needs • 8 x 10 • 264 pages • How to power the energy needs that remain 87 B&W photos & illustrations • The critical role of integrated project planning • Green Building Energy Free offers a wide array of resource information, including detailed window and insulation comparisons; assessments of the relative contributions of different building elements; and overall performance. It draws on research and empirical data from myriad sources, including the Department of Energy’s Building America program; Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s House of the Future; Passiv Haus Institute in Europe and the Passive House Institute of the U.S.; Florida Solar Energy Center; Living Building Challenge; Affordable Comfort, Inc.’s, Thousand Home Challenge; and many pioneering individual home projects across North America. Ann Edminster, M.Arch., LEED AP, is a recognized national expert on green home design and construction. She is a principal author of the LEED for Homes Rating System and consults to builders, homeowners, developers, supply-chain clients, design firms, utilities, • • • notes • • • investors, and public agencies. She sits on the advisory boards of several private companies. She lives in Pacifica, California. “In Energy Free, Ann Edminster brings her wisdom and clarity to the issue of net-zero- energy homes. With so much attention being paid to energy savings and reduction of carbon emissions, we need a book like this that helps us sort through the confusing technologies, claims, and economics to create homes that are better for the planet and better for your budget.” —Alex Wilson, Executive Editor, Environmental Building News and 21 802.295.6300
  • 24. Chelsea Green Food, Health, & Travel November THE RAW MILK REVOLUTION Behind America's Emerging Battle Over Food Rights David E. Gumpert How the fight over raw milk is changing the way Americans think about food-borne illness, chronic disease, and government regulation of what we eat and drink. Beginning in 2006, the agriculture departments of several large states—with federal backing— launched a crackdown on small dairies producing raw milk. Replete with undercover agents, sting operations, surprise raids, questionable test-lab results, mysterious illnesses, propaganda blitzes, and grand jury investigations, the crackdown was designed to disrupt the supply of unpasteurized milk to growing legions of consumers demanding healthier and more flavorful food. The Raw Milk Revolution takes readers behind the scenes of the government’s tough and occa- sionally brutal intimidation tactics, as seen through the eyes of milk producers, government regulators, scientists, prosecutors, and consumers. It is a disturbing story involving marginally legal police tactics and investigation techniques, with young children used as political pawns in a highly charged atmosphere of fear and retribution. • Pub Date November 2009 Are regulators’ claims that raw milk poses a public health threat legitimate? That turns out to • $19.95 US, $25.95 CAN • Paper be a matter of considerable debate. The Raw Milk Revolution reveals that the government’s • ISBN 9781603582193 campaign—ostensibly designed to protect consumers from pathogens like salmonella, E. coli • 6 x 9 • 288 pages 0157:H7, and listeria—was based in a number of cases on suspect laboratory findings and • Food & Health illnesses that could well have had other causes, including pasteurized milk. • World English David Gumpert dares to ask whether regulators have the public’s interest in mind or the economic interests of dairy conglomerates. He assesses how the government’s anti–raw-milk campaign fits into a troublesome pattern of expanding government efforts to sanitize the food supply—despite rises in asthma, diabetes, and allergies. The Raw Milk Revolution provides an unsettling view of the future, in which nutritionally dense foods are ever less easy to obtain. David E. Gumpert is a journalist who specializes in covering the intersection of health and business. His popular blog, www.thecom-, has chronicled the increasingly unsettling battles over raw milk. He has authored or coauthored seven books on • • • notes • • • various aspects of entrepreneurship and business and previously has been a reporter and editor with The Wall Street Journal and the Harvard Business Review. He lives in Needham, Massachusetts. 22 802.295.6300