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Maintaining A Green Conscience                       April2010
                                                      April 2010

  THE                               SUIT

                                        The Wonders of
                                           Nickel & Steel

A Brave New World

Green StructureS
LEED Efficient

reArdonSmith reveAlS new
Subterranean London Hotel

AuStrAliAn nucleAr ASSociAtion
Nuclear Energy in Australia

       Green Conscience          Go-Anywhere Communications
At Natures Organics©, our motivation is based on a philosophy of creating environmentally respon-
      sible products, of the best quality, at the lowest possible price. Not only to make them more readily
      affordable to Australian families, but to actually reward and provide incentive for people to do the
      right thing, in protecting our planet - and make the important shift to more eco-sensitive alternatives.

      To us, there is no sense (or value) in developing advanced products that ‘don't cost the earth'; then
      charging a premium that unfairly prevents anyone from purchasing and using them. Across our
      range of biodegradable laundry and dishwashing detergents, household surface cleaners and care-
      fully formulated hair and skincare offerings, our unwavering aim is to combine the best in Green
      attributes with product qualities that succeed in meeting users performance expectations.

      With every item we create, we look to optimize the balance between using natural based plant
      derived ingredients, with chemical components still deemed necessary for products to work effec-
      tively - and in turn, to progressively increase and improve the natural content ratio as quickly as
      newfound knowledge and technologies permit.

      At every sustainable step, we also act to minimise wastage of non-renewable resources; produce
      packaging from recycled materials and strictly ensure that the science behind all of our cruelty free

                                                                                                                 All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
      product formulas requires no animal testing or animal ingredients.

       © Natures Organics Pty Ltd. Inspired by Nature 100% Australian Made & Owned

Please contact us by emailing to:
Sales and Export enquiries:
Phone: +613 9753 5577
Fax: +613 9753 5177
Head Office Address: 31 Cornhill St, Ferntree Gully, Victoria, 3156, Australia.
From The Editor

                                                                  THE SUIT
                                                           Editor-in-Chief Erwin Kantor
                                                           Managing Editor Michael Gordon
                                                           Creative Director Felix Badea
                                                           Associate Editor Eric Daniels

          Editorial Letter
                                                           Copy Editor Helen Potter
                                                           Fact Checkers David Stein
While the year has begun, and not without its chal-        Art Director C.F.P
lenges, it is time to focus on the future and kickoff      Contributing Writers Gary Stevens,
2010 with a positive attitude and new goals to reach.      Chizzy Igbokwe
With this in mind we’ve included plenty of inspirational   For customer Service, got to, thesuitezine.
articles in our April 2010 edition, interviews that you    com. You can also call 718-619-8520
will not find anywhere else.
We bring you Robert Forenza, owner of Hugg-A-
Planet, a trademark name. He is someone to watch           LETTERS
in the 21st century, he brings to you, “A BRAVE NEW        Please send the letters to:
We also have an exclusive interview with Stephen           We regret that we cannot answer unpub-
Barnett, CEO of The Nickel Institute a nonprofit orga-     lished letters. Letters may be edited for
nization that represents the interests of 24 companies     length or clarity.
which together produce more than 90% of the world’s
annual nickel output. Stephen Barnett. If you’ve never     If you are interested in telling your story
heard of him, the time has come to get to know the         please contact send inquiries to the Manag-
leader in the future of stainless steel.                   ing Editor Michael Gordon at: info@thesuit-

                                                                                                         All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Finally we lift your spirits with Michael Burke, CEO of
Thinkom Solution, Go-anywhere communications, the          The Suit Magazine has gone paperless in an
latest fashion trends, the Purple Diva, and so much        effort to help manage a sustainbale way to
more.                                                      meet the social, economic and environmental
Remember that The Suit Magazine is your new para-          needs of present and future generations.
digm to journalism marketing with stories that compel
readers in a way the average advertisement cannot.                      ON THE COVER
This issue will cover the future of alternative energy,
the quest for solar power and energy efficient struc-      HUGG-A-PLANET, A Brave New World.
tures in 2010.                                             Soil Conversation 2010
                                                           ThinKom Solution
Erwin Kantor                                               Energy Efficient Structures
Publisher / Editor in Chief                                Nuclear Energy
                                                           The Nickel Institute
Erwin Kantor
     SPECIAL REPORTS:                            10


     GREEN CONSCIOUS 2010                        12

17   Green Structures in 2010

18   ReardonSmith Reveals Unique
     Subterranean Hotel





        4PAL LTD.
32   THE HARVEST GROUP                       57 NATURALLY ONLINE
                                             58 THE SCIENCE OF SURVEYS IN AMERICA
     EUROHOLD                                61 THE HEART OF AN ANGEL
36 BRIGGS ENGINEERING                        62 Q&A WITH PETER JOEHNK
                                             70 LIN LEE & ASSOCIATE DESIGNS
                                             73 HIPPS AND COMPANY
                                             74 THE PURPLE DIVA
                                             76 METHODS NYC
                                             78 Q&A WITH METHODS NYC
                                             85 ENI DESIGNS

                                                                                    All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
                                             92 THE ART OF A SPIRITUAL HEART
                                             94 JENNIFER MYERS ART GALLERY

Thinkom Solutions, Inc.
20000 Mariner Ave. #500 Torrance, CA 90503 310-371-5486
   By Michael Gordon

                                Eco-Green Entrepreneur: Robert Forenza

  Hugg-A-Planet Earth is a soft cotton fabric real      The basic idea behind Hugg-A-Planet, says Foren-
  globe with labels identifying 600 places, includ-     za, a University of Vermont graduate who created
  ing countries, bodies of water and islands that       the product 27 years ago with his sisters, Patricia
  are drawn to scale and color-coded. According to      and Lorraine. “If we want real peace, we have to
  Hugg-A-Planet president Robert Forenza, on the        start with the children,” Forenza says, paraphras-
  Space Station they will use our globes during edu-    ing Indian spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi. “I’m
  cational demonstrations NASA offers to schools        connecting kids in early developmental stages to
  and science centers so students can interact with     be passionate about the environment, geography
  the Astronauts. Which in turn will be beamed to       and caring for the world, this early education lasts
  viewers on the real planet Earth via satellite, and   a lifetime.”
  online on NASA TV. Students in classrooms all         Putting savvy marketing behind his educational
  over the world will have an opportunity to see the    outreach, Forenza got Hugg-A-Planets into arms
  Vermont-made globes in space and use it to learn      of many influential people. He sent them to the
  about our planet’s place in the cosmos.               Obama family just before the presidential inau-

Obama family just before the presidential in-
auguration (one of six Presidents). He shared
them with musicians at Pete Seeger’s 90th
birthday concert at Madison Square Garden
where all 80 performers received one includ-
ing Bruce Springsteen and Dave Matthews. At
a Vigil for Peace event in New York’s Central
Park, Hugg-A-Planets were be onstage and
passed around the crowd. They were even at
a White House Easter egg roll, and a reporter
took one to the first START treaty in the late
80’s, Forenza says.
Now on the space station, the Hugg-A-Plan-
et will make a circuit of our planet 16 times
a day over 90% of the earth’s population for
as long as the station remains active — until
2016, Forenza explains. “The one thing all of
humanity has in common is our planet,” says
Forenza. “Just hugging our earth has a em-
powering affect, and by having generations of
people hugging the world, they’ll take better
care of it.”
Toy companies are beginning to see green in
a different light. Sunday is Earth Day, a good
time to stop and take note of the world we live
in. And yes, even in toy land there are socially
conscious companies wanting to do their part.
Hugg-A-Planet toys are Earth-friendly items
that serve a dual purpose. In addition to being
award-winning toys that teach children about
the Earth and the solar system, they are envi-
ronmentally friendly.

                             GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 11

  THE BIRTH OF NICKEL              He is the CEO and President of          with The Suit, “The primary use of
   Nickel is the fifth most        The Nickel Institute, based in          nickel in stainless steel accounts
   common element in the           Brussels, Belgium. The Nickel In-       for some 60 percent of nickel use.
   Earth. But where did all this
   nickel come from?               stitute is a non-profit organization    Stainless steel can be used for
   Billions of years ago, nickel   that represents the interests of 24     thousands of different applica-
   was created in supernova        nickel companies which together         tions worldwide, such as chemical

                                                                                                                   All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
   explosions. This is the only    produce more than 90 percent of         processing, food processing and
   place in nature where the
   temperature and pressure        the world’s annual nickel output.       transport, and is valued for both
   conditions were sufficient
   for the nickel atom to form.    The Nickel Institute provides in-       its physical properties and its aes-
                                   formation for a wide gamut of in-       thetic values, as seen in structures
                                   dustries spanning architecture,         such as the Chrysler building in
                                   automotive, chemical, energy,           New York City and the Twin Tow-
                                   food and beverage as well as hu-        ers of Malaysia.” Over 75 percent
                                   man health care and public health       of stainless steel is recycled at the
                                   care in projects such as water pro-     end of its long, useful life.
   The accompanying ‘false’        vision, two areas which are going       Barnett is a nickel specialist, and
   color photo (above),            to be of ever-increasing value in       that has made him a nickel opti-
   compliments of the
   Lawrence Livermore              the coming decades. The core of         mist, as he eagerly told The Suit,
   National Laboratory, shows      the industry, according to Barnett,     “Nickel demand continues to grow
   the concentrations of nickel
   isotopes being expelled         is the use of nickel as a primary in-   with new applications continually
   from a star as it expands       gredient in the production of steel.    being developed – seven percent
   in just such a supernova
                                   Barnett said during an interview        of all US patents feature nickel


event. How interstellar       every year.” “New uses of nickel                     of CO2 emissions. It is environ-
nickel coalesced into
solid objects and then        in particular are low-carbon tech-                   mentally friendly. And nickel is a
into planets such as          nologies such as fuel cells, gas and                 green contributor not only with a
the Earth is the domain
of cosmologists and           wind turbines and batteries for hy-                  clean process but a process which
astronomers. But however      brid cars,” he said. This gives he                   produces a product with longev-
it happened, nickel has
been an important part        nickel industry a strong position                    ity. Barnett observes, “Nickel is
of the Earth since its        in the movement towards a green-                     corrosion-resistant and plays an
beginning, well before life
on earth began.               er footprint. According to Barnett,                  important role in structures and
                              nickel is the 7th most abundant el-                  materials such as alloys, plated
                              ement on the planet, and 90 per                      coins and magnets, which last a
                              cent of the world’s nickel produc-                   long time, or even forever”, he
                              tion comes from Australia, Japan,                    explains. “Increasing demand for
                              Russia, Brazil and Canada. Al-                       stainless steel will drive the nickel
                              though 1.4 million tons of nickel                    market to continue to expand into
                              is used globally every year, it is                   the 21st century.”
                              responsible for only 0.1 percent
                                                                                                                          By Erwin Kantor

                                                                   Reported By Michael Gordon
                                                   Photo By: LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABORATORY (SUPER NOVA)
                                             All images are the property of the rightful owners of The Nickel Institute

                                                                                                               GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 13


                              Al Gore, President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Sveinn Runolfsson

                                                     By Erwin Kantor
    He sits amongst high officials in government. He               But remaining positive Sveinn said, “We do see
    advocates for the greening of our environment                  positive signs and indications that the economy
    and works on practical solutions to the problem                will start to get better. The public is determined to
    of mounting greenhouse gases and global climate                fight through this crisis even if they lost their life
    change. Sveinn Runolfsson, Director of the Soil                savings. Runolfsson informed us that many Icelan-
    Conservation Service, in Iceland, has spoken about             dic citizens want to develop new Aluminum plants
    public policy with prime ministers, diplomats and              and thermo power stations throughout the country.

                                                                                                                            All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
    other world leaders, on a global level.                        It is a case of the citizens of Iceland wanting to do
    The government in Iceland has now decided to                   the right thing, but there not being enough money.
    cut down on green house gas emissions to 15%
    below 1990 levels by the year 2020, and Runolfs-               Unfortunately, due to tight budgets important en-
    son proudly told us, from his office in Gunnar-                vironmental issues are on stand-by. So Runolfs-
    sholt, ”Iceland will be free of carbon emissions               son and others, out of their concern for Iceland’s
    and using 100% renewable energy by 2050.” He                   future, recently put in an application to join the
    sees rough waters ahead for the industry, in ris-              E.U. In order to unite the European Union, Iceland
    ing fuel costs, and fertilizer. The economy needs              needs to meet economic and political criteria such
    major restructuring.” Last year Iceland began im-              as, a stable democratic government. Runolfsson
    porting workers from countries such as Chile and               believes that there are a lot of benefits from join-
    Poland, which caused unemployment to rise by 7                 ing the European Union such as, progress in the
    to 8%, and even the country’s banks went bank-                 import and export sectors of the country, particu-
    rupt. Runolfson said, “The country continues to                larly in marine products and aluminium. Since
    struggle with sky rocketing fuel prices and budget             negotiations were established with the Interna-
    cuts for the important soil conservation projects.”            tional Monetary Fund, European countries such


 Former Iceland President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir   ICELANDIC ECOSYSTEMS                   ICELANDIC ECOSYSTEMS

as Norway, Germany and Russia have indicat-
ed that they are willing to assist Iceland with                               BIOGRAPHY
an economic bailout package. ”But”, he cau-               As director of the Icelandic Soil Conservation Ser-
tions,“ ”there has been much fear that the E.U.           vice, Sveinn has played a major leading role in the
fishing fleet will exploit our fishing grounds”,          development of strategies for conservation of soil
continuing, “our overall growth in the agricul-           and vegetation in Iceland and improving conser-
tural and marine industries are important to              vation ethics. He has a keen interest in working at
the development of the country and our de-                the grass-roots level, promoting sustainable land
voted conservation efforts. This crunch brings            use and increasing public participation at all levels.
great changes, and opportunity, to improve the
economy as an official institution running as a           He sees a great potential in carbon sequestration
state,” Runolffsson continued, “An increase in            as a financial incentive for restoring land health.
tourism will help pump money back into the                Emphasis has been on the landcare program Farm-
economy, and fuel tax regulations which have              ers heal the land, currently involving 30% of the
been implemented by the government for en-                sheep producers and facilitating the Better farms
ergy efficient cars will be used more widely.”            property planning program that aims at increas-
                                                          ing land literacy and planning ability at the farm
Runolfsson also believes in the use of carbon             level and coordinating advice and actions of in-
sequestration in order to reduce greenhouse               stitutions and others working with the farmers.
gas levels. He said, “Carbon sequestration in
soil , re- vegetation and preventing desertifi-           He has ties with various specialists in soil conserva-
cation are extremely important to help reach              tion strategies and land care, especially in Australia,
the 15% mark of reduction in emissions by the             New Zealand and various universities and UNDP
year 2020.” Iceland, with professionals such              in USA. Recently he has initiated cooperation/col-
as Sveinn Runolfsson, is at the forefront of the          laboration with the European Union in a Joint Re-
greenhouse battle.                                        search Commission on Soil Protection and a collab-
                 Landgraeosla rikisins                    oration agreement on soil research with Ohio State.
               Gunnarsholti - n851 Hellu
                    Simi: 488 300                         Married 1973 to Oddný Sæmundsdóttir, who is a
                                    nurse and they have three sons.

                                                                                           GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 15

 The Washington, D.C.-based U.S. Green Building Coun-
cil (USGBC) is a 501 c3 non-profit organization commit-
ted to a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation
through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings..
With a community comprising 78 local affiliates, more than
18,000 member companies and organizations, and more than
140,000 LEED Professional Credential holders, USGBC is the
driving force of an industry that is projected to contribute $554
billion to the U.S. gross domestic product from 2009-2013. US-
GBC leads an unlikely diverse constituency of builders and envi-

                                                                    All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
ronmentalists, corporations and nonprofit organizations, elect-
ed officials and concerned citizens, and teachers and students.
Buildings in the United States are responsible for 39% of CO2
emissions, 40% of energy consumption, 13% water consump-
tion and 15% of GDP per year, making green building a source
of significant economic and environmental opportunity.
Greater building efficiency can meet 85% of future U.S. de-
mand for energy, and a national commitment to green build-
ing has the potential to generate 2.5 million American jobs.

                  U.S. Green Building Council
                       2101 L Street, NW
                           Suite 500
                    Washington, DC 20037
Greening Structures in American Cities
In an era where “going green” is becoming the         ties alike can employ LEED green building rating
norm, best practices to reduce carbon footprints      system. Regardless of building type, the benefits
are continuously encouraged. Actions, efforts,        of green buildings are abundant. Economically
and initiatives should adhere to standards of green   speaking, a green building uses less because less
living. Now, the space we occupy must also meet       is being spent in turn savings increase. Green
these standards. The experts on green building        buildings save 8-13% of operations and mainte-
assurance, the US Green Building Council are the      nance costs and utilize 2-30% less energy con-
creators of the LEED (Leadership Energy and En-       sumption and most of the buildings use 40% less
vironmental Design) certification system. It sets     water. These are not just one time costs; the sav-
the standards of human and environmental health,      ings occur throughout the life cycle of the building.
sustainable development, emission control, water      Building sale prices for energy efficient buildings
savings, energy efficiency, materials that are well   are as much as 10% higher per square foot than
emitting and healthier for building occupants, and    conventional buildings. Green building occupants
indoor environmental quality.                         are healthier and are said to be more productive.
Marie Coleman, Communications Associate at          It is often assumed, going green costs more money.
the USGBC says, “a building should be holistically  In the case of green buildings, the up front costs
green not just focusing on one particular area.”    are approximately 2% more, but results in sav-
The process measures various elements of green      ings of over 20% over the life cycle of the building.
buildings. One must attain a certain number of      The return on investment will be ten-fold. Green
points from the following categories:               buildings not only benefit our economy, but also
Silver - Gold - Platinum                            our environment and community by enhancing
                                                    the quality of air and water, protects biodiversity,
There is no archetype of a LEED client. Various minimizing the strain on local infrastructures, and
establishments that have undergone this rigorous improving occupant health and comfort.
certification range from public property such as
the Bronx Library in New York City (LEED Gold); It is feasible to convert later in the building pro-
Education based institutions like West Brazos Ju- cess. It is never too late to transform your build-
nior High School in Brazoria, Texas (LEED Certi- ing to meet the LEED certification standards the
fied); and even retail organizations such as Chipo- pros certainly outweigh the cons.
tle in Gurnee Mills, IL (LEED Platinum).
A rigorous process it is, but also one that ensures
accuracy. Commercial and residential proper-                                            --By Chizzy Igbokwe

                                                                                   GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 17
ReardonSmith Reveals Unique Subterranean

   (London – 9 December 2009) A scheme for a             the proposal respects and reflects this. Car park-
   unique, sustainable and innovative luxury hotel       ing, which is currently above ground, will be re-
   and spa, designed by international hotel and re-      located underground. The existing golf clubhouse
   sort architects, ReardonSmith, has been revealed      and car park will be demolished and replaced by a
   by public exhibition prior to the submission of a     new clubhouse integrated within the hotel. A ded-

                                                                                                               All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
   planning application in the new year.                 icated new access road, carefully woven into the
   The proposed development, at Hersham Golf Club        landscape, will better manage the flow of traffic
   in Surrey, is within London’s Green Belt and the      onto the site. The proposal also includes provision
   architects’ response to the area’s strict planning    for extensive on-site re-vegetation and improve-
   guidelines has been to place all 200 plus guest       ments to local public footpaths to further enhance
   rooms underground around landscaped court-            the site.
   yards, leaving just one level of public areas at      “Our concept integrates hotel, spa and golf fa-
   grade.                                                cilities into a single architecturally exciting and
   The proposal is topped by a living green roof that    organic composition below and above ground,”
   mimics the undulating nature of the golf course       explains Matthew Guy, ReardonSmith’s project
   and merges it into the surrounding landscape. In      designer.
   total, the ReardonSmith scheme represents in the      “The design fulfils the requirements of the brief
   region of one third less built-up hard surface than   for a bespoke five star hotel while returning hard
   the existing club houses and car parking. Her-        standing to the Green Belt and improving the
   sham Golf Club stands in an area of woodland and      physical layout and visual attraction of the entire

Hotel Scheme for London’s Green Belt
site. It represents a commercially viable solution to
developing in the Green Belt and is, we believe, a       Roof Plan
The two underground levels of the hotel comprise
three “rings” of guest rooms, each built around large
800m2 garden courtyards, allowing light to perme-
ate the fully glazed façade. Public spaces, including
high quality restaurants, will be contained within a
single level at grade. Contouring mimicking the un-
dulating nature of the course will conceal this level
and merge it with the natural landscape. The entire
development is set back from the local residential
area and is positioned within an enclave of existing
woodland in such a way that it is hidden from view
for local residents. Carefully framed views from all
the hotel’s public areas of the golf course and wood-
land will make for a unique dining, hotel and golf
club experience.                                      Notes
                                                         ReardonSmith Architects
The total area of the hotel and new golf club will be
approximately 16,500 sq. metres. Reflecting on the       ReardonSmith is Europe’s leading architectural practice
                                                         specializing entirely in hotels and resorts. Its work en-
implicit challenges of the brief, Patrick Reardon,       compasses the master planning and design of new desti-
executive chairman of ReardonSmith, says: “The           nations around the world as well as the restoration and
question was how to design a hotel of significant        refurbishment of iconic hotels and heritage buildings and
size that would not disturb the Green Belt envi-         the complete spectrum of new business and leisure hotels.
ronment. In fact, our solution attempts not only to      Current projects include: The Savoy and The Four Seasons
                                                         Park Lane, both in London; a new Four Seasons and a JW
preserve the essence of Green Belt amenity but also      Marriott, both in Baku; Travelodges in London and Spain;
to improve it by the removal of existing and highly      Porto Montenegro; Estrela Santiago Resort, Cape Verde;
visible buildings and hard standing parking zones.       and a new ski resort in Courcheval. For more information
The process required to achieve this proposed hotel      about ReardonSmith Architects, visit: www.reardonsmith.
will be expensive. But, the client accepts this and is   com
to be congratulated for his willingness to invest in a
solution which clearly responds to environmental,
as well as commercial, imperatives.”                     The Arkin Group
Both hotel and spa have been designed to minimise        The Arkin Group is a major player in the international lei-
their carbon footprint by using combined heat and        sure and gaming industry and undertook its first property
power generation, heat exchangers and ground             development six years ago with the construction of the
                                                         five star Colony Hotel in Northern Cyprus. Since then, the
source heat pumps together with grey water recy-
                                                         Group has gradually been building a land bank by acquir-
cling and rain water harvesting. It is confidently an-   ing prominent sites and properties with a view to expand-
ticipated that the building’s resource demands will      ing its development operation. The Arkin Group acquired
be significantly reduced in comparison to conven-        Hersham Golf Club in 2008.
tional five star hotels. Mr. Cahit Atasoy, CEO of Ar-    For more information about this release, please contact:
kin Group, the owner of Hersham Golf Club, says:         Gillian Cake or Su Pecha, ESP Business Development
“Our vision is to create a stunning boutique hotel
and spa destination that will be truly unique and
prestigious. It will blend into the natural woodland
                                                         +44(0)208 374 6320/4476
setting and enhance and increase the level of green
                                                                                          GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 19
N           uclear Power and Uranium

    A                    View from Australia

                                                                                     By Erwin Kantor

                                            The Suit interviewed Dr. Clarence Hardy and asked him his
                                            views on nuclear energy in general and Australia’s role in the
                                            world nuclear industry.
                                            See his responses to a series of questions below. Dr Hardy
                                            has had a distinguished career for over 30 years in senior
                                            positions in three well-known national nuclear laboratories
                                            at Harwell in the UK, Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the
                                            USA and Lucas Heights in Australia where he was the Chief
                                            He is currently the Secretary of the Australian Nuclear Asso-
                                            ciation, and Immediate Past President of the Pacific Nuclear
                                            Council which represents over 60,000 nuclear professionals
                                            in 12 countries in the Pacific region. He is Managing Direc-
                                            tor of a consulting company in Sydney and a director of two
                                            other companies in the nuclear field. He is prominent in
                                            giving talks on nuclear matters to wide ranging audiences in
                                            Australia and overseas.

                                                                                                                 All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
                                            Dr. Hardy has published two major books on nuclear energy

   Are the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in-            world’s energy future.
   creasing worldwide.                                    Nuclear power should play an increasing role in
   Yes, the peaceful uses are increasing worldwide        the world’s energy future since it is a mature, eco-
   with the major increase being in China, Japan,         nomic and safe technology for production of base-
   Korea, India and Russia and moderate increases         load electricity with very low emissions of green-
   planned in the European Union, led by France,          house gases. It is increasing replacing fossil fuels
   Finland and the UK. President Obama’s recent           in many countries.
   encouragement of the US nuclear new build by
   giving substantial loan guarantees will help the in-   What are the current and future challenges
   dustry develop and the President said “This is just    of the use of nuclear energy and how will
   the beginning”.                                        these shape the future growth.
                                                          The current challenge is to build new nuclear pow-
   What role should nuclear power play in the             er plants on time and on budget and to ensure that
they are built to the highest possible safety stan-       benefits and risks of nuclear energy is essential
dards. The future challenges are to demonstrate           starting in the schools. I spend a lot of time giving
that nuclear waste is minimized and can be dis-           talks on these issues to a wide variety of audiences.
posed of safely and all suitable nuclear products
are recycled, so that plutonium in spent fuel is          What role will Australia’s uranium play in
used sustainably to produce electricity and any           the next 10 years in the global market.
potentially long-lived waste is burned up to mini-        Australia currently has the largest low cost ura-
mise its danger to future generations.                    nium resources of any country (about 40%) and
                                                          currently produces over 20% of world production
Are nuclear power plants perfectly safe and               with every indication that this production will in-
how can the industry dis-                                                   crease considerably in the next
pose of nuclear waste. No                                                   10 years. Therefore, Australia’s
one can give an assurance that                                              uranium will play a major role
nuclear power plants are per-                                               in the worldwide expansion of
fectly safe and no accidents will                                           nuclear power and help to re-
ever take place. Nuclear power                                              duce the amount of carbon di-
plants are built to very high                                               oxide emitted from fossil fuels.
standards and closely moni-
tored by regulatory bodies. The                                        When will Australia build
new generation of nuclear pow-                                         nuclear power stations
er plants being built have even                                        It is ironic that Australia, with
higher standards of safety than                                        the world’s largest uranium re-
previous generations as well as                                        sources, has so far not built a
being hardened to withstand                                            nuclear power station. The main
terrorist attacks by land or air or aircraft accidents.
                                                    reason is simple to understand. Australia has very
                                                    large resources of high quality coal located near
All nuclear plant vendors and responsible govern- major cities on the east and south coasts and can
ments are encouraging a high level of safety cul- produce base-load electricity at a cost which is well
ture in operation of plants.                        below the cost estimated for nuclear power. How-
The generally accepted way to dispose of radioac- ever, no account is taken of the very large emis-
tive waste safely is to encapsulate it in carefully sions of carbon dioxide and if a cost was placed by
selected containers and bury it deep underground government on emissions from coal, then nuclear
in stable geological formations. There is an in- power would become more attractive. Nuclear
creasing movement away from a once-through or power is economic in comparison with coal, gas
“throw away” fuel cycle and to reprocess spent fuel and renewable sources in many other countries
to recover and re-use valuable materials. Unwant- and this in one reason why nuclear power is being
ed long-lived fission products and transuranium expanded in those countries and well as because of
elements can be burned up and thus reduce the its very low carbon emissions and greater energy
volume and toxicity of the waste to be disposed of security.

Are there any public perceptions and mis- To contact the ANA Committee please email
conceptions about the use of nuclear en-
Yes, there are many public misconceptions about           Our mail address is:
the use of nuclear energy. Some of these are that it Australian Nuclear Association
is not safe enough, costs too much, is a prolifera-            PO Box 85
tion risk and that the radioactive waste cannot be             Peakhurst
disposed of safely. All of these misconceptions can            NSW 2210
be answered and better public education about the

                                                                                       GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 21
In A Tough Economy
                       New Technology is King
                                            By Michael Gordon

             ama Dastgir Chief Ex-         added, “for example, our trading
      ecutive Officer of Bee Technolo-     markets are booming in tour-
      gies (Bee Tech) S.A., in Athens      ism and shipping while the small
      Greece focuses particularly in       businesses of this economy are
      the field of Intelligent Transport   absorbing the impact for the rest
      solutions (ITS).                     of us”.

      The firm’s niche market has          Dastgir said Bee Tech Inc. has
      drastically changed due to new       been facing a number of new
      business trends. “Our goal is to     challenges. He said his company
      be number two since we have          has had to revamp the Electronic
      grown 20 percent up for the year     Toll Collection (ETC) systems
      from third place as rated in the     service and maintenance, and
      industry.” Dastgir said during a     the maintenance of manual toll
      recent interview in late Novem-      systems.
      ber. “In fact, policies in Greece
      are rapidly changing and they        With these new challenges for
      are not business friendly,” he       the upcoming year, Bee Tech-

                                                                                 All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
      added.                               nologies has managed the toll
                                           system software and hardware,
      The company provides network         including turnkey products for
      solutions for highways, road         network and database manage-
      tolling systems and operations;      ment. “We focus on the funda-
      principally, in transport, infra-    mental needs of our customers’
      structure and system supply co-      integrating toll and traffic system
      ordination. The projects include     management with creative solu-
      post offices, the ministry of de-    tions and flexibility,” he said.
      fense, Athens International Air-
      port as well as work with Pireaus    Greece
      Bank, Dastgir said. “Greece has      Nemeseos 6, Metamorfosi Athens
      not yet felt the financial impact    Ph: +30-210-9885201
      as the rest of the world,” he

Intelligent Solutions
                                            By Eric Daniels
Michael Burke is the brain trust behind his intel-   rated number 253, as one of the fastest 500 grow-
ligence solutions business. And he believes that     ing companies in the United States. The company
in the world of high-tech innovations, intelligent   has made great strides in “developing and manu-
wireless broadband solutions have remained cut-      facturing antennas that offer airborne and mobile
ting edge over the years.                            communications solutions for both commercial
He serves as the CEO of ThinKom Solutions, one       and military use.”
of the leading providers of innovative highly-af-
fordable compact antenna and product solutions       According to Burke, “the antenna is capable of
for aeronautical, On-The-Move (OTM), and man-        receiving internet connectivity throughout the
portable applications.                                            continental United States and south-
                                                                  ern Canada. This technology can be
“These antennas are sleek, small                                  used in the air, land and sea, with
and dynamic making it cost effec-                                 limited connectivity options.”
tive and affordable for executives,”
explained Michael Burke, President                                Established in 2000, and headquar-
of ThinKom Solutions, Inc. “We have                               tered in Torrance, California, the
created an innovative and unique                                  company employs 35 professional
design with capabilities in superior                              staff members. ThinKom has made
performance.”                                                     an estimated $6 million annually.
                                                                  “The demand is there and we have
It was back in March of 2009 when ThinkKom           an excellent product,” Burke said.
introduced the world’s lowest-profile antenna
technology for affordable Ku-Band Satellite Com-
munications (SATCOM) On-The-Move (SOTM)
integrated antenna systems at the Satellite 2009                 Thinkom Solutions, Inc.
Exhibition which was held at the Walter E. Wash-                20000 Mariner Ave. #500
ington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.                      Torrance, CA 90503
ThinKom has been featured in Business Week               
and Entrepreneur Magazine. The firm has been

                                                                                GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 23
                                         By The Suit Staff Writer

The quest for solar power continues to thrive in       example countries such as Denmark or Germany,
the modern world, where technology and society         they extract 95 percent of energy from fossil fu-
are constantly advancing. The way we live our          els and 20 percent of their electricity comes from
lives is affected in a subtle and significant way by   wind. Germany has constructed the largest solar
the evolving technologies present. The future of       park plant in the world, costing an estimated $48
alternative energy is relied heavily upon the nat-     million US dollars. Germany demonstrates new
ural resources that the earth provides. Civiliza-      standards in costs-efficiency for solar power. Solar
tion depends much on natural resources such as         energy is at the cusp of a historic turning point.
oil and coal in order to create the very energy to     This is our wake up call because the future is clos-
sustain humanity here on earth. The solution is        er than you could imagine. The worldwide com-
to begin investing and exploring more about the        munity and its developments of electric-powered
use of wind, solar and hydro power. Solar power        vehicles and other important solar energy break-
comes from a well known resource, the sun, that        throughs in the solar industry are greater than ever.
contains an infinite amount of energy. Solar, wind
and Hydro power are the way of the future.            It would require a well devised, costly and timely
There are numerous benefits that come from using economic plan to be used by the nation’s leaders
solar power as compared to the use of oil and coal. in order to properly harness and distribute this
Solar energy is a renewable resource, although energy accordingly throughout major cities across
we cannot use the power of the sun at night or on the United States. Scientists, while considering
stormy and cloudy days, we can certainly count on many obstacles, also find that they have to jump
the sun being there the very next day. Solar cells other hurdles in implementing solar power. This
are totally silent and while extracting energy from factor thus demands that we come to either one
the sun they also help keep noise pollution down. of two solutions; a government sponsored plan to

                                                                                                               All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Solar energy is also a non-pollutant, this perhaps is install solar panels for all homes and businesses
the most important aspect considering that when or an advertising campaign focused on turning a
oil is burned it releases carbon dioxide, hazardous significant percent of energy used in the United
greenhouse gases and carcinogens into the air.        States into solar energy. There are already heavy
                                                      amounts of advertising dollars that go into the
This type of energy also eliminates the need for “green”, or environmentally friendly movement
constant supervision and work. Energy is har- that strongly supports the construction of solar
vested automatically and the home owners do not panels. A government plan would create a much
operate these systems any more then they oper- better effect, but due to an increasingly volatile
ate their oil, gas and/or electric heat. Solar panels political climate and down-turned economy, may
also create new jobs for our economy. Thanks to not be as easy to accomplish. While it comes with
tax credits and rebates people can now make in- its fair share of disadvantages, solar power is the
expensive and simple decisions to use and install way of the future in the modern world. The future
solar energy panels every day. With global warm- belongs to renewable energy and its reduction on
ing on the rise, people are becoming environmen- pollution and the preservation of fossil fuels.
tally conscious about the way they live. Take for

water is normally found in air and the air-
                                                            flow measurement doesn’t work right because
                                                            the weight of the air becomes heavier, which
                                                            translate into high airflow,” he added.
                                                            Ypenburg studied in Holland.

                                                            The Dutch native had the opportunity to
                                                            work for Phillips, studying quality of com-
                                                            ponents, in South Africa he had the oppor-
                                                            tunity to study wind flows inside cement
                                                            chimneys 50 meters in diameter. “That’s
                                                            when I learned about air flow, he said, ”I had
                                                            the ability to play in wind tunnels and learn
                                                            about airflow.” He adds, “Because wind and
                                                            air is naked to the eye, which gave me the
                                                            time to research and experiment with wind.”
   By Eric Daniels
  Frits Ypenburg, Owner of Safdy Systems Company,           He said it took him a long time to understand
  a South African based company specializing in un-         how air flow current travel,” But I learned
  derground airflow instruments particularly for the        electronics and airflow dynamics in South Af-
  mining industry. “My instruments transform air            rica because you cannot ask many people for
  speed to electrical currents, these mining compa-         answers,” he said.
  nies use a telemetry system called SCADA which            Tests were completed in the CSIR wind tun-
  measures the standard output of airflow,” he said.        nels and that Vortex Airflow Meters will now
  Safdy was established in 1990, manufacturing the          be sold to mining companies in CANADA.
  solid-state air flow systems used underground to
  help monitor ventilation for South African mines;
  which is so crucial for a healthy environment.

                                                                                                             All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
  SAFDY solid-state airflow sensors were originally
  designed for the South African diamond and coal
  mining industries. This underground instrument
  determines whether enough air flows through the
  ventilation systems, making it crucial for human life
  functionality. “What is very often used for airflow
  measurement underground is the so called anemom-
  eter,” he adds, “This principal is to heat the resistor
  by an electrical current and the airflow cools it down.

  The end temperature is than a measure for airflow,”
  Ypenburg said. This airflow theory is widely used in
  many of the mining systems in South Africa to de-
  termine air flow ventilation. “That there is a large
  draw back especially in coal mines, for instance

William Manfredonia
                                                                                                                      All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
                                                -- J. Michael Gordon

                     illiam Manfredonia is the founder        “Now I’m waiting six months to be paid for old work.”
   and President of Cost Calculations, Inc. A firm            Manferdonia cut his teeth in the business and has
   specializing particularly in construction, cost es-        come a long way, in the cost estimating industry.
   timating, cost control, management, conceptual
   cost estimating and insurance just to name a few.          After college started working for an esti-
   He said, “The economy is tough, but the bubble             mating firm and climbed through the ranks
   had to burst.” Manfredonia has been burned in the          eventually finding his niche in the industry.
   cross fire of clients not being able to pay on time. His   Currently Manfredonia handles commercial,
   clients have been put on a payment plan, he said,          residential, institutional and specialty projects


Cost Calculations, Inc.
such as, Diesel Construction, Morris Park Con-     as an arbitrator in construction and insurance cas-
tracting, Jeffery Brown Inc., A.J. Contracting     es. He has also served as an expert witness for the
and York Hunter just to name a few. Sitting at     federal government in construction fraud cases.
the helm for over 47 years, he said, “I’m a man
who wears many hats,” he adds, “I know the         Manfredonia said from his New Jersey business
inn’s and out’s about general construction, car-   office, “We perform estimates for many insurance
pentry, drywall, acoustical ceilings and EIFS.”    companies such as AIG, State Farm, Travelers and
He serves as a cost consultant for the New York    Prudential. Currently he is working on a 232 million
State Department of Economic Development and       dollar undisclosed project in New Jersey for 2010.

           “We are experienced in all construction projects.”

                                                                              GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 29
   By Michael Gordon

     Naseer Ahmed serves as the Managing Director       Ahmed explains, that it is very important to seek
   of 4PAL Ltd, a retail products and pharmaceutical    out new acquisitions on a global basis. Recently
   company. Established in 2003 and headquartered       having accepted a personal invitation of member-
   in London, the company has maintained strong         ship with the Institute of Directors (IOD) based in
   ties in the Middle East and is currently planning to Pall Mall, London, he will now have the opportu-
   expand not only in the pharmaceutical industry,      nity to network and forge strong alliances with a
   but also in the financial, banking and legal indus-  myriad of world renowned conglomerates such as
   try as well as the investment holding sectors. With  those listed on the FTSE 100 and its equivalents
   strong focuses on property investments and devel-    globally. “I have been able to successfully fullfill
   opment particularly in the Middle East, 4PAL is      my position even while simultaneously serving as

                                                                                                               All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
   on the forefront for innovation and growth in the    an Investment Advisor with the Kingdom Hold-
   international arena.                                 ings,” Ahmed said. A position which he began
                                                        in 2008 and still currently holds. The Kingdom
     Ahmed plays a key role in the business plan de- Holdings is a prestigious multi faceted investment
   velopment of the company for the long term and company with substantial holdings in all sectors,
   future of the organization. Ahmed said, “I fulfil ranging from finance to media. As an investment
   a motivational role, I motivate and mentor mem- Advisor he focuses on a core strategy through
   bers of the management team.” Ahmed leads the growth and research in investing in high perfor-
   company and strives to develop a positive corpo- mance companies and extracting value from un-
   rate culture and setting. He oversees all of the re- dervalued and under performing Assets.
   sources making sure that the company continues
   to maintain growth and profitability. He said, “I       Ahmed takes time out of his day to work as a
   also oversee all company affairs, which include consultant for Chiltern Group, a civil engineering
   proper audit procedures, making sure the com- company where he specializes in accounting ser-
   pany doesn’t break any trade embargoes and deals vices to a broad range of companies. His current
   with the legalities of goods and services.”          goals include taking his career to a new level in

the international arena where he would spend far
more time travelling and connecting with other
key companies with which he can establish mu-
tually beneficial partnerships. Highly satisfied
with his position, Ahmed is looking ahead to the
future growth of the company and new business
challenges in 2010. Ahmed’s future plans include
searching for other companies which will share
synergy and who will collaborate with 4Pal, Ltd,
with efforts to expand both nationally and inter-
nationally. His next imminent steps are to pursue
dynamic avenues of growth and development in
the area of Banking and Finance on a global turf.
He credits his success thus far to his extraordinary
ability to network and connect well with others,
as well as his hard work and dedication over the

The Suit: Are you optimistic about the economy?
Ahmed: The economy has been through quite the down
fall, due to over leveraged financial institutions together
with bad leadership. Businesses and people have suffered
greatly from an employment and monetary perspective to
state the least, which in turn has affected people on a mas-
sive level as the economies of scale shift. People assume          which all waste will be converted into energy and trees be-
the worst is over. Is it..? Well, different policies relevant to   ing watered by treatment plants. Alongside the worlds larg-
different countries around the world are brought about into        est hydrogen plant. The vision is to play an active part in
action relative to the individual statistics of that country in    bringing about synergy in the different types of businesses
aid to taking it out of ‘recession’. I believe its not something   on all continents to collaborate their expertise and visions
that will recover over night; as time and patience will be the     to help restore and build a new infrastructure which will
key to bringing about opportunity for new entrepreneurs            allow for an energy efficient way of living. By implementing
through good genuine leaders in the business world who             the above I believe together a greener future is achievable.
can set the stage for a brighter and more solid future.
                                                                   The Suit: How does the new green age affect both your
The Suit: What is your vision on the new green age?                business and your clients?
Ahmed: We now know that what we’ve done over the past              Ahmed: More often than not when people talk about
100 years has caused an astonishing amount of damage to            green. The concept of money collides with the issue. As the
the world. It can be believed that we did not know any bet-        cost factor is inevitably an underlining issue affecting most
ter, but now we do, and it poses a climatic problem to say         people in becoming more green. The green age doesn’t re-
the least. There are certain things we know will occur in the      ally affect the business or the clientele of such on an imme-
next 30 to 50 years. So we have to start acting now. Every         diate basis, but is encouraged within and all the businesses
marathon begins with a first step. From the likes of the west      it collaborates with in order to see the bigger picture, in aid
where extreme efforts are being made upon bringing about           of a cleaner and healthier way of life.
polices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the
year 2020, a reduction in the carbon content of transporta-
tion fuels, to the east where, the building of ‘Masdar’, a city
being built by Abu Dhabi with zero waste and zero carbon                                 Naseer Ahmed
ecology. Whereby residential homes, shops and businesses                       37 Warren Street London, W1 6AD
will be built and connected through capsule shaped pods                       United Kingdom Tel:+44 2085250214
made from recycled concrete, steel and aluminium, in                              Email:

                                                                                                    GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 31
                                                         THEIR HARVEST

                                         tation for excellence in her in-     CASL™ designation, which
                                         dustry. For the past 12 years, in    takes roughly 18 months to com-
                                         addition to advising thousands       plete, has enabled Rosemary to
                                         of valued clients, she has been      provide even more client-centric
                                         a national speaker conducting        services to her mature clientele.
                                         various educational programs         These services include age-based
                                         for other financial professionals.   investment strategies, untan-
                                                                              gling the complexities of long-
                                          With a genuine interest in term and health care insurance,
  ROSEMARY CALIGIURI                      spreading financial literacy to understanding and streamlin-
                                         consumers, she regularly hosts ing the full range of older client
  She may not have entered the fi-       educational seminars for pre-re- needs, and navigating the intri-
  nancial services industry the way      tirees and retirees at local librar- cacies of estate planning.
  many advisors did, but that’s          ies, churches, and senior citizen
  exactly how Rosemary Caligi-           clubs in and around the Bucks “One of the biggest reasons for
  uri’s clients would distinguish        County area, and she is sought our success is that we take the
  her from other advisors they’ve        after by local media as a leading time to make our clients ‘edu-
  worked with – “Rosemary’s              expert in the financial industry.    cated consumers,” says Caligi-
  completely different.”                 Amidst her busy work sched- uri. “I teach our clients instead
                                         ule, you can find Rosemary on of talking at them, and when you
  After graduating with honors           the airwaves hosting her weekly educate a customer first, they
  from Adelphi College, Rosemary         radio show – “Financial Issues feel comfortable with their un-

                                                                                                                  All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
  spent the next 10 years living out     & Answers” – which focuses on derstanding of their options, and
  a childhood dream in the medi-         consumer education and perti- in my opinion, there’s no better
  cal field as a nurse, caring for the   nent financial issues in today’s way to do business.”
  physical needs of her patients.        economy. Her show is broadcast Rosemary has earned the Elite
  When her entrepreneurial spirit        every Tuesday morning at 9:30 IRA Advisor designation from
  prompted her to move on, she set       a.m. on WBCB 1490 AM, and lis- Ed Slott & Company – one of the
  out to care for people in anoth-       teners can also access the show nation’s foremost IRA experts.
  er way – by helping them meet          live through the Harvest Group Slott is host of the Public Tele-
  their financial health needs.          web site at www.harvestgroupfi- vision Special “Stay Rich For &
                                                Ever with Ed Slott” viewed by
  Rosemary subsequently formed                                                millions of Americans, and his
  Harvest Group Financial Servic-        Rosemary has earned the Char- Elite Advisors are kept abreast
  es – an award-winning, compre-         tered Advisor for Senior Living of the very latest tax law changes
  hensive financial services based       (CASL™) designation through concerning IRAs, 401(k)s, and
  in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.            the American College of Finan- other retirement accounts.
  Rosemary has earned a repu-            cial Planning. The esteemed

Madeline C. Gerwick


                                                                      Contact: 877-524-8300

Madeline C. Gerwick is an internationally recog-        strong finances. She has also provided many good
nized and certified astrologer, specializing in busi-   dates and times for contract signings, product in-
ness and personal astrology. She has a BA degree        troductions, new hires, facility changes, legal ac-
with honors in economics, many years in indus-          tions, web site launches, and many other impor-
trial sales and marketing, and she’s listed in sev-     tant business activities.
eral Who’s Who books, including Who’s Who in
the World and Who’s Who in America. Her unique          Ms. Gerwick co-authored The Complete Idiot’s
combination of credentials makes her an in-de-          Guide to Astrology, and The Pocket Idiot’s Guide
mand speaker regarding economic conditions and          to Horoscopes, both published by Alpha Books, a
business trends. She consults with individuals and      division of Penguin Group Inc. She recently joined
businesses of all sizes to guide them to higher lev-    well-known authors Steven Covey, Tom Peters,
els of prosperity by working in harmony with the        Oprah, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, Thomas Moore,
Universe.                                               Scott Peck, Robert Kiyosaki and many more as
                                                        contributing authors to the new business anthol-
Ms. Gerwick is heard weekly on The Dr. Pat Show         ogy, Einstein’s Business: Engaging Soul, Imagina-
on broadcast and internet radio. She writes a           tion and Excellence in the Workplace. This book
column for Promise Magazine and she annually            is available through the Polaris store and in major
writes The Good Timing Guide and Newsletters.           bookstores and sites.
Her 30+ years of astrological experience and study
enable her to provide in-depth, multi-dimensional       She has served on two Boards of the Washington
insights and analysis. She also teaches prosperity      State Astrological Association and is a past mem-
training, Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous       ber of the Board of Trustees for the Kepler College
Business, so businesses and individuals can learn       of Astrological Arts and Sciences. She’s a member
new ways to attract money, sales, and abundance.        of the International Society of Business Astrolo-
                                                        gers and the International Society of Astrological
While working in business, she observed the syn-        Research. She co-founded Polaris Business Guides
chronicity of astrological cycles associated with       LLC, originally Astro Cycles Consulting in 1995.
sales, project development, marketing, manufac-
turing, purchasing, legal issues, travel, contracts,
and more. Her combined experience in both as-           “When workplaces become “work-tribes” that
trology and business led to the development of          create nourishment for life and we learn how to
this Guide, with the aim of providing better pro-       partner with the Universe, our creativity and pro-
ductivity for all types of businesses. Hundreds of      ductivity will accelerate exponentially, and we’ll
new companies have used her highly successful           all live in a truly abundant Universe.”
dates and times to start, ensuring high growth and      — Madeline Gerwick

                                                                                   GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 33

                   CORpORATE TROUblESHOOTER

                                                                                -- J. Michael Gordon

Harold H. Houck , President of Houck & As-            was entirely preventable through competent re-
sociates, Inc. provides corporate troubleshoot-       search prior to investment. Mr. Houck suggests
ing services and asset assessment on a global         in considering financial research, avoid anony-
basis. His firm counters or resolves issues con-      mous entities, check for licensor and status, ask
cerning embezzlement, fraud and corporate es-         for a contract, and finally, meet the responsible
pionage. The firm’s success in international fi-      person if possible. That person should be able to
nancial research and creative problem solving         knowledgeably answer your prepared questions.
has earned Mr. Houck his unique reputation.           Houck & Associates has provided an amalgama-

                                                                                                             All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Mr. Houck related that the recent high profile        tion of services to a variety of clients. Cases have
Ponzi schemes have crystallized the truth of his      ranged from the exotic such the currency crisis in
fundamental beliefs: “every matter requires fore-     Venezuela, or tracking priceless artwork, to more
knowledge” and “knowledge is never too dear”. The     ordinary such as a short term con or a conten-
tentacles of fraud have indiscriminately targeted     tious divorce. This is what Mr. Houck expresses
individuals, businesses, banks and even state gov-    he likes most about his business – ever chang-
ernments. This has changed the trusting environ-      ing challenges. Mr. Houck came to understand
ment wherein only corporations conduct due dili-      the need for his particular niche while serving
gence. Clients are now more prudent, wanting their    in naval intelligence and working for the FDIC
own due diligence – a second opinion, if you will.    and the FSLIC during the 1980’s banking crisis.
Mr. Houck relates the most frequent regret ex-        He has travelled globally on business, is an avid
pressed by his clients is, “I wish I knew about       reader, enjoys athletic fitness, is a government
your services earlier.” Often, the client’s dilemma   and believes the key to happiness is discipline.

10151 University Blvd, Suite 178 Orlando, FL 32817-1904 800-677-3307
Dynamic Financial Consulting
                                                                                         -- Gary Stevens

                 Managing Partner
Pascal Vieilledente, as a principal in the dynamic    Acquisitions companies in Spain. And that por-
financial consulting company, Eurohold, has been      tion of the business has been a key to their suc-
able to steer his firm through the troubled waters    cess over the past eighteen months, when world
of our recent economic turbulence. His foresight      financial markets have constricted and deals have
has enabled Eurohold to continue to make deals        been harder to make. Vieilledente, on the other
throughout the crisis; the performance of Euro-       hand, was able to complete ten deals in the fiscal
hold serves as a lesson to other financial profes-    year of 2009. That is an incredible rate of suc-
sionals and serves as a reason for potential part-    cess given the economic environment. The reason
ners and clients to do business with Eurohold. As     Eurhohold was able to have that success is a testa-
opposed to many financial consulting firms, the       ment to the insight and adaptability of Pascal and
future looks bright for Eurohold, in no small part    his partners. Instead of looking for mega-deals,
due to the diligence of Pascal and his partners.      Pascal instead concentrated on making smaller
“Eurohold was established in 1989 with its head-      deals that were highly leveraged. That enabled
quarters in Spain and does extensive business         him to put together financing, with smaller capital
throughout the country,” he adds, “But over the       requirements, while still providing the potential
past twenty years I have helped Eurohold to devel-    for large gains. Primarily using their own capital
op a network of business partners that places the     Pascal and his partners were able to cope with the
company at the hub of financial activity in France,   recent general down-turn in financial activity and
the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, the Unit-      create a very positive and profitable economic in-
ed Kingdom, Sweden, Norway and Germany,”              vestment model.
Vieilledente said. With large clients such as Ma-     Vieilledente said, “I am optimistic about the fu-
daus, Kerry, Aegon and Indra, Eurohold’s key to       ture, both for Eurohold and the world economy.”
success has been the ability to maintain long-term    He sees the current problems as a short-term
relationships with quality firms in key sectors of    anomaly in another-wise growing world market.
international business. Those sectors include: In-    With leadership that is able to discern profitable
formation technology and telecommunications,          pathways in today’s financial markets, Eurohold
Pharmacy and Health, Food & Beverage, Distribu-       is poised to become an even larger player in the
tion, Business to Business services, Retail, Trans-   business of international trade and finance in the
port and Logistics, as well as the rapidly growing    future. Pascal Vieilledente’s business acumen
area of Environmental technology and consulta-        and his ability to maintain trusting and profitable
tion. The primary focus of Eurohold’s business        long-term relationships with his clients, large and
compass points in two directions: Mergers & Ac-       small, is a big reason why Eurohold has enjoyed so
quisitions, and Strategy Consultancy. Currently,      much success.
Eurohold is one of the most active Mergers &

                                                                                 GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 35
Dean Briggs
                   President & CEO
                Briggs Engineering Inc.
                                                                                   -- J. Michael Gordon

   Dean Briggs has an uncanny way of running his        reports, studies, and drawing-out designs. He
   engineering company. But, one thing is for cer-      said his projects are modified to clients’s specific
   tain: he garners big results and big returns as an   concerns. “We are dedicated to performing the
   entrepreneur on the rise. In fact, Briggs Engi-      best work possible – for our clients and for our
   neering Inc. operates a boutique company pro-        organization!” he said. “After all, we are in the

                                                                                                               All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
   viding a full-range consulting services in urban     business of building dreams!”
   and land-use, said Briggs during an early morn-      Briggs said his projects includes in all types of
   ing interview, ensconced in his office. “My father   terrain, scale, land uses and jurisdictions for both
   influenced me greatly in my engineering career,”     private and governmental section clients.” “BEI’s
   he said.                                             highly trained survey department,” Briggs noted,
   The company offers comprehensive services            “he has extensive experience in performing with
   which include the preliminary investigations,        various boundaries, topographical surveys for
   reports, studies, and the preparation of design      residential and commercial subdivisions develop-
   drawings and specifications. They consistently       ers, government agencies, and private individuals
   provide professional project management tai-         and organizations.
   lored to their clients’ specific concerns.           One survey team uses CAD-based staky plans
   Briggs said his father schooled him well in finer    and produces electronic coordinate files that can
   points of “drafting, printing, and I even worked     be easily loaded into the data collectors, for the
   with a survey crew,” he added. Briggs noted that     total station units and FPS receivers, for our field
   BEI Inc. included preliminary investigations,        crews,” he said.

Just Bucket Excavating, Inc.

                                           -- Eric Daniels

For more than twenty -years, Willie Davis Jr., has   tions.” As a business professional, he manages
literally worked in the trenches, hauling waste by   business negotiations, handles contracts and req-
the ton, earning a decent buck. As President of      uisitions, and organizes marketing and strategic
Just Bucket Excavating, Inc. said his company        planning initiatives. Davis said he’s dedicated
uses state-of-the-art equipment. “Just Buck-         to the growth and development of the company.
et Excavating, Inc. is involved in many aspects
of excavating construction, including but not
limited to, earth moving, culvert replacement,       Davis is hopeful that President Barack Obama’s
ecosystem restoration, and paving,” He said.         health plan will change the way small busi-
                                                     ness owners look at health benefits for em-
                                                     ployees. “As an African American contractor
Davis said he “retains overall responsibility for    there is serious debate on the insurance and
all facets of the company’s administrative func-     health care system in this nation,” Davis said.

                                                                              GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 37

                                                                -- Eric Daniels

          Lall and Company Ltd. has established a dynamic and
          diverse team of thirty-five (35) members of staff, inclusive
          of two (2) Customs Brokers and one (1) Grade III Customs
          Clerk, who are highly trained professionals committed to
          delivering efficient and quality service.

          Percy Lall, Owner and President     however we are stilling man-
          of Freight Forwarding Brokers       aging to run the business with
          are no stranger to international    a positive future on growth.”
          services, operating his business     Freight Forwarding Brokers has
          with family. Based out of Trini-     not made any major changes
          dad & Tobago, the company            since the downturn and still
          offers a full range of services.     maintains a full staff, unlike
                                               other companies who have had
          Grossing an estimated annual major layoffs and cut-backs over
          net income of 1.8 million dollars the last year. Lall says, “We are
          annually, Lall says, “Business has doing well enough to weather
          dropped a little due to this eco- the storm,” sitting at the helm.
          nomic down turn; but as a cus- He states, “Keeping clients sat-
          tom brokerage service we depend isfied is hard work, but my fam-
          upon the importers and export- ily has assisted in the day to day
          ers in the industry to stay in busi- operations to make things easier
          ness.” He comments, “This means on me.” Lall has one son and

                                                                                  All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
          over the next couple of months two daughters who are currently
          our income depends largely employed by the company, “we
          on the amount of work we do.” are a big family.” he chuckles.

          The company depends on the          “We are stilling managing to
          work of other companies both        keep aboard despite of the up’s
          private and individual on the im-   and down’s in this volatile econ-
          porting and exporting of goods      omy.” The Freight forwarding
          and services. He claims, that the   Service Company will continue
          countries values have fallen sub-   to do well and are keeping up
          stantially with clients importing   with the demands in the market.
          and exporting less then what        Lall expresses with confidence,
          they are accustom to do over        “the business is moving forward,
          the years. Lall states, “income     we are still managing to keep
          has fallen and continues to fall,   alive in this economic fallout.”

“Quality service never goes out of style!”
Colin M. Cameron
                                     Attorney at Law, ESQ PA

                                                                                                                 All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
                                              A True Gator
                                              -- J. Michael Gordon
   Colin Cameron is a practicing general lawyer            debate about the insurance and health care cri-
   in the greater area of Okeechobee, Florida. He          sis, although I’m, optimistic like the rest of us,”
   said, “My grandfather was a judge and my father         he chuckles, “My clients are struggling to pay me
   was a lawyer, so I followed in their footsteps.”        even though they are on a payment plan with me.”

   Cameron has been in the business for thirty years       Cameron specializes particularly in property,
   now. This upside-down economy is creating entre-        probate and divorce law. Since 1979 he has been
   preneurial opportunities, so long as you can deal       a member of the Masons and Old Fellows Asso-
   with a situation about as stable as the stock market.   ciation as well as member of the 5th and 11th cir-
   Even in finance, confidence and risk tolerance          cuit court of appeals. Cameron achieved his Jurist
   are on the rise. Cameron said, “There is serious        Doctorate from the University of Florida in 1978.

Kaleh Mana enterprises                                Dr. Ahmad
Entrepreneurs tend to spot opportunity where others see     Tabassi
dead ends. One such person is Mohammed Dantata Ndus.
Upon completing his studies (he holds a post-graduate
degree in Financial Management from the University of       Petroleum
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and an M.B.A. from the Institute
of Chartered Economists of Nigeria), Mohammed found         Executive
opportunity in the area of government policy, developing
experience in that field over the course of thirteen years. Dr. Ahmad Tabassi, Chief Executive Of-
                                                            ficer and Chairman of Persia Petroleum
In March 2006, he established Kaleh Mana Enterpris- Services, has cornered the international
es in 2006, and has been serving as Director ever since. market, particularly, in the oil and gas
Today, the company is a specialized consultan- industries. Persia Petroleum Services
cy firm for governmental policies and programs provides a range of “upstream services
with an estimated $10 billion in annual revenues. to international oil and gas companies”,
Located in Gomba Nigeria, the firm also offers local Tabassi said. The company’s primary
and national government ministries financial manage- goal has been to invest and support “Ira-
ment advice in such areas as communications, agricul- nian companies which provide equipment
ture, banking and finance, as well as expertise in gov- and services to the Petroleum industry in
ernment relations, policy, opinion research, strategic Iran”, he said recently from his office in
corporate communications, organizational development Australia.
and procurement to Nigeria with international clients.
                                                            PPS has five subsidiaries in Iran. The com-
                                                            pany focuses on seismic acquisition, drill-
                                                            ing, geological and geophysical project
                                                            management, procurement and supplies.
                                                            Tabassi provides strategic leadership and
                                                            guidance while at the same time, setting
                                                            the tone on the day-to-day operations of
We offer total project management and develop- the business. PPS works closely with the
ment that will see you through the entire planning, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).
design and construction phases. This will preserve Tabassi has been in the oil industry for
the integrity of your needs throughout the process. over twenty years. He was the co-founder
                                                            of RBT Petroleum Associates in 1995, a
Your project will come in at the right price, be- project management company, which he
cause of our strong networks and strategic allianc- later sold to a United Kingdom firm.
es allow us to put the right people on your project.
We'll evaluate lean construction and design management      In 1976, Tabassi left Iran before the 1979
techniques to better address your needs without over        revolution, after graduating from Isfahan
building, over budgeting or over extending your team.       University, and later moved to Austra-
                                                            lia in 1981. In 1996, he returned to Iran.
Implement     sustainable  concepts   to   facili-          Tabassi has a Ph.D in Exploration Geology
tate both initial and long-term savings for you             from Leeds University. He’s also a former
while fostering a cleaner – greener tomorrow.               Federal President of the Petroleum Explo-
                                                            ration Society of Australia. “I am an en-
                 1615 West Shore Drive                      trepreneurial geologist”, he said. “I travel
                  Delafield, WI 53018                       to many countries; it is demanding work
                  Phone: 262.244.7272                       – but very rewarding”.

                                                                                GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 41
Veteran Shooter and Professional Photographer

                                             -- J. Michael Gordon
   Bill Barley carries a Nikon around his neck as a       The history of Photojournalism is very interesting.
   professional photographer. He’s taken over 5,000       According to the Rochester institute of Technol-
   rolls of film as a veteran shooter, capturing gritty   ogy, “Photojournalism is the visual reporting of
   images for Life Magazine, and countless others,        news for publication in newspapers and maga-
   during the 1960s, when New York had more news-         zines,” they served as the eyes and ears, as true
   papers than candy stores. “That’s when the news-       eyewitness and observer of history. In the old
   paper industry was booming and I made more             days, “most photojournalists were not college-
   money than ever before,” he said. “I miss those        educated. They became photojournalists by work-
   days.”                                                 ing an apprenticeship system. First, they worked
   The veteran shooter said he’s walked the streets       as lab technicians in a newspaper’s darkroom and
   of New York as photojournalist. He worked with         then being promoted to shooter.”

                                                                                                                   All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
   several news outfits in his time, including the New    “That was the general rule,” Barley said, “photo-
   York Times, several tabloids, and a small stint        journalists back in those days were not college ed-
   with UPI. “It was John Dusniak, the Photo Editor,      ucated.” For years, many photojournalists worked
   who virtually extended my freelance contract for       in an apprentice system. They labored long hours
   more than a year. That’s was a nice run,” Barley       in the smelly dark rooms of newspapers across the
   said with a chuckle. Today, as chief photographer      country, before being promoted to “shooter.”
   of Bill Barley & Associates, a company he founded
   in 1966, he specializes in commercial and industri-
   al photography. He provides “full-service cinema-      They later earned the nickname “writers with the
   tography,” including advisements, lighting, and        light,” because many of their photographs report-
   state-of-the-art camera equipment. Barley han-         ed the news visually. As it turns out, photojour-
   dles corporate accounts, including special catalogs    nalists were the great adventurers and interpret-
   for small and mid-size companies. Barley is even       ers of history. That’s why Barley is honored to be
   proficient with a computer and handles graphic         called a veteran shooter of his era. “I captured a lot
   design assignments. “I’ve been doing graphic de-       of photos in my time,” he said with slight guffaw.
   sign for a long time now,” he said.                    “I did a lot of good photography.”

Jimmie R. Phillips
                                      Washington Acoustics
                                              -- Gary Stevens
Right out of high school Jimmie Phillips operated        Phillips offers acoustic ceiling installation and in-
a forklift. Thanks to his family, they cut their teeth   terior finishes inhibiting surface growth of mold
in the construction business. Washington Acous-          and mildew.
tics is a 3rd generation construction business           These materials used in wall and ceiling in-
which specializes particularly in home & business        sulation provide excellent sound absorption.
services.                                                He said, “The economy can be challenging,”
As a general contractor Phillips handles acousti-        he adds, “people are not spending money.”
cal services, ceilings, drywall as well as home re-
modeling and businesses interior improvements.           The struggle continues……

                                                                                     GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 43
-- J. Michael Gordon

 A Golden Opportunity in The Sign business
 Alan A. Bartizal, a second-generation entre-
preneur, who’s cut his teeth, watching his fa-
ther runs the business, he said. He said he ad-
mires his fathers’ business acumen. “It’s my
dad’s work ethic that has carried me through the
rough times as a business owner,” Bartizal said.

 Bartizal has worked hard since 1969, virtually build-
ing a strong reputation as “The premier manufactur-
er of electrical signs in the San Francisco Bay area.”
 He believes his success has been based on “Family-
bred ethics, fair dealings and technical know-how.”
 The Oakland based company has grown and

                                                                                          All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
evolved into what has become the Golden Gate
Sign Company. As a family business, Barizal said,
“We understand the consumers and utilize our
many years of knowledge and experiences to pro-
vide high quality products and affordable pricing.”

 For more then 40 years, Barizal said, “we have
been providing outstanding services as we contin-
ue to build our reputation and are looking toward
the future as an integral part of the Sign industry.”
 Bartizal said, “He’s learned a valuable les-
son in business: To respect three elders, who
came before you. “My father taught me every-
thing I know today. That stays with you for life.”
                                      Golden Gate Sign Company, Inc.
                                 1455 Third Street San Francisco, CA 94107
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Green final 36

  • 1. Maintaining A Green Conscience April2010 April 2010 THE SUIT The Wonders of Nickel & Steel A Brave New World plus: Green StructureS LEED Efficient reArdonSmith reveAlS new Subterranean London Hotel AuStrAliAn nucleAr ASSociAtion Nuclear Energy in Australia SOIL CONSERVATIONIST THINKOM SOLUTIONS Green Conscience Go-Anywhere Communications
  • 2. At Natures Organics©, our motivation is based on a philosophy of creating environmentally respon- sible products, of the best quality, at the lowest possible price. Not only to make them more readily affordable to Australian families, but to actually reward and provide incentive for people to do the right thing, in protecting our planet - and make the important shift to more eco-sensitive alternatives. To us, there is no sense (or value) in developing advanced products that ‘don't cost the earth'; then charging a premium that unfairly prevents anyone from purchasing and using them. Across our range of biodegradable laundry and dishwashing detergents, household surface cleaners and care- fully formulated hair and skincare offerings, our unwavering aim is to combine the best in Green attributes with product qualities that succeed in meeting users performance expectations. With every item we create, we look to optimize the balance between using natural based plant derived ingredients, with chemical components still deemed necessary for products to work effec- tively - and in turn, to progressively increase and improve the natural content ratio as quickly as newfound knowledge and technologies permit. At every sustainable step, we also act to minimise wastage of non-renewable resources; produce packaging from recycled materials and strictly ensure that the science behind all of our cruelty free All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. product formulas requires no animal testing or animal ingredients. © Natures Organics Pty Ltd. Inspired by Nature 100% Australian Made & Owned Please contact us by emailing to: Sales and Export enquiries: Phone: +613 9753 5577 Fax: +613 9753 5177 Head Office Address: 31 Cornhill St, Ferntree Gully, Victoria, 3156, Australia.
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  • 4. From The Editor THE SUIT ILLUSTRATED Editor-in-Chief Erwin Kantor Managing Editor Michael Gordon Creative Director Felix Badea Associate Editor Eric Daniels Editorial Letter Copy Editor Helen Potter Fact Checkers David Stein While the year has begun, and not without its chal- Art Director C.F.P lenges, it is time to focus on the future and kickoff Contributing Writers Gary Stevens, 2010 with a positive attitude and new goals to reach. Chizzy Igbokwe With this in mind we’ve included plenty of inspirational For customer Service, got to, thesuitezine. articles in our April 2010 edition, interviews that you com. You can also call 718-619-8520 will not find anywhere else. We bring you Robert Forenza, owner of Hugg-A- Planet, a trademark name. He is someone to watch LETTERS in the 21st century, he brings to you, “A BRAVE NEW Please send the letters to: WORLD.” We also have an exclusive interview with Stephen We regret that we cannot answer unpub- Barnett, CEO of The Nickel Institute a nonprofit orga- lished letters. Letters may be edited for nization that represents the interests of 24 companies length or clarity. which together produce more than 90% of the world’s annual nickel output. Stephen Barnett. If you’ve never If you are interested in telling your story heard of him, the time has come to get to know the please contact send inquiries to the Manag- leader in the future of stainless steel. ing Editor Michael Gordon at: info@thesuit- All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Finally we lift your spirits with Michael Burke, CEO of Thinkom Solution, Go-anywhere communications, the The Suit Magazine has gone paperless in an latest fashion trends, the Purple Diva, and so much effort to help manage a sustainbale way to more. meet the social, economic and environmental Remember that The Suit Magazine is your new para- needs of present and future generations. digm to journalism marketing with stories that compel readers in a way the average advertisement cannot. ON THE COVER This issue will cover the future of alternative energy, the quest for solar power and energy efficient struc- HUGG-A-PLANET, A Brave New World. tures in 2010. Soil Conversation 2010 ThinKom Solution Erwin Kantor Energy Efficient Structures Publisher / Editor in Chief Nuclear Energy The Nickel Institute Erwin Kantor
  • 7. Thinkom Solutions, Inc. 20000 Mariner Ave. #500 Torrance, CA 90503 310-371-5486
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  • 10. HUGG A PLANET A BRAVE NEW WORLD By Michael Gordon Eco-Green Entrepreneur: Robert Forenza Hugg-A-Planet Earth is a soft cotton fabric real The basic idea behind Hugg-A-Planet, says Foren- globe with labels identifying 600 places, includ- za, a University of Vermont graduate who created ing countries, bodies of water and islands that the product 27 years ago with his sisters, Patricia are drawn to scale and color-coded. According to and Lorraine. “If we want real peace, we have to Hugg-A-Planet president Robert Forenza, on the start with the children,” Forenza says, paraphras- Space Station they will use our globes during edu- ing Indian spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi. “I’m cational demonstrations NASA offers to schools connecting kids in early developmental stages to and science centers so students can interact with be passionate about the environment, geography the Astronauts. Which in turn will be beamed to and caring for the world, this early education lasts viewers on the real planet Earth via satellite, and a lifetime.” online on NASA TV. Students in classrooms all Putting savvy marketing behind his educational over the world will have an opportunity to see the outreach, Forenza got Hugg-A-Planets into arms Vermont-made globes in space and use it to learn of many influential people. He sent them to the about our planet’s place in the cosmos. Obama family just before the presidential inau- 10 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 11. Obama family just before the presidential in- auguration (one of six Presidents). He shared them with musicians at Pete Seeger’s 90th birthday concert at Madison Square Garden where all 80 performers received one includ- ing Bruce Springsteen and Dave Matthews. At a Vigil for Peace event in New York’s Central Park, Hugg-A-Planets were be onstage and passed around the crowd. They were even at a White House Easter egg roll, and a reporter took one to the first START treaty in the late 80’s, Forenza says. Now on the space station, the Hugg-A-Plan- et will make a circuit of our planet 16 times a day over 90% of the earth’s population for as long as the station remains active — until 2016, Forenza explains. “The one thing all of humanity has in common is our planet,” says Forenza. “Just hugging our earth has a em- powering affect, and by having generations of people hugging the world, they’ll take better care of it.” Toy companies are beginning to see green in a different light. Sunday is Earth Day, a good time to stop and take note of the world we live in. And yes, even in toy land there are socially conscious companies wanting to do their part. Hugg-A-Planet toys are Earth-friendly items that serve a dual purpose. In addition to being award-winning toys that teach children about the Earth and the solar system, they are envi- ronmentally friendly. GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 11
  • 12. STEPHEN BARNETT HAS MORE THAN THE BIRTH OF NICKEL He is the CEO and President of with The Suit, “The primary use of Nickel is the fifth most The Nickel Institute, based in nickel in stainless steel accounts common element in the Brussels, Belgium. The Nickel In- for some 60 percent of nickel use. Earth. But where did all this nickel come from? stitute is a non-profit organization Stainless steel can be used for Billions of years ago, nickel that represents the interests of 24 thousands of different applica- was created in supernova nickel companies which together tions worldwide, such as chemical All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. explosions. This is the only produce more than 90 percent of processing, food processing and place in nature where the temperature and pressure the world’s annual nickel output. transport, and is valued for both conditions were sufficient for the nickel atom to form. The Nickel Institute provides in- its physical properties and its aes- formation for a wide gamut of in- thetic values, as seen in structures dustries spanning architecture, such as the Chrysler building in automotive, chemical, energy, New York City and the Twin Tow- food and beverage as well as hu- ers of Malaysia.” Over 75 percent man health care and public health of stainless steel is recycled at the care in projects such as water pro- end of its long, useful life. The accompanying ‘false’ vision, two areas which are going Barnett is a nickel specialist, and color photo (above), to be of ever-increasing value in that has made him a nickel opti- compliments of the Lawrence Livermore the coming decades. The core of mist, as he eagerly told The Suit, National Laboratory, shows the industry, according to Barnett, “Nickel demand continues to grow the concentrations of nickel isotopes being expelled is the use of nickel as a primary in- with new applications continually from a star as it expands gredient in the production of steel. being developed – seven percent in just such a supernova Barnett said during an interview of all US patents feature nickel 12 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 13. ENOUGH NICKEL FILLING HIS POCKETS event. How interstellar every year.” “New uses of nickel of CO2 emissions. It is environ- nickel coalesced into solid objects and then in particular are low-carbon tech- mentally friendly. And nickel is a into planets such as nologies such as fuel cells, gas and green contributor not only with a the Earth is the domain of cosmologists and wind turbines and batteries for hy- clean process but a process which astronomers. But however brid cars,” he said. This gives he produces a product with longev- it happened, nickel has been an important part nickel industry a strong position ity. Barnett observes, “Nickel is of the Earth since its in the movement towards a green- corrosion-resistant and plays an beginning, well before life on earth began. er footprint. According to Barnett, important role in structures and nickel is the 7th most abundant el- materials such as alloys, plated ement on the planet, and 90 per coins and magnets, which last a cent of the world’s nickel produc- long time, or even forever”, he tion comes from Australia, Japan, explains. “Increasing demand for Russia, Brazil and Canada. Al- stainless steel will drive the nickel though 1.4 million tons of nickel market to continue to expand into is used globally every year, it is the 21st century.” responsible for only 0.1 percent By Erwin Kantor Reported By Michael Gordon Photo By: LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABORATORY (SUPER NOVA) All images are the property of the rightful owners of The Nickel Institute GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 13
  • 14. ICELANDIC ECOSYSTEMS. THE CONSCIENTIOUS CONSERVATIONIST Al Gore, President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Sveinn Runolfsson By Erwin Kantor He sits amongst high officials in government. He But remaining positive Sveinn said, “We do see advocates for the greening of our environment positive signs and indications that the economy and works on practical solutions to the problem will start to get better. The public is determined to of mounting greenhouse gases and global climate fight through this crisis even if they lost their life change. Sveinn Runolfsson, Director of the Soil savings. Runolfsson informed us that many Icelan- Conservation Service, in Iceland, has spoken about dic citizens want to develop new Aluminum plants public policy with prime ministers, diplomats and and thermo power stations throughout the country. All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. other world leaders, on a global level. It is a case of the citizens of Iceland wanting to do The government in Iceland has now decided to the right thing, but there not being enough money. cut down on green house gas emissions to 15% below 1990 levels by the year 2020, and Runolfs- Unfortunately, due to tight budgets important en- son proudly told us, from his office in Gunnar- vironmental issues are on stand-by. So Runolfs- sholt, ”Iceland will be free of carbon emissions son and others, out of their concern for Iceland’s and using 100% renewable energy by 2050.” He future, recently put in an application to join the sees rough waters ahead for the industry, in ris- E.U. In order to unite the European Union, Iceland ing fuel costs, and fertilizer. The economy needs needs to meet economic and political criteria such major restructuring.” Last year Iceland began im- as, a stable democratic government. Runolfsson porting workers from countries such as Chile and believes that there are a lot of benefits from join- Poland, which caused unemployment to rise by 7 ing the European Union such as, progress in the to 8%, and even the country’s banks went bank- import and export sectors of the country, particu- rupt. Runolfson said, “The country continues to larly in marine products and aluminium. Since struggle with sky rocketing fuel prices and budget negotiations were established with the Interna- cuts for the important soil conservation projects.” tional Monetary Fund, European countries such 14 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 15. ICELANDIC ECOSYSTEMS Former Iceland President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir ICELANDIC ECOSYSTEMS ICELANDIC ECOSYSTEMS as Norway, Germany and Russia have indicat- ed that they are willing to assist Iceland with BIOGRAPHY an economic bailout package. ”But”, he cau- As director of the Icelandic Soil Conservation Ser- tions,“ ”there has been much fear that the E.U. vice, Sveinn has played a major leading role in the fishing fleet will exploit our fishing grounds”, development of strategies for conservation of soil continuing, “our overall growth in the agricul- and vegetation in Iceland and improving conser- tural and marine industries are important to vation ethics. He has a keen interest in working at the development of the country and our de- the grass-roots level, promoting sustainable land voted conservation efforts. This crunch brings use and increasing public participation at all levels. great changes, and opportunity, to improve the economy as an official institution running as a He sees a great potential in carbon sequestration state,” Runolffsson continued, “An increase in as a financial incentive for restoring land health. tourism will help pump money back into the Emphasis has been on the landcare program Farm- economy, and fuel tax regulations which have ers heal the land, currently involving 30% of the been implemented by the government for en- sheep producers and facilitating the Better farms ergy efficient cars will be used more widely.” property planning program that aims at increas- ing land literacy and planning ability at the farm Runolfsson also believes in the use of carbon level and coordinating advice and actions of in- sequestration in order to reduce greenhouse stitutions and others working with the farmers. gas levels. He said, “Carbon sequestration in soil , re- vegetation and preventing desertifi- He has ties with various specialists in soil conserva- cation are extremely important to help reach tion strategies and land care, especially in Australia, the 15% mark of reduction in emissions by the New Zealand and various universities and UNDP year 2020.” Iceland, with professionals such in USA. Recently he has initiated cooperation/col- as Sveinn Runolfsson, is at the forefront of the laboration with the European Union in a Joint Re- greenhouse battle. search Commission on Soil Protection and a collab- Landgraeosla rikisins oration agreement on soil research with Ohio State. Gunnarsholti - n851 Hellu Simi: 488 300 Married 1973 to Oddný Sæmundsdóttir, who is a nurse and they have three sons. GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 15
  • 16. About USGBC The Washington, D.C.-based U.S. Green Building Coun- cil (USGBC) is a 501 c3 non-profit organization commit- ted to a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation through cost-efficient and energy-saving green buildings.. With a community comprising 78 local affiliates, more than 18,000 member companies and organizations, and more than 140,000 LEED Professional Credential holders, USGBC is the driving force of an industry that is projected to contribute $554 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product from 2009-2013. US- GBC leads an unlikely diverse constituency of builders and envi- All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. ronmentalists, corporations and nonprofit organizations, elect- ed officials and concerned citizens, and teachers and students. Buildings in the United States are responsible for 39% of CO2 emissions, 40% of energy consumption, 13% water consump- tion and 15% of GDP per year, making green building a source of significant economic and environmental opportunity. Greater building efficiency can meet 85% of future U.S. de- mand for energy, and a national commitment to green build- ing has the potential to generate 2.5 million American jobs. U.S. Green Building Council 2101 L Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20037
  • 17. Greening Structures in American Cities In an era where “going green” is becoming the ties alike can employ LEED green building rating norm, best practices to reduce carbon footprints system. Regardless of building type, the benefits are continuously encouraged. Actions, efforts, of green buildings are abundant. Economically and initiatives should adhere to standards of green speaking, a green building uses less because less living. Now, the space we occupy must also meet is being spent in turn savings increase. Green these standards. The experts on green building buildings save 8-13% of operations and mainte- assurance, the US Green Building Council are the nance costs and utilize 2-30% less energy con- creators of the LEED (Leadership Energy and En- sumption and most of the buildings use 40% less vironmental Design) certification system. It sets water. These are not just one time costs; the sav- the standards of human and environmental health, ings occur throughout the life cycle of the building. sustainable development, emission control, water Building sale prices for energy efficient buildings savings, energy efficiency, materials that are well are as much as 10% higher per square foot than emitting and healthier for building occupants, and conventional buildings. Green building occupants indoor environmental quality. are healthier and are said to be more productive. Marie Coleman, Communications Associate at It is often assumed, going green costs more money. the USGBC says, “a building should be holistically In the case of green buildings, the up front costs green not just focusing on one particular area.” are approximately 2% more, but results in sav- The process measures various elements of green ings of over 20% over the life cycle of the building. buildings. One must attain a certain number of The return on investment will be ten-fold. Green points from the following categories: buildings not only benefit our economy, but also Silver - Gold - Platinum our environment and community by enhancing the quality of air and water, protects biodiversity, There is no archetype of a LEED client. Various minimizing the strain on local infrastructures, and establishments that have undergone this rigorous improving occupant health and comfort. certification range from public property such as the Bronx Library in New York City (LEED Gold); It is feasible to convert later in the building pro- Education based institutions like West Brazos Ju- cess. It is never too late to transform your build- nior High School in Brazoria, Texas (LEED Certi- ing to meet the LEED certification standards the fied); and even retail organizations such as Chipo- pros certainly outweigh the cons. tle in Gurnee Mills, IL (LEED Platinum). A rigorous process it is, but also one that ensures accuracy. Commercial and residential proper- --By Chizzy Igbokwe GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 17
  • 18. ReardonSmith Reveals Unique Subterranean (London – 9 December 2009) A scheme for a the proposal respects and reflects this. Car park- unique, sustainable and innovative luxury hotel ing, which is currently above ground, will be re- and spa, designed by international hotel and re- located underground. The existing golf clubhouse sort architects, ReardonSmith, has been revealed and car park will be demolished and replaced by a by public exhibition prior to the submission of a new clubhouse integrated within the hotel. A ded- All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. planning application in the new year. icated new access road, carefully woven into the The proposed development, at Hersham Golf Club landscape, will better manage the flow of traffic in Surrey, is within London’s Green Belt and the onto the site. The proposal also includes provision architects’ response to the area’s strict planning for extensive on-site re-vegetation and improve- guidelines has been to place all 200 plus guest ments to local public footpaths to further enhance rooms underground around landscaped court- the site. yards, leaving just one level of public areas at “Our concept integrates hotel, spa and golf fa- grade. cilities into a single architecturally exciting and The proposal is topped by a living green roof that organic composition below and above ground,” mimics the undulating nature of the golf course explains Matthew Guy, ReardonSmith’s project and merges it into the surrounding landscape. In designer. total, the ReardonSmith scheme represents in the “The design fulfils the requirements of the brief region of one third less built-up hard surface than for a bespoke five star hotel while returning hard the existing club houses and car parking. Her- standing to the Green Belt and improving the sham Golf Club stands in an area of woodland and physical layout and visual attraction of the entire 18 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 19. Hotel Scheme for London’s Green Belt site. It represents a commercially viable solution to developing in the Green Belt and is, we believe, a Roof Plan world-first.” The two underground levels of the hotel comprise three “rings” of guest rooms, each built around large 800m2 garden courtyards, allowing light to perme- ate the fully glazed façade. Public spaces, including high quality restaurants, will be contained within a single level at grade. Contouring mimicking the un- dulating nature of the course will conceal this level and merge it with the natural landscape. The entire development is set back from the local residential area and is positioned within an enclave of existing woodland in such a way that it is hidden from view for local residents. Carefully framed views from all the hotel’s public areas of the golf course and wood- land will make for a unique dining, hotel and golf club experience. Notes ReardonSmith Architects The total area of the hotel and new golf club will be approximately 16,500 sq. metres. Reflecting on the ReardonSmith is Europe’s leading architectural practice specializing entirely in hotels and resorts. Its work en- implicit challenges of the brief, Patrick Reardon, compasses the master planning and design of new desti- executive chairman of ReardonSmith, says: “The nations around the world as well as the restoration and question was how to design a hotel of significant refurbishment of iconic hotels and heritage buildings and size that would not disturb the Green Belt envi- the complete spectrum of new business and leisure hotels. ronment. In fact, our solution attempts not only to Current projects include: The Savoy and The Four Seasons Park Lane, both in London; a new Four Seasons and a JW preserve the essence of Green Belt amenity but also Marriott, both in Baku; Travelodges in London and Spain; to improve it by the removal of existing and highly Porto Montenegro; Estrela Santiago Resort, Cape Verde; visible buildings and hard standing parking zones. and a new ski resort in Courcheval. For more information The process required to achieve this proposed hotel about ReardonSmith Architects, visit: www.reardonsmith. will be expensive. But, the client accepts this and is com to be congratulated for his willingness to invest in a solution which clearly responds to environmental, as well as commercial, imperatives.” The Arkin Group Both hotel and spa have been designed to minimise The Arkin Group is a major player in the international lei- their carbon footprint by using combined heat and sure and gaming industry and undertook its first property power generation, heat exchangers and ground development six years ago with the construction of the five star Colony Hotel in Northern Cyprus. Since then, the source heat pumps together with grey water recy- Group has gradually been building a land bank by acquir- cling and rain water harvesting. It is confidently an- ing prominent sites and properties with a view to expand- ticipated that the building’s resource demands will ing its development operation. The Arkin Group acquired be significantly reduced in comparison to conven- Hersham Golf Club in 2008. tional five star hotels. Mr. Cahit Atasoy, CEO of Ar- For more information about this release, please contact: kin Group, the owner of Hersham Golf Club, says: Gillian Cake or Su Pecha, ESP Business Development “Our vision is to create a stunning boutique hotel specha@espbusi- and spa destination that will be truly unique and prestigious. It will blend into the natural woodland +44(0)208 374 6320/4476 setting and enhance and increase the level of green landscape.” GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 19
  • 20. N uclear Power and Uranium A View from Australia By Erwin Kantor The Suit interviewed Dr. Clarence Hardy and asked him his views on nuclear energy in general and Australia’s role in the world nuclear industry. See his responses to a series of questions below. Dr Hardy has had a distinguished career for over 30 years in senior positions in three well-known national nuclear laboratories at Harwell in the UK, Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the USA and Lucas Heights in Australia where he was the Chief Scientist. He is currently the Secretary of the Australian Nuclear Asso- ciation, and Immediate Past President of the Pacific Nuclear Council which represents over 60,000 nuclear professionals in 12 countries in the Pacific region. He is Managing Direc- tor of a consulting company in Sydney and a director of two other companies in the nuclear field. He is prominent in giving talks on nuclear matters to wide ranging audiences in Australia and overseas. All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Dr. Hardy has published two major books on nuclear energy Are the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in- world’s energy future. creasing worldwide. Nuclear power should play an increasing role in Yes, the peaceful uses are increasing worldwide the world’s energy future since it is a mature, eco- with the major increase being in China, Japan, nomic and safe technology for production of base- Korea, India and Russia and moderate increases load electricity with very low emissions of green- planned in the European Union, led by France, house gases. It is increasing replacing fossil fuels Finland and the UK. President Obama’s recent in many countries. encouragement of the US nuclear new build by giving substantial loan guarantees will help the in- What are the current and future challenges dustry develop and the President said “This is just of the use of nuclear energy and how will the beginning”. these shape the future growth. The current challenge is to build new nuclear pow- What role should nuclear power play in the er plants on time and on budget and to ensure that 20 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 21. they are built to the highest possible safety stan- benefits and risks of nuclear energy is essential dards. The future challenges are to demonstrate starting in the schools. I spend a lot of time giving that nuclear waste is minimized and can be dis- talks on these issues to a wide variety of audiences. posed of safely and all suitable nuclear products are recycled, so that plutonium in spent fuel is What role will Australia’s uranium play in used sustainably to produce electricity and any the next 10 years in the global market. potentially long-lived waste is burned up to mini- Australia currently has the largest low cost ura- mise its danger to future generations. nium resources of any country (about 40%) and currently produces over 20% of world production Are nuclear power plants perfectly safe and with every indication that this production will in- how can the industry dis- crease considerably in the next pose of nuclear waste. No 10 years. Therefore, Australia’s one can give an assurance that uranium will play a major role nuclear power plants are per- in the worldwide expansion of fectly safe and no accidents will nuclear power and help to re- ever take place. Nuclear power duce the amount of carbon di- plants are built to very high oxide emitted from fossil fuels. standards and closely moni- tored by regulatory bodies. The When will Australia build new generation of nuclear pow- nuclear power stations er plants being built have even It is ironic that Australia, with higher standards of safety than the world’s largest uranium re- previous generations as well as sources, has so far not built a being hardened to withstand nuclear power station. The main terrorist attacks by land or air or aircraft accidents. reason is simple to understand. Australia has very large resources of high quality coal located near All nuclear plant vendors and responsible govern- major cities on the east and south coasts and can ments are encouraging a high level of safety cul- produce base-load electricity at a cost which is well ture in operation of plants. below the cost estimated for nuclear power. How- The generally accepted way to dispose of radioac- ever, no account is taken of the very large emis- tive waste safely is to encapsulate it in carefully sions of carbon dioxide and if a cost was placed by selected containers and bury it deep underground government on emissions from coal, then nuclear in stable geological formations. There is an in- power would become more attractive. Nuclear creasing movement away from a once-through or power is economic in comparison with coal, gas “throw away” fuel cycle and to reprocess spent fuel and renewable sources in many other countries to recover and re-use valuable materials. Unwant- and this in one reason why nuclear power is being ed long-lived fission products and transuranium expanded in those countries and well as because of elements can be burned up and thus reduce the its very low carbon emissions and greater energy volume and toxicity of the waste to be disposed of security. underground. Are there any public perceptions and mis- To contact the ANA Committee please email conceptions about the use of nuclear en- ergy. Yes, there are many public misconceptions about Our mail address is: the use of nuclear energy. Some of these are that it Australian Nuclear Association is not safe enough, costs too much, is a prolifera- PO Box 85 tion risk and that the radioactive waste cannot be Peakhurst disposed of safely. All of these misconceptions can NSW 2210 be answered and better public education about the GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 21
  • 22. In A Tough Economy New Technology is King Y By Michael Gordon ama Dastgir Chief Ex- added, “for example, our trading ecutive Officer of Bee Technolo- markets are booming in tour- gies (Bee Tech) S.A., in Athens ism and shipping while the small Greece focuses particularly in businesses of this economy are the field of Intelligent Transport absorbing the impact for the rest solutions (ITS). of us”. The firm’s niche market has Dastgir said Bee Tech Inc. has drastically changed due to new been facing a number of new business trends. “Our goal is to challenges. He said his company be number two since we have has had to revamp the Electronic grown 20 percent up for the year Toll Collection (ETC) systems from third place as rated in the service and maintenance, and industry.” Dastgir said during a the maintenance of manual toll recent interview in late Novem- systems. ber. “In fact, policies in Greece are rapidly changing and they With these new challenges for are not business friendly,” he the upcoming year, Bee Tech- All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. added. nologies has managed the toll system software and hardware, The company provides network including turnkey products for solutions for highways, road network and database manage- tolling systems and operations; ment. “We focus on the funda- principally, in transport, infra- mental needs of our customers’ structure and system supply co- integrating toll and traffic system ordination. The projects include management with creative solu- post offices, the ministry of de- tions and flexibility,” he said. fense, Athens International Air- port as well as work with Pireaus Greece Bank, Dastgir said. “Greece has Nemeseos 6, Metamorfosi Athens not yet felt the financial impact Ph: +30-210-9885201 as the rest of the world,” he 22 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 23. Intelligent Solutions By Eric Daniels Michael Burke is the brain trust behind his intel- rated number 253, as one of the fastest 500 grow- ligence solutions business. And he believes that ing companies in the United States. The company in the world of high-tech innovations, intelligent has made great strides in “developing and manu- wireless broadband solutions have remained cut- facturing antennas that offer airborne and mobile ting edge over the years. communications solutions for both commercial He serves as the CEO of ThinKom Solutions, one and military use.” of the leading providers of innovative highly-af- fordable compact antenna and product solutions According to Burke, “the antenna is capable of for aeronautical, On-The-Move (OTM), and man- receiving internet connectivity throughout the portable applications. continental United States and south- ern Canada. This technology can be “These antennas are sleek, small used in the air, land and sea, with and dynamic making it cost effec- limited connectivity options.” tive and affordable for executives,” explained Michael Burke, President Established in 2000, and headquar- of ThinKom Solutions, Inc. “We have tered in Torrance, California, the created an innovative and unique company employs 35 professional design with capabilities in superior staff members. ThinKom has made performance.” an estimated $6 million annually. “The demand is there and we have It was back in March of 2009 when ThinkKom an excellent product,” Burke said. introduced the world’s lowest-profile antenna technology for affordable Ku-Band Satellite Com- munications (SATCOM) On-The-Move (SOTM) integrated antenna systems at the Satellite 2009 Thinkom Solutions, Inc. Exhibition which was held at the Walter E. Wash- 20000 Mariner Ave. #500 ington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Torrance, CA 90503 310-371-5486 ThinKom has been featured in Business Week and Entrepreneur Magazine. The firm has been GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 23
  • 24. LIVING ON A NEW EARTH TACKLING THE FUTURE OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY By The Suit Staff Writer The quest for solar power continues to thrive in example countries such as Denmark or Germany, the modern world, where technology and society they extract 95 percent of energy from fossil fu- are constantly advancing. The way we live our els and 20 percent of their electricity comes from lives is affected in a subtle and significant way by wind. Germany has constructed the largest solar the evolving technologies present. The future of park plant in the world, costing an estimated $48 alternative energy is relied heavily upon the nat- million US dollars. Germany demonstrates new ural resources that the earth provides. Civiliza- standards in costs-efficiency for solar power. Solar tion depends much on natural resources such as energy is at the cusp of a historic turning point. oil and coal in order to create the very energy to This is our wake up call because the future is clos- sustain humanity here on earth. The solution is er than you could imagine. The worldwide com- to begin investing and exploring more about the munity and its developments of electric-powered use of wind, solar and hydro power. Solar power vehicles and other important solar energy break- comes from a well known resource, the sun, that throughs in the solar industry are greater than ever. contains an infinite amount of energy. Solar, wind and Hydro power are the way of the future. It would require a well devised, costly and timely There are numerous benefits that come from using economic plan to be used by the nation’s leaders solar power as compared to the use of oil and coal. in order to properly harness and distribute this Solar energy is a renewable resource, although energy accordingly throughout major cities across we cannot use the power of the sun at night or on the United States. Scientists, while considering stormy and cloudy days, we can certainly count on many obstacles, also find that they have to jump the sun being there the very next day. Solar cells other hurdles in implementing solar power. This are totally silent and while extracting energy from factor thus demands that we come to either one the sun they also help keep noise pollution down. of two solutions; a government sponsored plan to All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Solar energy is also a non-pollutant, this perhaps is install solar panels for all homes and businesses the most important aspect considering that when or an advertising campaign focused on turning a oil is burned it releases carbon dioxide, hazardous significant percent of energy used in the United greenhouse gases and carcinogens into the air. States into solar energy. There are already heavy amounts of advertising dollars that go into the This type of energy also eliminates the need for “green”, or environmentally friendly movement constant supervision and work. Energy is har- that strongly supports the construction of solar vested automatically and the home owners do not panels. A government plan would create a much operate these systems any more then they oper- better effect, but due to an increasingly volatile ate their oil, gas and/or electric heat. Solar panels political climate and down-turned economy, may also create new jobs for our economy. Thanks to not be as easy to accomplish. While it comes with tax credits and rebates people can now make in- its fair share of disadvantages, solar power is the expensive and simple decisions to use and install way of the future in the modern world. The future solar energy panels every day. With global warm- belongs to renewable energy and its reduction on ing on the rise, people are becoming environmen- pollution and the preservation of fossil fuels. tally conscious about the way they live. Take for 24 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 25.
  • 26. water is normally found in air and the air- flow measurement doesn’t work right because the weight of the air becomes heavier, which translate into high airflow,” he added. Ypenburg studied in Holland. The Dutch native had the opportunity to work for Phillips, studying quality of com- ponents, in South Africa he had the oppor- tunity to study wind flows inside cement chimneys 50 meters in diameter. “That’s when I learned about air flow, he said, ”I had the ability to play in wind tunnels and learn about airflow.” He adds, “Because wind and air is naked to the eye, which gave me the time to research and experiment with wind.” By Eric Daniels Frits Ypenburg, Owner of Safdy Systems Company, He said it took him a long time to understand a South African based company specializing in un- how air flow current travel,” But I learned derground airflow instruments particularly for the electronics and airflow dynamics in South Af- mining industry. “My instruments transform air rica because you cannot ask many people for speed to electrical currents, these mining compa- answers,” he said. nies use a telemetry system called SCADA which Tests were completed in the CSIR wind tun- measures the standard output of airflow,” he said. nels and that Vortex Airflow Meters will now Safdy was established in 1990, manufacturing the be sold to mining companies in CANADA. solid-state air flow systems used underground to help monitor ventilation for South African mines; which is so crucial for a healthy environment. All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. SAFDY solid-state airflow sensors were originally designed for the South African diamond and coal mining industries. This underground instrument determines whether enough air flows through the ventilation systems, making it crucial for human life functionality. “What is very often used for airflow measurement underground is the so called anemom- eter,” he adds, “This principal is to heat the resistor by an electrical current and the airflow cools it down. The end temperature is than a measure for airflow,” Ypenburg said. This airflow theory is widely used in many of the mining systems in South Africa to de- termine air flow ventilation. “That there is a large draw back especially in coal mines, for instance 26 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 27.
  • 28. William Manfredonia W All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. -- J. Michael Gordon illiam Manfredonia is the founder “Now I’m waiting six months to be paid for old work.” and President of Cost Calculations, Inc. A firm Manferdonia cut his teeth in the business and has specializing particularly in construction, cost es- come a long way, in the cost estimating industry. timating, cost control, management, conceptual cost estimating and insurance just to name a few. After college started working for an esti- He said, “The economy is tough, but the bubble mating firm and climbed through the ranks had to burst.” Manfredonia has been burned in the eventually finding his niche in the industry. cross fire of clients not being able to pay on time. His Currently Manfredonia handles commercial, clients have been put on a payment plan, he said, residential, institutional and specialty projects WWW.COSTCALCULATIONSINC.COM 28 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 29. Cost Calculations, Inc. such as, Diesel Construction, Morris Park Con- as an arbitrator in construction and insurance cas- tracting, Jeffery Brown Inc., A.J. Contracting es. He has also served as an expert witness for the and York Hunter just to name a few. Sitting at federal government in construction fraud cases. the helm for over 47 years, he said, “I’m a man who wears many hats,” he adds, “I know the Manfredonia said from his New Jersey business inn’s and out’s about general construction, car- office, “We perform estimates for many insurance pentry, drywall, acoustical ceilings and EIFS.” companies such as AIG, State Farm, Travelers and He serves as a cost consultant for the New York Prudential. Currently he is working on a 232 million State Department of Economic Development and dollar undisclosed project in New Jersey for 2010. “We are experienced in all construction projects.” GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 29
  • 30. NASEER AHMED: ON FIRE WITH A BUSTLING CAREER By Michael Gordon Naseer Ahmed serves as the Managing Director Ahmed explains, that it is very important to seek of 4PAL Ltd, a retail products and pharmaceutical out new acquisitions on a global basis. Recently company. Established in 2003 and headquartered having accepted a personal invitation of member- in London, the company has maintained strong ship with the Institute of Directors (IOD) based in ties in the Middle East and is currently planning to Pall Mall, London, he will now have the opportu- expand not only in the pharmaceutical industry, nity to network and forge strong alliances with a but also in the financial, banking and legal indus- myriad of world renowned conglomerates such as try as well as the investment holding sectors. With those listed on the FTSE 100 and its equivalents strong focuses on property investments and devel- globally. “I have been able to successfully fullfill opment particularly in the Middle East, 4PAL is my position even while simultaneously serving as All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. on the forefront for innovation and growth in the an Investment Advisor with the Kingdom Hold- international arena. ings,” Ahmed said. A position which he began in 2008 and still currently holds. The Kingdom Ahmed plays a key role in the business plan de- Holdings is a prestigious multi faceted investment velopment of the company for the long term and company with substantial holdings in all sectors, future of the organization. Ahmed said, “I fulfil ranging from finance to media. As an investment a motivational role, I motivate and mentor mem- Advisor he focuses on a core strategy through bers of the management team.” Ahmed leads the growth and research in investing in high perfor- company and strives to develop a positive corpo- mance companies and extracting value from un- rate culture and setting. He oversees all of the re- dervalued and under performing Assets. sources making sure that the company continues to maintain growth and profitability. He said, “I Ahmed takes time out of his day to work as a also oversee all company affairs, which include consultant for Chiltern Group, a civil engineering proper audit procedures, making sure the com- company where he specializes in accounting ser- pany doesn’t break any trade embargoes and deals vices to a broad range of companies. His current with the legalities of goods and services.” goals include taking his career to a new level in 30 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 31. the international arena where he would spend far more time travelling and connecting with other key companies with which he can establish mu- tually beneficial partnerships. Highly satisfied with his position, Ahmed is looking ahead to the future growth of the company and new business challenges in 2010. Ahmed’s future plans include searching for other companies which will share synergy and who will collaborate with 4Pal, Ltd, with efforts to expand both nationally and inter- nationally. His next imminent steps are to pursue dynamic avenues of growth and development in the area of Banking and Finance on a global turf. He credits his success thus far to his extraordinary ability to network and connect well with others, as well as his hard work and dedication over the years. The Suit: Are you optimistic about the economy? Ahmed: The economy has been through quite the down fall, due to over leveraged financial institutions together with bad leadership. Businesses and people have suffered greatly from an employment and monetary perspective to state the least, which in turn has affected people on a mas- sive level as the economies of scale shift. People assume which all waste will be converted into energy and trees be- the worst is over. Is it..? Well, different policies relevant to ing watered by treatment plants. Alongside the worlds larg- different countries around the world are brought about into est hydrogen plant. The vision is to play an active part in action relative to the individual statistics of that country in bringing about synergy in the different types of businesses aid to taking it out of ‘recession’. I believe its not something on all continents to collaborate their expertise and visions that will recover over night; as time and patience will be the to help restore and build a new infrastructure which will key to bringing about opportunity for new entrepreneurs allow for an energy efficient way of living. By implementing through good genuine leaders in the business world who the above I believe together a greener future is achievable. can set the stage for a brighter and more solid future. The Suit: How does the new green age affect both your The Suit: What is your vision on the new green age? business and your clients? Ahmed: We now know that what we’ve done over the past Ahmed: More often than not when people talk about 100 years has caused an astonishing amount of damage to green. The concept of money collides with the issue. As the the world. It can be believed that we did not know any bet- cost factor is inevitably an underlining issue affecting most ter, but now we do, and it poses a climatic problem to say people in becoming more green. The green age doesn’t re- the least. There are certain things we know will occur in the ally affect the business or the clientele of such on an imme- next 30 to 50 years. So we have to start acting now. Every diate basis, but is encouraged within and all the businesses marathon begins with a first step. From the likes of the west it collaborates with in order to see the bigger picture, in aid where extreme efforts are being made upon bringing about of a cleaner and healthier way of life. polices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the year 2020, a reduction in the carbon content of transporta- tion fuels, to the east where, the building of ‘Masdar’, a city being built by Abu Dhabi with zero waste and zero carbon Naseer Ahmed ecology. Whereby residential homes, shops and businesses 37 Warren Street London, W1 6AD will be built and connected through capsule shaped pods United Kingdom Tel:+44 2085250214 made from recycled concrete, steel and aluminium, in Email: GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 31
  • 32. LEADING OTHERS TO THEIR HARVEST tation for excellence in her in- CASL™ designation, which dustry. For the past 12 years, in takes roughly 18 months to com- addition to advising thousands plete, has enabled Rosemary to of valued clients, she has been provide even more client-centric a national speaker conducting services to her mature clientele. various educational programs These services include age-based for other financial professionals. investment strategies, untan- gling the complexities of long- With a genuine interest in term and health care insurance, ROSEMARY CALIGIURI spreading financial literacy to understanding and streamlin- consumers, she regularly hosts ing the full range of older client She may not have entered the fi- educational seminars for pre-re- needs, and navigating the intri- nancial services industry the way tirees and retirees at local librar- cacies of estate planning. many advisors did, but that’s ies, churches, and senior citizen exactly how Rosemary Caligi- clubs in and around the Bucks “One of the biggest reasons for uri’s clients would distinguish County area, and she is sought our success is that we take the her from other advisors they’ve after by local media as a leading time to make our clients ‘edu- worked with – “Rosemary’s expert in the financial industry. cated consumers,” says Caligi- completely different.” Amidst her busy work sched- uri. “I teach our clients instead ule, you can find Rosemary on of talking at them, and when you After graduating with honors the airwaves hosting her weekly educate a customer first, they from Adelphi College, Rosemary radio show – “Financial Issues feel comfortable with their un- All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. spent the next 10 years living out & Answers” – which focuses on derstanding of their options, and a childhood dream in the medi- consumer education and perti- in my opinion, there’s no better cal field as a nurse, caring for the nent financial issues in today’s way to do business.” physical needs of her patients. economy. Her show is broadcast Rosemary has earned the Elite When her entrepreneurial spirit every Tuesday morning at 9:30 IRA Advisor designation from prompted her to move on, she set a.m. on WBCB 1490 AM, and lis- Ed Slott & Company – one of the out to care for people in anoth- teners can also access the show nation’s foremost IRA experts. er way – by helping them meet live through the Harvest Group Slott is host of the Public Tele- their financial health needs. web site at www.harvestgroupfi- vision Special “Stay Rich For & Ever with Ed Slott” viewed by Rosemary subsequently formed millions of Americans, and his Harvest Group Financial Servic- Rosemary has earned the Char- Elite Advisors are kept abreast es – an award-winning, compre- tered Advisor for Senior Living of the very latest tax law changes hensive financial services based (CASL™) designation through concerning IRAs, 401(k)s, and in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. the American College of Finan- other retirement accounts. Rosemary has earned a repu- cial Planning. The esteemed 32 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 33. Madeline C. Gerwick Contact: 877-524-8300 Madeline C. Gerwick is an internationally recog- strong finances. She has also provided many good nized and certified astrologer, specializing in busi- dates and times for contract signings, product in- ness and personal astrology. She has a BA degree troductions, new hires, facility changes, legal ac- with honors in economics, many years in indus- tions, web site launches, and many other impor- trial sales and marketing, and she’s listed in sev- tant business activities. eral Who’s Who books, including Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in America. Her unique Ms. Gerwick co-authored The Complete Idiot’s combination of credentials makes her an in-de- Guide to Astrology, and The Pocket Idiot’s Guide mand speaker regarding economic conditions and to Horoscopes, both published by Alpha Books, a business trends. She consults with individuals and division of Penguin Group Inc. She recently joined businesses of all sizes to guide them to higher lev- well-known authors Steven Covey, Tom Peters, els of prosperity by working in harmony with the Oprah, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, Thomas Moore, Universe. Scott Peck, Robert Kiyosaki and many more as contributing authors to the new business anthol- Ms. Gerwick is heard weekly on The Dr. Pat Show ogy, Einstein’s Business: Engaging Soul, Imagina- on broadcast and internet radio. She writes a tion and Excellence in the Workplace. This book column for Promise Magazine and she annually is available through the Polaris store and in major writes The Good Timing Guide and Newsletters. bookstores and sites. Her 30+ years of astrological experience and study enable her to provide in-depth, multi-dimensional She has served on two Boards of the Washington insights and analysis. She also teaches prosperity State Astrological Association and is a past mem- training, Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous ber of the Board of Trustees for the Kepler College Business, so businesses and individuals can learn of Astrological Arts and Sciences. She’s a member new ways to attract money, sales, and abundance. of the International Society of Business Astrolo- gers and the International Society of Astrological While working in business, she observed the syn- Research. She co-founded Polaris Business Guides chronicity of astrological cycles associated with LLC, originally Astro Cycles Consulting in 1995. sales, project development, marketing, manufac- turing, purchasing, legal issues, travel, contracts, and more. Her combined experience in both as- “When workplaces become “work-tribes” that trology and business led to the development of create nourishment for life and we learn how to this Guide, with the aim of providing better pro- partner with the Universe, our creativity and pro- ductivity for all types of businesses. Hundreds of ductivity will accelerate exponentially, and we’ll new companies have used her highly successful all live in a truly abundant Universe.” dates and times to start, ensuring high growth and — Madeline Gerwick GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 33
  • 34. HOUCK & ASSOCIATES, INC. INTERNATIONAl CORpORATE TROUblESHOOTER -- J. Michael Gordon Harold H. Houck , President of Houck & As- was entirely preventable through competent re- sociates, Inc. provides corporate troubleshoot- search prior to investment. Mr. Houck suggests ing services and asset assessment on a global in considering financial research, avoid anony- basis. His firm counters or resolves issues con- mous entities, check for licensor and status, ask cerning embezzlement, fraud and corporate es- for a contract, and finally, meet the responsible pionage. The firm’s success in international fi- person if possible. That person should be able to nancial research and creative problem solving knowledgeably answer your prepared questions. has earned Mr. Houck his unique reputation. Houck & Associates has provided an amalgama- All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Mr. Houck related that the recent high profile tion of services to a variety of clients. Cases have Ponzi schemes have crystallized the truth of his ranged from the exotic such the currency crisis in fundamental beliefs: “every matter requires fore- Venezuela, or tracking priceless artwork, to more knowledge” and “knowledge is never too dear”. The ordinary such as a short term con or a conten- tentacles of fraud have indiscriminately targeted tious divorce. This is what Mr. Houck expresses individuals, businesses, banks and even state gov- he likes most about his business – ever chang- ernments. This has changed the trusting environ- ing challenges. Mr. Houck came to understand ment wherein only corporations conduct due dili- the need for his particular niche while serving gence. Clients are now more prudent, wanting their in naval intelligence and working for the FDIC own due diligence – a second opinion, if you will. and the FSLIC during the 1980’s banking crisis. Mr. Houck relates the most frequent regret ex- He has travelled globally on business, is an avid pressed by his clients is, “I wish I knew about reader, enjoys athletic fitness, is a government your services earlier.” Often, the client’s dilemma and believes the key to happiness is discipline. 10151 University Blvd, Suite 178 Orlando, FL 32817-1904 800-677-3307
  • 35. Dynamic Financial Consulting -- Gary Stevens Managing Partner Pascal Vieilledente, as a principal in the dynamic Acquisitions companies in Spain. And that por- financial consulting company, Eurohold, has been tion of the business has been a key to their suc- able to steer his firm through the troubled waters cess over the past eighteen months, when world of our recent economic turbulence. His foresight financial markets have constricted and deals have has enabled Eurohold to continue to make deals been harder to make. Vieilledente, on the other throughout the crisis; the performance of Euro- hand, was able to complete ten deals in the fiscal hold serves as a lesson to other financial profes- year of 2009. That is an incredible rate of suc- sionals and serves as a reason for potential part- cess given the economic environment. The reason ners and clients to do business with Eurohold. As Eurhohold was able to have that success is a testa- opposed to many financial consulting firms, the ment to the insight and adaptability of Pascal and future looks bright for Eurohold, in no small part his partners. Instead of looking for mega-deals, due to the diligence of Pascal and his partners. Pascal instead concentrated on making smaller “Eurohold was established in 1989 with its head- deals that were highly leveraged. That enabled quarters in Spain and does extensive business him to put together financing, with smaller capital throughout the country,” he adds, “But over the requirements, while still providing the potential past twenty years I have helped Eurohold to devel- for large gains. Primarily using their own capital op a network of business partners that places the Pascal and his partners were able to cope with the company at the hub of financial activity in France, recent general down-turn in financial activity and the Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, the Unit- create a very positive and profitable economic in- ed Kingdom, Sweden, Norway and Germany,” vestment model. Vieilledente said. With large clients such as Ma- Vieilledente said, “I am optimistic about the fu- daus, Kerry, Aegon and Indra, Eurohold’s key to ture, both for Eurohold and the world economy.” success has been the ability to maintain long-term He sees the current problems as a short-term relationships with quality firms in key sectors of anomaly in another-wise growing world market. international business. Those sectors include: In- With leadership that is able to discern profitable formation technology and telecommunications, pathways in today’s financial markets, Eurohold Pharmacy and Health, Food & Beverage, Distribu- is poised to become an even larger player in the tion, Business to Business services, Retail, Trans- business of international trade and finance in the port and Logistics, as well as the rapidly growing future. Pascal Vieilledente’s business acumen area of Environmental technology and consulta- and his ability to maintain trusting and profitable tion. The primary focus of Eurohold’s business long-term relationships with his clients, large and compass points in two directions: Mergers & Ac- small, is a big reason why Eurohold has enjoyed so quisitions, and Strategy Consultancy. Currently, much success. Eurohold is one of the most active Mergers & GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 35
  • 36. Dean Briggs President & CEO Briggs Engineering Inc. -- J. Michael Gordon Dean Briggs has an uncanny way of running his reports, studies, and drawing-out designs. He engineering company. But, one thing is for cer- said his projects are modified to clients’s specific tain: he garners big results and big returns as an concerns. “We are dedicated to performing the entrepreneur on the rise. In fact, Briggs Engi- best work possible – for our clients and for our neering Inc. operates a boutique company pro- organization!” he said. “After all, we are in the All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. viding a full-range consulting services in urban business of building dreams!” and land-use, said Briggs during an early morn- Briggs said his projects includes in all types of ing interview, ensconced in his office. “My father terrain, scale, land uses and jurisdictions for both influenced me greatly in my engineering career,” private and governmental section clients.” “BEI’s he said. highly trained survey department,” Briggs noted, The company offers comprehensive services “he has extensive experience in performing with which include the preliminary investigations, various boundaries, topographical surveys for reports, studies, and the preparation of design residential and commercial subdivisions develop- drawings and specifications. They consistently ers, government agencies, and private individuals provide professional project management tai- and organizations. lored to their clients’ specific concerns. One survey team uses CAD-based staky plans Briggs said his father schooled him well in finer and produces electronic coordinate files that can points of “drafting, printing, and I even worked be easily loaded into the data collectors, for the with a survey crew,” he added. Briggs noted that total station units and FPS receivers, for our field BEI Inc. included preliminary investigations, crews,” he said. 36 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 37. Just Bucket Excavating, Inc. -- Eric Daniels For more than twenty -years, Willie Davis Jr., has tions.” As a business professional, he manages literally worked in the trenches, hauling waste by business negotiations, handles contracts and req- the ton, earning a decent buck. As President of uisitions, and organizes marketing and strategic Just Bucket Excavating, Inc. said his company planning initiatives. Davis said he’s dedicated uses state-of-the-art equipment. “Just Buck- to the growth and development of the company. et Excavating, Inc. is involved in many aspects of excavating construction, including but not limited to, earth moving, culvert replacement, Davis is hopeful that President Barack Obama’s ecosystem restoration, and paving,” He said. health plan will change the way small busi- ness owners look at health benefits for em- ployees. “As an African American contractor Davis said he “retains overall responsibility for there is serious debate on the insurance and all facets of the company’s administrative func- health care system in this nation,” Davis said. GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 37
  • 38. CUSTOM BROKERS - FREIGHT FORWARDERS -- Eric Daniels Lall and Company Ltd. has established a dynamic and diverse team of thirty-five (35) members of staff, inclusive of two (2) Customs Brokers and one (1) Grade III Customs Clerk, who are highly trained professionals committed to delivering efficient and quality service. Percy Lall, Owner and President however we are stilling man- of Freight Forwarding Brokers aging to run the business with are no stranger to international a positive future on growth.” services, operating his business Freight Forwarding Brokers has with family. Based out of Trini- not made any major changes dad & Tobago, the company since the downturn and still offers a full range of services. maintains a full staff, unlike other companies who have had Grossing an estimated annual major layoffs and cut-backs over net income of 1.8 million dollars the last year. Lall says, “We are annually, Lall says, “Business has doing well enough to weather dropped a little due to this eco- the storm,” sitting at the helm. nomic down turn; but as a cus- He states, “Keeping clients sat- tom brokerage service we depend isfied is hard work, but my fam- upon the importers and export- ily has assisted in the day to day ers in the industry to stay in busi- operations to make things easier ness.” He comments, “This means on me.” Lall has one son and All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. over the next couple of months two daughters who are currently our income depends largely employed by the company, “we on the amount of work we do.” are a big family.” he chuckles. The company depends on the “We are stilling managing to work of other companies both keep aboard despite of the up’s private and individual on the im- and down’s in this volatile econ- porting and exporting of goods omy.” The Freight forwarding and services. He claims, that the Service Company will continue countries values have fallen sub- to do well and are keeping up stantially with clients importing with the demands in the market. and exporting less then what Lall expresses with confidence, they are accustom to do over “the business is moving forward, the years. Lall states, “income we are still managing to keep has fallen and continues to fall, alive in this economic fallout.” “Quality service never goes out of style!”
  • 39. GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 39
  • 40. Colin M. Cameron Attorney at Law, ESQ PA All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. A True Gator -- J. Michael Gordon Colin Cameron is a practicing general lawyer debate about the insurance and health care cri- in the greater area of Okeechobee, Florida. He sis, although I’m, optimistic like the rest of us,” said, “My grandfather was a judge and my father he chuckles, “My clients are struggling to pay me was a lawyer, so I followed in their footsteps.” even though they are on a payment plan with me.” Cameron has been in the business for thirty years Cameron specializes particularly in property, now. This upside-down economy is creating entre- probate and divorce law. Since 1979 he has been preneurial opportunities, so long as you can deal a member of the Masons and Old Fellows Asso- with a situation about as stable as the stock market. ciation as well as member of the 5th and 11th cir- Even in finance, confidence and risk tolerance cuit court of appeals. Cameron achieved his Jurist are on the rise. Cameron said, “There is serious Doctorate from the University of Florida in 1978. 40 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 41. Kaleh Mana enterprises Dr. Ahmad Entrepreneurs tend to spot opportunity where others see Tabassi dead ends. One such person is Mohammed Dantata Ndus. Upon completing his studies (he holds a post-graduate Seasoned degree in Financial Management from the University of Petroleum Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and an M.B.A. from the Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria), Mohammed found Executive opportunity in the area of government policy, developing experience in that field over the course of thirteen years. Dr. Ahmad Tabassi, Chief Executive Of- ficer and Chairman of Persia Petroleum In March 2006, he established Kaleh Mana Enterpris- Services, has cornered the international es in 2006, and has been serving as Director ever since. market, particularly, in the oil and gas Today, the company is a specialized consultan- industries. Persia Petroleum Services cy firm for governmental policies and programs provides a range of “upstream services with an estimated $10 billion in annual revenues. to international oil and gas companies”, Located in Gomba Nigeria, the firm also offers local Tabassi said. The company’s primary and national government ministries financial manage- goal has been to invest and support “Ira- ment advice in such areas as communications, agricul- nian companies which provide equipment ture, banking and finance, as well as expertise in gov- and services to the Petroleum industry in ernment relations, policy, opinion research, strategic Iran”, he said recently from his office in corporate communications, organizational development Australia. and procurement to Nigeria with international clients. PPS has five subsidiaries in Iran. The com- pany focuses on seismic acquisition, drill- ing, geological and geophysical project management, procurement and supplies. Tabassi provides strategic leadership and guidance while at the same time, setting the tone on the day-to-day operations of We offer total project management and develop- the business. PPS works closely with the ment that will see you through the entire planning, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). design and construction phases. This will preserve Tabassi has been in the oil industry for the integrity of your needs throughout the process. over twenty years. He was the co-founder of RBT Petroleum Associates in 1995, a Your project will come in at the right price, be- project management company, which he cause of our strong networks and strategic allianc- later sold to a United Kingdom firm. es allow us to put the right people on your project. We'll evaluate lean construction and design management In 1976, Tabassi left Iran before the 1979 techniques to better address your needs without over revolution, after graduating from Isfahan building, over budgeting or over extending your team. University, and later moved to Austra- lia in 1981. In 1996, he returned to Iran. Implement sustainable concepts to facili- Tabassi has a Ph.D in Exploration Geology tate both initial and long-term savings for you from Leeds University. He’s also a former while fostering a cleaner – greener tomorrow. Federal President of the Petroleum Explo- ration Society of Australia. “I am an en- 1615 West Shore Drive trepreneurial geologist”, he said. “I travel Delafield, WI 53018 to many countries; it is demanding work Phone: 262.244.7272 – but very rewarding”. GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 41
  • 42. Veteran Shooter and Professional Photographer -- J. Michael Gordon Bill Barley carries a Nikon around his neck as a The history of Photojournalism is very interesting. professional photographer. He’s taken over 5,000 According to the Rochester institute of Technol- rolls of film as a veteran shooter, capturing gritty ogy, “Photojournalism is the visual reporting of images for Life Magazine, and countless others, news for publication in newspapers and maga- during the 1960s, when New York had more news- zines,” they served as the eyes and ears, as true papers than candy stores. “That’s when the news- eyewitness and observer of history. In the old paper industry was booming and I made more days, “most photojournalists were not college- money than ever before,” he said. “I miss those educated. They became photojournalists by work- days.” ing an apprenticeship system. First, they worked The veteran shooter said he’s walked the streets as lab technicians in a newspaper’s darkroom and of New York as photojournalist. He worked with then being promoted to shooter.” All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. several news outfits in his time, including the New “That was the general rule,” Barley said, “photo- York Times, several tabloids, and a small stint journalists back in those days were not college ed- with UPI. “It was John Dusniak, the Photo Editor, ucated.” For years, many photojournalists worked who virtually extended my freelance contract for in an apprentice system. They labored long hours more than a year. That’s was a nice run,” Barley in the smelly dark rooms of newspapers across the said with a chuckle. Today, as chief photographer country, before being promoted to “shooter.” of Bill Barley & Associates, a company he founded in 1966, he specializes in commercial and industri- al photography. He provides “full-service cinema- They later earned the nickname “writers with the tography,” including advisements, lighting, and light,” because many of their photographs report- state-of-the-art camera equipment. Barley han- ed the news visually. As it turns out, photojour- dles corporate accounts, including special catalogs nalists were the great adventurers and interpret- for small and mid-size companies. Barley is even ers of history. That’s why Barley is honored to be proficient with a computer and handles graphic called a veteran shooter of his era. “I captured a lot design assignments. “I’ve been doing graphic de- of photos in my time,” he said with slight guffaw. sign for a long time now,” he said. “I did a lot of good photography.” 42 • THE SUIT • GREEN ISSUE
  • 43. Jimmie R. Phillips President/Owner Washington Acoustics -- Gary Stevens Right out of high school Jimmie Phillips operated Phillips offers acoustic ceiling installation and in- a forklift. Thanks to his family, they cut their teeth terior finishes inhibiting surface growth of mold in the construction business. Washington Acous- and mildew. tics is a 3rd generation construction business These materials used in wall and ceiling in- which specializes particularly in home & business sulation provide excellent sound absorption. services. He said, “The economy can be challenging,” As a general contractor Phillips handles acousti- he adds, “people are not spending money.” cal services, ceilings, drywall as well as home re- modeling and businesses interior improvements. The struggle continues…… GREEN ISSUE • THE SUIT • 43
  • 44. -- J. Michael Gordon A Golden Opportunity in The Sign business Alan A. Bartizal, a second-generation entre- preneur, who’s cut his teeth, watching his fa- ther runs the business, he said. He said he ad- mires his fathers’ business acumen. “It’s my dad’s work ethic that has carried me through the rough times as a business owner,” Bartizal said. Bartizal has worked hard since 1969, virtually build- ing a strong reputation as “The premier manufactur- er of electrical signs in the San Francisco Bay area.” He believes his success has been based on “Family- bred ethics, fair dealings and technical know-how.” The Oakland based company has grown and All other logos and trade names are the property of their respective owners. evolved into what has become the Golden Gate Sign Company. As a family business, Barizal said, “We understand the consumers and utilize our many years of knowledge and experiences to pro- vide high quality products and affordable pricing.” For more then 40 years, Barizal said, “we have been providing outstanding services as we contin- ue to build our reputation and are looking toward the future as an integral part of the Sign industry.” Bartizal said, “He’s learned a valuable les- son in business: To respect three elders, who came before you. “My father taught me every- thing I know today. That stays with you for life.” Golden Gate Sign Company, Inc. 1455 Third Street San Francisco, CA 94107 510.336.3838