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Speed Sort Activity
This game was used as a whole class with various different spelling stages ranging from the
syllables and affixes (early to late) to derivational relations stage in my 4th Grade class at Sunset
Elementary. After the results of our spelling inventory assessment, I decided to implement a speed
sort activity because the majority of the class is in the syllables and affixes stage. The planning of
this game was easy as each week's spelling list had around 4 "themes". These "themes" or categories
included suffixes from "or'/"er", short/long "e" sounds, and double consonant words (to name a
few). Materials needed were the spelling words of the week, empty headers so students can input the
categories, and mini envelopes for each student so they will not lose the cut out of the spelling
words. One strength of this activity is being able to recognize and know the difference between
certain prefixes, suffixes, and syllables quickly could benefit a student's reading fluidity. Another
positive in this activity, the class is not competing against each other, but with their own times.
Instead, D.R Bear mentions, "students should compare speeds with their own earlier speeds and
work toward individual improvement" (62). Each student has a different reading level, so the ability
to time against your own achievements greatly differ from others. Comparing to others ... Show
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When an educational game is presented with important content, I always feel that students work
better because they only see it as a game. When a test comes, they will be able to look back at a fun
time, like Jeopardy, and think clearly about the content that was in the fun game. When some tables
getting it wrong, and other table groups being so eager to answer, it made students quickly recognize
the mistake and fix it. This also helped the group who got it incorrectly, to realize their mistake(s)
and learn from
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Controlled Vocabulary Paper
Introduction The organization of information is the part of the human psyche, we begin organizing
images into "categories" from birth; and as we grow up we develop more complex organizational
skills to "sort" out daily information (Taylor & Joudrey, 2009, p, 1). From there we are able to
retrieve the information we have stored in our brains, when needed. Using that knowledge, how
does one create a system that is capable of retrieving information for any particular user based upon
their needs and ability? Since there is no two people just alike in mind or behavior, the idea of
organizing the information into a functional system that will make sense to most people seems
impossible. There is however, a few key methods that a cataloger, one ... Show more content on ...
In McCutcheon's (2009) article, the concept of controlled vocabulary "relies on recognition from
provided terms" (p. 63). When controlled vocabulary is put into the process of organizing
information, especially in the subject field, then the user can significantly locate the information
they are seeking faster. Without controlled vocabulary the natural language that each person uses
will be too chaotic to find any collocation within the collection. Natural language, according to
Susan Feldman (1999), is referring to the way humans have learned to speak, pronounce and spell
words in various ways. It's the way a New Yorker may talk or write in comparison to a Texan or a
British person. With controlled vocabulary, just like with name authority control, it tells the
cataloger(s) how to list the book or item, under a specific subject heading. Once the information is
in the system, a user can be linked to other controlled vocabulary terms similar to the term they
used, to find their
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The Need For Classification By Brian C. Vickery
In The Need for Classification the author Vickery (1975) introduces us to faceted classification and
gives his argument for the need for this classification. The author of the article Brian C. Vickery was
a librarian, academic and member of the Classification Research Group which was responsible for a
substantial amount of the work we have on faceted classification (Broughtan, 2015, p.301–302).
Vickery shows that the importance of classificcaiton cannot be denied as "Classification enables us
to select, from a whole universe of known entities, the one that best matches one newly
encountered" (Vickery, 1975, p.3).The chapter focuses on explaining classification and its feature,
illustrating the need for it in information retrieval and addresses some complications with the
different methods. ... Show more content on ...
Subjects are divided into fields, field into facets, facets into hierarchies. Vickery illustrates this with
a diagram of an inverted tree (1975, p.1), the tree representing the field of study with branches for
different facets, twigs on each branch for different hierarchies. This way like entities are grouped
closer together than other entities in a particular fields. Taxonomic classification seeks "to arrange
all entities . . . into a single hierarchy" (Vickery, 1975, pg. 10). Vickery contrasts taxonomy with
subject classification which allows for an entity to occupy more than one hierarchy (1975, p.9). As
these methods of classification are giving explanation and Vickery also discusses the complications
that may arise with these different
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Goals for English Essay
Henry David Thoreau once said, "In the long run, men hit only that they aim at, therefore they had
better aim at something high." I agree with Thoreau completely. When you have goals in life, you're
going to do anything and everything to accomplish those goals. Therefore why not set higher goals
that you will endeavor just with diminutive amount of more effort? One semester of English has
gone by and there's another semester to go. Even though I have done fairly well in English the first
semester, I would like to do even better the second semester. I can only do better if I have a plan and
this plan is the different types of goals I am going to set for myself. You can't be a good student by
just doing well in ... Show more content on ...
Another problem that I'm having in my writing that I would like to improve next marking period is
using less words. I tend to use too many words and make my writing too wordy. It's not that I repeat
sentences, I just tend to add too many details that aren't even needed. I plan on fixing this problem
by always going through my writing and seeing which words I could take out that would not make
the sentence any different. I believe that writing is all about quality and not quantity. Someone could
have a 5 page essay, but if there's no quality in the essay then the essay is useless.
The thought process is a very important process, therefore you can never be too good of a thinker.
There's always need for improvement. I am able to think much better this year but somehow my
ideas are never organized. I always analyze the material I am given but don't ever try to associate it
with other things we have learned. I think I can start organizing my ideas by writing down my ideas
and brain storming. I'm not used to brainstorming but if that's what I need to do to become a better
thinker then there's never a better time to start.
Listening is very important and even nature tells us that. Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so
we could hear twice as much as we speak. I would definitely like to be a more conscientious listener.
I have became a better listener due to the assessment
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What Skills Are Important In The Importance Of Phonemic...
1. Define phonemic awareness. What skills are important in the instruction of phonemic awareness?
a. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, isolate, identify, and manipulate the discrete sounds of
language, this only involves the sounds of speech and not the letters or words.
b. The skills important when instructing phonemic awareness are concepts of print,
recognizing/producing rhyme, syllable tasks, blending syllables, phonemic tasks and onset and rime
(word families). When instructing phonemic awareness, the reader should emphasize sounds and use
visual and oral instruction whenever possible, such as manipulatives.
2. Why is visualization such an important comprehension skill for readers? How can we teach
visualization to struggling readers?
a. Visualization, or mental imagery, helps students make a picture of the reading in their minds by
relating text to personal experiences from prior knowledge. Visualization is such an important
comprehension skill because students cannot remember what they are reading if they cannot picture
the story in their head. It would be similar to memorizing text and having no techniques to
remember the text. However, by visualizing, the reader is creating a personal connection with the
text and activating prior knowledge. Therefore, they are able to picture and recall what they are
b. We can teach visualization to struggling readers, specifically students with disabilities, by having
them think about what they see, hear, smell,
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My Experience In English
English was and has been my weakest subject ever since I was introduced to it in Kindergarten, and
until this day. I often understand concepts related to math and science, however, vocabulary,
spelling, critical analysis, speaking, and reading are skills I find hard to master. In fact, some ideas
seem to go through one ear, and out the other. I never understood English's importance when I was a
kid. I thought that grammar, vocabulary, spelling, etc. were not as important as math or science. I
was unaware of how important English was when I was younger, causing me to not care much about
reading, writing, or speaking. Now that I have a bit more experience in the real world, I understand
that English is essential to lead on a successful life. This is due to the fact that English can help
someone mentally, physically, and overtime, financially. Due to my late notice, I fell behind in
English, which shows through my reading level, writing, and vocabulary. Despite the tough times
and headaches that were forced upon me as an English student, I still remain diligent and put in
massive amounts of effort into each assignment. The concept, related to English, that I am most
skillful at would have to be writing, therefore writing would be strength. My confidence in writing
was first achieved in third grade when I won the "author of the month" for writing a persuasive
essay. Obtaining confidence helped me learn to enjoy writing. Although confidence is great to have,
the main reason
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Early Elementary Students ' Word Knowledge
Researchers suggest that early elementary students' word knowledge is a determining factor of
reading comprehension both in early elementary school and throughout their schooling (Juel &
Deffes, 2004). Specifically, one such argument is, "Vocabulary is an increasingly important predictor
of reading comprehension in higher grades. It is a strong predictor of fourth grade reading
achievement and the main predictor by seventh or eighth grade. By the middle elementary grades,
95% of kids can read more words than they can understand. From third grade on the main limiting
factor for the majority of children is vocabulary, not reading mechanics" (Kame'enui & Baumann,
2012, p. 34). While the relationship between vocabulary and reading comprehension appears to be
established, determining which instructional methods to effectively increase students word
knowledge and comprehension is vitally important.
Statement of the Problem
Reading comprehension requires understanding the meanings of words, sentences, and texts.
Vocabulary refers to the knowledge of lexical meanings of words and the concepts connected to
these meanings. Differences in the size of vocabulary have an effect on word recognition as well as
reading comprehension (Arrnoutse, Van Leeuwe, Voeten, & Oud, 2001). Vocabulary is a principle
contributor to fluency, comprehension, and achievement (Bromley, 2007, p. 522). However, the key
question is, does vocabulary instruction improve reading
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The Importance Of Teaching Phonics
Phonics instruction is teaching children the relationship between the letters of written language and
the sounds that they make. Phonics instruction is important because it helps students understand the
relationship between written letters and spoken sounds, so that when a student sees a word that he or
she doesn't know they can sound it out. There are two different effective ways to teach phonics:
systematic and explicit. Systematic includes a carefully selected set of letter–sound relationships
that are organized into a logical sequence, and explicit includes programs that provide teachers with
precise directions for the teaching of these relationships. The most effective phonics programs
provide children with opportunities to apply what they are learning about letters and sounds to the
reading of words, sentences, and stories. Phonics instruction helps to improve students word
recognition, spelling, and reading comprehension, and is most effective when taught in kindergarten
or first grade.
1. A teacher could teach phonics instruction using a fidget spinner, since fidget spinners are the "in"
thing right now. The teacher would divide the class in groups and give each group a set of cards that
has the end of a word on it, like –at, –ut, –it, etc. The teacher would then give each student a fidget
spinner with the beginning sound of a word on all three sides of the fidget spinner, like b–, sh–, c–,
etc. The students would then spin the fidget spinner and whichever
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The Pros And Cons Of Business English
In the global environment, it has become common for non–native English speakers to study business
English as a specific tool, with the aim of interacting with English–speaking countries, or with
companies that use English as a shared language. The reason we learn business vocabulary is
because there are specific words and phrases used in business English that are more formal and
appropriate than general English. In the world of trade and business, communication is typically
made in English. Working in business, you'll be expected to conduct business negotiations and
transactions in English, as well as write and respond to memos, emails, contracts, reports and
agreements in English (depending on how strong your command of English is). The employees ...
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There are many professions that use ESP (e.g. law, aviation, medical, tourism, science and
technology). If you do not know the specific English vocabulary or grammar you will not achieve
international business relations. There are some who argues that business English and General
English is not so different, but unfortunately that is not true. The objective is efficient and affective
communication by using industry specific words and phrases. You can surely ascertain that if a
company's employees cannot communicate effectively, the company can lose out on big business
deals, commercial trading and even lose clients and bring company profits down. Yet, before a
student or employee can start taking business English, he or she must have a good general English
level of intermediate or higher comprehension. There are ways that you can teach business English
to less experienced English learners; it is just going to take longer and more planning for them to
learn it. It is important that you, as the teacher, inform the company if their deadline is realistic for
the level the students are at. The time constraints the students may have will even make it more
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An Analytical Study Of Popular Biometric Tools And...
An Analytical Study of Popular Biometric Tools and Impacting Factors.
Biometric tools have adapted and been refined with related research. This paper's aim is to try to
discover any key Biometric tools during a specific time. Content analysis was utilized on scholarly
research from the field of Biometrics, trying to discover any patterns within scholarly publications.
Specifically, are there any trends in different types of Biometric tools? Another key research
question is are there any impacting factors or Biometric tools?
Biometric identification has long been used by humans for thousands of years. This recognition
relies on certain body characteristics such as voice, face and movement. Body identification was
first implemented by Alphonse Bertillon, in the Paris Police department in the mid19th century, to
identify criminal body measurements (Jain, Ross and Prabhakar 2004). Later, a discovery of the
individuality of fingerprints, was a significant discovery. This progressed into Police officers
"booking" criminals fingerprints for identification. From the earlier time of biometric techniques to
today's modern times, due to primarily the rapid development of technology, biometric research has
focused on other biometric attributes.
An analytical tool primarily, content analysis, will be implemented to analysis a data set of scholarly
literature from the Scopus database. Content analysis can provide a more summative and broader
snapshot of such
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Reflection About English
English was and has been my weakest subject since I was introduced to it in Kindergarten, and until
this day. I often understand concepts related to math and science, however, vocabulary, spelling,
critical analysis, speaking, and reading are skills I find hard to master. In fact, some ideas seem to go
through one ear, and out the other. I never understood English's importance when I was a kid.
Instead of exploring the different concepts, I thought that grammar, vocabulary, spelling, etc. were
not as important as math or science. I was unaware of how important English was when I was
younger, causing me to not care much about reading, writing, or speaking. Now that I have a bit
more experience in the real world, I understand that English is essential to lead a successful life.
This is due to the fact that English can help someone mentally, physically, and overtime, financially.
Due to my late notice, I fell behind in English, which shows through my reading level, writing, and
vocabulary. Despite the tough times and headaches that were forced upon me as an English student,
I still remain diligent and put in massive amounts of effort into each assignment. The concept, in
English, that I am most skillful at would have to be writing, therefore writing would be my strength.
My confidence in writing was first achieved in third grade when I won the "author of the month" for
writing a persuasive essay. Obtaining confidence helped me learn to enjoy writing. Although
confidence is
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Sample APA Interview Report
The first student whom I assessed is an 11–year old female, going into the 5th grade in District 204.
She was born and raised in Columbia for the first ten years of her life. The girl moved to the United
States with her parents in June 2016. She speaks Spanish fluently, and at the time she arrived in the
United States, she neither spoke nor understood English. The girl was placed in a general education
class, and she receives bilingual instruction for about 30–40 minutes a day. She told me that her
father speaks both Spanish and English fluently, and her mother speaks Spanish, and a
conversational English. She also shared with me that her parents promote reading at home; they take
her to the library to check out books, and encourage her to ... Show more content on
Part 2: Assessment
Student 1
For the speaking and listening section of the assessment, I conducted the interview with student 1. I
also decided to incorporate a running record, and ask a few questions related to the text, which were
an additional support enabling me to measure the girl's listening and speaking language skills in
great depth.
The interview questions relate to Student 1's personal information and her school experiences. I
decided to ask questions at various language levels: beginning, intermediate, and advanced in order
for me to gain deeper insight into her language skills, and to better see what questions still may
cause some difficulties, and which ones are easy to answer. The running record questions were
based on the A–Z benchmark passage titled "A Night in the Trees". According to A–Z levels, the
story is at level T (F&P Level P). Both, the interview questions and the running record questions
were constructed in a way which allows to assess comprehension, fluency, vocabulary,
pronunciation, and grammar. Below are the interview and the running record questions.
The interview questions:
1. Where do you come from?
2. What part of Columbia do you come from?
3. Did you like your town? Why?
4. Can you describe the town you were born in? Was it big or small?
5. Can you describe how your house looked like in Columbia?
6. What was school like in Columbia? Why was it hard?
7. Is your school in the U.S. similar
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I Am An Impulsive Person
I'm an impulsive person. I tend to get into situations where I am forced to make on the spot
decisions. Usually, things turn out alright but recent events had caused me to abandon my casual
way of thinking to make a very important decision: my career. My last year of high school was filled
with family drama along with new found independence and freedom. Though there was a lot going
on around me, I had to not only stay focused on this major turning point in my life but to figure out
what I really wanted. It's not as easy as simply going into a profession that I like–there were many
other personal, financial, and social factors that I needed to consider. With the use of my critical
thinking skills, I was able to determine which career path would be best for myself.
The last year of high school is always the craziest and the most exciting. The year has just started
and all my peers were already talking about which college they'll be going to. Apart from my honors
classes and being in the AIG program, I didn't have much going on academically. What I was most
concentrated on was writing. Just the year before I had taken English III honors and my teacher,
Mrs. Patton, was the hardest English class I had yet. Every week we had to turn out vocabulary in
and make a story out of the words. During first period, I realized I forgot to write the story so
instead I wrote a poem. When we got in class we she looked over our vocab as we turned it in. Once
she got to mine she paused and
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Use And Manipulation Of The English Language
The proper use and manipulation of the English language, skills so difficult to learn, reap a great
deal of power when mastered. As hyperbolic as it sounds, being able to use and manipulate the
English language properly into our writing and speaking can be very influential in advocating ideas
towards a community. "As a speaker, you have some influence on the extent to which others see you
as having authority" (Fontaine and Smith 13). To gain authority over an audience, one must write
and speak with confidence and be skilled enough to use proper English: that is, following the
standard rules of grammar and incorporating complex sentences and a wide range of vocabulary. In
addition, the manipulation of the English language in writing and speaking, with the use of
figurative language and compositional techniques, makes the writing more persuasive. Speaking
properly and effectively will change the way we talk and will change the way people will listen to
us. By displaying knowledge and skill towards the widely accepted language, we make our speaking
and writing more impactful, gaining authority over our audience. It was through my past experience
that I came to a realization that impactful speaking and writing, possible through the use of proper
English, serve as an agent for grasping my audience's attention. Being elected as the former
President of my high school, it was my obligation to lead nearly a thousand students. With such an
honorable role, every task required to
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Prepare for Sbi Po Exam 2013 in 60 Days
SBI PO Exam Preparation – 60 days Plan
By Varun Reddy
[Get ready to crack the probationary officer exam in State bank of India with the help of very
detailed, topic wise, chapter wise materials prepared by a young aspirant.]
SBI PO Preparation Plan (60 days) by Varun reddy | Published @
Materials Required for SBI PO exam preparations: The plan has been prepared by taking into
considerations the chapters present in the books given below. You may also refer similar books but
whether it would cover the chapters in–depth or not is unknown.(These books are available online as
well whose links are given below)
REASONING: Magical book series ANALYTICAL REASONING by M.k pandey – ... Show more
content on ...
Non Verbal reasoning–series: 5 figure series.
Number system.
Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Nov2012 issue: Current made easy)
affairs. Revision (1–5). Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: Articles.
Number system.
Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Dec2012 issue: News made easy) and
events. Revision (1–5). Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: Articles.
Number system.
Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Dec2012 issue: Current made easy)
affairs. Comprehensive test 1. Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: pronouns.
Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Jan2013 issue: News made easy) – 6
Talk and events. about Actions. Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: Pronouns.
Ratio and proportion.
Ratio and proportion.
Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Jan2013 issue: Current made easy) – 7
affairs. Talk about various Speech habits. Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: verbs.
5 11
SBI PO Preparation Plan (60 days) by Varun reddy | Published @
Verbal reasoningproblem solving: Practice book previous problems. Non Verbal reasoning–series: 5
figure series. Verbal reasoningproblem solving: Practice book previous problems. Non Verbal
reasoning–series: 5 figure series. Verbal reasoningCoded relationships. Non Verbal reasoning–series:
5 figure series. Verbal
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The On Video Clip ( S )
1. Other than what is stated in the lesson plan(s), what occurred immediately prior to and after the
video clip(s) that is important to know in order to understand and interpret the interactions between
and among you and your students? Please provide any other information needed to interpret the
events and interactions in the video clip(s).
Prior to the start of my video segment, my students had just come back from P.E class. Most of them
were tired and sweaty and were having a hard time focusing. I allowed students to get drinks of
water quickly before the bell rang and then started the period by correcting homework from the
previous night. During the correcting process, students were expected to provide me with their
answers and also a rationale as to why they solved that problem the way they did. Once all questions
had been answered and students felt comfortable moving on, they were asked to take out their
"focus sheets" to begin working on their warm–ups. Said focus sheets require students to write down
a "focus" question about the unit and to record relevant vocabulary definitions from the section. On
this particular day, there were no new vocabulary words. Typically, students are expected to write
down the textbook definition of any vocabulary words, restate said definition in their own words and
draw a representation of such. Immediately after my video segment ended, the students were given
their homework for the day. They then had about thirty seconds to collect
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John Langan's Three Keys To Doing Well In School
College students mostly get nervous about all the sudden work load that they face and may fail in
many steps throughout their college life. They might end up needing help and professional advice on
how to get good grades and survive their college. John Langan in "Three Keys to Doing Well in
School" says (that) the three most important factors to a student's success in college are attitude
toward learning, good study skills and involvement with reading. Langan emphasizes on these three
main points, sharing his opinion on how these keys are important and says that one should have
much self–respect and determination to earn the reward by hard work rather than relying on luck.
Furthermore, Writing and taking notes is another major key when it comes to enhancing study skills.
Also, being organized and having a schedule setup for almost everything helps an individual to work
on time and complete the assigned work ahead of time too. Reading is also an important step to
better performance in school or college as it helps you think well, increases your vocabulary and
helps you become a more successful person. These factors are some of the most important
characteristics that a student should develop throughout his life to succeed in life as it helps build
and strengthen the future of the student.
Setting up a goal and striving hard for is the first key that Langan mentions in his article. It is truly
an important part of your life because if you keep moving on in your life with no
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The Success Of A Brand New Group
From job interviews to making friends in a brand new group, communication is the forerunner in
determining the success of every connection between two or more people. I've never taken any
classes focusing on public speaking or other types of communication before, yet my strengths and
weaknesses within it determine the outcome of my daily and professional experiences. In both
casual and professional conversations I am usually very shy–I'm afraid of what others involved will
think of what I say. To combat this, I've developed a nasty sense of false confidence. I feign an
almost aggressive, standoffish attitude to assert myself, pushing people away or making them feel
uneasy. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember; it came from ... Show more content on ...
Primarily, I would like to develop ethical communication skills. I admit, I have trouble with
empathy and understanding how others feel. I've gotten much better in terms of considering others'
viewpoints, but I still struggle to take opposing sides seriously or consider their arguments. I tend to
focus on hard facts, forgoing emotion entirely. Because of this, I would like to increase my personal
perspective skills as well as my situational perspective skills (Hunt, Simmons, Simonds, 2013).
Since empathy doesn't necessarily come naturally to me, I have to practice empathetic behavior in
my daily life. I work on putting myself in others' shoes, considering their personal perspectives and
why they might feel the way they do. I listen first and foremost by reducing my interruptions and
seriously considering what others say. I use body language to my advantage. For example, if
someone else is speaking, I usually try to engage in very subtle submissive body language while
responding nonverbally. If I agree with what they're saying, I nod. Humans are highly emotional
creatures, and as such, little gestures such as eye contact or nodding matter in communicating
empathetically. If I am more empathetic, then other perspectives that I may not understand will not
be so jarring, they will be a learning experience. In persuasive or debate situations, this will assist
me in creating a counterargument and
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The Effect Of Explicit Lexical Elaboration On Second...
Several researchers in the area of input modification have examined the effect of this technique on
second language learner 's comprehension (Oh, 2001; Brewer, 2008; Maxwell, 2011) and others
investigate its effect not only on comprehension but also on vocabulary learning (Urano, 2000; Kim,
1996). Some studies showed that there was no significant difference in learning second language
vocabularies between using reading elaborated text with unmodified texts (Chung, 1995; Kim;
1996; Silvia, 2000).
Mosavi (2014) investigate the effect of explicit lexical elaboration on second language vocabulary
learning in writing of 70 Iranian learners. Learners were randomly divided into two groups, both
groups had the same reading text but for elaborated version target words had its synonyms or
definitions right after them, for example, X has the same meaning as Y, which can be named as the
most explicit elaboration device. A time limit was conducted for learners to read the text, in the
elaborated group, learners were asked to pay attention to the target form while reading. When they
finished the reading process they had to answer the reading comprehension questions and after that
write a paragraph with the same topic with the reading comprehension text. This writing considers
as the post–test which learners do not have the permission for using dictionaries, peer help or
teacher guidance. They just had the topic familiarity. The results of this study revealed that if
learners write their
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The Importance Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language
In order to effectively teach English as a foreign language it is essential to understand not only the
learners current ability level but also their desires and goals in learning a language. By combing
these two aspects, an efficient and practical lesson plan can be designed. In this case the student is
already highly proficient even fluent at times in English, and was determined to be around MM2D
level (ITTO 388). Because he studies international business, he is learning English primarily as a
potential occupational skill. Furthermore, because he is already proficient at casual speech and
understanding, it makes most sense to focus on areas he has less experience with, in this case formal
writing and occupational vocabulary as these skills will likely be essential for his future
Classroom Approach:
Given that the learner in this case is already a high level English speaker, the class will
automatically be at least party derived from the Direct Method. The Communicative Approach will
also be helpful as it stresses the importance of "authentic language usage" which in most cases is
likely the form on English that will be spoken in office settings. However the most effective strategy
in this case will likely be the Oral Situational Approach due to the fact that it focuses on learning
language (and specifically vocabulary) based on presenting the lexicon in the context of a specified
situation, in this case a formal, office setting (ITTO
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Wordfall Argumentative Essay
Who would be better at the game WordFall? The categories in WordFall consists of two tests:
semantic fluency category, where the contestant says as many words in a particular category and the
phonemic fluency category where answers are words that start with a particular letter. 62–year–old,
Jane, believes she will answer slower but will have more to say but her 30–year–old daughter, Jean,
disagrees. Jean believes she will be faster thus, allowing her to result with more words than Jane.
Considering their ages, there are many factors to consider when deciding who will do better in a
certain test such as neural development, cognitive development, and the activities Jean and Jane
engage in. Neural development is one of the major factors to ... Show more content on ...
Jane's involvement in playing the piano along and completing daily crossword puzzles allows
herself to exercise her fluid intelligence; thus, strengthening a certain task that is declining due to
senescence. With this exercise, Jean can perform with high confidence which will motivate herself
to do well (Kavé & Halamish, 2015). Kavé and Halamish's (2015) suggests that older adults, around
Jean's age, performed better and had higher confidence in comparison to younger adults and that
they will do better in tasks that are supposedly easier for younger adults. Also, with WordFall,
participants are relying on semantic memory which is general word memory that individuals
accumulate over a life time and with Jean exercising with her daily crossword puzzle, allows
automatic processing of information, the ability to process information without much though,
strengthen similar to Jean playing the piano, she does not need to consciously think how as to how
she should move her hands (Kavé & Halamish, 2015). Jane can potentially become cognitively
strategic by how she is developing her answers in certain categories and not allowing her inability to
answer as fast as Jean, affect her (Hanes, 2015). In result, due to her exercising her skills even for
being 62–years–old, she is at a higher probability at being better at WordFall than her
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Television News vs. Newspaper
Television news vs. Newspaper When it comes to finding about the news of what's going on in our
world, we want details and facts. We want the juice of what's actually going on. The debate between
the efficiency of newspapers and TV news, TV news is a lot more effective.
Watching the news on TV is a lot easier for people to understand and is more convenient than
reading it on paper. For the people who are always in a rush in the morning, it's more convenient to
turn on the TV and listen to what's going on rather than trying to read a paper because it will only
slow your task down. Also, for the people who don't know how to read and for elders whose eyes
don't function properly, the TV is a better source of finding out the news. Not only ... Show more
content on ...
The smallest story could be the most important; but if you have a newspaper, you won't be able to
find out what's going on, so you'll have to rely on the TV news to tell you what you want to know.
TV offers more options of news. People are mostly fond of making choices. Watching TV can
satisfy this requirement. Because there are many channels for options on news, for example, ABC7
channel news doesn't provide you the news you want to know about, then you can always change
the channel. But the newspaper is published by one publication. Whatever information is on there is
what you have to stick with. The point of view and the news are somehow limited and prejudice. So
in order to get a comprehensive view, people can try many different channels to get an
Unlike the TV news, newspaper are portable and has no time limited, this has the advantages that
people can read them whenever they want. But I believe that getting news from TVs is due to its
efficiency, convenience and easy understanding is a lot better than just reading the
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Statement Of Purpose: The Academy Oath
I'm not Catholic. I don't go to church, and I've never touched a Bible before in my life. Knowing
this, people always ask me, "Cory, you're not even Catholic, so why the hell are you going to CBA?"
I go to Christian Brothers Academy because it is so much more than just a religious school. Nothing
shows the purpose of attending CBA like The Academy Oath. Not only does it teach us how to be
good Christians, but for me personally, it gives me a path to be the best person I can possibly be.
Giving back to the community, being an honorable person, and striving for much more than just
math facts or reading books. The Academy Oath has already helped me realize the kind of person I
want to be, both in and out of the classroom. Before high school, community service never crossed
my mind at any point during my life. Going to public school, I knew that nobody cared about
service and since I didn't have to, I never did anything for my town. Thirteen year–old me had only
3 things on my mind: ... Show more content on ...
We all do it. Before exams, researching for a project, or anything like that. What do we do after the
test? All that information goes down the drain. A quote I really like states, "Knowledge is measuring
that a desert path is 12.4 miles long. Wisdom is packing enough water for the hike." The Academy
Oath guides us, "To strive for wisdom in the pursuit of knowledge," While we learn new things
every day, wisdom is finding out how to put it into your life practically. For me, hate using big
vocabulary words in essays. I know them, but they aren't useful to me. The Academy Oath made me
search deeper. Sure I know big vocabulary words, but now I know that by using the vocabulary,
colleges see me as a more coherent writer and employers view me as more respectable. The truly
great thing is, with newfound wisdom after reading the oath, I can implement these ideals into my
everyday life to become a helpful member of my community, not just the pot smoker who barely
passed middle
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Analysis Of Movie And Displaying Modes Of Captions
While–viewing Movies
When it comes to while–viewing movies, I will analyze and stress such two issues to be
implemented: introduction to the movie and displaying modes of captions. My statements and
reviews are as follows:
Introduction to the movie. Apart from pre–teaching a list of new words and phrases in a film, EFL
teachers should give their students a small introduction to the movie just before watching in class.
Some offered this proposal like Bueno (2009), "He (Altman, 1989) cautioned that instructors must
provide background information when film genres do not include explicit information regarding the
systems of culture and thus the nonnative viewer lacks the cultural context needed to interpret a
scene" (p. 320). EFL teachers ... Show more content on ...
Otherwise, EFL teachers can create some class tasks to inform their students of what the movie is
about before watching. Knowing the meaning and importance of the movie, students will pay more
attention to the movie they will watch later. A range of class tasks can be designed such as "class
surveys, problem resolution, video title discussion, brainstorming, consideration of a film summary,
information–gap exercises, semantic mapping, and dictionary consultation" (Stempleski & Arcario,
1993, p. 28–30). According to Wang and Liu (2011), "Before the movie watching, brainstorming the
students with words according to their subject, this would diverse their thinking, activate their
vocabulary schema, and compensate each other" (p. 44). In another aspect, Bueno (2009) suggested
"instructors (should) utilize an overarching question that set the theme for interpreting the films to
be viewed and discussed" (p. 323). Concerning the questions, Wang and Liu (2011) explained, "The
questions may be about the whole movie or just about the details, leading students to appreciate the
movie with purposes, capture meaningful information and exchange their ideas" (p. 44). Judith
(2001) in the study showed how to inform students of post–viewing tasks before watching by giving
an example, "(before showing) a video that shows the trials of asking someone out on a date, (tell
students to)
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The Importance Of The English Language
Many Americans due to the fact that they have been in America they believe that the English
language is easier to master than another language. Moreover, U.S college students believes that
since they speak English frequently throughout the day they have mastered the English language.
However, this may sound like common sense but it not true. Studies "from the U.S Department of
Education shows that many high school seniors are graduating unable to read at grade level and one
in four cannot read at even the most basic level" ( These studies completely refute
the theory that mastering the skills of English is unnecessary. Malcolm X who "was one of the most
articulate and powerful leaders of black America during the 1960s" even struggled with the English
language ( In addition to that, he was born in America too. Evidence to the previous
claim is in "Learning to Read," where Malcom X said it himself saying, "Trying to write simple
English, I not only wasn't articulate, I wasn't even functional." Malcom X did not let that stop him.
He performs some effective techniques in his pursuit of enhancement that college students emulate
if they want to improve. Practicing, Reading, and learning new words are three effective techniques
that college students should use to reach their mastery level of the English language. Many people
may have heard the hackneyed quote that says, "Practice makes perfect." Well, Malcom X is a living
testimony of that. This
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I Am A Blonde Bombshell
Just like every other young girl at the age of ten, I screamed and cried for the Jonas brothers as they
sang "Burnin up" on my living room television. But, there was someone else who intriguingly
caught my attention every night in that same living room, her name was Tricia. Tricia, the second
oldest, blonde bombshell took the center of attention every night, as she dazzled everybody away
with her college etiquette. Behind her beauty, honor roll achievements, and being the only member
in our family to attend college, there was something else that I admired more than just Tricia herself;
it was the "gibberish" she spoke. It wasn 't "goo–goo gaga" baby gibberish. Her "gibberish" was
fluent, constant, bold, and captivating. She made every story sound interesting, and could keep her
audience listening in awe. Tricia's "gibberish" was state of the art vocabulary words I have never
even heard before, words that I never even knew existed. She baffled me with her sentences
containing words like; hackneyed, jubilation, and perfidious. "How could I gain this "gibberish"?"
"Did I have to be blonde?" "I was not smart enough?" Of course, these are some of the bizarre
viewpoints; I questioned myself about on, how I could obtain such "gibberish". I yearned to sound
"smart" just like Tricia, which later on led me to my obsession with Sanabria 2 enhancing every
aspect of my vocabulary. After spending sometime researching, I found that reading, writing,
listening, and speaking are the
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The Importance Of Computers In Education
*A day before beginning the unit, I will give Sarah, Brian, Kristen, Madison, David, and Oscar a
vocabulary sheet that has all the unit vocabulary with pictures so they may become familiar with
some of them before each lesson.
*Students have also been doing station work since the beginning of the school year. They know that
they can rotate at their own speed through all the stations. They are required to do two of the stations
and show me their work from them. I will look at it and talk about it with them. If students are being
distracted, or have lost their privilege to choose stations, I will tell them where and when they can
go to a station. In severe cases the student will have to sit at his/her desk to do the station work.
*Students ... Show more content on ...
Samantha, Brock, Liz, Scott, and Emma will write 2–3 questions before reading and 1 during
reading. After reading they will answer their questions. While students are working on this I will be
going around the room answering questions, making students are on task, and helping as needed. I
will then preview the three vocabulary words on p. 176. Next, I will preview the chapter by giving
students a brief summary of the chapter and then partner discussion. Once they discuss with their
partner we will have whole class discussion. Next, I will do the Visual Literacy section based on the
photo on p. 177. Then, I will preview for tomorrows lesson.
Day Two: Student mixed ability groups for the day will be written on the board (Group 1: Scott,
Kristen, and 2 average students; Group 2: Emma, Madison and 2 average; Group 3: Samantha,
Brian, and 2 average; Group 4: Brock, David, and 2 average; Group 5: Oscar, Sarah, and 2 average;
Group 6: Liz and two average) I will introduce the lesson by having students Think–Pair–Share in
their mixed ability group to guess why people from Europe built colonies in New England and
discuss what they know about colonies and why people established them. Then, read You Are There
p.178 asking student to Think–Pair–Share what challenges early New England colonist faced. I will
handout questions chart with instructions according to each student's readiness level,
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Free College Admissions Essays: Twenty Thousand Leagues...
Thousands of years ago, the great King Solomon, of Israel, once wrote, "Through wisdom is an
house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be
filled with all precious and pleasant riches."(King James Version, Proverbs. 24.3–4). I have grown in
many ways throughout my school career, especially in the subject of Literature/English. Throughout
this time period, I have received many accolades and achieved many goals, relating to my writing of
essays. These achievements include all As through middle school, all As through the academy, and a
perfect score on the English section of the CRCT. I was able to achieve my goals throughout my
writing experience because of my increased vocabulary, my avid appetite ... Show more content on ...
I have always loved to read, especially books about history or science. The classic, Twenty
Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, is probably the most intriguing book I have ever read. This book
along with other books by Jules Verne are loaded with advanced vocabulary, sophisticated language,
and thought–provoking details. The book, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, states, "So let
me tell you that you will not regret the time spent on board my vessel. You are going to travel
through a wonderland. Astonishment and stupefaction will probably be your normal state of mind.
You will not easily become blasé about the sights continually offered to your eyes. I am going to
embark on a new underwater tour of the world–who knows, perhaps the last?–and revisit everything
I have studied on my many travels; and you will be my study companion. Starting today, you will
enter a new element, you will see what no man has ever seen before (for my men and I no longer
count); and our planet, through my efforts, will deliver up its last secrets." This statement suggests
that this and other of Verne's books are full of advanced vocabulary and have complex language.
One benefit of reading and understanding these classic works of literature is that my writing has
improved. The word "stupefaction", as used in the quote, most nearly means, overwhelmed with
amazement. This implies that there are many words in these books that are of high intelligence level.
By reading these books the intelligence level of the reader will rise. My insatiable appetite for
reading has been a great factor in developing better writing
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My Speech With The Step Of Monroe's Motivated Sequence
Well, the speech was really fun to prepare for it, even though the grade is not what I expected. It
pretty awesome too when giving the speech because I can see the audiences inner desire. And their
laugh and some smile, it shows it all. I got their attention when I first open up the slide because that
was the moment when our generation mostly looking for. And that was love, but that not what they
expected. I was laughing inside because of that. While giving the speech, I notice I made too many
mistakes and know what my weakness, strength is. I can see my strength in organizing my speech
with the step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence because of that my speech went a lot smoother. In
addition to that, I was able to get my points across the audience. The thesis of my topic was easily
understood by the audience because my earlier slide about finding love caught their attention. That
was brilliant, but I can see that my transition is not smooth on every slide. And that is my weakness I
have to work on. It's still not as bad as my communication because I know that I'm quadruple–
lingual. That make it really hard for me to speaking ... Show more content on ...
As I mention earlier, my strength is in following the requirement, and visual aid. In appearance too
because of what I love to do and that is to dress up. However, in my weakness, I can see that I have
to work on my speaking skill and make a clear point when speaking so the audience can actually
understand. As well as my posture, even though my intention is purposeful. Sometimes it seems out
of reflex for no reason and I got to work on that. So I set a goal to speak more and more. I also vow
to read more to help me with my vocab and speaking skill. With this, I can say that I'm still learning.
I still got a long way to go for me to be able to deliver my speech in public formally and
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Why Reading Is Reading Essay
Why Reading is fun
Reading is enjoyable for the average reader because people can learn astronomical words that they
can use when they are speaking to other people. When a person is reading, they are able to expand
their thinking. Also, reading helps fix any writing mistakes that the average person may be
struggling with. Reading helps the person become a critical thinker and knowledgeable about what
is going on in this world. Reading can expand the average person's thoughts on certain topics.
Without reading, people will not know how to be a critical thinker, utilize big vocabulary words, and
speak to others properly. The reason why I enjoy reading books because I learn from what I am
reading, I learn new words that I can utilize, and I enjoy ... Show more content on ...
The topics that I love to read about romantic books. I love reading romantic books because I can
always want to know what it is going to happen next in the story. I love reading these types of books
because I learn a lot about love that I did not envision. For example, when I am reading a book a
wattpad book, I am learning information about romance that I did not anticipate. I always learn
about how if the significant others love one another, they have to be able to sacrifice to be with one
another. They have to prove to one another why they love each other and why they should cherish it.
They have to show why they love each other and do they value each other as a couple should. They
also have to know what are the dislikes and likes from their significant other. They have to realize
that love is not a game, it is very serious for two people to be in love with one another forever. They
have to remind themselves why they are in love with one another and why they have been together
for years. I love reading romantic books because I always learn a lot about love that I do not expect
at all. Also, I love reading romantic books because when I am finishing reading the romantic book,
the moral of the story is that love cannot be taken for granted. It is either a person loves the person
or they do not love the
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My Shortcomings
Sitting through English class and completing grammar worksheets since the age of five, never really
helped me reach academic success in the English department. After many, many nights of trying to
revise my essays to the point of perfection, I never fully understood. Never truly picking up on the
key to the phenomenal essay. I think my shortcomings came from the result of my effort, which was
minimal and just enough to slide by on the high school scale. The amount of time and effort I put in
was just enough to pass the class and graduate as an honors student. However, once I committed to
Virginia Tech, I soon realized that that cute little game wasn't going to work anymore. Therefore, I
set goals for myself, even before I knew that I was taking this class. So, when you mentioned the
goals memo, I knew exactly what my set goals would be. In order to achieve greatness here at Tech,
I would need to do a more than the minimum. Number one, I would need to quit my awful habit of
procrastinating. College is all about time management and that's what I intend to do, manage my
time, well. Secondly, I desire to improve my bland vocabulary. I'd like to sound more intelligent
when I speak and write. And lastly, I plan to break my comfort zone academically, by participating
in clubs and taking classes that challenge my existing knowledge and allow me to learn new ideas.
I am an awful procrastinator, this semester I would like to challenge myself to manage my time
better and to complete
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Four Practical Principles Of Vocabulary Education
Vocabulary is one of the most important contributors to children's learning. The higher the levels of
vocabulary knowledge a child has, the more they will understand and the faster they will learn.
Vocabulary learning begins at home. From an article I read in college 'Four practical principles for
enhancing vocabulary instruction', research has shown that the level of vocabulary instruction
received by children beginning at home has a huge bearing on both the success of children's
personal and academic development. Children from low–income families and non–English speaking
families face a large deficit in English vocabulary knowledge when beginning school (Manyak et
al., 2014). This deficit in turn becomes a major barrier and obstacle to reading success, and thus
there is an urgent need for teachers and schools to improve the quality of vocabulary instruction.
A lot of these children are unable to comprehend the vocabulary which they ... Show more content
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The average student knows 40,000 words (Manyak et al., 2014) so it is obvious that students need to
know more words than teachers can teach. One strategy would be to choose between 12 and 15
target words to teach each week, depending on the level of word knowledge a word takes to
understand. There are four pragmatic principles for enhancing vocabulary instruction (Nosal, 2012).
These are:
1) Establish efficient yet rich routines for introducing target words (Nosal, 2012) – teaching
individual words takes time, especially if you have a large number of words to teach. Time can be
saved if successful routines are used. Having a routine saves vital learning time.
2) Provide review experiences that promote deep processing of target words (Nosal, 2012) – give
the children experiences of the words that allow and encourage them to use and understand each
word, the children should be exposed to each word in multiple
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The Puzzling Truth : A Practicum Observation Of A Mentor...
The Disconcerting Truth:
A Practicum Observation of a Mentor Teacher & Senior Government Students Thirty–six desks
were placed in six rows of six and each one faced the SMART board awaiting the third block seniors
to come in for their government class. The adjacent cement walls had no artwork, posters, or
examples of student success. In a list of three, the only whiteboard contained the class' plan for the
day, but the faded green marker rendered it indecipherable from across the room. The objectives
were, "1. CNN News, 2. Begin Chapter 3 Vocabulary, 3. Preamble," with no explanation or
elaboration. From the back of the room, a screen separated the government class from another
history class. There had been chatter echoing ... Show more content on ...
When the video ended all but three students were on their phone or asleep, some of each of these
two categories even have headphones in. Rather than address the situation, the MT called from his
desk that it was time to move on to their next activity. Though the board listed vocabulary and the
majority of the class were pulling out the classroom set of textbooks from under their desks the MT
pulled up another video. He asked the class if anyone already knew the preamble. When no one
answered the question the MT asked what the preamble was or where it could be found. Again, no
one answered. Clicking play on the School House Rock video there was an instant symphony of
groaning and recognition. As soon as it finished the students were told that they had one week to
memorize the preamble and recite it in front of their peers for a test grade. The class was instantly
full of chatter, mostly complaints and questions– none of which were answered, but the MT
announced that anyone that performed the preamble at the end of class that day would be given
extra credit, which seemed to quell about half of those talking. The last activity on the board was the
vocabulary, some of the students were working on it and others were reading and practicing the
preamble, some alone and others in groups. Confused I asked three students what they were doing
with the vocabulary. They showed me the twenty vocabulary
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Writing Can Be A Struggle Essay
Introduction Writing can be a struggle. Even for myself, I am struggling right now to compose this
last paper for my degree. Nevertheless, I have the necessary tools and the mindset to complete this
paper with perfection. My working environment is peaceful. Soft classical music playing, soy candle
burning, and a cup of water next to my computer. (I am not a coffee person). My outline is fully
filled out with the research I want to incorporate into my paper. I know what my end goal is and the
expectations that I must achieve. I am ready to write! Students need this same type of determination
when they are writing. This is especially true for EL students. Based on research there are three
main principles for effectively teaching EL students: "(1) generally, effective practices are likely to
be effective with ELs. (2) ELs require additional instructional supports. (3) The home language can
be used to promote academic development" (Goldenberg, 2013, p. 5). In this paper, I am going to
highlight a few writing best practices that are research based to use within a classroom setting that
are particular successful for EL students.
The first practice I am going to discuss is creating a classroom community of writers. Writing is
often ignored, and when it is brought up in the classroom the students view it as a daunting task.
Therefore, it is up to the teacher to change this environment into a positive experience. In the article,
Writing in the ESL Classroom:
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What Are The Objectives Of SALL
There were two goals of SALL intended to achieve, namely enhancing my lexical resources and
improving my spontaneous speaking skill in English. Actually, before the SALL activity, I took
IELTS Exam and realized my writing and speaking band score were just marginal, which do not
guarantee the entrance of postgraduate study. The result alerted me that I needed to work harder on
writing and speaking and I realized one of my major deficiencies in English was lacking sufficient
vocabularies that can represent my ideas concisely. Therefore, the two methods and materials
adopted by me in SALL were concentrated on speaking and vocabulary bank. The first material I
used was news TV programme, which was mostly targeted on vocabulary. I watched "News at 7:30"
broadcasted on TVB Pearl around three times a week. When I encountered some vocabularies
displayed in the subtitle that I am not familiar with, I immediately jotted them ... Show more content
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The reflective cycle underscores in SALL also guided me to evaluate the effectiveness of each pair
of method and material to review whether modifications should be made to achieve more. I also
realized feedbacks from other people could allow me to identify my weaknesses and make
improvements on my original goals. Undoubtedly, SALL has provided me a valuable experience to
learn English in a more independent way because I am the only person to decide what to do in
SALL. Nonetheless, the duration I put in SALL activities was just 15 hours, which was far too short
to guarantee an improvement in IELTS writing and speaking. Therefore, I will continue to explore
new methods to practice English independently to fulfill the IELTS requirement of postgraduate
study. The end of SALL doesn't mean the end of English learning; instead this marks a new
beginning in my journey of learning
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Reflection Essay
When I first started this class I had no idea what to expect, I was nervous since this was my first
college English class. After the first couple of classes, I realized I did not have anything to worry
about. You were a great teacher that I got along with well. When we had our conference projects
mid–semester I was feeling very good about what the second half of the semester. P.M. Forni wrote
in Choosing Civility, "Somebody's words hurt us and we perceive a swell of outrage inside. Let's
stop for a moment to pay attention to it. Are we overacting? Are we about to act in a way we will
soon regret?" (pg.38) I found this quote extremely meaningful because, I think everyone can agree
that in some point in their lives they have over reacted about something. If everyone just took a
moment to think about how them reacting to something will affect them in the future, it would save
a lot of people from getting hurt or regretting something they might say. Michael P. Nichols wrote,
"Much of the conflict in our lives can be explained by one simple but unhappy fact: We don't really
listen to each other." This quote is so true when it comes to people speaking to one another, we often
forget to listen to the person speaking to us. This problem would be solved if we look up from our
cellphones and communicated with the people around us. P.M Forni wrote in Choosing Civility,
"Our lives are made up of events that we have little or no control over." (pg.15) I wanted to right
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Reflection On English Teacher
Reflection text Entering an English course after practicing as a teacher for many years are both
disturbing and exiting. Disturbing, because I challenge my own practice. How will it cope
comparing to new theory and practice? Exiting, because I look forward to getting new inputs and
knowledge, and to develop myself as a teacher. The result so far is approximately as I expected. In
my first years of practice I spent much time to go through the text of the week, and to hear the pupils
read aloud. Over the years I have developed my teaching including more activities were pupils are
more active and communicate directly with each other. Through these first months of the course I
have realized that I have to go further down this route. The necessity ... Show more content on ...
Meaning, as long as their pronunciation are clear and they speak with correct clauses it doesn't
matter whether they speak one or another English. I haven't been aware of this fact and have always
strived for British English. As a hole I see my role as an English teacher more as a facilitator and
less the conventional teacher. When improving my teaching I think it is important to take small
steps. Doing a little more or otherwise gradually. Thereby it is easier for me incorporate, maintain
and develop. By making it a routine before heading on doesn't feel like it's so much work. The goal
is to expand my toolbox of activities to be a more competent English teacher. So far, this English
course have only lasted for three months, but I have already learned a lot that challenge my way of
teaching and my thinking around the subject. I have taken small steps in daily routine to incorporate
English, and I'm planning to do more. Further, have I changed my lessons to contain several
activities targeting communication and collocation, and finally, I have changed the way I look at
teaching English. The disturbances I felt in the beginning is still a part of it all. Discovering your
own incompetence is never pleasant, but I believe that excitement will take its place before the
course is
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Implicit Versus Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Practices
Implicit versus Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Practices
Sarah Sherman
Bridgewater State University
This study examines the teaching methods of individuals who provide English instruction to
speakers of other languages. Two classrooms of similar makeup will be studied in order to
determine whether implicit or explicit vocabulary instruction most benefits English Language
Learners. These two classrooms will participate in pretests and posttests to determine the growth of
their vocabulary knowledge involving a series of lexical items over the course of the teaching
experiment. This research will be compared to the research of other individuals who examined the
differences between implicit and explicit vocabulary learning and the implications of these teaching
Methods for Teaching English Vocabulary to Speakers of Other Languages
Teachers utilize their own teaching styles to provide students with the best possible learning
experiences. However, vocabulary teaching varies greatly depending on the instructor and his or her
teaching style preferences. Vocabulary instruction can usually be taught in two basic forms. It may
be taught implicitly, meaning that it is imbedded into the curriculum and not taught in a separate
manner. It may also be taught explicitly, meaning that each important vocabulary word is taught in
isolation, prior to providing students with the general curriculum information. This research
examines common
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Three Ways To Facilitate A Child's Development In Child...
1) In class, we have discussed many ways in which children develop language skills. Give me
THREE ways in which an adult can facilitate a child's language acquisition (acquire new and
increase language vocabulary).
There are many ways which an adult can facilitate a child's language acquisition (acquire new and
increase language vocabulary). Here is some of them:
1. Engaging in conversations with children.
Communication is the first and most accessible way to facilitate child's language acquisition and
increasing language vocabulary.
2. Reading books multiple times.
During the repeated reading, repetition and gradual memorization and mastering of the most
important components of the language functions occur.
3. Giving descriptions of objects.
Explanations of words, activities or events. Open questions. All these ways are help to acquire new
words and increase language vocabulary for the children in everyday life.
2) Select ONE age group (infants, toddlers, pre–school). Give me ONE literacy activity and tell me
WHY you believe it is developmentally appropriate. I chose toddlers age (16–36 months). As one of
the best literacy activity adults can use be rhymes and songs, and encourage the child about it
(during play, circle & transition times). I believe it is developmentally appropriate since children
learn many sounds and words through songs and nursery rhymes. Even if toddlers can't repeat some
of the words, they remember them, which greatly expands their
... Get more on ...

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Speed Sort Activity

  • 1. Speed Sort Activity This game was used as a whole class with various different spelling stages ranging from the syllables and affixes (early to late) to derivational relations stage in my 4th Grade class at Sunset Elementary. After the results of our spelling inventory assessment, I decided to implement a speed sort activity because the majority of the class is in the syllables and affixes stage. The planning of this game was easy as each week's spelling list had around 4 "themes". These "themes" or categories included suffixes from "or'/"er", short/long "e" sounds, and double consonant words (to name a few). Materials needed were the spelling words of the week, empty headers so students can input the categories, and mini envelopes for each student so they will not lose the cut out of the spelling words. One strength of this activity is being able to recognize and know the difference between certain prefixes, suffixes, and syllables quickly could benefit a student's reading fluidity. Another positive in this activity, the class is not competing against each other, but with their own times. Instead, D.R Bear mentions, "students should compare speeds with their own earlier speeds and work toward individual improvement" (62). Each student has a different reading level, so the ability to time against your own achievements greatly differ from others. Comparing to others ... Show more content on ... When an educational game is presented with important content, I always feel that students work better because they only see it as a game. When a test comes, they will be able to look back at a fun time, like Jeopardy, and think clearly about the content that was in the fun game. When some tables getting it wrong, and other table groups being so eager to answer, it made students quickly recognize the mistake and fix it. This also helped the group who got it incorrectly, to realize their mistake(s) and learn from ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Controlled Vocabulary Paper Introduction The organization of information is the part of the human psyche, we begin organizing images into "categories" from birth; and as we grow up we develop more complex organizational skills to "sort" out daily information (Taylor & Joudrey, 2009, p, 1). From there we are able to retrieve the information we have stored in our brains, when needed. Using that knowledge, how does one create a system that is capable of retrieving information for any particular user based upon their needs and ability? Since there is no two people just alike in mind or behavior, the idea of organizing the information into a functional system that will make sense to most people seems impossible. There is however, a few key methods that a cataloger, one ... Show more content on ... In McCutcheon's (2009) article, the concept of controlled vocabulary "relies on recognition from provided terms" (p. 63). When controlled vocabulary is put into the process of organizing information, especially in the subject field, then the user can significantly locate the information they are seeking faster. Without controlled vocabulary the natural language that each person uses will be too chaotic to find any collocation within the collection. Natural language, according to Susan Feldman (1999), is referring to the way humans have learned to speak, pronounce and spell words in various ways. It's the way a New Yorker may talk or write in comparison to a Texan or a British person. With controlled vocabulary, just like with name authority control, it tells the cataloger(s) how to list the book or item, under a specific subject heading. Once the information is in the system, a user can be linked to other controlled vocabulary terms similar to the term they used, to find their ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Need For Classification By Brian C. Vickery In The Need for Classification the author Vickery (1975) introduces us to faceted classification and gives his argument for the need for this classification. The author of the article Brian C. Vickery was a librarian, academic and member of the Classification Research Group which was responsible for a substantial amount of the work we have on faceted classification (Broughtan, 2015, p.301–302). Vickery shows that the importance of classificcaiton cannot be denied as "Classification enables us to select, from a whole universe of known entities, the one that best matches one newly encountered" (Vickery, 1975, p.3).The chapter focuses on explaining classification and its feature, illustrating the need for it in information retrieval and addresses some complications with the different methods. ... Show more content on ... Subjects are divided into fields, field into facets, facets into hierarchies. Vickery illustrates this with a diagram of an inverted tree (1975, p.1), the tree representing the field of study with branches for different facets, twigs on each branch for different hierarchies. This way like entities are grouped closer together than other entities in a particular fields. Taxonomic classification seeks "to arrange all entities . . . into a single hierarchy" (Vickery, 1975, pg. 10). Vickery contrasts taxonomy with subject classification which allows for an entity to occupy more than one hierarchy (1975, p.9). As these methods of classification are giving explanation and Vickery also discusses the complications that may arise with these different ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Goals for English Essay Henry David Thoreau once said, "In the long run, men hit only that they aim at, therefore they had better aim at something high." I agree with Thoreau completely. When you have goals in life, you're going to do anything and everything to accomplish those goals. Therefore why not set higher goals that you will endeavor just with diminutive amount of more effort? One semester of English has gone by and there's another semester to go. Even though I have done fairly well in English the first semester, I would like to do even better the second semester. I can only do better if I have a plan and this plan is the different types of goals I am going to set for myself. You can't be a good student by just doing well in ... Show more content on ... Another problem that I'm having in my writing that I would like to improve next marking period is using less words. I tend to use too many words and make my writing too wordy. It's not that I repeat sentences, I just tend to add too many details that aren't even needed. I plan on fixing this problem by always going through my writing and seeing which words I could take out that would not make the sentence any different. I believe that writing is all about quality and not quantity. Someone could have a 5 page essay, but if there's no quality in the essay then the essay is useless. Thinking: The thought process is a very important process, therefore you can never be too good of a thinker. There's always need for improvement. I am able to think much better this year but somehow my ideas are never organized. I always analyze the material I am given but don't ever try to associate it with other things we have learned. I think I can start organizing my ideas by writing down my ideas and brain storming. I'm not used to brainstorming but if that's what I need to do to become a better thinker then there's never a better time to start. Listening: Listening is very important and even nature tells us that. Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak. I would definitely like to be a more conscientious listener. I have became a better listener due to the assessment ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. What Skills Are Important In The Importance Of Phonemic... 1. Define phonemic awareness. What skills are important in the instruction of phonemic awareness? a. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, isolate, identify, and manipulate the discrete sounds of language, this only involves the sounds of speech and not the letters or words. b. The skills important when instructing phonemic awareness are concepts of print, recognizing/producing rhyme, syllable tasks, blending syllables, phonemic tasks and onset and rime (word families). When instructing phonemic awareness, the reader should emphasize sounds and use visual and oral instruction whenever possible, such as manipulatives. 2. Why is visualization such an important comprehension skill for readers? How can we teach visualization to struggling readers? a. Visualization, or mental imagery, helps students make a picture of the reading in their minds by relating text to personal experiences from prior knowledge. Visualization is such an important comprehension skill because students cannot remember what they are reading if they cannot picture the story in their head. It would be similar to memorizing text and having no techniques to remember the text. However, by visualizing, the reader is creating a personal connection with the text and activating prior knowledge. Therefore, they are able to picture and recall what they are reading. b. We can teach visualization to struggling readers, specifically students with disabilities, by having them think about what they see, hear, smell, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. My Experience In English English was and has been my weakest subject ever since I was introduced to it in Kindergarten, and until this day. I often understand concepts related to math and science, however, vocabulary, spelling, critical analysis, speaking, and reading are skills I find hard to master. In fact, some ideas seem to go through one ear, and out the other. I never understood English's importance when I was a kid. I thought that grammar, vocabulary, spelling, etc. were not as important as math or science. I was unaware of how important English was when I was younger, causing me to not care much about reading, writing, or speaking. Now that I have a bit more experience in the real world, I understand that English is essential to lead on a successful life. This is due to the fact that English can help someone mentally, physically, and overtime, financially. Due to my late notice, I fell behind in English, which shows through my reading level, writing, and vocabulary. Despite the tough times and headaches that were forced upon me as an English student, I still remain diligent and put in massive amounts of effort into each assignment. The concept, related to English, that I am most skillful at would have to be writing, therefore writing would be strength. My confidence in writing was first achieved in third grade when I won the "author of the month" for writing a persuasive essay. Obtaining confidence helped me learn to enjoy writing. Although confidence is great to have, the main reason ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Early Elementary Students ' Word Knowledge Introduction Researchers suggest that early elementary students' word knowledge is a determining factor of reading comprehension both in early elementary school and throughout their schooling (Juel & Deffes, 2004). Specifically, one such argument is, "Vocabulary is an increasingly important predictor of reading comprehension in higher grades. It is a strong predictor of fourth grade reading achievement and the main predictor by seventh or eighth grade. By the middle elementary grades, 95% of kids can read more words than they can understand. From third grade on the main limiting factor for the majority of children is vocabulary, not reading mechanics" (Kame'enui & Baumann, 2012, p. 34). While the relationship between vocabulary and reading comprehension appears to be established, determining which instructional methods to effectively increase students word knowledge and comprehension is vitally important. Statement of the Problem Reading comprehension requires understanding the meanings of words, sentences, and texts. Vocabulary refers to the knowledge of lexical meanings of words and the concepts connected to these meanings. Differences in the size of vocabulary have an effect on word recognition as well as reading comprehension (Arrnoutse, Van Leeuwe, Voeten, & Oud, 2001). Vocabulary is a principle contributor to fluency, comprehension, and achievement (Bromley, 2007, p. 522). However, the key question is, does vocabulary instruction improve reading ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Importance Of Teaching Phonics Phonics instruction is teaching children the relationship between the letters of written language and the sounds that they make. Phonics instruction is important because it helps students understand the relationship between written letters and spoken sounds, so that when a student sees a word that he or she doesn't know they can sound it out. There are two different effective ways to teach phonics: systematic and explicit. Systematic includes a carefully selected set of letter–sound relationships that are organized into a logical sequence, and explicit includes programs that provide teachers with precise directions for the teaching of these relationships. The most effective phonics programs provide children with opportunities to apply what they are learning about letters and sounds to the reading of words, sentences, and stories. Phonics instruction helps to improve students word recognition, spelling, and reading comprehension, and is most effective when taught in kindergarten or first grade. 1. A teacher could teach phonics instruction using a fidget spinner, since fidget spinners are the "in" thing right now. The teacher would divide the class in groups and give each group a set of cards that has the end of a word on it, like –at, –ut, –it, etc. The teacher would then give each student a fidget spinner with the beginning sound of a word on all three sides of the fidget spinner, like b–, sh–, c–, etc. The students would then spin the fidget spinner and whichever ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of Business English In the global environment, it has become common for non–native English speakers to study business English as a specific tool, with the aim of interacting with English–speaking countries, or with companies that use English as a shared language. The reason we learn business vocabulary is because there are specific words and phrases used in business English that are more formal and appropriate than general English. In the world of trade and business, communication is typically made in English. Working in business, you'll be expected to conduct business negotiations and transactions in English, as well as write and respond to memos, emails, contracts, reports and agreements in English (depending on how strong your command of English is). The employees ... Show more content on ... There are many professions that use ESP (e.g. law, aviation, medical, tourism, science and technology). If you do not know the specific English vocabulary or grammar you will not achieve international business relations. There are some who argues that business English and General English is not so different, but unfortunately that is not true. The objective is efficient and affective communication by using industry specific words and phrases. You can surely ascertain that if a company's employees cannot communicate effectively, the company can lose out on big business deals, commercial trading and even lose clients and bring company profits down. Yet, before a student or employee can start taking business English, he or she must have a good general English level of intermediate or higher comprehension. There are ways that you can teach business English to less experienced English learners; it is just going to take longer and more planning for them to learn it. It is important that you, as the teacher, inform the company if their deadline is realistic for the level the students are at. The time constraints the students may have will even make it more ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Reflection About English English was and has been my weakest subject since I was introduced to it in Kindergarten, and until this day. I often understand concepts related to math and science, however, vocabulary, spelling, critical analysis, speaking, and reading are skills I find hard to master. In fact, some ideas seem to go through one ear, and out the other. I never understood English's importance when I was a kid. Instead of exploring the different concepts, I thought that grammar, vocabulary, spelling, etc. were not as important as math or science. I was unaware of how important English was when I was younger, causing me to not care much about reading, writing, or speaking. Now that I have a bit more experience in the real world, I understand that English is essential to lead a successful life. This is due to the fact that English can help someone mentally, physically, and overtime, financially. Due to my late notice, I fell behind in English, which shows through my reading level, writing, and vocabulary. Despite the tough times and headaches that were forced upon me as an English student, I still remain diligent and put in massive amounts of effort into each assignment. The concept, in English, that I am most skillful at would have to be writing, therefore writing would be my strength. My confidence in writing was first achieved in third grade when I won the "author of the month" for writing a persuasive essay. Obtaining confidence helped me learn to enjoy writing. Although confidence is ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Sample APA Interview Report The first student whom I assessed is an 11–year old female, going into the 5th grade in District 204. She was born and raised in Columbia for the first ten years of her life. The girl moved to the United States with her parents in June 2016. She speaks Spanish fluently, and at the time she arrived in the United States, she neither spoke nor understood English. The girl was placed in a general education class, and she receives bilingual instruction for about 30–40 minutes a day. She told me that her father speaks both Spanish and English fluently, and her mother speaks Spanish, and a conversational English. She also shared with me that her parents promote reading at home; they take her to the library to check out books, and encourage her to ... Show more content on ... Part 2: Assessment Student 1 For the speaking and listening section of the assessment, I conducted the interview with student 1. I also decided to incorporate a running record, and ask a few questions related to the text, which were an additional support enabling me to measure the girl's listening and speaking language skills in great depth. The interview questions relate to Student 1's personal information and her school experiences. I decided to ask questions at various language levels: beginning, intermediate, and advanced in order for me to gain deeper insight into her language skills, and to better see what questions still may cause some difficulties, and which ones are easy to answer. The running record questions were based on the A–Z benchmark passage titled "A Night in the Trees". According to A–Z levels, the story is at level T (F&P Level P). Both, the interview questions and the running record questions were constructed in a way which allows to assess comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Below are the interview and the running record questions. The interview questions: 1. Where do you come from? 2. What part of Columbia do you come from? 3. Did you like your town? Why? 4. Can you describe the town you were born in? Was it big or small? 5. Can you describe how your house looked like in Columbia? 6. What was school like in Columbia? Why was it hard? 7. Is your school in the U.S. similar ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. I Am An Impulsive Person I'm an impulsive person. I tend to get into situations where I am forced to make on the spot decisions. Usually, things turn out alright but recent events had caused me to abandon my casual way of thinking to make a very important decision: my career. My last year of high school was filled with family drama along with new found independence and freedom. Though there was a lot going on around me, I had to not only stay focused on this major turning point in my life but to figure out what I really wanted. It's not as easy as simply going into a profession that I like–there were many other personal, financial, and social factors that I needed to consider. With the use of my critical thinking skills, I was able to determine which career path would be best for myself. The last year of high school is always the craziest and the most exciting. The year has just started and all my peers were already talking about which college they'll be going to. Apart from my honors classes and being in the AIG program, I didn't have much going on academically. What I was most concentrated on was writing. Just the year before I had taken English III honors and my teacher, Mrs. Patton, was the hardest English class I had yet. Every week we had to turn out vocabulary in and make a story out of the words. During first period, I realized I forgot to write the story so instead I wrote a poem. When we got in class we she looked over our vocab as we turned it in. Once she got to mine she paused and ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Use And Manipulation Of The English Language The proper use and manipulation of the English language, skills so difficult to learn, reap a great deal of power when mastered. As hyperbolic as it sounds, being able to use and manipulate the English language properly into our writing and speaking can be very influential in advocating ideas towards a community. "As a speaker, you have some influence on the extent to which others see you as having authority" (Fontaine and Smith 13). To gain authority over an audience, one must write and speak with confidence and be skilled enough to use proper English: that is, following the standard rules of grammar and incorporating complex sentences and a wide range of vocabulary. In addition, the manipulation of the English language in writing and speaking, with the use of figurative language and compositional techniques, makes the writing more persuasive. Speaking properly and effectively will change the way we talk and will change the way people will listen to us. By displaying knowledge and skill towards the widely accepted language, we make our speaking and writing more impactful, gaining authority over our audience. It was through my past experience that I came to a realization that impactful speaking and writing, possible through the use of proper English, serve as an agent for grasping my audience's attention. Being elected as the former President of my high school, it was my obligation to lead nearly a thousand students. With such an honorable role, every task required to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Prepare for Sbi Po Exam 2013 in 60 Days SBI PO Exam Preparation – 60 days Plan By Varun Reddy @ [Get ready to crack the probationary officer exam in State bank of India with the help of very detailed, topic wise, chapter wise materials prepared by a young aspirant.] 2 SBI PO Preparation Plan (60 days) by Varun reddy | Published @ Materials Required for SBI PO exam preparations: The plan has been prepared by taking into considerations the chapters present in the books given below. You may also refer similar books but whether it would cover the chapters in–depth or not is unknown.(These books are available online as well whose links are given below) REASONING: Magical book series ANALYTICAL REASONING by M.k pandey – ... Show more content on ... Non Verbal reasoning–series: 5 figure series. Number system. Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Nov2012 issue: Current made easy) affairs. Revision (1–5). Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: Articles. Number system. Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Dec2012 issue: News made easy) and events. Revision (1–5). Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: Articles. Number system. Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Dec2012 issue: Current made easy)
  • 30. affairs. Comprehensive test 1. Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: pronouns. Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Jan2013 issue: News made easy) – 6 Talk and events. about Actions. Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: Pronouns. Ratio and proportion. Ratio and proportion. Vocabulary (Norman Pratiyogita DarpanLewis: word power Jan2013 issue: Current made easy) – 7 affairs. Talk about various Speech habits. Grammar (By Wren and martin) – Parts of speech: verbs. 5 11 SBI PO Preparation Plan (60 days) by Varun reddy | Published @ 12 13 Verbal reasoningproblem solving: Practice book previous problems. Non Verbal reasoning–series: 5 figure series. Verbal reasoningproblem solving: Practice book previous problems. Non Verbal reasoning–series: 5 figure series. Verbal reasoningCoded relationships. Non Verbal reasoning–series: 5 figure series. Verbal ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. The On Video Clip ( S ) 1. Other than what is stated in the lesson plan(s), what occurred immediately prior to and after the video clip(s) that is important to know in order to understand and interpret the interactions between and among you and your students? Please provide any other information needed to interpret the events and interactions in the video clip(s). Prior to the start of my video segment, my students had just come back from P.E class. Most of them were tired and sweaty and were having a hard time focusing. I allowed students to get drinks of water quickly before the bell rang and then started the period by correcting homework from the previous night. During the correcting process, students were expected to provide me with their answers and also a rationale as to why they solved that problem the way they did. Once all questions had been answered and students felt comfortable moving on, they were asked to take out their "focus sheets" to begin working on their warm–ups. Said focus sheets require students to write down a "focus" question about the unit and to record relevant vocabulary definitions from the section. On this particular day, there were no new vocabulary words. Typically, students are expected to write down the textbook definition of any vocabulary words, restate said definition in their own words and draw a representation of such. Immediately after my video segment ended, the students were given their homework for the day. They then had about thirty seconds to collect ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. John Langan's Three Keys To Doing Well In School College students mostly get nervous about all the sudden work load that they face and may fail in many steps throughout their college life. They might end up needing help and professional advice on how to get good grades and survive their college. John Langan in "Three Keys to Doing Well in School" says (that) the three most important factors to a student's success in college are attitude toward learning, good study skills and involvement with reading. Langan emphasizes on these three main points, sharing his opinion on how these keys are important and says that one should have much self–respect and determination to earn the reward by hard work rather than relying on luck. Furthermore, Writing and taking notes is another major key when it comes to enhancing study skills. Also, being organized and having a schedule setup for almost everything helps an individual to work on time and complete the assigned work ahead of time too. Reading is also an important step to better performance in school or college as it helps you think well, increases your vocabulary and helps you become a more successful person. These factors are some of the most important characteristics that a student should develop throughout his life to succeed in life as it helps build and strengthen the future of the student. Setting up a goal and striving hard for is the first key that Langan mentions in his article. It is truly an important part of your life because if you keep moving on in your life with no ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Success Of A Brand New Group From job interviews to making friends in a brand new group, communication is the forerunner in determining the success of every connection between two or more people. I've never taken any classes focusing on public speaking or other types of communication before, yet my strengths and weaknesses within it determine the outcome of my daily and professional experiences. In both casual and professional conversations I am usually very shy–I'm afraid of what others involved will think of what I say. To combat this, I've developed a nasty sense of false confidence. I feign an almost aggressive, standoffish attitude to assert myself, pushing people away or making them feel uneasy. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember; it came from ... Show more content on ... Primarily, I would like to develop ethical communication skills. I admit, I have trouble with empathy and understanding how others feel. I've gotten much better in terms of considering others' viewpoints, but I still struggle to take opposing sides seriously or consider their arguments. I tend to focus on hard facts, forgoing emotion entirely. Because of this, I would like to increase my personal perspective skills as well as my situational perspective skills (Hunt, Simmons, Simonds, 2013). Since empathy doesn't necessarily come naturally to me, I have to practice empathetic behavior in my daily life. I work on putting myself in others' shoes, considering their personal perspectives and why they might feel the way they do. I listen first and foremost by reducing my interruptions and seriously considering what others say. I use body language to my advantage. For example, if someone else is speaking, I usually try to engage in very subtle submissive body language while responding nonverbally. If I agree with what they're saying, I nod. Humans are highly emotional creatures, and as such, little gestures such as eye contact or nodding matter in communicating empathetically. If I am more empathetic, then other perspectives that I may not understand will not be so jarring, they will be a learning experience. In persuasive or debate situations, this will assist me in creating a counterargument and ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. The Effect Of Explicit Lexical Elaboration On Second... Several researchers in the area of input modification have examined the effect of this technique on second language learner 's comprehension (Oh, 2001; Brewer, 2008; Maxwell, 2011) and others investigate its effect not only on comprehension but also on vocabulary learning (Urano, 2000; Kim, 1996). Some studies showed that there was no significant difference in learning second language vocabularies between using reading elaborated text with unmodified texts (Chung, 1995; Kim; 1996; Silvia, 2000). Mosavi (2014) investigate the effect of explicit lexical elaboration on second language vocabulary learning in writing of 70 Iranian learners. Learners were randomly divided into two groups, both groups had the same reading text but for elaborated version target words had its synonyms or definitions right after them, for example, X has the same meaning as Y, which can be named as the most explicit elaboration device. A time limit was conducted for learners to read the text, in the elaborated group, learners were asked to pay attention to the target form while reading. When they finished the reading process they had to answer the reading comprehension questions and after that write a paragraph with the same topic with the reading comprehension text. This writing considers as the post–test which learners do not have the permission for using dictionaries, peer help or teacher guidance. They just had the topic familiarity. The results of this study revealed that if learners write their ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Importance Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language Introduction In order to effectively teach English as a foreign language it is essential to understand not only the learners current ability level but also their desires and goals in learning a language. By combing these two aspects, an efficient and practical lesson plan can be designed. In this case the student is already highly proficient even fluent at times in English, and was determined to be around MM2D level (ITTO 388). Because he studies international business, he is learning English primarily as a potential occupational skill. Furthermore, because he is already proficient at casual speech and understanding, it makes most sense to focus on areas he has less experience with, in this case formal writing and occupational vocabulary as these skills will likely be essential for his future employment. Classroom Approach: Given that the learner in this case is already a high level English speaker, the class will automatically be at least party derived from the Direct Method. The Communicative Approach will also be helpful as it stresses the importance of "authentic language usage" which in most cases is likely the form on English that will be spoken in office settings. However the most effective strategy in this case will likely be the Oral Situational Approach due to the fact that it focuses on learning language (and specifically vocabulary) based on presenting the lexicon in the context of a specified situation, in this case a formal, office setting (ITTO ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Wordfall Argumentative Essay Who would be better at the game WordFall? The categories in WordFall consists of two tests: semantic fluency category, where the contestant says as many words in a particular category and the phonemic fluency category where answers are words that start with a particular letter. 62–year–old, Jane, believes she will answer slower but will have more to say but her 30–year–old daughter, Jean, disagrees. Jean believes she will be faster thus, allowing her to result with more words than Jane. Considering their ages, there are many factors to consider when deciding who will do better in a certain test such as neural development, cognitive development, and the activities Jean and Jane engage in. Neural development is one of the major factors to ... Show more content on ... Jane's involvement in playing the piano along and completing daily crossword puzzles allows herself to exercise her fluid intelligence; thus, strengthening a certain task that is declining due to senescence. With this exercise, Jean can perform with high confidence which will motivate herself to do well (Kavé & Halamish, 2015). Kavé and Halamish's (2015) suggests that older adults, around Jean's age, performed better and had higher confidence in comparison to younger adults and that they will do better in tasks that are supposedly easier for younger adults. Also, with WordFall, participants are relying on semantic memory which is general word memory that individuals accumulate over a life time and with Jean exercising with her daily crossword puzzle, allows automatic processing of information, the ability to process information without much though, strengthen similar to Jean playing the piano, she does not need to consciously think how as to how she should move her hands (Kavé & Halamish, 2015). Jane can potentially become cognitively strategic by how she is developing her answers in certain categories and not allowing her inability to answer as fast as Jean, affect her (Hanes, 2015). In result, due to her exercising her skills even for being 62–years–old, she is at a higher probability at being better at WordFall than her ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Television News vs. Newspaper Television news vs. Newspaper When it comes to finding about the news of what's going on in our world, we want details and facts. We want the juice of what's actually going on. The debate between the efficiency of newspapers and TV news, TV news is a lot more effective. Watching the news on TV is a lot easier for people to understand and is more convenient than reading it on paper. For the people who are always in a rush in the morning, it's more convenient to turn on the TV and listen to what's going on rather than trying to read a paper because it will only slow your task down. Also, for the people who don't know how to read and for elders whose eyes don't function properly, the TV is a better source of finding out the news. Not only ... Show more content on ... The smallest story could be the most important; but if you have a newspaper, you won't be able to find out what's going on, so you'll have to rely on the TV news to tell you what you want to know. TV offers more options of news. People are mostly fond of making choices. Watching TV can satisfy this requirement. Because there are many channels for options on news, for example, ABC7 channel news doesn't provide you the news you want to know about, then you can always change the channel. But the newspaper is published by one publication. Whatever information is on there is what you have to stick with. The point of view and the news are somehow limited and prejudice. So in order to get a comprehensive view, people can try many different channels to get an understanding. Unlike the TV news, newspaper are portable and has no time limited, this has the advantages that people can read them whenever they want. But I believe that getting news from TVs is due to its efficiency, convenience and easy understanding is a lot better than just reading the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Statement Of Purpose: The Academy Oath I'm not Catholic. I don't go to church, and I've never touched a Bible before in my life. Knowing this, people always ask me, "Cory, you're not even Catholic, so why the hell are you going to CBA?" I go to Christian Brothers Academy because it is so much more than just a religious school. Nothing shows the purpose of attending CBA like The Academy Oath. Not only does it teach us how to be good Christians, but for me personally, it gives me a path to be the best person I can possibly be. Giving back to the community, being an honorable person, and striving for much more than just math facts or reading books. The Academy Oath has already helped me realize the kind of person I want to be, both in and out of the classroom. Before high school, community service never crossed my mind at any point during my life. Going to public school, I knew that nobody cared about service and since I didn't have to, I never did anything for my town. Thirteen year–old me had only 3 things on my mind: ... Show more content on ... We all do it. Before exams, researching for a project, or anything like that. What do we do after the test? All that information goes down the drain. A quote I really like states, "Knowledge is measuring that a desert path is 12.4 miles long. Wisdom is packing enough water for the hike." The Academy Oath guides us, "To strive for wisdom in the pursuit of knowledge," While we learn new things every day, wisdom is finding out how to put it into your life practically. For me, hate using big vocabulary words in essays. I know them, but they aren't useful to me. The Academy Oath made me search deeper. Sure I know big vocabulary words, but now I know that by using the vocabulary, colleges see me as a more coherent writer and employers view me as more respectable. The truly great thing is, with newfound wisdom after reading the oath, I can implement these ideals into my everyday life to become a helpful member of my community, not just the pot smoker who barely passed middle ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Analysis Of Movie And Displaying Modes Of Captions While–viewing Movies When it comes to while–viewing movies, I will analyze and stress such two issues to be implemented: introduction to the movie and displaying modes of captions. My statements and reviews are as follows: Introduction to the movie. Apart from pre–teaching a list of new words and phrases in a film, EFL teachers should give their students a small introduction to the movie just before watching in class. Some offered this proposal like Bueno (2009), "He (Altman, 1989) cautioned that instructors must provide background information when film genres do not include explicit information regarding the systems of culture and thus the nonnative viewer lacks the cultural context needed to interpret a scene" (p. 320). EFL teachers ... Show more content on ... Otherwise, EFL teachers can create some class tasks to inform their students of what the movie is about before watching. Knowing the meaning and importance of the movie, students will pay more attention to the movie they will watch later. A range of class tasks can be designed such as "class surveys, problem resolution, video title discussion, brainstorming, consideration of a film summary, information–gap exercises, semantic mapping, and dictionary consultation" (Stempleski & Arcario, 1993, p. 28–30). According to Wang and Liu (2011), "Before the movie watching, brainstorming the students with words according to their subject, this would diverse their thinking, activate their vocabulary schema, and compensate each other" (p. 44). In another aspect, Bueno (2009) suggested "instructors (should) utilize an overarching question that set the theme for interpreting the films to be viewed and discussed" (p. 323). Concerning the questions, Wang and Liu (2011) explained, "The questions may be about the whole movie or just about the details, leading students to appreciate the movie with purposes, capture meaningful information and exchange their ideas" (p. 44). Judith (2001) in the study showed how to inform students of post–viewing tasks before watching by giving an example, "(before showing) a video that shows the trials of asking someone out on a date, (tell students to) ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. The Importance Of The English Language Many Americans due to the fact that they have been in America they believe that the English language is easier to master than another language. Moreover, U.S college students believes that since they speak English frequently throughout the day they have mastered the English language. However, this may sound like common sense but it not true. Studies "from the U.S Department of Education shows that many high school seniors are graduating unable to read at grade level and one in four cannot read at even the most basic level" ( These studies completely refute the theory that mastering the skills of English is unnecessary. Malcolm X who "was one of the most articulate and powerful leaders of black America during the 1960s" even struggled with the English language ( In addition to that, he was born in America too. Evidence to the previous claim is in "Learning to Read," where Malcom X said it himself saying, "Trying to write simple English, I not only wasn't articulate, I wasn't even functional." Malcom X did not let that stop him. He performs some effective techniques in his pursuit of enhancement that college students emulate if they want to improve. Practicing, Reading, and learning new words are three effective techniques that college students should use to reach their mastery level of the English language. Many people may have heard the hackneyed quote that says, "Practice makes perfect." Well, Malcom X is a living testimony of that. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. I Am A Blonde Bombshell Just like every other young girl at the age of ten, I screamed and cried for the Jonas brothers as they sang "Burnin up" on my living room television. But, there was someone else who intriguingly caught my attention every night in that same living room, her name was Tricia. Tricia, the second oldest, blonde bombshell took the center of attention every night, as she dazzled everybody away with her college etiquette. Behind her beauty, honor roll achievements, and being the only member in our family to attend college, there was something else that I admired more than just Tricia herself; it was the "gibberish" she spoke. It wasn 't "goo–goo gaga" baby gibberish. Her "gibberish" was fluent, constant, bold, and captivating. She made every story sound interesting, and could keep her audience listening in awe. Tricia's "gibberish" was state of the art vocabulary words I have never even heard before, words that I never even knew existed. She baffled me with her sentences containing words like; hackneyed, jubilation, and perfidious. "How could I gain this "gibberish"?" "Did I have to be blonde?" "I was not smart enough?" Of course, these are some of the bizarre viewpoints; I questioned myself about on, how I could obtain such "gibberish". I yearned to sound "smart" just like Tricia, which later on led me to my obsession with Sanabria 2 enhancing every aspect of my vocabulary. After spending sometime researching, I found that reading, writing, listening, and speaking are the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Importance Of Computers In Education *A day before beginning the unit, I will give Sarah, Brian, Kristen, Madison, David, and Oscar a vocabulary sheet that has all the unit vocabulary with pictures so they may become familiar with some of them before each lesson. *Students have also been doing station work since the beginning of the school year. They know that they can rotate at their own speed through all the stations. They are required to do two of the stations and show me their work from them. I will look at it and talk about it with them. If students are being distracted, or have lost their privilege to choose stations, I will tell them where and when they can go to a station. In severe cases the student will have to sit at his/her desk to do the station work. *Students ... Show more content on ... Samantha, Brock, Liz, Scott, and Emma will write 2–3 questions before reading and 1 during reading. After reading they will answer their questions. While students are working on this I will be going around the room answering questions, making students are on task, and helping as needed. I will then preview the three vocabulary words on p. 176. Next, I will preview the chapter by giving students a brief summary of the chapter and then partner discussion. Once they discuss with their partner we will have whole class discussion. Next, I will do the Visual Literacy section based on the photo on p. 177. Then, I will preview for tomorrows lesson. Day Two: Student mixed ability groups for the day will be written on the board (Group 1: Scott, Kristen, and 2 average students; Group 2: Emma, Madison and 2 average; Group 3: Samantha, Brian, and 2 average; Group 4: Brock, David, and 2 average; Group 5: Oscar, Sarah, and 2 average; Group 6: Liz and two average) I will introduce the lesson by having students Think–Pair–Share in their mixed ability group to guess why people from Europe built colonies in New England and discuss what they know about colonies and why people established them. Then, read You Are There p.178 asking student to Think–Pair–Share what challenges early New England colonist faced. I will handout questions chart with instructions according to each student's readiness level, ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Free College Admissions Essays: Twenty Thousand Leagues... Thousands of years ago, the great King Solomon, of Israel, once wrote, "Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches."(King James Version, Proverbs. 24.3–4). I have grown in many ways throughout my school career, especially in the subject of Literature/English. Throughout this time period, I have received many accolades and achieved many goals, relating to my writing of essays. These achievements include all As through middle school, all As through the academy, and a perfect score on the English section of the CRCT. I was able to achieve my goals throughout my writing experience because of my increased vocabulary, my avid appetite ... Show more content on ... I have always loved to read, especially books about history or science. The classic, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, is probably the most intriguing book I have ever read. This book along with other books by Jules Verne are loaded with advanced vocabulary, sophisticated language, and thought–provoking details. The book, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, states, "So let me tell you that you will not regret the time spent on board my vessel. You are going to travel through a wonderland. Astonishment and stupefaction will probably be your normal state of mind. You will not easily become blasé about the sights continually offered to your eyes. I am going to embark on a new underwater tour of the world–who knows, perhaps the last?–and revisit everything I have studied on my many travels; and you will be my study companion. Starting today, you will enter a new element, you will see what no man has ever seen before (for my men and I no longer count); and our planet, through my efforts, will deliver up its last secrets." This statement suggests that this and other of Verne's books are full of advanced vocabulary and have complex language. One benefit of reading and understanding these classic works of literature is that my writing has improved. The word "stupefaction", as used in the quote, most nearly means, overwhelmed with amazement. This implies that there are many words in these books that are of high intelligence level. By reading these books the intelligence level of the reader will rise. My insatiable appetite for reading has been a great factor in developing better writing ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. My Speech With The Step Of Monroe's Motivated Sequence Well, the speech was really fun to prepare for it, even though the grade is not what I expected. It pretty awesome too when giving the speech because I can see the audiences inner desire. And their laugh and some smile, it shows it all. I got their attention when I first open up the slide because that was the moment when our generation mostly looking for. And that was love, but that not what they expected. I was laughing inside because of that. While giving the speech, I notice I made too many mistakes and know what my weakness, strength is. I can see my strength in organizing my speech with the step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence because of that my speech went a lot smoother. In addition to that, I was able to get my points across the audience. The thesis of my topic was easily understood by the audience because my earlier slide about finding love caught their attention. That was brilliant, but I can see that my transition is not smooth on every slide. And that is my weakness I have to work on. It's still not as bad as my communication because I know that I'm quadruple– lingual. That make it really hard for me to speaking ... Show more content on ... As I mention earlier, my strength is in following the requirement, and visual aid. In appearance too because of what I love to do and that is to dress up. However, in my weakness, I can see that I have to work on my speaking skill and make a clear point when speaking so the audience can actually understand. As well as my posture, even though my intention is purposeful. Sometimes it seems out of reflex for no reason and I got to work on that. So I set a goal to speak more and more. I also vow to read more to help me with my vocab and speaking skill. With this, I can say that I'm still learning. I still got a long way to go for me to be able to deliver my speech in public formally and ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Why Reading Is Reading Essay Why Reading is fun Reading is enjoyable for the average reader because people can learn astronomical words that they can use when they are speaking to other people. When a person is reading, they are able to expand their thinking. Also, reading helps fix any writing mistakes that the average person may be struggling with. Reading helps the person become a critical thinker and knowledgeable about what is going on in this world. Reading can expand the average person's thoughts on certain topics. Without reading, people will not know how to be a critical thinker, utilize big vocabulary words, and speak to others properly. The reason why I enjoy reading books because I learn from what I am reading, I learn new words that I can utilize, and I enjoy ... Show more content on ... The topics that I love to read about romantic books. I love reading romantic books because I can always want to know what it is going to happen next in the story. I love reading these types of books because I learn a lot about love that I did not envision. For example, when I am reading a book a wattpad book, I am learning information about romance that I did not anticipate. I always learn about how if the significant others love one another, they have to be able to sacrifice to be with one another. They have to prove to one another why they love each other and why they should cherish it. They have to show why they love each other and do they value each other as a couple should. They also have to know what are the dislikes and likes from their significant other. They have to realize that love is not a game, it is very serious for two people to be in love with one another forever. They have to remind themselves why they are in love with one another and why they have been together for years. I love reading romantic books because I always learn a lot about love that I do not expect at all. Also, I love reading romantic books because when I am finishing reading the romantic book, the moral of the story is that love cannot be taken for granted. It is either a person loves the person or they do not love the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. My Shortcomings Sitting through English class and completing grammar worksheets since the age of five, never really helped me reach academic success in the English department. After many, many nights of trying to revise my essays to the point of perfection, I never fully understood. Never truly picking up on the key to the phenomenal essay. I think my shortcomings came from the result of my effort, which was minimal and just enough to slide by on the high school scale. The amount of time and effort I put in was just enough to pass the class and graduate as an honors student. However, once I committed to Virginia Tech, I soon realized that that cute little game wasn't going to work anymore. Therefore, I set goals for myself, even before I knew that I was taking this class. So, when you mentioned the goals memo, I knew exactly what my set goals would be. In order to achieve greatness here at Tech, I would need to do a more than the minimum. Number one, I would need to quit my awful habit of procrastinating. College is all about time management and that's what I intend to do, manage my time, well. Secondly, I desire to improve my bland vocabulary. I'd like to sound more intelligent when I speak and write. And lastly, I plan to break my comfort zone academically, by participating in clubs and taking classes that challenge my existing knowledge and allow me to learn new ideas. I am an awful procrastinator, this semester I would like to challenge myself to manage my time better and to complete ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Four Practical Principles Of Vocabulary Education Vocabulary is one of the most important contributors to children's learning. The higher the levels of vocabulary knowledge a child has, the more they will understand and the faster they will learn. Vocabulary learning begins at home. From an article I read in college 'Four practical principles for enhancing vocabulary instruction', research has shown that the level of vocabulary instruction received by children beginning at home has a huge bearing on both the success of children's personal and academic development. Children from low–income families and non–English speaking families face a large deficit in English vocabulary knowledge when beginning school (Manyak et al., 2014). This deficit in turn becomes a major barrier and obstacle to reading success, and thus there is an urgent need for teachers and schools to improve the quality of vocabulary instruction. A lot of these children are unable to comprehend the vocabulary which they ... Show more content on ... The average student knows 40,000 words (Manyak et al., 2014) so it is obvious that students need to know more words than teachers can teach. One strategy would be to choose between 12 and 15 target words to teach each week, depending on the level of word knowledge a word takes to understand. There are four pragmatic principles for enhancing vocabulary instruction (Nosal, 2012). These are: 1) Establish efficient yet rich routines for introducing target words (Nosal, 2012) – teaching individual words takes time, especially if you have a large number of words to teach. Time can be saved if successful routines are used. Having a routine saves vital learning time. 2) Provide review experiences that promote deep processing of target words (Nosal, 2012) – give the children experiences of the words that allow and encourage them to use and understand each word, the children should be exposed to each word in multiple ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Puzzling Truth : A Practicum Observation Of A Mentor... The Disconcerting Truth: A Practicum Observation of a Mentor Teacher & Senior Government Students Thirty–six desks were placed in six rows of six and each one faced the SMART board awaiting the third block seniors to come in for their government class. The adjacent cement walls had no artwork, posters, or examples of student success. In a list of three, the only whiteboard contained the class' plan for the day, but the faded green marker rendered it indecipherable from across the room. The objectives were, "1. CNN News, 2. Begin Chapter 3 Vocabulary, 3. Preamble," with no explanation or elaboration. From the back of the room, a screen separated the government class from another history class. There had been chatter echoing ... Show more content on ... When the video ended all but three students were on their phone or asleep, some of each of these two categories even have headphones in. Rather than address the situation, the MT called from his desk that it was time to move on to their next activity. Though the board listed vocabulary and the majority of the class were pulling out the classroom set of textbooks from under their desks the MT pulled up another video. He asked the class if anyone already knew the preamble. When no one answered the question the MT asked what the preamble was or where it could be found. Again, no one answered. Clicking play on the School House Rock video there was an instant symphony of groaning and recognition. As soon as it finished the students were told that they had one week to memorize the preamble and recite it in front of their peers for a test grade. The class was instantly full of chatter, mostly complaints and questions– none of which were answered, but the MT announced that anyone that performed the preamble at the end of class that day would be given extra credit, which seemed to quell about half of those talking. The last activity on the board was the vocabulary, some of the students were working on it and others were reading and practicing the preamble, some alone and others in groups. Confused I asked three students what they were doing with the vocabulary. They showed me the twenty vocabulary ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Writing Can Be A Struggle Essay Introduction Writing can be a struggle. Even for myself, I am struggling right now to compose this last paper for my degree. Nevertheless, I have the necessary tools and the mindset to complete this paper with perfection. My working environment is peaceful. Soft classical music playing, soy candle burning, and a cup of water next to my computer. (I am not a coffee person). My outline is fully filled out with the research I want to incorporate into my paper. I know what my end goal is and the expectations that I must achieve. I am ready to write! Students need this same type of determination when they are writing. This is especially true for EL students. Based on research there are three main principles for effectively teaching EL students: "(1) generally, effective practices are likely to be effective with ELs. (2) ELs require additional instructional supports. (3) The home language can be used to promote academic development" (Goldenberg, 2013, p. 5). In this paper, I am going to highlight a few writing best practices that are research based to use within a classroom setting that are particular successful for EL students. Environment The first practice I am going to discuss is creating a classroom community of writers. Writing is often ignored, and when it is brought up in the classroom the students view it as a daunting task. Therefore, it is up to the teacher to change this environment into a positive experience. In the article, Writing in the ESL Classroom: ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. What Are The Objectives Of SALL There were two goals of SALL intended to achieve, namely enhancing my lexical resources and improving my spontaneous speaking skill in English. Actually, before the SALL activity, I took IELTS Exam and realized my writing and speaking band score were just marginal, which do not guarantee the entrance of postgraduate study. The result alerted me that I needed to work harder on writing and speaking and I realized one of my major deficiencies in English was lacking sufficient vocabularies that can represent my ideas concisely. Therefore, the two methods and materials adopted by me in SALL were concentrated on speaking and vocabulary bank. The first material I used was news TV programme, which was mostly targeted on vocabulary. I watched "News at 7:30" broadcasted on TVB Pearl around three times a week. When I encountered some vocabularies displayed in the subtitle that I am not familiar with, I immediately jotted them ... Show more content on ... The reflective cycle underscores in SALL also guided me to evaluate the effectiveness of each pair of method and material to review whether modifications should be made to achieve more. I also realized feedbacks from other people could allow me to identify my weaknesses and make improvements on my original goals. Undoubtedly, SALL has provided me a valuable experience to learn English in a more independent way because I am the only person to decide what to do in SALL. Nonetheless, the duration I put in SALL activities was just 15 hours, which was far too short to guarantee an improvement in IELTS writing and speaking. Therefore, I will continue to explore new methods to practice English independently to fulfill the IELTS requirement of postgraduate study. The end of SALL doesn't mean the end of English learning; instead this marks a new beginning in my journey of learning ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Reflection Essay When I first started this class I had no idea what to expect, I was nervous since this was my first college English class. After the first couple of classes, I realized I did not have anything to worry about. You were a great teacher that I got along with well. When we had our conference projects mid–semester I was feeling very good about what the second half of the semester. P.M. Forni wrote in Choosing Civility, "Somebody's words hurt us and we perceive a swell of outrage inside. Let's stop for a moment to pay attention to it. Are we overacting? Are we about to act in a way we will soon regret?" (pg.38) I found this quote extremely meaningful because, I think everyone can agree that in some point in their lives they have over reacted about something. If everyone just took a moment to think about how them reacting to something will affect them in the future, it would save a lot of people from getting hurt or regretting something they might say. Michael P. Nichols wrote, "Much of the conflict in our lives can be explained by one simple but unhappy fact: We don't really listen to each other." This quote is so true when it comes to people speaking to one another, we often forget to listen to the person speaking to us. This problem would be solved if we look up from our cellphones and communicated with the people around us. P.M Forni wrote in Choosing Civility, "Our lives are made up of events that we have little or no control over." (pg.15) I wanted to right about ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Reflection On English Teacher Reflection text Entering an English course after practicing as a teacher for many years are both disturbing and exiting. Disturbing, because I challenge my own practice. How will it cope comparing to new theory and practice? Exiting, because I look forward to getting new inputs and knowledge, and to develop myself as a teacher. The result so far is approximately as I expected. In my first years of practice I spent much time to go through the text of the week, and to hear the pupils read aloud. Over the years I have developed my teaching including more activities were pupils are more active and communicate directly with each other. Through these first months of the course I have realized that I have to go further down this route. The necessity ... Show more content on ... Meaning, as long as their pronunciation are clear and they speak with correct clauses it doesn't matter whether they speak one or another English. I haven't been aware of this fact and have always strived for British English. As a hole I see my role as an English teacher more as a facilitator and less the conventional teacher. When improving my teaching I think it is important to take small steps. Doing a little more or otherwise gradually. Thereby it is easier for me incorporate, maintain and develop. By making it a routine before heading on doesn't feel like it's so much work. The goal is to expand my toolbox of activities to be a more competent English teacher. So far, this English course have only lasted for three months, but I have already learned a lot that challenge my way of teaching and my thinking around the subject. I have taken small steps in daily routine to incorporate English, and I'm planning to do more. Further, have I changed my lessons to contain several activities targeting communication and collocation, and finally, I have changed the way I look at teaching English. The disturbances I felt in the beginning is still a part of it all. Discovering your own incompetence is never pleasant, but I believe that excitement will take its place before the course is ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Implicit Versus Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Practices Implicit versus Explicit Vocabulary Teaching Practices Sarah Sherman Bridgewater State University Abstract This study examines the teaching methods of individuals who provide English instruction to speakers of other languages. Two classrooms of similar makeup will be studied in order to determine whether implicit or explicit vocabulary instruction most benefits English Language Learners. These two classrooms will participate in pretests and posttests to determine the growth of their vocabulary knowledge involving a series of lexical items over the course of the teaching experiment. This research will be compared to the research of other individuals who examined the differences between implicit and explicit vocabulary learning and the implications of these teaching practices. Methods for Teaching English Vocabulary to Speakers of Other Languages Teachers utilize their own teaching styles to provide students with the best possible learning experiences. However, vocabulary teaching varies greatly depending on the instructor and his or her teaching style preferences. Vocabulary instruction can usually be taught in two basic forms. It may be taught implicitly, meaning that it is imbedded into the curriculum and not taught in a separate manner. It may also be taught explicitly, meaning that each important vocabulary word is taught in isolation, prior to providing students with the general curriculum information. This research examines common ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Three Ways To Facilitate A Child's Development In Child... 1) In class, we have discussed many ways in which children develop language skills. Give me THREE ways in which an adult can facilitate a child's language acquisition (acquire new and increase language vocabulary). There are many ways which an adult can facilitate a child's language acquisition (acquire new and increase language vocabulary). Here is some of them: 1. Engaging in conversations with children. Communication is the first and most accessible way to facilitate child's language acquisition and increasing language vocabulary. 2. Reading books multiple times. During the repeated reading, repetition and gradual memorization and mastering of the most important components of the language functions occur. 3. Giving descriptions of objects. Explanations of words, activities or events. Open questions. All these ways are help to acquire new words and increase language vocabulary for the children in everyday life. 2) Select ONE age group (infants, toddlers, pre–school). Give me ONE literacy activity and tell me WHY you believe it is developmentally appropriate. I chose toddlers age (16–36 months). As one of the best literacy activity adults can use be rhymes and songs, and encourage the child about it (during play, circle & transition times). I believe it is developmentally appropriate since children learn many sounds and words through songs and nursery rhymes. Even if toddlers can't repeat some of the words, they remember them, which greatly expands their ... Get more on ...