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SPE 71510

Segregated Flow is the Governing Mechanism of Disproportionate Permeability
Reduction in Water and Gas Shutoff
A. Stavland, SPE, RF-Rogaland Research and S. Nilsson, RF-Rogaland Research

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.
                                                                                                    buildup in the treated zone.1 The producing WOR is in such
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and            situations the same as before the treatment.
Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September –3 October 2001.
                                                                                                        However, the same general understanding of the governing
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
                                                                                                    mechanism for DPR has not yet been reached. The literature
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to          has suggested different mechanisms. The most frequent
correction by the author(s). The material, as present ed, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at       proposed methods are:
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic repr oduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
                                                                                                      - Polymer adsorption at the pore surface and the possibility
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is             to alter the wettability to more water-wet situation as well
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous                            as some lubrication effects
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
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                                                                                                      - Selective shrinking (or dehydration) and swelling of
                                                                                                         polymer and crosslinked gel
                                                                                                      - Segregated flow of oil and water
Abstract                                                                                              - Balance between the opposing capillary forces and elastic
This paper describes the mechanism for disproportionate                                                  confining forces
permeability reduction (DPR). Recent papers have discussed                                          Finally, there are suggestions that there could be combinations
possible DPR mechanisms. Most of the papers conclude that                                           of these mechanisms. One reason for the lack of consensus
there is not yet a single factor that determines DPR. The                                           about DPR mechanisms may be that DPR is observed for both
intention of this paper is to clarify that there is a single model,                                 single polymers and crosslinked gel. It has been argued that
which explains the observed DPR effects. This model relies on                                       DPR depends on the reservoir characteristics (e.g. lithology,
segregated flow of oil and water at pore level and on                                               pore size distribution and wettability).
continuity in the oil phase at placement of the DPR fluid. With                                         This paper intends to demonstrate that it is possible to
this model DPR is demonstrated for both gel and single                                              easily explain that the governing mechanism for all types of
polymer systems at different wettabilities. Oil continuity is                                       DPR fluid is caused by segregated flow. In this context
normally easier to obtain for single polymers than for                                              segregated pathways, can either result from preferred flow of
crosslinked gels. Gel systems may, however, be more robust.                                         one phase in a certain set of channels or result from preferred
The paper describes a method for placement of water-soluble                                         flow of one phase in defined parts of the channel.
gel while maintaining open pathways for oil. Additionally, it is                                        It may be convenient to recapitulate basic knowledge about
shown that using the phase permeability reduction ratio is not                                      location of wetting and nonwetting phases in a porous
a good measure for defining optimum DPR. Therefore a new                                            medium. The permeability reduction is affected by wettability
selectivity parameter is introduced which demonstrates to be                                        and endpoint permeabilities. According to Anderson2 the
more effective.                                                                                     wetting fluid will preferentially occupy the smallest pores and
                                                                                                    be in contact with the majority of the rock surface. The
Introduction                                                                                        nonwetting fluid will occupy the centers of the larger pores
It is commonly accepted that DPR reduces water permeability                                         and form globules that extend over several pores. Lake 3
more than oil (or gas) permeability and therefore, may be a                                         reported that at endpoint saturation the nonwetting phase
method for water shutoff. A number of publications have                                             occurs in isolated globules and occupies the center of the
discussed DPR. It seems to be a general understanding that                                          pores. The trapped wetting phase occupies the crevices
DPR is most effective when used against water production                                            between rock grains and coats the rock surface. The wetting
caused by coning or in situations where the watered out layers                                      phase endpoint permeability will therefore be smaller than the
are separated from the oil producing layers. In situations with                                     nonwetting phase endpoint. Some examples are given below:
2-phase flow a DPR treatment (even an idealized) will cause                                             In a wetted system the flow of the wetting phase is
an increased pressure drawdown because of water saturation                                          dominant close to the wetting surface. The nonwetting phase
                                                                                                    flows in the middle of the channel. In a water-wet system,
2                                                       A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON                                              SPE 71510

flow of water is preferred at the surface, leaving the oil to flow       water saturation is increased. However, a DPR effect is
in the middle of the larger pore and vice versa for oil-wet              obtained. Table 1 shows the calculated endpoint permeabilities
systems.                                                                 and permeability reduction ratios (RRFw /RRFo ). Ratios larger
    Another example is flow of the wetting phase through a               than unity demonstrate DPR. By this exercise the following
pore with a pressure drop given by the Poiseuille law. For the           can be found:
nonwetting phase to flow through the same pore filled with the             - Corey exponent αw > αo , the shift in saturation will reduce
wetting phase a certain entrance pressure caused by capillary                  the endpoint permeability for water more than for oil
effects is needed. If the entrance pressure is not exceeded there              (RRFw /RRFo > 1, i.e. DPR)
will be no flow of the nonwetting phase.                                   - Corey exponent αw < αo , the shift in saturation will reduce
    A DPR fluid is here a fluid with the ability to reduce the                 the endpoint permeability for oil more than for water
water permeability more than the hydrocarbon permeability.                     (RRFw /RRFo < 1)
For simplicity we discuss only oil permeability but the same               - Corey exponent αw = αo , the relative permeability curves
arguments hold also for gas permeability. The most common                      are symmetric and the permeability reduction for oil and
DPR fluids are chemicals with the ability to form a gel in the                 water will be the same (RRFw /RRFo = 1)
pore space or chemicals retained in the pore space. Both                 As a first approximation one may use the saturation shift and
mechanisms reduce the effective porevolume. As will be                   the asymmetry of the relative permeability curves to
shown, because of the segregated pathways the pore restriction           demonstrate a DPR effect. The same results can be obtained
is dominant for the phase in which the DPR fluid is soluble. In          assuming the shift in the residual oil saturation to Sor ’ = Sor +
the following, different possibilities of obtaining DPR are              ∆S or .
demonstrated.                                                                Then, assume that the fluid injected alter the wettability
                                                                         (i.e. alter the Corey exponents from αo1 > αw1 before injection
Saturation shift and wettability                                         to αo2 < αw2 after injection). Then the water permeability is
Acock and Reis 4 discussed how to reduce the permeability by             reduced more than the oil permeability, as shown in Fig. 2.
lowering the porosity by salt precipitation (a potentially DPR           Here the initial Corey exponents are 4 for oil and 2 for water.
fluid). Without yet going into the details of the DPR                    After treatment they are 2 and 4, respectively. Since we only
mechanisms, is it possible to describe a DPR effect only by              calculate the permeability reduction ratio at endpoint, this
altering the porosity (i.e. irreducible saturation)? Assume
                                                                         situation is the same as the case in Table 1 with αw = 4, and αo
standard relative permeability curves (eq.1) and injection of a
                                                                         = 2 and ∆S w =0.2. If the Corey exponents could be a measure
fluid capable of reducing the available pore volume (porosity)
                                                                         for wettability, alteration of the wettability to a more water-
for water by whatever mechanism (e.g. adsorption, retention,
                                                                         wet situation and a shift in water saturation may cause DPR.
precipitation, filtration or gel formation).
                                                                             So far we have shown that the endpoint relative
    k rw (S w ) = k rw ( S w ) αw
                    0      ∗
                                                               (1)       permeability reduction may give rise to a DPR effect, however
    k ro ( S w )   = k ro (1 − S w ) αo
                       0         ∗
                                                               (2)       small. This has been shown by only exploiting the slope of the
                                                                         relative permeability curves (wettability) and endpoint
where,     0
          kri is the endpoint relative permeability, αi is the           saturation’s. As will be shown later DPR becomes more
Corey exponent. The Corey exponent can be a measure for the              pronounced if the pore size restriction is included.
wettability. The wetting phase Corey exponent is normally
higher than the nonwetting phase Corey exp onent. S * is the             Pore size restriction
                                                                         It is well known that both polymer and polymer gel have the
normalized water saturation defined as:                                  ability to block the pores or restrict the pore size. There are at
 Sw = ( Sw − S wi ) /(1 − Sor − Swi )
                                                               (3)       least two mechanisms for this pore size restriction.
     The reduction in porosity is expressed by an increase in the            Polymer retention (which includes the terms adsorption,
irreducible water saturation, S wi ’ = S wi + ∆S wi , Where ∆S wi is     mechanical entrapment, precipitation, etc). Typical for these
the shift in irreducible water saturation (i.e. the reacted DPR          retention mechanisms is that the permeability reduction
fluid act as immobile water).                                            increases with decreased initial permeability and with
     Because of the shift in saturation the relative permeability        decreased pressure gradient. In this notation, adsorption is
curves will be altered and may give rise to a DPR effect. As             only one of several retention mechanisms.
shown in Fig. 1, the endpoint water relative permeability i        s         Gel formation. Gel is formed by crosslinking of polymers
shifted downwards from k rw = 0.5 before treatment to k rw =             into a 3D network. It is assumed that the gel behaves the same
                                           0         0
                                                                         way in the porous media as in a bulk phase. As a first
0.13 after treatment (RRFw = 2.60). Here k ro = 1, k rw = 0.5, S wi      approximation we can assume that gel restricts flow
= 0.1, S or = ∆S wi = 0.2. The Corey exponents were 4 for water          considerably. As with polymer retention the permeability
and 2 for oil. As long as the residual oil saturation is not             reduction increases as the pressure gradient decreases, but for
changed, the endpoint water relative permeability is reduced.            most gel systems the permeability reduction increases with
The endpoint oil relative permeability is reduced as well from           increasing permeability.5, 6
1.0 to 0.51 (RRFo = 1.96), simply because the irreducible
SPE 71510              SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF                                      3

     A simple and frequently used model for a porous media is          following observation should be observed during the coreflood
a bundle of capillary tubes. In this model an adsorbed layer at        experiments: A pressure increase during the polymer injection
the surface of the water-wet tubes will reduce the pore space          until the adsorbed layer is established. The differential
and reduce the permeability to water more than to oil.                 pressure should then level off corresponding to the mobility
Segregated pathways can interpret this effect. Water flows             reduction (permeability reduction multiplied by the relative
close to the water-wet surface and will be restricted. The oil         polymer viscosity). At the same time the produced polymer
flows unrestricted in the middle of the pores as long as the           concentration should be equal to the injected concentration.
thickness of the adsorbed layer is not too large. This flow            The normal observation for DPR polymers is, however, a
behavior has been demonstrated theoretically both with regular         gradual increase in differential pressure (increases as the
pores7-8 and with more realistic pore size distribution.9-11           injected volume increases) without the differential pressure
Experimental data have also been used to support the adsorbed          leveling off. The produced polymer concentration is lower
layer as the DPR mechanism. 12-13 Notice that this model also          than the injected. This indicates a filtration process rather than
includes the volume restriction (shift in S wi ) in addition to pore   general adsorption. A study in micromodels 16 using water-wet
size restriction.                                                      porous media supports this. The retained polymer was reported
     Refs. 7 and 8 determined the permeability reduction, RRF,         as polymer entanglement (which is essentially an adhering of
from an adsorbed polymer layer with thickness, e, using                polymer, forming a network on the pore surface that is
capillary tube bundles and Poiseuille flow. They obtained the          constantly replenished from the flowing polymer solution) on
following equation:                                                    the crevices between the grains.
                  e                                                        This retention mechanism is probably less influenced by
     RRF = (1 − ) − 4                                            (4)   wettability than adsorption, and may explain why permeability
where, r, is the pore radius. An extension of this model, which        reduction is observed even in true oil-wet Teflon cores during
may be used to demonstrate the effect of a shift in S wi after         polymer injection.17-18 However, ref. 16 reports no
treatment, is given by the following equation:                         permeability reduction in oil-wet micromodels, which may be
                      e                                                because of the pore structure used.
     ∆ Swi = 1 − (1 − ) 2                                        (5)       Mechanical polymer retention can still explain why the
                      r                                                permeability reduction increases as the permeability decreases.
By using eq. 4 and saying that ∆S wi is the same as the relative       The fraction of small pore channels able to be blocked by
change in porosity, ∆φ/φ, one get:                                     polymer aggregates increases as the permeability decreases.
        1         ∆φ 2                                                 In this model filtration of polymer, polymer aggregates and gel
            = (1−     )                                          (6)
     RRF            φ                                                  aggregates will act similarly but with stronger permeability
as shown by Acock and Reis.4 However, they claimed that the            reduction for aggregates than for single polymer. As long as
following expression gave a better fit to the experimental data:       the aggregates follow the water-preferred pathways, they will
                                                                       reduce the water permeability more than the oil permeability.
     RRF = e 5∆φ / φ                                             (7)       If optimized, retention will take place only in the smallest
The adsorbed layer model will, however, not work for oil-wet           pore channels, which represent only a small fraction of the
media.8 Therefore the adsorbed layer model is not a general            pore volume, but will contribute strongly to the permeability
model for the DPR mechanism. With adsorption on an oil-wet             for the wetting phase. Thereby it may be possible to minimize
surface, the model should predict higher permeability                  the shift in water saturation and maintain high endpoint oil
reduction for oil permeability than for water, simply because          permeability.
oil is the wetting phase and will flow close to the surface and            Fig. 3 shows the change in permeability reduction as a
be restricted by the adsorbed layer. Nevertheless experiments,         function of permeability. The same polymer system has been
showing a DPR effect in what is claimed to be an oil-wet               injected into porous media with different permeabilities. As
media using an adsorbing polymer have been interpreted with            can be seen the permeability reduction increases with
the adsorbed layer model.12-14 However, it is unlikely that a          decreased water permeability. A power law relation seems to
water-soluble polymer will adsorb at an oil-wet surface. It may        give a better fit than that expressed in eq. 4 (assuming constant
be that the claimed oil-wettability is more of a mixed or              thickness of the adsorbed layer and pore radius proportional to
fractional wettability where there still are some water-wet            the square root of water permeability). The permeability
pathways, or that the claimed adsorption is not the governing          reduction versus permeability introduces another issue. The
retention mechanism.                                                   target zone for reducing the water productivity is mainly the
     Experiments three decades ago15 with different types of           high permeability zone. With polymer retention there is a
polymers indicated that the permeability reduction depends on          critical permeability, above which insufficient permeability
mechanical retention or filtration. It is well known that pre-         reduction is obtained. This could however, be solved by
filtration improves the injectivity of a polymer through a             increasing the molecular size (e.g. molecular weight) to match
porous medium. Well-filtered polymer solutions show less               the pore size. But then the risk of mechanical polymer
permeability reduction than less filtered solutions. The               breakdown increases because of high shear. Another issue is
adsorption level is, however, about the same. If polymer               that the promising permeability reduction obtained in
adsorption should be the governing retention mechanism, the
4                                                      A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON                                                SPE 71510

laboratory studies is reported not to scale directly to reservoir           However, in an ideal reservoir situation (single phase water
conditions.19                                                           production from the watered out layer and single-phase oil
    When using a gel at S w = 1 the permeability reduction will         production from the oil producing layer) it may be an
increase with increasing permeability5-6 At the extreme, very           advantage if oil breaks the gel. Open pathways is created in
strong gels at S w = 1 reduces the permeability to a fixed level        the oil zone, while water is hold back from the watered out
of some microdarcies, which can be explained as the                     layer. This concept may be effective until water breaks
permeability of the gel.                                                through in the oil layer, but is not a real DPR situation. It is
    Thereby a gel system will cause a permeability reduction            rather a selective gel placement concept, which competes with
even in the (high permeability) watered out zone. When a gel            placement concepts where gelation in the oil zone is avoided.
is used at residual oil saturation, the permeability reduction to       Such concepts are beyond the scope of this paper.
water is normally a decade or more lower than at S w = 1. The               Ref. 23 suggests that a balance between the opposing
effect of oil saturation will be discussed later. Even relatively       forces, capillary force and elastic confining force, might
strong gels show a DPR effect, but the oil permeability                 contribute to DPR. The capillary force should act to maintain a
reduction, will for practical purposes be too high. The question        minimum droplet radius, which in turn opens a channel
is how to minimize the oil permeability reduction.                      through the gel. The gel exerts an elastic confining force to
                                                                        close the channel. The final radius of the oil droplet and the
Flow of oil and water through a geltreated media                        size of the oil pathways depend on the balance between the
Going back to our definition of segregated pathways, how can            two forces. The effective permeability to oil increases with
oil be produced through a porous media where the water phase            increasing radius of the flow path around the droplet. The
is gelled? For a rigid gel placed at residual oil saturation, no        experimental data from corefloods in ref. 23, however, do not
oil continuous pathways should exist. Therefore no oil should           support such a mechanism.
be able to flow through such a gel. For less rigid gels,                    It is our opinion that a balance between the capillary forces
experiments have shown the possibility of forcing oil through.          and the gel elasticity is not a major DPR effect. However, if
    It has been argued that an aqueous gel may swell in water           there is an effect one may speculate in which direction it will
and shrink in oil.20, 21 However, this is chemically not possible.      work. Consider an oil droplet at the entrance of a narrow
For an aqueous gel to shrink, water has to be extracted. There          channel through the gel. If the oil droplet is a rigid particle (i.e.
is to our knowledge no known mechanism by which oil can                 high interfacial tension) it will tend to plug rather than to be
extract water from an aqueous gel nor has any been suggested.           transported through the gel. On the other hand, if the oil
Nevertheless, this mechanism has been used to explain why oil           droplet is more easily deformed (i.e. low interfacial tension)
is more easily flooded through a gelled media than water. If            the droplet may be transported through the channel. This
this mechanism is operative water has to flow through the gel           consideration corresponds to higher oil permeability reduction
by diffusion, which gives a strong permeability reduction.              for high interfacial tension, which is the opposite of the effect
Because of gel shrinkage in oil, mobile water is separated. Oil         suggested in ref. 22.
may displace this water, and bypassing the gel giving a less                Nevertheless, it is well known that gel shrinkage may
permeability reduction.                                                 occur, but not selective for only one of the phases. Ref. 25
    It has also been suggested that the flow of water is through        demonstrated the impact on permeability reduction when using
the gel matrix, whereas the oil pushes its way through the gel          a shrinking gel inside the pore network. Before shrinking took
in form of immiscible drops or filaments 22 with the flow               place, both phases were blocked to flow. After some
characteristic controlled by the elasticity of the polymer gel.         shrinkage, open pathways for oil (and water) were established
The oil flow will then open a channel through the gel matrix,           giving a DPR effect. In addition, the water permeability
resulting in a higher permeability. Ref 22 indicates that the           reduction was the same for the subsequent water cycles.
paths open by oil droplets closes after the oil has passed                  It is also accepted that polymer will shrink or swell
through, but without any experimentally verification.                   because of electrostatic shielding, e.g. by variation of brine
    In corefloods where oil and water are cycled after                  salinity. Ref. 26 reports on a method injecting a coiled
placement of a strong gel, highest RRFw is measured in the              polymer in saline brine. The polymer will then shrink giving
first water cycle. In subsequent water cycles after an oil cycle        low injecting viscosity and the polymer retention causes
essential lower RRFw is measured. This indicates that the open          relatively low permeability reduction. If backproduced with a
channels generated by the oil permanently destroyed some of             less saline water, the retained polymer will swell giving an
the gel matrix. The gel is not repaired after the oil has forced        essential higher permeability reduction.
its way through. Results23, 24 support the theory of permanent
breakdown of gel after oil is forced through it. The                    Segregated flow
interpretation is ref. 24 is however, by a mechanism of gel             Segregated flow has been suggested as a method for DPR by
dehydration. If oil is in place before treatment, especially if the     several authors.27-29 In an attempt to describe a general model
oil is mobile, the oil will have easier pathways than through           for DPR, ref. 25 discussed how DPR could be interpreted by a
the gel and will, therefore, not necessarily need to break the          mechanism of segregated pathways for oil and water.
gel (more about this later).                                            Segregated pathways can in this context, either be flow of one
                                                                        phase in a preferred set of channels or flow of one phase in
SPE 71510              SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF                                     5

defined parts of the channel. In the recent literature 30-31 this    restriction of oil flow. However, since most of the flow is
mechanism is incorrectly described as Nilsson’s gel droplet          through the largest pores the oil permeability reduction should
theory.                                                              be limited. The permeability reduction for both water and oil
    The location of a water-based DPR fluid at different             should be limited in such a pore configuration, and it is not
wettabilities and saturations are schematically shown in the         obvious that a general DPR effect is observed.
dual pore model in Fig. 4, where the smallest pore only take
the wetting phase. Notice the analogue to an oil-based gel by        Adsorption
changing oil with water and shifting the wettabilities (e.g. the         In situations where adsorption is the dominant retention
oil in a water-wet media and water-based gel act as water in an      mechanism, mainly regular pores and water-wet situations, a
oil-wet media using oil-based gel, Figs. 4c and f).                  DPR effect will be observed according to the adsorbed layer
    When in place in the pore network, a water-based DPR             model. Notice that this model is already included in the
fluid will be distributed mainly in or between the pores in the      general segregated pathway model, saying that a polymer layer
same manner as water. Therefore the placement of the water-          replaces the water film in Fig. 4b. When the adsorbed
based DPR fluid will to some degree be exchanged with parts          thickness, e, is essential smaller than the pore radius, (e.g. high
of the water in place.                                               permeability) the permeability reduction is low.
    To have an effect of the DPR treatment it is crucial that the        Hypothetically (see above) if one assume an oil-wet pore
oil pathways are continuous and not broken by the DPR                (e.g. Fig. 4d) and (i) a polymer layer replaces the oil film and
treatment. If not, the treatment will cause blocking for both        (ii) alter the wettability from oil-wet to water-wet one will
phases – blocked water preferred pathways and discontinuous          have a situation qualitatively the same as in Fig. 2, where a
oil preferred pathways. To illustrate this effect assuming that a    DPR effect is found. Notice that the combination adsorbed
strong gel is placed into a reservoir at residual oil saturation     layer and oil-wet pores after treatment will give the opposite
(e.g. water-wet case in Fig 4a by replacing the water with gel).     effect of DPR, stronger flow restriction for oil than for water.
The remaining oil is immobile and will not flow without
breaking the gel, and in practice no water will flow because of      Weak gels
the gel. On the other hand, if the DPR fluid does not occupy            Gel aggregates or flowing pre gelled systems will act
all the available pore space (e.g. gel shrinkage or polymer          similar to polymer entrapment. The aggregates will be trapped
retention in only a fraction of the volume), the oil preferred       in the smallest porethroats. Most likely the permeability
pathways are still intact with only minor flow restriction for       reduction for both oil and water will be higher than for single
the oil, see Figs 4c and 4f-h.                                       polymer, but may be controlled.
    By this segregated pathway model we are able to interpret
DPR for the following situations:                                    Strong gel placed in water-wet pores
                                                                         Placed at residual saturation this will not be an effective
Retention of polymer                                                 DPR method since the oil continuity is broken. The only
    In our opinion the so-called adsorption model is more a          possibility for oil to flow is by breaking the gel, and
retention/entrapment model and the governing mechanism for           permanently open a channel through the gel. Thereby there
permeability reduction is a result of entrapment. Since water-       will be flow by oil, but also for water. The final DPR effect
soluble polymers will be trapped in the parts of the pores           after some oil/water cycles will be less pronounced.
available for water, the flow restriction for water is stronger
than the restriction for oil. In a water-wet situation, only water   Strong gel placed in oil-wet pores.
will flow in the smallest pore. In the largest pore both oil and         Recovery from oil-wet reservoirs causes a long tail-end
water will flow, with water close to the wetted surface. A           production. Tail-end oil production is mainly the result of film
water-soluble polymer will flow as water. Retention is               flow at high water-cut. At true residual oil saturation the
concentrated in the smallest porethroats and at the surface in       situation with strong gel in oil-wet pores is the same as for the
pore channels as well as some adsorption at the bulk surface.        water-wet case – strong blocking. However, for practical
After treatment oil will continue to flow only in the largest        purposes the true residual oil saturation is not reached when
pores with minimum restriction. The water flow is restricted         the gelant is placed. This makes it possible to m   aintain some
both in the smallest pores (and pore channels) because of the        oil continuity and a better DPR effect than for water-wet
polymer and to some extent by the adsorbed layer. This will          situation. The entrance pressure for water may not be
result in a DPR effect, reported in a num of papers.
                                           ber                       sufficient to penetrate the smallest pores, which remain open
    If the core is oil-wet, only oil will flow through the           to oil after gel placement.
smallest pore, with both water and oil in the largest pore. The
polymer will not flow through the smallest pores and will not        Gel placed in mixed-wet media
adsorb on the surfaces. Retention may however, occur in the              This is mo re or less the same situation as for the oil-wet
pore channels (where both oil and water are able to flow) or in      case. However, it would be even more difficult to reach the
the small pore entrance. This will result in less water              true residual saturation thus giving good possibility of
permeability reduction compared with the water-wet case.             maintaining oil continuous pathways.
Trapping at the entrance to the smallest pore, may cause
6                                                      A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON                                             SPE 71510

Gel shrinkage                                                           Results in refs. 25, 30 and 34 support this. Similarly, co-
    Shrinkage of the gel after placement can be a benefit, since        injection of oil and gelant to lower the water saturation at
the possibility of oil continuity will increase. To some extent,        placement gave lower permeability reductions. Co-injection
the polymer to crosslinker ratio may control the shrinkage but          will probably not be an effective method in field operations
not selectively for only one of the phases. When the gel                because of problems controlling the fractional flow entering
shrinks, an amount of excess water may form a continuous                the formation.
channel that may be accessible to both water and oil. In                    One effective method for placement of a DPR fluid at fixed
accordance with the arguments in ref. 32 the gel will most              saturation is to make up the DPR fluid as a temporary
probably start to shrink at the gel/oil interface. In a water-wet       emulsion. The acting DPR chemicals are dissolved in the
situation, where oil droplets are placed in the middle of the           water phase and mixed to an emulsion with oil and a suitable
largest pores, the droplets will be surrounded by an excess             emulsifier. By controlling the emulsion stability, the emulsion
water layer, which may lead to continuity. Then a DPR effect            can be injected as a pseudo one-phase solution into the
will be observed. In oil-wet situations the gel is placed in the        formation and then breaks (e.g. by limited temperature
middle of the pore with an oil film close to the surface. Here          tolerance). The oil and water phases separate and the gelation
the excess water is located between the oil film and the gel            process starts in the water phase. The water saturation is
may be seen as isolated droplets in the middle of the pores.            simply controlled by the WOR in the injected emulsion. This
Again a DPR effect will be observed.                                    method will be more suitable for field applications than the
    The following experiment demonstrates the influence on              previous suggested method, co-injection, for securing open
gel shrinkage on DPR. For a fixed gel composition the                   pathways for oil after treatment. Fig. 6 shows the
syneresis was initially examined in bulk studies at 90°C. As            corresponding RRFw and RRFo versus the water saturation at
can be seen from Fig. 5, most of the syneresis took places the          placement. The water saturation has been obtained only by
first 20 days (i.e. from 10 to 20 days). The gel was placed in a        varying the WOR in the injected emulsion. By injecting an
fractional wet porous medium with a shut-in time                        emulsified gelant optimizing and tailoring the DPR fluid itself
corresponding to the time for bulk syneresis. Table 2 shows             is now longer critical. What is critical is to define the optimum
the permeability reduction for shut-in times of 6, 20 and 45            WOR in the emulsion.
days. After 6 days, there is blocking for both phases (RRF >                Ref. 29 introduced another method for securing open
105 ), whereas for 20 and 45 days the permeability reduction            pathways for oil after treatment using an organic-phase liquid,
for both phases is decreased by increased syneresis. To                 which upon reaction with water forms a water based silicate
minimize the reduction in oil productivity, it seems that the           gel. The gel is mainly located in the pore space originally
relative gel volume should have been reduced to below 0.10              occupied by the irreducible water. Even though the gelant is
(syneresis of more than 90%). For practical purposes this gives         oil based the gel becomes water based and will act similar as
a rather narrow range within which to operate. However, it              the systems described previously, exemplified by replacing the
clearly demonstrates the need of open pathways for oil to flow.         water phase in Fig. 4b if water-wet or Fig. 4e if oil-wet.
    Through these simplified situations we have established a
basis for the DPR mechanism, which assumes segregated flow              Optimal DPR system
on the pore scale. In a reservoir situation the wettability will        When used in a layered reservoir DPR is an alternative to
not be straight water-wet or oil-wet. It will be some water-wet         selective placement, where gel is formed in the watered out
pores and other oil-wet. Nevertheless, it is still possible to          zone and no gel is formed in the oil zone. A DPR system
demonstrate the DPR effect with the segregated flow model               should preferably give larger permeability reduction in the
for both oil-wet and water-wet pores. The only requirements             high permeability zone than in the low permeability zone.
are oil continuity and water based DPR fluid restricting the            Likewise an optimal DPR system should have no permeability
pore size.                                                              reduction for oil and a significant permeability reduction for
                                                                        water. In practice there will always be some reduction in the
Saturation at placement                                                 oil permeability. This reduction should, however, be
    Using the same arguments as above gel placed in                     minimized. There are several criteria given in the literature
reservoirs will benefit from a water saturation lower than 1-S or .     regarding oil permeability reduction:
Oil continuity is critical and the oil productivity increases with        - Minimum reduction in oil permeability measured at the
increasing continuity and oil saturation. The oil productivity              same saturation (excluding the effect of shift in saturation)
has its analogue in the resistivity measurements versus                   - Minimum reduction in endpoint oil permeability,
saturation where the resistivity index because of discontinuity             (including the shift in saturation)
close to Swi increases dramatically.33 On the other hand the              - Maximum endpoint permeability reduction ratios
reduction in the water permeability will be lower as well, but a            (RRFw/RRFo ,)
DPR effect still remains.                                               With the first notation one may incorrectly report higher oil
    Experiments where the oil recovery before gel treatment is          permeability after treatment than before ( RFo lower than
enhanced by low interfacial tension show higher permeability            unity), see Fig. 2. With the latter notation one may exclude the
reduction for both phases simply because m of the oil is
                                                 ore                    effect of maintain ing the oil productivity. For example,
produced and the possibility of oil continuity is minimized.            constant RRFw/RRFo means that a ratio of (1) 1000/100 is as
SPE 71510                    SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF                                7

good as (2) 100/10 and better than (3) 10/2. In our opinion a         that this does not support the segregated flow theory. Our
system giving RRFw of 10 and RRFo of 2 is a far better system         interpretation of these data is as follows:
than the system reducing the oil permeability by a factor of              For water-based gel in the water-wet Berea RRFw and
100.                                                                  RRFo increases as the water saturation (or Sw*) increases. This
    A better selectivity parameter, σ, for optimum DPR will           supports the theory that open pathways for oil are critical for
be:                                                                   good oil productivity. The ratio RRFw /RRFo increases with
           1        1                                                 increasing water saturation as in Fig. 6. However, strictly
    σ =        −                                          (8)         speaking using eq. 9 (where the second term is a constant) it
        RRFo RRFw
                                                                      can be shown that the ratio RRFw /RRFo will increase to a
Under normal circumstances σ ranges from 0 to 1, where 1              maximum close to Sw* = 1 and then drop to 1 at Sw*=1. The
gives the most optimum DPR effect (RRFo = 1 and RRFw is               calculated selectivity parameter, σ, increases with decreasing
infinity). Using this notation one sees that case 3 above gives a     water saturation, σ(S w*~0.67) > σ(S w*~0.77) > σ(S w*=1).
more pronounced DPR effect (σ = 0.4) than case 2 (σ = 0.09)               For oil-based gel in water-wet Berea, RRFw and RRFo
and case 1 (σ = 0.009).                                               increases as the oil saturation increases. This case is an
    It should be quite obvious that the permeability reduction        analogue to the case where a water-based gel is placed in an
depends on the saturation at placement or the volume occupied         oil-wet core. Then the interpretation will be that RRFo and
by the DPR fluid. At S w* = 0, there should be no permeability        RRFw increases as the water saturation increases (i.e. water is
reduction for both phases and maximum reduction at residual           transformed to oil and vice versa). The selectivity parameter
saturation (S w* = 1). The saturation at placement of gel             σ(50/50) > σ (100/0).
systems is calculated by volume balance. For single polymer           For both systems there is agreement with our findings, see
systems the water saturation at placement may be interpreted          Figs. 6-7, the co-injection reported in ref. 23, as well as the gel
as the endpoint water saturation after treatment.                     shrinkage shown in Table 2. The results in ref. 23, on a
    Fig. 6 shows a set of permeability reductions obtained by         qualitative basis by our interpretation fully support the
varying the saturation at placement. RRFw and RRFo are                segregated flow theory.
plotted versus the normalized water saturation a placement.
                                                     t                    Having a DPR fluid and the possibility of choosing the
As can be seen the permeability reduction for both oil and            saturation at placement, one can tailor the permeability
water increases as the water saturation increases. The                reduction by varying only the saturation at placement. The
interpolation RRFi = e S w */ τ i seems to fit the data, where τw <   constraints may be a maximum reduction in oil permeability or
τo . Notice that this is the same type of expression as suggested     a minimum reduction in the water permeability. As shown in
in ref. 4 for single phase flow. It can easily be seen that the       Fig. 6, it is possible to obtain good oil productivity after
ratio RRFw /RRFo decreases as S w* decreases. Most of the DPR         placement using strong gel systems, by only optimizing the
systems will show a similar trend. To account for the blocking        saturation. It is believed that such a DPR treatment will be
close to residual oil saturation one may add an extra term, as        more robust than single polymer retention. The details of how
shown in Fig. 7.                                                      to optimize the saturation at placement will be subject for a
                                                                      later paper.
    RRFi ( S w ) = e Sw / τ i + ( eτ w /(1− S w ) − eτ w )
                        *                     *
When applying the sensitivity parameter, σ, as in Fig. 7 one          Conclusion
sees that there will be an optimum in σ at a saturation between       The governing mechanism for DPR is segregated flow of oil
initial (Sw* = 0) and residual (Sw* = 1) saturation. For high         and water. Because of pore size restriction a DPR fluid placed
water saturation a relatively strong reduction in the oil             in a porous media will selectively restrict the flow of the phase
permeability decreases the selectivity parameter. For low             it is soluble in. This mechanism holds for both gel systems and
water saturation both oil and water permeability reduction            single polymer systems that demonstrate retention. The
becomes low. The experimental data obtained from Fig. 6 (τw           location of retained DPR fluid in the pore space is governed by
= 0.16 and τo = 0.40) agrees well with the theoretical curve.         wettability in the same way as the preferred pathways for
The optimum DPR (σ = max) is obtained for Sw* close to                water and oil. In water-wet media, the water pathways are
0.3. Nevertheless, the optimum DPR is to be determined by             mainly located close to the surface and in the smallest pores,
the specific operational constraints, degree and level of             where, caused by the entrance pressure, oil will not flow. In
reduced oil productivity.                                             oil-wet media the water pathways are mainly in the middle of
    Data from the literature seems to fit this type of                the largest pores and pore channels.
interpretation. Table 3 shows data from ref. 23 where the                  For optimum DPR it is crucial to have open pathways for
gelant was placed in a water-wet Berea core by co-injection.          oil after treatment. Otherwise, the oil productivity will be too
However, the interpretation in ref. 23 was that an oil-based          restricted. Maintaining open pathways becomes most
gelant placed with 50/50 volume ratio by water enhanced the           important for gel systems, since they normally are placed at
DPR, whereas a water-based gelant placed with 50/50 and               residual oil saturation. For single polymer systems only a
30/70 by oil did not enhance DPR. I was further concluded
                                      t                               fraction of the pore channels are blocked and open pathways
                                                                      will exist after treatment.
8                                                          A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON                                                SPE 71510

    A new method applying injection of an emulsified gelant                  14.Elmkies, P., Bertin, H., Lasseaux, D., Murray, M. and Zaitoun,
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                                                                                64986 presented at the 2001 SPE International Symposium on
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SPE 71510                SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF                                              9

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                                        Corey exponents                    Relative endpoint permeabilities

                                        water       oil       ∆Sw = 0   ∆Sw = 0.1      ∆Sw = 0.2    ∆Sw = 0.3       ∆Sw = 0.4

                   krw                     4        2            0.50     0.270          0.130         0.053          0.017

                   kro                     4        2             1       0.735          0.510         0.327          0.184

                   RRFw/RRFo               4        2             1       1.36           1.96 *        3.07           5.44

                   krw                     2        4            0.50     0.367          0.255         0.163          0.092

                   kro                     2        4             1.0     0.54           0.26          0.107          0.034

                    RRFw/RRFo               2       4             1       0.74           0.51          0.33           0.18
                  *) Illustrated in Fig. 1.

                                           TABLE 2 — EFFECT OF SYNERESED GEL ON DPR
                Shut-in time        Relative gel          RRFw          RRFo          RRFw/RRFo       Selectivity       Sw* at
                                   volume in bulk                                                     parameter       placement

                     6                    1.0         >105 (blocking)    >105              -               -              1.0
                                                                                                           .   -2
                     20                  0.14             18800           43              440           2.3 10            0.5

                     45                  0.10             6900            19              360           5.2.10-2          0.3
10                                                          A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON                                                  SPE 71510

                           WET BEREA CORES (EXPERIMENTAL DATA FROM REF. 23).
                  Gelant/oil (or          fw             Sw at         Sw*       RRFw       RRFo      RRFw/RRFo**         Selectivity
                  water) ratio                        placement*                                                         parameter**

                Water based gel
                            100/0         1.0     0.58 =1-Sor          1.0        2450       42             58              2.3.10-2
                            50/50         0.5            0.51          0.77       1255       27             46              3.6.10-2

                            30/70         0.3            0.48          0.67       1075       26             41              3.8.10-2
                Oil based gel
                            100/0         0           0.28 = Swi        0         34        300             9               2.6.10-2
                            50/50         0.5            0.43          0.50        5        225             45              2.0.10-1
                  *) The water saturation is estimated using standard fractional flow calculations with input data from Seright35.
                  **) For the oil based system water is transformed to oil and vice versa in the DPR calculations.

                                    kro                                                                   krw
                           1                                                                                         1.0

                       0.8                                                                                           0.80
                                                                kro                                  krw
                                                                kro2                                 krw2
                       0.6                                                                                           0.60

                       0.4                                                                                           0.40

                       0.2                                                                                           0.20

                           0                                                                                         0.0
                                0               0.2             0.4              0.6           0.8               1
Fig. 1— Relative permeability curves before and after injection of a fluid capable of reducing the water saturation, ∆ Swi=0.2. The Corey
exponents are 4 for water and 2 for oil.
SPE 71510              SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF                                       11

                                    kro                                                           krw
                           1                                                                                 1.0

                        0.8                                                                                  0.80
                                                        kro                                   krw
                                                        kro2                                  krw2
                        0.6                                                                                  0.60

                        0.4                                                                                  0.40

                        0.2                                                                                  0.20

                           0                                                                                 0.0
                               0            0.2           0.4            0.6            0.8              1

Fig. 2— Relative permeability curves before and after injection of a fluid capable of changing the Corey exponents. ∆ Swi=0.2. The Corey
exponents are 2 for water and 4 for oil before treatment and 4 and 2, respectively after treatment.



                                        1          101                102               103               10 4
                                                      water permeability (md)
Fig. 3— Permeability reduction versus water permeability for two different polyacrylamide systems. The open circles are from ref. 15.
12                                                       A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON                                                     SPE 71510

Fig. 4— Schematic location of oil, water and gel in different pore geometries. a) Water-wet pores at residual oil saturation. Oil is located as
discontinuous droplets in the middle of the largest pores. b) Water-wet pores at irreducible water saturation. Water is located in the smallest
pores and with a thin film at the water-wet surface. c) Water-wet pores after gelation. The gel has replaced the water phase. Continuous oil
pathways through the middle of the largest pore exist. d) Oil –wet pores at residual saturation. Oil is located in the smallest pores and with a
thin film at the water-wet surface. e) Oil-wet pores at irreducible water saturation. Water is located in the smallest pores and with a thin film at
the water-wet surface. f) Oil-wet pores after gelation. The gel has replaced the water phase. Continuous oil pathways through the smallest
pore and along the surface of the largest pore exist. g) Fractional wet pores, the largest pore is oil-wet, whereas the lower pore is water-wet.
There is a continuous oil pathway, close to the upper part surface. h) Fractional wet pores, the largest pore is water-wet, whereas the lower
pore is oil-wet. The gel is located close to the upper part surface, with continuous oil pathway.

                                                                                                    System A
                                          0.8                                                       System B
                    relative gel volume




                                             0.0          10.0          20.0        30.0            40.0        50.0
                                                                            time (days)
Fig. 5— Shrinkage of gel in bulk at 90°C. Systems A and B refer to two parallels of the same gel composition.





                                                    0      0.2         0.4         0.6        0.8          1
                                                                      S * at placement

Fig. 6— RRF versus normalized saturation at placement.
14                                                                 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON                                          SPE 71510

                                               0.35                                                              10
                    Selectivity parameter, σ                                                            RRFo     10


                                                                                                                        RRFw or RRFo
                                                                  sigma                                          10
                                               0.20               sigma

                                               0.15                                                              102


                                               0.00                                                               100
                                                      0.0   0.2           0.4       0.6           0.8          1.0
                                                                     Normalized saturation, Sw*

Fig. 7— Measured and calculated sensitivity parameter versus normalized water saturation.

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  • 1. SPE 71510 Segregated Flow is the Governing Mechanism of Disproportionate Permeability Reduction in Water and Gas Shutoff A. Stavland, SPE, RF-Rogaland Research and S. Nilsson, RF-Rogaland Research Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. buildup in the treated zone.1 The producing WOR is in such This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and situations the same as before the treatment. Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September –3 October 2001. However, the same general understanding of the governing This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as mechanism for DPR has not yet been reached. The literature presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to has suggested different mechanisms. The most frequent correction by the author(s). The material, as present ed, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at proposed methods are: SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Electronic repr oduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper - Polymer adsorption at the pore surface and the possibility for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is to alter the wettability to more water-wet situation as well prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous as some lubrication effects acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. - Selective shrinking (or dehydration) and swelling of polymer and crosslinked gel - Segregated flow of oil and water Abstract - Balance between the opposing capillary forces and elastic This paper describes the mechanism for disproportionate confining forces permeability reduction (DPR). Recent papers have discussed Finally, there are suggestions that there could be combinations possible DPR mechanisms. Most of the papers conclude that of these mechanisms. One reason for the lack of consensus there is not yet a single factor that determines DPR. The about DPR mechanisms may be that DPR is observed for both intention of this paper is to clarify that there is a single model, single polymers and crosslinked gel. It has been argued that which explains the observed DPR effects. This model relies on DPR depends on the reservoir characteristics (e.g. lithology, segregated flow of oil and water at pore level and on pore size distribution and wettability). continuity in the oil phase at placement of the DPR fluid. With This paper intends to demonstrate that it is possible to this model DPR is demonstrated for both gel and single easily explain that the governing mechanism for all types of polymer systems at different wettabilities. Oil continuity is DPR fluid is caused by segregated flow. In this context normally easier to obtain for single polymers than for segregated pathways, can either result from preferred flow of crosslinked gels. Gel systems may, however, be more robust. one phase in a certain set of channels or result from preferred The paper describes a method for placement of water-soluble flow of one phase in defined parts of the channel. gel while maintaining open pathways for oil. Additionally, it is It may be convenient to recapitulate basic knowledge about shown that using the phase permeability reduction ratio is not location of wetting and nonwetting phases in a porous a good measure for defining optimum DPR. Therefore a new medium. The permeability reduction is affected by wettability selectivity parameter is introduced which demonstrates to be and endpoint permeabilities. According to Anderson2 the more effective. wetting fluid will preferentially occupy the smallest pores and be in contact with the majority of the rock surface. The Introduction nonwetting fluid will occupy the centers of the larger pores It is commonly accepted that DPR reduces water permeability and form globules that extend over several pores. Lake 3 more than oil (or gas) permeability and therefore, may be a reported that at endpoint saturation the nonwetting phase method for water shutoff. A number of publications have occurs in isolated globules and occupies the center of the discussed DPR. It seems to be a general understanding that pores. The trapped wetting phase occupies the crevices DPR is most effective when used against water production between rock grains and coats the rock surface. The wetting caused by coning or in situations where the watered out layers phase endpoint permeability will therefore be smaller than the are separated from the oil producing layers. In situations with nonwetting phase endpoint. Some examples are given below: 2-phase flow a DPR treatment (even an idealized) will cause In a wetted system the flow of the wetting phase is an increased pressure drawdown because of water saturation dominant close to the wetting surface. The nonwetting phase flows in the middle of the channel. In a water-wet system,
  • 2. 2 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON SPE 71510 flow of water is preferred at the surface, leaving the oil to flow water saturation is increased. However, a DPR effect is in the middle of the larger pore and vice versa for oil-wet obtained. Table 1 shows the calculated endpoint permeabilities systems. and permeability reduction ratios (RRFw /RRFo ). Ratios larger Another example is flow of the wetting phase through a than unity demonstrate DPR. By this exercise the following pore with a pressure drop given by the Poiseuille law. For the can be found: nonwetting phase to flow through the same pore filled with the - Corey exponent αw > αo , the shift in saturation will reduce wetting phase a certain entrance pressure caused by capillary the endpoint permeability for water more than for oil effects is needed. If the entrance pressure is not exceeded there (RRFw /RRFo > 1, i.e. DPR) will be no flow of the nonwetting phase. - Corey exponent αw < αo , the shift in saturation will reduce A DPR fluid is here a fluid with the ability to reduce the the endpoint permeability for oil more than for water water permeability more than the hydrocarbon permeability. (RRFw /RRFo < 1) For simplicity we discuss only oil permeability but the same - Corey exponent αw = αo , the relative permeability curves arguments hold also for gas permeability. The most common are symmetric and the permeability reduction for oil and DPR fluids are chemicals with the ability to form a gel in the water will be the same (RRFw /RRFo = 1) pore space or chemicals retained in the pore space. Both As a first approximation one may use the saturation shift and mechanisms reduce the effective porevolume. As will be the asymmetry of the relative permeability curves to shown, because of the segregated pathways the pore restriction demonstrate a DPR effect. The same results can be obtained is dominant for the phase in which the DPR fluid is soluble. In assuming the shift in the residual oil saturation to Sor ’ = Sor + the following, different possibilities of obtaining DPR are ∆S or . demonstrated. Then, assume that the fluid injected alter the wettability (i.e. alter the Corey exponents from αo1 > αw1 before injection Saturation shift and wettability to αo2 < αw2 after injection). Then the water permeability is Acock and Reis 4 discussed how to reduce the permeability by reduced more than the oil permeability, as shown in Fig. 2. lowering the porosity by salt precipitation (a potentially DPR Here the initial Corey exponents are 4 for oil and 2 for water. fluid). Without yet going into the details of the DPR After treatment they are 2 and 4, respectively. Since we only mechanisms, is it possible to describe a DPR effect only by calculate the permeability reduction ratio at endpoint, this altering the porosity (i.e. irreducible saturation)? Assume situation is the same as the case in Table 1 with αw = 4, and αo standard relative permeability curves (eq.1) and injection of a = 2 and ∆S w =0.2. If the Corey exponents could be a measure fluid capable of reducing the available pore volume (porosity) for wettability, alteration of the wettability to a more water- for water by whatever mechanism (e.g. adsorption, retention, wet situation and a shift in water saturation may cause DPR. precipitation, filtration or gel formation). So far we have shown that the endpoint relative k rw (S w ) = k rw ( S w ) αw 0 ∗ (1) permeability reduction may give rise to a DPR effect, however k ro ( S w ) = k ro (1 − S w ) αo 0 ∗ (2) small. This has been shown by only exploiting the slope of the relative permeability curves (wettability) and endpoint where, 0 kri is the endpoint relative permeability, αi is the saturation’s. As will be shown later DPR becomes more Corey exponent. The Corey exponent can be a measure for the pronounced if the pore size restriction is included. wettability. The wetting phase Corey exponent is normally higher than the nonwetting phase Corey exp onent. S * is the Pore size restriction w It is well known that both polymer and polymer gel have the normalized water saturation defined as: ability to block the pores or restrict the pore size. There are at Sw = ( Sw − S wi ) /(1 − Sor − Swi ) * (3) least two mechanisms for this pore size restriction. The reduction in porosity is expressed by an increase in the Polymer retention (which includes the terms adsorption, irreducible water saturation, S wi ’ = S wi + ∆S wi , Where ∆S wi is mechanical entrapment, precipitation, etc). Typical for these the shift in irreducible water saturation (i.e. the reacted DPR retention mechanisms is that the permeability reduction fluid act as immobile water). increases with decreased initial permeability and with Because of the shift in saturation the relative permeability decreased pressure gradient. In this notation, adsorption is curves will be altered and may give rise to a DPR effect. As only one of several retention mechanisms. shown in Fig. 1, the endpoint water relative permeability i s Gel formation. Gel is formed by crosslinking of polymers shifted downwards from k rw = 0.5 before treatment to k rw = into a 3D network. It is assumed that the gel behaves the same 0 0 way in the porous media as in a bulk phase. As a first 0.13 after treatment (RRFw = 2.60). Here k ro = 1, k rw = 0.5, S wi approximation we can assume that gel restricts flow = 0.1, S or = ∆S wi = 0.2. The Corey exponents were 4 for water considerably. As with polymer retention the permeability and 2 for oil. As long as the residual oil saturation is not reduction increases as the pressure gradient decreases, but for changed, the endpoint water relative permeability is reduced. most gel systems the permeability reduction increases with The endpoint oil relative permeability is reduced as well from increasing permeability.5, 6 1.0 to 0.51 (RRFo = 1.96), simply because the irreducible
  • 3. SPE 71510 SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF 3 A simple and frequently used model for a porous media is following observation should be observed during the coreflood a bundle of capillary tubes. In this model an adsorbed layer at experiments: A pressure increase during the polymer injection the surface of the water-wet tubes will reduce the pore space until the adsorbed layer is established. The differential and reduce the permeability to water more than to oil. pressure should then level off corresponding to the mobility Segregated pathways can interpret this effect. Water flows reduction (permeability reduction multiplied by the relative close to the water-wet surface and will be restricted. The oil polymer viscosity). At the same time the produced polymer flows unrestricted in the middle of the pores as long as the concentration should be equal to the injected concentration. thickness of the adsorbed layer is not too large. This flow The normal observation for DPR polymers is, however, a behavior has been demonstrated theoretically both with regular gradual increase in differential pressure (increases as the pores7-8 and with more realistic pore size distribution.9-11 injected volume increases) without the differential pressure Experimental data have also been used to support the adsorbed leveling off. The produced polymer concentration is lower layer as the DPR mechanism. 12-13 Notice that this model also than the injected. This indicates a filtration process rather than includes the volume restriction (shift in S wi ) in addition to pore general adsorption. A study in micromodels 16 using water-wet size restriction. porous media supports this. The retained polymer was reported Refs. 7 and 8 determined the permeability reduction, RRF, as polymer entanglement (which is essentially an adhering of from an adsorbed polymer layer with thickness, e, using polymer, forming a network on the pore surface that is capillary tube bundles and Poiseuille flow. They obtained the constantly replenished from the flowing polymer solution) on following equation: the crevices between the grains. e This retention mechanism is probably less influenced by RRF = (1 − ) − 4 (4) wettability than adsorption, and may explain why permeability r where, r, is the pore radius. An extension of this model, which reduction is observed even in true oil-wet Teflon cores during may be used to demonstrate the effect of a shift in S wi after polymer injection.17-18 However, ref. 16 reports no treatment, is given by the following equation: permeability reduction in oil-wet micromodels, which may be e because of the pore structure used. ∆ Swi = 1 − (1 − ) 2 (5) Mechanical polymer retention can still explain why the r permeability reduction increases as the permeability decreases. By using eq. 4 and saying that ∆S wi is the same as the relative The fraction of small pore channels able to be blocked by change in porosity, ∆φ/φ, one get: polymer aggregates increases as the permeability decreases. 1 ∆φ 2 In this model filtration of polymer, polymer aggregates and gel = (1− ) (6) RRF φ aggregates will act similarly but with stronger permeability as shown by Acock and Reis.4 However, they claimed that the reduction for aggregates than for single polymer. As long as following expression gave a better fit to the experimental data: the aggregates follow the water-preferred pathways, they will reduce the water permeability more than the oil permeability. RRF = e 5∆φ / φ (7) If optimized, retention will take place only in the smallest The adsorbed layer model will, however, not work for oil-wet pore channels, which represent only a small fraction of the media.8 Therefore the adsorbed layer model is not a general pore volume, but will contribute strongly to the permeability model for the DPR mechanism. With adsorption on an oil-wet for the wetting phase. Thereby it may be possible to minimize surface, the model should predict higher permeability the shift in water saturation and maintain high endpoint oil reduction for oil permeability than for water, simply because permeability. oil is the wetting phase and will flow close to the surface and Fig. 3 shows the change in permeability reduction as a be restricted by the adsorbed layer. Nevertheless experiments, function of permeability. The same polymer system has been showing a DPR effect in what is claimed to be an oil-wet injected into porous media with different permeabilities. As media using an adsorbing polymer have been interpreted with can be seen the permeability reduction increases with the adsorbed layer model.12-14 However, it is unlikely that a decreased water permeability. A power law relation seems to water-soluble polymer will adsorb at an oil-wet surface. It may give a better fit than that expressed in eq. 4 (assuming constant be that the claimed oil-wettability is more of a mixed or thickness of the adsorbed layer and pore radius proportional to fractional wettability where there still are some water-wet the square root of water permeability). The permeability pathways, or that the claimed adsorption is not the governing reduction versus permeability introduces another issue. The retention mechanism. target zone for reducing the water productivity is mainly the Experiments three decades ago15 with different types of high permeability zone. With polymer retention there is a polymers indicated that the permeability reduction depends on critical permeability, above which insufficient permeability mechanical retention or filtration. It is well known that pre- reduction is obtained. This could however, be solved by filtration improves the injectivity of a polymer through a increasing the molecular size (e.g. molecular weight) to match porous medium. Well-filtered polymer solutions show less the pore size. But then the risk of mechanical polymer permeability reduction than less filtered solutions. The breakdown increases because of high shear. Another issue is adsorption level is, however, about the same. If polymer that the promising permeability reduction obtained in adsorption should be the governing retention mechanism, the
  • 4. 4 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON SPE 71510 laboratory studies is reported not to scale directly to reservoir However, in an ideal reservoir situation (single phase water conditions.19 production from the watered out layer and single-phase oil When using a gel at S w = 1 the permeability reduction will production from the oil producing layer) it may be an increase with increasing permeability5-6 At the extreme, very advantage if oil breaks the gel. Open pathways is created in strong gels at S w = 1 reduces the permeability to a fixed level the oil zone, while water is hold back from the watered out of some microdarcies, which can be explained as the layer. This concept may be effective until water breaks permeability of the gel. through in the oil layer, but is not a real DPR situation. It is Thereby a gel system will cause a permeability reduction rather a selective gel placement concept, which competes with even in the (high permeability) watered out zone. When a gel placement concepts where gelation in the oil zone is avoided. is used at residual oil saturation, the permeability reduction to Such concepts are beyond the scope of this paper. water is normally a decade or more lower than at S w = 1. The Ref. 23 suggests that a balance between the opposing effect of oil saturation will be discussed later. Even relatively forces, capillary force and elastic confining force, might strong gels show a DPR effect, but the oil permeability contribute to DPR. The capillary force should act to maintain a reduction, will for practical purposes be too high. The question minimum droplet radius, which in turn opens a channel is how to minimize the oil permeability reduction. through the gel. The gel exerts an elastic confining force to close the channel. The final radius of the oil droplet and the Flow of oil and water through a geltreated media size of the oil pathways depend on the balance between the Going back to our definition of segregated pathways, how can two forces. The effective permeability to oil increases with oil be produced through a porous media where the water phase increasing radius of the flow path around the droplet. The is gelled? For a rigid gel placed at residual oil saturation, no experimental data from corefloods in ref. 23, however, do not oil continuous pathways should exist. Therefore no oil should support such a mechanism. be able to flow through such a gel. For less rigid gels, It is our opinion that a balance between the capillary forces experiments have shown the possibility of forcing oil through. and the gel elasticity is not a major DPR effect. However, if It has been argued that an aqueous gel may swell in water there is an effect one may speculate in which direction it will and shrink in oil.20, 21 However, this is chemically not possible. work. Consider an oil droplet at the entrance of a narrow For an aqueous gel to shrink, water has to be extracted. There channel through the gel. If the oil droplet is a rigid particle (i.e. is to our knowledge no known mechanism by which oil can high interfacial tension) it will tend to plug rather than to be extract water from an aqueous gel nor has any been suggested. transported through the gel. On the other hand, if the oil Nevertheless, this mechanism has been used to explain why oil droplet is more easily deformed (i.e. low interfacial tension) is more easily flooded through a gelled media than water. If the droplet may be transported through the channel. This this mechanism is operative water has to flow through the gel consideration corresponds to higher oil permeability reduction by diffusion, which gives a strong permeability reduction. for high interfacial tension, which is the opposite of the effect Because of gel shrinkage in oil, mobile water is separated. Oil suggested in ref. 22. may displace this water, and bypassing the gel giving a less Nevertheless, it is well known that gel shrinkage may permeability reduction. occur, but not selective for only one of the phases. Ref. 25 It has also been suggested that the flow of water is through demonstrated the impact on permeability reduction when using the gel matrix, whereas the oil pushes its way through the gel a shrinking gel inside the pore network. Before shrinking took in form of immiscible drops or filaments 22 with the flow place, both phases were blocked to flow. After some characteristic controlled by the elasticity of the polymer gel. shrinkage, open pathways for oil (and water) were established The oil flow will then open a channel through the gel matrix, giving a DPR effect. In addition, the water permeability resulting in a higher permeability. Ref 22 indicates that the reduction was the same for the subsequent water cycles. paths open by oil droplets closes after the oil has passed It is also accepted that polymer will shrink or swell through, but without any experimentally verification. because of electrostatic shielding, e.g. by variation of brine In corefloods where oil and water are cycled after salinity. Ref. 26 reports on a method injecting a coiled placement of a strong gel, highest RRFw is measured in the polymer in saline brine. The polymer will then shrink giving first water cycle. In subsequent water cycles after an oil cycle low injecting viscosity and the polymer retention causes essential lower RRFw is measured. This indicates that the open relatively low permeability reduction. If backproduced with a channels generated by the oil permanently destroyed some of less saline water, the retained polymer will swell giving an the gel matrix. The gel is not repaired after the oil has forced essential higher permeability reduction. its way through. Results23, 24 support the theory of permanent breakdown of gel after oil is forced through it. The Segregated flow interpretation is ref. 24 is however, by a mechanism of gel Segregated flow has been suggested as a method for DPR by dehydration. If oil is in place before treatment, especially if the several authors.27-29 In an attempt to describe a general model oil is mobile, the oil will have easier pathways than through for DPR, ref. 25 discussed how DPR could be interpreted by a the gel and will, therefore, not necessarily need to break the mechanism of segregated pathways for oil and water. gel (more about this later). Segregated pathways can in this context, either be flow of one phase in a preferred set of channels or flow of one phase in
  • 5. SPE 71510 SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF 5 defined parts of the channel. In the recent literature 30-31 this restriction of oil flow. However, since most of the flow is mechanism is incorrectly described as Nilsson’s gel droplet through the largest pores the oil permeability reduction should theory. be limited. The permeability reduction for both water and oil The location of a water-based DPR fluid at different should be limited in such a pore configuration, and it is not wettabilities and saturations are schematically shown in the obvious that a general DPR effect is observed. dual pore model in Fig. 4, where the smallest pore only take the wetting phase. Notice the analogue to an oil-based gel by Adsorption changing oil with water and shifting the wettabilities (e.g. the In situations where adsorption is the dominant retention oil in a water-wet media and water-based gel act as water in an mechanism, mainly regular pores and water-wet situations, a oil-wet media using oil-based gel, Figs. 4c and f). DPR effect will be observed according to the adsorbed layer When in place in the pore network, a water-based DPR model. Notice that this model is already included in the fluid will be distributed mainly in or between the pores in the general segregated pathway model, saying that a polymer layer same manner as water. Therefore the placement of the water- replaces the water film in Fig. 4b. When the adsorbed based DPR fluid will to some degree be exchanged with parts thickness, e, is essential smaller than the pore radius, (e.g. high of the water in place. permeability) the permeability reduction is low. To have an effect of the DPR treatment it is crucial that the Hypothetically (see above) if one assume an oil-wet pore oil pathways are continuous and not broken by the DPR (e.g. Fig. 4d) and (i) a polymer layer replaces the oil film and treatment. If not, the treatment will cause blocking for both (ii) alter the wettability from oil-wet to water-wet one will phases – blocked water preferred pathways and discontinuous have a situation qualitatively the same as in Fig. 2, where a oil preferred pathways. To illustrate this effect assuming that a DPR effect is found. Notice that the combination adsorbed strong gel is placed into a reservoir at residual oil saturation layer and oil-wet pores after treatment will give the opposite (e.g. water-wet case in Fig 4a by replacing the water with gel). effect of DPR, stronger flow restriction for oil than for water. The remaining oil is immobile and will not flow without breaking the gel, and in practice no water will flow because of Weak gels the gel. On the other hand, if the DPR fluid does not occupy Gel aggregates or flowing pre gelled systems will act all the available pore space (e.g. gel shrinkage or polymer similar to polymer entrapment. The aggregates will be trapped retention in only a fraction of the volume), the oil preferred in the smallest porethroats. Most likely the permeability pathways are still intact with only minor flow restriction for reduction for both oil and water will be higher than for single the oil, see Figs 4c and 4f-h. polymer, but may be controlled. By this segregated pathway model we are able to interpret DPR for the following situations: Strong gel placed in water-wet pores Placed at residual saturation this will not be an effective Retention of polymer DPR method since the oil continuity is broken. The only In our opinion the so-called adsorption model is more a possibility for oil to flow is by breaking the gel, and retention/entrapment model and the governing mechanism for permanently open a channel through the gel. Thereby there permeability reduction is a result of entrapment. Since water- will be flow by oil, but also for water. The final DPR effect soluble polymers will be trapped in the parts of the pores after some oil/water cycles will be less pronounced. available for water, the flow restriction for water is stronger than the restriction for oil. In a water-wet situation, only water Strong gel placed in oil-wet pores. will flow in the smallest pore. In the largest pore both oil and Recovery from oil-wet reservoirs causes a long tail-end water will flow, with water close to the wetted surface. A production. Tail-end oil production is mainly the result of film water-soluble polymer will flow as water. Retention is flow at high water-cut. At true residual oil saturation the concentrated in the smallest porethroats and at the surface in situation with strong gel in oil-wet pores is the same as for the pore channels as well as some adsorption at the bulk surface. water-wet case – strong blocking. However, for practical After treatment oil will continue to flow only in the largest purposes the true residual oil saturation is not reached when pores with minimum restriction. The water flow is restricted the gelant is placed. This makes it possible to m aintain some both in the smallest pores (and pore channels) because of the oil continuity and a better DPR effect than for water-wet polymer and to some extent by the adsorbed layer. This will situation. The entrance pressure for water may not be result in a DPR effect, reported in a num of papers. ber sufficient to penetrate the smallest pores, which remain open If the core is oil-wet, only oil will flow through the to oil after gel placement. smallest pore, with both water and oil in the largest pore. The polymer will not flow through the smallest pores and will not Gel placed in mixed-wet media adsorb on the surfaces. Retention may however, occur in the This is mo re or less the same situation as for the oil-wet pore channels (where both oil and water are able to flow) or in case. However, it would be even more difficult to reach the the small pore entrance. This will result in less water true residual saturation thus giving good possibility of permeability reduction compared with the water-wet case. maintaining oil continuous pathways. Trapping at the entrance to the smallest pore, may cause
  • 6. 6 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON SPE 71510 Gel shrinkage Results in refs. 25, 30 and 34 support this. Similarly, co- Shrinkage of the gel after placement can be a benefit, since injection of oil and gelant to lower the water saturation at the possibility of oil continuity will increase. To some extent, placement gave lower permeability reductions. Co-injection the polymer to crosslinker ratio may control the shrinkage but will probably not be an effective method in field operations not selectively for only one of the phases. When the gel because of problems controlling the fractional flow entering shrinks, an amount of excess water may form a continuous the formation. channel that may be accessible to both water and oil. In One effective method for placement of a DPR fluid at fixed accordance with the arguments in ref. 32 the gel will most saturation is to make up the DPR fluid as a temporary probably start to shrink at the gel/oil interface. In a water-wet emulsion. The acting DPR chemicals are dissolved in the situation, where oil droplets are placed in the middle of the water phase and mixed to an emulsion with oil and a suitable largest pores, the droplets will be surrounded by an excess emulsifier. By controlling the emulsion stability, the emulsion water layer, which may lead to continuity. Then a DPR effect can be injected as a pseudo one-phase solution into the will be observed. In oil-wet situations the gel is placed in the formation and then breaks (e.g. by limited temperature middle of the pore with an oil film close to the surface. Here tolerance). The oil and water phases separate and the gelation the excess water is located between the oil film and the gel process starts in the water phase. The water saturation is may be seen as isolated droplets in the middle of the pores. simply controlled by the WOR in the injected emulsion. This Again a DPR effect will be observed. method will be more suitable for field applications than the The following experiment demonstrates the influence on previous suggested method, co-injection, for securing open gel shrinkage on DPR. For a fixed gel composition the pathways for oil after treatment. Fig. 6 shows the syneresis was initially examined in bulk studies at 90°C. As corresponding RRFw and RRFo versus the water saturation at can be seen from Fig. 5, most of the syneresis took places the placement. The water saturation has been obtained only by first 20 days (i.e. from 10 to 20 days). The gel was placed in a varying the WOR in the injected emulsion. By injecting an fractional wet porous medium with a shut-in time emulsified gelant optimizing and tailoring the DPR fluid itself corresponding to the time for bulk syneresis. Table 2 shows is now longer critical. What is critical is to define the optimum the permeability reduction for shut-in times of 6, 20 and 45 WOR in the emulsion. days. After 6 days, there is blocking for both phases (RRF > Ref. 29 introduced another method for securing open 105 ), whereas for 20 and 45 days the permeability reduction pathways for oil after treatment using an organic-phase liquid, for both phases is decreased by increased syneresis. To which upon reaction with water forms a water based silicate minimize the reduction in oil productivity, it seems that the gel. The gel is mainly located in the pore space originally relative gel volume should have been reduced to below 0.10 occupied by the irreducible water. Even though the gelant is (syneresis of more than 90%). For practical purposes this gives oil based the gel becomes water based and will act similar as a rather narrow range within which to operate. However, it the systems described previously, exemplified by replacing the clearly demonstrates the need of open pathways for oil to flow. water phase in Fig. 4b if water-wet or Fig. 4e if oil-wet. Through these simplified situations we have established a basis for the DPR mechanism, which assumes segregated flow Optimal DPR system on the pore scale. In a reservoir situation the wettability will When used in a layered reservoir DPR is an alternative to not be straight water-wet or oil-wet. It will be some water-wet selective placement, where gel is formed in the watered out pores and other oil-wet. Nevertheless, it is still possible to zone and no gel is formed in the oil zone. A DPR system demonstrate the DPR effect with the segregated flow model should preferably give larger permeability reduction in the for both oil-wet and water-wet pores. The only requirements high permeability zone than in the low permeability zone. are oil continuity and water based DPR fluid restricting the Likewise an optimal DPR system should have no permeability pore size. reduction for oil and a significant permeability reduction for water. In practice there will always be some reduction in the Saturation at placement oil permeability. This reduction should, however, be Using the same arguments as above gel placed in minimized. There are several criteria given in the literature reservoirs will benefit from a water saturation lower than 1-S or . regarding oil permeability reduction: Oil continuity is critical and the oil productivity increases with - Minimum reduction in oil permeability measured at the increasing continuity and oil saturation. The oil productivity same saturation (excluding the effect of shift in saturation) has its analogue in the resistivity measurements versus - Minimum reduction in endpoint oil permeability, saturation where the resistivity index because of discontinuity (including the shift in saturation) close to Swi increases dramatically.33 On the other hand the - Maximum endpoint permeability reduction ratios reduction in the water permeability will be lower as well, but a (RRFw/RRFo ,) DPR effect still remains. With the first notation one may incorrectly report higher oil Experiments where the oil recovery before gel treatment is permeability after treatment than before ( RFo lower than R enhanced by low interfacial tension show higher permeability unity), see Fig. 2. With the latter notation one may exclude the reduction for both phases simply because m of the oil is ore effect of maintain ing the oil productivity. For example, produced and the possibility of oil continuity is minimized. constant RRFw/RRFo means that a ratio of (1) 1000/100 is as
  • 7. SPE 71510 SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF 7 good as (2) 100/10 and better than (3) 10/2. In our opinion a that this does not support the segregated flow theory. Our system giving RRFw of 10 and RRFo of 2 is a far better system interpretation of these data is as follows: than the system reducing the oil permeability by a factor of For water-based gel in the water-wet Berea RRFw and 100. RRFo increases as the water saturation (or Sw*) increases. This A better selectivity parameter, σ, for optimum DPR will supports the theory that open pathways for oil are critical for be: good oil productivity. The ratio RRFw /RRFo increases with 1 1 increasing water saturation as in Fig. 6. However, strictly σ = − (8) speaking using eq. 9 (where the second term is a constant) it RRFo RRFw can be shown that the ratio RRFw /RRFo will increase to a Under normal circumstances σ ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 maximum close to Sw* = 1 and then drop to 1 at Sw*=1. The gives the most optimum DPR effect (RRFo = 1 and RRFw is calculated selectivity parameter, σ, increases with decreasing infinity). Using this notation one sees that case 3 above gives a water saturation, σ(S w*~0.67) > σ(S w*~0.77) > σ(S w*=1). more pronounced DPR effect (σ = 0.4) than case 2 (σ = 0.09) For oil-based gel in water-wet Berea, RRFw and RRFo and case 1 (σ = 0.009). increases as the oil saturation increases. This case is an It should be quite obvious that the permeability reduction analogue to the case where a water-based gel is placed in an depends on the saturation at placement or the volume occupied oil-wet core. Then the interpretation will be that RRFo and by the DPR fluid. At S w* = 0, there should be no permeability RRFw increases as the water saturation increases (i.e. water is reduction for both phases and maximum reduction at residual transformed to oil and vice versa). The selectivity parameter saturation (S w* = 1). The saturation at placement of gel σ(50/50) > σ (100/0). systems is calculated by volume balance. For single polymer For both systems there is agreement with our findings, see systems the water saturation at placement may be interpreted Figs. 6-7, the co-injection reported in ref. 23, as well as the gel as the endpoint water saturation after treatment. shrinkage shown in Table 2. The results in ref. 23, on a Fig. 6 shows a set of permeability reductions obtained by qualitative basis by our interpretation fully support the varying the saturation at placement. RRFw and RRFo are segregated flow theory. plotted versus the normalized water saturation a placement. t Having a DPR fluid and the possibility of choosing the As can be seen the permeability reduction for both oil and saturation at placement, one can tailor the permeability water increases as the water saturation increases. The reduction by varying only the saturation at placement. The interpolation RRFi = e S w */ τ i seems to fit the data, where τw < constraints may be a maximum reduction in oil permeability or τo . Notice that this is the same type of expression as suggested a minimum reduction in the water permeability. As shown in in ref. 4 for single phase flow. It can easily be seen that the Fig. 6, it is possible to obtain good oil productivity after ratio RRFw /RRFo decreases as S w* decreases. Most of the DPR placement using strong gel systems, by only optimizing the systems will show a similar trend. To account for the blocking saturation. It is believed that such a DPR treatment will be close to residual oil saturation one may add an extra term, as more robust than single polymer retention. The details of how shown in Fig. 7. to optimize the saturation at placement will be subject for a later paper. RRFi ( S w ) = e Sw / τ i + ( eτ w /(1− S w ) − eτ w ) * * (9) When applying the sensitivity parameter, σ, as in Fig. 7 one Conclusion sees that there will be an optimum in σ at a saturation between The governing mechanism for DPR is segregated flow of oil initial (Sw* = 0) and residual (Sw* = 1) saturation. For high and water. Because of pore size restriction a DPR fluid placed water saturation a relatively strong reduction in the oil in a porous media will selectively restrict the flow of the phase permeability decreases the selectivity parameter. For low it is soluble in. This mechanism holds for both gel systems and water saturation both oil and water permeability reduction single polymer systems that demonstrate retention. The becomes low. The experimental data obtained from Fig. 6 (τw location of retained DPR fluid in the pore space is governed by = 0.16 and τo = 0.40) agrees well with the theoretical curve. wettability in the same way as the preferred pathways for The optimum DPR (σ = max) is obtained for Sw* close to water and oil. In water-wet media, the water pathways are 0.3. Nevertheless, the optimum DPR is to be determined by mainly located close to the surface and in the smallest pores, the specific operational constraints, degree and level of where, caused by the entrance pressure, oil will not flow. In reduced oil productivity. oil-wet media the water pathways are mainly in the middle of Data from the literature seems to fit this type of the largest pores and pore channels. interpretation. Table 3 shows data from ref. 23 where the For optimum DPR it is crucial to have open pathways for gelant was placed in a water-wet Berea core by co-injection. oil after treatment. Otherwise, the oil productivity will be too However, the interpretation in ref. 23 was that an oil-based restricted. Maintaining open pathways becomes most gelant placed with 50/50 volume ratio by water enhanced the important for gel systems, since they normally are placed at DPR, whereas a water-based gelant placed with 50/50 and residual oil saturation. For single polymer systems only a 30/70 by oil did not enhance DPR. I was further concluded t fraction of the pore channels are blocked and open pathways will exist after treatment.
  • 8. 8 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON SPE 71510 A new method applying injection of an emulsified gelant 14.Elmkies, P., Bertin, H., Lasseaux, D., Murray, M. and Zaitoun, for placing water-soluble gel at a water saturation securing A.: “Further Investigations on Two-Phase Flow Property open pathways for oil is introduced. Modification by Polymers: Wettability Effects,” paper SPE 64986 presented at the 2001 SPE International Symposium on The permeability reduction ratio is not a good measure for Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, 13-16 Feb. defining the optimum DPR. Therefore a new selectivity 15.Jennings, R.R., Rogers, J.H., and West, T.J.: “Factors parameter, σ, has been introduced and demonstrated to be Influencing Mobility Control By Polymer Solutions,” JPT more effective. (March 1971) 391. 16.Al-Sharji, H.H., Grattoni, C.A., Dawe, R.A., and Zimmerman, References R.W.: “Disproportionate Permeability Reduction Due to 1. 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  • 9. SPE 71510 SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF 9 31.Dalrymple, E.D., Eoff, L., Reddy, B.R. and Botermans, C.W.: 34.Langaas, K., Nilsson, S. and Stavland, A.: “Pore-scale “Relative Permeability Modifiers for Improved Oil Recovery: simulation of DPR gel,” paper presented at the 1999 Annual A Literature Review,” paper presented at the 2000 11th Oil International Energy Agency Workshop and Symposium Field Chemical Symposium, Fagernes, Norway. (Vol. 1) 19. Collaborative project on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Enghien-les- 32.Bryant, S.L., Rabaioli, M.R., and Lockhart, P.: “Influence of Bains, France, 22-24 Sept. Syneresis on Permeability Reduction by Polymer Gels,” paper 35.Seright, R.S.: ”Improved techniques for fluid diversion in oil SPE/DOE 35446 presented at the 1996 SPE/DOE 10 th recovery,” Second Annual Report no: DOE/BC/14880-10 Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, OK, 21-24 (March 1995). April. 33.Anderson, W.G.: “Wettability Literature Survey – Part 3: The effects of Wettability on the Electrical Properties of Porous Media,” JPT (Dec. 1986) 1371. TABLE 1 — ENDPOINT PERMEABILITY RATIOS VERSUS SHIFT IN SATURATION Corey exponents Relative endpoint permeabilities water oil ∆Sw = 0 ∆Sw = 0.1 ∆Sw = 0.2 ∆Sw = 0.3 ∆Sw = 0.4 krw 4 2 0.50 0.270 0.130 0.053 0.017 kro 4 2 1 0.735 0.510 0.327 0.184 RRFw/RRFo 4 2 1 1.36 1.96 * 3.07 5.44 krw 2 4 0.50 0.367 0.255 0.163 0.092 kro 2 4 1.0 0.54 0.26 0.107 0.034 RRFw/RRFo 2 4 1 0.74 0.51 0.33 0.18 *) Illustrated in Fig. 1. TABLE 2 — EFFECT OF SYNERESED GEL ON DPR Shut-in time Relative gel RRFw RRFo RRFw/RRFo Selectivity Sw* at volume in bulk parameter placement Days σ 6 1.0 >105 (blocking) >105 - - 1.0 . -2 20 0.14 18800 43 440 2.3 10 0.5 45 0.10 6900 19 360 5.2.10-2 0.3
  • 10. 10 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON SPE 71510 TABLE 3 — PERMEABILITY REDUCTION OBTAINED BY CO-INJECTION IN WATER- WET BEREA CORES (EXPERIMENTAL DATA FROM REF. 23). Gelant/oil (or fw Sw at Sw* RRFw RRFo RRFw/RRFo** Selectivity water) ratio placement* parameter** σ Water based gel 100/0 1.0 0.58 =1-Sor 1.0 2450 42 58 2.3.10-2 50/50 0.5 0.51 0.77 1255 27 46 3.6.10-2 30/70 0.3 0.48 0.67 1075 26 41 3.8.10-2 Oil based gel 100/0 0 0.28 = Swi 0 34 300 9 2.6.10-2 50/50 0.5 0.43 0.50 5 225 45 2.0.10-1 *) The water saturation is estimated using standard fractional flow calculations with input data from Seright35. **) For the oil based system water is transformed to oil and vice versa in the DPR calculations. kro krw 1 1.0 0.8 0.80 kro krw kro2 krw2 0.6 0.60 0.4 0.40 0.2 0.20 0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Sw Fig. 1— Relative permeability curves before and after injection of a fluid capable of reducing the water saturation, ∆ Swi=0.2. The Corey exponents are 4 for water and 2 for oil.
  • 11. SPE 71510 SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF 11 kro krw 1 1.0 0.8 0.80 kro krw kro2 krw2 0.6 0.60 0.4 0.40 0.2 0.20 0 0.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Sw Fig. 2— Relative permeability curves before and after injection of a fluid capable of changing the Corey exponents. ∆ Swi=0.2. The Corey exponents are 2 for water and 4 for oil before treatment and 4 and 2, respectively after treatment. 2 10 RRF 1 10 1 1 101 102 103 10 4 water permeability (md) Fig. 3— Permeability reduction versus water permeability for two different polyacrylamide systems. The open circles are from ref. 15.
  • 12. 12 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON SPE 71510 Fig. 4— Schematic location of oil, water and gel in different pore geometries. a) Water-wet pores at residual oil saturation. Oil is located as discontinuous droplets in the middle of the largest pores. b) Water-wet pores at irreducible water saturation. Water is located in the smallest pores and with a thin film at the water-wet surface. c) Water-wet pores after gelation. The gel has replaced the water phase. Continuous oil pathways through the middle of the largest pore exist. d) Oil –wet pores at residual saturation. Oil is located in the smallest pores and with a thin film at the water-wet surface. e) Oil-wet pores at irreducible water saturation. Water is located in the smallest pores and with a thin film at the water-wet surface. f) Oil-wet pores after gelation. The gel has replaced the water phase. Continuous oil pathways through the smallest pore and along the surface of the largest pore exist. g) Fractional wet pores, the largest pore is oil-wet, whereas the lower pore is water-wet. There is a continuous oil pathway, close to the upper part surface. h) Fractional wet pores, the largest pore is water-wet, whereas the lower pore is oil-wet. The gel is located close to the upper part surface, with continuous oil pathway.
  • 13. SPE 71510 SEGREGATED FLOW IS THE GOVERNING MECHANISM OF DPR IN WATER AND GAS SHUTOFF 13 1 System A 0.8 System B relative gel volume 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 time (days) Fig. 5— Shrinkage of gel in bulk at 90°C. Systems A and B refer to two parallels of the same gel composition. 3 10 RRFw RRFo 2 10 RRF 1 10 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 S * at placement w Fig. 6— RRF versus normalized saturation at placement.
  • 14. 14 A. STAVLAND AND S. NILSSON SPE 71510 5 0.35 10 RRFw 0.30 Selectivity parameter, σ RRFo 10 4 0.25 RRFw or RRFo sigma 10 3 0.20 sigma 0.15 102 0.10 101 0.05 0.00 100 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Normalized saturation, Sw* Fig. 7— Measured and calculated sensitivity parameter versus normalized water saturation.