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C C S I T , J U N A G A D H
D H A R M E S H . M I C R O B I O @ G M A I L . C O M
T.Y B.Sc Sem 5
Soil microbiology
1.1 Physical and chemical properties of soil
What is soil ?
 Outer most covering of earth
 Component:
 Particles, inorganic & organic constituents.
 Definition:
“Soil is the region on the earth crust where
geology and biology meet”
 Pioneer work in soil microbiology was done by Sergei
Winogradsky & Martinus Beijerinck
 Father of soil microbiology Sergei Winogradsky
 The characteristics vary from locate and climate.
 Soil formed after several process of weathering
 Soil provide substratum for plant and animal
 Soil consist mainly mineral, organic matter,
water and gaseous phase
 Soil has a layer called profile
 Soil profile have a two or more layer called
 Soil horizon may vary in thickness, mineral
composition and structure
Soil horizon
 Soil mainly divides into five horizon according to
their characteristics
 Horizon O, Horizon A, Horizon B, Horizon C,
Horizon R
Horizon O
 Top most layer of the soil contain plant litter, humas
at various levels of decomposition
Horizon A
 Below horizon O
 Composed of primarily silicate clay particle, minerals,
humas (minerals + humas + sillcate )
 Two basic characteristics of this horizon is
1. Humas and organic matter mix with mineral
2. Zone of translocation where eluviation(downward
movement) has removed fine particle and soluble
substances deposited at lower level (illuviation)
 Horizon is dark, porous and light in texture
Horizon B
 Strongly influence by illuviation process
 Accumulation of salts, minerals and organic matters
 High bulk density due to clay particle
 Coloured by oxidised irons, aluminium and calcium
 Note: Illuviation: deposition of colloids, soluble salts,
suspended minerals in lower soil horizon through the
process of eluviation
Horizon C
 Weathered parental rock
 Particle size vary from clay to boulders
 This zone is not influence by illuviation, pedogenesis,
translocation and organic modification
Chemical characteristics
 Mineral properties:
Macro molecules:
Silica, aluminium, and iron
Minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P, S, Ti, etc)
 Size: clay particles(0.002 to less) to large pebbles and
 Water holding capacity, bulk density and nutrients are
determine by proportion of these particles
 Organic residue:
 Plants and animal remain deposited in soil
 Latter stage of decomposition is formed humas
 “Humas” is dark coloured, amorphous sub stances
composed of residual organic matter not readily
decomposed by microorganisms
 Microbial population both dead and living cells
significantly determine the organic matter of soil
 Humas- agriculturally important properties of
humas due to its provide buffering capacity and
water holding capacity of soil.
 Amount of water is relative to amount of
precipitation, climatic condition, drainage and soil
 Water retain in space
 Organic and inorganic mole dissolve in water and
absorbed by plants and consumed by animal
 Nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide
 Except nitrogen O2 and Co2 dissolve in water
 Amount of gases present in soil is related to moisture
present in soil
Soil temperature
Influence by
 Intensity of light
 Day length
 Season variation
 Plantation
 Colour and texture
 Altitude
 Place
Soil pH
 Acidic, basic or neutral
 Optimum pH is require for the growth of plants and
 Acidity of soil- (Al, Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn)
 Neutral and basic soil(Na2Co3, NaHCo3)
Bulk density and porosity
 Nearness of particle is called bulk density
 Distance between the particle is porosity
1.2 Rhizosphere & Microbial flora off Soil
What is rhizospere?
Rhizo- root , sphere- influenced area
the narrow region of soil that is directly influenced
by root secretions(exudates) and associated soil microorganisms
 In another way
 The region where soil and root make contact and
designated rhizosphere
 The zone around roots are divides into two parts
1. Rhizoplane- root surface where microbes adhere
2. Rhizosphere- narrow region of soil around rood(20um)
 Hiltner (1904) introduce this term first time
 Thickness of this region is 1-2mm
Note: (Information only)
Two sphere endorhizosphere and ectorhizosphere
 1 um- 120 organisms
 20 um- 13 organisms (1:10)
Characteristics of the rhizosphere
 Microbial population around the roots are attracted
through the secretion of the plants (exudates)
 Plants root secreted some amino acids, organic acids,
sugars , vitamins, enzymes, inorganic ions etc that is
called exudates
 The growth of microbes enhanced by exudates which
is released by plants
 And hence the microbial population of this area is
higher than the bulk soil
 Exudates provide nutrients to microorganism and
hence microbiota of rhizosphere is more active than
the bulk soil.
 The organisms which was observed around
rhizosphere is called PGPR(plant growth promoting
 Microbial interaction in rhizosphere can be
pathogenic, symbiotic, harmful, saprophytic or
Microbial flora of soil
 What is microbial flora:
Flora: the bacteria and other microorganisms in
an ecosystem (e.g., some part of the body of
an animal host)
 Any fertile soil inhabited by root system of plants,
animals and tremendous numbers of
 Microbial population:
Large difference in microbial population both in total
numbers and kinds due to soil composition, physical
properties of soil, agricultural practices
 There are some factors responsible for the growth of
the Mo
1. Amount and types of nutrient
2. Availability of moisture
3. Degree of aeration
4. Temperature
5. pH
6. Practices
 Great microbial diversity make it difficult to
determine total number of microbes
 Only culturable can be count and determine
characteristics(physiological and nutritional)
 Using direct microscopy count total no
 Enumeration techniques are suitable for specific
types of the org
 Metagenomics
 Bacterial population is large compare to another group in
 Most diverse in number and variety
1.Direct microscopy : billions of cells countable
(650million/gm soil)
2. Plate count method: limited organisms
 PCT yield only fraction of this number
 Due to great variety of nutritional and physiological types of
bacteria in soil
1. Autotrophs or heterotrophs
2. Meso, thermo and psychrophiles
3. Aerobic and anaerobic
4. Cellulose digester
5. Sulphur oxidiser
6. Nitrogen fixer
7. Protein digester
8. Many more
 Actinomycetes predominant bacteria in soil
 Billions in number/gm of soil
 Predominant genera are micromonospora, nocardia,
 Give musty or freshly ploughed soil
Bacterial Activity in soil
1. Degrade organic matter and improve soil
2. Antibiotic production maintain soil population
2. Fungi
 There are hundreds of fungi inhabit the soil
 They are mostly abundant near surface area where
aerobic condition is prevail
 They exist in both state mycelia and spore
 Its difficult to enumerate
 Martin’s rose bangal agar with streptomycin medium
most commonly used for enumeration
 Fungi are two types
1. Mold
2. Yeast
 Majority of the soil fungi are mold
 Saprophytic hence mainly present inside decaying
 Mold in soil are mycelial, thread spong like structure
 Slime mold and mushrooms are also fungi
 There are importance for the following reason
1. Fungi are actively participating in decomposition of
major constituents of plant tissue namely
cellulose, lignin, pectin, hemi cellulose,
2. Physical structure of soil is improved by the
accumulation of mold mycelia within it
3. Play important role in humus formation
 Inhabit the soil where sugar is available
 Yeast are prevailing in soil are
1. Vineyards
2. Orchards(vegetable, fruits yard )
3. Apiaries (honeybee)
Useful for plants
 Fungi release plant hormones while other produce
antibiotics, while some are harmful for
plants(fusarium, phytophthora, verticillium)
 The mycorhiza are fungi that are live in or on the
root surface and increase the uptake of water and
nutrients from rhizosphere
 Produce hormones for plant growth and antibiotics
for disease
Industrially important fungi
 yeast for alcohol production
 Mold for enzymes and secondary metabolites
3. Algae
 Population of algae is smaller than fungi and bacteria
 Algae is photosynthetic in nature, they account for their
predominance on the surface of soil and just below layer
of soil
 In reach fertile soil the biochemical properties of algae is
dwarfed by the extra amount of bacteria and fungi
 Fine soil particles bounded strongly together and form
water soluble aggregate by slimy material produced by
Role in soil formation
 Due to photosynthetic nature and other biochemical
activity algal involved in soil formation
 A photosynthetic cyanobacteria grow on the surface of
freshly exposed rock and accumulate organic matter will
support the growth of another microbes like acid
generating lichen than mosses and than higher plants
 This will result into the reach organic soil
 Barred and eroded lands converted into organic rich soil
4. Protozoa
 The presence of protozoans in soil is important since
ingest bacteria for their nutrients
 Not all microbial community is suitable as a food for
 These will maintain population of microbes in soil
 Most soil protozoa are amoeba and flagellattes
 by eating and digesting bacteria, protozoa speed up
the cycling of nitrogen from bacteria, making it
available for plants.
5. Viruses
 Symbiosis: An association of two or more
different species
 Ectosymbisis: One organism can be located on
the surface of another, as an ectosymbiont.
 Endosymbiosis: one organism can be located
within another organism as an endosymbiont
 Ecto/ endosymbiosis: microorganisms live on
both the inside and the outside of another
Interaction among soil microorganisms
 In terrestrial ecosystem variety of relationship exists
between microorganism or animal or plant
 Microbial flora composition of soil or any ecosystem can
equilibrate by biological activities(microbial interaction)
 There are three types of interaction in nature
1. Neutral
2. Beneficial
3. Harmful
Neutral relationship
 Lack of interaction between two species create neutral
 Neutral relationship arise when there is no relationship
between two community
 Lack of nutrients create this condition like marine microbes
 Finally the two different species occupy same area without
affecting each other and utilize different nutrient from
same or different object without interfering another's life
 E.g soil microorganisms, cyst and spore,
 Relationship are strictly unobligatory
 As condition change, relationship will change
Beneficial interaction
Beneficial relationship can be divide on the basis of
types of interaction
 Mutualisms
 Commensalisms
 Proto-cooperation
 In this kind of relationship both the partners getting
benefit from each other
 Relationship obligatory
 Both are dependent on each other
 When relationship are in terms of exchange of nutrients
then the relationship called Syntrophism; “syn”- Mutual,
“Trophe” Nourishment
 Example
1. Lichen
2. Rhizobium
3. Anabaena-azolla
 Sometime symbiosis word is also used for mutualistic
 Lichens are the association between specific ascomycetes (the
fungus “my-cobiont”) and either green algae or cyanobacteria
“phycobiont “..
 The phycobiont is a photoautotroph dependent only on light, carbon
dioxide, and certain mineral nutrients,the fungus can get its organic carbon
directly from the alga or cyanobacterium.
 The fungus protects the phycobiont from excess light intensities, provides
water and minerals to it, and creates a firm substratum within which the
phycobiont can grow protected from environmental stress.
 Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixating bacteria
 MOS also interacting with some legume plants
 some bacteria (Rhizobium species) grow on the roots of leguminous
plants (alfalfa, clover, vetch, peas, beans, etc.) --> root nodules
 Bacteria provide ammonia by nitrogen fixation. Plants provide
nutrients and shelter and anaerobic microenvironments
 Allows growth in nitrogen-poor soils
 Association between water fern azolla and
 Important for paddy plant; nitrogen is fixed by
Anabaena Azollae
 Here azolla is water fern
 Anabaena azollae is cyanobacteria
 Commensalism [Latin com, together, and mensa, table]
 One organism depends on the table scraps of other
 In this association one organism/partner get benefit
from another partner without affecting it.
 Does not get benefit nor negatively affected by the action
of second population
 Not obligate
1. Many fungi can degrade cellulose to glucose which can
utilised by bacteria
2. Lignin of woody plant degrade by basidiomycetes fungi
and degraded product utilized by other fungi and bacteria
3. Many microbes uses oxygen for their metabolism and
create anaerobic environment for another organisms
 E.coli(facultative)- Bacteroides(anaerobes) in human
 Some produced growth factor like vitamin,
aminoacids can be used by another organisms
 E.g baggiatoa detoxicate H2S that benefit the H2S
sensitive organisms
Beneficial association between two species
Synergism mean both of the species got benefit from the
 A positive (not obligate) symbiosis which involves
syntrophic (both organism lives off the byproducts of
another) relationships
 Both get benefit
 In same habitat one organism create favourable
environment for another organism. Like toxic area removed
by some microbes
 e.g Nocardia supplies cyclohexane degradation products to
pseudomonas which supply biotin to nocardia
 Nutritional protocooperation between bacteria and fungi
E. Faecalis
end product)
 E.coli
Negative interaction
C. harmful/detrimental/negative interactions
 Product of one species inhibited or adversely affect on
another's life e.g antibiotics
 When org. produce substance that is inhibitory to the
other population the interpopulation relationship is
 antibiosis and allelopathy is classical example of
 Some bacillus sp. In soil produced antifungal agent
1. Several sp of streptomyces produced antibacterial and
antifungal compounds e.g Strepyomycin,
chloramphenicol, tetracyclin, cyclohexamide, etc.
 Staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa are
antagonistic towards aspergillus niger
 Antibiotic production in lab and in soil is entirely different
 Cyanide production by some fungi and bacteria
 Fatty-acids production by some skin flora
 Some are produced alcohol e.g yeast
 Acetobacter produced acetic acid in the presence
of oxygen from ethanol
 Microbes exist in soil with compaction among them for
space and nutrients(growth limiting substance)
 Competition arises when different microorganisms
within a population or community try to acquire the
same resource
 Clamydospore of fusarium and oospores of aphanomyces
required nutrients in large amount for germination but
bacteria deplete nutrients limiting the population of
 Parasitism is defined as relationship between organisms
in which one organism lives in or on another organisms
 The parasites derived its food from the host
 Parasite feeds on the cells, tissue or fluid of another
 Usually but not always parasites are smaller than the
 Two types of the parasite; ecto and endoparasites
 Example:
 Gram negative bacterium Bdellovibrio, A
Bacteriovorus motile small bacterium attached on
host cell(gram negative bacteria) at special region
and causes lysis of cell
 Bacteriophage virus are obligate intracellular
 Host cell also some fungal cells or algal cells
 Distinction between parasitism and predation is very
 In predation, predator directly engulfs and digests
the another organisms
 Predation is association in which predator organisms
directly feed on and kill the pray organisms
 Always cyclic fluctuation in predator; prey
 Its one of the most dramatically inter relationship
 Nematophagous fungi –Arthrobotrytis and dactylella
 Protozoa and slime mold also feed on bacteria;
 (tetrahymena pyriformis protozoa predator and
klebsiella pneumoniae a prey bacterium)
 Bacteriophage
1.4 Mineralization and immobilization of
 Immobilization in soil science is the conversion of
inorganic compounds to organic compounds
by micro-organisms or plants
 Immobilization is the opposite of mineralization.
 The complex substrates listed in table contain only
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. If microorganisms
are to grow by using these substrates, they must
acquire the remaining nutrients they need for
biomass synthesis from the environment.
 Those nutrients that are converted into biomass
become temporarily “tied up” from nutrient cycling;
this is sometimes called nutrient immobilization.
 immobilization The incorporation of a simple,
soluble substance into the body of an organism,
making it unavailable for use by other organisms.
 Mineralization in soil
science is decomposition or oxidation of the chemical
compounds in organic matter into plant-accessible
forms(inorganic form)
 Mineralization is the opposite of immobilization.
 Organic matter varies in terms of elemental
composition, structure of basic repeating units,
linkages between repeating units,
 microorganisms require each macronutrient, if an
environment is enriched in one nutrient but
relatively deficient in another, the nutrients may not
be completely recycled into living biomass.
 chitin, protein, and nucleic acids contain nitrogen in
large amounts. If these substrates are used for
growth, the excess nitrogen and other minerals that
are not used in the formation of new microbial
biomass are released to the environment in the
process of mineralization. This is the process by
which organic matter is decomposed to release
simpler, inorganic compounds (e.g., CO 2 , NH 3 ,
CH 4 , H 2 ).
Nitrogen cycle
 Major and main element of life and constituent of air
 It is an basic component of Amino acids , proteins and
nucleic acid
 Life cant exist without nitrogen
 Play major role in respiration and animal metabolism
 Sequence of change in oxidation state of nitrogen in
nitrogen move from atmosphere to biota
 Plant utilize inorganic state of nitrogen like
 The nitrogen in protein is locked
 This organically bound nitrogen became free for
reuse by the process of enzymatic hydrolysis of
protein that is called proteolysis.
Proteinase peptidase
Protein Peptide Aminoacid
 The end product of proteolysis is amino acids and
utilized as a nutrient by microbes or degraded by
microbial attack
 The process in which nitrogen atom or amino group
is liberated from the amino acid is called as
 Some variation of deamination reactions are also
exhibited by microbes, one of the end product is
always ammonia.
Alanine Pyruvic acid + Ammonia
Ammonia is volatile But if NH3 is dissolved in water,
ammonium (NH4+) is formed and utilized by plants
and microorganisms.
Than under favorable condition it is oxidized to
 Conversion of………to………is called…
 Charactristics of nitrifiers:
 gram negative & chemolithotrophs
 soil, sewage and aquatic environments
 Grow on ammonium salt like NH4
 slow growing and require large inoculums
 Rod, spherical, spiral or vibrio shaped.
 Group of organisms oxidize ammonia
1. Nitrosomonas europaea
2. Nitrosococcus oceanus
3. Nitrosovibrio tenuis
4. Nitrosococcus nitrosus
5. Nitrosospira spp.
 Only a few species are recognized as nitrite oxidizer:
1. Nitrobacter winogradskii,
2. Nitrospina gracilis
 Nitrifications process was discovered by Schloesing and Muntz
in 1877
 Bacteria were isolated by Winogradsky in 1890.
Nitrate reduction
 It’s a reversible process of nitrification
 heterotrophic bacteria are capable of converting
nitrates into nitrites or ammonia
 under anaerobic conditions, oxygen of the
nitrate serves as an electron acceptor for electrons
and hydrogen
 nitrates to gaseous nitrogen by the microorganisms
in a series of biochemical reaction, this process is
known as denirification
 Achromobacter, Agrobacterium
 Alkaligens, Bacillus
 Psudomonas, Flavobacterium,Vibrio
 Certain environmental factors affect microbial
1. Increased organic matter(C/N ratio)
2. Increased temperature ( 25-60˚C)
3. Neutral or alkaline pH
4. Availability of Oxygen
Nitrogen fixation
 Natural ability of microorganisms to convert
atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
 Aerobic -free-living Azotobacter, Azospirillum
 Anaerobic –free living- genus Clostridium.
 Cyanobacteria- Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria
 In addition, nitrogen fixation can occur through
symbiotic associated microbes like Rhizobium &
Cyanobacteria heterocysts
Symbiotic N2-fixation: Azolla - Anabena
S. Navie
Symbiotic N2-fixation: Azolla - Anabena
Rice-Azolla-Fish, China
Azolla to feed cows,
Rice-Azolla-Ducks, Korea
Takao Furuno
Symbiotic N2-fixation: Azolla - Anabena
© Paul Cox
Cycas micronesica
Cycad root nodules
 Photosynthetic and dinitrogen
 heterocysts separate the two
 Oldest known fossils
 3.5 bybp (oldest rocks are 3.8 bypb)
filamentous Palaeolyngbya
colonial chroococcalean
 Haber-Bosch method for chemically conversion of ammonia
 For nitrogen fixation required several component part
 nitrogenase enzyme
 nitrogenase reductase
 ferrodoxin: strong reducing agents
 a regulating system for NH3 production and utilization
 a system that protect the nitrogen fixing system from
inhibition by molecular oxygen.
 Nitrogenase enzyme(MoFe protein):
Made up of four polypeptide chains in form of two
identical dimer: α2 & β2
 Nitrogenase reductase(Fe subunit):
 two polypeptide chains: γ2
 ATP molecules binding sites
 Provide reduced hydrogen to reduce nitrogen and
convert in ammonia
 H2 evolved as by product utilize by rhizobium
 Nitrogenase enzyme is oxygen sensitive hence
leghemoglobin synthesized by bacteria and plant
 Leghemoglobin has a high affinity for oxygen ten times
higher than hemoglobin
Redrawn from
Nitrogenase enzyme complex
Physical association of nif genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae
MoFe protein
Fe protein
Electron transport
  
Gene function
nif h: codes for subunit of Fe protein (nitrogenase reductase).
nif d & nif k: code for two polypeptide chains of nitrogenase enzyme.
nif b, nif q, nif v & nif e: synthesis of FeMo cofactor.
nif m, nif s, nif v: maturation of complete functional nitrogenase complex.
nif f & nif j: Invoved in electron transfer.
nif a & nif c: regulation of other nif genes.
nif u, nif x & nif Y: Unknown
Sulfur cycle
 Most of the earth's sulphur is tied up in rocks and salts or
buried deep in the ocean in oceanic sediments
 It enters the atmosphere through both natural and human
 industrial processes where sulphur dioxide (SO2) and
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gases are emitted on a wide scale
 it will react with oxygen to produce sulphur trioxide gas (SO3)
 Sulphur dioxide may also react with water to produce
sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
 dimethylsulphide, which is emitted to the atmosphere by
plankton specie
 Biogeochemical cycle of sulfur are also important for
life because sulfur is an essential element, being a
constituent of many proteins (amino-acids: Cysteine,
cystine & methionine) and cofactors
 There are some sequence of events of oxidation-
reduction of sulfur called sulfur cycle
Four step reaction/Step 1
 Plants or organisms can not be utilize/immobilize
elemental sulfur
 Bacteria are capable to oxidize sulfur to sulphates.
 E.g Thiobacillus thiooxidans,
obligate aerobe and chemolithotroph
 2S +2H2O + 3O2 2H2SO4
Step 2
 Utilized by plants and is incorporated into sulfur
containing amino acid/protein.
 These proteins are uptake by animals and various life
forms and ultimately dumped on the soil in form of
waste debris or dead tissues.
 proteolysis process, sulfur containig amino-acids are
liberated from which sulfur is released in form of
hydrogen sulfide by enzymatic activity of
heterotrophic microorganisms.
 Ammonia release from reaction
Step 3
 Sulphate reduced to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by soil
microbes e.g. genus Desulfotomacculum. spp.
 At the end of this reaction, H2S remains either in the
soil or liberated out in the environment.
 H2O is also one byproduct in this reaction that
dissolves H2S.
 4H2 + CaSO4 H2S + Ca(OH)2 + 2H2O
Step 4
 This H2S is oxidized to elemental sulfur
 Photosynthetic purple or green sulfur bacteria and
 Which fix CO2 and release elemental sulfur back to
the first reaction.
 Co2+ 2H2S (CH2O)n + H2O + 2S
Winogradsky column
 Sergei Winogradsky- Investigate the organisms in
complex biofilm communities from pond
 Winogradsky isolated organisms from nature by
preparing a miniature model pond cross section --
Winogradsky column
 Column contain mud, CaSO4, plant tissue and
 Source of carbon and sulfur
 Soil is layered in column and add some water and
than covered to retard evaporation rate
 Put under light and allow to grow some phototrophs
 The resulting growth of microoraganisms can be
quite spectacular and colorful
Step 1
 A variety of heterotrophic organisms oxidize various
substrates. This organisms decrease the level of O2
into the column and create an anaerobic condition
Organic matter + O2 organic acids + CO2
Step 2
 Organic acid serve as the electron donors for the
reduction of sulfates and sulfites to hydrogen sulfide
by anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria, for e.g.
Desulfotomaculum, desilfovibrio
 Organic acids + So4 H2S + CO2
Step 3
 Photosynthetic microbes like purple and green sulfur
bacteria use H2S as an electron donor to reduce CO2
 CO2 + H2S (CH2O)X + S
Step 4
 The aerobic sulfur metabolizing bacteria, for e.g.
Thiobacillus spp., develop in the upper portion of the
column and it can oxidize reduced sulfur compounds
to SO4
 sulfur sulfur compounds S + SO4
Step 5
 The non sulfur purple bacteria for e.g.
Rhodospirrillum, Rhodomicrobium are facultative
phototrops and are capable to convert hydrogen gas
as an electron donor in photosynthesis.
 CO2 + H2S (CH2O)x + S
 CO2 + 2H2 (CH2O)x + H2O
Carbon cycle
 Carbon is essential element on earth
 Plants and microbial cells contain large amount of
carbon approx 40 to 50 % on the dry weight
 Due to photosynthesis atmospheric carbon fix in
green plant by photosynthesis and bacteria help to
maintain the balance(carbon: nitrogen)
 Food is formed by them(plant, bacteria) serve as a
source of energy for other animals or organisms
 Plants such as trees and crops are often thought of as the
principal CO 2 -fi xing organisms, but at least half the
carbon on Earth is fixed by microbes, particularly marine
photosynthetic procaryotes and protists (e.g., the
cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, and
diatoms, respectively).
 Carbon is also fixed by chemolithoautotrophic microbes.
All fixed
 carbon enters a common pool of organic matter that can
then be oxidized back to CO 2 through aerobic or
anaerobic respiration
Carbon dioxide fixation
Degradation of complex organic compound
 Cellulose degradation:
 unbranched polymer of 1000 to 1 million D-glucose
units, linked together with beta-1,4 glycosidic bonds
 In acidic soil around 4 pH many predominant fungi
trichoderma, aspergillus, panicillium attack on cellulose
 In less acid or neutral condition bacteria actively attack
on cellulose and hemi cellulose
 Cellulose converted into lactic, butyric and acetic acids,
Methane, hydrogen gas, ammonia
Cellulose cellobiose
Cellobiose glucose
Glucose CO2
Similarly hemicelluloses, lignin, and pectin
b-1,4 glucanase
B gluconase
 Presence in particular part tubers, bulbs, rhizomes,
 Alpha 1-4 glycosidic linkage
And alpha 1-6 glycosidic linkage
 Alpha linkage easily hydrolyse by enzymes
 Aerobically utilize starch and produced organic acids
and carbon dioxide
 More microbes having enzyme to break this link
Lignin Decomposition:
 important structural materials in the support tissues
of vascular plants
 Lignin fills the spaces in
the cellwall between cellulose, hemicellulose,
and pectin components, especially
in xylem tracheids, vessel elements and sclereid cells
 White and brown rots are mainly basidiomycetes
 Lignin decomposition is difficult
 Peroxidise activity of certain bacteria and fungi make
change in methyl group or ring structure
 Petroleum is a natural product resulting from the
anaerobic conversion of organic matter under high
temperature and pressure
 principle factors limiting petroleum metabolism
1. The resistant and toxic components in the material
itself :
2. Low temperature ; few nutrients ; limited O2
3. The scarcity of hydrocarbon metobolizers.
Humus formation and its important:
 organic matter derived from decomposition of plants and
animals tissue by the action of various soil microbes.
 Importance of humas:
1. Improve physical condition of soil like bettering texture
and water holding capacity and forming reservoir of
mineral nutrients
2. encourages the formation of air and water pore spaces
hence maintain appropriate air and moisture
3. Maintain food chain and food web
4. warm up cold soils in the spring
5. During humification process, microbes secrete
sticky gum-like mucilages; hold particles together
and allowing greater aeration of the soil.

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Soil microbiology

  • 1. D H A R M E S H S H E R A T H I A A S S I S T A N T P R O F E S S O R C C S I T , J U N A G A D H D H A R M E S H . M I C R O B I O @ G M A I L . C O M T.Y B.Sc Sem 5 Soil microbiology
  • 2. 1.1 Physical and chemical properties of soil
  • 3. What is soil ?  Outer most covering of earth  Component:  Particles, inorganic & organic constituents.  Definition: “Soil is the region on the earth crust where geology and biology meet”  Pioneer work in soil microbiology was done by Sergei Winogradsky & Martinus Beijerinck  Father of soil microbiology Sergei Winogradsky  The characteristics vary from locate and climate.  Soil formed after several process of weathering
  • 4.  Soil provide substratum for plant and animal  Soil consist mainly mineral, organic matter, water and gaseous phase  Soil has a layer called profile  Soil profile have a two or more layer called horizon  Soil horizon may vary in thickness, mineral composition and structure
  • 5. Soil horizon  Soil mainly divides into five horizon according to their characteristics  Horizon O, Horizon A, Horizon B, Horizon C, Horizon R 
  • 6. Horizon O  Top most layer of the soil contain plant litter, humas at various levels of decomposition
  • 7. Horizon A  Below horizon O  Composed of primarily silicate clay particle, minerals, humas (minerals + humas + sillcate )  Two basic characteristics of this horizon is 1. Humas and organic matter mix with mineral particals 2. Zone of translocation where eluviation(downward movement) has removed fine particle and soluble substances deposited at lower level (illuviation)  Horizon is dark, porous and light in texture
  • 8. Horizon B  Strongly influence by illuviation process  Accumulation of salts, minerals and organic matters  High bulk density due to clay particle  Coloured by oxidised irons, aluminium and calcium carbonate  Note: Illuviation: deposition of colloids, soluble salts, suspended minerals in lower soil horizon through the process of eluviation
  • 9. Horizon C  Weathered parental rock  Particle size vary from clay to boulders  This zone is not influence by illuviation, pedogenesis, translocation and organic modification 
  • 10.
  • 11. Chemical characteristics  Mineral properties: Macro molecules: Silica, aluminium, and iron Micromolecules: Minerals (Ca, Mg, K, P, S, Ti, etc)  Size: clay particles(0.002 to less) to large pebbles and gravel  Water holding capacity, bulk density and nutrients are determine by proportion of these particles
  • 12.  Organic residue:  Plants and animal remain deposited in soil  Latter stage of decomposition is formed humas  “Humas” is dark coloured, amorphous sub stances composed of residual organic matter not readily decomposed by microorganisms  Microbial population both dead and living cells significantly determine the organic matter of soil
  • 13.  Humas- agriculturally important properties of humas due to its provide buffering capacity and water holding capacity of soil.
  • 14. water  Amount of water is relative to amount of precipitation, climatic condition, drainage and soil composition  Water retain in space  Organic and inorganic mole dissolve in water and absorbed by plants and consumed by animal
  • 15. Gases  Nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide  Except nitrogen O2 and Co2 dissolve in water  Amount of gases present in soil is related to moisture present in soil
  • 16. Soil temperature Influence by  Intensity of light  Day length  Season variation  Plantation  Colour and texture  Altitude  Place
  • 17. Soil pH  Acidic, basic or neutral  Optimum pH is require for the growth of plants and microorganisms  Acidity of soil- (Al, Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn)  Neutral and basic soil(Na2Co3, NaHCo3) 
  • 18. Bulk density and porosity  Nearness of particle is called bulk density  Distance between the particle is porosity
  • 19. 1.2 Rhizosphere & Microbial flora off Soil What is rhizospere? Rhizo- root , sphere- influenced area the narrow region of soil that is directly influenced by root secretions(exudates) and associated soil microorganisms
  • 20.  In another way  The region where soil and root make contact and designated rhizosphere  The zone around roots are divides into two parts 1. Rhizoplane- root surface where microbes adhere 2. Rhizosphere- narrow region of soil around rood(20um)
  • 21.  Hiltner (1904) introduce this term first time  Thickness of this region is 1-2mm Note: (Information only) Two sphere endorhizosphere and ectorhizosphere  1 um- 120 organisms  20 um- 13 organisms (1:10)
  • 22. Characteristics of the rhizosphere  Microbial population around the roots are attracted through the secretion of the plants (exudates)  Plants root secreted some amino acids, organic acids, sugars , vitamins, enzymes, inorganic ions etc that is called exudates  The growth of microbes enhanced by exudates which is released by plants  And hence the microbial population of this area is higher than the bulk soil
  • 23.  Exudates provide nutrients to microorganism and hence microbiota of rhizosphere is more active than the bulk soil.  The organisms which was observed around rhizosphere is called PGPR(plant growth promoting rhizobacteria)  Microbial interaction in rhizosphere can be pathogenic, symbiotic, harmful, saprophytic or neutral
  • 24. Microbial flora of soil  What is microbial flora: Flora: the bacteria and other microorganisms in an ecosystem (e.g., some part of the body of an animal host)
  • 25.  Any fertile soil inhabited by root system of plants, animals and tremendous numbers of microorganisms  Microbial population: Large difference in microbial population both in total numbers and kinds due to soil composition, physical properties of soil, agricultural practices
  • 26.  There are some factors responsible for the growth of the Mo 1. Amount and types of nutrient 2. Availability of moisture 3. Degree of aeration 4. Temperature 5. pH 6. Practices
  • 27.  Great microbial diversity make it difficult to determine total number of microbes  Only culturable can be count and determine characteristics(physiological and nutritional)  Using direct microscopy count total no  Enumeration techniques are suitable for specific types of the org  Metagenomics
  • 28. Bacteria  Bacterial population is large compare to another group in soil  Most diverse in number and variety 1.Direct microscopy : billions of cells countable (650million/gm soil) 2. Plate count method: limited organisms  PCT yield only fraction of this number
  • 29.  Due to great variety of nutritional and physiological types of bacteria in soil 1. Autotrophs or heterotrophs 2. Meso, thermo and psychrophiles 3. Aerobic and anaerobic 4. Cellulose digester 5. Sulphur oxidiser 6. Nitrogen fixer 7. Protein digester 8. Many more
  • 30.  Actinomycetes predominant bacteria in soil  Billions in number/gm of soil  Predominant genera are micromonospora, nocardia, Streptomyces  Give musty or freshly ploughed soil Bacterial Activity in soil 1. Degrade organic matter and improve soil fertility 2. Antibiotic production maintain soil population
  • 31. 2. Fungi  There are hundreds of fungi inhabit the soil  They are mostly abundant near surface area where aerobic condition is prevail  They exist in both state mycelia and spore  Its difficult to enumerate  Martin’s rose bangal agar with streptomycin medium most commonly used for enumeration  Fungi are two types 1. Mold 2. Yeast
  • 32. Mold  Majority of the soil fungi are mold  Saprophytic hence mainly present inside decaying material  Mold in soil are mycelial, thread spong like structure  Slime mold and mushrooms are also fungi
  • 33.  There are importance for the following reason 1. Fungi are actively participating in decomposition of major constituents of plant tissue namely cellulose, lignin, pectin, hemi cellulose, starch 2. Physical structure of soil is improved by the accumulation of mold mycelia within it 3. Play important role in humus formation
  • 34. Yeast  Inhabit the soil where sugar is available  Yeast are prevailing in soil are 1. Vineyards 2. Orchards(vegetable, fruits yard ) 3. Apiaries (honeybee)
  • 35. Useful for plants  Fungi release plant hormones while other produce antibiotics, while some are harmful for plants(fusarium, phytophthora, verticillium)  The mycorhiza are fungi that are live in or on the root surface and increase the uptake of water and nutrients from rhizosphere  Produce hormones for plant growth and antibiotics for disease
  • 36. Industrially important fungi  yeast for alcohol production  Mold for enzymes and secondary metabolites production
  • 37. 3. Algae  Population of algae is smaller than fungi and bacteria group  Algae is photosynthetic in nature, they account for their predominance on the surface of soil and just below layer of soil  In reach fertile soil the biochemical properties of algae is dwarfed by the extra amount of bacteria and fungi  Fine soil particles bounded strongly together and form water soluble aggregate by slimy material produced by algae
  • 38. Role in soil formation  Due to photosynthetic nature and other biochemical activity algal involved in soil formation  A photosynthetic cyanobacteria grow on the surface of freshly exposed rock and accumulate organic matter will support the growth of another microbes like acid generating lichen than mosses and than higher plants  This will result into the reach organic soil  Barred and eroded lands converted into organic rich soil
  • 39. 4. Protozoa  The presence of protozoans in soil is important since ingest bacteria for their nutrients  Not all microbial community is suitable as a food for protozoa  These will maintain population of microbes in soil  Most soil protozoa are amoeba and flagellattes  by eating and digesting bacteria, protozoa speed up the cycling of nitrogen from bacteria, making it available for plants.
  • 41.  Symbiosis: An association of two or more different species  Ectosymbisis: One organism can be located on the surface of another, as an ectosymbiont.  Endosymbiosis: one organism can be located within another organism as an endosymbiont  Ecto/ endosymbiosis: microorganisms live on both the inside and the outside of another organism
  • 42. Interaction among soil microorganisms  In terrestrial ecosystem variety of relationship exists between microorganism or animal or plant  Microbial flora composition of soil or any ecosystem can equilibrate by biological activities(microbial interaction)  There are three types of interaction in nature 1. Neutral 2. Beneficial 3. Harmful
  • 43. Neutral relationship  Lack of interaction between two species create neutral relationship  Neutral relationship arise when there is no relationship between two community  Lack of nutrients create this condition like marine microbes  Finally the two different species occupy same area without affecting each other and utilize different nutrient from same or different object without interfering another's life  E.g soil microorganisms, cyst and spore,  Relationship are strictly unobligatory  As condition change, relationship will change
  • 44. Beneficial interaction Beneficial relationship can be divide on the basis of types of interaction  Mutualisms  Commensalisms  Proto-cooperation
  • 45.
  • 46. Mutualism(symbiosis)  In this kind of relationship both the partners getting benefit from each other  Relationship obligatory  Both are dependent on each other  When relationship are in terms of exchange of nutrients then the relationship called Syntrophism; “syn”- Mutual, “Trophe” Nourishment  Example 1. Lichen 2. Rhizobium 3. Anabaena-azolla  Sometime symbiosis word is also used for mutualistic relationship
  • 47. lichen  Lichens are the association between specific ascomycetes (the fungus “my-cobiont”) and either green algae or cyanobacteria “phycobiont “..  The phycobiont is a photoautotroph dependent only on light, carbon dioxide, and certain mineral nutrients,the fungus can get its organic carbon directly from the alga or cyanobacterium.  The fungus protects the phycobiont from excess light intensities, provides water and minerals to it, and creates a firm substratum within which the phycobiont can grow protected from environmental stress.
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  • 49. legume  Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixating bacteria  MOS also interacting with some legume plants symbiotically  some bacteria (Rhizobium species) grow on the roots of leguminous plants (alfalfa, clover, vetch, peas, beans, etc.) --> root nodules  Bacteria provide ammonia by nitrogen fixation. Plants provide nutrients and shelter and anaerobic microenvironments  Allows growth in nitrogen-poor soils
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  • 51. Anabaena-azolla  Association between water fern azolla and cyanobacteria  Important for paddy plant; nitrogen is fixed by Anabaena Azollae  Here azolla is water fern  Anabaena azollae is cyanobacteria
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  • 53. Commensalisms  Commensalism [Latin com, together, and mensa, table]  One organism depends on the table scraps of other  In this association one organism/partner get benefit from another partner without affecting it.  Does not get benefit nor negatively affected by the action of second population  Not obligate
  • 54. Examples: 1. Many fungi can degrade cellulose to glucose which can utilised by bacteria 2. Lignin of woody plant degrade by basidiomycetes fungi and degraded product utilized by other fungi and bacteria 3. Many microbes uses oxygen for their metabolism and create anaerobic environment for another organisms  E.coli(facultative)- Bacteroides(anaerobes) in human intestine
  • 55.  Some produced growth factor like vitamin, aminoacids can be used by another organisms  E.g baggiatoa detoxicate H2S that benefit the H2S sensitive organisms
  • 56. Proto-cooperation(synergism) Beneficial association between two species Synergism mean both of the species got benefit from the relationship  A positive (not obligate) symbiosis which involves syntrophic (both organism lives off the byproducts of another) relationships  Both get benefit  In same habitat one organism create favourable environment for another organism. Like toxic area removed by some microbes
  • 57.  e.g Nocardia supplies cyclohexane degradation products to pseudomonas which supply biotin to nocardia  Nutritional protocooperation between bacteria and fungi
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  • 62. C. harmful/detrimental/negative interactions Antagonism/Ammensalism  Product of one species inhibited or adversely affect on another's life e.g antibiotics  When org. produce substance that is inhibitory to the other population the interpopulation relationship is ammensalism  antibiosis and allelopathy is classical example of ammensalism  Some bacillus sp. In soil produced antifungal agent
  • 63. 1. Several sp of streptomyces produced antibacterial and antifungal compounds e.g Strepyomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracyclin, cyclohexamide, etc.  Staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa are antagonistic towards aspergillus niger  Antibiotic production in lab and in soil is entirely different  Cyanide production by some fungi and bacteria  Fatty-acids production by some skin flora
  • 64.  Some are produced alcohol e.g yeast  Acetobacter produced acetic acid in the presence of oxygen from ethanol
  • 65. Competition  Microbes exist in soil with compaction among them for space and nutrients(growth limiting substance)  Competition arises when different microorganisms within a population or community try to acquire the same resource  Clamydospore of fusarium and oospores of aphanomyces required nutrients in large amount for germination but bacteria deplete nutrients limiting the population of fungi
  • 66. Parasitism  Parasitism is defined as relationship between organisms in which one organism lives in or on another organisms  The parasites derived its food from the host  Parasite feeds on the cells, tissue or fluid of another organisms  Usually but not always parasites are smaller than the host  Two types of the parasite; ecto and endoparasites 
  • 67.  Example:  Gram negative bacterium Bdellovibrio, A Bacteriovorus motile small bacterium attached on host cell(gram negative bacteria) at special region and causes lysis of cell  Bacteriophage virus are obligate intracellular parasites  Host cell also some fungal cells or algal cells
  • 68. Predation  Distinction between parasitism and predation is very sharp  In predation, predator directly engulfs and digests the another organisms  Predation is association in which predator organisms directly feed on and kill the pray organisms  Always cyclic fluctuation in predator; prey
  • 69.  Its one of the most dramatically inter relationship  Nematophagous fungi –Arthrobotrytis and dactylella  Protozoa and slime mold also feed on bacteria;  (tetrahymena pyriformis protozoa predator and klebsiella pneumoniae a prey bacterium)  Bacteriophage
  • 70. 1.4 Mineralization and immobilization of elements  Immobilization in soil science is the conversion of inorganic compounds to organic compounds by micro-organisms or plants  Immobilization is the opposite of mineralization.
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  • 72.  The complex substrates listed in table contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. If microorganisms are to grow by using these substrates, they must acquire the remaining nutrients they need for biomass synthesis from the environment.  Those nutrients that are converted into biomass become temporarily “tied up” from nutrient cycling; this is sometimes called nutrient immobilization.
  • 73.  immobilization The incorporation of a simple, soluble substance into the body of an organism, making it unavailable for use by other organisms.
  • 74.  Mineralization in soil science is decomposition or oxidation of the chemical compounds in organic matter into plant-accessible forms(inorganic form)  Mineralization is the opposite of immobilization.
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  • 76.  Organic matter varies in terms of elemental composition, structure of basic repeating units, linkages between repeating units,  microorganisms require each macronutrient, if an environment is enriched in one nutrient but relatively deficient in another, the nutrients may not be completely recycled into living biomass.
  • 77.  chitin, protein, and nucleic acids contain nitrogen in large amounts. If these substrates are used for growth, the excess nitrogen and other minerals that are not used in the formation of new microbial biomass are released to the environment in the process of mineralization. This is the process by which organic matter is decomposed to release simpler, inorganic compounds (e.g., CO 2 , NH 3 , CH 4 , H 2 ).
  • 78. Nitrogen cycle  Major and main element of life and constituent of air (78%)  It is an basic component of Amino acids , proteins and nucleic acid  Life cant exist without nitrogen  Play major role in respiration and animal metabolism  Sequence of change in oxidation state of nitrogen in nitrogen move from atmosphere to biota  Plant utilize inorganic state of nitrogen like NH3,No2,No3-
  • 79. Proteolysis  The nitrogen in protein is locked  This organically bound nitrogen became free for reuse by the process of enzymatic hydrolysis of protein that is called proteolysis. Proteinase peptidase Protein Peptide Aminoacid
  • 80. Ammonification:  The end product of proteolysis is amino acids and utilized as a nutrient by microbes or degraded by microbial attack  The process in which nitrogen atom or amino group is liberated from the amino acid is called as deamination.  Some variation of deamination reactions are also exhibited by microbes, one of the end product is always ammonia.
  • 81. CH3CHNH2COOH + ½ O2 CH3COCOOH + NH3 Alanine Pyruvic acid + Ammonia Ammonia is volatile But if NH3 is dissolved in water, ammonium (NH4+) is formed and utilized by plants and microorganisms. Than under favorable condition it is oxidized to nitrates.
  • 82. Nitrification  Conversion of………to………is called…  Charactristics of nitrifiers:  gram negative & chemolithotrophs  soil, sewage and aquatic environments  Grow on ammonium salt like NH4  slow growing and require large inoculums  Rod, spherical, spiral or vibrio shaped.
  • 83.  Group of organisms oxidize ammonia 1. Nitrosomonas europaea 2. Nitrosococcus oceanus 3. Nitrosovibrio tenuis 4. Nitrosococcus nitrosus 5. Nitrosospira spp.  Only a few species are recognized as nitrite oxidizer: 1. Nitrobacter winogradskii, 2. Nitrospina gracilis  Nitrifications process was discovered by Schloesing and Muntz in 1877  Bacteria were isolated by Winogradsky in 1890.
  • 84. Nitrate reduction  It’s a reversible process of nitrification  heterotrophic bacteria are capable of converting nitrates into nitrites or ammonia  under anaerobic conditions, oxygen of the nitrate serves as an electron acceptor for electrons and hydrogen
  • 85. Dinitrification  nitrates to gaseous nitrogen by the microorganisms in a series of biochemical reaction, this process is known as denirification  Achromobacter, Agrobacterium  Alkaligens, Bacillus  Psudomonas, Flavobacterium,Vibrio
  • 86.  Certain environmental factors affect microbial denitrification 1. Increased organic matter(C/N ratio) 2. Increased temperature ( 25-60˚C) 3. Neutral or alkaline pH 4. Availability of Oxygen 5.
  • 87. Nitrogen fixation  Natural ability of microorganisms to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.  Aerobic -free-living Azotobacter, Azospirillum  Anaerobic –free living- genus Clostridium.  Cyanobacteria- Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria  In addition, nitrogen fixation can occur through symbiotic associated microbes like Rhizobium & Bradyrhizobium.
  • 89. Symbiotic N2-fixation: Azolla - Anabena S. Navie
  • 91. Rice-Azolla-Fish, China Azolla to feed cows, Thailand Rice-Azolla-Ducks, Korea Takao Furuno Symbiotic N2-fixation: Azolla - Anabena
  • 92. © Paul Cox Cycas micronesica
  • 94. Cyanobacteria  Photosynthetic and dinitrogen fixing  heterocysts separate the two functions Anabaena Microcystis Nostoc Free-living
  • 95. Cyanobacteria  Oldest known fossils  3.5 bybp (oldest rocks are 3.8 bypb) filamentous Palaeolyngbya colonial chroococcalean
  • 96.  Haber-Bosch method for chemically conversion of ammonia  For nitrogen fixation required several component part  nitrogenase enzyme  nitrogenase reductase  ferrodoxin: strong reducing agents  ATP  a regulating system for NH3 production and utilization  a system that protect the nitrogen fixing system from inhibition by molecular oxygen.
  • 97.  Nitrogenase enzyme(MoFe protein): Made up of four polypeptide chains in form of two identical dimer: α2 & β2
  • 98.  Nitrogenase reductase(Fe subunit):  two polypeptide chains: γ2  ATP molecules binding sites  Provide reduced hydrogen to reduce nitrogen and convert in ammonia  H2 evolved as by product utilize by rhizobium  Nitrogenase enzyme is oxygen sensitive hence leghemoglobin synthesized by bacteria and plant  Leghemoglobin has a high affinity for oxygen ten times higher than hemoglobin
  • 99. Redrawn from Nitrogenase enzyme complex Physical association of nif genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae Nitrogenase MoFe protein Fe protein Electron transport Assembling Fe-Mo-Cofactor Regulator H D K T Y E NX U SVWZM F L A B QJ    
  • 100. Gene function nif h: codes for subunit of Fe protein (nitrogenase reductase). nif d & nif k: code for two polypeptide chains of nitrogenase enzyme. nif b, nif q, nif v & nif e: synthesis of FeMo cofactor. nif m, nif s, nif v: maturation of complete functional nitrogenase complex. nif f & nif j: Invoved in electron transfer. nif a & nif c: regulation of other nif genes. nif u, nif x & nif Y: Unknown
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  • 104. Sulfur cycle  Most of the earth's sulphur is tied up in rocks and salts or buried deep in the ocean in oceanic sediments  It enters the atmosphere through both natural and human sources  industrial processes where sulphur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gases are emitted on a wide scale  it will react with oxygen to produce sulphur trioxide gas (SO3)  Sulphur dioxide may also react with water to produce sulphuric acid (H2SO4)  dimethylsulphide, which is emitted to the atmosphere by plankton specie
  • 105.  Biogeochemical cycle of sulfur are also important for life because sulfur is an essential element, being a constituent of many proteins (amino-acids: Cysteine, cystine & methionine) and cofactors  There are some sequence of events of oxidation- reduction of sulfur called sulfur cycle
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  • 107. Four step reaction/Step 1  Plants or organisms can not be utilize/immobilize elemental sulfur  Bacteria are capable to oxidize sulfur to sulphates.  E.g Thiobacillus thiooxidans, obligate aerobe and chemolithotroph  2S +2H2O + 3O2 2H2SO4
  • 108. Step 2  Utilized by plants and is incorporated into sulfur containing amino acid/protein.  These proteins are uptake by animals and various life forms and ultimately dumped on the soil in form of waste debris or dead tissues.  proteolysis process, sulfur containig amino-acids are liberated from which sulfur is released in form of hydrogen sulfide by enzymatic activity of heterotrophic microorganisms.
  • 109.  Ammonia release from reaction
  • 110. Step 3  Sulphate reduced to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by soil microbes e.g. genus Desulfotomacculum. spp.  At the end of this reaction, H2S remains either in the soil or liberated out in the environment.  H2O is also one byproduct in this reaction that dissolves H2S.  4H2 + CaSO4 H2S + Ca(OH)2 + 2H2O
  • 111. Step 4  This H2S is oxidized to elemental sulfur  Photosynthetic purple or green sulfur bacteria and  Which fix CO2 and release elemental sulfur back to the first reaction.  Co2+ 2H2S (CH2O)n + H2O + 2S
  • 112. Winogradsky column  Sergei Winogradsky- Investigate the organisms in complex biofilm communities from pond  Winogradsky isolated organisms from nature by preparing a miniature model pond cross section -- Winogradsky column  Column contain mud, CaSO4, plant tissue and water  Source of carbon and sulfur
  • 113.  Soil is layered in column and add some water and than covered to retard evaporation rate  Put under light and allow to grow some phototrophs  The resulting growth of microoraganisms can be quite spectacular and colorful
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  • 117. Step 1  A variety of heterotrophic organisms oxidize various substrates. This organisms decrease the level of O2 into the column and create an anaerobic condition Organic matter + O2 organic acids + CO2
  • 118. Step 2  Organic acid serve as the electron donors for the reduction of sulfates and sulfites to hydrogen sulfide by anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria, for e.g. Desulfotomaculum, desilfovibrio  Organic acids + So4 H2S + CO2
  • 119. Step 3  Photosynthetic microbes like purple and green sulfur bacteria use H2S as an electron donor to reduce CO2  CO2 + H2S (CH2O)X + S
  • 120. Step 4  The aerobic sulfur metabolizing bacteria, for e.g. Thiobacillus spp., develop in the upper portion of the column and it can oxidize reduced sulfur compounds to SO4 2-,S°,SO3-  sulfur sulfur compounds S + SO4 2-
  • 121. Step 5  The non sulfur purple bacteria for e.g. Rhodospirrillum, Rhodomicrobium are facultative phototrops and are capable to convert hydrogen gas as an electron donor in photosynthesis.  CO2 + H2S (CH2O)x + S light  CO2 + 2H2 (CH2O)x + H2O
  • 122. Carbon cycle  Carbon is essential element on earth  Plants and microbial cells contain large amount of carbon approx 40 to 50 % on the dry weight  Due to photosynthesis atmospheric carbon fix in green plant by photosynthesis and bacteria help to maintain the balance(carbon: nitrogen)  Food is formed by them(plant, bacteria) serve as a source of energy for other animals or organisms
  • 123.  Plants such as trees and crops are often thought of as the principal CO 2 -fi xing organisms, but at least half the carbon on Earth is fixed by microbes, particularly marine photosynthetic procaryotes and protists (e.g., the cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, and diatoms, respectively).  Carbon is also fixed by chemolithoautotrophic microbes. All fixed  carbon enters a common pool of organic matter that can then be oxidized back to CO 2 through aerobic or anaerobic respiration
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  • 127. Degradation of complex organic compound  Cellulose degradation:  unbranched polymer of 1000 to 1 million D-glucose units, linked together with beta-1,4 glycosidic bonds  In acidic soil around 4 pH many predominant fungi trichoderma, aspergillus, panicillium attack on cellulose  In less acid or neutral condition bacteria actively attack on cellulose and hemi cellulose  Cellulose converted into lactic, butyric and acetic acids, Methane, hydrogen gas, ammonia
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  • 129. Cellulose cellobiose Cellobiose glucose Glucose CO2 Similarly hemicelluloses, lignin, and pectin b-1,4 glucanase B gluconase
  • 130. Starch  Presence in particular part tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, seeds  Alpha 1-4 glycosidic linkage And alpha 1-6 glycosidic linkage  Alpha linkage easily hydrolyse by enzymes  Aerobically utilize starch and produced organic acids and carbon dioxide  More microbes having enzyme to break this link
  • 131. Lignin Decomposition:  important structural materials in the support tissues of vascular plants  Lignin fills the spaces in the cellwall between cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin components, especially in xylem tracheids, vessel elements and sclereid cells  White and brown rots are mainly basidiomycetes
  • 132.  Lignin decomposition is difficult  Peroxidise activity of certain bacteria and fungi make change in methyl group or ring structure
  • 133. petroleum  Petroleum is a natural product resulting from the anaerobic conversion of organic matter under high temperature and pressure  principle factors limiting petroleum metabolism 1. The resistant and toxic components in the material itself : 2. Low temperature ; few nutrients ; limited O2 availability 3. The scarcity of hydrocarbon metobolizers.
  • 134. Humus formation and its important:  organic matter derived from decomposition of plants and animals tissue by the action of various soil microbes.  Importance of humas: 1. Improve physical condition of soil like bettering texture and water holding capacity and forming reservoir of mineral nutrients 2. encourages the formation of air and water pore spaces hence maintain appropriate air and moisture composition
  • 135. 3. Maintain food chain and food web 4. warm up cold soils in the spring 5. During humification process, microbes secrete sticky gum-like mucilages; hold particles together and allowing greater aeration of the soil.