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International Indian School
Jeddah RED
Water resources are natural resources of water that are useful for humans, for example as a source of
drinking water supply or irrigation water 97% of the water on the Earth is salt Water and only three
percent is fresh water; slightly over two thirds of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. WHAT
ARE THE TYPES OF WATER RESOURCES? of these, the resources most available for use are the waters
of the oceans, rivers, and lakes; other available water resources include groundwater and deep
subsurface waters and glaciers and permanent snowfields. OCEANS : HERE ARE FIVE REASONS WHY
WE NEED TO SAFEGUARD OUR OCEANS FUTURE it helps us breathe Phytoplankton-tiny plants like
organisms that live in the sea are responsible for at least 50% of the oxygen on earth. Just like
land based plants, they contain chlorophyll to capture sunlight and use photosynthesis to convert it
into the energy they need , producing oxygen as a byproducts they also consume carbon dioxide,
transferring about 10 gigatonnes of carbon from the atmosphere deep into the ocean each year.
it helps regulate the climate The ocean absorbs huge amounts of the heat from the sun ."
" More than 90%of the warming that has happened on the Earth over the past 50 years has
occurred in the ocean," according to the US National Oceania and Atmospheric administration.
That heat tends to be at its most intense nearer the equator, with the water nearest the surface
warming the most .Sea current then transport that heat around the world; North and south,
towards the poles . As some of the sea water evaporates it becomes denser and heavier, due to
its relatively higher salt content . The causes it to sink , taking some of the warm water deeper.
It 's an important source of food Fish is on the menu for billions of people around the world
every day .it accounts for almost 16% of all animal protein consumed globally of course ,
there's more to seafood then fish , crustacean and other edible creatures. A range of algae and
sea plants are also commonly used on cooking. The UN food and agriculture Organization lists
sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iodine among some of the important nutrients in
seawed.lodine deficiency has been identified as the " most prevalent and easily preventable "
cause of impaired cognitive development in children. Pressure on resources and the
environment have led to calls, for example, production and for people 's diets to change. A
cow, for example, produces 2 .8kg of greenhouse gas per kilo of live body weight and needs
10kg of feed for every kilo it weighs. Plus , to get just one gram of protein from cattle , you
need 112 liters of water .the oceans, if properly managed and maintained, could form an
important part of a more sustainable approach to feeding the planet's growing human
population. It's biodiversity is incredible it's not just a source of food. The ocean is also home
to an abundance of life .
A water body is any significant accumulation of water on the surface of earth or
another planet . The term most often refers to oceans , seas and lakes but it
includes smaller pools of water such as ponds , wetlands or more rarely , puddles
. A water body does not have to be still or contained ; rivers , streams , canals
and other geographical features where water moves from one place to another
are also considered as water bodies . Most they are naturally occurring
geographical features , but some are artificial . There are types that can be either
for example , most reservoirs are created by engineering dams , but some
natural lakes are used as reservoirs . Similarly , most harbors are naturally
occurring bays , but some harbors have been created through construction .
Water bodies that are navigable are known as waterways . Some water bodies
collect and move water , such as rivers and streams and other primarily hold
water , such as lakes and oceans . Water bodies are affected by gravity , which is
what creates the tidal effects on earth. For example : The canal granola in Venice
one of the major water traffic corridors in the city.
Drinking water is water that is used in drink or food preparation; potable water is water that is
safe to be used as drinking water. The amount of drinking water required to maintain good health
varies, and depends on physical activity level, age, health-related issues, and environmental
conditions.-Purpose Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids .The functions of
these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of
nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.-Importance Our cherished way of life depends
on clean water: healthy ecosystems provide wildlife habitat and places to fish, paddle, surf, and
Our economy depends on clean water: manufacturing, farming,
tourism, recreation, energy production, and other economic
sectors need clean water to function and flourish. Getting
enough water every day is important for your health. Drinking
water can prevent dehydration, a condition that can cause
unclear thinking, result in mood change, cause your body to
overheat, and lead to constipation and kidney stones.-Water
and health Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked
to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea ,
dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Safe and readily
available water is important for public health, whether it is used
for drinking, domestic use, food production or recreational
purposes. Improved water supply and sanitation, and better
management of water resources, can boost countries’ economic
growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction.-Water
Sources The drinking water that is supplied to our homes comes
from either a surface water or ground water source. Surface
water collects in streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Ground
water is water located below the ground where it collects in
pores and spaces within rocks and in underground aquifers. We
get ground water by drilling wells and pumping it to the
surface. Water travels to your tap from a surface water or
ground water source through your local water utility or through
an individual water system, such as a private well. A private
The causes of water scarcity are aplenty. However, we must first understand
the term water scarcity. Water scarcity refers to the situation where potable,
unpolluted water is lower than the demand in a region.
According to recent reports, nearly 1.2 billion people lack access to clean
drinking water. Furthermore, water shortages can cause a variety of illnesses
which can range from food poisoning to cholera. Typically, water scarcity is
driven by two important factors – which are the increasing use of freshwater
and the depletion of usable freshwater resources. Furthermore, scarcity can be
of two types – physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity. Physical
water scarcity is caused when a natural water resource is unable to meet the
demands of a particular region. Economic water scarcity is caused by the
mismanagement of sufficiently available water resources. However, there are a
lot more causes of water shortage:
Climate change
Natural calamities such as droughts and floods
Increased human consumption
Overuse and wastage of water
Water Stress
When an individual is water-stressed, it implies that
there is no sufficient access to potable water. An
estimated 1.1 billion people are under water stress. In
countries such as Africa, a large percentage of
individuals have no easy access to fresh water. One of
the most common methods of acquiring freshwater is
by digging holes in riverbeds.
The scarcity of water can also cause water pollution.
For instance, if inadequate water is available for
sanitation, water gets polluted through the
introduction of disease-causing pathogens. In fact,
88% of all water-borne diseases are caused this way.
Furthermore, water scarcity can cause an imbalance
in the ecosystem. Food chains are affected, and
biodiversity is harmed.
Wastewater is used water. It includes substances such as human waste,
food scraps, oils, soaps and chemicals. Used water from any
combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural
activities, storm water, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration can be
another definition of Wastewater.
Wastewater treatment is the process of converting wastewater into
water that can be discharged back into the environment. There are three
main stages of the wastewater treatment process, primary, secondary
and tertiary water treatment.
Four common ways to treat wastewater include physical water
treatment, biological water treatment, chemical treatment, and sludge
Wastewater treatment facilities help to purify the water because it
contains elements toxic to humans and the ecosystem.
Wastewater can be reused to improve the scarce supply of fresh water
and hold off future investments in water treatment plants.
Pollution. The one of many reasons why countless people get hazardous diseases.
Why numerous animals go to the verge of extinction. Why underwater life gets
almost destroyed and why rates of global warming get higher each year. Pollution
is no joke and we humans, must do everything we can to reduce it, for the coming
generations to experience a healthy environment. In order to preserve our
habitat, we must take a few precautions and measures. Such as:
 Reducing the use of non-biodegradable things– Our environment has a
property of reviving itself by degrading the naturally produced substances.
However, the non- biodegradable things like plastic bags and bottles pollute
the environment, so we must get rid of them.
 Planting more trees– To decrease the air pollution and save multiple species, it
is very important to plant a greater number of trees. Trees help in purifying the
air by adding more oxygen in the environment.
 Lessening The Use of Vehicles– Reducing the usage of vehicles on road will
also help in reducing air pollution on earth. The more the usage of vehicles, the
more the harmful gases get released into the air. These pollutions can be
reduced if citizens walk or cycle to near destinations instead of driving which
will lead to lesser air pollution.
 Recycling- This is also a very effective and efficient way to
reduce pollution. It helps wonders in limiting the use of
non- biodegradable products etc. Pollution is a negative
externality that can cost civilization. It affects living things
negatively. In order to monitor pollution, the government
can make policies and regulations that could-
 Raise carbon tax.
 Promote changing to different energy sources.
 Make regulations to ban pollutants and pollution permits.
 And lastly changing consumer behavior by advertising
other better alternatives that can be used to reduce
pollution such as solar energy which is clean and
renewable power from the sun or buying electric cars. The
concept of the three R’s which means to reduce, reuse and
recycle is great to implement in our daily lives. If we follow
all these steps, slowly, but surely, our environment could
be, as crazy as it sounds, entirely pollution-free. But it can
only happen if we join hands and work towards it together.
The activity of movement and control of water resources to minimize the
damage to property and life and also to maximize the efficient beneficial
use is known as water management. If the management of water is good in
dams and levees it reduces the risk of harm caused due to flooding Water
conservation means using water wisely and not contributing to unnecessary
Top reasons to conserve water:
Conserving water saves energy. Energy is needed to filter, heat and pump
water to your home, so reducing your water use also reduces your carbon
Using less water keeps more in our ecosystems and helps to keep wetland
habitats topped up for animals like otters, water voles, herons and fish.
This is especially important during drought periods and in areas like South
East England where there is a big demand on water supplies.
Conserving water can save you money. If you have a water meter then the
less water you use, the less you may be charged by your water company.
Wasting of water is the flip side of water conservation and, in household applications, it
means causing or permitting discharge of water without any practical purpose. Inefficient
water use is also considered wasteful. By EPA estimate, household leaks in the US can waste
approximately 900 billion gallons (3.4 billion cubic meters) of water annually nationwide).
Some researchers have suggested that water conservation efforts should be primarily
directed at farmers, in light of the fact that crop irrigation accounts for 70% of the world's
fresh water use . The agricultural sector of most countries is important both economically
and politically, and water subsidies are common. Conservation advocates have urged
removal of all subsidies to force farmers to grow more water-efficient crops and adopt less
wasteful irrigation techniques.
We need to conserve and manage water for many purposes such as :
1. For the continuation of our livelihoods and productive activities
2. To prevent the degradation of our natural ecosystems
3. Over exploitation and mismanagement of water resources will impoverish
this resource and cause ecological crisis that may have profound impact on
our lives . Thus we must conserve water.
In ancient times, we used to conserve water by constructing sophisticated
hydraulic structures like dams built of stone rubble, reservoirs or lakes,
embankments and canals for irrigation. We have continued this tradition in
modern India by building dams in most of our river basins.
A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often
creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. “Dam” refers to the reservoir rather than the
Uses of Dam:
1. To impound rivers and rainwater that can be used later to irrigate agricultural fields.
2. For electricity generation.
3. Water supply for domestic and industrial uses.
4. Flood control.
5. Recreation, inland navigation and fish breeding.
Side effects of Creating Dams
1. Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow.
2. Poorer the habitats for the rivers’ aquatic life.
3. Fragment rivers make it difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate.
4. Dams created on the floodplains submerge the existing vegetation and soil leading to
its decomposition over a period of time.
5. Creating of large dams has been the cause of many new environmental movements
like the ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’ and the ‘Tehri Dam Andolan’ etc.
6. Many times local people had to give up their land, livelihood and their control over
resources for the construction of the dam.
Some multipurpose river projects in India
1. Bhakra - Nangal project water in Satluj Beas river basin, is being used both for hydel
power production and irrigation
2. Hirakud project in Mahanadi basin integrates conservation of water with flood
The rainwater harvesting system is one of the best methods practiced
and followed to support the conservation of water. Today, scarcity of
good quality water has become a significant cause of concern. However,
rainwater, which is pure and of good quality, can be used for irrigation,
washing, cleaning, bathing, cooking and also for other livestock
Rainwater harvesting is the simple process or technology used to
conserve rainwater by collecting, storing, conveying and purifying of
rainwater that runs off from rooftops, parks, roads, open grounds, etc.
for later use.
The process of rainwater harvesting involves the collection and the
storage of rainwater with the help of artificially designed systems that
run off naturally or man-made catchment areas like- the rooftop,
compounds, rock surface, hill slopes, artificially repaired impervious or
semi-pervious land surface.
Harvesting rainwater allows the collection of large amounts of water and
mitigates the effects of drought. Rainwater is mostly free from harmful
chemicals, which makes it suitable for irrigation purposes.
Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting
 Less cost.
Helps in reducing the water bill.
Decreases the demand for water.
Reduces the need for imported water.
Promotes both water and energy conservation.
Improves the quality and quantity of ground water.
It is an excellent source of water for landscape
irrigation with no chemicals
Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable process that helps in
preserving water for future needs. Water scarcity is a
major concern in today’s scenario. The process of
rainwater harvesting is a good way to conserve water.
Dating back 200 years, tribes in northeast India have used bamboo drip
irrigation as a means of bringing water to seasonal crops. This timeless and
traditional technology uses locally available material while harnessing the
forces of gravity. An assortment of holed bamboo shoots zig-zag downhill,
diverting the natural flow of streams and springs across terraced cropland.
Two features of drip irrigation system are as follows:
1. It is used to transport water over a hundred meters of distance. 18-20
liters of water are transported through bamboo pipes over the distance of
hundred meters
2. The direction of flow of water can be determined by changing the position
of bamboo pipes.
3. This practice is most popularly carried out in Meghalaya.
Terrain and water availability The topology of the region is hilly with steep
slopes and rock boulders. The soil depth on these hills is low and has poor
water retention capacity. Though the region gets plenty of rain during the
monsoon season, irrigation becomes a necessity during the dry season. The
terrain imposes a challenge in bringing the water from distant water
sources to the plantations. Diverting water through ground channels is not
possible. Faced with this need for water, and the challenges imposed by the
terrain, the tribal farmers came up with this unique irrigation system.
Cost and maintenance The cost involved in building
the system is minimal. Bamboo is available freely in
this region. Usually the farmer himself sets up the
system in his plantation with some help from 1 or 2
labourers. The region gets heavy rain, so as a result
each installation lasts for about 2-3 years. After the
rainy season the undergrowth is cleared and
reinforcements are provided. Old bamboo is left to rot,
which over time returns to the soil as humus.
Concluding remarks:
The good thing about this system is it doesn’t need any
fuel or power. One can consider implementing it in
regions where bamboo is available for free or at a low
cost. Overall it is an economical and sustainable
irrigation system which can be set up for farm needs or
for an urban permaculture garden.
Ways You Can Protect Our Water!
Each of us has an impact on our local water supplies, both in terms of
water quality and the amount
of water we use in times of drought. Here are 10 things you can do to help
protect our water quality
and 10 tips to conserve water. By taking these actions, you can help ensure
that we have enough
water to meet the needs of all Californians and the generations to come.
1. Don’t use antibacterial soaps or cleaning products.
Most of these contain trichlosan , a registered pesticide that has been
found to harm aquatic
life. The American Medical Association warns that our use of antibacterial
agents may lead to
“superbugs” that will be antibiotic resistant. Regular soap and water kills
germs just as
2. Never flush unwanted or out-of-date medicines down the toilet or the
Find out if your county or city has a site or program to collect unwanted pharmaceuticals.
If not, remove all labels and wrap the products up before disposing in the
garbage. If possible, pour water or vinegar in the bottle to destroy pills and make them
inaccessible to children.
3. Don’t put anything except water down storm drains.
These drains carry storm water to our local waterways, including San Francisco Bay, the
Delta, and the Pacific Ocean. Used motor oil, detergents, lawn fertilizers, pesticides, and
other contaminants get carried by storm water to local waterways and cause unnecessary harm.
4. Fix leaks that drip from your car and put down a liner in your driveway to collect oil
and other materials. These leaks and drips contribute to storm water pollution.
5. Avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
They pose a serious threat to your health and safety and they pollute both ground and
surface water.
6. Choose non-toxic household products whenever possible.
The best way to keep from polluting is to use products that are not dangerous to the
environment in the first place.
7. Pick up after your pets.
Like other contaminants, pet waste can run down the storm drains, spreading bacteria.
8. Don’t pave your property.
The more pavement there is, the more rain water will simply run off down the storm drains,
picking up pollutants on the way and causing flooding. Allowing water to soak into the
ground can prevent flooding, recharge groundwater supplies, and dilute contaminants. Planting native
plants that do not require much water also helps save our precious supplies.
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"Understanding the Carbon Cycle: Processes, Human Impacts, and Strategies for...

Social Science PPT.pptx

  • 1. International Indian School Jeddah RED HOUSE XA6 WATER RESOURCES PREFECT : SIMRAH MIRZA
  • 2. WHAT ARE WATER RESOURCES? Water resources are natural resources of water that are useful for humans, for example as a source of drinking water supply or irrigation water 97% of the water on the Earth is salt Water and only three percent is fresh water; slightly over two thirds of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF WATER RESOURCES? of these, the resources most available for use are the waters of the oceans, rivers, and lakes; other available water resources include groundwater and deep subsurface waters and glaciers and permanent snowfields. OCEANS : HERE ARE FIVE REASONS WHY WE NEED TO SAFEGUARD OUR OCEANS FUTURE it helps us breathe Phytoplankton-tiny plants like organisms that live in the sea are responsible for at least 50% of the oxygen on earth. Just like land based plants, they contain chlorophyll to capture sunlight and use photosynthesis to convert it into the energy they need , producing oxygen as a byproducts they also consume carbon dioxide, transferring about 10 gigatonnes of carbon from the atmosphere deep into the ocean each year. it helps regulate the climate The ocean absorbs huge amounts of the heat from the sun ."
  • 3. " More than 90%of the warming that has happened on the Earth over the past 50 years has occurred in the ocean," according to the US National Oceania and Atmospheric administration. That heat tends to be at its most intense nearer the equator, with the water nearest the surface warming the most .Sea current then transport that heat around the world; North and south, towards the poles . As some of the sea water evaporates it becomes denser and heavier, due to its relatively higher salt content . The causes it to sink , taking some of the warm water deeper. It 's an important source of food Fish is on the menu for billions of people around the world every day .it accounts for almost 16% of all animal protein consumed globally of course , there's more to seafood then fish , crustacean and other edible creatures. A range of algae and sea plants are also commonly used on cooking. The UN food and agriculture Organization lists sodium, calcium, magnesium, and iodine among some of the important nutrients in seawed.lodine deficiency has been identified as the " most prevalent and easily preventable " cause of impaired cognitive development in children. Pressure on resources and the environment have led to calls, for example, production and for people 's diets to change. A cow, for example, produces 2 .8kg of greenhouse gas per kilo of live body weight and needs 10kg of feed for every kilo it weighs. Plus , to get just one gram of protein from cattle , you need 112 liters of water .the oceans, if properly managed and maintained, could form an important part of a more sustainable approach to feeding the planet's growing human population. It's biodiversity is incredible it's not just a source of food. The ocean is also home to an abundance of life .
  • 4. WATER BODIES A water body is any significant accumulation of water on the surface of earth or another planet . The term most often refers to oceans , seas and lakes but it includes smaller pools of water such as ponds , wetlands or more rarely , puddles . A water body does not have to be still or contained ; rivers , streams , canals and other geographical features where water moves from one place to another are also considered as water bodies . Most they are naturally occurring geographical features , but some are artificial . There are types that can be either for example , most reservoirs are created by engineering dams , but some natural lakes are used as reservoirs . Similarly , most harbors are naturally occurring bays , but some harbors have been created through construction . Water bodies that are navigable are known as waterways . Some water bodies collect and move water , such as rivers and streams and other primarily hold water , such as lakes and oceans . Water bodies are affected by gravity , which is what creates the tidal effects on earth. For example : The canal granola in Venice one of the major water traffic corridors in the city.
  • 5. DRINKING WATER Drinking water is water that is used in drink or food preparation; potable water is water that is safe to be used as drinking water. The amount of drinking water required to maintain good health varies, and depends on physical activity level, age, health-related issues, and environmental conditions.-Purpose Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids .The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.-Importance Our cherished way of life depends on clean water: healthy ecosystems provide wildlife habitat and places to fish, paddle, surf, and
  • 6. Our economy depends on clean water: manufacturing, farming, tourism, recreation, energy production, and other economic sectors need clean water to function and flourish. Getting enough water every day is important for your health. Drinking water can prevent dehydration, a condition that can cause unclear thinking, result in mood change, cause your body to overheat, and lead to constipation and kidney stones.-Water and health Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea , dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production or recreational purposes. Improved water supply and sanitation, and better management of water resources, can boost countries’ economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction.-Water Sources The drinking water that is supplied to our homes comes from either a surface water or ground water source. Surface water collects in streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Ground water is water located below the ground where it collects in pores and spaces within rocks and in underground aquifers. We get ground water by drilling wells and pumping it to the surface. Water travels to your tap from a surface water or ground water source through your local water utility or through an individual water system, such as a private well. A private
  • 7. WATER SCARCITY The causes of water scarcity are aplenty. However, we must first understand the term water scarcity. Water scarcity refers to the situation where potable, unpolluted water is lower than the demand in a region. According to recent reports, nearly 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water. Furthermore, water shortages can cause a variety of illnesses which can range from food poisoning to cholera. Typically, water scarcity is driven by two important factors – which are the increasing use of freshwater and the depletion of usable freshwater resources. Furthermore, scarcity can be of two types – physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity. Physical water scarcity is caused when a natural water resource is unable to meet the demands of a particular region. Economic water scarcity is caused by the mismanagement of sufficiently available water resources. However, there are a lot more causes of water shortage: Climate change Natural calamities such as droughts and floods Increased human consumption Overuse and wastage of water Water Stress
  • 8. When an individual is water-stressed, it implies that there is no sufficient access to potable water. An estimated 1.1 billion people are under water stress. In countries such as Africa, a large percentage of individuals have no easy access to fresh water. One of the most common methods of acquiring freshwater is by digging holes in riverbeds. The scarcity of water can also cause water pollution. For instance, if inadequate water is available for sanitation, water gets polluted through the introduction of disease-causing pathogens. In fact, 88% of all water-borne diseases are caused this way. Furthermore, water scarcity can cause an imbalance in the ecosystem. Food chains are affected, and biodiversity is harmed.
  • 9. WASTE WATER & WATER TREATMENT Wastewater is used water. It includes substances such as human waste, food scraps, oils, soaps and chemicals. Used water from any combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural activities, storm water, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration can be another definition of Wastewater. Wastewater treatment is the process of converting wastewater into water that can be discharged back into the environment. There are three main stages of the wastewater treatment process, primary, secondary and tertiary water treatment. Four common ways to treat wastewater include physical water treatment, biological water treatment, chemical treatment, and sludge treatment. Wastewater treatment facilities help to purify the water because it contains elements toxic to humans and the ecosystem. Wastewater can be reused to improve the scarce supply of fresh water and hold off future investments in water treatment plants.
  • 10. POLLUTION PREVENTION & MONITORING Pollution. The one of many reasons why countless people get hazardous diseases. Why numerous animals go to the verge of extinction. Why underwater life gets almost destroyed and why rates of global warming get higher each year. Pollution is no joke and we humans, must do everything we can to reduce it, for the coming generations to experience a healthy environment. In order to preserve our habitat, we must take a few precautions and measures. Such as:  Reducing the use of non-biodegradable things– Our environment has a property of reviving itself by degrading the naturally produced substances. However, the non- biodegradable things like plastic bags and bottles pollute the environment, so we must get rid of them.  Planting more trees– To decrease the air pollution and save multiple species, it is very important to plant a greater number of trees. Trees help in purifying the air by adding more oxygen in the environment.  Lessening The Use of Vehicles– Reducing the usage of vehicles on road will also help in reducing air pollution on earth. The more the usage of vehicles, the more the harmful gases get released into the air. These pollutions can be reduced if citizens walk or cycle to near destinations instead of driving which will lead to lesser air pollution.
  • 11.  Recycling- This is also a very effective and efficient way to reduce pollution. It helps wonders in limiting the use of non- biodegradable products etc. Pollution is a negative externality that can cost civilization. It affects living things negatively. In order to monitor pollution, the government can make policies and regulations that could-  Raise carbon tax.  Promote changing to different energy sources.  Make regulations to ban pollutants and pollution permits.  And lastly changing consumer behavior by advertising other better alternatives that can be used to reduce pollution such as solar energy which is clean and renewable power from the sun or buying electric cars. The concept of the three R’s which means to reduce, reuse and recycle is great to implement in our daily lives. If we follow all these steps, slowly, but surely, our environment could be, as crazy as it sounds, entirely pollution-free. But it can only happen if we join hands and work towards it together.
  • 12. NEED FOR WATER CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT The activity of movement and control of water resources to minimize the damage to property and life and also to maximize the efficient beneficial use is known as water management. If the management of water is good in dams and levees it reduces the risk of harm caused due to flooding Water conservation means using water wisely and not contributing to unnecessary wastage. Top reasons to conserve water: Conserving water saves energy. Energy is needed to filter, heat and pump water to your home, so reducing your water use also reduces your carbon footprint. Using less water keeps more in our ecosystems and helps to keep wetland habitats topped up for animals like otters, water voles, herons and fish. This is especially important during drought periods and in areas like South East England where there is a big demand on water supplies. Conserving water can save you money. If you have a water meter then the less water you use, the less you may be charged by your water company.
  • 13. Wasting of water is the flip side of water conservation and, in household applications, it means causing or permitting discharge of water without any practical purpose. Inefficient water use is also considered wasteful. By EPA estimate, household leaks in the US can waste approximately 900 billion gallons (3.4 billion cubic meters) of water annually nationwide). Some researchers have suggested that water conservation efforts should be primarily directed at farmers, in light of the fact that crop irrigation accounts for 70% of the world's fresh water use . The agricultural sector of most countries is important both economically and politically, and water subsidies are common. Conservation advocates have urged removal of all subsidies to force farmers to grow more water-efficient crops and adopt less wasteful irrigation techniques.
  • 14. MULTIPURPOSE RIVER PROJECTS & INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT We need to conserve and manage water for many purposes such as : 1. For the continuation of our livelihoods and productive activities 2. To prevent the degradation of our natural ecosystems 3. Over exploitation and mismanagement of water resources will impoverish this resource and cause ecological crisis that may have profound impact on our lives . Thus we must conserve water. In ancient times, we used to conserve water by constructing sophisticated hydraulic structures like dams built of stone rubble, reservoirs or lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation. We have continued this tradition in modern India by building dams in most of our river basins.
  • 15. KDMDKVEVENJ VKDN Dams A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. “Dam” refers to the reservoir rather than the structure. Uses of Dam: 1. To impound rivers and rainwater that can be used later to irrigate agricultural fields. 2. For electricity generation. 3. Water supply for domestic and industrial uses. 4. Flood control. 5. Recreation, inland navigation and fish breeding. Side effects of Creating Dams 1. Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow. 2. Poorer the habitats for the rivers’ aquatic life. 3. Fragment rivers make it difficult for aquatic fauna to migrate. 4. Dams created on the floodplains submerge the existing vegetation and soil leading to its decomposition over a period of time. 5. Creating of large dams has been the cause of many new environmental movements like the ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’ and the ‘Tehri Dam Andolan’ etc. 6. Many times local people had to give up their land, livelihood and their control over resources for the construction of the dam. Some multipurpose river projects in India 1. Bhakra - Nangal project water in Satluj Beas river basin, is being used both for hydel power production and irrigation 2. Hirakud project in Mahanadi basin integrates conservation of water with flood control
  • 16. RAINWATER HARVESTNG The rainwater harvesting system is one of the best methods practiced and followed to support the conservation of water. Today, scarcity of good quality water has become a significant cause of concern. However, rainwater, which is pure and of good quality, can be used for irrigation, washing, cleaning, bathing, cooking and also for other livestock requirements. Rainwater harvesting is the simple process or technology used to conserve rainwater by collecting, storing, conveying and purifying of rainwater that runs off from rooftops, parks, roads, open grounds, etc. for later use. The process of rainwater harvesting involves the collection and the storage of rainwater with the help of artificially designed systems that run off naturally or man-made catchment areas like- the rooftop, compounds, rock surface, hill slopes, artificially repaired impervious or semi-pervious land surface. Harvesting rainwater allows the collection of large amounts of water and mitigates the effects of drought. Rainwater is mostly free from harmful chemicals, which makes it suitable for irrigation purposes.
  • 17. Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting  Less cost. Helps in reducing the water bill. Decreases the demand for water. Reduces the need for imported water. Promotes both water and energy conservation. Improves the quality and quantity of ground water. It is an excellent source of water for landscape irrigation with no chemicals Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable process that helps in preserving water for future needs. Water scarcity is a major concern in today’s scenario. The process of rainwater harvesting is a good way to conserve water.
  • 18. BAMBOO DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM Dating back 200 years, tribes in northeast India have used bamboo drip irrigation as a means of bringing water to seasonal crops. This timeless and traditional technology uses locally available material while harnessing the forces of gravity. An assortment of holed bamboo shoots zig-zag downhill, diverting the natural flow of streams and springs across terraced cropland. Two features of drip irrigation system are as follows: 1. It is used to transport water over a hundred meters of distance. 18-20 liters of water are transported through bamboo pipes over the distance of hundred meters 2. The direction of flow of water can be determined by changing the position of bamboo pipes. 3. This practice is most popularly carried out in Meghalaya. Terrain and water availability The topology of the region is hilly with steep slopes and rock boulders. The soil depth on these hills is low and has poor water retention capacity. Though the region gets plenty of rain during the monsoon season, irrigation becomes a necessity during the dry season. The terrain imposes a challenge in bringing the water from distant water sources to the plantations. Diverting water through ground channels is not possible. Faced with this need for water, and the challenges imposed by the terrain, the tribal farmers came up with this unique irrigation system.
  • 19. Cost and maintenance The cost involved in building the system is minimal. Bamboo is available freely in this region. Usually the farmer himself sets up the system in his plantation with some help from 1 or 2 labourers. The region gets heavy rain, so as a result each installation lasts for about 2-3 years. After the rainy season the undergrowth is cleared and reinforcements are provided. Old bamboo is left to rot, which over time returns to the soil as humus. Concluding remarks: The good thing about this system is it doesn’t need any fuel or power. One can consider implementing it in regions where bamboo is available for free or at a low cost. Overall it is an economical and sustainable irrigation system which can be set up for farm needs or for an urban permaculture garden.
  • 20. INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE Ways You Can Protect Our Water! Each of us has an impact on our local water supplies, both in terms of water quality and the amount of water we use in times of drought. Here are 10 things you can do to help protect our water quality and 10 tips to conserve water. By taking these actions, you can help ensure that we have enough water to meet the needs of all Californians and the generations to come. 1. Don’t use antibacterial soaps or cleaning products. Most of these contain trichlosan , a registered pesticide that has been found to harm aquatic life. The American Medical Association warns that our use of antibacterial agents may lead to “superbugs” that will be antibiotic resistant. Regular soap and water kills germs just as effectively. 2. Never flush unwanted or out-of-date medicines down the toilet or the drain.
  • 21. Find out if your county or city has a site or program to collect unwanted pharmaceuticals. If not, remove all labels and wrap the products up before disposing in the garbage. If possible, pour water or vinegar in the bottle to destroy pills and make them inaccessible to children. 3. Don’t put anything except water down storm drains. These drains carry storm water to our local waterways, including San Francisco Bay, the Delta, and the Pacific Ocean. Used motor oil, detergents, lawn fertilizers, pesticides, and other contaminants get carried by storm water to local waterways and cause unnecessary harm. 4. Fix leaks that drip from your car and put down a liner in your driveway to collect oil and other materials. These leaks and drips contribute to storm water pollution. 5. Avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers. They pose a serious threat to your health and safety and they pollute both ground and surface water. 6. Choose non-toxic household products whenever possible. The best way to keep from polluting is to use products that are not dangerous to the environment in the first place. 7. Pick up after your pets. Like other contaminants, pet waste can run down the storm drains, spreading bacteria. 8. Don’t pave your property. The more pavement there is, the more rain water will simply run off down the storm drains, picking up pollutants on the way and causing flooding. Allowing water to soak into the ground can prevent flooding, recharge groundwater supplies, and dilute contaminants. Planting native plants that do not require much water also helps save our precious supplies.