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Social Networking And Its Effects On Social Media
Megan E. Garner Professor Seward Information Literacy ITE 119–41 30 March 2016 Social
Networking Misfires With the development of advances in technology, communication through
social networking has risen immensely. Communicating is not only less complicated, it is also
relatively inexpensive. "Many teens in relationships view social media as a place where they can
feel more connected with the daily events in there significant other's life, share emotional
connections, and let their significant other know they care" (Lenhart, Anderson, and Smith).
However, the ease of access to social networking has allowed many adolescents to become overly
involved. Networking has the potential to influence adolescents both emotionally and physically
which in turn may lead to negative behaviors. An article from stated, "The use of social
networking sites is correlated with personality and brain disorders, such as the inability to have in–
person conversations, a need for instant gratification, ADHD, and self–centered personalities, as
well as addictive behaviors" ( Essentially, social networking has rising negative
influences on teens because of increased cyber bullying, lack of respect for personal privacy, and its
addictive qualities. Among cell phone calls, texting and social media sites, teens today have no
problem interacting with each other virtually rather than interacting with each other on a personal
setting. One article states,"Given that our brains are
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The Effects of Social Media on a Business
Social media has greatly changed the way people communicate and interact with one another. There
are a variety of social media sites which are used worldwide, such as Youtube, Facebook and
Twitter. This type of communications method is now being used by business in marketing their
The fact that many people use social media to discuss their thoughts and views online, has caused
business to alter their communications and marketing strategies to better fit the new mean of
sending out messages. Social media is presently used in place of the "old–fashioned" marketing
tools, such as TV, billboards, radio, etc.
This new process which business use to convey messages and promote ideas or products has formed
a collaboration with its ... Show more content on ...
Electronic media brings people together, when businesses join in on this media they are now in–
touch with their customers. They will be able to connect with their audience which will result in
customer loyalty, which will give the business an upper hand over potential competitors (Varey,
Organizations will need to incorporate social media tools into their marketing and communication
strategies. Social media will shift the consumers views on the business because they will now be
able to spot the degree of openness and responsiveness in the business (Schein, Wilson and Keelan,
However, in her article How do the most successful companies use social media? (2010), Nora
Barnes gives an opposing view on the use of social media by business. While in the short–run a
business will gain a fast reputation, it will affect the business in the long–run. She argues that if a
business is thought of as an "official" business with high ranking employers and maybe investors,
then social media is not the correct marketing tool to be used as it shows a business as being
vulnerable, and will not be thought of very highly by its high–ticketed consumers.
Dury (2008) also furthers this argument by stating that marketing is different to social media and
that the two should not be mixed. That it 'destroys social media 's foundations by
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Social Consequences : Dating And The Effects Of Social Media
Dating used to be simpler before social media was involved. Before social media dating was
typically restricted to schools. If a guy likes a girl he would ask her out on a date, as in actually
going to a brick and mortar building. They got to know each other in person and actually had a real
conversation. A person could go on dates and it did not have to mean anything until they were
"going steady" or official boyfriend and girlfriend. Technology made the whole logistics of dating
complicated now. Teens have the option of talking to people from surrounding towns and all across
the states. When teens meet someone they have to go through a "talking" period that can last up to a
year and consists of texting and Snapchatting to get to know a person. Then they can go on dates to
see if they like the person in real life. Then they have to wait for someone to make the first move to
ask them to be their girlfriend or boyfriend. Although social media was intended to bring people
together and form communities, these apps have hurt family, friendly, and romantic relationships
making people less social and more isolated. The traditional family roles and relationships are on the
decline. According to Psychology Today, "When the working parent arrived home after work, his or
her children were so immersed in technology that the parent was greeted only 30 percent of the time
and was totally ignored 50 percent of the time." Children will text or email their parents instead of
walking out
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Social Media And The Bystander Effect
In April of 2017, a hardworking doctor was forced to leave and lugged off a plane for no apparent
reason; soon after, a video of the incident was posted online, causing outrage throughout our media–
enhanced world. A woman's hopeless cry for help was not enough, and although several passengers
recorded the horrific episode, no one intervened nor did anyone help the passenger that had been
treated so awfully. Technology gives us emotional and physical comfort, whether that be in
expressing feelings or chiming in on a controversial current event, in an age where social media has
an immense impact on our habits on and off the web; yet in reality, our phones, computers, and
tablets are turning us into active bystanders allowing and perhaps even amplifying the bystander
effect. The diffusion of responsibility is a poison that begins with cell phone usage and spreads to
social media. Today, people are too reliant on technology and fail to comprehend that social media is
not social activism. The Bystander Effect was first demonstrated by psychologists Bibb Latané and
John Darley in 1968, four years after the brutal murder (encompassing thirty or more witnesses) of
Kitty Genovese. It is a social phenomenon in which observers believe that someone else in a group
will intervene and offer help to a victim in need (1). According to these psychologists, there are two
important factors attributed to this phenomenon, social influence and a perceived diffusion of
responsibility. Social
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Social Depression : The Psychological Effects Of Social...
Once in a while, people tend to seek solitude and take a break from their rumbling social lives, but
as the adage goes, too much of everything is poisonous. Past evidence from researchers has
suggested that too much solitude can be unhealthy and the psychological effects of this can last a
In fact, social withdrawal is a common symptom for people who have anxiety problems. Causes of
social withdrawal vary from person to another, and the causes can even be more than one. Because
social relationships are an essential aspect of human life, the effects of social withdrawal have to be
fully studied and understood.
Researchers from Buffalo University, armed with past theory and research on the effects of social
withdrawal conducted a study to investigate the relationship between three subtypes of social
withdrawal namely shyness, avoidance, unsociability. They are related to Behavioral Approach
System (BAS) and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS).
Behavioral Approach System acts as a regulatory tool on one's approach behaviors and desires while
Behavioral Inhibition System regulates avoidant behaviors and desires. The researchers were also
interested in whether these three withdrawal subtypes are uniquely related to different theoretically
inclined outcomes during emerging adulthood. This developmental period has been a gray area for
researchers, receiving very little empirical analysis from studies.
Shyness is the type of withdrawal associated with people who withdraw
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Negative Effects Of Social Media And Its Effects On Society
Effects of Social Media on Society Social media has taken the world by storm and completely
changed the way human beings interact. In the current age of technology, social media has affected
the way people communicate in drastic proportions. Advancements in media can be both purposeful
or destructive; however, optimum power in this decision lies in the hands of the user. Many people
use technology to connect with people from all around the world, but instead block out the friends
and family around them. Even though some feel that social media helps build relationships, it
actually makes people more socially isolated and disconnected from the outside world. One of the
greatest downsides of social media is that it gives people a false reality. According to Olivia Hunt,
writer of Sonoma State Star, social media provides tools that allow people to be perceived in the
way they want, which creates false representation ("Social"). Teens are often found using "filters" to
make their appearance more attractive or desirable. Constant alterations make it hard for people who
"like" the altered photos to see the person who posted them for their true self. The article "More
Social Connection Online Tied to Increasing Feelings of Isolation" states that people get a sense of
false reality and envy when they see idealized pictures of friends and peers that may cause them to
seem happier or more successful. Moreover, users of social media really only show the side of them
that is joyful and
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Media And Technology : The Negative Effects Of Technology...
There are many different arguments you could make on whether having so much media and
technology is more negative or more positive. In our society today, everything we do is based off of
technology: we post everything we do, stay in touch with people over social sites and base our lives
around the technology we have. Personally, my family and I just went on vacation and with
everything we did we had to take pictures. And with these pictures, my dad posted them on
Facebook, a social media site where he can share these pictures with all his friends. Without both
social media and technology, no one would know what to do with their lives. This is what keeps us
feeling connected but this is not a good thing. These technology based activities are overrunning our
lives. The society finds it easier and prefers to talk over text than face to face. Despite how much
technology influences our daily lives, overall it has a negative impact and influence on both
teenagers and kids in a plethora of different ways. Technology is most harmful to kids, who spend
numerous amount of time on different devices. Whether it's their own Ipad, their parent's phone or
sitting and watching TV, it all has the same negative effect on children's brains. More specifically
technology has a worse effect on infant's brains who has had no chance to develop and whose brains
are easily influenced. As Christakis recalls, "The more TV children watched as infants, the more
likely they were to have attentional
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Social Adety And Its Effects And Effects Of Social Anxiety
SAD is a disorder that involves persistent anxiety of social and performance situations in which
there is scrutiny by other people (Gilboa–Schechtman, Keshet, and Livne, 2017). Social anxiety can
develop and become a problem when an individual is in a negative environment or put in an
uncomfortable position. People who experience social anxiety tend to think that everyone is either
staring at them or talking negatively about them. SAD starts to develop in childhood and can be
reliably diagnosed in children as young as age 6 (Heimberg,et al., 2014). It is common for young
children and adolescents to feel out of place and alone at times. These young children and
adolescents are trying to learn who they are and how to fit in with others. During adolescent years
people are introduced to communication skills and how to interact with the people around them.
Social anxiety is a common disorder in many people and affects the overall quality of a person's life
by impairing psychological, interpersonal, and professional functioning (Gilboa–Schechtman, et al.,
2017). Regardless of age, having social anxiety can have a major impact with a persons'
communication skills later on in their life. When people feel that they do not fit in with society they
will eventually begin to isolate themselves from everything and everybody; this is where social
anxiety starts to develop. A person who is affected by SAD will tend to have little to no social skills
at all. A person will also compare their self–image with what the person believes are others'
standards of social performance and this comparison triggers a self–conscious emotion, such as
embarrassment and intensifies anxiety (Sadikaj, Moskowitz, and Russell, 2015). They will have a
different outlook on themselves. People will see themselves as incompetent and will take the
negative approach during or after their distressful situations. It is highly likely for children and
adolescents who have undergone mistreatment or bullying to develop social anxiety. There are
various lifestyle issues that are contributed to social anxiety, such as physical activity, poor social
support, financial burdens, minimum school attendance, and reduced work schedule (Dahl, 2010).
Blaming ones'
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The Bystander Effect: Age-Old Social Culture
The bystander effect is an age–old social practice that has existed outside of our social culture, and
yet makes up so much of it. Inspiring shows like What Would You Do?, and teaching lessons of love
and respect in several monotheistic religions across the globe, the bystander effect is as relevant as
ever. The conflicting social rules we are raised with– to help others, and to also not make a scene in
public– clash in this everyday dilemma. The bystander effect doesn't necessarily brand people
"good" or "bad", but shows the power of mass influence and our instinctive herd–like behaviors our
species still carries with us today. The Bystander Effect is essentially an infinite number of scenarios
with the same theme– someone is in some form ... Show more content on ...
Using four "victims", all portrayed by actors, each scene was individual, and received various
responses. The first victim, an oblivious woman being silently robbed from her bag in a queue, or
line, was a prime example. No one helped her, acknowledged her robber, or had the idea to tell her
that something had been taken from her– the one witness even watched the thief walk away! For the
second, third, and fourth victims, each were placed along a busy street, and timed to see when, if at
all, anyone would approach them and offer aid. The first of the three, a male drunkard dressed
professionally in a suit, was approached and catered to in about six minutes, with a slow collection
of people gathering around, and eventually the police. The second, an unconscious female in more
everyday wear, was at first treated with utmost indifference. Sprawled out along exposed stairs, not
moving, she was watched, and passed by thirty–odd people before being properly acknowledged.
One man sat several feet from her and read a newspaper, ignoring her entirely. Another woman
passed her by, looking back and reluctantly going on her way, following society's rigid groupthink
ideal that acting outside of the majority (those showing apathy to public dilemmas) are breaking the
assumed rule that someone else, someone more prepared or knowledgeable, will step in and better
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Negative Effects Of Social Media
Social Media: Dealing With Loneliness Social media seem to play an imperative part of people's
lives around the world. Sitting behind a computer communicating with cyber friends can be easy
and fun but can weaken a person's verbal communication skills. The article "Why people use Social
media, a uses gratifications approach" by Anita Whiting and David Williams explores how social
media strengthens and weakens communication. They not only focus on the negative impacts on
communication, because there are some positive impacts communication through on social media. A
second article by Melinda Smith and Jeanne Segal, "Dealing with Loneliness and Shyness" states
that other people are evaluating and judging people in social situations. As humans we are meant to
be social creatures. Having friends makes us happier; in fact, being socially connected is key to our
mental and emotional health. Many of us are shy and socially introverted. Some feel awkward
around strangers, unsure of want to say, or worried about what others might think of us. This can
cause people to avoid social situations, cutting themselves off from others, and gradually becoming
isolated and lonely. Anita Whiting and David Williams article "Why People Use Social Media, Uses
and Gratifications Approach" was published on 2013 in Qualitative Market Research. This focuses
on the uses and gratifications theory, which has its roots in communications literature. The purpose
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Effects Of Social Media In The Workplace
Social media has increasingly been on the rise for over the past 10 years, so has the concern on the
effect of it being in the workplace. People are spending more and more time on social media and
other communication technology (Walder). Because of this, researchers have begun to wonder what
the effect will be in the workplace. The argument of social media in the workplace is on the rise, and
will continue to grow as the Internet continues to transform the way people are spending their time
In the past few years, social media has become a powerful influence as a new marketing tool. It is
still relatively new, but it continues to be a part of marketing strategy for various industries.
According to the article "Integrating Social Media into the Workplace: A Study of Shifting
Technology Use Repertoires." By Walden, Justin, this study demonstrates that social media is used
routinely, employees are distracted from tasks and threatens of personal privacy. The learning curve
is still pretty high for most companies. Knowledge by professionals is through trial and error as
social media marketing evolves more over time. There are many challenges businesses are faced
with everyday plus managing the use of social media. It can be overwhelming and frustrating for
companies understand this confusing network of navigating social media in the workplace.
On the other hand, the article "Social Media Use in the Workplace: A Study of Dual Effects." by
John Carlson of Baylor
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Effects of Technology on Social Relationships Essay
As much as I regret to admit it, I'm attached to my phone. I'm constantly reaching into my pocket to
check the time, make sure I haven't gotten a new update, or to send a message. I do this even when
I'm not talking to anyone! It's become an addiction, having to make sure I'm not missing anything,
and I'm not the only one who has this problem. Seventy–five percent of the world population has a
cell phone, and that number will only increase. With the creation of new technology portions of life
have become easier. Technology has changed the way we go through life. It's made talking to people
easier, as well as keeping up with the lives of others. However, the effects have affected the aspects
of our lives that don't include technology. ... Show more content on ...
You're expected to keep it short and sweet, because most people just want to hear the point and
move on. This is noticeable when you talk to people of different ages. The people who have grown
up using technology keep their conversations quick and easy.
There's no more explaining how your day was; you simply state an adjective to describe it and
people accept that. We have become accustomed to reading about other people's thoughts in a
hundred and forty characters or less. Carr mentions that reading short snippets on the internet have
affected him in other ways, "When I mention my troubles with reading to friends and
acquaintances–literary types, most of them–many say they're having similar experiences. The more
they use the Web, the more they have to fight to stay focused on long pieces of writing." (Carr 14)
People don't want to read the story of your day, but it's nice to know you had a good one.
Technology has caused our attention span to shorten in all sides of our lives.
Matt Richtel, another journalist agrees that focusing has become harder with the increase in the use
of technology. He suggests the reason is because of how we obtain the information. "Scientists say
juggling email, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and
behave. They say out ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a
primitive impulse to respond to immediate
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The Bystander Effect On Social Psychology
General Aims: What is your general topic area? Inform the reader briefly of the overall topic and
why it is of interest.
The general topic area is about The Bystander Effect. John M.Darley and Bibb Latane research
about the bystander effect based on the story of Kitty Genovese. Also known as individuals are less
likely to help in a situation in the presence of others (Greitemeyer and Mugge, 201 p.116). When
doing this literature research for the bystander effect, it discover that different types of emergency
situations impact how individuals react. It was discover that the main focus was on the idea of
feeling responsible for a situation and actions that occur as a result. The interest of learning about
the different emotions of the ... Show more content on ...
For this research, emotions was the main focus on the bystander effect theory. Shalom H. Schwartz
and Avi Gottlieb (1980) found that the reactions of the participants could interfere with the decisions
being made during any situation. (Schwartz and Gottlieb, 1968). This research was able to show that
emotions do play a role in our decision making in any situations.
Schwartz, S. H., & Gottlieb, A. (1980). Bystander anonymity and reactions to emergencies. Journal
Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 418–430. doi:10.1037/0022–3514.39.3.418
Latan, B. And Darley, J. M. Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, 10, 215–221.
Hypothesis and Specific Aims: What idea does that research give you that you want to check out? In
other words, state your hypothesis, including your theoretical IV and DV. It should be clear how this
is different from what is already known.
The hypothesis for this experiment was: Do our emotions specifically those of empathy or personal
distress, interfere with our actions in a given situation? It was discovered that this question fit
perfectly with the Bystander Effect Theory based on the idea that emotions could occur in any time
of the day and still could affect one's decisions making during any situations. The independent
variable for this experiment is emotions. The dependent variable for this experiment is whether or
not the participants help.
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Negative Effects Of Social Media
The Effects of Social Media on Social and Intellectual Growth The first thoughts that come to mind
for many people regarding social media are quite unfavorable. Profiles on Facebook, tweets on
Twitter, and photos on Instagram all tend to have a negative connotation because they are typically
associated with isolation, narcissism, and mental illnesses. The impacts of social media are greatly
determined by how a person uses it. While one person may lose themselves in the online world that
social media creates, another may greatly benefit through meeting new people and learning about
new topics, such as other cultures, political views, religions, etc., that can be introduced into their
real lives outside of their online lives. Even though social media can be seen as a more
disadvantageous contribution to society due to the loneliness and isolation it may cause, social
media allows for a greater connection to the social and intellectual worlds. While social media
provides a platform that amplifies social and intellectual isolation, it more importantly allows for
people to connect to others and learn about different perspectives when used correctly. Social media
can lead to feelings of loneliness and social isolation, but can also provide a sense of unity and
support through online communities. There are many positives and negatives when it comes to
social media. Many of those effects stem from user error. If a person truly wants to gain friendships
online, some searching
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The Harm Consequences Of Social Media And Its Effects On...
There are 2.3 billion active social media users (Kit Smith 1). Meaning the majority of people go on
social media every day. Social media is almost a part of every teen's life it's how they stay connected
and meet up with people. But social media may be worse than what most people would think. It's
leading to much worse things for teenagers that they won't see coming since social media is a huge
part of their lives. Social media's negatives outweigh the positives because it's causing long–term
consequences and impacts teen's mental and emotional health. Social media affects things long term
because what you post, like, or repost on any site can be used against you in any way shape or form.
The internet is forever even if someone deletes it, it never truly goes away. On the one hand, some
argue that there are long–term consequences on teenagers that are not taken into consideration on
social media. In an article by Michael Farrell a couple of teenagers ages 13, 16, and, 18 are on social
media and he wants to know what effects social media can have. Basically, he asks the parents how
they find time with their busy lives to be on social media and how it affects their lives. He takes that
information and what was gathered is that since social media doesn't come with a guide so things
can be abused or used wrong (Farrell). Overall the effects were mainly how now there are numerous
places to access social media which leads to an increase in cyberbullying and thereby lowers teens
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Effects Of Media On Social Media
Media is something that we use, see, and hear every day, whether we notice it or not. The media
surrounds our society in many ways; through social media platforms, magazines, television,
advertisements, etc. the media has been always around. The study of media and its effects on society
is based on the belief that mass communication has effects on individuals, society, and culture
(Perse). The media continues to become more and more relevant in our culture. Many people in our
society today use the media daily. Also, there are many studies about social media and its effects on
us. The media affects the way we view body image in a negative way. The media has affected
people for many years. It has been around since people have been printing newspapers and
broadcasting on the radio. Particularly, the media has an effect on youth and there are many studies
and articles that research how the media affects youth. One example is, in the article, "Social Media
and Body Image Concerns: Further Considerations and Broader Perspectives" written by Robert J.
Williams and Lina A. Ricciardelli:
Social media are the main form of mass media being used by the youth of today, and researchers in
the U.S. and Australia have commenced studying how these may be affecting body image concerns.
However, the processes underlying how social media may influence young people's body image
appear to be no different from underlying other forms of mass media. Research is needed to more
fully evaluate youth's experiences of online appearance culture and how this may foster both
negative and positive peer interactions (Williams and Ricciardelli 389).
This quote discusses how youth today is affected by the media and their body image. Media has a
direct effect on body image because the media projects unrealistic body goals. This then can result
in people developing anxiety or depression. Also, in some cases, people could develop eating
disorders in order to look like how people in the media are broadcasted. The media has such a strong
influence on people every day since we are always around it. In another article, it states, "Diana
Vancura argues that the media emphasize appearance over talent, which negatively affects the body
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Negative Effect On Social Media
Society has come a long way with technology over the last few decades. Social media has become
one of the most widely used technological advancements. Teenagers and young adults have become
so dependent on social media, that many studies have shown an increase in feelings of loneliness,
isolation, depression and anxiety, causing them to lack the knowledge and experience to function
successfully in social situations. Personal interaction has decreased greatly with the increase in
social media use. Our increasing communication through electronics has left many people starved
for affection. People do not get hugs, laughs, smiles, tears or a shoulder to cry on like they used to
(Reynolds). This leaves many people feeling unsatisfied. People are losing touch with the physical
community and forgetting that the human element can not be replaced by technology (Warrell).
They need more personal human interaction. The presence of multiple friends on social media can
distract us from the companionship that face to face friends can provide. On line friends provide an
illusion of friendships without the demands of intimacy (Price). Social media can allow people to
hide online. Most teens say they would rather text than talk. This allows them a way to hide from
each other. They say that a phone call is too revealing and that conversations do not give them
enough control over what they want to say (Price). It is easier to text without having to make eye
contact with
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Effect of Social Media
Johnson & Wales University
MBA Student Scholarship The Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School
The Effects of Social Media on College Students
Qingya Wang
Johnson & Wales University – Providence,
Wei Chen
Johnson & Wales University – Providence
Yu Liang
Johnson & Wales University – Providence,
Follow this and additional works at: Part of the
Education Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Repository Citation
Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, "The Effects of Social Media on College Students"
(2011). MBA Student Scholarship. Paper 5.
This Research ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, our research ascertains the relationship between the social media and students' study
the issue of the effectiveness of using social networking, the first question raised in this study is: for
what purpose is the student utilizing social networking? Research on this topic will start to reveal
social networking sites are simply part of how students interact with each other with no apparent
impact on grades. Thus, the objective of this research is to explore the advantages and disadvantages
of students' use of social networking for study. The main purpose of this research is to expand on
previous research, explore the relationship between the effects of social networking and students'
study efficiency, and to determine if social media interfering with students' academic lives. Research
Questions: Which is the most popular social media site for students? What is the amount of time
students spend utilizing social media in various academic processes? Review of the Literature
College students have great interest in social media. For the purpose of this study, social media was
defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn (Martin, 2008). Although,
providing a detailed perspective on social media use among university students and underscoring
that such use can produce both
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Causes And Effects Of Social Media's Effects On Society
Social Media Effects on the Society
Social media is having a strong impact in our community, culture, and business. During the last
several years technology has improved, making users of all ages affected by this universal source.
The history of social media started in 1997 when the first social media site was launched allowing
users to get in touch with friends. In 1999, was when social media became popular and started to
develop its purpose. After a while, social media started to reflect negative changes on their user's
life. As a result, addiction starts creating a loyalty bond toward this popular world escape. For
example, 94% of teens go online daily this demonstrates how this innovation is controlling people's
life behind a screen. Some people have the ability to control their emotions and are mentally
prepared to face technological innovation, however, a huge percentage of the population seem to
develop more issues throughout time. Social media destroy interpersonal communication skills,
making face–to–face communication harder by creating all t.
Social media has been a topic that parents, teachers, and psychologists had been concerned about.
Since is having a huge impact on the current generation. For example, cyberbullying is one of the
most popular accusation on the internet since more than half of the adolescents and teens have been
victims of this form of teen violence that can harm young people live. Kids had developed a
violence in their attitudes, their behavior had totally changed to worse. Violence in the media tends
to put children at a risky position. For example, they tend to be less sensitive toward other pain, fear
of what is around them can be higher than regular kids, and they become more aggressive and less
understandable. Researchers had shown that kids who spend tons of hours on social media tend to
be aggressive teenagers in the future. For example, teenagers who frequently use networking tend to
develop more narcissistic inclination forgetting others' people feeling. Violence can change a kid's
point of view and have a huge influence on what they might become in the future. The excess of
violence on social media throughout time might become joyful to their views. That is some of
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The Negative Effects Of Smartphones And Social Media
In the world we live in today everyone is connected to one another through their smartphones and
social media, Although this has had positive effect on the world i believe that the negative effects
outweigh the positive effects. The extensive use of smartphones and social media have made it
harder for students to gather and obtain information due to their dependence on technology to easily
gather it for them. Studies have shown that the increased use of social media and smartphone have
lead to mental health problem among teens. With everyone so worried about their facebooks and
instagrams they haven't been able to learn how to properly socialize with other people. Smartphones
and social media have negatively affected students ability to obtain information, alter their
emotional stability, and negatively influence their social skills. Smartphones and social media have
made gathering information difficult for people in living in the world because they rely on their
smartphone and other technology to obtain the information the need for them. This has affected
people's ability to read and absorb information from long articles or book where they actually have
to take the time to read them. In his article Is Google Making Us Stupid? Nicholas Carr argues that
the use of technology has made it harder for him to read books or other long articles stating " My
mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and i'd spend hours strolling
through long stretches of prose. That's rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts
to drift after two or three pages" (Carr 314). This quote is talking about Nicholas Carr's inability to
concentrate on long piece of writing like he used to be able too. Carr blames this on his use of
technology stating "I think i know what's going on. For more than a decade now, i've been spending
alot of time online, searching and surfing and sometimes adding to the great databases of the
internet... Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be
done in minutes" (Carr 314). Nicholas Carr states this to put into perspective that technology is
reducing the time and concentration it takes to research information the one
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The Bystander Effect On Social Psychology
General Aims: What is your general topic area? Inform the reader briefly of the overall topic and
why it is of interest.
The general topic area is about The Bystander Effect. John M.Darley and Bibb Latane research
about the bystander effect based on the story of Kitty Genovese. Also known as individuals are less
likely to help in a situation in the presence of others (Greitemeyer and Mugge, 201 p.116). When
doing this literature research for the bystander effect, it discover that different types of emergency
situations impact how individuals react. It was discovered that the main focus was on the idea of
feeling responsible for a situation and actions that occur as a result. The interest of learning about
the different emotions of the ... Show more content on ...
For this research, emotions was the main focus on the bystander effect theory. Shalom H. Schwartz
and Avi Gottlieb (1980) found that the reactions of the participants could interfere with the decisions
being made during any situation. (Schwartz and Gottlieb, 1968). This research was able to show that
emotions do play a role in our decision making in any situations.
Schwartz, S. H., & Gottlieb, A. (1980). Bystander anonymity and reactions to emergencies. Journal
Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 418–430. doi:10.1037/0022–3514.39.3.418
Latan, B. And Darley, J. M. Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, 10, 215–221.
Hypothesis and Specific Aims: What idea does that research give you that you want to check out? In
other words, state your hypothesis, including your theoretical IV and DV. It should be clear how this
is different from what is already known.
The hypothesis for this experiment was: Do our emotions specifically those of empathy or personal
distress, interfere with our actions in a given situation? It was discovered that this question fit
perfectly with the Bystander Effect Theory based on the idea that emotions could occur in any time
of the day and still could affect one's decisions making during any situations. The independent
variable for this experiment is emotions. The dependent variable for this experiment is whether or
not the participants help.
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Social Psychologists : Bystander Effect
The term used by social psychologists – bystander effect or bystander apathy may answer the
question what makes people to ignore others in need of help, and why?
The bystander effect is a phenomenon in which people are less likely to assist another individual in
an emergency situation when other individuals or bystanders are present (Schneider, Coutts, &
Gruman, 2013). In theoretical and practical sense, bystander effect plays important role in
understanding the helping behaviour help For the purpose of this essay the empirical evidence
gained from the two recent studies that mostly rely on arousal–cost–reward model will be discussed
and evaluated. The human behaviour in situation of emergency is also sometimes called the
Genovese syndrome which emerged after a tragic death of Kitty Genovese. She was brutally
murdered in 1964 on the streets of Queens in New York. Although thirty–eight of her neighbours
witnessed or at least heard the cries for help, only one called the police. The New York Times
newspaper published the story of the murder which initiated heated public discussions and became a
topic of interest for psychologists (see appendix A). Consequently, the article prompted
psychologists to produce a great number of studies on the subject to help explore: why people
hesitate or do not help in an emergency situation, especially, if there are other people present.
In order to explain the psychological reasons behind the phenomenon John Darley
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The Effects Of Social Media On Teens
What effects does social media have on on teens? After reading the book Mediated by Thomas de
Zengotita I had realized the over the too use of social media, by teens today, social media is leading
to unhealthy mental and physical side effects. It is important to publicly state these effects in order
to alert parents of what is happening to their teen. Through reading several articles on the subject, I
quickly found and examined these unfavorable side effects, by constantly using social media people
are becoming more isolated, loosing interest in their education, relationships, and experiencing
several other psychological issues. Social media has taken over our county. According a study done
by Georgia State University in 2013 "around 50% of teens used social media sites the number grew
dramatically from 25% in 2009." Social media has both good aspects and bad aspects, social media
allows you to connect with friends and family across the world, social media gives you a chance to
create stronger relationships and to build new relationships. However, the drawback from using
social media is that it doesn 't allow teens to have the real human interaction that you get when you
talk to someone face to face. In addition, using social media demonstrated to spread untruthful, and
sometimes personal information. There are some discussions about social media actually being
positive, speaking from personal experiences I can see the both positive or negative effects of social
media in
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Social Movements And Its Effects Of Social Change
Social change is the significant alteration over time of behavior patterns and culture. Basically its
and change to a social process. Many sociologist are concerned with the effects of change but, you
need to look at both sides of the argument all the time. Situations like these happen all the time
globally. No society goes unchanged. Some societies may change at a slow rate but it happens and
nobody notices until we go back and look at history. The change that occurs is natural so there is no
reason for anybody to worry.
Social change has a lot to do with social movements. Social movements are groups of people trying
to change something in an established group or society. A huge social movement that happened in
the past and is still happening is women's rights. The opportunities that men get are being offered to
women, as they should be. Another movement is getting the medicine and foods needed in 3rd world
countries. Before there were no programs or people getting involved that gave us the opportunity to
help the less fortunate.
The internet has a key role on how it effects the globe. The are many negative and positive things
about it. Some negatives are that people might rely on it too much. You might always use it for GPS
then when it comes time when your GPS doesn't work or something else happens to it then how are
you going to get from point A to point B. Another problem is it's hurting the economy. Everybody is
buying things online so small town shops are going out
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Social Effects Of Underage Drinking
Alcohol when consumed by adults in moderation and in appropriate circumstances, may not have
any permanent physical, mental or emotional effects. On the other hand, if alcohol is consumed
underage, mixed with other drugs or drank in excess can cause many adverse effects impacting the
entire body. I will be focusing on the impacts of underage drinking due to alcohol contributing to the
3 primary causes of death among teenagers: unintentional injuries, homicide and suicide (Australian
Drug Foundation, 2017). Moreover, 78% of 14–17–year old's have tried alcohol at least once despite
18 being the legal drinking age.
The reason alcohol is so common among teenagers is due to the social importance and integration
alcohol has in Australian society. Relatives, teachers and parents alike drink in all circumstances:
when they're sad, when they're happy and even when they're bored (National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism, 2017). These people are the most influential people in a teenager's life and
by drinking so freely, they condition the next generation to follow in their footsteps and make any
excuse to drink. I believe social exclusions and stunted learning, that underage drinking brings due
to its physical, emotional, social and mental effects can lead to an undesirable future. During
adolescence, relationships with family and friends as well as personal and educational development
can define a person's future health; so by indulging in underage drinking you
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The Bystander Revolution : How Social Media Shapes And...
The Bystander Revolution: How Social Media Shapes and Reduces the Bystander Effect
The purpose of this paper is to examine how social media affects and can affect the bystander effect,
which is the idea that individuals will not offer help to victims when other people are present under
the assumption that another person will help the victim. After examining the classic example of the
bystander effect, examples of social media preventing or lessening the effect will be explored. These
examples will highlight the role social media can play in diminishing the bystander effect and
attempt to explain why it can help. The bystander effect was first observed by the media and social
psychologists in 1964 through the case of Kitty Genovese, a 28–year old woman. On her way home
from work, Genovese was stabbed multiple times over the course of 30 minutes. The murderer was
able to leave the scene multiple times and come back to stab Genovese more. While this was
happening, 38 people observed this from their window. Despite the number of people who viewed
the incident, no one reported this incident was happening to the authorities. While this was written
off as an effect from living in a large city by the media, psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané
realized something else was occurring: the bystanders all realized that other people were watching
and assumed that another person would report the incident. This caused social inhibition amongst all
of the viewers which in
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The Effects Of Cognitive Ability On Social Media Use
The recruitment of participants shall come from the University aged population, 18–26. This aged
will be chosen because they are living in an environment with a prevalence of technological
apparatuses, and they are more likely to be engaged in the pursuit of further education at a post–
secondary institution. In light of this, we will seek to gain a representative sample of this population.
With this is mind, we will seek to gain participants through traditional and contemporary
advertising, this includes asking for participants through print media, through email, and by phone,
the entire process being randomized. The intent is to acquire a random sample that represents the
population, both in demographic/socioeconomic terms and in terms ... Show more content on ...
For example, participants shall be provided with a series of unrelated words, to review for a specific
time period, and then asked to write down as many as they can remember. Tests like these have good
test–retest reliability (Ma et al. 2017, 2). Also, it appears to measure working–memory.
Turning now to social media, social media shall be operationalized as a user–oriented platform, for
the purpose of this experiment we will be going to focus on the aforementioned popular social
media platforms, but including time spent on social media outside of this domain. Suffice it to say,
that if it looks like social media, it probably is.
Finally, social media use will be determined by the random assignment of the participants to one of
the three conditions. In order to provide accurate conditions, participants shall fist complete a
questionnaire pertaining to their social media use, from this data we will take the average and make
our manipulations from it. For example, if it is found that the average time spent on social media is
two hours, we will have a low social media condition of one hour or less, and a high social media
condition of three hours or more, the intent is to ensure our manipulations are realistic and large
enough to determine if there is an effect. This questionnaire will be tested before the commencement
of the study to ensure it has reliable test–retest reliability. Besides this,
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Effects of Social Media
University of Trinidad and Tobago
School for Studies in Learning Cognition and Education
EDFN111B – Academic Reading, Writing and Research
Student Name: Clifford Pierre
Student ID: 57420
Assignment Due Date: 3rd April, 2012
Assignment: Argument Essay
Instructor: Mrs. Andrews
Topic: Effects of Social Media on Adolescents
Thesis Statement: As with virtually any use of the internet, using social networks becomes a risk to
adolescents more often than most realize.
TOPIC | TOPIC SENTENCE | Privacy Issues | 1. Social media allows youths to share private
information that can lead to exploitation and abuse. | Cyberbullying | 2. There are many reports of
youths affected by cyberbullying – the relentless online teasing, ... Show more content on ...
Granted, bullying is not new. But now rumors, gossip, and slander can travel much farther and
infinitely faster. It often gets far nastier too. In some cases, cell phones with a built–in camera have
been used to take rude and potentially embarrassing photographs and videos, perhaps in a school
locker room or shower. These images have then been placed on the social networks and visible to
any number of eager spectators. Research done by the Cyberbullying Research Centre argues that
cyberbullying "can be more detrimental to youth because" of the easy accessibility of social
networks, the helplessness of the victims and anonymity of the bullies (Hinduja & Patchin,
2009). Further highlighted by the research is the "strain, frustration, depression, and anxiety"
experienced by the victims. Doubtless, this issue of cyberbullying is not the only risk adolescents
are exposed to on social networks. On social networks, there is no regulation of material;
consequently, youths are at risk of exposure to explicit material. Social networks allow youths to
freely share images, videos and any type of information with each other. It also allows pedophiles,
scam artists, bigots, and other unsavory characters to post vile and lurid material for the viewing of
curious teens. One may recall an incident of a secondary school teacher sending nude photos of him
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Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Media
Kayla Sheffield Philosophy Professor Wilson 11/22/2017 Negative Effect of Social Media When
one thinks of social media one of the first things that comes to mind is an application such as
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr and many other applications that allow one to share
information on the internet. So taking that into consideration one can deduce that social media is any
application or website that allows one to share information about them or about other things on the
worldwide web in real–time. Before social media people wrote letters, sent telegrams or used Morse
code. Writing letters and use of Morse code is being applied in some parts sending telegrams was
phased out. Social media came with the advent of the modern technological age at the turn of the
century. It is with the birth of computers, the internet, and the modern phone that social media took
off. Of course with the coming of social media, many ripple effects were felt. Some of the effects
were positive. Case in point, information is shared instantaneously and in real–time across the whole
globe. The world has been transformed into one global village because of social media. As all things
have yin and yang, social media came with a number of side effects; effects that shall be espoused in
this paper. One negative aspect is that social media is highly addictive. Use anything too much, and
you are bound to get addicted to it. A study carried out at Nottingham Trent University showed that
it is possible to speak of Facebook Addiction Disorder. It was classified as an addiction because
there was significant neglect of personal life; that using social media or missing out on it was found
to alter the mood of addicted users; chief of all is that the addicted of users tried to hide the addictive
behavior. Just like all addictions, one does not think that one has a problem until one sees that one
has a problem. As seen, the behaviors portrayed by people addicted to other things such as drugs
have been exhibited by people who are addicted to social media. The study showed that people had
a psychological sign of withdrawal when they stopped using the social media platforms and the
internet at large. A study carried out by Swansea
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Negative Effects Of Social Media
What is Social Media? As stated on, social media is "websites and other online
means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to
develop social and professional contacts". There are a huge variety of social media sites such as,
Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram, and YouTube. As our technology gets more and more
advanced and new devices come out, social media itself is growing as well. Because of the growth
of social media, our lives are being effected every single day by it. These effects in our lives are not
all positive, but they are not all negative either. In today's world, social media has now started to
affect our everyday lives. People no longer watch the news or read the ... Show more content on ...
Certain news stations use websites like Facebook to live stream a press conference or police chase
as it is happening, which is useful to people who will be traveling or who are trying to keep up to
date, but don't have current access to a television. Social media also allows for the open expression
of your views. This allows others to see your opinion and share their similar ideas with you, or even
express their opposing views. Along with these positives, comes the negatives. If you go to a
classroom and watch from the back, you'll notice how many students are using their cell phones
when the professor isn't looking, or who are using it out in the open without any care. This not only
causes a distraction for themselves, but to others as well. This is not the only time that social media
can be causing a distraction either. While doing homework or studying, students tend to easily get
bored. Their fix to this is to take a break and get on social media. While a break can be good
occasionally after long periods of studying, sometimes, they may not return to their studying after
picking up their phone.
Social Media's Effect on Political Thinking There isn't really a part of our lives that social media
doesn't at least touch. When it comes to politics, social media can have a huge effect. No matter how
into politics someone is, social media sites can have a huge impact on a person's views about a
specific candidate or member. Someone who can have no information at
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Negative Effects On Social Media
Social media is used daily and we spend too much time on it. Truong (2017), a Health News Writer
for Refinery29 has said, Teen females that spend just 30 minutes or more on social media daily have
a negative view about their body image. The photos posted on social media are unrealistic and make
females feel bad about themselves. Social media like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter
puts a lot of pressure on young females to look perfect and if they do not then they are not attractive.
Some female teens will start a diet and even develop an eating disorder to look like the females in
the media. Females teens spend too much time on social media causing them to have a negative
view about their body image and we need to help them have a positive view about their bodies.
Social media has changed over the last few years and continues to change daily. Some popular
social media tools like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram are constantly used every day for
multiple hours at a time. According to Cummings (2017), a Lifestyles Staff Writer, "The average
American teenager spends up to nine hours per day on social media" (para. 1). Some teenagers are
addicted to their social media accounts and they do like to admit how time they spend on them and
the effect it has on their health. Female teens feel the pressure of looking perfect like the women in
social media every day. They feel like if they do not look like them then no male will like them.
Some female teens will start a diet or change something about themselves to fit in with the rest of
society. Female teens spend too much time on social media, which gives them a negative view about
their body image. Method Sample and procedure Random female teens between the ages of 17–22
were asked if they wanted to fill out a survey about the effects of social media on female teens' body
image. None of the female teens rejected to taking the survey. All twenty of these females are
students at Missouri Western State University. The survey was handed out to random female teens
and data was collected for a week. Materials The survey that consisted of ten questions and took less
than five minutes to complete. The participants had to fill in the circle for the
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Social Effects Of Social Class And Effects On Well-Being
Sally Chase
Mr. Hyer
English 100 MW 6PM
Essay #1
Social Class and the effects on our Well–Being The topic of social class is a discussion that is taboo
in America especially when it is easier to believe that we live in a classless society where everyone
has an equal opportunity, yet the reality is far from that. Social class can determine status, power and
the things that people enjoy or lack in their daily lives. Class is related to almost every decision that
we make such as the music we like, the clothes we wear and how we interact with one another.
Social class is not just about the status of our careers, our wealth, the cars we drive or even the
schools we attend, it goes beyond the surface, affecting our wellbeing, how we feel, think and act.
The increasing gap between the rich and the poor has caused negative effects on our well–being,
self–confidence, relationships, prejudice and stereotyping. The process of how social class is
internalized directly effects our well–being and the success we experience in life.
Psychology studies of class suggest that our environment, community, ideas, values and social
interactions that we grew up in can shape how we perceive ourselves from an individually orientated
view. Thus, social class is viewed as a continuum not as a clear difference among the upper, middle
and lower class. The theory is that people who rank of higher socioeconomic status are more
independently orientated while the people who rank in a lower status are more group–minded. The
lower ranking people have access to less resources and opportunities which may cause them to
believe that external forces, unforeseeable circumstances and powers beyond their control will have
a greater effect on their lives. Therefore, they tend to depend, rely on and help others to achieve
success. Whereas, the higher–ranking people of society enjoy a great social status with more
resources, opportunities, large and safe living conditions, the ability to purchase expensive products,
access to quality education and influential people which can lead to a more focused and independent
Research suggests that social class effects the way we behave, think and feel. People tend to think
about how they rank in
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Social Psychology : The Bystander Effect
Each of us has the capacity to help others. Demonstrations of courage by everyday heroes are
lauded, as they show the best of human nature. Unfortunately, human nature has its faults as well,
and people fall victims to others when others seek to do harm; additionally, people fall victim to
others when those around fail to act in preventing that harm. Social psychology research and
experimentation have defined a "bystander effect." This describes how, when in the presence of
many others, an individual will diffuse responsibility when seeing a potentially dangerous
interaction occurring and will be less likely to intervene. Despite our intentions and self–serving
biases, most of us are susceptible to the effect.
Our vulnerability to the bystander effect is exhibited in this dramatic and disturbing video. The
video depicts a young girl acting as a victim in a staged abduction by an older man while yelling "let
go of me, you're not my dad!" Throughout the video, we see the girl's mother watching the reaction–
and lack of reaction– of each of the passersby as they witnessed her daughter struggle in the man's
grasp. Each time a person or group of people passes the actors, they merely look at the situation and
keep on walking. The observing mother and producers were horrified by everyone's apparent lack of
overt concern for the young girl until, finally, two men ran up to the actors and a third man drove by,
all three of them with the intent to rescue the girl and stop the assailant. The producers and mother
were relieved that it had become clear people were willing to step up in this situation; however, the
experiment painted a bleak picture for human nature when faced with a perceived diffusion of
personal responsibility.
This video was chosen because it is particularly stunning in its conclusions and it is particularly
horrifying for parents and caregivers. It exposes an uncomfortable truth: that even the most
protected in our society are vulnerable to the effects of a dangerous world, full of potential bad
actors. Parents do as much as they can for their children, up to and including teaching children self–
defense mechanisms for situations such as those depicted in the video, but the reality is that parents
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Discuss the Social Psychology of the Bystander Effect
Discuss the Social Psychology of the Bystander Effect
Grade Course
Tutor's Name
Introduction The bystander effect is a social psychological sensation that alludes to cases in which
people don't offer any method for help to a victimized person when other individuals are available.
The likelihood of assistance is contrarily identified with the amount of bystanders. At the end of the
day, the more noteworthy the amount of bystanders, the more improbable it is that any of them will
offer assistance. A few variables help to clarify why the bystander effect happens. These variables
include: ambiguity, cohesiveness and diffusion of responsibility. The bystander effect was initially
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At the point when understudies were working alone they perceived the smoke practically instantly
(inside 5 seconds). In any case, understudies that were working in gatherings took longer (up to 20
seconds) to perceive the smoke. Latané and Darley guaranteed this sensation could be clarified by
the social standard of what is considering courteous behaviour openly. In most western societies,
amiability manages that it is wrong to without moving look around. This may show that an
individual is meddling or discourteous. Accordingly, passers–by are more inclined to be hushing up
about their consideration when around substantial gatherings than when alone. Individuals who are
distant from everyone else are more prone to be aware of their surroundings and along these lines
more inclined to recognize an individual in need of support. Interpret When a circumstance has been
recognized, in place for a bystander to intercede they must translate the occurrence as a crisis. As
per the rule of social impact, bystanders screen the responses of other individuals in a crisis
circumstance to check whether others feel that it is important to mediate. On the off chance that it is
resolved that others are not responding to the circumstances, bystanders will decipher the
circumstances as not a crisis and won't intercede. This is a case of pluralistic lack of awareness or
social proof. Alluding to the smoke test, despite the fact that understudies
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Negative Effects Of Social Media
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are commonly used among the
younger generations, but can the excessive use of these apps cause mayhem? According to a new
study conducted by the Family Technology Education Non–Profit Group, teenagers are spending
nearly 9 hours a day on social media. The excessive use of social media is a bad influence on
adolescents because of the negative impacts it has. Social media can cause direct impacts to the
mental health, safety, and lives of its users. Teenagers need to ensure that they are being cautious
and responsible while using different social media networks. Social media has many negative effects
linked to teenagers today. Research has shown that social media has a harsh impact on the mental
health of its users. This research suggests that social media can cause depression. Highly idealized
representations of peers on social media may create elicit feelings of envy and the belief that others
lead happier, more successful lives (Chowdhry). Although depression cannot be linked to one
specific cause, there are many different factors that can contribute to it. With this being said,
individuals will compare themselves negatively to others on social media because they believe other
individuals sharing content are living better lives than they are. This will result in people feeling bad
about themselves. Another impact social media has on mental health is that it is addictive. Although
social media addiction is not a formal clinical diagnoses, it is reasonable to say that many people
spend a lot of time on social media. Researchers have suggested that the excessive use of online
social networking is particularly problematic to young people. It is claimed that those people who
are addicted experience symptoms similar to those who suffer from addictions to substances and
other behaviours. As stated above, although social media addiction is not classified as a formal
clinical diagnoses, it has been compared to those who suffer from far more serious addictions. In
addition to other impacts social media has on mental health, it can severely impact the self–esteem
of those who are on social media platforms. Social media can have a negative effect on the
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The Cositive And Cons And Positive Effects Of Social Media
"The Social Media Effects"
Today we are talking about of social media effects. Social media is a virtual world where we can
participate directly and internationally. Every person must have and often use social media, social
media can be whatsapp, instagram, line, path, facebook, blackberry message, wechat, Friendster etc.
the effect of social media can be pro and con for the people. Here are the negative and positive
effects of social media in today. First we will discuss of negative social media. Antisocial is effects
from media social, where the people not respect with its surroundings and he has his own world. His
always selfies, his not want to join with other people and create new world for himself. The second
effect of negative is cybercrime. Social media has a lot contents and now in social media very often
appear adds negative contents, porn, gambling, fraud, etc, is always there in social media.
Cybercrime is very dangerous for child's, as an example for kids which always playing social media
he looks anything in social media and the from of effects negative social media. ... Show more
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In daily life social media able to make other people to be a friendly and care with all people in the
surroundings. Today is a lots of applications social media make we us get to know other people in
the world. In social media we find a new friend and we can communication with other people in
social media. Social media is always update with the new technology to make be easy to
communication with other people. Social media has positive effects in daily life, with social media
we find and make a new job online shop, service providers, vlogger, blogger, etc is a job in social
media. This job make we can supplement additional income. Today there are so many people just
work in social media, because social media is one of them for job which has no risk big
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Bystander Effect : A Social And Psychological Phenomenon
The bystander effect is both a social and psychological phenomenon in which an individual's
inclination towards showing helping behaviours are minimised by the influence of other people.
Research has found that the more people acting as bystanders in a situation, the less likely it is that
helping behaviours will be demonstrated. However in the correct conditions, where conditioned cues
increase self–awareness, it is possible to reverse the bystander effect phenomenon. The bystander
effect is prevalent in everyday life, and often decorates the news, shocking the world, especially
when authority figures such as police men and women succumb to the effect. Diffusion of
responsibility, ignorance of others interpretation of an event and self–consciousness are all social
processes which appear to lead to social inhibition of helping behaviours and one of the main
theories of the bystander effect is provided Latané and Darley (1970) whose cognitive model
provides a series of decisions that can lead to social inhibition. The bystander effect is influenced by
the conditions an individual is in when an event occurs, for example the bystander effect appears to
be most dominant when an individual is in a group of strangers with low group cohesiveness.
The bystander effect affects human beings as a distinguishing feature of the species in comparison to
others is how important social aspects of human life is, as much of society is based around groups,
relationships, and
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The And Its Effect On Social Media
It is Friday night, yet I do not really think it matters what day it is, here in this room there is a
serious disconnect. This scene has played out in mostly the same way in at least a hundred different
occasions. It started out well meaning. The person I love sitting next to me. We try to have a
conversation. We try to connect. However, something always stands in the way. At night alone in
our bed, this problem does not exist. The cause of this drift is placed away gathering its needed life
source so that it may come between not only us but others we try to interact with on a daily basis. In
the middle of a conversation, at a table full of family or friends, at a lecture that you know you
should be listening to the draw becomes unbearable to resist. The smartphone and its instant access
to social media have placed a very tangible barrier within personal relationships. However, most do
not realize the isolation that is accruing in our everyday lives. The real loneliness, isolating, and
desperately need for face to face human interaction to keep our interpersonal sense of intimacy in
our everyday lives. We look for validation on our home pages and not what is really important with
the feelings and thoughts of the ones who stand before us. Henry David Thoreau the American
author and poet, wrote in Walden, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation". Upon
examining past and present society, a member of the general public can obviously see the truth in
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Social Network And Its Effects On The Media
Facebook Uncovered
Facebook has always strived on the belief that this social network is where users connect with not
just friends but with the expansive world around them. Recently in the last several years, some
Facebook users have been expose to a world that they were not prepared or intend to see. Gory
visuals of a sinister and graphic nature that document this reality of debauchery has become viral on
some user's news feed. Images and videos of dead bodies, bloody car accidents, mutilations and
animal cruelty are a fragment of what users were exposed to during the November 2011 gore–porn–
link spam attack (Sarachik 2011). Facebook was able to close the exploit with the help of
Facebook's own technician after being informed of the problem. Still images and videos depicting
real–life blood and gore still finds their way on Facebook, where they can potentially be seen by
hundreds of millions of users. Shortly after images of the execution of James Foley by the Islamic
State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) appeared online on Facebook, a safety advisor for the company calls
for the implementation of safety measures that would prevent users from accidentally accessing the
images (Kelion 2014). In recent years Facebook have been increasingly used by some users on the
social network to post graphic content and obscene pornographic material and the reason for this is
because the social network is not effectively regulating and monitoring the content. The reasons for
why Facebook needs
... Get more on ...

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Social Networking And Its Effects On Social Media

  • 1. Social Networking And Its Effects On Social Media Megan E. Garner Professor Seward Information Literacy ITE 119–41 30 March 2016 Social Networking Misfires With the development of advances in technology, communication through social networking has risen immensely. Communicating is not only less complicated, it is also relatively inexpensive. "Many teens in relationships view social media as a place where they can feel more connected with the daily events in there significant other's life, share emotional connections, and let their significant other know they care" (Lenhart, Anderson, and Smith). However, the ease of access to social networking has allowed many adolescents to become overly involved. Networking has the potential to influence adolescents both emotionally and physically which in turn may lead to negative behaviors. An article from stated, "The use of social networking sites is correlated with personality and brain disorders, such as the inability to have in– person conversations, a need for instant gratification, ADHD, and self–centered personalities, as well as addictive behaviors" ( Essentially, social networking has rising negative influences on teens because of increased cyber bullying, lack of respect for personal privacy, and its addictive qualities. Among cell phone calls, texting and social media sites, teens today have no problem interacting with each other virtually rather than interacting with each other on a personal setting. One article states,"Given that our brains are ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Effects of Social Media on a Business Social media has greatly changed the way people communicate and interact with one another. There are a variety of social media sites which are used worldwide, such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. This type of communications method is now being used by business in marketing their products. The fact that many people use social media to discuss their thoughts and views online, has caused business to alter their communications and marketing strategies to better fit the new mean of sending out messages. Social media is presently used in place of the "old–fashioned" marketing tools, such as TV, billboards, radio, etc. This new process which business use to convey messages and promote ideas or products has formed a collaboration with its ... Show more content on ... Electronic media brings people together, when businesses join in on this media they are now in– touch with their customers. They will be able to connect with their audience which will result in customer loyalty, which will give the business an upper hand over potential competitors (Varey, 1999). Organizations will need to incorporate social media tools into their marketing and communication strategies. Social media will shift the consumers views on the business because they will now be able to spot the degree of openness and responsiveness in the business (Schein, Wilson and Keelan, 2009). However, in her article How do the most successful companies use social media? (2010), Nora Barnes gives an opposing view on the use of social media by business. While in the short–run a business will gain a fast reputation, it will affect the business in the long–run. She argues that if a business is thought of as an "official" business with high ranking employers and maybe investors, then social media is not the correct marketing tool to be used as it shows a business as being vulnerable, and will not be thought of very highly by its high–ticketed consumers. Dury (2008) also furthers this argument by stating that marketing is different to social media and that the two should not be mixed. That it 'destroys social media 's foundations by ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Social Consequences : Dating And The Effects Of Social Media Dating used to be simpler before social media was involved. Before social media dating was typically restricted to schools. If a guy likes a girl he would ask her out on a date, as in actually going to a brick and mortar building. They got to know each other in person and actually had a real conversation. A person could go on dates and it did not have to mean anything until they were "going steady" or official boyfriend and girlfriend. Technology made the whole logistics of dating complicated now. Teens have the option of talking to people from surrounding towns and all across the states. When teens meet someone they have to go through a "talking" period that can last up to a year and consists of texting and Snapchatting to get to know a person. Then they can go on dates to see if they like the person in real life. Then they have to wait for someone to make the first move to ask them to be their girlfriend or boyfriend. Although social media was intended to bring people together and form communities, these apps have hurt family, friendly, and romantic relationships making people less social and more isolated. The traditional family roles and relationships are on the decline. According to Psychology Today, "When the working parent arrived home after work, his or her children were so immersed in technology that the parent was greeted only 30 percent of the time and was totally ignored 50 percent of the time." Children will text or email their parents instead of walking out ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Social Media And The Bystander Effect In April of 2017, a hardworking doctor was forced to leave and lugged off a plane for no apparent reason; soon after, a video of the incident was posted online, causing outrage throughout our media– enhanced world. A woman's hopeless cry for help was not enough, and although several passengers recorded the horrific episode, no one intervened nor did anyone help the passenger that had been treated so awfully. Technology gives us emotional and physical comfort, whether that be in expressing feelings or chiming in on a controversial current event, in an age where social media has an immense impact on our habits on and off the web; yet in reality, our phones, computers, and tablets are turning us into active bystanders allowing and perhaps even amplifying the bystander effect. The diffusion of responsibility is a poison that begins with cell phone usage and spreads to social media. Today, people are too reliant on technology and fail to comprehend that social media is not social activism. The Bystander Effect was first demonstrated by psychologists Bibb Latané and John Darley in 1968, four years after the brutal murder (encompassing thirty or more witnesses) of Kitty Genovese. It is a social phenomenon in which observers believe that someone else in a group will intervene and offer help to a victim in need (1). According to these psychologists, there are two important factors attributed to this phenomenon, social influence and a perceived diffusion of responsibility. Social ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Social Depression : The Psychological Effects Of Social... Once in a while, people tend to seek solitude and take a break from their rumbling social lives, but as the adage goes, too much of everything is poisonous. Past evidence from researchers has suggested that too much solitude can be unhealthy and the psychological effects of this can last a lifetime. In fact, social withdrawal is a common symptom for people who have anxiety problems. Causes of social withdrawal vary from person to another, and the causes can even be more than one. Because social relationships are an essential aspect of human life, the effects of social withdrawal have to be fully studied and understood. Researchers from Buffalo University, armed with past theory and research on the effects of social withdrawal conducted a study to investigate the relationship between three subtypes of social withdrawal namely shyness, avoidance, unsociability. They are related to Behavioral Approach System (BAS) and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). Behavioral Approach System acts as a regulatory tool on one's approach behaviors and desires while Behavioral Inhibition System regulates avoidant behaviors and desires. The researchers were also interested in whether these three withdrawal subtypes are uniquely related to different theoretically inclined outcomes during emerging adulthood. This developmental period has been a gray area for researchers, receiving very little empirical analysis from studies. Shyness is the type of withdrawal associated with people who withdraw ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Negative Effects Of Social Media And Its Effects On Society Effects of Social Media on Society Social media has taken the world by storm and completely changed the way human beings interact. In the current age of technology, social media has affected the way people communicate in drastic proportions. Advancements in media can be both purposeful or destructive; however, optimum power in this decision lies in the hands of the user. Many people use technology to connect with people from all around the world, but instead block out the friends and family around them. Even though some feel that social media helps build relationships, it actually makes people more socially isolated and disconnected from the outside world. One of the greatest downsides of social media is that it gives people a false reality. According to Olivia Hunt, writer of Sonoma State Star, social media provides tools that allow people to be perceived in the way they want, which creates false representation ("Social"). Teens are often found using "filters" to make their appearance more attractive or desirable. Constant alterations make it hard for people who "like" the altered photos to see the person who posted them for their true self. The article "More Social Connection Online Tied to Increasing Feelings of Isolation" states that people get a sense of false reality and envy when they see idealized pictures of friends and peers that may cause them to seem happier or more successful. Moreover, users of social media really only show the side of them that is joyful and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Media And Technology : The Negative Effects Of Technology... There are many different arguments you could make on whether having so much media and technology is more negative or more positive. In our society today, everything we do is based off of technology: we post everything we do, stay in touch with people over social sites and base our lives around the technology we have. Personally, my family and I just went on vacation and with everything we did we had to take pictures. And with these pictures, my dad posted them on Facebook, a social media site where he can share these pictures with all his friends. Without both social media and technology, no one would know what to do with their lives. This is what keeps us feeling connected but this is not a good thing. These technology based activities are overrunning our lives. The society finds it easier and prefers to talk over text than face to face. Despite how much technology influences our daily lives, overall it has a negative impact and influence on both teenagers and kids in a plethora of different ways. Technology is most harmful to kids, who spend numerous amount of time on different devices. Whether it's their own Ipad, their parent's phone or sitting and watching TV, it all has the same negative effect on children's brains. More specifically technology has a worse effect on infant's brains who has had no chance to develop and whose brains are easily influenced. As Christakis recalls, "The more TV children watched as infants, the more likely they were to have attentional ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Social Adety And Its Effects And Effects Of Social Anxiety SAD is a disorder that involves persistent anxiety of social and performance situations in which there is scrutiny by other people (Gilboa–Schechtman, Keshet, and Livne, 2017). Social anxiety can develop and become a problem when an individual is in a negative environment or put in an uncomfortable position. People who experience social anxiety tend to think that everyone is either staring at them or talking negatively about them. SAD starts to develop in childhood and can be reliably diagnosed in children as young as age 6 (Heimberg,et al., 2014). It is common for young children and adolescents to feel out of place and alone at times. These young children and adolescents are trying to learn who they are and how to fit in with others. During adolescent years people are introduced to communication skills and how to interact with the people around them. Social anxiety is a common disorder in many people and affects the overall quality of a person's life by impairing psychological, interpersonal, and professional functioning (Gilboa–Schechtman, et al., 2017). Regardless of age, having social anxiety can have a major impact with a persons' communication skills later on in their life. When people feel that they do not fit in with society they will eventually begin to isolate themselves from everything and everybody; this is where social anxiety starts to develop. A person who is affected by SAD will tend to have little to no social skills at all. A person will also compare their self–image with what the person believes are others' standards of social performance and this comparison triggers a self–conscious emotion, such as embarrassment and intensifies anxiety (Sadikaj, Moskowitz, and Russell, 2015). They will have a different outlook on themselves. People will see themselves as incompetent and will take the negative approach during or after their distressful situations. It is highly likely for children and adolescents who have undergone mistreatment or bullying to develop social anxiety. There are various lifestyle issues that are contributed to social anxiety, such as physical activity, poor social support, financial burdens, minimum school attendance, and reduced work schedule (Dahl, 2010). Blaming ones' ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Bystander Effect: Age-Old Social Culture The bystander effect is an age–old social practice that has existed outside of our social culture, and yet makes up so much of it. Inspiring shows like What Would You Do?, and teaching lessons of love and respect in several monotheistic religions across the globe, the bystander effect is as relevant as ever. The conflicting social rules we are raised with– to help others, and to also not make a scene in public– clash in this everyday dilemma. The bystander effect doesn't necessarily brand people "good" or "bad", but shows the power of mass influence and our instinctive herd–like behaviors our species still carries with us today. The Bystander Effect is essentially an infinite number of scenarios with the same theme– someone is in some form ... Show more content on ... Using four "victims", all portrayed by actors, each scene was individual, and received various responses. The first victim, an oblivious woman being silently robbed from her bag in a queue, or line, was a prime example. No one helped her, acknowledged her robber, or had the idea to tell her that something had been taken from her– the one witness even watched the thief walk away! For the second, third, and fourth victims, each were placed along a busy street, and timed to see when, if at all, anyone would approach them and offer aid. The first of the three, a male drunkard dressed professionally in a suit, was approached and catered to in about six minutes, with a slow collection of people gathering around, and eventually the police. The second, an unconscious female in more everyday wear, was at first treated with utmost indifference. Sprawled out along exposed stairs, not moving, she was watched, and passed by thirty–odd people before being properly acknowledged. One man sat several feet from her and read a newspaper, ignoring her entirely. Another woman passed her by, looking back and reluctantly going on her way, following society's rigid groupthink ideal that acting outside of the majority (those showing apathy to public dilemmas) are breaking the assumed rule that someone else, someone more prepared or knowledgeable, will step in and better the ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Negative Effects Of Social Media Social Media: Dealing With Loneliness Social media seem to play an imperative part of people's lives around the world. Sitting behind a computer communicating with cyber friends can be easy and fun but can weaken a person's verbal communication skills. The article "Why people use Social media, a uses gratifications approach" by Anita Whiting and David Williams explores how social media strengthens and weakens communication. They not only focus on the negative impacts on communication, because there are some positive impacts communication through on social media. A second article by Melinda Smith and Jeanne Segal, "Dealing with Loneliness and Shyness" states that other people are evaluating and judging people in social situations. As humans we are meant to be social creatures. Having friends makes us happier; in fact, being socially connected is key to our mental and emotional health. Many of us are shy and socially introverted. Some feel awkward around strangers, unsure of want to say, or worried about what others might think of us. This can cause people to avoid social situations, cutting themselves off from others, and gradually becoming isolated and lonely. Anita Whiting and David Williams article "Why People Use Social Media, Uses and Gratifications Approach" was published on 2013 in Qualitative Market Research. This focuses on the uses and gratifications theory, which has its roots in communications literature. The purpose ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Effects Of Social Media In The Workplace Social media has increasingly been on the rise for over the past 10 years, so has the concern on the effect of it being in the workplace. People are spending more and more time on social media and other communication technology (Walder). Because of this, researchers have begun to wonder what the effect will be in the workplace. The argument of social media in the workplace is on the rise, and will continue to grow as the Internet continues to transform the way people are spending their time (Carlson). In the past few years, social media has become a powerful influence as a new marketing tool. It is still relatively new, but it continues to be a part of marketing strategy for various industries. According to the article "Integrating Social Media into the Workplace: A Study of Shifting Technology Use Repertoires." By Walden, Justin, this study demonstrates that social media is used routinely, employees are distracted from tasks and threatens of personal privacy. The learning curve is still pretty high for most companies. Knowledge by professionals is through trial and error as social media marketing evolves more over time. There are many challenges businesses are faced with everyday plus managing the use of social media. It can be overwhelming and frustrating for companies understand this confusing network of navigating social media in the workplace. On the other hand, the article "Social Media Use in the Workplace: A Study of Dual Effects." by John Carlson of Baylor ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Effects of Technology on Social Relationships Essay As much as I regret to admit it, I'm attached to my phone. I'm constantly reaching into my pocket to check the time, make sure I haven't gotten a new update, or to send a message. I do this even when I'm not talking to anyone! It's become an addiction, having to make sure I'm not missing anything, and I'm not the only one who has this problem. Seventy–five percent of the world population has a cell phone, and that number will only increase. With the creation of new technology portions of life have become easier. Technology has changed the way we go through life. It's made talking to people easier, as well as keeping up with the lives of others. However, the effects have affected the aspects of our lives that don't include technology. ... Show more content on ... You're expected to keep it short and sweet, because most people just want to hear the point and move on. This is noticeable when you talk to people of different ages. The people who have grown up using technology keep their conversations quick and easy. There's no more explaining how your day was; you simply state an adjective to describe it and people accept that. We have become accustomed to reading about other people's thoughts in a hundred and forty characters or less. Carr mentions that reading short snippets on the internet have affected him in other ways, "When I mention my troubles with reading to friends and acquaintances–literary types, most of them–many say they're having similar experiences. The more they use the Web, the more they have to fight to stay focused on long pieces of writing." (Carr 14) People don't want to read the story of your day, but it's nice to know you had a good one. Technology has caused our attention span to shorten in all sides of our lives. Matt Richtel, another journalist agrees that focusing has become harder with the increase in the use of technology. He suggests the reason is because of how we obtain the information. "Scientists say juggling email, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say out ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Bystander Effect On Social Psychology General Aims: What is your general topic area? Inform the reader briefly of the overall topic and why it is of interest. The general topic area is about The Bystander Effect. John M.Darley and Bibb Latane research about the bystander effect based on the story of Kitty Genovese. Also known as individuals are less likely to help in a situation in the presence of others (Greitemeyer and Mugge, 201 p.116). When doing this literature research for the bystander effect, it discover that different types of emergency situations impact how individuals react. It was discover that the main focus was on the idea of feeling responsible for a situation and actions that occur as a result. The interest of learning about the different emotions of the ... Show more content on ... For this research, emotions was the main focus on the bystander effect theory. Shalom H. Schwartz and Avi Gottlieb (1980) found that the reactions of the participants could interfere with the decisions being made during any situation. (Schwartz and Gottlieb, 1968). This research was able to show that emotions do play a role in our decision making in any situations. Schwartz, S. H., & Gottlieb, A. (1980). Bystander anonymity and reactions to emergencies. Journal Of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 418–430. doi:10.1037/0022–3514.39.3.418 Latan, B. And Darley, J. M. Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, 10, 215–221. Hypothesis and Specific Aims: What idea does that research give you that you want to check out? In other words, state your hypothesis, including your theoretical IV and DV. It should be clear how this is different from what is already known. The hypothesis for this experiment was: Do our emotions specifically those of empathy or personal distress, interfere with our actions in a given situation? It was discovered that this question fit perfectly with the Bystander Effect Theory based on the idea that emotions could occur in any time of the day and still could affect one's decisions making during any situations. The independent variable for this experiment is emotions. The dependent variable for this experiment is whether or not the participants help. ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Negative Effects Of Social Media The Effects of Social Media on Social and Intellectual Growth The first thoughts that come to mind for many people regarding social media are quite unfavorable. Profiles on Facebook, tweets on Twitter, and photos on Instagram all tend to have a negative connotation because they are typically associated with isolation, narcissism, and mental illnesses. The impacts of social media are greatly determined by how a person uses it. While one person may lose themselves in the online world that social media creates, another may greatly benefit through meeting new people and learning about new topics, such as other cultures, political views, religions, etc., that can be introduced into their real lives outside of their online lives. Even though social media can be seen as a more disadvantageous contribution to society due to the loneliness and isolation it may cause, social media allows for a greater connection to the social and intellectual worlds. While social media provides a platform that amplifies social and intellectual isolation, it more importantly allows for people to connect to others and learn about different perspectives when used correctly. Social media can lead to feelings of loneliness and social isolation, but can also provide a sense of unity and support through online communities. There are many positives and negatives when it comes to social media. Many of those effects stem from user error. If a person truly wants to gain friendships online, some searching ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Harm Consequences Of Social Media And Its Effects On... There are 2.3 billion active social media users (Kit Smith 1). Meaning the majority of people go on social media every day. Social media is almost a part of every teen's life it's how they stay connected and meet up with people. But social media may be worse than what most people would think. It's leading to much worse things for teenagers that they won't see coming since social media is a huge part of their lives. Social media's negatives outweigh the positives because it's causing long–term consequences and impacts teen's mental and emotional health. Social media affects things long term because what you post, like, or repost on any site can be used against you in any way shape or form. The internet is forever even if someone deletes it, it never truly goes away. On the one hand, some argue that there are long–term consequences on teenagers that are not taken into consideration on social media. In an article by Michael Farrell a couple of teenagers ages 13, 16, and, 18 are on social media and he wants to know what effects social media can have. Basically, he asks the parents how they find time with their busy lives to be on social media and how it affects their lives. He takes that information and what was gathered is that since social media doesn't come with a guide so things can be abused or used wrong (Farrell). Overall the effects were mainly how now there are numerous places to access social media which leads to an increase in cyberbullying and thereby lowers teens ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Effects Of Media On Social Media Media is something that we use, see, and hear every day, whether we notice it or not. The media surrounds our society in many ways; through social media platforms, magazines, television, advertisements, etc. the media has been always around. The study of media and its effects on society is based on the belief that mass communication has effects on individuals, society, and culture (Perse). The media continues to become more and more relevant in our culture. Many people in our society today use the media daily. Also, there are many studies about social media and its effects on us. The media affects the way we view body image in a negative way. The media has affected people for many years. It has been around since people have been printing newspapers and broadcasting on the radio. Particularly, the media has an effect on youth and there are many studies and articles that research how the media affects youth. One example is, in the article, "Social Media and Body Image Concerns: Further Considerations and Broader Perspectives" written by Robert J. Williams and Lina A. Ricciardelli: Social media are the main form of mass media being used by the youth of today, and researchers in the U.S. and Australia have commenced studying how these may be affecting body image concerns. However, the processes underlying how social media may influence young people's body image appear to be no different from underlying other forms of mass media. Research is needed to more fully evaluate youth's experiences of online appearance culture and how this may foster both negative and positive peer interactions (Williams and Ricciardelli 389). This quote discusses how youth today is affected by the media and their body image. Media has a direct effect on body image because the media projects unrealistic body goals. This then can result in people developing anxiety or depression. Also, in some cases, people could develop eating disorders in order to look like how people in the media are broadcasted. The media has such a strong influence on people every day since we are always around it. In another article, it states, "Diana Vancura argues that the media emphasize appearance over talent, which negatively affects the body image ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Negative Effect On Social Media Society has come a long way with technology over the last few decades. Social media has become one of the most widely used technological advancements. Teenagers and young adults have become so dependent on social media, that many studies have shown an increase in feelings of loneliness, isolation, depression and anxiety, causing them to lack the knowledge and experience to function successfully in social situations. Personal interaction has decreased greatly with the increase in social media use. Our increasing communication through electronics has left many people starved for affection. People do not get hugs, laughs, smiles, tears or a shoulder to cry on like they used to (Reynolds). This leaves many people feeling unsatisfied. People are losing touch with the physical community and forgetting that the human element can not be replaced by technology (Warrell). They need more personal human interaction. The presence of multiple friends on social media can distract us from the companionship that face to face friends can provide. On line friends provide an illusion of friendships without the demands of intimacy (Price). Social media can allow people to hide online. Most teens say they would rather text than talk. This allows them a way to hide from each other. They say that a phone call is too revealing and that conversations do not give them enough control over what they want to say (Price). It is easier to text without having to make eye contact with ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Effect of Social Media Johnson & Wales University ScholarsArchive@JWU MBA Student Scholarship The Alan Shawn Feinstein Graduate School 11–1–2011 The Effects of Social Media on College Students Qingya Wang Johnson & Wales University – Providence, Wei Chen Johnson & Wales University – Providence Yu Liang Johnson & Wales University – Providence, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Education Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Repository Citation Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, "The Effects of Social Media on College Students" (2011). MBA Student Scholarship. Paper 5. This Research ... Show more content on ... Therefore, our research ascertains the relationship between the social media and students' study efficiency. 4 EFFECTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COLLEGE STUDENTS Statement of Problem To address the issue of the effectiveness of using social networking, the first question raised in this study is: for what purpose is the student utilizing social networking? Research on this topic will start to reveal social networking sites are simply part of how students interact with each other with no apparent impact on grades. Thus, the objective of this research is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of students' use of social networking for study. The main purpose of this research is to expand on previous research, explore the relationship between the effects of social networking and students' study efficiency, and to determine if social media interfering with students' academic lives. Research Questions: Which is the most popular social media site for students? What is the amount of time
  • 36. students spend utilizing social media in various academic processes? Review of the Literature College students have great interest in social media. For the purpose of this study, social media was defined as Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn (Martin, 2008). Although, providing a detailed perspective on social media use among university students and underscoring that such use can produce both ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Causes And Effects Of Social Media's Effects On Society Social Media Effects on the Society Social media is having a strong impact in our community, culture, and business. During the last several years technology has improved, making users of all ages affected by this universal source. The history of social media started in 1997 when the first social media site was launched allowing users to get in touch with friends. In 1999, was when social media became popular and started to develop its purpose. After a while, social media started to reflect negative changes on their user's life. As a result, addiction starts creating a loyalty bond toward this popular world escape. For example, 94% of teens go online daily this demonstrates how this innovation is controlling people's life behind a screen. Some people have the ability to control their emotions and are mentally prepared to face technological innovation, however, a huge percentage of the population seem to develop more issues throughout time. Social media destroy interpersonal communication skills, making face–to–face communication harder by creating all t. Social media has been a topic that parents, teachers, and psychologists had been concerned about. Since is having a huge impact on the current generation. For example, cyberbullying is one of the most popular accusation on the internet since more than half of the adolescents and teens have been victims of this form of teen violence that can harm young people live. Kids had developed a violence in their attitudes, their behavior had totally changed to worse. Violence in the media tends to put children at a risky position. For example, they tend to be less sensitive toward other pain, fear of what is around them can be higher than regular kids, and they become more aggressive and less understandable. Researchers had shown that kids who spend tons of hours on social media tend to be aggressive teenagers in the future. For example, teenagers who frequently use networking tend to develop more narcissistic inclination forgetting others' people feeling. Violence can change a kid's point of view and have a huge influence on what they might become in the future. The excess of violence on social media throughout time might become joyful to their views. That is some of ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Negative Effects Of Smartphones And Social Media In the world we live in today everyone is connected to one another through their smartphones and social media, Although this has had positive effect on the world i believe that the negative effects outweigh the positive effects. The extensive use of smartphones and social media have made it harder for students to gather and obtain information due to their dependence on technology to easily gather it for them. Studies have shown that the increased use of social media and smartphone have lead to mental health problem among teens. With everyone so worried about their facebooks and instagrams they haven't been able to learn how to properly socialize with other people. Smartphones and social media have negatively affected students ability to obtain information, alter their emotional stability, and negatively influence their social skills. Smartphones and social media have made gathering information difficult for people in living in the world because they rely on their smartphone and other technology to obtain the information the need for them. This has affected people's ability to read and absorb information from long articles or book where they actually have to take the time to read them. In his article Is Google Making Us Stupid? Nicholas Carr argues that the use of technology has made it harder for him to read books or other long articles stating " My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and i'd spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That's rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages" (Carr 314). This quote is talking about Nicholas Carr's inability to concentrate on long piece of writing like he used to be able too. Carr blames this on his use of technology stating "I think i know what's going on. For more than a decade now, i've been spending alot of time online, searching and surfing and sometimes adding to the great databases of the internet... Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes" (Carr 314). Nicholas Carr states this to put into perspective that technology is reducing the time and concentration it takes to research information the one ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. The Bystander Effect On Social Psychology General Aims: What is your general topic area? Inform the reader briefly of the overall topic and why it is of interest. The general topic area is about The Bystander Effect. John M.Darley and Bibb Latane research about the bystander effect based on the story of Kitty Genovese. Also known as individuals are less likely to help in a situation in the presence of others (Greitemeyer and Mugge, 201 p.116). When doing this literature research for the bystander effect, it discover that different types of emergency situations impact how individuals react. It was discovered that the main focus was on the idea of feeling responsible for a situation and actions that occur as a result. The interest of learning about the different emotions of the ... Show more content on ... For this research, emotions was the main focus on the bystander effect theory. Shalom H. Schwartz and Avi Gottlieb (1980) found that the reactions of the participants could interfere with the decisions being made during any situation. (Schwartz and Gottlieb, 1968). This research was able to show that emotions do play a role in our decision making in any situations. Schwartz, S. H., & Gottlieb, A. (1980). Bystander anonymity and reactions to emergencies. Journal Of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 418–430. doi:10.1037/0022–3514.39.3.418 Latan, B. And Darley, J. M. Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, 10, 215–221. Hypothesis and Specific Aims: What idea does that research give you that you want to check out? In other words, state your hypothesis, including your theoretical IV and DV. It should be clear how this is different from what is already known. The hypothesis for this experiment was: Do our emotions specifically those of empathy or personal distress, interfere with our actions in a given situation? It was discovered that this question fit perfectly with the Bystander Effect Theory based on the idea that emotions could occur in any time of the day and still could affect one's decisions making during any situations. The independent variable for this experiment is emotions. The dependent variable for this experiment is whether or not the participants help. Design ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Social Psychologists : Bystander Effect The term used by social psychologists – bystander effect or bystander apathy may answer the question what makes people to ignore others in need of help, and why? The bystander effect is a phenomenon in which people are less likely to assist another individual in an emergency situation when other individuals or bystanders are present (Schneider, Coutts, & Gruman, 2013). In theoretical and practical sense, bystander effect plays important role in understanding the helping behaviour help For the purpose of this essay the empirical evidence gained from the two recent studies that mostly rely on arousal–cost–reward model will be discussed and evaluated. The human behaviour in situation of emergency is also sometimes called the Genovese syndrome which emerged after a tragic death of Kitty Genovese. She was brutally murdered in 1964 on the streets of Queens in New York. Although thirty–eight of her neighbours witnessed or at least heard the cries for help, only one called the police. The New York Times newspaper published the story of the murder which initiated heated public discussions and became a topic of interest for psychologists (see appendix A). Consequently, the article prompted psychologists to produce a great number of studies on the subject to help explore: why people hesitate or do not help in an emergency situation, especially, if there are other people present. In order to explain the psychological reasons behind the phenomenon John Darley ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. The Effects Of Social Media On Teens What effects does social media have on on teens? After reading the book Mediated by Thomas de Zengotita I had realized the over the too use of social media, by teens today, social media is leading to unhealthy mental and physical side effects. It is important to publicly state these effects in order to alert parents of what is happening to their teen. Through reading several articles on the subject, I quickly found and examined these unfavorable side effects, by constantly using social media people are becoming more isolated, loosing interest in their education, relationships, and experiencing several other psychological issues. Social media has taken over our county. According a study done by Georgia State University in 2013 "around 50% of teens used social media sites the number grew dramatically from 25% in 2009." Social media has both good aspects and bad aspects, social media allows you to connect with friends and family across the world, social media gives you a chance to create stronger relationships and to build new relationships. However, the drawback from using social media is that it doesn 't allow teens to have the real human interaction that you get when you talk to someone face to face. In addition, using social media demonstrated to spread untruthful, and sometimes personal information. There are some discussions about social media actually being positive, speaking from personal experiences I can see the both positive or negative effects of social media in ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Social Movements And Its Effects Of Social Change Social change is the significant alteration over time of behavior patterns and culture. Basically its and change to a social process. Many sociologist are concerned with the effects of change but, you need to look at both sides of the argument all the time. Situations like these happen all the time globally. No society goes unchanged. Some societies may change at a slow rate but it happens and nobody notices until we go back and look at history. The change that occurs is natural so there is no reason for anybody to worry. Social change has a lot to do with social movements. Social movements are groups of people trying to change something in an established group or society. A huge social movement that happened in the past and is still happening is women's rights. The opportunities that men get are being offered to women, as they should be. Another movement is getting the medicine and foods needed in 3rd world countries. Before there were no programs or people getting involved that gave us the opportunity to help the less fortunate. The internet has a key role on how it effects the globe. The are many negative and positive things about it. Some negatives are that people might rely on it too much. You might always use it for GPS then when it comes time when your GPS doesn't work or something else happens to it then how are you going to get from point A to point B. Another problem is it's hurting the economy. Everybody is buying things online so small town shops are going out ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Social Effects Of Underage Drinking Introduction Alcohol when consumed by adults in moderation and in appropriate circumstances, may not have any permanent physical, mental or emotional effects. On the other hand, if alcohol is consumed underage, mixed with other drugs or drank in excess can cause many adverse effects impacting the entire body. I will be focusing on the impacts of underage drinking due to alcohol contributing to the 3 primary causes of death among teenagers: unintentional injuries, homicide and suicide (Australian Drug Foundation, 2017). Moreover, 78% of 14–17–year old's have tried alcohol at least once despite 18 being the legal drinking age. The reason alcohol is so common among teenagers is due to the social importance and integration alcohol has in Australian society. Relatives, teachers and parents alike drink in all circumstances: when they're sad, when they're happy and even when they're bored (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2017). These people are the most influential people in a teenager's life and by drinking so freely, they condition the next generation to follow in their footsteps and make any excuse to drink. I believe social exclusions and stunted learning, that underage drinking brings due to its physical, emotional, social and mental effects can lead to an undesirable future. During adolescence, relationships with family and friends as well as personal and educational development can define a person's future health; so by indulging in underage drinking you ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Bystander Revolution : How Social Media Shapes And... The Bystander Revolution: How Social Media Shapes and Reduces the Bystander Effect The purpose of this paper is to examine how social media affects and can affect the bystander effect, which is the idea that individuals will not offer help to victims when other people are present under the assumption that another person will help the victim. After examining the classic example of the bystander effect, examples of social media preventing or lessening the effect will be explored. These examples will highlight the role social media can play in diminishing the bystander effect and attempt to explain why it can help. The bystander effect was first observed by the media and social psychologists in 1964 through the case of Kitty Genovese, a 28–year old woman. On her way home from work, Genovese was stabbed multiple times over the course of 30 minutes. The murderer was able to leave the scene multiple times and come back to stab Genovese more. While this was happening, 38 people observed this from their window. Despite the number of people who viewed the incident, no one reported this incident was happening to the authorities. While this was written off as an effect from living in a large city by the media, psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané realized something else was occurring: the bystanders all realized that other people were watching and assumed that another person would report the incident. This caused social inhibition amongst all of the viewers which in ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Effects Of Cognitive Ability On Social Media Use The recruitment of participants shall come from the University aged population, 18–26. This aged will be chosen because they are living in an environment with a prevalence of technological apparatuses, and they are more likely to be engaged in the pursuit of further education at a post– secondary institution. In light of this, we will seek to gain a representative sample of this population. With this is mind, we will seek to gain participants through traditional and contemporary advertising, this includes asking for participants through print media, through email, and by phone, the entire process being randomized. The intent is to acquire a random sample that represents the population, both in demographic/socioeconomic terms and in terms ... Show more content on ... For example, participants shall be provided with a series of unrelated words, to review for a specific time period, and then asked to write down as many as they can remember. Tests like these have good test–retest reliability (Ma et al. 2017, 2). Also, it appears to measure working–memory. Turning now to social media, social media shall be operationalized as a user–oriented platform, for the purpose of this experiment we will be going to focus on the aforementioned popular social media platforms, but including time spent on social media outside of this domain. Suffice it to say, that if it looks like social media, it probably is. Finally, social media use will be determined by the random assignment of the participants to one of the three conditions. In order to provide accurate conditions, participants shall fist complete a questionnaire pertaining to their social media use, from this data we will take the average and make our manipulations from it. For example, if it is found that the average time spent on social media is two hours, we will have a low social media condition of one hour or less, and a high social media condition of three hours or more, the intent is to ensure our manipulations are realistic and large enough to determine if there is an effect. This questionnaire will be tested before the commencement of the study to ensure it has reliable test–retest reliability. Besides this, ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Effects of Social Media University of Trinidad and Tobago School for Studies in Learning Cognition and Education EDFN111B – Academic Reading, Writing and Research Student Name: Clifford Pierre Student ID: 57420 Assignment Due Date: 3rd April, 2012 Assignment: Argument Essay Instructor: Mrs. Andrews Topic: Effects of Social Media on Adolescents Thesis Statement: As with virtually any use of the internet, using social networks becomes a risk to adolescents more often than most realize. TOPIC | TOPIC SENTENCE | Privacy Issues | 1. Social media allows youths to share private information that can lead to exploitation and abuse. | Cyberbullying | 2. There are many reports of youths affected by cyberbullying – the relentless online teasing, ... Show more content on ... Granted, bullying is not new. But now rumors, gossip, and slander can travel much farther and infinitely faster. It often gets far nastier too. In some cases, cell phones with a built–in camera have been used to take rude and potentially embarrassing photographs and videos, perhaps in a school locker room or shower. These images have then been placed on the social networks and visible to any number of eager spectators. Research done by the Cyberbullying Research Centre argues that cyberbullying "can be more detrimental to youth because" of the easy accessibility of social networks, the helplessness of the victims and anonymity of the bullies (Hinduja & Patchin, 2009). Further highlighted by the research is the "strain, frustration, depression, and anxiety" experienced by the victims. Doubtless, this issue of cyberbullying is not the only risk adolescents are exposed to on social networks. On social networks, there is no regulation of material; consequently, youths are at risk of exposure to explicit material. Social networks allow youths to freely share images, videos and any type of information with each other. It also allows pedophiles, scam artists, bigots, and other unsavory characters to post vile and lurid material for the viewing of curious teens. One may recall an incident of a secondary school teacher sending nude photos of him groping ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Positive And Negative Effects Of Social Media Kayla Sheffield Philosophy Professor Wilson 11/22/2017 Negative Effect of Social Media When one thinks of social media one of the first things that comes to mind is an application such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr and many other applications that allow one to share information on the internet. So taking that into consideration one can deduce that social media is any application or website that allows one to share information about them or about other things on the worldwide web in real–time. Before social media people wrote letters, sent telegrams or used Morse code. Writing letters and use of Morse code is being applied in some parts sending telegrams was phased out. Social media came with the advent of the modern technological age at the turn of the century. It is with the birth of computers, the internet, and the modern phone that social media took off. Of course with the coming of social media, many ripple effects were felt. Some of the effects were positive. Case in point, information is shared instantaneously and in real–time across the whole globe. The world has been transformed into one global village because of social media. As all things have yin and yang, social media came with a number of side effects; effects that shall be espoused in this paper. One negative aspect is that social media is highly addictive. Use anything too much, and you are bound to get addicted to it. A study carried out at Nottingham Trent University showed that it is possible to speak of Facebook Addiction Disorder. It was classified as an addiction because there was significant neglect of personal life; that using social media or missing out on it was found to alter the mood of addicted users; chief of all is that the addicted of users tried to hide the addictive behavior. Just like all addictions, one does not think that one has a problem until one sees that one has a problem. As seen, the behaviors portrayed by people addicted to other things such as drugs have been exhibited by people who are addicted to social media. The study showed that people had a psychological sign of withdrawal when they stopped using the social media platforms and the internet at large. A study carried out by Swansea ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Negative Effects Of Social Media What is Social Media? As stated on, social media is "websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts". There are a huge variety of social media sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram, and YouTube. As our technology gets more and more advanced and new devices come out, social media itself is growing as well. Because of the growth of social media, our lives are being effected every single day by it. These effects in our lives are not all positive, but they are not all negative either. In today's world, social media has now started to affect our everyday lives. People no longer watch the news or read the ... Show more content on ... Certain news stations use websites like Facebook to live stream a press conference or police chase as it is happening, which is useful to people who will be traveling or who are trying to keep up to date, but don't have current access to a television. Social media also allows for the open expression of your views. This allows others to see your opinion and share their similar ideas with you, or even express their opposing views. Along with these positives, comes the negatives. If you go to a classroom and watch from the back, you'll notice how many students are using their cell phones when the professor isn't looking, or who are using it out in the open without any care. This not only causes a distraction for themselves, but to others as well. This is not the only time that social media can be causing a distraction either. While doing homework or studying, students tend to easily get bored. Their fix to this is to take a break and get on social media. While a break can be good occasionally after long periods of studying, sometimes, they may not return to their studying after picking up their phone. Social Media's Effect on Political Thinking There isn't really a part of our lives that social media doesn't at least touch. When it comes to politics, social media can have a huge effect. No matter how into politics someone is, social media sites can have a huge impact on a person's views about a specific candidate or member. Someone who can have no information at ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Negative Effects On Social Media Social media is used daily and we spend too much time on it. Truong (2017), a Health News Writer for Refinery29 has said, Teen females that spend just 30 minutes or more on social media daily have a negative view about their body image. The photos posted on social media are unrealistic and make females feel bad about themselves. Social media like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter puts a lot of pressure on young females to look perfect and if they do not then they are not attractive. Some female teens will start a diet and even develop an eating disorder to look like the females in the media. Females teens spend too much time on social media causing them to have a negative view about their body image and we need to help them have a positive view about their bodies. Social media has changed over the last few years and continues to change daily. Some popular social media tools like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram are constantly used every day for multiple hours at a time. According to Cummings (2017), a Lifestyles Staff Writer, "The average American teenager spends up to nine hours per day on social media" (para. 1). Some teenagers are addicted to their social media accounts and they do like to admit how time they spend on them and the effect it has on their health. Female teens feel the pressure of looking perfect like the women in social media every day. They feel like if they do not look like them then no male will like them. Some female teens will start a diet or change something about themselves to fit in with the rest of society. Female teens spend too much time on social media, which gives them a negative view about their body image. Method Sample and procedure Random female teens between the ages of 17–22 were asked if they wanted to fill out a survey about the effects of social media on female teens' body image. None of the female teens rejected to taking the survey. All twenty of these females are students at Missouri Western State University. The survey was handed out to random female teens and data was collected for a week. Materials The survey that consisted of ten questions and took less than five minutes to complete. The participants had to fill in the circle for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Social Effects Of Social Class And Effects On Well-Being Sally Chase Mr. Hyer English 100 MW 6PM Essay #1 10/21/2017 Social Class and the effects on our Well–Being The topic of social class is a discussion that is taboo in America especially when it is easier to believe that we live in a classless society where everyone has an equal opportunity, yet the reality is far from that. Social class can determine status, power and the things that people enjoy or lack in their daily lives. Class is related to almost every decision that we make such as the music we like, the clothes we wear and how we interact with one another. Social class is not just about the status of our careers, our wealth, the cars we drive or even the schools we attend, it goes beyond the surface, affecting our wellbeing, how we feel, think and act. The increasing gap between the rich and the poor has caused negative effects on our well–being, self–confidence, relationships, prejudice and stereotyping. The process of how social class is internalized directly effects our well–being and the success we experience in life. Psychology studies of class suggest that our environment, community, ideas, values and social interactions that we grew up in can shape how we perceive ourselves from an individually orientated view. Thus, social class is viewed as a continuum not as a clear difference among the upper, middle and lower class. The theory is that people who rank of higher socioeconomic status are more independently orientated while the people who rank in a lower status are more group–minded. The lower ranking people have access to less resources and opportunities which may cause them to believe that external forces, unforeseeable circumstances and powers beyond their control will have a greater effect on their lives. Therefore, they tend to depend, rely on and help others to achieve success. Whereas, the higher–ranking people of society enjoy a great social status with more resources, opportunities, large and safe living conditions, the ability to purchase expensive products, access to quality education and influential people which can lead to a more focused and independent self. Research suggests that social class effects the way we behave, think and feel. People tend to think about how they rank in ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Social Psychology : The Bystander Effect Each of us has the capacity to help others. Demonstrations of courage by everyday heroes are lauded, as they show the best of human nature. Unfortunately, human nature has its faults as well, and people fall victims to others when others seek to do harm; additionally, people fall victim to others when those around fail to act in preventing that harm. Social psychology research and experimentation have defined a "bystander effect." This describes how, when in the presence of many others, an individual will diffuse responsibility when seeing a potentially dangerous interaction occurring and will be less likely to intervene. Despite our intentions and self–serving biases, most of us are susceptible to the effect. Our vulnerability to the bystander effect is exhibited in this dramatic and disturbing video. The video depicts a young girl acting as a victim in a staged abduction by an older man while yelling "let go of me, you're not my dad!" Throughout the video, we see the girl's mother watching the reaction– and lack of reaction– of each of the passersby as they witnessed her daughter struggle in the man's grasp. Each time a person or group of people passes the actors, they merely look at the situation and keep on walking. The observing mother and producers were horrified by everyone's apparent lack of overt concern for the young girl until, finally, two men ran up to the actors and a third man drove by, all three of them with the intent to rescue the girl and stop the assailant. The producers and mother were relieved that it had become clear people were willing to step up in this situation; however, the experiment painted a bleak picture for human nature when faced with a perceived diffusion of personal responsibility. This video was chosen because it is particularly stunning in its conclusions and it is particularly horrifying for parents and caregivers. It exposes an uncomfortable truth: that even the most protected in our society are vulnerable to the effects of a dangerous world, full of potential bad actors. Parents do as much as they can for their children, up to and including teaching children self– defense mechanisms for situations such as those depicted in the video, but the reality is that parents are ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Discuss the Social Psychology of the Bystander Effect Discuss the Social Psychology of the Bystander Effect Name Grade Course Tutor's Name Date Introduction The bystander effect is a social psychological sensation that alludes to cases in which people don't offer any method for help to a victimized person when other individuals are available. The likelihood of assistance is contrarily identified with the amount of bystanders. At the end of the day, the more noteworthy the amount of bystanders, the more improbable it is that any of them will offer assistance. A few variables help to clarify why the bystander effect happens. These variables include: ambiguity, cohesiveness and diffusion of responsibility. The bystander effect was initially showed ... Show more content on ... At the point when understudies were working alone they perceived the smoke practically instantly (inside 5 seconds). In any case, understudies that were working in gatherings took longer (up to 20 seconds) to perceive the smoke. Latané and Darley guaranteed this sensation could be clarified by the social standard of what is considering courteous behaviour openly. In most western societies, amiability manages that it is wrong to without moving look around. This may show that an individual is meddling or discourteous. Accordingly, passers–by are more inclined to be hushing up about their consideration when around substantial gatherings than when alone. Individuals who are distant from everyone else are more prone to be aware of their surroundings and along these lines more inclined to recognize an individual in need of support. Interpret When a circumstance has been recognized, in place for a bystander to intercede they must translate the occurrence as a crisis. As per the rule of social impact, bystanders screen the responses of other individuals in a crisis circumstance to check whether others feel that it is important to mediate. On the off chance that it is resolved that others are not responding to the circumstances, bystanders will decipher the circumstances as not a crisis and won't intercede. This is a case of pluralistic lack of awareness or social proof. Alluding to the smoke test, despite the fact that understudies ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Negative Effects Of Social Media Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are commonly used among the younger generations, but can the excessive use of these apps cause mayhem? According to a new study conducted by the Family Technology Education Non–Profit Group, teenagers are spending nearly 9 hours a day on social media. The excessive use of social media is a bad influence on adolescents because of the negative impacts it has. Social media can cause direct impacts to the mental health, safety, and lives of its users. Teenagers need to ensure that they are being cautious and responsible while using different social media networks. Social media has many negative effects linked to teenagers today. Research has shown that social media has a harsh impact on the mental health of its users. This research suggests that social media can cause depression. Highly idealized representations of peers on social media may create elicit feelings of envy and the belief that others lead happier, more successful lives (Chowdhry). Although depression cannot be linked to one specific cause, there are many different factors that can contribute to it. With this being said, individuals will compare themselves negatively to others on social media because they believe other individuals sharing content are living better lives than they are. This will result in people feeling bad about themselves. Another impact social media has on mental health is that it is addictive. Although social media addiction is not a formal clinical diagnoses, it is reasonable to say that many people spend a lot of time on social media. Researchers have suggested that the excessive use of online social networking is particularly problematic to young people. It is claimed that those people who are addicted experience symptoms similar to those who suffer from addictions to substances and other behaviours. As stated above, although social media addiction is not classified as a formal clinical diagnoses, it has been compared to those who suffer from far more serious addictions. In addition to other impacts social media has on mental health, it can severely impact the self–esteem of those who are on social media platforms. Social media can have a negative effect on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Cositive And Cons And Positive Effects Of Social Media "The Social Media Effects" Today we are talking about of social media effects. Social media is a virtual world where we can participate directly and internationally. Every person must have and often use social media, social media can be whatsapp, instagram, line, path, facebook, blackberry message, wechat, Friendster etc. the effect of social media can be pro and con for the people. Here are the negative and positive effects of social media in today. First we will discuss of negative social media. Antisocial is effects from media social, where the people not respect with its surroundings and he has his own world. His always selfies, his not want to join with other people and create new world for himself. The second effect of negative is cybercrime. Social media has a lot contents and now in social media very often appear adds negative contents, porn, gambling, fraud, etc, is always there in social media. Cybercrime is very dangerous for child's, as an example for kids which always playing social media he looks anything in social media and the from of effects negative social media. ... Show more content on ... In daily life social media able to make other people to be a friendly and care with all people in the surroundings. Today is a lots of applications social media make we us get to know other people in the world. In social media we find a new friend and we can communication with other people in social media. Social media is always update with the new technology to make be easy to communication with other people. Social media has positive effects in daily life, with social media we find and make a new job online shop, service providers, vlogger, blogger, etc is a job in social media. This job make we can supplement additional income. Today there are so many people just work in social media, because social media is one of them for job which has no risk big ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Bystander Effect : A Social And Psychological Phenomenon The bystander effect is both a social and psychological phenomenon in which an individual's inclination towards showing helping behaviours are minimised by the influence of other people. Research has found that the more people acting as bystanders in a situation, the less likely it is that helping behaviours will be demonstrated. However in the correct conditions, where conditioned cues increase self–awareness, it is possible to reverse the bystander effect phenomenon. The bystander effect is prevalent in everyday life, and often decorates the news, shocking the world, especially when authority figures such as police men and women succumb to the effect. Diffusion of responsibility, ignorance of others interpretation of an event and self–consciousness are all social processes which appear to lead to social inhibition of helping behaviours and one of the main theories of the bystander effect is provided Latané and Darley (1970) whose cognitive model provides a series of decisions that can lead to social inhibition. The bystander effect is influenced by the conditions an individual is in when an event occurs, for example the bystander effect appears to be most dominant when an individual is in a group of strangers with low group cohesiveness. FINISH The bystander effect affects human beings as a distinguishing feature of the species in comparison to others is how important social aspects of human life is, as much of society is based around groups, relationships, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The And Its Effect On Social Media It is Friday night, yet I do not really think it matters what day it is, here in this room there is a serious disconnect. This scene has played out in mostly the same way in at least a hundred different occasions. It started out well meaning. The person I love sitting next to me. We try to have a conversation. We try to connect. However, something always stands in the way. At night alone in our bed, this problem does not exist. The cause of this drift is placed away gathering its needed life source so that it may come between not only us but others we try to interact with on a daily basis. In the middle of a conversation, at a table full of family or friends, at a lecture that you know you should be listening to the draw becomes unbearable to resist. The smartphone and its instant access to social media have placed a very tangible barrier within personal relationships. However, most do not realize the isolation that is accruing in our everyday lives. The real loneliness, isolating, and desperately need for face to face human interaction to keep our interpersonal sense of intimacy in our everyday lives. We look for validation on our home pages and not what is really important with the feelings and thoughts of the ones who stand before us. Henry David Thoreau the American author and poet, wrote in Walden, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation". Upon examining past and present society, a member of the general public can obviously see the truth in this ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Social Network And Its Effects On The Media Facebook Uncovered Facebook has always strived on the belief that this social network is where users connect with not just friends but with the expansive world around them. Recently in the last several years, some Facebook users have been expose to a world that they were not prepared or intend to see. Gory visuals of a sinister and graphic nature that document this reality of debauchery has become viral on some user's news feed. Images and videos of dead bodies, bloody car accidents, mutilations and animal cruelty are a fragment of what users were exposed to during the November 2011 gore–porn– link spam attack (Sarachik 2011). Facebook was able to close the exploit with the help of Facebook's own technician after being informed of the problem. Still images and videos depicting real–life blood and gore still finds their way on Facebook, where they can potentially be seen by hundreds of millions of users. Shortly after images of the execution of James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) appeared online on Facebook, a safety advisor for the company calls for the implementation of safety measures that would prevent users from accidentally accessing the images (Kelion 2014). In recent years Facebook have been increasingly used by some users on the social network to post graphic content and obscene pornographic material and the reason for this is because the social network is not effectively regulating and monitoring the content. The reasons for why Facebook needs ... Get more on ...