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Social Media for Marketing: 
An Analysis of Engagement 
and User Behavior 
j e f f r e y b a r d z e l l , p h . d . • s h a owe n b a r d z e l l , p h . d . • t y l e r p a c e
Social media is a broadly used term that includes a wide range of techniques and tools 
for leveraging and supporting the sharing of information among people. Internet 
enabled tools are the locus for social media activity as they provide low-cost access 
to many people allowing for a new wave of targeted advertising to develop. As social 
media continues to grow at a near exponential rate, marketers and researchers alike 
are becoming increasingly interested in the practices of the users who help shape the 
content at highly participatory social media sites. is an exemplar site for 
user participation in social media and is the focus of this report. Understanding the 
behavior of users will help marketers to better represent and promote their 
material on as well as provide insights into the practices of social media 
users in general. 
In this report, we present an analysis of user engagement with social media via Viewer engagement was measured with OTOinsight’s Quantemo™ neuro-marketing 
research system. Quantemo™ utilizes a multi-modal approach that combines 
self-report, physiological and neurological data to holistically and reliably measure user 
engagement with digital media. Analyzing the results from the Quantemo™ sources, 
we present a set of four insights concerning how users engage with social media and 
how the cues in social media systems positively inform user behavior. 
1. Users Seek Tailored News Experience and Not “Mass Media” Stories 
2. Story Headlines Are the Chief Determinant of Digg Behavior 
3. Short, Direct, and Branded Headlines Dominate 
4. Positive Engagement Scores Associated with Desirable Digg Behavior 
e x e c u t i v e summ a r y : : 
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 1
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 2 
i n t r o d u c t i o n : : 
social media 
Social media is a broadly used term that includes a wide range of techniques and tools 
for leveraging and supporting the sharing of information among people. Internet enabled 
tools are the locus for social media activity as they provide low-cost access to many people 
allowing for a new wave of targeted messaging to develop. Many consider social media to 
be a significant divergence for mass media which is traditionally controlled by corporate 
interests. The inherent expense of participating in traditional media (television, print, radio) 
prevents the average consumer or small, niche business from fully leveraging the media. 
However, social media with cheap and distributed tools enables anyone to participate in the 
dissemination and discussion of information (marketing related or otherwise). 
Table 1 offers a breakdown of social media systems. It is not exhaustive by any means— 
social media tends to reinvent itself on a regular basis—but the list does provide concrete 
examples of popular social media systems used at the time of this report’s development. 
table 1: Examples of social media platforms. 
Social Media Em phasis P latform Type Example 
Communication Blogs, Microblogs WordPress, Twitter 
Collaboration Wikis, Social Bookmarking Wikipedia, Delicious 
Multimedia Video, Photo YouTube, Flickr
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 3 
Launched in December 2004, is one of the oldest and most successful social 
media platforms (Figure 1). facilitates the social promotion of “news” via the 
Internet. News is broadly interpreted on to include essentially anything that can 
be linked to Pictures, videos, technical reports, blog posts, corporate websites, 
almost anything and everything can serve as acceptable and desirable news on 
The diversity of content on makes it a very broad-based social media system, 
which covers several of the platform types listed in Table 1. 
figure 1: Screenshot of
The essential activity on is the submission and propagation of stories. Any user 
can submit a story to by providing a URL, headline and description. New stories 
are then added to the “upcoming” pages on where users can browse through 
and vote, or “digg,” stories they believe belong on and should be seen by other 
users. As a story accumulates “diggs” (votes), it rises towards the top of the “upcoming” 
page and eventually transfers to the “main” page of Main page content is seen 
as the premier content of which has been vetted by the larger 
community and deemed worthy of viewing by all users. It is worth noting that 
the specific mechanics by which a story is elevated from upcoming to main page are not 
public knowledge so as to prevent some users from “gaming” the system to harmfully 
promote their own content. is one of the most broadly trafficked social media sites on the Internet with 
about 50% of traffic coming from outside the US [DIGG]. Additionally, is the 
33rd most trafficked site on the Internet and receives substantially more traffic than its 
closest competitors, Delicious and Reddit [COMPETE]. Table 2 provides a breakdown of 
traffic of Digg, Delicious and Reddit. Even though Delicious is experiencing a phenomenal 
period of growth, has a traffic margin of over 20 million unique monthly visitors. 
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 4 
table 2: Traffic data for and its peers. 
Social News Site Unique Visitors (Monthly) Yearly Growth 
Digg 22,810,196 44% 
Delicious 1 ,595,342 10,505% 
Reddit 2 ,833,135 105%
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 5 
As social media continue to grow at a near exponential rate, marketers and researchers 
alike are becoming increasingly interested in the practices of the users who help shape 
the content at highly participatory social media sites. is an exemplar site for 
user participation in social media and is the focus of this report. Understanding the 
behavior of users will help marketers to better represent and promote their 
material on as well as provide insights into the practices of social media users 
in general. 
OTOinsight’s Quantemo™ system serves as the foundation of this multipart study on social 
media practices. Quantemo™ allows for the simultaneous capture of multiple biophysical 
responses (breath rate, galvanic skin response, heart rate) in addition to eye tracking 
information. After recording the biophysical measures, Quantemo™ combines all of the 
measures into a single, representative measure of physiological engagement. The 
Quantemo™ Physiological Index or QPI serves as a single point of reference of the overall 
level of physical engagement (or disengagement) exhibited by a research participant. 
Positive QPI scores represent stronger physiological engagement while negative QPI 
scores represent weaker physiological engagement. Analysis of eye tracking footage, 
QPI and interrogative data provide the basis for the insights put forth in this report. 
Specifically, this study asked users of varying levels of experience 
to visit on a control account and browse through the first three pages of the 
most popular/main page content. Users were encouraged to browse, digg and bury 
stories as they would during one of their regular sessions at After completing 
their sessions, participants engaged in a debriefing interview with researchers 
in which their practices were discussed using events from their session as 
stimulants for questions. 
Seven individuals participated in the study. The average age of participants is 28 with 
1 female and 6 male participants. On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) experience with, 
participants reported an average of 4. Finally, participants in this study visit an 
average of two times per day and have been members of the community for 
more than one year.
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 6 
In the following sections, we summarize the findings from this study under the headings 
of the primary insights derived from analysis of the QPI, eye tracking and interview data. 
Insight 1: Users Seek Tailored News Experiences and Not “Mass Media” Stories 
Every participant in the study commented that they enjoyed very specific categories of content. Whether it was news about current events, video games, lifestyles, 
etc., users are looking for stories which specifically appeal to them and not a 
broad spectrum of news representative of the structure of traditional media network 
sites like or Additionally, participants expressed that they 
expected the system to “automatically” present them with the tailored news 
experience they desire. 
Participants identified two methods that create the tailored news experience provided by First, participants shared a universal belief in the ability of the computer-based 
story promotion system to properly filter “good” stories to wider audiences and to remove 
“bad” stories from the system. Our previous research on Emotion, Engagement 
and Internet Video identified a similarly steadfast belief in the capability of computer-based 
systems to successfully filter and recommend Internet videos. Similar to our research 
on Internet video, participants in the study noted a lack of trust in their fellow users to always filter stories correctly. Instead, participants believe that the 
computer-based system will compensate for the errors of their peer human users. 
Regardless of how stories were delivered to participants, they were expected to be 
tailored to the interests of user. In other words, users desire “context sensitive” 
stories that appeal directly to the desires and interests (“context”) of the individual user 
and not a more general demographic. Insight 3 highlights an important method through 
which users facilitate the promotion of contextually appropriate stories 
through the system.
Insight 2: Story Headlines Are the Chief Determinant of Digg Behavior 
All stories on are composed of four primary components: headline, description, 
image and the “digg button” which both displays the current number of diggs for a story 
as well as serving as the interface element through which users digg a story (Figure 2). 
The system limits the amount of text that can be used for the headline 
and description (350 characters) fields. Additionally, only one image may be selected 
from a story’s content page to represent that story on During the course of 
this study, we identified 73 pairs of headlines, descriptions, images and digg buttons 
with sufficient eye tracking data for analysis. For this study, participants were shown 
their eye tracking data and assisted the researchers with the interpretation of 
their eye movement and behavior. 
Our analysis reveals that the digg button and the number of diggs associated with each 
study are the least important criteria for viewing or promoting content. Only in the rare 
cases where the number of diggs reaches an extreme high (4000+) did users consider 
it to be a valuable criteria. For the vast majority of stories, participants spent no time 
considering the current number of diggs. Additionally, the image component, while 
regularly viewed, was considered to be of minimal value by all participants when 
evaluating content. 
digg bu tton Headline Description image 
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 7 
figure 2
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 8 
Headlines and descriptions were more important to users and commanded much more 
of their eye tracking time. Interesting, headlines and descriptions were almost equal in the 
amount of viewing time received. Descriptions and headlines were similar (p > .05) in all 
measures of eye tracking calculated for this study. Figures 3 and 4 depict heat maps and 
gaze plots of digg activity while Table 3 outlines the eye tracking results for headlines 
and descriptions. 
figure3: Heatmap of a Digg page. 
figure 4: Gaze plot of a page.
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 9 
The most compelling part of the eye tracking data is the fact that they are so similar 
considering how descriptions contain much more textual content than headlines. All 
participants spent dramatically more time looking at each headline word compared to 
each description word. Participant self-reports upon viewing their eye tracking data 
confirmed the claim that headlines were the single most important factor for influencing 
their behavior. Additionally, participants identified the critical role of headlines 
in setting expectations for the associated content. If expectations were set too low, users 
avoid the content. However, if expectations are set too high then the disappointment in 
the content makes it unlikely the user will digg submission. Insight 3 offers a detailed 
analysis of headlines with recommendations for maximizing the effectiveness 
of headlines for the promotion of content via 
Insight 3: Short, Direct, and Branded Headlines Dominate 
As noted in Insight 2, headlines are the single most important factor for influencing 
user behavior on The importance of headlines on has not gone 
unnoticed by the larger community and a complex and nuanced use of 
headlines has developed on For this study, we analyzed the headlines of 
all 91 stories dugg by our participants. Open-ended analysis of the headlines led to 
the creation of a set of six heuristics which were then used for further analysis of the 
91 dugg headlines. Headline heuristics were developed along two dimensions: 
categorical and descriptive. Categorical heuristics (Table 4) represent the rhetorical 
structure of the headline. Descriptive heuristics (Table 5) represent the type of 
content emphasized in the headline. 
table 3: Analysis of eye tracking data from 
Measu re Description Headline 
Avg. Fixation Coun t 4.78 4.96 
Avg. Gaze Time 913.59ms 1146.08ms 
Avg. Fixation Du ration 179.19ms 230.61ms
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 10 
Even though the heuristics were not intended to be exclusive of each other as headlines 
might overlap in their structure or content, no single headline was simultaneously a list, 
question and/or statement. headlines are clearly delineated along their categorical 
heuristics. The stark clarity of the rhetorical structure of headlines reinforces the 
fact that users are constantly looking for ways to reduce the effort required 
to read and interpret headlines. Conforming to the primary rhetorical categories of lists, 
questions and statements facilitates quick headline consumption by users. 
Conversely, multiple descriptive heuristics were regularly identified within single headlines. 
For example, a headline might be structured as a question, contain a branded quote and 
identify the linked media. For example, a headline might read “What did Google say about 
the Android phone platform?.” The headline conforms to the categorical heuristic of a 
“question,” includes the brands Google and Android, and identifies that the story links to an 
image. Headlines with complex uses of descriptive heuristics are very common on 
and do not need to be strayed from by marketers when submitting content. 
table 4: Categorical heuristics used to analyze dugg headlines. 
Heuristic Description Example 
List Headline suggests content in list form. 
Question Headline written as a question. 
Statement Headline written as a statement. 
“8 CSS Techniques for Charting Data” 
“The 10 Greatest Movie Summers in History” 
“Best school name ever?” 
“What Sex Is Your Brain?” 
“I am an Honest Business Man” 
“Brain Freeze” 
table 5: Descriptive heuristics used to analyze dugg headlines. 
Heuristic Description Example 
Identify Headline identifies content type. 
“Higher! Higher! [PIC ]” 
“Results may vary … [COMIC ]” 
“Building the ‘Big Bang Machine’” 
“MIT Tool Aims to ‘Cut Airline Delays’” 
“Google Censorship” 
“Microsoft calling up Gurus to take on 
Apple’s Geniuses” 
Headline contains a direct quote 
from linked story. 
Headline contains an official 
brand name.
Copyright © 2009, One to One Interactive 11 
Statement headlines were the most common, followed much less frequently by questions 
and lists. Brands were frequently mentioned in headlines, though few quotes were used. 
These findings suggest that users are both interested and accepting of news 
about popular brands and prefer to have their news delivered in a direct manner (state-ment) 
which, as many participants put it, reveals the “gist” of the story upon a quick 
reading. Headlines requiring more effort from the user (question, list) are less frequently 
dugg. Table 6 lists the complete results of the heuristic analysis. 
In addition to the heuristic analysis of headlines, we analyzed the number 
of words per headline. As previously stated, allows for up to 60 characters 
(approximately 10 words) per headline. The average headline length for the 91 dugg 
headlines in this study was 7 words. Comparing the number of words in a headline with 
the number of diggs revealed a negative relationship (r = -.348, p < .001) among the two 
criteria. In other words, stories with fewer words in the headline were more likely to have 
more diggs than stories with more words in the headline. Table 8 provides a breakdown 
of headline length and average number of diggs. 
table 6: Breakdown of heuristic categories of dugg headlines. 
Heuristic % of Dugg Stories 
List 9 
Question 14 
Statement 79 
Identify 14 
Quote 4 
Branded 45 
Headline Length Average # Diggs 
5 2213 
7 2025 
10 1187 
table 7: Headline length and number of diggs.
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 12 
Our analysis of headlines suggest users prefer short, direct and 
revealing headlines. Underestimating the importance of headlines on almost 
guarantees the failure of your submission. As one participant, a very successful 
user and web development blogger, stated “I spend almost as much time researching 
and writing my headline as I do my entire post!” 
Insight 4: Positive Engagement Scores Associated with Desirable Digg Behavior 
As previously mentioned, the Quantemo™ system measures a suite of physiological 
signals (heart rate, breath rate, body temperature, skin conductance) and combines 
those measures into a single measure of physiological engagement called the QPI or 
Quantemo™ Physiological Index. Positive QPI numbers reflect heightened physiological 
activity while a negative QPI represents depressed physiological activity. The QPI is useful 
in measuring engagement because heightened physiological activity is associated with 
positive emotional states while depressed physiological activity is associated with 
negative emotional states. 
For this study, QPI was calculated for each participant while they were engaged with the system (interactions with content sites were not consistent enough for valid 
QPI data). Participants were then separated into high (top 25%) and low QPI (bottom 
25%) groups. 
Separating participants into high and low QPI groups based on their interactivity with itself allows us to compare engagement with desirable social media outcomes 
(digging stories, viewing content). Table 8 provides a comparison of social media 
behavior in relation to high and low engagement scores. 
average QPI % Stories Dugg % Content Viewed 
High Eng agement 1.36 84 71 
Low Eng agement -1.72 28 13 
table 8: Average engagement scores for high and low QPI compared to social media behavior.
Participants in the high QPI group were more likely to digg stories, had a higher average 
gaze time, number of fixations and fixation duration. Consequently, participants in the low 
QPI group dugg fewer stories, had fewer fixations, lower fixation duration and gaze time. 
While these trends are not yet statistically significant (p < .1), they show promise for 
demonstrating a relationship between user engagement and desirable social media 
behaviors. As these trends suggest, the engagement level of the social media platform 
itself may impact the behaviors of users. Those who contribute to social media platforms 
should consider how their involvement (via the submission of content and crafting of 
headlines/descriptions) might heighten user engagement which in turn facilitates the 
creation and maintenance of a more desirable and receptive audience. 
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 13
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 14 
CONCL USION represents a “long tail” approach to marketing [ANDERSON]. As our study 
demonstrates, users intentionally seek out tailored, niche news experiences 
on While “mass media” styled stories can find success on, all of our 
participants felt that the real benefit of is filtering the niche story and turning it 
into a main stream (for headline. The careful crafting and interpretation of story 
headlines is the chief mechanism by which users develop their tailored news 
experience. Crafting proper headlines is no easy task, but marketers (much more so than 
the average users) are extremely experienced in crafting precise messages with 
limited space and should have no problem crafting successful headlines after 
understanding the expectations set forth by the community for story headlines. 
The insights discussed in this study offer some guidelines on how to maximize exposure on and generate interest a submission. Collectively, the insights in this report form 
two major pieces of advice for marketers submitting and monitoring stories on 
Headlines are the key to success. Without a contextual, direct and short 
headline users are much less likely to proceed to viewing the 
associated content. Including brands and branded messages in headlines 
is both acceptable and encouraged. users are not put off 
by marketing efforts, so long as those efforts conform to the general 
expectations of use outlined in this report. 
Marketers have some control over how engaging the experience 
is to visitors via the comment section associated with each story submission. 
An active comment section on a story page increased engagement 
for all participants and was a key indicator for digging or viewing a story. 
Marketers are encouraged to participate in the comments on their own submissions in order to promote activity regarding the story. 
This study represents the first in a multipart series on social media. This study presents a 
developing association between engagement (as measured through the QPI) with social 
media systems and desirable social media behaviors (digging stories, viewing content, 
etc). Future work in this series will focus on the content itself and how engaging content 
influences social media decisions. Finally, the series will connect the two threads, system 
engagement and content engagement, to determine how exactly the two types of 
engagement interact with each other and inform user decisions on social media systems. 
Anderson, Chris. (2006). The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. 
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 15
amp lifying USER engagement 
New knowledge about human behavior brought to light by social and neuroscience 
has fundamentally called into question the old mental models of how advertising 
and marketing work. Gone is the notion that consumers make decisions in a 
linear think-feel-do way and behavior is guided by rational-only principles. Instead, 
memories, emotions, associations, and thoughts play a primary role in how 
individuals relate and ultimately engage with brands. 
OTOinsights is a primary research offering that is breaking new ground in neuro-marketing 
to offer clients advanced and scientific levels of insights into how their 
consumers engage with them across the landscape of new media channels. 
To learn more about OTOinsights, visit 
Comp lete One-To-One Solutions for Brands, Agencies, and Pub lishers 
OTOinsights is a One to One Interactive company. Established in 1997, One to One 
Interactive is the first enterprise to assemble a complete solution for brands, agencies, 
and publishers executing one-to-one marketing strategies. By bringing together one 
of the nation’s leading digital marketing agencies, the world’s most comprehensive 
portfolio of permission marketing platforms, unique performance-based social media 
networks, and cutting-edge neuromarketing research techniques, the companies 
of One to One Interactive build informed and creative customer/constituent strategies 
on the belief that digital media’s ability to enable engaging one-to-one dialogues is 
the future of marketing. 
To learn more about One to One Interactive, visit 
529 Main Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 
Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 16

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Social Media for Marketing: An Analysis of Engagement and User Behavior

  • 1. Social Media for Marketing: An Analysis of Engagement and User Behavior j e f f r e y b a r d z e l l , p h . d . • s h a owe n b a r d z e l l , p h . d . • t y l e r p a c e
  • 2. Social media is a broadly used term that includes a wide range of techniques and tools for leveraging and supporting the sharing of information among people. Internet enabled tools are the locus for social media activity as they provide low-cost access to many people allowing for a new wave of targeted advertising to develop. As social media continues to grow at a near exponential rate, marketers and researchers alike are becoming increasingly interested in the practices of the users who help shape the content at highly participatory social media sites. is an exemplar site for user participation in social media and is the focus of this report. Understanding the behavior of users will help marketers to better represent and promote their material on as well as provide insights into the practices of social media users in general. In this report, we present an analysis of user engagement with social media via Viewer engagement was measured with OTOinsight’s Quantemo™ neuro-marketing research system. Quantemo™ utilizes a multi-modal approach that combines self-report, physiological and neurological data to holistically and reliably measure user engagement with digital media. Analyzing the results from the Quantemo™ sources, we present a set of four insights concerning how users engage with social media and how the cues in social media systems positively inform user behavior. Insights 1. Users Seek Tailored News Experience and Not “Mass Media” Stories 2. Story Headlines Are the Chief Determinant of Digg Behavior 3. Short, Direct, and Branded Headlines Dominate 4. Positive Engagement Scores Associated with Desirable Digg Behavior e x e c u t i v e summ a r y : : Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 1
  • 3. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 2 i n t r o d u c t i o n : : social media Social media is a broadly used term that includes a wide range of techniques and tools for leveraging and supporting the sharing of information among people. Internet enabled tools are the locus for social media activity as they provide low-cost access to many people allowing for a new wave of targeted messaging to develop. Many consider social media to be a significant divergence for mass media which is traditionally controlled by corporate interests. The inherent expense of participating in traditional media (television, print, radio) prevents the average consumer or small, niche business from fully leveraging the media. However, social media with cheap and distributed tools enables anyone to participate in the dissemination and discussion of information (marketing related or otherwise). Table 1 offers a breakdown of social media systems. It is not exhaustive by any means— social media tends to reinvent itself on a regular basis—but the list does provide concrete examples of popular social media systems used at the time of this report’s development. table 1: Examples of social media platforms. Social Media Em phasis P latform Type Example Communication Blogs, Microblogs WordPress, Twitter Collaboration Wikis, Social Bookmarking Wikipedia, Delicious Multimedia Video, Photo YouTube, Flickr
  • 4. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 3 DIGG Launched in December 2004, is one of the oldest and most successful social media platforms (Figure 1). facilitates the social promotion of “news” via the Internet. News is broadly interpreted on to include essentially anything that can be linked to Pictures, videos, technical reports, blog posts, corporate websites, almost anything and everything can serve as acceptable and desirable news on The diversity of content on makes it a very broad-based social media system, which covers several of the platform types listed in Table 1. figure 1: Screenshot of
  • 5. The essential activity on is the submission and propagation of stories. Any user can submit a story to by providing a URL, headline and description. New stories are then added to the “upcoming” pages on where users can browse through and vote, or “digg,” stories they believe belong on and should be seen by other users. As a story accumulates “diggs” (votes), it rises towards the top of the “upcoming” page and eventually transfers to the “main” page of Main page content is seen as the premier content of which has been vetted by the larger community and deemed worthy of viewing by all users. It is worth noting that the specific mechanics by which a story is elevated from upcoming to main page are not public knowledge so as to prevent some users from “gaming” the system to harmfully promote their own content. is one of the most broadly trafficked social media sites on the Internet with about 50% of traffic coming from outside the US [DIGG]. Additionally, is the 33rd most trafficked site on the Internet and receives substantially more traffic than its closest competitors, Delicious and Reddit [COMPETE]. Table 2 provides a breakdown of traffic of Digg, Delicious and Reddit. Even though Delicious is experiencing a phenomenal period of growth, has a traffic margin of over 20 million unique monthly visitors. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 4 table 2: Traffic data for and its peers. Social News Site Unique Visitors (Monthly) Yearly Growth Digg 22,810,196 44% Delicious 1 ,595,342 10,505% Reddit 2 ,833,135 105%
  • 6. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 5 study As social media continue to grow at a near exponential rate, marketers and researchers alike are becoming increasingly interested in the practices of the users who help shape the content at highly participatory social media sites. is an exemplar site for user participation in social media and is the focus of this report. Understanding the behavior of users will help marketers to better represent and promote their material on as well as provide insights into the practices of social media users in general. OTOinsight’s Quantemo™ system serves as the foundation of this multipart study on social media practices. Quantemo™ allows for the simultaneous capture of multiple biophysical responses (breath rate, galvanic skin response, heart rate) in addition to eye tracking information. After recording the biophysical measures, Quantemo™ combines all of the measures into a single, representative measure of physiological engagement. The Quantemo™ Physiological Index or QPI serves as a single point of reference of the overall level of physical engagement (or disengagement) exhibited by a research participant. Positive QPI scores represent stronger physiological engagement while negative QPI scores represent weaker physiological engagement. Analysis of eye tracking footage, QPI and interrogative data provide the basis for the insights put forth in this report. Specifically, this study asked users of varying levels of experience to visit on a control account and browse through the first three pages of the most popular/main page content. Users were encouraged to browse, digg and bury stories as they would during one of their regular sessions at After completing their sessions, participants engaged in a debriefing interview with researchers in which their practices were discussed using events from their session as stimulants for questions. Seven individuals participated in the study. The average age of participants is 28 with 1 female and 6 male participants. On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) experience with, participants reported an average of 4. Finally, participants in this study visit an average of two times per day and have been members of the community for more than one year.
  • 7. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 6 insights In the following sections, we summarize the findings from this study under the headings of the primary insights derived from analysis of the QPI, eye tracking and interview data. Insight 1: Users Seek Tailored News Experiences and Not “Mass Media” Stories Every participant in the study commented that they enjoyed very specific categories of content. Whether it was news about current events, video games, lifestyles, etc., users are looking for stories which specifically appeal to them and not a broad spectrum of news representative of the structure of traditional media network sites like or Additionally, participants expressed that they expected the system to “automatically” present them with the tailored news experience they desire. Participants identified two methods that create the tailored news experience provided by First, participants shared a universal belief in the ability of the computer-based story promotion system to properly filter “good” stories to wider audiences and to remove “bad” stories from the system. Our previous research on Emotion, Engagement and Internet Video identified a similarly steadfast belief in the capability of computer-based systems to successfully filter and recommend Internet videos. Similar to our research on Internet video, participants in the study noted a lack of trust in their fellow users to always filter stories correctly. Instead, participants believe that the computer-based system will compensate for the errors of their peer human users. Regardless of how stories were delivered to participants, they were expected to be tailored to the interests of user. In other words, users desire “context sensitive” stories that appeal directly to the desires and interests (“context”) of the individual user and not a more general demographic. Insight 3 highlights an important method through which users facilitate the promotion of contextually appropriate stories through the system.
  • 8. Insight 2: Story Headlines Are the Chief Determinant of Digg Behavior All stories on are composed of four primary components: headline, description, image and the “digg button” which both displays the current number of diggs for a story as well as serving as the interface element through which users digg a story (Figure 2). The system limits the amount of text that can be used for the headline and description (350 characters) fields. Additionally, only one image may be selected from a story’s content page to represent that story on During the course of this study, we identified 73 pairs of headlines, descriptions, images and digg buttons with sufficient eye tracking data for analysis. For this study, participants were shown their eye tracking data and assisted the researchers with the interpretation of their eye movement and behavior. Our analysis reveals that the digg button and the number of diggs associated with each study are the least important criteria for viewing or promoting content. Only in the rare cases where the number of diggs reaches an extreme high (4000+) did users consider it to be a valuable criteria. For the vast majority of stories, participants spent no time considering the current number of diggs. Additionally, the image component, while regularly viewed, was considered to be of minimal value by all participants when evaluating content. digg bu tton Headline Description image Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 7 figure 2
  • 9. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 8 Headlines and descriptions were more important to users and commanded much more of their eye tracking time. Interesting, headlines and descriptions were almost equal in the amount of viewing time received. Descriptions and headlines were similar (p > .05) in all measures of eye tracking calculated for this study. Figures 3 and 4 depict heat maps and gaze plots of digg activity while Table 3 outlines the eye tracking results for headlines and descriptions. figure3: Heatmap of a Digg page. figure 4: Gaze plot of a page.
  • 10. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 9 The most compelling part of the eye tracking data is the fact that they are so similar considering how descriptions contain much more textual content than headlines. All participants spent dramatically more time looking at each headline word compared to each description word. Participant self-reports upon viewing their eye tracking data confirmed the claim that headlines were the single most important factor for influencing their behavior. Additionally, participants identified the critical role of headlines in setting expectations for the associated content. If expectations were set too low, users avoid the content. However, if expectations are set too high then the disappointment in the content makes it unlikely the user will digg submission. Insight 3 offers a detailed analysis of headlines with recommendations for maximizing the effectiveness of headlines for the promotion of content via Insight 3: Short, Direct, and Branded Headlines Dominate As noted in Insight 2, headlines are the single most important factor for influencing user behavior on The importance of headlines on has not gone unnoticed by the larger community and a complex and nuanced use of headlines has developed on For this study, we analyzed the headlines of all 91 stories dugg by our participants. Open-ended analysis of the headlines led to the creation of a set of six heuristics which were then used for further analysis of the 91 dugg headlines. Headline heuristics were developed along two dimensions: categorical and descriptive. Categorical heuristics (Table 4) represent the rhetorical structure of the headline. Descriptive heuristics (Table 5) represent the type of content emphasized in the headline. table 3: Analysis of eye tracking data from Measu re Description Headline Avg. Fixation Coun t 4.78 4.96 Avg. Gaze Time 913.59ms 1146.08ms Avg. Fixation Du ration 179.19ms 230.61ms
  • 11. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 10 Even though the heuristics were not intended to be exclusive of each other as headlines might overlap in their structure or content, no single headline was simultaneously a list, question and/or statement. headlines are clearly delineated along their categorical heuristics. The stark clarity of the rhetorical structure of headlines reinforces the fact that users are constantly looking for ways to reduce the effort required to read and interpret headlines. Conforming to the primary rhetorical categories of lists, questions and statements facilitates quick headline consumption by users. Conversely, multiple descriptive heuristics were regularly identified within single headlines. For example, a headline might be structured as a question, contain a branded quote and identify the linked media. For example, a headline might read “What did Google say about the Android phone platform?.” The headline conforms to the categorical heuristic of a “question,” includes the brands Google and Android, and identifies that the story links to an image. Headlines with complex uses of descriptive heuristics are very common on and do not need to be strayed from by marketers when submitting content. table 4: Categorical heuristics used to analyze dugg headlines. Heuristic Description Example List Headline suggests content in list form. Question Headline written as a question. Statement Headline written as a statement. “8 CSS Techniques for Charting Data” “The 10 Greatest Movie Summers in History” “Best school name ever?” “What Sex Is Your Brain?” “I am an Honest Business Man” “Brain Freeze” table 5: Descriptive heuristics used to analyze dugg headlines. Heuristic Description Example Identify Headline identifies content type. Quote Branded “Higher! Higher! [PIC ]” “Results may vary … [COMIC ]” “Building the ‘Big Bang Machine’” “MIT Tool Aims to ‘Cut Airline Delays’” “Google Censorship” “Microsoft calling up Gurus to take on Apple’s Geniuses” Headline contains a direct quote from linked story. Headline contains an official brand name.
  • 12. Copyright © 2009, One to One Interactive 11 Statement headlines were the most common, followed much less frequently by questions and lists. Brands were frequently mentioned in headlines, though few quotes were used. These findings suggest that users are both interested and accepting of news about popular brands and prefer to have their news delivered in a direct manner (state-ment) which, as many participants put it, reveals the “gist” of the story upon a quick reading. Headlines requiring more effort from the user (question, list) are less frequently dugg. Table 6 lists the complete results of the heuristic analysis. In addition to the heuristic analysis of headlines, we analyzed the number of words per headline. As previously stated, allows for up to 60 characters (approximately 10 words) per headline. The average headline length for the 91 dugg headlines in this study was 7 words. Comparing the number of words in a headline with the number of diggs revealed a negative relationship (r = -.348, p < .001) among the two criteria. In other words, stories with fewer words in the headline were more likely to have more diggs than stories with more words in the headline. Table 8 provides a breakdown of headline length and average number of diggs. table 6: Breakdown of heuristic categories of dugg headlines. Heuristic % of Dugg Stories List 9 Question 14 Statement 79 Identify 14 Quote 4 Branded 45 Headline Length Average # Diggs 5 2213 7 2025 10 1187 table 7: Headline length and number of diggs.
  • 13. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 12 Our analysis of headlines suggest users prefer short, direct and revealing headlines. Underestimating the importance of headlines on almost guarantees the failure of your submission. As one participant, a very successful user and web development blogger, stated “I spend almost as much time researching and writing my headline as I do my entire post!” Insight 4: Positive Engagement Scores Associated with Desirable Digg Behavior As previously mentioned, the Quantemo™ system measures a suite of physiological signals (heart rate, breath rate, body temperature, skin conductance) and combines those measures into a single measure of physiological engagement called the QPI or Quantemo™ Physiological Index. Positive QPI numbers reflect heightened physiological activity while a negative QPI represents depressed physiological activity. The QPI is useful in measuring engagement because heightened physiological activity is associated with positive emotional states while depressed physiological activity is associated with negative emotional states. For this study, QPI was calculated for each participant while they were engaged with the system (interactions with content sites were not consistent enough for valid QPI data). Participants were then separated into high (top 25%) and low QPI (bottom 25%) groups. Separating participants into high and low QPI groups based on their interactivity with itself allows us to compare engagement with desirable social media outcomes (digging stories, viewing content). Table 8 provides a comparison of social media behavior in relation to high and low engagement scores. average QPI % Stories Dugg % Content Viewed High Eng agement 1.36 84 71 Low Eng agement -1.72 28 13 table 8: Average engagement scores for high and low QPI compared to social media behavior.
  • 14. Participants in the high QPI group were more likely to digg stories, had a higher average gaze time, number of fixations and fixation duration. Consequently, participants in the low QPI group dugg fewer stories, had fewer fixations, lower fixation duration and gaze time. While these trends are not yet statistically significant (p < .1), they show promise for demonstrating a relationship between user engagement and desirable social media behaviors. As these trends suggest, the engagement level of the social media platform itself may impact the behaviors of users. Those who contribute to social media platforms should consider how their involvement (via the submission of content and crafting of headlines/descriptions) might heighten user engagement which in turn facilitates the creation and maintenance of a more desirable and receptive audience. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 13
  • 15. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 14 CONCL USION represents a “long tail” approach to marketing [ANDERSON]. As our study demonstrates, users intentionally seek out tailored, niche news experiences on While “mass media” styled stories can find success on, all of our participants felt that the real benefit of is filtering the niche story and turning it into a main stream (for headline. The careful crafting and interpretation of story headlines is the chief mechanism by which users develop their tailored news experience. Crafting proper headlines is no easy task, but marketers (much more so than the average users) are extremely experienced in crafting precise messages with limited space and should have no problem crafting successful headlines after understanding the expectations set forth by the community for story headlines. The insights discussed in this study offer some guidelines on how to maximize exposure on and generate interest a submission. Collectively, the insights in this report form two major pieces of advice for marketers submitting and monitoring stories on Headlines are the key to success. Without a contextual, direct and short headline users are much less likely to proceed to viewing the associated content. Including brands and branded messages in headlines is both acceptable and encouraged. users are not put off by marketing efforts, so long as those efforts conform to the general expectations of use outlined in this report. Marketers have some control over how engaging the experience is to visitors via the comment section associated with each story submission. An active comment section on a story page increased engagement for all participants and was a key indicator for digging or viewing a story. Marketers are encouraged to participate in the comments on their own submissions in order to promote activity regarding the story. This study represents the first in a multipart series on social media. This study presents a developing association between engagement (as measured through the QPI) with social media systems and desirable social media behaviors (digging stories, viewing content, etc). Future work in this series will focus on the content itself and how engaging content influences social media decisions. Finally, the series will connect the two threads, system engagement and content engagement, to determine how exactly the two types of engagement interact with each other and inform user decisions on social media systems. • •
  • 16. References Anderson, Chris. (2006). The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. Digg. Compete. Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 15
  • 17. amp lifying USER engagement New knowledge about human behavior brought to light by social and neuroscience has fundamentally called into question the old mental models of how advertising and marketing work. Gone is the notion that consumers make decisions in a linear think-feel-do way and behavior is guided by rational-only principles. Instead, memories, emotions, associations, and thoughts play a primary role in how individuals relate and ultimately engage with brands. OTOinsights is a primary research offering that is breaking new ground in neuro-marketing to offer clients advanced and scientific levels of insights into how their consumers engage with them across the landscape of new media channels. To learn more about OTOinsights, visit Comp lete One-To-One Solutions for Brands, Agencies, and Pub lishers OTOinsights is a One to One Interactive company. Established in 1997, One to One Interactive is the first enterprise to assemble a complete solution for brands, agencies, and publishers executing one-to-one marketing strategies. By bringing together one of the nation’s leading digital marketing agencies, the world’s most comprehensive portfolio of permission marketing platforms, unique performance-based social media networks, and cutting-edge neuromarketing research techniques, the companies of One to One Interactive build informed and creative customer/constituent strategies on the belief that digital media’s ability to enable engaging one-to-one dialogues is the future of marketing. To learn more about One to One Interactive, visit OTOinsights 529 Main Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 617.425.7300 Copyright © 2008, One to One Interactive 16