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Wahiba Chair, MBA
Social Media Review
For Hotel K108 in Doha, Qatar
#K108HotelDoha Social Media Review Report 2 | P a g e
In today’s social web, content marketing and social media are critical to build more brand awareness,
engagement, and influence, all of which have been proven to have a positive outcome on an
organization’s bottom line.
This is especially important for players in the hospitality and tourism industry (such as K108 Hotel) where
social media can be used strategically as an effective channel to:
 Respond to current and prospect guest inquiries (i.e. social customer service)
 Increase brand awareness and reach new relevant market segments and niches
 Turn “happy” guests into brand ambassadors, and address/turn “negative” feedback (if
applicable) into happy guests and positive experiences
 Reach out to online influencers (e.g. travel bloggers) to garner organic coverage
 Educate current and prospect hotel guests on the hotel’s unique experience, benefits, corporate
social responsibility etc.
 Leverage partners (e.g. charity partners) to create more online engagement via cross-promotions
 Announce special deals, promotions and events
 Support hiring efforts by promoting open positions
K108 Hotel that opened two years ago is the first boutique hotel in Doha that also donates 100% of its
proceeds to charity. The hotel has garnered excellent reviews on third party relevant authority sites such
as, Trip Advisor, and Expedia, and is looking to grow its social media presence and online
brand presence.
The purpose of this report is to review the current state of social media channels for K 108 Hotel, and
Yum Yum restaurant, and provide some recommendations for improving the online presence, and social
media reach, engagement, and influence moving forward.
Current Online Reach & Growth
K108 Hotel and Yum Yum restaurant have a presence in the following social channels:
Channel URL / Username # Followers/Fans
LinkedIn 187
Twitter 1336
Facebook 1175
YouTube 12 subscribers; 4586 views
Instagram @YumYumK108 55
Total Reach 2765
As of June 14th
, 2014 Social Media Review Report 3 | P a g e
Currently, the hotel has a good overall online reach. This can be improved organically through using
some of the recommendations below, and or through paid advertising in relevant channels if and as
The hotel’s Twitter channel has been growing steadily by 16% over the past six months.
Figure 1: Hotel K108 Growth in followers in Twitter (last 6 months; source: Twittercounter)
According to analytics platform Like Analyzer, the hotel’s average monthly “likes” growth rate is 5% (more
detailed stats can only be obtained by admin of the page).
Branding, Identity and Social Media Blueprint
It’s good that the hotel has secured consistent social trademarks across all channels and it should use
@K108HotelDoha consistently in all hotel signages, menus etc. to make it easy for hotel guests to
engage with the hotel’s social networks.
While Yum Yum restaurant is a part of the hotel experience, it
maintains its own unique brand which is currently conveyed
through the instagram account @YumYumK108
One thing to keep in mind is that while the hotel has multiple
online channels and profiles including on Trip Advisor,, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. it should try
to maintain a consistent voice and brand experience across all
“on” and “off” line touch points.
The “voice” of the hotel should be the same across all channels even if handled through multiple staff.
To help unify the “voice” of the hotel, it’s important to think about the hotel’s community values and
guiding principles which can be: Social Media Review Report 4 | P a g e
 Welcoming & friendly
 Appreciation; .e.g. showing appreciation to someone who shares content and or his/her
experience at the hotel
 Respect: Being respectful and mindful of feedback, even if it is negative
 High integrity
It’s important to note that “voice” should be consistent while “tone” will change depending on the context;
e.g. feeling happy, excited, sorry (if a guest shares a negative experience) etc.
Audience Overview
Below we briefly analyze the current online audience in relevant channels.
On Twitter, the majority of the followers are in the GCC countries, followed by Europe, which is consistent
with the hotel’s marketing strategy and profile of current guests. Below we analyze the current followers of
K108 hotel, and notice that the majority of the followers have 100-499 followers. By being more engaging,
K108 can try to attract not only followers who have more fans, but also those who have more “clout”. Social Media Review Report 5 | P a g e
Content Analysis & Recommendations
Content Strategy – Add value and don’t just post promotional content
We notice that currently K 108 is posting mostly promotional content around its own activities and
Content marketing is all about valuable content that engages and adds value to your audience. As a rule
of thumb, around 80% of the content should be non promotional and add value to the audience without
any specific call to action or promotions. Only 20% or less of the content should be promotional. This
should be at the heart of all content marketing efforts across all channels to ensure that the audience is
engaged and doesn’t tune out, and instead remains interested and enticed with the content and brand.
The focus of the content is to build relationships with key individuals and organizations over time.
Relationships online are built through consistent interactions and conversations around common topics.
In the world of social media, content is king. K108 Hotel requires a clear content strategy across all
channels. The macro content strategy should serve as a guide as to what content should be shared
across all channels, while the “micro” content strategy will help to define specific content
recommendations for each channel.
 Non promotional
o Events in and around Doha; e.g. sharing content from Qatar Happening, Qatar Living etc.
o Doha relevant business/cultural news; e.g. world cup, new airport launch etc.
o Helpful information about Ramadan; e.g. health tips on how to stay hydrated etc.
o Share news about the current charity partners of K108
o Questions; e.g. Do you have plans this weekend? Who do you think will win today’s
o Textual and visual quotes that tie back to the values/CSR of K108; e.g. “To be doing
good deeds is man's most glorious task.” (people like to share quotes)
 Promotional
o Deals or special promotions for the hotel rooms, restaurant etc.
o Special menus at Yum Yum e.g. for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc.
o Interesting tidbits or facts about K108 hotel and Yum Yum
 Did you know we donate 100% of our proceeds to charity?
 Did you know our meat is sourced locally and X% low in fat? Social Media Review Report 6 | P a g e
 Congratulations to the @YumYumK108 Chef who won…
o Events and conferences that happen in K108
Note some of this content can be scheduled ahead of time, and other content will have to be posted live.
Finding what best content “sticks” with the audience requires constant experimentation and refinement.
Content Format – Focus on images and visuals
For content on Twitter and Facebook, K 108 Hotel should focus as much as possible on images.
For instance, images of the food, architecture etc. Images tend to get more shares as they provide people
a ‘preview’ of the content and avoid having them go to an external link. As an example the picture on the
right is a lot more attractive and shareable than the picture on the left.
Content Frequency & Scheduling
The posting frequency depends on the channel, type of organization, number of followers the account
has, and marketing goals. For K108, for instance, we recommend the following posting schedule:
 Twitter: 5-10 tweets per day which include pre-scheduled content in addition to engagement
tweets; e.g. replies, re-sharing other people’s content etc. Note that we recommend that the
scheduled content be repeated twice per day since only a small percentage of followers view the
content at any time. And this also helps to optimize content management efforts.
 Facebook: One post per day or every other day
 Instagram: One post per day or every other day Social Media Review Report 7 | P a g e
Content Management: Discover, Curate, Schedule
With so much content online in this day and age, the process of curation makes it more efficient to find
and share interesting content without having to create it in the first place.
However, curation still takes a bit of time as it involves establishing relevant content sources, finding the
content in the content source, editing the content, and posting/distributing it over relevant social channels.
The easiest and quickest way to “curate” content is to find it directly in the channel; e.g. on Twitter,
Facebook by following relevant content sources and authority sites. On Facebook, we recommend that
K108 Hotels “likes” other pages that can be used as a source of content.
Pinterest, Stumble Upon, and are all examples of external sites that can be used to aid in the
curation process.
We recommend K108 Hotel schedules content on a monthly basis on Facebook and Twitter.
K108 Hotel can use Media Touch partner, HootSuite, the leading social media management dashboard
(used by over 8M users worldwide), to aid in the content scheduling and social media monitoring.
Content Inspiration – Learn from other hotels in the region
It is a good idea for K108 Hotel to take a look at similar hotels around the area that are doing well in
social media and gain inspiration for content; e.g. W Hotel Doha, Movenpick Tower etc. K 108 Hotel can
create a list of other hotels in the region and follow that list instead of following each individual hotel.
This is an example of a value add content in relation to Father’s Day by the W Hotel:
Engagement Level & Recommendations
The overall engagement level of K108 Hotel across all channels is good but can be improved through a
number of engagement tactics relevant to each channel.
Based on our current assessment and interactions with the hotel’s online brand channels (I.e. Twitter and
Instagram in particular), we find that the hotel has not been as responsive initially to the praise and
questions of hotel guests as it could have been, until this week.
By looking at the month of June, we notice of a peak of engagement in this period given our heavy and
consistent tweeting with the hotel. Social Media Review Report 8 | P a g e
K108 Hotel needs to be build on its most engaged contributors such as the ones below,
For instance, below are some tactics to improve engagement in every channel:
 Schedule content on a monthly basis using Hootsuite as mentioned above (Buffer also an option)
 Make time for “daily” engagement to check mentions and reply to every guest who says or posts
something, whether positive or negative
 Use relevant hashtags; e.g. #Doha, #Qatar, #Food to increase discoverability of the content
 Define a consistent hashtag for K108 hotel e.g. #K108HotelDoha across all channels and monitor
the hashtag as well (see section “Social Media Monitoring”) Social Media Review Report 9 | P a g e
 Create lists to organize target audiences; e.g. current hotel guests, partners, possible future hotel
guests, bloggers, media, competitors etc.
 Use social media monitoring to engage into conversations, meet new people and partners
 “Like” other related pages to have more sources of content to post directly from Facebook
 Engage with other pages e.g. Qatar Living etc. to increase visibility and reciprocity
 Ask people questions when posting something
 Use good filters to enhance the image content
 Monitor the hashtag people are using in Instagram e.g. #K108Hotel #YumYumK108 and reply to
every photo / like / comment (see below)
 Like other people’s photos by searching for relevant hashtags e.g. #Doha #Qatar to build more
Social Media Monitoring
We here by social media monitoring as the process of retrieving content and conversations relevant to
K108 Hotel. The most important aspect of social media monitoring lies in retrieving content that current
hotel and restaurant guests share without necessarily “tagging” @K108HotelDoha. They simply use the
name of the hotel or some hashtags. It’s as important to respond to these guests so they feel
acknowledged as well as become more familiar with the hotel’s proper tags.
For instance on Twitter we find the following content by searching for #K108Hotel and K108 hotel
On Instagram we find the following content using hashtag #K108Hotel (other hashtags used include
#yumyumK108). All of these posts even if they do not tag the hotel’s instagram account @YumYumK108 Social Media Review Report 10 | P a g e
At a very basic level, Twitter can be used for social media monitoring, but we recommend using Hootsuite
(mentioned above) as it allows the search by geo-tags and multiple keywords at once.
Creative & Graphics
K108 Hotel is such a beautiful hotel and Yum Yum has such wonderful food, which is not reflected in the
creative side of social media on Twitter and Facebook. The small avatar should be a nice picture of the
room (e.g. photo shoot) to reflect “boutique”.
The top banner could include a series of photos that highlight a guest’s experience including room and
food. The background should be more enticing with images than simply serve as a letterhead.
As a source to these creative assets can be existing guests’ images already online. Social Media Review Report 11 | P a g e
Online Influence
We use Klout, a standard tool to measure online influence. Klout uses numerous engagement metrics
across multiple channels to determine this score. A Klout score ranges between 0 and 100.
Currently the hotel’s Klout score is 41 – which could be improved to be at least higher than 50 (average). Social Media Review Report 12 | P a g e
As a benchmark, W Hotels have a Klout score of 65.
In addition to growing the hotel’s Klout score, it’s important to keep the topics that the hotel if influential on
consistent with the hotel’s marketing and content strategy. For instance Hotel K 108 should be influential
in the following key topics: Tourism, Hotels, Doha, charity etc.
Internal Digital Knowledge
Based on discussions with the hotel manager, facilities, IT, and front desk team, as well as Nicola,
manager at Yum Yum restaurant, we feel that the team could benefit from more training on strategic use
of social media and tools to support the day to day social media tasks and growth.
Other Recommendations
As mentioned above, since K 108 is a luxury boutique hotel, the level and experience of personal touch is
critical both on and off line and has to be consistent across all brand touch points.
Hotel Signages & Contest
For hotel guests who walk through the doors of the K 108 hotel, there is no clear indication of the social
media channels of the K108 hotel or an incentive for hotel guests to share their experience.
We recommend including a small signage with an iPad showing the current twitter feed on the reception
table, and having a similar signage in the restaurant and possibly in each room in the future.
The signage should not just list the social media icons and username and say “follow us”, but rather
provide an incentive and example for hotel guests to share their experience.
Below are rough ideas for the content of a signage with contest call to action:
“Share a photo while @K108HotelDoha on Twitter (and tag @K108HotelDoha)
and you could win a 1 night stay with continental breakfast!”
“Share your food @YumYumK108 on Instagram (make sure to tag
@YumYumK108!) with hashtag #YumYumK108 and you could win one business
lunch for you and a friend!” Social Media Review Report 13 | P a g e
This is an example of a current contest at Movenpick Hotel:
The idea here is to create a simple campaign that people can enter easily and that can be replicated over
time. A winner can be chosen quarterly or monthly depending on the actual entries and level of business
of the hotel. This can also tie back to the hotel’s promotional calendar.
Other channels
E-mail marketing can be good to do as well in the future to leverage the guests’ email addresses, but it
requires time to find the right content, set up the newsletter etc. It has to be done right or not at all.
We recommend that the hotel continues to create and distribute Youtube videos throughout other
channels but try to focus on specific themes; e.g. Mother’s Day etc. Here’s an example of a popular
Mother’s day video for the Fairmont in Vancouver that we used for a collaborative campaign with the
LinkedIn can be used as more of a corporate channel to engage partners, share news, and support hiring
and screening efforts.
Finally, in social media like anything else, the sky is the limit; however it’s more important to do
things right step by step than to rush into things.
Social media takes time. It has to be strategic and consistent to yield results, and it is ultimately
an investment in your brand.

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Social Media Audit - REAL example

  • 1. Wahiba Chair, MBA 6/15/2014 Social Media Review For Hotel K108 in Doha, Qatar #K108HotelDoha
  • 2. Social Media Review Report 2 | P a g e Introduction In today’s social web, content marketing and social media are critical to build more brand awareness, engagement, and influence, all of which have been proven to have a positive outcome on an organization’s bottom line. This is especially important for players in the hospitality and tourism industry (such as K108 Hotel) where social media can be used strategically as an effective channel to:  Respond to current and prospect guest inquiries (i.e. social customer service)  Increase brand awareness and reach new relevant market segments and niches  Turn “happy” guests into brand ambassadors, and address/turn “negative” feedback (if applicable) into happy guests and positive experiences  Reach out to online influencers (e.g. travel bloggers) to garner organic coverage  Educate current and prospect hotel guests on the hotel’s unique experience, benefits, corporate social responsibility etc.  Leverage partners (e.g. charity partners) to create more online engagement via cross-promotions  Announce special deals, promotions and events  Support hiring efforts by promoting open positions K108 Hotel that opened two years ago is the first boutique hotel in Doha that also donates 100% of its proceeds to charity. The hotel has garnered excellent reviews on third party relevant authority sites such as, Trip Advisor, and Expedia, and is looking to grow its social media presence and online brand presence. The purpose of this report is to review the current state of social media channels for K 108 Hotel, and Yum Yum restaurant, and provide some recommendations for improving the online presence, and social media reach, engagement, and influence moving forward. Current Online Reach & Growth K108 Hotel and Yum Yum restaurant have a presence in the following social channels: Channel URL / Username # Followers/Fans 1 LinkedIn 187 Twitter 1336 Facebook 1175 YouTube 12 subscribers; 4586 views Instagram @YumYumK108 55 Total Reach 2765 1 As of June 14th , 2014
  • 3. Social Media Review Report 3 | P a g e Currently, the hotel has a good overall online reach. This can be improved organically through using some of the recommendations below, and or through paid advertising in relevant channels if and as needed. The hotel’s Twitter channel has been growing steadily by 16% over the past six months. Figure 1: Hotel K108 Growth in followers in Twitter (last 6 months; source: Twittercounter) According to analytics platform Like Analyzer, the hotel’s average monthly “likes” growth rate is 5% (more detailed stats can only be obtained by admin of the page). Branding, Identity and Social Media Blueprint It’s good that the hotel has secured consistent social trademarks across all channels and it should use @K108HotelDoha consistently in all hotel signages, menus etc. to make it easy for hotel guests to engage with the hotel’s social networks. While Yum Yum restaurant is a part of the hotel experience, it maintains its own unique brand which is currently conveyed through the instagram account @YumYumK108 One thing to keep in mind is that while the hotel has multiple online channels and profiles including on Trip Advisor,, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. it should try to maintain a consistent voice and brand experience across all “on” and “off” line touch points. The “voice” of the hotel should be the same across all channels even if handled through multiple staff. To help unify the “voice” of the hotel, it’s important to think about the hotel’s community values and guiding principles which can be:
  • 4. Social Media Review Report 4 | P a g e  Welcoming & friendly  Appreciation; .e.g. showing appreciation to someone who shares content and or his/her experience at the hotel  Respect: Being respectful and mindful of feedback, even if it is negative  High integrity It’s important to note that “voice” should be consistent while “tone” will change depending on the context; e.g. feeling happy, excited, sorry (if a guest shares a negative experience) etc. Audience Overview Below we briefly analyze the current online audience in relevant channels. On Twitter, the majority of the followers are in the GCC countries, followed by Europe, which is consistent with the hotel’s marketing strategy and profile of current guests. Below we analyze the current followers of K108 hotel, and notice that the majority of the followers have 100-499 followers. By being more engaging, K108 can try to attract not only followers who have more fans, but also those who have more “clout”.
  • 5. Social Media Review Report 5 | P a g e Content Analysis & Recommendations Content Strategy – Add value and don’t just post promotional content We notice that currently K 108 is posting mostly promotional content around its own activities and features. Content marketing is all about valuable content that engages and adds value to your audience. As a rule of thumb, around 80% of the content should be non promotional and add value to the audience without any specific call to action or promotions. Only 20% or less of the content should be promotional. This should be at the heart of all content marketing efforts across all channels to ensure that the audience is engaged and doesn’t tune out, and instead remains interested and enticed with the content and brand. The focus of the content is to build relationships with key individuals and organizations over time. Relationships online are built through consistent interactions and conversations around common topics. In the world of social media, content is king. K108 Hotel requires a clear content strategy across all channels. The macro content strategy should serve as a guide as to what content should be shared across all channels, while the “micro” content strategy will help to define specific content recommendations for each channel.  Non promotional o Events in and around Doha; e.g. sharing content from Qatar Happening, Qatar Living etc. o Doha relevant business/cultural news; e.g. world cup, new airport launch etc. o Helpful information about Ramadan; e.g. health tips on how to stay hydrated etc. o Share news about the current charity partners of K108 o Questions; e.g. Do you have plans this weekend? Who do you think will win today’s game? o Textual and visual quotes that tie back to the values/CSR of K108; e.g. “To be doing good deeds is man's most glorious task.” (people like to share quotes)  Promotional o Deals or special promotions for the hotel rooms, restaurant etc. o Special menus at Yum Yum e.g. for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc. o Interesting tidbits or facts about K108 hotel and Yum Yum  Did you know we donate 100% of our proceeds to charity?  Did you know our meat is sourced locally and X% low in fat?
  • 6. Social Media Review Report 6 | P a g e  Congratulations to the @YumYumK108 Chef who won… o Events and conferences that happen in K108 Note some of this content can be scheduled ahead of time, and other content will have to be posted live. Finding what best content “sticks” with the audience requires constant experimentation and refinement. Content Format – Focus on images and visuals For content on Twitter and Facebook, K 108 Hotel should focus as much as possible on images. For instance, images of the food, architecture etc. Images tend to get more shares as they provide people a ‘preview’ of the content and avoid having them go to an external link. As an example the picture on the right is a lot more attractive and shareable than the picture on the left. Content Frequency & Scheduling The posting frequency depends on the channel, type of organization, number of followers the account has, and marketing goals. For K108, for instance, we recommend the following posting schedule:  Twitter: 5-10 tweets per day which include pre-scheduled content in addition to engagement tweets; e.g. replies, re-sharing other people’s content etc. Note that we recommend that the scheduled content be repeated twice per day since only a small percentage of followers view the content at any time. And this also helps to optimize content management efforts.  Facebook: One post per day or every other day  Instagram: One post per day or every other day
  • 7. Social Media Review Report 7 | P a g e Content Management: Discover, Curate, Schedule With so much content online in this day and age, the process of curation makes it more efficient to find and share interesting content without having to create it in the first place. However, curation still takes a bit of time as it involves establishing relevant content sources, finding the content in the content source, editing the content, and posting/distributing it over relevant social channels. The easiest and quickest way to “curate” content is to find it directly in the channel; e.g. on Twitter, Facebook by following relevant content sources and authority sites. On Facebook, we recommend that K108 Hotels “likes” other pages that can be used as a source of content. Pinterest, Stumble Upon, and are all examples of external sites that can be used to aid in the curation process. We recommend K108 Hotel schedules content on a monthly basis on Facebook and Twitter. K108 Hotel can use Media Touch partner, HootSuite, the leading social media management dashboard (used by over 8M users worldwide), to aid in the content scheduling and social media monitoring. Content Inspiration – Learn from other hotels in the region It is a good idea for K108 Hotel to take a look at similar hotels around the area that are doing well in social media and gain inspiration for content; e.g. W Hotel Doha, Movenpick Tower etc. K 108 Hotel can create a list of other hotels in the region and follow that list instead of following each individual hotel. This is an example of a value add content in relation to Father’s Day by the W Hotel: Engagement Level & Recommendations The overall engagement level of K108 Hotel across all channels is good but can be improved through a number of engagement tactics relevant to each channel. Based on our current assessment and interactions with the hotel’s online brand channels (I.e. Twitter and Instagram in particular), we find that the hotel has not been as responsive initially to the praise and questions of hotel guests as it could have been, until this week. By looking at the month of June, we notice of a peak of engagement in this period given our heavy and consistent tweeting with the hotel.
  • 8. Social Media Review Report 8 | P a g e K108 Hotel needs to be build on its most engaged contributors such as the ones below, For instance, below are some tactics to improve engagement in every channel: Twitter  Schedule content on a monthly basis using Hootsuite as mentioned above (Buffer also an option)  Make time for “daily” engagement to check mentions and reply to every guest who says or posts something, whether positive or negative  Use relevant hashtags; e.g. #Doha, #Qatar, #Food to increase discoverability of the content  Define a consistent hashtag for K108 hotel e.g. #K108HotelDoha across all channels and monitor the hashtag as well (see section “Social Media Monitoring”)
  • 9. Social Media Review Report 9 | P a g e  Create lists to organize target audiences; e.g. current hotel guests, partners, possible future hotel guests, bloggers, media, competitors etc.  Use social media monitoring to engage into conversations, meet new people and partners Facebook  “Like” other related pages to have more sources of content to post directly from Facebook  Engage with other pages e.g. Qatar Living etc. to increase visibility and reciprocity  Ask people questions when posting something Instagram  Use good filters to enhance the image content  Monitor the hashtag people are using in Instagram e.g. #K108Hotel #YumYumK108 and reply to every photo / like / comment (see below)  Like other people’s photos by searching for relevant hashtags e.g. #Doha #Qatar to build more visibility Social Media Monitoring We here by social media monitoring as the process of retrieving content and conversations relevant to K108 Hotel. The most important aspect of social media monitoring lies in retrieving content that current hotel and restaurant guests share without necessarily “tagging” @K108HotelDoha. They simply use the name of the hotel or some hashtags. It’s as important to respond to these guests so they feel acknowledged as well as become more familiar with the hotel’s proper tags. For instance on Twitter we find the following content by searching for #K108Hotel and K108 hotel On Instagram we find the following content using hashtag #K108Hotel (other hashtags used include #yumyumK108). All of these posts even if they do not tag the hotel’s instagram account @YumYumK108
  • 10. Social Media Review Report 10 | P a g e At a very basic level, Twitter can be used for social media monitoring, but we recommend using Hootsuite (mentioned above) as it allows the search by geo-tags and multiple keywords at once. Creative & Graphics K108 Hotel is such a beautiful hotel and Yum Yum has such wonderful food, which is not reflected in the creative side of social media on Twitter and Facebook. The small avatar should be a nice picture of the room (e.g. photo shoot) to reflect “boutique”. The top banner could include a series of photos that highlight a guest’s experience including room and food. The background should be more enticing with images than simply serve as a letterhead. As a source to these creative assets can be existing guests’ images already online.
  • 11. Social Media Review Report 11 | P a g e Online Influence We use Klout, a standard tool to measure online influence. Klout uses numerous engagement metrics across multiple channels to determine this score. A Klout score ranges between 0 and 100. Currently the hotel’s Klout score is 41 – which could be improved to be at least higher than 50 (average).
  • 12. Social Media Review Report 12 | P a g e As a benchmark, W Hotels have a Klout score of 65. In addition to growing the hotel’s Klout score, it’s important to keep the topics that the hotel if influential on consistent with the hotel’s marketing and content strategy. For instance Hotel K 108 should be influential in the following key topics: Tourism, Hotels, Doha, charity etc. Internal Digital Knowledge Based on discussions with the hotel manager, facilities, IT, and front desk team, as well as Nicola, manager at Yum Yum restaurant, we feel that the team could benefit from more training on strategic use of social media and tools to support the day to day social media tasks and growth. Other Recommendations As mentioned above, since K 108 is a luxury boutique hotel, the level and experience of personal touch is critical both on and off line and has to be consistent across all brand touch points. Hotel Signages & Contest For hotel guests who walk through the doors of the K 108 hotel, there is no clear indication of the social media channels of the K108 hotel or an incentive for hotel guests to share their experience. We recommend including a small signage with an iPad showing the current twitter feed on the reception table, and having a similar signage in the restaurant and possibly in each room in the future. The signage should not just list the social media icons and username and say “follow us”, but rather provide an incentive and example for hotel guests to share their experience. Below are rough ideas for the content of a signage with contest call to action: “Share a photo while @K108HotelDoha on Twitter (and tag @K108HotelDoha) and you could win a 1 night stay with continental breakfast!” “Share your food @YumYumK108 on Instagram (make sure to tag @YumYumK108!) with hashtag #YumYumK108 and you could win one business lunch for you and a friend!”
  • 13. Social Media Review Report 13 | P a g e This is an example of a current contest at Movenpick Hotel: The idea here is to create a simple campaign that people can enter easily and that can be replicated over time. A winner can be chosen quarterly or monthly depending on the actual entries and level of business of the hotel. This can also tie back to the hotel’s promotional calendar. Other channels E-mail marketing can be good to do as well in the future to leverage the guests’ email addresses, but it requires time to find the right content, set up the newsletter etc. It has to be done right or not at all. We recommend that the hotel continues to create and distribute Youtube videos throughout other channels but try to focus on specific themes; e.g. Mother’s Day etc. Here’s an example of a popular Mother’s day video for the Fairmont in Vancouver that we used for a collaborative campaign with the hotel: LinkedIn can be used as more of a corporate channel to engage partners, share news, and support hiring and screening efforts. Finally, in social media like anything else, the sky is the limit; however it’s more important to do things right step by step than to rush into things. Social media takes time. It has to be strategic and consistent to yield results, and it is ultimately an investment in your brand.