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Social Networks

Social networks

• Precedents:
        Chat (IRC, forums, communities …)
• Innovations:
    Interconect Users
     Real user profiles vs nicks
                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
 The main social networks

     Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
Social Networks
                     The main social networks: Twitter

   This is a social network and microblogging service that allows its users to
   send and read micro-texts with a maximum length of 140 characters
   known as “tweets”

   Having        a        good
   presence on Twitter        (a     good
   number of users following our
   account) makes the arrival of any
   information grow quickly and
   exponentially, especially if it is
   informative and “last-minute”
   data, as the immediacy of news is
   highly valued on Twitter. (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                 AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                     The main social networks: YouTube


 Multimedia content always has a special appeal, and many companies have
 understood this.
 Create attractive videos that include the address of our web page is an
 excellent method of promotion, and a specially innovative and surprising
 video can become “viral”.

  YOUTUBE is the world’s largest
  video network and allows users
  to upload, see and share video
  clips via Internet.

                               Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                    AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                       The main social networks: Facebook
•   Facebook is a social network that brings together people based on
    friendly relationships of common interests, and now also organisations,
    groups and companies. It is the most important in the world in number of
•   For organisations, without a doubt the most useful tools it provides are
    the applications and fan pages.
•   It offers three types of accounts:
     1. The personal profile (which is what most people use)
     2. Fan pages
     3. Groups

                              Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                   AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
               Participation levels: institution, group, individual

Facebook:               Personal profile VS fan page

•   Facebook pages are visible to everyone
    User profiles require previous authorisation.

•   Facebook pages can have an unlimited number of fans,
    personal profiles only allow 5,000 contacts.

•   You can send updated content to all your fans
    User profiles can only send individual messages

•   Pages can promote products. If you do it with a personal profile,
    Facebook can suspend the account.

                                Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                     AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
              Participation levels: institution, group, individual

Facebook:              Group VS fan page

•   Restricted access: Possible in groups. On fan pages, access can only be
    restricted for certain ages and places.
•   Applications and personalisation. Only on fan pages.
•   Listing in search engines: Only user profiles and fan pages. Groups are
    not listed.
•   Statistics of visits: Only on fan pages.
•   Creating events: Possible on fan pages. In groups, only for groups with
    fewer than 1,000 members.
•   Messages to fans/group members: Possible on fan pages. In groups, only
    for groups with fewer than 5,000 members.
•   Promotion through advertising: Only on fan pages.

                               Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                    AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                         Use in the field of trade unions

•   Video-trade unionism and cyberactivism. Online diffusion of ideas and
    awareness. CCOO held a competition of short videos at the time of the General
    Strike of 29 September 2010.

•   Virtual protest. The first virtual strike took place in Second Life, in 2007, by the
    workers of IBM.

•   Mobilisation. The campaign known as Democracia Real Ya originated on the
    social networks, and has managed to mobilise thousands of people in the whole
    country, who, coordinated through Twitter and Facebook, have camped in the
    main squares of the capital cities.

•   Create communities: private communities for company employees or open
    communities for users with common interests. The social network Ning allows
    access to be restricted and users to be chosen.

•   Instant Messaging, conversation and videoconference: They reduce costs and
    allow digital contents to be shared.
                                  Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
•   Internet campaigns, events, etc PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                    Use and abuse in the field of trade unions
•   Drawbacks:

    • Impersonation of the profile of an organisation or of its leaders. In CCOO there
      already exists a fan page of its leader, I.F. Toxo, with considerable interaction,
      which the organisation later recovered.

    • Insecurity:
         Intruders from outside the organization or the physical integrity of facilities (20%)
         Errors by employees (50%)
         Employees' dishonesty. (15%)
         In teams and the internal network: virus, trojan horses, malware and intrusions. For
          Example: The "Don't Like" button on Facebook: it requests a telephone number and
          other personal data that can register affected user with fraudulent services.
         In the facilities: photos, closing times, holday dates, can be exploited by criminals,
          who are also on the network.
        • In information: methods, processes, plans, confidential or sensitive information,
          personal data of the rest of employees may enter the network in a way that is
          damaging for the organisation and even constitute a crime (Data Protection Act)
                                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                 Use and abuse in the field of trade unions

•   Damage to the image of the organisation: Jokes, comments or complaints made by
    workers can seriously damage the image of the organisation. For example, complaining
    about a superior. It can be prevented with the use of tools like Defensio. In a trade
    union organisation, it is of vital importance to control what is published on its behalf, as
    it may cause a whole wave of adverse comments that affect the whole organisation.

•   Waste of time by workers: They may spend too much time, distracting them from their
    everyday work.

                                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                 Quality and quantity of contents and followers

•   Relevant, convincing, quality content on social networks is vital to maintain the
    interest of users.

•   Quality followers, who are really attentive to shared contents, and motivated to
    share them with their own followers.

•   Followers interested in our information, otherwise it will annoy them and soon
    they will stop following us or will develop a subconscious rejection of our

•   The quality of our contacts and mainly the quality of our contributions when
    collaborating with them, will finally lead us to quantity. And the quantity of
    followers and friends is what finally decides popularity in the network

                                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                          Adapting messages to the medium

“you have to be, but not: you have to be good“.

You have to empathise with followers.
The same content is not valid for all the networks, each one has its own characteristics.
   The more adapted the message is to users' reality, the more effective it will be.
   Interaction and participation are required to be visible in the network.

Each network has its own identity.
On Facebook the information published is more personal. Twitter mostly shares
   information that people want to make public. As a result, Facebook defines
   contacts as friends and fans, Twitter defines them as “following” y
On Facebook personal identity with a right to privacy predominates. On Twitter
   an identity with public vocation predominates. On YouTube, audiovisual
   contents are shared.          Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                        AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
               Quality and quantity of contents and followers

… So as not to crash on internet…

Content should cause a feeling of “I have to tell this to my friends or
   followers", focusing especially on the 10% of users who are
   influencers (1% create content, 10% spread it to their friends and 89% are
   final recipients), establishing the idea “I have to be the first to pass this
   news on to my friends"

                 Quality before Quantity
                              Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                   AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
To bear in mind when we are on social networks:

                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
To bear in mind when we are on social networks:

• Who controls our contents?
• Who accesses our contents?
• Decontextualisation of contents
• Cyberbullying
• Privacy of contents
• Published contents.
                    Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                         AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                       Who controls our contents?

                                                      All that goes up… doesn’t
                                                       come down.
                                                      All that is deleted, doesn’t
                                                      All that can be seen, can be

•   Anyone can make copies of what we upload and republish it on internet
    at any time.
•   Transfer of rights to companies: Deletion is never definitive
•   Everything we do on internet… leaves a trace.
•   Screens can be recorded and snapshots can be taken of them.

                             Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                  AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                       Who accesses our contents?

                                                  The friends of my friends, are
                                                   they my friends?
                                                  “Rear window”, do you know
                                                   who’s watching?
                                                  Companies, is anyone there?.

•   How do we accept strangers? Is it enough to be a friend of a friend?
•   There is no absolute privacy, everything is accessible... For everyone.
    Hackers exist. Don't upload to internet what you don't want to be known.
•   Do you accept companies as a friend (not as a fan)? Do you know who
    controls the profile? Are colleagues or superiors in the organisation our
•   In Twitter and Youtube, anyone can follow us or watch our videos, unless
    we restrict them.          Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                 AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                     Decontextualisation of contents

                                                      From the intimacy of home…
                                                       to the public arena.
                                                      Past, present… and future?

•   Any comments and/or contents can be made public.
•   Girl/boyfriends, friends, companions... forever?
•   Will a company that intends to contract us think the same when they see
    what we have published?
•   That comment about your superior - can it be misinterpreted in the
    organisation and have repercussions? What will people reading us think
    about our organisation?
                             Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                  AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                Cyberbulling, Harrassment, Delinquency

                                                       Don’t shout, I can’t see you.
                                                       Confidence is the mother of
                                                        carelessness. Baltasar Gracián

•   Convenience leads us to say things we would not say face-to-face.
•   Careful with what we upload or comment, it might be misused.
•   Many profiles can be false and disguise criminals. Careful with providing
    data on when we leave our home unattended. There are criminal
    networks taking advantage of this data. Also, if you communicate from a
    mobile device with a geolocator, it provides data on where we are.
                              Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                   AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                               Privacy of contents

                                                         No trespassing… private
                                                         Social networks vs privacy…
                                                          the recovery starts

•   We have to be careful with our level of privacy.
•   Careful with personal data like phone numbers, address, school, etc…
    everything is accessible if it is not restricted. In Twitter and in Youtube,
    everything is public by default, if the configuration is not changed.
•   Careful with Facebook applications and where we click. They might be
    viruses.                     Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                   AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks

                                            A witty touch is one of the keys
                                             to success.
                                            You have to be sociable, yes,
                                             where are the limits?

•   Special attention to what we publish about our organization.
•   It could damage its image.
•   We could commit a crime if we publish personal data.
•   Inappropriate publications on Twitter can turn into a storm. Their
    tremendous virality, speed, and the users' sarcasm can work against us.
                             Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                  AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                              Leaders’ accounts.
•   Direct, controlled and multidirectional communication that can be managed
    perfectly within a reasonable strategy.
•   Greater level of approximation between the organisation leader and the workers.
•   Greater response to notification of events and acts by the organisation.
•   Does not allow conversing with everybody at the same time.


•   Separate personal and professional aspects. Example: the councillor of the
    Popular Party for Getafe City Council, Manuel Ortiz Lázaro, published on his
    Facebook noticeboard “the trade unions are disgusting"; "a band of scum that only
    thinks of their own interest". The rectification was immediate and the councillor
    apologised to anyone who might feel "annoyed or offended‘' by these words
    which, he said, "were the result of a sudden outburst" and which took place in
    "the context of a private conversation held on a personal profile on Facebook".

                                Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                     AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
                               Leaders’ accounts.
•   Notify if the social network account is managed by a team: as this may give rise
    to controversial situations. For example, Rosa Diez supposedly sent a tweet, but at
    the same time, she was being interviewed by the traditional media and she had to
    close her account after the controversy. (Now it is she who personally writes on
    her account on Facebook). Esperanza Aguirre welcomes users with the following
    message: "Welcome to my Twitter (and my team's)"'. Tomás Gómez has delegated
    his account's updates to his team
•   If the account is managed by a communication team: there must be coherence
    and you can’t write personal messages.

•   Recommendations for the following section.

                                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
Rules in order not to get crucified on Twitter

                Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                     AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks

      Twitter Terminology
• Jargon:
   • Tweets =     140-character updates on Twitter
   • Follower =   A user interested in your updates
• Symbols:
   • @username = identify the user.
   • # = adding a tag to a tweet
   • RT = retweeting is sharing tweets with
   • d= direct messages are similar to e-mails

                  Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                       AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
1.- Don’t reject dialogue: As soon as you begin to receive criticism, you
should keep a cool head, try to dialogue elegantly at all times and be


 Alejandro Sanz Vs Alex de la Iglesia: Both started off from a clear position in
favour of the Anti-Download Act. Alex de la Iglesia used Twitter to open a
debate, Alejandro Sanz confronted public opinion using, on occasion,
manners that were too direct and insulting, and compared intellectual
property rights and rights in Africa. The result: Alex de la Iglesia has sympathy
on Twitter; Sanz was quickly crucified, on numerous occasions, and
continually threatens to leaveTrainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                  AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
•   2: Don’t delete your contents. You cannot pretend it didn't happen. You can - and
    must - apologise, retract or rectify, but to delete a Tweet that thousands of people
    have read is useless and the only thing it will do is multiply the reactions against


•   The film director Nacho Vigalondo launched a publicity campaign in "El País" in
    January. Soon afterwards, he published on Twitter “Now I have more than 50,000
    followers and I've downed four wines I can tell you my message: The holocaust
    was a hoax!”. Joking about the holocaust goes beyond what's considered correct
    and didn't go down well. Vigalondo didn't only not apologise, but instead
    continued joking on the subject. The consequences: the hashtag
    #holocaustovigalondo was created and hours later "El País" closed his blog and
    fired the film director.
                                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
•   3.- Don’t attack or denigrate any group or user.

Arturo Pérez Reverte, on Twitter, wrote: “I nearly forgot. I saw Moratinos
   crying. He didn’t even have the balls to leave". He was accused of being
   “machista”, to which he answered:“I see there are people who need to
   have things explained. I thought it wasn’t necessary, at this stage, but
   OK", or “Let’s explain it to people who can’t read without blinkers and see
   “machistas” under every key. Nobody’s less of a man for crying. Nobody’s
   saying that“, “You’re a shit when you show in public that you don’t know
   how to leave”, among others.

The hashtag "#perezrevertefacts“ was created, and we could read tweets like
   “Pérez Reverte doesn’t write his books, his books write themselves and
   put his name on them because(C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &of him".”
                                     they’re scared
                                 AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
4.- Never give in to facile insults or use foul language. Even though you are attacked
(and with more justification when this is the case) you should keep your cool. Respond
with composure at all times and especially in the more violent conversations .


The TV presenter Jordi González joined in criticising Intereconomía for certain
homophobic declarations. A user responded by calling Jordi González’s work “tele-
trash”. González’s answer was “@Dalvarmedina teletrash the whore of your mother,
darling.” This brought about the hashtag #tuputamadreguapa. Although he
apologised immediately, he didn’t delete the controversial tweet. However, the
damage was done.

The singer Juanes caused a ruckus with this Tweet: “I’ve been given the PIN of Chávez,
does anyone want it to send messages to his Blackberry?”. His own answer:
‘H1J0D3PUT4’. Faced with criticism, he responded, “You think they’re going to come
and censor me? You’re crazy!”.
                                Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                     AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
5.- Careful with spelling mistakes and language.
    Don’t show off your cultural level


Paulina put her foot in it even more when defending Alicia Machado, who
tweeted “Tonight I want to ask you to join me in a prayer for peace that
these attacks between CHINESE don’t worsen our situation” (Confusing China
with Korea). Paulina, in her defence, made the problem worse. “Leave her
alone all the japanese look the same and China is very big”. Alicia Machado
closed her Twitter account.

                                Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                     AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
6.- Don’t post Spam or try to manipulate.


This happened in the PSOE electoral campaign. The goal was to position the Twitter
hashtag #psoered among the most popular after launching their electoral strategy on
Internet. And they achieved it, but thanks to a wave of criticism. They tried to make
people talk about what they wanted. Consequence? A catastrophe of image and
communication. The hashtag was turned into psoEREd (“ERE” = collective redundancy)

The same thing happened with the hashtag #graciaszp, when he announced he was
stepping down as a candidate. Tweets reached unimaginable levels of sarcasm:

("graciaszp thanks to you I’m 15 years younger, I’m back in my parents house, I get
pocket money on Sundays and I’ve bought some J´Hayber") or ("graciaszp for the Anti-
Download Act. Signed: Barack Obama").
                                Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                     AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
Social Networks
On Facebook, there have also been some well-known mistakes, some of which took a
heavy toll:

•   A house in Marbella destroyed for a party announced on Facebook. An English
    teenager announced her birthday in a Facebook event, and a rumour began that
    her parents didn't care about the damage due to their divorce. A television, seats
    and tables appeared in the swimming pool; doors were broken. People there
    described the house like a 'war zone‘.

•   Edward Richardson, 41 years old, attacked his wife with a knife in 2008. The man
    was condemned to life in England. The “crime” of his wife was to have declared
    herself “single” on Facebook.

                                 Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                      AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
•   Have institutional presence on networks where the organisation runs the
    risk of being impersonated.
•   Establish protocols for the use of each social network where the
    organisation is present and take care of internal and external
•   Centralise all the information on the main web site, and channel it from
    there to the other social networks. Link up all the organisation sites
    considered appropriate.
•   Proper training for those responsible for Social Networks and for everyone
    actively participating

You have to be, but you have to be good

                              Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                                   AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ

• Trending Topic:
• Highly interesting content
• Example:
• Influent followers
• Multimedia contents, events: Facebook

                Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &
                     AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
The end.


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Social media

  • 1. Social Networks Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 2. Social networks • Precedents: Chat (IRC, forums, communities …) • Innovations: Interconect Users Real user profiles vs nicks Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 3. Social Networks The main social networks Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 4. Social Networks The main social networks: Twitter Twitter This is a social network and microblogging service that allows its users to send and read micro-texts with a maximum length of 140 characters known as “tweets” Having a good presence on Twitter (a good number of users following our account) makes the arrival of any information grow quickly and exponentially, especially if it is informative and “last-minute” data, as the immediacy of news is highly valued on Twitter. (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & Trainers AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 5. Social Networks The main social networks: YouTube YouTube Multimedia content always has a special appeal, and many companies have understood this. Create attractive videos that include the address of our web page is an excellent method of promotion, and a specially innovative and surprising video can become “viral”. YOUTUBE is the world’s largest video network and allows users to upload, see and share video clips via Internet. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 6. Social Networks The main social networks: Facebook Facebook • Facebook is a social network that brings together people based on friendly relationships of common interests, and now also organisations, groups and companies. It is the most important in the world in number of users. • For organisations, without a doubt the most useful tools it provides are the applications and fan pages. • It offers three types of accounts: 1. The personal profile (which is what most people use) 2. Fan pages 3. Groups Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 7. Social Networks Participation levels: institution, group, individual Facebook: Personal profile VS fan page • Facebook pages are visible to everyone User profiles require previous authorisation. • Facebook pages can have an unlimited number of fans, personal profiles only allow 5,000 contacts. • You can send updated content to all your fans User profiles can only send individual messages • Pages can promote products. If you do it with a personal profile, Facebook can suspend the account. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 8. Social Networks Participation levels: institution, group, individual Facebook: Group VS fan page • Restricted access: Possible in groups. On fan pages, access can only be restricted for certain ages and places. • Applications and personalisation. Only on fan pages. • Listing in search engines: Only user profiles and fan pages. Groups are not listed. • Statistics of visits: Only on fan pages. • Creating events: Possible on fan pages. In groups, only for groups with fewer than 1,000 members. • Messages to fans/group members: Possible on fan pages. In groups, only for groups with fewer than 5,000 members. • Promotion through advertising: Only on fan pages. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 9. Social Networks Use in the field of trade unions • Video-trade unionism and cyberactivism. Online diffusion of ideas and awareness. CCOO held a competition of short videos at the time of the General Strike of 29 September 2010. • Virtual protest. The first virtual strike took place in Second Life, in 2007, by the workers of IBM. • Mobilisation. The campaign known as Democracia Real Ya originated on the social networks, and has managed to mobilise thousands of people in the whole country, who, coordinated through Twitter and Facebook, have camped in the main squares of the capital cities. • Create communities: private communities for company employees or open communities for users with common interests. The social network Ning allows access to be restricted and users to be chosen. • Instant Messaging, conversation and videoconference: They reduce costs and allow digital contents to be shared. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & • Internet campaigns, events, etc PEIRO GOMEZ AMPARO
  • 10. Social Networks Use and abuse in the field of trade unions • Drawbacks: • Impersonation of the profile of an organisation or of its leaders. In CCOO there already exists a fan page of its leader, I.F. Toxo, with considerable interaction, which the organisation later recovered. • Insecurity:  Intruders from outside the organization or the physical integrity of facilities (20%)  Errors by employees (50%)  Employees' dishonesty. (15%)  In teams and the internal network: virus, trojan horses, malware and intrusions. For Example: The "Don't Like" button on Facebook: it requests a telephone number and other personal data that can register affected user with fraudulent services.  In the facilities: photos, closing times, holday dates, can be exploited by criminals, who are also on the network. • In information: methods, processes, plans, confidential or sensitive information, personal data of the rest of employees may enter the network in a way that is damaging for the organisation and even constitute a crime (Data Protection Act) Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 11. Social Networks Use and abuse in the field of trade unions • Damage to the image of the organisation: Jokes, comments or complaints made by workers can seriously damage the image of the organisation. For example, complaining about a superior. It can be prevented with the use of tools like Defensio. In a trade union organisation, it is of vital importance to control what is published on its behalf, as it may cause a whole wave of adverse comments that affect the whole organisation. • Waste of time by workers: They may spend too much time, distracting them from their everyday work. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 12. Social Networks Quality and quantity of contents and followers • Relevant, convincing, quality content on social networks is vital to maintain the interest of users. • Quality followers, who are really attentive to shared contents, and motivated to share them with their own followers. • Followers interested in our information, otherwise it will annoy them and soon they will stop following us or will develop a subconscious rejection of our organisation. • The quality of our contacts and mainly the quality of our contributions when collaborating with them, will finally lead us to quantity. And the quantity of followers and friends is what finally decides popularity in the network Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 13. Social Networks Adapting messages to the medium “you have to be, but not: you have to be good“. You have to empathise with followers. The same content is not valid for all the networks, each one has its own characteristics. The more adapted the message is to users' reality, the more effective it will be. Interaction and participation are required to be visible in the network. Each network has its own identity. On Facebook the information published is more personal. Twitter mostly shares information that people want to make public. As a result, Facebook defines contacts as friends and fans, Twitter defines them as “following” y “followers”. On Facebook personal identity with a right to privacy predominates. On Twitter an identity with public vocation predominates. On YouTube, audiovisual contents are shared. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 14. Social Networks Quality and quantity of contents and followers … So as not to crash on internet… Content should cause a feeling of “I have to tell this to my friends or followers", focusing especially on the 10% of users who are influencers (1% create content, 10% spread it to their friends and 89% are final recipients), establishing the idea “I have to be the first to pass this news on to my friends" Quality before Quantity Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 15. To bear in mind when we are on social networks: Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 16. To bear in mind when we are on social networks: • Who controls our contents? • Who accesses our contents? • Decontextualisation of contents • Cyberbullying • Privacy of contents • Published contents. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 17. Social Networks Who controls our contents?  All that goes up… doesn’t come down.  All that is deleted, doesn’t disappear.  All that can be seen, can be copied. • Anyone can make copies of what we upload and republish it on internet at any time. • Transfer of rights to companies: Deletion is never definitive • Everything we do on internet… leaves a trace. • Screens can be recorded and snapshots can be taken of them. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 18. Social Networks Who accesses our contents?  The friends of my friends, are they my friends?  “Rear window”, do you know who’s watching?  Companies, is anyone there?. • How do we accept strangers? Is it enough to be a friend of a friend? • There is no absolute privacy, everything is accessible... For everyone. Hackers exist. Don't upload to internet what you don't want to be known. • Do you accept companies as a friend (not as a fan)? Do you know who controls the profile? Are colleagues or superiors in the organisation our friends? • In Twitter and Youtube, anyone can follow us or watch our videos, unless we restrict them. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 19. Social Networks Decontextualisation of contents  From the intimacy of home… to the public arena.  Past, present… and future? • Any comments and/or contents can be made public. • Girl/boyfriends, friends, companions... forever? • Will a company that intends to contract us think the same when they see what we have published? • That comment about your superior - can it be misinterpreted in the organisation and have repercussions? What will people reading us think about our organisation? Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 20. Social Networks Cyberbulling, Harrassment, Delinquency  Don’t shout, I can’t see you.  Confidence is the mother of carelessness. Baltasar Gracián • Convenience leads us to say things we would not say face-to-face. • Careful with what we upload or comment, it might be misused. • Many profiles can be false and disguise criminals. Careful with providing data on when we leave our home unattended. There are criminal networks taking advantage of this data. Also, if you communicate from a mobile device with a geolocator, it provides data on where we are. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 21. Social Networks Privacy of contents  No trespassing… private property?  Social networks vs privacy… the recovery starts • We have to be careful with our level of privacy. • Careful with personal data like phone numbers, address, school, etc… everything is accessible if it is not restricted. In Twitter and in Youtube, everything is public by default, if the configuration is not changed. • Careful with Facebook applications and where we click. They might be viruses. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 22. Social Networks Contents.  A witty touch is one of the keys to success.  You have to be sociable, yes, where are the limits? • Special attention to what we publish about our organization. • It could damage its image. • We could commit a crime if we publish personal data. • Inappropriate publications on Twitter can turn into a storm. Their tremendous virality, speed, and the users' sarcasm can work against us. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 23. Social Networks Leaders’ accounts. • Direct, controlled and multidirectional communication that can be managed perfectly within a reasonable strategy. • Greater level of approximation between the organisation leader and the workers. • Greater response to notification of events and acts by the organisation. • Does not allow conversing with everybody at the same time. Precautions: • Separate personal and professional aspects. Example: the councillor of the Popular Party for Getafe City Council, Manuel Ortiz Lázaro, published on his Facebook noticeboard “the trade unions are disgusting"; "a band of scum that only thinks of their own interest". The rectification was immediate and the councillor apologised to anyone who might feel "annoyed or offended‘' by these words which, he said, "were the result of a sudden outburst" and which took place in "the context of a private conversation held on a personal profile on Facebook". Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 24. Social Networks Leaders’ accounts. • Notify if the social network account is managed by a team: as this may give rise to controversial situations. For example, Rosa Diez supposedly sent a tweet, but at the same time, she was being interviewed by the traditional media and she had to close her account after the controversy. (Now it is she who personally writes on her account on Facebook). Esperanza Aguirre welcomes users with the following message: "Welcome to my Twitter (and my team's)"'. Tomás Gómez has delegated his account's updates to his team • If the account is managed by a communication team: there must be coherence and you can’t write personal messages. • Recommendations for the following section. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 25. Social Networks Rules in order not to get crucified on Twitter Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 26. Social Networks Twitter Twitter Terminology • Jargon: • Tweets = 140-character updates on Twitter • Follower = A user interested in your updates • Symbols: • @username = identify the user. • # = adding a tag to a tweet • RT = retweeting is sharing tweets with others • d= direct messages are similar to e-mails Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 27. Social Networks 1.- Don’t reject dialogue: As soon as you begin to receive criticism, you should keep a cool head, try to dialogue elegantly at all times and be communicative. Examples: Alejandro Sanz Vs Alex de la Iglesia: Both started off from a clear position in favour of the Anti-Download Act. Alex de la Iglesia used Twitter to open a debate, Alejandro Sanz confronted public opinion using, on occasion, manners that were too direct and insulting, and compared intellectual property rights and rights in Africa. The result: Alex de la Iglesia has sympathy on Twitter; Sanz was quickly crucified, on numerous occasions, and continually threatens to leaveTrainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & Twitter. AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 28. Social Networks • 2: Don’t delete your contents. You cannot pretend it didn't happen. You can - and must - apologise, retract or rectify, but to delete a Tweet that thousands of people have read is useless and the only thing it will do is multiply the reactions against you. Example: • The film director Nacho Vigalondo launched a publicity campaign in "El País" in January. Soon afterwards, he published on Twitter “Now I have more than 50,000 followers and I've downed four wines I can tell you my message: The holocaust was a hoax!”. Joking about the holocaust goes beyond what's considered correct and didn't go down well. Vigalondo didn't only not apologise, but instead continued joking on the subject. The consequences: the hashtag #holocaustovigalondo was created and hours later "El País" closed his blog and fired the film director. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 29. Social Networks • 3.- Don’t attack or denigrate any group or user. Example. Arturo Pérez Reverte, on Twitter, wrote: “I nearly forgot. I saw Moratinos crying. He didn’t even have the balls to leave". He was accused of being “machista”, to which he answered:“I see there are people who need to have things explained. I thought it wasn’t necessary, at this stage, but OK", or “Let’s explain it to people who can’t read without blinkers and see “machistas” under every key. Nobody’s less of a man for crying. Nobody’s saying that“, “You’re a shit when you show in public that you don’t know how to leave”, among others. The hashtag "#perezrevertefacts“ was created, and we could read tweets like “Pérez Reverte doesn’t write his books, his books write themselves and put his name on them because(C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS &of him".” Trainers they’re scared AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 30. Social Networks 4.- Never give in to facile insults or use foul language. Even though you are attacked (and with more justification when this is the case) you should keep your cool. Respond with composure at all times and especially in the more violent conversations . Examples: The TV presenter Jordi González joined in criticising Intereconomía for certain homophobic declarations. A user responded by calling Jordi González’s work “tele- trash”. González’s answer was “@Dalvarmedina teletrash the whore of your mother, darling.” This brought about the hashtag #tuputamadreguapa. Although he apologised immediately, he didn’t delete the controversial tweet. However, the damage was done. The singer Juanes caused a ruckus with this Tweet: “I’ve been given the PIN of Chávez, does anyone want it to send messages to his Blackberry?”. His own answer: ‘H1J0D3PUT4’. Faced with criticism, he responded, “You think they’re going to come and censor me? You’re crazy!”. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 31. Social Networks 5.- Careful with spelling mistakes and language. Don’t show off your cultural level Example: Paulina put her foot in it even more when defending Alicia Machado, who tweeted “Tonight I want to ask you to join me in a prayer for peace that these attacks between CHINESE don’t worsen our situation” (Confusing China with Korea). Paulina, in her defence, made the problem worse. “Leave her alone all the japanese look the same and China is very big”. Alicia Machado closed her Twitter account. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 32. Social Networks 6.- Don’t post Spam or try to manipulate. Examples: This happened in the PSOE electoral campaign. The goal was to position the Twitter hashtag #psoered among the most popular after launching their electoral strategy on Internet. And they achieved it, but thanks to a wave of criticism. They tried to make people talk about what they wanted. Consequence? A catastrophe of image and communication. The hashtag was turned into psoEREd (“ERE” = collective redundancy) The same thing happened with the hashtag #graciaszp, when he announced he was stepping down as a candidate. Tweets reached unimaginable levels of sarcasm: ("graciaszp thanks to you I’m 15 years younger, I’m back in my parents house, I get pocket money on Sundays and I’ve bought some J´Hayber") or ("graciaszp for the Anti- Download Act. Signed: Barack Obama"). Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 33. Social Networks On Facebook, there have also been some well-known mistakes, some of which took a heavy toll: • A house in Marbella destroyed for a party announced on Facebook. An English teenager announced her birthday in a Facebook event, and a rumour began that her parents didn't care about the damage due to their divorce. A television, seats and tables appeared in the swimming pool; doors were broken. People there described the house like a 'war zone‘. • Edward Richardson, 41 years old, attacked his wife with a knife in 2008. The man was condemned to life in England. The “crime” of his wife was to have declared herself “single” on Facebook. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 34. Conclusions • Have institutional presence on networks where the organisation runs the risk of being impersonated. • Establish protocols for the use of each social network where the organisation is present and take care of internal and external communication. • Centralise all the information on the main web site, and channel it from there to the other social networks. Link up all the organisation sites considered appropriate. • Proper training for those responsible for Social Networks and for everyone actively participating You have to be, but you have to be good Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 35. Tips • Trending Topic: • Highly interesting content • Example: 19/twitter-se-inunda-con-mensajes-de-la- averia-del-adsl-de-telefonica • Influent followers • Multimedia contents, events: Facebook Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ
  • 36. The end. Trainers (C) PEDRO SOLER ROJAS & AMPARO PEIRO GOMEZ