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Rigan Chakma
Faculty of GED
Farhin Hossain 141011090
Istiak Ahmed 141011024
Atikur Rahman 141011025
Terben Hossain 141011119
Rana Saha 141011099
Shibsanker Saha 141011184
Section: 02
Class Time: 10:00-11:20 am
December, 2015
Rigan Chakma
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)
Subject: For the Acceptance of the research Paper
With due respect and humble submission, we the students of course: GED 208, section: 02 and
submitting our research paper on “social life of family”. It’s our opportunity to inform you that
we have completed our term paper under your course guidance amid your kind hearted direct
In preparing this research paper, we have tried our level best and worked sincerely and made it
structured as well as possible. We fervently hope that this term paper will help us for our future.
Sincerely yours,
Atikur Rahman (141011025)
On behalf of the group.
Other members are:
1. Rana Saha (141011099)
2. Terben Hossain (141011119)
3. Shibsanker Saha (141011184)
4. Istiak Ahmed (141011024)
5. Farhin Hossain (141011090)
01 Executive Summary 5
02 Introduction 6
03 Types of family 6
04 According to size family varieties 6
05 Function of the family 7
06 The factors affects of family 8
07 Changes in family role over time 8
08 Relation of family 9
09 Conclusion 15
As we have prepared our research paper of “social life of family”. It was a nice experience to
spend there 3 weeks as an apprentice. Although 3 weeks period is not enough to learn
all practices performed by this research paper analysis because, there is a lot to learn but we got
be familiar with about all practices of social life of family. While researching the family analysis
system we came to know social life and important of family in our social life. We came to know
about the rules and regulations of the family that are being followed. It was a nice experience of
doing the research paper in social life of family.
In this research paper has much important part. Here we have discussed about the introduction of
family. We have also discussed about the types of family. Here we can analysis of according to
size family varieties. In this research paper we can see that the function of the family and also
discussed about the factors of affects the family.
This research paper shows that the important part is changing the family role in over time. We
have discussed about the relation of family in our social life. At lastly, we have also discussed
the conclusion about the family in our social life.
Family is the foundation of society. The progress and development of the society depends on
sound family development. Family is the basic unit of social organization in all human societies.
Since prehistoric times, families have served as the primary institution responsible for raising
children, providing people with food and shelter and satisfying people’s need for love and
support. The term family generally refers to a group of people related to one another by birth,
marriage or adoption in contemporary society people often apply the word family to any group
that feels a sense of kinship.
According to dominion a family is two types.
 Father is the dominant of the family.
 Mother is the dominant of the family.
 Nuclear family.
 Extended family.
 Monogamous.
 Polygyny.
 Polyandry.
Nuclear Family: The term nuclear family is commonly used especially in the United States
to refer to conjugal families. A conjugal family includes only the husband, the wife and
unmarried children who are not of age. Sociologists distinguish between conjugal families and
nuclear families. However, in the 21st century the nuclear family according to the disappearing
at a rapid rate are homes with traditional nuclear families mom, dad and two children. The
nuclear family is being replaced by other family structures such as blended parents, single
parents and domestic partnerships.
Extended Family: The term extended family is also common especially in United States.
This term has two distinct meanings. First, it serves as a synonym of consanguinal family.
Second, in societies dominated by the conjugal family, it refers to kindred who do not belong to
the conjugal family. These types refer to ideal or normative structures found in particular
societies. Any society will exhibit some variation in the actual composition and conception of
Monogamous: A monogamous family is based on legal or social monogamy. In this case, an
individual has only one partner during their lifetime or at any one time. This means that a
person may not have several different legal spouses at the same time as this is usually
prohibited by bigamy laws in jurisdictions that require monogamous marriages.
Polygyny: Polygyny is a form of plural marriage in which a man is allowed more than one
wife. In modern countries that permit polygamy, polygyny is typically the only form permitted.
Polygyny is practiced primarily in parts of the Middle East and Africa and is often associated
with Islam.
Polyandry: Polyandry is a form of marriage whereby a woman takes two or more husbands
at the same time. Fraternal polyandry where two or more brothers are married to the same wife
is a common form of polyandry. Polyandry was traditionally practiced in areas of the
Himalayan Mountains among Tibetans in Nepal in parts of China and in parts of northern
India. Polyandry is most common in societies marked by high male mortality or male
How a family can be happy and sound discuss with reference:
Six major functions:
 Child bearing.
 Providing food and shelter to family members.
 Meeting psychological needs: love, support and companionship.
 Education and training.
 Socialization.
 Security and safety.
Families perform many necessary functions both for individual family members and for
society as a whole. In virtually all cultures the family serves as the basic institution for
bearing children, caring for them during their early years and preparing them to function
activity in society. Families around the world must also provide food and protein to their
members. In addition, Families meet important psychological needs such as the need for love
support and companionship. Family also provides security and safety for its members
particularly in early phase of life. It provides sense of security for the members. Family
helps to socialize the member particularly children. The home is the center of family
activities. These activities include raising children, eating meals, playing games, keeping
house and entertaining friends. In the home children basic social skills such as how to talk and
get along with others. They also learn health and safety habits there.
Family’s home life is influence by which members live in the home and by the roles each
member plays. Relatives who live outside the family’s home can also affect home life.
Traditions, loss and social conditions help determine who lives in a home and the places each
family member holds.
 Religion.
 Tradition and social condition.
 Legal system.
 Nature of occupation/ economic system.
 Role of society and state.
The family’s duties have changed over time in the past families not only cared for the young
but also grew their own food made their own clothing and provides services for themselves that
modern families generally do not provide. Parents taught reading, writing and craft skills to
their children families also cared for sick and elderly relatives and often provided financial
support for members in need. Roles within the family have also changed. Traditionally, the
father was to take up an occupation to support his wife and children. The mother in tern ran the
home and cared for the children. In present time both parents commonly work outside the home
and fathers often perform household duties formerly express of women. Generally in western
society one has little contact with relatives outside the nuclear family. But many Eastern
families feel strong ties to such relatives and see them often. Aunts, uncles and cousins
traditionally play important roles in the live of these people.
There are different kinds of relationship among family members:
 Parent’s children relationship.
 Husband wife relationship.
 Brother Sister Relationship.
Parents and children obligations to each other:
Family depends primarily on Parent’s conduct to their children. Parents are the manager and
guardian of the family. Future of children mostly depends on parent’s role. Parents/ Guardians
must fulfill the rights of the children. It is their duty to ensure the rights of their children.
Parents have great obligation toward their children. None can avoid these on any pretext.
Rights of children and parents obligation towards children:
• Right to be born.
• Right to life right to legitimacy.
• Right to be cared.
• Right to have breast-feeding up two years..
• Right to have good and pleasant.
• Right to be loved.
• Right to education.
• Right to get justice and good & equal treatment.
• Right to food and shelter in the young age.
• Right to get marriage in due time.
Children’s conduct toward their parents:
• Loyalty and respect.
• Kindness, patience and good manners particularly in old age.
• Honor the parent’s sentiments.
• It is impolite for a child to call his parents by their first name.
• Children are responsible for the support and maintenance of their parents. It is an
absolute religious duty to provide for parents in case of need and to help to make their
lives as comfortable as possible.
• A child should try to avoid anytime that might irritate his parents.
• If parents ask the child for something that is beyond his capacity it is his duty to
apologize in a polite manner for not being able to fulfill their wish.
• A men’s relationship with his parents and his wife should not be at the expense of each
other, nor should one be sacrificed for the other both should be characterized by
harmony and reconciliation.
• Obedience and loyalty towards parents are must but not opposing the obedience of
• Providing parents with sincere counsel if required
• It is a child’s duty to listen well to have parents when they speak to him. He should
never interrupt his parents while there are speaking and never argue with them.
• It is a child duty to take care of his parents when they get old by having them live with
him in his house but instead of this sending them to a home for the aged in considered
not only discourteous but obnoxious.
• However much a child is in disagreement with one of his parents he should not say a
cross word or make a gesture that would hard them.
• It is the duty of children to help their parents with house holds work without having to
be asked to do so.
Husband wife relationship and obligation:
Husband wife relationship based on marriage. Through marriage a man and a woman
become Husband wife respectively. Marriage is an oldest tradition of mankind. No society is
found where there is no some from of marriage system. Islam denounces celibacy and
encourages marriage.
Purpose of marriage:
• To satisfy emotional and biological needs.
• It is a means of legitimate procreation/giving birth to children.
• For love mental peace and tranquility.
• For companionship and support.
• For building family and society.
Husband wife Relationship:
Successful marriage and family depends on relationship between husband and wife. It is a
mutual thing. Both have the rights as well as obligations. Sound relationship depends on
following major factors:
• Love and respect.
• Adjustment with each other nature.
• Partnership approach.
• Sincere to mutual rights and obligations.
Husband’s obligations to his wife:
• Good behavior: The best man is he who is best and kindest to his wife. Therefore
acting kindly to one’s wife is a great obligation.
• Maintenance. Husband must maintain the family.
• Companionship and giving time to wife.
• Not to hate but love.
• Not to talk to others about private affairs of conjugal life.
• Not to abuse or revile, not to hurt mentally or physically.
• Not to ignore wife’s sentiments, need and problems.
• Not to take wife’s income or property without her free consent.
• It is good conduct to help the wife in household activities.
• In case a wife works outside husband should consider her business and tiredness and
should not expect everything from her as is possible from a simple housewife. Rather
both husband and wife should reach an understanding regarding the household duties
and management. If wife shares family income husband should shares household duties
as much as possible.
Wife’s obligation:
• Loyalty and respect to husband.
• To do best to keep her husband pleased to her.
• To look after the family and husbands property in absents of husband.
• She must not refuse when her husband calls her.
• Without the permission of husband a Muslim wife must not fast voluntary.
• A wife should discuses family problem with her husband at appropriate time.
• A wife should honor and respect husband close relatives and treat then with kindness.
• Too many arguments and disputes with a husband in fact lead to hatred and
deterioration of the relationship.
• Wife should show respect with sympathy to her husband parents and must not try to
pursue her husband so that he becomes reluctant to or forget his duty towards the
parents. It is an evil act to compel husband to leave his parents.
• Children are important factor in a family. They have important role in the family.
Relation among children is must important to make family happy and sound. There are
different group among children.
Elder brothers and sisters conduct towards younger brother and sister:
• To love them.
• To take care and be conscious about them.
• In the absent of parents treat them as own child and give them the share that they
deserved from the parents property.
• Be kind towards them.
• Look after the sisters after they have married.
• To teach them good moral training.
• To get justice and good equal treatment.
• Not to be cause any kind of harm of them.
• To teach them social responsibility, to teach about social practices.
• Give them right to express their opinion.
Younger brothers and sisters conduct towards their seniors:
• Loyalty and respect
• Honor their senior sentiment.
• It is a polite for the junior to call their senior by first name.
• Bring patients grateful respectful towards their seniors.
• Disobedient, neglect towards seniors and considered as sins.
• To tell in a polite way if elders made a mistake.
• Talk with them with politely and smiley face.
• Listen and obey their orders and commends.
• In their old age treat them as parents.
Family and Social Life:
Families of children with visual impairments and additional disabilities have all the concerns
other parents do but they face a host of other challenges and issues as well. Like other
parents, the parents of children with visual impairments have certain overriding concerns.
How will my child succeed in school? Make friends? Have a happy and successful life? If
you are a parent of a child who is visually impaired and has additional disabilities you in all
likelihood have questions and possibly a range of powerful emotions in addition to those
experienced daily by most families.
The often complex needs of children with multiple disabilities can have a big impact on their
families. And there is no one system of care in this country that automatically identifies what
families need and immediately provides the services that fit the bill. For this reason, many
families can experience a great variety of pressures. As important as it is to provide for your
child who has multiple disabilities you also need to take good care of yourself and the rest of
your family too.
Support from family, friends, doctors, religious counselors and other families of children who are
visually impaired with additional disabilities are invaluable. Agencies serving people who are
visually impaired organizations serving individuals with disabilities, physicians or pediatricians,
early interventionists and local librarians can help families in finding support groups related to
their children's disabilities. Because it can often seem as though the only person who really
understands what you are experiencing is someone who has been there too another parent
especially one who has a child older than yours and who has already been through what you are
now living may seem like a lifeline of sorts. Lifelines are important for all of us.
As you and your child make your way through life you may find that you and the rest of your
family constantly need to adjust to new circumstances and events as we all do. With time,
persistence and the awareness that sources of support, information and advice are available, you
may find that you have arrived at a promising future.
How to make a family happy and sound:
When we going to discus about how to make a family sound and happy then we have to look at
those factors which is important to make a family happy and sound. We also have to look those
key factors which are the cause that makes a family unhappy. Happiness is not a thing which
can buy like a product. It’s comes through mental satisfaction. To make a family sound and
happy family members should be satisfied at a moderate living standard.
Factors important to make a family happy and sound:
• Good relationship among family members.
• Fulfill the basic right food, dress, shelter, education, medical treatment of the family
• Make them concern about their duty and obligations towards family.
• Make them concern about their duty and obligations towards family members.
• By making the family members aware about their rights.
• By making family members more responsible about their duty towards himself, family
members, society, nations and country.
• Make a complete plan of action, how to manage the family.
• By fulfilling the family members wants, needs and demands.
• Make ensure the complete allocation of wealth and other facilities among family
• It is a most important duty of family chief to listen the problems of other family
• Ensure the participation of other members in making major decision.
• Family members should try to honor others members feelings.
• To ensure that all family members owe the obligations and duties of family ethics.
• Family members should try to realize others members problem.
• Family members should try to build up good relationship among each other.
• A family should try to avoid all those things, which are creating a gap in between their
Factors make a family unhappy:
• Lack of good understanding among family members.
• Unsatisfactory, which is very important factor in the question of family’s happiness.
• Economic problem is a very important issue.
• A little misunderstanding may cause a great kind of problem.
• Not to show respect on others feelings cause of a trouble.
• Miss behavior creates a great amount of problem.
• Not to show respect on others opinion and sentiments is also a problem creating factor.
• Not to be attentive on other words create problem.
• Not to listen problems of others create problem.
• Not to be helpful and merciful is not a suitable tendency for a happy family life.
Happiness comes through satisfaction. It is a very important practice for family members to
satisfy themselves within what they have. Otherwise a family cannot be completely happy and
sound. It is a very important factor that a man or women’s family should must be sound and
happy otherwise it will be impossible to expect a good impact from him or her. Family leads a
very important role in a man’s or women personal life. So it is very important that a good and
happy family can help to makes a man or woman successful. Family can lead a very important
role to its member’s mentality. Any body shouldn’t expect a happy and soundman from an
unhappy family. Happy and sound family is very much required for a complete human being
none can achieve his or her goal without family support.

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Social Life of Family

  • 2. Page4 UNIVERSITY OF LIBERAL ARTS BANGLADESH SUBMITTED TO: Rigan Chakma Faculty of GED SUBMITTED BY: NAME ID Farhin Hossain 141011090 Istiak Ahmed 141011024 Atikur Rahman 141011025 Terben Hossain 141011119 Rana Saha 141011099 Shibsanker Saha 141011184 Section: 02 Class Time: 10:00-11:20 am
  • 3. Page4 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 17th December, 2015 To, Rigan Chakma University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) Subject: For the Acceptance of the research Paper Sir, With due respect and humble submission, we the students of course: GED 208, section: 02 and submitting our research paper on “social life of family”. It’s our opportunity to inform you that we have completed our term paper under your course guidance amid your kind hearted direct supervision. In preparing this research paper, we have tried our level best and worked sincerely and made it structured as well as possible. We fervently hope that this term paper will help us for our future. Sincerely yours, Atikur Rahman (141011025) On behalf of the group. Other members are: 1. Rana Saha (141011099) 2. Terben Hossain (141011119) 3. Shibsanker Saha (141011184) 4. Istiak Ahmed (141011024) 5. Farhin Hossain (141011090)
  • 4. Page4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SL CONTENT PAGE 01 Executive Summary 5 02 Introduction 6 03 Types of family 6 04 According to size family varieties 6 05 Function of the family 7 06 The factors affects of family 8 07 Changes in family role over time 8 08 Relation of family 9 09 Conclusion 15
  • 5. Page4 EXCUTIVE SUMMARY As we have prepared our research paper of “social life of family”. It was a nice experience to spend there 3 weeks as an apprentice. Although 3 weeks period is not enough to learn all practices performed by this research paper analysis because, there is a lot to learn but we got be familiar with about all practices of social life of family. While researching the family analysis system we came to know social life and important of family in our social life. We came to know about the rules and regulations of the family that are being followed. It was a nice experience of doing the research paper in social life of family. In this research paper has much important part. Here we have discussed about the introduction of family. We have also discussed about the types of family. Here we can analysis of according to size family varieties. In this research paper we can see that the function of the family and also discussed about the factors of affects the family. This research paper shows that the important part is changing the family role in over time. We have discussed about the relation of family in our social life. At lastly, we have also discussed the conclusion about the family in our social life.
  • 6. Page4 INTRODUCTION Family is the foundation of society. The progress and development of the society depends on sound family development. Family is the basic unit of social organization in all human societies. Since prehistoric times, families have served as the primary institution responsible for raising children, providing people with food and shelter and satisfying people’s need for love and support. The term family generally refers to a group of people related to one another by birth, marriage or adoption in contemporary society people often apply the word family to any group that feels a sense of kinship. TYPES OF FAMILY According to dominion a family is two types.  Father is the dominant of the family.  Mother is the dominant of the family. ACCORDING TO SIZE FAMILY VARIETIES  Nuclear family.  Extended family.  Monogamous.  Polygyny.  Polyandry. Nuclear Family: The term nuclear family is commonly used especially in the United States to refer to conjugal families. A conjugal family includes only the husband, the wife and unmarried children who are not of age. Sociologists distinguish between conjugal families and nuclear families. However, in the 21st century the nuclear family according to the disappearing at a rapid rate are homes with traditional nuclear families mom, dad and two children. The nuclear family is being replaced by other family structures such as blended parents, single parents and domestic partnerships.
  • 7. Page4 Extended Family: The term extended family is also common especially in United States. This term has two distinct meanings. First, it serves as a synonym of consanguinal family. Second, in societies dominated by the conjugal family, it refers to kindred who do not belong to the conjugal family. These types refer to ideal or normative structures found in particular societies. Any society will exhibit some variation in the actual composition and conception of families. Monogamous: A monogamous family is based on legal or social monogamy. In this case, an individual has only one partner during their lifetime or at any one time. This means that a person may not have several different legal spouses at the same time as this is usually prohibited by bigamy laws in jurisdictions that require monogamous marriages. Polygyny: Polygyny is a form of plural marriage in which a man is allowed more than one wife. In modern countries that permit polygamy, polygyny is typically the only form permitted. Polygyny is practiced primarily in parts of the Middle East and Africa and is often associated with Islam. Polyandry: Polyandry is a form of marriage whereby a woman takes two or more husbands at the same time. Fraternal polyandry where two or more brothers are married to the same wife is a common form of polyandry. Polyandry was traditionally practiced in areas of the Himalayan Mountains among Tibetans in Nepal in parts of China and in parts of northern India. Polyandry is most common in societies marked by high male mortality or male absenteeism. FUNCTION OF THE FAMILY How a family can be happy and sound discuss with reference: Six major functions:  Child bearing.  Providing food and shelter to family members.  Meeting psychological needs: love, support and companionship.  Education and training.  Socialization.  Security and safety.
  • 8. Page4 Families perform many necessary functions both for individual family members and for society as a whole. In virtually all cultures the family serves as the basic institution for bearing children, caring for them during their early years and preparing them to function activity in society. Families around the world must also provide food and protein to their members. In addition, Families meet important psychological needs such as the need for love support and companionship. Family also provides security and safety for its members particularly in early phase of life. It provides sense of security for the members. Family helps to socialize the member particularly children. The home is the center of family activities. These activities include raising children, eating meals, playing games, keeping house and entertaining friends. In the home children basic social skills such as how to talk and get along with others. They also learn health and safety habits there. Family’s home life is influence by which members live in the home and by the roles each member plays. Relatives who live outside the family’s home can also affect home life. Traditions, loss and social conditions help determine who lives in a home and the places each family member holds. THE FACTORS AFFECTS THE FAMILY  Religion.  Tradition and social condition.  Legal system.  Nature of occupation/ economic system.  Role of society and state. CHANGES IN FAMILY ROLE OVER TIME The family’s duties have changed over time in the past families not only cared for the young but also grew their own food made their own clothing and provides services for themselves that modern families generally do not provide. Parents taught reading, writing and craft skills to their children families also cared for sick and elderly relatives and often provided financial support for members in need. Roles within the family have also changed. Traditionally, the
  • 9. Page4 father was to take up an occupation to support his wife and children. The mother in tern ran the home and cared for the children. In present time both parents commonly work outside the home and fathers often perform household duties formerly express of women. Generally in western society one has little contact with relatives outside the nuclear family. But many Eastern families feel strong ties to such relatives and see them often. Aunts, uncles and cousins traditionally play important roles in the live of these people. RELATION There are different kinds of relationship among family members:  Parent’s children relationship.  Husband wife relationship.  Brother Sister Relationship. Parents and children obligations to each other: Family depends primarily on Parent’s conduct to their children. Parents are the manager and guardian of the family. Future of children mostly depends on parent’s role. Parents/ Guardians must fulfill the rights of the children. It is their duty to ensure the rights of their children. Parents have great obligation toward their children. None can avoid these on any pretext. Rights of children and parents obligation towards children: • Right to be born. • Right to life right to legitimacy. • Right to be cared. • Right to have breast-feeding up two years.. • Right to have good and pleasant. • Right to be loved. • Right to education. • Right to get justice and good & equal treatment. • Right to food and shelter in the young age. • Right to get marriage in due time.
  • 10. Page4 Children’s conduct toward their parents: • Loyalty and respect. • Kindness, patience and good manners particularly in old age. • Honor the parent’s sentiments. • It is impolite for a child to call his parents by their first name. • Children are responsible for the support and maintenance of their parents. It is an absolute religious duty to provide for parents in case of need and to help to make their lives as comfortable as possible. • A child should try to avoid anytime that might irritate his parents. • If parents ask the child for something that is beyond his capacity it is his duty to apologize in a polite manner for not being able to fulfill their wish. • A men’s relationship with his parents and his wife should not be at the expense of each other, nor should one be sacrificed for the other both should be characterized by harmony and reconciliation. • Obedience and loyalty towards parents are must but not opposing the obedience of Allah. • Providing parents with sincere counsel if required • It is a child’s duty to listen well to have parents when they speak to him. He should never interrupt his parents while there are speaking and never argue with them. • It is a child duty to take care of his parents when they get old by having them live with him in his house but instead of this sending them to a home for the aged in considered not only discourteous but obnoxious. • However much a child is in disagreement with one of his parents he should not say a cross word or make a gesture that would hard them. • It is the duty of children to help their parents with house holds work without having to be asked to do so. Husband wife relationship and obligation: Husband wife relationship based on marriage. Through marriage a man and a woman become Husband wife respectively. Marriage is an oldest tradition of mankind. No society is found where there is no some from of marriage system. Islam denounces celibacy and encourages marriage. Purpose of marriage: • To satisfy emotional and biological needs. • It is a means of legitimate procreation/giving birth to children. • For love mental peace and tranquility. • For companionship and support. • For building family and society.
  • 11. Page4 Husband wife Relationship: Successful marriage and family depends on relationship between husband and wife. It is a mutual thing. Both have the rights as well as obligations. Sound relationship depends on following major factors: • Love and respect. • Adjustment with each other nature. • Partnership approach. • Sincere to mutual rights and obligations. Husband’s obligations to his wife: • Good behavior: The best man is he who is best and kindest to his wife. Therefore acting kindly to one’s wife is a great obligation. • Maintenance. Husband must maintain the family. • Companionship and giving time to wife. • Not to hate but love. • Not to talk to others about private affairs of conjugal life. • Not to abuse or revile, not to hurt mentally or physically. • Not to ignore wife’s sentiments, need and problems. • Not to take wife’s income or property without her free consent. • It is good conduct to help the wife in household activities. • In case a wife works outside husband should consider her business and tiredness and should not expect everything from her as is possible from a simple housewife. Rather both husband and wife should reach an understanding regarding the household duties and management. If wife shares family income husband should shares household duties as much as possible. Wife’s obligation: • Loyalty and respect to husband. • To do best to keep her husband pleased to her. • To look after the family and husbands property in absents of husband. • She must not refuse when her husband calls her. • Without the permission of husband a Muslim wife must not fast voluntary. • A wife should discuses family problem with her husband at appropriate time. • A wife should honor and respect husband close relatives and treat then with kindness. • Too many arguments and disputes with a husband in fact lead to hatred and deterioration of the relationship.
  • 12. Page4 • Wife should show respect with sympathy to her husband parents and must not try to pursue her husband so that he becomes reluctant to or forget his duty towards the parents. It is an evil act to compel husband to leave his parents. • Children are important factor in a family. They have important role in the family. Relation among children is must important to make family happy and sound. There are different group among children. Elder brothers and sisters conduct towards younger brother and sister: • To love them. • To take care and be conscious about them. • In the absent of parents treat them as own child and give them the share that they deserved from the parents property. • Be kind towards them. • Look after the sisters after they have married. • To teach them good moral training. • To get justice and good equal treatment. • Not to be cause any kind of harm of them. • To teach them social responsibility, to teach about social practices. • Give them right to express their opinion. Younger brothers and sisters conduct towards their seniors: • Loyalty and respect • Honor their senior sentiment. • It is a polite for the junior to call their senior by first name. • Bring patients grateful respectful towards their seniors. • Disobedient, neglect towards seniors and considered as sins. • To tell in a polite way if elders made a mistake. • Talk with them with politely and smiley face. • Listen and obey their orders and commends. • In their old age treat them as parents.
  • 13. Page4 Family and Social Life: Families of children with visual impairments and additional disabilities have all the concerns other parents do but they face a host of other challenges and issues as well. Like other parents, the parents of children with visual impairments have certain overriding concerns. How will my child succeed in school? Make friends? Have a happy and successful life? If you are a parent of a child who is visually impaired and has additional disabilities you in all likelihood have questions and possibly a range of powerful emotions in addition to those experienced daily by most families. The often complex needs of children with multiple disabilities can have a big impact on their families. And there is no one system of care in this country that automatically identifies what families need and immediately provides the services that fit the bill. For this reason, many families can experience a great variety of pressures. As important as it is to provide for your child who has multiple disabilities you also need to take good care of yourself and the rest of your family too. Support from family, friends, doctors, religious counselors and other families of children who are visually impaired with additional disabilities are invaluable. Agencies serving people who are visually impaired organizations serving individuals with disabilities, physicians or pediatricians, early interventionists and local librarians can help families in finding support groups related to their children's disabilities. Because it can often seem as though the only person who really understands what you are experiencing is someone who has been there too another parent especially one who has a child older than yours and who has already been through what you are now living may seem like a lifeline of sorts. Lifelines are important for all of us. As you and your child make your way through life you may find that you and the rest of your family constantly need to adjust to new circumstances and events as we all do. With time, persistence and the awareness that sources of support, information and advice are available, you may find that you have arrived at a promising future.
  • 14. Page4 How to make a family happy and sound: When we going to discus about how to make a family sound and happy then we have to look at those factors which is important to make a family happy and sound. We also have to look those key factors which are the cause that makes a family unhappy. Happiness is not a thing which can buy like a product. It’s comes through mental satisfaction. To make a family sound and happy family members should be satisfied at a moderate living standard. Factors important to make a family happy and sound: • Good relationship among family members. • Fulfill the basic right food, dress, shelter, education, medical treatment of the family members. • Make them concern about their duty and obligations towards family. • Make them concern about their duty and obligations towards family members. • By making the family members aware about their rights. • By making family members more responsible about their duty towards himself, family members, society, nations and country. • Make a complete plan of action, how to manage the family. • By fulfilling the family members wants, needs and demands. • Make ensure the complete allocation of wealth and other facilities among family members. • It is a most important duty of family chief to listen the problems of other family members. • Ensure the participation of other members in making major decision. • Family members should try to honor others members feelings. • To ensure that all family members owe the obligations and duties of family ethics. • Family members should try to realize others members problem. • Family members should try to build up good relationship among each other. • A family should try to avoid all those things, which are creating a gap in between their relation.
  • 15. Page4 Factors make a family unhappy: • Lack of good understanding among family members. • Unsatisfactory, which is very important factor in the question of family’s happiness. • Economic problem is a very important issue. • A little misunderstanding may cause a great kind of problem. • Not to show respect on others feelings cause of a trouble. • Miss behavior creates a great amount of problem. • Not to show respect on others opinion and sentiments is also a problem creating factor. • Not to be attentive on other words create problem. • Not to listen problems of others create problem. • Not to be helpful and merciful is not a suitable tendency for a happy family life. CONCLUSION Happiness comes through satisfaction. It is a very important practice for family members to satisfy themselves within what they have. Otherwise a family cannot be completely happy and sound. It is a very important factor that a man or women’s family should must be sound and happy otherwise it will be impossible to expect a good impact from him or her. Family leads a very important role in a man’s or women personal life. So it is very important that a good and happy family can help to makes a man or woman successful. Family can lead a very important role to its member’s mentality. Any body shouldn’t expect a happy and soundman from an unhappy family. Happy and sound family is very much required for a complete human being none can achieve his or her goal without family support.