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Let’s Build a Smarter Planet:

                                © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Transportation: The big picture.

      Mode of transportation

                                                 Land                        Sea

    Automobiles            Roads              Airlines              Passenger      Ships and     Ports
    Trucks                 Parking                                    terminals       ferries       Cargo
    Buses                  Tolls                                     Air cargo                      terminals
    Railroads              Rails                                      terminals
    Metro transit          Terminals
                            Bridges
                            Tunnels
                            Signals and

 Passengers and freight                                     Vehicle and infrastructure manufacturers
 Local and long distance                                    Supporting service providers for travel and freight
 Commercial or publicly owned

                                                                                                       © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Transportation is critically important to civilization.

Across town or across the globe…
 Freight: Food, clothing, shelter, fuel, materials, manufactured products.
 People: Travel to work, school, shopping, healthcare, recreation.
 Economic vitality depends on the availability of transportation.
 Quality of transportation improves quality of life.
 Cities could not exist without transportation of goods into the city.

                                                                              © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Demands on transportation providers will increase over time, driving
the need for new intelligence and insight, greater connectivity and
transparency, and improved customer service.

   DRIVERS OF CHANGE                           CHALLENGES                           STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES

  Population explosion                         Capacity and congestion              Predict demand and
  World population is growing and              Meet the growing, changing
  transportation providers will need           demand efficiently, consistently
                                                                                    optimize capacity and
  to expand capacity to keep up.               and profitably?                      assets.

  Urbanization                                 Empowered customers                  Dramatically improve
  As the number and size of cities             Deliver transportation choices
  grows, pressure on transportation            and information in the way that
                                                                                    the end-to-end customer
  systems to move people and                   end customers value.                 experience.
  materials between and within
  those cities grows.

  Globalization                                Efficient, green operations          Improve operational
  The growing interconnectedness               Reduce cost and dependency on
  of the world is driving inter-city and       scarce resources while reducing
                                                                                    efficiency while reducing
  international growth in demand, with         environmental impact.                environmental impact.
  an expectation of improved service.

  Technology                                   Safety and security                  Assure safety and security.
  Technology now enables the capture           Unobtrusively reduce exposure
  and analysis of real-time information        to security risks and increase the
  about the status, location and               safety of operations, with less
  condition of everything.                     cost and impact on customers.

                                                                                                      © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Drivers of change
Exploding populations, urbanization, globalization and technology
are driving change, which creates unique challenges and
opportunities for transportation providers.

2 billion / 7 billion                          476 cities over 1 million
It took all of history for human               In 2010 there are 476 urban areas with
population to reach 2 billion, and only        at least 1 million people. That’s an
one generation to more than triple to          increase of 573% from 1950 when there
nearly 7 billion.                              were 83. Over half the world’s population
                                               now lives in urban areas.

>100x growth                                   4 billion / 1 billion
International trade in manufactured            Today, there are over 4 billion mobile
goods increased more than 100 times            phone users, and over 1 billion internet
(from $95 billion to $112 trillion) in the     users, growing rapidly to 2 billion.
50 years following 1955.

                                                                                  © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

The need for progress is clear.

Capacity and congestion                                   Empowered customers

100 billion Euros                                         30,000 in 6 days
Traffic congestion costs the European                     30,000 people from 47 countries
Union over 1% of GDP, or over 100                         downloaded an airline’s new smartphone
billion Euros per year.                                   application in the first 6 days.

7 billion / 6 billion                                     87% use the Web
By 2020 there may be global demand for 7                  87% of U.S. travelers use the Web.
billion air passenger trips. Yet airports and
airlines will only have capacity for 6 billion.
(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
                                                          4.6 billion cell phones
                                                          4.6 billion worldwide by the end of 2009.
$30 trillion                                              60% and -19%
The world will spend about $30 trillion over
the next two decades on new roads and                     60% of consumer sentiment around the U.S.
similar projects according to CIBC                        air travel industry is negative, and there are
economist Benjamin Tal.                                   19% fewer brand-loyal travelers in 2008 than
                                                          in 2006—a recipe for commoditization.

                                                                                                  © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

The need for progress is clear.

Efficient, green operations                    Safety and security

2.8 billion gallons                            >41 thousand lives
                                               The U.S. Department of Transportation
                                               reports over 41,000 road fatalities every
4.2 billion hours                              year from 1995 to 2007.
U.S. road traffic congestion during 2007
wasted 2.8 billion gallons of fuel and
4.2 billion hours. Total cost of wasted        $5.9 billion
fuel and time was $87.2 billion.

3% or 13%                                      >60% of operating cost
Airlines worldwide generate 3% of all          Airlines spend $5.9 billion per year on
greenhouse gas emissions. Some say             security (IATA). Airports spend >60% of their
that because aircraft operate in the upper     operating cost on safety and security (ACI).
atmosphere, the impact may be equivalent
to 13% of emissions from all sources.

                                                                                       © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

The opportunity for progress is clear.

18% less traffic                               423 miles using 1 gallon
A European city reduced traffic by up to       One ton of rail freight can be moved 423 miles
18%, and increased use of public transit by    using one gallon of fuel, and a single freight
80,000 passengers per day. Citizens voted      train can replace 280 trucks, reducing fuel use,
to support the project.                        congestion and emissions.

1.5% per year                                  10% fewer breakdowns
                                               A container port in the UK reduced
                                               equipment breakdowns by 10%.
50% by 2050
Airline industry environmental targets:        60% fewer delayed bags
1.5% average annual improvement in             A European airport reduced mishandled baggage
fuel efficiency from 2009 to 2020.             by 60% using an innovative RFID-based solution.
Cap aviation CO2 emissions from
2020 onwards (carbon neutral growth).
50% reduction in CO2 emitted by 2050
                                               99.15% on time
relative to 2005.                              An Asian high-speed railway achieves
                                               99.15% on-time performance.

                                                                                        © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

The reality of living in a globally integrated world is upon us.

 Frozen credit markets, limited access to capital, unpredictable funding.
 Economic downturn and future uncertainty of economic growth.
 Environmental sustainability challenges and new global regulation.
 Oil and fuel volatility and long-term cost escalation.
 Information explosion, channel proliferation and loss of market-making power.
 Emergence of indirect substitutes and alternatives.
 Changing travel demand and shifts in buying behaviors.
 The need to increase or decrease capacity rapidly to align with demand.
 New customer demands and business models.

The world is connected:
economically, socially and technically.

                                                                                  © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

This mandate for change is a mandate for smart.

                            The infrastructures, systems and processes that underpin
                                 how business and society function are becoming
                        digitally aware, interconnected and infused with intelligence.
     The new intelligence applies to how services are delivered, to the movement of people,
  freight, money, information, electricity and more. Each represents a chance to do something
                             better, faster and more productively.
          This is a new frame of reference with enormous promise for economic growth, with
                            opportunities to think and act in new ways.

                                                                                         © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Success will depend on deeper, more holistic and informed
planning, collaboration and execution. Transportation providers will
need to become smarter.

         PREDICT DEMAND AND                                     DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE THE
OPTIMIZE CAPACITY AND ASSETS                                    END-TO-END TRAVELER OR
                                                                CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE
 Predict demand, align transportation
 asset and infrastructure deployment                            Understand customer needs
  and continuously adapt operations.                            and provide information and
                                                                services to meet those needs
                                                                in the manner preferred.

         IMPROVE OPERATIONAL                                    ASSURE SAFETY
    EFFICIENCY WHILE REDUCING                                   AND SECURITY
                                                                Leverage new sources of
        Continuously balance cost and                           information and new ways
       environmental impact of scarce                           of using that information to
     resource use while exploring new                           improve security and safety.
              operational alternatives.

                                                                                     © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

 The transistor was
                                                            Over 4 billion mobile
 invented 60 years
                                                            phone subscribers by
                                                            the end of 2009…        By 2010, there will
 Today, there are 1                                                                 be 30 billion RFID
 billion transistors for                                                            tags embedded into
 each person on earth.                                                              our world.

                                        1 billion people
                                        are connected to
                                        the internet…
                                        Soon growing to
                                        2 billion people.

                                                                                               © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Almost all usable information was once authored or processed by
a person. That kind of information is now being overwhelmed by
machine-generated data from sensors, RFID, meters, microphones,
surveillance systems, GPS systems and all types of objects.

                                               Volume of digital data
                                               The number of emails sent every day is
                                               estimated to be over 200 billion.
                                               Every day, 15 petabytes of new information is
                                               being generated. This is 8 times more than the
                                               information in all U.S. libraries.
                                               By 2010, the amount of digital information will
                                               grow to 988 exabytes (equivalent to a stack of
                                               books from the Sun to Pluto and back).

                                                                                        © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

With the expansion of information sources comes a large variance
in the nature of the data. This creates significant challenges to
promoting real-time decision making.

                                               Variety of information
                                               Today, 80% of new data growth is
                                               unstructured content, generated by emails,
                                               documents, images, and video and audio.
                                               38% of email archiving decisions receive
                                               input from a C-level executive and 23% from
                                               legal/compliance professionals.
                                               The average car will have 100 million lines of
                                               code by 2010.
                                               The Airbus A380 contains over 1 billion lines
                                               of code.

                                                                                        © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Decision making velocity is about optimizing the speed of insight as
well as the confidence that decisions and actions taken will yield the
best outcomes.

                                               Velocity of decision making
                                               Every week, the average information worker spends
                                               14.5 hours reading and answering email, 13.3 hours
                                               creating documents, 9.6 hours searching for
                                               information and 9.5 hours analyzing information.
                                               For every 1,000 knowledge workers, $5.7 million is
                                               lost annually in time wasted reformatting information
                                               between applications.
                                               Not finding the right information costs an additional
                                               $5.3 million per year.
                                               42% of managers say they inadvertently use the
                                               wrong information at least once per week.
                                               70% of executives believe that poor decision making
                                               has had a degrading impact on their companies’

                                                                                         © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

The transformation to smart is enabling us to become
more efficient, productive and responsive.

        Traditional approach                       Smarter approach
        Instinct and intuition                               Fact-driven

        Corrective                                             Directive

        Years, months, weeks                     Hours, minutes, seconds

        Decision support                                  Action support

        Efficient                                             Optimized

                                                                © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

                                                 +                   +                  =
                            An opportunity to think and act in new ways.

     Predict demand                      Dramatically improve      Improve operational         Assure safety
     and optimize                        the end-to-end traveler   efficiency while reducing   and security.
     capacity and assets.                or customer experience.   environmental impact.

                                                                                                    © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Predict demand and optimize transportation capacity and assets.

SMART IS                                       SMART IS
Understanding and modeling a holistic view     Modeling scenarios and better planning routes,
of demand—across the transportation network.   schedules and maintenance by optimizing
                                               assets, infrastructure and capacity.

SMART IS                                       SMART IS
Creating dynamic multimodal plans and          Gaining deeper insights into the utilization
models, and executing real-time operations     of transportation assets and infrastructure.
based on real-time data.

                                                                                         © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Predict demand and optimize transportation capacity and assets.

Netherlands Railways uses ILOG software to weigh       Stockholm—IBM solutions improved congestion and
56,000 variables including passenger demand and        quality of life reducing peak period traffic by 18%. Use
available assets to assemble and schedule over 5,000   of public transit increased by 80,000 passengers per
trains per day, realizing a 6% savings in operating    day. CO2 emissions from vehicles were reduced
efficiency and saving $28.5M per year. Also improved   by 14%. Increased revenue is channeled back into
on-time performance by 2%, helping capture an          improving public transportation.
additional $57M in fares.

Queensland Motorways reduced road congestion           A large railway in Asia uses an automated crew
during peak hours, improved Brisbane commuter          scheduling system that evaluates the skills and location
experience and supports local economic prosperity      of available employees in real time to assign staff to
by avoiding traffic snarls in commercial areas.        scheduled trains. Employees receive their assignments
                                                       via cell phone text messages, and log in to work using
                                                       biometric scanners, ensuring positive identification and
                                                       access control. The system provides management with
                                                       real time information about available staff and forward-
                                                       looking intelligence to optimize resource allocation,
                                                       reducing staff shortages and overtime expense.
                                                                                                        © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Dramatically improve the end-to-end traveler or customer experience.

SMART IS                                       SMART IS
Increasing revenue and share by developing     Reducing cost and differentiating customer service.
more loyal customers who become advocates.

SMART IS                                       SMART IS
Optimizing capacity to meet demand and         Better serving customers by anticipating
reduce delays.                                 and catering to their needs throughout the
                                               journey and by collaborating with adjacent
                                               service providers.

                                                                                       © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Dramatically improve the end-to-end traveler or customer experience.

A European airport, in partnership with an international   A leading global logistics firm uses ILOG Optimization
airline, reduced mishandled baggage by 60% with an         software to route and consolidate shipments for their
RFID-based baggage handling system. Reduced                customers, lowering supply chain transportation costs
transfer time by 22% and operational cost by 40%.          by up to 25%.

Singapore Land Transport Authority provides a unified      IBM developed an application for Air Canada using the Apple
payment system using smart cards for public transit,       iPhone, iPod Touch, and Blackberry allowing passengers to
tolls and parking, improving the commuter experience.      book flights, download electronic boarding passes, check-in,
Planners use data from the system to develop optimal       get flight status and book rental cars and other services.
routes and schedules, reducing congestion and              There were over 30k downloads of the app from 47 countries
increasing the appeal of public transit. Reduced fare      in the first 6 days and a 13.5% increase in mobile check-ins.
leakage by 80% and cost of fare processing by 2%.          93% of Air Canada passengers say multichannel self service
                                                           has improved their travel experience. Canadian New Media
                                                           Award for Best Mobile App of 2009.

                                                                                                          © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Improve operational efficiency while reducing environmental impact.

SMART IS                                         SMART IS
Increasing the extended transportation           Increasing the ability to deal with irregular
network capacity using current infrastructure    operations across the transportation network
and assets without increasing spend, including   and modes.
collaborating with adjacent service and
infrastructure providers.

SMART IS                                         SMART IS
Saving money and time by knowing the             Modeling the financial impact of business
location, status and availability of your        decisions, streamlining planning, and
assets—reducing total resource use and           monitoring performance to maximize
carbon footprint enterprise-wide.                revenue, margins and cash flow.

                                                                                          © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Improve operational efficiency while reducing environmental impact.

A U.S. state department of transportation used Cognos     Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation uses IBM Maximo
to improve their operational reporting and financial      for their advanced maintenance management solution
management, which had a direct positive effect on         which used condition-based monitoring to predict and
their bond rating and interest rates available to them.   act on maintenance requirements and manage over
                                                          320k asset elements. They have improved asset life
                                                          and availability with 99.15% on-time train performance.

A major European railroad reduces maintenance cost        COSCO, a global shipping firm, engaged IBM to help
by 30% by moving from curative and preventative           optimize their supply chain using the Supply Chain
maintenance to predictive maintenance using Maximo.       Network Optimization Workbench (SNOW). As a result
                                                          of the engagement, COSCO consolidated from 100 to
                                                          40 distribution centers, lowered logistics cost by 23%
                                                          and reduced CO2 emissions by 15%.

                                                                                                         © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Assure safety and security.

SMART IS                                        SMART IS
Predicting and avoiding vehicle failure.        Reducing congestion and accidents by
                                                balancing traffic across routes or modes.

SMART IS                                        SMART IS
Better managing security uniformly across       Improving reliability and uptime by optimizing
the transportation network with reduced cost,   the supply chain and MRO processes.
while protecting the privacy of individuals.

                                                                                            © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Smart transportation:
Assure safety and security.

A U.S. hub airport implemented a digital video            A national rail system in Europe monitors its rail
surveillance solution and a security command and          infrastructure in real time and resolves more than
control center. The system also uses information from     50% of issues before they affect train operation
biometric handprints and badge readers. The system        using a service management solution built with
is more effective at recognizing risks and alerting the   IBM Tivoli software.
command center. The effective labor cost savings is
US $2.2m per year.

Using RFID tags on parts and containers, IBM has          An Italian parcel delivery service reduced their
helped a major aircraft manufacturer track aircraft       security staff and increased the level of security
parts through the entire life cycle including all         for their 10 hub facilities using an IBM solution
maintenance and the plane in which it is used. The        that centrally monitors intrusion, access control
solution has allowed them to be more responsive to        readers, digital video and smoke detection.
customers, and reduced fleet down-time without
compromising safety.

                                                                                                               © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

The smarter transportation system is an interdependent ecosystem—
integrated around standard information, processes and technology.

                                                                      providers                          Participants aggregate, analyze
                                                                                                         and act upon data to:
                                                                                       operators          Predict demand and
      Information                                                                                          optimize transportation
                                                                                                           assets and infrastructure.
      Processes                                                                            Freight and
                                      Travel                                                              Dramatically improve the
      Technology                     service
                                                                                           service         end-to-end traveler or
                                                                                           providers       customer experience.
    Passenger and
                                                                                                          Improve operational
    journey information
                                     Passengers                                        Freight             efficiency while reducing
    Freight shipment                  and drivers                                      customers           environmental impact.
    Location, status and                               Vehicle and    Influencers:                        Assure safety and security.
    condition of assets and                          infrastructure   Associations
    infrastructure                                  manufacturers     and universities
    Usage patterns across
    all modes of transportation

                                                                                                                            © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

IBM’s solution strategy is aligned with the needs of
transportation providers.
                    STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES                         HOW IBM HELPS MEET THE NEED
           Predict demand and optimize             Demand and revenue management           Road user charging
           transportation assets and               Enterprise asset management and MRO     Fleet optimization
           infrastructure.                         Route and schedule optimization         Integrated fare
                                                   Traffic modeling and prediction          management
                                                   Irregular operations management

           Dramatically improve the end-to-        Reservation system modernization        Loyalty management
           end traveler/customer experience.       Multichannel self-service               Cargo management
                                                   Ticketing and payment systems           Risk management
                                                   One view of the customer                CRM
                                                   Customer analytics

           Improve operational efficiency while    Enterprise asset management             Resource optimization
           reducing environmental impact.          Enterprise infrastructure management    Carbon management
                                                   Enterprise application systems          Condition monitoring
                                                   Green supply chain optimization         Systems virtualization

           Assure safety and security.             Identity and access management          Biometric identification
                                                   Condition based monitoring              Risk analytics
                                                    using wireless sensors                  Digital video
                                                   Data and application security            surveillance
                                                   Server and endpoint security            Network security

                                                                                                    © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

What makes IBM different?

 IBM’s breadth of experience working with transportation providers worldwide across all
  modes of transportation is unparalleled.
 IBM has strong analytical tools to aggregate, analyze and act upon data gathered from
  disparate sources—providing solutions for planning, scheduling, routing, CRM, pricing,
  revenue management, intelligent traffic and infrastructure management.
 IBM has practical experience implementing innovative solutions to help clients become
  smarter—more instrumented, interconnected and intelligent.
 IBM is the market leader in collaborating with transportation clients to deliver: the fastest
  time to value with minimum risk through innovative solutions; the most comprehensive
  portfolio of hardware, software and services; and deep domain experience and expertise.
 IBM Centers of Excellence, IBM research, proofs of concept and first-of-a-kind projects
  demonstrate innovation and competence in solution implementation.

                                                                                       © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

We’ve only just begun to uncover what is possible on a
smarter planet.

                                               The infrastructures, systems and processes that
                                               underpin how business and society function are
                                               becoming digitally aware, interconnected and
                                               infused with intelligence.
                                               The new intelligence applies to how services are
                                               delivered; to the movement of people, freight, money,
                                               information and electricity; and to how billions of
                                               people live and work. Each represents a chance to
                                               do something better, faster and more productively.
                                               This is a new frame of reference with enormous
                                               promise for economic growth, with opportunities
                                               to think and act in new ways.

                                               Let’s work together to drive
                                               real progress.

                                                                                      © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

Trademarks and notes

   IBM Corporation 2011

    IBM, the IBM logo and are registered trademarks, and other company, product
     or service names may be trademarks or service marks of International Business
     Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of IBM
     trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at
    Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, the PostScript logo, Cell Broadband Engine, Intel,
     the Intel logo, Intel Inside, the Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, the Intel Centrino logo,
     Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, IT Infrastructure Library, ITIL, Java and
     all Java-based trademarks, Linux, Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, the Windows logo,
     and UNIX are trademarks or service marks of others as described under “Special
     attributions” at:
    Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of
    References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends
     to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.

                                                                                        © 2010 IBM Corporation
Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation

IBM Global Financing versus financing providers

               IBM Global Financing                                  Other IT companies
 More than 30 years of experience as an asset-       Generally can’t match the depth and breadth of
  based lender                                         IBM’s IT portfolio and IBM Global Financing’s scope,
                                                       experience and expertise
 Optimal understanding of IT across businesses
  of all sizes and virtually all industries           Often must use third-party finance providers
 Global client financing and asset recovery reach
 Comprehensive financing portfolio to address                        Traditional banks
  needs across the IT life cycle                      Generally lack expertise in technology financing
 Competitive rates, terms and conditions             Tend to be limited to the acquisition phase of IT life
  designed to be easy to understand, and flexible      cycle
  end-of-lease options
                                                      Often have limited scope to exploit residual value of
 Based on our expertise and market knowledge,         financed equipment
  we are able to take strong residual value
  positions with respect to hardware, resulting in    Rarely serve the full needs of IT life cycle
  very competitive rates for our FMV lease            By and large require restrictive loan covenants and
  offerings                                            end-of-lease options
 Integration of financing into IBM’s solutions       Offer no equipment recycling or disposal

31                                                                                              © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Smarter Planet: Transportation

  • 1. George Mattathil - 4/21/2011 Let’s Build a Smarter Planet: Transportation © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 2. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Transportation: The big picture. Mode of transportation Infrastructure Air Land Sea  Automobiles  Roads  Airlines  Passenger  Ships and  Ports  Trucks  Parking terminals ferries  Cargo  Buses  Tolls  Air cargo terminals  Railroads  Rails terminals  Metro transit  Terminals  Bridges  Tunnels  Signals and communications  Passengers and freight  Vehicle and infrastructure manufacturers  Local and long distance  Supporting service providers for travel and freight  Commercial or publicly owned © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 3. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Transportation is critically important to civilization. Across town or across the globe…  Freight: Food, clothing, shelter, fuel, materials, manufactured products.  People: Travel to work, school, shopping, healthcare, recreation.  Economic vitality depends on the availability of transportation.  Quality of transportation improves quality of life.  Cities could not exist without transportation of goods into the city. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 4. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Demands on transportation providers will increase over time, driving the need for new intelligence and insight, greater connectivity and transparency, and improved customer service. DRIVERS OF CHANGE CHALLENGES STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES Population explosion Capacity and congestion Predict demand and World population is growing and Meet the growing, changing transportation providers will need demand efficiently, consistently optimize capacity and to expand capacity to keep up. and profitably? assets. Urbanization Empowered customers Dramatically improve As the number and size of cities Deliver transportation choices grows, pressure on transportation and information in the way that the end-to-end customer systems to move people and end customers value. experience. materials between and within those cities grows. Globalization Efficient, green operations Improve operational The growing interconnectedness Reduce cost and dependency on of the world is driving inter-city and scarce resources while reducing efficiency while reducing international growth in demand, with environmental impact. environmental impact. an expectation of improved service. Technology Safety and security Assure safety and security. Technology now enables the capture Unobtrusively reduce exposure and analysis of real-time information to security risks and increase the about the status, location and safety of operations, with less condition of everything. cost and impact on customers. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 5. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Drivers of change Exploding populations, urbanization, globalization and technology are driving change, which creates unique challenges and opportunities for transportation providers. 2 billion / 7 billion 476 cities over 1 million It took all of history for human In 2010 there are 476 urban areas with population to reach 2 billion, and only at least 1 million people. That’s an one generation to more than triple to increase of 573% from 1950 when there nearly 7 billion. were 83. Over half the world’s population now lives in urban areas. >100x growth 4 billion / 1 billion International trade in manufactured Today, there are over 4 billion mobile goods increased more than 100 times phone users, and over 1 billion internet (from $95 billion to $112 trillion) in the users, growing rapidly to 2 billion. 50 years following 1955. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 6. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation The need for progress is clear. Capacity and congestion Empowered customers 100 billion Euros 30,000 in 6 days Traffic congestion costs the European 30,000 people from 47 countries Union over 1% of GDP, or over 100 downloaded an airline’s new smartphone billion Euros per year. application in the first 6 days. 7 billion / 6 billion 87% use the Web By 2020 there may be global demand for 7 87% of U.S. travelers use the Web. billion air passenger trips. Yet airports and airlines will only have capacity for 6 billion. (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 4.6 billion cell phones 4.6 billion worldwide by the end of 2009. $30 trillion 60% and -19% The world will spend about $30 trillion over the next two decades on new roads and 60% of consumer sentiment around the U.S. similar projects according to CIBC air travel industry is negative, and there are economist Benjamin Tal. 19% fewer brand-loyal travelers in 2008 than in 2006—a recipe for commoditization. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 7. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation The need for progress is clear. Efficient, green operations Safety and security 2.8 billion gallons >41 thousand lives The U.S. Department of Transportation reports over 41,000 road fatalities every 4.2 billion hours year from 1995 to 2007. U.S. road traffic congestion during 2007 wasted 2.8 billion gallons of fuel and 4.2 billion hours. Total cost of wasted $5.9 billion fuel and time was $87.2 billion. 3% or 13% >60% of operating cost Airlines worldwide generate 3% of all Airlines spend $5.9 billion per year on greenhouse gas emissions. Some say security (IATA). Airports spend >60% of their that because aircraft operate in the upper operating cost on safety and security (ACI). atmosphere, the impact may be equivalent to 13% of emissions from all sources. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 8. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation The opportunity for progress is clear. 18% less traffic 423 miles using 1 gallon A European city reduced traffic by up to One ton of rail freight can be moved 423 miles 18%, and increased use of public transit by using one gallon of fuel, and a single freight 80,000 passengers per day. Citizens voted train can replace 280 trucks, reducing fuel use, to support the project. congestion and emissions. 1.5% per year 10% fewer breakdowns A container port in the UK reduced equipment breakdowns by 10%. 50% by 2050 Airline industry environmental targets: 60% fewer delayed bags 1.5% average annual improvement in A European airport reduced mishandled baggage fuel efficiency from 2009 to 2020. by 60% using an innovative RFID-based solution. Cap aviation CO2 emissions from 2020 onwards (carbon neutral growth). 50% reduction in CO2 emitted by 2050 99.15% on time relative to 2005. An Asian high-speed railway achieves 99.15% on-time performance. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 9. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation The reality of living in a globally integrated world is upon us.  Frozen credit markets, limited access to capital, unpredictable funding.  Economic downturn and future uncertainty of economic growth.  Environmental sustainability challenges and new global regulation.  Oil and fuel volatility and long-term cost escalation.  Information explosion, channel proliferation and loss of market-making power.  Emergence of indirect substitutes and alternatives.  Changing travel demand and shifts in buying behaviors.  The need to increase or decrease capacity rapidly to align with demand.  New customer demands and business models. The world is connected: economically, socially and technically. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 10. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation This mandate for change is a mandate for smart. The infrastructures, systems and processes that underpin how business and society function are becoming digitally aware, interconnected and infused with intelligence. The new intelligence applies to how services are delivered, to the movement of people, freight, money, information, electricity and more. Each represents a chance to do something better, faster and more productively. This is a new frame of reference with enormous promise for economic growth, with opportunities to think and act in new ways. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 11. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Success will depend on deeper, more holistic and informed planning, collaboration and execution. Transportation providers will need to become smarter. PREDICT DEMAND AND DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE THE OPTIMIZE CAPACITY AND ASSETS END-TO-END TRAVELER OR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Predict demand, align transportation asset and infrastructure deployment Understand customer needs and continuously adapt operations. and provide information and services to meet those needs in the manner preferred. TRANSPORTATION PROVIDERS IMPROVE OPERATIONAL ASSURE SAFETY EFFICIENCY WHILE REDUCING AND SECURITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Leverage new sources of Continuously balance cost and information and new ways environmental impact of scarce of using that information to resource use while exploring new improve security and safety. operational alternatives. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 12. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation The transistor was Over 4 billion mobile invented 60 years phone subscribers by ago… the end of 2009… By 2010, there will Today, there are 1 be 30 billion RFID billion transistors for tags embedded into each person on earth. our world. 1 billion people are connected to the internet… Soon growing to 2 billion people. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 13. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Almost all usable information was once authored or processed by a person. That kind of information is now being overwhelmed by machine-generated data from sensors, RFID, meters, microphones, surveillance systems, GPS systems and all types of objects. Volume of digital data The number of emails sent every day is estimated to be over 200 billion. Every day, 15 petabytes of new information is being generated. This is 8 times more than the information in all U.S. libraries. By 2010, the amount of digital information will grow to 988 exabytes (equivalent to a stack of books from the Sun to Pluto and back). © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 14. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation With the expansion of information sources comes a large variance in the nature of the data. This creates significant challenges to promoting real-time decision making. Variety of information Today, 80% of new data growth is unstructured content, generated by emails, documents, images, and video and audio. 38% of email archiving decisions receive input from a C-level executive and 23% from legal/compliance professionals. The average car will have 100 million lines of code by 2010. The Airbus A380 contains over 1 billion lines of code. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 15. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Decision making velocity is about optimizing the speed of insight as well as the confidence that decisions and actions taken will yield the best outcomes. Velocity of decision making Every week, the average information worker spends 14.5 hours reading and answering email, 13.3 hours creating documents, 9.6 hours searching for information and 9.5 hours analyzing information. For every 1,000 knowledge workers, $5.7 million is lost annually in time wasted reformatting information between applications. Not finding the right information costs an additional $5.3 million per year. 42% of managers say they inadvertently use the wrong information at least once per week. 70% of executives believe that poor decision making has had a degrading impact on their companies’ performance. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 16. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation The transformation to smart is enabling us to become more efficient, productive and responsive. Traditional approach Smarter approach Instinct and intuition Fact-driven Corrective Directive Years, months, weeks Hours, minutes, seconds Decision support Action support Efficient Optimized © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 17. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation + + = An opportunity to think and act in new ways. Predict demand Dramatically improve Improve operational Assure safety and optimize the end-to-end traveler efficiency while reducing and security. capacity and assets. or customer experience. environmental impact. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 18. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Predict demand and optimize transportation capacity and assets. SMART IS SMART IS Understanding and modeling a holistic view Modeling scenarios and better planning routes, of demand—across the transportation network. schedules and maintenance by optimizing assets, infrastructure and capacity. SMART IS SMART IS Creating dynamic multimodal plans and Gaining deeper insights into the utilization models, and executing real-time operations of transportation assets and infrastructure. based on real-time data. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 19. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Predict demand and optimize transportation capacity and assets. Netherlands Railways uses ILOG software to weigh Stockholm—IBM solutions improved congestion and 56,000 variables including passenger demand and quality of life reducing peak period traffic by 18%. Use available assets to assemble and schedule over 5,000 of public transit increased by 80,000 passengers per trains per day, realizing a 6% savings in operating day. CO2 emissions from vehicles were reduced efficiency and saving $28.5M per year. Also improved by 14%. Increased revenue is channeled back into on-time performance by 2%, helping capture an improving public transportation. additional $57M in fares. Queensland Motorways reduced road congestion A large railway in Asia uses an automated crew during peak hours, improved Brisbane commuter scheduling system that evaluates the skills and location experience and supports local economic prosperity of available employees in real time to assign staff to by avoiding traffic snarls in commercial areas. scheduled trains. Employees receive their assignments via cell phone text messages, and log in to work using biometric scanners, ensuring positive identification and access control. The system provides management with real time information about available staff and forward- looking intelligence to optimize resource allocation, reducing staff shortages and overtime expense. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 20. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Dramatically improve the end-to-end traveler or customer experience. SMART IS SMART IS Increasing revenue and share by developing Reducing cost and differentiating customer service. more loyal customers who become advocates. SMART IS SMART IS Optimizing capacity to meet demand and Better serving customers by anticipating reduce delays. and catering to their needs throughout the journey and by collaborating with adjacent service providers. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 21. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Dramatically improve the end-to-end traveler or customer experience. A European airport, in partnership with an international A leading global logistics firm uses ILOG Optimization airline, reduced mishandled baggage by 60% with an software to route and consolidate shipments for their RFID-based baggage handling system. Reduced customers, lowering supply chain transportation costs transfer time by 22% and operational cost by 40%. by up to 25%. Singapore Land Transport Authority provides a unified IBM developed an application for Air Canada using the Apple payment system using smart cards for public transit, iPhone, iPod Touch, and Blackberry allowing passengers to tolls and parking, improving the commuter experience. book flights, download electronic boarding passes, check-in, Planners use data from the system to develop optimal get flight status and book rental cars and other services. routes and schedules, reducing congestion and There were over 30k downloads of the app from 47 countries increasing the appeal of public transit. Reduced fare in the first 6 days and a 13.5% increase in mobile check-ins. leakage by 80% and cost of fare processing by 2%. 93% of Air Canada passengers say multichannel self service has improved their travel experience. Canadian New Media Award for Best Mobile App of 2009. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 22. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Improve operational efficiency while reducing environmental impact. SMART IS SMART IS Increasing the extended transportation Increasing the ability to deal with irregular network capacity using current infrastructure operations across the transportation network and assets without increasing spend, including and modes. collaborating with adjacent service and infrastructure providers. SMART IS SMART IS Saving money and time by knowing the Modeling the financial impact of business location, status and availability of your decisions, streamlining planning, and assets—reducing total resource use and monitoring performance to maximize carbon footprint enterprise-wide. revenue, margins and cash flow. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 23. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Improve operational efficiency while reducing environmental impact. A U.S. state department of transportation used Cognos Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation uses IBM Maximo to improve their operational reporting and financial for their advanced maintenance management solution management, which had a direct positive effect on which used condition-based monitoring to predict and their bond rating and interest rates available to them. act on maintenance requirements and manage over 320k asset elements. They have improved asset life and availability with 99.15% on-time train performance. A major European railroad reduces maintenance cost COSCO, a global shipping firm, engaged IBM to help by 30% by moving from curative and preventative optimize their supply chain using the Supply Chain maintenance to predictive maintenance using Maximo. Network Optimization Workbench (SNOW). As a result of the engagement, COSCO consolidated from 100 to 40 distribution centers, lowered logistics cost by 23% and reduced CO2 emissions by 15%. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 24. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Assure safety and security. SMART IS SMART IS Predicting and avoiding vehicle failure. Reducing congestion and accidents by balancing traffic across routes or modes. SMART IS SMART IS Better managing security uniformly across Improving reliability and uptime by optimizing the transportation network with reduced cost, the supply chain and MRO processes. while protecting the privacy of individuals. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 25. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Smart transportation: Assure safety and security. A U.S. hub airport implemented a digital video A national rail system in Europe monitors its rail surveillance solution and a security command and infrastructure in real time and resolves more than control center. The system also uses information from 50% of issues before they affect train operation biometric handprints and badge readers. The system using a service management solution built with is more effective at recognizing risks and alerting the IBM Tivoli software. command center. The effective labor cost savings is US $2.2m per year. Using RFID tags on parts and containers, IBM has An Italian parcel delivery service reduced their helped a major aircraft manufacturer track aircraft security staff and increased the level of security parts through the entire life cycle including all for their 10 hub facilities using an IBM solution maintenance and the plane in which it is used. The that centrally monitors intrusion, access control solution has allowed them to be more responsive to readers, digital video and smoke detection. customers, and reduced fleet down-time without compromising safety. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 26. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation The smarter transportation system is an interdependent ecosystem— integrated around standard information, processes and technology. Transportation Governments providers Participants aggregate, analyze and act upon data to: Terminal Regulators operators  Predict demand and Information optimize transportation assets and infrastructure. Processes Freight and Travel  Dramatically improve the logistics Technology service providers service end-to-end traveler or providers customer experience. Passenger and  Improve operational journey information Passengers Freight efficiency while reducing Freight shipment and drivers customers environmental impact. information Location, status and Vehicle and Influencers:  Assure safety and security. condition of assets and infrastructure Associations infrastructure manufacturers and universities Usage patterns across all modes of transportation © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 27. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation IBM’s solution strategy is aligned with the needs of transportation providers. STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES HOW IBM HELPS MEET THE NEED Predict demand and optimize  Demand and revenue management  Road user charging transportation assets and  Enterprise asset management and MRO  Fleet optimization infrastructure.  Route and schedule optimization  Integrated fare  Traffic modeling and prediction management  Irregular operations management Dramatically improve the end-to-  Reservation system modernization  Loyalty management end traveler/customer experience.  Multichannel self-service  Cargo management  Ticketing and payment systems  Risk management  One view of the customer  CRM  Customer analytics Improve operational efficiency while  Enterprise asset management  Resource optimization reducing environmental impact.  Enterprise infrastructure management  Carbon management  Enterprise application systems  Condition monitoring  Green supply chain optimization  Systems virtualization Assure safety and security.  Identity and access management  Biometric identification  Condition based monitoring  Risk analytics using wireless sensors  Digital video  Data and application security surveillance  Server and endpoint security  Network security © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 28. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation What makes IBM different?  IBM’s breadth of experience working with transportation providers worldwide across all modes of transportation is unparalleled.  IBM has strong analytical tools to aggregate, analyze and act upon data gathered from disparate sources—providing solutions for planning, scheduling, routing, CRM, pricing, revenue management, intelligent traffic and infrastructure management.  IBM has practical experience implementing innovative solutions to help clients become smarter—more instrumented, interconnected and intelligent.  IBM is the market leader in collaborating with transportation clients to deliver: the fastest time to value with minimum risk through innovative solutions; the most comprehensive portfolio of hardware, software and services; and deep domain experience and expertise.  IBM Centers of Excellence, IBM research, proofs of concept and first-of-a-kind projects demonstrate innovation and competence in solution implementation. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 29. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation We’ve only just begun to uncover what is possible on a smarter planet. The infrastructures, systems and processes that underpin how business and society function are becoming digitally aware, interconnected and infused with intelligence. The new intelligence applies to how services are delivered; to the movement of people, freight, money, information and electricity; and to how billions of people live and work. Each represents a chance to do something better, faster and more productively. This is a new frame of reference with enormous promise for economic growth, with opportunities to think and act in new ways. Let’s work together to drive real progress. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 30. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation Trademarks and notes IBM Corporation 2011  IBM, the IBM logo and are registered trademarks, and other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at  Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, the PostScript logo, Cell Broadband Engine, Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Inside, the Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, the Intel Centrino logo, Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, IT Infrastructure Library, ITIL, Java and all Java-based trademarks, Linux, Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, the Windows logo, and UNIX are trademarks or service marks of others as described under “Special attributions” at:  Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.  References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates. © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 31. Let’s build a smarter planet: Transportation IBM Global Financing versus financing providers IBM Global Financing Other IT companies  More than 30 years of experience as an asset-  Generally can’t match the depth and breadth of based lender IBM’s IT portfolio and IBM Global Financing’s scope, experience and expertise  Optimal understanding of IT across businesses of all sizes and virtually all industries  Often must use third-party finance providers  Global client financing and asset recovery reach  Comprehensive financing portfolio to address Traditional banks needs across the IT life cycle  Generally lack expertise in technology financing  Competitive rates, terms and conditions  Tend to be limited to the acquisition phase of IT life designed to be easy to understand, and flexible cycle end-of-lease options  Often have limited scope to exploit residual value of  Based on our expertise and market knowledge, financed equipment we are able to take strong residual value positions with respect to hardware, resulting in  Rarely serve the full needs of IT life cycle very competitive rates for our FMV lease  By and large require restrictive loan covenants and offerings end-of-lease options  Integration of financing into IBM’s solutions  Offer no equipment recycling or disposal 31 © 2010 IBM Corporation