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Credit seminar on :
Major Advisor:
Dr. Amrendra Kumar
By :
Deepak Kumar
M.Sc. (Agronomy) 2nd Year
R.No.- M/AGRO/322/2019-20
Flow of presentation
Food and environmental security in India
Adverse effects of conventional Fertilizers
Smart fertilizers and their formulations
Research studies
Future line of work
• The global population is expected to increase from 7.2 to 9.6 billion by 2050
(UN, 2013), which will increase food demand and fodder requirements for
• In 2015, the UN adopted 17 sustainable development goals, aiming to
eradicate hunger and extreme poverty by 2030, while at the same time
preserving the environment and global climate
• Agricultural land systems (cropland, managed grassland, permanent crops
including agroforestry and bioenergy crops) cover about 40–50 per cent of the
Earth’s land surface on which human needs to secure food production.
• Fertilizer contribute to 50% of todays food production and demand will
increase over time , so for fulfilling food demand and minimizing fertilizer
lost we are adopting the concept of smart fertilizers and by this enhancing rate
of NUE and produced nutritious food.
 Preserving the environment
• Excesses amounts of conventional fertilizers always, Pollute water quality and
reservoirs Reduce the quality of soil characteristics
Food security
“Food security exists when all people, at all times have physical
and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to
meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and
healthy life.” (FAO)
Environmental safety
Environmental security addresses the consequences of
environmental degradation, broadly defined to include depletion or
degradation of natural resources such as air, water, land; by
indiscriminate use of fertilizers. So the Smart fertilizers which are
ecologically sound, having high nutrient use efficiency, reducing
excess fertilizer application and maintaining continuous availability
of plant nutrients throughout plant growth and finally saving
Adverse effects of conventional Fertilizers
Soil hardening
GHG emissions
Mortality of soil
Root burn
Ground water
Dead zone
Air and water
Fig. 1
Measures to overcome
• Organic farming
• Natural farming
• Bio-dynamic farming
• Permaculture
• Agroforestry
• Precision farming
• Sustainable agriculture
• Integrated nutrient management
• Use of smart fertilizers…etc
 The aim is to bring innovations related to smart
fertilizer technology for food security.
 Smart fertilizers may be a solution to enhance food
production and environmental quality.
Smart fertilizers..??
SMART FERTILIZERS are form of fertilizers
capable of minimizing the various losses and
enhance the use efficiency of the nutrients,
providing the continuous availability of the
plant nutrients throughout plant growth.
Features of Smart fertilizers
 Controlled release of plant nutrients
 Avoiding excess fertilizer application
 Improved fertilizer use efficiency
 Reduced frequency of fertilizer
1-Enhance soil fertility, yield and quality
parameters of the crops.
2-Non toxic and less harmful to the ecosystem.
3-Increase nutrient use efficiency.
4-Reduce environmental pollution.
Why Smart fertilizers are advantageous over
traditional fertilizers because they –
Smart fertilizer formulations
Water soluble
Slow release
Fig. 2
Schematic diagram of smart fertilizer effects in the soil - plant system
Fig. 3
• Nanofertilizers are nutrient carriers with nano
dimensions of 1- 100 nm
• 1 Nanometer = 10-9 m = 1 billionth of a meter
• Nanoforms of crop nutrients such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Mn,
Cu, B, Zn, Fe, Ni, Mo…coated by Nanoparticles such as :
• Carbon nanotubes
• Silver (Ag)
• Titanium oxide (TiO2)
• Cerium oxide (CeO2)
• Aluminum (Al)
• Silicon (Si)
• Unique features of nano-fertilizers
include :
 Smaller size and higher surface area
 High absorption rate
 Slow, targeted and efficient release of
plant nutrients
 Increase in NUE
 Reduce adverse effects on the environment
compared to application of conventional
mineral fertilizers
 The application of nano-urea can save up to
12.4-41.7 per cent of nitrogen application
to the soil (Huang et al., 2015)
Fig. 4
Hydroponic techniques
Foliar spraying
Seed treatment
Seedling root dipping
Direct soil application
Application in liquid media for tissue culture
Invitro culture
Through irrigation water
Methods of application of nano fertilizers
• Higher NUE (Controlled release)
• Targeted delivery
• More soluble or more reactive
• Improved penetration
• Reduces risk of Eutrophication
• Improve crop growth, yield and quality
• Alleviate abiotic stress and heavy metals toxicity
Effect of nano zinc fertilizer on yield and Zn content of tomato
Treatments Yield
(kg plant-1)
Fruit Zn
(mg 100gm-1)
Nano ZnO 3.54 2.60
Nano ZnO seed priming 4.30 4.91
Nano ZnO seed priming +foliar spray @ 0.5 % nano ZnO 4.67 6.93
Nano ZnO foliar Spray @ 0.5 % nano ZnO 3.97 4.69
ZnSO4 3.54 2.60
ZnSO4 seed priming 3.54 2.60
ZnSO4 seed priming + foliar spray @ 1 % ZnSo4 4.23 2.96
ZnSO4 foliar spray @ 1 % 4.43 5.19
SEm ± 0.08 0.13
C.D. (P=0.05) 0.27 0.41
CV (%) 3.62 5.58
Hajira et al( 2018)
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Table no. 1
Effect of zinc nano-particles on phenological parameters of pearl millet
Treatments Shoot length
Root length
Total soluble leaf
(mg kg-1)
Control 152 58.6 37.7
Ordinary Zn 158 60.9 43.6
Nano Zn 175 61.1 52.3
C.D. (p =0.05) 0.58 0.14 0.49
Agricultural Research Tarafdar et al( 2014)
ZnO Nano particle size :18.5 nm
Foliar application rate @ 16 ltr ha-1 at 10 ppm concentration
Table no. 2
Water soluble fertilizers
• Water soluble fertilizers are fertilizers (may be liquid or solid)
that can be dissolved in water and applied to the crop.
• Contains fertilizers which are readily available for plant uptake
Examples :-
• Urea Phosphate 17:44:0
• Urea Phosphate with SOP 18:18:18
• Sulphate of potash 0:0:50
• Easy to apply and provides even feeding
• Nutrients are readily available for plant uptake.,(Reduces the preperation
• Highly reliable for supplying both macro and micro nutrients
• Increase yield and improves quality of the product
• Often effective when roots are unable to absorb nutrients due to
fixation, losses, leaching etc.
• No risk of burning a plant as long as label directions are followed
• They are relatively expensive
• Low availability
Effect of WSF and conventional fertilizers on yield of chilli
100% WSF
50% CF
75% CF
SEm C.D. (p=0.05)
No. of fruits
plant-1 110 96 88 2.14 4.94
Fruit length
11.5 9.4 7.8 0.72 1.64
Fruit weight (g) 8.7 7.8 6.5 0.36 0.82
Yield plant-1 (g) 960 756 574 14.16 32.14
RDF: Recommended dose of fertilizer
CF: Conventional fertilizers
WSF: Water soluble fertilizers
Journal of krishi vigyan Krishnamoorthy and Hanif, 2014
Table no. 3
Customized fertilizers
• The Central Fertilizer Committee has included customized fertilizers in the
Fertilizer (Control) Order 1985, as a new category of fertilizers that are
area/soil/crop specific
• Customized Fertilizer is a concept around balanced plant nutrition
• Such fertilizers are based on the sound scientific plant nutrition principle
• Customized fertilizers are multi nutrient carrierslti-
• Facilitates the application of the complete range of plant nutrients in right
proportion to suit the specific requirements of a crop during its stages of
• nutrient carriers
• Promote site specific nutrient management (SSNM) and
precision agriculture
• Maximum FUE of applied nutrients in a cost effective
• Combination of nutrients (Macro and Micro)
• Improves soil fertility and is environment friendly
• Soil-crop-climate based fertilizer
• Specific to crop and area based on soil fertility
• Developed using scientific data base
• Available in ready to use form in a balanced way
 Risk for the customized fertilizers industry
 More research is needed to develop CF according to
soil type for same crop as the deficiency of all
nutrients does not in all soil in a similar way.
 Soil analysis of different regions is time consuming
and tedious job.
Effect of customized fertilizers on grain and
straw yield of wheat
Grain yield (t ha-1) Straw yield(t ha-1)
Mean Mean
T1: Control 1.59 2.19
T2: 50% CF dose 2.57 3.67
T3: 75% CF dose 3.33 4.24
T4: 100% CF dose 3.72 5.17
T5: 125% CF dose 3.87 5.11
T6: 150% CF dose 4.40 5.56
T7: RDF 3.43 4.35
SEm± 0.09 0.15
C.D. (p=0.05) 0.30 0.47
CF: Customized fertilizers (11:18:9:5.3:0.7% N, P, K, S and Zn )
Dose of CF 100% - 375 kg ha-1.
RDF: Recommended dose of fertilizers (120:60:40 kg NPK ha -1)
The Bioscan Dwivedi et al ( 2014 )
Table no. 4
Coated/slow release fertilizers
Fig. 5
1. Polymers
A broad range of synthetic materials, such as petroleum based
polymers have been used to encapsulate water-soluble fertilizers
• Polymer (polyethylene, polyesters)
• Sulphur
• Sulphur plus polymer.
Polymers used are:-
• Polysulfone
• Polyacrylonitrile
• Polyvinyl chloride
• Polyurethane
Polymers in agriculture
Nutrient release pattern of polymer coated fertilizers
Fig. 6
Effect of polymer coated urea on yield
attributing parameters of rice
Treatments/ N sources Panicle
Urea Supergranules 18.26 2.31 54.46 39.43 42.00
Polymer coated urea
(single layer)
19.61 2.56 64.04 48.85 43.25
Polymer coated urea
(Double layer)
20.14 2.61 69.93 54.39 43.75
Neem coated urea 19.26 2.50 60.06 45.16 42.92
Sulfur coated urea 18.52 2.42 59.11 43.60 42.41
C.D. (p=0.05) 0.93 0.07 3.21 3.60 NS
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science Rajani and Sen ( 2017 )
Table no. 5
• Biodegradable polymers have also been used in
bioformulations, acting as microbial carriers
• These carriers protect microbial inoculants from
various stresses and prolong shelf life
• Sodium alginate
• Potassium alginate
2. Biodegradable polymers
• Minimize nutrient losses and
Increase Nutrient Use efficiency
• Increased nutrient release timing
• Meet plant demand timely and
• Reduction of plant toxicity
• Root burn can be avoided with
the application of controlled
release fertilizers even at the
increased quantities of fertilizers
• Very high cost
• Applying sulphur coated urea
almost always
• Lowers soil pH
• Prills can be damaged by
• Only about 0.25 per cent of the
total fertilizers consumption is
such products
• Nutrient deficiencies may occur
if nutrients are not released as
predicted because of low
temperatures, flooded or
droughty soil, or poor activity of
soil microbes
Effect of different slow release nitrogenous fertilizers on
growth of maize
Treatments LAD (days) Total dry matter production
(g plant-1)
T1: 50 % Rec. N (urea-basal) + 50 % Rec. N (urea) at 30 DAS 66.97 260.11
T2: 100 % Rec. N (NCU- basal) 91.92 295.34
T3: 75 % Rec. N (NCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (NCU) at 30 DAS 80.41 284.89
T4: 75 % Rec. N (NCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (Urea) at 30 DAS 75.05 273.05
T5: 100 % Rec. N (COCU as basal) 86.85 285.98
T6: 75 % Rec. N (COCU- basal) + 25 % Rec. N (COCU) at 30 DAS 76.96 277.00
T7: 75 % Rec. N (COCU- basal) + 25 % Rec. N (Urea) at 30 DAS 70.07 267.14
T8: 100 % Rec. N (POCU- basal) 89.52 290.44
T9: 75 % Rec. N (POCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (POCU) at 30 DAS 78.53 279.58
T10: 75 % Rec. N (POCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (Urea) at 30 DAS 72.75 270.99
SEm± 3.52 3.06
C.D. (p=0.05) 10.46 9.10
NCU: Neem coated urea, COCU: Castor oil coated urea, POCU: Pongamia oil coated urea
Journal of Farm Science Shilpa et al ( 2018 )
Table no. 6
Factors affecting the release of nutrients from
Coated fertilizers
 Temperature
 Solutes such as urea move through the coating by diffusion
which is dependent on temperature
 Thickness of coating material
 As coating thickness increases, the diffusion time through the
coating increases
 Moisture
 Moisture is required but is a non-factor for irrigated crops
• Smart fertilizers based on slow release and or carrier delivery
systems have been shown to improve crop yields, soil
productivity, and lower nutrient loss compared with conventional
• Nanotechnology have the potential to facilitate improved nutrient
management and use efficiency in agroecosystems.
• Several materials such as clays, nano-clays, and degradable
polymers, and agricultural wastes are suitable for the development
of smart fertilizers by acting as carrier for nutrients.
Future line of work
• Future research should explore and evaluate the composition,
agronomic and environmental performance of various smart
fertilizers such as polymers
• Development of agriculture sector is only possible by accelerating
the resource use eficiency through effective utilization of modern
• More research is needed to develop customised fertilizers according
to soil type for same crop as the deficiency of all nutrients does not
in all soil in a similar way and to provide long term assurrance
• Availability, cost feasibility of various smart fertilizers and security
standardization of nano might bring more adoption among farmers
Smart fertilizers : A way to assure the country
‘Ever Green Revolution, Food and Nutritional

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  • 1. 1 SUBMITTED BY: M.THIRUMALA TAM-2018-06 DR. RAJENDRA PRASAD CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY PUSA, BIHAR Credit seminar on : SMART FERTILIZERS FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY Major Advisor: Dr. Amrendra Kumar Asst.Prof.-cum-Scientist By : Deepak Kumar M.Sc. (Agronomy) 2nd Year R.No.- M/AGRO/322/2019-20
  • 2. Flow of presentation Introduction Food and environmental security in India Adverse effects of conventional Fertilizers Smart fertilizers and their formulations Research studies Conclusion Future line of work
  • 3. • The global population is expected to increase from 7.2 to 9.6 billion by 2050 (UN, 2013), which will increase food demand and fodder requirements for livestock • In 2015, the UN adopted 17 sustainable development goals, aiming to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty by 2030, while at the same time preserving the environment and global climate • Agricultural land systems (cropland, managed grassland, permanent crops including agroforestry and bioenergy crops) cover about 40–50 per cent of the Earth’s land surface on which human needs to secure food production. • Fertilizer contribute to 50% of todays food production and demand will increase over time , so for fulfilling food demand and minimizing fertilizer lost we are adopting the concept of smart fertilizers and by this enhancing rate of NUE and produced nutritious food.  Preserving the environment • Excesses amounts of conventional fertilizers always, Pollute water quality and reservoirs Reduce the quality of soil characteristics Introduction
  • 4.
  • 5. Food security “Food security exists when all people, at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” (FAO)
  • 6. Environmental safety Environmental security addresses the consequences of environmental degradation, broadly defined to include depletion or degradation of natural resources such as air, water, land; by indiscriminate use of fertilizers. So the Smart fertilizers which are ecologically sound, having high nutrient use efficiency, reducing excess fertilizer application and maintaining continuous availability of plant nutrients throughout plant growth and finally saving environment.
  • 7. Adverse effects of conventional Fertilizers Soil hardening GHG emissions Mortality of soil Microorganisms Root burn Ground water contamination Dead zone Air and water pollution Fertilizer Fig. 1
  • 8. Measures to overcome • Organic farming • Natural farming • Bio-dynamic farming • Permaculture • Agroforestry • Precision farming • Sustainable agriculture • Integrated nutrient management • Use of smart fertilizers…etc
  • 9.  The aim is to bring innovations related to smart fertilizer technology for food security.  Smart fertilizers may be a solution to enhance food production and environmental quality.
  • 10. Smart fertilizers..?? SMART FERTILIZERS are form of fertilizers capable of minimizing the various losses and enhance the use efficiency of the nutrients, providing the continuous availability of the plant nutrients throughout plant growth. Features of Smart fertilizers  Controlled release of plant nutrients  Avoiding excess fertilizer application  Improved fertilizer use efficiency  Reduced frequency of fertilizer application
  • 11. 1-Enhance soil fertility, yield and quality parameters of the crops. 2-Non toxic and less harmful to the ecosystem. 3-Increase nutrient use efficiency. 4-Reduce environmental pollution. Why Smart fertilizers are advantageous over traditional fertilizers because they –
  • 12. Smart fertilizer formulations Nano fertilizers Water soluble fertilizers Customized fertilizers Coated/ Slow release fertilizers Fig. 2
  • 13. Schematic diagram of smart fertilizer effects in the soil - plant system Fig. 3
  • 14. Nano-fertilizers • Nanofertilizers are nutrient carriers with nano dimensions of 1- 100 nm • 1 Nanometer = 10-9 m = 1 billionth of a meter • Nanoforms of crop nutrients such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Mn, Cu, B, Zn, Fe, Ni, Mo…coated by Nanoparticles such as : • Carbon nanotubes • Silver (Ag) • Titanium oxide (TiO2) • Cerium oxide (CeO2) • Aluminum (Al) • Silicon (Si)
  • 15. • Unique features of nano-fertilizers include :  Smaller size and higher surface area  High absorption rate  Slow, targeted and efficient release of plant nutrients  Increase in NUE  Reduce adverse effects on the environment compared to application of conventional mineral fertilizers  The application of nano-urea can save up to 12.4-41.7 per cent of nitrogen application to the soil (Huang et al., 2015)
  • 17. Hydroponic techniques Foliar spraying Seed treatment Seedling root dipping Direct soil application Application in liquid media for tissue culture Invitro culture Through irrigation water Methods of application of nano fertilizers
  • 18. Advantages • Higher NUE (Controlled release) • Targeted delivery • More soluble or more reactive • Improved penetration • Reduces risk of Eutrophication • Improve crop growth, yield and quality • Alleviate abiotic stress and heavy metals toxicity
  • 19. Effect of nano zinc fertilizer on yield and Zn content of tomato Treatments Yield (kg plant-1) Fruit Zn (mg 100gm-1) Nano ZnO 3.54 2.60 Nano ZnO seed priming 4.30 4.91 Nano ZnO seed priming +foliar spray @ 0.5 % nano ZnO 4.67 6.93 Nano ZnO foliar Spray @ 0.5 % nano ZnO 3.97 4.69 ZnSO4 3.54 2.60 ZnSO4 seed priming 3.54 2.60 ZnSO4 seed priming + foliar spray @ 1 % ZnSo4 4.23 2.96 ZnSO4 foliar spray @ 1 % 4.43 5.19 SEm ± 0.08 0.13 C.D. (P=0.05) 0.27 0.41 CV (%) 3.62 5.58 Hajira et al( 2018) International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Table no. 1
  • 20. Effect of zinc nano-particles on phenological parameters of pearl millet Treatments Shoot length (cm) Root length (cm) Total soluble leaf Protein (mg kg-1) Control 152 58.6 37.7 Ordinary Zn 158 60.9 43.6 Nano Zn 175 61.1 52.3 C.D. (p =0.05) 0.58 0.14 0.49 Agricultural Research Tarafdar et al( 2014) ZnO Nano particle size :18.5 nm Foliar application rate @ 16 ltr ha-1 at 10 ppm concentration Table no. 2
  • 21. Water soluble fertilizers • Water soluble fertilizers are fertilizers (may be liquid or solid) that can be dissolved in water and applied to the crop. • Contains fertilizers which are readily available for plant uptake Examples :- • Urea Phosphate 17:44:0 • Urea Phosphate with SOP 18:18:18 • Sulphate of potash 0:0:50
  • 22. Advantages • Easy to apply and provides even feeding • Nutrients are readily available for plant uptake.,(Reduces the preperation phase) • Highly reliable for supplying both macro and micro nutrients • Increase yield and improves quality of the product • Often effective when roots are unable to absorb nutrients due to fixation, losses, leaching etc. • No risk of burning a plant as long as label directions are followed Disadvantages • They are relatively expensive • Low availability
  • 23. Effect of WSF and conventional fertilizers on yield of chilli Parameters T1: RDF 100% WSF T2:RDF 50%WSF: 50% CF T3:RDF 25%WSF: 75% CF SEm C.D. (p=0.05) No. of fruits plant-1 110 96 88 2.14 4.94 Fruit length (cm) 11.5 9.4 7.8 0.72 1.64 Fruit weight (g) 8.7 7.8 6.5 0.36 0.82 Yield plant-1 (g) 960 756 574 14.16 32.14 RDF: Recommended dose of fertilizer CF: Conventional fertilizers WSF: Water soluble fertilizers Journal of krishi vigyan Krishnamoorthy and Hanif, 2014 Table no. 3
  • 24. Customized fertilizers • The Central Fertilizer Committee has included customized fertilizers in the Fertilizer (Control) Order 1985, as a new category of fertilizers that are area/soil/crop specific • Customized Fertilizer is a concept around balanced plant nutrition • Such fertilizers are based on the sound scientific plant nutrition principle • Customized fertilizers are multi nutrient carrierslti- • Facilitates the application of the complete range of plant nutrients in right proportion to suit the specific requirements of a crop during its stages of growth • nutrient carriers
  • 25.
  • 26. Advantages • Promote site specific nutrient management (SSNM) and precision agriculture • Maximum FUE of applied nutrients in a cost effective manner • Combination of nutrients (Macro and Micro) • Improves soil fertility and is environment friendly • Soil-crop-climate based fertilizer • Specific to crop and area based on soil fertility • Developed using scientific data base • Available in ready to use form in a balanced way
  • 27. Challenges  Risk for the customized fertilizers industry  More research is needed to develop CF according to soil type for same crop as the deficiency of all nutrients does not in all soil in a similar way.  Soil analysis of different regions is time consuming and tedious job.
  • 28. Effect of customized fertilizers on grain and straw yield of wheat Treatment Grain yield (t ha-1) Straw yield(t ha-1) Mean Mean T1: Control 1.59 2.19 T2: 50% CF dose 2.57 3.67 T3: 75% CF dose 3.33 4.24 T4: 100% CF dose 3.72 5.17 T5: 125% CF dose 3.87 5.11 T6: 150% CF dose 4.40 5.56 T7: RDF 3.43 4.35 SEm± 0.09 0.15 C.D. (p=0.05) 0.30 0.47 CF: Customized fertilizers (11:18:9:5.3:0.7% N, P, K, S and Zn ) Dose of CF 100% - 375 kg ha-1. RDF: Recommended dose of fertilizers (120:60:40 kg NPK ha -1) The Bioscan Dwivedi et al ( 2014 ) Table no. 4
  • 30. 1. Polymers A broad range of synthetic materials, such as petroleum based polymers have been used to encapsulate water-soluble fertilizers Types: • Polymer (polyethylene, polyesters) • Sulphur • Sulphur plus polymer. Polymers used are:- • Polysulfone • Polyacrylonitrile • Polyvinyl chloride • Polyurethane
  • 31. Polymers in agriculture Nutrient release pattern of polymer coated fertilizers Fig. 6
  • 32. Effect of polymer coated urea on yield attributing parameters of rice Treatments/ N sources Panicle length (cm) Panicle weight (g) Straw yield (g/hill) Grain yield (g/hill) Harvest index (%) Urea Supergranules 18.26 2.31 54.46 39.43 42.00 Polymer coated urea (single layer) 19.61 2.56 64.04 48.85 43.25 Polymer coated urea (Double layer) 20.14 2.61 69.93 54.39 43.75 Neem coated urea 19.26 2.50 60.06 45.16 42.92 Sulfur coated urea 18.52 2.42 59.11 43.60 42.41 C.D. (p=0.05) 0.93 0.07 3.21 3.60 NS International Journal of Plant & Soil Science Rajani and Sen ( 2017 ) Table no. 5
  • 33. • Biodegradable polymers have also been used in bioformulations, acting as microbial carriers • These carriers protect microbial inoculants from various stresses and prolong shelf life Examples: • Sodium alginate • Potassium alginate 2. Biodegradable polymers
  • 34. Advantages • Minimize nutrient losses and Increase Nutrient Use efficiency (NUE) • Increased nutrient release timing • Meet plant demand timely and efficiently • Reduction of plant toxicity • Root burn can be avoided with the application of controlled release fertilizers even at the increased quantities of fertilizers supplied Disadvantages • Very high cost • Applying sulphur coated urea almost always • Lowers soil pH • Prills can be damaged by abrasion • Only about 0.25 per cent of the total fertilizers consumption is such products • Nutrient deficiencies may occur if nutrients are not released as predicted because of low temperatures, flooded or droughty soil, or poor activity of soil microbes
  • 35. Effect of different slow release nitrogenous fertilizers on growth of maize Treatments LAD (days) Total dry matter production (g plant-1) T1: 50 % Rec. N (urea-basal) + 50 % Rec. N (urea) at 30 DAS 66.97 260.11 T2: 100 % Rec. N (NCU- basal) 91.92 295.34 T3: 75 % Rec. N (NCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (NCU) at 30 DAS 80.41 284.89 T4: 75 % Rec. N (NCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (Urea) at 30 DAS 75.05 273.05 T5: 100 % Rec. N (COCU as basal) 86.85 285.98 T6: 75 % Rec. N (COCU- basal) + 25 % Rec. N (COCU) at 30 DAS 76.96 277.00 T7: 75 % Rec. N (COCU- basal) + 25 % Rec. N (Urea) at 30 DAS 70.07 267.14 T8: 100 % Rec. N (POCU- basal) 89.52 290.44 T9: 75 % Rec. N (POCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (POCU) at 30 DAS 78.53 279.58 T10: 75 % Rec. N (POCU- basal)+ 25 % Rec. N (Urea) at 30 DAS 72.75 270.99 SEm± 3.52 3.06 C.D. (p=0.05) 10.46 9.10 NCU: Neem coated urea, COCU: Castor oil coated urea, POCU: Pongamia oil coated urea Journal of Farm Science Shilpa et al ( 2018 ) Table no. 6
  • 36. Factors affecting the release of nutrients from Coated fertilizers  Temperature  Solutes such as urea move through the coating by diffusion which is dependent on temperature  Thickness of coating material  As coating thickness increases, the diffusion time through the coating increases  Moisture  Moisture is required but is a non-factor for irrigated crops
  • 37. Conclusion • Smart fertilizers based on slow release and or carrier delivery systems have been shown to improve crop yields, soil productivity, and lower nutrient loss compared with conventional fertilizers. • Nanotechnology have the potential to facilitate improved nutrient management and use efficiency in agroecosystems. • Several materials such as clays, nano-clays, and degradable polymers, and agricultural wastes are suitable for the development of smart fertilizers by acting as carrier for nutrients.
  • 38. Future line of work • Future research should explore and evaluate the composition, agronomic and environmental performance of various smart fertilizers such as polymers • Development of agriculture sector is only possible by accelerating the resource use eficiency through effective utilization of modern technologies • More research is needed to develop customised fertilizers according to soil type for same crop as the deficiency of all nutrients does not in all soil in a similar way and to provide long term assurrance • Availability, cost feasibility of various smart fertilizers and security standardization of nano might bring more adoption among farmers
  • 39. 39 THANK Smart fertilizers : A way to assure the country ‘Ever Green Revolution, Food and Nutritional Security’.