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Skin Diversity Reflection
Throughout my time in the BIOA 101 course, I have found myself amused and intrigued in the
information given to me everytime I walked into the classroom. One of the many facets that
captivates me in the course is the phenotypic variation we see within people of different races and
even same race. It truly amazes me to think that people could be the same race but look completely
different from one another. As an individual who always travel the world, I have always tried to
embrace the differences between one another. Whether it is the color of their skin to the color of
their eyes, I believe that these differences makes us all unique and special.
One aspect of phenotypic variation that fascinates me is the idea that our skin pigmentation have
evolved and adapted to the environmental factors that may harm us such as the ultraviolet (UV)
radiation from the sun. Growing up in Malaysia I have always noticed that many of us had dark skin
but I was never bothered enough to come up with answers to why we are the way we are. When I
moved away from Malaysia at the age of nine, I realized that people from different parts of the
world had varying skin tones. Some people had pale skin while others were black and there was a
range of skin tones in between. As a result of me being young and naive, I tend to associate skin
tones to where they came from. This meant that I would associate individuals with white skin as
being European and people with dark or black skin as being from Africa.
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Essay on The Genetic Defect Albinism
The Genetic Defect Albinism In the past, albinos were usually treated with fear or awe. They were
sometimes killed at birth. Albino births were common enough in some groups not to cause any
excitement. For example, among the San Blas Indians of Panama, one in approximately 130 births is
an albino. In the mid–nineteenth century, albinos were exhibited in sideshows. Whole families were
displayed at times and were described as a unique race of might people. They were said to live
underground and to come out only at night when the light was dim and would not hurt their eyes.
Albinism is a genetic defect if the integumentary system. Albinism occurs when the body fails to
produce melanin. Melanin forms in a special cell called the ... Show more content on ...
An alteration of the gene for dopachrome tautomerase does not produce albinism. Three other genes
make proteins that are also involved in melanin pigment formation and albinism, but the exact role
of these proteins remains unknown. These genes are the P gene on chromosome 15, the
Hermansky––Pudlak syndrome gene on chromosome 10, and the ocular albinism gene on the X
chromosome. The gene carrying the defect that produces albinism is recessive, which means that
both parents must carry this recessive gene in order to produce a child with the condition. When
both parents carry the gene (and neither has albinism), there is a one in four chance with each
pregnancy that their child will have albinism. The inheritance pattern of ocular albinism is alittle
different. This condition is X–linked, meaning that the recessive gene for ocular albinism is located
on the X chromosome. X–linked ocular albinism appears just about only in males who inherit the
condition from their mothers. Albinism is a recessive inherited defect in melanin metabolism in
which pigment is absent from the hair, skin, and eyes (oculocutaneous albinism) or just from the
eyes (ocular Albinism). Albinos tend to be children of parents who were first cousins. For a long
time, the term "albinism" referred only to people who had white hair, white skin, and blue eyes.
Individuals who had OCA and pigmented hair and eyes were identified, particularly in the African
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Albinism: Autosomal Recessive Disease
:Albinism is a autosomal recessive disease, which means that a person must have two copies of the
defective gene to exhibit symptoms of the disease. The child therefore inherits one defective gene
responsible for making melanin from each parents. Because the task of making melanin is complex,
there are many different types of albinism, involving a number of different genes.A defect in one of
several genes that produce or distribute melanin causes albinism. The defect may result in the
absence of melanin production, or a reduced amount of melanin production. The defective gene
passes down from both parents to the child and causes albinism.albinism:Until recently, prenatal
diagnosis of OCA I was achieved by histologic and electron microscopic
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Importance Of Race In Society
Race plays a crucial part in our society, starting from the young ones to the society at large, it is a
great part of history that exist even when twisted till this day. As a black student currently studying
in North America who has traveled and lived in other part of the world, I have gained experience
and days of research of how race influence our society. Some Communities still talk about the
progress that has been made while others show a deep concern about what still needs to be done.
Starting with the young generation of our society, parents tell their children that race is real, race
does not matter but in the actual real world the opposite is the case. Race is not real but race does
matter. According to Brackette Williams in his article of A class of act, he said that"over the last 20
years cultural anthropologists have become increasingly involved in an effort to define ethnicity and
to disclose their meaning for the political and economic dimensions of social organization". If race
does not matter, then why is there an increasing amount of anthropologies studying how race
influence our society. This is because race matters and it is one of the myth Agstin Fuentes refuted in
four of his assumptions in busting the myth that race does not matter. In the book, Color of man
written by Robert Cohen, he said that our skin color is determined by the amount of melanin
pigment in our skin. Dark skin has a lot of melanin while Lighter skin have less. Although, the
difference in our skin are very real, anthropologies long ago rejected the idea of races connected to
skin color because it was believed that there is no culture in color, no muscular or mental abilities
connected to melanin, no character trait, virtue or values associated to skin color, yet at an early age
children are learning their color and the differences between other kinds. What parents refuse to
teach their kids is why we have different colors and what melanin is but instead kids are taught an
eternally different thing. Recent studies have shown where children get their racial ideas from, Ali
Michael and Eleanor Bartoli described what was found in a study of white parents and their white
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Vitiligo Research Paper
Vitiligo is a skin disease that produces a deficit of skin color in splotches. These white macules can
have an effect on the skin of any body part. In extreme cases it can affect the interior of the mouth,
hair, scalp, and even the eyes. The amount and degree of color loss is variable and erratic. Vitiligo
can occur when the melanin producing cells die. The color of skin, hair and eyes is determined by
the type and amount of melanin in the body. Vitiligo affects people of all skin tones and types, but it
is most noticeable in people with a darker melanin or skin tone. It is neither a terminal nor
communicable disease. Treatments are available to help even out the appearance of the skin, but
there is no known cure.
Symptoms and complications
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Albinism Research Paper
Albinism has been around since the seventeenth century. Cases have begun to show up all across the
world in a multitude of countries. Over the past few decades new studies have allowed more
information concerning this condition to be accessed. Albinism is an inherited condition that is
present at birth. It is characterized by a lack of melanin. Melanin is the pigment that normally gives
color to the skin, hair, and eyes. There are several types of albinism that exist, all of which involve
lack of pigment in varying degrees. The condition, which is found in all races and species, may be
accompanied by many other issues. Some effects of albinism include underdeveloped optic nerves,
astigmatism, lazy eyes, irritated skin, and other skin conditions. ... Show more content on ...
The defective gene which is passed down from both parents to the child is what causes albinism.
The enzyme produced by the TYR gene, called tyrosinase, is required for the synthesis of melanin
pigment. A mutation in the TYR gene causes the most common form of albinism. People with this
defective gene have either a partial or complete lack of pigment. Across the globe, the number of
people diagnosed with albinism varies. In the United States, one in seventeen thousand people are
born albino. However, in Tanzania one in fifteen hundred people are born albino. Overall in the
world, one in twenty thousand people are albino. Albinism doesn't just show up in humans however.
Animals have been known to have albinism. Monkeys, deer, birds, rats, and many other animals
have been diagnosed with albinism. People diagnosed with albinism visit Optometrists, Medical
geneticists, Ophthalmologists, and Dermatologists to gain knowledge about their condition and to
consult for advice. As of right now, there is no cure, treatment, or prevention for albinism. Studies
are being conducted across the globe to hopefully one day treat and possibly cure albinism. The
National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and Brown University provided
funding for one particular study that yielded some interesting
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Characteristics Of Each Variation Of Griscelli Syndrome
Each variation of Griscelli syndrome is caused by a mutation in a different gene, however, each
variation presents the same hallmark phenotype; hypopigmentation. The reason for this is because
the three genes involved (MYO5A, RAB27A, and MLPH) play similar roles in the transport of the
pigment melanin. The MYO5A, RAB27A, and MPLH genes all produce proteins that are found
within cells known as melanocytes ("Griscelli syndrome," 2016). Melanocytes are generally found
in the stratum basale of the skin's epidermis and the uvea of the eye. Through a process termed
melanogenesis, melanocytes produce the pigment melanin. Within the melanocytes, the proteins
produced by these three genes work cooperatively and form a complex to transport structures called
melanosomes. Melanosomes are organelles found within the melanocytes that serve as the site of
synthesis, storage, and transport of melanin ("Griscelli syndrome," 2016). When a mutation impairs
the normal function of any of the three genes involved in the transport of the melanosomes, the
production of the proteins produced by these genes is also interrupted. As a result, the normal
transport of melanin within the melanocyte is disrupted, as there is a lack of available proteins, thus,
no protein complex for melanosome transportation. Although the transport of melanin is disrupted,
melanogenesis still continues within the cell, producing more melanin. In normal protein function
within the melanocyte, the melanosomes are transported
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Informative Essay On Albinism
How many of you know someone with albinism? Can you visualize that person? Or what do you
think an albino looks like? What stereotype comes to mind? I'm sure many of you may think that
albinos have the red or pink eyes with white skin and hair, but most of you probably don't know that
is not always true.
For those of you who don't know, I have a type of albinism that will be discussing today along with
what albinism, who gets it, the different types, the symptoms, and if there is a treatment or not.
Most of you may ask, "What is albinism and who gets it?" Albinism is a rare genetic disorder that
causes the skin, hair, and eyes to have little to no color. About 1 in 18,000 to 20,000 people in the
United States have a form of albinism, stated by Rose Kivi, author of the article Albinism Health
line published on November 23, 2015.
Albinism is caused by a mutation in one of several genes. It also has a defect in one of several genes
that produce or distribute melanin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair
and eyes. People who have albinism are more susceptible to developing skin cancer because there is
a lack of melanin produced in the body. Melanin also plays a huge role in the eyes, so the lack of
pigment causes them to be extremely sensitive to light, according to the article "Albinism" last
updated on May 24, 2016.
The people who are at risk for albinism are people who inherit a gene from one or both of their
parents if they have the gene
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Oculocutaneous Albinism: A Genetic Disorder
A genetic disorder is an illness resulting in a change of a person's DNA. They can be grouped into
three main categories: Single gene disorder, chromosome disorder, and Multifactorial disorders.
Approximately 3 to 4% of the 4 million babies born each year will develop a genetic disorder
revealed by the Net Wellness Organization. While about 1 in 18,000 to 20,000 people in the United
States has a form of albinism. Albinism is not that common of a disorder, but can cause the skin,
hair, or eyes to have little or no color. There are several different types of Albinism. For example,
Oculocutaneous (pronounced Ock–you–low–kew–TAIN–ee–us) Albinism or OCA and Ocular
Albinism. There are seven forms of Oculocutaneous Albinism: OCA1, OCA2, OCA3, OCA4, ...
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Both Father and Mother would at least be a carrier for a child to have albinism, a carrier is an
individual who is capable of passing on a genetic mutation, but may not display any symptoms of it.
If both parents are carrier and parent 4 children, then there is a 25% chance that their child will be
affected with Albinism. While there is a 50% chance that their other children will become a carrier
like their parents, leaving a 25% chance that one child will remain unaffected.
The most obvious symptoms of Albinism is the lack of of color in a person's hair, skin, and eye
color. A person's skin may result in pinkish skin, ranging from white and brown, may be similar as
of a parent or sibling without albinism. When exposed to the sun, some people may develop:
freckles, moles without pigment, lentigines, or the ability to tan. Their hair color can range from
very white to brown, hair may also darken by adulthood.
"Spotlight." Information Bulletin – What Is Albinism? – NOAH – Albinism. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr.
"What Is Albinism? :: DNA Learning Center." DNALC Blogs. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
"Albinism Causes." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 19 Apr.
2014. Web. 20 Apr.
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Human Iris Research Paper
This paper considers that focused primarily on human iris. This choice of this topic was made due to
interest of wanting to provide knowledge about the factors that determine eye color. I know, like hair
or skin, brown eyes are dominant over blue eye genes. I also know that a person can be identified by
the retina scanners because everyone has their iris with unique structural patterns.
The iris is a thin diaphragm made of connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers. It lies between the
cornea and lens. The iris is composed of three layers including endothelium, stroma and epithelium.
The anterior chamber, the space between the cornea and the lens is divided into two chambers. The
patterns that form the structure of the iris are unique to each person. Like fingerprints, iris pattern
complexity can potentially identify a person.
In the center of the iris is the pupil. Iris function is to control the size of the pupil. This pupil dilation
allows a certain amount of light to enter the eye. A bright environment stimulates limiting
diaphragm to contract the sphincter muscle and reducing the amount of light entering the eye. A
dark room stimulates the dilator to relax and dilate in the effort to increase the amount of light
entering the eye. The pupil constriction also occurs when the lens changes focus so that the eye can
see something on a fence. This is known as the, Äúnear reflection., AU Sometimes the student does
not respond properly due to problems in nerve or cranial
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Oculocutaneous Albinism (OCA)
Oculocutaneous albinism or OCA is a set of four (or seven, including subdivisions) rare genetic
disorders that are caused by mutations in up to seven different genes and are characterized by a
complete lack or reduction of the pigment melanin in the eyes, hair, and skin. An estimated 1 in
20,000 people worldwide are born with this disorder. The conditions of OCA are caused by
mutations in genes that are responsible and necessary for producing the melanin pigment in
specialized cells (melanocytes). Not having enough of the melanin pigment can result in abnormal
eye development, resulting in vision problems, and light skin that is easily damaged by the sun, at
times resulting in different skin cancers, including an aggressive form called melanoma. Symptoms
of this condition can also include nystagmus (involuntary back and forth movement of eyes), iris
transillumination (reduced pigment in iris), reduced pigment in the retina, macular hypoplasia (poor
development of the macula, resulting in abnormal foveal development in the retina), generally poor
visual sharpness, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light), and strabismus (abnormal connection
of the nerves from retina to brain, keeping the eyes from tracking ... Show more content on ...
The four main types of oculocutaneous albinism manifest differently in individuals. For example,
OCA1 is characterized by white hair, pale skin, and light colored eyes, and is caused by null
mutations of tyrosinase (TYR – a protein coding gene) that end up making a completely inactive or
unfinished tyrosinase enzyme polypeptide. OCA2, the most common type of albinism, is caused by
a mutation in the P gene and is typically less severe than Type 1; the skin can be creamy white and
the hair may be blonde, yellow, or a
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Comparison Of Melanin And The Science Of Tanning
Two times of melanin are produced within the body, one is called eumelanin and it is responsible for
the golden brown color we normally associate with tanning. Another pigment is called pheomelanin
and it produces a red color. Redheads and blondes produce more pheomelanin and less eumelanin,
which is why they don't tan as well. Sunlight and ultraviolet rays affect the pituitary gland, a gland
at the base of the brain that secretes hormones, which then produces melanocyte–stimulating
hormone. This hormone flows through the bloodstream to the melanocytes, which makes them able
to produce more melanin. (The Science of Tanning) Most people are exposed to large amount UVA
rays in their lifetime.They account for up to ninety–five percent of
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Argumentative Essay On Albino Animals
Albino animals are very unique animals; not because of their certain species, but because of their
skin. Albinos suffer from a loss of pigmentation in their skin, which can make their lives more
difficult. If they are a species of prey, then their chances of staying alive are slim. If they are
predators, then they have trouble hunting due to the white or pink color of their skin. From dolphins
in the Pacific Ocean, to the kangaroos in the outback, albino animals all over the world are being
saved in refuges. The term "albino" comes from the Portuguese term "albo" meaning "white skin".
The definition is an animal or person who lacks the ability to produce melanin, a pigment that colors
the skin. The reason for this is most likely from heredity, or the pass down of genes from past
generations. If the person or animal only has recessive genes, then the offspring has a chance of
being albino. The chances of an animal lacking ... Show more content on ...
Due to their disability, it is very difficult for some albinos to survive in the wild. For example, an
albino squirrel living in the wild would have white fur, which would not help them climb up the
trees to safety. This could result in a decrease of survival rate due to local hunters. Other things can
be problems, such as the disability to stay in a pack, or a pod for the albino dolphin named Pinky
found just north of the Gulf of Mexico in the US. She was found in 2007, and because of her colored
skin, she tended to stay below the pack in order to keep her pod alive. It is also hard for albino
animals to hunt and provide food for their young. If it is a hunting animal, like a wolf or an owl, the
prey will have time to spot the animal and hide themselves. Because of this, many albino animals
suffer and die from starvation. If the animals are in the wild, they have a much smaller survival rate
due to their
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Skin Cancer Essay
"Cancer", its a disease that has claim the lives of millions, its a disease that so far has no known
cure, and its a disease that has many different forms. Cancer is defined as "a malignant form of
tumors, which are tissue masses that arise through mutations in the genes that govern cell growth
and division" (Starr, 1999, p. 213). Skin cancer is just one of the many forms of cancer that effects
us and is the most common cancer in the U.S. Like so many others, I would assume that the major
cause of skin cancer was the ultraviolet rays from the sun. However, there are other factors involved.
Our DNA plays a major role in how cancer affects us, it has a major role in genetics too, therefore,
environmental and heredity both are factors that ... Show more content on ...
One form of skin cancer is melanoma, is the rarest but the most virulent of the skin cancers. It is
responsible for 75% of all deaths from cancer. It is "a cancer that arises in the melanocytes, the cells
that produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives our skin, hair, and eyes their color and that
allows us to tan" (Schofield & Robinson, 2000, p. 1). Melanocytes are located throughout the body,
"in the retina of the eye and in the linings of the mouth, nose, anus, rectum, vagina, and spinal cord,"
(Schofield & Robinson, 2000, p. 6). However, majority of them are located in the skin. The purpose
of these cells are to make melanin to protect our skin cells from the sun's ultraviolet rays (UV rays).
The melanocyte cells are found between the dermis (the second layer of skin) and the epidermis (the
outermost layer of skin). Normally every ten cells found within the epidermis and dermis are
melanocytes the others are cells called keratinocytes. Melanin is made inside the melanocytes then
is transferred along the cells' long arms (dendrites) to nearby keratinocytes in the epidermis.
Melanoma arises when there is an uncontrollable increase in the reproduction of melanocyte cells.
Although, skin cancer mostly develops just below the skin's surface, where an existing mole is
located, it can get into the blood vessels and lymphatic
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Light Colored Eye Research Paper
Eye color is determined by the presence of melanin in the iris of the eye. There are two forms of
melanin, eumelanin which produces a blackish brown pigment, and pheomelanin which is
responsible for the production of reddish yellow colored pigment. The quantity, and the ratio of
these two pigments as they are present in the melanocytes found in the anterior border layer of the
iris are responsible for the variation of color in the iris. Though all irises have approximately the
same number of melanocytes, the amount of melanin found in the iris varies greatly. Brown irises
have a greater total amount of melanin overall, and they tend to have more eumelanin than they do
pheomelanin. In contrast to the brown pigmentation, blue irises tend to have much less melanin, and
of the melanin that is ... Show more content on ...
Within European populations eye colors such as blue, gray, hazel, and green are found at much
greater rates than in any other part of the world. The frequency of the trait for light colored eye
varies quite a bit with some regions of Europe experiencing levels as low as 50%, and some
experiencing levels as high as 80% or greater. Globally however, brown, or black eye color is the
more prevalent iris color. This high frequency of dark eye color globally has led many geneticist's to
believe that at one time all humans had the phenotypic trait of brown eye color. They argue that the
much higher melanin concentration found in the brown colored iris would have offered our
ancestors greater protection from eye diseases such as macular degeneration which can be brought
on by an over exposure to UV radiation from the sun, and such protection may well have acted as a
selective force favoring brown eye color (Duffy et al., 2007; Sturm and Larsson,
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Light Skin Research Paper
Recent research indicates that people find darker skin tones to be more attractive and beautiful, than
pale skins. Most people would be surprised to learn this, considering that there are several countries
in the world that consider light–skinned people the most beautiful. Some time back, tan was
considered a disgrace. It was mainly associated with people who spent countless hours laboring in
the sun. On the other hand, working class women made every effort to ensure that they did not get
exposed to the sun. However, the perception of beauty has changed since then and tanned people are
considered more beautiful and attractive than those with pale skins.
SPF Protection is Vital
The best way of getting a lasting tan, is exposing your body to ... Show more content on ...
This helps in the reduction of UV intensity as well as sunburn risk. Therefore, your tan will last
longer and it will be healthier. Taking breaks also allows your skin to go back to production of
normal melanin, which is essential in giving the skin a consistent tan glow.
Exfoliate Regularly and Gently
Tanning is a result of your skin reacting to the sun. Therefore, it is important to exfoliate regularly.
This prevents buildup of dead skin or even preventing the dead skin from blocking the UV rays from
penetrating your skin. Failure to exfoliate results to uneven tans, something you don't want to show
the world. When exfoliating, scrub lightly to ensure that you don't remove all the tanned
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The Evolution Of Skin
Skin is one of the main physical aspects which distinguishes humans from other species. Skin is an
important feature because it has sweat glands, which regulate body temperature (Jablonski 2004).
This was especially useful when homo sapiens first originated and roamed Africa and other tropical
areas (Jablonski 2004). Perhaps the most interesting aspect of skin is the disparity of its color on
different people in different parts of the world. Skin color is determined by melanin; if a person has
more melanin their skin, hair, and eyes will be darker (Parra 2007). Many scientists and
anthropologists have discussed the purpose and significance of skin color variation in evolutionary
terms. The main argument involving skin color is that highly melanized ... Show more content on ...
Skin color is one of the many things that have been altered to benefit the human race through natural
selection processes. Melanin is the main protector against sunlight so it is easy to assume that in
areas with an immense amount of sunlight, which are areas where Homo sapiens originated from,
humans would be considerably darker (Parra 2007). This also explains why the early members of
the Homo genus were darkly pigmented (Jablonski 2004). Skin color variation contributes to the
understanding of human evolution because it is not only an interesting and divergent trait, it also
played a role in the survival of
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Essay Melanin
Melanin has played a significant role in human evolution. In this paper I will discuss the importance
of melanin in its role in the human biological system and how it relates to the natural selection of
suitable human life according to geography and environment.
Human pigmentation is influenced by hemoglobins within blood vessels in the skin, carotene and
melanins. Melanin, the basis of pigmentation, can be found in the forms of eumelanin and
phaeomelanin. Eumelanin is the brown–black pigment located in the skin, hair, and eyes.
Phaeomelanin is a yellow to reddish–brown pigment found in small quantities within the skin, eyes,
and red hair. Because of these two pigments, to a greater or lesser degree, we have the variation ...
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What does influence skin color variation is the size and distribution pattern of melanosomes as well
as other factors.
A major function of melanin is to act as a defensive barrier of the skin against radiation damage.
Ultraviolet light between the wavelengths 280–320nm (UV–B) causes sunburn and damages the
skin on nonpigmented peoples. Exposure to this degree of light causes their skin to become dry,
leathery, and wrinkled in appearance similar to that associated with aging. This can be seen in
Whites living in Australia and South Africa, where ultraviolet light intensity is high because of the
relative latitude or closeness to the equator.
Melanin is also said to be linked with hearing. Melanocytes are present in the inner ear, the eye, and
in the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. It has been demonstrated that melanin
deposits in these areas are proportional to the amount of melanin found in the skin . These areas of
the body, similar to the skin, are exposed to high–energy free radicals that can damage the
surrounding cells, and thus causing a lower threshold for hearing.
Evidence shows that black people, on average, hear better than whites, and that within both races,
women surpass men. A partial explanation of the differences may lie in the abundance in the inner
ear of melanin pigments. Also, numerous studies have found that people with light eye colors, such
as blue, green, and hazel, are more
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Research Paper On Subungual Melanoma
Toenail Melanoma
Melonoma is a well–known cancer that usually is related to sun exposure, but this one is not caused
by the sun. What most people don't realize is that it can occur in the nails. Both fingernails and
toenails can be effected, so this paper will just talk about nail cancer in general. This is called
subungual melanoma, which means the cancer comes from under the nail matrix. Subungual
melanoma is a malignant melonoma that is "a rare manifestation of cutaneous melamona (occurring
in 0.7% to 3% of cases). In fact, there are two other kinds of nail cancers, ungual melanoma which
comes from the nail plate, and periungual melanoma which comes from the skin beside the nail
plate. Nail cancer is rare and only about 1% of people ... Show more content on ...
S., Jungbluth, A. A., Zaidi, B., Brady, M. S., Coit, D. C., . . . Busam, K. J. (2008). Histologic
distinction between subungual Lentigo and Melanoma. The American Journal of Surgical Pathology,
32(6), 835–843. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from
Cachia, A. R., & Kedziora, A. M. (1999). Subungual malignant melanoma with cartilaginous
differentiation. American Journal of Dermatopathology, 21(2), 165–169. Retrieved 12 29, 2017,
Cochran, A. M., Buchanan, P. J., Bueno, R. A., & Neumeister, M. W. (2014). Subungual melanoma:
a review of current treatment. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 134(2), 259–273. Retrieved 12
29, 2017, from
Hoogduijn, M., Smit, N. P., Laarse, A. v., Nieuwpoort, A. F., Wood, J. M., & Thody, A. J. (2003).
Melanin has a Role in Ca2+ Homeostasis in Human Melanocytes. Pigment Cell Research, 16(2),
127–132. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from
Levit, E. K., Kagen, M. H., Scher, R. K., Grossman, M., & Altman, E. (2000). The ABC rule for
clinical detection of subungual melanoma. Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology,
42(2), 269–274. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from
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Genetic Disease: Albinism
Genetics Diseases Paper: Albinism
Many people every year find out that they have some sort of genetic disease. Genetic diseases affect
an estimated 12 million people and their families. According to Mayo Clinic Staff: Albinism, among
all the genetic diseases one of the most uncommon is Albinism, which has less than 20,000 cases in
the U.S. per year. Albinism is an inherited disorder that produces little or no pigment due to no
melanin. This is one of the genetic diseases that can be self diagnosed although, there are tests
available for a professional to diagnose for further precaution. Albinism is a disease that can last for
years (which is very rare) or a life time because there is ultimately no cure. Albinism is a very rare
disorder that ... Show more content on ...
Many wear protective clothing and a lot of sunscreen to reduce the exposure to sun UV rays which
can damage skin over time. They wear sunglasses to protect their eyes and glasses or contacts for
normal everyday uses as well as corrective lenses to improve their
... Get more on ...
Skin Cancer
Throughout history, the 'ideal' image of people has changed significantly. People have been expected
to look differently over time, with different styles and fads and they have always enjoyed going to
the beach and pool, spending time outside and relaxing – including societies' addiction with tanning.
Everyone loves coming back from the beach with a nice, dark tan, however, they don't know the
dangers entailed
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is the abnormal growth of
cells in the skin. There are two different types of skin cancers: Melanomas and non–melanomas.
Most skin cancers are the non–melanoma type. There are two main types of non–melanoma skin
cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell ... Show more content on ...
The MC1R gene plays an important role in determining if a person has red hair, fair skin, and
sensitivity to UV radiation, it also regulates the synthesis of melanin. MC1R is more common in
Northern European countries posing a greater risk of skin cancer to those who have high exposure to
ultraviolet rays. People who have olive and darker skin and who carry one or more variations of this
gene have a higher than average risk for melanoma. The MC1R gene, which being whiter – 'fair
skinned' is also associated with an increased susceptibility to melanoma.
There are many factors beyond genetics that facilitates the synthesis of vitamin D which is key in
the periods of gestation and growth, in a way that its proper absorption is critical to the survival of
human beings. Other influences on the risk of developing skin cancer include an excessive exposure
to ultraviolet rays.
Skin cells are always being overwhelmed with radiation and certain genes are responsible for fixing
the damage. When a gene called 'patched 1' (also known as PTCH1) is inactivated it causes an
increase in excessive cell growth, also known as cancer. Patched 1 was found in a fruit fly called
Drosophila melanogaster and is located on the ninth chromosome in humans. Malfunctioning
patched 1 leads to defective embryonic development and many types of skin cancer. Patched 1 is
usually born in a somatic cell so inheritance of a
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Vitiligo Research Paper
Vitiligo is a condition in .which the skin loses its pigment cells. This condition cause a disorder
patch in different areas of the body. Vitiligo also cause cosmetic problems with the skin and the
body. The condition is more noticeable on a dark–skin person than a light–skin person.Although ,
vitiligo affect all other race but, the condition is not life –threatening or contagious. Normally the
color of hair and skin is detemined by melanin. Vitiligo occurs when the cell that produce melanin
die or stop functioning.It can be very stressful and make you feel ugly and not highly of yourself.
Vitiligo is a disorder which , in the skin destoryed. Sometimes the genes of the immune system can
play a role in this diseases. People the have vitiligo
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Melanin is a pigment that determines the colour of the skin, eyes and hair, playing a role in
camouflage, heat regulation and cosmetic variation. It also plays a critical role in photoprotection
due to its ability to absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR). As the skin is the largest organ of the
body, it is constantly influenced by external and internal factors thus, melanin is an important
defence system that protects the skin against harmful factors (Costin & Hearing, 2007). The process
by which melanin is produced and distributed by the epidermal units of the skin is called
melanogenesis (Videira, Moura, & Magina, 2013). Extrinsic factors, such as UVR and certain
chemical compounds, and intrinsic factors, such as secretions by keratinocytes or fibroblasts, can
have an influence on melanogenesis. Predetermined genetic factors, such ... Show more content on ...
Mature melanocytes have long projections that are in contact with 30–40 neighbouring keratinocytes
thus making up the epidermal–melanin unit (Tsatmali, Ancans, & Thody, 2002). In order for
melanin to play its role in photoprotection, the mature melanosomes are transported into the
cytoplasm of the keratinocytes via the melanocyte's long projections. Inside the keratinocytes,
melanosomes form a cap around the nucleus. The melanin inside the melanosomes absorbs the UVR
emitted from the sun thus reducing the amount of UVR reaching the nucleus (Tsatmali et al., 2002;
Videira et al., 2013). This process of photoprotection is illustrated in Figure 1. This photoprotection
is necessary as UVR can damage DNA causing mutations leading to cancer (Videira et al., 2013). In
addition, melanosomes are not only found in the skin but can also be found in several other tissues
such as the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, the uvea of the eye, cochlea and adipose
tissues (D'Mello, Finlay, Baguley, & Askarian–Amiri,
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Integument Skin
The skin is part of the integumentary system, and it is the largest organ in the body (Human
Anatomy Book, 119). The integument is made up of two layers: the epidermis and the dermis; deep
to the dermis, however, is the hypodermis. The hypodermis is not part of the integument, but it is
still taken into consideration as the deepest layer of the skin (Human Anatomy Book, 119). The
epidermis, being the most superficial part of the skin, consists of five different layers: stratum
basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum (in thick skin only), and stratum
corneum. The stratum basale, however, consists of many cells, one of them being melanocytes
(Human Anatomy Book, 121). These cells are responsible for the production of melanin, ... Show
more content on ...
For many years now, "scientists have known...that the condition is linked to mutations in the gene
that produces the OCA2 protein; [however], they hadn't...understood how mutations [led] to a
melanin deficit" (Brown University). The study was important because it was "the first to show that
ion channels are important for melanosomes to function properly" (Brown University). According to
the biologists, Nicholas Bellono and Elena Oancea, "the ion channel... lets electrically charged
chloride molecules flow into and out of the melanosome. When the melanosome lacks OCA2, the
researchers found that the chloride flow doesn't occur and the melanosome fails to produce melanin"
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Disadvantages Of Oculocutaneous Albinism
Referance: PubMed: #8723691 Oculocutaneous albinism is set of disorders that affect pigmentation
of the skin, hair, eyes; owing to autosomal recessive inheritance of derangement of melanin
biosynthesis. There are 4 varieties of oculocutaneous albinism including type I, type II, type III, type
IV. Second type of oculocutaneous occurs in the presence of mutations in the OCA2 gene as known
as BOCA, Pink–eyed dilution protein homolog, P gene. OCA2 encodes P protein that takes the role
of the passage of tyrosine which is the precursor of melanin, whereat we can reach the fact that
OCA2 involves melanin synthesis process, therefore flaws in OCA2 causes disorders associated
with melanin metabolism. The main characteristics of oculocutaneous albinism type II are
nystagmus, reduced iris pigment with iris transillumination, reduced retinal pigment with
visualization of the choroidal blood vessels, foveal hypoplasia1 and common ocular alterations seen
in the every type of albinism. Additionally some of the OCA2 patients can obtain small amounts of
melanin with age, consequently there could be ... Show more content on ...
OCA2 is aoutosomal disorder that has been associated with partial deletion in 15q11–q13 segments
which makes some flaws in P protein metabolism, OCA2 is the most prevalent form of the OCA.2
OCA2 found more frequently in people from sub–Saharan Africa and African Americans (OCA2
found in 0.1 percent of African Americans which is almost 4 times prevalent
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Albinism Or Achromasia
Albinism or Achromasia is an inherited congenital skin disorder which the skin has little to no
melanin production. The genes for Albinism are located on "autosomal" chromosomes. Both parents
have to carry the gene to inherit it. If both parents are carriers and show no signs of albinism the
chance that their child will have it is 1 in 4. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups though
out the world. In America 1 in 18,000– 20,000 people has some sort of Albinism. The most accurate
way to detect albinism if through genetic testing. Babies in utero can be tested by amniocentesis or
chorionic villous sampling (CVS). As they get older some types of albinism do get more pigment to
their skin or hair. Mostly resulting in freckles, ... Show more content on ...
OCA1: mostly males have OCA1. Genetic defect in an enzyme called tyrosinase, tyrosinase is an
enzyme that turns the amino acid into a pigment. The enzyme is inactive and no melanin is
2. OCA2: or commonly known as P gene albinism. Genetic defect in the P protein that helps the
tyrosinase enzyme to function. People with OCA2 have little melanin production making their skin
and hair have very little pigment.
3. OCA3: defect in TYRP1, protein that has to do with tyrosinase. People with OCA3 have a
generous amount of pigment.
4. OCA4: is a lot like OCA2 instead of the P protein defect OCA4 defect is in the SLC45A2 protein.
5. OCA 5–7: are the most uncommon forms of albinism. These 3 defects were just found in 2013.
There has been minimal research done on these.
Ocular Albinism: Gene mutation on the X chromosome and it affects mainly males. Cures
There are no cures, but treatment and preventative care to help prevent risks of skin damage due to
UV light that may cause severe sunburn or even skin cancer. Sun glasses, clothing to protect the skin
from UV rays, prescription eyeglasses, surgery on the muscles of the eyes to help with eye
problems. The sun is ultimately the biggest danger with someone who has albinism and they should
take extra precautionary measures to avoid long
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Hyperpigmentation Research Paper
Simple Natural Recipes to Solve the Problems with Hyperpigmentation, Freckles and Stains
Hyperpigmentation When the amounts of melanin increase dark areas on the skin appear. This
disorder is called hyperpigmentation. Melanin can increase due to exposure to sun, aging,
pregnancy, trauma or having a certain illness. Sunlight or chemical compounds in the environment
are external causes of melanin disorder. The internal causes are inborn. For instance, darker skin
people often have melanin disorder and hyperpigmentation. The ultraviolet rays damage the melanin
and strains, freckles and age–spots appear. These strains usually appear on the hands or on the face,
but they can also appear at any area of the skin that was exposed to ultraviolet
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Research Paper On Albinism
Albinism is a genetic disorder affecting the pigment of one's eyes, skin, and hair. But, what really is
albinism? How is it caused? What are the symptoms? Are there any treatments? In order to answer
these questions, one must explore what albinism really is.
What is Albinism? Albinism is a rare genetic disorder caused by the lack of pigments in an
organism's skin, hair, eyes, scales, and/or feathers (Ghayourmanesh). In humans, this pigment is
called melanin, it is responsible for color in skin, hair, and eyes and can be found in each of those
areas of the body, respectively (The World Book 557). Oculocutaneous (lack of pigment in hair,
skin, and eyes) is autosomal recessive, meaning that it occurs in the body's autosomal ... Show more
content on ...
Covering the skin, applying SPF sunscreen, and wearing sunglasses in sunlight can help prevent
sunburn/skin cancer due to the skin's enhanced sensitivity to the sun (Ghayourmanesh). Vision
problems associated with albinism are usually caused by incorrect development of the retina and
irregular connectivity of nerves between the eyes and the brain, therefore, are usually not corrected
by glasses. However, surgeries are available to mildly improve specific ocular problems associated
with albinism, such as strabismus, a disorder in which the eyes do not look the same direction at the
same time (Spotlight). Albinism does not affect human lifespan and does not majorly affect one's
quality of life
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Genetic Disorders: Ocular Albinism
What is Albinism
Derived from the name Albus, which in Latin means "white", Albinism is defined as a genetic
condition/disorder in which the sufferer lacks pigmentation in their eyes (ocular albinism) and/or
skin (oculocutaneous albinism). Typically, Albinism is inherited when the sufferer obtains a gene
from both parents, a single exception is present in the form of ocular albinism, which only requires a
mother to pass the gene down. Someone with a complete loss of all pigment is called an albino, but
if the sufferer still has some pigmentation, they are then considered Albinoid or leucistic. Albinism
is considered rare (with less than 200,000) in America, but is very common in Africa, having 1 in
every 1500 births.
Albinism ... Show more content on ...
Though this is the case, many periods of history have forms of literature that talk of albinism such as
the Romans Early Europeans and the Ottomans. In early America Albinistic 'black' people were
believed to possess a superior intelligence (see fig 1.4) thanks to their whiter skin. This belief grew
to be primitive overtime and albinism was then thought to be linked to vitiligo, this is because
Vitiligo is defined as a spontaneous loss of melanin in the skin and hair (resulting in patching) whilst
Albinism is a complete loss of melanin.
Physical Attributes
Albinos typically have no pigmentation on their body, though in some cases, their features can
become a cream colour (see fig 1.5) . There is a possibility of a slight blonde, brown or orange
pigmentation in their hair and they are also separable to 'red eye' due to a lack of optical
pigmentation in their pupils. This can result in a discerned iris. The level of pigmentation in an
Albinistic person can vary on the severity of their condition. In some cases, those with Albinism
have regained their ability to tan and colour so the disease can hold drastic alterations with its
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Persuasive Essay On Skin Race
In North America, people form stereotypes about almost everything. The most common stereotypes
are the ones about various types of people around the world and within the country. Some would
include education levels, degree of poverty, ethnic backgrounds and even where they live. The worst
and most offensive one to people is when other stereotype their race based off their skin color. "We
are united, and divided, by our skin color." (Jablonski, 1)
Today, race is considered a "social construct". Most people believe that race has the same definition
as skin color, but that is completely incorrect. Race is used as biological term, but has a tremendous
amount of social significance. In his article "How Race Becomes Biology: Embodiment of Social
Inequality", Gravlee defines race as "a worldview: 'a culturally structured, systematic way of
looking at, perceiving, and interpreting' reality." (48) The thought process behind skin color being
equivalent to race goes back several hundred years to about 1738. This is when Carl Linnaeus
created the Systema Naturae which was an early form of classification for plants and animals.
Through the various editions of the Systema Naturae, Linnaeus developed a complex classification
system for humans. Eventually, Linnaeus subdivided Homo sapiens into four categories which
where American, European, Asian, and African. He gave each of them a "color" which was
supposed to be used to describe their skin and classify them into specific "races".
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Ocular Albinism
ALBINISM – Ocular Albinism (OA) and Oculocutaneous Albinism (OCA)
Albinism is characterised by the lack or absence of the production of melanin, the pigment that
gives colour in the hair, eyes, and skin of humans.
The gene or chromosome that is affected
Ocular albinism is a result of a mutation located on the X chromosome in the GPR143 gene. This
gene is essential in monitoring the growth of melanosomes, which are cellular structures that store
pigment (melanin) in the eyes. Most of these mutation is the GPR143 gene alters the size and shape
of the pigment or alters their function. Scientists are still uncertain as how exactly the melanosomes
are related to faulty vision and albinism.
There are also different types of OA that are not a result ... Show more content on ...
Treatment options include contact lenses, lens implantation, eye magnifiers, and laser eyes surgery.
This condition cannot be cured as it is genetic, but apart from more damage caused by UV exposure,
it does not have a mortality rate. Similarly, Oculocutaneous Albinism has no mortality rate either,
and apart from applying liberal amounts of sunscreen to combat UV rays, there is not much that can
be done to treat OCA. This is possibly due to the fact that there have been no observable negative
impacts on an individual's overall health and lifespan as a result of Albinism.
Impacts on family, community and society
Apart from being stereotypically represented in media as completely white with red eyes, people
affected by albinism are usually treated no differently apart from the fascination with their
colouring. In most of the world, apart from facing mild discrimination like all minority groups,
albinos suffer no adverse effects of this genetic mutation as it does not limit them physically,
emotionally, or mentally. Affected individuals are also rare and their rates are not affected by this
trait, so they do not pose as an economical
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Vitiligo Research Paper
Vitiligo is a skin disease that causes the loss of skin pigment in blotches. The rate of losing the
pigment is unpredictable. It can happen anywhere on your skin including your hair and the inside of
your mouth. The color of your hair and skin is usually determined by melanin, responsible for
keeping your pigment. Vitiligo usually happens when your cells that make melanin die or stop
functioning. Vitiligo is not contagious nor is it life–threatening.
Some symptoms of Vitiligo can be:
Patchy loss of skin color
Your hair prematurely turns gray or white on the scalp
Change of color in your retina.
Loss of color of the tissues inside your mouth
Vitiligo can appear at any age but is estimated before the age of 20 years old. Vitiligo
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Vitiligo Research Paper
Melanin is an important part of the body that is produced by melanocytes. Melanin gives the hair,
skin, and eyes color as well as protects the body from the ultra violet rays that radiate from the sun.
The amount of melanin in the body determines the complexion of the skin. Vitiligo occurs when
these important melanocytes die in patches around the body. This differs from the aging process,
when melanocytes stop producing melanin which results in white or gray hair. Vitiligo is a non–
contagious, non–life–threatening condition which causes a discoloration of the skin that appears
over time, but does not go away. Most people say this condition is painless, but some report itching,
and pain. This condition affects millions of people around the world, proportionately between men
and women, and can be present in any given race, although it is more apparent in darker skin ...
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Vitiligo does not happen over–night, the skin discoloration whitens over time with cycles of
cessation and progressive whitening. Early precursors to vitiligo include premature whitening of the
hair on the scalp , loss of color in the mucosa, loss of color or change in the retina. According to the
American Academy of Dermatology, generalized vitiligo "often begins on hands, fingertips, wrists,
around the eyes or mouth, or on the feet."
The diagnosis of this condition is usually achieved with a complete family history and a physical
examination of the skin. A complete family history can rule out causes of skin discoloration such as
psoriasis. Upon physical examination the doctor may use a lamp called Wood's lamp, which shines
ultra violet light to see any discoloration that may be occurring that is not yet apparent to the naked
eye. Topical creams, medicines, lotions, or sunblock should not be applied prior to the examination
as it could distort any
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Hyperpigmentation Research Paper
Everyone goes through changes with their body. Whether it be height or your voice. But, what
causes your skin to change as well? All the pigment in skin comes for melanin, which is produced
by melanocytes. There are two kinds of pigment changes are called hyperpigmentation and
hypopigmentation. Caused by genetics, ultraviolet rays, sunlight, and other natural of unnatural
body functions. Hyperpigmentation is the increased production of melanin in the skin, and it usually
causes unusual darkening. According to, it can be caused by intense
ultraviolet light like sunlight, pregnancy, diseases, drugs, and hormonal changes. It's a cosmetic
discoloration that can be treated with creams and laser therapy. Melasma for example, also called
chloasma or chloasma faciei, is a mask of pregnancy which can affect both men and women. Then
there's Hypopigmentation, which is basically hyperpigmentation reversed. The two most common
forms are albinism and vitiligo. There is no cure for either but here's some more information and
detail about the two skin disorders. ... Show more content on ...
When one has albinism, they have little to no pigment in their skin. Which causes pale skin, eye
conditions, and makes people sensitive to the sun. It also increases the chance of skin cancer. Most
people with albinism waver in the legally blind sector ,due there not being any sort of pigment iris
or retina. This causes the light to not be filtered and/or absorbed. Their vision is also often altered by
involuntary eye movement (Nystagmus), too much light (Photophobia), Inability to see fine detail,
and poor depth perception. About one in 70 people have
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Albinism Research Paper
There are various types of albinism that affect humans and animals alike. Oculocutaneous albinism
(OCA) primarily affects the skin, hair, and eyes. There are several subtypes of OCA including
OCA1, OCA2,OCA3, and OCA4. OCA1 is a result of a defect in the tyrosinase enzyme, which is
the enzyme responsible for melanin production. Individuals with OCA1a have a complete absence
of melanin and tend to have white hair, very pale skin, and light eyes. Another subtype of OCA1 is
OCA1b. Those with OCA1b produce melanin in minimal amounts but their coloring may increase
with age. OCA2 is less severe than OCA1. Mutations in the OCA2 gene cause a disruption in the
normal production of melanin; therefore, causing vision problems and reductions in hair,
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Vitiligo Research Paper
Definition Vitiligo is defined as an autoimmune disease with a strong genetic component,
characterized by areas of depigmented skin resulting from loss of epidermal melanocytes
(Changbing, 2016). The term vitiligo derives Latin and was first used by Celsus in his De Medicina
(Iannella, 2015). This disease causes the loss of skin color and it becomes blotchy. The extent and
rate of color loss from vitiligo are uncertain. It can affect the skin on any part of the body examples
would be hair, the insides of the mouth and even the eyes (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Normally, the
color of hair, skin and eyes is determined by melanin. Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce
melanin die or stop functioning (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Melanin is responsible for giving humans
their skin, hair and eye color, this pigment is mainly composed of melanocytes cells in the skin and
is sometimes referred to as a chemical as part of the metabolizing process of an amino acid called
tyrosine. Vitiligo can affect people of all skin types, but is general found common on lighter people
but those with darker skin are more prone to this disease and it is more noticeable. ... Show more
content on ...
Discoloration first appears on sun–exposed areas, such as the hands, feet, arms, face and lips (Mayo
Clinic Staff, 2015). The signs of vitiligo would be skin discoloration, premature graying (i.e. hair on
the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or beard), loss of color in the lining tissues in the mouth and nose,
retina color loss, discoloration patches (around armpit, navel, genitals or rectum) (Mayo Clinic Staff,
2015). Vitiligo is difficult to predict how much the disease will progress usually treatment slows
down the process or even patches stop forming all on its own. There isn't a specific item or
instrument to find or discover the form of vitiligo except for the discoloration in the
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Melanotan 2 Research Paper
What Is Melanotan 2?
Melanotan 2 is a substance that helps stimulate melanin production. Melanin is a dark brown or
black pigment that is naturally found in the skin. It is naturally produced when the skin is exposed to
the sun. The skin produces extra melanin in order to protect the skin from further sun damage.
How Does Melanotan 2 Work?
Melanon 2 stimulates melanin production after the skin is exposed to minimal sunlight. It is ideal for
people who have fair skin because it allows them to tan without having to spend weeks in the sun.
They can also prevent sunburn by minimizing the amount of time that they spend in the sun.
How To Use Melanotan 2
Melanotan 2 comes in the form of a dried powder. The powder will need to be mixed with sterile
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Skin And Synthesis Essay
Most people have the same amount of melanocytes present in the skin. Melanocytes are located in
the stratum basale, and are specialized cells that produce melanin. However, the differences present
in skin tones across the human race is due to how much melanin the body's melanocytes produce.
Melanin is the body's natural sunscreen and protects us from the sun's powerful and potentially
harmful UV rays. While UV rays can cause skin cancer, in appropriate amounts it helps the body
produce Vitamin D (cholecalciferol). Over time and many generations, the people further from the
equator began to have a lighter skin color due to the fact that they were producing less melanin in
response to absorbing less sunlight and UV rays. Meanwhile the people ... Show more content on ...
Other things such as carotene and blood flow influence skin color as well. Freckles are indicative of
uneven melanin production, and can become more apparent due to sun exposure. It is believed that
this uneven production is genetically passed down.
Wrinkles will occur naturally on their own due to skin becoming less elastic and natural oil
production to slow as the body ages. Ultraviolet radiation exposure can speed up the natural aging
process and cause your skin's elastic and collagenous fibers in your connective tissue to begin to
break down. Without these fibers to support your skin's overall structure the skin begins to become
saggy and appear wrinkly. Smoking can also contribute to the premature appearance of wrinkles as
well as repeated facial expressions such as smiling or laughing.
Eczema can often be diagnosed by looking at it. Typically eczema on the skin appears as very dry
patches that can be reddish in color. The dryness also contributes to the scale–like feeling of eczema
if touched. If the patient also reports itching, it makes it even easier for a doctor or dermatologist to
diagnose eczema. The key to taking care of eczema is to practice good skin hygiene and be ultra–
diligent about moisturizing skin to decrease itching and obviousness of
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Screening Of Antagonistic Activity Of Marine Actinomycetes...
Ramarajan K*,Karthick .V * P.K.Senthilkumar,
Department of Microbiology,Faculty of Sciences, Annamalai University Tamil Nadu, India.
Abstract The present study was conducted to examine the ability of six promising indigenous
isolates of marine actinomycetes (NA–1, 2, 3, 4 and TA–1, 2) as probiotics in nature. The
actinomycetes isolated from these eco systemsare capable of producing antibiotics that strongly
inhibit the growth of gram positive and gramnegative bacteria. A total of 6 isolates representing the
range ofmorphological diversity observed from each sample were obtained in pure culture. However
ofthe 6, two were found to produce antibiotic substances. NA1 and TA1 exhibited higheractivity
and, selected for further studies. The purification and characterization of thesubstances is now in
Keywords:Marine actinomycetes, Isolation, Biochemical characterization, Chemical
screening,Antimicrobial activity.
As a great promising for new natural products which have not been observed from terrestrial
microorganisms, marine bacteria are being developed for the discovery of bioactive substances with
new types of structure, with growing intensive interest. The achievements have been well reviewed
(Bernan,et al.,1997) ,where many novel antibiotics were acquired from actinomycetes (Okami, Y &
K. Hotta,1998) .Thus
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Skin Diversity Reflection

  • 1. Skin Diversity Reflection Throughout my time in the BIOA 101 course, I have found myself amused and intrigued in the information given to me everytime I walked into the classroom. One of the many facets that captivates me in the course is the phenotypic variation we see within people of different races and even same race. It truly amazes me to think that people could be the same race but look completely different from one another. As an individual who always travel the world, I have always tried to embrace the differences between one another. Whether it is the color of their skin to the color of their eyes, I believe that these differences makes us all unique and special. One aspect of phenotypic variation that fascinates me is the idea that our skin pigmentation have evolved and adapted to the environmental factors that may harm us such as the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Growing up in Malaysia I have always noticed that many of us had dark skin but I was never bothered enough to come up with answers to why we are the way we are. When I moved away from Malaysia at the age of nine, I realized that people from different parts of the world had varying skin tones. Some people had pale skin while others were black and there was a range of skin tones in between. As a result of me being young and naive, I tend to associate skin tones to where they came from. This meant that I would associate individuals with white skin as being European and people with dark or black skin as being from Africa. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay on The Genetic Defect Albinism The Genetic Defect Albinism In the past, albinos were usually treated with fear or awe. They were sometimes killed at birth. Albino births were common enough in some groups not to cause any excitement. For example, among the San Blas Indians of Panama, one in approximately 130 births is an albino. In the mid–nineteenth century, albinos were exhibited in sideshows. Whole families were displayed at times and were described as a unique race of might people. They were said to live underground and to come out only at night when the light was dim and would not hurt their eyes. Albinism is a genetic defect if the integumentary system. Albinism occurs when the body fails to produce melanin. Melanin forms in a special cell called the ... Show more content on ... An alteration of the gene for dopachrome tautomerase does not produce albinism. Three other genes make proteins that are also involved in melanin pigment formation and albinism, but the exact role of these proteins remains unknown. These genes are the P gene on chromosome 15, the Hermansky––Pudlak syndrome gene on chromosome 10, and the ocular albinism gene on the X chromosome. The gene carrying the defect that produces albinism is recessive, which means that both parents must carry this recessive gene in order to produce a child with the condition. When both parents carry the gene (and neither has albinism), there is a one in four chance with each pregnancy that their child will have albinism. The inheritance pattern of ocular albinism is alittle different. This condition is X–linked, meaning that the recessive gene for ocular albinism is located on the X chromosome. X–linked ocular albinism appears just about only in males who inherit the condition from their mothers. Albinism is a recessive inherited defect in melanin metabolism in which pigment is absent from the hair, skin, and eyes (oculocutaneous albinism) or just from the eyes (ocular Albinism). Albinos tend to be children of parents who were first cousins. For a long time, the term "albinism" referred only to people who had white hair, white skin, and blue eyes. Individuals who had OCA and pigmented hair and eyes were identified, particularly in the African and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Albinism: Autosomal Recessive Disease :Albinism is a autosomal recessive disease, which means that a person must have two copies of the defective gene to exhibit symptoms of the disease. The child therefore inherits one defective gene responsible for making melanin from each parents. Because the task of making melanin is complex, there are many different types of albinism, involving a number of different genes.A defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin causes albinism. The defect may result in the absence of melanin production, or a reduced amount of melanin production. The defective gene passes down from both parents to the child and causes albinism.albinism:Until recently, prenatal diagnosis of OCA I was achieved by histologic and electron microscopic ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Importance Of Race In Society IMPORTANCE OF RACE BEHIND THE WALL OF OUR SOCIETY Race plays a crucial part in our society, starting from the young ones to the society at large, it is a great part of history that exist even when twisted till this day. As a black student currently studying in North America who has traveled and lived in other part of the world, I have gained experience and days of research of how race influence our society. Some Communities still talk about the progress that has been made while others show a deep concern about what still needs to be done. Starting with the young generation of our society, parents tell their children that race is real, race does not matter but in the actual real world the opposite is the case. Race is not real but race does matter. According to Brackette Williams in his article of A class of act, he said that"over the last 20 years cultural anthropologists have become increasingly involved in an effort to define ethnicity and to disclose their meaning for the political and economic dimensions of social organization". If race does not matter, then why is there an increasing amount of anthropologies studying how race influence our society. This is because race matters and it is one of the myth Agstin Fuentes refuted in four of his assumptions in busting the myth that race does not matter. In the book, Color of man written by Robert Cohen, he said that our skin color is determined by the amount of melanin pigment in our skin. Dark skin has a lot of melanin while Lighter skin have less. Although, the difference in our skin are very real, anthropologies long ago rejected the idea of races connected to skin color because it was believed that there is no culture in color, no muscular or mental abilities connected to melanin, no character trait, virtue or values associated to skin color, yet at an early age children are learning their color and the differences between other kinds. What parents refuse to teach their kids is why we have different colors and what melanin is but instead kids are taught an eternally different thing. Recent studies have shown where children get their racial ideas from, Ali Michael and Eleanor Bartoli described what was found in a study of white parents and their white ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Vitiligo Research Paper Vitiligo is a skin disease that produces a deficit of skin color in splotches. These white macules can have an effect on the skin of any body part. In extreme cases it can affect the interior of the mouth, hair, scalp, and even the eyes. The amount and degree of color loss is variable and erratic. Vitiligo can occur when the melanin producing cells die. The color of skin, hair and eyes is determined by the type and amount of melanin in the body. Vitiligo affects people of all skin tones and types, but it is most noticeable in people with a darker melanin or skin tone. It is neither a terminal nor communicable disease. Treatments are available to help even out the appearance of the skin, but there is no known cure. Symptoms and complications ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Albinism Research Paper Albinism has been around since the seventeenth century. Cases have begun to show up all across the world in a multitude of countries. Over the past few decades new studies have allowed more information concerning this condition to be accessed. Albinism is an inherited condition that is present at birth. It is characterized by a lack of melanin. Melanin is the pigment that normally gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes. There are several types of albinism that exist, all of which involve lack of pigment in varying degrees. The condition, which is found in all races and species, may be accompanied by many other issues. Some effects of albinism include underdeveloped optic nerves, astigmatism, lazy eyes, irritated skin, and other skin conditions. ... Show more content on ... The defective gene which is passed down from both parents to the child is what causes albinism. The enzyme produced by the TYR gene, called tyrosinase, is required for the synthesis of melanin pigment. A mutation in the TYR gene causes the most common form of albinism. People with this defective gene have either a partial or complete lack of pigment. Across the globe, the number of people diagnosed with albinism varies. In the United States, one in seventeen thousand people are born albino. However, in Tanzania one in fifteen hundred people are born albino. Overall in the world, one in twenty thousand people are albino. Albinism doesn't just show up in humans however. Animals have been known to have albinism. Monkeys, deer, birds, rats, and many other animals have been diagnosed with albinism. People diagnosed with albinism visit Optometrists, Medical geneticists, Ophthalmologists, and Dermatologists to gain knowledge about their condition and to consult for advice. As of right now, there is no cure, treatment, or prevention for albinism. Studies are being conducted across the globe to hopefully one day treat and possibly cure albinism. The National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and Brown University provided funding for one particular study that yielded some interesting ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Characteristics Of Each Variation Of Griscelli Syndrome Each variation of Griscelli syndrome is caused by a mutation in a different gene, however, each variation presents the same hallmark phenotype; hypopigmentation. The reason for this is because the three genes involved (MYO5A, RAB27A, and MLPH) play similar roles in the transport of the pigment melanin. The MYO5A, RAB27A, and MPLH genes all produce proteins that are found within cells known as melanocytes ("Griscelli syndrome," 2016). Melanocytes are generally found in the stratum basale of the skin's epidermis and the uvea of the eye. Through a process termed melanogenesis, melanocytes produce the pigment melanin. Within the melanocytes, the proteins produced by these three genes work cooperatively and form a complex to transport structures called melanosomes. Melanosomes are organelles found within the melanocytes that serve as the site of synthesis, storage, and transport of melanin ("Griscelli syndrome," 2016). When a mutation impairs the normal function of any of the three genes involved in the transport of the melanosomes, the production of the proteins produced by these genes is also interrupted. As a result, the normal transport of melanin within the melanocyte is disrupted, as there is a lack of available proteins, thus, no protein complex for melanosome transportation. Although the transport of melanin is disrupted, melanogenesis still continues within the cell, producing more melanin. In normal protein function within the melanocyte, the melanosomes are transported ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Informative Essay On Albinism How many of you know someone with albinism? Can you visualize that person? Or what do you think an albino looks like? What stereotype comes to mind? I'm sure many of you may think that albinos have the red or pink eyes with white skin and hair, but most of you probably don't know that is not always true. For those of you who don't know, I have a type of albinism that will be discussing today along with what albinism, who gets it, the different types, the symptoms, and if there is a treatment or not. Most of you may ask, "What is albinism and who gets it?" Albinism is a rare genetic disorder that causes the skin, hair, and eyes to have little to no color. About 1 in 18,000 to 20,000 people in the United States have a form of albinism, stated by Rose Kivi, author of the article Albinism Health line published on November 23, 2015. Albinism is caused by a mutation in one of several genes. It also has a defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair and eyes. People who have albinism are more susceptible to developing skin cancer because there is a lack of melanin produced in the body. Melanin also plays a huge role in the eyes, so the lack of pigment causes them to be extremely sensitive to light, according to the article "Albinism" last updated on May 24, 2016. The people who are at risk for albinism are people who inherit a gene from one or both of their parents if they have the gene ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Oculocutaneous Albinism: A Genetic Disorder A genetic disorder is an illness resulting in a change of a person's DNA. They can be grouped into three main categories: Single gene disorder, chromosome disorder, and Multifactorial disorders. Approximately 3 to 4% of the 4 million babies born each year will develop a genetic disorder revealed by the Net Wellness Organization. While about 1 in 18,000 to 20,000 people in the United States has a form of albinism. Albinism is not that common of a disorder, but can cause the skin, hair, or eyes to have little or no color. There are several different types of Albinism. For example, Oculocutaneous (pronounced Ock–you–low–kew–TAIN–ee–us) Albinism or OCA and Ocular Albinism. There are seven forms of Oculocutaneous Albinism: OCA1, OCA2, OCA3, OCA4, ... Show more content on ... Both Father and Mother would at least be a carrier for a child to have albinism, a carrier is an individual who is capable of passing on a genetic mutation, but may not display any symptoms of it. If both parents are carrier and parent 4 children, then there is a 25% chance that their child will be affected with Albinism. While there is a 50% chance that their other children will become a carrier like their parents, leaving a 25% chance that one child will remain unaffected. The most obvious symptoms of Albinism is the lack of of color in a person's hair, skin, and eye color. A person's skin may result in pinkish skin, ranging from white and brown, may be similar as of a parent or sibling without albinism. When exposed to the sun, some people may develop: freckles, moles without pigment, lentigines, or the ability to tan. Their hair color can range from very white to brown, hair may also darken by adulthood. "Spotlight." Information Bulletin – What Is Albinism? – NOAH – Albinism. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2017. "What Is Albinism? :: DNA Learning Center." DNALC Blogs. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. "Albinism Causes." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 19 Apr. 2014. Web. 20 Apr. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Human Iris Research Paper This paper considers that focused primarily on human iris. This choice of this topic was made due to interest of wanting to provide knowledge about the factors that determine eye color. I know, like hair or skin, brown eyes are dominant over blue eye genes. I also know that a person can be identified by the retina scanners because everyone has their iris with unique structural patterns. The iris is a thin diaphragm made of connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers. It lies between the cornea and lens. The iris is composed of three layers including endothelium, stroma and epithelium. The anterior chamber, the space between the cornea and the lens is divided into two chambers. The patterns that form the structure of the iris are unique to each person. Like fingerprints, iris pattern complexity can potentially identify a person. In the center of the iris is the pupil. Iris function is to control the size of the pupil. This pupil dilation allows a certain amount of light to enter the eye. A bright environment stimulates limiting diaphragm to contract the sphincter muscle and reducing the amount of light entering the eye. A dark room stimulates the dilator to relax and dilate in the effort to increase the amount of light entering the eye. The pupil constriction also occurs when the lens changes focus so that the eye can see something on a fence. This is known as the, Äúnear reflection., AU Sometimes the student does not respond properly due to problems in nerve or cranial ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Oculocutaneous Albinism (OCA) Oculocutaneous albinism or OCA is a set of four (or seven, including subdivisions) rare genetic disorders that are caused by mutations in up to seven different genes and are characterized by a complete lack or reduction of the pigment melanin in the eyes, hair, and skin. An estimated 1 in 20,000 people worldwide are born with this disorder. The conditions of OCA are caused by mutations in genes that are responsible and necessary for producing the melanin pigment in specialized cells (melanocytes). Not having enough of the melanin pigment can result in abnormal eye development, resulting in vision problems, and light skin that is easily damaged by the sun, at times resulting in different skin cancers, including an aggressive form called melanoma. Symptoms of this condition can also include nystagmus (involuntary back and forth movement of eyes), iris transillumination (reduced pigment in iris), reduced pigment in the retina, macular hypoplasia (poor development of the macula, resulting in abnormal foveal development in the retina), generally poor visual sharpness, photophobia (increased sensitivity to light), and strabismus (abnormal connection of the nerves from retina to brain, keeping the eyes from tracking ... Show more content on ... The four main types of oculocutaneous albinism manifest differently in individuals. For example, OCA1 is characterized by white hair, pale skin, and light colored eyes, and is caused by null mutations of tyrosinase (TYR – a protein coding gene) that end up making a completely inactive or unfinished tyrosinase enzyme polypeptide. OCA2, the most common type of albinism, is caused by a mutation in the P gene and is typically less severe than Type 1; the skin can be creamy white and the hair may be blonde, yellow, or a ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Comparison Of Melanin And The Science Of Tanning Two times of melanin are produced within the body, one is called eumelanin and it is responsible for the golden brown color we normally associate with tanning. Another pigment is called pheomelanin and it produces a red color. Redheads and blondes produce more pheomelanin and less eumelanin, which is why they don't tan as well. Sunlight and ultraviolet rays affect the pituitary gland, a gland at the base of the brain that secretes hormones, which then produces melanocyte–stimulating hormone. This hormone flows through the bloodstream to the melanocytes, which makes them able to produce more melanin. (The Science of Tanning) Most people are exposed to large amount UVA rays in their lifetime.They account for up to ninety–five percent of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Argumentative Essay On Albino Animals Albino animals are very unique animals; not because of their certain species, but because of their skin. Albinos suffer from a loss of pigmentation in their skin, which can make their lives more difficult. If they are a species of prey, then their chances of staying alive are slim. If they are predators, then they have trouble hunting due to the white or pink color of their skin. From dolphins in the Pacific Ocean, to the kangaroos in the outback, albino animals all over the world are being saved in refuges. The term "albino" comes from the Portuguese term "albo" meaning "white skin". The definition is an animal or person who lacks the ability to produce melanin, a pigment that colors the skin. The reason for this is most likely from heredity, or the pass down of genes from past generations. If the person or animal only has recessive genes, then the offspring has a chance of being albino. The chances of an animal lacking ... Show more content on ... Due to their disability, it is very difficult for some albinos to survive in the wild. For example, an albino squirrel living in the wild would have white fur, which would not help them climb up the trees to safety. This could result in a decrease of survival rate due to local hunters. Other things can be problems, such as the disability to stay in a pack, or a pod for the albino dolphin named Pinky found just north of the Gulf of Mexico in the US. She was found in 2007, and because of her colored skin, she tended to stay below the pack in order to keep her pod alive. It is also hard for albino animals to hunt and provide food for their young. If it is a hunting animal, like a wolf or an owl, the prey will have time to spot the animal and hide themselves. Because of this, many albino animals suffer and die from starvation. If the animals are in the wild, they have a much smaller survival rate due to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Skin Cancer Essay "Cancer", its a disease that has claim the lives of millions, its a disease that so far has no known cure, and its a disease that has many different forms. Cancer is defined as "a malignant form of tumors, which are tissue masses that arise through mutations in the genes that govern cell growth and division" (Starr, 1999, p. 213). Skin cancer is just one of the many forms of cancer that effects us and is the most common cancer in the U.S. Like so many others, I would assume that the major cause of skin cancer was the ultraviolet rays from the sun. However, there are other factors involved. Our DNA plays a major role in how cancer affects us, it has a major role in genetics too, therefore, environmental and heredity both are factors that ... Show more content on ... One form of skin cancer is melanoma, is the rarest but the most virulent of the skin cancers. It is responsible for 75% of all deaths from cancer. It is "a cancer that arises in the melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives our skin, hair, and eyes their color and that allows us to tan" (Schofield & Robinson, 2000, p. 1). Melanocytes are located throughout the body, "in the retina of the eye and in the linings of the mouth, nose, anus, rectum, vagina, and spinal cord," (Schofield & Robinson, 2000, p. 6). However, majority of them are located in the skin. The purpose of these cells are to make melanin to protect our skin cells from the sun's ultraviolet rays (UV rays). The melanocyte cells are found between the dermis (the second layer of skin) and the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin). Normally every ten cells found within the epidermis and dermis are melanocytes the others are cells called keratinocytes. Melanin is made inside the melanocytes then is transferred along the cells' long arms (dendrites) to nearby keratinocytes in the epidermis. Melanoma arises when there is an uncontrollable increase in the reproduction of melanocyte cells. Although, skin cancer mostly develops just below the skin's surface, where an existing mole is located, it can get into the blood vessels and lymphatic ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Light Colored Eye Research Paper Eye color is determined by the presence of melanin in the iris of the eye. There are two forms of melanin, eumelanin which produces a blackish brown pigment, and pheomelanin which is responsible for the production of reddish yellow colored pigment. The quantity, and the ratio of these two pigments as they are present in the melanocytes found in the anterior border layer of the iris are responsible for the variation of color in the iris. Though all irises have approximately the same number of melanocytes, the amount of melanin found in the iris varies greatly. Brown irises have a greater total amount of melanin overall, and they tend to have more eumelanin than they do pheomelanin. In contrast to the brown pigmentation, blue irises tend to have much less melanin, and of the melanin that is ... Show more content on ... Within European populations eye colors such as blue, gray, hazel, and green are found at much greater rates than in any other part of the world. The frequency of the trait for light colored eye varies quite a bit with some regions of Europe experiencing levels as low as 50%, and some experiencing levels as high as 80% or greater. Globally however, brown, or black eye color is the more prevalent iris color. This high frequency of dark eye color globally has led many geneticist's to believe that at one time all humans had the phenotypic trait of brown eye color. They argue that the much higher melanin concentration found in the brown colored iris would have offered our ancestors greater protection from eye diseases such as macular degeneration which can be brought on by an over exposure to UV radiation from the sun, and such protection may well have acted as a selective force favoring brown eye color (Duffy et al., 2007; Sturm and Larsson, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Light Skin Research Paper Recent research indicates that people find darker skin tones to be more attractive and beautiful, than pale skins. Most people would be surprised to learn this, considering that there are several countries in the world that consider light–skinned people the most beautiful. Some time back, tan was considered a disgrace. It was mainly associated with people who spent countless hours laboring in the sun. On the other hand, working class women made every effort to ensure that they did not get exposed to the sun. However, the perception of beauty has changed since then and tanned people are considered more beautiful and attractive than those with pale skins. SPF Protection is Vital The best way of getting a lasting tan, is exposing your body to ... Show more content on ... This helps in the reduction of UV intensity as well as sunburn risk. Therefore, your tan will last longer and it will be healthier. Taking breaks also allows your skin to go back to production of normal melanin, which is essential in giving the skin a consistent tan glow. Exfoliate Regularly and Gently Tanning is a result of your skin reacting to the sun. Therefore, it is important to exfoliate regularly. This prevents buildup of dead skin or even preventing the dead skin from blocking the UV rays from penetrating your skin. Failure to exfoliate results to uneven tans, something you don't want to show the world. When exfoliating, scrub lightly to ensure that you don't remove all the tanned ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Evolution Of Skin Skin is one of the main physical aspects which distinguishes humans from other species. Skin is an important feature because it has sweat glands, which regulate body temperature (Jablonski 2004). This was especially useful when homo sapiens first originated and roamed Africa and other tropical areas (Jablonski 2004). Perhaps the most interesting aspect of skin is the disparity of its color on different people in different parts of the world. Skin color is determined by melanin; if a person has more melanin their skin, hair, and eyes will be darker (Parra 2007). Many scientists and anthropologists have discussed the purpose and significance of skin color variation in evolutionary terms. The main argument involving skin color is that highly melanized ... Show more content on ... Skin color is one of the many things that have been altered to benefit the human race through natural selection processes. Melanin is the main protector against sunlight so it is easy to assume that in areas with an immense amount of sunlight, which are areas where Homo sapiens originated from, humans would be considerably darker (Parra 2007). This also explains why the early members of the Homo genus were darkly pigmented (Jablonski 2004). Skin color variation contributes to the understanding of human evolution because it is not only an interesting and divergent trait, it also played a role in the survival of ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Essay Melanin Melanin Melanin has played a significant role in human evolution. In this paper I will discuss the importance of melanin in its role in the human biological system and how it relates to the natural selection of suitable human life according to geography and environment. Human pigmentation is influenced by hemoglobins within blood vessels in the skin, carotene and melanins. Melanin, the basis of pigmentation, can be found in the forms of eumelanin and phaeomelanin. Eumelanin is the brown–black pigment located in the skin, hair, and eyes. Phaeomelanin is a yellow to reddish–brown pigment found in small quantities within the skin, eyes, and red hair. Because of these two pigments, to a greater or lesser degree, we have the variation ... Show more content on ... What does influence skin color variation is the size and distribution pattern of melanosomes as well as other factors. A major function of melanin is to act as a defensive barrier of the skin against radiation damage. Ultraviolet light between the wavelengths 280–320nm (UV–B) causes sunburn and damages the skin on nonpigmented peoples. Exposure to this degree of light causes their skin to become dry, leathery, and wrinkled in appearance similar to that associated with aging. This can be seen in Whites living in Australia and South Africa, where ultraviolet light intensity is high because of the relative latitude or closeness to the equator. Melanin is also said to be linked with hearing. Melanocytes are present in the inner ear, the eye, and in the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. It has been demonstrated that melanin deposits in these areas are proportional to the amount of melanin found in the skin . These areas of the body, similar to the skin, are exposed to high–energy free radicals that can damage the surrounding cells, and thus causing a lower threshold for hearing. Evidence shows that black people, on average, hear better than whites, and that within both races, women surpass men. A partial explanation of the differences may lie in the abundance in the inner ear of melanin pigments. Also, numerous studies have found that people with light eye colors, such as blue, green, and hazel, are more ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Research Paper On Subungual Melanoma Toenail Melanoma Melonoma is a well–known cancer that usually is related to sun exposure, but this one is not caused by the sun. What most people don't realize is that it can occur in the nails. Both fingernails and toenails can be effected, so this paper will just talk about nail cancer in general. This is called subungual melanoma, which means the cancer comes from under the nail matrix. Subungual melanoma is a malignant melonoma that is "a rare manifestation of cutaneous melamona (occurring in 0.7% to 3% of cases). In fact, there are two other kinds of nail cancers, ungual melanoma which comes from the nail plate, and periungual melanoma which comes from the skin beside the nail plate. Nail cancer is rare and only about 1% of people ... Show more content on ... S., Jungbluth, A. A., Zaidi, B., Brady, M. S., Coit, D. C., . . . Busam, K. J. (2008). Histologic distinction between subungual Lentigo and Melanoma. The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 32(6), 835–843. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from Cachia, A. R., & Kedziora, A. M. (1999). Subungual malignant melanoma with cartilaginous differentiation. American Journal of Dermatopathology, 21(2), 165–169. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from Cochran, A. M., Buchanan, P. J., Bueno, R. A., & Neumeister, M. W. (2014). Subungual melanoma: a review of current treatment. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 134(2), 259–273. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from Hoogduijn, M., Smit, N. P., Laarse, A. v., Nieuwpoort, A. F., Wood, J. M., & Thody, A. J. (2003). Melanin has a Role in Ca2+ Homeostasis in Human Melanocytes. Pigment Cell Research, 16(2), 127–132. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from Levit, E. K., Kagen, M. H., Scher, R. K., Grossman, M., & Altman, E. (2000). The ABC rule for clinical detection of subungual melanoma. Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology, 42(2), 269–274. Retrieved 12 29, 2017, from ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Genetic Disease: Albinism Genetics Diseases Paper: Albinism Many people every year find out that they have some sort of genetic disease. Genetic diseases affect an estimated 12 million people and their families. According to Mayo Clinic Staff: Albinism, among all the genetic diseases one of the most uncommon is Albinism, which has less than 20,000 cases in the U.S. per year. Albinism is an inherited disorder that produces little or no pigment due to no melanin. This is one of the genetic diseases that can be self diagnosed although, there are tests available for a professional to diagnose for further precaution. Albinism is a disease that can last for years (which is very rare) or a life time because there is ultimately no cure. Albinism is a very rare disorder that ... Show more content on ... Many wear protective clothing and a lot of sunscreen to reduce the exposure to sun UV rays which can damage skin over time. They wear sunglasses to protect their eyes and glasses or contacts for normal everyday uses as well as corrective lenses to improve their ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Skin Cancer Throughout history, the 'ideal' image of people has changed significantly. People have been expected to look differently over time, with different styles and fads and they have always enjoyed going to the beach and pool, spending time outside and relaxing – including societies' addiction with tanning. Everyone loves coming back from the beach with a nice, dark tan, however, they don't know the dangers entailed Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is the abnormal growth of cells in the skin. There are two different types of skin cancers: Melanomas and non–melanomas. Most skin cancers are the non–melanoma type. There are two main types of non–melanoma skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell ... Show more content on ... The MC1R gene plays an important role in determining if a person has red hair, fair skin, and sensitivity to UV radiation, it also regulates the synthesis of melanin. MC1R is more common in Northern European countries posing a greater risk of skin cancer to those who have high exposure to ultraviolet rays. People who have olive and darker skin and who carry one or more variations of this gene have a higher than average risk for melanoma. The MC1R gene, which being whiter – 'fair skinned' is also associated with an increased susceptibility to melanoma. There are many factors beyond genetics that facilitates the synthesis of vitamin D which is key in the periods of gestation and growth, in a way that its proper absorption is critical to the survival of human beings. Other influences on the risk of developing skin cancer include an excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Skin cells are always being overwhelmed with radiation and certain genes are responsible for fixing the damage. When a gene called 'patched 1' (also known as PTCH1) is inactivated it causes an increase in excessive cell growth, also known as cancer. Patched 1 was found in a fruit fly called Drosophila melanogaster and is located on the ninth chromosome in humans. Malfunctioning patched 1 leads to defective embryonic development and many types of skin cancer. Patched 1 is usually born in a somatic cell so inheritance of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Vitiligo Research Paper Vitiligo is a condition in .which the skin loses its pigment cells. This condition cause a disorder patch in different areas of the body. Vitiligo also cause cosmetic problems with the skin and the body. The condition is more noticeable on a dark–skin person than a light–skin person.Although , vitiligo affect all other race but, the condition is not life –threatening or contagious. Normally the color of hair and skin is detemined by melanin. Vitiligo occurs when the cell that produce melanin die or stop functioning.It can be very stressful and make you feel ugly and not highly of yourself. Vitiligo is a disorder which , in the skin destoryed. Sometimes the genes of the immune system can play a role in this diseases. People the have vitiligo ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Melanin Melanin is a pigment that determines the colour of the skin, eyes and hair, playing a role in camouflage, heat regulation and cosmetic variation. It also plays a critical role in photoprotection due to its ability to absorb harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR). As the skin is the largest organ of the body, it is constantly influenced by external and internal factors thus, melanin is an important defence system that protects the skin against harmful factors (Costin & Hearing, 2007). The process by which melanin is produced and distributed by the epidermal units of the skin is called melanogenesis (Videira, Moura, & Magina, 2013). Extrinsic factors, such as UVR and certain chemical compounds, and intrinsic factors, such as secretions by keratinocytes or fibroblasts, can have an influence on melanogenesis. Predetermined genetic factors, such ... Show more content on ... Mature melanocytes have long projections that are in contact with 30–40 neighbouring keratinocytes thus making up the epidermal–melanin unit (Tsatmali, Ancans, & Thody, 2002). In order for melanin to play its role in photoprotection, the mature melanosomes are transported into the cytoplasm of the keratinocytes via the melanocyte's long projections. Inside the keratinocytes, melanosomes form a cap around the nucleus. The melanin inside the melanosomes absorbs the UVR emitted from the sun thus reducing the amount of UVR reaching the nucleus (Tsatmali et al., 2002; Videira et al., 2013). This process of photoprotection is illustrated in Figure 1. This photoprotection is necessary as UVR can damage DNA causing mutations leading to cancer (Videira et al., 2013). In addition, melanosomes are not only found in the skin but can also be found in several other tissues such as the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, the uvea of the eye, cochlea and adipose tissues (D'Mello, Finlay, Baguley, & Askarian–Amiri, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Integument Skin The skin is part of the integumentary system, and it is the largest organ in the body (Human Anatomy Book, 119). The integument is made up of two layers: the epidermis and the dermis; deep to the dermis, however, is the hypodermis. The hypodermis is not part of the integument, but it is still taken into consideration as the deepest layer of the skin (Human Anatomy Book, 119). The epidermis, being the most superficial part of the skin, consists of five different layers: stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum (in thick skin only), and stratum corneum. The stratum basale, however, consists of many cells, one of them being melanocytes (Human Anatomy Book, 121). These cells are responsible for the production of melanin, ... Show more content on ... For many years now, "scientists have known...that the condition is linked to mutations in the gene that produces the OCA2 protein; [however], they hadn't...understood how mutations [led] to a melanin deficit" (Brown University). The study was important because it was "the first to show that ion channels are important for melanosomes to function properly" (Brown University). According to the biologists, Nicholas Bellono and Elena Oancea, "the ion channel... lets electrically charged chloride molecules flow into and out of the melanosome. When the melanosome lacks OCA2, the researchers found that the chloride flow doesn't occur and the melanosome fails to produce melanin" (Brown ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Disadvantages Of Oculocutaneous Albinism ALBINISM, OCULOCUTANEOUS, TYPE II; OCA2 Referance: PubMed: #8723691 Oculocutaneous albinism is set of disorders that affect pigmentation of the skin, hair, eyes; owing to autosomal recessive inheritance of derangement of melanin biosynthesis. There are 4 varieties of oculocutaneous albinism including type I, type II, type III, type IV. Second type of oculocutaneous occurs in the presence of mutations in the OCA2 gene as known as BOCA, Pink–eyed dilution protein homolog, P gene. OCA2 encodes P protein that takes the role of the passage of tyrosine which is the precursor of melanin, whereat we can reach the fact that OCA2 involves melanin synthesis process, therefore flaws in OCA2 causes disorders associated with melanin metabolism. The main characteristics of oculocutaneous albinism type II are nystagmus, reduced iris pigment with iris transillumination, reduced retinal pigment with visualization of the choroidal blood vessels, foveal hypoplasia1 and common ocular alterations seen in the every type of albinism. Additionally some of the OCA2 patients can obtain small amounts of melanin with age, consequently there could be ... Show more content on ... OCA2 is aoutosomal disorder that has been associated with partial deletion in 15q11–q13 segments which makes some flaws in P protein metabolism, OCA2 is the most prevalent form of the OCA.2 OCA2 found more frequently in people from sub–Saharan Africa and African Americans (OCA2 found in 0.1 percent of African Americans which is almost 4 times prevalent ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Albinism Or Achromasia Albinism Albinism or Achromasia is an inherited congenital skin disorder which the skin has little to no melanin production. The genes for Albinism are located on "autosomal" chromosomes. Both parents have to carry the gene to inherit it. If both parents are carriers and show no signs of albinism the chance that their child will have it is 1 in 4. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups though out the world. In America 1 in 18,000– 20,000 people has some sort of Albinism. The most accurate way to detect albinism if through genetic testing. Babies in utero can be tested by amniocentesis or chorionic villous sampling (CVS). As they get older some types of albinism do get more pigment to their skin or hair. Mostly resulting in freckles, ... Show more content on ... OCA1: mostly males have OCA1. Genetic defect in an enzyme called tyrosinase, tyrosinase is an enzyme that turns the amino acid into a pigment. The enzyme is inactive and no melanin is produced. 2. OCA2: or commonly known as P gene albinism. Genetic defect in the P protein that helps the tyrosinase enzyme to function. People with OCA2 have little melanin production making their skin and hair have very little pigment. 3. OCA3: defect in TYRP1, protein that has to do with tyrosinase. People with OCA3 have a generous amount of pigment. 4. OCA4: is a lot like OCA2 instead of the P protein defect OCA4 defect is in the SLC45A2 protein. 5. OCA 5–7: are the most uncommon forms of albinism. These 3 defects were just found in 2013. There has been minimal research done on these. Ocular Albinism: Gene mutation on the X chromosome and it affects mainly males. Cures There are no cures, but treatment and preventative care to help prevent risks of skin damage due to UV light that may cause severe sunburn or even skin cancer. Sun glasses, clothing to protect the skin from UV rays, prescription eyeglasses, surgery on the muscles of the eyes to help with eye problems. The sun is ultimately the biggest danger with someone who has albinism and they should take extra precautionary measures to avoid long ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Hyperpigmentation Research Paper Simple Natural Recipes to Solve the Problems with Hyperpigmentation, Freckles and Stains Hyperpigmentation When the amounts of melanin increase dark areas on the skin appear. This disorder is called hyperpigmentation. Melanin can increase due to exposure to sun, aging, pregnancy, trauma or having a certain illness. Sunlight or chemical compounds in the environment are external causes of melanin disorder. The internal causes are inborn. For instance, darker skin people often have melanin disorder and hyperpigmentation. The ultraviolet rays damage the melanin and strains, freckles and age–spots appear. These strains usually appear on the hands or on the face, but they can also appear at any area of the skin that was exposed to ultraviolet ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Research Paper On Albinism Introduction Albinism is a genetic disorder affecting the pigment of one's eyes, skin, and hair. But, what really is albinism? How is it caused? What are the symptoms? Are there any treatments? In order to answer these questions, one must explore what albinism really is. What is Albinism? Albinism is a rare genetic disorder caused by the lack of pigments in an organism's skin, hair, eyes, scales, and/or feathers (Ghayourmanesh). In humans, this pigment is called melanin, it is responsible for color in skin, hair, and eyes and can be found in each of those areas of the body, respectively (The World Book 557). Oculocutaneous (lack of pigment in hair, skin, and eyes) is autosomal recessive, meaning that it occurs in the body's autosomal ... Show more content on ... Covering the skin, applying SPF sunscreen, and wearing sunglasses in sunlight can help prevent sunburn/skin cancer due to the skin's enhanced sensitivity to the sun (Ghayourmanesh). Vision problems associated with albinism are usually caused by incorrect development of the retina and irregular connectivity of nerves between the eyes and the brain, therefore, are usually not corrected by glasses. However, surgeries are available to mildly improve specific ocular problems associated with albinism, such as strabismus, a disorder in which the eyes do not look the same direction at the same time (Spotlight). Albinism does not affect human lifespan and does not majorly affect one's quality of life ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Genetic Disorders: Ocular Albinism Albinism What is Albinism Derived from the name Albus, which in Latin means "white", Albinism is defined as a genetic condition/disorder in which the sufferer lacks pigmentation in their eyes (ocular albinism) and/or skin (oculocutaneous albinism). Typically, Albinism is inherited when the sufferer obtains a gene from both parents, a single exception is present in the form of ocular albinism, which only requires a mother to pass the gene down. Someone with a complete loss of all pigment is called an albino, but if the sufferer still has some pigmentation, they are then considered Albinoid or leucistic. Albinism is considered rare (with less than 200,000) in America, but is very common in Africa, having 1 in every 1500 births. Genetics Albinism ... Show more content on ... Though this is the case, many periods of history have forms of literature that talk of albinism such as the Romans Early Europeans and the Ottomans. In early America Albinistic 'black' people were believed to possess a superior intelligence (see fig 1.4) thanks to their whiter skin. This belief grew to be primitive overtime and albinism was then thought to be linked to vitiligo, this is because Vitiligo is defined as a spontaneous loss of melanin in the skin and hair (resulting in patching) whilst Albinism is a complete loss of melanin. Physical Attributes Albinos typically have no pigmentation on their body, though in some cases, their features can become a cream colour (see fig 1.5) . There is a possibility of a slight blonde, brown or orange pigmentation in their hair and they are also separable to 'red eye' due to a lack of optical pigmentation in their pupils. This can result in a discerned iris. The level of pigmentation in an Albinistic person can vary on the severity of their condition. In some cases, those with Albinism have regained their ability to tan and colour so the disease can hold drastic alterations with its ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Persuasive Essay On Skin Race In North America, people form stereotypes about almost everything. The most common stereotypes are the ones about various types of people around the world and within the country. Some would include education levels, degree of poverty, ethnic backgrounds and even where they live. The worst and most offensive one to people is when other stereotype their race based off their skin color. "We are united, and divided, by our skin color." (Jablonski, 1) Today, race is considered a "social construct". Most people believe that race has the same definition as skin color, but that is completely incorrect. Race is used as biological term, but has a tremendous amount of social significance. In his article "How Race Becomes Biology: Embodiment of Social Inequality", Gravlee defines race as "a worldview: 'a culturally structured, systematic way of looking at, perceiving, and interpreting' reality." (48) The thought process behind skin color being equivalent to race goes back several hundred years to about 1738. This is when Carl Linnaeus created the Systema Naturae which was an early form of classification for plants and animals. Through the various editions of the Systema Naturae, Linnaeus developed a complex classification system for humans. Eventually, Linnaeus subdivided Homo sapiens into four categories which where American, European, Asian, and African. He gave each of them a "color" which was supposed to be used to describe their skin and classify them into specific "races". ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Ocular Albinism ALBINISM – Ocular Albinism (OA) and Oculocutaneous Albinism (OCA) Albinism is characterised by the lack or absence of the production of melanin, the pigment that gives colour in the hair, eyes, and skin of humans. The gene or chromosome that is affected Ocular albinism is a result of a mutation located on the X chromosome in the GPR143 gene. This gene is essential in monitoring the growth of melanosomes, which are cellular structures that store pigment (melanin) in the eyes. Most of these mutation is the GPR143 gene alters the size and shape of the pigment or alters their function. Scientists are still uncertain as how exactly the melanosomes are related to faulty vision and albinism. There are also different types of OA that are not a result ... Show more content on ... Treatment options include contact lenses, lens implantation, eye magnifiers, and laser eyes surgery. This condition cannot be cured as it is genetic, but apart from more damage caused by UV exposure, it does not have a mortality rate. Similarly, Oculocutaneous Albinism has no mortality rate either, and apart from applying liberal amounts of sunscreen to combat UV rays, there is not much that can be done to treat OCA. This is possibly due to the fact that there have been no observable negative impacts on an individual's overall health and lifespan as a result of Albinism. Impacts on family, community and society Apart from being stereotypically represented in media as completely white with red eyes, people affected by albinism are usually treated no differently apart from the fascination with their colouring. In most of the world, apart from facing mild discrimination like all minority groups, albinos suffer no adverse effects of this genetic mutation as it does not limit them physically, emotionally, or mentally. Affected individuals are also rare and their rates are not affected by this trait, so they do not pose as an economical ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Vitiligo Research Paper Vitiligo is a skin disease that causes the loss of skin pigment in blotches. The rate of losing the pigment is unpredictable. It can happen anywhere on your skin including your hair and the inside of your mouth. The color of your hair and skin is usually determined by melanin, responsible for keeping your pigment. Vitiligo usually happens when your cells that make melanin die or stop functioning. Vitiligo is not contagious nor is it life–threatening. Symptoms: Some symptoms of Vitiligo can be: Patchy loss of skin color Your hair prematurely turns gray or white on the scalp Change of color in your retina. Loss of color of the tissues inside your mouth Vitiligo can appear at any age but is estimated before the age of 20 years old. Vitiligo ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Vitiligo Research Paper Melanin is an important part of the body that is produced by melanocytes. Melanin gives the hair, skin, and eyes color as well as protects the body from the ultra violet rays that radiate from the sun. The amount of melanin in the body determines the complexion of the skin. Vitiligo occurs when these important melanocytes die in patches around the body. This differs from the aging process, when melanocytes stop producing melanin which results in white or gray hair. Vitiligo is a non– contagious, non–life–threatening condition which causes a discoloration of the skin that appears over time, but does not go away. Most people say this condition is painless, but some report itching, and pain. This condition affects millions of people around the world, proportionately between men and women, and can be present in any given race, although it is more apparent in darker skin ... Show more content on ... Vitiligo does not happen over–night, the skin discoloration whitens over time with cycles of cessation and progressive whitening. Early precursors to vitiligo include premature whitening of the hair on the scalp , loss of color in the mucosa, loss of color or change in the retina. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, generalized vitiligo "often begins on hands, fingertips, wrists, around the eyes or mouth, or on the feet." The diagnosis of this condition is usually achieved with a complete family history and a physical examination of the skin. A complete family history can rule out causes of skin discoloration such as psoriasis. Upon physical examination the doctor may use a lamp called Wood's lamp, which shines ultra violet light to see any discoloration that may be occurring that is not yet apparent to the naked eye. Topical creams, medicines, lotions, or sunblock should not be applied prior to the examination as it could distort any ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Hyperpigmentation Research Paper Everyone goes through changes with their body. Whether it be height or your voice. But, what causes your skin to change as well? All the pigment in skin comes for melanin, which is produced by melanocytes. There are two kinds of pigment changes are called hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. Caused by genetics, ultraviolet rays, sunlight, and other natural of unnatural body functions. Hyperpigmentation is the increased production of melanin in the skin, and it usually causes unusual darkening. According to, it can be caused by intense ultraviolet light like sunlight, pregnancy, diseases, drugs, and hormonal changes. It's a cosmetic discoloration that can be treated with creams and laser therapy. Melasma for example, also called chloasma or chloasma faciei, is a mask of pregnancy which can affect both men and women. Then there's Hypopigmentation, which is basically hyperpigmentation reversed. The two most common forms are albinism and vitiligo. There is no cure for either but here's some more information and detail about the two skin disorders. ... Show more content on ... When one has albinism, they have little to no pigment in their skin. Which causes pale skin, eye conditions, and makes people sensitive to the sun. It also increases the chance of skin cancer. Most people with albinism waver in the legally blind sector ,due there not being any sort of pigment iris or retina. This causes the light to not be filtered and/or absorbed. Their vision is also often altered by involuntary eye movement (Nystagmus), too much light (Photophobia), Inability to see fine detail, and poor depth perception. About one in 70 people have ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Albinism Research Paper There are various types of albinism that affect humans and animals alike. Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) primarily affects the skin, hair, and eyes. There are several subtypes of OCA including OCA1, OCA2,OCA3, and OCA4. OCA1 is a result of a defect in the tyrosinase enzyme, which is the enzyme responsible for melanin production. Individuals with OCA1a have a complete absence of melanin and tend to have white hair, very pale skin, and light eyes. Another subtype of OCA1 is OCA1b. Those with OCA1b produce melanin in minimal amounts but their coloring may increase with age. OCA2 is less severe than OCA1. Mutations in the OCA2 gene cause a disruption in the normal production of melanin; therefore, causing vision problems and reductions in hair, ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Vitiligo Research Paper Definition Vitiligo is defined as an autoimmune disease with a strong genetic component, characterized by areas of depigmented skin resulting from loss of epidermal melanocytes (Changbing, 2016). The term vitiligo derives Latin and was first used by Celsus in his De Medicina (Iannella, 2015). This disease causes the loss of skin color and it becomes blotchy. The extent and rate of color loss from vitiligo are uncertain. It can affect the skin on any part of the body examples would be hair, the insides of the mouth and even the eyes (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Normally, the color of hair, skin and eyes is determined by melanin. Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die or stop functioning (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Melanin is responsible for giving humans their skin, hair and eye color, this pigment is mainly composed of melanocytes cells in the skin and is sometimes referred to as a chemical as part of the metabolizing process of an amino acid called tyrosine. Vitiligo can affect people of all skin types, but is general found common on lighter people but those with darker skin are more prone to this disease and it is more noticeable. ... Show more content on ... Discoloration first appears on sun–exposed areas, such as the hands, feet, arms, face and lips (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). The signs of vitiligo would be skin discoloration, premature graying (i.e. hair on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or beard), loss of color in the lining tissues in the mouth and nose, retina color loss, discoloration patches (around armpit, navel, genitals or rectum) (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Vitiligo is difficult to predict how much the disease will progress usually treatment slows down the process or even patches stop forming all on its own. There isn't a specific item or instrument to find or discover the form of vitiligo except for the discoloration in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Melanotan 2 Research Paper What Is Melanotan 2? Melanotan 2 is a substance that helps stimulate melanin production. Melanin is a dark brown or black pigment that is naturally found in the skin. It is naturally produced when the skin is exposed to the sun. The skin produces extra melanin in order to protect the skin from further sun damage. How Does Melanotan 2 Work? Melanon 2 stimulates melanin production after the skin is exposed to minimal sunlight. It is ideal for people who have fair skin because it allows them to tan without having to spend weeks in the sun. They can also prevent sunburn by minimizing the amount of time that they spend in the sun. How To Use Melanotan 2 Melanotan 2 comes in the form of a dried powder. The powder will need to be mixed with sterile ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Skin And Synthesis Essay Most people have the same amount of melanocytes present in the skin. Melanocytes are located in the stratum basale, and are specialized cells that produce melanin. However, the differences present in skin tones across the human race is due to how much melanin the body's melanocytes produce. Melanin is the body's natural sunscreen and protects us from the sun's powerful and potentially harmful UV rays. While UV rays can cause skin cancer, in appropriate amounts it helps the body produce Vitamin D (cholecalciferol). Over time and many generations, the people further from the equator began to have a lighter skin color due to the fact that they were producing less melanin in response to absorbing less sunlight and UV rays. Meanwhile the people ... Show more content on ... Other things such as carotene and blood flow influence skin color as well. Freckles are indicative of uneven melanin production, and can become more apparent due to sun exposure. It is believed that this uneven production is genetically passed down. Wrinkles will occur naturally on their own due to skin becoming less elastic and natural oil production to slow as the body ages. Ultraviolet radiation exposure can speed up the natural aging process and cause your skin's elastic and collagenous fibers in your connective tissue to begin to break down. Without these fibers to support your skin's overall structure the skin begins to become saggy and appear wrinkly. Smoking can also contribute to the premature appearance of wrinkles as well as repeated facial expressions such as smiling or laughing. Eczema can often be diagnosed by looking at it. Typically eczema on the skin appears as very dry patches that can be reddish in color. The dryness also contributes to the scale–like feeling of eczema if touched. If the patient also reports itching, it makes it even easier for a doctor or dermatologist to diagnose eczema. The key to taking care of eczema is to practice good skin hygiene and be ultra– diligent about moisturizing skin to decrease itching and obviousness of ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Screening Of Antagonistic Activity Of Marine Actinomycetes... SCREENING OF ANTAGONISTIC ACTIVITY OF MARINE ACTINOMYCETES AGAINST CLINICAL PATHOGENS Ramarajan K*,Karthick .V * P.K.Senthilkumar, Department of Microbiology,Faculty of Sciences, Annamalai University Tamil Nadu, India. Email: Abstract The present study was conducted to examine the ability of six promising indigenous isolates of marine actinomycetes (NA–1, 2, 3, 4 and TA–1, 2) as probiotics in nature. The actinomycetes isolated from these eco systemsare capable of producing antibiotics that strongly inhibit the growth of gram positive and gramnegative bacteria. A total of 6 isolates representing the range ofmorphological diversity observed from each sample were obtained in pure culture. However ofthe 6, two were found to produce antibiotic substances. NA1 and TA1 exhibited higheractivity and, selected for further studies. The purification and characterization of thesubstances is now in progress. Keywords:Marine actinomycetes, Isolation, Biochemical characterization, Chemical screening,Antimicrobial activity. INTRODUCTION As a great promising for new natural products which have not been observed from terrestrial microorganisms, marine bacteria are being developed for the discovery of bioactive substances with new types of structure, with growing intensive interest. The achievements have been well reviewed (Bernan,et al.,1997) ,where many novel antibiotics were acquired from actinomycetes (Okami, Y & K. Hotta,1998) .Thus ... Get more on ...