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Six Principles Of Political Realism
Realism is an approach to the study and practice of international politics. It emphasizes the role of
the nation–state and makes a broad assumption that all nation–states are motivated by national
interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as moral concerns.
Political realism means nations are conceived as political entities pursuing their respective interests
defined in terms of power.
Morgenthau divides the history of modern political thought into two distinct schools, 'realism' and
'other' (presumably 'idealism'), that differ fundamentally in their conceptions of the nature of man,
society, and politics.
The 'other' school assumes the essential goodness and infinite malleability of human nature. It sees
education (increased knowledge ... Show more content on ...
Political realism believe that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have
their roots in human nature. These objective laws allow us to differentiate truth from opinion – the
difference between objective and rational truth (supported by evidence and reason) and subjective
judgement. We must also approach political reality with a rational outline/map in order to
understand chosen behaviours. The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences,
men will challenge them only at the risk of failure.
It believes also, then, in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion–
between what is true objectively and rationally, supported by evidence and illuminated by reason,
and what is only a subjective judgment, divorced from the facts as they are and informed by
prejudice and wishful thinking.
It assumes that the character of a foreign policy can be ascertained only through the examination of
the political acts performed and of the foreseeable consequences of these acts. We can find out what
statesmen have actually done, and from the foreseeable consequences of their acts we can surmise
what their objectives might have
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Political Theory: Pluralism, Corporatism and Public Choice
Topic 2: Political Theory: Pluralism, Corporatism and Public Choice
Pluralism is a political theory that related to the acknowledgement for diversification that exist in
society. Everyone has different views and appreciation for different value in life. Pluralism is a sign
of theoretical standpoint on state ad power as well as resources. It depends on how it will be
distributed in democratic state like United States of America (USA). Two famous name in
mentioned by Manley (1983) in his article are Robert A. Dahl and Charles E. Lindblom. Pluralism
in political system is open to multiple interests of different group in society. All (professional
associations, environmentalist, business and financial lobbies etc) are governing the United ... Show
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The arrival of Italian fascism provided an opportunity to implement the theories of the corporate
state. In 1919 Mussolini and his associates in Milan needed the support of the syndicalist wing of
the Nationalist Party in order to gain power. Their aim in adopting corporatism–which they viewed
as a useful form of social organization that could provide the vehicle for a broad–based and socially
harmonious class participation in economic production–was to strengthen Mussolini's claim to
nationalism at the expense of the left wing of the centrist parties and the right wing of the
syndicalists groups (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). However, new corporatism which is
democratic corporatism is appear differently to Mussolini's corporatism era. It appeals twofold.
First, corporatism treats interest groups as legitimate participants in public policy making, which
legitimates their having an official policy–making role. Government regards, industry and labour as
valuable partners, rather than hostile pressure groups. Second, culturally there is an elective affinity
between corporatism and deliberative
democracy. Corporatism encourages more deliberative activities such as discovery and
transformation of group preference through probing of volitions and joint problem–solving. Hunold
(2001) reported that democratic corporatism is use publicity, improve equality and inclusiveness.
Publicity demands administrative agencies release proposed rules for public discussion and
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The Political Nature of Accounting Standard Setting in Australia
The Political Nature of Accounting Standard Setting in Australia
There been conflict in most western countries between private sector bodies and the governmental
bodies concerning the process of establishing regulatory arrangements required for setting
accounting standards (Hopwood 2005). The recent changes by the Australian Federal
Government regarding the structure of setting the accounting standards show a huge shift in power
to the government from the professional bodies. Majority of the users of financial reports often try
to influence the accounting standard with the aim of protecting their own interests. Standard setters
in Australia are having ... Show more content on ...
The board was also accountable to the Attorney General's Department of the Federal government.
The key prerequisites for a well functioning and sustainable capital market are the predictability and
reliability of the accounting standards as they enable a country to easily recover from a financial
crisis. It is therefore important for the standards to be maintained in a transparent way and this has
called for political intervention.
Politicians have a huge responsibility in ensuring that an effective system is set for setting
accounting standards. This is another major reason as to why setting of accounting standards in
Australia has become political (Hopwood 2005). The government has been involved in the
process so as to oversee the development of a more transparent, efficient and reliable accounting
standards. The government is also responsible for ensuring that the accounting standards are met by
the parties using them failure to which it is punishable by law. This therefore is a clear indication of
how politics of Australia influence the creation of accounting standards (Pacter 2005).
Impacts of the set accounting standards on wide variety of interest groups
The set accounting standards will have many impacts on variety of interest groups who are expected
to benefit from the standards. Transparent accounting is done in the interest of many parties like
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Progressivism And The Progressive Era
Progressivism and the Progressive Era significantly changed the United States. The fight against
corruption in the government, authority, politics, and economics is still being fought to this day.
While some ideals have faded away, like prohibition, the progressives and progressive era shaped
America and laid down the groundwork for more reform to come.
Progressivism started as a grassroots movement. While it began at the bottom and made many state
level changes, progressivm impact reformed America at a national level as well. Progressivism is a
response to industrial expansion in the United States. While progressivism made some changes in
America like the 17th & 19th amendments and labor laws, a lot of the problems Progressivism tried
to tackle
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Essay On Prescient Dissenters
America's Prescient Dissenters embraces Senator Fulbright and Dr. Bacevich's impassioned and
educated objections to the Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) respectively, and it
champions their public disagreement with the presidential administrations of their time.
Furthermore, America's Prescient Dissenters reinforces the notion that Dissent and political
discourse are founding principles of our great democracy, but also suggests that history forgets those
like Fulbright and Bacevich. Fulbright argued that "consensus was equivalent to complacency"
(LeVien 10), but as a nation, our greatest crowning achievements occur when we overcome
partisanship and focus on results and collaboration achieved through "passionate, frank, and
thorough ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately indicative of the politics and policies in today's terms, foreign policy increasingly
occurs 150 characters at a time through Twitter, and the unhinged behavior often displayed by our
executive leadership damages our national image and ability to effectively manage foreign policy.
This fosters a political climate bent on retribution, vilifying dissent, and clear lacks of self–control
does not convey an image of national strength and admiration. Unfortunately, this reinforces the
stereotypical worldview of American's and our politics as "the gun toting cowboy" that shoots first
and asks questions later. While "the gun toting cowboy" is part of our culture as a nation, an
"environment of threat inflation, frenzied overreaction, confusion, complexity, and uncertainty
requires cool judgment" (LeVien 16), but cool judgement and detailed planning are not the
hallmarks of a shoot–from–the–hip approach. Fulbright spoke to this in The Arrogance of Power in
comparing two Americas when he clearly portrayed "the gun toting cowboy" as self righteous,
narrowly egotistical, and arrogant in the use of power (Fulbright 245). This only reinforces Fulbright
and Bacevich's
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The Primacy Of Domestic Politics By J. Joll
The First World War, which lasted from 1914 until 1918, has always held up the question on
whether it was a choice, or an accident. This discussion has been one that has been fiercely argued
since the First World War had begun. However, Joll brings about an analysis in his piece The
Primacy of Domestic Politics, where he states how although the Frist World War was inevitable, it
was not a war of choice. The problems in Europe were building, and although it was not a choice to
go to war, it still had to happen, and although the leaders of the countries did not intend for the war
to begin, it did, thus identifying as an accident. Through Joll's analysis, it is evident that the First
World War was not a choice, rather, it was an accident that was inevitable. The evidence of tensions
within Europe is highlighted ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the piece, Joll continues to maintain the stance that there was not much, if anything, to
solidify the argument that the First World War was based off of the tensions that the individual
countries faced entirely. There was no deliberate cause of the war due to the ordeals that individual
countries were facing, and although the results of the war may have helped solve certain problems
that preluded the war, the intention for the war was never so. Joll also presents how although this
war was not a choice, it was "inevitable" (Joll 142). The war was inevitable because there was
simply too much unrest at once, and although there was little, if any intention to start war originally,
this unrest put the pieces of the puzzle together, and in a way, forced a war. The problems within
Europe in general had been building up for years, and had come to such a
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The Impact Of Domestic And Foreign Affairs On American...
The new nation of the United States of America had many matters to manage, both domestic and
foreign. Two political parties emerged to tackle these issues, the Federalists and the Democratic
Republicans. Domestic affairs of the United States divided the two emerging political parties more
at the time, and had a larger impact on American politics during the 1790's than foreign affairs.
Domestic affairs shaped politics more so at the time because we had to establish a government
completely from scratch. We had to construct a constitution and decide on what powers to give and
keep from the government and how to interpret the document. There was two interpretations of
constitution at the time. Loose constructionist favored more broader powers to
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Domestic Feminism Politics : Cary 's ' Hidden ' Voice
Domestic Feminism in Politics: Cary's "Hidden" Voice Throughout the semester, and the number of
various works and authors explored, analyzed, and detailed in reading, research, and extrapolation,
few had come to interest me as particularly as Elizabeth Cary's, The Tragedy of Mariam, The Fair
Queen of Jewry. What has come to pique my interest in this specific work, is in trying to understand
the underlying motif of the work, I have come to discover, and explore in my own writings, that
Mariam is not only significant for having the first publicly published female playwright, but that the
work brings into focus the domestic, political, and religious doctrine of the period of the publication.
That despite the overwhelming patriarchal dominance in the 17th century English society, Mariam
forwards Cary's ideals in expressing feminism; the independence and agency of women, in a society
ruled by patriarchs in court and clergy. Demonstrating that in wielding competing interpretations of
feminism in interaction with Herod's monarchy, men and women may meet their ultimate success or
downfall in a patriarchal society.
In this play, it is noted that nearly every mouth is in motion at one point or another, be they man or
woman. For this essay, I will focus on Cary's expressions of feminism, as it is presented in The
Tragedy; abstract, revealed in not only the dialogue, but in the motions of the dialogue, or even
through the lack of speech altogether.
Nearly all mouths can be considered
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How Did 1945-1950's Affect Australian Domestic Politics
The Australian domestic politics from 1945 – 1950's was severely impacted due to the threat of
communism. This statement is found to be true by assessing key communist acts after World War II.
During 1945 – 1950's there were many events and decisions made that impacted Australian
domestic politics, which were due to the threat of communism. Three events that played a key role
in impacting Australia domestic politics were the 1951 Referendum, the Petrov Affair and the
splitting of the Labor Party.
The 1951 Referendum was a key impact of the threat of communism during 1945 – 1950's. On the
22nd September 1951 Robert Menzies proposed the 'Communist Party Dissolution Bill', which was
passed, but on the day of the passing the law was then challenged ... Show more content on ...
The cause of Labour Party Split was entirely from an internal conflict between key leaders of the
Australian Labour Party. The Labour Party at the time were not chosen into government, but yet the
Liberal Party was, who were being lead by Robert Menzies the Prime Minister of Australia at the
time. The party split into two separate parties, one being the Australian Labour Party who was Anti–
Communist and one being the Democratic Labour Party. The split of the Labor Party had long–term
consequences on Australian politics. One of these key long–term consequences was that the
Democratic Labour Party instructed their supporters to give their crucial votes to the Liberal Party
therefore not allowing any chances for the Australian Labour Party to win the government seat.
Santamaria who was the leader of the Democratic Labour Party proposed to keep the Labour Party
from winning until they came to a conclusion and accepted his terms. In Arthur Calwell's
autobiography published in 1972 recounts his recollection of the Labour Party split in 1955. Calwell
states "I have witnessed three disastrous splits in the Australian Labor Party during the past fifty–six
years." He then goes on to say that "the third in 1955 over alleged communist infiltration of the trade
union movement. The last was the worst of the three, because the party has not yet healed the
wounds that resulted from it." This statement from Arthur Calwell shows us the ways in that
Australian politics changed due to communism and to the extent in which the split had severely
affected and impacted both parties, as they have not healed their wounds from the incident. It is
through the Labor party split that we can assess the impact communism had on Australian politics
from 1945 –
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Women 's Political Roles During The Nineteenth Century Essay
Women's Political Roles during the Nineteenth Century in British North America
Doris Trlin
HIST 2500: Canadian History
Instructor: Sean Kheraj
Teaching Assistant: Sara Howdle
October 20th, 2016
In the first half of the nineteenth century in British North America, women's political roles differed
from those of men. British North America was a European male–dominate patriarchy society in
which women's roles within society were limited. During the nineteenth century, men were
considered superior since they had power and control over everyday aspects of life; however,
women slowly began to slightly change the social order of society by contributing and influencing
decisions on political issues. Despite this not being seen as the norm, for the most part, men
dominated politics. Women were able to contribute to the public life, but due to a European
influenced patriarchal society within British North America during the nineteenth century, women
had limited influence in political decision–making. During the nineteenth century, British North
America was a patriarchal society where male–female relationships had boundaries on expectations
surrounding daily life. According to Robert Sedgwick letter, males and females were created to
complement each other through different roles and responsibilities. Men were responsible for
working outside of the household, running public offices, and being the breadwinner of the family,
whereas, women were responsible
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Summary: Domestic Politics During Reagan Years
Chapter 9:
Domestic Politics during the Reagan years. Reagan's image was his greatest political asset
He was named the "teflon president" because no bad image could stick to him and was often said to
be cheerfully ignorant of domestic and foreign policy. Reagan articulated foreign policy in terms of
good and bad. Good were America and its allies, as well as the "freedom fighters" in Latin America
and Afghanistan. Bad were the Communists (except China) and terrorists. The introduction of
Reaganomics brought many new ideas into circulation. Reagan promised to stimulate production,
reduce inflation, cut taxes, and balance federal budget. He claimed that targeting corporate
producers and giving them incentives would flood the market with consumer ... Show more content
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Bush took centrist views on domestic issues which angered the New Right. Bush further angered the
New Right by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Bush, former ambassador to China and the UN
as well as head of the CIA, focused more on foreign policy issues. The Persian Gulf War. In 1990,
Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Kuwait and announced that it would become a province of Iraq.
The US was worried Hussein would turn to Saudi Arabia next. Bush organized an international
response called "Operation Desert Shield" which brought 230,000 US troops into the Middle East.
The Culture Industry 1980–1992 The Reagan Boom and the Culture industry. Hollywood
experienced a major boom in the 80s. By the 1990s there were more television sets in Europe
watching American programming than there was in North America. Hollywood–produced movies
became a world
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Essay about Migration Policy and Domestic Party Politics
There is no one categorical answer to this main question if "Europeanization in the field of
Migration Policy is limited because this field is dominated by domestic party politics" or not. First
of all we must define how do we understand Europeanization in the field of Migration Policy. It
could be understood slight differently: (i) as an Europeanization in assimilation of rules for regular
and irregular immigrants; (ii) as an Europeanization in "external dimension" of European Union
migration policy; (iii) as an Europeanization in terms of free movement of working force within
European Union, etc. These cases might have very different national interests within member states.
Member states can easily agree on one point and have ... Show more content on ...
6). "The EU member states have certainly been wary of ceding too much of powers up to the EU,
creating a de facto European space of 27 different approaches to migration policy, allowing only for
minimum harmonization" (Weinar, 2011, psl. 6–7). That clearly shows that migration is very
sensitive policy and is strongly influenced by political decisions within member states.
The main shortcoming of the European migration policy framework is its ambiguity and dispersed
focus. It addresses the common interest of the EU member states in some fields, while leaving out
those common interests in others (Weinar, 2011, psl. 7). So what makes some fields more attractive
to common interests?
Elspeth Guild states that at the heart of the EU there is and has always been an ambition and duty to
reconfigure the territory of the Member States in order to achieve economic aims (Guild, 2006, psl.
631). Human rights were not part of the original schema of the EU (Guild, 2006, psl. 632). So if we
assume, that economic aims and not human rights are most important factors, we might argue, that
success in various Migration Policy agreements also depends on economic benefits. Putting this in a
simple terms, we might argue, that member states comply with Migration Policy goals if they can
get economical benefits from it. National states are always
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Theme Of The One That Got Away
One of the fundamental themes in Zoë Wicomb's collection of short stories, The One that Got Away,
and that which this essay focuses on, is identity. Wicomb's short stories are interwoven with political
percepts, history and semiotics linking her two homes, Glasgow and Cape Town, as well as the
different stories, together through a extensive network of interconnected identities and settings
(Driver 145). By the juxtaposing of settings in a single period of time, Wicomb creates a unique
social and domestic backdrop that reveals elements of the characters' identity, and, inadvertently,
elements of her own life. Wicomb strategically makes use of historical and cultural references to
produce intra–textual significance to allow the reader to engage in the text and deconstruct
conventionalized ideas and notions (Driver 146). ... Show more content on ...
The name Fotheringay, introduced in the very first line of the story, is not only the surname of one of
the main characters, but a historical reference to Fotheringhay Castle, where Mary, Queen of the
Scots, was imprisoned (Mackie). The name of the castle, or the castle itself, may or may not be of
great significance to the author, but rather a manifest of Wicomb's diasporic experience as a South
African living in Scotland. Boy in the jute–sack hood shows the importance of spaces as opposed to
intricate story lines, where Wicomb plays politics and culture against one another through
juxtaposing Grant's study and the garden, illustrating two seemingly different spaces that are loaded
with politics and history (Driver
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Democratic Political Strengths And Weaknesses
Europe Democratic Mistakes:
The Burden of Bad Politics
To some significant extent, while this thesis can be, and has been, challenged on the basis of
scholarly analysis . I will argue that most men are usually and politically good to some critical
extent. However, few men's acts with moral reflections on collective justices. Rather, often acts of
personal inherited cruelty on issues of fundamental importance ultimately. The political culture of
universal cruelty through various Western pressures around the world for regime change is core
lubrication for the modern terrorism, refugees and immigrants. Although, some may suggest it's
regrettable, while others see it as simply Europe mistaking decisions, particularly on the Middle East
invasion, past intervention and the ongoing wars on regime change in Syria. It's ... Show more
content on ...
The undemocratic implications of democratic mistakes, decisions are; the refugee crisis around
Europe represent a result of Europe failures to apply common sense to major issues of crucial
importance surrounding the invasions, intervention Europe made in the Middle East and has
continued to invade. Such steps and decisions will fail to think about tomorrow impacts. Also, the
steps taking does not only complicates democratic norms, international disharmony, insecurity and
the threat of terrorism but, it invents, creates further doubt of the values of democratic contradictions
and relevance of democratic liberty and freedoms. The view expresses above is an illustration of
how the modern globalization of democratic transitions has been reversed into inferior stocks of
democratic huge mistakes and contradictions globally. In many views, the option approach suggests;
what freedom does a starving man haves...the answer is that starvation is a tragic human condition
perhaps more tragic than losing freedom . Those the hope of democracy is eliminated without liberty
and freedom. Such has been the ongoing
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Compare And Contrast Politics And Political System
Here in this topic an issue arises that why we do compare and compare the political systems of the
different regions, states, and countries and as well as domestic politics.
To answer the bigger question what is politics and political systems. Politics mean the activities
associated are attached with the governance of a country or area especially the debate between
parties or regimes having power. Politics is also to struggle to gain power to rule and govern
governments. On the other hand governments have access to resources and powers to rule over
people and as well as empower people through the majority winning political party who wins to rule
and impose.
Some philosophers consider politics it forces for good while others take it as force for evil. In
seventeenth and eighteenth century were the opinions that if no government existed, there would be
state of nature. Some philosophers conceive the idea of Social Contract on which societies come to
an existence. John Locke, Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes considered the pioneers of the ...
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Here comparison doesn't mean that we compare two people with their heights or compare two
classrooms but it's all about comparing Political systems of the world and how the run and are have
been placed. It is also a core method to humanistic and scientific methods. Comparing our own
political systems and institutions with others provide us the opportunity to see wider range of
political alternatives and increase our appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of our own
political system, enabling us learn from other countries. Comparative analysis makes us aware of the
possibilities of politics. It also helps us to formulate theories about how to certain political systems
work. Comparison as a method is very old but as s discipline it developed very
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The Two Party System: The Black Lives Matter Movement
Americans are generally friendly people if they don't know your political alignment. Granted, events
such as racism and class stigmatism still exist, but we are likely to be more tolerant of somebody if
we don't know their political alignment.However, when it comes to our politics, for whatever
reason, Americans have this animosity toward each other. Take the hostile perspectives on climate
change, the Black Lives Matter movement, or even the underlying views surrounding the upcoming
presidential election. It seems as if we have an ever growing schism between all differing political
viewpoints. How many times have you heard "Never talk politics at a dinner party, everyone will
hate each other." It seems absurd, yet it's incredibly true. In ... Show more content on ...
Ultimately, the solution to this great political schism lies in two parts. The first of these parts is the
media's duty to foster and propagate the spread of multiple perspectives, and to not only present the
happenings of the world through a single lens. As was mentioned in a lecture given by Paul
Baumann, the magazine Commonweal is a brilliant example of this principle, publishing a counter
article to accompany every heavily opinionated article published. However, this cannot be done
without the second aspect, which is the open–mindedness and willingness to learn that must be
adopted by the general public of America. Rather dismissing an opposing viewpoint as completely
irrational, take the time and effort to rationally think through the points made. I can guarantee that
more often than not, there will be something everyone agrees to in the opposing
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Afghanistan Under the Rule of the Musahiban Family Essay
After the fall of Amanullah Khan, Habibullah Khan Kalakani ruled for a short term and then the
Musahiban family ruled over Afghanistan from 1929–1978. The Musahiban family halted the social
changes that Amanullah Khan wanted to make which moved it away from developing the economy,
state building and modernization. The economy was the same as it was at the turn of the century.
The Musahiban family followed the policy of encapsulated modernization. They only focused on the
centers the countryside areas remained untouched because of the fear of rising revolts. Under the
Musahbian family they did not impose any changes or taxes, especially no taxes in cash which
means they made the rural economy remain untouched. This means that there was no ... Show more
content on ...
Also, people like Habibullah Kalakani and Ghulam Nabi Charkhi, who were potential political
threat to the royal family, were liquidated by Nadir Shah. During this period, Afghanistan enjoyed
peace and constancy. Nadir's policies of national gradualism and positive neutrality and friendship
were rather effective, and enabled him to establish control over the domestic environment.
One of the most essential domestic successes during Musahiban was the Economic development.
The emergence of a merchant class for the first time in Afghanistan under Majed Zabulli's
leadership was one of those successes that helped Afghanistan to modernize its economy. He putted
lots of efforts and contributions to influence people by Royal patronage and the monopoly system to
attract the bulk of the private capital in the country between 1933 and 1946, and to invest in some 50
trading and industrial companies Before the creation of a merchant class in Afghanistan, the
economy was heavily based on un–modernized agriculture. The creation of De–Afghanistan Bank in
1931 was another economic success because it helped Afghanistan to run its new modern economy.
After the establishment of De–Afghanistan Bank in 1931 in Kabul, entrepreneurs become interested
to invest in Afghanistan. The creation of cement and sugar factory in Dahan Ghori, Baghlan,
installation of fabric factory in Gulbahar , Parwan,
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Consumerism In Canada
From the beginning of my architectural education I have been inspired and influenced by political
realities and issues throughout Canada and the wider world. Discussions relating to how architecture
participates in political change, conflict, movements, and other events have refined, shaped and
sustained my interest in the field. Growing up in suburban Winnipeg I have been continuously
struck by the lack of architectural authenticity, consideration and intention found on the fringes of
the city. These monotonous architectural landscapes promote and enable political inactivity. Among
and in–between the many strip malls, condominiums and stucco–clad houses, there is no space for
political activism or protest. In a reality where consumerism ... Show more content on ...
In a sprawling neighbourhood filled with building dedicated to consumption and the perpetuation of
the capitalist system, there are very few spatial scenarios that can serve as places of protest or
productive discussion and debate for the citizenry. The increasing cynicism the citizenry holds
toward political realities has led to a culture of apathy and disengagement. Recent events have also
demonstrated that fear, whether it be of change or of 'the other' have altered the political landscape.
In a reality where citizens are spread out and distant from one another and are not confronted with
people of different backgrounds, as frequently as one may be in a dense urban centre, prejudice
opinions and views can remain unchallenged and continue to grow. The spontaneous and immediate
galvanization of people in late January of 2017 suggests a higher level of political engagement and
participation is imminent. Previous movements such as Occupy Wall Street have demonstrated how
small scale, temporary architecture can derive from political action and protest. I am interested in
how a similar form of political assertion and representation can take place in a suburban setting. In
such a potent political climate the ability for citizens to assert their views and debate, discuss and
challenge their fellow citizens in a
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Impact Of Domestic Politics On German Foreign And Security...
Discuss the impact domestic politics has on German foreign and security policy.
Germany is arguably one of the key global political actors. It's extremely prominent, especially
within international relations, and is also regarded as being economically, politically and
geographically at the center of Europe. Germany's success in Europe is considered to be due to its
post–world war shift in ideologies and political culture and structures, from authoritarianism to
democracy which inevitably created a successful political power in order to rebuild the state of
Germany and its European and transatlantic relationships on a global scale after the zero hour (Die
Stunde Null). This refers to the historical landmark on the May 8th 1945 at the end of the Second
World War, and a remarkable dramatic turnover in the German political culture began to take place
(Brockmann: 1996). Die Stunde Null represented the overall defeat of Germany: its ideologies and
totalitarianism to democratic values, surrender and the beginning of unification and reconciliation
along with the change in the political culture of Germany. This is best exemplified in the cases of
Germany and the US, particularly with the issues concerning War or Terror post 2001, Germany's
global relationships after the Cold War and World War Two, and Germany's connection and
involvement within the EU and NATO and how this also influences foreign and security policy. The
ideology of normalization and civilization in Germany is also
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Idle No More Theory
To start, the Idle No More social movement has shown a variety of social movement theoretical
approaches. Approaches such as the collective behaviour approach, relative deprivation approach,
and the political process approach are all approaches that can be easily identified within this social
movement. "Idle No More" is a protest social movement that began in 2012 that included he First
Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and their non–Aboriginal supporters in Canada, in order to fight
back against the economic, social and spatial inequalities of first nations people in Canada . The first
theoretical approach that can be closely affiliates with the "Idle No More" movement is the
collective behaviour theory. The collective behaviour theory which closely relates to the pluralist
theory states, "Individuals who try to emotionally react to situations outside ... Show more content
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The political process theory states, "Certain political contexts should be representative for potential
social movement activity. These climates may favor/disfavour specific social movements or general
social movement activity. Some opportunities include, increased access to political decision making
power, access to elite allies, and declining state oppression . The Idle No More movement has seen
many political processes through its 2 years. Idle No More has sought to revise and restructure
certain political policies and legislative bills that deter first nations living. The movement has also
seen many chiefs such as Attawapiskat Theresa Spence and others have a political voice, where the
First Nations Council of Chiefs have met with the Canadian government twice over the past 2 years.
These examples have shown the political engagement that surrounds this social movement, which
proves that the political process theory is a theoretical approach that can be easily associated with
the Idle No More
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How Did Domestic And Foreign Affairs Affect Politics In...
During the 1790s, domestic and foreign affairs were important towards the development of
American politics. Domestic affairs dealt with circumstances within the United States while foreign
affairs dealt with conditions concerning other countries. Hamilton's Financial Plan and the
interpretation of the Constitution are examples of domestic affairs that impacted politics in the
1790s. The French Revolution and Washington's farewell address were foreign affairs that also
impacted politics in the 1790s. Although both domestic and foreign affairs important to politics in
the 1790s. Whereas foreign affairs dealt outside of the country, domestic affairs hit directly towards
home and affected politics by developing two party systems and debates went on about different
interpretations on the Constitution. ... Show more content on ...
One domestic affair that played a huge role in the development in politics was Alexander Hamilton's
Financial Plan. Hamilton's Financial Plan was created as an attempt to fix America's debt issues as
well as other things such as creating the National Bank. Thomas Jefferson, as well as many other
Democratic Republicans believed Hamilton's plan to be unconstitutional. Even though many
Democratic–Republicans opposed Hamilton's plan, Hamilton argued that his plan was a national
blessing. After many debates Hamilton's plan was officially passed, but there was still conflict
concerning the National Bank. Jefferson felt that the National Bank was unconstitutional, while
Hamilton did not see a problem with it. Another domestic affair was different views on the
Constitution. Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution while Hamilton believed
in a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Due to the different beliefs of Hamilton and Jefferson,
two party systems were formed, leaving a lasting impact on
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Gender Inequality In Society
The topic of this report is gender equality which addresses both men and women's rights and those
who identify as a specific gender and how they are affected in modern day. This led to many debates
on the issue of gender equality so why is gender considered an issue in today's society? Anyone can
specify themselves to a gender and within each gender there is a risen conflict such as how certain
genders are treated. This issue affects everyone from the people of the United States of America
(views from political areas) to the ones who passionately reveal that gender inequality is a human
rights issue. The United States is a country of freedom so it is important to note that identifying this
issue now could result in a change of freedoms or rights for all. We have to tackle this issue through
different perspectives such as identifying yourself whether or not it is right for women to be treated
differently from men. In our constitution, the 9th amendment states "The enumeration in the
Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the
people." (Staff, Lll). This shows that we can not make individual judgements based solely on the
person's gender; however, people in modern society continue to state their bias within politics.
Gender equality has been pinpointed by politics for a numerous amount of years. As stated by
Emanuela Lombardo, a senior lecturer of Political Science, "In practical politics, this has ranged
from measures to improve female representation in politics, attempts to improve childcare, equal
opportunity rules for the labour market to attempts to fundamentally transform gender relations."
meaning there are genres to classify the issues within gender equality. Starting with female
representation in politics, it's only been until recently we notice that women are rising little by little
in the political standpoint. Hillary Clinton is a prime example due to the fact that she ran as a
presidential nominee 2016–2017. However, the number of women within political groups such as
Congress are low. As researched by Danielle Kurtzleben, a political reporter who focuses on data
visualizations, "Women make up around 19 percent of all members of Congress and
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What Role Does Dolley Play In Women's Rights
Although women now have many more rights and freedoms than what they used to, it didn't simply
happen over night. Throughout the course of history men have always had a superior role to women
in our society. White Men could own land, earn a wage, get an education, and state their political
ideas much before women ever could. Women have earned their way closer to being equivalent to
men by fighting for a higher position in law, receiving education, and advancing to wage labor in the
work force. Women today can vote, run for office, and have many interactions with politics, but it
took a lot to lead up to this point. Dolley Madison, wife of James Madison, played an important role
in women's political life. Known as the "Presidentress", Dolley hosted many female social political
parties called "Mrs. Madison's Crush" or "squeeze". At Mrs. Madison's parties, information was
often traded, informal channels were established, and political access was gained. She was a main
asset to her husband and understood the function of the White House and what it took to have the
power of being in presidency. Dolley was a form of gateway for women in her circle to gain access
to political issues and to have their thoughts and ... Show more content on ...
The feme convert stated that a wife's life was evolved around her husband's. Married women were
not allowed to own property, make contracts, or keep wages. The wife was obligated to obey her
husband and divorce was a very uncommon occurrence that was often strongly frowned upon. After
hearing about a Political club for Women in Paris, Mary Wollstonecraft from Britain wrote A
Vindication of the Rights of Women, arguing that women also had inherent rights. She spoke of the
equality of the genders, and she suggested how women could have equal intellectuality as men with
the right education. Wollstonecraft's book created a large, immediate, sensation in
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International Cooperation And Domestic Politics
The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political partnership between 28 European
member states that together cover much of the continent. The EU operates through a system of
supranational independent institutions and intergovernmental negotiated decisions by the Member
States (Nugent, 2010). EU member states have long believed that the Union magnifies their political
and economic objectives. Nevertheless, tensions have always existed within the EU between those
members that seek a closer union through more integration and those that prefer to keep the Union
on a more intergovernmental footing, in order to better guard their national sovereignty. The
interaction between international cooperation and domestic politics is pressingly relevant to the
effect of European integration on domestic politics and democratic accountability in EU Member
States. Many scholars consider democratic politics in Europe to be closely linked to increasing
integration. This paper will argue that the process of European integration at the EU level has
strengthened and also weakened the Member States in various different aspects. Strengths of EU
Membership There is a consensus on the positive effect of European integration on at least one
aspect of national politics, one being the strengthening of the executive power. This is due to the fact
that the executive has direct access to European policy–making and policy–makers in the Council,
in the European institutions and other Member States
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Détente And US Domestic Politics
The thesis of détente and U.S. domestic politics is that the United States' policy on détente was in
many respects an aberration from the main thrust of American foreign policy from the late 1940 on
wards, and as such, was vulnerable to those forces in American political life which were inherently
hostile towards Moscow according to the author. This is broken down by describing the détente
policy as an aberration from major parts of American's foreign policy, which implied that President
Reagan administration was actually closer that they were asked to be. As statements were made by
President Reagan were closely looked into, this kind of give some insight of its simplicity and its
appeal that can be pulled from the Truman administration between 1946–1952. There have been
quite a few disagreements since the Truman doctrine of 1947. Such arguments created by the
Kennedy Era of 1961–1963 with the U.S. having a major build up of American nuclear and
conventional forces. Along the way, the confrontations that lasted from 1947–1968 were just
arguments about means rather than ends. The assumptions of the objective affiliated with
containment were deemed legitimate and viable. ... Show more content on ...
For instance, in the Middle East war, the Soviet Union could hardly have failed to support Egypt. It
really showed when Israeli violations of the cease fire put in these circumstances can best be
understood as a signal to the United States to exert greater restraint on the clients in Israel. Moscow
made no attempt at a fait accompli and made preparations for unilateral intervention to supervise
and enforce the cease–fire. These considerations alone were generally ignored in the furor caused by
the episode. Yet it is still hard to see what else the Soviet Union could have done. It was already
being criticized by client nations for giving super power détente a higher priority than relations with
its allies and clients; to have done nothing, therefore, would have robbed it of all credibility in the
eyes of those
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Short Term Significance Of The Education Act 1870
Part A
What in your view was the short–term significance of The Education Act 1870?
The 1870 Education Act highlighted inequality in the school system between genders not only in the
class room but in the running of schools. This obviously led to a lot of change for the role and status
of women in the 1870's and early 20th century, including creating a political identity, proving
women's ability to work well in politics, and creating an educated generation ready for further
radical change.
The short term significance of the 1870 Education Act can be seen in the political impact and the
changes to equality within areas of politics, by introducing School Boards. School boards started or
took over 3000 schools across the UK, which not only took control away from the Church in
deciding what is learnt by children, it also allowed women to have a ... Show more content on ...
This highlights how the role of School Boards expanded into separate committees which each had
significant individual importance and impact. Coming from Hill in 1896 highlights how women
made immediate change to the education system, highlighting their political ability. The success of
School Bards is further highlighted by the later reports of Millicent Fawcett about individuals like
Elizabeth Garret. Elizabeth Garrett stood for the first School Board election in November 1870 and
continued to serve until her death, showing the significance of having educated women as a part of
the education system and the impact they can have when given the opportunity. In her book
'Women's Suffrage' published in 1911, Millicent Garrett Fawcett described the School Board
elections in 1870. "Miss Garrett was at the head of the poll in her constituency – Marylebone. She
polled more than 47,000 votes, the largest number, it
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Politics Is The Practice And Theory Of Power And Resources...
Politics (from Greek: πολιτικός politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice
and theory of influencing other people. Politics involves the making of a common decision for a
group of people, that is, a uniform decision applying in the same way to all members of the group. It
also involves the use of power by one person to affect the behavior of another person. More
narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance – organized control over a
human community, particularly a state. Furthermore, politics is the study or practice of the
distribution of power and resources within a given community (a usually hierarchically organized
population) as well as the interrelationship(s) between ... Show more content on ...
Formal Politics refers to the operation of a constitutional system of government and publicly defined
institutions and procedures.[1] Political parties, public policy or discussions about war and foreign
affairs would fall under the category of Formal Politics.[1] Many people view formal politics as
something outside of themselves, but that can still affect their daily lives.[1]
Informal Politics is understood as forming alliances, exercising power and protecting and advancing
particular ideas or goals. Generally, this includes anything affecting one 's daily life, such as the way
an office or household is managed, or how one person or group exercises influence over another.[1]
Informal Politics is typically understood as everyday politics, hence the idea that "politics is
Contents [hide]
1 Etymology
2 History of state politics
2.1 The state
2.1.1 The state and property
2.1.2 The state and the justice system
2.1.3 The state and legislation
2.1.4 The state and the executive system
3 Themes
3.1 Forms of political organization
3.2 Global politics
3.3 Political corruption
3.4 Political parties
3.5 Politics as an academic discipline
4 Political values
4.1 Left–right politics
4.2 Authoritarian–libertarian politics
5 See also
6 Notes
7 References
8 External links
The word comes from the Greek word from which the title of Aristotle 's books Politics (politika)
derives: "affairs of the cities", a dissertation on
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The Threat Of Good Example
US armed intervention seeks mainly to counter the "threat of good example". Chomsky suggests the
real domino theory refers not to the threat of communism spreading, but the idea that a country may
develop a successful socialist state and economy independent from the US, thus setting an example
for other countries where the US has economic interests. This may result in a domino effect where
these other countries are influenced to do the same and develop independence from the US, thus
threatening US hegemony. There are two types of domino effects: the threat of communism which is
used to justify US intervention to the public, and the actual threat of "good example" which
motivates US to suppress socialist movements in countries like Guatemala, East Timor, Laos,
Grenada, and Nicaragua. The real motives for US intervention are therefore for its own material and
strategic gains, under the pretense of propagating the ideas of freedom and democracy.
The NIEO pushed by the Third World states challenged the systemic favour First World states had in
the international economy, by seeking different terms and means to trade. Some policies include
obtaining a legal framework that ensured greater sovereignty over their natural resources through
the nationalising of mining and oil. Additionally, Third World states, dependent on exporting
primary sector commodities, proposed that the prices of these commodities be politically negotiated
rather than set by the market, because wealth
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American Politics Analysis And Perspective By Ken Kollman
In chapter 5 of, Readings In American Politics Analysis and Perspective by Ken Kollman, David R.
Mayhew poses the question of "what would Congress look like if its members were only interested
in re–election?" Mayhew poses this question as a pretext for his theories on this topic and uses it to
form his own viewpoint based off of his experiences in the realm of domestic politics, more
specifically Capital Hill. Directly after Mayhew poses this question, he answers it by saying that
members would "posture" and "preen" and occasionally produce pieces of legislation that are useful
to there constituencies, which would then be a direct representation of the legislation we observe in
the United Sates in present day. In order to help the reader ... Show more content on
It is stated in the text, "a member will never come close to losing their seat but their need to have a
seat is what inspires their behavior". The example of congressmen Smith is used in the text which
says that he is unbeatable but only if congressmen Smith continues to do what he is doing which is
representing the common interest of his constituency. Mayhew is unable to prove this idea because
no political actor is willing to risk halting his or her efforts in congress to prove a political theory at
the expense of there seat in office. This first idea presented by Mayhew can be applied to common
day politics because re–election is a key goal for all political actors, if that wasn't a goal then why
would the actors be running for a seat in office time and time again. This idea can be proven with
the common day affairs in politics because political actors often use their advances in congress to
maximize their votes and they're potential to win the election. So if they had no advances then there
potential to win would severely decrease, according to this theory and that would be a conflict of
interest to the political actor because they want to win. For example, a governor who lives in the
south will make advances in congress based off of agriculture because that is the primary interest of
his or her constituency. Another idea introduced by Mayhew is the congratulationrationalization
effect, which is an effect geared
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The Political Structure Of The Libertarian Party
In a political atmosphere where it is easy to be grouped up in either conservative or liberal, it is
harder to see such an easy split more and more each day. Non–traditional candidates are now
emerging into the political arena that in prior elections would have been scoffed at. Whether we are
talking about the unusually high polling Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, the Democratic
Socialist Bernie Sanders or the Authoritarian Republican Nominee, Donald Trump, It is getting
harder and harder to ignore the rise they are having. The two major political parties will have to
adapt to these emerging ideologies or face the threat of the dreaded "third party". Very rarely do
third party candidates poll more than 10 percent but Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, is doing
just that (Russonello). The Libertarian party as a whole has seen a recent rise in recent elections with
Gary Johnson being the first third party candidate to be on the ballot in all 50 states in 20 years
(Tau). Despite the general public confusion on them their ideology is quite simple. The general idea
is that Libertarians are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Britannica defines Libertarians as,
"classical liberals who strongly emphasize the individual right to liberty." (Encyclopedia
Britannica). It is ultimately about giving people the liberty to do what they want without hurting
other people. The voting record of Libertarians is generally easy to follow. If the policy limits the
freedom of
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The Origins And Consequences Of The August 25 Uprising
In Bruce K. Rutherford's writing "Egypt: The Origins and Consequences of the January 25
Uprising" Rutherford identifies the five key political actors/entities that are important in
contemporary Egyptian politics. He recognizes the liberals, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, the
military and remnants of the old regime as being some of the primary instigators in Egypt today.
(Rutherford) When Mubarak was ousted in 2011, the citizens of Egypt identifying with liberal
political views split into several political parties such as the: Wafd, Justice Party, Free Egyptians,
Democratic Front Party, Social Democratic Party and the Free Egypt Party. The overarching interest
of these liberal groups is to establish a liberal democracy in Egypt. They want to see constitutional
order within Egypt in which military and religious institutions do not play a role in politics, but
where the people run the government and the political system, best representing their (the
majority's) interests. These liberal groups generally campaign for an elected parliament, state power
being divided into three branches, and equal rights for all of Egypt's citizens paying no mind to race
or gender, with the government protecting all of its' citizens basic rights. (Rutherford) The primary
interests of the moderate Muslim Brotherhood have fluctuated in the past based upon who were the
strong individual figures within the organization. The Muslim Brotherhood has its own political
party – The Freedom and
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Why I Want To Work In Political Science
My major is Government (Political Science) and of course I am going to get a job that ties into my
Political Science degree. Since Political Sciences is basically the study of politics, I want to work in
place where politics is the main focus. So that's why I choose to work for CNN. And CNN is a
company that employs people who have great knowledge and understanding of politics. Cable News
Network is basic cable and satellite television news channel owned by turner broadcasting system.
CNN was founded in the year 1980 by American media proprietor Ted Turner as a twenty–four
cable news channel.
CNN has numerous of affiliates, CNN primarily broadcasts from the Time Warner Center in New
York City, and studios in Washington, D.C. and Los ... Show more content on ...
The site is updated continuously throughout the day. I also want to work for CNN because they are a
company that knows how to experiment and try other things to help the company grow to become
better. CNN has launched two specialty news channels for the American market which would later
close amid competitive pressure: the sports news channel CNNSI shut down in 2002, while business
news channel CNNfn shut down after nine years on the air in December 2004. CNN also once had a
partnership with Sports Illustrated through the sports website, but sold the domain
name in May 2015. CNNfn's former website now redirects to, a product of CNN's
strategic partnership with Money magazine. Money and Sports Illustrated were both Time Warner
properties until 2014, when the company's magazine division was spun off into the separate Time
Inc. Also back in 2012 , CNN launched "CNN Films" which is a motion picture division of CNN.
CNN films mainly produced original feature–length documentaries that will "examine an array of
political, social, and economic subject matters.
And my final reason of why I want to work at cnn is biggest and arguably the most most popular
news network ever. According to adweekly, driven by live coverage of the year's US presidential
election, 2016 was CNN's most–watched year in its history.
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The Role Of Apolitical Characters In 'The Plough Of The...
The characters in The Plough of the Stars can be divided into two groups; apolitical and political.
However, the extent to which the apolitical characters are 'warm and human' and the political
characters are 'cold and fanatical' can be debated. In relation to the apolitical character of Nora, it
can be argued that she is 'warm and human' when able to refuse the entry of the political into her
marriage. Mrs Gogan, as an apolitical character, attempts to present herself as 'warm and human',
but this is undercut by her juxtaposing actions. While the political characters can be categorised as
'cold', Bessie's human empathy challenges the characteristic capabilities of political characters.
Finally, it can be claimed that the political characters cannot be confined to a group, due to the vast
amount of political ideologies presented in the play.
The claim that the apolitical characters of The Plough are 'warm and human' can be argued through
the initial presentation of Nora. However, this is disrupted when she is no longer able to refuse the
political context from her marriage. Nora illustrates her personal distance from the political sphere
in her statement, 'I won't go, Jack; you can go if you wish.' Her refusal to attend a political meeting
with her husband conveys her opposition towards the political context of the play. Despite this, Nora
is depicted as tolerant of other characters' political involvement. This is illustrated in her
encouragement towards Peter to go to the meeting, as she says, Therefore, Nora's 'warm and human'
character is initially presented as accepting of the political. However, her character becomes
desperate and hysterical in her exclamation 'don't mind him, don't mind, Jack. Don't break our
happiness... Pretend we're not in. Let us forget everything tonight but our two selves!' (O'Casey, 28).
The diction of 'pretend' and 'forget' are emphasised, reflecting Nora's deliberate opposition against
politics entering her marital life (O'Casey, 28). The domestic setting in which this action unfolds
supports the idea that Nora wishes to refuse the political. This is evident in the description of the
home as 'furnished in a way that suggests an attempt towards a finer expression of domestic
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How Effective Is Vladimir Putin's Power Vertical?
How effective is Vladimir Putin's power vertical? The first thing that should be taken into account
when evaluating the Russian political system – is pronounced personification of power. The Russian
system has not so much institutional as personalistic character. This feature is deeply rooted in the
historical tradition since the days of autocracy. Personality of the monarch was putting a distinct
imprint on the character of the reign – not only on its direction (variation of reformism and
conservatism), but also on the style of ruling, management practices (Shevtsova, 2005). And this
feature is preserved later in the Soviet and post–Soviet times: not surprisingly Russian history of XX
– early XXI centuries is clearly associated with the names of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev,
Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin. Russian public opinion is clearly in need of power be personified. In
the current system the supreme person has the final word on all important matters of any control.
His position over all the power creates a simple background and the temptation subjection to all
parts of the state. Lack of harmonization mechanism, that normally (under conditions of democracy)
worked out for decades, and complementary functions of different government pushes, especially in
the request for stability and order, to replace this mechanism with simplified version – power
vertical. However it is clear that even if power vertical was brought to perfection there is no one
person that can
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Political Polarization Vs American Politics
Unless you live under a rock far beneath the earth where absolutely no radio frequencies can be
detected, then American politics has likely come up in personal conversations or in a piece of media
that you've since consumed. In the wake of the raucous 2016 presidential election, political phrases
and news has been plastered on every television set and every car bumper. Personally, I have a very
deep interest and fascination with politics, and I tend to have some pretty strong opinions on a lot of
controversial topics, although I keep these opinions to myself most of the time. Since this
presidential election was the first one I have witnessed as a relatively mature individual, I have been
able to think critically about the 2016 race, much unlike ... Show more content on ...
Mary "Mimi" Carstens, a good friend of mine with a deep knowledge and understanding of politics
which reach far beyond her years, initially confirmed my main theories, as well as confirming the
Pew Reasearch Center's statistics in her assertion that "The Republicans could be seen with a
handful of liberals and the Democrats had many conservatives in their midst. However, the parties
seem to have essentially purified their ideologies and there is much less diversity in that sense,
causing a great divide between the two parties––the Republicans moving farther right and the
Democrats moving farther left." However both Mimi and Mr. Lindley conflicted with my ideas
about the dual–party system. Mr. Lindley viewed the dual–party system as being a beneficial
institution, as fractured governing bodies can make way for totalitarianism to rear its head, an
example he used in particular being the overly–diverse Reichstag which allowed the Nazi Party to
take hold over Germany. He also argued that within the two parties there is enough ideological
diversity to have six or more "parties" currently in congress, each main party being divisible into
major factions, such as Democratic socialists (Bernie Sanders),
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Visual Argument Analysis
Today, it is without a doubt that public communication is at the heart of our economy, our politics
and our society. It is being used in different aspects of society – studios use it to advertise their
films. Advocates use it to encourage social causes. The businessmen use it to furnish their image.
Politicians use it, for them to get elected. It is a field constructed on various ideas and images, many
information and persuasion, tactics and strategy. There is no product or policy that will ever succeed
without a clever message that targets the right audience or people in innovative and creative ways.
To communicate strategically is one of today's ability to communicate and what our programs are all
about. Therefore, public communications ... Show more content on ...
Visual arguments can be very useful in terms of passing a message along to the public. Common
examples of an advertisement would be seen on TV ads, possibly a poster, billboard, and
commercials. An ad that caught my eye is a powerful image portraying verbal abuse. It shows a man
screaming at a woman with a fist coming out of the man's mouth and punching the woman in the
face. It basically relays the message of how verbal abuse is just as bad or hurtful as physical
violence and abuse. This ad also attempts to target the emotion of the viewers. Her facial expression
is key in this ad. There are no textual elements but the picture is strong enough to the point that texts
is no longer needed. The ad does not put us in the situation but it shows us how verbal abuse can be
extremely hurtful. Collingwood argues that other sentient beings are able to engage with art and get
a sense of the 'total imaginative experience' that prompted it. Collingwood mentions that "There is a
particular process of recognition that happens which, if the art has succeeded in communicating on
more than a purely idiosyncratic level, leads to enhanced self–knowledge, and by extension an
enhanced collective self–knowledge. Given the fundamental formulation of the artistic process, and
especially given the unavoidable loss of intensity of feeling even for the artist, then clearly the
engagement of the fellow sentient being is not one of the equivalence with that of the artist, but an
imaginative engagement based on the stimulus to hand, be it poem, sound of tactile art." (Swale.
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Explanation Analysis And Video Essay
Beatriz Duran
July 17, 2015
Explanation Analysis/Video Essay #4
Even though numerous world governments claim to behave in the most
favorable interests of the crowd they rule, only democracies actually epitomize the
will of the citizens. Elections allow voice and agency to every single individual in the
political population and let all concerned citizens to directly engage in politics and
take part in the dialogue of how the community will be administrated. As a result,
elections are the most primary constituent of democracies.
Public opinion is made up of the beliefs of the people of a state that have an
impact to those in control. In a liberal state, politicians shall take into ... Show more content on ...
In 2004, it was the largest political party, with 72 million registered voters (42.6%
of 169 million registered) claiming affiliation.[7] The president of the United
States, Barack Obama, is the 15th Democrat to hold the office, and from the 2006–
midterm elections until the 2014–midterm elections, the Democratic Party was
the majority party for the United States Senate. The Republican Party is one of the
two major contemporary political parties in the United States of America. Since the
1880s it has been nicknamed (by the media) the "Grand Old Party" or GOP, although
it is younger than the Democratic Party. Founded in 1854 by Northern anti–slavery
activists and modernizers, the Republican Party rose to prominence in 1860 with
the election of Abraham Lincoln, who used the party machinery to support victory
in the American Civil War. The GOP dominated national politics during the Third
Party System, from 1854 to 1896, and the Fourth Party System from 1896 to 1932.
Today, the Republican Party supports an American conservative platform, with
further foundations in economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and social
conservatism. Former President George W. Bush is the 19th Republican to hold that
office. The party 's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012
presidential election was Mitt Romney, former Governor of
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External Pressure Of Domestic Politics And Foreign Policy
Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy
Although the aspirations and goals of states are often motivated by external political pressures,
analysis of recent foreign policy decisions demonstrates how internal political forces can play
equally crucial roles in the pursuit and execution of these objectives. Thus, it would be invalid to
claim that domestic politics and the nature of regimes play minor roles in either the goals a state
pursues or the means it employs to reach them. By understanding how the diffusion of power in
governments affect policy decisions, one can develop increased awareness of the linkages that exist
between the internal pressures of domestic politics and the external forces of foreign politics.
Before discussing ... Show more content on ...
As the commander in chief, the president plays a significant role in shaping foreign policy. The
president possesses the power to appoint senior cabinet members, commit troops and conduct high
level talks with foreign governments. Congress, on the other hand, has the power to ratify treaties,
confirm the president's appointees and approve budgetary measures. And while the president has the
ability to commit troops, only Congress has the authority to declare war. Despite criticisms of the
American policy making process describing it as inefficient and slow moving, the main purpose and
thus benefit of the constitutional separation of power is the framework of checks and balances that
safeguard against monopolization of foreign policy decision making.
But despite the provisions outlined in the Constitution outlining the separation of power between the
executive and legislative branch in the formulation of foreign policy, congressional influence over
foreign policy decisions waned after World War II. During the Vietnam War, the Johnson and Nixon
administrations became increasingly secretive and monopolized foreign policy decision authority.
Ultimately, however, the growing imbalance of influence of the executive branch in foreign policy
decisions led to the creation of the War Powers Act. The Act stipulated that the president was
required to report to Congress within 48 hours after the
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Engaging The Millennials
American politics and the government surrounding it are often marred in cynicism and negativity.
Such skepticism is, obviously, unhealthy and is not very conducive when it comes to encouraging
the younger generation to get involved in political affairs. David Rankin attempts to tackle this
dilemma in his 2013 book US Politics and Generation Y: Engaging the Millennials. In this paper,
Rankin's work will be summarized, followed by an evaluation of myself using Rankin's criteria, and
then discussing a recent political event that arrested my attention during my tenure as a Political
Science 104 (POL 104) student at the University of Wisconsin – Richland. The book begins with an
overview of Generation Y's political attitudes and contributions ... Show more content on ...
According to the textbook American Government: Power & Purpose, "Congress has the power to
deny public benefits to [illegal immigrants], but doing so would go against long–standing traditions
in American political culture" (Lowi et al. 165). We are a nation founded and built by immigrants
and it is highly unlikely that all of those immigrants were here legally. If we were to attempt to
deport the millions of "illegals" in this country, we would be committing an injustice to basic human
dignity and the principles that the Founders envisioned this country could uphold. As a final point,
once again taken from Power & Purpose, the authors of the book cite Alexander Bickel, a
constitutional scholar from Yale Law School, as saying that "the Constitution begins with 'We the
People of the United States'; likewise the Bill of Rights refers to the rights of people, not the rights
of citizens" (Lowi et al. 165). This only further proves the point that, at least in part, America was
established on a compassionate and humanistic foundation. Despite whatever hypocrisies and
personal failings that the Founding Fathers may have possessed they were, at their core, essentially
good men who wanted nothing but the best for the nation that they so dearly loved. Regardless of
the eventual outcome on this issue one thing remains certain – that poor and disenfranchised people
will continue to seek a better life for themselves and, if we continue to reject those downtrodden by
society, then can we really continue to proclaim to be one of the "greatest nations in the
... Get more on ...

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Six Principles Of Political Realism

  • 1. Six Principles Of Political Realism Realism is an approach to the study and practice of international politics. It emphasizes the role of the nation–state and makes a broad assumption that all nation–states are motivated by national interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as moral concerns. Political realism means nations are conceived as political entities pursuing their respective interests defined in terms of power. Morgenthau divides the history of modern political thought into two distinct schools, 'realism' and 'other' (presumably 'idealism'), that differ fundamentally in their conceptions of the nature of man, society, and politics. The 'other' school assumes the essential goodness and infinite malleability of human nature. It sees education (increased knowledge ... Show more content on ... Political realism believe that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. These objective laws allow us to differentiate truth from opinion – the difference between objective and rational truth (supported by evidence and reason) and subjective judgement. We must also approach political reality with a rational outline/map in order to understand chosen behaviours. The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences, men will challenge them only at the risk of failure. It believes also, then, in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion– between what is true objectively and rationally, supported by evidence and illuminated by reason, and what is only a subjective judgment, divorced from the facts as they are and informed by prejudice and wishful thinking. It assumes that the character of a foreign policy can be ascertained only through the examination of the political acts performed and of the foreseeable consequences of these acts. We can find out what statesmen have actually done, and from the foreseeable consequences of their acts we can surmise what their objectives might have ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Political Theory: Pluralism, Corporatism and Public Choice Topic 2: Political Theory: Pluralism, Corporatism and Public Choice Pluralism is a political theory that related to the acknowledgement for diversification that exist in society. Everyone has different views and appreciation for different value in life. Pluralism is a sign of theoretical standpoint on state ad power as well as resources. It depends on how it will be distributed in democratic state like United States of America (USA). Two famous name in mentioned by Manley (1983) in his article are Robert A. Dahl and Charles E. Lindblom. Pluralism in political system is open to multiple interests of different group in society. All (professional associations, environmentalist, business and financial lobbies etc) are governing the United ... Show more content on ... The arrival of Italian fascism provided an opportunity to implement the theories of the corporate state. In 1919 Mussolini and his associates in Milan needed the support of the syndicalist wing of the Nationalist Party in order to gain power. Their aim in adopting corporatism–which they viewed as a useful form of social organization that could provide the vehicle for a broad–based and socially harmonious class participation in economic production–was to strengthen Mussolini's claim to nationalism at the expense of the left wing of the centrist parties and the right wing of the syndicalists groups (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). However, new corporatism which is democratic corporatism is appear differently to Mussolini's corporatism era. It appeals twofold. First, corporatism treats interest groups as legitimate participants in public policy making, which legitimates their having an official policy–making role. Government regards, industry and labour as valuable partners, rather than hostile pressure groups. Second, culturally there is an elective affinity between corporatism and deliberative 2 democracy. Corporatism encourages more deliberative activities such as discovery and transformation of group preference through probing of volitions and joint problem–solving. Hunold (2001) reported that democratic corporatism is use publicity, improve equality and inclusiveness. Publicity demands administrative agencies release proposed rules for public discussion and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Navirn The Political Nature of Accounting Standard Setting in Australia The Political Nature of Accounting Standard Setting in Australia Introduction There been conflict in most western countries between private sector bodies and the governmental bodies concerning the process of establishing regulatory arrangements required for setting accounting standards (Hopwood 2005). The recent changes by the Australian Federal Government regarding the structure of setting the accounting standards show a huge shift in power to the government from the professional bodies. Majority of the users of financial reports often try to influence the accounting standard with the aim of protecting their own interests. Standard setters in Australia are having ... Show more content on ... The board was also accountable to the Attorney General's Department of the Federal government. The key prerequisites for a well functioning and sustainable capital market are the predictability and reliability of the accounting standards as they enable a country to easily recover from a financial crisis. It is therefore important for the standards to be maintained in a transparent way and this has called for political intervention. Politicians have a huge responsibility in ensuring that an effective system is set for setting accounting standards. This is another major reason as to why setting of accounting standards in Australia has become political (Hopwood 2005). The government has been involved in the process so as to oversee the development of a more transparent, efficient and reliable accounting standards. The government is also responsible for ensuring that the accounting standards are met by the parties using them failure to which it is punishable by law. This therefore is a clear indication of how politics of Australia influence the creation of accounting standards (Pacter 2005). Impacts of the set accounting standards on wide variety of interest groups The set accounting standards will have many impacts on variety of interest groups who are expected to benefit from the standards. Transparent accounting is done in the interest of many parties like stakeholders ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Progressivism And The Progressive Era Progressivism and the Progressive Era significantly changed the United States. The fight against corruption in the government, authority, politics, and economics is still being fought to this day. While some ideals have faded away, like prohibition, the progressives and progressive era shaped America and laid down the groundwork for more reform to come. Progressivism started as a grassroots movement. While it began at the bottom and made many state level changes, progressivm impact reformed America at a national level as well. Progressivism is a response to industrial expansion in the United States. While progressivism made some changes in America like the 17th & 19th amendments and labor laws, a lot of the problems Progressivism tried to tackle ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Essay On Prescient Dissenters America's Prescient Dissenters embraces Senator Fulbright and Dr. Bacevich's impassioned and educated objections to the Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) respectively, and it champions their public disagreement with the presidential administrations of their time. Furthermore, America's Prescient Dissenters reinforces the notion that Dissent and political discourse are founding principles of our great democracy, but also suggests that history forgets those like Fulbright and Bacevich. Fulbright argued that "consensus was equivalent to complacency" (LeVien 10), but as a nation, our greatest crowning achievements occur when we overcome partisanship and focus on results and collaboration achieved through "passionate, frank, and thorough ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately indicative of the politics and policies in today's terms, foreign policy increasingly occurs 150 characters at a time through Twitter, and the unhinged behavior often displayed by our executive leadership damages our national image and ability to effectively manage foreign policy. This fosters a political climate bent on retribution, vilifying dissent, and clear lacks of self–control does not convey an image of national strength and admiration. Unfortunately, this reinforces the stereotypical worldview of American's and our politics as "the gun toting cowboy" that shoots first and asks questions later. While "the gun toting cowboy" is part of our culture as a nation, an "environment of threat inflation, frenzied overreaction, confusion, complexity, and uncertainty requires cool judgment" (LeVien 16), but cool judgement and detailed planning are not the hallmarks of a shoot–from–the–hip approach. Fulbright spoke to this in The Arrogance of Power in comparing two Americas when he clearly portrayed "the gun toting cowboy" as self righteous, narrowly egotistical, and arrogant in the use of power (Fulbright 245). This only reinforces Fulbright and Bacevich's ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Primacy Of Domestic Politics By J. Joll The First World War, which lasted from 1914 until 1918, has always held up the question on whether it was a choice, or an accident. This discussion has been one that has been fiercely argued since the First World War had begun. However, Joll brings about an analysis in his piece The Primacy of Domestic Politics, where he states how although the Frist World War was inevitable, it was not a war of choice. The problems in Europe were building, and although it was not a choice to go to war, it still had to happen, and although the leaders of the countries did not intend for the war to begin, it did, thus identifying as an accident. Through Joll's analysis, it is evident that the First World War was not a choice, rather, it was an accident that was inevitable. The evidence of tensions within Europe is highlighted ... Show more content on ... Throughout the piece, Joll continues to maintain the stance that there was not much, if anything, to solidify the argument that the First World War was based off of the tensions that the individual countries faced entirely. There was no deliberate cause of the war due to the ordeals that individual countries were facing, and although the results of the war may have helped solve certain problems that preluded the war, the intention for the war was never so. Joll also presents how although this war was not a choice, it was "inevitable" (Joll 142). The war was inevitable because there was simply too much unrest at once, and although there was little, if any intention to start war originally, this unrest put the pieces of the puzzle together, and in a way, forced a war. The problems within Europe in general had been building up for years, and had come to such a ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Impact Of Domestic And Foreign Affairs On American... The new nation of the United States of America had many matters to manage, both domestic and foreign. Two political parties emerged to tackle these issues, the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. Domestic affairs of the United States divided the two emerging political parties more at the time, and had a larger impact on American politics during the 1790's than foreign affairs. Domestic affairs shaped politics more so at the time because we had to establish a government completely from scratch. We had to construct a constitution and decide on what powers to give and keep from the government and how to interpret the document. There was two interpretations of constitution at the time. Loose constructionist favored more broader powers to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Domestic Feminism Politics : Cary 's ' Hidden ' Voice Domestic Feminism in Politics: Cary's "Hidden" Voice Throughout the semester, and the number of various works and authors explored, analyzed, and detailed in reading, research, and extrapolation, few had come to interest me as particularly as Elizabeth Cary's, The Tragedy of Mariam, The Fair Queen of Jewry. What has come to pique my interest in this specific work, is in trying to understand the underlying motif of the work, I have come to discover, and explore in my own writings, that Mariam is not only significant for having the first publicly published female playwright, but that the work brings into focus the domestic, political, and religious doctrine of the period of the publication. That despite the overwhelming patriarchal dominance in the 17th century English society, Mariam forwards Cary's ideals in expressing feminism; the independence and agency of women, in a society ruled by patriarchs in court and clergy. Demonstrating that in wielding competing interpretations of feminism in interaction with Herod's monarchy, men and women may meet their ultimate success or downfall in a patriarchal society. In this play, it is noted that nearly every mouth is in motion at one point or another, be they man or woman. For this essay, I will focus on Cary's expressions of feminism, as it is presented in The Tragedy; abstract, revealed in not only the dialogue, but in the motions of the dialogue, or even through the lack of speech altogether. Nearly all mouths can be considered ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. How Did 1945-1950's Affect Australian Domestic Politics The Australian domestic politics from 1945 – 1950's was severely impacted due to the threat of communism. This statement is found to be true by assessing key communist acts after World War II. During 1945 – 1950's there were many events and decisions made that impacted Australian domestic politics, which were due to the threat of communism. Three events that played a key role in impacting Australia domestic politics were the 1951 Referendum, the Petrov Affair and the splitting of the Labor Party. The 1951 Referendum was a key impact of the threat of communism during 1945 – 1950's. On the 22nd September 1951 Robert Menzies proposed the 'Communist Party Dissolution Bill', which was passed, but on the day of the passing the law was then challenged ... Show more content on ... The cause of Labour Party Split was entirely from an internal conflict between key leaders of the Australian Labour Party. The Labour Party at the time were not chosen into government, but yet the Liberal Party was, who were being lead by Robert Menzies the Prime Minister of Australia at the time. The party split into two separate parties, one being the Australian Labour Party who was Anti– Communist and one being the Democratic Labour Party. The split of the Labor Party had long–term consequences on Australian politics. One of these key long–term consequences was that the Democratic Labour Party instructed their supporters to give their crucial votes to the Liberal Party therefore not allowing any chances for the Australian Labour Party to win the government seat. Santamaria who was the leader of the Democratic Labour Party proposed to keep the Labour Party from winning until they came to a conclusion and accepted his terms. In Arthur Calwell's autobiography published in 1972 recounts his recollection of the Labour Party split in 1955. Calwell states "I have witnessed three disastrous splits in the Australian Labor Party during the past fifty–six years." He then goes on to say that "the third in 1955 over alleged communist infiltration of the trade union movement. The last was the worst of the three, because the party has not yet healed the wounds that resulted from it." This statement from Arthur Calwell shows us the ways in that Australian politics changed due to communism and to the extent in which the split had severely affected and impacted both parties, as they have not healed their wounds from the incident. It is through the Labor party split that we can assess the impact communism had on Australian politics from 1945 – ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Women 's Political Roles During The Nineteenth Century Essay Women's Political Roles during the Nineteenth Century in British North America Doris Trlin HIST 2500: Canadian History Instructor: Sean Kheraj Teaching Assistant: Sara Howdle October 20th, 2016 In the first half of the nineteenth century in British North America, women's political roles differed from those of men. British North America was a European male–dominate patriarchy society in which women's roles within society were limited. During the nineteenth century, men were considered superior since they had power and control over everyday aspects of life; however, women slowly began to slightly change the social order of society by contributing and influencing decisions on political issues. Despite this not being seen as the norm, for the most part, men dominated politics. Women were able to contribute to the public life, but due to a European influenced patriarchal society within British North America during the nineteenth century, women had limited influence in political decision–making. During the nineteenth century, British North America was a patriarchal society where male–female relationships had boundaries on expectations surrounding daily life. According to Robert Sedgwick letter, males and females were created to complement each other through different roles and responsibilities. Men were responsible for working outside of the household, running public offices, and being the breadwinner of the family, whereas, women were responsible ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Summary: Domestic Politics During Reagan Years Chapter 9: Domestic Politics during the Reagan years. Reagan's image was his greatest political asset He was named the "teflon president" because no bad image could stick to him and was often said to be cheerfully ignorant of domestic and foreign policy. Reagan articulated foreign policy in terms of good and bad. Good were America and its allies, as well as the "freedom fighters" in Latin America and Afghanistan. Bad were the Communists (except China) and terrorists. The introduction of Reaganomics brought many new ideas into circulation. Reagan promised to stimulate production, reduce inflation, cut taxes, and balance federal budget. He claimed that targeting corporate producers and giving them incentives would flood the market with consumer ... Show more content on ... Bush took centrist views on domestic issues which angered the New Right. Bush further angered the New Right by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Bush, former ambassador to China and the UN as well as head of the CIA, focused more on foreign policy issues. The Persian Gulf War. In 1990, Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Kuwait and announced that it would become a province of Iraq. The US was worried Hussein would turn to Saudi Arabia next. Bush organized an international response called "Operation Desert Shield" which brought 230,000 US troops into the Middle East. The Culture Industry 1980–1992 The Reagan Boom and the Culture industry. Hollywood experienced a major boom in the 80s. By the 1990s there were more television sets in Europe watching American programming than there was in North America. Hollywood–produced movies became a world ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Essay about Migration Policy and Domestic Party Politics There is no one categorical answer to this main question if "Europeanization in the field of Migration Policy is limited because this field is dominated by domestic party politics" or not. First of all we must define how do we understand Europeanization in the field of Migration Policy. It could be understood slight differently: (i) as an Europeanization in assimilation of rules for regular and irregular immigrants; (ii) as an Europeanization in "external dimension" of European Union migration policy; (iii) as an Europeanization in terms of free movement of working force within European Union, etc. These cases might have very different national interests within member states. Member states can easily agree on one point and have ... Show more content on ... 6). "The EU member states have certainly been wary of ceding too much of powers up to the EU, creating a de facto European space of 27 different approaches to migration policy, allowing only for minimum harmonization" (Weinar, 2011, psl. 6–7). That clearly shows that migration is very sensitive policy and is strongly influenced by political decisions within member states. The main shortcoming of the European migration policy framework is its ambiguity and dispersed focus. It addresses the common interest of the EU member states in some fields, while leaving out those common interests in others (Weinar, 2011, psl. 7). So what makes some fields more attractive to common interests? Elspeth Guild states that at the heart of the EU there is and has always been an ambition and duty to reconfigure the territory of the Member States in order to achieve economic aims (Guild, 2006, psl. 631). Human rights were not part of the original schema of the EU (Guild, 2006, psl. 632). So if we assume, that economic aims and not human rights are most important factors, we might argue, that success in various Migration Policy agreements also depends on economic benefits. Putting this in a simple terms, we might argue, that member states comply with Migration Policy goals if they can get economical benefits from it. National states are always ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Theme Of The One That Got Away One of the fundamental themes in Zoë Wicomb's collection of short stories, The One that Got Away, and that which this essay focuses on, is identity. Wicomb's short stories are interwoven with political percepts, history and semiotics linking her two homes, Glasgow and Cape Town, as well as the different stories, together through a extensive network of interconnected identities and settings (Driver 145). By the juxtaposing of settings in a single period of time, Wicomb creates a unique social and domestic backdrop that reveals elements of the characters' identity, and, inadvertently, elements of her own life. Wicomb strategically makes use of historical and cultural references to produce intra–textual significance to allow the reader to engage in the text and deconstruct conventionalized ideas and notions (Driver 146). ... Show more content on ... The name Fotheringay, introduced in the very first line of the story, is not only the surname of one of the main characters, but a historical reference to Fotheringhay Castle, where Mary, Queen of the Scots, was imprisoned (Mackie). The name of the castle, or the castle itself, may or may not be of great significance to the author, but rather a manifest of Wicomb's diasporic experience as a South African living in Scotland. Boy in the jute–sack hood shows the importance of spaces as opposed to intricate story lines, where Wicomb plays politics and culture against one another through juxtaposing Grant's study and the garden, illustrating two seemingly different spaces that are loaded with politics and history (Driver ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Democratic Political Strengths And Weaknesses Europe Democratic Mistakes: The Burden of Bad Politics To some significant extent, while this thesis can be, and has been, challenged on the basis of scholarly analysis . I will argue that most men are usually and politically good to some critical extent. However, few men's acts with moral reflections on collective justices. Rather, often acts of personal inherited cruelty on issues of fundamental importance ultimately. The political culture of universal cruelty through various Western pressures around the world for regime change is core lubrication for the modern terrorism, refugees and immigrants. Although, some may suggest it's regrettable, while others see it as simply Europe mistaking decisions, particularly on the Middle East invasion, past intervention and the ongoing wars on regime change in Syria. It's ... Show more content on ... The undemocratic implications of democratic mistakes, decisions are; the refugee crisis around Europe represent a result of Europe failures to apply common sense to major issues of crucial importance surrounding the invasions, intervention Europe made in the Middle East and has continued to invade. Such steps and decisions will fail to think about tomorrow impacts. Also, the steps taking does not only complicates democratic norms, international disharmony, insecurity and the threat of terrorism but, it invents, creates further doubt of the values of democratic contradictions and relevance of democratic liberty and freedoms. The view expresses above is an illustration of how the modern globalization of democratic transitions has been reversed into inferior stocks of democratic huge mistakes and contradictions globally. In many views, the option approach suggests; what freedom does a starving man haves...the answer is that starvation is a tragic human condition perhaps more tragic than losing freedom . Those the hope of democracy is eliminated without liberty and freedom. Such has been the ongoing ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Compare And Contrast Politics And Political System Here in this topic an issue arises that why we do compare and compare the political systems of the different regions, states, and countries and as well as domestic politics. To answer the bigger question what is politics and political systems. Politics mean the activities associated are attached with the governance of a country or area especially the debate between parties or regimes having power. Politics is also to struggle to gain power to rule and govern governments. On the other hand governments have access to resources and powers to rule over people and as well as empower people through the majority winning political party who wins to rule and impose. Some philosophers consider politics it forces for good while others take it as force for evil. In seventeenth and eighteenth century were the opinions that if no government existed, there would be state of nature. Some philosophers conceive the idea of Social Contract on which societies come to an existence. John Locke, Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes considered the pioneers of the ... Show more content on ... Here comparison doesn't mean that we compare two people with their heights or compare two classrooms but it's all about comparing Political systems of the world and how the run and are have been placed. It is also a core method to humanistic and scientific methods. Comparing our own political systems and institutions with others provide us the opportunity to see wider range of political alternatives and increase our appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of our own political system, enabling us learn from other countries. Comparative analysis makes us aware of the possibilities of politics. It also helps us to formulate theories about how to certain political systems work. Comparison as a method is very old but as s discipline it developed very ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Two Party System: The Black Lives Matter Movement Americans are generally friendly people if they don't know your political alignment. Granted, events such as racism and class stigmatism still exist, but we are likely to be more tolerant of somebody if we don't know their political alignment.However, when it comes to our politics, for whatever reason, Americans have this animosity toward each other. Take the hostile perspectives on climate change, the Black Lives Matter movement, or even the underlying views surrounding the upcoming presidential election. It seems as if we have an ever growing schism between all differing political viewpoints. How many times have you heard "Never talk politics at a dinner party, everyone will hate each other." It seems absurd, yet it's incredibly true. In ... Show more content on ... Ultimately, the solution to this great political schism lies in two parts. The first of these parts is the media's duty to foster and propagate the spread of multiple perspectives, and to not only present the happenings of the world through a single lens. As was mentioned in a lecture given by Paul Baumann, the magazine Commonweal is a brilliant example of this principle, publishing a counter article to accompany every heavily opinionated article published. However, this cannot be done without the second aspect, which is the open–mindedness and willingness to learn that must be adopted by the general public of America. Rather dismissing an opposing viewpoint as completely irrational, take the time and effort to rationally think through the points made. I can guarantee that more often than not, there will be something everyone agrees to in the opposing ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Afghanistan Under the Rule of the Musahiban Family Essay After the fall of Amanullah Khan, Habibullah Khan Kalakani ruled for a short term and then the Musahiban family ruled over Afghanistan from 1929–1978. The Musahiban family halted the social changes that Amanullah Khan wanted to make which moved it away from developing the economy, state building and modernization. The economy was the same as it was at the turn of the century. The Musahiban family followed the policy of encapsulated modernization. They only focused on the centers the countryside areas remained untouched because of the fear of rising revolts. Under the Musahbian family they did not impose any changes or taxes, especially no taxes in cash which means they made the rural economy remain untouched. This means that there was no ... Show more content on ... Also, people like Habibullah Kalakani and Ghulam Nabi Charkhi, who were potential political threat to the royal family, were liquidated by Nadir Shah. During this period, Afghanistan enjoyed peace and constancy. Nadir's policies of national gradualism and positive neutrality and friendship were rather effective, and enabled him to establish control over the domestic environment. One of the most essential domestic successes during Musahiban was the Economic development. The emergence of a merchant class for the first time in Afghanistan under Majed Zabulli's leadership was one of those successes that helped Afghanistan to modernize its economy. He putted lots of efforts and contributions to influence people by Royal patronage and the monopoly system to attract the bulk of the private capital in the country between 1933 and 1946, and to invest in some 50 trading and industrial companies Before the creation of a merchant class in Afghanistan, the economy was heavily based on un–modernized agriculture. The creation of De–Afghanistan Bank in 1931 was another economic success because it helped Afghanistan to run its new modern economy. After the establishment of De–Afghanistan Bank in 1931 in Kabul, entrepreneurs become interested to invest in Afghanistan. The creation of cement and sugar factory in Dahan Ghori, Baghlan, installation of fabric factory in Gulbahar , Parwan, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Consumerism In Canada From the beginning of my architectural education I have been inspired and influenced by political realities and issues throughout Canada and the wider world. Discussions relating to how architecture participates in political change, conflict, movements, and other events have refined, shaped and sustained my interest in the field. Growing up in suburban Winnipeg I have been continuously struck by the lack of architectural authenticity, consideration and intention found on the fringes of the city. These monotonous architectural landscapes promote and enable political inactivity. Among and in–between the many strip malls, condominiums and stucco–clad houses, there is no space for political activism or protest. In a reality where consumerism ... Show more content on ... In a sprawling neighbourhood filled with building dedicated to consumption and the perpetuation of the capitalist system, there are very few spatial scenarios that can serve as places of protest or productive discussion and debate for the citizenry. The increasing cynicism the citizenry holds toward political realities has led to a culture of apathy and disengagement. Recent events have also demonstrated that fear, whether it be of change or of 'the other' have altered the political landscape. In a reality where citizens are spread out and distant from one another and are not confronted with people of different backgrounds, as frequently as one may be in a dense urban centre, prejudice opinions and views can remain unchallenged and continue to grow. The spontaneous and immediate galvanization of people in late January of 2017 suggests a higher level of political engagement and participation is imminent. Previous movements such as Occupy Wall Street have demonstrated how small scale, temporary architecture can derive from political action and protest. I am interested in how a similar form of political assertion and representation can take place in a suburban setting. In such a potent political climate the ability for citizens to assert their views and debate, discuss and challenge their fellow citizens in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Impact Of Domestic Politics On German Foreign And Security... Discuss the impact domestic politics has on German foreign and security policy. Germany is arguably one of the key global political actors. It's extremely prominent, especially within international relations, and is also regarded as being economically, politically and geographically at the center of Europe. Germany's success in Europe is considered to be due to its post–world war shift in ideologies and political culture and structures, from authoritarianism to democracy which inevitably created a successful political power in order to rebuild the state of Germany and its European and transatlantic relationships on a global scale after the zero hour (Die Stunde Null). This refers to the historical landmark on the May 8th 1945 at the end of the Second World War, and a remarkable dramatic turnover in the German political culture began to take place (Brockmann: 1996). Die Stunde Null represented the overall defeat of Germany: its ideologies and totalitarianism to democratic values, surrender and the beginning of unification and reconciliation along with the change in the political culture of Germany. This is best exemplified in the cases of Germany and the US, particularly with the issues concerning War or Terror post 2001, Germany's global relationships after the Cold War and World War Two, and Germany's connection and involvement within the EU and NATO and how this also influences foreign and security policy. The ideology of normalization and civilization in Germany is also ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Idle No More Theory To start, the Idle No More social movement has shown a variety of social movement theoretical approaches. Approaches such as the collective behaviour approach, relative deprivation approach, and the political process approach are all approaches that can be easily identified within this social movement. "Idle No More" is a protest social movement that began in 2012 that included he First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and their non–Aboriginal supporters in Canada, in order to fight back against the economic, social and spatial inequalities of first nations people in Canada . The first theoretical approach that can be closely affiliates with the "Idle No More" movement is the collective behaviour theory. The collective behaviour theory which closely relates to the pluralist theory states, "Individuals who try to emotionally react to situations outside ... Show more content on ... The political process theory states, "Certain political contexts should be representative for potential social movement activity. These climates may favor/disfavour specific social movements or general social movement activity. Some opportunities include, increased access to political decision making power, access to elite allies, and declining state oppression . The Idle No More movement has seen many political processes through its 2 years. Idle No More has sought to revise and restructure certain political policies and legislative bills that deter first nations living. The movement has also seen many chiefs such as Attawapiskat Theresa Spence and others have a political voice, where the First Nations Council of Chiefs have met with the Canadian government twice over the past 2 years. These examples have shown the political engagement that surrounds this social movement, which proves that the political process theory is a theoretical approach that can be easily associated with the Idle No More ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. How Did Domestic And Foreign Affairs Affect Politics In... During the 1790s, domestic and foreign affairs were important towards the development of American politics. Domestic affairs dealt with circumstances within the United States while foreign affairs dealt with conditions concerning other countries. Hamilton's Financial Plan and the interpretation of the Constitution are examples of domestic affairs that impacted politics in the 1790s. The French Revolution and Washington's farewell address were foreign affairs that also impacted politics in the 1790s. Although both domestic and foreign affairs important to politics in the 1790s. Whereas foreign affairs dealt outside of the country, domestic affairs hit directly towards home and affected politics by developing two party systems and debates went on about different interpretations on the Constitution. ... Show more content on ... One domestic affair that played a huge role in the development in politics was Alexander Hamilton's Financial Plan. Hamilton's Financial Plan was created as an attempt to fix America's debt issues as well as other things such as creating the National Bank. Thomas Jefferson, as well as many other Democratic Republicans believed Hamilton's plan to be unconstitutional. Even though many Democratic–Republicans opposed Hamilton's plan, Hamilton argued that his plan was a national blessing. After many debates Hamilton's plan was officially passed, but there was still conflict concerning the National Bank. Jefferson felt that the National Bank was unconstitutional, while Hamilton did not see a problem with it. Another domestic affair was different views on the Constitution. Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution while Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Due to the different beliefs of Hamilton and Jefferson, two party systems were formed, leaving a lasting impact on ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Gender Inequality In Society The topic of this report is gender equality which addresses both men and women's rights and those who identify as a specific gender and how they are affected in modern day. This led to many debates on the issue of gender equality so why is gender considered an issue in today's society? Anyone can specify themselves to a gender and within each gender there is a risen conflict such as how certain genders are treated. This issue affects everyone from the people of the United States of America (views from political areas) to the ones who passionately reveal that gender inequality is a human rights issue. The United States is a country of freedom so it is important to note that identifying this issue now could result in a change of freedoms or rights for all. We have to tackle this issue through different perspectives such as identifying yourself whether or not it is right for women to be treated differently from men. In our constitution, the 9th amendment states "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." (Staff, Lll). This shows that we can not make individual judgements based solely on the person's gender; however, people in modern society continue to state their bias within politics. Gender equality has been pinpointed by politics for a numerous amount of years. As stated by Emanuela Lombardo, a senior lecturer of Political Science, "In practical politics, this has ranged from measures to improve female representation in politics, attempts to improve childcare, equal opportunity rules for the labour market to attempts to fundamentally transform gender relations." meaning there are genres to classify the issues within gender equality. Starting with female representation in politics, it's only been until recently we notice that women are rising little by little in the political standpoint. Hillary Clinton is a prime example due to the fact that she ran as a presidential nominee 2016–2017. However, the number of women within political groups such as Congress are low. As researched by Danielle Kurtzleben, a political reporter who focuses on data visualizations, "Women make up around 19 percent of all members of Congress and ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. What Role Does Dolley Play In Women's Rights Although women now have many more rights and freedoms than what they used to, it didn't simply happen over night. Throughout the course of history men have always had a superior role to women in our society. White Men could own land, earn a wage, get an education, and state their political ideas much before women ever could. Women have earned their way closer to being equivalent to men by fighting for a higher position in law, receiving education, and advancing to wage labor in the work force. Women today can vote, run for office, and have many interactions with politics, but it took a lot to lead up to this point. Dolley Madison, wife of James Madison, played an important role in women's political life. Known as the "Presidentress", Dolley hosted many female social political parties called "Mrs. Madison's Crush" or "squeeze". At Mrs. Madison's parties, information was often traded, informal channels were established, and political access was gained. She was a main asset to her husband and understood the function of the White House and what it took to have the power of being in presidency. Dolley was a form of gateway for women in her circle to gain access to political issues and to have their thoughts and ... Show more content on ... The feme convert stated that a wife's life was evolved around her husband's. Married women were not allowed to own property, make contracts, or keep wages. The wife was obligated to obey her husband and divorce was a very uncommon occurrence that was often strongly frowned upon. After hearing about a Political club for Women in Paris, Mary Wollstonecraft from Britain wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women, arguing that women also had inherent rights. She spoke of the equality of the genders, and she suggested how women could have equal intellectuality as men with the right education. Wollstonecraft's book created a large, immediate, sensation in ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. International Cooperation And Domestic Politics The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political partnership between 28 European member states that together cover much of the continent. The EU operates through a system of supranational independent institutions and intergovernmental negotiated decisions by the Member States (Nugent, 2010). EU member states have long believed that the Union magnifies their political and economic objectives. Nevertheless, tensions have always existed within the EU between those members that seek a closer union through more integration and those that prefer to keep the Union on a more intergovernmental footing, in order to better guard their national sovereignty. The interaction between international cooperation and domestic politics is pressingly relevant to the effect of European integration on domestic politics and democratic accountability in EU Member States. Many scholars consider democratic politics in Europe to be closely linked to increasing integration. This paper will argue that the process of European integration at the EU level has strengthened and also weakened the Member States in various different aspects. Strengths of EU Membership There is a consensus on the positive effect of European integration on at least one aspect of national politics, one being the strengthening of the executive power. This is due to the fact that the executive has direct access to European policy–making and policy–makers in the Council, in the European institutions and other Member States ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Détente And US Domestic Politics The thesis of détente and U.S. domestic politics is that the United States' policy on détente was in many respects an aberration from the main thrust of American foreign policy from the late 1940 on wards, and as such, was vulnerable to those forces in American political life which were inherently hostile towards Moscow according to the author. This is broken down by describing the détente policy as an aberration from major parts of American's foreign policy, which implied that President Reagan administration was actually closer that they were asked to be. As statements were made by President Reagan were closely looked into, this kind of give some insight of its simplicity and its appeal that can be pulled from the Truman administration between 1946–1952. There have been quite a few disagreements since the Truman doctrine of 1947. Such arguments created by the Kennedy Era of 1961–1963 with the U.S. having a major build up of American nuclear and conventional forces. Along the way, the confrontations that lasted from 1947–1968 were just arguments about means rather than ends. The assumptions of the objective affiliated with containment were deemed legitimate and viable. ... Show more content on ... For instance, in the Middle East war, the Soviet Union could hardly have failed to support Egypt. It really showed when Israeli violations of the cease fire put in these circumstances can best be understood as a signal to the United States to exert greater restraint on the clients in Israel. Moscow made no attempt at a fait accompli and made preparations for unilateral intervention to supervise and enforce the cease–fire. These considerations alone were generally ignored in the furor caused by the episode. Yet it is still hard to see what else the Soviet Union could have done. It was already being criticized by client nations for giving super power détente a higher priority than relations with its allies and clients; to have done nothing, therefore, would have robbed it of all credibility in the eyes of those ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Short Term Significance Of The Education Act 1870 Part A What in your view was the short–term significance of The Education Act 1870? The 1870 Education Act highlighted inequality in the school system between genders not only in the class room but in the running of schools. This obviously led to a lot of change for the role and status of women in the 1870's and early 20th century, including creating a political identity, proving women's ability to work well in politics, and creating an educated generation ready for further radical change. The short term significance of the 1870 Education Act can be seen in the political impact and the changes to equality within areas of politics, by introducing School Boards. School boards started or took over 3000 schools across the UK, which not only took control away from the Church in deciding what is learnt by children, it also allowed women to have a ... Show more content on ... This highlights how the role of School Boards expanded into separate committees which each had significant individual importance and impact. Coming from Hill in 1896 highlights how women made immediate change to the education system, highlighting their political ability. The success of School Bards is further highlighted by the later reports of Millicent Fawcett about individuals like Elizabeth Garret. Elizabeth Garrett stood for the first School Board election in November 1870 and continued to serve until her death, showing the significance of having educated women as a part of the education system and the impact they can have when given the opportunity. In her book 'Women's Suffrage' published in 1911, Millicent Garrett Fawcett described the School Board elections in 1870. "Miss Garrett was at the head of the poll in her constituency – Marylebone. She polled more than 47,000 votes, the largest number, it ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Politics Is The Practice And Theory Of Power And Resources... Politics (from Greek: πολιτικός politikos, definition "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people. Politics involves the making of a common decision for a group of people, that is, a uniform decision applying in the same way to all members of the group. It also involves the use of power by one person to affect the behavior of another person. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance – organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Furthermore, politics is the study or practice of the distribution of power and resources within a given community (a usually hierarchically organized population) as well as the interrelationship(s) between ... Show more content on ... Formal Politics refers to the operation of a constitutional system of government and publicly defined institutions and procedures.[1] Political parties, public policy or discussions about war and foreign affairs would fall under the category of Formal Politics.[1] Many people view formal politics as something outside of themselves, but that can still affect their daily lives.[1] Informal Politics is understood as forming alliances, exercising power and protecting and advancing particular ideas or goals. Generally, this includes anything affecting one 's daily life, such as the way an office or household is managed, or how one person or group exercises influence over another.[1] Informal Politics is typically understood as everyday politics, hence the idea that "politics is everywhere".[1] Contents [hide] 1 Etymology 2 History of state politics 2.1 The state 2.1.1 The state and property 2.1.2 The state and the justice system 2.1.3 The state and legislation 2.1.4 The state and the executive system 3 Themes 3.1 Forms of political organization 3.2 Global politics 3.3 Political corruption 3.4 Political parties 3.5 Politics as an academic discipline 4 Political values 4.1 Left–right politics
  • 106. 4.2 Authoritarian–libertarian politics 5 See also 6 Notes 7 References 8 External links Etymology[edit] The word comes from the Greek word from which the title of Aristotle 's books Politics (politika) derives: "affairs of the cities", a dissertation on ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. The Threat Of Good Example US armed intervention seeks mainly to counter the "threat of good example". Chomsky suggests the real domino theory refers not to the threat of communism spreading, but the idea that a country may develop a successful socialist state and economy independent from the US, thus setting an example for other countries where the US has economic interests. This may result in a domino effect where these other countries are influenced to do the same and develop independence from the US, thus threatening US hegemony. There are two types of domino effects: the threat of communism which is used to justify US intervention to the public, and the actual threat of "good example" which motivates US to suppress socialist movements in countries like Guatemala, East Timor, Laos, Grenada, and Nicaragua. The real motives for US intervention are therefore for its own material and strategic gains, under the pretense of propagating the ideas of freedom and democracy. The NIEO pushed by the Third World states challenged the systemic favour First World states had in the international economy, by seeking different terms and means to trade. Some policies include obtaining a legal framework that ensured greater sovereignty over their natural resources through the nationalising of mining and oil. Additionally, Third World states, dependent on exporting primary sector commodities, proposed that the prices of these commodities be politically negotiated rather than set by the market, because wealth ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. American Politics Analysis And Perspective By Ken Kollman In chapter 5 of, Readings In American Politics Analysis and Perspective by Ken Kollman, David R. Mayhew poses the question of "what would Congress look like if its members were only interested in re–election?" Mayhew poses this question as a pretext for his theories on this topic and uses it to form his own viewpoint based off of his experiences in the realm of domestic politics, more specifically Capital Hill. Directly after Mayhew poses this question, he answers it by saying that members would "posture" and "preen" and occasionally produce pieces of legislation that are useful to there constituencies, which would then be a direct representation of the legislation we observe in the United Sates in present day. In order to help the reader ... Show more content on ... It is stated in the text, "a member will never come close to losing their seat but their need to have a seat is what inspires their behavior". The example of congressmen Smith is used in the text which says that he is unbeatable but only if congressmen Smith continues to do what he is doing which is representing the common interest of his constituency. Mayhew is unable to prove this idea because no political actor is willing to risk halting his or her efforts in congress to prove a political theory at the expense of there seat in office. This first idea presented by Mayhew can be applied to common day politics because re–election is a key goal for all political actors, if that wasn't a goal then why would the actors be running for a seat in office time and time again. This idea can be proven with the common day affairs in politics because political actors often use their advances in congress to maximize their votes and they're potential to win the election. So if they had no advances then there potential to win would severely decrease, according to this theory and that would be a conflict of interest to the political actor because they want to win. For example, a governor who lives in the south will make advances in congress based off of agriculture because that is the primary interest of his or her constituency. Another idea introduced by Mayhew is the congratulationrationalization effect, which is an effect geared ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. The Political Structure Of The Libertarian Party In a political atmosphere where it is easy to be grouped up in either conservative or liberal, it is harder to see such an easy split more and more each day. Non–traditional candidates are now emerging into the political arena that in prior elections would have been scoffed at. Whether we are talking about the unusually high polling Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, the Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders or the Authoritarian Republican Nominee, Donald Trump, It is getting harder and harder to ignore the rise they are having. The two major political parties will have to adapt to these emerging ideologies or face the threat of the dreaded "third party". Very rarely do third party candidates poll more than 10 percent but Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, is doing just that (Russonello). The Libertarian party as a whole has seen a recent rise in recent elections with Gary Johnson being the first third party candidate to be on the ballot in all 50 states in 20 years (Tau). Despite the general public confusion on them their ideology is quite simple. The general idea is that Libertarians are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Britannica defines Libertarians as, "classical liberals who strongly emphasize the individual right to liberty." (Encyclopedia Britannica). It is ultimately about giving people the liberty to do what they want without hurting other people. The voting record of Libertarians is generally easy to follow. If the policy limits the freedom of ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. The Origins And Consequences Of The August 25 Uprising In Bruce K. Rutherford's writing "Egypt: The Origins and Consequences of the January 25 Uprising" Rutherford identifies the five key political actors/entities that are important in contemporary Egyptian politics. He recognizes the liberals, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, the military and remnants of the old regime as being some of the primary instigators in Egypt today. (Rutherford) When Mubarak was ousted in 2011, the citizens of Egypt identifying with liberal political views split into several political parties such as the: Wafd, Justice Party, Free Egyptians, Democratic Front Party, Social Democratic Party and the Free Egypt Party. The overarching interest of these liberal groups is to establish a liberal democracy in Egypt. They want to see constitutional order within Egypt in which military and religious institutions do not play a role in politics, but where the people run the government and the political system, best representing their (the majority's) interests. These liberal groups generally campaign for an elected parliament, state power being divided into three branches, and equal rights for all of Egypt's citizens paying no mind to race or gender, with the government protecting all of its' citizens basic rights. (Rutherford) The primary interests of the moderate Muslim Brotherhood have fluctuated in the past based upon who were the strong individual figures within the organization. The Muslim Brotherhood has its own political party – The Freedom and ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Why I Want To Work In Political Science My major is Government (Political Science) and of course I am going to get a job that ties into my Political Science degree. Since Political Sciences is basically the study of politics, I want to work in place where politics is the main focus. So that's why I choose to work for CNN. And CNN is a company that employs people who have great knowledge and understanding of politics. Cable News Network is basic cable and satellite television news channel owned by turner broadcasting system. CNN was founded in the year 1980 by American media proprietor Ted Turner as a twenty–four cable news channel. CNN has numerous of affiliates, CNN primarily broadcasts from the Time Warner Center in New York City, and studios in Washington, D.C. and Los ... Show more content on ... The site is updated continuously throughout the day. I also want to work for CNN because they are a company that knows how to experiment and try other things to help the company grow to become better. CNN has launched two specialty news channels for the American market which would later close amid competitive pressure: the sports news channel CNNSI shut down in 2002, while business news channel CNNfn shut down after nine years on the air in December 2004. CNN also once had a partnership with Sports Illustrated through the sports website, but sold the domain name in May 2015. CNNfn's former website now redirects to, a product of CNN's strategic partnership with Money magazine. Money and Sports Illustrated were both Time Warner properties until 2014, when the company's magazine division was spun off into the separate Time Inc. Also back in 2012 , CNN launched "CNN Films" which is a motion picture division of CNN. CNN films mainly produced original feature–length documentaries that will "examine an array of political, social, and economic subject matters. And my final reason of why I want to work at cnn is biggest and arguably the most most popular news network ever. According to adweekly, driven by live coverage of the year's US presidential election, 2016 was CNN's most–watched year in its history. ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. The Role Of Apolitical Characters In 'The Plough Of The... The characters in The Plough of the Stars can be divided into two groups; apolitical and political. However, the extent to which the apolitical characters are 'warm and human' and the political characters are 'cold and fanatical' can be debated. In relation to the apolitical character of Nora, it can be argued that she is 'warm and human' when able to refuse the entry of the political into her marriage. Mrs Gogan, as an apolitical character, attempts to present herself as 'warm and human', but this is undercut by her juxtaposing actions. While the political characters can be categorised as 'cold', Bessie's human empathy challenges the characteristic capabilities of political characters. Finally, it can be claimed that the political characters cannot be confined to a group, due to the vast amount of political ideologies presented in the play. The claim that the apolitical characters of The Plough are 'warm and human' can be argued through the initial presentation of Nora. However, this is disrupted when she is no longer able to refuse the political context from her marriage. Nora illustrates her personal distance from the political sphere in her statement, 'I won't go, Jack; you can go if you wish.' Her refusal to attend a political meeting with her husband conveys her opposition towards the political context of the play. Despite this, Nora is depicted as tolerant of other characters' political involvement. This is illustrated in her encouragement towards Peter to go to the meeting, as she says, Therefore, Nora's 'warm and human' character is initially presented as accepting of the political. However, her character becomes desperate and hysterical in her exclamation 'don't mind him, don't mind, Jack. Don't break our happiness... Pretend we're not in. Let us forget everything tonight but our two selves!' (O'Casey, 28). The diction of 'pretend' and 'forget' are emphasised, reflecting Nora's deliberate opposition against politics entering her marital life (O'Casey, 28). The domestic setting in which this action unfolds supports the idea that Nora wishes to refuse the political. This is evident in the description of the home as 'furnished in a way that suggests an attempt towards a finer expression of domestic ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. How Effective Is Vladimir Putin's Power Vertical? How effective is Vladimir Putin's power vertical? The first thing that should be taken into account when evaluating the Russian political system – is pronounced personification of power. The Russian system has not so much institutional as personalistic character. This feature is deeply rooted in the historical tradition since the days of autocracy. Personality of the monarch was putting a distinct imprint on the character of the reign – not only on its direction (variation of reformism and conservatism), but also on the style of ruling, management practices (Shevtsova, 2005). And this feature is preserved later in the Soviet and post–Soviet times: not surprisingly Russian history of XX – early XXI centuries is clearly associated with the names of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin. Russian public opinion is clearly in need of power be personified. In the current system the supreme person has the final word on all important matters of any control. His position over all the power creates a simple background and the temptation subjection to all parts of the state. Lack of harmonization mechanism, that normally (under conditions of democracy) worked out for decades, and complementary functions of different government pushes, especially in the request for stability and order, to replace this mechanism with simplified version – power vertical. However it is clear that even if power vertical was brought to perfection there is no one person that can ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Political Polarization Vs American Politics Unless you live under a rock far beneath the earth where absolutely no radio frequencies can be detected, then American politics has likely come up in personal conversations or in a piece of media that you've since consumed. In the wake of the raucous 2016 presidential election, political phrases and news has been plastered on every television set and every car bumper. Personally, I have a very deep interest and fascination with politics, and I tend to have some pretty strong opinions on a lot of controversial topics, although I keep these opinions to myself most of the time. Since this presidential election was the first one I have witnessed as a relatively mature individual, I have been able to think critically about the 2016 race, much unlike ... Show more content on ... Mary "Mimi" Carstens, a good friend of mine with a deep knowledge and understanding of politics which reach far beyond her years, initially confirmed my main theories, as well as confirming the Pew Reasearch Center's statistics in her assertion that "The Republicans could be seen with a handful of liberals and the Democrats had many conservatives in their midst. However, the parties seem to have essentially purified their ideologies and there is much less diversity in that sense, causing a great divide between the two parties––the Republicans moving farther right and the Democrats moving farther left." However both Mimi and Mr. Lindley conflicted with my ideas about the dual–party system. Mr. Lindley viewed the dual–party system as being a beneficial institution, as fractured governing bodies can make way for totalitarianism to rear its head, an example he used in particular being the overly–diverse Reichstag which allowed the Nazi Party to take hold over Germany. He also argued that within the two parties there is enough ideological diversity to have six or more "parties" currently in congress, each main party being divisible into major factions, such as Democratic socialists (Bernie Sanders), ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Visual Argument Analysis Today, it is without a doubt that public communication is at the heart of our economy, our politics and our society. It is being used in different aspects of society – studios use it to advertise their films. Advocates use it to encourage social causes. The businessmen use it to furnish their image. Politicians use it, for them to get elected. It is a field constructed on various ideas and images, many information and persuasion, tactics and strategy. There is no product or policy that will ever succeed without a clever message that targets the right audience or people in innovative and creative ways. To communicate strategically is one of today's ability to communicate and what our programs are all about. Therefore, public communications ... Show more content on ... Visual arguments can be very useful in terms of passing a message along to the public. Common examples of an advertisement would be seen on TV ads, possibly a poster, billboard, and commercials. An ad that caught my eye is a powerful image portraying verbal abuse. It shows a man screaming at a woman with a fist coming out of the man's mouth and punching the woman in the face. It basically relays the message of how verbal abuse is just as bad or hurtful as physical violence and abuse. This ad also attempts to target the emotion of the viewers. Her facial expression is key in this ad. There are no textual elements but the picture is strong enough to the point that texts is no longer needed. The ad does not put us in the situation but it shows us how verbal abuse can be extremely hurtful. Collingwood argues that other sentient beings are able to engage with art and get a sense of the 'total imaginative experience' that prompted it. Collingwood mentions that "There is a particular process of recognition that happens which, if the art has succeeded in communicating on more than a purely idiosyncratic level, leads to enhanced self–knowledge, and by extension an enhanced collective self–knowledge. Given the fundamental formulation of the artistic process, and especially given the unavoidable loss of intensity of feeling even for the artist, then clearly the engagement of the fellow sentient being is not one of the equivalence with that of the artist, but an imaginative engagement based on the stimulus to hand, be it poem, sound of tactile art." (Swale. ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Explanation Analysis And Video Essay Beatriz Duran ISS1120 July 17, 2015 Explanation Analysis/Video Essay #4 Even though numerous world governments claim to behave in the most favorable interests of the crowd they rule, only democracies actually epitomize the will of the citizens. Elections allow voice and agency to every single individual in the political population and let all concerned citizens to directly engage in politics and take part in the dialogue of how the community will be administrated. As a result, elections are the most primary constituent of democracies. Public opinion is made up of the beliefs of the people of a state that have an impact to those in control. In a liberal state, politicians shall take into ... Show more content on ... In 2004, it was the largest political party, with 72 million registered voters (42.6% of 169 million registered) claiming affiliation.[7] The president of the United States, Barack Obama, is the 15th Democrat to hold the office, and from the 2006– midterm elections until the 2014–midterm elections, the Democratic Party was the majority party for the United States Senate. The Republican Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States of America. Since the
  • 147. 1880s it has been nicknamed (by the media) the "Grand Old Party" or GOP, although it is younger than the Democratic Party. Founded in 1854 by Northern anti–slavery activists and modernizers, the Republican Party rose to prominence in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln, who used the party machinery to support victory in the American Civil War. The GOP dominated national politics during the Third Party System, from 1854 to 1896, and the Fourth Party System from 1896 to 1932. Today, the Republican Party supports an American conservative platform, with further foundations in economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and social conservatism. Former President George W. Bush is the 19th Republican to hold that office. The party 's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 presidential election was Mitt Romney, former Governor of ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. External Pressure Of Domestic Politics And Foreign Policy Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy Although the aspirations and goals of states are often motivated by external political pressures, analysis of recent foreign policy decisions demonstrates how internal political forces can play equally crucial roles in the pursuit and execution of these objectives. Thus, it would be invalid to claim that domestic politics and the nature of regimes play minor roles in either the goals a state pursues or the means it employs to reach them. By understanding how the diffusion of power in governments affect policy decisions, one can develop increased awareness of the linkages that exist between the internal pressures of domestic politics and the external forces of foreign politics. Before discussing ... Show more content on ... As the commander in chief, the president plays a significant role in shaping foreign policy. The president possesses the power to appoint senior cabinet members, commit troops and conduct high level talks with foreign governments. Congress, on the other hand, has the power to ratify treaties, confirm the president's appointees and approve budgetary measures. And while the president has the ability to commit troops, only Congress has the authority to declare war. Despite criticisms of the American policy making process describing it as inefficient and slow moving, the main purpose and thus benefit of the constitutional separation of power is the framework of checks and balances that safeguard against monopolization of foreign policy decision making. But despite the provisions outlined in the Constitution outlining the separation of power between the executive and legislative branch in the formulation of foreign policy, congressional influence over foreign policy decisions waned after World War II. During the Vietnam War, the Johnson and Nixon administrations became increasingly secretive and monopolized foreign policy decision authority. Ultimately, however, the growing imbalance of influence of the executive branch in foreign policy decisions led to the creation of the War Powers Act. The Act stipulated that the president was required to report to Congress within 48 hours after the ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. Engaging The Millennials American politics and the government surrounding it are often marred in cynicism and negativity. Such skepticism is, obviously, unhealthy and is not very conducive when it comes to encouraging the younger generation to get involved in political affairs. David Rankin attempts to tackle this dilemma in his 2013 book US Politics and Generation Y: Engaging the Millennials. In this paper, Rankin's work will be summarized, followed by an evaluation of myself using Rankin's criteria, and then discussing a recent political event that arrested my attention during my tenure as a Political Science 104 (POL 104) student at the University of Wisconsin – Richland. The book begins with an overview of Generation Y's political attitudes and contributions ... Show more content on ... According to the textbook American Government: Power & Purpose, "Congress has the power to deny public benefits to [illegal immigrants], but doing so would go against long–standing traditions in American political culture" (Lowi et al. 165). We are a nation founded and built by immigrants and it is highly unlikely that all of those immigrants were here legally. If we were to attempt to deport the millions of "illegals" in this country, we would be committing an injustice to basic human dignity and the principles that the Founders envisioned this country could uphold. As a final point, once again taken from Power & Purpose, the authors of the book cite Alexander Bickel, a constitutional scholar from Yale Law School, as saying that "the Constitution begins with 'We the People of the United States'; likewise the Bill of Rights refers to the rights of people, not the rights of citizens" (Lowi et al. 165). This only further proves the point that, at least in part, America was established on a compassionate and humanistic foundation. Despite whatever hypocrisies and personal failings that the Founding Fathers may have possessed they were, at their core, essentially good men who wanted nothing but the best for the nation that they so dearly loved. Regardless of the eventual outcome on this issue one thing remains certain – that poor and disenfranchised people will continue to seek a better life for themselves and, if we continue to reject those downtrodden by society, then can we really continue to proclaim to be one of the "greatest nations in the ... Get more on ...