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The Japanese Political System
From the Meiji Restoration era, democratization efforts were undertaken to modernize Japan. A
bicameral system of legislature as well as local, though unelected assemblies were created in the
image of the Prussian model (Haddad, 2012, p. 50) and a Constitution placing absolute power with
the monarch was formed. Although the main intention of the oligarchs behind the Constitution was
to have the national Diet as an advisory body, they "created a series of 'transcendental cabinets'
which answered to the Emperor" (Haddad, 2012, p. 50), Bureaucrats were important tools during
this period as they were the people with the knowledge necessary to enable the country to function.
.... This importance placed in them stemmed .... As a large ... Show more content on
One of the smallest and most efficient = implementing policies ––> "As a result, policy making
became highly segmented as particular bureaus and bureaucrats became more specialized" (Haddad,
2012, p. 60)
large role in politics = policy making, allocation of resources, distribution of power
"Since SCAP (Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers) – McArthur – held the real policy–
making power during the Occupation, politicians exercised their influence in large part as a
mediating influence rather than as policy makers. "
High point – Japanese Miracle of 50s to 70s
prestegious, civil service exam, on–job training, professionals – lifetime
politicians were also mainly lifers, and initially had expertise in the ministry they were placed in, but
then moved up to the committees – Zokus
Zoku (Tribe) – Back when a noob is first elected and is assigned to a ministry as a parliamentary
secretary, he becomes specialized in that field and so as a member of the transportation zoku for
example, you can influence the construction of a road or railway system in your district o Jobs =
Money = re–election
"Politicians reign, but bureaucrats rule" – Chalmers Johnson
Bureaucrats' relations with the private sector grew stronger as "catch–up" and "growth first" policy
goals gained dominance within the administration and society
It helps that the elites within the bureaucracy and business came from similar backgrounds and
universities and this tended to
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Comparison Of Canada And France's Political System
Canada and France have different forms of government and different political systems. Canada is a
representative democracy and France is a Republic. The political and governmental structures of the
countries are contrastable, with different approaches to democracy. But, the key institutions are
comparable. The executive, legislature and judiciary all share similar features in the concentration
and dispersal of power.
The concentration of Canadian political power is evident through the executive, ... states it is a form
of 'hidden power'. There exists opportunity disparities between the executive and the legislature,
consequently allowing the executive to dominate state power. Executive power is heavily
concentrated within the government and ... Show more content on ...
Provincial cases begin in lower courts and are able to be appealed to the higher systems. There is a
conscious effort within the Canadian political structure to separate the judiciary from other
institutions, emphasising its objectivity and non–partisan nature. Judicial independence is a main
aspect of the Canadian judiciary. This independence is also evidence of the checks and balances that
exist within Canadian political institutions. While judicial power is concentrated in the courts, the
strict rules that are enforced are evidence of the dispersal of power, attempting to create a balanced
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Compare And Contrast Politics And Political System
Here in this topic an issue arises that why we do compare and compare the political systems of the
different regions, states, and countries and as well as domestic politics.
To answer the bigger question what is politics and political systems. Politics mean the activities
associated are attached with the governance of a country or area especially the debate between
parties or regimes having power. Politics is also to struggle to gain power to rule and govern
governments. On the other hand governments have access to resources and powers to rule over
people and as well as empower people through the majority winning political party who wins to rule
and impose.
Some philosophers consider politics it forces for good while others take it as force for evil. In
seventeenth and eighteenth century were the opinions that if no government existed, there would be
state of nature. Some philosophers conceive the idea of Social Contract on which societies come to
an existence. John Locke, Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes considered the pioneers of the ...
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Here comparison doesn't mean that we compare two people with their heights or compare two
classrooms but it's all about comparing Political systems of the world and how the run and are have
been placed. It is also a core method to humanistic and scientific methods. Comparing our own
political systems and institutions with others provide us the opportunity to see wider range of
political alternatives and increase our appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of our own
political system, enabling us learn from other countries. Comparative analysis makes us aware of the
possibilities of politics. It also helps us to formulate theories about how to certain political systems
work. Comparison as a method is very old but as s discipline it developed very
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The Political System Of America
The political system in this country is heavily influenced by special interests that undermine what is
beneficial to society. When the corporate agenda meets politics, profit takes priority. There is a
mutual desire between politicians and businesses to maintain power. Getting re–elected and
achieving donor's goals just like a company does for its share–holders. The governments job is to
protect the rights of those with different interests, not to give rights to an entity, making it equal to
people. There is a conflict of interest between the profit driven corporate world and the public
welfare. Politicians are frequently offered financial benefits for favors, large donations influence
decision making. Those relationships are really unhealthy to the political process and the power of
the people.
When money controls politics, all anyone would have to do is control the money. The founding
fathers had a fear of central banks due to the history of banks devaluing currency by inflation and
deflation. Thomas Jefferson feared the power that central bank could gain, and claimed it was
unconstitutional. Jim Marrs, a political researcher, reminds us of Jefferson's feelings, "To take a
single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take
possession of a boundless field of power" ..." banking establishments are more dangerous than
standing armies" (Marrs, The Trillion–dollar Conspiracy, 61).1 They knew a central bank is against
the interest
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Political Systems And Its Effect On The World
In this day in age, Politics have a vast impact on the world we live in. Leadership, on a macro–level,
has mantled the world through all of time. These consecutive political systems have developed to
become a government. Each government varies throughout each country. Thus, created different
forms of government: Autocracy, Monarchy, Socialism, Communism, Theocracy, Plutocracy, and
Pluralism. These forms of government are created based of one's absolute routes, means of
production, elimination of inequalities, religious views, wealth, and compromisation. There are
seven forms of government but no single group holds dominant power. This act of power classifies
each countries government to be democratic or nondemocratic. From the system of beliefs, mostly
democracies, subsequently created political parties for public policy. Having a choice in a political
system, is a great benefit for an election. The function of the two party system has been the most
effective throughout the modern political era.
Political systems vary in many different countries. The connection with a country, develops two
different aspects for their people. The fundamental ways of comparing a state implicates the
classification of governments being either democratic or nondemocratic. A democracy is where
people, in the state, are self governed in a way where they are connected to the input and output
range of government. In these terms of Government, Grigsby states that for the input, "people have
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Renaissance and Political System
Renaissance and Political Institutions
Instructor's Name:
Renaissance is a French term meaning rebirth or revival. Renaissance period in the history of
Europe starts from the beginning of 15th century to the end of 16th century. The Renaissance
manifested the transitional phase from the medieval ages to the modern era. It was a time of social
and cultural changes in Europe. It is believed to be the beginning of the modern world and hence the
new phase of the political system arrived. Along with society and culture, politics also changed.
Renaissance and Politics
Renaissance states had three basic forms of Government: princedoms, monarchies and oligarchies or
the republics.
One of the largest ... Show more content on ...
During the period of renaissance, both these political institutions have developed from the medieval
roots, but both failed to get transformed completely into a modern system. Regardless of the fact
that Church and state had mutually strong ties with each other, but popes and rulers struggled with
each other for being in command of the administration of church and material lands. Therefore,
some historians portrayed this period as a significant one for politics while some think this age as
meaningless and abandoning the whole concept.
Also, during the renaissance stage, kings, dukes, earls and other nobles dominated the political field
but as the feudal system began to collapse; these titles stared losing their influence. This shaped the
beginning of varying unbalanced surroundings which promoted rapid development in all areas. This
stage was subjugated by confrontations and wars not for the sake of winning territories but for the
sake of protests, to satisfy the upper–class thirst for war. The downfall of the Roman Empire and the
influence and authority of the papacy was consequential with the increase in independence and self
reliance of city states in most of the Europe.
For monarchies and oligarchies, the revival transformations in the fashions of art, over and above
the attitude of artists, required affluent clientele to maintain and endorse it, and Italy was in
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The Political System: A Thematic Analysis
My piece is in response to, and a reminder of, those struggling to be heard. Struggling to render
visible, the voices our system keeps invisible. Those trying to find a way, a place, a format through
which we will hear their voices. To create a space in which we will hear and recognize their
concerns, their sufferings, their fears; that the system isn't working for them or their families and
hasn't for decades; their lack of a future; their hopes and growing demands for real change and their
search to find a new path; and their call that we recognize their and our shared humanity. The
political system, regardless of political party, isn't listening. If it were, the gap between the system's
"feel your pain" rhetoric and their actions wouldn't
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Canadian Political System Analysis
Canada's government is a democracy like the United States, however their style of government is
different. The Canadian government is based on a parliamentary democracy while the United States
is based on a federal presidential constitutional republic. The parliament of Canada establishes laws
and rights to citizens. In the United States Congress passes laws and legislation. In this section, I
will discuss political system, business regulations, free trade agreements, and social conflicts
Political System
The political system of Canada was established from the federal system of a Parliament with
democratic values. "Today the Canadian political system comprises of a group of political parties
with Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party and the Conservative Party of Canada taking
the major lead. In the Canadian Judicial system, it's the Supreme Court of Canada with its strength
of nine judges that reign over the entire judicial scenario" (Political System of Canada, 2015).
Within Canada's federal government system that are various departments. "The system comprises of
six different departments including the national defense department, the finance department,
department of foreign affairs and international trade, revenue department, ... Show more content on ...
Both agreements allow Canada to be the US's largest supplier of oil, gas, and electric power (CIA,
2015). Under the free trade agreement good and services receive reduced or elimination of tariff and
non–tariff barriers to trade. "Since 2006, Canada has concluded free trade agreements with no less
than 39 countries, bringing the total to 44, making up more than half of the global economy and
representing nearly one quarter of the world's countries" (Canada's Free Trade Agreements, 2015).
Canada's free trade agreement with the US and the NAFTA agreement makes Canada an excellent
place to produce Henry Inc. products in. Below is a chart that
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Political Systems In Australia Essay
Donations to Political Systems in Australia
"Do ut des" "You give in order to have given back" is a famous Latin quote that the managing
director of Transfield Services, Luca Belgiorno–Nettis, uses to describe the use of political
donations in the world today. Donald Trump from the US has said the same a year ago from his
viewpoint of being a corporate CEO, "When they call, I give. And you know what, when I need
something from them two years later, three years later, I call them." Political donations are very
helpful to get political campaigns media time and their face out into the public. The problem with
these donations is that people expect some benefit from it. The consequences of this cannot be
documented as no one knows if a favor was asked; it's all behind closed doors. In the past few years
Australia's political system has seen political funding come under strict scrutiny with many stories
coming out of CEO's ... Show more content on ...
The reason I highlight this as the biggest problem is because this is where the favors come from and
where policies, laws, etc. are withheld from being introduced. This is also where the biggest
donations come from. The government favors smaller donations because of that exact word, small.
Small donations mean that no major concern is taken from the donator or the acceptant. This is why
the government rewards them with tax deductibles and credit. A survey was taken by Independent
Australia where 73% of people surveyed asked for restrictions on political advertising by trade
unions and businesses. This very high number shows the people's knowledge of corruption in
politics but weakness in influencing it. The problem with this is that donations can still be sent
through third parties and reported through different entities. Corporations will always funnel money
and that is why restrictions have to be placed on the business aspect of Australia
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Political Party System
The American political party system has changed at least five times since the founding of The
United States of America, and these changes started before the election of our first president, George
Washington. Even though the Founding Fathers thought about political parties, to them it was
pointless due to the fact that in a presidential election, the winner would be become the president
and the runner up would become the vice–president (Randall, 2012). In fact, the Constitution of the
United States of America does not specifically say anything about political parties. In addition,
George Washington, as outlined in his farewell address, spoke about how he hoped that political
parties would not be formed due to fear of conflict and stagnation ... Show more content on ...
The subject matter of presidential campaigns and swings in the electorate communicates the
character of America's two–party system. Political life in the United States continues to be ruled by
wide–ranging ideological consensus, the electorate continues to drift near the center of the political
range, and the parties, in order to continue to be competitive, generally drift towards the center to
entice voters. President Clinton won the presidency in 1992 by promising both parties could practice
fiscal responsibility. President George W. Bush won the presidency in 2000 asking for
"compassionate conservatism," which would be a call to remember that Democrats did not have
exclusive control on social concerns. And with the astonishingly close races in 2000 and 2004
suggests that this fusion of ideological consensus is where Americans want their candidates to exist
(Shmoop Editorial Team C,
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Shift In The American Political System
The American political system is one in which change occurs slowly and incrementally, if at all.
This long–term stability prevents shortsighted populism from driving large–scale changes that
potentially have long–term impacts. Thus, if the American political system is trending on a path that
lends itself well to the fulfillment of the democratic ideals of equal voice, representation, majority
rule, and minority protection the stability of the system allows it to continue along this path.
However, when a number of these small, incremental changes reinforce one another toward an
unequal or unresponsive system these trends are just as difficult to reverse. This paper will examine
three specific shifts in the American political system: a) the ... Show more content on ...
Skocpol (2007) shows that while as early as 1960 a number of national public interest groups were
structured in a way that promoted grass–roots activism and required a number of local chapters.
These membership groups gained the strength to engage in activism through the number of members
they were able to mobilize. These interest groups, then, could claim to be representative of the
general public's interests because they were made up of members of the general public. However,
Skocpol further argues that beginning in the 1970's there was a shift toward more professionally run
organizations. Instead of recruiting members to volunteer and mobilize, these new groups featured
predominantly professional members and functioned through the use of lobbying. Instead of a high
number of members, these new groups were primarily focused on raising money in order to lobby
for more narrow interests. In 2001, only 12% of all Washington interest groups were associations of
individuals (Schlozman et al.
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American Political System
America is a very unique and different country. We perfected the equal transfer of power to the next
political party, whether their policies are similar or not. Previously, power has been transferred by
war and bloodshed. America is able to refrain from doing so by our democratic form of government.
Our government is by far the best on Earth. It is this way because of how we run our politics and run
our country. For the past few decades our political system has been slowly corrupting. More and
more money is required for candidates to be elected into office. This didn't happen one hundred
years ago, and the politicians weren't as sneaky as they are now at hiding where the large amounts of
cash are coming from that sponsors their race. This leads ... Show more content on
What needs to be shown is how much money is actually being pumped into the campaign races of
candidates and how over–excessive it is. To begin with, the amount of money spent on campaign
financing is excessive and absurd. Our politicians are more worried about taking your money and
being greedy, rather than actually passing laws that they promise to put into action. Most of the time
the politicians will pass the laws that are so manipulated it looks nothing like what they had
originally promised. To prove that the amount spent on campaigns is way over the top is that in 1964
"the presidential campaigns of Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater cost approximately $60
million combined"(ProQuest Staff). Where as in the presidential elections for 2012 "each candidate
raised more than one billion dollars"(Washington Post). This shows that our candidates are spending
such hefty amounts on advertisements and other various things that are not essentially needed for
them to promote themselves to the people America. The Washington Post brought to our attention
that every presidential campaign ends up costing more than the last. Marcus Ruth said in Hard to
Follow the Money that every election cycle feature hand–wringing about how this the most
expensive and most out of control ever, but the magnitude and implications of the money from the
2012 elections are truly amazing. Continuing of the fact that every year the
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The Is The Most Moral System Of Political Organization
In this paper, I will be making the case that a specific form of Anarchism is the most moral system
of political organization. Specifically, I will be arguing for a subset of the Anarchist philosophy
called "Anarcho–Capitalism". But I will address left–wing socialist Anarchism. I will start with
some definitions and then move into the more nuanced aspects of my arguments. In this paper, I
intend to first address the moral issues of "statist" political systems and then move onto those of the
leftist Anarchists. I will then summarize Murray Rothbard's case for Anarcho–Capitalism. For this
paper, I will not be discussing the issues of any economic problems created by the existence of a
State or leftist policies, but they most certainly do ... Show more content on ...
So what is wrong with having a State? In short, it simply does not adhere to the same ethical
standards to which we expect the general public to behave. Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., chairman and
CEO of the Mises Institute, wrote in his article "Why I am an Anarcho–Capitalist", "The state
encourages the public to believe there are two sets of moral rules: one set that we learn as children,
involving the abstention from violence and theft, and another set that applies only to government,
which alone may aggress against peaceful individuals in all kinds of ways." And this is the crux of
any and all States, whether they be more capitalist than Hong Kong or more socialist than North
Korea. They all infringe on the freedom of otherwise peaceful people.
In fact, it is impossible for a State not to be a burden on society and make its constituents worse off.
Think for moment of a king. In any decision he makes, whether it be to install a new bathtub in the
castle or to institute a new public works program, he will be forcing his will upon the citizens of his
domain. And imagine a man, who opposes the king's command. What will happen to him? First, he
will be sternly commanded to obey the authority of the king. But if he refuses to comply, he will be
imprisoned or otherwise subject to punishment. And if the man continues to refuse to cooperate with
the king's orders, despite ever increasing punishments, eventually the king will have no choice
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Political and Economic System
World Geography and Culture
Analysis of the Political and Economic Systems
Table of Contents I. Introduction (abstract) II. Political System a. Type of Political System b.
Structure of the Government c. Identify a current law/policy law d. Impact on society III. Economic
System a. Type of economic system b. Identify a current economic issue c. Government role in
address the issue d. Impact on society IV. Compare Contract a. Economic issue country of origin V.
In this essay, I had to assume the role of a politician and an economist. The country of Spain has
many different political issues that can impact the society based on the structure of the ... Show
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Economic System
Spain's economy is a well–based way to equally spread money to all of the people. Some of Spain's
natural resources include coal, lignite, iron ore, uranium, mercury, pyrites, fluorspar, gypsum, zinc,
lead, tungsten, copper, kaolin; hydroelectric power. Spain's currency is the European Union euro.
Spain's imports include machinery and equipment, fuels, chemicals, semi–finished goods,
foodstuffs, consumer goods, measuring and medical control instruments. In 2011, the amount of
money that Spain received for imports was $364.9 billion. Some of Spain's exports include
machinery, motor vehicles; foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medicines, other consumer goods. In 2011,
the amount of money that Spain received for exports was $309.6 billion.
The gross domestic per capita is thirty three thousand six hundred euros a year. In labor force 2.4
percent goes to agriculture, 24 percent to industry, and 71.1 percent to services. Spain came out in
the number one position because it is a sunny country, because its citizens enjoy shorter working
hours and more days holiday, because energy and lifestyle costs are lower, because the government
invests into education and healthcare, because the average age at which people die is higher than in
most of Europe and because overall, living in Spain ensures you have a better quality of life.
Spain has many economic issues. One economic issue is
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Political System Vs Nightwatchman
The state function is to maintain ways/regulations in which a country runs. Whereas, the
government can change political parties based on electoral results giving directions in how the state
will run. The state has four essential departments which are legislative, executive administrative,
and judicial; however, Canada follows the parliamentary system, and the USA support the
congressional scheme. Although they both hold the same departments the distribution of power is
different. The Nightwatchman were people, mainly men holding a political position with substantial
business interests looking to increase their capital. Hence their profiteering took precedence over the
welfare of the people, workplace safety. Only the minimal work standards
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The United States Political System
Mankind has always undergone trends in a cyclical manor. However, as society presses forward, the
relative minima and maxima tend to break the threshold at an increasing rate meaning that what
would be considered normal is shortly lived. Today we live in a society where factions divide the
nation in their plight to achieve an organized force of ideas. The Political parties of the modern era
have become far more organized and are no longer looking to support ideas but are ever hungry to
maintain and gain political power rather than represent a people's voice. Our democratic republic
relies on the organized and informed voter to maintain a balance of control between the people and
the government. This is argued in Thomas Edison's 10th federalist paper in which he states, "If a
faction consists of less than a majority, relief is supplied by the republican principle, which enables
the majority to defeat its sinister views by regular vote... it will be unable to execute and mask its
violence under the forms of the Constitution. When a majority is included in a faction, the form of
popular government, on the other hand, enables it to sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both
the public good and the rights of other citizens. To secure the public good and private rights against
the danger of such a faction, and at the same time to preserve the spirit and the form of popular
government, is then the great object to which our inquiries are directed..." Here we see the need for
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The American Political System Essay
The American Political System The American political system is a federal system, which consists of
division of a national government and state governments. However, it was not always a federal
system, it was not based on the Constitution, but on the Articles of Confederation. This system
divides authority between sovereign national and state government. Under the Articles of the
Confederation, each state retained its ultimate governing authority. .[1]"The power of government
must be equal to its responsibilities. ... Show more content on ...
The state government was protected under the Articles of Confederation and had the ultimate
governing authority. 2"The government of the Articles was a union of states rather than also of
people. The result was a weak national government, since its strength depended entirely of the
states' willingness to cooperate (p 61)." If the states refused to pay the national government could
not do anything to get the money. The final result of non–payment from the states was a weaker
national defense. The states wanted to retain their sovereignty and argued that the national
government would not be able serve the people as well as the union of states. Under the new
governing system known as federalism the state government would have the responsibilities of the
chartering of local governments, education, public safety, registration and voting, intrastate
In 1787 a new form of government was introduced at the Philadelphia convention, which changed
the power between national and state governments. 3"The Philadelphia convention thereby devised
a governing system that came to be known as federalism. Federalism is the division of sovereignty,
or ultimate governing authority between a national government and regional (that is, state)
governments. Each directly governs the people and derives it powers
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Separation Of Power: The American Political System
The separation of power is a political theory. The principle of the separation of power can be traced
to the era of Aristotle. He declared that the three principles theory of political system should be
divided into executive, legislative and judicial. In 1748, Montesquieu also proposed the same theory
as Aristotle. His idea influenced James Madison and James put the theory into practice in American
political system. (Krause 2000) The three branches can check the action of each other in order to
avoid the generation of dictator. In my essay, I will use specific reasons to prove why the framers
wanted an executive branch to be separated from the legislative branch. Montesquieu is a sociologist
of French who proposed the concept of the separation of power (Krause 2000). His idea inspired the
founding father of the constitution which called James Madison. James learned the political theory
from Montesquieu and proposed the Madisonian Model. It is a structure of the government in which
the power of the government are separated into three branches. The government powers of the
United States are endowed to the president, the Congress and the Supreme Court. Although each of
these three branches is independent, but they can check the action one another to prevent the system
of the United States to become totalitarianism. The U.S Congress is ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of James Madison proposed the Madisonian Model is to avoid each branch has too
much power and three branches can check and corporate each other. The problem is the three
branches are unable to check each other fairly if they have the same self–interest. They will act in
collusion in order to gain the selfish desire. In addition, if one of them have the different opinion
with the others, the two branches will combine the power to reject the one alone. The government
system cannot be stable anymore and the result is that the country will be
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United States Political System
The political system of the United States of America is great in some part but it can also be bad. The
government does not always do what they say they would. Many people believe that the government
is here to protect the citizens but others believe that the government does not care about no one but
themselves. In the United States and in other countries that government would take advantage of
their power and do things that hurt the country as a whole. The United States has one of the best
stable government in the world. As a born citizen of America there are many things that I do not
agree with the political system because of the abuse of power, but there are other ideas that are fair
for the US society therefore I do agree with. Civil
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Egypt Political System
Date of Submission
Politics in Egypt
Egypt's Profile
Egypt is a state situated in the North of Africa officially known as the Arab republic of Egypt. It is
one of Africa's most important countries due to its attractions like the pyramids. It is also a home to
about seventy eight million people. It is bordered to the south by Sudan, to the Libya in the west,
Israel and Gaza in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the North. All its major cities lie along the
River Nile which runs across the country from the North and empties in the Mediterranean Sea. It is
the source of sustenance to the people of Egypt. The largest city which is the capita; city of Egypt is
Cairo. Egypt's terrain is that of a desert ... Show more content on ...
For this reason, the Prime Minister and his cabinet have to be from the dominant party or coalition
in the assembly. In the case where the President and the Assembly are from opposing parties, then a
situation known as cohabitation is created. Motions of censure are most of the time proposed by the
opposition following government actions that it considers highly inapt, they are purely rhetorical
this means that the party discipline should see to it that throughout a parliamentary term, the
government is never overthrown or given a motion of censure by the assembly (Constitution
Declaration 2011).
The Shura Council also known as the consultative council is a 264–member upper house of
Parliament that came to being in the 1980's. In the Shura Council 176 members are directly elected
and 88 members are appointed by the President of the Republic for six–year terms. One half of the
Shura Council is renewed every three years. The Shura Council 's legislative powers are limited and
on most matters of legislation, the People's Assembly always has the last and final word in the event
of a disparity between the two houses.
There currently exist eighteen recognized political parties from across the political spectrum.
Formation of political parties based on religion is prohibited by the Constitution. The official
opposition and political pressure groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood, are active
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Anti-Statism: A Political System
Statism, according to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, is a political system in which the state has
substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. Anti–Statism, not to be confused
with Anarchism, was termed for describing the opposition to state intervention into the personal
day–to–day lives of a given society. Some of those that hold Anti–Statism views, in my minimal
understanding of it, view government more like a religion in that citizens of a government follow its
otherwise absurd policies faithfully and in ignorant bliss. The end point being to abolish state rule of
law in order to achieve a better way of life for all. I would err on the side of this stance being more
idealistic than plausible in our current point of ... Show more content on ...
The history of life has shown it to evolve towards progression. But, let's be intellectually honest
with ourselves here, as a species modern man is only about 195,000 years old
( Who knows maybe due to science and the
ability to reason our species will continue to actively influence evolution, and speed up the process.
It's possible it won't take another 195,000 years for us to evolve beyond our refined parasitic means
of survival. It is otherwise idealistic to not at least acknowledge Statism and wars themselves will be
with us for the foreseeable future. However, we may see the day come in our lifetime when
genocide remains in the museum, and the occurrence of people dying from starvation or poverty is
eradicated. Now that would be something worth being proud
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Political System: The Legs Of The Platform
The Legs of the Platform
One cornerstone of the United States political system has been the two party system. Smaller third
parties exist, but they rarely have an affect on who takes power. The two major parties evolved over
time. The Democrats of today originated as the anti–Federalists and later became the Democratic–
Republicans. Modern Republicans began as the Federalists and later became the Whig Party
(Savage). The Republicans and Democrats differ on topics such as taxes, the economy, gay rights,
drugs, crime control, abortion, social security, gun control and health care. Regardless of the names
the two parties have carried, one party platform advocates for small government, intervening only
when absolutely necessary and the other party ... Show more content on ...
Both the Republican Party and Democratic Party advocate restoring of the trust between civilians
and law enforcement. However, the two parties often differ on how to achieve this goal. The
Republican Party believes the Constitution lays out the rules of law. The Republican Party Platform
states, "Two grave problems undermine the rule of law on the federal level: Over–criminalization
and over–federalization" (40). This reiterates the Republican Party belief in limited government and
strict adherence to the Constitution. The Republican Party believes too many new crimes have been
created by the federal government. The Republican Party stands by its belief in the death penalty,
citing the Fifth Amendment as the basis for this stance, as a means to deter crime. In addition, the
Republican Party believes judges should not have as much discretion when sentencing criminals and
should abide by minimum sentencing terms that have been established. Furthermore, the Republican
Party Platform calls for mandatory prison time for anyone who inflicts serious harm to a law
enforcement officer (39–40). Conversely, The Democrats advocate repealing minimum sentencing
guidelines and closing private prisons, leaving only government run prison. In addition, the
Democratic Party disagrees with the Constitutionality of the death penalty, as they believe it
constitutes "cruel and
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United States Political System
The United States political system has undergone a tremendous evolution since the inception of the
United States constitutional democracy. In our class discussion from Chapter 1, I learned that the
ongoing judicial review and institutional amendment processes that have worked in the political
system over time are what have made the system realize such an evolution. Numerous changes
based on the philosophies of individuals such as John Locke occurred in the Constitution as the
political system continued to grow. Various changes in light of the rationalities of people, for
example, John Locke happened in the Constitution as the political framework kept on advancing.
One of these progressions incorporated the improvement of nearby governments ... Show more
content on ...
The privilege to worship religion in a free setting. This is an intriguing and convincing one for me.
Vote based system functions admirably when the greater part of its residents feel that they find
themselves able to have some effective reach that is free from outside control. The issue of religion
is one that falls into this class. People need to feel some level of profound satisfaction and ought to
have the capacity to pick uninhibitedly how that way is taken. It can be through religion, deep sense
of being, or ID with a code of honor that is comprehended by them and only them. The length of this
right does not meddle with each others entitlement to be allowed to sit untethered, the vote based
obligation of resilience and acknowledgment is progressed and I think that this is of basic
significance in a law based state. More spiritual fulfillment within in any individual. I think the
image I would utilize is something like an open field for deep sense spirituality is an open field
where one can choose where they wish to graze into the blue skies or whatever they may choose. I
believe that if the United States was like many other countries and controlling which way or what
our religion is would be very crazy. Having the right privilege to worship God or whom ever or
what ever makes this country democratic. If I personal did not have the freedom of
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Political System of China
Political System of China
Fundamental principles of Constitution
The People's Republic of China is a socialist country led by the working class, based on the worker–
peasant alliance and practicing people's democratic centralism. The socialist system is the primary
system in China.
The Constitution
The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state. It usually stipulates a country's social system
and basic principles of state system, the basic principles of activities and organizations of state
departments, and the basic rights and obligations of its citizens. Some constitutions also legalize the
national flag, anthem, emblem, capital, and other systems that the government believes touches the
lives of its citizens. The ... Show more content on ...
For example, the duties for the Standing Committee of National People's Congress include
interpreting the Constitution and supervising its enforcement, enacting and amending laws with the
exception of those which should be enacted by the NPC, and report to the NPC on every piece
relevant work.
The basic functions and powers of the NPC are to amend the Constitution, to supervise the
enforcement of the Constitution, to enact and amend basic laws covering crucial matters, and to
decide on the major national leaders. Strategic development plans for the national economy and
social affairs have been vital towards advancing China's social progress. But these plans are only in
effect after approval from the NPC. The law in China stipulates the major state leaders, such as the
President and the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, must be nominated and elected
by the NPC. The Premier of the State Council and Ministers of the government must also be
appointed by the NPC. The NPC can also remove the elected Chairman of NPC Standing
Committee, the President and the Premier through lawful procedures.
The System of Multi–Party Cooperation and Political Consultation
The multi–party cooperation and political consultation is a basic political system in China.
China is multi–party country. Apart from the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CPC), there are other
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The Political Party System
In the United States of America, the political party system is pivotal to the function of our nation.
The political party system in our society today is separated between the Democrats and the
Republicans. Although political parties do possess uncertainties their advantages outweigh their
drawbacks in America. The United States of America is made up of two basic political parties, the
Democratic Party and the Republican Party. A political party is a group of individuals who share
similar interest and they work together with one another to construct and execute policies. The
Democratic Party was established in 1828, by Andrew Jackson. The Democratic Party was created
based on a belief in an unyielding government and an advocacy of social and ... Show more content
on ...
The nation is aware of the benefits political parties hold, and they are also are aware of their
hindrances. Numerous Americans oppose the political party system, because of their potential to
negatively hinder our society. They disagree with the system so much that they would rather see the
political party system abolished than see it reformed. I understand fully that the political party
system has their issues. For instance, our political party system does not offer equality for all parties.
In our society, our party system operates under the two–party system, if we had three or more parties
running they would not have a fair chance. We only examine are two leading political parties in our
ballots. The system lacks equality which can be extremely unsetting to voters who support the less
popular parties. We are known as the land of equal opportunity, yet we contradict ourselves. In
addition, political parties can be selfish and they do not always focus on what is beneficial to our
nation as a whole. Political parties will focus on their interest and their end goals that will only
benefit them. The list goes on but I do not believe abolishing the party system is the answer.
Abolishing the political party system would be to extreme, but I do believe the party system needs to
be reformed. Instead of parties receiving funds from wealthy corporations there should be
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The American Political Party System
The American political party system before being dominated by a two political party system had
multiple parties that were formed on different ideologies and principles. A political party essentially
refers to a group of voters who are organized in a way to support particular public policies, as such,
the primary objective of political parties is usually to put official representatives who will represent
and carry out the policies of the party in power through an electoral process. Political parties differ
in ideologies on national aspects such as education, security, human rights, agriculture, and much
more and as such, citizens of a country usually vote for the candidates that are closely associated
with their issues through the political
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Irony In Political System
Obama uses irony to point out the hypocrisy of division in our current political system. By
highlighting the differences between the truth and what politicians say, Obama shows that the
divisiveness in politics is both unnecessary and counterproductive. In his chapter about Democrats
and Republicans, Obama discusses how "Max Cleveland, the former Georgia incumbent, a triple–
amputee war veteran" lost his seat "after being accused of insufficient patriotism, of aiding and
abetting Osama bin Laden" (29). Obama includes information about Cleveland's past as a soldier in
contrast to his career as a politician to point out the clear contrariety of Cleveland being deemed
unpatriotic. It is a testament to the divided nature of politics that one political
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Australian Political System Analysis
The Australian political system consists of many different levels of power. While the government is
set up with a system of checks and balances, the power of different people, agencies, and
organizations depends on rules, laws and ultimately the Australian Constitution. There are many
different components to the Australian political system. They range from the Queen, exercised by
the Governor–General, all the way down to the people. The people could be the most important part
of the political system, without the people there is no Australia. But there are two components to the
political system that stand out the most. They are the Australian Prime Minister and the Australian
Parliament. These two parts have different responsibilities to the ... Show more content on ...
The two most important functions to the Australian political system are the House of
Representatives and the Senate. Paraphrased, Section 51 of the Australian Constitution says, "The
Parliament of Australia (formally named the Parliament of the Commonwealth) is made up of a total
of 226 people popularly elected to the Senate and House of Representatives to represent the interests
of Australians and to 'make laws for the peace, order and good government of the nation."
(Commonwealth of Australia) Their responsibilities also include: drafting legislation, creating an
administration, and being a representative to the political system for the people of Australia. Their
main duty is representing the people who elected them. They must act in the best interest of the
electoral district they live in or fear losing their seat at the next election. This is how their power is
mediated. Unlike the P.M. whose loyalty is to the party than the nation (to some degree), Parliament
must be loyal to their constituents. If they are not doing a good job or make mistakes they could lose
their next election. This gives the voters of Australia the opportunity to form government, in a
different context. While the majority party creates the government, they have to first be voted to
Parliament by the people. This form of mediation is very appropriate. Unfortunately, it can be
ineffective at
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Centralization Of The Political System In The Iliad
The characters in Homer's The Iliad appear to live in in a Democratic Monarchy in reference to their
political systems. Agamemnon is king of Mycenae and leads the Achaean army, but many of their
political as well as strategic decisions are made within a formal council. (Book 1, lines 302–303)
While they appear to be well organized, I would not go so far as to call it a formal "government",
per se, rather it is a mutual respect of the people to whom the Gods have given power. (Book 1 lines
307–316) When examining the centralization of the political system present in The Iliad, I saw that
amongst the individual armies, there is a clear structure of who is the leader and who answers to
whom. However, when the multiple armies join forces to battle the Trojans, while Agamemnon is
the ... Show more content on ...
For example, when Agamemnon reveals to his council that Zeus has betrayed him and proposes that
they retreat because it is impossible for them to capture Troy, Diomedes, a member of his council,
speaks out against it. Diomedes tells Agamemnon to go home if that is what he wants, but that the
soldiers as well as himself will stay and fight. (Book 9, lines 31–39) After the men feast that night,
Nestor reiterates the advice he gave to Agamemnon during the council: that Zeus may have given
Agamemnon power, but he should listen to what his subjects have to say and act on the wisdom that
they share with him. (Book 9, lines 112–121) These passages led me to my belief that, while the
individuals are important in battle, (Book 4, lines 292–293) ultimately the people as a whole are
more important politically. For example, when the Achaeans are losing to the Trojans and
Agamemnon summons all of the warriors to assembly, Agamemnon and his heralds inform them all
individually. (Book 9, lines 9–13) On the other hand, while the people as a whole may carry the
most importance politically, this is not to say that they ultimately hold the
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Women In Australia's Political System
Georgie Taylor investigates the unequal representation of women in Australia's Political System.
To quote Beyoncé Knowles–Carter, an influential modern feminist, in her song 'Flawless' she
defines a feminist as "a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the
There are currently only two women in Tony Abbott's Federal Cabinet and Australia only has 8
women in its 43–member cabinet. Women only hold 19% of senior leadership roles in the
Government. So it's safe to say that the Federal Government is still predominantly 'a boys club'.
Tony Abbott, the current Prime Minister of Australia, when attending university wrote "I think it
would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal ... Show more
content on ...
Allowing women to vote, wage increases, employment and parental leave have been major winning
battles for women in Australia and all around the world, but the fights not over yet. Equal
representation in politics is a new critical battle that must be tackled head on. It is essential for
women to be able to express their opinions on the political course of Australia.
Feminists from Rose Scott – an important figure in the women's suffrage campaign and who
devoted her life to improving the condition of women, to Beyoncé – pushing for women's rights
through the media and music industry, have greatly aided in shaping and transforming the structures
of feminism today.
Female representation is impediment for Political matters and topics regarding women decided by
the Federal Government. For example, in 2006, female Senators from all main parties united and
supported a bill to change legislation on the abortion pill, removing the Health Minister Tony
Abbott's right to retain the veto on the introduction of the
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Order vs. Freedom in Political Systems
Order vs. Freedom in Political Systems Order and freedom are both necessary and beneficial
towards the citizens and society with the aim to promote harmony, yet they both contradict each
other. This contradiction has existed throughout many years and it is still hard to decide which one is
ideal for the society. This essay will discuss and analyze if order or freedom is more important for
political systems. Many believe that order should be applied by the government; though it should be
allowed to a certain limit and should not interfere in a citizen's personal life. However others believe
that full freedom should be given to individuals and that nothing should be enforced as it brings
along many differences between citizens. This ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, it is also been questioned that how can educated men criticize and undervalue those
who have been a victim of poverty or harsh upbringing which has affected their education when it is
truly not their fault. Furthermore critics have argued on how it can be determined that kings and
philosophers are not ruling in their self interest and in which way their power should be tested.
Furthermore, another aspect which has been greatly supported and criticized by many great
philosophers is freedom. Freedom is where there is no power or control over the citizen's decisions.
Every citizen is entitled to free speech and their right to interfere in political decision making.
Additionally, the Athenian democracy ideology supports the freedom theory. The main aim of this
democratic thinking was to give the power to the majority rather than the minority as this would
take away the inequalities and corruption within society. Therefore the Athenian democracy was
ruled by people hence it believes in self governing in which the dedication of citizens in
participating and contributing in political decision making is extremely fundamental. The Athenian
democracy also has strong views in promoting equality, it believes that every citizen should be
treated with equality before the law and should be entitled to vote freely. However, there are many
advantages and disadvantages regarding this ideology. The main advantages of this democratic
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American Political Party Systems
American Political Party Systems America gained its independence from England in 1776 and for
the first 75 years, it was a rocky, sometimes unstable country. The Revolutionary War, fought from
1775 to 1783, established America as a country to be reckoned with while also setting forth some of
the ideas for the Constitution. The leaders of the Revolution did not approve of nor want political
parties, but those sentiments did not last long. The War of 1812 contributed to the changing political
system in the United States of America. For the last 234 years, the American political party systems
have seen quite a few different parties. The original Federalists and Anti–Federalist morphed into
the National Republicans or Whigs, Democratic–Republicans, ... Show more content on ...
from 1793–1820, but the last 20 years were spent as a minor party. Many people perceived the
Federalist Party as favoring the upper class and as a result, they gradually lost the support of the
common man, making it harder to win the votes needed for the Presidency. In addition to the loss of
followers and voters, the Democratic–Republican party started to put it's time and energy into issues
that the general population was more concerned with, therefore pulling voters from the Federalist
Party. The War of 1812 was the final straw for the majority of the Federalist Party and its followers.
For most historians, the War of 1812 marked the end of the Federalist Party in the United States of
America. "Federalists who had remained active in political affairs became enraged by the war,
which was, in their view, perpetrated against the British by southerners who had dominated the
national government in the Democratic–Republican Party." (American History) After the Federalist
Party dissolved, ex–Federalists banned together and formed the National Republican Party, or
Whigs. For 20 years, the Whig Party won a few Presidential elections, but disagreement within the
party over slavery started the demise of the Whigs. Northern Whigs were industrialists who despised
slavery, while Southern Wigs were farming slave owners. In 1849, Abraham Lincoln, a Whigs
leader from Illinois, left politics completely. Eventually, Abraham Lincoln ran for
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The Political System Of The Uk
The Political system in the UK is a Parliamentary democracy and consists of two chambers, the
House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons are democratically elected
members of Parliament, whereas, the House of Lords consist of members appointed due to their
status, title or contribution to society. Both the House of Commons and Lords are collectively
known as Parliament.
Parliament is the highest law making body of the land, and is commonly referred to as
Parliamentary supremacy, due to the fact no law can be over ruled or amended except by Parliament
A majority of bills are introduced and started in the House of Commons unless it is that of Private
Members Bill which starts in the House of Lords, but this is very rare. In order for a law to be
passed and become an Act of Parliament it first has to complete five Legislative stages in both the
House of Commons and House of Lords.
The first stage is the First reading where the short title of the Bill is read and briefly explained to
members. The second stage is the second reading where it gives the opportunity for MPs to debate
the Bill and decide whether the Bill can pass to the next stage. The third stage is the Committee
stage which consists of approximately 16–50 MPs and a detailed examination of the Bill takes place
and recommendations for any amendments are made. It is at this stage that involvement from
officials from outside of Parliament who specialise in the area of the Bill maybe
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Factors Influencing Political System Of Indonesia
THE PEOPLE IN INDONESIA How is the relation of five major factors in influencing political
system of Indonesia? Those some of five major factors have a great relations. For instance is youth
and media as already explained before. Youth use media, especially social media, in delivering their
aspiration to the government of Indonesia. Youth also sometimes use political parties in delivering
aspiration to influence political system of Indonesia. Other examples are media and political parties,
Islam and political parties, and so on. Islam and political parties have a great relation in influencing
political system of Indonesia. We can see the example is the existence of political parties based on
Islam. For instance are PKS, PKB, PBB, and so on. Next is media and political parties. They also
have a great relation in establishing political system of Indonesia. Political parties often deliver their
opinion and their critic to government's policies through television channel, newspaper, ... Show
more content on ...
From explanation above, we can conclude that the most influential factors are Islam and political
parties. After those two factors are media and youth. For as the least influential factor for political
system of Indonesia is military. How about their interaction to other factors and to the people of
Indonesia in this case? Most of factors have a great relations with other factors and a great
interaction with the people of Indonesia in enacting political system of Indonesia, except for
military. As already explained above, military could not influence for political system of Indonesia
nowadays or even may be have an interaction with other factors and the people in political aspect,
because they could not interfere in political aspect anymore and only focus on security system of
Indonesia after dual function of ABRI was erased by
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Political And Media Systems And Ownership Practices
In an increasingly globalized and mediated environment, there is an evident rise in awareness
towards the emerging transnational news sphere, as well as the journalistic practices that are outside
of Western media domains with issues of global importance becoming more salient than ever. These
ideas have been explored through the readings as both papers describe certain characteristics of both
political and media systems and ownership practices of news organizations to gain insight into the
implications of "global" journalism. Whilst Hellman and Reigert focus on conceptualizing the
transnational news sphere, Chakravartty and Roy present a comparative approach to exploring
diversity in journalism through examining the "intranational divergences" within the Indian political
and media system (Chakravartty and Roy 2013, p.357).
Hellman and Reigert express global journalism as a reporting style that sought to "unite" people
through identifications that permeate national boundaries, through "common human rights or
interests", hence their focus on global crisis journalism (Hellman and Reigert 2012, p.163). Through
exploring the nature of global crisis journalism, Hellman and Reigert question whether there is a
responsibility for journalists to promote what it means to be a citizen of the world through providing
equal coverage of crisis that are within areas that are considered remote by Western standards. This
challenges current practices within national/local journalism, in
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The Roman And Greek Political Systems
The Roman and Greek political systems have influenced the governments across the globe today,
and have even introduced political words such as democracy, monarchy, and tyranny. However,
Rome was influenced by the Greek, they introduced a republic view seen today then the democracy
of Greek city–states. During the time of these two civilizations, they held many overlapping
similarities, and other times showing the vast difference between the related civilizations such as the
location of each city–state, how much power a women had, and the separation of the groups in each
political system. The city–state system highly effected the growing political parties of each
civilization's development. Greek city–states were surrounded on a peninsula by mountains and
islands. This separated them from one another, and created different political systems. Due to
forming independently they clashed with other independent city–states examples being that of
Athens and Sparta. Sparta was a very strict city–state that had an aristocratic rule and high focus on
military. Yet, Athens being a widely accepting community showed a connection between Rome, they
were more of a democracy than any other political system. Rome had more room to grow
continentally, unlike the smaller city states of Grease, this civilization formed as one big city–state
that soon evolved into the Roman Republic and conquered others and even offered citizenship to the
conquered minorities afterwards. Roman political
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The Political System Of Portugal Essay
Portugal is a country that has a political system similar to several countries that have been discussed
in class. The current political system is a semi–presidential democracy with an symmetrical
legislature, and it is a unitary government. There are different branches and chambers with different
powers that attempts to keep a balance of powers among the different branches. The current political
system is the result of many revolutions and evolutions the country went through over time.
Around the years 1974–1976, the country went through a transitional period where it moved from an
authoritarian government to a military based rule and then took a leap to a representative democracy.
These big transitions were the result of the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon on April 25, 1974
(Huffington Post). Another important event was when Portugal joined the European Union, this
allowed for more import and export opportunities as well as access to more well–developed political
systems which led to the country becoming a less communist–based system (Europa).
The year 1995 was the start of a socialist led political system under the power of Antόnio Gutteres.
He helped the country form strong ties with the United States which led to more evolution of the
country and its policies. Ever since the Carnation Revolution, the socialist party has been in the
forefront of all the political parties and has been the most popular majority since 1975. The
definition of a socialist is, "the state
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Political Party System
Political parties are closely linked to institutions of governments, the main goal is to get their
candidates elected into office. This goal is not only pragmatic but ideological, they want their
representative to propose policies based on the party's platform. There are various types of party
systems that exist within democratic political regimes. The success or demise of the party lies within
the electoral set–up, along with socio–economic factors. And even similar party set–ups differ based
on the country. The many forms and structures of political parties shape the politics of different
countries. Operation of those parties is key, and having a voice matters when making policy
changes. Countries can have one–party that is dominant, ... Show more content on
Different electoral systems vary in how they organize elections. The first is single–member districts,
voters choose a candidate and the winner is elected by the most votes earned. This is done by
dividing the country up into districts. Usually the person elected is supposed to represent their
constituent's interests. Usually this is a winner take all kind of system. Typically two–party systems
are run on this kind of electoral system. An example of this is in the United Kingdom. Traditionally
single–member districts have high entry barriers, but getting on the ballot is easy in the U.K. and
running in a district favoring your party makes it easier to win. This set–up can lead to
gerrymandering, where district lines are drawn specifically to favor a one party. A possible feature
of the single–member district system is the first–past–the–post or the plurality system. In this system
a candidate can win even if they receive less than 50 percent of the vote. This kind of win can lead
to uncertainty in the outcome. This system favors larger parties. In single member districts and first–
past–the–post is makes it easier to play the blame game. The single winning party is responsible for
what is going on in government. Duverger's law holds that plurality–rule elections (such as first past
the post) structured within single–member districts tend to favor a two–party system, whereas
proportional representation tends to favor a multi–party system. Another kind of district set–up is a
multi–member district, in which more than one representative is elected from each district. This
allows for multiple representatives and multiple parties to have representatives in the same district.
What happens in these systems depends on the size of the district and the number of representatives
in each district. This can lead to more accurate representation among constituents in
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The Political System Of The United States
Roger Darlington has said that the United States is the most powerful nation on earth; politically,
economically and militarily(1). Even though the U.S. is the second largest democracy in the world,
India being the first, it is considered rare, compared to other systems in the world. Where did the
founders of the U.S. get their ideas for the political system we have today? The U.S. political system
is made up of many components and there are several factors the contributed to what the U.S.
political system is today. Such as, where the foundations of the U.S. government came from, the
American idea of government, the characteristics of American society and political culture, and the
values and principles of American democracy.
The founding fathers were wise and had great experience in politics and government, however they
could not produce ideas for a political system of a country by just using their wisdom and
experience. The founding fathers needed to look at history to find some answers. One aspect that the
founding fathers explored was the government systems of ancient Greece and Rome. Aristotle and
the Greeks were the first to propose the idea of natural law. The system of direct, rather than
representative democracy, was developed in Athens, Greece. In Athens, citizens directly governed
themselves. They were allowed to participate in debates, voting, and law–making. The next part of
history that the founding fathers observed was the philosophers that lived during the
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The Japanese Political System

  • 1. The Japanese Political System From the Meiji Restoration era, democratization efforts were undertaken to modernize Japan. A bicameral system of legislature as well as local, though unelected assemblies were created in the image of the Prussian model (Haddad, 2012, p. 50) and a Constitution placing absolute power with the monarch was formed. Although the main intention of the oligarchs behind the Constitution was to have the national Diet as an advisory body, they "created a series of 'transcendental cabinets' which answered to the Emperor" (Haddad, 2012, p. 50), Bureaucrats were important tools during this period as they were the people with the knowledge necessary to enable the country to function. .... This importance placed in them stemmed .... As a large ... Show more content on ... One of the smallest and most efficient = implementing policies ––> "As a result, policy making became highly segmented as particular bureaus and bureaucrats became more specialized" (Haddad, 2012, p. 60) large role in politics = policy making, allocation of resources, distribution of power "Since SCAP (Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers) – McArthur – held the real policy– making power during the Occupation, politicians exercised their influence in large part as a mediating influence rather than as policy makers. " High point – Japanese Miracle of 50s to 70s prestegious, civil service exam, on–job training, professionals – lifetime politicians were also mainly lifers, and initially had expertise in the ministry they were placed in, but then moved up to the committees – Zokus Zoku (Tribe) – Back when a noob is first elected and is assigned to a ministry as a parliamentary secretary, he becomes specialized in that field and so as a member of the transportation zoku for example, you can influence the construction of a road or railway system in your district o Jobs = Money = re–election "Politicians reign, but bureaucrats rule" – Chalmers Johnson Bureaucrats' relations with the private sector grew stronger as "catch–up" and "growth first" policy goals gained dominance within the administration and society It helps that the elites within the bureaucracy and business came from similar backgrounds and universities and this tended to ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Comparison Of Canada And France's Political System Canada and France have different forms of government and different political systems. Canada is a representative democracy and France is a Republic. The political and governmental structures of the countries are contrastable, with different approaches to democracy. But, the key institutions are comparable. The executive, legislature and judiciary all share similar features in the concentration and dispersal of power. The concentration of Canadian political power is evident through the executive, ... states it is a form of 'hidden power'. There exists opportunity disparities between the executive and the legislature, consequently allowing the executive to dominate state power. Executive power is heavily concentrated within the government and ... Show more content on ... Provincial cases begin in lower courts and are able to be appealed to the higher systems. There is a conscious effort within the Canadian political structure to separate the judiciary from other institutions, emphasising its objectivity and non–partisan nature. Judicial independence is a main aspect of the Canadian judiciary. This independence is also evidence of the checks and balances that exist within Canadian political institutions. While judicial power is concentrated in the courts, the strict rules that are enforced are evidence of the dispersal of power, attempting to create a balanced political ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Compare And Contrast Politics And Political System Here in this topic an issue arises that why we do compare and compare the political systems of the different regions, states, and countries and as well as domestic politics. To answer the bigger question what is politics and political systems. Politics mean the activities associated are attached with the governance of a country or area especially the debate between parties or regimes having power. Politics is also to struggle to gain power to rule and govern governments. On the other hand governments have access to resources and powers to rule over people and as well as empower people through the majority winning political party who wins to rule and impose. Some philosophers consider politics it forces for good while others take it as force for evil. In seventeenth and eighteenth century were the opinions that if no government existed, there would be state of nature. Some philosophers conceive the idea of Social Contract on which societies come to an existence. John Locke, Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes considered the pioneers of the ... Show more content on ... Here comparison doesn't mean that we compare two people with their heights or compare two classrooms but it's all about comparing Political systems of the world and how the run and are have been placed. It is also a core method to humanistic and scientific methods. Comparing our own political systems and institutions with others provide us the opportunity to see wider range of political alternatives and increase our appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of our own political system, enabling us learn from other countries. Comparative analysis makes us aware of the possibilities of politics. It also helps us to formulate theories about how to certain political systems work. Comparison as a method is very old but as s discipline it developed very ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Political System Of America The political system in this country is heavily influenced by special interests that undermine what is beneficial to society. When the corporate agenda meets politics, profit takes priority. There is a mutual desire between politicians and businesses to maintain power. Getting re–elected and achieving donor's goals just like a company does for its share–holders. The governments job is to protect the rights of those with different interests, not to give rights to an entity, making it equal to people. There is a conflict of interest between the profit driven corporate world and the public welfare. Politicians are frequently offered financial benefits for favors, large donations influence decision making. Those relationships are really unhealthy to the political process and the power of the people. When money controls politics, all anyone would have to do is control the money. The founding fathers had a fear of central banks due to the history of banks devaluing currency by inflation and deflation. Thomas Jefferson feared the power that central bank could gain, and claimed it was unconstitutional. Jim Marrs, a political researcher, reminds us of Jefferson's feelings, "To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power" ..." banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies" (Marrs, The Trillion–dollar Conspiracy, 61).1 They knew a central bank is against the interest ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Political Systems And Its Effect On The World In this day in age, Politics have a vast impact on the world we live in. Leadership, on a macro–level, has mantled the world through all of time. These consecutive political systems have developed to become a government. Each government varies throughout each country. Thus, created different forms of government: Autocracy, Monarchy, Socialism, Communism, Theocracy, Plutocracy, and Pluralism. These forms of government are created based of one's absolute routes, means of production, elimination of inequalities, religious views, wealth, and compromisation. There are seven forms of government but no single group holds dominant power. This act of power classifies each countries government to be democratic or nondemocratic. From the system of beliefs, mostly democracies, subsequently created political parties for public policy. Having a choice in a political system, is a great benefit for an election. The function of the two party system has been the most effective throughout the modern political era. Political systems vary in many different countries. The connection with a country, develops two different aspects for their people. The fundamental ways of comparing a state implicates the classification of governments being either democratic or nondemocratic. A democracy is where people, in the state, are self governed in a way where they are connected to the input and output range of government. In these terms of Government, Grigsby states that for the input, "people have freedom ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Renaissance and Political System Renaissance and Political Institutions Name: Instructor's Name: Class: Date: Introduction Renaissance is a French term meaning rebirth or revival. Renaissance period in the history of Europe starts from the beginning of 15th century to the end of 16th century. The Renaissance manifested the transitional phase from the medieval ages to the modern era. It was a time of social and cultural changes in Europe. It is believed to be the beginning of the modern world and hence the new phase of the political system arrived. Along with society and culture, politics also changed. Renaissance and Politics Renaissance states had three basic forms of Government: princedoms, monarchies and oligarchies or the republics. One of the largest ... Show more content on ... During the period of renaissance, both these political institutions have developed from the medieval roots, but both failed to get transformed completely into a modern system. Regardless of the fact that Church and state had mutually strong ties with each other, but popes and rulers struggled with each other for being in command of the administration of church and material lands. Therefore, some historians portrayed this period as a significant one for politics while some think this age as meaningless and abandoning the whole concept. Also, during the renaissance stage, kings, dukes, earls and other nobles dominated the political field but as the feudal system began to collapse; these titles stared losing their influence. This shaped the beginning of varying unbalanced surroundings which promoted rapid development in all areas. This stage was subjugated by confrontations and wars not for the sake of winning territories but for the sake of protests, to satisfy the upper–class thirst for war. The downfall of the Roman Empire and the influence and authority of the papacy was consequential with the increase in independence and self reliance of city states in most of the Europe. For monarchies and oligarchies, the revival transformations in the fashions of art, over and above the attitude of artists, required affluent clientele to maintain and endorse it, and Italy was in ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Political System: A Thematic Analysis My piece is in response to, and a reminder of, those struggling to be heard. Struggling to render visible, the voices our system keeps invisible. Those trying to find a way, a place, a format through which we will hear their voices. To create a space in which we will hear and recognize their concerns, their sufferings, their fears; that the system isn't working for them or their families and hasn't for decades; their lack of a future; their hopes and growing demands for real change and their search to find a new path; and their call that we recognize their and our shared humanity. The political system, regardless of political party, isn't listening. If it were, the gap between the system's "feel your pain" rhetoric and their actions wouldn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Canadian Political System Analysis Canada's government is a democracy like the United States, however their style of government is different. The Canadian government is based on a parliamentary democracy while the United States is based on a federal presidential constitutional republic. The parliament of Canada establishes laws and rights to citizens. In the United States Congress passes laws and legislation. In this section, I will discuss political system, business regulations, free trade agreements, and social conflicts Political System The political system of Canada was established from the federal system of a Parliament with democratic values. "Today the Canadian political system comprises of a group of political parties with Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party and the Conservative Party of Canada taking the major lead. In the Canadian Judicial system, it's the Supreme Court of Canada with its strength of nine judges that reign over the entire judicial scenario" (Political System of Canada, 2015). Within Canada's federal government system that are various departments. "The system comprises of six different departments including the national defense department, the finance department, department of foreign affairs and international trade, revenue department, ... Show more content on ... Both agreements allow Canada to be the US's largest supplier of oil, gas, and electric power (CIA, 2015). Under the free trade agreement good and services receive reduced or elimination of tariff and non–tariff barriers to trade. "Since 2006, Canada has concluded free trade agreements with no less than 39 countries, bringing the total to 44, making up more than half of the global economy and representing nearly one quarter of the world's countries" (Canada's Free Trade Agreements, 2015). Canada's free trade agreement with the US and the NAFTA agreement makes Canada an excellent place to produce Henry Inc. products in. Below is a chart that ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Political Systems In Australia Essay Donations to Political Systems in Australia "Do ut des" "You give in order to have given back" is a famous Latin quote that the managing director of Transfield Services, Luca Belgiorno–Nettis, uses to describe the use of political donations in the world today. Donald Trump from the US has said the same a year ago from his viewpoint of being a corporate CEO, "When they call, I give. And you know what, when I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them." Political donations are very helpful to get political campaigns media time and their face out into the public. The problem with these donations is that people expect some benefit from it. The consequences of this cannot be documented as no one knows if a favor was asked; it's all behind closed doors. In the past few years Australia's political system has seen political funding come under strict scrutiny with many stories coming out of CEO's ... Show more content on ... The reason I highlight this as the biggest problem is because this is where the favors come from and where policies, laws, etc. are withheld from being introduced. This is also where the biggest donations come from. The government favors smaller donations because of that exact word, small. Small donations mean that no major concern is taken from the donator or the acceptant. This is why the government rewards them with tax deductibles and credit. A survey was taken by Independent Australia where 73% of people surveyed asked for restrictions on political advertising by trade unions and businesses. This very high number shows the people's knowledge of corruption in politics but weakness in influencing it. The problem with this is that donations can still be sent through third parties and reported through different entities. Corporations will always funnel money and that is why restrictions have to be placed on the business aspect of Australia ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Political Party System The American political party system has changed at least five times since the founding of The United States of America, and these changes started before the election of our first president, George Washington. Even though the Founding Fathers thought about political parties, to them it was pointless due to the fact that in a presidential election, the winner would be become the president and the runner up would become the vice–president (Randall, 2012). In fact, the Constitution of the United States of America does not specifically say anything about political parties. In addition, George Washington, as outlined in his farewell address, spoke about how he hoped that political parties would not be formed due to fear of conflict and stagnation ... Show more content on ... The subject matter of presidential campaigns and swings in the electorate communicates the character of America's two–party system. Political life in the United States continues to be ruled by wide–ranging ideological consensus, the electorate continues to drift near the center of the political range, and the parties, in order to continue to be competitive, generally drift towards the center to entice voters. President Clinton won the presidency in 1992 by promising both parties could practice fiscal responsibility. President George W. Bush won the presidency in 2000 asking for "compassionate conservatism," which would be a call to remember that Democrats did not have exclusive control on social concerns. And with the astonishingly close races in 2000 and 2004 suggests that this fusion of ideological consensus is where Americans want their candidates to exist (Shmoop Editorial Team C, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Shift In The American Political System The American political system is one in which change occurs slowly and incrementally, if at all. This long–term stability prevents shortsighted populism from driving large–scale changes that potentially have long–term impacts. Thus, if the American political system is trending on a path that lends itself well to the fulfillment of the democratic ideals of equal voice, representation, majority rule, and minority protection the stability of the system allows it to continue along this path. However, when a number of these small, incremental changes reinforce one another toward an unequal or unresponsive system these trends are just as difficult to reverse. This paper will examine three specific shifts in the American political system: a) the ... Show more content on ... Skocpol (2007) shows that while as early as 1960 a number of national public interest groups were structured in a way that promoted grass–roots activism and required a number of local chapters. These membership groups gained the strength to engage in activism through the number of members they were able to mobilize. These interest groups, then, could claim to be representative of the general public's interests because they were made up of members of the general public. However, Skocpol further argues that beginning in the 1970's there was a shift toward more professionally run organizations. Instead of recruiting members to volunteer and mobilize, these new groups featured predominantly professional members and functioned through the use of lobbying. Instead of a high number of members, these new groups were primarily focused on raising money in order to lobby for more narrow interests. In 2001, only 12% of all Washington interest groups were associations of individuals (Schlozman et al. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. American Political System America is a very unique and different country. We perfected the equal transfer of power to the next political party, whether their policies are similar or not. Previously, power has been transferred by war and bloodshed. America is able to refrain from doing so by our democratic form of government. Our government is by far the best on Earth. It is this way because of how we run our politics and run our country. For the past few decades our political system has been slowly corrupting. More and more money is required for candidates to be elected into office. This didn't happen one hundred years ago, and the politicians weren't as sneaky as they are now at hiding where the large amounts of cash are coming from that sponsors their race. This leads ... Show more content on ... What needs to be shown is how much money is actually being pumped into the campaign races of candidates and how over–excessive it is. To begin with, the amount of money spent on campaign financing is excessive and absurd. Our politicians are more worried about taking your money and being greedy, rather than actually passing laws that they promise to put into action. Most of the time the politicians will pass the laws that are so manipulated it looks nothing like what they had originally promised. To prove that the amount spent on campaigns is way over the top is that in 1964 "the presidential campaigns of Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater cost approximately $60 million combined"(ProQuest Staff). Where as in the presidential elections for 2012 "each candidate raised more than one billion dollars"(Washington Post). This shows that our candidates are spending such hefty amounts on advertisements and other various things that are not essentially needed for them to promote themselves to the people America. The Washington Post brought to our attention that every presidential campaign ends up costing more than the last. Marcus Ruth said in Hard to Follow the Money that every election cycle feature hand–wringing about how this the most expensive and most out of control ever, but the magnitude and implications of the money from the 2012 elections are truly amazing. Continuing of the fact that every year the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Is The Most Moral System Of Political Organization In this paper, I will be making the case that a specific form of Anarchism is the most moral system of political organization. Specifically, I will be arguing for a subset of the Anarchist philosophy called "Anarcho–Capitalism". But I will address left–wing socialist Anarchism. I will start with some definitions and then move into the more nuanced aspects of my arguments. In this paper, I intend to first address the moral issues of "statist" political systems and then move onto those of the leftist Anarchists. I will then summarize Murray Rothbard's case for Anarcho–Capitalism. For this paper, I will not be discussing the issues of any economic problems created by the existence of a State or leftist policies, but they most certainly do ... Show more content on ... So what is wrong with having a State? In short, it simply does not adhere to the same ethical standards to which we expect the general public to behave. Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., chairman and CEO of the Mises Institute, wrote in his article "Why I am an Anarcho–Capitalist", "The state encourages the public to believe there are two sets of moral rules: one set that we learn as children, involving the abstention from violence and theft, and another set that applies only to government, which alone may aggress against peaceful individuals in all kinds of ways." And this is the crux of any and all States, whether they be more capitalist than Hong Kong or more socialist than North Korea. They all infringe on the freedom of otherwise peaceful people. In fact, it is impossible for a State not to be a burden on society and make its constituents worse off. Think for moment of a king. In any decision he makes, whether it be to install a new bathtub in the castle or to institute a new public works program, he will be forcing his will upon the citizens of his domain. And imagine a man, who opposes the king's command. What will happen to him? First, he will be sternly commanded to obey the authority of the king. But if he refuses to comply, he will be imprisoned or otherwise subject to punishment. And if the man continues to refuse to cooperate with the king's orders, despite ever increasing punishments, eventually the king will have no choice ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Political and Economic System World Geography and Culture Spain Analysis of the Political and Economic Systems Table of Contents I. Introduction (abstract) II. Political System a. Type of Political System b. Structure of the Government c. Identify a current law/policy law d. Impact on society III. Economic System a. Type of economic system b. Identify a current economic issue c. Government role in address the issue d. Impact on society IV. Compare Contract a. Economic issue country of origin V. Conclusion Abstract In this essay, I had to assume the role of a politician and an economist. The country of Spain has many different political issues that can impact the society based on the structure of the ... Show more content on ... Economic System Spain's economy is a well–based way to equally spread money to all of the people. Some of Spain's natural resources include coal, lignite, iron ore, uranium, mercury, pyrites, fluorspar, gypsum, zinc, lead, tungsten, copper, kaolin; hydroelectric power. Spain's currency is the European Union euro. Spain's imports include machinery and equipment, fuels, chemicals, semi–finished goods, foodstuffs, consumer goods, measuring and medical control instruments. In 2011, the amount of money that Spain received for imports was $364.9 billion. Some of Spain's exports include machinery, motor vehicles; foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medicines, other consumer goods. In 2011, the amount of money that Spain received for exports was $309.6 billion. The gross domestic per capita is thirty three thousand six hundred euros a year. In labor force 2.4 percent goes to agriculture, 24 percent to industry, and 71.1 percent to services. Spain came out in the number one position because it is a sunny country, because its citizens enjoy shorter working hours and more days holiday, because energy and lifestyle costs are lower, because the government invests into education and healthcare, because the average age at which people die is higher than in most of Europe and because overall, living in Spain ensures you have a better quality of life. Spain has many economic issues. One economic issue is ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Political System Vs Nightwatchman The state function is to maintain ways/regulations in which a country runs. Whereas, the government can change political parties based on electoral results giving directions in how the state will run. The state has four essential departments which are legislative, executive administrative, and judicial; however, Canada follows the parliamentary system, and the USA support the congressional scheme. Although they both hold the same departments the distribution of power is different. The Nightwatchman were people, mainly men holding a political position with substantial business interests looking to increase their capital. Hence their profiteering took precedence over the welfare of the people, workplace safety. Only the minimal work standards ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The United States Political System Mankind has always undergone trends in a cyclical manor. However, as society presses forward, the relative minima and maxima tend to break the threshold at an increasing rate meaning that what would be considered normal is shortly lived. Today we live in a society where factions divide the nation in their plight to achieve an organized force of ideas. The Political parties of the modern era have become far more organized and are no longer looking to support ideas but are ever hungry to maintain and gain political power rather than represent a people's voice. Our democratic republic relies on the organized and informed voter to maintain a balance of control between the people and the government. This is argued in Thomas Edison's 10th federalist paper in which he states, "If a faction consists of less than a majority, relief is supplied by the republican principle, which enables the majority to defeat its sinister views by regular vote... it will be unable to execute and mask its violence under the forms of the Constitution. When a majority is included in a faction, the form of popular government, on the other hand, enables it to sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens. To secure the public good and private rights against the danger of such a faction, and at the same time to preserve the spirit and the form of popular government, is then the great object to which our inquiries are directed..." Here we see the need for ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The American Political System Essay The American Political System The American political system is a federal system, which consists of division of a national government and state governments. However, it was not always a federal system, it was not based on the Constitution, but on the Articles of Confederation. This system divides authority between sovereign national and state government. Under the Articles of the Confederation, each state retained its ultimate governing authority. .[1]"The power of government must be equal to its responsibilities. ... Show more content on ... The state government was protected under the Articles of Confederation and had the ultimate governing authority. 2"The government of the Articles was a union of states rather than also of people. The result was a weak national government, since its strength depended entirely of the states' willingness to cooperate (p 61)." If the states refused to pay the national government could not do anything to get the money. The final result of non–payment from the states was a weaker national defense. The states wanted to retain their sovereignty and argued that the national government would not be able serve the people as well as the union of states. Under the new governing system known as federalism the state government would have the responsibilities of the chartering of local governments, education, public safety, registration and voting, intrastate commerce. In 1787 a new form of government was introduced at the Philadelphia convention, which changed the power between national and state governments. 3"The Philadelphia convention thereby devised a governing system that came to be known as federalism. Federalism is the division of sovereignty, or ultimate governing authority between a national government and regional (that is, state) governments. Each directly governs the people and derives it powers ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Separation Of Power: The American Political System The separation of power is a political theory. The principle of the separation of power can be traced to the era of Aristotle. He declared that the three principles theory of political system should be divided into executive, legislative and judicial. In 1748, Montesquieu also proposed the same theory as Aristotle. His idea influenced James Madison and James put the theory into practice in American political system. (Krause 2000) The three branches can check the action of each other in order to avoid the generation of dictator. In my essay, I will use specific reasons to prove why the framers wanted an executive branch to be separated from the legislative branch. Montesquieu is a sociologist of French who proposed the concept of the separation of power (Krause 2000). His idea inspired the founding father of the constitution which called James Madison. James learned the political theory from Montesquieu and proposed the Madisonian Model. It is a structure of the government in which the power of the government are separated into three branches. The government powers of the United States are endowed to the president, the Congress and the Supreme Court. Although each of these three branches is independent, but they can check the action one another to prevent the system of the United States to become totalitarianism. The U.S Congress is ... Show more content on ... The purpose of James Madison proposed the Madisonian Model is to avoid each branch has too much power and three branches can check and corporate each other. The problem is the three branches are unable to check each other fairly if they have the same self–interest. They will act in collusion in order to gain the selfish desire. In addition, if one of them have the different opinion with the others, the two branches will combine the power to reject the one alone. The government system cannot be stable anymore and the result is that the country will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. United States Political System The political system of the United States of America is great in some part but it can also be bad. The government does not always do what they say they would. Many people believe that the government is here to protect the citizens but others believe that the government does not care about no one but themselves. In the United States and in other countries that government would take advantage of their power and do things that hurt the country as a whole. The United States has one of the best stable government in the world. As a born citizen of America there are many things that I do not agree with the political system because of the abuse of power, but there are other ideas that are fair for the US society therefore I do agree with. Civil ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Egypt Political System Name Institution Instructor Date of Submission Politics in Egypt Egypt's Profile Egypt is a state situated in the North of Africa officially known as the Arab republic of Egypt. It is one of Africa's most important countries due to its attractions like the pyramids. It is also a home to about seventy eight million people. It is bordered to the south by Sudan, to the Libya in the west, Israel and Gaza in the east and the Mediterranean Sea in the North. All its major cities lie along the River Nile which runs across the country from the North and empties in the Mediterranean Sea. It is the source of sustenance to the people of Egypt. The largest city which is the capita; city of Egypt is Cairo. Egypt's terrain is that of a desert ... Show more content on ... For this reason, the Prime Minister and his cabinet have to be from the dominant party or coalition in the assembly. In the case where the President and the Assembly are from opposing parties, then a situation known as cohabitation is created. Motions of censure are most of the time proposed by the opposition following government actions that it considers highly inapt, they are purely rhetorical this means that the party discipline should see to it that throughout a parliamentary term, the government is never overthrown or given a motion of censure by the assembly (Constitution Declaration 2011). The Shura Council also known as the consultative council is a 264–member upper house of Parliament that came to being in the 1980's. In the Shura Council 176 members are directly elected and 88 members are appointed by the President of the Republic for six–year terms. One half of the Shura Council is renewed every three years. The Shura Council 's legislative powers are limited and on most matters of legislation, the People's Assembly always has the last and final word in the event of a disparity between the two houses. There currently exist eighteen recognized political parties from across the political spectrum. Formation of political parties based on religion is prohibited by the Constitution. The official opposition and political pressure groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood, are active ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Anti-Statism: A Political System Statism, according to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, is a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs. Anti–Statism, not to be confused with Anarchism, was termed for describing the opposition to state intervention into the personal day–to–day lives of a given society. Some of those that hold Anti–Statism views, in my minimal understanding of it, view government more like a religion in that citizens of a government follow its otherwise absurd policies faithfully and in ignorant bliss. The end point being to abolish state rule of law in order to achieve a better way of life for all. I would err on the side of this stance being more idealistic than plausible in our current point of ... Show more content on ... The history of life has shown it to evolve towards progression. But, let's be intellectually honest with ourselves here, as a species modern man is only about 195,000 years old ( Who knows maybe due to science and the ability to reason our species will continue to actively influence evolution, and speed up the process. It's possible it won't take another 195,000 years for us to evolve beyond our refined parasitic means of survival. It is otherwise idealistic to not at least acknowledge Statism and wars themselves will be with us for the foreseeable future. However, we may see the day come in our lifetime when genocide remains in the museum, and the occurrence of people dying from starvation or poverty is eradicated. Now that would be something worth being proud ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Political System: The Legs Of The Platform The Legs of the Platform One cornerstone of the United States political system has been the two party system. Smaller third parties exist, but they rarely have an affect on who takes power. The two major parties evolved over time. The Democrats of today originated as the anti–Federalists and later became the Democratic– Republicans. Modern Republicans began as the Federalists and later became the Whig Party (Savage). The Republicans and Democrats differ on topics such as taxes, the economy, gay rights, drugs, crime control, abortion, social security, gun control and health care. Regardless of the names the two parties have carried, one party platform advocates for small government, intervening only when absolutely necessary and the other party ... Show more content on ... Both the Republican Party and Democratic Party advocate restoring of the trust between civilians and law enforcement. However, the two parties often differ on how to achieve this goal. The Republican Party believes the Constitution lays out the rules of law. The Republican Party Platform states, "Two grave problems undermine the rule of law on the federal level: Over–criminalization and over–federalization" (40). This reiterates the Republican Party belief in limited government and strict adherence to the Constitution. The Republican Party believes too many new crimes have been created by the federal government. The Republican Party stands by its belief in the death penalty, citing the Fifth Amendment as the basis for this stance, as a means to deter crime. In addition, the Republican Party believes judges should not have as much discretion when sentencing criminals and should abide by minimum sentencing terms that have been established. Furthermore, the Republican Party Platform calls for mandatory prison time for anyone who inflicts serious harm to a law enforcement officer (39–40). Conversely, The Democrats advocate repealing minimum sentencing guidelines and closing private prisons, leaving only government run prison. In addition, the Democratic Party disagrees with the Constitutionality of the death penalty, as they believe it constitutes "cruel and ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. United States Political System The United States political system has undergone a tremendous evolution since the inception of the United States constitutional democracy. In our class discussion from Chapter 1, I learned that the ongoing judicial review and institutional amendment processes that have worked in the political system over time are what have made the system realize such an evolution. Numerous changes based on the philosophies of individuals such as John Locke occurred in the Constitution as the political system continued to grow. Various changes in light of the rationalities of people, for example, John Locke happened in the Constitution as the political framework kept on advancing. One of these progressions incorporated the improvement of nearby governments ... Show more content on ... The privilege to worship religion in a free setting. This is an intriguing and convincing one for me. Vote based system functions admirably when the greater part of its residents feel that they find themselves able to have some effective reach that is free from outside control. The issue of religion is one that falls into this class. People need to feel some level of profound satisfaction and ought to have the capacity to pick uninhibitedly how that way is taken. It can be through religion, deep sense of being, or ID with a code of honor that is comprehended by them and only them. The length of this right does not meddle with each others entitlement to be allowed to sit untethered, the vote based obligation of resilience and acknowledgment is progressed and I think that this is of basic significance in a law based state. More spiritual fulfillment within in any individual. I think the image I would utilize is something like an open field for deep sense spirituality is an open field where one can choose where they wish to graze into the blue skies or whatever they may choose. I believe that if the United States was like many other countries and controlling which way or what our religion is would be very crazy. Having the right privilege to worship God or whom ever or what ever makes this country democratic. If I personal did not have the freedom of ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Political System of China Political System of China Fundamental principles of Constitution The People's Republic of China is a socialist country led by the working class, based on the worker– peasant alliance and practicing people's democratic centralism. The socialist system is the primary system in China. The Constitution The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state. It usually stipulates a country's social system and basic principles of state system, the basic principles of activities and organizations of state departments, and the basic rights and obligations of its citizens. Some constitutions also legalize the national flag, anthem, emblem, capital, and other systems that the government believes touches the lives of its citizens. The ... Show more content on ... For example, the duties for the Standing Committee of National People's Congress include interpreting the Constitution and supervising its enforcement, enacting and amending laws with the exception of those which should be enacted by the NPC, and report to the NPC on every piece relevant work. The basic functions and powers of the NPC are to amend the Constitution, to supervise the enforcement of the Constitution, to enact and amend basic laws covering crucial matters, and to decide on the major national leaders. Strategic development plans for the national economy and social affairs have been vital towards advancing China's social progress. But these plans are only in effect after approval from the NPC. The law in China stipulates the major state leaders, such as the President and the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, must be nominated and elected by the NPC. The Premier of the State Council and Ministers of the government must also be appointed by the NPC. The NPC can also remove the elected Chairman of NPC Standing Committee, the President and the Premier through lawful procedures. The System of Multi–Party Cooperation and Political Consultation The multi–party cooperation and political consultation is a basic political system in China.
  • 94. China is multi–party country. Apart from the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CPC), there are other eight ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. The Political Party System In the United States of America, the political party system is pivotal to the function of our nation. The political party system in our society today is separated between the Democrats and the Republicans. Although political parties do possess uncertainties their advantages outweigh their drawbacks in America. The United States of America is made up of two basic political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. A political party is a group of individuals who share similar interest and they work together with one another to construct and execute policies. The Democratic Party was established in 1828, by Andrew Jackson. The Democratic Party was created based on a belief in an unyielding government and an advocacy of social and ... Show more content on ... The nation is aware of the benefits political parties hold, and they are also are aware of their hindrances. Numerous Americans oppose the political party system, because of their potential to negatively hinder our society. They disagree with the system so much that they would rather see the political party system abolished than see it reformed. I understand fully that the political party system has their issues. For instance, our political party system does not offer equality for all parties. In our society, our party system operates under the two–party system, if we had three or more parties running they would not have a fair chance. We only examine are two leading political parties in our ballots. The system lacks equality which can be extremely unsetting to voters who support the less popular parties. We are known as the land of equal opportunity, yet we contradict ourselves. In addition, political parties can be selfish and they do not always focus on what is beneficial to our nation as a whole. Political parties will focus on their interest and their end goals that will only benefit them. The list goes on but I do not believe abolishing the party system is the answer. Abolishing the political party system would be to extreme, but I do believe the party system needs to be reformed. Instead of parties receiving funds from wealthy corporations there should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. The American Political Party System The American political party system before being dominated by a two political party system had multiple parties that were formed on different ideologies and principles. A political party essentially refers to a group of voters who are organized in a way to support particular public policies, as such, the primary objective of political parties is usually to put official representatives who will represent and carry out the policies of the party in power through an electoral process. Political parties differ in ideologies on national aspects such as education, security, human rights, agriculture, and much more and as such, citizens of a country usually vote for the candidates that are closely associated with their issues through the political ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Irony In Political System Obama uses irony to point out the hypocrisy of division in our current political system. By highlighting the differences between the truth and what politicians say, Obama shows that the divisiveness in politics is both unnecessary and counterproductive. In his chapter about Democrats and Republicans, Obama discusses how "Max Cleveland, the former Georgia incumbent, a triple– amputee war veteran" lost his seat "after being accused of insufficient patriotism, of aiding and abetting Osama bin Laden" (29). Obama includes information about Cleveland's past as a soldier in contrast to his career as a politician to point out the clear contrariety of Cleveland being deemed unpatriotic. It is a testament to the divided nature of politics that one political ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Australian Political System Analysis The Australian political system consists of many different levels of power. While the government is set up with a system of checks and balances, the power of different people, agencies, and organizations depends on rules, laws and ultimately the Australian Constitution. There are many different components to the Australian political system. They range from the Queen, exercised by the Governor–General, all the way down to the people. The people could be the most important part of the political system, without the people there is no Australia. But there are two components to the political system that stand out the most. They are the Australian Prime Minister and the Australian Parliament. These two parts have different responsibilities to the ... Show more content on ... The two most important functions to the Australian political system are the House of Representatives and the Senate. Paraphrased, Section 51 of the Australian Constitution says, "The Parliament of Australia (formally named the Parliament of the Commonwealth) is made up of a total of 226 people popularly elected to the Senate and House of Representatives to represent the interests of Australians and to 'make laws for the peace, order and good government of the nation." (Commonwealth of Australia) Their responsibilities also include: drafting legislation, creating an administration, and being a representative to the political system for the people of Australia. Their main duty is representing the people who elected them. They must act in the best interest of the electoral district they live in or fear losing their seat at the next election. This is how their power is mediated. Unlike the P.M. whose loyalty is to the party than the nation (to some degree), Parliament must be loyal to their constituents. If they are not doing a good job or make mistakes they could lose their next election. This gives the voters of Australia the opportunity to form government, in a different context. While the majority party creates the government, they have to first be voted to Parliament by the people. This form of mediation is very appropriate. Unfortunately, it can be ineffective at ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Centralization Of The Political System In The Iliad The characters in Homer's The Iliad appear to live in in a Democratic Monarchy in reference to their political systems. Agamemnon is king of Mycenae and leads the Achaean army, but many of their political as well as strategic decisions are made within a formal council. (Book 1, lines 302–303) While they appear to be well organized, I would not go so far as to call it a formal "government", per se, rather it is a mutual respect of the people to whom the Gods have given power. (Book 1 lines 307–316) When examining the centralization of the political system present in The Iliad, I saw that amongst the individual armies, there is a clear structure of who is the leader and who answers to whom. However, when the multiple armies join forces to battle the Trojans, while Agamemnon is the ... Show more content on ... For example, when Agamemnon reveals to his council that Zeus has betrayed him and proposes that they retreat because it is impossible for them to capture Troy, Diomedes, a member of his council, speaks out against it. Diomedes tells Agamemnon to go home if that is what he wants, but that the soldiers as well as himself will stay and fight. (Book 9, lines 31–39) After the men feast that night, Nestor reiterates the advice he gave to Agamemnon during the council: that Zeus may have given Agamemnon power, but he should listen to what his subjects have to say and act on the wisdom that they share with him. (Book 9, lines 112–121) These passages led me to my belief that, while the individuals are important in battle, (Book 4, lines 292–293) ultimately the people as a whole are more important politically. For example, when the Achaeans are losing to the Trojans and Agamemnon summons all of the warriors to assembly, Agamemnon and his heralds inform them all individually. (Book 9, lines 9–13) On the other hand, while the people as a whole may carry the most importance politically, this is not to say that they ultimately hold the ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Women In Australia's Political System Georgie Taylor investigates the unequal representation of women in Australia's Political System. To quote Beyoncé Knowles–Carter, an influential modern feminist, in her song 'Flawless' she defines a feminist as "a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes" There are currently only two women in Tony Abbott's Federal Cabinet and Australia only has 8 women in its 43–member cabinet. Women only hold 19% of senior leadership roles in the Government. So it's safe to say that the Federal Government is still predominantly 'a boys club'. Tony Abbott, the current Prime Minister of Australia, when attending university wrote "I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal ... Show more content on ... Allowing women to vote, wage increases, employment and parental leave have been major winning battles for women in Australia and all around the world, but the fights not over yet. Equal representation in politics is a new critical battle that must be tackled head on. It is essential for women to be able to express their opinions on the political course of Australia. Feminists from Rose Scott – an important figure in the women's suffrage campaign and who devoted her life to improving the condition of women, to Beyoncé – pushing for women's rights through the media and music industry, have greatly aided in shaping and transforming the structures of feminism today. Female representation is impediment for Political matters and topics regarding women decided by the Federal Government. For example, in 2006, female Senators from all main parties united and supported a bill to change legislation on the abortion pill, removing the Health Minister Tony Abbott's right to retain the veto on the introduction of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Order vs. Freedom in Political Systems Order vs. Freedom in Political Systems Order and freedom are both necessary and beneficial towards the citizens and society with the aim to promote harmony, yet they both contradict each other. This contradiction has existed throughout many years and it is still hard to decide which one is ideal for the society. This essay will discuss and analyze if order or freedom is more important for political systems. Many believe that order should be applied by the government; though it should be allowed to a certain limit and should not interfere in a citizen's personal life. However others believe that full freedom should be given to individuals and that nothing should be enforced as it brings along many differences between citizens. This ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, it is also been questioned that how can educated men criticize and undervalue those who have been a victim of poverty or harsh upbringing which has affected their education when it is truly not their fault. Furthermore critics have argued on how it can be determined that kings and philosophers are not ruling in their self interest and in which way their power should be tested. Furthermore, another aspect which has been greatly supported and criticized by many great philosophers is freedom. Freedom is where there is no power or control over the citizen's decisions. Every citizen is entitled to free speech and their right to interfere in political decision making. Additionally, the Athenian democracy ideology supports the freedom theory. The main aim of this democratic thinking was to give the power to the majority rather than the minority as this would take away the inequalities and corruption within society. Therefore the Athenian democracy was ruled by people hence it believes in self governing in which the dedication of citizens in participating and contributing in political decision making is extremely fundamental. The Athenian democracy also has strong views in promoting equality, it believes that every citizen should be treated with equality before the law and should be entitled to vote freely. However, there are many advantages and disadvantages regarding this ideology. The main advantages of this democratic ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. American Political Party Systems American Political Party Systems America gained its independence from England in 1776 and for the first 75 years, it was a rocky, sometimes unstable country. The Revolutionary War, fought from 1775 to 1783, established America as a country to be reckoned with while also setting forth some of the ideas for the Constitution. The leaders of the Revolution did not approve of nor want political parties, but those sentiments did not last long. The War of 1812 contributed to the changing political system in the United States of America. For the last 234 years, the American political party systems have seen quite a few different parties. The original Federalists and Anti–Federalist morphed into the National Republicans or Whigs, Democratic–Republicans, ... Show more content on ... from 1793–1820, but the last 20 years were spent as a minor party. Many people perceived the Federalist Party as favoring the upper class and as a result, they gradually lost the support of the common man, making it harder to win the votes needed for the Presidency. In addition to the loss of followers and voters, the Democratic–Republican party started to put it's time and energy into issues that the general population was more concerned with, therefore pulling voters from the Federalist Party. The War of 1812 was the final straw for the majority of the Federalist Party and its followers. For most historians, the War of 1812 marked the end of the Federalist Party in the United States of America. "Federalists who had remained active in political affairs became enraged by the war, which was, in their view, perpetrated against the British by southerners who had dominated the national government in the Democratic–Republican Party." (American History) After the Federalist Party dissolved, ex–Federalists banned together and formed the National Republican Party, or Whigs. For 20 years, the Whig Party won a few Presidential elections, but disagreement within the party over slavery started the demise of the Whigs. Northern Whigs were industrialists who despised slavery, while Southern Wigs were farming slave owners. In 1849, Abraham Lincoln, a Whigs leader from Illinois, left politics completely. Eventually, Abraham Lincoln ran for ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. The Political System Of The Uk The Political system in the UK is a Parliamentary democracy and consists of two chambers, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons are democratically elected members of Parliament, whereas, the House of Lords consist of members appointed due to their status, title or contribution to society. Both the House of Commons and Lords are collectively known as Parliament. Parliament is the highest law making body of the land, and is commonly referred to as Parliamentary supremacy, due to the fact no law can be over ruled or amended except by Parliament themselves. A majority of bills are introduced and started in the House of Commons unless it is that of Private Members Bill which starts in the House of Lords, but this is very rare. In order for a law to be passed and become an Act of Parliament it first has to complete five Legislative stages in both the House of Commons and House of Lords. The first stage is the First reading where the short title of the Bill is read and briefly explained to members. The second stage is the second reading where it gives the opportunity for MPs to debate the Bill and decide whether the Bill can pass to the next stage. The third stage is the Committee stage which consists of approximately 16–50 MPs and a detailed examination of the Bill takes place and recommendations for any amendments are made. It is at this stage that involvement from officials from outside of Parliament who specialise in the area of the Bill maybe ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Factors Influencing Political System Of Indonesia RELATION(S) OF FIVE MAJOR FACTORS IN INFLUENCING POLITICAL SYSTEM AND TO THE PEOPLE IN INDONESIA How is the relation of five major factors in influencing political system of Indonesia? Those some of five major factors have a great relations. For instance is youth and media as already explained before. Youth use media, especially social media, in delivering their aspiration to the government of Indonesia. Youth also sometimes use political parties in delivering aspiration to influence political system of Indonesia. Other examples are media and political parties, Islam and political parties, and so on. Islam and political parties have a great relation in influencing political system of Indonesia. We can see the example is the existence of political parties based on Islam. For instance are PKS, PKB, PBB, and so on. Next is media and political parties. They also have a great relation in establishing political system of Indonesia. Political parties often deliver their opinion and their critic to government's policies through television channel, newspaper, ... Show more content on ... From explanation above, we can conclude that the most influential factors are Islam and political parties. After those two factors are media and youth. For as the least influential factor for political system of Indonesia is military. How about their interaction to other factors and to the people of Indonesia in this case? Most of factors have a great relations with other factors and a great interaction with the people of Indonesia in enacting political system of Indonesia, except for military. As already explained above, military could not influence for political system of Indonesia nowadays or even may be have an interaction with other factors and the people in political aspect, because they could not interfere in political aspect anymore and only focus on security system of Indonesia after dual function of ABRI was erased by ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Political And Media Systems And Ownership Practices In an increasingly globalized and mediated environment, there is an evident rise in awareness towards the emerging transnational news sphere, as well as the journalistic practices that are outside of Western media domains with issues of global importance becoming more salient than ever. These ideas have been explored through the readings as both papers describe certain characteristics of both political and media systems and ownership practices of news organizations to gain insight into the implications of "global" journalism. Whilst Hellman and Reigert focus on conceptualizing the transnational news sphere, Chakravartty and Roy present a comparative approach to exploring diversity in journalism through examining the "intranational divergences" within the Indian political and media system (Chakravartty and Roy 2013, p.357). Hellman and Reigert express global journalism as a reporting style that sought to "unite" people through identifications that permeate national boundaries, through "common human rights or interests", hence their focus on global crisis journalism (Hellman and Reigert 2012, p.163). Through exploring the nature of global crisis journalism, Hellman and Reigert question whether there is a responsibility for journalists to promote what it means to be a citizen of the world through providing equal coverage of crisis that are within areas that are considered remote by Western standards. This challenges current practices within national/local journalism, in ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. The Roman And Greek Political Systems The Roman and Greek political systems have influenced the governments across the globe today, and have even introduced political words such as democracy, monarchy, and tyranny. However, Rome was influenced by the Greek, they introduced a republic view seen today then the democracy of Greek city–states. During the time of these two civilizations, they held many overlapping similarities, and other times showing the vast difference between the related civilizations such as the location of each city–state, how much power a women had, and the separation of the groups in each political system. The city–state system highly effected the growing political parties of each civilization's development. Greek city–states were surrounded on a peninsula by mountains and islands. This separated them from one another, and created different political systems. Due to forming independently they clashed with other independent city–states examples being that of Athens and Sparta. Sparta was a very strict city–state that had an aristocratic rule and high focus on military. Yet, Athens being a widely accepting community showed a connection between Rome, they were more of a democracy than any other political system. Rome had more room to grow continentally, unlike the smaller city states of Grease, this civilization formed as one big city–state that soon evolved into the Roman Republic and conquered others and even offered citizenship to the conquered minorities afterwards. Roman political ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. The Political System Of Portugal Essay Portugal is a country that has a political system similar to several countries that have been discussed in class. The current political system is a semi–presidential democracy with an symmetrical legislature, and it is a unitary government. There are different branches and chambers with different powers that attempts to keep a balance of powers among the different branches. The current political system is the result of many revolutions and evolutions the country went through over time. Around the years 1974–1976, the country went through a transitional period where it moved from an authoritarian government to a military based rule and then took a leap to a representative democracy. These big transitions were the result of the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon on April 25, 1974 (Huffington Post). Another important event was when Portugal joined the European Union, this allowed for more import and export opportunities as well as access to more well–developed political systems which led to the country becoming a less communist–based system (Europa). The year 1995 was the start of a socialist led political system under the power of Antόnio Gutteres. He helped the country form strong ties with the United States which led to more evolution of the country and its policies. Ever since the Carnation Revolution, the socialist party has been in the forefront of all the political parties and has been the most popular majority since 1975. The definition of a socialist is, "the state ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Political Party System Political parties are closely linked to institutions of governments, the main goal is to get their candidates elected into office. This goal is not only pragmatic but ideological, they want their representative to propose policies based on the party's platform. There are various types of party systems that exist within democratic political regimes. The success or demise of the party lies within the electoral set–up, along with socio–economic factors. And even similar party set–ups differ based on the country. The many forms and structures of political parties shape the politics of different countries. Operation of those parties is key, and having a voice matters when making policy changes. Countries can have one–party that is dominant, ... Show more content on ... Different electoral systems vary in how they organize elections. The first is single–member districts, voters choose a candidate and the winner is elected by the most votes earned. This is done by dividing the country up into districts. Usually the person elected is supposed to represent their constituent's interests. Usually this is a winner take all kind of system. Typically two–party systems are run on this kind of electoral system. An example of this is in the United Kingdom. Traditionally single–member districts have high entry barriers, but getting on the ballot is easy in the U.K. and running in a district favoring your party makes it easier to win. This set–up can lead to gerrymandering, where district lines are drawn specifically to favor a one party. A possible feature of the single–member district system is the first–past–the–post or the plurality system. In this system a candidate can win even if they receive less than 50 percent of the vote. This kind of win can lead to uncertainty in the outcome. This system favors larger parties. In single member districts and first– past–the–post is makes it easier to play the blame game. The single winning party is responsible for what is going on in government. Duverger's law holds that plurality–rule elections (such as first past the post) structured within single–member districts tend to favor a two–party system, whereas proportional representation tends to favor a multi–party system. Another kind of district set–up is a multi–member district, in which more than one representative is elected from each district. This allows for multiple representatives and multiple parties to have representatives in the same district. What happens in these systems depends on the size of the district and the number of representatives in each district. This can lead to more accurate representation among constituents in ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Political System Of The United States Roger Darlington has said that the United States is the most powerful nation on earth; politically, economically and militarily(1). Even though the U.S. is the second largest democracy in the world, India being the first, it is considered rare, compared to other systems in the world. Where did the founders of the U.S. get their ideas for the political system we have today? The U.S. political system is made up of many components and there are several factors the contributed to what the U.S. political system is today. Such as, where the foundations of the U.S. government came from, the American idea of government, the characteristics of American society and political culture, and the values and principles of American democracy. The founding fathers were wise and had great experience in politics and government, however they could not produce ideas for a political system of a country by just using their wisdom and experience. The founding fathers needed to look at history to find some answers. One aspect that the founding fathers explored was the government systems of ancient Greece and Rome. Aristotle and the Greeks were the first to propose the idea of natural law. The system of direct, rather than representative democracy, was developed in Athens, Greece. In Athens, citizens directly governed themselves. They were allowed to participate in debates, voting, and law–making. The next part of history that the founding fathers observed was the philosophers that lived during the ... Get more on ...