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Third Year Prep School
( Part (1 
LLaanngguuaaggee F Fuunnccttiioonnss 
Write What you * 
: Would say in the folloWing situations 
.You get up at seven and see you parents-1 
.You greet a friend in the morning= 
Good morning -♦☺ 
.You meet a friend in the afternoon-2 
.Good afternoon -♦☺ 
.You meet one of your friends in the evening-3 
.Good evening -♦☺ 
.You meet a friend on your way to school-4 
Hello -♦☺ 
.You are at your friend's. You want to take leave-5 
.You leave a friend in the evening to go home = 
You want to end a conversation after going to the club = 
.with a friend 
Goodbye / Bye / See you later / Bye for -♦☺ 
.Very nice to meet you 
.You leave a friend at night-6 
.You are going to bed to sleep = 
.Good night ♦☺ 
.You visit your grandpa in hospital. You ask about his health-7 
Your friend is very ill (feeling unwell). You ask about = 
.his health 
?How are you feeling? / Are you well -♦☺ 
?How are you? / How are things 
11 t itnin U U
.(A friend asks . 
how you are. (Asks about your health-8 
.I'm fine, Ab 
thanks. / a lot better, thanks -del 
.You meet Ha 
someone for the first time-9 
?How do you lee 
.You want m 
to end a conversation with a new friend-10 
/It was very ala 
nice to meet you-♦☺ 
.pleased to by 
meet you = 
.You introduce your friend, Osama to your friend, Ali-11 
.This is my friend, Osama-♦☺ 
.You are introduced to a new student in your class-12 
Pleased to meet you / Very nice to meet -♦☺ 
.Some one is saying goodbye to you-13 
.Someone asks if you are enjoying your holiday-14 
.Yes, I enjoyed it very much -♦☺ 
The teacher asks you about the reason for coming -15 
.sorry, I got up late -♦☺ 
.You ask your sister why she is going to the shops-16 
?Why are you going to the shops-♦☺ 
.You tell a friend why you are going to the hospital-17 
.I'm going to it to visit my ill grandpa -♦☺ 
Your sister wants to be a tour guide. Advise her what-18 
.she should learn 
.You should learn foreign languages-♦☺ 
Your cousin asks you how long you've been learning -19 
.I have been learning it for 5 years-♦☺ 
.Someone asks you about languages you are interested in-20 
.I'm interested in English and French -♦☺ 
.A friend wants to know why English is very important -21 
English helps us to communicate with other -♦☺ 
.You want to sit next to some one in the cinema-1 
?Can I sit next to you, please -♦☺ 
?Do you mind if I sit next to you = 
?Is it ok if I sit next to you = 
.You want your father to let you join a sporting club-2 
Do you mind if (Is it ok if I) I join a -♦☺ 
?sporting club 
?May I join a sporting club, please = 
.Someone agrees to help you-3 
.Thank you / that's very kind of you -♦☺ 
.You asks someone to help you carry the heavy bag-4 
.You want a friend to help you repair your bike = 
?Could you help me, please -♦☺ 
.You offer to help your big brother and carry his heavy bag-5 
?May I help you carry this bag -♦☺ 
.You want to borrow five pounds from your big sister-6 
You have lost your money. You request your mother to give you = 
U Unniti t 2 2
?Could you lend me five pounds, please -♦☺ 
May I borrow five pounds from = 
.You ask a friend if he mind lending you his pen-7 
?Do you mind if I borrow your pen -♦☺ 
Your friend asks if you would mind lending him a -8 
.book. You agree 
.No, not at all -♦☺ 
A friend asks you to lend him your dictionary. You -9 
Here you are. / No problem-♦☺ 
A friend asks you to help him understand a -10 
difficult lesson 
.You are welcome / no problem / sure -♦☺ 
You agree to lend a friend your book, but you want it-11 
.back in two days 
Ok, here you are. but I want it in two -♦☺ 
ab y 
A friend asks you to lend him a pen, but you have -12 
forgotten yours at home 
Sorry, no. I left it at home -♦☺ 
.You can not lend your watch to someone-13 
.Sorry, no. / I'm afraid I can't -♦☺ 
You refuse (disagree) politely to give a friend your -14 
.English book 
Sorry, I need it. / Sorry, I have an English -♦☺ 
.test tomorrow 
.You tell your teacher that you will be late tomorrow-15 
?Is it ok if I come late tomorrow-♦☺ 
Amir asks you why you are learning English in an evening -16 
.To get a good job -♦☺ 
/You ask your uncle why he is going to Greece-17 
?Why are you going to Greece, uncle -♦☺ 
Someone asks you to give your reason for doing something -18 
.but you don't want to 
.I'd prefer not to tell you / sorry, no -♦☺ 
You are at a clothes shop. You want to change a shirt you -19 
.bought for a smaller one 
.I'd rather change this shirt for a smaller one -♦☺ 
I'd prefer to change this shirt for a smaller = 
.You want to buy a first class train to Luxor-20 
.I'd like to buy a first class train to Luxor,please -♦☺ 
You tell your little sister that she shouldn't take her mobile -21 
.in the club 
.You are at home. You suggest watching a football match-1 
.Let's watch the match on channel 2-♦☺ 
?How about (what about) watching the match on TV = 
?Why don't we watch the match on TV = 
.You suggest eating kebab for lunch-2 
.You want to help your mother with cooking-3 
?Shall I help you? / How about helping you with cooking-♦☺ 
You agreed on your brother's suggestion to play a computer -4 
.You accept your friend's suggestion for going to the club = 
U Unniti t3 3
Yes, great idea / ok, why not / Yes, let's / Fine by -♦☺ 
A friend suggests flying to Luxor in the summer holiday. You don't -5 
.You refuse your friend's suggestion to go to the cinema = 
= .You don't agree to your brother's suggestion to go for a walk 
You refuse your friend's suggestion to go to the club. Giving = 
No, thanks / No, I don't think so. / No, I'm not very keen -♦☺ 
/on that 
I don't feel like that / maybe some other time = 
.No, I have to visit my uncle = 
You don't agree for your friend's suggestion to play tennis -6 
(... with him because you are tired (or busy 
No, I'm very tired today / No, I can't I'm very busy .Maybe -♦☺ 
.some other time 
.A friend asks you how to finish a personal letter-7 
.(You finish the letter with (best wishes -♦☺ 
.Your mother asks you what you want to eat for lunch-8 
.I want to eat meat and rice-♦☺ 
You ask your friend what he wants to eat. -9 
?☺♦-What do you want to eat 
.Your friend tells you that he had passed an important exam-1 
.A friend's daughter has come first in her final exam = 
.Your sister has got a prize in reading= 
.Your brother has got the full mark in Arabic = 
.One of your friends has got a medal in tennis = 
.Your brother has got a new job = 
.Your sister has just had a new baby = 
U Unniti t4 4
.What great news / what wonderful news-♦☺ 
.Congratulations = 
!Well done= 
.That's really great= 
.Your friend tells you that his father is very ill in hospital-2 
.A friend tells you that he hasn't feeling well for a month = 
.Your aunt has broken her arm in a car accident = 
What a bad news. / Oh dear -♦☺ 
.I'm very sorry about that = I'm sorry to hear that = 
.Oh dear! I hope he will get better soon = 
.Your brother hasn't passed the exam-3 
.Your friend has lost his money= 
.What a bad news = oh dear-♦☺ 
.I'm very sorry to hear that = 
.A friend asks you about your favourite hobby-1 
.My favourite hobby is collecting stamps-♦☺ 
.{(You asks a friend about his favourite interest / {(hobby) / (sport-2 
.You want to know what your cousin, Tamer is interested in = 
…………………………… ?What is your favourite hobby_♦☺ 
One of your friends asks you how long you have been doing -3 
.your favourite hobby 
.I have been doing it for 3 days-♦☺ 
.A friend asks you how long you have been living in Cairo -4 
.I have been living in Cairo for ten years -♦☺ 
.You ask a friend what he has learned from his hobby-5 
?What have you learned from your hobby-♦☺ 
.A friend asks you what you have learned from your hobby-6 
.I have learned to help and work with others-♦☺ 
.Your friend asks you the reason for doing your hobby -7 
.I like it because it is very interesting and helpful-♦☺ 
.You ask your friend about the reason of doing his hobby-8 
?Why do you like it-♦☺ 
.A friend asks you what you do in your free time-9 
.I read short stories in my free time -♦☺ 
.10A friend asks you to describe a good hobby 
A friend tells you that he wants to busy himself with an = 
.interesting hobby 
.Reading is a good hobby because it is useful -♦☺ 
.Your sister asks you how the High Dam helps Egypt-11 
It has controlled the waters of the Nile and produced _♦☺ 
.cheaper energy 
Your brother asks you about the bad effects of the High -12 
.it has stopped the fertile earth-♦☺ 
.Your friend wants to know the problems of the metro-13 
.Building it is very expensive -♦☺ 
.The teacher asks you about the advantage of the metro-14 
.It has helped the transport in Egypt-♦☺ 
.You ask your brother how we can make use of the sun-15 
?How can we make use of the sun-♦☺ 
Someone tells you to take a taxi to Giza but you prefer the -16 
.I prefer the metro. It's safe and cheap-♦☺ 
.A friend asks you what you are going to do at the weekend -1 
You tell your friend about your future plans in the summer = 
.You tell your friend what you intend to do in the summer holiday = 
.Your father asks you what you intend to do at the weekend = 
.I 'm going to play computer games at the weekend--♦☺ 
.I intend to spend the summer holiday in Alexandria-= 
You tell your cousin your intention of traveling to Luxor in -2 
.I really intend to travel to Luxor next winter. It's great--♦☺ 
You tell your sister about the job you want to do in the -3 
.When I grow up, I'm going to be a scientist --♦☺ 
.Your friend asks you what you predict about education in Egypt-4 
I think students will learn at home from computers and --♦☺ 
.the internet 
You want your teacher to tell you about the future of education in -5 
?What do you predict about education in Egypt--♦☺ 
?What do you think of the future of education in Egypt = 
Your sister asks you about your prediction of the future of -6 
.air travel 
.I think people will be able to travel in rockets--♦☺ 
U Unniti t5 5
.You tell your friend what you predict about space travel-7 
I think ordinary people will be able to go into --♦☺ 
.Your friend asks you about one of the advantages of air travel-8 
.It's much faster and more comfortable--♦☺ 
Your sister asks how many passengers can travel on a passenger plane nowadays-9 
.It can carry around 600 passengers--♦☺ 
.Your teacher asks you about the bodies of modern planes-10 
.They have wide bodies--♦☺ 
.You want to know if a friend of yours has flown anywhere-11 
?Has anyone of you flown before--♦☺ 
Your brother wants to know how passengers enjoy -12 
.on a modern plane 
.They have lots of entertainment--♦☺ 
Someone wants to know what your grandpa used to do before he-13 
.He used to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning--♦☺ 
.Your friend asks you what you used to do when you were a child-14 
.I used to fly a kite--♦☺ 
You ask your father about what he used to do when he was -15 
.What did you use to do when you were young, dad--♦☺ 
.A friend asks you where and when you were born-16 
I was born in Tanta on 30 September, 1992 --♦☺ 
.You want to know the countries your sister wants to visit-17 
?What are the countries you intend to visit in future--♦☺ 
.You ask one of your friends why Maher is his best friend-18 
?Why is Maher your best friend.-♦☺ 
.Your friend asks you when you will marry-19 
.I will marry when I'm thirty --♦☺ 
.One of your friends asks you what you did at the weekend-1 
.I went for a walk near my house-♦ ☺ 
Your cousin wants to know what you were doing at 4 o'clock -2 
.I was playing tennis-♦☺ 
.A friend asks you what you did after winning last week's football match-3 
.After (I had won) winning the match, I got a medal-♦☺ 
.You tell your aunt what you had done before flying to Aswan-4 
.I had visited my grandma before flying to Aswan-♦☺ 
Apologising Accepting apology Refusing apology 
Oh dear.Well, please, Can * 
I'm awfully sorry* …Never mind* 
*…Excuse me. I'm afraid ..…It doesn't matter* 
.…I must apologise* No problem* 
.…(I apologise for (+v+ing* .Don't worry* 
U Unniti t6 6 
.…You have lost your friend's camera/watch/money-1 
.I'm awfully sorry. I've lost your camera-♦☺ 
.Excuse me, I'm afraid. I lost your camera= 
I must apologise.i've lost your camera= 
.I apologise for losing your camera= 
.You lost a watch your sister had lent you-2 
.You borrowed your friend's bike. You broke it= 
You borrowed some money from your big brother but you can not pay him back on = 
.You have made a lot of mistakes in the English test= 
.Someone draws your attention to a mistake you have made = 
.Your parents are angry with you for getting bad marks in English = 
.Your teacher asks you where the homework is= 
.You are late for school= 
You are at a supermarket. You want to buy some cheese and sugar but toy suddenly -3 
.find (discover) that you've forgotten your money at home 
.You accept a friend's apology for breaking your pen-1 
.Your little sister apologises for losing your CD = 
-♦☺ Never mind. It was old. / It doesn't matter 
.You don't accept a friend's apology for losing your dictionary-1 
?Oh dear. Well, please, Can you buy me another one-♦☺ 
Amr apologises for losing your football but you don't accept his -2 
.Ahmed apologises for spilling juice on your new carpet. You don't accept= 
.You are angry with a person who broke you’re your new watch= 
.Your friend tells you that he had broken your bike. You don't accept his apology= 
.…{I think / maybe /perhaps /probably }: 
.You are guessing why a bad car accident happened in your street-1 
.Perhaps the drivers were driving at a very high speed-♦☺ 
Accepting -2 
gnitpeccA -2 
gnisufeRRefusing apology3-3-
Your sister asks you what you think of the robbery that happened in your -2 
.neighbor's house 
A friend asks you for a possible explanation for the robberies in your -4 
You think that one of street sellers has taken your sister's bag but you -5 
.aren't quite certain 
You guess that a bad neighbour has thrown away some rubbish in front of -6 
.your house 
.You aren’t sure if a story is true or false-7 
.You are not sure if the school guard stole your money or not-8 
A friend asks you what you would do if you were a bird -1 
...{…{rich/teacher/minister of education 
.If I were a bird, I would fly ♦☺ 
.If I were rich, I'd build a palace= 
.You tell your sister what you would do if you had a plane-1 
.Your friend asks you what you would do if the weather is fine tomorrow= 
.If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go to the club ♦☺ 
Your sister asks you what'd happen if you had suddenly found a -1 
.million pounds 
.A friend asks you what'd happen if Barakat hadn't fallen near the goal-2 
U Unniti t7 7
If Barakat hadn't fallen near the goal, the referee - ♦☺ 
.wouldn't have given a penalty 
.Your teacher asks you what would happen if you had lived in the Stone Age= 
Making offers Accepting offers Refusing offers 
…Can I …../Could we* Yes,please No, thank you 
…Would you like* That's kind of you 
… Will you have…/Shall I* Thank you very much 
.You see an old man carrying a heavy bag. You offer to help him-1 
?Shall I carry this heavy bag for you- ♦☺ 
.You offer a guest something to drink. /to eat-2 
?Would you like some juice- ♦☺ 
You accept your brother's offer to make you sandwiches-1 
.Yes, please .that's kind of you- ♦☺ 
.Your friend offers to help you with your work. You agree-2 
.Your friend offers help in time of real need= 
.Your boss offers you a better job with more money = 
.You accept your friend's invitation to his birthday party= 
.You politely refuse a friend's offer to have a meal in a restaurant.Giving a reason-1 
.Thank you, but I have to visit my grandpa now- ♦☺ 
Giving Advice Accepting Advice Refusing Advice 
..If I were you, I would* Yes, you are right* .I will think about it* 
…You should.../shouldn't* Yes, I know I should/shouldn't* .I'll see* 
…You had better…/not* Yes, I will do it* I'll make my mind about it* 
.Your sister is in trouble. She has broken her friend's camera. She asks for your advice-1 
.If I were you, I'd buy a new one for her- ♦☺ 
gnikaMMaking offers--11 
gnitpeccAAccepting offers2-2- 
gnisufeRRefusing offers3-3- 
gniviGGiving Advice-1-1
Your brother is lazy and wastes his time watching TV or playing tennis. Give -2 
.him a piece of advice 
.Your sister doesn't study hard. Advice her= 
.One of your friends is not good at English. He asks for your advice= 
.Your sister has come home late= 
.You advice your 5 year, old neighbour not to play in the street= 
.Your friend is fond of fizzy drinks= 
.Someone is working too much overtime; you want them to mind their health= 
Your parents advice you to help your old neighbour with anything he -1 
.wants and you accept their advice 
.Yes, I will do that- ♦☺ 
.You refuse your big brother's advice to sleep early-2 
.Ok, I will see -♦☺ 
.You ask a friend about his opinion on education in Egypt-1 
?What do you think of education in Egypt -♦☺ 
?What's your opinion about education in Egypt= 
.You ask your mother to give you her opinion about life in future-2 
You want to know what your big sister thinks of traveling overseas-3 
.A friend asks you about your opinion on our national team-4 
.I think that our team is good-♦☺ 
,.Your brother is not interesting in reading. You disagree with him-5 
.I disagree with you. I think reading is very interesting hobby-♦☺ 
.Your friend thinks that English is a difficult subject. Give opinion-6 
.I think English is easy subject-♦☺ 
.Your friend asks your opinion of people who drive too fast-7 
.In my opinion (I think) they are rash - ♦☺ 
.Someone asks your opinion about education in Egypt-8 
gnitpeccAAccepting advice--22 
gnisufeRRefusing Advice3-3- 
gniksAAsking for opinions 1 -1- 
gnivisGnGoivininipgo opinions2-2-
In my opinion, education has developed. But we should look for - ♦☺ 
.someone asks you what your opinion about smoking is=9 
.you give your opinion about transport in Egypt=10 
You report your father's opinion about life in the country to your -11 
My father thinks that life in the country is more - ♦☺ 
A friend asks you how you feel now that you have passed the final -1 
.I'm very happy/ feel happy- ♦☺ 
A friend of yours is always nervous during exam. Advise him -2 
.you advise your sister to be patient when she has a problem=3 
gnitropeRReporting other people 's opinion--33 
t itninUU 88
.Don't be nervous. Be calm. /Be patient- ♦☺ 
.4You want to know how your big brother felt when he got a good job 
?How did you feel when you got a good job- ♦☺ 
.Your little sister asks you about the number of players in a football team-1 
Your little brother wants to know what a referee does-2 
A friend asks you about the final score of the football match between Egypt and-3 
.You couldn't help a friend in trouble. You regret that-1 
.If (if only) I hadn't been too busy, I'd have helped my friend*-♦☺ 
.I regret that I couldn't help my friend* 
.You missed a holiday in Port Said and you regret it-2 
.Someone asks you about one quality of polite people-1 
. -Polite people think of others 
.Your sister wants to know what sort of people you like to speak to-2 
.You ask a friend who polite people think of-3 
.A friend asks you why we sometimes have stress-4 
UUnniti t 9 9

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جميع المواقف Situationتيرم أول

  • 1. 1 Third Year Prep School
  • 2. ( Part (1 LLaanngguuaaggee F Fuunnccttiioonnss Write What you * : Would say in the folloWing situations .You get up at seven and see you parents-1 .You greet a friend in the morning= Good morning -♦☺ .You meet a friend in the afternoon-2 .Good afternoon -♦☺ .You meet one of your friends in the evening-3 .Good evening -♦☺ .You meet a friend on your way to school-4 Hello -♦☺ .You are at your friend's. You want to take leave-5 .You leave a friend in the evening to go home = You want to end a conversation after going to the club = .with a friend Goodbye / Bye / See you later / Bye for -♦☺ /now .Very nice to meet you .You leave a friend at night-6 .You are going to bed to sleep = .Good night ♦☺ .You visit your grandpa in hospital. You ask about his health-7 Your friend is very ill (feeling unwell). You ask about = .his health ?How are you feeling? / Are you well -♦☺ ?How are you? / How are things 2 SSiittuuaattiioonnss 11 t itnin U U
  • 3. MR .(A friend asks . how you are. (Asks about your health-8 .I'm fine, Ab thanks. / a lot better, thanks -del ♦☺ .You meet Ha someone for the first time-9 ?How do you lee do-♦☺ .You want m to end a conversation with a new friend-10 Sh /It was very ala nice to meet you-♦☺ .pleased to by meet you = .You introduce your friend, Osama to your friend, Ali-11 .This is my friend, Osama-♦☺ .You are introduced to a new student in your class-12 Pleased to meet you / Very nice to meet -♦☺ .you .Some one is saying goodbye to you-13 .Goodbye-♦☺ .Someone asks if you are enjoying your holiday-14 .Yes, I enjoyed it very much -♦☺ The teacher asks you about the reason for coming -15 .late .sorry, I got up late -♦☺ .You ask your sister why she is going to the shops-16 ?Why are you going to the shops-♦☺ .You tell a friend why you are going to the hospital-17 .I'm going to it to visit my ill grandpa -♦☺ Your sister wants to be a tour guide. Advise her what-18 .she should learn .You should learn foreign languages-♦☺ 3
  • 4. Your cousin asks you how long you've been learning -19 .English MR . Ab del Ha lee m Sh ala by .I have been learning it for 5 years-♦☺ .Someone asks you about languages you are interested in-20 .I'm interested in English and French -♦☺ .A friend wants to know why English is very important -21 English helps us to communicate with other -♦☺ .people .You want to sit next to some one in the cinema-1 ?Can I sit next to you, please -♦☺ ?Do you mind if I sit next to you = ?Is it ok if I sit next to you = .You want your father to let you join a sporting club-2 Do you mind if (Is it ok if I) I join a -♦☺ ?sporting club ?May I join a sporting club, please = .Someone agrees to help you-3 .Thank you / that's very kind of you -♦☺ .You asks someone to help you carry the heavy bag-4 .You want a friend to help you repair your bike = ?Could you help me, please -♦☺ .You offer to help your big brother and carry his heavy bag-5 ?May I help you carry this bag -♦☺ .You want to borrow five pounds from your big sister-6 You have lost your money. You request your mother to give you = .some 4 U Unniti t 2 2
  • 5. ?Could you lend me five pounds, please -♦☺ May I borrow five pounds from = ?you .You ask a friend if he mind lending you his pen-7 ?Do you mind if I borrow your pen -♦☺ Your friend asks if you would mind lending him a -8 .book. You agree .No, not at all -♦☺ A friend asks you to lend him your dictionary. You -9 .agree Here you are. / No problem-♦☺ A friend asks you to help him understand a -10 difficult lesson .You are welcome / no problem / sure -♦☺ You agree to lend a friend your book, but you want it-11 .back in two days Ok, here you are. but I want it in two -♦☺ MR. Ab de l Hal e em Shal ab y .days A friend asks you to lend him a pen, but you have -12 forgotten yours at home Sorry, no. I left it at home -♦☺ .You can not lend your watch to someone-13 .Sorry, no. / I'm afraid I can't -♦☺ You refuse (disagree) politely to give a friend your -14 .English book Sorry, I need it. / Sorry, I have an English -♦☺ .test tomorrow .You tell your teacher that you will be late tomorrow-15 5
  • 6. ?Is it ok if I come late tomorrow-♦☺ ==================================================== ========= Amir asks you why you are learning English in an evening -16 .class .To get a good job -♦☺ /You ask your uncle why he is going to Greece-17 ?Why are you going to Greece, uncle -♦☺ Someone asks you to give your reason for doing something -18 .but you don't want to .I'd prefer not to tell you / sorry, no -♦☺ You are at a clothes shop. You want to change a shirt you -19 .bought for a smaller one .I'd rather change this shirt for a smaller one -♦☺ I'd prefer to change this shirt for a smaller = .one .You want to buy a first class train to Luxor-20 .I'd like to buy a first class train to Luxor,please -♦☺ You tell your little sister that she shouldn't take her mobile -21 .in the club .You are at home. You suggest watching a football match-1 .Let's watch the match on channel 2-♦☺ ?How about (what about) watching the match on TV = ?Why don't we watch the match on TV = .You suggest eating kebab for lunch-2 .You want to help your mother with cooking-3 ?Shall I help you? / How about helping you with cooking-♦☺ You agreed on your brother's suggestion to play a computer -4 .game .You accept your friend's suggestion for going to the club = 6 U Unniti t3 3
  • 7. Yes, great idea / ok, why not / Yes, let's / Fine by -♦☺ .me A friend suggests flying to Luxor in the summer holiday. You don't -5 .agree .You refuse your friend's suggestion to go to the cinema = = .You don't agree to your brother's suggestion to go for a walk You refuse your friend's suggestion to go to the club. Giving = .reason No, thanks / No, I don't think so. / No, I'm not very keen -♦☺ /on that I don't feel like that / maybe some other time = .No, I have to visit my uncle = You don't agree for your friend's suggestion to play tennis -6 (... with him because you are tired (or busy No, I'm very tired today / No, I can't I'm very busy .Maybe -♦☺ .some other time .A friend asks you how to finish a personal letter-7 .(You finish the letter with (best wishes -♦☺ .Your mother asks you what you want to eat for lunch-8 .I want to eat meat and rice-♦☺ MR. You ask your friend what he wants to eat. -9 ?☺♦-What do you want to eat .Your friend tells you that he had passed an important exam-1 .A friend's daughter has come first in her final exam = .Your sister has got a prize in reading= .Your brother has got the full mark in Arabic = .One of your friends has got a medal in tennis = .Your brother has got a new job = .Your sister has just had a new baby = Ab de l Hale em Shal 7 U Unniti t4 4
  • 8. ab y .What great news / what wonderful news-♦☺ .Congratulations = !Well done= .That's really great= .Your friend tells you that his father is very ill in hospital-2 .A friend tells you that he hasn't feeling well for a month = .Your aunt has broken her arm in a car accident = What a bad news. / Oh dear -♦☺ .I'm very sorry about that = I'm sorry to hear that = .Oh dear! I hope he will get better soon = .Your brother hasn't passed the exam-3 .Your friend has lost his money= .What a bad news = oh dear-♦☺ .I'm very sorry to hear that = .A friend asks you about your favourite hobby-1 .My favourite hobby is collecting stamps-♦☺ .{(You asks a friend about his favourite interest / {(hobby) / (sport-2 .You want to know what your cousin, Tamer is interested in = …………………………… ?What is your favourite hobby_♦☺ One of your friends asks you how long you have been doing -3 .your favourite hobby .I have been doing it for 3 days-♦☺ .A friend asks you how long you have been living in Cairo -4 .I have been living in Cairo for ten years -♦☺ MR . Ab del Ha lee m Sh ala by 8
  • 9. .You ask a friend what he has learned from his hobby-5 ?What have you learned from your hobby-♦☺ .A friend asks you what you have learned from your hobby-6 .I have learned to help and work with others-♦☺ .Your friend asks you the reason for doing your hobby -7 .I like it because it is very interesting and helpful-♦☺ .You ask your friend about the reason of doing his hobby-8 ?Why do you like it-♦☺ .A friend asks you what you do in your free time-9 .I read short stories in my free time -♦☺ .10A friend asks you to describe a good hobby A friend tells you that he wants to busy himself with an = .interesting hobby .Reading is a good hobby because it is useful -♦☺ .Your sister asks you how the High Dam helps Egypt-11 It has controlled the waters of the Nile and produced _♦☺ .cheaper energy Your brother asks you about the bad effects of the High -12 .Dam .it has stopped the fertile earth-♦☺ .Your friend wants to know the problems of the metro-13 .Building it is very expensive -♦☺ .The teacher asks you about the advantage of the metro-14 .It has helped the transport in Egypt-♦☺ .You ask your brother how we can make use of the sun-15 ?How can we make use of the sun-♦☺ 9
  • 10. Someone tells you to take a taxi to Giza but you prefer the -16 .metro .I prefer the metro. It's safe and cheap-♦☺ .A friend asks you what you are going to do at the weekend -1 You tell your friend about your future plans in the summer = .holiday .You tell your friend what you intend to do in the summer holiday = .Your father asks you what you intend to do at the weekend = .I 'm going to play computer games at the weekend--♦☺ .I intend to spend the summer holiday in Alexandria-= You tell your cousin your intention of traveling to Luxor in -2 .winter .I really intend to travel to Luxor next winter. It's great--♦☺ You tell your sister about the job you want to do in the -3 .future .When I grow up, I'm going to be a scientist --♦☺ MR . Ab del Ha lee m Sh ala by .Your friend asks you what you predict about education in Egypt-4 I think students will learn at home from computers and --♦☺ .the internet You want your teacher to tell you about the future of education in -5 .Egypt ?What do you predict about education in Egypt--♦☺ ?What do you think of the future of education in Egypt = Your sister asks you about your prediction of the future of -6 .air travel .I think people will be able to travel in rockets--♦☺ 10 U Unniti t5 5
  • 11. .You tell your friend what you predict about space travel-7 I think ordinary people will be able to go into --♦☺ .space .Your friend asks you about one of the advantages of air travel-8 .It's much faster and more comfortable--♦☺ Your sister asks how many passengers can travel on a passenger plane nowadays-9 .It can carry around 600 passengers--♦☺ .Your teacher asks you about the bodies of modern planes-10 .They have wide bodies--♦☺ .You want to know if a friend of yours has flown anywhere-11 ?Has anyone of you flown before--♦☺ Your brother wants to know how passengers enjoy -12 themselves .on a modern plane .They have lots of entertainment--♦☺ MR. Ab de l Hal e em Shal ab Someone wants to know what your grandpa used to do before he-13 .retired y .He used to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning--♦☺ .Your friend asks you what you used to do when you were a child-14 .I used to fly a kite--♦☺ You ask your father about what he used to do when he was -15 .young .What did you use to do when you were young, dad--♦☺ .A friend asks you where and when you were born-16 11
  • 12. I was born in Tanta on 30 September, 1992 --♦☺ .You want to know the countries your sister wants to visit-17 ?What are the countries you intend to visit in future--♦☺ .You ask one of your friends why Maher is his best friend-18 ?Why is Maher your best friend.-♦☺ .Your friend asks you when you will marry-19 .I will marry when I'm thirty --♦☺ MR . Ab d el Ha .One of your friends asks you what you did at the weekend-1 .I went for a walk near my house-♦ ☺ l eem Your cousin wants to know what you were doing at 4 o'clock -2 .yesterday .I was playing tennis-♦☺ .A friend asks you what you did after winning last week's football match-3 .After (I had won) winning the match, I got a medal-♦☺ .You tell your aunt what you had done before flying to Aswan-4 .I had visited my grandma before flying to Aswan-♦☺ Sh a la by Apologising Accepting apology Refusing apology Oh dear.Well, please, Can * ..…you I'm awfully sorry* …Never mind* *…Excuse me. I'm afraid ..…It doesn't matter* .…I must apologise* No problem* .…(I apologise for (+v+ing* .Don't worry* 12 U Unniti t6 6 gnisigolopAApologising-1-1
  • 13. .…You have lost your friend's camera/watch/money-1 .I'm awfully sorry. I've lost your camera-♦☺ .Excuse me, I'm afraid. I lost your camera= I must apologise.i've lost your camera= .I apologise for losing your camera= .You lost a watch your sister had lent you-2 .You borrowed your friend's bike. You broke it= You borrowed some money from your big brother but you can not pay him back on = .time .You have made a lot of mistakes in the English test= .Someone draws your attention to a mistake you have made = .Your parents are angry with you for getting bad marks in English = .Your teacher asks you where the homework is= .You are late for school= You are at a supermarket. You want to buy some cheese and sugar but toy suddenly -3 .find (discover) that you've forgotten your money at home MR . Ab d el .You accept a friend's apology for breaking your pen-1 .Your little sister apologises for losing your CD = Ha l eem -♦☺ Never mind. It was old. / It doesn't matter Sh a la by .You don't accept a friend's apology for losing your dictionary-1 ?Oh dear. Well, please, Can you buy me another one-♦☺ Amr apologises for losing your football but you don't accept his -2 .apology .Ahmed apologises for spilling juice on your new carpet. You don't accept= .You are angry with a person who broke you’re your new watch= .Your friend tells you that he had broken your bike. You don't accept his apology= .…{I think / maybe /perhaps /probably }: .You are guessing why a bad car accident happened in your street-1 .Perhaps the drivers were driving at a very high speed-♦☺ 13 Accepting -2 apology gnitpeccA -2 ygolopa gnisufeRRefusing apology3-3-
  • 14. Your sister asks you what you think of the robbery that happened in your -2 .neighbor's house A friend asks you for a possible explanation for the robberies in your -4 .street You think that one of street sellers has taken your sister's bag but you -5 .aren't quite certain You guess that a bad neighbour has thrown away some rubbish in front of -6 .your house .You aren’t sure if a story is true or false-7 .You are not sure if the school guard stole your money or not-8 MR . Ab d el A friend asks you what you would do if you were a bird -1 ...{…{rich/teacher/minister of education Ha l eem .If I were a bird, I would fly ♦☺ .If I were rich, I'd build a palace= Sh a la by .You tell your sister what you would do if you had a plane-1 .Your friend asks you what you would do if the weather is fine tomorrow= .If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go to the club ♦☺ Your sister asks you what'd happen if you had suddenly found a -1 .million pounds .A friend asks you what'd happen if Barakat hadn't fallen near the goal-2 14 U Unniti t7 7
  • 15. If Barakat hadn't fallen near the goal, the referee - ♦☺ .wouldn't have given a penalty .Your teacher asks you what would happen if you had lived in the Stone Age= Making offers Accepting offers Refusing offers …Can I …../Could we* Yes,please No, thank you …Would you like* That's kind of you … Will you have…/Shall I* Thank you very much .You see an old man carrying a heavy bag. You offer to help him-1 ?Shall I carry this heavy bag for you- ♦☺ .You offer a guest something to drink. /to eat-2 ?Would you like some juice- ♦☺ You accept your brother's offer to make you sandwiches-1 .Yes, please .that's kind of you- ♦☺ .Your friend offers to help you with your work. You agree-2 .Your friend offers help in time of real need= .Your boss offers you a better job with more money = .You accept your friend's invitation to his birthday party= .You politely refuse a friend's offer to have a meal in a restaurant.Giving a reason-1 .Thank you, but I have to visit my grandpa now- ♦☺ MR . Ab d el Ha l eem Sh Giving Advice Accepting Advice Refusing Advice ..If I were you, I would* Yes, you are right* .I will think about it* …You should.../shouldn't* Yes, I know I should/shouldn't* .I'll see* …You had better…/not* Yes, I will do it* I'll make my mind about it* a la by .Your sister is in trouble. She has broken her friend's camera. She asks for your advice-1 .If I were you, I'd buy a new one for her- ♦☺ 15 gnikaMMaking offers--11 gnitpeccAAccepting offers2-2- gnisufeRRefusing offers3-3- gniviGGiving Advice-1-1
  • 16. Your brother is lazy and wastes his time watching TV or playing tennis. Give -2 .him a piece of advice .Your sister doesn't study hard. Advice her= .One of your friends is not good at English. He asks for your advice= .Your sister has come home late= .You advice your 5 year, old neighbour not to play in the street= .Your friend is fond of fizzy drinks= .Someone is working too much overtime; you want them to mind their health= Your parents advice you to help your old neighbour with anything he -1 .wants and you accept their advice .Yes, I will do that- ♦☺ .You refuse your big brother's advice to sleep early-2 .Ok, I will see -♦☺ .You ask a friend about his opinion on education in Egypt-1 ?What do you think of education in Egypt -♦☺ ?What's your opinion about education in Egypt= .You ask your mother to give you her opinion about life in future-2 You want to know what your big sister thinks of traveling overseas-3 MR. .A friend asks you about your opinion on our national team-4 .I think that our team is good-♦☺ ,.Your brother is not interesting in reading. You disagree with him-5 .I disagree with you. I think reading is very interesting hobby-♦☺ .Your friend thinks that English is a difficult subject. Give opinion-6 .I think English is easy subject-♦☺ .Your friend asks your opinion of people who drive too fast-7 .In my opinion (I think) they are rash - ♦☺ .Someone asks your opinion about education in Egypt-8 Ab de l Hale em Shal ab 16 gnitpeccAAccepting advice--22 gnisufeRRefusing Advice3-3- gniksAAsking for opinions 1 -1- gnivisGnGoivininipgo opinions2-2-
  • 17. ab y In my opinion, education has developed. But we should look for - ♦☺ .better .someone asks you what your opinion about smoking is=9 .you give your opinion about transport in Egypt=10 You report your father's opinion about life in the country to your -11 .brother My father thinks that life in the country is more - ♦☺ .comfortable MR . Ab del Ha lee m Sh ala by A friend asks you how you feel now that you have passed the final -1 .exam .I'm very happy/ feel happy- ♦☺ A friend of yours is always nervous during exam. Advise him -2 .you advise your sister to be patient when she has a problem=3 17 gnitropeRReporting other people 's opinion--33 t itninUU 88
  • 18. .Don't be nervous. Be calm. /Be patient- ♦☺ .4You want to know how your big brother felt when he got a good job ?How did you feel when you got a good job- ♦☺ .Your little sister asks you about the number of players in a football team-1 Your little brother wants to know what a referee does-2 A friend asks you about the final score of the football match between Egypt and-3 .Sudan .You couldn't help a friend in trouble. You regret that-1 .If (if only) I hadn't been too busy, I'd have helped my friend*-♦☺ .I regret that I couldn't help my friend* .You missed a holiday in Port Said and you regret it-2 MR . Ab del Ha lee m Sh ala by .Someone asks you about one quality of polite people-1 . -Polite people think of others .Your sister wants to know what sort of people you like to speak to-2 .You ask a friend who polite people think of-3 .A friend asks you why we sometimes have stress-4 18 UUnniti t 9 9
  • 19. 19