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Simpycity and
                        A Q u e ry - F o c u s s e d
                     D a t a b a s e A b s t r a c t i o n

                                  A u ry n n      S h a w
                           P o s t g r e S Q L   E a s t ,   2 0 1 0

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                               1
What is Simpycity?

                   Query Mapping library

Saturday, March 27, 2010                   2
Whys and

                                      Lowest level of our data

                   The humble table

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                         3
Whys and
                                                   This is our ideal -
                                                   normalized, good natural
                                                   keys, good constraints,
                                                   minimal data duplication.

                   The humble table

                   Best possible relational representation

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                       4
Whys and
                                                     Are tables the best
                                                     representation to model?

                   The humble table

                   Best possible relational representation

                   Generally, ORMs model tables

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                        5
But wait...

Saturday, March 27, 2010                 6
But wait...

                   Objects aren’t like relations

Saturday, March 27, 2010                           7
But wait...
                                                   Objects encapsulate
                                                   attributes, properties,
                                                   methods, all the stuff
                                                   that constitutes a single

                   Objects aren’t like relations

                   A single, coherent concept

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                       8
But wait...
                                                   Proper normalization,
                                                   users are a good example.

                   Objects aren’t like relations

                   A single, coherent concept

                   Spanning multiple tables

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                       9
                                   Why are we using ORMs
                                   to represent individual
                                   rows in our tables? Our
                                   objects aren’t relations.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                       10
Data Modesty
                                     They are our physical
                                     data representation -
                                     the lowest abstraction
                                     we work with.

                   Physical data

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                      11
Data Modesty
                                            Exposing your underlying
                                            tables means that you
                                            end up being locked to
                                            that representation -
                                            even if you don’t want to
                   Physical data            We argue this is an
                                            important reason for
                                            object abstractions, why
                   Exposure is Commitment   is it different for
                                            relational abstractions?

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                12
Data Modesty
                                                         What we should be
                                                         doing is aiming for a
                                                         representation of
                                                         our data, as opposed
                                                         to matching the
                   Physical data                         physical
                                                         representation. We
                                                         use methods and
                   Exposure is Commitment                attributes on our
                                                         objects to
                                                         manipulate data, we
                   Tables aren’t the logical interface   don’t directly fiddle
                                                         the private

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                         13
If we’re not
                   modelling tables...
                                 What are we modelling?
                                 What should we be

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                  14
What is Simpycity?
                                           Why not queries?

                                           Queries are the
                                           mechanism by which
                                           we interact with the
                                           physical data layer,
                                           and queries bind
                                           multiple tables
                   Query Mapping library   together via JOIN, so,
                                           are they not a good
                                           representation for our
                                           business layer?

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                            15
What is Simpycity?
                                            The core is arbitrary
                                            methods invoking
                                            arbitrary queries,
                                            seamlessly and deliciously.

                   Query Mapping library

                   Methods invoke Queries

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                  16
How to work with
                              Simpycity systems

                              firstly, setting up the
                              data connection

                 And now, some Code

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                17
And now, some Code
            >>> from simpycity.context import Context
            >>> ctx = Context(dsn=“dbname=‘foo’

                                            a Context is a single
                                            point from which all
                                            data constructs are
                                            derived - the DB
                                            connection can be
                                            committed and closed
                                            from this point.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                            18
Basic Queries
            >>> i = ctx.Raw(“““SELECT *
            ...                  FROM users.user
            ...                 WHERE id = 1”””)
            >>> user = i()
            >>> user[‘id’]
            1                           Most absolutely basic
                                        usage of Simpycity’s Raw
            >>>                         datatype.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                           19
            >>> i = ctx.Raw(“““SELECT *
            ...                   FROM users.user
            ...                  WHERE id = %s”””,
            ...             [‘id’])
            >>> user = i(1)
            >>> user[‘id’]               Parameterization -
                                         Methods suddenly look
            1                            like actual Python

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                         20
            >>>       i = ctx.Raw(“““SELECT *
            ...                        FROM users.user
            ...                       WHERE id = %s”””,
            ...                  [‘id’])
            >>>       user = i(1)
            >>>       user[‘id’]                     Simpycity callables even
            1                                        work with standard
            >>>       user = i(id=1)                 parameterization.

            >>>       user[‘id’]

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                        21
Procedural Logic
            >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““get_user”””,
            >>> user_positional = inst(1)
            >>> user_positional[‘id’]
            >>> user_keyword = inst(id=1)
            >>> user_keyword[‘id’]
            1                                   Functions work exactly
                                                the same - Same
            >>>                                 arguments, syntax, and

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                   22
Positional and
            >>> i = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””,
            >>> rs = i(1, ‘some_table’, ‘public’)
              - OR -
            >>> rs = i(id=1, table=‘some_table’,
              - OR -
            >>> rs = i(schemaname=‘public’, id=1,

      A huge advantage of Simpycity is treating the argument chain as positional or keyword arguments -
      Allowing your APIs to be indistinguishable from normal Python.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                                  23

Saturday, March 27, 2010             24
Upshots                    You’re dealing with
                                                          constructs that act and
                                                          respond like a Python
                                                          method should act and
                                                          respond - It allows for a
                                                          very consistent

                   Running queries is calling a method.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                              25
Upshots                    Instead of writing our
                                                          queries using a half-
                                                          assed badly-
                                                          implemented subset of
                                                          SQL, we write queries
                                                          directly in SQL, and
                                                          never have to worry
                                                          about the query
                                                          generator writing
                                                          ridiculous queries.

                                                          Instead, we write our
                   Running queries is calling a method.   own ridiculous
                                                          queries. ;)

                   Underlying DB is abstracted away

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                          26
Downsides                 Due to Simpycity’s
                                                      current architecture,
                                                      statements aren’t
                                                      really supported - it
                                                      definitely expects to
                                                      get something *Back*
                                                      from the DB.

                   Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure..

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                      27
Downsides                  Simpycity’s queries also
                                                       don’t have a concept of
                                                       defaults, as yet - all
                                                       arguments declared by
                                                       the definition *must* be
                                                       present in the call.

                   Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure..

                   ..All arguments must be accounted for..

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                          28
This won’t work.
            >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””,
            >>> item = inst(1, ‘some_table’)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
               .. <SNIP> ..
            Exception: Insufficient arguments: Expected
            3, got 2

      So this isn’t going to work.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                  29
Or this.
            >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””,
            >>> item = inst(id=1, table=‘some_table’)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
               .. <SNIP> ..
            Exception: Insufficient arguments: Expected
            3, got 2

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                  30

                   Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure..

                   ..All arguments must be accounted for..

                   ..Big resultsets will be entirely pulled into
   Another disadvantage is running a query that has a lot of results will pull them *all* into
   memory, by default. This is a limitation of the underlying result set representation, for
   reasons I’ll get into in a moment.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                         31
Downsides                    Simpycity doesn’t do
                                                          *any* actual query
                                                          generation - the most it
                                                          will do is the select *
                                                          from function. None of
                                                          the more advanced query
                                                          generation exists here.

                   Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure..

                   All arguments must be accounted for

                   Big resultsets will be entirely pulled into

                   .. And, you’ll be writing a lot of SQL...

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                             32
This is all it does
            >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””,


            SELECT * FROM complex_get(%s, %s, %s)

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                 33
SQL is programming -

                               Upshots                    code. It’s as important
                                                          as the rest of your
                                                          application, and you’re
                                                          better at writing it
                                                          than a computer is.

                                                          Even more, computers
                                                          cannot extract
                                                          semantic meaning
                                                          from your relational
                                                          design, and cannot
                   Running queries is calling a method.   build appropriate
                                                          representations - only
                                                          the programmer can.
                   Underlying DB is abstracted away

                   ...but you should be anyway.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                            34
While the queries are
                                     useful on their own,
                                     they don’t really provide
                                     an easy way to manage
                                     data at an application
                                     For that,


Saturday, March 27, 2010                                         35

                                                  The reasoning behind that
                   Need Logical Representations   is that applications require
                                                  logical abstractions that
                                                  make sense from the
                                                  application perspective -

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                         36

                   Need Logical Representations

                   Business models!
                                                  Divorcing us from the
                                                  underlying table
                                                  representations. Instead
                                                  of modelling tables, we
                                                  should be modelling
                                                  *objects*, concepts that
                                                  are complete unto

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                     37
Models in Simpycity

                   Don’t model tables

                                        Models in Simpycity
                                        follow this logical chain -
                                        we don’t model the tables.
                                        Instead, we work to find
                                        what the best
                                        representation of a given
                                        object is,

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                              38
Models in Simpycity

                   Don’t model tables

                   Aligned towards application requirements
                           the one that most clearly fits what the
                           application itself requires, in terms of internal
                           architecture and logical consistency.

                           Instead of fighting to make relational concepts
                           fit into objects, we should be making our objects
                           accurately represent the concepts we need.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                       39
Models in Simpycity

                   Don’t model tables

                   Aligned towards application requirements

                   Still allow for Active Record-style manipulation
          At the same time, the Active Record pattern has a lot of useful concepts, like direct
          instancing and .save() on dirty objects.

          For these reasons, the model pattern that Simpycity uses is less Active Record, as
          we’re not modelling result sets, but more

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                          40
Active Object.

                                     Let’s have a look at how
                                     Simpycity handles
                                     Active Object.

                           Active Object

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                        41
Basic Models
            >>> base = ctx.Model()
            - OR -
            >>> class base(ctx.Model()):
            ...    pass

                           First, we create a base class that all our models
                           derive from - This allows us to add additional
                           functionality on a global level to our application
                           For instance, Vertically Challenged creates a base
                           model with authentication tokens baked in.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                        42
Basic Models
            >>> base = ctx.Model()
            >>> class ourUser(base):
            ... table = [“id”, “username”]

                               Declaring the basic model - our instance, and the
                               table declares what our internal attributes are.
                               Note how we don’t really enforce data types -
                               this just declares what the business object looks

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                           43
Basic Models
            base = ctx.Model()
            class ourUser(base):
              table = [“id”, “username”]
              __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’])

                           __load__ is the basic instancing mechanism in a
                           Simpycity - under the covers, any arguments
                           passed to the instancing of a new object will be
                           passed to this function, and then mapped to the
                           object’s attributes.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                      44
Basic Models
            >>> base = ctx.Model()
            >>> class ourUser(base):
            ... table = [“id”, “username”]
            ... __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”,
                                       From load, we instance our
            >>> u = ourUser(1)         models just as if we were
                                       running the query directly -
            >>>                   only now, we have the model
                                       attributes available, that we
            1                          didn’t have before.
            >>> u.username
            “Test User”

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                               45
Basic Models             For instance, we can update the model
                                                    with new values.
                                                    But, they’re just a part of that
                                                    particular model instance. They’re not
                                                    persisted out to the database.

            >>> u = ourUser(1)          Fortunately, Simpycity can deal with
                                        this, too:
            >>> u.username
            “Test User”
            >>> u.username = “PGEast Demo”
            >>> u.username
            “PGEast Demo”

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                     46
Basic Models
            class ourUser(base):
              table = [“id”, “username”]
              __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’])
              __save__ = ctx.Function(“save_user”,
            >>> u.username = “PG Demo”
                                        Coming back to our model, we’ve added
            >>> u.username              another property - __save__.
                                        By declaring __save__ on our model, we
            “PG Demo”                   get access to the dynamic .save() method.
            >>>                This method will take the current model’s
                                        state, test for any dirty values, and use
            >>> ctx.commit()            the provided callable to save those values.
                                                      The callable is allowed to be anything you
                                                      like - it doesn’t have to be a Simpycity

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                           47
Basic Models
            class ourUser(base):
              table = [“id”, “username”, “password”]
              __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’])
              __save__ = ctx.Function(“save_user”,

              delete = ctx.Function(“delete_user”,
                            Additionally, models need custom methods, and Simpycity
                            covers that too - assigning a Simpycity function to an
                            attribute will be automatically converted into a bound
                            callable, and will map any arguments named in the table as
                            that value.
                            In this case, we’ve provided a delete method on the model,
                            which Simpycity does not currently support, and anything else
                            you can conceive works in this way.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                    48
Other Instance
              So, at this point, we have a model that can be instanced, manipulated, and
              deleted, similar to a normal ORM. All we know about the underlying
              database is there’s a couple of functions, and what their arguments are.
              Unfortunately, we only have a single instancing mechanism. This works for
              limited cases, but is really lacking in flexibility.
              What we need is multiple instancing patterns, a variety of ways to pull data
              from the database.

              Simpycity can handle that, too - with a nifty little pattern.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                     49
Other Instance
            class ourUser(base):
              ... # Remember the Code.

            by_id = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’],
            by_username = ctx.Function(“get_user”,
            [‘username’], return_type=ourUser)

                     Here, we’re stepping back to the core Raw and Function mechanisms, and
                     passing a new argument, return_type.
                     Return type takes the provided class and will map the results of the query to
                     that object.
                     If the query returned multiple rows, then you’ll get a normal list of objects, all
                     correctly mapped.
                     This functionality even allows for the easy creation of new generators, such as

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                                  50
Newly Minted
            class ourUser(base):
              ... # Code was here.

            new = ctx.Function(“new_user”,[‘username’,
            ‘password’], return_type=ourUser)

                     with this new method.
                     By declaring the database function to return the new user object, we both
                     insert our new record and get our working model in a single call.
                     And, since it’s already persisted to our database, any methods hanging on the
                     model that require database backing will still work.
                     Any single aspect goes wrong, and it all rolls back, just as it should.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                             51
How about Search?
            >>> search = ctx.Function(“user_search”,
            [‘content’], return_type=ourUser)
            >>> u = search(“content in their profile”)

                     A search method would even work great in this format - any
                     function that can generate the target object type is a great fit.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                 52
It’s all about good
              So far, everything that we’ve talked about has been discussing building good
              abstractions at the business logic level of our app - abstracting the
              underlying able design into views and stored procedures, as necessary.

              But this does overlook a single critical aspect of building good APIs, and that
              is Exceptions.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                        53
         By default, exceptions in plpgsql are very generic - a single
         exception type, with a text argument.

         While functional, this does not provide an abundance of
         manipulatable error types.

                   Stored Procedures get RAISE EXCEPTION

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                 54
         When this single exception type reaches the Python
         layer, psycopg2 will convert it into an InternalError -
         the string is preserved.

         This is somewhat useful, but,

                   In stored procedures, RAISE EXCEPTION

                   In Python, this becomes an InternalError

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                           55
Current Exceptions
                CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION except_test()
                RETURNS VOID AS $$
                                                      but, this is what we
                BEGIN                                 currently have to work
                                                      with from the DB.
                           RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test!';
                                                      Not all that useful,
                END;                                  right?

                $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;
                >>> c.Function("except_test")()
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                   ... <SNIP> ...
                psycopg2.InternalError: Test!

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                       56

                   In stored procedures, RAISE EXCEPTION

                   This becomes an InternalError

                   But what was it *really*?
        Unless you’re deeply adhering to a consistent style in your exception text - not always
        easily done - you’re going to end up with inconsistencies.

        Because of this, you’ll end up in a position where you’re parsing error strings, looking for
        specific errors. Not the best design practise.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                               57

                   Consistency of exception text
                                                   The first advantage that
                                                   Exceptable in Simpycity
                                                   brings is significantly more
                                                   consistent exception text -
                                                   allowing for Exceptable to
                                                   consistently parse and re-
                                                   raise exceptions.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                          58

                   Consistency of exception text

                   Simple DB API
                                                   Working with Exceptable at
                                                   the DB level is also incredibly
                                                   easy: there’s really only 2
                                                   queries that need to be

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                             59
                CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION except_test()
                RETURNS VOID AS $$
                           SELECT exceptable.raise(
                                                          Firstly, raising exceptions
                             ‘YourException’,             - easily handled, though
                                                          slightly more verbose
                                                          than a standard
                             ‘This is the Error Text’);   exception.

                $$ LANGUAGE SQL;

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                60
and in Python
                >>> c.Function("except_test")()
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                   ... <SNIP> ...
                psycopg2.InternalError: YourException::
                This is the Error Text

                                    This is what the
                                    error string looks
                                    like, now!

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                  61
Adding new
                your_database=> SELECT exceptable.register
                (‘YourException’,‘This is our custom
                exception!’, NULL);
                           The second aspect is adding new exceptions to the Exceptable
                           tables - without this, attempting to use an exception will
                           throw an error.

                           This is done solely so that, even though it’s not yet
                           implemented, Exceptable can introspect the exceptions table
                           and automatically generate exceptions.
                           It also allows for enforced consistency - Typos happen to even
                           the best of us.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                                    62

                   Consistency of exception text   All of this is trying to work
                                                   to bringing *good*
                                                   exceptions to the
                                                   application fabric - An
                   Simple DB API                   easily parsed exception
                                                   from the database, and the
                                                   Exceptable integration in
                   Good Application Exceptions     Simpycity means, we can
                                                   have first-class Python
                                                   exceptions from our stored
                                                   Here’s how:

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                           63
Register the
            >>> from simpycity.exceptions import base
            >>> class YourException(Exception):
            ...   pass
            >>> base.register(“YourException”,
                                  The syntax for registering a new exception
                                  at the Python layer is similar to the DB
                                  layer, with the first argument providing the
                                  same text value as the exception type in the
                                  The second argument is the class definition,
                                  and instances will be used any time your
                                  exception is raised from the database.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                         64
And then use it.
            >>> c.Function(“except_test”)()
              Traceback (most recent call last):
            ... SNIP ...
            YourException: This is the Error text

                                   And using it is identical to any other
                                   Python exception. Simple and easy.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                    65
PG Error Codes

                   But wait! 8.4 supports custom error codes!
                                                  A cool feature of 8.4 and
                                                  higher is the ability to raise an
                                                  exception inside a given error
                                                  code. There’s a large list of
                                                  error codes, and a sub-feature
                                                  of that is the ability to raise
                                                  custom error codes.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                              66
PG Error Codes

                   But wait! 8.4 supports custom error codes

                   But Exceptable doesn’t! (yet)   This is one of those features
                                                   that Exceptable *will* be
                                                   supporting, eventually.
                                                   Instead of using a regex to
                                                   map exceptions, exceptable
                                                   will just compare a list of pg
                                                   error codes - much simpler
                                                   to implement.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                            67
See! Custom!
            CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ex_test()
            RETURNS void
            AS $body$
               RAISE EXCEPTION 'testing'
                 USING ERRCODE= 'EX111';
            $body$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;

Saturday, March 27, 2010                           68
And the Python
            >>> try:
            ...   c.Function(“ex_test”)()
            ... except Exception, e:
            ...   print e.pgcode
            EX111                  And our ex111 exception gets properly
                                           propagated upwards, and Exceptable would
                                           be able to catch it and map it correctly.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                                               69
And, thus
                           A n y   Q u e s t i o n s ?

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                 70
Get it!
                              h t t p s : / /
              p r o j e c t s . c o m m a n d p r o m p t .
                  c o m / p u b l i c / s i m p y c i t y


                              h t t p s : / /
              p r o j e c t s . c o m m a n d p r o m p t .
                c o m / p u b l i c / e x c e p t a b l e

Saturday, March 27, 2010                                      71
And finally,
                            Thank you.

Saturday, March 27, 2010                 72

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Simpycity and Exceptable

  • 1. Simpycity and Exceptable A Q u e ry - F o c u s s e d D a t a b a s e A b s t r a c t i o n A u ry n n S h a w P o s t g r e S Q L E a s t , 2 0 1 0 Saturday, March 27, 2010 1
  • 2. What is Simpycity? Query Mapping library Saturday, March 27, 2010 2
  • 3. Whys and Wherefores Lowest level of our data design The humble table Saturday, March 27, 2010 3
  • 4. Whys and Wherefores This is our ideal - normalized, good natural keys, good constraints, minimal data duplication. The humble table Best possible relational representation Saturday, March 27, 2010 4
  • 5. Whys and Wherefores Are tables the best representation to model? The humble table Best possible relational representation Generally, ORMs model tables Saturday, March 27, 2010 5
  • 7. But wait... Objects aren’t like relations Saturday, March 27, 2010 7
  • 8. But wait... Objects encapsulate attributes, properties, methods, all the stuff that constitutes a single entity Objects aren’t like relations A single, coherent concept Saturday, March 27, 2010 8
  • 9. But wait... Proper normalization, users are a good example. Objects aren’t like relations A single, coherent concept Spanning multiple tables Saturday, March 27, 2010 9
  • 10. So... Why are we using ORMs to represent individual rows in our tables? Our objects aren’t relations. Saturday, March 27, 2010 10
  • 11. Data Modesty They are our physical data representation - the lowest abstraction we work with. Physical data Saturday, March 27, 2010 11
  • 12. Data Modesty Exposing your underlying tables means that you end up being locked to that representation - even if you don’t want to be. Physical data We argue this is an important reason for object abstractions, why Exposure is Commitment is it different for relational abstractions? Saturday, March 27, 2010 12
  • 13. Data Modesty What we should be doing is aiming for a logical representation of our data, as opposed to matching the Physical data physical representation. We use methods and Exposure is Commitment attributes on our objects to manipulate data, we Tables aren’t the logical interface don’t directly fiddle the private attributes. Saturday, March 27, 2010 13
  • 14. If we’re not modelling tables... What are we modelling? What should we be modelling? Saturday, March 27, 2010 14
  • 15. What is Simpycity? Why not queries? Queries are the mechanism by which we interact with the physical data layer, and queries bind multiple tables Query Mapping library together via JOIN, so, are they not a good representation for our business layer? Saturday, March 27, 2010 15
  • 16. What is Simpycity? The core is arbitrary methods invoking arbitrary queries, seamlessly and deliciously. Query Mapping library Methods invoke Queries Saturday, March 27, 2010 16
  • 17. How to work with Simpycity systems firstly, setting up the data connection And now, some Code Saturday, March 27, 2010 17
  • 18. And now, some Code >>> from simpycity.context import Context >>> ctx = Context(dsn=“dbname=‘foo’ username=‘bar’”) a Context is a single point from which all data constructs are derived - the DB connection can be committed and closed from this point. Saturday, March 27, 2010 18
  • 19. Basic Queries >>> i = ctx.Raw(“““SELECT * ... FROM users.user ... WHERE id = 1”””) ... >>> user = i() >>> user[‘id’] 1 Most absolutely basic usage of Simpycity’s Raw >>> datatype. Saturday, March 27, 2010 19
  • 20. Parameterized Queries >>> i = ctx.Raw(“““SELECT * ... FROM users.user ... WHERE id = %s”””, ... [‘id’]) ... >>> user = i(1) >>> user[‘id’] Parameterization - Methods suddenly look 1 like actual Python functions! >>> Saturday, March 27, 2010 20
  • 21. Parameterized Queries >>> i = ctx.Raw(“““SELECT * ... FROM users.user ... WHERE id = %s”””, ... [‘id’]) ... >>> user = i(1) >>> user[‘id’] Simpycity callables even 1 work with standard keyword >>> user = i(id=1) parameterization. >>> user[‘id’] 1 >>> Saturday, March 27, 2010 21
  • 22. Procedural Logic >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““get_user”””, [‘id’]) >>> user_positional = inst(1) >>> user_positional[‘id’] 1 >>> user_keyword = inst(id=1) >>> user_keyword[‘id’] 1 Functions work exactly the same - Same >>> arguments, syntax, and parameterization semantics. Saturday, March 27, 2010 22
  • 23. Positional and Keyword >>> i = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””, [‘id’,‘table’,‘schemaname’]) >>> rs = i(1, ‘some_table’, ‘public’) - OR - >>> rs = i(id=1, table=‘some_table’, schemaname=‘public’); - OR - >>> rs = i(schemaname=‘public’, id=1, table=‘some_table’); A huge advantage of Simpycity is treating the argument chain as positional or keyword arguments - Allowing your APIs to be indistinguishable from normal Python. Saturday, March 27, 2010 23
  • 25. Upshots You’re dealing with constructs that act and respond like a Python method should act and respond - It allows for a very consistent interface Running queries is calling a method. Saturday, March 27, 2010 25
  • 26. Upshots Instead of writing our queries using a half- assed badly- implemented subset of SQL, we write queries directly in SQL, and never have to worry about the query generator writing ridiculous queries. Instead, we write our Running queries is calling a method. own ridiculous queries. ;) Underlying DB is abstracted away Saturday, March 27, 2010 26
  • 27. Downsides Due to Simpycity’s current architecture, insert/update/delete statements aren’t really supported - it definitely expects to get something *Back* from the DB. Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure.. Saturday, March 27, 2010 27
  • 28. Downsides Simpycity’s queries also don’t have a concept of defaults, as yet - all arguments declared by the definition *must* be present in the call. Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure.. ..All arguments must be accounted for.. Saturday, March 27, 2010 28
  • 29. This won’t work. >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””, [‘id’,‘table’,‘schemaname’]) >>> item = inst(1, ‘some_table’) Traceback (most recent call last): .. <SNIP> .. Exception: Insufficient arguments: Expected 3, got 2 So this isn’t going to work. Saturday, March 27, 2010 29
  • 30. Or this. >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””, [‘id’,‘table’,‘schemaname’]) >>> item = inst(id=1, table=‘some_table’) Traceback (most recent call last): .. <SNIP> .. Exception: Insufficient arguments: Expected 3, got 2 Saturday, March 27, 2010 30
  • 31. Downsides Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure.. ..All arguments must be accounted for.. ..Big resultsets will be entirely pulled into memory.. Another disadvantage is running a query that has a lot of results will pull them *all* into memory, by default. This is a limitation of the underlying result set representation, for reasons I’ll get into in a moment. Saturday, March 27, 2010 31
  • 32. Downsides Simpycity doesn’t do *any* actual query generation - the most it will do is the select * from function. None of the more advanced query generation exists here. Insert/Update/Delete requires a procedure.. All arguments must be accounted for Big resultsets will be entirely pulled into memory .. And, you’ll be writing a lot of SQL... Saturday, March 27, 2010 32
  • 33. This is all it does >>> inst = ctx.Function(“““complex_get”””, [‘id’,‘table’,‘schemaname’]) Becomes SELECT * FROM complex_get(%s, %s, %s) Saturday, March 27, 2010 33
  • 34. SQL is programming - Upshots code. It’s as important as the rest of your application, and you’re better at writing it than a computer is. Even more, computers cannot extract semantic meaning from your relational design, and cannot Running queries is calling a method. build appropriate representations - only the programmer can. Underlying DB is abstracted away ...but you should be anyway. Saturday, March 27, 2010 34
  • 35. While the queries are useful on their own, they don’t really provide an easy way to manage data at an application level. For that, Applications! Saturday, March 27, 2010 35
  • 36. Applications! The reasoning behind that Need Logical Representations is that applications require logical abstractions that make sense from the application perspective - Saturday, March 27, 2010 36
  • 37. Applications! Need Logical Representations Business models! Divorcing us from the underlying table representations. Instead of modelling tables, we should be modelling *objects*, concepts that are complete unto themselves. Saturday, March 27, 2010 37
  • 38. Models in Simpycity Don’t model tables Models in Simpycity follow this logical chain - we don’t model the tables. Instead, we work to find what the best representation of a given object is, Saturday, March 27, 2010 38
  • 39. Models in Simpycity Don’t model tables Aligned towards application requirements the one that most clearly fits what the application itself requires, in terms of internal architecture and logical consistency. Instead of fighting to make relational concepts fit into objects, we should be making our objects accurately represent the concepts we need. Saturday, March 27, 2010 39
  • 40. Models in Simpycity Don’t model tables Aligned towards application requirements Still allow for Active Record-style manipulation At the same time, the Active Record pattern has a lot of useful concepts, like direct instancing and .save() on dirty objects. For these reasons, the model pattern that Simpycity uses is less Active Record, as we’re not modelling result sets, but more Saturday, March 27, 2010 40
  • 41. Active Object. Let’s have a look at how Simpycity handles Active Object. Active Object Saturday, March 27, 2010 41
  • 42. Basic Models >>> base = ctx.Model() - OR - >>> class base(ctx.Model()): ... pass First, we create a base class that all our models derive from - This allows us to add additional functionality on a global level to our application models. For instance, Vertically Challenged creates a base model with authentication tokens baked in. Saturday, March 27, 2010 42
  • 43. Basic Models >>> base = ctx.Model() >>> class ourUser(base): ... table = [“id”, “username”] Declaring the basic model - our instance, and the table declares what our internal attributes are. Note how we don’t really enforce data types - this just declares what the business object looks like. Saturday, March 27, 2010 43
  • 44. Basic Models base = ctx.Model() class ourUser(base): table = [“id”, “username”] __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’]) __load__ is the basic instancing mechanism in a Simpycity - under the covers, any arguments passed to the instancing of a new object will be passed to this function, and then mapped to the object’s attributes. Saturday, March 27, 2010 44
  • 45. Basic Models >>> base = ctx.Model() >>> class ourUser(base): ... table = [“id”, “username”] ... __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”, [‘id’]) From load, we instance our >>> u = ourUser(1) models just as if we were running the query directly - >>> only now, we have the model attributes available, that we 1 didn’t have before. >>> u.username “Test User” >>> Saturday, March 27, 2010 45
  • 46. Basic Models For instance, we can update the model with new values. But, they’re just a part of that particular model instance. They’re not persisted out to the database. >>> u = ourUser(1) Fortunately, Simpycity can deal with this, too: >>> 1 >>> u.username “Test User” >>> u.username = “PGEast Demo” >>> u.username “PGEast Demo” >>> Saturday, March 27, 2010 46
  • 47. Basic Models class ourUser(base): table = [“id”, “username”] __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’]) __save__ = ctx.Function(“save_user”, [‘id’,‘username’]) >>> u.username = “PG Demo” Coming back to our model, we’ve added >>> u.username another property - __save__. By declaring __save__ on our model, we “PG Demo” get access to the dynamic .save() method. >>> This method will take the current model’s state, test for any dirty values, and use >>> ctx.commit() the provided callable to save those values. The callable is allowed to be anything you like - it doesn’t have to be a Simpycity function. Saturday, March 27, 2010 47
  • 48. Basic Models class ourUser(base): table = [“id”, “username”, “password”] __load__ = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’]) __save__ = ctx.Function(“save_user”, [‘id’,‘username’]) delete = ctx.Function(“delete_user”, [‘id’]) Additionally, models need custom methods, and Simpycity covers that too - assigning a Simpycity function to an attribute will be automatically converted into a bound callable, and will map any arguments named in the table as that value. In this case, we’ve provided a delete method on the model, which Simpycity does not currently support, and anything else you can conceive works in this way. Saturday, March 27, 2010 48
  • 49. Other Instance Patterns So, at this point, we have a model that can be instanced, manipulated, and deleted, similar to a normal ORM. All we know about the underlying database is there’s a couple of functions, and what their arguments are. Unfortunately, we only have a single instancing mechanism. This works for limited cases, but is really lacking in flexibility. What we need is multiple instancing patterns, a variety of ways to pull data from the database. Simpycity can handle that, too - with a nifty little pattern. Saturday, March 27, 2010 49
  • 50. Other Instance Patterns class ourUser(base): ... # Remember the Code. by_id = ctx.Function(“get_user”,[‘id’], returns_type=base) by_username = ctx.Function(“get_user”, [‘username’], return_type=ourUser) Here, we’re stepping back to the core Raw and Function mechanisms, and passing a new argument, return_type. Return type takes the provided class and will map the results of the query to that object. If the query returned multiple rows, then you’ll get a normal list of objects, all correctly mapped. This functionality even allows for the easy creation of new generators, such as Saturday, March 27, 2010 50
  • 51. Newly Minted Objects class ourUser(base): ... # Code was here. new = ctx.Function(“new_user”,[‘username’, ‘password’], return_type=ourUser) with this new method. By declaring the database function to return the new user object, we both insert our new record and get our working model in a single call. And, since it’s already persisted to our database, any methods hanging on the model that require database backing will still work. Any single aspect goes wrong, and it all rolls back, just as it should. Saturday, March 27, 2010 51
  • 52. How about Search? >>> search = ctx.Function(“user_search”, [‘content’], return_type=ourUser) >>> u = search(“content in their profile”) >>> A search method would even work great in this format - any function that can generate the target object type is a great fit. Saturday, March 27, 2010 52
  • 53. It’s all about good abstractions So far, everything that we’ve talked about has been discussing building good abstractions at the business logic level of our app - abstracting the underlying able design into views and stored procedures, as necessary. But this does overlook a single critical aspect of building good APIs, and that is Exceptions. Saturday, March 27, 2010 53
  • 54. Exceptions By default, exceptions in plpgsql are very generic - a single exception type, with a text argument. While functional, this does not provide an abundance of manipulatable error types. Stored Procedures get RAISE EXCEPTION Saturday, March 27, 2010 54
  • 55. Exceptions When this single exception type reaches the Python layer, psycopg2 will convert it into an InternalError - the string is preserved. This is somewhat useful, but, In stored procedures, RAISE EXCEPTION In Python, this becomes an InternalError Saturday, March 27, 2010 55
  • 56. Current Exceptions CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION except_test() RETURNS VOID AS $$ but, this is what we BEGIN currently have to work with from the DB. RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test!'; Not all that useful, END; right? $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; >>> c.Function("except_test")() Traceback (most recent call last): ... <SNIP> ... psycopg2.InternalError: Test! Saturday, March 27, 2010 56
  • 57. Exceptions In stored procedures, RAISE EXCEPTION This becomes an InternalError But what was it *really*? Unless you’re deeply adhering to a consistent style in your exception text - not always easily done - you’re going to end up with inconsistencies. Because of this, you’ll end up in a position where you’re parsing error strings, looking for specific errors. Not the best design practise. Saturday, March 27, 2010 57
  • 58. Exceptable Consistency of exception text The first advantage that Exceptable in Simpycity brings is significantly more consistent exception text - allowing for Exceptable to consistently parse and re- raise exceptions. Saturday, March 27, 2010 58
  • 59. Exceptable Consistency of exception text Simple DB API Working with Exceptable at the DB level is also incredibly easy: there’s really only 2 queries that need to be remembered. Saturday, March 27, 2010 59
  • 60. Easy! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION except_test() RETURNS VOID AS $$ SELECT exceptable.raise( Firstly, raising exceptions ‘YourException’, - easily handled, though slightly more verbose than a standard ‘This is the Error Text’); exception. $$ LANGUAGE SQL; Saturday, March 27, 2010 60
  • 61. and in Python >>> c.Function("except_test")() Traceback (most recent call last): ... <SNIP> ... psycopg2.InternalError: YourException:: This is the Error Text This is what the error string looks like, now! Saturday, March 27, 2010 61
  • 62. Adding new Exceptions your_database=> SELECT exceptable.register (‘YourException’,‘This is our custom exception!’, NULL); register ---------- t The second aspect is adding new exceptions to the Exceptable tables - without this, attempting to use an exception will throw an error. This is done solely so that, even though it’s not yet implemented, Exceptable can introspect the exceptions table and automatically generate exceptions. It also allows for enforced consistency - Typos happen to even the best of us. Saturday, March 27, 2010 62
  • 63. Exceptable Consistency of exception text All of this is trying to work to bringing *good* exceptions to the application fabric - An Simple DB API easily parsed exception from the database, and the Exceptable integration in Good Application Exceptions Simpycity means, we can have first-class Python exceptions from our stored procedures. Here’s how: Saturday, March 27, 2010 63
  • 64. Register the Exception.. >>> from simpycity.exceptions import base >>> class YourException(Exception): ... pass ... >>> base.register(“YourException”, YourException) The syntax for registering a new exception at the Python layer is similar to the DB layer, with the first argument providing the same text value as the exception type in the DB. The second argument is the class definition, and instances will be used any time your exception is raised from the database. Saturday, March 27, 2010 64
  • 65. And then use it. >>> c.Function(“except_test”)() Traceback (most recent call last): ... SNIP ... YourException: This is the Error text And using it is identical to any other Python exception. Simple and easy. Saturday, March 27, 2010 65
  • 66. PG Error Codes But wait! 8.4 supports custom error codes! A cool feature of 8.4 and higher is the ability to raise an exception inside a given error code. There’s a large list of error codes, and a sub-feature of that is the ability to raise custom error codes. Saturday, March 27, 2010 66
  • 67. PG Error Codes But wait! 8.4 supports custom error codes But Exceptable doesn’t! (yet) This is one of those features that Exceptable *will* be supporting, eventually. Instead of using a regex to map exceptions, exceptable will just compare a list of pg error codes - much simpler to implement. Saturday, March 27, 2010 67
  • 68. See! Custom! CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ex_test() RETURNS void AS $body$ BEGIN RAISE EXCEPTION 'testing' USING ERRCODE= 'EX111'; END; $body$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; Saturday, March 27, 2010 68
  • 69. And the Python >>> try: ... c.Function(“ex_test”)() ... except Exception, e: ... print e.pgcode ... EX111 And our ex111 exception gets properly propagated upwards, and Exceptable would be able to catch it and map it correctly. Saturday, March 27, 2010 69
  • 70. And, thus A n y Q u e s t i o n s ? Saturday, March 27, 2010 70
  • 71. Get it! h t t p s : / / p r o j e c t s . c o m m a n d p r o m p t . c o m / p u b l i c / s i m p y c i t y and h t t p s : / / p r o j e c t s . c o m m a n d p r o m p t . c o m / p u b l i c / e x c e p t a b l e Saturday, March 27, 2010 71
  • 72. And finally, Thank you. Saturday, March 27, 2010 72