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pg proctab
Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL

Mark Wong
 Gabrielle Roth

      PGWest Seattle (JDCon) 2009

          Oct 16-18, 2009
Slides available on slideshare
Soooo . . .

   You can query the PostgreSQL system catalog tables (e.g.
   pg stat activity, pg stat all tables,
   pg stat all indexes) to find out which queries are taking a long
   time, which indexes are being scanned an unreasonable number of
   times, etc.

  portal=# SELECT datname, procpid, usename, current_query
  FROM pg_stat_activity;
  datname | procpid | usename |                   current_query
  portal |     5412 | markwkm | <IDLE>
  portal |     5437 | postgres | SELECT datname, procpid, usename, current_query
                               : FROM pg_stat_activity;
  (2 rows)
What if you want to know about the OS?

   pg proctab provides a collection of four C stored functions:
     ◮   pg cputime
     ◮   pg loadavg
     ◮   pg memusage
     ◮   pg proctab
What can do you with pg proctab?

    ◮   Query operating system process table
    ◮   Query operating system statistics
          ◮   Processor time
          ◮   Load averages
          ◮   Memory usage
    ◮   Without escaping out to a shell!
    ◮ generate reports about timeslices
pg cputime() Example

  FROM pg_cputime();

    user | nice | system |       idle    | iowait
   681317 | 109924 | 395481 | 1466101128 | 462661
  (1 row)
pg cputime() Column Description

  From Linux kernel source code at
  user: normal processes executing in user mode
  nice: niced processes executing in user mode
  system: processes executing in kernel mode
  idle: processes twiddling thumbs
  iowait: waiting for I/O to complete
pg loadavg() Example

  FROM pg_loadavg();

   load1 | load5 | load15 | last_pid
    0.99 | 0.78 |    0.67 |    27719
  (1 row)
pg loadavg() Column Description

  load1: load average of last minute
  load5: load average of last 5 minutes
  load15: load average of last 15 minutes
  last pid: last pid running
pg memusage() Example

  FROM pg_memusage();

   memused | memfree | memshared | membuffers | memcached | swapused | swapfree | swapcached
   3809140 | 224084 |          0 |      60656 |   2389700 |       76 | 8385844 |           0
  (1 row)
pg memusage() Column Description

  Paraphrased from Linux kernel source code at
  memused: Total physical RAM used
  memfree: Total physical RAM not used
  memshared: Not used, always 0. (I don’t remember why. . . )
  membuffers: Temporary storage for raw disk blocks
  memcached: In-memory cache for files read from disk
  swapused: Total swap space used
  swapfree: Memory evicted from RAM that is now temporary on
  swapcached: Memory that was swapped out, now swapped in but
  still in swap
pg proctab() Example 1

  SELECT datname, procpid, usesysid, usename, uid, username
  FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab()
  WHERE procpid = pid;

   datname | procpid | usesysid | usename | uid | username
   markwkm |   27801 |       10 | markwkm | 500 | markwkm
   dbt3    |   27787 |    16770 | postgres | 500 | markwkm
  (2 rows)
pg proctab() Example 2

  SELECT datname, procpid, processor, state, fullcomm
  FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab()
  WHERE procpid = pid;

   datname | procpid | processor | state |                 fullcomm
   markwkm |   27801 |         0 | R     | postgres: markwkm markwkm [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29325 |         3 | R     | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29327 |         0 | R     | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29333 |         3 | R     | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29328 |         2 | R     | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29329 |         0 | R     | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29324 |         3 | R     | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   29331 |         0 | R     | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT
   dbt3    |   27787 |         1 | S     | postgres: postgres dbt3 [local] idle
  (9 rows)
pg proctab() Partial Column Description

   Everything from the operating system such as /proc/<pid>/stat,
   /proc/<pid>/io and /proc/<pid>/cmdline as well as data
   from PostgreSQL system catalog such as pg stat activity table
   are available but we’ll only cover some of the fields here:
     ◮   pid
     ◮   comm - filename of the executable
     ◮   fullcomm (/proc/<pid>/cmdline)
     ◮   uid
     ◮   username
     ◮   utime - user mode jiffies
     ◮   stime - kernel mode jiffies
pg proctab() Partial Column Description (cont.)

     ◮    vsize - virtual memory size
     ◮    rss - resident set memory size
     ◮    syscr - number of read I/O operations
     ◮    syscw - number of write I/O operations
     ◮    reads - number of bytes which this process really did cause to
          be fetched from the storage layer
     ◮    writes - number of bytes which this process really did cause to
          be sent from the storage layer
     ◮    cwrites - number of bytes which this process caused to not
          happen, by truncating pagecache
__      __     /                    
         / ~~~/  . o O | Let’s try something |
   ,----(      oo    )   | more useful.         |
  /      __      __/                        /
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-"
__      __     /                      
         / ~~~/  . o O | Measuring performance |
   ,----(      oo    )   | of a query.            |
  /      __      __/                          /
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-"
(You can find the following examples in the pg proctab contrib
Create snapshot tables.

   (Only need to do this once.)

   i create-ps_procstat-tables.sql
Identify yourself.

   FROM pg_backend_pid();

   (1 row)
Take a snapshot before running the query

   i ps_procstat-snap.sql


   (1 row)

Execute the query

   Don’t focus too much on the actual query, the idea is that is you
   want to collect statistics for a single query:
   SELECT   nation,
            Sum(amount) AS sum_profit
   FROM     (SELECT n_name                                                          AS nation,
                    Extract(YEAR FROM o_orderdate)                                  AS o_year,
                    l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity AS amount
             FROM   part,
             WHERE s_suppkey = l_suppkey
             AND ps_suppkey = l_suppkey
             AND ps_partkey = l_partkey
             AND p_partkey = l_partkey
             AND o_orderkey = l_orderkey
             AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey
             AND p_name LIKE ’%white%’) AS profit
   GROUP BY nation,
   ORDER BY nation,
            o_year DESC;
Take a snapshot after running the query

   i ps_procstat-snap.sql


   (1 row)

Calculate Processor Utilization

   $ ./ [pid] [before] [after]

   $ ./ 4590 1 2
   Processor Utilization = 1.00 %

   What’s going on (partially):
   SELECT stime, utime, stime + utime AS total,
          extract(epoch FROM time)
   FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b
   WHERE pid = ${PID}
     AND a.snap = b.snap
     AND a.snap = ${SNAP1}

   TIMEDIFF=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TIME2} - ${TIME1}) * ${HZ}" | bc -l‘
   U=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TOTAL2} - ${TOTAL1}) / ${TIMEDIFF} * 100" | bc -l‘
Calculate Disk Utilization

   $ ./ 4590 1 2
   Reads = 276981
   Writes = 63803
   Reads (Bytes) = 2164604928
   Writes (Bytes) = 508166144
   Cancelled (Bytes) = 36880384

   SELECT syscr, syscw, reads, writes, cwrites
   FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b
   WHERE pid = ${PID}
     AND a.snap = b.snap
     AND a.snap = ${SNAP1}

   TIMEDIFF=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TIME2} - ${TIME1}) * ${HZ}" | bc -l‘
   U=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TOTAL2} - ${TOTAL1}) / ${TIMEDIFF} * 100" | bc -l‘
__      __     /                
         / ~~~/  . o O | Creating Custom |
   ,----(      oo    )   | Reports!         |
  /      __      __/                    /
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-"
__      __     /                       
         / ~~~/  . o O | Warning! Too much data |
   ,----(      oo    )   | to fit on screen!       |
  /      __      __/                           /
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-"
Creating Reports: Section 1

   Database       : dbt3
   Snapshot Start : 2009-04-18 00:43:56.716034-07
   Snapshot End   : 2009-04-18 00:45:17.031167-07

   Database Statistics
   Commits     : 0
   Rollbacks   : 2
   Blocks Read : 213295
   Blocks Hit : 1679509
Creating Reports: Section 2
   Table Statistics
   ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- --------
   Schema.Relation                            Seq Scan Seq Tup Read Idx Scan Idx Tup Fetch N Tup Ins N Tup Up
   ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- --------
   information_schema.sql_features                   0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_implementation_info        0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_languages                  0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_packages                   0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_parts                      0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_sizing                     0            0        0             0         0
   information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles            0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_aggregate                           0            0        2             2         0
   pg_catalog.pg_am                                  1            1        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_amop                                0            0       19            46         0
   pg_catalog.pg_amproc                              0            0       11            11         0
   pg_catalog.pg_attrdef                             0            0        1             2         0
   pg_catalog.pg_attribute                           0            0      137           331         0
   pg_catalog.pg_auth_members                        0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_authid                              3            2        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum                          0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_cast                                0            0      160            51         0
   pg_catalog.pg_class                               3          747      101            88         0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint                          0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_conversion                          0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_database                            5           12        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_depend                              0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_description                         0            0        0             0         0
   pg_catalog.pg_index                               2          200       39            50         0

Creating Reports: Section 2 - Falling off the right side...

     ◮   N Tup Upd
     ◮   N Tup Del
     ◮   Last Vacuum
     ◮   Last Autovacuum
     ◮   Last Analyze
     ◮   Last Autoanalyze
Creating Reports: Section 3
   Index Statistics
   ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------------
   Schema.Relation.Index                                        Idx Scan Idx Tup Read Idx Tup Fetch
   ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------------
   pg_catalog.pg_aggregate.pg_aggregate_fnoid_index                    2            2             2
   pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_name_index                                   0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_oid_index                                    0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opc_strat_index                         12           36            36
   pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opr_opc_index                            7           10            10
   pg_catalog.pg_amproc.pg_amproc_opc_proc_index                      11           11            11
   pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index                1            2             2
   pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_oid_index                          0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index             0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index           137          331           331
   pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_member_role_index        0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_role_member_index        0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_oid_index                            0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_rolname_index                        0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum.pg_autovacuum_vacrelid_index               0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_oid_index                                0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_source_target_index                    160           51            51
   pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_oid_index                             71           71            71
   pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_relname_nsp_index                     30           17            17
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index            0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conrelid_index               0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_contypid_index               0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_oid_index                    0            0             0
   pg_catalog.pg_conversion.pg_conversion_default_index                0            0             0

What else can we do with pg proctab?

   Enable pg top to monitor remote databases by providing access to
   the database system’s operating system process table.
pg top
__      __
         / ~~~/  . o O ( Thank you! )
   ,----(      oo    )
  /      __      __/
 /|          ( |(
^    /___ / |
   |__|   |__|-"
. . . the fine print . . .

      ◮   Linux-only
      ◮   Developed on 8.3; still works on 8.4
      ◮   Download it from:

      ◮   Change it:
          git clone
      ◮   Patches welcome! We’ll be in the (Sn—H)ackers’ Lounge!

  Haley Jane Wakenshaw

            __      __
           / ~~~/ 
     ,----(      oo    )
    /      __      __/
   /|          ( |(
  ^    /___ / |
     |__|   |__|-"

   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
   Unported License. To view a copy of this license, (a) visit; or, (b)
   send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San
   Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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pg_proctab: Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL

  • 1. pg proctab Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL Mark Wong Gabrielle Roth PGWest Seattle (JDCon) 2009 Oct 16-18, 2009
  • 2. Slides available on slideshare
  • 3. Soooo . . . You can query the PostgreSQL system catalog tables (e.g. pg stat activity, pg stat all tables, pg stat all indexes) to find out which queries are taking a long time, which indexes are being scanned an unreasonable number of times, etc.
  • 4. Example: portal=# SELECT datname, procpid, usename, current_query FROM pg_stat_activity; datname | procpid | usename | current_query ---------+---------+----------+------------------------------------------------- portal | 5412 | markwkm | <IDLE> portal | 5437 | postgres | SELECT datname, procpid, usename, current_query : FROM pg_stat_activity; (2 rows)
  • 5. What if you want to know about the OS? pg proctab provides a collection of four C stored functions: ◮ pg cputime ◮ pg loadavg ◮ pg memusage ◮ pg proctab
  • 6. What can do you with pg proctab? ◮ Query operating system process table ◮ Query operating system statistics ◮ Processor time ◮ Load averages ◮ Memory usage ◮ Without escaping out to a shell! ◮ generate reports about timeslices
  • 7. pg cputime() Example SELECT * FROM pg_cputime(); user | nice | system | idle | iowait --------+--------+--------+------------+-------- 681317 | 109924 | 395481 | 1466101128 | 462661 (1 row)
  • 8. pg cputime() Column Description From Linux kernel source code at Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt: user: normal processes executing in user mode nice: niced processes executing in user mode system: processes executing in kernel mode idle: processes twiddling thumbs iowait: waiting for I/O to complete
  • 9. pg loadavg() Example SELECT * FROM pg_loadavg(); load1 | load5 | load15 | last_pid -------+-------+--------+---------- 0.99 | 0.78 | 0.67 | 27719 (1 row)
  • 10. pg loadavg() Column Description load1: load average of last minute load5: load average of last 5 minutes load15: load average of last 15 minutes last pid: last pid running
  • 11. pg memusage() Example SELECT * FROM pg_memusage(); memused | memfree | memshared | membuffers | memcached | swapused | swapfree | swapcached ---------+---------+-----------+------------+-----------+----------+----------+------------ 3809140 | 224084 | 0 | 60656 | 2389700 | 76 | 8385844 | 0 (1 row)
  • 12. pg memusage() Column Description Paraphrased from Linux kernel source code at Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt: memused: Total physical RAM used memfree: Total physical RAM not used memshared: Not used, always 0. (I don’t remember why. . . ) membuffers: Temporary storage for raw disk blocks memcached: In-memory cache for files read from disk swapused: Total swap space used swapfree: Memory evicted from RAM that is now temporary on disk swapcached: Memory that was swapped out, now swapped in but still in swap
  • 13. pg proctab() Example 1 SELECT datname, procpid, usesysid, usename, uid, username FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab() WHERE procpid = pid; datname | procpid | usesysid | usename | uid | username ---------+---------+----------+----------+-----+---------- markwkm | 27801 | 10 | markwkm | 500 | markwkm dbt3 | 27787 | 16770 | postgres | 500 | markwkm (2 rows)
  • 14. pg proctab() Example 2 SELECT datname, procpid, processor, state, fullcomm FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab() WHERE procpid = pid; datname | procpid | processor | state | fullcomm ---------+---------+-----------+-------+------------------------------------------ markwkm | 27801 | 0 | R | postgres: markwkm markwkm [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29325 | 3 | R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29327 | 0 | R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29333 | 3 | R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29328 | 2 | R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29329 | 0 | R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29324 | 3 | R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 29331 | 0 | R | postgres: markwkm dbt3 [local] SELECT dbt3 | 27787 | 1 | S | postgres: postgres dbt3 [local] idle (9 rows)
  • 15. pg proctab() Partial Column Description Everything from the operating system such as /proc/<pid>/stat, /proc/<pid>/io and /proc/<pid>/cmdline as well as data from PostgreSQL system catalog such as pg stat activity table are available but we’ll only cover some of the fields here: Informative: ◮ pid ◮ comm - filename of the executable ◮ fullcomm (/proc/<pid>/cmdline) ◮ uid ◮ username Processor: ◮ utime - user mode jiffies ◮ stime - kernel mode jiffies ...
  • 16. pg proctab() Partial Column Description (cont.) Memory: ◮ vsize - virtual memory size ◮ rss - resident set memory size I/O: ◮ syscr - number of read I/O operations ◮ syscw - number of write I/O operations ◮ reads - number of bytes which this process really did cause to be fetched from the storage layer ◮ writes - number of bytes which this process really did cause to be sent from the storage layer ◮ cwrites - number of bytes which this process caused to not happen, by truncating pagecache
  • 17. __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Let’s try something | ,----( oo ) | more useful. | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-"
  • 18. __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Measuring performance | ,----( oo ) | of a query. | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-"
  • 19. (You can find the following examples in the pg proctab contrib directory.)
  • 20. Create snapshot tables. (Only need to do this once.) i create-ps_procstat-tables.sql
  • 21. Identify yourself. SELECT * FROM pg_backend_pid(); pg_backend_pid ---------------- 4590 (1 row)
  • 22. Take a snapshot before running the query i ps_procstat-snap.sql BEGIN ps_snap_stats --------------- 1 (1 row) COMMIT
  • 23. Execute the query Don’t focus too much on the actual query, the idea is that is you want to collect statistics for a single query: SELECT nation, o_year, Sum(amount) AS sum_profit FROM (SELECT n_name AS nation, Extract(YEAR FROM o_orderdate) AS o_year, l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity AS amount FROM part, supplier, lineitem, partsupp, orders, nation WHERE s_suppkey = l_suppkey AND ps_suppkey = l_suppkey AND ps_partkey = l_partkey AND p_partkey = l_partkey AND o_orderkey = l_orderkey AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey AND p_name LIKE ’%white%’) AS profit GROUP BY nation, o_year ORDER BY nation, o_year DESC;
  • 24. Take a snapshot after running the query i ps_procstat-snap.sql BEGIN ps_snap_stats --------------- 2 (1 row) COMMIT
  • 25. Calculate Processor Utilization $ ./ [pid] [before] [after] $ ./ 4590 1 2 Processor Utilization = 1.00 % What’s going on (partially): SELECT stime, utime, stime + utime AS total, extract(epoch FROM time) FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b WHERE pid = ${PID} AND a.snap = b.snap AND a.snap = ${SNAP1} TIMEDIFF=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TIME2} - ${TIME1}) * ${HZ}" | bc -l‘ U=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TOTAL2} - ${TOTAL1}) / ${TIMEDIFF} * 100" | bc -l‘
  • 26. Calculate Disk Utilization $ ./ 4590 1 2 Reads = 276981 Writes = 63803 Reads (Bytes) = 2164604928 Writes (Bytes) = 508166144 Cancelled (Bytes) = 36880384 SELECT syscr, syscw, reads, writes, cwrites FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b WHERE pid = ${PID} AND a.snap = b.snap AND a.snap = ${SNAP1} TIMEDIFF=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TIME2} - ${TIME1}) * ${HZ}" | bc -l‘ U=‘echo "scale = 2; (${TOTAL2} - ${TOTAL1}) / ${TIMEDIFF} * 100" | bc -l‘
  • 27. __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Creating Custom | ,----( oo ) | Reports! | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-"
  • 28. __ __ / / ~~~/ . o O | Warning! Too much data | ,----( oo ) | to fit on screen! | / __ __/ / /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-"
  • 29. Creating Reports: Section 1 Database : dbt3 Snapshot Start : 2009-04-18 00:43:56.716034-07 Snapshot End : 2009-04-18 00:45:17.031167-07 ------------------- Database Statistics ------------------- Commits : 0 Rollbacks : 2 Blocks Read : 213295 Blocks Hit : 1679509
  • 30. Creating Reports: Section 2 ================ Table Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- -------- Schema.Relation Seq Scan Seq Tup Read Idx Scan Idx Tup Fetch N Tup Ins N Tup Up ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- -------- information_schema.sql_features 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_implementation_info 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_languages 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_packages 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_parts 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_sizing 0 0 0 0 0 information_schema.sql_sizing_profiles 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_aggregate 0 0 2 2 0 pg_catalog.pg_am 1 1 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_amop 0 0 19 46 0 pg_catalog.pg_amproc 0 0 11 11 0 pg_catalog.pg_attrdef 0 0 1 2 0 pg_catalog.pg_attribute 0 0 137 331 0 pg_catalog.pg_auth_members 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_authid 3 2 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_cast 0 0 160 51 0 pg_catalog.pg_class 3 747 101 88 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_conversion 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_database 5 12 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_depend 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_description 0 0 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_index 2 200 39 50 0 ...
  • 31. Creating Reports: Section 2 - Falling off the right side... ◮ N Tup Upd ◮ N Tup Del ◮ Last Vacuum ◮ Last Autovacuum ◮ Last Analyze ◮ Last Autoanalyze
  • 32. Creating Reports: Section 3 ================ Index Statistics ================ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------- Schema.Relation.Index Idx Scan Idx Tup Read Idx Tup Fetch ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ ------------- pg_catalog.pg_aggregate.pg_aggregate_fnoid_index 2 2 2 pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_name_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_am.pg_am_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opc_strat_index 12 36 36 pg_catalog.pg_amop.pg_amop_opr_opc_index 7 10 10 pg_catalog.pg_amproc.pg_amproc_opc_proc_index 11 11 11 pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index 1 2 2 pg_catalog.pg_attrdef.pg_attrdef_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_attribute.pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index 137 331 331 pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_member_role_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_auth_members.pg_auth_members_role_member_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_authid.pg_authid_rolname_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum.pg_autovacuum_vacrelid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_cast.pg_cast_source_target_index 160 51 51 pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_oid_index 71 71 71 pg_catalog.pg_class.pg_class_relname_nsp_index 30 17 17 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_conrelid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_contypid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_constraint.pg_constraint_oid_index 0 0 0 pg_catalog.pg_conversion.pg_conversion_default_index 0 0 0 ...
  • 33. What else can we do with pg proctab? Enable pg top to monitor remote databases by providing access to the database system’s operating system process table.
  • 35. __ __ / ~~~/ . o O ( Thank you! ) ,----( oo ) / __ __/ /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-"
  • 36. . . . the fine print . . . ◮ Linux-only ◮ Developed on 8.3; still works on 8.4 ◮ Download it from: ◮ Change it: git clone git:// ◮ Patches welcome! We’ll be in the (Sn—H)ackers’ Lounge!
  • 37. Acknowledgements Haley Jane Wakenshaw __ __ / ~~~/ ,----( oo ) / __ __/ /| ( |( ^ /___ / | |__| |__|-"
  • 38. License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, (a) visit; or, (b) send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.