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Kitab Raja-Raja dan figur Salomo
dan proyek mercusuar kerajaan
Israel Raya
Sesi 10
Albertus Purnomo, OFM (SSL)
Judul dan Isi
A.Manuskrip Yunani awal PL (SEPTUAGINTA)
menggabungkan Kitab Samuel dan Raja dengan
nama Kerajaan (Basileiai): 1 & 2 Samuel = 1 &
2 Kerajaan; 1 & 2 Raja = 3 & 4 Kerajaan
B.Tanakh = kitab raja-raja awalnya satu kitab
berjudul (mlkm) dan kemudian dipecah menjadi
dua (1 Raja dan 2 Raja) dengan alasan terlalu
C. Terjemahan Indonesia mengadopsi empat kitab
seperti LXX tetapi dengan judul menurut Tanakh: 1 &
2 Samuel dan 1 & 2 Raja
D. Periode Israel di bawah seorang raja
1 Raja – Salomo dan Kerajaan yang terbagi
2. Raja – hancurnya kerajaan Israel dan Yehuda
1 Raja dalam Tanakh: satu dari
kitab para Nabi
Kitab terakhir dari Nabi-nabi awal (Former Prophet)
(Yosua sampai Raja)
Labeling them as prophetic rather than historical
suggests that these books are primarily theological in
nature rather than annalistic.
 Classification of the Prophets: The prophets may be
identified within three basic categories (1) pre-
monarchy, (2) pre-classical, (3) classical--
Pre-classical : Mouthpiece-adviser King and court Military
advice, Pronounce-ment of rebuke or blessing  Nathan,
Elijah, Elisha
LXX (Kanon Kristiani), satu dari kitab
As with the Greek Septuagint (LXX) 1 & 2 Kings
are grouped along with the twelve historical
books (Joshua to Esther).
As Walton and Hill write, “the books share a
prophetic view of history in which cause and
effect are tied to the blessings and cursings of
the covenant.”
Sumber-sumber yang
dipakai dalam kitab
A. Those which are specifically
1. The Book of Acts of Solomon (1 Kings 11:41)
2. The Book of the Chronicles/Annals of the Kings
of Israel (mentioned seventeen times in 1 Kings
14:29--2 Kings 15:31)
3. The Book of the Chronicles/Annals of the Kings
of Judah (1 Kings 15:23)
B. Those which are not specifically mentioned, but
are proposed by some:
1. The Succession Narrative or Court Memoirs/History of
David 1 Kings 1:1--2:11
2. An Elijah-Elisha Prophetic Cycle with the House of Ahab
(1 Kings 16:29--2 Kings 13)
3. An Isaiah Source (2 Kings 18:13--20:19)
4. An independent Prophetic Source
5. Two concluding Historical Abstracts (2 Kings 25:22-26,
Outline isi kitab Raja-Raja
The Book of Kings may be divided into four sections:
(1) the last years of David and Solomon’s succession to
the throne (I Kings, chapter 1, to chapter 2, verse 11);
(2) the reign of Solomon (I Kings, chapter 2, verse 12, to
chapter 11, verse 43);
(3) the beginning of the divided monarchy to the fall of
Israel (I Kings, chapter 12, to II Kings, chapter 17); and
(4) the last years of Judah (II Kings, chapters 18–25).
538/539 B.C.
1. The last event recorded in 2 Kings 25:27-30 is the release of
Jehoichin from prison during the thirty-seventh year of his
imprisonment (560 B.C. [597 B.C. minus 37 years of captivity =
560 B.C.]). This marks the earliest date that Kings could have
been completed.
2. Since there is no mention of a return to Jerusalem after the
captivity, it is probable that the book was written before that
event in 538/539 B.C. This marks the latest date that Kings
could have been written.
This material covers a period from the end of David's reign
(c. 970 B.C.) to the captivity of Israel (587/586 B.C.) and then
the release of Jehoiachin (560 B.C.).
V. Struktur Sastra
dalam kitab Raja-Raja
A. For the most part 1--2 Kings is in chronological
order from the rise of Solomon to the fall of Jerusalem
B. Some parts of Kings are thematic:
1. The summary account of Solomon's administration (1
Kings 4)
2. The overview of Solomon's architectural
achievements (1 Kings 5:1--7:12
3. Events related to Jeroboam I and Hezekiah (1 Kings
13; 14:1-20; 2 Kings 18:7--19:37; 20)
4. The prophetic ministries of Elijah and Elisha (1
Kings 17--2 Kings 8:15)
C. The formulaic structure
cof the kings accounts
1. The Judahite Kingship [1 Raja 15:1-8] – Raja-
raja Yehuda.
a. Introduction of the kings:
1) By name
2) Name of the king's father
3) Report of the kings accession (usually
synchronized with the reign of his Israelite
b. Biographical information is given:
1) The king's age at accession
2) The length of the king's reign
3) The name of the queen mother
4) Jerusalem as the capital of the king
5) An evaluation of the king's moral character and
spiritual leadership
c. Closing Information:
1) Identification of additional sources
documenting information about the kings reign
2) A death and burial statement
3) An announcement of the king's successor
2. Israelite Kings [1 raja 15:25-32]
a. Basically the same as above
b. In the biographical information the following
changes were made:
1) The royal city was usually Samaria
2) The name of the queen mother was
usually omitted
3. Placed within a king's reign were placed:
a. Prophetic speeches (1 Kings 18:20-29)
b. Direct discourse (2 Kings 18:19-27)
c. Wisdom sayings (1 Kings 20:11; 2
Kings 14:9)
d. Poetic materials (1 Kings 22:17; 2
Kings 19:21-28)
literary genre: The Books of Kings
a. The author relates the facts in a narrative-annalistic
b. The author attempts to give a balanced account of the
general activities that characterized the outworking of the
divine covenant in Israel's first kingdom period.
c. The author gives attention to the royal and prophetic
elements of the Kingdom
d. The author is interested in the Kings of Israel and
e. The kings are evaluated by the Mosaic law
A. To complete the written history of
Hebrew kingship as a sequel to the
books of Samuel
B. To show the repeated, divine
reasons for the fall of the Jewish
C. To relate the history of the
Hebrew united and divided
monarchies in their 'covenant failure
D. To legitimize the Davidic dynasty through
the agency of the prophetic office because
the kingship covenant previously announced
by Nathan sanctioned the tribe of Judah and
the family of David as rightful heirs to the
Hebrew throne.
E. To warn the kings and the people of the
consequence of covenant disobedience
F. To demonstrate that the one who
was to fulfill the promise to David in 2
Samuel 7 had not yet arrived since
none of the kings who followed David
were greater than David
G. To provide hope for Israel through
the two historical appendicies that God
would yet fulfill his promise to the
house of David
Pokok pembahasan
Suksesi pemerintahan dari Daud ke Salomo, konflik dalam
Politik ‘Machiavelli’ ala Salomo
Kerajaan Israel Raya di bawah Salomo (United Kingdom of
Kejayaan Israel Raya
Keruntuhan Israel Raya
Karakter Salomo: sebuah studi
Suksesi pemerintahan dari Daud
ke Salomo, konflik dalam
The succession of Solomon to the throne
I Kings (chapters 1 and 2) continues the
story of David and the struggle for the
succession of his throne.
The sides were drawn between Adonijah,
David’s eldest living son, and Solomon,
the son of David and Bathsheba.
Supporting Adonijah were the “old guard”—the general Joab and
the priest Abiathar—and supporting Solomon were the priest
Zadok, the prophet Nathan, and the captain of David’s bodyguard,
With David close to death, Adonijah prepared to seize control of
the kingdom; Nathan, however, requested Bathsheba to go to
David and persuade David to proclaim Solomon the next monarch.
Following the advice of Nathan, David then appointed Solomon
the heir to his throne; and Zadok the priest and Nathan the
prophet anointed the son of Bathsheba king in Gihon.
Politik ‘Machiavelli’ ala Salomo
After David died, however, Adonijah attempted to regain
some semblance of prestige by asking Solomon to give
him Abishag, a young Shunammite woman who had been
given to David in his old age, as his wife.
To this request Solomon answered by ordering Adonijah’s
execution, which Benaiah carried out. Solomon also
ordered the execution of the old general Joab for having
killed Abner and Amasa years earlier as a loyal supporter
of David, an execution again carried out by Benaiah, who
also executed Shimei, a man who had cursed David a
long time earlier.
Prior to these executions, which David—before he
had died—had requested of Solomon, the new
king banished the priest Abiathar of the house of
Eli to Anathoth, an act that confirmed the position
of Zadok as the principal priest of Jerusalem.
Kerajaan Israel Raya di
bawah Salomo (United
Kingdom of Israel)
The reign of Solomon
David had reigned from about 1000 to 962 BCE, a period
in which he consolidated a federation of tribes that had
been united under the charismatic leadership of Saul, who
had reigned for about two decades before David began to
construct his minor empire.
Solomon, who inherited a strong monarchy, reigned for 40
years. His reputation as a monarch centred about his great
wisdom (chapter 3), his reorganization of the
administrative bureaucracy (chapter 4), and his building of
the magnificent Temple (chapters 3–8).
Though two sons of the prophet Nathan served
Solomon, one as a court official and another as a
priest, the prophetic movement apparently was little
encouraged by the united monarchy’s third king.
Konsolidasi kekuasaan
To secure diplomatic and commercial treaties, Solomon
contracted marriage with various princesses—who
brought with them their native deities.
Perkawinan dengan Puteri Firaun (3:1)
a large harem of foreign princesses was acquired,
sealing relations with other states; 700 isteri, 300
gundik (1 Raj 11:3)
Kebijaksanaan Salomo 1 Raja 3
Salomo muda sangat
Pengalaman Teofani
kebijaksanaan kepada
Ensiklopedi berjalan (5,9-14)
Anugerah Allah: 9
Kebijaksanaannya melebihi segala ahli : 10-11
Amsal dan musik (12)
Botanika (13a)
Kebijaksanaannya terkenal di berbagai bangsa. 14
Salomo sebagai administrator
Kabinet Salomo [pejabat tinggi] (1 Raja 4:1-6)
Administrator ekonomi Salomo (1 Raja 4:7-28): The country
was divided into 12 districts for administrative, supply, and
taxation purposes.
Keagungan, kebesaran dan kebijaksanaan Salomo (1 Raja
Salomo sebagai pembangun
Bait Allah dan Istana
1 Raja 5:1-9:25
Bukti kejayaaan sebuah kerajaan: Bait Allah dan
istana yang megah
Proyek mencusuar Salomo
Salomo sebagai pedagang
Daud mengamankan batas dan wilayah dengan kekuatan
militer, Salomo dengan perjanjian perdagangan.
Pelabuhan Laut (1 Raja 9: 26-28) di Ezion-geber at teluk
Aqaba di Laut Merah.
Kekayaan Salomo (1 Raja 10: 14-25) dari aktivitas
komersial (catatan dalam Alkitab, terlalu dibesar-besarkan)
Pasukan dan kereta perang Salomo (1 Raja 10: 26-29):
1400 kereta perang dan 12.000 kuda (diimpor dari negara
Keruntuhan Israel
Penyembahan berhala (11,1-
Penyebab: perempuan (asing ): 1-4
Kultus terhadap dewa dewi asing: 5-8
Reaksi dari Allah: 9-13
Hukuman: hilangnya kerajaan: 11
Setelah kematiannya (rehabeam): 12
Kerajaan Salomo lenyap dan pecah menjadi dua: 13
Isteri asing
Melanggar larangan TUHAN
(Mazhab Deuteronomistis) (Ul.
7:3-4, bdk. Kel. 34:11-16; Yos.
Mengawini isteri asing harus
menyediakan kuil untuk dewa-
dewi mereka. Yerusalem
menjadi semacam pantheon.
Berefek kepada ketidaksetiaan
pada Yahweh.
Kerja Rodi dan
Sebagai anak dari Harem, Salomo tidak berkontak
dengan masyrakat luar
Menerapkan kerja rodi atau kerja paksa untuk proyek-
proyek besarnya.
Politik yang tidak popular ini menimbulkan pemberontakan
internal maupun external.
Aram dan Edom memberontak
Suku-suku Israel Utara memberontak.
Kerajaan pecah setelah kematian Salomo
Pemberontakan Yerobeam
Pemberontakan Yerobeam (1 raja 12)
Kerajaan Israel Raya adalah kontrak di antara
dua kelompok besar, suku-suku Utara dan
Kegagalan Salomo dalam memerintah secara
bijak, menghapus kontrak yang ada.
Catatan akhir
Salomo muda menjalankan pemerintahan yang adil.
Ensiklopedia kebijaksanaan.
Pembangun handal: Bait Allah dan Istana.
Salomo tua: Kehilangan kebijaksanaan membuatnya jatuh kedalam
penyembahan berhala dan menyebabkan bencana politis di
Daud dibesarkan dalam tantangan dan perjuangan, Salomo
dibesarkan dalam kenyamanan istana. Dua tipikal figur yang berbeda.

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Sesi 10. Kitab Raja-Raja dan figur Salomo dan proyek mercusuar kerajaan Israel Raya.pptx

  • 1. Kitab Raja-Raja dan figur Salomo dan proyek mercusuar kerajaan Israel Raya Sesi 10 Albertus Purnomo, OFM (SSL)
  • 4. Judul dan Isi A.Manuskrip Yunani awal PL (SEPTUAGINTA) menggabungkan Kitab Samuel dan Raja dengan nama Kerajaan (Basileiai): 1 & 2 Samuel = 1 & 2 Kerajaan; 1 & 2 Raja = 3 & 4 Kerajaan B.Tanakh = kitab raja-raja awalnya satu kitab berjudul (mlkm) dan kemudian dipecah menjadi dua (1 Raja dan 2 Raja) dengan alasan terlalu panjang.
  • 5. C. Terjemahan Indonesia mengadopsi empat kitab seperti LXX tetapi dengan judul menurut Tanakh: 1 & 2 Samuel dan 1 & 2 Raja D. Periode Israel di bawah seorang raja 1 Raja – Salomo dan Kerajaan yang terbagi 2. Raja – hancurnya kerajaan Israel dan Yehuda
  • 6. 1 Raja dalam Tanakh: satu dari kitab para Nabi Kitab terakhir dari Nabi-nabi awal (Former Prophet) (Yosua sampai Raja) Labeling them as prophetic rather than historical suggests that these books are primarily theological in nature rather than annalistic.  Classification of the Prophets: The prophets may be identified within three basic categories (1) pre- monarchy, (2) pre-classical, (3) classical-- Pre-classical : Mouthpiece-adviser King and court Military advice, Pronounce-ment of rebuke or blessing  Nathan, Elijah, Elisha
  • 7. LXX (Kanon Kristiani), satu dari kitab Sejarah As with the Greek Septuagint (LXX) 1 & 2 Kings are grouped along with the twelve historical books (Joshua to Esther). As Walton and Hill write, “the books share a prophetic view of history in which cause and effect are tied to the blessings and cursings of the covenant.”
  • 9. A. Those which are specifically mentioned: 1. The Book of Acts of Solomon (1 Kings 11:41) 2. The Book of the Chronicles/Annals of the Kings of Israel (mentioned seventeen times in 1 Kings 14:29--2 Kings 15:31) 3. The Book of the Chronicles/Annals of the Kings of Judah (1 Kings 15:23)
  • 10. B. Those which are not specifically mentioned, but are proposed by some: 1. The Succession Narrative or Court Memoirs/History of David 1 Kings 1:1--2:11 2. An Elijah-Elisha Prophetic Cycle with the House of Ahab (1 Kings 16:29--2 Kings 13) 3. An Isaiah Source (2 Kings 18:13--20:19) 4. An independent Prophetic Source 5. Two concluding Historical Abstracts (2 Kings 25:22-26, 27-30)
  • 11. Outline isi kitab Raja-Raja The Book of Kings may be divided into four sections: (1) the last years of David and Solomon’s succession to the throne (I Kings, chapter 1, to chapter 2, verse 11); (2) the reign of Solomon (I Kings, chapter 2, verse 12, to chapter 11, verse 43); (3) the beginning of the divided monarchy to the fall of Israel (I Kings, chapter 12, to II Kings, chapter 17); and (4) the last years of Judah (II Kings, chapters 18–25).
  • 13. 538/539 B.C. 1. The last event recorded in 2 Kings 25:27-30 is the release of Jehoichin from prison during the thirty-seventh year of his imprisonment (560 B.C. [597 B.C. minus 37 years of captivity = 560 B.C.]). This marks the earliest date that Kings could have been completed. 2. Since there is no mention of a return to Jerusalem after the captivity, it is probable that the book was written before that event in 538/539 B.C. This marks the latest date that Kings could have been written. This material covers a period from the end of David's reign (c. 970 B.C.) to the captivity of Israel (587/586 B.C.) and then the release of Jehoiachin (560 B.C.).
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. V. Struktur Sastra dalam kitab Raja-Raja
  • 18. A. For the most part 1--2 Kings is in chronological order from the rise of Solomon to the fall of Jerusalem B. Some parts of Kings are thematic: 1. The summary account of Solomon's administration (1 Kings 4) 2. The overview of Solomon's architectural achievements (1 Kings 5:1--7:12 3. Events related to Jeroboam I and Hezekiah (1 Kings 13; 14:1-20; 2 Kings 18:7--19:37; 20) 4. The prophetic ministries of Elijah and Elisha (1 Kings 17--2 Kings 8:15)
  • 19. C. The formulaic structure cof the kings accounts
  • 20. 1. The Judahite Kingship [1 Raja 15:1-8] – Raja- raja Yehuda. a. Introduction of the kings: 1) By name 2) Name of the king's father 3) Report of the kings accession (usually synchronized with the reign of his Israelite counterpart)
  • 21. Lanjutan b. Biographical information is given: 1) The king's age at accession 2) The length of the king's reign 3) The name of the queen mother 4) Jerusalem as the capital of the king 5) An evaluation of the king's moral character and spiritual leadership
  • 22. Lanjutan c. Closing Information: 1) Identification of additional sources documenting information about the kings reign 2) A death and burial statement 3) An announcement of the king's successor
  • 23. 2. Israelite Kings [1 raja 15:25-32] a. Basically the same as above b. In the biographical information the following changes were made: 1) The royal city was usually Samaria 2) The name of the queen mother was usually omitted
  • 24. 3. Placed within a king's reign were placed: a. Prophetic speeches (1 Kings 18:20-29) b. Direct discourse (2 Kings 18:19-27) c. Wisdom sayings (1 Kings 20:11; 2 Kings 14:9) d. Poetic materials (1 Kings 22:17; 2 Kings 19:21-28)
  • 25. literary genre: The Books of Kings a. The author relates the facts in a narrative-annalistic format b. The author attempts to give a balanced account of the general activities that characterized the outworking of the divine covenant in Israel's first kingdom period. c. The author gives attention to the royal and prophetic elements of the Kingdom d. The author is interested in the Kings of Israel and Judah e. The kings are evaluated by the Mosaic law
  • 27. A. To complete the written history of Hebrew kingship as a sequel to the books of Samuel B. To show the repeated, divine reasons for the fall of the Jewish nation C. To relate the history of the Hebrew united and divided monarchies in their 'covenant failure
  • 28. D. To legitimize the Davidic dynasty through the agency of the prophetic office because the kingship covenant previously announced by Nathan sanctioned the tribe of Judah and the family of David as rightful heirs to the Hebrew throne. E. To warn the kings and the people of the consequence of covenant disobedience
  • 29. F. To demonstrate that the one who was to fulfill the promise to David in 2 Samuel 7 had not yet arrived since none of the kings who followed David were greater than David G. To provide hope for Israel through the two historical appendicies that God would yet fulfill his promise to the house of David
  • 30.
  • 31. Pokok pembahasan Suksesi pemerintahan dari Daud ke Salomo, konflik dalam keluarga Politik ‘Machiavelli’ ala Salomo Kerajaan Israel Raya di bawah Salomo (United Kingdom of Israel) Kejayaan Israel Raya Keruntuhan Israel Raya Karakter Salomo: sebuah studi
  • 32. Suksesi pemerintahan dari Daud ke Salomo, konflik dalam keluarga
  • 33. The succession of Solomon to the throne I Kings (chapters 1 and 2) continues the story of David and the struggle for the succession of his throne. The sides were drawn between Adonijah, David’s eldest living son, and Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba.
  • 34. Supporting Adonijah were the “old guard”—the general Joab and the priest Abiathar—and supporting Solomon were the priest Zadok, the prophet Nathan, and the captain of David’s bodyguard, Benaiah. With David close to death, Adonijah prepared to seize control of the kingdom; Nathan, however, requested Bathsheba to go to David and persuade David to proclaim Solomon the next monarch. Following the advice of Nathan, David then appointed Solomon the heir to his throne; and Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anointed the son of Bathsheba king in Gihon.
  • 35. Politik ‘Machiavelli’ ala Salomo After David died, however, Adonijah attempted to regain some semblance of prestige by asking Solomon to give him Abishag, a young Shunammite woman who had been given to David in his old age, as his wife. To this request Solomon answered by ordering Adonijah’s execution, which Benaiah carried out. Solomon also ordered the execution of the old general Joab for having killed Abner and Amasa years earlier as a loyal supporter of David, an execution again carried out by Benaiah, who also executed Shimei, a man who had cursed David a long time earlier.
  • 36. Prior to these executions, which David—before he had died—had requested of Solomon, the new king banished the priest Abiathar of the house of Eli to Anathoth, an act that confirmed the position of Zadok as the principal priest of Jerusalem.
  • 37. Kerajaan Israel Raya di bawah Salomo (United Kingdom of Israel)
  • 38. The reign of Solomon David had reigned from about 1000 to 962 BCE, a period in which he consolidated a federation of tribes that had been united under the charismatic leadership of Saul, who had reigned for about two decades before David began to construct his minor empire. Solomon, who inherited a strong monarchy, reigned for 40 years. His reputation as a monarch centred about his great wisdom (chapter 3), his reorganization of the administrative bureaucracy (chapter 4), and his building of the magnificent Temple (chapters 3–8).
  • 39. Though two sons of the prophet Nathan served Solomon, one as a court official and another as a priest, the prophetic movement apparently was little encouraged by the united monarchy’s third king.
  • 40. Konsolidasi kekuasaan To secure diplomatic and commercial treaties, Solomon contracted marriage with various princesses—who brought with them their native deities. Perkawinan dengan Puteri Firaun (3:1) a large harem of foreign princesses was acquired, sealing relations with other states; 700 isteri, 300 gundik (1 Raj 11:3)
  • 41. Kebijaksanaan Salomo 1 Raja 3 Salomo muda sangat bijaksana Pengalaman Teofani Salomo Memohon kebijaksanaan kepada Allah
  • 42.
  • 43. Ensiklopedi berjalan (5,9-14) Anugerah Allah: 9 Kebijaksanaannya melebihi segala ahli : 10-11 Amsal dan musik (12) Botanika (13a) Zoologi(13b) Kebijaksanaannya terkenal di berbagai bangsa. 14
  • 44. Salomo sebagai administrator Kabinet Salomo [pejabat tinggi] (1 Raja 4:1-6) Administrator ekonomi Salomo (1 Raja 4:7-28): The country was divided into 12 districts for administrative, supply, and taxation purposes. Keagungan, kebesaran dan kebijaksanaan Salomo (1 Raja 4:29-34)
  • 45.
  • 46. Salomo sebagai pembangun Bait Allah dan Istana 1 Raja 5:1-9:25 Bukti kejayaaan sebuah kerajaan: Bait Allah dan istana yang megah Proyek mencusuar Salomo
  • 47. Salomo sebagai pedagang Daud mengamankan batas dan wilayah dengan kekuatan militer, Salomo dengan perjanjian perdagangan. Pelabuhan Laut (1 Raja 9: 26-28) di Ezion-geber at teluk Aqaba di Laut Merah. Kekayaan Salomo (1 Raja 10: 14-25) dari aktivitas komersial (catatan dalam Alkitab, terlalu dibesar-besarkan) Pasukan dan kereta perang Salomo (1 Raja 10: 26-29): 1400 kereta perang dan 12.000 kuda (diimpor dari negara lain).
  • 48.
  • 50. Penyembahan berhala (11,1- 13) Penyebab: perempuan (asing ): 1-4 Kultus terhadap dewa dewi asing: 5-8 Reaksi dari Allah: 9-13 Hukuman: hilangnya kerajaan: 11 Setelah kematiannya (rehabeam): 12 Kerajaan Salomo lenyap dan pecah menjadi dua: 13
  • 51. Isteri asing Melanggar larangan TUHAN (Mazhab Deuteronomistis) (Ul. 7:3-4, bdk. Kel. 34:11-16; Yos. 23:12-13) Mengawini isteri asing harus menyediakan kuil untuk dewa- dewi mereka. Yerusalem menjadi semacam pantheon. Berefek kepada ketidaksetiaan pada Yahweh.
  • 52. Kerja Rodi dan pemberontakan Sebagai anak dari Harem, Salomo tidak berkontak dengan masyrakat luar Menerapkan kerja rodi atau kerja paksa untuk proyek- proyek besarnya. Politik yang tidak popular ini menimbulkan pemberontakan internal maupun external. Aram dan Edom memberontak Suku-suku Israel Utara memberontak. Kerajaan pecah setelah kematian Salomo
  • 53. Pemberontakan Yerobeam Pemberontakan Yerobeam (1 raja 12) Kerajaan Israel Raya adalah kontrak di antara dua kelompok besar, suku-suku Utara dan Selatan. Kegagalan Salomo dalam memerintah secara bijak, menghapus kontrak yang ada.
  • 55. Salomo muda menjalankan pemerintahan yang adil. Ensiklopedia kebijaksanaan. Pembangun handal: Bait Allah dan Istana. Problem-solver Salomo tua: Kehilangan kebijaksanaan membuatnya jatuh kedalam penyembahan berhala dan menyebabkan bencana politis di kerajaannya. Daud dibesarkan dalam tantangan dan perjuangan, Salomo dibesarkan dalam kenyamanan istana. Dua tipikal figur yang berbeda.