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Product Work Log

Name_Hannah Karenna Wery
Date __April 18, 2012___
Product _Music composition

Date/Time:               Activity:                                     Comment/Suggestions:

1. July 2011             I began writing the piece I originally
                         intended to be my senior project. I did not
                         have access to technology at the place I
                         was staying for vacation, so I wrote my
                         composition with pen and paper.


                         It was frustrating not to be able to have a
                         program play the song for me, so I could
                         only hear it in my head, not out loud.
                         Despite these conditions, I managed to put
                         a tune to the words I had written.

2. August 2011 - (May    Activity:
2012) 55 minutes every
school day               Learning AP Music Theory from my
                         project facilitator.


                         This is by far the best class I have ever
                         taken. I have learned so much, and it
                         directly relates to my intended major.
                         Learning the technicalities of music has
                         really helped me with my composition

3. August 2011 - March   Activity:
60 minutes once a week   Voice lessons and piano lessons.


                         The voice lessons help train me vocally,
especially in the style of opera. They also
                     have helped my voice to mature. This
                     training has shown me not only what I can
                     do with my own voice, but also how I can
                     train others to use their voices. The piano
                     lessons have introduced me to piano
                     compositions, which will help me write the
                     piano part in my own composition.

4. August 11, 2011   Activity:
30 minutes
                     I stayed after school to practice for my
                     upcoming audition for Allstate Chorus, and
                     I met a freshman in chorus with a beautiful
                     soprano voice name Caroline. I approached
                     her after practice and offered to train her in
                     voice and the basics of music theory. She
                     accepted with a smile.


                     Since we both have the same lunch period,
                     I plan on teaching her at that time. I'm
                     excited to gain some teaching experience.

5. August 15, 2011   Activity:
3 hours
                     I worked on the composition I began in the
                     summer, called "Notre Etoile", which is
                     French for "our star".


                     Since I have already written the lyrics and
                     the tune, all I had to do was write the piano
                     part, which is turning out to be difficult,
                     seeing as I have had little exposure to how
                     piano music is written. I got about halfway
                     through the song, which shows me that
                     composition is very time-consuming and
                     requires a good amount of revision as well.

6. August 16, 2011   Activity:
2 hours
                       I worked on my composition.


                       I got most of the way through the song. I
                       already have ten pages of work, which
                       makes me feel very accomplished.

7. August 18, 2011     Activity:
50 minutes
                       I went online and searched for a pre-test to
                       print out and give to Caroline. Also, I did
                       more work on my composition, and I now
                       have 14 pages of work.


                       I think that giving Caroline the pre-test was
                       a good idea because it will help me gain an
                       idea of how much music theory she already
                       knows and what I need to teach her. My
                       AP Music Theory teacher had the class
                       take a pre-test at the beginning of the
                       semester, so it must be beneficial in the
                       classroom too.

8. August 27, 2011
10 minutes             I started brainstorming lesson plans for
                       teaching Caroline.


                       I think that it is important for any teacher
                       to have a plan for how the class should go
                       each day. Of course, I will evaluate
                       Caroline's progress so that I know what
                       pace I should be teaching. Overall, I am
                       very excited to see what it would be like to
                       teach private lessons.

9. September 2, 2011
45 minutes              I made Caroline some flashcards with key


                        I think that flashcards are a great way to
                        study, and I think they will make learning
                        key signatures easier for Caroline. I plan to
                        test her over them in a week to make sure
                        she is on the right track.

10. September 5, 2011
30 minutes              Today, I had Caroline do some vocal
                        exercises so that I could determine how big
                        her range is.


                        Caroline can sing about two and a half
                        octaves comfortably, which is impressive
                        for someone her age. However, since I feel
                        that she is more comfortable singing high, I
                        would like to spend more time training her
                        soprano range.

11. September 8, 2011
2.5 hours               I spent two and a half hours composing


                        Although I do enjoy composing music, it is
                        frustrating at times. Finding inspiration is
                        difficult, and I think taking a break is a
                        good idea so that I can return to my
                        composition feeling refreshed.


12. September 9, 2011   I planned out how I would teach Caroline
30 minutes              intervals and the circle of 5ths.

                         I feel good about having a plan for what I
                         will be teaching her next. However, these
                         are advanced concepts, so it may take
                         longer for her to fully understand them.


13. September 13, 2011   I helped Caroline rehearse for her solo for
30 minutes               the upcoming chorus concert.


                         I like being able to teach her to sing instead
                         of strictly music theory. I can tell she has a
                         great amount of potential as a vocal
                         performer. Also, I now know that training
                         students how to sing is more difficult than I
                         had imagined.


14. September 14, 2011   After taking a break from my composition,
5 hours                  I came back to it and did five hours of
                         work on it.


                         Giving myself that break allowed me to
                         look at my work in a new light, and
                         inspiration came easily to me. It may not
                         be perfect, but I did manage to finally
                         finish it.


15. September 15, 2011   I introduced to Caroline intervals and the
30 minutes               circle of 5ths. I also showed my voice and
                         piano teacher my composition, and she
                         rather liked it.

Despite all this, I still crave more music in
                         my day. This is a good sign, considering
                         my intended major and career. Someday, I
                         hope that music will be a part of my
                         everyday life, moreso than it already is. On
                         another note, my teacher said my
                         composition is a bit lengthy and suggested
                         that I shorten it.


16. September 16, 2011   I helped my chorus friend Kayleigh with
15 minutes               her solo in the upcoming chorus concert.


                         This provided me with practice for training
                         Caroline vocally. It also opened my eyes to
                         how different people's voices can be and
                         how assisting one person with singing can
                         be completely from different from how I
                         would assist someone else with the same


17. September 17, 2011   I revised my composition for half an hour.
30 minutes

                         It seems to be coming along nicely. I am
                         proud of the work I have done, and I
                         cannot wait to share it with the world.


                         I prepared lesson plans for Caroline for
18. September 18, 2011   after fall break.
60 minutes

                         I like being able to get ahead on lesson
                         plans. I think I will review what I have
                         already taught her after break to make sure
that she still has a firm grasp on it.


                         I graded Caroline's pre-test.
19. September 25, 2011
60 minutes               Commentary:

                         It took a very long time to grade it. Next
                         time I will remember to make an answer
                         key before attempting to grade a test.


                         I made a few changes to my composition.
20. September 26, 2011
20 minutes               Commentary:

                         It is amazing how quickly time flies when I
                         am working on my music. I only made a
                         few small corrections, and it took me
                         twenty minutes. I thought it would have
                         taken about five.


                         I helped Caroline rehearse her pieces that
                         she had to learn for All-State Chorus. I also
21. September 27, 2011   warmed up the class and directed a song
60 minutes total         called "Ubi Caritas".


                         Warming up the class was no big deal, but
                         conducting was a completely different
                         story. If I ever want to conduct a piece, I
                         will need to know the song well


                         I went over the "Loch Lomond" solo with
                         Caroline for audition purposes.
22. September 29, 2011
15 minutes               Commentary:

                         I wish I could have spent more time
                         working with Caroline, but since she is my
                         only student, I have to work around her
                         schedule. I completely understand that
                         sometimes schoolwork takes away from
                         me being able to teach her.


                         I graded Caroline's interval test.

23. September 30, 2011   Commentary:
10 minutes
                         She seems to be learning well.
                         Unfortunately, the most a teacher can do is
                         introduce the concept of intervals. To
                         master them, the student has to train his or
                         herself outside of class.


                         I have begun working on another piece.
                         This new song is in English.
24. October 3, 2011
35 minutes               Commentary:

                         I was advised to compose something else
                         because the French would be difficult to
                         sing in. I took my facilitators advice and
                         started writing the words first rather than
                         trying to create both the words and the
                         melody at the same time.


                         My project facilitator sent me the link to a
                         brief online biography of his so that I could
                         use that to complete a resume about him to
25. October 7, 2011      turn in for approval.
25 minutes
I am quite pleased to see how qualified he
                       is as a musician. I know I have made an
                       excellent choice in selecting him as my
                       project facilitator.


                       I made an interval worksheet to help
                       Caroline learn the intervals visually, not
                       just aurally.
26. October 12, 2011
30 minutes             Commentary:

                       I've learned it's difficult not to fall behind
                       with teaching because it takes a good bit of
                       time to prepare lessons. I feel that my time
                       is well-spent if the worksheets help her
                       learn intervals, which is fundamental to her
                       understanding of music theory.


                       I wrote 48 measures of music as an
                       assignment for AP Music Theory.

27. October 19, 2011   Commentary:
60 minutes
                       I used this as a chance to put into practice
                       new composition techniques I have learned
                       in the class. Composition is harder when I
                       follow these new guidelines, but I feel that
                       my composition skills have certainly


                       I was excused from my seventh period
                       class to teach the girls in beginning chorus
                       a song we will perform at the holiday
28. October 21, 2011
55 minutes             Commentary:

                       They seemed to really enjoy learning from
me, and they picked it up very quickly. I
                       felt that I could really connect with them,
                       which made teaching them enjoyable.


                       I made Caroline another interval

29. October 28, 2011
25 minutes             This should further solidify her
                       understanding of intervals. It should also
                       compound on the other interval worksheet I
                       gave her.


                       I wrote the piano introduction for my new
                       composition, "A Rose Without Thorns".


30. Nov.4.2011         I think my composition skills for piano
45 minutes             music have definitely improved at this
                       point. It is not easy for me, but I am willing
                       to push myself.


                       I worked for three hours on "A Rose
                       Without Thorns".


31. November 6, 2011   I began working with the vocal parts,
3 hours                which was difficult for me because I had to
                       create harmonies that would make all four
                       voice parts sound good when sung together
                       and when sung with the piano part.
                       Luckily, my knowledge of music theory
                       and chordal structure has been a great aid
                       in this endeavor.

                       I attended a Creekview band concert.
                       Seeing the band concert inspired me to
                       work more on my own composition.

32. December 5, 2011
2 hours                I learned about band instruments from a
                       band student. This will help me in the
                       future as a music major if I ever compose a
                       piece for band instruments. I have finished
                       the vocal parts for my own piece. I added
                       in some modulations, since I recently
                       learned about them in music theory.


                       I made another interval worksheet for


33. December 7, 2011   This should be the final interval worksheet
25 minutes             that I make for Caroline. Intervals do not
                       seem to come as easily to her as they do to
                       me, but with practice, she could get a firm
                       grasp of them.


                       I did some more interval training with


34. January 13, 2012   I have come to realize that there is only so
30 minutes             much I can do with a freshman in high
                       school. This is why I plan to teach college-
                       level students so that I do not have to go
                       through the basics of music theory with
                       them. I think it is more difficult for me to
                       teach the basic concepts because they are
                       so second-nature to me. I have also learned
that the fact that music comes to me
                       naturally is a gift that may take others more
                       time to learn.


                       I worked briefly on my composition.


                       My composition is mostly complete, except
                       for the piano part. It really is frustrating
35. January 22, 2012   when the song is so close to being finished,
20 minutes             but yet I still have to create the piano part.


                       For about an hour, I worked on my
                       composition. I took a break and came back
                       to it in the evening. For three hours, I made
                       some revisions and added more vocals to
                       the end of the song.

36. January 23, 2012   Commentary:
4 hours total
                       The piano part is mostly done, except for
                       the middle section with the modulations.
                       This is the most difficult part of the song,
                       so writing the piano part for it should be
                       difficult as well.


                       I have finally finished the rough draft for
                       this composition.


                       My next step is to record it and send it to
                       my facilitator for his feedback. I hope that
37. January 29, 2012   he likes my work. A musician as advanced
30 minutes             as he is will surely have some criticism for

                        I revised my composition.


                         I began making the changes that my
                        facilitator instructed me to. I started at
                        midnight, so I only worked for 30 minutes.
38. January 31, 2012    I will work more tomorrow.
30 minutes

                        I made more revisions


                        I finished making revisions on my piece. I
                        hope that my facilitator approves of my
39. February 1, 2012
1.5 hours               Activity:

                        I recorded my composition and e-mailed it
                        to my project facilitator for review.

                        Commentary: I hope this new version of
                        my composition is acceptable. I changed
                        one of the modulations in the middle of the
                        song to make it sound less "abrupt" or out-
40. February 6, 2012    of-place. I knew it would be difficult, but I
                        was up for the challenge.


                        I made my final revisions of "A Rose
                        Without Thorns".


                        Revision is difficult work, but I am glad to
                        have finally finished this composition. I
41. February 15, 2012   will record it for my facilitator another day.
2.5 hours

                        I recorded my composition using


                        I made four separate recordings. The first
                        one was of just the accompaniment. The
                        second was a demo version of me singing
42. February 16, 2012   the soprano 1 part. Using this recording, I
35 minutes              recorded me singing the soprano 2 part on
                        top of that. Finally, I made one with me
                        singing the alto part on top of that, so the
                        final one had me singing all the women's
                        voice parts at the same time. I sent the one
                        of just the accompaniment to my

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Senior project work log

  • 1. Product Work Log Name_Hannah Karenna Wery Date __April 18, 2012___ Product _Music composition Date/Time: Activity: Comment/Suggestions: 1. July 2011 I began writing the piece I originally intended to be my senior project. I did not have access to technology at the place I was staying for vacation, so I wrote my composition with pen and paper. Commentary: It was frustrating not to be able to have a program play the song for me, so I could only hear it in my head, not out loud. Despite these conditions, I managed to put a tune to the words I had written. 2. August 2011 - (May Activity: 2012) 55 minutes every school day Learning AP Music Theory from my project facilitator. Commentary: This is by far the best class I have ever taken. I have learned so much, and it directly relates to my intended major. Learning the technicalities of music has really helped me with my composition skills. 3. August 2011 - March Activity: 2012 60 minutes once a week Voice lessons and piano lessons. Commentary: The voice lessons help train me vocally,
  • 2. especially in the style of opera. They also have helped my voice to mature. This training has shown me not only what I can do with my own voice, but also how I can train others to use their voices. The piano lessons have introduced me to piano compositions, which will help me write the piano part in my own composition. 4. August 11, 2011 Activity: 30 minutes I stayed after school to practice for my upcoming audition for Allstate Chorus, and I met a freshman in chorus with a beautiful soprano voice name Caroline. I approached her after practice and offered to train her in voice and the basics of music theory. She accepted with a smile. Commentary: Since we both have the same lunch period, I plan on teaching her at that time. I'm excited to gain some teaching experience. 5. August 15, 2011 Activity: 3 hours I worked on the composition I began in the summer, called "Notre Etoile", which is French for "our star". Commentary: Since I have already written the lyrics and the tune, all I had to do was write the piano part, which is turning out to be difficult, seeing as I have had little exposure to how piano music is written. I got about halfway through the song, which shows me that composition is very time-consuming and requires a good amount of revision as well. 6. August 16, 2011 Activity:
  • 3. 2 hours I worked on my composition. Commentary: I got most of the way through the song. I already have ten pages of work, which makes me feel very accomplished. 7. August 18, 2011 Activity: 50 minutes I went online and searched for a pre-test to print out and give to Caroline. Also, I did more work on my composition, and I now have 14 pages of work. Commentary: I think that giving Caroline the pre-test was a good idea because it will help me gain an idea of how much music theory she already knows and what I need to teach her. My AP Music Theory teacher had the class take a pre-test at the beginning of the semester, so it must be beneficial in the classroom too. Activity: 8. August 27, 2011 10 minutes I started brainstorming lesson plans for teaching Caroline. Commentary: I think that it is important for any teacher to have a plan for how the class should go each day. Of course, I will evaluate Caroline's progress so that I know what pace I should be teaching. Overall, I am very excited to see what it would be like to teach private lessons. Activity: 9. September 2, 2011
  • 4. 45 minutes I made Caroline some flashcards with key signatures. Commentary: I think that flashcards are a great way to study, and I think they will make learning key signatures easier for Caroline. I plan to test her over them in a week to make sure she is on the right track. Activity: 10. September 5, 2011 30 minutes Today, I had Caroline do some vocal exercises so that I could determine how big her range is. Commentary: Caroline can sing about two and a half octaves comfortably, which is impressive for someone her age. However, since I feel that she is more comfortable singing high, I would like to spend more time training her soprano range. Activity: 11. September 8, 2011 2.5 hours I spent two and a half hours composing today. Commentary: Although I do enjoy composing music, it is frustrating at times. Finding inspiration is difficult, and I think taking a break is a good idea so that I can return to my composition feeling refreshed. Activity: 12. September 9, 2011 I planned out how I would teach Caroline 30 minutes intervals and the circle of 5ths.
  • 5. Commentary: I feel good about having a plan for what I will be teaching her next. However, these are advanced concepts, so it may take longer for her to fully understand them. Activity: 13. September 13, 2011 I helped Caroline rehearse for her solo for 30 minutes the upcoming chorus concert. Commentary: I like being able to teach her to sing instead of strictly music theory. I can tell she has a great amount of potential as a vocal performer. Also, I now know that training students how to sing is more difficult than I had imagined. Activity: 14. September 14, 2011 After taking a break from my composition, 5 hours I came back to it and did five hours of work on it. Commentary: Giving myself that break allowed me to look at my work in a new light, and inspiration came easily to me. It may not be perfect, but I did manage to finally finish it. Activity: 15. September 15, 2011 I introduced to Caroline intervals and the 30 minutes circle of 5ths. I also showed my voice and piano teacher my composition, and she rather liked it. Commentary:
  • 6. Despite all this, I still crave more music in my day. This is a good sign, considering my intended major and career. Someday, I hope that music will be a part of my everyday life, moreso than it already is. On another note, my teacher said my composition is a bit lengthy and suggested that I shorten it. Activity: 16. September 16, 2011 I helped my chorus friend Kayleigh with 15 minutes her solo in the upcoming chorus concert. Commentary: This provided me with practice for training Caroline vocally. It also opened my eyes to how different people's voices can be and how assisting one person with singing can be completely from different from how I would assist someone else with the same thing. Activity: 17. September 17, 2011 I revised my composition for half an hour. 30 minutes Commentary: It seems to be coming along nicely. I am proud of the work I have done, and I cannot wait to share it with the world. Activity: I prepared lesson plans for Caroline for 18. September 18, 2011 after fall break. 60 minutes Commentary: I like being able to get ahead on lesson plans. I think I will review what I have already taught her after break to make sure
  • 7. that she still has a firm grasp on it. Activity: I graded Caroline's pre-test. 19. September 25, 2011 60 minutes Commentary: It took a very long time to grade it. Next time I will remember to make an answer key before attempting to grade a test. Activity: I made a few changes to my composition. 20. September 26, 2011 20 minutes Commentary: It is amazing how quickly time flies when I am working on my music. I only made a few small corrections, and it took me twenty minutes. I thought it would have taken about five. Activity: I helped Caroline rehearse her pieces that she had to learn for All-State Chorus. I also 21. September 27, 2011 warmed up the class and directed a song 60 minutes total called "Ubi Caritas". Commentary: Warming up the class was no big deal, but conducting was a completely different story. If I ever want to conduct a piece, I will need to know the song well beforehand. Activity: I went over the "Loch Lomond" solo with Caroline for audition purposes. 22. September 29, 2011
  • 8. 15 minutes Commentary: I wish I could have spent more time working with Caroline, but since she is my only student, I have to work around her schedule. I completely understand that sometimes schoolwork takes away from me being able to teach her. Activity: I graded Caroline's interval test. 23. September 30, 2011 Commentary: 10 minutes She seems to be learning well. Unfortunately, the most a teacher can do is introduce the concept of intervals. To master them, the student has to train his or herself outside of class. Activity: I have begun working on another piece. This new song is in English. 24. October 3, 2011 35 minutes Commentary: I was advised to compose something else because the French would be difficult to sing in. I took my facilitators advice and started writing the words first rather than trying to create both the words and the melody at the same time. Activity: My project facilitator sent me the link to a brief online biography of his so that I could use that to complete a resume about him to 25. October 7, 2011 turn in for approval. 25 minutes Commentary:
  • 9. I am quite pleased to see how qualified he is as a musician. I know I have made an excellent choice in selecting him as my project facilitator. Activity: I made an interval worksheet to help Caroline learn the intervals visually, not just aurally. 26. October 12, 2011 30 minutes Commentary: I've learned it's difficult not to fall behind with teaching because it takes a good bit of time to prepare lessons. I feel that my time is well-spent if the worksheets help her learn intervals, which is fundamental to her understanding of music theory. Activity: I wrote 48 measures of music as an assignment for AP Music Theory. 27. October 19, 2011 Commentary: 60 minutes I used this as a chance to put into practice new composition techniques I have learned in the class. Composition is harder when I follow these new guidelines, but I feel that my composition skills have certainly improved. Activity: I was excused from my seventh period class to teach the girls in beginning chorus a song we will perform at the holiday concert. 28. October 21, 2011 55 minutes Commentary: They seemed to really enjoy learning from
  • 10. me, and they picked it up very quickly. I felt that I could really connect with them, which made teaching them enjoyable. Activity: I made Caroline another interval worksheet. Commentary: 29. October 28, 2011 25 minutes This should further solidify her understanding of intervals. It should also compound on the other interval worksheet I gave her. Activity: I wrote the piano introduction for my new composition, "A Rose Without Thorns". Commentary: 30. Nov.4.2011 I think my composition skills for piano 45 minutes music have definitely improved at this point. It is not easy for me, but I am willing to push myself. Activity: I worked for three hours on "A Rose Without Thorns". Commentary: 31. November 6, 2011 I began working with the vocal parts, 3 hours which was difficult for me because I had to create harmonies that would make all four voice parts sound good when sung together and when sung with the piano part. Luckily, my knowledge of music theory and chordal structure has been a great aid in this endeavor.
  • 11. Activity: I attended a Creekview band concert. Seeing the band concert inspired me to work more on my own composition. Commentary: 32. December 5, 2011 2 hours I learned about band instruments from a band student. This will help me in the future as a music major if I ever compose a piece for band instruments. I have finished the vocal parts for my own piece. I added in some modulations, since I recently learned about them in music theory. Activity: I made another interval worksheet for Caroline. Commentary: 33. December 7, 2011 This should be the final interval worksheet 25 minutes that I make for Caroline. Intervals do not seem to come as easily to her as they do to me, but with practice, she could get a firm grasp of them. Activity: I did some more interval training with Caroline. Commentary: 34. January 13, 2012 I have come to realize that there is only so 30 minutes much I can do with a freshman in high school. This is why I plan to teach college- level students so that I do not have to go through the basics of music theory with them. I think it is more difficult for me to teach the basic concepts because they are so second-nature to me. I have also learned
  • 12. that the fact that music comes to me naturally is a gift that may take others more time to learn. Activity: I worked briefly on my composition. Commentary: My composition is mostly complete, except for the piano part. It really is frustrating 35. January 22, 2012 when the song is so close to being finished, 20 minutes but yet I still have to create the piano part. Activity: For about an hour, I worked on my composition. I took a break and came back to it in the evening. For three hours, I made some revisions and added more vocals to the end of the song. 36. January 23, 2012 Commentary: 4 hours total The piano part is mostly done, except for the middle section with the modulations. This is the most difficult part of the song, so writing the piano part for it should be difficult as well. Activity: I have finally finished the rough draft for this composition. Commentary: My next step is to record it and send it to my facilitator for his feedback. I hope that 37. January 29, 2012 he likes my work. A musician as advanced 30 minutes as he is will surely have some criticism for me.
  • 13. Activity: I revised my composition. Commentary: I began making the changes that my facilitator instructed me to. I started at midnight, so I only worked for 30 minutes. 38. January 31, 2012 I will work more tomorrow. 30 minutes Activity: I made more revisions Commentary: I finished making revisions on my piece. I hope that my facilitator approves of my work. 39. February 1, 2012 1.5 hours Activity: I recorded my composition and e-mailed it to my project facilitator for review. Commentary: I hope this new version of my composition is acceptable. I changed one of the modulations in the middle of the song to make it sound less "abrupt" or out- 40. February 6, 2012 of-place. I knew it would be difficult, but I was up for the challenge. Activity: I made my final revisions of "A Rose Without Thorns". Commentary: Revision is difficult work, but I am glad to have finally finished this composition. I 41. February 15, 2012 will record it for my facilitator another day. 2.5 hours
  • 14. Activity: I recorded my composition using Commentary: I made four separate recordings. The first one was of just the accompaniment. The second was a demo version of me singing 42. February 16, 2012 the soprano 1 part. Using this recording, I 35 minutes recorded me singing the soprano 2 part on top of that. Finally, I made one with me singing the alto part on top of that, so the final one had me singing all the women's voice parts at the same time. I sent the one of just the accompaniment to my facilitator.