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Debora Huggins
ENGL 3450
April 29, 2011
Final Research Proposal

       The initial idea for this research was to look at how colors and/or symbols are
viewed differently in a global audience. In the process of doing my initial secondary
research, there appears to be a gap concerning the senior citizens and technology. In terms
of technical communication, senior citizens pose special needs as to how we write the
documents that this audience uses on consist and perhaps daily basis. If a technical
communicator does not fully understand the audience's specific needs and conventional
forms of communication found within this community, there is a risk that the reader
(audience) may misinterpret the message. This could led to the audience distrusting the
speaker's expertise and question that speaker's credibility.

        I chose this topic because it was one that came up quite a bit in previous technical
writing classes. I feel that it was a very important topic to learn more about and it seemed
like a viable topic to explore for this assignment. We live in a global world and as a technical
communicator; we need to be able to “discern the audience's conventional forms (of
communication) and culture in order to be successful in our chosen field.

       The field of technical communication has a close connection with online technology
and because of this we must consider all demographics and/or social trends that are
included via the Internet [O'Hara]. One area that appears to have been overlooked is the
older audience and how there are special considerations for this particular audience. These
considerations are similar to what one may do when having an audience that is physically

       The purpose of this literature review is to discuss the ways in which technical
communication has traditionally address the needs of an audience, identify those of our
older audience which have been overlooked, why we must address them for this particular
audience and finally what types of methodology could be used to find out how the field of
technical communication can assist in meeting the needs of the older audience. First I begin
with an overview of what has been traditionally discussed regarding audience focus in
technical communication.

        There has been much discussion and research in our field regarding various aspects
of an audience including the need to understand global cultures, societal differences as well
as diverse belief and/or value systems we may not agree with or understand. Technical
communicators must develop methods that meet needs of their audience that include what
is the appropriate structure of communication and the best media to use to send the
correct message to the audience. Grammar and sentence structure can be present problems
as well. [Erwin]
        For a technical communicator to do their job well, they need to fully address the
needs of the audience by implementing within a document certain components such as
keeping the text simple and direct, use of the local terminology of the audience, active voice
prose, and avoiding over-modified nouns [Erwin]. Beyond the sentence structure, we must
also consider what form of media is best to use for a particular audience.

        One example of this is that a local audience may well receive the correct message
using a Power Point presentation, but in a remote village or community that is lacks the
same technology it may not work. Audiences do not need to be global to have special
considerations and certain groups that can be found in nearly all communities have needs
that are unique to that type of audience. One such group is the individuals that are fifty
years of age or older. It is this group that seems to have been overlooked to some degree in
the field of technical communication.

       The Pew Internet and American Life Project (March 2004) states that fifty-eight
percent of the American population are between the ages of fifty and sixty-five while
twenty-two percent are over the age of sixty-five [Chisnell]. As would be seen in a global
audience, this demographic is highly diverse in its members abilities but unlike other
audiences, the diversity is due to life experience and impairments that result in growing
older rather than culture or moral differences. It is these differences that make it difficult
for technical communicators to assess the needs of this type of audience. Although research
has discussed the various types of issues arising from trying to meet the needs of this
audience, the gap is in what types of methods are needed to help the older citizens of our
society who are actually interested in keeping current with technology.

        The need to develop technology for senior citizens to assist them in learning how to
use something such as email while making it less confusing for them is imperative. For an
older person that probably retired before the Internet was created, it can be overwhelming.
The older generation also has to deal with impairments that make certain tasks more
difficult than an average reader.

       The impairments include functional limitation (the inability to adapt to the design of
the world around us), developmental limitations like visual and hearing impairments and
motor disabilities such as diminished sense of touch or slower reaction time [O'Hara].
When developing websites that have an older audience as part of its demographics,
technical communicators must address these types of issues and create very specific tools
to make navigation and comprehension as easy as possible for these individuals. To further
our research into this area, we must have methods to learn what works for our senior
audience and from there develop technology that will enable them to use technology as we
do now.

        In other areas of research that have involved audience, we have typically used
traditional research methods such as usability studies, interviews and observations [Stark-
Wroblewski]. These methods could work in discovering what the senior citizens are
needed and involving the audience directly will also give us a chance to learn more about
their needs and what assistance would prove most helpful to them while navigating our
websites and what other forms of media would best suit the needs of the overall
population. Jakob Nielson stated that seniors have “twice as much difficulty using the
internet as middle-age or younger users.” This was his conclusion after conducting a
usability study on seniors. What could be learned by testing various tools and methods
involving them? We can learn what works and what doesn't which will not only help the
audience but also help us in adapting our technology to include them. To include them in
our future research does not limit our work but expands and improves it [Lippincott].

        There is current research that involves our senior audiences but what has not been
fully address is how to improve or even develop the technology that will enhance the ways
a member of this demographic group would make use easier for them. We have some ideas
of what sort of limitations can be found for the average senior citizen, but like the
adaptions we created for those that are physically disabled prior to reaching this age, we
need to develop ways to include them in the world today.

        I would recommend that we continue to work directly with this audience to find out
what their specific needs are and then move forward with developing specific methods that
are designed for them. The traditional methods of researched we have used in other areas
will help us in finding out these issues, but I believe we would benefit from collaborating
with other researchers in disciplines outside the field of technical communication.

       The end result of this research is to provide the type of content within a specific
media that would allow the senior audience to use it within their individual abilities, an
opportunity for them to request further assistance as needed, and to encourage them to
participate in our research which will give them a sense of importance that we want to
have their input and we want them to be involved in our world and its technology.

         The primary methodology of this study is qualitative that consist of survey
questions, usability tests and focus groups. Survey questions will be used to obtain those
participants who use email and are in the targeted age group (seniors or those who are
fifty-five and older). The survey questions (see Appendix “A”) are focused on the frequency
that the potential participants check their email each week and the use of attachments in
emails. The individuals who do not use email at all will be separated those who check their
email at least once a week with only the latter being allowed to continue in the study. The
second division of the remaining participants was those who can send and receive
attachments in emails (Group A) from those who cannot do so (Group B).

        A usability study (Appendix “B”) will be used for Group B with a short tutorial prior
to taking part in the focus group. The point of a usability study is to “observe users doing
authentic tasks with a product or set of documentation” (Hughes & Hayhoe, p.84). After the
results are collected (see Appendix “B”), the two groups will then be in two focus groups.
The first will be each group separately and then mixed together to observe the participants
interactions with each other.

       These methods were chosen because they seem the most likely to give me the
targeted audience needed in the study as well as those specifically use emails and/or
attachments in them. The focus group questions allow for open discussion for participants
among their peers. They also allow for group interviews with questions addressing the
same issues seen in the initial survey questionnaire and usability study.

       The approvals by the IRB to continue with this study are as follows: First, there will
be a worksheet developed that show the topics, goals, questions, types and methods for this
research study as outlined by the IRB. By identifying the specific goals of the study will
allow the IRB to see the significance of this study and how important it would be as a
contribution to the field of technical communication.

       The type of resources and materials that would be needed for this study includes the
following list of items:
       Access to a building that has a suite of offices and/or rooms that could be used by
       researchers and the participants in the study.
       Computers will be needed for the usability study portion of the study.
       Basic office equipment such as telephones, fax and copy machines, furniture and so

       The purpose of the study is significant in that it will give the research field of
technical communication a better idea of the unique needs of the senior citizens of our
world. Previous research has established that this particular age group has specific needs
that are not seen in other age categories and that thus far those needs have essentially been
ignored or overlooked by the technical communication field in the development and
creation of documentation. By using mixed methods in this study, it can offer future
researchers ideas as well as find potential gaps in this area to further explore in research.

        The choice of sample will come initially from a research company with the request
to find those individuals that are in the targeted age group and come from a wide range of
backgrounds including economic, marital, geographic and housing situations. As explained
earlier, the initial participants will answer a short survey After those that are selected will
be divided into two groups for the remainder of the research project. By having the initial
sample be selected only by the specific age group and from the wide range of backgrounds,
the results of the study can be the most accurate representation of the overall population.
This will also allow for a higher success rate of the results being valid and/or the integrity
of the transferability

       The primary method of data collection for this study will be as follows:
       Disclosure and Informed Consent Forms
       Survey Questionnaire
       Usability Study
       Focus groups

       Once the disclosure forms have been signed by the participants, the remaining
methods of the study will be administered by the researchers as set by the guidelines set up
by the Belmont Report in the Nuremberg Code.

       In order to analyze the data collected, I will use the three phases discussed in our
textbook: coding, categorizing and modeling. The coding will be a mix of predefined and
open codes. The predefined codes will include what frequency do the participants check
their personal email accounts and the number of participant that initially have stated they
use or have received attachments in their emails. The open codes would include any
patterns observed in the usability study and the focus groups.

       Categorizing will look for patterns that are to be expected (hypothesis) as well as
those that have not been foreseen by researchers. These categories will be those that will
be observed in the usability study and the focus groups. As stated in our textbook,
categorizing is more abstract and often requires the “rewording” of the participants
statements. The purpose of a qualitative study like this is to manage the data rather than
eliminate the subjective insight found in a usability study or focus group. The final phase for
the study is planned to be modeling. After the categorizing is done, the patterns that are
noted in the study results can be graphed for presentation to future readers.

       The qualitative analysis will be to see how lifestyles influence the participants in
how frequently they use their email accounts. The anticipated influences included incomes,
education, marital status, and geographic location. At this point, the coding scheme has yet
to be determined, but should I receive approval from the IRP, the coding will be developed
and submitted as required.

References/Works Cited

Erwin, Gary J., “Writing to a Global Audience” Kettering University, p. 1-3, 8 February 2011.

Globally Networked Learning Environments in Professional Communication: Challenging
Normalized Ways of Learning, Teaching, and Knowing Journal of Business and Technical
Communication July 2010 24: 259-266,

Johnson-Greene, C. (2010). Lead-Gen Skills Development for 2010. Audience Development,
25(1), 12. Retrieved from Northcut, K. M., & Brumberger, E. R. (2010).

Resisting the Lure of Technology-Driven Design: Pedagogical Approaches to Visual
Communication. Journal of Technical Writing & Communication, 40(4), 459-471.
doi:10.2190/ EBSCOhost.

Winberg, C., van der Geest, T., Lehman, B., & Nduna, J. (2010). Teaching technical writing in
multilingual contexts: A meta-analysis. Southern African Linguistics & Applied Language
Studies, 28(3), 299-308. doi:10.2989/16073614.2010.545032
McKee, H. A., & Porter, J. E. (2010). Legal and Regulatory Issues for Technical
Communicators Conducting Global Internet Research. Technical Communication, 57(3),
282-299. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Lancaster, A. (2006). Rethinking Our Use of Humanistic Aspects: Effects of Technical
Information Beyond the Intended Audience. Technical Communication, 53(2), 212-224.
Retrieved from EBSCOhost

Thatcher, B. (2005). Situating L2 writing in global communication technologies. Computers
& Composition, 22(3), 279-295. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2005.05.002

Lang, M., Cranford, C., Tovey, J., Tesdell, L. S., Kepler, K., Malone, E. A., & ... Bates, C. (2005).
RECENT AND RELEVANT. Technical Communication, 52(3), 399-408. Retrieved from

Lippincott, G. (2004). Gray Matters: Where Are the Technical Communicators in Research
and Design for Aging Audiences? IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 47(3),
157-170. doi:10.1109/TPC.2004.833687

Appendix A:

Survey Questions

[1] What is your educational level?
___ Less than high school
___ High school graduate
___ Some college
___ College graduate
___ Graduate Degree

[2] Marital Status
___ Single (never married)
___ Married
___ Divorced
___ Widow

[3] Do you have children?
___ Yes
___ No

[4] What is your current income?
___Less than 10,000
___ 10,001-20,000
___ 20,001-30,000
___ 30,001-45,000
___ 45,001-60,000
____60,001 or more

[5] What is your current employment status?
___ Retired
___ Full-Time
___ Part-Time
___ Other (specify) ____________

[6] Do you own or have access to a computer on a consistent basis?
 ___ yes
 ___ no

[7] Do you have an email account that you check on a consistent basis?
 ___ yes (continue on with the survey)
 ___ no (you do not need to answer any more questions)

[8] Email users: How many times during the week do you check your email account?
 ___ Once a week
 ___ 2-3 times per week
 ___ 4-5 times per week
 ___ 6 or more times per week

[9] I am able to open an attachment that I receive via an email message.
 ___ Agree
 ___ Slightly agree
 ___ Disagree
 ___ Slightly disagree

[10] I am able to send an attachment to someone via an email message.
 ___ Agree
 ___ Slightly agree
 ___ Disagree
 ___ Slightly disagree

Appendix B:

Usability Study [For Group B]

{Attachment Tutorial}

[1] Log into your email account as usual.
[2] Click on the “new” email to create a new message. Put in a message as you normally
would when sending an email to someone.
[3] Add the receiver's address and the subject line.
[4] Click on the “attachments” button. It is usually located directly underneath the subject
line of a new email message.
[5] Browse in your files for an attachment you want to send such as a picture that you have
saved on either a USB device or your desktop.
[6] Click on the file you want to send as an attachment. If you want to send one than one
attachment, hold down the “Ctrl” button at the same time as you select the remaining files
to be sent as attachments.
[7] Click the “Attachment Insert” button or “Open” button depending on your specific email
[8] Click the “Send” button when you have finished adding all your attachments.

Appendix C:

Focus Group Questions {open ended}

[1] What is the primary reason for having your email account?

[2] How much difficulty did you have learning to use email?

[3] What problems have you had when opening or sending attachments via email?

Appendix D:

Informed Consent Form for Human Subjects

Survey Interview Consent Form
USU 332D – Senior Citizens Using Emails
Spring 2011 Section 7, Russ Rampton (Instructor)

I wish to interview you for this project. The interview will take approximately
____hours/minutes of your time, and will/will not be audio/video taped unless you
specifically request otherwise. The questions I ask will be open-ended and generally take
the form of a conversation with you about this subject. The interview will be conducted
under the following conditions:

       Your participation is voluntary (you can stop the interview at any time and refuse to
       answer any question.)
Your identity will be kept confidential should you request it. Otherwise, the
       interview with your name will be cited as a source in the bibliography and notes,
       where appropriate.

       There is no expected risk to you for participating in the interview, but it is possible
       that statements you make might identify you to others who read my paper.

       There is no immediate benefit to you for participating, outside of assisting me in
       learning more about your role in the events we discuss, and thereby helping me to
       understand the larger impact of those events.

The information you provide will be analyzed and will inform my final project for my USU
332D – ‘Senior Citizens use Email’ undergraduate research at Utah State University. The
information you give will be used only for the oral presentation and written essay in this
class, and will not be published or broadcast in any other form by me. I will be glad to
furnish you with a copy of the paper at your request. Should I wish to use the information
gained in the interview(s) for another project at a later date, then I will contact you again to
get your further consent for that intended purpose.
Thank you for assisting me with my project.
Your signature below indicates that you agree to participate in the interview. (Verbal
consent: By participating in this telephone interview, you voluntarily agree to participate in
this study).
Signature: __________________ Date: ______________
Please print your name clearly: ___________________________________
Participant Contact Information:
Name: __________________________
Email: __________________________
Other: __________________________

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Senior Citizens & Technical Communication

  • 1. Debora Huggins ENGL 3450 April 29, 2011 Final Research Proposal The initial idea for this research was to look at how colors and/or symbols are viewed differently in a global audience. In the process of doing my initial secondary research, there appears to be a gap concerning the senior citizens and technology. In terms of technical communication, senior citizens pose special needs as to how we write the documents that this audience uses on consist and perhaps daily basis. If a technical communicator does not fully understand the audience's specific needs and conventional forms of communication found within this community, there is a risk that the reader (audience) may misinterpret the message. This could led to the audience distrusting the speaker's expertise and question that speaker's credibility. I chose this topic because it was one that came up quite a bit in previous technical writing classes. I feel that it was a very important topic to learn more about and it seemed like a viable topic to explore for this assignment. We live in a global world and as a technical communicator; we need to be able to “discern the audience's conventional forms (of communication) and culture in order to be successful in our chosen field. The field of technical communication has a close connection with online technology and because of this we must consider all demographics and/or social trends that are included via the Internet [O'Hara]. One area that appears to have been overlooked is the older audience and how there are special considerations for this particular audience. These considerations are similar to what one may do when having an audience that is physically disabled. The purpose of this literature review is to discuss the ways in which technical communication has traditionally address the needs of an audience, identify those of our older audience which have been overlooked, why we must address them for this particular audience and finally what types of methodology could be used to find out how the field of technical communication can assist in meeting the needs of the older audience. First I begin with an overview of what has been traditionally discussed regarding audience focus in technical communication. There has been much discussion and research in our field regarding various aspects of an audience including the need to understand global cultures, societal differences as well as diverse belief and/or value systems we may not agree with or understand. Technical communicators must develop methods that meet needs of their audience that include what is the appropriate structure of communication and the best media to use to send the correct message to the audience. Grammar and sentence structure can be present problems as well. [Erwin] For a technical communicator to do their job well, they need to fully address the needs of the audience by implementing within a document certain components such as
  • 2. keeping the text simple and direct, use of the local terminology of the audience, active voice prose, and avoiding over-modified nouns [Erwin]. Beyond the sentence structure, we must also consider what form of media is best to use for a particular audience. One example of this is that a local audience may well receive the correct message using a Power Point presentation, but in a remote village or community that is lacks the same technology it may not work. Audiences do not need to be global to have special considerations and certain groups that can be found in nearly all communities have needs that are unique to that type of audience. One such group is the individuals that are fifty years of age or older. It is this group that seems to have been overlooked to some degree in the field of technical communication. The Pew Internet and American Life Project (March 2004) states that fifty-eight percent of the American population are between the ages of fifty and sixty-five while twenty-two percent are over the age of sixty-five [Chisnell]. As would be seen in a global audience, this demographic is highly diverse in its members abilities but unlike other audiences, the diversity is due to life experience and impairments that result in growing older rather than culture or moral differences. It is these differences that make it difficult for technical communicators to assess the needs of this type of audience. Although research has discussed the various types of issues arising from trying to meet the needs of this audience, the gap is in what types of methods are needed to help the older citizens of our society who are actually interested in keeping current with technology. The need to develop technology for senior citizens to assist them in learning how to use something such as email while making it less confusing for them is imperative. For an older person that probably retired before the Internet was created, it can be overwhelming. The older generation also has to deal with impairments that make certain tasks more difficult than an average reader. The impairments include functional limitation (the inability to adapt to the design of the world around us), developmental limitations like visual and hearing impairments and motor disabilities such as diminished sense of touch or slower reaction time [O'Hara]. When developing websites that have an older audience as part of its demographics, technical communicators must address these types of issues and create very specific tools to make navigation and comprehension as easy as possible for these individuals. To further our research into this area, we must have methods to learn what works for our senior audience and from there develop technology that will enable them to use technology as we do now. In other areas of research that have involved audience, we have typically used traditional research methods such as usability studies, interviews and observations [Stark- Wroblewski]. These methods could work in discovering what the senior citizens are needed and involving the audience directly will also give us a chance to learn more about their needs and what assistance would prove most helpful to them while navigating our websites and what other forms of media would best suit the needs of the overall population. Jakob Nielson stated that seniors have “twice as much difficulty using the
  • 3. internet as middle-age or younger users.” This was his conclusion after conducting a usability study on seniors. What could be learned by testing various tools and methods involving them? We can learn what works and what doesn't which will not only help the audience but also help us in adapting our technology to include them. To include them in our future research does not limit our work but expands and improves it [Lippincott]. There is current research that involves our senior audiences but what has not been fully address is how to improve or even develop the technology that will enhance the ways a member of this demographic group would make use easier for them. We have some ideas of what sort of limitations can be found for the average senior citizen, but like the adaptions we created for those that are physically disabled prior to reaching this age, we need to develop ways to include them in the world today. I would recommend that we continue to work directly with this audience to find out what their specific needs are and then move forward with developing specific methods that are designed for them. The traditional methods of researched we have used in other areas will help us in finding out these issues, but I believe we would benefit from collaborating with other researchers in disciplines outside the field of technical communication. The end result of this research is to provide the type of content within a specific media that would allow the senior audience to use it within their individual abilities, an opportunity for them to request further assistance as needed, and to encourage them to participate in our research which will give them a sense of importance that we want to have their input and we want them to be involved in our world and its technology. The primary methodology of this study is qualitative that consist of survey questions, usability tests and focus groups. Survey questions will be used to obtain those participants who use email and are in the targeted age group (seniors or those who are fifty-five and older). The survey questions (see Appendix “A”) are focused on the frequency that the potential participants check their email each week and the use of attachments in emails. The individuals who do not use email at all will be separated those who check their email at least once a week with only the latter being allowed to continue in the study. The second division of the remaining participants was those who can send and receive attachments in emails (Group A) from those who cannot do so (Group B). A usability study (Appendix “B”) will be used for Group B with a short tutorial prior to taking part in the focus group. The point of a usability study is to “observe users doing authentic tasks with a product or set of documentation” (Hughes & Hayhoe, p.84). After the results are collected (see Appendix “B”), the two groups will then be in two focus groups. The first will be each group separately and then mixed together to observe the participants interactions with each other. These methods were chosen because they seem the most likely to give me the targeted audience needed in the study as well as those specifically use emails and/or attachments in them. The focus group questions allow for open discussion for participants among their peers. They also allow for group interviews with questions addressing the
  • 4. same issues seen in the initial survey questionnaire and usability study. The approvals by the IRB to continue with this study are as follows: First, there will be a worksheet developed that show the topics, goals, questions, types and methods for this research study as outlined by the IRB. By identifying the specific goals of the study will allow the IRB to see the significance of this study and how important it would be as a contribution to the field of technical communication. The type of resources and materials that would be needed for this study includes the following list of items: Access to a building that has a suite of offices and/or rooms that could be used by researchers and the participants in the study. Computers will be needed for the usability study portion of the study. Basic office equipment such as telephones, fax and copy machines, furniture and so on. The purpose of the study is significant in that it will give the research field of technical communication a better idea of the unique needs of the senior citizens of our world. Previous research has established that this particular age group has specific needs that are not seen in other age categories and that thus far those needs have essentially been ignored or overlooked by the technical communication field in the development and creation of documentation. By using mixed methods in this study, it can offer future researchers ideas as well as find potential gaps in this area to further explore in research. The choice of sample will come initially from a research company with the request to find those individuals that are in the targeted age group and come from a wide range of backgrounds including economic, marital, geographic and housing situations. As explained earlier, the initial participants will answer a short survey After those that are selected will be divided into two groups for the remainder of the research project. By having the initial sample be selected only by the specific age group and from the wide range of backgrounds, the results of the study can be the most accurate representation of the overall population. This will also allow for a higher success rate of the results being valid and/or the integrity of the transferability The primary method of data collection for this study will be as follows: Disclosure and Informed Consent Forms Survey Questionnaire Usability Study Focus groups Once the disclosure forms have been signed by the participants, the remaining methods of the study will be administered by the researchers as set by the guidelines set up by the Belmont Report in the Nuremberg Code. In order to analyze the data collected, I will use the three phases discussed in our
  • 5. textbook: coding, categorizing and modeling. The coding will be a mix of predefined and open codes. The predefined codes will include what frequency do the participants check their personal email accounts and the number of participant that initially have stated they use or have received attachments in their emails. The open codes would include any patterns observed in the usability study and the focus groups. Categorizing will look for patterns that are to be expected (hypothesis) as well as those that have not been foreseen by researchers. These categories will be those that will be observed in the usability study and the focus groups. As stated in our textbook, categorizing is more abstract and often requires the “rewording” of the participants statements. The purpose of a qualitative study like this is to manage the data rather than eliminate the subjective insight found in a usability study or focus group. The final phase for the study is planned to be modeling. After the categorizing is done, the patterns that are noted in the study results can be graphed for presentation to future readers. The qualitative analysis will be to see how lifestyles influence the participants in how frequently they use their email accounts. The anticipated influences included incomes, education, marital status, and geographic location. At this point, the coding scheme has yet to be determined, but should I receive approval from the IRP, the coding will be developed and submitted as required. References/Works Cited Erwin, Gary J., “Writing to a Global Audience” Kettering University, p. 1-3, 8 February 2011. Globally Networked Learning Environments in Professional Communication: Challenging Normalized Ways of Learning, Teaching, and Knowing Journal of Business and Technical Communication July 2010 24: 259-266, Johnson-Greene, C. (2010). Lead-Gen Skills Development for 2010. Audience Development, 25(1), 12. Retrieved from Northcut, K. M., & Brumberger, E. R. (2010). Resisting the Lure of Technology-Driven Design: Pedagogical Approaches to Visual Communication. Journal of Technical Writing & Communication, 40(4), 459-471. doi:10.2190/ EBSCOhost. Winberg, C., van der Geest, T., Lehman, B., & Nduna, J. (2010). Teaching technical writing in multilingual contexts: A meta-analysis. Southern African Linguistics & Applied Language Studies, 28(3), 299-308. doi:10.2989/16073614.2010.545032
  • 6. McKee, H. A., & Porter, J. E. (2010). Legal and Regulatory Issues for Technical Communicators Conducting Global Internet Research. Technical Communication, 57(3), 282-299. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Lancaster, A. (2006). Rethinking Our Use of Humanistic Aspects: Effects of Technical Information Beyond the Intended Audience. Technical Communication, 53(2), 212-224. Retrieved from EBSCOhost Thatcher, B. (2005). Situating L2 writing in global communication technologies. Computers & Composition, 22(3), 279-295. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2005.05.002 Lang, M., Cranford, C., Tovey, J., Tesdell, L. S., Kepler, K., Malone, E. A., & ... Bates, C. (2005). RECENT AND RELEVANT. Technical Communication, 52(3), 399-408. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Lippincott, G. (2004). Gray Matters: Where Are the Technical Communicators in Research and Design for Aging Audiences? IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 47(3), 157-170. doi:10.1109/TPC.2004.833687 Appendix A: Survey Questions [1] What is your educational level? ___ Less than high school ___ High school graduate ___ Some college ___ College graduate ___ Graduate Degree [2] Marital Status ___ Single (never married) ___ Married ___ Divorced ___ Widow [3] Do you have children? ___ Yes ___ No [4] What is your current income? ___Less than 10,000
  • 7. ___ 10,001-20,000 ___ 20,001-30,000 ___ 30,001-45,000 ___ 45,001-60,000 ____60,001 or more [5] What is your current employment status? ___ Retired ___ Full-Time ___ Part-Time ___ Other (specify) ____________ [6] Do you own or have access to a computer on a consistent basis? ___ yes ___ no [7] Do you have an email account that you check on a consistent basis? ___ yes (continue on with the survey) ___ no (you do not need to answer any more questions) [8] Email users: How many times during the week do you check your email account? ___ Once a week ___ 2-3 times per week ___ 4-5 times per week ___ 6 or more times per week [9] I am able to open an attachment that I receive via an email message. ___ Agree ___ Slightly agree ___ Disagree ___ Slightly disagree [10] I am able to send an attachment to someone via an email message. ___ Agree ___ Slightly agree ___ Disagree ___ Slightly disagree Appendix B: Usability Study [For Group B] {Attachment Tutorial} [1] Log into your email account as usual.
  • 8. [2] Click on the “new” email to create a new message. Put in a message as you normally would when sending an email to someone. [3] Add the receiver's address and the subject line. [4] Click on the “attachments” button. It is usually located directly underneath the subject line of a new email message. [5] Browse in your files for an attachment you want to send such as a picture that you have saved on either a USB device or your desktop. [6] Click on the file you want to send as an attachment. If you want to send one than one attachment, hold down the “Ctrl” button at the same time as you select the remaining files to be sent as attachments. [7] Click the “Attachment Insert” button or “Open” button depending on your specific email program. [8] Click the “Send” button when you have finished adding all your attachments. Appendix C: Focus Group Questions {open ended} [1] What is the primary reason for having your email account? [2] How much difficulty did you have learning to use email? [3] What problems have you had when opening or sending attachments via email? Appendix D: Informed Consent Form for Human Subjects Survey Interview Consent Form USU 332D – Senior Citizens Using Emails Spring 2011 Section 7, Russ Rampton (Instructor) I wish to interview you for this project. The interview will take approximately ____hours/minutes of your time, and will/will not be audio/video taped unless you specifically request otherwise. The questions I ask will be open-ended and generally take the form of a conversation with you about this subject. The interview will be conducted under the following conditions: Your participation is voluntary (you can stop the interview at any time and refuse to answer any question.)
  • 9. Your identity will be kept confidential should you request it. Otherwise, the interview with your name will be cited as a source in the bibliography and notes, where appropriate. There is no expected risk to you for participating in the interview, but it is possible that statements you make might identify you to others who read my paper. There is no immediate benefit to you for participating, outside of assisting me in learning more about your role in the events we discuss, and thereby helping me to understand the larger impact of those events. The information you provide will be analyzed and will inform my final project for my USU 332D – ‘Senior Citizens use Email’ undergraduate research at Utah State University. The information you give will be used only for the oral presentation and written essay in this class, and will not be published or broadcast in any other form by me. I will be glad to furnish you with a copy of the paper at your request. Should I wish to use the information gained in the interview(s) for another project at a later date, then I will contact you again to get your further consent for that intended purpose. Thank you for assisting me with my project. Your signature below indicates that you agree to participate in the interview. (Verbal consent: By participating in this telephone interview, you voluntarily agree to participate in this study). Signature: __________________ Date: ______________ Please print your name clearly: ___________________________________ Participant Contact Information: Name: __________________________ Email: __________________________ Other: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________