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AI dan Strategi2
1. Intro / Basics … AI, Prompting, F.O.K.U.S., AI-4-GOD
2. Strategy !! ⇒ AI’s many types/uses/purposes
3. 3.1. AI Factors + 6 OA Strategies/Techniques
3.2. Strategic AI Formulas / Templates / Types
3.3. RTF, FrameWorks – Patterns/Pola2
4. AI Cases+Examples // Prompting Tips+Tricks
5. Next Levels – Advanced Prompting + Warnings!!
6. The AI Future …
AI dan Strategi2
1. Intro / Basics
● What is AI ⇒ ML+LLMs … Multi-Modal
● Algorithms … 7stages … AGI
○ Informational ⇒ Conversational ⇒Interactional
● Prompting Defined ⇒ Communication/Conversation
● Prompting Review ⇒ F.O.K.U.S.
● AI 4-3-2-1-! … … … AI-4-GOD !
AI dan Strategi2
1. Intro / Basics
1. History of progress(ion) of AI (ML+LLM)
Algorithms ⇒
⇒ Classification ⇒
N ⇒ Informational ⇒
O ⇒ Conversational ⇒
W ⇒ Interactional ⇒
⇒ Functional / Agency
⇒ Multi-Modal ⇒
Characteristic of AI
Informational | Conversational | Interactional
AI dan Strategi2
1. Intro / Basic
Apa itu Prompt + Prompt Engineering ?
■ Prompt: adalah teks atau instruksi (berupa pertanyaan, perintah,
atau informasi) yang diberikan kepada AI untuk
dikerjakan/dilakukan. (Seperti “Teks” WhatsApp…)
■ Prompt Engineering / Prompt Designing: adalah proses
merancang prompt yang efektif (berupa pemilihan kata-kata,
struktur kalimat, dan konteks yang tepat) untuk mendapatkan
hasil yang diinginkan dari AI. Mirip dengan conversation skills
dengan orang lain (ttp dgn AI) ini adalah ILMU + SENI !!
Kunci sukses Prompt yang baik!!
● F = Format
● O = Obyektif
● K = Konteks
● U = User/Usage
● S = Spicy⇒ Spesial, Spesifik, Style
AI 4-3-2-1 !
4 Fakta ⇒ AI Ada / Terus/ Ubah / Respons
3 Tujuan ⇒ Bicara3
/ Coba3
/ Bagi3
2 Hasil ⇒ Learn / Serve ⇒ (Teach / Lead)
1 Keinginan ⇒ AI-4-GOD !
! =Sekarang= !!
AI dan Strategi2
2. AI Types, Uses, Purposes
● AI – Many Types-Brands-Products (Charts)
● AI – Many Uses-Functions-Purposes (Charts)
● Generative AI – ALL Purpose via Prompting !!
● Need and Definition of
⇒ Strategy !!
and Tactics !!
⇒ Key to Prompt Engineering !!
Strategic Prompting !!
AI dan Strategi2
3. Prompting Strategies
● 3.1. AI Factors + Prompt Engineering
○ 6 Powerful Strategies/Tactics from OpenAI
● 3.2. Strategic AI Formulas / Templates / Types
○ One/Few/Many-Shots, COT, … 10+ methods
● 3.3. RTF, AI FrameWorks – Patterns/Pola2
○ RTF=Role/Task/Format, and Aspects of Prompts
○ Lists, Charts, and “Cheat Sheets”
AI dan Strategi2
3.1. Prompting Strategies
3.1. AI Factors + Prompt Engineering
○ 6 Powerful Strategies/Tactics (from OpenAI)
■ Clarity ◾Think
■ Context ◾Tools
■ SubTasks ◾Testing
○ ( see Chart )
AI dan Strategi2
3.1. Prompting Strategies
Six Strategies untuk hasil yang lebih baik (OpenAI)
● Kejelasan (Clarity): Membuat instruksi yang jelas.
● Konteks (Context): Mencantumkan teks referensi.
● Sub-Tugas (Subtasks): Membagi 1 tugas kompleks ke dalam
beberapa tugas yang lebih sederhana.
● Berpikir (Think): Berikan waktu kepada model untuk berpikir.
● Alat-alat (Tools): Menggunakan alat-alat eksternal.
● Uji Coba (Testings): Pengujian secara sistematis.
( lihat Chart )
AI dan Strategi2
3.1. Prompting Strategies
Six Strategies for getting better results (OpenAI)
● Clarity: Write clear instructions
● Context: Provide reference text
● Subtasks: Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks
● Think: Give the model time to "think"
● Tools: Use external tools
● Testing: Test changes systematically
( see Chart )
Six Strategies untuk mendapatkan
hasil yang lebih baik (OpenAI)
● Clarity: Tulis instruksi yang jelas
● Context: Sediakan teks referensi
● Subtasks: Membagi tugas yang
kompleks menjadi sub-tugas
yang lebih sederhana.
● Think: Berikan waktu kepada
model AI untuk "berpikir"
● Tools: Gunakan alat bantu eksternal
● Testing: Menguji perubahan secara
Six Strategies for getting better results
● Clarity: Write clear instructions
● Context: Provide reference text
● Subtasks: Split complex tasks into
simpler subtasks
● Think: Give the model time to "think"
● Tools: Use external tools
● Testing: Test changes systematically
AI dan Strategi2
3.1. Prompting Strategies
Seven Strategies untuk hasil lebih baik (oleh Meta)
● Instruksi: Tulis instruksi yang eksplisit/jelas
● Contoh: Berikan contoh yang diinginkan
● Bidang Utama: Jawaban / perspektif ahli / pengguna
● Rangkaian Berpikir: Panduan proses “berpikir”
● Formatting: Format (Tipe/Bentuk) hasil yang spesifik
● Batasan Konten: Cakupan dan sumber jawaban
+ Self-Consistency: Pengujian/pengulangan untuk QC (Bagan)
AI dan Strategi2
3.1. Prompting Strategies
Seven Strategies for getting better results (Meta)
● Instructions: Write explicit/clear instructions
● By-Examples: Provide examples of desired output
● Role Based: Perspective/Expertise of answerer
● Chain-of-Thought: Guide the "thinking" process
● Formatting: Format (Type/Shape) of specific output
● Content Limits: Scope and source of answer
+ Self-Consistency: Testing/Repetition for QC (Chart)
Seven Strategies for getting better results (Meta)
● Instructions: Write explicit/clear
● By-Examples: Provide examples of desired
● Role Based: Perspective/Expertise of
● Chain-of-Thought: Guide the "thinking"
● Formatting: Format (Type/Shape) of specific
● Content Limits: Scope and source of answer
+ Self-Consistency: Testing/Repetition for QC
Seven Strategies untuk mendapatkan hasil yang
lebih baik (Meta)
● Instructions: Tulis instruksi yang
● By-Examples: Berikan contoh hasil yang
● Role Based: Perspektif/Keahlian penjawab
● Chain-of-Thought: Memandu proses
● Formatting: Format (Jenis/Bentuk) dari
keluaran tertentu
● Content Limits: Cakupan dan sumber
+ Self-Consistency: Pengujian/Pengulangan
untuk QC (Bagan)
AI dan Strategi2
3.2. Prompting Strategies
3.2. AI Strategy Formulas / Types / Templates
○ Strategies/Tactics
■ One-Shot ◾ Grounding
■ Few-Shots ◾ Dialog/Conversational
■ Zero-Shot ◾ By-Example
■ Chain(ing)s ◾ CoT (Chain-of-Thought)
■ Reversal ◾ Tree-of-Thoughts
○ Can be combined with others … ( see Chart )
○ Also, use By-“Imitation”, and Prompt Galleries … learn together !!
AI dan Strategi2
3.3. Prompting Frameworks
3.3. AI Frameworks + Patterns/Pola2
○ “Recipes” for Strategic Prompting
■ RTF ⇒ Roles–Tasks–Format
■ FOKUS ⇒ Format–Objektif–Konteks–User–S4
■ CREATE ⇒ Context-Roles-Ex.-Audience-Task-Extras
■ CARE ⇒ Context–Action–Result–Example
■ RISE ⇒ Role–Input–Steps–Expectations
■ Hybrid … combined … and others … (BAB/TAG..)
AI dan Strategi2
3.3. Prompting Frameworks
3.3. AI Frameworks + Patterns/Pola2
Recipe: RTF ⇒ Roles–Tasks–Format
■ Roles ⇒ Act as [Role] Anda adalah [Peran]
■ Tasks ⇒ Create a [Task] Membuat [Tugas]
■ Format ⇒ Show as [Format] Dalam [Format]
Acting as [ROLE] perform this [TASK] in this [FORMAT]
Sebagai [PERAN] buatlah [TUGAS] dalam [FORMAT]
Note: F.O.K.U.S. adalah Framework yang lebih lengkap/luas dari “RTF” … :-)
RTF (Indo)
RTF (Modified)
AI dan Strategi2
3.3. Prompting Patterns
3.3. AI Patterns/Pola2
○ “Aspects” of Strategic Prompting
■ ⇒ Role – Task – Format
■ Tone / Voice / Style (Gaya Respons)
■ Task: Instructions / Steps / Goal / Examples
■ Context ◾ Topic ◾ Persona / Age / Audience
■ Input / Output ◾ Criteria / Limits ◾ Language
■ Length ◾Temperature ◾Tokens ◾ Tuning ◾ QC
■ Restrictions / Include / Details/ Special Requests
AI dan Strategi2
4.1. Prompting Examples
4.1. AI Projects/Cases
■ Infografis Paskah ◾ SM+Kurikulum
■ ◾ Ajar PM/Agile
■ AI Squared (PA dgn AI) ◾ Data Conversion
■ #unHACK / AI Expo ◾ Coding/Debug…
■ Multiplikasi Khotbah ◾ PA2
, Yunus, ROC…
■ AlkitabSABDA/BaDeNo ◾ Telaga/Konseling
■ AlkitabGPT ◾ Prompting Guides
Metode AI
4 Langkah
Awali …
Investigasi …
Ajaran …
Implementasi …
MMS/Whisper >> Transcript
Rangkuman 10 Topik Kutipan 7 Hari Aplikasi
Blog Pokok Doa Renungan 7 Hari Lesson Plan
Khotbah ⇒
MMS/Whisper >> Transcript
Khotbah ⇒
Blog Pokok Doa Renungan 7 Hari Lesson Plan
MMS/Whisper >> Transcript
Khotbah ⇒
30+ Hasil!
Rangkuman 10 Topik
Motivasi 7 Hari
Blog Pokok Doa Renungan 7 Hari
Lesson Plan
Reels Guide Books
Renungan 1 Bulan
Alat Peraga
Podcast Audio
Video Clips
Bahan Komsel
Bahan SM
Edukasi Dan banyak lagi…
AI dan Strategi2
4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks
4.2. The Perfect Prompt !! ?? !!
■ Task
■ Context
■ Examples
■ Persona
■ Format
■ Tone
Contoh Prompt dengan F.O.K.U.S.:
Jelaskan kepada saya mengenai {topik} dalam perspektif
{Alkitab}, untuk melakukan PA, yang akan ditujukan untuk
anak {usia}, dalam bentuk bullet point. Berikan juga ayat
Alkitab pendukung di setiap bullet point
● F = Format: “dalam bentuk bullet point”
● O = Objektif: “untuk melakukan PA”
● K = Konteks: “dalam perspektif Alkitab”
● U = User: “untuk anak usia 7 tahun”
● S = Spice: (bumbu)
Style, Spesifik, Spesial:
“dukungan ayat Alkitab sebagai referensi”
AI dan Strategi2
4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks
4.2. The Perfect Prompt !! ?? !!
■ Task
■ Context
■ Examples
■ Persona
■ Format
■ Tone
● Format
● Objektif
● Konteks
● User/Usage/Role
● Spicy⇒Spesifik,Spesial, Style
AI dan Strategi2
4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks
4.2. Simple Commands, … and many more !!
■ List …
■ Act as … [Role]
■ Continue
■ Elaborate
■ Summarize
■ Pros and Cons
■ … and many more .. master the basics !!
AI dan Strategi2
4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks
4.2. Conversational skills are 2-way !!
■ Be polite ◾ Be honest ◾ Be realistic/patient
■ Good conversations take time – NOT instant !!
■ Ask, and if, needed ask again/clarify
■ Listen, learn, receive – give (feed)back.
■ ie, Interact 2-way … dialog … sharing
■ Neither side is ‘stagnant’ … each changes/grows.
People who are good at conversation do well with AI !!
AI dan Strategi2
4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks
4.2. Jangan …
■ Vagueness
■ Leading Questions
■ Never Ignore Context
■ Never Ignore Prompt Structure
■ Don't make assumptions, … and double check !!
■ Mind reading is NOT yet possible !!
■ One size does NOT fit all …
AI dan Strategi2
4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks
4.2. Selalu …
■ Practice
■ Practice
■ Practice
■ And then learn some more !!
Remember … AI is always learning and growing …
THUS, we too must adapt, learn, grow in our skills !!
5. Next Level … Apa lagi dan lebih advanced?
■ Media Prompting + Multi-Modal Prompting
■ Code / API / Scripts / Variables-Placeholders
■ Specialized AI Tools / Plug-ins / Apps
■ Custom GPTs, ChatBots, … Explainable AIs
■ RAG, Fine-Tuning, Embedded, Vectors, Data
■ R+D, Enterprise, Educational … =LOTs=
■ Agents and “AGENCY” (ex. Newspaper-GPT)
AI dan Strategi2
5.1. Advanced Prompting
5.2. Warnings/Bahaya !!
■ AI is dangerous, AI is Scary !!
■ Hallucinations, Errors, … NOT Intelligent ??
■ Ethics / Morals / Bias(es) … Job Losses ??
■ Scams/Hoaxes … misuse and abuse
■ Loss of quality … loss of Truth and Trust !!
■ CyberWarfare / CyberSecurity / Bad Actors
■ AGI / ASI // Singularity … and Extinction ??
AI dan Strategi2
5.2. Prompting Dangers
5.3. Spiderman Quote
■ With great Power, comes great Responsibility !!
5.3. SABDA Quote
■ AI-4-GOD !! // Serving AI Generations now !!
■ AI is the Future – Building the future together !!
5.3. Bible Quotes
■ You can NOT serve two masters …
■ Freely Receive, Freely Give !!
AI dan Strategi2
5.3. Responsibility !!
6.1. Call to action … prepare … learn … use …
…share … bless … scale … repeat !!
■ AI Prompting for God’s purposes, God’s people,
and for God’s Kingdom !!
6.2. AI grows+learns continuously, quickly !!
■ Our skills/abilities … do we do the same ??
■ What/How can this be redeemed for HIM ??
AI dan Strategi2
6. The Future – Prompting
6.1. Call to action … prepare … learn … use …
…share … bless … scale … repeat !!
■ AI Prompting for God’s purposes, God’s people,
and for God’s Kingdom !!
6.2. AI grows+learns continuously, quickly !!
■ Our skills/abilities … do we do the same ??
■ What/How can this be redeemed for HIM !!
AI dan Strategi2
6. The Future – Prompting
AI-4-GOD !!
AI dan Strategi2
1. Intro / Basics … AI, Prompting, F.O.K.U.S., AI-4-GOD
2. AI’s many types/uses/purposes ⇒ Strategy !!
3.1. AI Factors + 6 OA Strategies/Techniques
3.2. Strategic AI Formulas / Templates / Types
3.3. RTF, FrameWorks – Patterns/Pola2
4. AI Cases+Examples // Prompting Tips+Tricks
5. Next Levels – Advanced Prompting + Warnings!!
6. The Future …
EXTRA Slides
and Resources
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting
Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting

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Seminar Seri Ai Talks: AI dan Strategi-strategi Prompting

  • 1.
  • 2. Agenda: AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 1. Intro / Basics … AI, Prompting, F.O.K.U.S., AI-4-GOD 2. Strategy !! ⇒ AI’s many types/uses/purposes 3. 3.1. AI Factors + 6 OA Strategies/Techniques 3.2. Strategic AI Formulas / Templates / Types 3.3. RTF, FrameWorks – Patterns/Pola2 4. AI Cases+Examples // Prompting Tips+Tricks 5. Next Levels – Advanced Prompting + Warnings!! 6. The AI Future …
  • 3. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 1. Intro / Basics ● What is AI ⇒ ML+LLMs … Multi-Modal ● Algorithms … 7stages … AGI ○ Informational ⇒ Conversational ⇒Interactional ● Prompting Defined ⇒ Communication/Conversation ● Prompting Review ⇒ F.O.K.U.S. ● AI 4-3-2-1-! … … … AI-4-GOD !
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 1. Intro / Basics 1. History of progress(ion) of AI (ML+LLM) Algorithms ⇒ ⇒ Classification ⇒ N ⇒ Informational ⇒ O ⇒ Conversational ⇒ W ⇒ Interactional ⇒ ⇒ Functional / Agency ⇒ ⇒ Multi-Modal ⇒
  • 7. Characteristic of AI (NOW) Informational | Conversational | Interactional
  • 8.
  • 9. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 1. Intro / Basic Apa itu Prompt + Prompt Engineering ? ■ Prompt: adalah teks atau instruksi (berupa pertanyaan, perintah, atau informasi) yang diberikan kepada AI untuk dikerjakan/dilakukan. (Seperti “Teks” WhatsApp…) ■ Prompt Engineering / Prompt Designing: adalah proses merancang prompt yang efektif (berupa pemilihan kata-kata, struktur kalimat, dan konteks yang tepat) untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan dari AI. Mirip dengan conversation skills dengan orang lain (ttp dgn AI) ini adalah ILMU + SENI !!
  • 10. F.O.K.U.S. Kunci sukses Prompt yang baik!! ● F = Format ● O = Obyektif ● K = Konteks ● U = User/Usage ● S = Spicy⇒ Spesial, Spesifik, Style
  • 11. AI 4-3-2-1 ! 4 Fakta ⇒ AI Ada / Terus/ Ubah / Respons 3 Tujuan ⇒ Bicara3 / Coba3 / Bagi3 2 Hasil ⇒ Learn / Serve ⇒ (Teach / Lead) 1 Keinginan ⇒ AI-4-GOD ! ! =Sekarang= !!
  • 12. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 2. AI Types, Uses, Purposes ● AI – Many Types-Brands-Products (Charts) ● AI – Many Uses-Functions-Purposes (Charts) ● Generative AI – ALL Purpose via Prompting !! ● Need and Definition of ⇒ Strategy !! and Tactics !! ⇒ Key to Prompt Engineering !! Strategic Prompting !!
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3. Prompting Strategies ● 3.1. AI Factors + Prompt Engineering ○ 6 Powerful Strategies/Tactics from OpenAI ● 3.2. Strategic AI Formulas / Templates / Types ○ One/Few/Many-Shots, COT, … 10+ methods ● 3.3. RTF, AI FrameWorks – Patterns/Pola2 ○ RTF=Role/Task/Format, and Aspects of Prompts ○ Lists, Charts, and “Cheat Sheets”
  • 23. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.1. Prompting Strategies 3.1. AI Factors + Prompt Engineering ○ 6 Powerful Strategies/Tactics (from OpenAI) ■ Clarity ◾Think ■ Context ◾Tools ■ SubTasks ◾Testing ○ ( see Chart )
  • 24. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.1. Prompting Strategies Six Strategies untuk hasil yang lebih baik (OpenAI) ● Kejelasan (Clarity): Membuat instruksi yang jelas. ● Konteks (Context): Mencantumkan teks referensi. ● Sub-Tugas (Subtasks): Membagi 1 tugas kompleks ke dalam beberapa tugas yang lebih sederhana. ● Berpikir (Think): Berikan waktu kepada model untuk berpikir. ● Alat-alat (Tools): Menggunakan alat-alat eksternal. ● Uji Coba (Testings): Pengujian secara sistematis. ( lihat Chart )
  • 25. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.1. Prompting Strategies Six Strategies for getting better results (OpenAI) ● Clarity: Write clear instructions ● Context: Provide reference text ● Subtasks: Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks ● Think: Give the model time to "think" ● Tools: Use external tools ● Testing: Test changes systematically ( see Chart )
  • 26.
  • 27. Six Strategies untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik (OpenAI) ● Clarity: Tulis instruksi yang jelas ● Context: Sediakan teks referensi ● Subtasks: Membagi tugas yang kompleks menjadi sub-tugas yang lebih sederhana. ● Think: Berikan waktu kepada model AI untuk "berpikir" ● Tools: Gunakan alat bantu eksternal ● Testing: Menguji perubahan secara sistematis
  • 28. Six Strategies for getting better results (OpenAI) ● Clarity: Write clear instructions ● Context: Provide reference text ● Subtasks: Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks ● Think: Give the model time to "think" ● Tools: Use external tools ● Testing: Test changes systematically
  • 29.
  • 30. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.1. Prompting Strategies Seven Strategies untuk hasil lebih baik (oleh Meta) ● Instruksi: Tulis instruksi yang eksplisit/jelas ● Contoh: Berikan contoh yang diinginkan ● Bidang Utama: Jawaban / perspektif ahli / pengguna ● Rangkaian Berpikir: Panduan proses “berpikir” ● Formatting: Format (Tipe/Bentuk) hasil yang spesifik ● Batasan Konten: Cakupan dan sumber jawaban + Self-Consistency: Pengujian/pengulangan untuk QC (Bagan)
  • 31. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.1. Prompting Strategies Seven Strategies for getting better results (Meta) ● Instructions: Write explicit/clear instructions ● By-Examples: Provide examples of desired output ● Role Based: Perspective/Expertise of answerer ● Chain-of-Thought: Guide the "thinking" process ● Formatting: Format (Type/Shape) of specific output ● Content Limits: Scope and source of answer + Self-Consistency: Testing/Repetition for QC (Chart)
  • 32. Seven Strategies for getting better results (Meta) ● Instructions: Write explicit/clear instructions ● By-Examples: Provide examples of desired output ● Role Based: Perspective/Expertise of answerer ● Chain-of-Thought: Guide the "thinking" process ● Formatting: Format (Type/Shape) of specific output ● Content Limits: Scope and source of answer + Self-Consistency: Testing/Repetition for QC (Chart)
  • 33. Seven Strategies untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik (Meta) ● Instructions: Tulis instruksi yang eksplisit/jelas ● By-Examples: Berikan contoh hasil yang diinginkan ● Role Based: Perspektif/Keahlian penjawab ● Chain-of-Thought: Memandu proses "berpikir" ● Formatting: Format (Jenis/Bentuk) dari keluaran tertentu ● Content Limits: Cakupan dan sumber jawaban + Self-Consistency: Pengujian/Pengulangan untuk QC (Bagan)
  • 34. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.2. Prompting Strategies 3.2. AI Strategy Formulas / Types / Templates ○ Strategies/Tactics ■ One-Shot ◾ Grounding ■ Few-Shots ◾ Dialog/Conversational ■ Zero-Shot ◾ By-Example ■ Chain(ing)s ◾ CoT (Chain-of-Thought) ■ Reversal ◾ Tree-of-Thoughts ○ Can be combined with others … ( see Chart ) ○ Also, use By-“Imitation”, and Prompt Galleries … learn together !!
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 39.
  • 40. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.3. Prompting Frameworks 3.3. AI Frameworks + Patterns/Pola2 ○ “Recipes” for Strategic Prompting ■ RTF ⇒ Roles–Tasks–Format ■ FOKUS ⇒ Format–Objektif–Konteks–User–S4 ■ CREATE ⇒ Context-Roles-Ex.-Audience-Task-Extras ■ CARE ⇒ Context–Action–Result–Example ■ RISE ⇒ Role–Input–Steps–Expectations ■ Hybrid … combined … and others … (BAB/TAG..)
  • 42. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.3. Prompting Frameworks 3.3. AI Frameworks + Patterns/Pola2 Recipe: RTF ⇒ Roles–Tasks–Format ■ Roles ⇒ Act as [Role] Anda adalah [Peran] ■ Tasks ⇒ Create a [Task] Membuat [Tugas] ■ Format ⇒ Show as [Format] Dalam [Format] Acting as [ROLE] perform this [TASK] in this [FORMAT] Sebagai [PERAN] buatlah [TUGAS] dalam [FORMAT] Note: F.O.K.U.S. adalah Framework yang lebih lengkap/luas dari “RTF” … :-)
  • 45. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 3.3. Prompting Patterns 3.3. AI Patterns/Pola2 ○ “Aspects” of Strategic Prompting ■ ⇒ Role – Task – Format ■ Tone / Voice / Style (Gaya Respons) ■ Task: Instructions / Steps / Goal / Examples ■ Context ◾ Topic ◾ Persona / Age / Audience ■ Input / Output ◾ Criteria / Limits ◾ Language ■ Length ◾Temperature ◾Tokens ◾ Tuning ◾ QC ■ Restrictions / Include / Details/ Special Requests
  • 46. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 4.1. Prompting Examples 4.1. AI Projects/Cases ■ Infografis Paskah ◾ SM+Kurikulum ■ ◾ Ajar PM/Agile ■ AI Squared (PA dgn AI) ◾ Data Conversion ■ #unHACK / AI Expo ◾ Coding/Debug… ■ Multiplikasi Khotbah ◾ PA2 , Yunus, ROC… ■ AlkitabSABDA/BaDeNo ◾ Telaga/Konseling ■ AlkitabGPT ◾ Prompting Guides
  • 48. Metode AI 4 Langkah 2 Awali … Investigasi … Ajaran … Implementasi …
  • 49. MMS/Whisper >> Transcript Rangkuman 10 Topik Kutipan 7 Hari Aplikasi Blog Pokok Doa Renungan 7 Hari Lesson Plan Khotbah ⇒ Multiplikasi
  • 50. MMS/Whisper >> Transcript Khotbah ⇒ Multiplikasi Blog Pokok Doa Renungan 7 Hari Lesson Plan
  • 51. MMS/Whisper >> Transcript Khotbah ⇒ 30+ Hasil! Rangkuman 10 Topik Motivasi 7 Hari Aplikasi Blog Pokok Doa Renungan 7 Hari Lesson Plan Vlog Reels Guide Books QnA PA Renungan 1 Bulan Outline Apps PPT Aktivitas Lagu Infografis Alat Peraga Warta Quotes Podcast Audio Video Clips Drama Tagging Seminar Konteks E-Buku Subtitle Translate Bahan Komsel Bahan SM Kreativitas Pemuda Edukasi Dan banyak lagi… Kurikulum
  • 54.
  • 56. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks 4.2. The Perfect Prompt !! ?? !! ■ Task ■ Context ■ Examples ■ Persona ■ Format ■ Tone
  • 57.
  • 58.
  • 59. Contoh Prompt dengan F.O.K.U.S.: Jelaskan kepada saya mengenai {topik} dalam perspektif {Alkitab}, untuk melakukan PA, yang akan ditujukan untuk anak {usia}, dalam bentuk bullet point. Berikan juga ayat Alkitab pendukung di setiap bullet point ● F = Format: “dalam bentuk bullet point” ● O = Objektif: “untuk melakukan PA” ● K = Konteks: “dalam perspektif Alkitab” ● U = User: “untuk anak usia 7 tahun” ● S = Spice: (bumbu) Style, Spesifik, Spesial: “dukungan ayat Alkitab sebagai referensi”
  • 60. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks 4.2. The Perfect Prompt !! ?? !! ■ Task ■ Context ■ Examples ■ Persona ■ Format ■ Tone F.O.K.U.S. ● Format ● Objektif ● Konteks ● User/Usage/Role ● Spicy⇒Spesifik,Spesial, Style
  • 61. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks 4.2. Simple Commands, … and many more !! ■ List … ■ Act as … [Role] ■ Continue ■ Elaborate ■ Summarize ■ Pros and Cons ■ … and many more .. master the basics !!
  • 62. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks 4.2. Conversational skills are 2-way !! ■ Be polite ◾ Be honest ◾ Be realistic/patient ■ Good conversations take time – NOT instant !! ■ Ask, and if, needed ask again/clarify ■ Listen, learn, receive – give (feed)back. ■ ie, Interact 2-way … dialog … sharing ■ Neither side is ‘stagnant’ … each changes/grows. People who are good at conversation do well with AI !!
  • 63. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks 4.2. Jangan … ■ Vagueness ■ Leading Questions ■ Never Ignore Context ■ Never Ignore Prompt Structure ■ Don't make assumptions, … and double check !! ■ Mind reading is NOT yet possible !! ■ One size does NOT fit all …
  • 64. AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 4.2. Prompting Tips+Tricks 4.2. Selalu … ■ Practice ■ Practice ■ Practice ■ And then learn some more !! Remember … AI is always learning and growing … THUS, we too must adapt, learn, grow in our skills !!
  • 65. 5. Next Level … Apa lagi dan lebih advanced? ■ Media Prompting + Multi-Modal Prompting ■ Code / API / Scripts / Variables-Placeholders ■ Specialized AI Tools / Plug-ins / Apps ■ Custom GPTs, ChatBots, … Explainable AIs ■ RAG, Fine-Tuning, Embedded, Vectors, Data ■ R+D, Enterprise, Educational … =LOTs= ■ Agents and “AGENCY” (ex. Newspaper-GPT) AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 5.1. Advanced Prompting
  • 66. 5.2. Warnings/Bahaya !! ■ AI is dangerous, AI is Scary !! ■ Hallucinations, Errors, … NOT Intelligent ?? ■ Ethics / Morals / Bias(es) … Job Losses ?? ■ Scams/Hoaxes … misuse and abuse ■ Loss of quality … loss of Truth and Trust !! ■ CyberWarfare / CyberSecurity / Bad Actors ■ AGI / ASI // Singularity … and Extinction ?? AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 5.2. Prompting Dangers
  • 67. 5.3. Spiderman Quote ■ With great Power, comes great Responsibility !! 5.3. SABDA Quote ■ AI-4-GOD !! // Serving AI Generations now !! ■ AI is the Future – Building the future together !! 5.3. Bible Quotes ■ You can NOT serve two masters … ■ Freely Receive, Freely Give !! AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 5.3. Responsibility !!
  • 68. 6.1. Call to action … prepare … learn … use … …share … bless … scale … repeat !! ■ AI Prompting for God’s purposes, God’s people, and for God’s Kingdom !! 6.2. AI grows+learns continuously, quickly !! ■ Our skills/abilities … do we do the same ?? ■ What/How can this be redeemed for HIM ?? AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 6. The Future – Prompting
  • 69. 6.1. Call to action … prepare … learn … use … …share … bless … scale … repeat !! ■ AI Prompting for God’s purposes, God’s people, and for God’s Kingdom !! 6.2. AI grows+learns continuously, quickly !! ■ Our skills/abilities … do we do the same ?? ■ What/How can this be redeemed for HIM !! AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 6. The Future – Prompting AI-4-GOD !!
  • 70. Review: AI dan Strategi2 Prompting 1. Intro / Basics … AI, Prompting, F.O.K.U.S., AI-4-GOD 2. AI’s many types/uses/purposes ⇒ Strategy !! 3.1. AI Factors + 6 OA Strategies/Techniques 3.2. Strategic AI Formulas / Templates / Types 3.3. RTF, FrameWorks – Patterns/Pola2 4. AI Cases+Examples // Prompting Tips+Tricks 5. Next Levels – Advanced Prompting + Warnings!! 6. The Future …
  • 71.