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To check the pH
value of various
fruit juices
available in the
market and do a
study by analyzing
their effect on
pH (potenz d Hydrogen)
 pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Solutions with a
pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7
are basic or alkaline. Pure water has a pH very close to 7.
 Measurement of pH for aqueous solutions can be done with a glass electrode and
a pH meter, or using indicators.
 pH measurements are important in medicine, biology, chemistry,
agriculture, forestry, food science, environmental science, oceanography, civil
engineering, chemical engineering, nutrition, water treatment & water purification,
and many other applications.
 The exact meaning of the "p" in "pH" is disputed, but according to the Carlsberg
Foundation pH stands for "power of hydrogen". It has also been suggested that the
"p" stands for the German Potenz (meaning "power").
 In technical terms, pH is the negative logarithm of the activity of the
(solvated) hydronium ion, more often expressed as the measure of the hydronium
ion concentration.
pH indicators
Indicators may be used to measure pH, by
making use of the fact that their color changes
with pH. Visual comparison of the color of a
test solution with a standard color chart
provides a means to measure pH accurate to the
nearest whole number. More precise
measurements are possible if the color is
measured spectrophotometrically, using
a colorimeter of spectrophotometer. Universal
indicator consists of a mixture of indicators
such that there is a continuous color change
from about pH 2 to pH 10. Universal indicator
paper is made from absorbent paper that has
been impregnated with universal indicator.
pOH is sometimes used as a measure of the
concentration of hydroxide ions, OH−, or alkalinity.
pOH values are derived from pH measurements. The
concentration of hydroxide ions in water is related to
the concentration of hydrogen ions by where KW is
the self-ionisation constant of water. Taking logarithms.
So, at room temperature pOH ≈ 14 − pH. However this
relationship is not strictly valid in other circumstances,
such as in measurements of soil alkalinity.
FRUIT – Health Effects
Fruits are “juicy foods” that consist mostly of water, but they also provide a
variety of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and a good amount of fiber that helps fill
you up. Juice is another story. When whole produce is processed into juice most
of the fiber is lost and you’re left with a less nutritious end product. And consider
this: It takes a couple minutes to eat a 60-calorie orange but only a couple
seconds to guzzle down a 110-calorie glass of orange juice.
Fruit juice is a highly concentrated source of fruit sugar. This can raise your blood
sugar quickly, and that’s why juice is not recommended for people with type 2
diabetes. Individuals with high triglycerides should avoid fruit juice as well, as its
concentrated simple sugars can raise triglyceride levels even higher. Fruit drinks
— not to be confused with 100 percent juices — are an even worse choice
because they contain added sugars and less nutrition. Because both fruit juices
and fruit drinks are calorie-dense and low in fiber, people trying to lose or
manage weight should dramatically limit their intake and choose fresh, filling
whole fruit instead.
While it’s better to get your nutrients and fiber from whole fruit sources, juice does still contain
vitamins and minerals. For example, certain juices are high in vitamin C and contain folate and
minerals such as potassium. Some juices, like orange juice, may also be fortified with calcium.
If you are going to drink juice, look for 100 percent juice that doesn’t have any added sugar or
sodium. You can also make your own fresh squeezed or pressed juices at home. And you may
want to consider diluting your beverage with water or calorie-free seltzer to cut calories and
sugar. The vitamin C in some juices is largely responsible for the health of collagen, a protein
that helps maintain healthy skin and cartilage. Eating and drinking vitamin C–rich fruits will
help replenish your skin’s vitamin C stores and enhance its natural beauty. Vitamin C also aids
in joint flexibility and maintenance of healthy hair. Lastly, vitamin C may help prevent
cataracts and macular degeneration.
Some juices are fortified with the mineral calcium, which helps keep your bones healthy. Juices
that contain calcium may be able to help lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of
cardiovascular disease and prevent osteoporosis. Calcium may also help alleviate PMS
cramping. Juices rich in potassium may further help prevent osteoporosis by forming
osteocalcin, a protein found only in the bone. Drinking potassium-rich juice can also help keep
blood pressure low.. B vitamins like folate may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, slow
age-related memory decline, and help maintain healthy hair. Folate also contributes to the
production of serotonin, so it may help ward off depression and improve mood.. Aside from
being a potential weight-loss buster, certain varieties of juice (mainly citrus juices) can trigger
migraines in people who are sensitive. IBS sufferers take note: Some people with IBS are
sensitive to sources of concentrated sugar like fruit juice and experience discomfort after eating
An orange packs over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60
flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory,
anti-tumour and blood clot inhibiting properties, as well as strong anti-
oxidant effects. The combination of the high amount of anti-oxidant
(vitamin C) and flavonoids in oranges makes it one of the best fruits in
helping to promote optimal health.
 Arteriosclerosis: Regularly consuming vitamin C retards the
development of hardening of the arteries.
 Cancer prevention: A compound in oranges called liminoid, has been
found to help fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and
colon. The high vitamin C content also acts as a good anti-oxidant that
protects cells from damages by free radicals.
 Cholesterol: The alkaloid synephrine found under the orange peel can
reduce the liver’s production of cholesterol. Whereas the anti-oxidant
fights oxidative stress that is the main culprit in oxidizing the LDLs in
our blood.
 Constipation: Even though the orange “tastes acidic”, it actually has
an alkaline effect in the digestive system and helps stimulate the
digestive juices, relieving constipation.
 Heart disease: A high intake of flavonoids and vitamin C has been
known to halve the risk of heart diseases.
 High blood pressure: Studies have shown that a flavonoid called
hesperidins in oranges can lower high blood pressure.
 Immune system: The strong content of vitamin C stimulates white
cells to fight infection, naturally building a good immune system.
 Kidney stones, prevent: Drinking orange juice daily can
significantly drop the risk of formation of calcium oxalate stones in the
 Skin: The anti-oxidant in orange help protect the skin from free
radical damage known to cause signs of aging.
 Stomach ulcer: Consuming vitamin C rich foods helps to lower the
incidence of peptic ulcers and in turn, reduce the risk of stomach cancer.
 Viral infections, protection against: The abundance of polyphenols
have been shown to provide protection against viral infections.
Bromelain in pineapple is a protein-digesting enzyme which also
effectively reduce inflammation and swelling. So drink fresh pineapple
juice and say goodbye to all your pains.
 Digestion: After a heavy meaty meal, drink pineapple juice, as the
protein-digesting enzymes help do the extra work of digesting for you.
 Inflammatory conditions: As pineapple juice causes an anti-
inflammatory effect, drinking this yellow juice may relieve sufferers of
much pain in the following inflammatory conditions: Carpal tunnel
syndrome, Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Injuries, Surgeries,
 Respiratory conditions: Bromelain helps to break down and dissolve
excessive mucus, providing much relief to sufferers of asthma, bronchitis,
pneumonia and sinusitis. It would also help tremendously if you reduced
your intake of harmful foods, as mucus are formed mostly from
consumption of these foods.
 Sore Throat: Drinking pineapple juice significantly reduces the soreness
and redness in the throat.
Limes and lemons contain outstanding phytochemicals that are high in anti-
oxidant and anti-cancer properties. They are potent detoxifiers with anti-biotic
effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning.
 Asthma: Take a tablespoon of lemon juice at least one hour before each meal to
relieve asthma.
 Burning soles/feet: Rub a sliced lemon over the burning sole/foot/heel to
relieve from pain and for toxin elimination through the pores of the feet.
 Cholera: The potent anti-viral properties in lime/lemon can killcholera
bacilli within a very short period of time. Drink one part juice and one part water
regularly, especially during an epidemic.
 Cold: The anti-viral properties in lime/lemon fight infections and halt the
progress of a cold. Take the juice of two lemons in half a liter of hot water and
add raw honey to taste. Sip it slowly before bedtime.
 Constipation: Drink a glass of warm water every morning with some
lime/lemon juice with raw honey. Stir in a pinch of cinnamon powder. This will
help your body to detoxify and relieve constipation.
 Digestion: Lime/lemon juice have amazing digestive qualities that are very
similar to our digestive enzymes. Thus it is effectively helps with digestion and
relieve bloating and belching.
 Gums, swollen: Drink a glass of diluted fresh lime juice with a pinch of sea
salt to relieve the pain of swollen gums. Use the albedo (the white matter under
the peel) from the squeezed lime and rub on the gums.
 Heartburn: Add two teaspoon of concentrated lime/lemon juice into a
glass of warm water and drink to relieve heartburn.
 Inflammatory disorders: Even though lime/lemon juice are sour and taste
acidic, it is actually very alkalinizing in the body and is highly effective in the
treatment of inflammatory disorders like rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, etc. It
also prevents the deposit of uric acid in the tissues, thus reducing the risks of
 Skin, dry: Rub the peel of a lemon on dry or scaly skin to restore softness
and add moisture to the skin.
 Sore throat: Mix one part lemon juice with one part water. Gargle
frequently and feel its soothing effect on the throat. You may also add in a
pinch of sea salt for added effect.
 Feet, tired: After a long day on your feet, soak your feet in very warm
water containing lime/lemon juice to enjoy the cooling, astringent feeling. This
will also help promote deep sleep due to the relaxing action on the foot nerves.
Although most variety of grapes are very sweet, its glycemic index is still at
a very safe level of 50. In fact, grape juice is an excellent stimulator of your
body metabolism in helping to burn excess food and waste. It supplies heat
and energy to the body in a short space of time after drinking. Here are the
many more health benefits of grapes or its juice:
 Anti-coagulant: The juice from this tiny fruit can help prevent blood
clotting and in the process, help improve blood circulation which would
generally improve on overall health.
 Anti-inflammation: The anti-inflammatory agents in grapes greatly help
reduce the risks of inflammatory problems like rheumatism, gout and
 Atherosclerosis: Resveratrol in grapes is a good scrubber of arterial
deposits, thus it effectively helps reduce the risk, or even reverse
 Bladder: Highly cleansing to the bladder, cleaning out the stones and
improving urination, improves bile flow and elimination of waste materials.
 Cancer: The rich and high content of anti-oxidants in cancer are superb for
the prevention of cancer.
 Constipation: Grape juice is a mild laxative and helps clear up the
bowels. Take about 200 ml twice daily for chronic constipation.
 Eyesight/vision: The flavonol compounds in grape seeds are effective for the
treatment of night blindness, retinal disorders and vision improvement.
 Fever: Drink grape juice consistently to reduce fever. It would also help relieve
fatigue and provide energy to the body.
 Heart disease: Grapes are beneficial in toning up the heart, reduce heart pains, and
can normalize heart palpitations. To enjoy the benefits, go on a grape diet for a few
 Indigestion: A gentle and natural home remedy for indigestion.
 Mouth and throat infection: Drink juice of unripe grapes to help clear infections
in the mouth and throat.
 Migraine: Certain compounds in grapes make this miracle juice powerfully
effective in relieving headaches and migraine.
 Kidney: Grape juice is diuretic and is excellent for cleaning out the kidney and
may help remedy kidney stones.
 Liver: The abundance of minerals in grapes stimulate the cleansing activity in
liver, helps to detoxify.
 Skin: The highly cleansing properties of grape juice and the high vitamin C
content is very beneficial for the skin and helps reduce acne.
When you eat an apple raw (not cooked) or drink of its fresh juices every day, you can expect to
benefit from its numerous health benefits.
 Asthma: Asthmatics who drink apple juice daily will encounter less wheezing and asthma
attack due to the high vitamin C and anti-oxidant compounds.
 Athletes: Moderate exercise is good. But intensive or strenuous work-out/trainings will create
oxidative stress in the body. Drinking apple juice after trainings will neutralize the harmful
oxidants, replenish the vitamins/minerals, reverse muscle tiredness and muscle stiffness. Be sure
that the apple juice are not oxidized which will add on to the oxidative stress that is harmful to the
 Atheroslerosis: The high LDL cholesterol in the body is dangerous when there is oxidative
stress occurring. The high anti-oxidant compounds from apple will help neutralize the oxidation,
thus reducing the danger of the plaque build-up and clogging of the arteries that lead to
 Arteriosclerosis: Regularly consuming apple juice that is rich in vitamin C will retard the
development of hardening of the arteries.
 Bone Protection: The high content of potassium in apple prevents loss of calcium in the blood
which in turn help prevent loss of calcium in the bones. Daily eating/drinking an apple helps
preserve bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
 Constipation: Drinking apple juice mixed with carrot juice is a sure way to ease
constipation. If badly constipated, keep drinking this combination until bowel moves,
and it will.
 Dental Care: Chewing on an apple helps clean the teeth and maintain healthy
gums. The anti-septic effect of apples keep bacteria and viruses away; and reduces the
incidences of cavities in teeth.
 Diabetes: Green apples are great to be consumed by diabetics for its fiber. The
apple polyphenols also help prevent spikes in blood sugar with enzymes that help break
down complex carbohydrates.
 Digestion: Apples contain a natural laxative. When drunk as juice, it helps aid
bowel movements. It is most effective when mixed with carrots and spinach juices, you
can expect bowel movement the next day. Regularly eating apples also will ensure
bowel movements due to its gel-forming fiber, pectin. It improves the intestinal muscle’s
ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Regular bowel movements mean
lower chances of colon cancer.
 Fibromyalgia: Apple is one of the best sources of malic acid that plays an
important role in improving muscle performance, reversing muscle tiredness after
exercise, prevent muscle stiffness, and generally reducing lethargy and increasing
energy levels. This makes it a great help for people suffering from fibromyalgia.
 Lung Cancer, Prevention: The high content of flavonoids quercetin, naringin and
anti-oxidants in apples are effective compounds in preventing lung cancer.
The high content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in guava makes it a
powerhouse in combating free radicals and oxidation that are key enemies
that cause many degenerative diseases.
 Cancer: The anti-oxidant virtue in guavas are believed to help reduce the
risk of cancers of the stomach, esophagus, larynx, oral cavity and pancreas.
 Cholesterol: The vitamin C in guava makes absorption of vitamin E much
more effective in reducing the oxidation of the LDL cholesterol and
increasing the (good) HDL cholesterol.
 Constipation: The fiber in guavas promote digestion and ease bowel
 Diverticulitis: The insoluble fiber is beneficial in preventing and treating
 Heart disease: Eating guava or drinking guava juice regularly helps keep
heart disease at bay.
 Vision: The high content of vitamin A in guava plays an important role in
maintaining the quality and health of eyesight, skin, teeth, bones and the
mucus membranes.
Mango is a nutrient packed fruit, extremely rich in minerals, antioxidant vitamins,
and enzymes. Mangoes are one of the richest sources of vitamin A and vitamin C and
minerals namely potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It is laden with fiber too.
Health promoting effects of mango come from its rich content of nutrients, bioactive
compounds and fiber.
 Lipid and Blood Glucose Lowering Effect : Incorporating mango in the diet could
aid in reducing body fat and controlling blood sugar. Mango contains nutrients and
other bioactive compounds that provide various health benefits. The findings
demonstrated mango flesh to be a promising alternative to lipid lowering drugs.
Mango was seen to affect several factors involved in fat metabolism as it reduces the
circulating level of the hormone leptin. Leptin is produced by fat cells and its
concentration in the blood is directly proportional to the body fat content. As body
fat stores increase, the levels of leptin also increase. Leptin plays a key role in
regulation of appetite. In the study, mice receiving high fat diets containing mango
had significantly lower levels of leptin than mice eating the high fat diet alone. In
addition to the positive effects of mango on body fat, the mango-containing diets
also exhibited glucose lowering properties. The high levels of fiber, pectin and
vitamin C also help lower serum LDL cholesterol levels. Mango is rich in potassium
which helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
 Anti Cancer Effect : Mango polyphenols limit inflammatory response in both cancerous and
non-cancerous breast cells. The antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect
against colon, chest, leukemia and prostate cancers. These include quercetin, isoquercitrin,
astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methyl gallate, and other enzymes.
 Immune Boosting Effect : The high amount of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangoes, along
with different kinds of carotenoids help keep the immune system healthy and strong. Because of
their high content of vitamin A, mango is known to promote good eyesight.
 Alkalinizing Effect :Tartaric acid, malic acid, and traces of citric acid found in mangoes help to
maintain the alkalinity of the body. Enzymes in the fruit help in digestion. The fiber too helps in
digestion and elimination. The raw mango acts as a coolant in summers. Juice of the green
mango helps cool down the body and prevents sun stroke.
 Relaxing Effect : Mango is rich in Vitamin B-6 which is essential for Gamma-Amino Butyric
acid (GABA) hormone production. GABA is an amino acid which acts as a neurotransmitter in the
central nervous system, inhibiting nerve transmission in the brain, thus causing a calming effect.
 Metabolically Healthful Effect : Mangoes are rich in minerals like copper, manganese and
zinc. Copper acts as a co-factor for many important vital enzymes such as cytochrome c-oxidase
and superoxide dismutase. It is essential for production of red blood cells in the body
Aishwarya Jha
B.A.(H) English
(University of Delhi)

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Determine pH of fruit juices

  • 1. To check the pH value of various fruit juices available in the market and do a comparative study by analyzing their effect on health
  • 2. pH (potenz d Hydrogen)  pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Pure water has a pH very close to 7.  Measurement of pH for aqueous solutions can be done with a glass electrode and a pH meter, or using indicators.  pH measurements are important in medicine, biology, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, food science, environmental science, oceanography, civil engineering, chemical engineering, nutrition, water treatment & water purification, and many other applications.  The exact meaning of the "p" in "pH" is disputed, but according to the Carlsberg Foundation pH stands for "power of hydrogen". It has also been suggested that the "p" stands for the German Potenz (meaning "power").  In technical terms, pH is the negative logarithm of the activity of the (solvated) hydronium ion, more often expressed as the measure of the hydronium ion concentration.
  • 3. pH indicators Indicators may be used to measure pH, by making use of the fact that their color changes with pH. Visual comparison of the color of a test solution with a standard color chart provides a means to measure pH accurate to the nearest whole number. More precise measurements are possible if the color is measured spectrophotometrically, using a colorimeter of spectrophotometer. Universal indicator consists of a mixture of indicators such that there is a continuous color change from about pH 2 to pH 10. Universal indicator paper is made from absorbent paper that has been impregnated with universal indicator.
  • 4.
  • 5. pOH is sometimes used as a measure of the concentration of hydroxide ions, OH−, or alkalinity. pOH values are derived from pH measurements. The concentration of hydroxide ions in water is related to the concentration of hydrogen ions by where KW is the self-ionisation constant of water. Taking logarithms. So, at room temperature pOH ≈ 14 − pH. However this relationship is not strictly valid in other circumstances, such as in measurements of soil alkalinity.
  • 6. FRUIT – Health Effects Fruits are “juicy foods” that consist mostly of water, but they also provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and a good amount of fiber that helps fill you up. Juice is another story. When whole produce is processed into juice most of the fiber is lost and you’re left with a less nutritious end product. And consider this: It takes a couple minutes to eat a 60-calorie orange but only a couple seconds to guzzle down a 110-calorie glass of orange juice. Fruit juice is a highly concentrated source of fruit sugar. This can raise your blood sugar quickly, and that’s why juice is not recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. Individuals with high triglycerides should avoid fruit juice as well, as its concentrated simple sugars can raise triglyceride levels even higher. Fruit drinks — not to be confused with 100 percent juices — are an even worse choice because they contain added sugars and less nutrition. Because both fruit juices and fruit drinks are calorie-dense and low in fiber, people trying to lose or manage weight should dramatically limit their intake and choose fresh, filling whole fruit instead.
  • 7. While it’s better to get your nutrients and fiber from whole fruit sources, juice does still contain vitamins and minerals. For example, certain juices are high in vitamin C and contain folate and minerals such as potassium. Some juices, like orange juice, may also be fortified with calcium. If you are going to drink juice, look for 100 percent juice that doesn’t have any added sugar or sodium. You can also make your own fresh squeezed or pressed juices at home. And you may want to consider diluting your beverage with water or calorie-free seltzer to cut calories and sugar. The vitamin C in some juices is largely responsible for the health of collagen, a protein that helps maintain healthy skin and cartilage. Eating and drinking vitamin C–rich fruits will help replenish your skin’s vitamin C stores and enhance its natural beauty. Vitamin C also aids in joint flexibility and maintenance of healthy hair. Lastly, vitamin C may help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Some juices are fortified with the mineral calcium, which helps keep your bones healthy. Juices that contain calcium may be able to help lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent osteoporosis. Calcium may also help alleviate PMS cramping. Juices rich in potassium may further help prevent osteoporosis by forming osteocalcin, a protein found only in the bone. Drinking potassium-rich juice can also help keep blood pressure low.. B vitamins like folate may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, slow age-related memory decline, and help maintain healthy hair. Folate also contributes to the production of serotonin, so it may help ward off depression and improve mood.. Aside from being a potential weight-loss buster, certain varieties of juice (mainly citrus juices) can trigger migraines in people who are sensitive. IBS sufferers take note: Some people with IBS are sensitive to sources of concentrated sugar like fruit juice and experience discomfort after eating them.
  • 8. ORANGE An orange packs over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot inhibiting properties, as well as strong anti- oxidant effects. The combination of the high amount of anti-oxidant (vitamin C) and flavonoids in oranges makes it one of the best fruits in helping to promote optimal health.  Arteriosclerosis: Regularly consuming vitamin C retards the development of hardening of the arteries.  Cancer prevention: A compound in oranges called liminoid, has been found to help fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. The high vitamin C content also acts as a good anti-oxidant that protects cells from damages by free radicals.  Cholesterol: The alkaloid synephrine found under the orange peel can reduce the liver’s production of cholesterol. Whereas the anti-oxidant fights oxidative stress that is the main culprit in oxidizing the LDLs in our blood.
  • 9.  Constipation: Even though the orange “tastes acidic”, it actually has an alkaline effect in the digestive system and helps stimulate the digestive juices, relieving constipation.  Heart disease: A high intake of flavonoids and vitamin C has been known to halve the risk of heart diseases.  High blood pressure: Studies have shown that a flavonoid called hesperidins in oranges can lower high blood pressure.  Immune system: The strong content of vitamin C stimulates white cells to fight infection, naturally building a good immune system.  Kidney stones, prevent: Drinking orange juice daily can significantly drop the risk of formation of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney.  Skin: The anti-oxidant in orange help protect the skin from free radical damage known to cause signs of aging.  Stomach ulcer: Consuming vitamin C rich foods helps to lower the incidence of peptic ulcers and in turn, reduce the risk of stomach cancer.  Viral infections, protection against: The abundance of polyphenols have been shown to provide protection against viral infections.
  • 10. PINEAPPLE Bromelain in pineapple is a protein-digesting enzyme which also effectively reduce inflammation and swelling. So drink fresh pineapple juice and say goodbye to all your pains.  Digestion: After a heavy meaty meal, drink pineapple juice, as the protein-digesting enzymes help do the extra work of digesting for you.  Inflammatory conditions: As pineapple juice causes an anti- inflammatory effect, drinking this yellow juice may relieve sufferers of much pain in the following inflammatory conditions: Carpal tunnel syndrome, Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Injuries, Surgeries, Etc.  Respiratory conditions: Bromelain helps to break down and dissolve excessive mucus, providing much relief to sufferers of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis. It would also help tremendously if you reduced your intake of harmful foods, as mucus are formed mostly from consumption of these foods.  Sore Throat: Drinking pineapple juice significantly reduces the soreness and redness in the throat.
  • 11. LEMON Limes and lemons contain outstanding phytochemicals that are high in anti- oxidant and anti-cancer properties. They are potent detoxifiers with anti-biotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning.  Asthma: Take a tablespoon of lemon juice at least one hour before each meal to relieve asthma.  Burning soles/feet: Rub a sliced lemon over the burning sole/foot/heel to relieve from pain and for toxin elimination through the pores of the feet.  Cholera: The potent anti-viral properties in lime/lemon can killcholera bacilli within a very short period of time. Drink one part juice and one part water regularly, especially during an epidemic.  Cold: The anti-viral properties in lime/lemon fight infections and halt the progress of a cold. Take the juice of two lemons in half a liter of hot water and add raw honey to taste. Sip it slowly before bedtime.  Constipation: Drink a glass of warm water every morning with some lime/lemon juice with raw honey. Stir in a pinch of cinnamon powder. This will help your body to detoxify and relieve constipation.  Digestion: Lime/lemon juice have amazing digestive qualities that are very similar to our digestive enzymes. Thus it is effectively helps with digestion and relieve bloating and belching.
  • 12.  Gums, swollen: Drink a glass of diluted fresh lime juice with a pinch of sea salt to relieve the pain of swollen gums. Use the albedo (the white matter under the peel) from the squeezed lime and rub on the gums.  Heartburn: Add two teaspoon of concentrated lime/lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drink to relieve heartburn.  Inflammatory disorders: Even though lime/lemon juice are sour and taste acidic, it is actually very alkalinizing in the body and is highly effective in the treatment of inflammatory disorders like rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, etc. It also prevents the deposit of uric acid in the tissues, thus reducing the risks of gout.  Skin, dry: Rub the peel of a lemon on dry or scaly skin to restore softness and add moisture to the skin.  Sore throat: Mix one part lemon juice with one part water. Gargle frequently and feel its soothing effect on the throat. You may also add in a pinch of sea salt for added effect.  Feet, tired: After a long day on your feet, soak your feet in very warm water containing lime/lemon juice to enjoy the cooling, astringent feeling. This will also help promote deep sleep due to the relaxing action on the foot nerves.
  • 13. GRAPE S Although most variety of grapes are very sweet, its glycemic index is still at a very safe level of 50. In fact, grape juice is an excellent stimulator of your body metabolism in helping to burn excess food and waste. It supplies heat and energy to the body in a short space of time after drinking. Here are the many more health benefits of grapes or its juice:  Anti-coagulant: The juice from this tiny fruit can help prevent blood clotting and in the process, help improve blood circulation which would generally improve on overall health.  Anti-inflammation: The anti-inflammatory agents in grapes greatly help reduce the risks of inflammatory problems like rheumatism, gout and asthma.  Atherosclerosis: Resveratrol in grapes is a good scrubber of arterial deposits, thus it effectively helps reduce the risk, or even reverse atherosclerosis.  Bladder: Highly cleansing to the bladder, cleaning out the stones and improving urination, improves bile flow and elimination of waste materials.  Cancer: The rich and high content of anti-oxidants in cancer are superb for the prevention of cancer.  Constipation: Grape juice is a mild laxative and helps clear up the bowels. Take about 200 ml twice daily for chronic constipation.
  • 14.  Eyesight/vision: The flavonol compounds in grape seeds are effective for the treatment of night blindness, retinal disorders and vision improvement.  Fever: Drink grape juice consistently to reduce fever. It would also help relieve fatigue and provide energy to the body.  Heart disease: Grapes are beneficial in toning up the heart, reduce heart pains, and can normalize heart palpitations. To enjoy the benefits, go on a grape diet for a few days.  Indigestion: A gentle and natural home remedy for indigestion.  Mouth and throat infection: Drink juice of unripe grapes to help clear infections in the mouth and throat.  Migraine: Certain compounds in grapes make this miracle juice powerfully effective in relieving headaches and migraine.  Kidney: Grape juice is diuretic and is excellent for cleaning out the kidney and may help remedy kidney stones.  Liver: The abundance of minerals in grapes stimulate the cleansing activity in liver, helps to detoxify.  Skin: The highly cleansing properties of grape juice and the high vitamin C content is very beneficial for the skin and helps reduce acne.
  • 15. APPLES When you eat an apple raw (not cooked) or drink of its fresh juices every day, you can expect to benefit from its numerous health benefits.  Asthma: Asthmatics who drink apple juice daily will encounter less wheezing and asthma attack due to the high vitamin C and anti-oxidant compounds.  Athletes: Moderate exercise is good. But intensive or strenuous work-out/trainings will create oxidative stress in the body. Drinking apple juice after trainings will neutralize the harmful oxidants, replenish the vitamins/minerals, reverse muscle tiredness and muscle stiffness. Be sure that the apple juice are not oxidized which will add on to the oxidative stress that is harmful to the body.  Atheroslerosis: The high LDL cholesterol in the body is dangerous when there is oxidative stress occurring. The high anti-oxidant compounds from apple will help neutralize the oxidation, thus reducing the danger of the plaque build-up and clogging of the arteries that lead to atherosclerosis.  Arteriosclerosis: Regularly consuming apple juice that is rich in vitamin C will retard the development of hardening of the arteries.  Bone Protection: The high content of potassium in apple prevents loss of calcium in the blood which in turn help prevent loss of calcium in the bones. Daily eating/drinking an apple helps preserve bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
  • 16.  Constipation: Drinking apple juice mixed with carrot juice is a sure way to ease constipation. If badly constipated, keep drinking this combination until bowel moves, and it will.  Dental Care: Chewing on an apple helps clean the teeth and maintain healthy gums. The anti-septic effect of apples keep bacteria and viruses away; and reduces the incidences of cavities in teeth.  Diabetes: Green apples are great to be consumed by diabetics for its fiber. The apple polyphenols also help prevent spikes in blood sugar with enzymes that help break down complex carbohydrates.  Digestion: Apples contain a natural laxative. When drunk as juice, it helps aid bowel movements. It is most effective when mixed with carrots and spinach juices, you can expect bowel movement the next day. Regularly eating apples also will ensure bowel movements due to its gel-forming fiber, pectin. It improves the intestinal muscle’s ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Regular bowel movements mean lower chances of colon cancer.  Fibromyalgia: Apple is one of the best sources of malic acid that plays an important role in improving muscle performance, reversing muscle tiredness after exercise, prevent muscle stiffness, and generally reducing lethargy and increasing energy levels. This makes it a great help for people suffering from fibromyalgia.  Lung Cancer, Prevention: The high content of flavonoids quercetin, naringin and anti-oxidants in apples are effective compounds in preventing lung cancer.
  • 17. GUAVA The high content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in guava makes it a powerhouse in combating free radicals and oxidation that are key enemies that cause many degenerative diseases.  Cancer: The anti-oxidant virtue in guavas are believed to help reduce the risk of cancers of the stomach, esophagus, larynx, oral cavity and pancreas.  Cholesterol: The vitamin C in guava makes absorption of vitamin E much more effective in reducing the oxidation of the LDL cholesterol and increasing the (good) HDL cholesterol.  Constipation: The fiber in guavas promote digestion and ease bowel movements.  Diverticulitis: The insoluble fiber is beneficial in preventing and treating diverticulitis.  Heart disease: Eating guava or drinking guava juice regularly helps keep heart disease at bay.  Vision: The high content of vitamin A in guava plays an important role in maintaining the quality and health of eyesight, skin, teeth, bones and the mucus membranes.
  • 18. MANGO Mango is a nutrient packed fruit, extremely rich in minerals, antioxidant vitamins, and enzymes. Mangoes are one of the richest sources of vitamin A and vitamin C and minerals namely potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It is laden with fiber too. Health promoting effects of mango come from its rich content of nutrients, bioactive compounds and fiber.  Lipid and Blood Glucose Lowering Effect : Incorporating mango in the diet could aid in reducing body fat and controlling blood sugar. Mango contains nutrients and other bioactive compounds that provide various health benefits. The findings demonstrated mango flesh to be a promising alternative to lipid lowering drugs. Mango was seen to affect several factors involved in fat metabolism as it reduces the circulating level of the hormone leptin. Leptin is produced by fat cells and its concentration in the blood is directly proportional to the body fat content. As body fat stores increase, the levels of leptin also increase. Leptin plays a key role in regulation of appetite. In the study, mice receiving high fat diets containing mango had significantly lower levels of leptin than mice eating the high fat diet alone. In addition to the positive effects of mango on body fat, the mango-containing diets also exhibited glucose lowering properties. The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C also help lower serum LDL cholesterol levels. Mango is rich in potassium which helps in controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  • 19.  Anti Cancer Effect : Mango polyphenols limit inflammatory response in both cancerous and non-cancerous breast cells. The antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, chest, leukemia and prostate cancers. These include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methyl gallate, and other enzymes.  Immune Boosting Effect : The high amount of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangoes, along with different kinds of carotenoids help keep the immune system healthy and strong. Because of their high content of vitamin A, mango is known to promote good eyesight.  Alkalinizing Effect :Tartaric acid, malic acid, and traces of citric acid found in mangoes help to maintain the alkalinity of the body. Enzymes in the fruit help in digestion. The fiber too helps in digestion and elimination. The raw mango acts as a coolant in summers. Juice of the green mango helps cool down the body and prevents sun stroke.  Relaxing Effect : Mango is rich in Vitamin B-6 which is essential for Gamma-Amino Butyric acid (GABA) hormone production. GABA is an amino acid which acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, inhibiting nerve transmission in the brain, thus causing a calming effect.  Metabolically Healthful Effect : Mangoes are rich in minerals like copper, manganese and zinc. Copper acts as a co-factor for many important vital enzymes such as cytochrome c-oxidase and superoxide dismutase. It is essential for production of red blood cells in the body
  • 20. PRESENTED BY- Aishwarya Jha B.A.(H) English (University of Delhi)