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SCI 256 Entire Course (New)
SCI 256 Week 1 Individual Assignment Environmental Science
Worksheet (New)
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 1
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 2
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 3
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 4
SCI 256 Week 2 Ecosystem Paper (New) (2 Papers)
SCI 256 Week 2 Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles
Worksheet (New)
SCI 256 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Natural Resources and
Energy Team Paper – Plan
SCI 256 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ecosystem Structure,
Function, and Change
SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 1
SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 2
SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 3
SCI 256 Week 3 Natural Resources Worksheet (New)
SCI 256 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Natural Resources and
Energy Paper
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 1
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 2
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 3
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 4
SCI 256 Week 4 Climate Change Response (New) (2 Papers)
SCI 256 Week 4 Environmental Pollution Recommendation (New)
SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental Pollution
SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental Pollution
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 1
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 2
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 3
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 4
SCI 256 Week 5 Community Sustainability Proposal (New)
SCI 256 Week 5 Environmental Analysis Presentation (New)
SCI 256 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Economic Analysis
SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 1
SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 2
SCI 256 Week 5 Final Èxam Guide
SCI 256 Entire Course and Final Guide
SCI 256 Entire Course and Final Guide
SCI 256 Final Èxam Guide
Set contains 40 Question
1. According to the Environmental Science text, the environmental
statement of the 1990s was “saving our planet”. Is earth's very
survival really in danger?
2. The total amount of food produced each year worldwide is
sufficient to feed all the world's people today. Why do famines
nevertheless occur?
3. An observation that is agreed upon by the majority of scientists is
called a
4. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps, from
beginning to end, in the Scientific Method:
5. A chemical spill has occurred on the shore of a lake in an area
where the underlying aquifer is widely used as a drinking water
supply. The pollutants threaten to flow into both the surface water
and the groundwater. The residence time of water in the lake is short,
and the residence time in the groundwater is long. Which of the
following statements is correct?
6. The region of the Earth where life exists is known as:
7. Epidemic diseases include all of the following except:
8. Decreased death rate and the accelerated rate of human population
growth are related to: I. improved sanitation and health
II. increased food supply
III. control of disease-spreading organisms
9. Which of the following cycles involves the movement of water
from the surface of the Earth through the atmosphere back to the
surface of the Earth?
10. The substance with the greatest significance for the global
carbonate-silicate cycle is:
11. According to the Environmental Science text, an ecosystem:
12. Which of the following statements is true about omnivores?
13. In the open ocean, the first trophic level is composed primarily of:
14. Firewood is the primary source of fuel for cooking and heating in
many cultures. Approximately what percentage of the world's total
energy use involves firewood?
15. Gradual, sequential changes in the composition of an ecosystem,
particularly following an initial disturbance is called:
16. Since the extensive fires in Yellowstone National Park in 1988,
the park often has been cited as an example of the connection between
forest fire and natural succession. An important part of understanding
the danger of wildfire in Yellowstone is understanding its history.
From the time of the founding of the park in 1872 until 1963, what
was the policy regarding wildfires?
17. What is the most important cause of starvation worldwide?
18. Aquaculture refers to:
19. Deserts occur naturally where:
20. What is the main reason that DDT is still being used in large areas
of the world?
21. Which of the terms below refers to the phenomenon in which
many species escape from a cut area and seek refuge in the border of
the forest:
22. The most fundamental difference between a park and a true
wilderness area is:
23. As people clear land and modify the environment, species which
_____ are especially vulnerable to extinction.
24. Carrying capacity is the:
25. Which of the following are the three main energy sources used in
the U.S?
26. The majority of Earth's energy input comes from:
27. _________ is an example of a fossil fuel; _________ is an
example of an alternative energy source; and _________ is an
example of a renewable energy source:
28. The Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) has made
headlines because of:
29. Which of the following is the strongest argument in favor of
pollution allowance trading:
30. Oil is:
31. Which of the following terms refers to energy produced from any
source other than fossil fuels:
32. What is geothermal energy?
33. What one factor, more than others, determines the suitability of
tidal power for a coastal site?
34. The worst accident in the history of commercial nuclear power
happened in 1986 at Chernobyl, where a uranium fuel meltdown
occurred. According to the Environmental Science text, in the next 20
to 30 years, there will be an increase in cancer:
35. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 considered the role of nuclear
power in the U.S. energy mix. Its recommendation was to:
36. What is an aquifer?
37. “Instream use” refers to:
38. Desalination is a promising source of water for some locations
39. The amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in groundwater probably
would be greatest:
40. According to the Environmental Science text, what is the most
critical water pollution problem in the world?
41. During the last two million years or so, the climate of the Earth
42. Large volcanic eruptions appear to make the Earth's climate
_________,at least temporarily.
43. Carbon monoxide is particularly dangerous to humans because:
44. Atmospheric inversion conditions over urban areas pose a
problem primarily because:
45. This is an ailment caused by long-term exposure to air with high
concentrations of soot or carbon-rich dust:
46. The number of deaths caused by lung cancer due to exposure to
radon is comparable to the number of deaths caused by
______________ in the U.S. each year.
47. The field of environmental economics seeks to:
48. Many natural organisms and ecosystems perform service
functions that are beneficial to humans. These include all of the
following except:
49. Before modern sanitation and medicine, a major control on
population density in European cities (and cities elsewhere) was:
50. Love Canal, near Niagara Falls, New York, illustrates which of
the following principles or problems?
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 1
In your opinion, what are the benefits and constraints of using the
scientific method to analyze environmental decisions?
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 2
What are some social, economic, aesthetics, and ethical issues
involved in a current environmental controversy? Explain
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 3
What organelle of the cell do you think is most important for life?
SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 4
What is zero population growth? Is this a reasonable and attainable
goal for the global human population?
SCI 256 Week 1 Individual Assignment Environmental
Science Worksheet (New)
SCI 256 Week 1 Environmental Science and Human Population
Worksheet Complete the Material: Environmental Science and
Human Population Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment. Environmental Science and Human
Population Worksheet Using the textbooks, the University Library, or
other resources, answer each of the following questions in 150- to
300-words. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use.
Question Response Is the current growth rate of the human population
sustainable? Explain, using the concept of carrying capacity. Using
an internet search, provide a timeline of important events in the
modern environmental movement since 1960. Perform an internet
search using one of these topics: car, electronics, water bottles, plastic
grocery bags, food choice, home size, commuting and incorporate the
“environmental impact” they may elicit. Read one of the articles you
find and explain: · The environmental impacts of that item or
activity. · How you as an individual can reduce your impact on
the environment as it relates to this item or activity. Explain the
relationship between three aspects of science: hypothesis,
research/experimentation, and theory References APA-formatted
citation APA-formatted citation
SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 1
Because ecosystems change and may recover naturally from
disturbance over time, what factors affect decisions about whether
human intervention is needed to help ecosystem recovery? Provide
SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 2
What are some human impacts on the natural cycling process of
ecosystems in your community?
SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 3
dentify a natural ecosystem in which you live or one near to where
you live? How does this ecosystem support you? How can you
minimize your carbon footprint?
SCI 256 Week 2 Ecosystem Paper (New) (2 Papers)
This Tutorial Contains 2 Different Papers SCI 256 Week 2 Ecosystem
Paper Select an ecosystem in your area (forest, lake, desert,
grassland). Write a 525- to 700-word paper explaining the following:
1) Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important
abiotic features and dominant plant and animal species. 2)
Explain some functions/processes of your ecosystem including one
nutrient cycle and one food chain. 3) Give two examples of
species interactions (predation, competition, mutualism, etc.) that
occur in your ecosystem. 4) Identify an invasive species in your
ecosystem. Explain its effects on the ecosystem and efforts to control
or eradicate it. Include two outside references. Format your paper
consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment.
SCI 256 Week 2 Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles
Worksheet (New)
SCI 256 Week 2 Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles
Worksheet Complete the Material: Human Impact on Biogeochemical
Cycles Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your
assignment. Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles Worksheet
Using the textbooks, the University Library or other resources, answer
each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to
provide references for the sources you use. Question Response Your
neighbor faithfully applies fertilizer to his lawn to ensure beautiful,
healthy green grass. Explain how your neighbor’s fertilizing habit
affects at least one nutrient cycle. Your friend commutes to work
every day by driving a standard gasoline-powered car. Explain how
your friend’s commute affects one or more nutrient cycles. Urban
areas typically have lots of pavement and compacted soils. Explain
how these impermeable surfaces affect at least one aspect of the
hydrologic cycle
SCI 256 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ecosystem
Structure, Function, and Change
Resource: University Material:Ecosystem Structure, Function, and
For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:
• Option 1: Ecosystem Components Paper
• Option 2: Ecosystem Components Video and Summary
Read the instructions in the University Material: Ecosystem
Structure, Function, and Change located on the student website and
select one option to complete the assignment.
SCI 256 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Natural
Resources and Energy Team Paper – Plan
Brainstorm topics and who will cover what part of the Natural
Resources and Energy Team Paper due in Week Three.
Create a written plan of no more than 350 words of how you will
complete the Natural Resources and Energy Team Paper due in Week
Submit your team’s written plan to your instructor for approval.
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 1
In your community, what aspects of suburban sprawl and urban blight
are evident? Identify how the effects from these might be alleviated.
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 2
What is one major cause of present-day species extinction? Explain
how this extinction came about and what could have been done to
prevent it.
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 3
Is your community people- or car-oriented? Why or why not? How
does that affect energy use and sustainability of your community?
SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 4
What is a superfund site? Do you have any around your area? How
are they remediated? Are they on a list of some sort?
SCI 256 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Natural
Resources and Energy Paper
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on natural resources and energy.
Include the following:
· Choose a specific ecosystem, such as a forest, grassland, or a
marine or freshwater aquatic ecosystem.
· Identify impacts associated with agriculture.
· Identify and discuss the effects that a growing human
population may have on that ecosystem’s resources, including loss or
harm to populations of wild species.
· Discuss one management practice for sustainability and
conservation of natural resources in that ecosystem.
· Identify the risks and benefits of extracting or using one type of
nonrenewable and one type of renewable energy resource from that
ecosystem, or in areas near that ecosystem.
· Assess management practices for sustainability and
conservation of natural resources and energy.
Include two outside references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
SCI 256 Week 3 Natural Resources Worksheet (New)
SCI 256 Week 3 Natural Resources Worksheet Complete the
Material: Natural Resources Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files
tab to submit your assignment. Natural Resources Worksheet
Complete the following table: Fossil Fuel Alternative Energy Identify
3 types of both energy categories and what they are most often used to
power. Benefits to using these energy types Environmental impacts of
using these energy types Are these energy types renewable? Explain.
Using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources answer
each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to
provide references for the sources you use. Question Response
Explore water supply and management in your area using the internet.
What is the source of your municipality’s drinking water? Describe
any concerns related to the quantity and quality of this water source.
Explain one thing you can do in your everyday activities to conserve
water. Visit this Fish and Wildlife Service website
( and perform a search of
endangered species for your state. Select one species and explain why
it is endangered and what is being done to help it recover. What
reason(s) for conserving life on Earth found in “A Closer Look 13.3”,
pages 299-301, do you find convincing? Explain. Perform an internet
search using the search term “agricultural sustainability article.” Read
one of the articles you find and summarize it in 1-2 paragraphs. Based
on this article and the readings in the text do you think that current
large-scale industrial agricultural practices are sustainable? Why or
why not? Give an example of a more sustainable agricultural practice.
SCI 256 Week 4 Climate Change Response (New) (2
This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers SCI 256 Week 4 Climate
Change Response Some people you know say they don't believe that
the climate is changing. After this week's readings, how would you
respond? Write a 525- to 700-word response including: How
scientists learn about past global temperatures and climates. The
greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases and their role in current climate
change. One piece of data scientists offer to show that the climate is
changing globally (see this NASA
website: ). Expected impacts of
climate change in your area (this EPA website is very helpful: Click the Assignment Files
tab to submit your assignment.
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 1
What are some of the causes of both indoor and outdoor air pollution
where you live, work, or attend school? How does this affect that
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 2
Why do you feel there is debate about policies to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions? How can science help resolve the debate?
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 3
What are some of the causes of both indoor and outdoor air pollution
where you live, work, or attend school? How does this affect that
SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 4
Why do you feel there is debate about policies to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions? How can science help resolve the debate?
SCI 256 Week 4 Environmental Pollution
Recommendation (New)
This Tutorial contains 1 PPT and 1 Paper SCI 256 Week 4
Environmental Pollution Recommendation There is a concern in your
community regarding the environment. You've been tasked to
research and present the concerns to your local or state government.
Perform an internet search to identify an instance of environmental
pollution in your state. Create a 5-to 8-slide PowerPoint®
presentation or a 350-to 525-word proposal. Identify the effects of this
pollution on human health and the environment. Explain the causes of
this pollution. Recommend ways to prevent/clean up this type of
environmental pollution. Include appropriate images. Use at least 2
outside references. Format your presentation and references consistent
with APA guidelines. For Local Campus students, these are oral
presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint®
presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are
Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes similar to what
you would present orally. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit
your assignment.
SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental
Pollution Outline
Resources: University Material: Environmental Pollution Outline
Complete the Environmental Pollution Outline on the student website.
SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental
Resource: University Material:Environmental Pollution
For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:
· Option 1: Analysis of Global Warming Case Study
· Option 2: Environmental Pollution Scenario Review and
Read the instructions in the University Material: Environmental
Pollution located on the student website and select one option to
complete the assignment.
SCI 256 Week 5 Community Sustainability Proposal
This Tutorial contains 1 PPT and 1 Paper SCI 256 Week 5
Community Sustainability Proposal Local government leaders have
asked you to provide information and recommendations for increasing
sustainability in the community. Perform an initial search to learn
about green initiatives for a city in your area. Create a 5- to 8-slide
PowerPoint® presentation or Write a 350- to 525-word proposal to
your local government. Include the following: A summary of green
initiatives for a city in your area. Recommendations to your local
government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable
community. The proposal should include recommendations both for
actions by the local government and by individual homeowners.
Explain how implementing these recommendations would promote
sustainability and improve like for residents. Include appropriate
images. Include a list of the sources you use. Format your
presentation consistent with APA guidelines. For Local Campus
students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft®
PowerPoint® presentations. For Online and Directed Study students,
these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes similar to
what you would present orally. Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment.
SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 1
Who should manage the natural resources: legislature, public,
scientists, special interest groups, and why?
SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 2
How have environmental regulations implemented by local politicians
affected your daily life? Provide an example.
SCI 256 Week 5 Environmental Analysis Presentation 2
This Tutorial contains 2 Different PPT SCI 256 Week 5
Environmental Analysis Presentation Perform an analysis of an
environmental issue. Prepare a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation
with detailed speaker notes. If you first discuss options with your
faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as "Voice
Thread" to add audio to your presentation. Include the following: A
description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue
and its effects on the environment and people. An explanation of how
economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue. An
explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are
working to address the environmental issue. Your opinion as to
whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of
ways it could be better addressed. Include at least 2 outside resources
for your presentation. Format your presentation according to APA
guidelines. For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute
oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint®
presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are
Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes. Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
SCI 256 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Economic
Analysis Presentation
Perform an economic analysis of an environmental pollution issue in
the world today.
Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with
detailed speaker’s notes. Include the following:
• Importance of economic analysis
• Description (general overview) of the assigned environmental issue
• Economic analysis of the environmental issue
o Costs
o Benefits
o Risks
o Limitations
o Problems
• How economic analysis can be used to determine the most effective
and economical regulations or policies (see Ch. 7 of Environmental
Science) to help solve the environmental concern
• Description of the impact of lifestyle choices on sustainability
Include two other resources aside from the textbook.
• For Local Campus students, these are 15- to 20-minute oral
presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint®
• For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft®
PowerPoint® presentations with notes.

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SCI 256 TUTOR Lessons in Excellence /

  • 1. SCI 256 Entire Course (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SCI 256 Week 1 Individual Assignment Environmental Science Worksheet (New) SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 1 SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 2 SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 3 SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 4 SCI 256 Week 2 Ecosystem Paper (New) (2 Papers) SCI 256 Week 2 Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles Worksheet (New) SCI 256 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Natural Resources and Energy Team Paper – Plan SCI 256 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Change SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 1 SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 2 SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 3 SCI 256 Week 3 Natural Resources Worksheet (New) SCI 256 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Natural Resources and Energy Paper SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 1
  • 2. SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 2 SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 3 SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 4 SCI 256 Week 4 Climate Change Response (New) (2 Papers) SCI 256 Week 4 Environmental Pollution Recommendation (New) SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental Pollution Outline SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental Pollution SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 1 SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 2 SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 3 SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 4 SCI 256 Week 5 Community Sustainability Proposal (New) SCI 256 Week 5 Environmental Analysis Presentation (New) SCI 256 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Economic Analysis Presentation SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 1 SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 2 SCI 256 Week 5 Final Èxam Guide ========================================= SCI 256 Entire Course and Final Guide FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 3. SCI 256 Entire Course and Final Guide ========================================= SCI 256 Final Èxam Guide FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Set contains 40 Question 1. According to the Environmental Science text, the environmental statement of the 1990s was “saving our planet”. Is earth's very survival really in danger? 2. The total amount of food produced each year worldwide is sufficient to feed all the world's people today. Why do famines nevertheless occur? 3. An observation that is agreed upon by the majority of scientists is called a 4. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps, from beginning to end, in the Scientific Method: 5. A chemical spill has occurred on the shore of a lake in an area where the underlying aquifer is widely used as a drinking water supply. The pollutants threaten to flow into both the surface water and the groundwater. The residence time of water in the lake is short, and the residence time in the groundwater is long. Which of the following statements is correct? 6. The region of the Earth where life exists is known as: 7. Epidemic diseases include all of the following except: 8. Decreased death rate and the accelerated rate of human population growth are related to: I. improved sanitation and health
  • 4. II. increased food supply III. control of disease-spreading organisms 9. Which of the following cycles involves the movement of water from the surface of the Earth through the atmosphere back to the surface of the Earth? 10. The substance with the greatest significance for the global carbonate-silicate cycle is: 11. According to the Environmental Science text, an ecosystem: 12. Which of the following statements is true about omnivores? 13. In the open ocean, the first trophic level is composed primarily of: 14. Firewood is the primary source of fuel for cooking and heating in many cultures. Approximately what percentage of the world's total energy use involves firewood? 15. Gradual, sequential changes in the composition of an ecosystem, particularly following an initial disturbance is called: 16. Since the extensive fires in Yellowstone National Park in 1988, the park often has been cited as an example of the connection between forest fire and natural succession. An important part of understanding the danger of wildfire in Yellowstone is understanding its history. From the time of the founding of the park in 1872 until 1963, what was the policy regarding wildfires? 17. What is the most important cause of starvation worldwide? 18. Aquaculture refers to: 19. Deserts occur naturally where: 20. What is the main reason that DDT is still being used in large areas of the world?
  • 5. 21. Which of the terms below refers to the phenomenon in which many species escape from a cut area and seek refuge in the border of the forest: 22. The most fundamental difference between a park and a true wilderness area is: 23. As people clear land and modify the environment, species which _____ are especially vulnerable to extinction. 24. Carrying capacity is the: 25. Which of the following are the three main energy sources used in the U.S? 26. The majority of Earth's energy input comes from: 27. _________ is an example of a fossil fuel; _________ is an example of an alternative energy source; and _________ is an example of a renewable energy source: 28. The Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) has made headlines because of: 29. Which of the following is the strongest argument in favor of pollution allowance trading: 30. Oil is: 31. Which of the following terms refers to energy produced from any source other than fossil fuels: 32. What is geothermal energy? 33. What one factor, more than others, determines the suitability of tidal power for a coastal site? 34. The worst accident in the history of commercial nuclear power happened in 1986 at Chernobyl, where a uranium fuel meltdown occurred. According to the Environmental Science text, in the next 20 to 30 years, there will be an increase in cancer:
  • 6. 35. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 considered the role of nuclear power in the U.S. energy mix. Its recommendation was to: 36. What is an aquifer? 37. “Instream use” refers to: 38. Desalination is a promising source of water for some locations because: 39. The amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in groundwater probably would be greatest: 40. According to the Environmental Science text, what is the most critical water pollution problem in the world? 41. During the last two million years or so, the climate of the Earth has: 42. Large volcanic eruptions appear to make the Earth's climate _________,at least temporarily. 43. Carbon monoxide is particularly dangerous to humans because: 44. Atmospheric inversion conditions over urban areas pose a problem primarily because: 45. This is an ailment caused by long-term exposure to air with high concentrations of soot or carbon-rich dust: 46. The number of deaths caused by lung cancer due to exposure to radon is comparable to the number of deaths caused by ______________ in the U.S. each year. 47. The field of environmental economics seeks to: 48. Many natural organisms and ecosystems perform service functions that are beneficial to humans. These include all of the following except:
  • 7. 49. Before modern sanitation and medicine, a major control on population density in European cities (and cities elsewhere) was: 50. Love Canal, near Niagara Falls, New York, illustrates which of the following principles or problems? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT In your opinion, what are the benefits and constraints of using the scientific method to analyze environmental decisions? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are some social, economic, aesthetics, and ethical issues involved in a current environmental controversy? Explain ========================================= SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What organelle of the cell do you think is most important for life? ========================================
  • 8. SCI 256 Week 1 DQ 4 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is zero population growth? Is this a reasonable and attainable goal for the global human population? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 1 Individual Assignment Environmental Science Worksheet (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SCI 256 Week 1 Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet Complete the Material: Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Environmental Science and Human Population Worksheet Using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources, answer each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use. Question Response Is the current growth rate of the human population sustainable? Explain, using the concept of carrying capacity. Using an internet search, provide a timeline of important events in the modern environmental movement since 1960. Perform an internet search using one of these topics: car, electronics, water bottles, plastic grocery bags, food choice, home size, commuting and incorporate the “environmental impact” they may elicit. Read one of the articles you find and explain: · The environmental impacts of that item or activity. · How you as an individual can reduce your impact on the environment as it relates to this item or activity. Explain the relationship between three aspects of science: hypothesis, research/experimentation, and theory References APA-formatted citation APA-formatted citation
  • 9. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Because ecosystems change and may recover naturally from disturbance over time, what factors affect decisions about whether human intervention is needed to help ecosystem recovery? Provide examples. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are some human impacts on the natural cycling process of ecosystems in your community? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 2 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT dentify a natural ecosystem in which you live or one near to where you live? How does this ecosystem support you? How can you minimize your carbon footprint? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 2 Ecosystem Paper (New) (2 Papers)
  • 10. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial Contains 2 Different Papers SCI 256 Week 2 Ecosystem Paper Select an ecosystem in your area (forest, lake, desert, grassland). Write a 525- to 700-word paper explaining the following: 1) Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important abiotic features and dominant plant and animal species. 2) Explain some functions/processes of your ecosystem including one nutrient cycle and one food chain. 3) Give two examples of species interactions (predation, competition, mutualism, etc.) that occur in your ecosystem. 4) Identify an invasive species in your ecosystem. Explain its effects on the ecosystem and efforts to control or eradicate it. Include two outside references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 2 Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles Worksheet (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SCI 256 Week 2 Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles Worksheet Complete the Material: Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles Worksheet Using the textbooks, the University Library or other resources, answer each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use. Question Response Your neighbor faithfully applies fertilizer to his lawn to ensure beautiful,
  • 11. healthy green grass. Explain how your neighbor’s fertilizing habit affects at least one nutrient cycle. Your friend commutes to work every day by driving a standard gasoline-powered car. Explain how your friend’s commute affects one or more nutrient cycles. Urban areas typically have lots of pavement and compacted soils. Explain how these impermeable surfaces affect at least one aspect of the hydrologic cycle ========================================= SCI 256 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Change FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resource: University Material:Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Change For this assignment, you will choose from the following options: • Option 1: Ecosystem Components Paper • Option 2: Ecosystem Components Video and Summary Read the instructions in the University Material: Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Change located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Natural Resources and Energy Team Paper – Plan FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 12. Brainstorm topics and who will cover what part of the Natural Resources and Energy Team Paper due in Week Three. Create a written plan of no more than 350 words of how you will complete the Natural Resources and Energy Team Paper due in Week Three. Submit your team’s written plan to your instructor for approval. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT In your community, what aspects of suburban sprawl and urban blight are evident? Identify how the effects from these might be alleviated. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is one major cause of present-day species extinction? Explain how this extinction came about and what could have been done to prevent it. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 13. Is your community people- or car-oriented? Why or why not? How does that affect energy use and sustainability of your community? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 3 DQ 4 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is a superfund site? Do you have any around your area? How are they remediated? Are they on a list of some sort? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Natural Resources and Energy Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on natural resources and energy. Include the following: · Choose a specific ecosystem, such as a forest, grassland, or a marine or freshwater aquatic ecosystem. · Identify impacts associated with agriculture. · Identify and discuss the effects that a growing human population may have on that ecosystem’s resources, including loss or harm to populations of wild species. · Discuss one management practice for sustainability and conservation of natural resources in that ecosystem.
  • 14. · Identify the risks and benefits of extracting or using one type of nonrenewable and one type of renewable energy resource from that ecosystem, or in areas near that ecosystem. · Assess management practices for sustainability and conservation of natural resources and energy. Include two outside references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 3 Natural Resources Worksheet (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SCI 256 Week 3 Natural Resources Worksheet Complete the Material: Natural Resources Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Natural Resources Worksheet Complete the following table: Fossil Fuel Alternative Energy Identify 3 types of both energy categories and what they are most often used to power. Benefits to using these energy types Environmental impacts of using these energy types Are these energy types renewable? Explain. Using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources answer each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use. Question Response Explore water supply and management in your area using the internet. What is the source of your municipality’s drinking water? Describe any concerns related to the quantity and quality of this water source. Explain one thing you can do in your everyday activities to conserve water. Visit this Fish and Wildlife Service website ( and perform a search of
  • 15. endangered species for your state. Select one species and explain why it is endangered and what is being done to help it recover. What reason(s) for conserving life on Earth found in “A Closer Look 13.3”, pages 299-301, do you find convincing? Explain. Perform an internet search using the search term “agricultural sustainability article.” Read one of the articles you find and summarize it in 1-2 paragraphs. Based on this article and the readings in the text do you think that current large-scale industrial agricultural practices are sustainable? Why or why not? Give an example of a more sustainable agricultural practice. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 4 Climate Change Response (New) (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers SCI 256 Week 4 Climate Change Response Some people you know say they don't believe that the climate is changing. After this week's readings, how would you respond? Write a 525- to 700-word response including: How scientists learn about past global temperatures and climates. The greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases and their role in current climate change. One piece of data scientists offer to show that the climate is changing globally (see this NASA website: ). Expected impacts of climate change in your area (this EPA website is very helpful: Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
  • 16. What are some of the causes of both indoor and outdoor air pollution where you live, work, or attend school? How does this affect that environment? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Why do you feel there is debate about policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? How can science help resolve the debate? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What are some of the causes of both indoor and outdoor air pollution where you live, work, or attend school? How does this affect that environment? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 4 DQ 4 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Why do you feel there is debate about policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? How can science help resolve the debate? ==============================================
  • 17. SCI 256 Week 4 Environmental Pollution Recommendation (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 1 PPT and 1 Paper SCI 256 Week 4 Environmental Pollution Recommendation There is a concern in your community regarding the environment. You've been tasked to research and present the concerns to your local or state government. Perform an internet search to identify an instance of environmental pollution in your state. Create a 5-to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation or a 350-to 525-word proposal. Identify the effects of this pollution on human health and the environment. Explain the causes of this pollution. Recommend ways to prevent/clean up this type of environmental pollution. Include appropriate images. Use at least 2 outside references. Format your presentation and references consistent with APA guidelines. For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes similar to what you would present orally. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental Pollution Outline FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: University Material: Environmental Pollution Outline
  • 18. Complete the Environmental Pollution Outline on the student website. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 4 Individual Assignment Environmental Pollution FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resource: University Material:Environmental Pollution For this assignment, you will choose from the following options: · Option 1: Analysis of Global Warming Case Study · Option 2: Environmental Pollution Scenario Review and Summary Read the instructions in the University Material: Environmental Pollution located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 5 Community Sustainability Proposal (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 1 PPT and 1 Paper SCI 256 Week 5 Community Sustainability Proposal Local government leaders have asked you to provide information and recommendations for increasing sustainability in the community. Perform an initial search to learn about green initiatives for a city in your area. Create a 5- to 8-slide
  • 19. PowerPoint® presentation or Write a 350- to 525-word proposal to your local government. Include the following: A summary of green initiatives for a city in your area. Recommendations to your local government for creating a greener, more sustainable and livable community. The proposal should include recommendations both for actions by the local government and by individual homeowners. Explain how implementing these recommendations would promote sustainability and improve like for residents. Include appropriate images. Include a list of the sources you use. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes similar to what you would present orally. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Who should manage the natural resources: legislature, public, scientists, special interest groups, and why? ========================================= SCI 256 Week 5 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How have environmental regulations implemented by local politicians affected your daily life? Provide an example. =========================================
  • 20. SCI 256 Week 5 Environmental Analysis Presentation 2 PPT(New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Different PPT SCI 256 Week 5 Environmental Analysis Presentation Perform an analysis of an environmental issue. Prepare a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as "Voice Thread" to add audio to your presentation. Include the following: A description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people. An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue. An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue. Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed. Include at least 2 outside resources for your presentation. Format your presentation according to APA guidelines. For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ========================================= SCI 256 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Economic Analysis Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Perform an economic analysis of an environmental pollution issue in the world today.
  • 21. Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker’s notes. Include the following: • Importance of economic analysis • Description (general overview) of the assigned environmental issue • Economic analysis of the environmental issue o Costs o Benefits o Risks o Limitations o Problems • How economic analysis can be used to determine the most effective and economical regulations or policies (see Ch. 7 of Environmental Science) to help solve the environmental concern • Description of the impact of lifestyle choices on sustainability Include two other resources aside from the textbook. • For Local Campus students, these are 15- to 20-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. • For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes. =========================================