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Satellite Broadband Essay
In recent years the demand for high–speed networking, driven mainly by the rapid expansion of the
Internet, has been growing at an exponential rate. While a wide range of wireline and wireless
solutions offering broadband connectivity are or will shortly be available, communication satellites
are beginning to emerge as an attractive solution in providing broadband connectivity to a variety of
The wide area or global coverage of satellites enables service provision to a large number of
dispersed users and solve the expensive "last–mile" issue without dedicating to each
user cable, fiber, switching equipment ports, etc. The broadcast nature of satellites supports
efficiently the transmission of the same message to a large ... Show more content on
A new generation of broadband satellite constellations promises to provide high speed Internet
connectivity to areas not served by optical fiber, cable or other high speed terrestrial connections.
However, using satellite links to supply high bandwidth has been difficult due to problems with
inefficient performance of the Internet's TCP/IP protocol suite over satellite. We describe an
architecture for improving the performance of TCP/IP protocols over heterogeneous network
environments, especially networks containing satellite links. The end–to–end connection is split into
segments, and the protocol on the satellite segment is optimized for the satellite link characteristics.
TCP congestion control mechanisms are maintained on each segment, with some coupling between
the segments to produce the effect of end–to–end TCP flow control. We have implemented this
design and present results showing that using such gateways can improve throughput for individual
connections by a large factor over paths containing a satellite link.
SAN ANTONIO––(BUSINESS WIRE)––April 24, 2000––The explosion of the Internet in the
1990s and subsequent demand for high–speed Internet connections has put an immense strain on
terrestrial communications networks.
Consequently, satellite broadband technology is now emerging as an important alternative to land–
based services such as cable or DSL.
According to strategic research conducted by Frost
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Should Public Access For The Internet?
Ask about any American teenager what their hobbies are, and chances are many will say, "listening
to music". Music is more accessible than ever in 2016, thanks to technology, computers, and the
constantly growing use of the Internet. Just about every industry has been affected by these
elements, and the music industry is no exception. Advances in technologies have had, without a
doubt, a massive influence on music. However, whether this influence is good or bad is essentially
subjective, as there are both positive and negative things to be said.
Public access to the Internet has been around since the 1980s, but before that, there was the
phonograph, record players, and CDs. These early technologies made it possible to listen ... Show
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With media and communication, technology has the ability to change people's lives (Hanson 14).
"Cell phones and the Internet have in their short histories brought about more changes to traditional
behaviors, attitudes, and values than any other technologies and services in history" (Hanson 14).
In recent years, a major growing concern for the music industry is illegal downloading. Users go to
sites like Napster or LimeWire and get songs without paying for them. This is made easy because
the Internet makes it simple to share files peer–to–peer ("The Effects of the Internet and Digital
Downloading on the Music Industry"). Copyrighted songs do not allow sharing this way, so this is
and always has been illegal. However, since there is no real way to stop it, pirating of music still
thrives ("The Effects of the Internet and Digital Downloading on the Music Industry"). In theory,
when songs and albums are downloaded illegally, the music industry loses money; as people are not
buying them and giving money to the artists. Despite this, some studies say that piracy is not
harmful and may actually be beneficial to the music industry ("The Effects of the Industry and
Digital Downloading on the Music Industry"). According to the European commission, "...findings
indicate that digital music piracy does not displace legal music purchases in digital format. His
means that although there is trespassing of private property rights (copyrights), there is
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Case Study Of Tiscali
Tiscali is a well–known Italian Telecommunications company that is based in Sardinia. Its
operations enclose internet and telecommunications services to its local market. The organization
gives web access, voice, VoIP, media, included quality administrations and other related items,
portable administrations. The organization principally works in Italy, where it is headquartered in
Cagliari and utilizes around 750 individuals. The organization recorded incomes of E290.4 million
($404.9 million) amid the money related year finished December 2009 (FY2009), a decline of
10.7% more than 2008. The working benefit of the organization was E11.4 million ($15.8 million)
in FY2009, contrasted with working loss of in E14.2 million ($19.8 million) 2008. Its net misfortune
was E384.8 million ($536.7 million) in FY2009, contrasted with net loss of E242.7 million ($338.5
million) in 2008. After several acquisitions in the European Market, it has become the second largest
service provider. The Strategic Position includes the effect of outer environment, the assets and
abilities, the vital capacity, the objectives and the way of life of Tiscali have on its system. ... Show
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Tiscali has implemented innovation and technological aspects by matching up with the fast pace of
technological advances and built a consumer segment through offshoring, resulting in screening
Tiscali as a trustworthy brand that meets the acceptability of consumers. Tiscali developed these
competitive strategies under specific and clear objectives and consistency of goals and policies.
These strategies are effective up to an extent, while integrating into the digital world Tiscali should
care that the strategies should be having a continuous process of review and upgrades. This will
develop an advantage of maintaining its competitive advantage in emerging
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Task 2 New Formart 3 9 2015 Essay
A. Develop an annotated bibliography containing ten references that can be used to evaluate five
potential technological solutions for the scenario.
Tarantola, A. (2013, December 18). The Next Generation of DSL Can Pump 1Gbps Through
Copper Phone Lines. Retrieved February 16, 2015, from­
1484256467 a) The potential technological solution: Digital
Subscriber Line as a technology solution, this technology works by transmitting digital Internet data
over telephone lines.
b) Its use: This technology uses the same telephone line to deliver both the wired voice telephone
service and High speed Internet service simultaneously.
c) Its application to the given ... Show more content on ...
Its use:
The same cable lines that are used to send out sound and video signals to carry
Internet bandwidth. The speed of the Internet depends greatly on the number of simultaneous users
using the service as the bandwidth for cable Internet is shared amongst users, for example during
peak hours such as over the weekend when most users are home and surfing the web the Internet
connection will be much slower compared to weekdays when most users will be at work.
c. Its application to the given scenario: The web article provides an overview of how cable
Internet works and how its used for high speed Internet access. The article also discusses the
requirements to setup a cable Internet connection. All NHS offices are already being served by cable
providers; this would make this technology very easy and fast to implement. Franklin, C. (2000,
September 20). How Cable Modems Work. Retrieved March 5, 2015, from­
modem1.htm a. The potential technological solution:Cable
Internet Service as a technology solution,
technology uses existing cable line to deliver internet service to cable television subscribers b. Its
The same cable lines that are used to send out sound and video signals to carry
Internet bandwidth. The speed of the Internet depends greatly on the number of
simultaneous users using the service
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Cost Scenario Essay
Cost Scenario University of Phoenix ECO 561PR October 22, 2012 Professor Adelaida Torres Dilan
Cost Scenario The San Juan Cell Phones Scenario Summary talk about this company that
manufacture cell phones where Maria Perez, a business development specialist, secured an order of
100,000 units with this major chain, which is an opportunity to the company to increase their
production and their profit. Cell phones are very important to the community these days for
business, to keep in touch with the family or just to feel independent and secure. The first cell phone
was created in 1973 by Martin Cooper of Motorola and others assistants and in 1984 they were
available to the public. Today cell phones are more than ... Show more content on ...
Our recommendation to San Juan Cell Phones, taking in consideration the risk is to accept the order
from Big Box and buy the 100,000 phones from the OEM Company, which will be able to meet the
deadline, make an identical phone to the Alpha model, and the price will be fourteen dollars for each
unit. This alternative will generate a profit $100,000.00, since cell phones would be sold at fifteen
dollars as shown in Table 1–3. The earning are not going to be substantial but at the end we are not
going to lose the customer; promote our company, attract potential customers, which will bring even
bigger profits to the company without cost control. Also we can expand the company and at the end
is going to generate new employments and the possibility of take the company to a major chain
level. In conclusion San Juan Cell Phones is a company that has the opportunity to grow and already
have products that gave them a good profit, but there is always some space to improve their
products. At this moment if when we use all the different strategies for the incorporation of new
products starting with the cost comparison, identify alternatives that increment the cost, analyze the
different risk, establish recommendation and elaborate a work plan that benefit the company. It is
important to always involve the personnel because they are the heavy bones
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The Internet Is Access To The Internet And Social Isolation?
As of 2017, there are 3.77 billion internet users in the world and of these 3.77 billion users, it is
estimated that 2.80 billion use social media. ("Digital In 2017: Global Overview – We Are Social
UK") Along with this, the fact that the average user spends over 20 hours per week on the internet
(Anderson, Elizabeth.) makes for a truly intriguing set of statistics. However, does access to this
type of technology really serve to foster a sense of community and closeness within these virtual
settings or is the internet simply acting as an agent in social isolation for those who become
engrossed in its marvel? While the internet and its boundless connectivity can act as an addictive
agent for some people and a simple convenience to others, it is undeniable that the internet acts as a
major agent in social isolation for many people by cheapening the value of socialization. Social
isolation is defined as "a state or process in which persons, groups, or cultures lose or does not have
communication or cooperation with one another..." ("The Definition Of Social Isolation") The
internet acts as an agent in this 'process' by cheapening the value of online interaction versus face–
to–face interaction, permitting users to have near constant access to communication almost instantly,
and even going so far as to create addictions to the internet, ultimately leading to social isolation.
While for many the internet acts as a bridge between face–to–face communication and online
socializing and
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Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality
Net neutrality in simplest terms means that all internet content should forever be equally accessible
without restriction. Meaning that internet service providers shouldn't be able to restrict speed, which
websites you access, or which load faster. So without net neutrality there is a possibility you
wouldn't be able to binge your netflix seasons or spend 3 hours on facebook. Wouldn't that be
Jumping right in, we currently do have net neutrality laws in place. That means that there are
protections that we as internet consumers have in our relation with ISPs (Internet Service Providers).
Simply it could be thought of as the bill of rights for people that use the internet. They cannot be
infringed upon by ISPs. Meaning that ISPs cannot block legal content, services or applications. Or
throttling which means that ISPs can't degrade or slow down internet service because of the content,
application, or service accessed by users. Lastly, there is no paid prioritization which means that
ISPs cannot accept payment to give users better access to content, applications, or services.
If there was paid prioritization it would create "fast lanes" for the ... Show more content on ...
If the net neutrality laws were repealed this problem could be fixed by charging a company who
consumes or provides a lot of content more. This could make it so there could be free access to
certain sites, such as facebook or gmail without a contract. They could do this if Comcast were to
charge Netflix more because of the large data consumption the streaming causes. A downside to this
would be that the customers would have to pick up this increase in price, so Netflix could nearly
double in cost per say. But wouldn't it be fair for you to pay more to stream endless amounts of
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and little to none if you just check your email once a
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Wi Fi Capabilities For Faster Internet Access Essay
Wi–Fi capability for faster internet access
3G, EDGE, and 4G network capability
Unique, recognizable design
Access to Apple App store to purchase applications, books, and magazines
The promotional efforts of the Apple iPhone will be principally through television and internet
campaigns. These advertisements will focus on the cutting edge technology as it pertains to the
Apple iPhone. Larger campaigns will be launched closer to the release of newer models to generate
buzz and keep the public talking about the revolutionary iPhone. Promotional efforts will also be
coordinated with AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. Sales force will be trained to promote and sell the
Apple iPhone and joint advertising campaigns will be launched to support both entities. Promotions
will always be tasteful and will be focused both on the business segment and the consumer target
market. Television and internet efforts will be focused to reach these audiences effectively.
Promotions will be developed in–house and with the help of select advertising agencies.
Promotional efforts will have definite focus for yearly or cyclical proceedings. Holiday special
banquets, culturally sensitive dates, back to school promotions, new and innovative product release,
and other detailed promotions will be employed to increase product awareness in the market.
Moreover, the Apple iPhone ought to make its products much more readily available to the
consumer. The product will be offered for purchase from the
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Persuasive Essay On Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is the belief that the internet should always be equal playing grounds for all users on
it. This means that big companies like Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, IBM, and many other internet
providers and tech companies cannot control the internet, and everyday people will all have equal
access to the web. This may seem like common sense, but recently there have been attempts to
change the internet that we all know and love. America's internet has always practiced net neutrality
and free speech; however, there have been five failed attempts to pass a bill in congress to set these
neutrality rules in stone, until 2015 when congress passed Title II which enforced open internet. This
was a huge win for net neutrality supporters but the war for uncensored internet is not over yet. On
April 17, two years after Title II was passed, one of Trumps administration, Ajit Varadaraj Pai,
attempted to repeal net neutrality. Ajit and these big cable companies cannot be allowed to alter the
internet just for their own monetary reasons. In June 2009, France declared access to the internet to
be a basic human right. This is the direction I hope U.S.A. takes when it comes to the internet and
net neutrality. Other countries have taken the other path into censorship which is where we may end
up if we do not fight for our rights. According to USA Today, the country with the most censored
internet is North Korea where about 4% of the population has internet access, and out of that 4%
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The Telecom Industry And Monopoly
Qinhan Hu
Econ 4333
Dr. Brown
Book Review: Crawford, S. (2014). The Telecom Industry and Monopoly in Power in the New
Gilded Age. London, Brilliance Audio.
In the book, Captive Audience: The Telekom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age,
the Author, Susan Crawford is discussing how a decade ago, United States was the benchmark for
internet service provision. The U.S. boasted of the fastest internet speed, highest penetration rates,
and the lowest prices in the market. The United States was then recognized as a leading knowledge
economy. However, today, things have suddenly changed, a situation attributed towards lackluster
government legislations that have given rise to new monopolies hence allowing countries such as
Singapore, Japan, and Europe to overtake the U.S in terms of average broadband speed, penetration
rates, and prices. This backslide has not only deprived consumers premium services and contents in
a competitive global landscape, but also threatening to derail the country's economic prospects.
According to Susan, who is the author of the book, she believes that once upon a time, she was
found in a fortunate position to decide on a television and internet package. Susan had a choice of
two companies to choose from, and these very companies provided broadband connectivity,
telephony services, and myriad of television channels than she could hardly afford to enjoy.
Unfortunately, this particular choice of providers is only available to the
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The Internet And The World Wide Web
The Internet is a unique place where all different nationalities, social groups and age groups with
different values and characteristics, meet and interact. All spheres of media are being represented on
the world wide web. Some of the relations are being mirrored from those present in real life, but the
internet was never the same. As with real life, not everyone on the internet is equal and there are
numerous differences between the users of this medium of mass communication. Even though the
inequalities are still present on the internet, they are subtler than those existing within the offline
world. Almost everyone has access, but how we benefit from it depends on our status, intelligence
and willingness to explore. Audience members are becoming important and active producers, being
given the tools, which bring them closer to professionals. Every internet user has equal access to an
online education, but an intellectually privileged group will make a more productive use of it. This
can be named as equality of opportunity. The argument cannot be defined into one side. Average
people can keep in touch and interact with celebrities, which would never happen outside the
internet. They obey the same rules and laws imposed by the services they use, yet are not equal, as
famous people are more powerful, being in charge of a huge fan base. Another important issue is a
marginalization of societies excluded from the internet outreach. The inequalities and equalities
should also be
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Oligopolistic Companies and How They Compete
Oligopolistic is a market structure which under the imperfect competition. According to Sloman &
Garratt, oligopoly is only few large firms share a large portion of industry and control the market.
When we hear that a term about "Big three", "Big four" or "Big five" it can be set down as
oligopolistic industry. In the oligopoly market competition, depends on the firms produce
homogeneous or differentiated products and it will be categorize as homogeneous oligopoly or
differentiated oligopoly. As Mcconell & Brue, 2008 stated because of the small number of firms,
oligopolistic have worthy of consideration command over the prices and they have to think about
their competitors conceivable reaction to their product`s price, product`s quality, advertising outlays
and so on. The few large firms are interdependent but they have to always be awake of competitor`s
action to maintain their firm can stand strong in the industries. Oligopolistic have a strong barriers
of entry for the new competitors, which alike and dedicative by the pure monopoly. According to
Jackson, Mclver & Wilson stated oligopolistic industries have a large economies of scale have to be
consider for the new competitors because they must have a large amount of capital to invest heavy
on the technology in the beginning, and this is the prevention of new competitors can easily enter to
the industry. Furthermore, there are many industries are counted as oligopolistic for instance mining,
steel, soft drinks, airlines,
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digital India
Mere 79 km from akodara (icici's digital village) mehsana is seeing the ban.
Evolution of concept of digital divide – According to Curtis Kularski [1] (p. 5) "the digital divide is
composed of a skill gap and a gap of physical access to Information Technology (IT) and the two
gaps often contribute to each other in circular causation. Without access to technology, it is difficult
to develop technical skill and it is redundant to have access to technology without first having the
skill to utilise it". Kularski's quote sums up the reiterative nature of the problem. More than two
decades ago, apparent inequalities in Internet access gave rise to "concern that the new technology
might exacerbate inequality rather than ameliorate it", which resulted ... Show more content on ...
In a recent consultation paper, TRAI initiated a discussion on how OTT can revolutionize Digital
India. The paper invites attention of industry stakeholders on the issues faced by incumbent
providers and seeks measures to devise a viable business model that will address the concerns of all
parties involved in the ecosystem. OTT services, as we see today, have set revolutionary changes in
communications sector worldwide. Service providers in developed markets have embraced OTT as
an auxiliary service and built profitable business models through voice, video, data, messaging and
other value added
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The Internet : Unauthorized Access To The Internet
The Internet is a gateway to a computer to connect to the world, which also makes it exposed to
attacks from hackers across the globe. The advances in technology have led to the development of
key–logging software that is able of tracking and recording every keystroke by the user, thereby the
possibility of stealing passwords and account details.
Computer hacking is unauthorized access to information or property, by the act of modifying
computer hardware or software, to cause damage to sensitive data or only to obtain confidential
information. A Computer hacker (cracker) is someone with an advanced understanding of computers
and computer networks. Hackers divided into two major groups: a computer criminal (black hats) or
computer security expert (white hats).
Hacking activities expose private user information (e.g personal details, social security numbers,
credit card numbers, bank account data and personal photographs). Any User information, in the
hands of computer hackers, makes it exposed to illegal use and manipulation.
Information is critical to national security, confidential government data, all information related to
national defense, security, and crime, if it exposed by hacking, could grave consequences on the
welfare of the nation. Hacking of highly sensitive data can potentially risk the national security and
stake the overall well–being of the country's citizens. (Srivastava, 2011)
Computer Viruses
The most common infection that gets a computer is a
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The Internet : The Dangers Of Access To The Internet
The internet has become the important part of the world; from instant messages through
communicating, and emails, banking, travelling, studying and shopping, internet has touched every
aspect of life. With the increasing use of the internet by people, protecting essential information has
become a necessity. A computer that is not having appropriate security controls can be affected with
malicious logic and thus any type of information can be accessed in moments. Number of affected
Web Pages and malicious websites can be seen every day that affects the computer and allow
hackers to gain illegal access to other computer systems.
Hacking of personal important data, network outages, computer viruses and other cyber related
threats affect our lives that range from minor inconvenience to serious incidents. Cyber threats can
be caused due to negligence and vulnerabilities, or unintentional accidents. Nevertheless, they can
also be planned or intentional, like hacking or access by unauthorized users. The main objectives of
such type of system attackers or hackers are to steal confidential information, to make illegal
monetary transactions, to destroy or to change data and the like. System attackers can be terrorists,
crackers or recreational hackers. They have a variety of tools that can harm or infect the computer;
usually they use malicious logic or virus to gain unauthorized access to a computer. Opening email
attachments that carry the virus, clicking malicious links or
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Limiting Children's Access To Internet Pornography Essay
Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use
pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives, or simply as a means of entertainment. One of
the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only
downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to
children. While adults should have limitless access to Internet porn, minors should be kept away
from this concubine. Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed
easily enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful
intent. The material ranges from semi–nude photos to videos ... Show more content on ...
Their biggest reason is the endangerment of American children that use the Internet. Children can be
endangered in many ways, one of which is being lured by a pedophile and possibly sexually
assaulted. A pedophile is an adult with a psychosexual disorder where children stimulate sexual
arousal. There is evidence that children who have been sexually victimized are more likely to be
troubled adults. Advocates worry about the safety of the American children and wish to eliminate
this from happening. A recent example is People v. Barrows, 174 Misc. 2d 367, 664 N.Y.S. 2d 410
(1997): an adult, James Barrows, entered an AOL chat room and seduced what he thought was a
thirteen year old girl, who in actuality was an officer of Kings County District Attorney. Barrows
had transmitted pictures of under–aged children having sex, engaged in sexually explicit
conversations and attempted to lure the child to engage in sexual acts. Barrows was one of the few
pedophiles to be caught and brought to justice.
One proposal that was struck down from protecting children is the Communications Decency Act
(CDA). Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States, argued that the CDA was in violation of
the U.S. Constitution and laws that would be enacted were clear and undefined. If made into law, the
CDA could severely censor the Internet in ways that were never attempted before. It would filter out
anything that is deemed obscene and
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Net Neutrality : The Internet Should Have Unlimited Access...
Net Neutrality Net neutrality is the reason millions of Americans have unlimited access to the
internet every day. Net neutrality is the belief that the internet should be an open place where all
data is treated equally. No specific website should be allowed to have priority over another. No
internet service provider should be allowed to give priority to a specific website versus another. A
simple example of how getting rid of net neutrality is this. If an internet provider wanted to start
prioritizing specific websites, a company like Netflix could pay them to do so. If Netflix pays the
internet provider a specific amount of money to be prioritized over competitors, then anyone who is
trying to access the competitor's website will have a slower connection. The connection of the
competitor's website could be slowed down or "throttled". This not only hurts the competitor. It also
hurts the consumer. When a large company like Netflix has to pay an internet provider to prioritize
their website, the amount of profit Netflix will make per subscription will go down. This will result
in subscriptions for Netflix to go up in price. This is what is called "paid prioritization" Another
issue with getting rid of net neutrality is packaging up the internet just like cable. When someone
wants to get a cable subscription they can choose which channels they want to watch by selecting
different packages. Each package has a certain cost on top of a normal cable fee. This is what
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Classrooms Must Access the Internet Essay
Classrooms Must Access the Internet
Times are changing. Only ten years ago, the average family could not afford a personal computer for
the home. Over the last decade, prices have fallen causing the availability of computers to rise.
Computers have made their way into almost every business and school. Functioning without them
seems somewhat difficult to most people. Schools are especially interested in investing in the
technology of tomorrow. Computer classes have been created along with typing courses to aid
students in every way possible in preparing them for the world of tomorrow. Not knowing how to
use a computer will be like not knowing how to drive a car. There are ways of getting around the
absence of a computer, but most ... Show more content on ...
Does that not make sense? Who would pass up the opportunity to actively learn, to be in control of
the keyboard and what appears next on the screen? What would be more appealing than colorful
images and text filled with links the child can control compared to written text on the chalkboard?
The amazing thing about the Internet is that it "has the ability to erase all geological, languages, and
time barriers so that students continue to learn long after leaving school" (Guillermo 2). The Internet
also provides instant communication with millions of users worldwide. This allows the traditional
classroom to be expanded literally across the world. Bringing the availability of the Web into the
average classroom would allow children access to text, photographs, video clips, and sound from all
over the world that might otherwise be unobtainable.
What does the Web have to offer? This is a common question among new users. The answers to this
question are vast and numerous. Teachers and students can communicate via e–mail, listservs,
discussion groups and bulletin boards. Students can access everything from library catalogs to
archives. All of this can be done in comfort of home. The student can travel to Italy online and visit
the statue of David, or go to a library in Mexico
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The Charter Spectrum Suite Is An All New Set Of Superior...
Charter Spectrum suite is an all new set of superior services that deliver fast speed. Internet, TV and
home phone need an improved quality of services that will be the same everywhere in the United
States. They have introduced digital network to develop an internet speed up to 100 Mbps. They are
dedicated to their customer in providing their utmost service. One can easily get Charter Bundle
with just a phone call. And it's also well within one's affordability. As a result customer demand of
this product is increasing rapidly. Now they have 6 million customers at 25 different states with
approximately 23,000 employees.
Charter was founded in 1993. It is a customer service–oriented company. Over the past two decades
it has evolved on many levels. Charter became a publicly–traded company on NASDAQ in 1999
under the symbol CHTR. It has been a Fortune 500 company since 2001. On 2nd March 2015
Charter renamed its business and become Charter Spectrum.
Spectrum Organization Structure: Spectrum Business is a division of Charter Communications
which provides business organization with scalable, tailored and cost–effective broadband
communications solutions. That includes business–to–business Internet access, data networking,
business telephone, video and music entertainment services and wireless backhaul. Spectrum
Business offers reasonable priced bundled products over its state–of–the–art, fiber–based network,
helping businesses in a variety of industries to maximize efficiency.
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Essay about Tuscany disaster plans
Identify the functions of a CSU and DSU. How are they used in a corporate environment?
I like to think of a CSU/DSU(Channel service and Data service unit) as something similar to a
modem. In general Dial–up or DSL service a modem is required to convert digital signals to analog
and vice versa. A CSU/DSU acts in the same way. The CSU/DSU converts the digital data frames
that local area networks (LAN) uses into a frame a wide–area network (WAN) uses and just like the
modem it will change the frames back to go the other direction across the network.
Within the cooperate environment CSU/DSU are very useful. Most large corporations have moved
away from general DSL/cable internet and have moved to dedicated circuit lines such as T–1 or ...
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ISDN also has the ability to lower the internet speed when an incoming call comes in to ensure the
quality of the call is unaffected by you surfing at the same time. Finally with ISDN telephone calls
actually become clearer then use of just the telephone line. This is due to the fact that the ISDN
modem makes the segment (links the customer to the exchange) digital thus making the entire phone
line digital and increases the quality of the call.
What are some of the greatest security risks to a WAN? Provide an example of one risk and discuss
the potential consequences and possible precautions.
In my opinion the biggest security risk in a WAN is something that no one really ever thinks about
and is the one exploited more then all of the other risks combined. That risk is the user. The user on
the network is the greatest risk a network could undergo. I have always been told in my security
department that your network is only as safe as the weakest user on the network. The user is the
easiest part of the network to exploit because it is easier to trick a person then it is to trick a
machine. For example phishing scams from emails or WebPages steal user credentials every day.
People believe if it has your networks logo on it that it is from your network. Another easy exploit
on the user is Social Engineering. I have seen this actually happen in my
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Libraries Should Use Software Filters for Internet Access
Libraries Should Use Software Filters for Internet Access
Public libraries provide us with a large amount of information. Residents can borrow books from
libraries. Libraries also provide Internet access for everyone, including children. Since parents
cannot control what then children are seeing on the Internet in libraries, children can access
pornographic or violent sites easily. So, public libraries should restrict Internet access by utilizing
filtering software to prevent children from seeing those inappropriate sites. The American Libraries
Association (ALA) insists that it is improper for public libraries to use filtering software since
libraries have to provide broad materials for patrons. Their claim that filtering software ... Show
more content on ...
Finally, the ALA says that filtering software is made for the parental control in homes. It is not
suitable, they assert, for public libraries to use the software. Libraries should provide broad,
uncensored for their patrons. So information in libraries may be limited by filtering control. The
ALA also claims that public institutions are supported primarily by local public tax monies, so
libraries are obligated to meet the information needs of the entire community or school population,
while upholding the basic principles of the First Amendment ("American Library" 1). People tend to
think that a lot of adult sited exist on the web pages because accessing rates of those sites are very
high. So people also think that restriction limits a large amount of information and sites on the
Internet. In fact, the adult sites account for a small percentage of all. Estimates of the prevalence of
adult sites range from one to three percent of all the Internet web sites (Burt 2). The numbers of
those sites look big, but it is just because there are many visitors to those pages. Since the adult sites
account for a small percentage of all sites, the web sites that are restricted by filtering software must
be a small portion as well. A library's mission is to provide proper observation to patrons in
communities, since it is free for everyone to get information
... Get more on ...
Internet Access For Improved Learning Effectiveness. .Mrs.
Internet Access for improved learning effectiveness
Mrs. A.Bharathi, M.Sc.,M.A.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D)., Assistant Professor, MNR PG College of
Education, Hyderabad. Ph.No. 9493939464 Email: reachbharathi@live.
We are now in a world of versatile technological inventions. Technology has dramatically penetrated
into every aspect of our lives. Education needs to utilise and enhance its functions by making use of
these technological advancements, more so for persons with disabilities. People with disabilities
face a wide range of barriers, including access to information, education and a lack of job ... Show
more content on ...
Keywords: ICT, Disabilities, e–learning,
With science and technology making remarkable development in every field, most essentially, edu–
cational system has taken a noteworthy step towards excellence with impressive progress of Infor–
mation and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, when these technologies are availa–
ble, affordable and accessible, they represent more than a transformation for people with disabili–
ties.The persons with disabilities demand different educational methodology and material. This has
led people, especially the parents, to look out for solutions to educational needs of these special
children. Of late, the solution has come in the form of information and communication technology
(ICT) tools, which helps and enhances the learning expectations of these persons. Prior to ICT in–
terventions, the field of education was the first to develop a range of special education programmes
that have helped persons with disabilities to get educated. In recent years, ICT is playing a vital role
in the development of educational curriculum and also in teaching learning process using the latest
advancements in the area of IT and hardware. It supports these students to improve their knowledge
and learning skills as well as enables them to most effectively compete with their peers in school
and ultimately in the society. Hence the ICT based assistive tools are widely used to sup–port
inclusive learning.
... Get more on ...
Positive Sides Of Unrestricted Internet Access
Positive sides of unrestricted internet access:
Necessity of unrestricted internet access can be figured out by the positive effects of internet into
our daily life. Now–a–days, a person can't think about life without internet.
1. Faster Communication
2. Abundant Information Resources
3. Entertainment
4. Social Networking and Staying Connected
5. Services
6. E–Commerce
7. Inexhaustible Education
Some of the positive sides are described below:
Faster Communication
Communication is the primary aim of internet. It has shined outside the hope. Internet is the greatest
invention of mankind 's for communication yet. Modernizations are going on to make it faster, more
In a fraction of second, we can communicate with a person who is ... Show more content on ...
For example, Websites such as eBay allow customers to bid, buy, sell, and even auction products
Inexhaustible Education
The Internet has turned into a necessary propagator of knowledge, both through free as well as paid
services. The reliability of this shape of education is usually established through the quality and
validity of satisfied presented by each website. The World Wide Web has become a remarkable
avenue for the academically unprivileged, to amass greater knowledge and know–how on subjects
[Pakhare, J. (n.d.). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet. Retrieved October 1, 2014.].
The complete scope of distance education has extended. This is because, the increase of accessibility
to videos of teachers giving lectures, showing diagrams and explaining concepts are much like a real
classroom. Nonprofit organizations have websites to seek volunteers and donations in order to need.
Some sites are dedicated themselves to spreading knowledge among the people of all age groups.
For example: Wikipedia, Coursera, Babbel, Archive, and Teachertube.
Negative sides of unrestricted access to Internet:
Freedom is something many take for granted, especially when it comes to the Internet [COLE, C.
(n.d.). Risks of unrestricted access to Internet – Roland Technology Group. Retrieved October 1,
2014.]. Some countries figured out some risk of freedom in internet access.
... Get more on ...
Greater Access to the Internet Has Enabled Buyers to...
Greater access to the internet has enabled buyers to search more easily for information about
potential suppliers of goods and services. This has significantly affected many industries, such as
insurance, banking, retailing and travel. To what extent do you think that increased internet usage
inevitably reduces producers' profits? Justify your answer with reference to organizations and/or
industries that you know.
Over the past decade, Shopping on the internet has skyrocketed with internet sales reaching almost
£30 billion in 2012, which accounts to almost 10% of total sales in the UK. This is due to the
increased possession of Internet devices such as: smartphones, laptops and computers. It has become
much easier and simpler for ... Show more content on ...
Some products would not be sold in Jessops but would be sold online resulting in losses of potential
revenue for Jessops. Another market which has slowly died is the demand for printing of photos, due
to social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook people don't need to share their photos in a
physical format and are capable of simply sending the picture via these social websites. In this case
of selling products it was a massive drawback for Jessops but turned out to be an advantage for
competitors such as Amazon. The increased number of internet users leads to benefits for Amazon
who thrive off increased internet usage due to consumers finding it a cheaper alternative to Jessops.
The internet can also be a good source of primary market research which enables firms such as
Amazon to analyze prices of different websites. This would give the opportunity for Amazon to
perhaps reduce prices or introduce offers which would help them sell more products. I believe it is
entirely up to the company, this kind of competition would perhaps not effect Amazon due to their
size in the market and their reliability where customers instantly visit Amazon knowing they will be
given a fair price and receive their purchased item quickly. However, it did affect Jessops who failed
to respond to demand and lower prices resulting in there imminent administration. I don't believe
that the increased usage of the internet reduces profits as some firms can be incredibly
... Get more on ...
The Components Of Mass Communication
For many years now, the task of creating a more stable and reliable form of communication for
sharing information with people as well as with the world is something that many people across the
globe have studied, redesigned, improved, and rebuilt. The spark of mass communication is all
thanks to one man named Alexander Graham Bell who invented the first telephone. Bell's invention
of the telephone has opened a multitude of opportunities that have extended the way we
communicate in the world today. Bell's invention went public on March 7, 1916, and many people
gathered to see a demonstration that would start a revolution of communication beyond even Bell's
imagination (A Rural Broadband...). "That evenings demonstration made clear that the telephone
service was poised to revolutionize communications and unite every part of the country..." (A Rural
Broadband...). Bell's invention was the first reliable, and cost–effective way for communication until
just a few decades later when someone decided to take Bell's invention to the next level and help to
bring us public Internet. Just like Bell, AT&T is determined to create the world's first truly reliable
and cost–effective Internet connection for rural areas by revisiting an old concept that, at the time,
was proved not reliable. I believe that we can help to cut cost even more by creating a partnership
between the FCC and the DOE (Department of Energy). Using AT&T's current plans, we can
partner with other companies and government
... Get more on ...
Pros And Cons Of The Internet
The world has come a long way when it comes to the speed at which one can browse the internet.
Just as the new millennium came about, the world was introduced to broadband (or high–speed
internet). Compared to dial–up, broadband operated at a rate that was 10 to 20 times faster than
dial–up. Nowadays, most people cannot imagine going back to dial–up speeds and sometimes refer
to use of the technology as "caveman days". With that said, dial–up is still around as some have
remained loyalty to the service. But with speeds around the world as high as 17Mb, dial–up does not
cut it if an individual or company wants to keep up with the world, especially from a business
aspect. The pros of being connected through broadband far outweigh the cons of dealing with dial–
up. Broadband is a high–capacity communication transmission technique. It is transmitted across
multiple frequencies that allows a large number of messages to travel within it simultaneously.
There are three well known broadband services available today to the general public, which are
digital subscriber lines (DSL), cable, and fiber. DSL is the slowest of the three while fiber optic
offers the fastest service. DSL supports a transmission rate between 1.5 to 9 Mbps receiving data.
Cable services boasts a speed of up to 10 Mbps, which is what more than 60 percent of households
in the United States use. Fiber services supplies up to 50 Mbps of speed through fiber optic cables
routed to the curb or inside residencies or
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The Importance Of The Internet On The Internet
I agree with net neutrality because the internet has became such an important impact on our lives
that its very very easy to imagine that it will always remain the free and open medium it is now. For
those whose don't know what net neutrality is , it basicially lets you watch all your videos and allow
you to get on the internet for free. Other people tend to agree with having not to pay for all of our
websites. While others , including me , who does agree with what may or may not happen. Most
people can't afford a simple bill for cable , so why would you want to pay for every website that you
go on, like Youube. We all love watching our free YouTube videos, but imagine having to pay for
getting on the app or watching in via web. It would be a pain having to do all the paper work just to
pay for everything you watch. If the internet wasn't free than its really not the internet if you really
think about. The internet gives u so much information that everyone should be allowed to see. If we
were to pay for the internet , we wouldn't know as much as we do right at this very moment. Every
cell phone company and the internet would have control on what you can watch and what you cant
watch which is not right because we have the rights to do what we want and we should be able to go
on any website we want to. Net neutrality also affects everyones freedom of speech which is
unacceptable for the people who want to speak out about how they feel about things, saying their
... Get more on ...
How Many Americans Have Access To The Internet
Global population has reached over 7.4 billion, of those people 3.5 billion people can access the
internet. And to break that 3.5 billion internet users down further 286.9 million are from the united
states. That is 88.5% of the population.The internet has been used as a tool to make everyday life
easier. You can search information, communicate with others, browse websites all at the touch of a
button. This seems all good until you start applying the things you've see or hear online into your
everyday life, without stopping to check; or at the very least consider, that what you might have saw
or heard could be false. Many Americans have access to the internet and most of the time it has a
negative impact on our daily life.Some things that can negatively impact American lives are false
information, illegal activity, and can cause psychological damage.
Psychological problems can start being a problem to a country with easy access to the internet.
There have been certain cases where parents valued whatever they have been doing online over their
actual child eventually the parent(s) would lose ... Show more content on ...
Addiction online has become very common in this day and age. With 88.8% of Americans having
access to a device with internet there are plenty of individuals who have started drifting away from
from their friends and family because of internet addiction. Internet addiction can become very
dangerous for youths who are beginning to develop core learning skills which become essential later
on in their adult life. It can cause students grades to take a harsh dip. This type of addiction can even
cause cause financial problems. It can cause financial problems because of online gambling where a
person would end up losing their sense of time and continuously spend their hard earned money on a
risky decision that can lead to depression and and has the potential to strain family
... Get more on ...
Proposal For The Nhs Internet Connection Project
C3J Solutions would like to thank Northeastern Health Services, Inc. (NHS) for the opportunity to
submit a proposal for the NHS internet connection project. Following is our proposal for an Internet
connection that will meet the NHS business objective. NHS is a Maine–based health services
company who accommodates underserved patients in rural parts of the state. Recently, the NHS
decided to expand services by adding branch offices in towns near the Canadian border to:
· Provide state–of–the–art health services to patients by offering medical imaging services with
rapid diagnoses.
Northeastern Health Services plans to accomplish this by partnering with a medical analysis unit in
New York. Accordingly, large medical image files will be transmitted between destinations via fast
Internet connection. To put it briefly, the NHS is expanding services to provide top notch health care
services by partnering with regional hospitals. But first, several obstacles must be addressed to meet
the objective; most importantly, selecting the best internet connection for the project. Health care
companies are increasingly relying on networked information systems to share patient data and
records. Therefore, choosing the correct internet access technology is key to any company who
wants to be competitive in this environment. Fortunately for NHS, there are several internet access
options available for this project; these include DSL, cable, T1, cellular, and satellite
... Get more on ...
Connected Nation Case Study
Connected Nation (CN) is a national 501(c)(3) non–profit organization committed to bringing the
benefits of broadband to all Americans, with a belief that the widespread access, adoption, and use
of broadband–enabled technology has the power to improve lives. CN has pioneered broadband
research, community technology planning and demand stimulation for over 10 years. In the last five
years, CN has partnered with a total of 9 states and one U.S. territory to complete successful
broadband–focused initiatives under the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration's State Broadband Initiative (SBI). CN's state initiatives have been active in Texas,
Alaska, Nevada, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, and the territory of
Puerto Rico. As technology becomes a vital component to many people's lives, CN believes that
broadband access for individuals increases the quality of life, and allows communities the
opportunity to compete universally. Connected Nation looks to identify service apertures, and bridge
the digital divide. ... Show more content on ...
A community champion is designated to spearhead the operation, and lead in finding a solution to
this problem. Once a technology planning team is initiated, the community champion will occupy
the broad assortment of stakeholders, inaugurate the participatory process, and ultimately guide the
process to success. An online tool is provided to the community champion that is designed to
consolidate collaboration and information gathering, the Connected Community Engagement Portal.
The portal is systematized to make constructing and streaming a technology plan modest and
efficient. Reinforcing the notion that access to broadband technology can be of great benefit to
economic and social
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The Internet : The Advantage Of Access To The Internet
Millions of people across the globe now have the advantage of access to the Internet. With the
diverse collection of people who peruse the inter–webs comes an even wider range of things left to
be observed. People flood sites with information about themselves, their friends and family, and
many activities and hobbies that they may be interested in. Regardless of the promised anonymity of
many sites, or the tensions over net neutrality, everything that is posted on the Internet will remain
forever, in some shape or form. Many people are reckless with their access to the Internet and they
post inappropriate content or use the digital facades to harass and bully people. Because of the
permanent nature of the Internet, many employers search for what their potential employees have
posted, and these employers then judge the people's characters from their digital footprint.
Support 1:
If one were to use the Internet at all, their posts and activities are known as a digital footprint. It's
almost an echo of what they've done online, and depending on what they do, it can either be a
positive digital footprint or a negative one. There's a rather old lesson that adults always try to teach
to children, and that's think before you speak or act, and this same lesson can be applied to usage of
the Internet. Many people act irrationally online and they do or say things that they wouldn't
normally do in 'real life'. It should be a goal of everyone's to try and create a positive
... Get more on ...
Limiting Children's Access to Internet Pornography
Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use
pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives, or simply as a means of entertainment. One of
the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only
downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to
children. While adults should have limitless access to Internet porn, minors should be kept away
from this concubine.
Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily enough by anyone
that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful intent. The material ranges
from semi–nude photos to videos ... Show more content on ...
The Internet has experienced an extraordinary growth. The number of host computers—those that
store information and relay communications—increased from about 300 in 1981 to approximately
9,400,000 by the time of the trial in 1996. Roughly 60% of these hosts are located in the United
States. About 40 million people used the Internet at the time of trial, a number that expected to
mushroom to 200 million by 2000. How can it be possible to regulate all Internet transmissions with
user numbers at 200 million?
Another problem that arises is the fact that not all Internet sites can quantifiably prove that the user
wishing to browse their domain is of legal age. An annoy–mailer can be used to hide the identity of
the user. Some sites require the use of a credit card in order to view its contents, but credit card
numbers are easy to obtain. This limitation of proof is being minutely controlled by a number of
sites dedicated to helping parents censor what their children see. This might possibly be the first step
in what will protect the American children from viewing obscene material. One such site,, gives Internet safety tips for parents. It explains to tell children about the Internet, and
how to let parents know if there are any materials or persons online that makes a child feel
uncomfortable. In addition, never meet with anyone face to face from which they have met
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Comcast Research Paper
Comcast Corporation is the nation's leading provider of cable, entertainment and communications
products and services, with 24.1 million cable customers, 12.4 million high–speed Internet
customers and 3.5 million voice customers. Comcast is principally involved in the development,
management and operation of broadband cable networks and in the delivery of programming
Comcast provides a wide variety of consumer products and services:
• Video – Comcast is the nation's largest video provider, offering interactive services packed with
the best content on Digital Cable, video on demand and high–definition television.
• Online – Comcast offers the best content, reliable service and faster speeds.
• Voice – Comcast's IP–enabled ... Show more content on ...
e. Overview
Comcast started as a regional provider and grew to the largest cable provider in the United States.
Comcast focused on obtaining new customers with the latest technology. Comcast competes in the
cable industry which provides some monopolistic protection by limiting direct competition.
Comcast faces competition from competing technologies such as satellite providers. Comcast has
diversified its portfolio by acquiring television networks, such as E! Entertainment Television. This
is a small market of its profit. In addition to television networks, Comcast is offering new products,
such as pay–per–view, video on demand and Internet access, some of which cannot be offered by
satellite providers. Comcast is a telecommunications provider able to provide phone and Internet
service also cable television. Comcast is headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. Comcast has 90,000
employees in the company. Seventy–five thousand employees are in the cable side and fifteen
thousand employees in other areas of the business.
Key Statistics:
• Revenue: $7.8 billion
• Operating Income: $1.39 billion
• Net Income: $560 million
• Video Subscriptions: 65k net loss
• Internet Subscriptions: 450k net adds
• Digital Phone Subscriptions: 662k net adds
2. Company Analysis
Comcast reported in October 25, 2007 press conference that growth is slowing, they did miss many
operational expectations. But the revenue growth for Comcast is solid, and customers are spending
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Taking a Look at Google
Executive Summary
Google is a company that has no bounds. To reach our goal of becoming a main competitor in the
United States broadband market, we must gain a larger share of the market. Since the initial launch
of Google Fiber in Kansas City, our service has expanded, from much demand, into the surrounding
communities. It is now time we bring Google Fiber to new communities and expand our territory.
Google Fiber offers broadband speeds that are up to 100 times faster than cable and dsl. Our service
is second to none, and will be the key to our future successes. To reach our goal of becoming the
premier broadband provider in the United States we will also require interdepartmental teamwork to
increase our agility through an ever–changing environment. Each department will have a defined
role in helping us reach the goal of Google Fiber.
Department Tasks
➢ Marketing: Research potential new cities to release Google Fiber. Submit reports based on each
city's demographics, to aid in the selection process.
➢ Operations: Based on the information of the candidate cities, select the next three that Google
Fiber will penetrate. Once the cities have been chosen begin to assemble a business plan to best fit
for each market.
➢ Public Relations: Once the next three cities Google Fiber will target have been selected put out
national and local press releases to begin creating buzz about our Fiberhood expanding to new
➢ Human Resource: Outline the
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Essay on soft bank
Info 6027 Case Study
Project One
Softbank – theft of consumer data for extortion
Please read the report published by the IAPP in the journal Privacy Advisor.
Organisations do not normally volunteer any information about any sort of security breach unless
they are compelled in some way. The incident described is no exception, it concerned Yahoo! BB
Softbank BB.
Softbank of Japan offered broadband internet services across Japan through two subsidiaries –
BB and Softbank BB. In February 2004, the bank announced that the security of 4.5 million
customer records had been compromised: data from both subsidiaries had been illegally copied and
The leaked details included customer names, home phone numbers, ... Show more content on ...
In this example, the threat was to reduce the value of an organisation by revealing information that
should have been a well–kept secret. Not only did it cost the company a substantial sum in
compensation but it also affected its reputation.
Info 6027 Case Study
print this page
Japanese Court Orders Payment of 6,000 Yen to Each
Plaintiff in Connection with Yahoo! BB Personal Data Leak inShare August 1, 2006
Jay Ponazecki, Saori Horikawa
On May 19, 2006, the Osaka District Court issued a decision awarding 6,000 yen (approximately
$54) to each of the plaintiffs, a small group of subscribers of the Yahoo!BB broadband Internet
service, who sued for compensation for the emotional distress that they suffered in connection with
the massive security breach that occurred in early 2004. In this incident, a former temporary
employee at
Softbank BB gave partners a user name and password he had been using when he was working for
Softbank BB to access the company computer systems remotely, and the personal information of at
least 4.6 million customers of the Yahoo!BB service was accessed and used in an effort to extort
approximately 2 billion yen from Softbank.
This case is the first private lawsuit to be filed in connection with this incident. Claims for 100,000
(approximately $893) for each plaintiff were made against BB Technology (formerly Softbank BB
Corp.) and Yahoo! Japan, but the claim against Yahoo! Japan was rejected,
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User Side Influences On Website Performance
Connection speed
There are many user side influences on website performance but the first user side influence on
website performance is that it's very crucial to look at its connection speed that the user is
functioning on. But now there are numerous different components in which I will need to look at to
entirely clarify how the user has an influence on how good a website does but there are also a few
other reasons that users sometimes can't actually help and simply have to put up with which will all
be described in due course. The four key user side impacts on website performance as connection
speed is involved
Server Side
Bandwidth is the quantity of data traffic which can be downloaded from a website per second. The
data traffic works like any usual traffic, if they are lots of vehicles on the road, it will take you a lot
longer to reach than if you were the single person driving on the road. The data traffic works alike
e.g. if they are lots of people transferring from a website all at the same time the download speed
will be much slower. Yet, if you are the only user that is copying from a website your computer's
speed would be much faster because you will be able to utilize most of the data available to
Dial up internet is the easiest type of internet that a person can essentially use. Dial up involves of a
person requiring going via their mobile line with the aim of having to join to the internet service and
get data packages to get on
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Capabilities and Potential for Cloud Storage in the...
Are cloud storage solutions irrelevant for a large organisation of 1,500 staff? – An evaluation of
capabilities and potential for Cloud storage in the enterprise In this essay I will be evaluating the
capabilities and potential for cloud storage in enterprise. I will be doing this by evaluating all of the
features, abilities, drawbacks and limitations of cloud storage using the currently available
standards, products and protocols to help validate my views. I will first explain what cloud
computing and cloud storage is and how it came about, I will then go on to evaluate the pros and
cons of cloud storage and how it could affect a large organisation and then finally I will use my
findings and data to answer the question posed in this essay. In computing, cloud computing and as
a sub component, cloud storage is a term used to describe a large number of computers or a few very
large servers connected to each other through some form of network usually a wide area network or
internet link, this network is sometimes referred to as an internet area network. The evolution of
cloud computing started by the original concept in the 1950's of large servers which were accessible
from terminals with no real processing capacity themselves which would allow for multiple parties
to share its resources with the connected terminals and allow for more CPU uptime. This meant that
the servers which may have cost thousands of pounds or were only available for research use would
be much more
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Dish Network Ten Point Analysis
DISH Network Ten Point Analysis
Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, DISH Network provides satellite TV, and internet to
approximately 14 million subscribers throughout the United Sates. DISH offers some of the highest
quality programming and technology available with the most amount of choices at the best value for
consumers. Over the years, DISH Network has lead the pay–TV industry in state–of–the–art
equipment and technology as well as providing the most international channels, and award–winning
HD and DVR technology. The Mission Statement for DISH Network is; "To be the very best at
delivering video anywhere, anytime" (DISH, 2016). The DISH Network organization is committed
to being a competitive venture in the television market. They are also committed to continually
improving their products and services by adding new channels, creating and implementing
innovative technology and investing heavily in their customer services. This leads their ideals to
provide their customers and the market with the best television, and internet coverage anywhere in
American and at any time of the year. This mission has led them to the top of the satellite television
industry and continues to bring the organization great success and continued growth across the U.S.
Distinctive Competencies DISH Network offers pay–TV services to consumers across the United
States. The company 's pay–TV programming includes a selection of video services under the DISH
brand, with access to
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Net Neutrality: Equal Access To The Internet
At the point where Net Neutrality is upheld, as it is at this moment, all network access suppliers
must enable equal access to applications and content, paying little respect to the source. If it were
not authorized, your internet service provider could make it harder for you to access parts of the
internet at its own preference. Vast web organizations could support their own business advantages
without the guarantee of net neutrality, but for the time being, eliminating Net Neutrality could
influence everything from web speed to the general access to the internet.
I would first like to point out how if we lose net neutrality, we lose freedom of speech. What not
many realize is that if these laws are put in place, we might not be able to
... Get more on ...

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Satellite Broadband Essay

  • 1. Satellite Broadband Essay In recent years the demand for high–speed networking, driven mainly by the rapid expansion of the Internet, has been growing at an exponential rate. While a wide range of wireline and wireless solutions offering broadband connectivity are or will shortly be available, communication satellites are beginning to emerge as an attractive solution in providing broadband connectivity to a variety of users. The wide area or global coverage of satellites enables service provision to a large number of dispersed users and solve the expensive "last–mile" issue without dedicating to each user cable, fiber, switching equipment ports, etc. The broadcast nature of satellites supports efficiently the transmission of the same message to a large ... Show more content on ... A new generation of broadband satellite constellations promises to provide high speed Internet connectivity to areas not served by optical fiber, cable or other high speed terrestrial connections. However, using satellite links to supply high bandwidth has been difficult due to problems with inefficient performance of the Internet's TCP/IP protocol suite over satellite. We describe an architecture for improving the performance of TCP/IP protocols over heterogeneous network environments, especially networks containing satellite links. The end–to–end connection is split into segments, and the protocol on the satellite segment is optimized for the satellite link characteristics. TCP congestion control mechanisms are maintained on each segment, with some coupling between the segments to produce the effect of end–to–end TCP flow control. We have implemented this design and present results showing that using such gateways can improve throughput for individual connections by a large factor over paths containing a satellite link. SAN ANTONIO––(BUSINESS WIRE)––April 24, 2000––The explosion of the Internet in the 1990s and subsequent demand for high–speed Internet connections has put an immense strain on terrestrial communications networks. Consequently, satellite broadband technology is now emerging as an important alternative to land– based services such as cable or DSL. According to strategic research conducted by Frost ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Should Public Access For The Internet? Ask about any American teenager what their hobbies are, and chances are many will say, "listening to music". Music is more accessible than ever in 2016, thanks to technology, computers, and the constantly growing use of the Internet. Just about every industry has been affected by these elements, and the music industry is no exception. Advances in technologies have had, without a doubt, a massive influence on music. However, whether this influence is good or bad is essentially subjective, as there are both positive and negative things to be said. Public access to the Internet has been around since the 1980s, but before that, there was the phonograph, record players, and CDs. These early technologies made it possible to listen ... Show more content on ... With media and communication, technology has the ability to change people's lives (Hanson 14). "Cell phones and the Internet have in their short histories brought about more changes to traditional behaviors, attitudes, and values than any other technologies and services in history" (Hanson 14). In recent years, a major growing concern for the music industry is illegal downloading. Users go to sites like Napster or LimeWire and get songs without paying for them. This is made easy because the Internet makes it simple to share files peer–to–peer ("The Effects of the Internet and Digital Downloading on the Music Industry"). Copyrighted songs do not allow sharing this way, so this is and always has been illegal. However, since there is no real way to stop it, pirating of music still thrives ("The Effects of the Internet and Digital Downloading on the Music Industry"). In theory, when songs and albums are downloaded illegally, the music industry loses money; as people are not buying them and giving money to the artists. Despite this, some studies say that piracy is not harmful and may actually be beneficial to the music industry ("The Effects of the Industry and Digital Downloading on the Music Industry"). According to the European commission, "...findings indicate that digital music piracy does not displace legal music purchases in digital format. His means that although there is trespassing of private property rights (copyrights), there is ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Case Study Of Tiscali Tiscali is a well–known Italian Telecommunications company that is based in Sardinia. Its operations enclose internet and telecommunications services to its local market. The organization gives web access, voice, VoIP, media, included quality administrations and other related items, portable administrations. The organization principally works in Italy, where it is headquartered in Cagliari and utilizes around 750 individuals. The organization recorded incomes of E290.4 million ($404.9 million) amid the money related year finished December 2009 (FY2009), a decline of 10.7% more than 2008. The working benefit of the organization was E11.4 million ($15.8 million) in FY2009, contrasted with working loss of in E14.2 million ($19.8 million) 2008. Its net misfortune was E384.8 million ($536.7 million) in FY2009, contrasted with net loss of E242.7 million ($338.5 million) in 2008. After several acquisitions in the European Market, it has become the second largest service provider. The Strategic Position includes the effect of outer environment, the assets and abilities, the vital capacity, the objectives and the way of life of Tiscali have on its system. ... Show more content on ... Tiscali has implemented innovation and technological aspects by matching up with the fast pace of technological advances and built a consumer segment through offshoring, resulting in screening Tiscali as a trustworthy brand that meets the acceptability of consumers. Tiscali developed these competitive strategies under specific and clear objectives and consistency of goals and policies. These strategies are effective up to an extent, while integrating into the digital world Tiscali should care that the strategies should be having a continuous process of review and upgrades. This will develop an advantage of maintaining its competitive advantage in emerging ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Task 2 New Formart 3 9 2015 Essay A. Develop an annotated bibliography containing ten references that can be used to evaluate five potential technological solutions for the scenario. Tarantola, A. (2013, December 18). The Next Generation of DSL Can Pump 1Gbps Through Copper Phone Lines. Retrieved February 16, 2015, from­ next­ generation­ of­ ‐ dsl­ can­ pump­ 1gbps­ through­ coppe­ 1484256467 a) The potential technological solution: Digital Subscriber Line as a technology solution, this technology works by transmitting digital Internet data over telephone lines. b) Its use: This technology uses the same telephone line to deliver both the wired voice telephone service and High speed Internet service simultaneously. c) Its application to the given ... Show more content on ... Its use: The same cable lines that are used to send out sound and video signals to carry Internet bandwidth. The speed of the Internet depends greatly on the number of simultaneous users using the service as the bandwidth for cable Internet is shared amongst users, for example during peak hours such as over the weekend when most users are home and surfing the web the Internet connection will be much slower compared to weekdays when most users will be at work. c. Its application to the given scenario: The web article provides an overview of how cable Internet works and how its used for high speed Internet access. The article also discusses the requirements to setup a cable Internet connection. All NHS offices are already being served by cable providers; this would make this technology very easy and fast to implement. Franklin, C. (2000, September 20). How Cable Modems Work. Retrieved March 5, 2015, from­ modem1.htm a. The potential technological solution:Cable Internet Service as a technology solution, This technology uses existing cable line to deliver internet service to cable television subscribers b. Its use: The same cable lines that are used to send out sound and video signals to carry Internet bandwidth. The speed of the Internet depends greatly on the number of simultaneous users using the service ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Cost Scenario Essay Cost Scenario University of Phoenix ECO 561PR October 22, 2012 Professor Adelaida Torres Dilan Cost Scenario The San Juan Cell Phones Scenario Summary talk about this company that manufacture cell phones where Maria Perez, a business development specialist, secured an order of 100,000 units with this major chain, which is an opportunity to the company to increase their production and their profit. Cell phones are very important to the community these days for business, to keep in touch with the family or just to feel independent and secure. The first cell phone was created in 1973 by Martin Cooper of Motorola and others assistants and in 1984 they were available to the public. Today cell phones are more than ... Show more content on ... Our recommendation to San Juan Cell Phones, taking in consideration the risk is to accept the order from Big Box and buy the 100,000 phones from the OEM Company, which will be able to meet the deadline, make an identical phone to the Alpha model, and the price will be fourteen dollars for each unit. This alternative will generate a profit $100,000.00, since cell phones would be sold at fifteen dollars as shown in Table 1–3. The earning are not going to be substantial but at the end we are not going to lose the customer; promote our company, attract potential customers, which will bring even bigger profits to the company without cost control. Also we can expand the company and at the end is going to generate new employments and the possibility of take the company to a major chain level. In conclusion San Juan Cell Phones is a company that has the opportunity to grow and already have products that gave them a good profit, but there is always some space to improve their products. At this moment if when we use all the different strategies for the incorporation of new products starting with the cost comparison, identify alternatives that increment the cost, analyze the different risk, establish recommendation and elaborate a work plan that benefit the company. It is important to always involve the personnel because they are the heavy bones ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Internet Is Access To The Internet And Social Isolation? As of 2017, there are 3.77 billion internet users in the world and of these 3.77 billion users, it is estimated that 2.80 billion use social media. ("Digital In 2017: Global Overview – We Are Social UK") Along with this, the fact that the average user spends over 20 hours per week on the internet (Anderson, Elizabeth.) makes for a truly intriguing set of statistics. However, does access to this type of technology really serve to foster a sense of community and closeness within these virtual settings or is the internet simply acting as an agent in social isolation for those who become engrossed in its marvel? While the internet and its boundless connectivity can act as an addictive agent for some people and a simple convenience to others, it is undeniable that the internet acts as a major agent in social isolation for many people by cheapening the value of socialization. Social isolation is defined as "a state or process in which persons, groups, or cultures lose or does not have communication or cooperation with one another..." ("The Definition Of Social Isolation") The internet acts as an agent in this 'process' by cheapening the value of online interaction versus face– to–face interaction, permitting users to have near constant access to communication almost instantly, and even going so far as to create addictions to the internet, ultimately leading to social isolation. While for many the internet acts as a bridge between face–to–face communication and online socializing and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality Net neutrality in simplest terms means that all internet content should forever be equally accessible without restriction. Meaning that internet service providers shouldn't be able to restrict speed, which websites you access, or which load faster. So without net neutrality there is a possibility you wouldn't be able to binge your netflix seasons or spend 3 hours on facebook. Wouldn't that be tragic? Jumping right in, we currently do have net neutrality laws in place. That means that there are protections that we as internet consumers have in our relation with ISPs (Internet Service Providers). Simply it could be thought of as the bill of rights for people that use the internet. They cannot be infringed upon by ISPs. Meaning that ISPs cannot block legal content, services or applications. Or throttling which means that ISPs can't degrade or slow down internet service because of the content, application, or service accessed by users. Lastly, there is no paid prioritization which means that ISPs cannot accept payment to give users better access to content, applications, or services. If there was paid prioritization it would create "fast lanes" for the ... Show more content on ... If the net neutrality laws were repealed this problem could be fixed by charging a company who consumes or provides a lot of content more. This could make it so there could be free access to certain sites, such as facebook or gmail without a contract. They could do this if Comcast were to charge Netflix more because of the large data consumption the streaming causes. A downside to this would be that the customers would have to pick up this increase in price, so Netflix could nearly double in cost per say. But wouldn't it be fair for you to pay more to stream endless amounts of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and little to none if you just check your email once a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Wi Fi Capabilities For Faster Internet Access Essay Wi–Fi capability for faster internet access 3G, EDGE, and 4G network capability Unique, recognizable design Access to Apple App store to purchase applications, books, and magazines The promotional efforts of the Apple iPhone will be principally through television and internet campaigns. These advertisements will focus on the cutting edge technology as it pertains to the Apple iPhone. Larger campaigns will be launched closer to the release of newer models to generate buzz and keep the public talking about the revolutionary iPhone. Promotional efforts will also be coordinated with AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. Sales force will be trained to promote and sell the Apple iPhone and joint advertising campaigns will be launched to support both entities. Promotions will always be tasteful and will be focused both on the business segment and the consumer target market. Television and internet efforts will be focused to reach these audiences effectively. Promotions will be developed in–house and with the help of select advertising agencies. Promotional efforts will have definite focus for yearly or cyclical proceedings. Holiday special banquets, culturally sensitive dates, back to school promotions, new and innovative product release, and other detailed promotions will be employed to increase product awareness in the market. Moreover, the Apple iPhone ought to make its products much more readily available to the consumer. The product will be offered for purchase from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Net Neutrality Net neutrality is the belief that the internet should always be equal playing grounds for all users on it. This means that big companies like Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, IBM, and many other internet providers and tech companies cannot control the internet, and everyday people will all have equal access to the web. This may seem like common sense, but recently there have been attempts to change the internet that we all know and love. America's internet has always practiced net neutrality and free speech; however, there have been five failed attempts to pass a bill in congress to set these neutrality rules in stone, until 2015 when congress passed Title II which enforced open internet. This was a huge win for net neutrality supporters but the war for uncensored internet is not over yet. On April 17, two years after Title II was passed, one of Trumps administration, Ajit Varadaraj Pai, attempted to repeal net neutrality. Ajit and these big cable companies cannot be allowed to alter the internet just for their own monetary reasons. In June 2009, France declared access to the internet to be a basic human right. This is the direction I hope U.S.A. takes when it comes to the internet and net neutrality. Other countries have taken the other path into censorship which is where we may end up if we do not fight for our rights. According to USA Today, the country with the most censored internet is North Korea where about 4% of the population has internet access, and out of that 4% they ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Telecom Industry And Monopoly Qinhan Hu Econ 4333 Dr. Brown 4/21/2016 Book Review: Crawford, S. (2014). The Telecom Industry and Monopoly in Power in the New Gilded Age. London, Brilliance Audio. In the book, Captive Audience: The Telekom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age, the Author, Susan Crawford is discussing how a decade ago, United States was the benchmark for internet service provision. The U.S. boasted of the fastest internet speed, highest penetration rates, and the lowest prices in the market. The United States was then recognized as a leading knowledge economy. However, today, things have suddenly changed, a situation attributed towards lackluster government legislations that have given rise to new monopolies hence allowing countries such as Singapore, Japan, and Europe to overtake the U.S in terms of average broadband speed, penetration rates, and prices. This backslide has not only deprived consumers premium services and contents in a competitive global landscape, but also threatening to derail the country's economic prospects. According to Susan, who is the author of the book, she believes that once upon a time, she was found in a fortunate position to decide on a television and internet package. Susan had a choice of two companies to choose from, and these very companies provided broadband connectivity, telephony services, and myriad of television channels than she could hardly afford to enjoy. Unfortunately, this particular choice of providers is only available to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Internet And The World Wide Web The Internet is a unique place where all different nationalities, social groups and age groups with different values and characteristics, meet and interact. All spheres of media are being represented on the world wide web. Some of the relations are being mirrored from those present in real life, but the internet was never the same. As with real life, not everyone on the internet is equal and there are numerous differences between the users of this medium of mass communication. Even though the inequalities are still present on the internet, they are subtler than those existing within the offline world. Almost everyone has access, but how we benefit from it depends on our status, intelligence and willingness to explore. Audience members are becoming important and active producers, being given the tools, which bring them closer to professionals. Every internet user has equal access to an online education, but an intellectually privileged group will make a more productive use of it. This can be named as equality of opportunity. The argument cannot be defined into one side. Average people can keep in touch and interact with celebrities, which would never happen outside the internet. They obey the same rules and laws imposed by the services they use, yet are not equal, as famous people are more powerful, being in charge of a huge fan base. Another important issue is a marginalization of societies excluded from the internet outreach. The inequalities and equalities should also be ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Oligopolistic Companies and How They Compete Oligopolistic is a market structure which under the imperfect competition. According to Sloman & Garratt, oligopoly is only few large firms share a large portion of industry and control the market. When we hear that a term about "Big three", "Big four" or "Big five" it can be set down as oligopolistic industry. In the oligopoly market competition, depends on the firms produce homogeneous or differentiated products and it will be categorize as homogeneous oligopoly or differentiated oligopoly. As Mcconell & Brue, 2008 stated because of the small number of firms, oligopolistic have worthy of consideration command over the prices and they have to think about their competitors conceivable reaction to their product`s price, product`s quality, advertising outlays and so on. The few large firms are interdependent but they have to always be awake of competitor`s action to maintain their firm can stand strong in the industries. Oligopolistic have a strong barriers of entry for the new competitors, which alike and dedicative by the pure monopoly. According to Jackson, Mclver & Wilson stated oligopolistic industries have a large economies of scale have to be consider for the new competitors because they must have a large amount of capital to invest heavy on the technology in the beginning, and this is the prevention of new competitors can easily enter to the industry. Furthermore, there are many industries are counted as oligopolistic for instance mining, steel, soft drinks, airlines, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digital India Mere 79 km from akodara (icici's digital village) mehsana is seeing the ban. Evolution of concept of digital divide – According to Curtis Kularski [1] (p. 5) "the digital divide is composed of a skill gap and a gap of physical access to Information Technology (IT) and the two gaps often contribute to each other in circular causation. Without access to technology, it is difficult to develop technical skill and it is redundant to have access to technology without first having the skill to utilise it". Kularski's quote sums up the reiterative nature of the problem. More than two decades ago, apparent inequalities in Internet access gave rise to "concern that the new technology might exacerbate inequality rather than ameliorate it", which resulted ... Show more content on ... In a recent consultation paper, TRAI initiated a discussion on how OTT can revolutionize Digital India. The paper invites attention of industry stakeholders on the issues faced by incumbent providers and seeks measures to devise a viable business model that will address the concerns of all parties involved in the ecosystem. OTT services, as we see today, have set revolutionary changes in communications sector worldwide. Service providers in developed markets have embraced OTT as an auxiliary service and built profitable business models through voice, video, data, messaging and other value added ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Internet : Unauthorized Access To The Internet Hacking The Internet is a gateway to a computer to connect to the world, which also makes it exposed to attacks from hackers across the globe. The advances in technology have led to the development of key–logging software that is able of tracking and recording every keystroke by the user, thereby the possibility of stealing passwords and account details. Computer hacking is unauthorized access to information or property, by the act of modifying computer hardware or software, to cause damage to sensitive data or only to obtain confidential information. A Computer hacker (cracker) is someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks. Hackers divided into two major groups: a computer criminal (black hats) or computer security expert (white hats). Hacking activities expose private user information (e.g personal details, social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account data and personal photographs). Any User information, in the hands of computer hackers, makes it exposed to illegal use and manipulation. Information is critical to national security, confidential government data, all information related to national defense, security, and crime, if it exposed by hacking, could grave consequences on the welfare of the nation. Hacking of highly sensitive data can potentially risk the national security and stake the overall well–being of the country's citizens. (Srivastava, 2011) Computer Viruses The most common infection that gets a computer is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Internet : The Dangers Of Access To The Internet The internet has become the important part of the world; from instant messages through communicating, and emails, banking, travelling, studying and shopping, internet has touched every aspect of life. With the increasing use of the internet by people, protecting essential information has become a necessity. A computer that is not having appropriate security controls can be affected with malicious logic and thus any type of information can be accessed in moments. Number of affected Web Pages and malicious websites can be seen every day that affects the computer and allow hackers to gain illegal access to other computer systems. Hacking of personal important data, network outages, computer viruses and other cyber related threats affect our lives that range from minor inconvenience to serious incidents. Cyber threats can be caused due to negligence and vulnerabilities, or unintentional accidents. Nevertheless, they can also be planned or intentional, like hacking or access by unauthorized users. The main objectives of such type of system attackers or hackers are to steal confidential information, to make illegal monetary transactions, to destroy or to change data and the like. System attackers can be terrorists, crackers or recreational hackers. They have a variety of tools that can harm or infect the computer; usually they use malicious logic or virus to gain unauthorized access to a computer. Opening email attachments that carry the virus, clicking malicious links or ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Limiting Children's Access To Internet Pornography Essay Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives, or simply as a means of entertainment. One of the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to children. While adults should have limitless access to Internet porn, minors should be kept away from this concubine. Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful intent. The material ranges from semi–nude photos to videos ... Show more content on ... Their biggest reason is the endangerment of American children that use the Internet. Children can be endangered in many ways, one of which is being lured by a pedophile and possibly sexually assaulted. A pedophile is an adult with a psychosexual disorder where children stimulate sexual arousal. There is evidence that children who have been sexually victimized are more likely to be troubled adults. Advocates worry about the safety of the American children and wish to eliminate this from happening. A recent example is People v. Barrows, 174 Misc. 2d 367, 664 N.Y.S. 2d 410 (1997): an adult, James Barrows, entered an AOL chat room and seduced what he thought was a thirteen year old girl, who in actuality was an officer of Kings County District Attorney. Barrows had transmitted pictures of under–aged children having sex, engaged in sexually explicit conversations and attempted to lure the child to engage in sexual acts. Barrows was one of the few pedophiles to be caught and brought to justice. One proposal that was struck down from protecting children is the Communications Decency Act (CDA). Janet Reno, Attorney General of the United States, argued that the CDA was in violation of the U.S. Constitution and laws that would be enacted were clear and undefined. If made into law, the CDA could severely censor the Internet in ways that were never attempted before. It would filter out anything that is deemed obscene and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Net Neutrality : The Internet Should Have Unlimited Access... Net Neutrality Net neutrality is the reason millions of Americans have unlimited access to the internet every day. Net neutrality is the belief that the internet should be an open place where all data is treated equally. No specific website should be allowed to have priority over another. No internet service provider should be allowed to give priority to a specific website versus another. A simple example of how getting rid of net neutrality is this. If an internet provider wanted to start prioritizing specific websites, a company like Netflix could pay them to do so. If Netflix pays the internet provider a specific amount of money to be prioritized over competitors, then anyone who is trying to access the competitor's website will have a slower connection. The connection of the competitor's website could be slowed down or "throttled". This not only hurts the competitor. It also hurts the consumer. When a large company like Netflix has to pay an internet provider to prioritize their website, the amount of profit Netflix will make per subscription will go down. This will result in subscriptions for Netflix to go up in price. This is what is called "paid prioritization" Another issue with getting rid of net neutrality is packaging up the internet just like cable. When someone wants to get a cable subscription they can choose which channels they want to watch by selecting different packages. Each package has a certain cost on top of a normal cable fee. This is what internet ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Classrooms Must Access the Internet Essay Classrooms Must Access the Internet Times are changing. Only ten years ago, the average family could not afford a personal computer for the home. Over the last decade, prices have fallen causing the availability of computers to rise. Computers have made their way into almost every business and school. Functioning without them seems somewhat difficult to most people. Schools are especially interested in investing in the technology of tomorrow. Computer classes have been created along with typing courses to aid students in every way possible in preparing them for the world of tomorrow. Not knowing how to use a computer will be like not knowing how to drive a car. There are ways of getting around the absence of a computer, but most ... Show more content on ... Does that not make sense? Who would pass up the opportunity to actively learn, to be in control of the keyboard and what appears next on the screen? What would be more appealing than colorful images and text filled with links the child can control compared to written text on the chalkboard? The amazing thing about the Internet is that it "has the ability to erase all geological, languages, and time barriers so that students continue to learn long after leaving school" (Guillermo 2). The Internet also provides instant communication with millions of users worldwide. This allows the traditional classroom to be expanded literally across the world. Bringing the availability of the Web into the average classroom would allow children access to text, photographs, video clips, and sound from all over the world that might otherwise be unobtainable. What does the Web have to offer? This is a common question among new users. The answers to this question are vast and numerous. Teachers and students can communicate via e–mail, listservs, discussion groups and bulletin boards. Students can access everything from library catalogs to archives. All of this can be done in comfort of home. The student can travel to Italy online and visit the statue of David, or go to a library in Mexico ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Charter Spectrum Suite Is An All New Set Of Superior... Charter Spectrum suite is an all new set of superior services that deliver fast speed. Internet, TV and home phone need an improved quality of services that will be the same everywhere in the United States. They have introduced digital network to develop an internet speed up to 100 Mbps. They are dedicated to their customer in providing their utmost service. One can easily get Charter Bundle with just a phone call. And it's also well within one's affordability. As a result customer demand of this product is increasing rapidly. Now they have 6 million customers at 25 different states with approximately 23,000 employees. Charter was founded in 1993. It is a customer service–oriented company. Over the past two decades it has evolved on many levels. Charter became a publicly–traded company on NASDAQ in 1999 under the symbol CHTR. It has been a Fortune 500 company since 2001. On 2nd March 2015 Charter renamed its business and become Charter Spectrum. Spectrum Organization Structure: Spectrum Business is a division of Charter Communications which provides business organization with scalable, tailored and cost–effective broadband communications solutions. That includes business–to–business Internet access, data networking, business telephone, video and music entertainment services and wireless backhaul. Spectrum Business offers reasonable priced bundled products over its state–of–the–art, fiber–based network, helping businesses in a variety of industries to maximize efficiency. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Essay about Tuscany disaster plans Identify the functions of a CSU and DSU. How are they used in a corporate environment? I like to think of a CSU/DSU(Channel service and Data service unit) as something similar to a modem. In general Dial–up or DSL service a modem is required to convert digital signals to analog and vice versa. A CSU/DSU acts in the same way. The CSU/DSU converts the digital data frames that local area networks (LAN) uses into a frame a wide–area network (WAN) uses and just like the modem it will change the frames back to go the other direction across the network. Within the cooperate environment CSU/DSU are very useful. Most large corporations have moved away from general DSL/cable internet and have moved to dedicated circuit lines such as T–1 or ... Show more content on ... ISDN also has the ability to lower the internet speed when an incoming call comes in to ensure the quality of the call is unaffected by you surfing at the same time. Finally with ISDN telephone calls actually become clearer then use of just the telephone line. This is due to the fact that the ISDN modem makes the segment (links the customer to the exchange) digital thus making the entire phone line digital and increases the quality of the call. What are some of the greatest security risks to a WAN? Provide an example of one risk and discuss the potential consequences and possible precautions. In my opinion the biggest security risk in a WAN is something that no one really ever thinks about and is the one exploited more then all of the other risks combined. That risk is the user. The user on the network is the greatest risk a network could undergo. I have always been told in my security department that your network is only as safe as the weakest user on the network. The user is the easiest part of the network to exploit because it is easier to trick a person then it is to trick a machine. For example phishing scams from emails or WebPages steal user credentials every day. People believe if it has your networks logo on it that it is from your network. Another easy exploit on the user is Social Engineering. I have seen this actually happen in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Libraries Should Use Software Filters for Internet Access Libraries Should Use Software Filters for Internet Access Public libraries provide us with a large amount of information. Residents can borrow books from libraries. Libraries also provide Internet access for everyone, including children. Since parents cannot control what then children are seeing on the Internet in libraries, children can access pornographic or violent sites easily. So, public libraries should restrict Internet access by utilizing filtering software to prevent children from seeing those inappropriate sites. The American Libraries Association (ALA) insists that it is improper for public libraries to use filtering software since libraries have to provide broad materials for patrons. Their claim that filtering software ... Show more content on ... Finally, the ALA says that filtering software is made for the parental control in homes. It is not suitable, they assert, for public libraries to use the software. Libraries should provide broad, uncensored for their patrons. So information in libraries may be limited by filtering control. The ALA also claims that public institutions are supported primarily by local public tax monies, so libraries are obligated to meet the information needs of the entire community or school population, while upholding the basic principles of the First Amendment ("American Library" 1). People tend to think that a lot of adult sited exist on the web pages because accessing rates of those sites are very high. So people also think that restriction limits a large amount of information and sites on the Internet. In fact, the adult sites account for a small percentage of all. Estimates of the prevalence of adult sites range from one to three percent of all the Internet web sites (Burt 2). The numbers of those sites look big, but it is just because there are many visitors to those pages. Since the adult sites account for a small percentage of all sites, the web sites that are restricted by filtering software must be a small portion as well. A library's mission is to provide proper observation to patrons in communities, since it is free for everyone to get information ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Internet Access For Improved Learning Effectiveness. .Mrs. Internet Access for improved learning effectiveness Mrs. A.Bharathi, M.Sc.,M.A.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D)., Assistant Professor, MNR PG College of Education, Hyderabad. Ph.No. 9493939464 Email: reachbharathi@live. Abstract We are now in a world of versatile technological inventions. Technology has dramatically penetrated into every aspect of our lives. Education needs to utilise and enhance its functions by making use of these technological advancements, more so for persons with disabilities. People with disabilities face a wide range of barriers, including access to information, education and a lack of job ... Show more content on ... Keywords: ICT, Disabilities, e–learning, Introduction With science and technology making remarkable development in every field, most essentially, edu– cational system has taken a noteworthy step towards excellence with impressive progress of Infor– mation and Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, when these technologies are availa– ble, affordable and accessible, they represent more than a transformation for people with disabili– ties.The persons with disabilities demand different educational methodology and material. This has led people, especially the parents, to look out for solutions to educational needs of these special children. Of late, the solution has come in the form of information and communication technology (ICT) tools, which helps and enhances the learning expectations of these persons. Prior to ICT in– terventions, the field of education was the first to develop a range of special education programmes that have helped persons with disabilities to get educated. In recent years, ICT is playing a vital role in the development of educational curriculum and also in teaching learning process using the latest advancements in the area of IT and hardware. It supports these students to improve their knowledge and learning skills as well as enables them to most effectively compete with their peers in school and ultimately in the society. Hence the ICT based assistive tools are widely used to sup–port inclusive learning. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Positive Sides Of Unrestricted Internet Access Positive sides of unrestricted internet access: Necessity of unrestricted internet access can be figured out by the positive effects of internet into our daily life. Now–a–days, a person can't think about life without internet. 1. Faster Communication 2. Abundant Information Resources 3. Entertainment 4. Social Networking and Staying Connected 5. Services 6. E–Commerce 7. Inexhaustible Education Some of the positive sides are described below: Faster Communication Communication is the primary aim of internet. It has shined outside the hope. Internet is the greatest invention of mankind 's for communication yet. Modernizations are going on to make it faster, more reliable. In a fraction of second, we can communicate with a person who is ... Show more content on ... For example, Websites such as eBay allow customers to bid, buy, sell, and even auction products online. Inexhaustible Education The Internet has turned into a necessary propagator of knowledge, both through free as well as paid services. The reliability of this shape of education is usually established through the quality and validity of satisfied presented by each website. The World Wide Web has become a remarkable avenue for the academically unprivileged, to amass greater knowledge and know–how on subjects [Pakhare, J. (n.d.). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet. Retrieved October 1, 2014.]. The complete scope of distance education has extended. This is because, the increase of accessibility to videos of teachers giving lectures, showing diagrams and explaining concepts are much like a real classroom. Nonprofit organizations have websites to seek volunteers and donations in order to need. Some sites are dedicated themselves to spreading knowledge among the people of all age groups. For example: Wikipedia, Coursera, Babbel, Archive, and Teachertube. Negative sides of unrestricted access to Internet: Freedom is something many take for granted, especially when it comes to the Internet [COLE, C. (n.d.). Risks of unrestricted access to Internet – Roland Technology Group. Retrieved October 1, 2014.]. Some countries figured out some risk of freedom in internet access.
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  • 48. Greater Access to the Internet Has Enabled Buyers to... Greater access to the internet has enabled buyers to search more easily for information about potential suppliers of goods and services. This has significantly affected many industries, such as insurance, banking, retailing and travel. To what extent do you think that increased internet usage inevitably reduces producers' profits? Justify your answer with reference to organizations and/or industries that you know. Over the past decade, Shopping on the internet has skyrocketed with internet sales reaching almost £30 billion in 2012, which accounts to almost 10% of total sales in the UK. This is due to the increased possession of Internet devices such as: smartphones, laptops and computers. It has become much easier and simpler for ... Show more content on ... Some products would not be sold in Jessops but would be sold online resulting in losses of potential revenue for Jessops. Another market which has slowly died is the demand for printing of photos, due to social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook people don't need to share their photos in a physical format and are capable of simply sending the picture via these social websites. In this case of selling products it was a massive drawback for Jessops but turned out to be an advantage for competitors such as Amazon. The increased number of internet users leads to benefits for Amazon who thrive off increased internet usage due to consumers finding it a cheaper alternative to Jessops. The internet can also be a good source of primary market research which enables firms such as Amazon to analyze prices of different websites. This would give the opportunity for Amazon to perhaps reduce prices or introduce offers which would help them sell more products. I believe it is entirely up to the company, this kind of competition would perhaps not effect Amazon due to their size in the market and their reliability where customers instantly visit Amazon knowing they will be given a fair price and receive their purchased item quickly. However, it did affect Jessops who failed to respond to demand and lower prices resulting in there imminent administration. I don't believe that the increased usage of the internet reduces profits as some firms can be incredibly ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Components Of Mass Communication For many years now, the task of creating a more stable and reliable form of communication for sharing information with people as well as with the world is something that many people across the globe have studied, redesigned, improved, and rebuilt. The spark of mass communication is all thanks to one man named Alexander Graham Bell who invented the first telephone. Bell's invention of the telephone has opened a multitude of opportunities that have extended the way we communicate in the world today. Bell's invention went public on March 7, 1916, and many people gathered to see a demonstration that would start a revolution of communication beyond even Bell's imagination (A Rural Broadband...). "That evenings demonstration made clear that the telephone service was poised to revolutionize communications and unite every part of the country..." (A Rural Broadband...). Bell's invention was the first reliable, and cost–effective way for communication until just a few decades later when someone decided to take Bell's invention to the next level and help to bring us public Internet. Just like Bell, AT&T is determined to create the world's first truly reliable and cost–effective Internet connection for rural areas by revisiting an old concept that, at the time, was proved not reliable. I believe that we can help to cut cost even more by creating a partnership between the FCC and the DOE (Department of Energy). Using AT&T's current plans, we can partner with other companies and government ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Pros And Cons Of The Internet The world has come a long way when it comes to the speed at which one can browse the internet. Just as the new millennium came about, the world was introduced to broadband (or high–speed internet). Compared to dial–up, broadband operated at a rate that was 10 to 20 times faster than dial–up. Nowadays, most people cannot imagine going back to dial–up speeds and sometimes refer to use of the technology as "caveman days". With that said, dial–up is still around as some have remained loyalty to the service. But with speeds around the world as high as 17Mb, dial–up does not cut it if an individual or company wants to keep up with the world, especially from a business aspect. The pros of being connected through broadband far outweigh the cons of dealing with dial– up. Broadband is a high–capacity communication transmission technique. It is transmitted across multiple frequencies that allows a large number of messages to travel within it simultaneously. There are three well known broadband services available today to the general public, which are digital subscriber lines (DSL), cable, and fiber. DSL is the slowest of the three while fiber optic offers the fastest service. DSL supports a transmission rate between 1.5 to 9 Mbps receiving data. Cable services boasts a speed of up to 10 Mbps, which is what more than 60 percent of households in the United States use. Fiber services supplies up to 50 Mbps of speed through fiber optic cables routed to the curb or inside residencies or ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Importance Of The Internet On The Internet I agree with net neutrality because the internet has became such an important impact on our lives that its very very easy to imagine that it will always remain the free and open medium it is now. For those whose don't know what net neutrality is , it basicially lets you watch all your videos and allow you to get on the internet for free. Other people tend to agree with having not to pay for all of our websites. While others , including me , who does agree with what may or may not happen. Most people can't afford a simple bill for cable , so why would you want to pay for every website that you go on, like Youube. We all love watching our free YouTube videos, but imagine having to pay for getting on the app or watching in via web. It would be a pain having to do all the paper work just to pay for everything you watch. If the internet wasn't free than its really not the internet if you really think about. The internet gives u so much information that everyone should be allowed to see. If we were to pay for the internet , we wouldn't know as much as we do right at this very moment. Every cell phone company and the internet would have control on what you can watch and what you cant watch which is not right because we have the rights to do what we want and we should be able to go on any website we want to. Net neutrality also affects everyones freedom of speech which is unacceptable for the people who want to speak out about how they feel about things, saying their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. How Many Americans Have Access To The Internet Global population has reached over 7.4 billion, of those people 3.5 billion people can access the internet. And to break that 3.5 billion internet users down further 286.9 million are from the united states. That is 88.5% of the population.The internet has been used as a tool to make everyday life easier. You can search information, communicate with others, browse websites all at the touch of a button. This seems all good until you start applying the things you've see or hear online into your everyday life, without stopping to check; or at the very least consider, that what you might have saw or heard could be false. Many Americans have access to the internet and most of the time it has a negative impact on our daily life.Some things that can negatively impact American lives are false information, illegal activity, and can cause psychological damage. Psychological problems can start being a problem to a country with easy access to the internet. There have been certain cases where parents valued whatever they have been doing online over their actual child eventually the parent(s) would lose ... Show more content on ... Addiction online has become very common in this day and age. With 88.8% of Americans having access to a device with internet there are plenty of individuals who have started drifting away from from their friends and family because of internet addiction. Internet addiction can become very dangerous for youths who are beginning to develop core learning skills which become essential later on in their adult life. It can cause students grades to take a harsh dip. This type of addiction can even cause cause financial problems. It can cause financial problems because of online gambling where a person would end up losing their sense of time and continuously spend their hard earned money on a risky decision that can lead to depression and and has the potential to strain family ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Proposal For The Nhs Internet Connection Project C3J Solutions would like to thank Northeastern Health Services, Inc. (NHS) for the opportunity to submit a proposal for the NHS internet connection project. Following is our proposal for an Internet connection that will meet the NHS business objective. NHS is a Maine–based health services company who accommodates underserved patients in rural parts of the state. Recently, the NHS decided to expand services by adding branch offices in towns near the Canadian border to: · Provide state–of–the–art health services to patients by offering medical imaging services with rapid diagnoses. Northeastern Health Services plans to accomplish this by partnering with a medical analysis unit in New York. Accordingly, large medical image files will be transmitted between destinations via fast Internet connection. To put it briefly, the NHS is expanding services to provide top notch health care services by partnering with regional hospitals. But first, several obstacles must be addressed to meet the objective; most importantly, selecting the best internet connection for the project. Health care companies are increasingly relying on networked information systems to share patient data and records. Therefore, choosing the correct internet access technology is key to any company who wants to be competitive in this environment. Fortunately for NHS, there are several internet access options available for this project; these include DSL, cable, T1, cellular, and satellite ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Connected Nation Case Study Connected Nation (CN) is a national 501(c)(3) non–profit organization committed to bringing the benefits of broadband to all Americans, with a belief that the widespread access, adoption, and use of broadband–enabled technology has the power to improve lives. CN has pioneered broadband research, community technology planning and demand stimulation for over 10 years. In the last five years, CN has partnered with a total of 9 states and one U.S. territory to complete successful broadband–focused initiatives under the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's State Broadband Initiative (SBI). CN's state initiatives have been active in Texas, Alaska, Nevada, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, and the territory of Puerto Rico. As technology becomes a vital component to many people's lives, CN believes that broadband access for individuals increases the quality of life, and allows communities the opportunity to compete universally. Connected Nation looks to identify service apertures, and bridge the digital divide. ... Show more content on ... A community champion is designated to spearhead the operation, and lead in finding a solution to this problem. Once a technology planning team is initiated, the community champion will occupy the broad assortment of stakeholders, inaugurate the participatory process, and ultimately guide the process to success. An online tool is provided to the community champion that is designed to consolidate collaboration and information gathering, the Connected Community Engagement Portal. The portal is systematized to make constructing and streaming a technology plan modest and efficient. Reinforcing the notion that access to broadband technology can be of great benefit to economic and social ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Internet : The Advantage Of Access To The Internet Thesis: Millions of people across the globe now have the advantage of access to the Internet. With the diverse collection of people who peruse the inter–webs comes an even wider range of things left to be observed. People flood sites with information about themselves, their friends and family, and many activities and hobbies that they may be interested in. Regardless of the promised anonymity of many sites, or the tensions over net neutrality, everything that is posted on the Internet will remain forever, in some shape or form. Many people are reckless with their access to the Internet and they post inappropriate content or use the digital facades to harass and bully people. Because of the permanent nature of the Internet, many employers search for what their potential employees have posted, and these employers then judge the people's characters from their digital footprint. Support 1: If one were to use the Internet at all, their posts and activities are known as a digital footprint. It's almost an echo of what they've done online, and depending on what they do, it can either be a positive digital footprint or a negative one. There's a rather old lesson that adults always try to teach to children, and that's think before you speak or act, and this same lesson can be applied to usage of the Internet. Many people act irrationally online and they do or say things that they wouldn't normally do in 'real life'. It should be a goal of everyone's to try and create a positive ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Limiting Children's Access to Internet Pornography Pornography is one of mankind's most revered, respected, and repulsed pastimes. Adults can use pornography to relieve stress, enhance their sex lives, or simply as a means of entertainment. One of the easiest and most popular ways of obtaining pornographic material is over the Internet. The only downside is that the Internet is accessible to children; therefore, pornography is accessible to children. While adults should have limitless access to Internet porn, minors should be kept away from this concubine. Usage of Internet pornography grows rapidly every day. It can be accessed easily enough by anyone that wishes to see the material, has a modem, and some times a wishful intent. The material ranges from semi–nude photos to videos ... Show more content on ... The Internet has experienced an extraordinary growth. The number of host computers—those that store information and relay communications—increased from about 300 in 1981 to approximately 9,400,000 by the time of the trial in 1996. Roughly 60% of these hosts are located in the United States. About 40 million people used the Internet at the time of trial, a number that expected to mushroom to 200 million by 2000. How can it be possible to regulate all Internet transmissions with user numbers at 200 million? Another problem that arises is the fact that not all Internet sites can quantifiably prove that the user wishing to browse their domain is of legal age. An annoy–mailer can be used to hide the identity of the user. Some sites require the use of a credit card in order to view its contents, but credit card numbers are easy to obtain. This limitation of proof is being minutely controlled by a number of sites dedicated to helping parents censor what their children see. This might possibly be the first step in what will protect the American children from viewing obscene material. One such site,, gives Internet safety tips for parents. It explains to tell children about the Internet, and how to let parents know if there are any materials or persons online that makes a child feel uncomfortable. In addition, never meet with anyone face to face from which they have met ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Comcast Research Paper Comcast Corporation is the nation's leading provider of cable, entertainment and communications products and services, with 24.1 million cable customers, 12.4 million high–speed Internet customers and 3.5 million voice customers. Comcast is principally involved in the development, management and operation of broadband cable networks and in the delivery of programming content. Comcast provides a wide variety of consumer products and services: • Video – Comcast is the nation's largest video provider, offering interactive services packed with the best content on Digital Cable, video on demand and high–definition television. • Online – Comcast offers the best content, reliable service and faster speeds. • Voice – Comcast's IP–enabled ... Show more content on ... e. Overview Comcast started as a regional provider and grew to the largest cable provider in the United States. Comcast focused on obtaining new customers with the latest technology. Comcast competes in the cable industry which provides some monopolistic protection by limiting direct competition. Comcast faces competition from competing technologies such as satellite providers. Comcast has diversified its portfolio by acquiring television networks, such as E! Entertainment Television. This is a small market of its profit. In addition to television networks, Comcast is offering new products, such as pay–per–view, video on demand and Internet access, some of which cannot be offered by satellite providers. Comcast is a telecommunications provider able to provide phone and Internet service also cable television. Comcast is headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. Comcast has 90,000 employees in the company. Seventy–five thousand employees are in the cable side and fifteen thousand employees in other areas of the business. Key Statistics: • Revenue: $7.8 billion • Operating Income: $1.39 billion • Net Income: $560 million • Video Subscriptions: 65k net loss • Internet Subscriptions: 450k net adds • Digital Phone Subscriptions: 662k net adds 2. Company Analysis Comcast reported in October 25, 2007 press conference that growth is slowing, they did miss many operational expectations. But the revenue growth for Comcast is solid, and customers are spending
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  • 69. Taking a Look at Google Executive Summary Google is a company that has no bounds. To reach our goal of becoming a main competitor in the United States broadband market, we must gain a larger share of the market. Since the initial launch of Google Fiber in Kansas City, our service has expanded, from much demand, into the surrounding communities. It is now time we bring Google Fiber to new communities and expand our territory. Google Fiber offers broadband speeds that are up to 100 times faster than cable and dsl. Our service is second to none, and will be the key to our future successes. To reach our goal of becoming the premier broadband provider in the United States we will also require interdepartmental teamwork to increase our agility through an ever–changing environment. Each department will have a defined role in helping us reach the goal of Google Fiber. Department Tasks ➢ Marketing: Research potential new cities to release Google Fiber. Submit reports based on each city's demographics, to aid in the selection process. ➢ Operations: Based on the information of the candidate cities, select the next three that Google Fiber will penetrate. Once the cities have been chosen begin to assemble a business plan to best fit for each market. ➢ Public Relations: Once the next three cities Google Fiber will target have been selected put out national and local press releases to begin creating buzz about our Fiberhood expanding to new communities. ➢ Human Resource: Outline the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Essay on soft bank Info 6027 Case Study Project One Softbank – theft of consumer data for extortion Please read the report published by the IAPP in the journal Privacy Advisor. Organisations do not normally volunteer any information about any sort of security breach unless they are compelled in some way. The incident described is no exception, it concerned Yahoo! BB and Softbank BB. Softbank of Japan offered broadband internet services across Japan through two subsidiaries – Yahoo! BB and Softbank BB. In February 2004, the bank announced that the security of 4.5 million customer records had been compromised: data from both subsidiaries had been illegally copied and disseminated. The leaked details included customer names, home phone numbers, ... Show more content on ... In this example, the threat was to reduce the value of an organisation by revealing information that should have been a well–kept secret. Not only did it cost the company a substantial sum in compensation but it also affected its reputation. 11/07/2013 Info 6027 Case Study print this page Japanese Court Orders Payment of 6,000 Yen to Each Plaintiff in Connection with Yahoo! BB Personal Data Leak inShare August 1, 2006 Jay Ponazecki, Saori Horikawa On May 19, 2006, the Osaka District Court issued a decision awarding 6,000 yen (approximately $54) to each of the plaintiffs, a small group of subscribers of the Yahoo!BB broadband Internet service, who sued for compensation for the emotional distress that they suffered in connection with the massive security breach that occurred in early 2004. In this incident, a former temporary employee at
  • 72. Softbank BB gave partners a user name and password he had been using when he was working for Softbank BB to access the company computer systems remotely, and the personal information of at least 4.6 million customers of the Yahoo!BB service was accessed and used in an effort to extort approximately 2 billion yen from Softbank. This case is the first private lawsuit to be filed in connection with this incident. Claims for 100,000 yen (approximately $893) for each plaintiff were made against BB Technology (formerly Softbank BB Corp.) and Yahoo! Japan, but the claim against Yahoo! Japan was rejected, ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. User Side Influences On Website Performance Connection speed There are many user side influences on website performance but the first user side influence on website performance is that it's very crucial to look at its connection speed that the user is functioning on. But now there are numerous different components in which I will need to look at to entirely clarify how the user has an influence on how good a website does but there are also a few other reasons that users sometimes can't actually help and simply have to put up with which will all be described in due course. The four key user side impacts on website performance as connection speed is involved Server Side Bandwidth Bandwidth is the quantity of data traffic which can be downloaded from a website per second. The data traffic works like any usual traffic, if they are lots of vehicles on the road, it will take you a lot longer to reach than if you were the single person driving on the road. The data traffic works alike e.g. if they are lots of people transferring from a website all at the same time the download speed will be much slower. Yet, if you are the only user that is copying from a website your computer's speed would be much faster because you will be able to utilize most of the data available to download. Dial–up Dial up internet is the easiest type of internet that a person can essentially use. Dial up involves of a person requiring going via their mobile line with the aim of having to join to the internet service and get data packages to get on ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Capabilities and Potential for Cloud Storage in the... Are cloud storage solutions irrelevant for a large organisation of 1,500 staff? – An evaluation of capabilities and potential for Cloud storage in the enterprise In this essay I will be evaluating the capabilities and potential for cloud storage in enterprise. I will be doing this by evaluating all of the features, abilities, drawbacks and limitations of cloud storage using the currently available standards, products and protocols to help validate my views. I will first explain what cloud computing and cloud storage is and how it came about, I will then go on to evaluate the pros and cons of cloud storage and how it could affect a large organisation and then finally I will use my findings and data to answer the question posed in this essay. In computing, cloud computing and as a sub component, cloud storage is a term used to describe a large number of computers or a few very large servers connected to each other through some form of network usually a wide area network or internet link, this network is sometimes referred to as an internet area network. The evolution of cloud computing started by the original concept in the 1950's of large servers which were accessible from terminals with no real processing capacity themselves which would allow for multiple parties to share its resources with the connected terminals and allow for more CPU uptime. This meant that the servers which may have cost thousands of pounds or were only available for research use would be much more ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Dish Network Ten Point Analysis DISH Network Ten Point Analysis Mission Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, DISH Network provides satellite TV, and internet to approximately 14 million subscribers throughout the United Sates. DISH offers some of the highest quality programming and technology available with the most amount of choices at the best value for consumers. Over the years, DISH Network has lead the pay–TV industry in state–of–the–art equipment and technology as well as providing the most international channels, and award–winning HD and DVR technology. The Mission Statement for DISH Network is; "To be the very best at delivering video anywhere, anytime" (DISH, 2016). The DISH Network organization is committed to being a competitive venture in the television market. They are also committed to continually improving their products and services by adding new channels, creating and implementing innovative technology and investing heavily in their customer services. This leads their ideals to provide their customers and the market with the best television, and internet coverage anywhere in American and at any time of the year. This mission has led them to the top of the satellite television industry and continues to bring the organization great success and continued growth across the U.S. Distinctive Competencies DISH Network offers pay–TV services to consumers across the United States. The company 's pay–TV programming includes a selection of video services under the DISH brand, with access to ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. Net Neutrality: Equal Access To The Internet At the point where Net Neutrality is upheld, as it is at this moment, all network access suppliers must enable equal access to applications and content, paying little respect to the source. If it were not authorized, your internet service provider could make it harder for you to access parts of the internet at its own preference. Vast web organizations could support their own business advantages without the guarantee of net neutrality, but for the time being, eliminating Net Neutrality could influence everything from web speed to the general access to the internet. I would first like to point out how if we lose net neutrality, we lose freedom of speech. What not many realize is that if these laws are put in place, we might not be able to ... Get more on ...