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Aaron Blanch
                                                                          March 14, 2012

                                Executive Summary

Most of the growth in the fruit and vegetable market is found in the developing
countries such as China, and India. The markets in North America, Europe, and
Australia are declining.Currently the market profit margins are at about 4.8% due to
the economic downturn, but they are forecast to slowly increase over the next five

Many large companies are seeking greater economies of scale and efficiency through
acquisitions of smaller companies, and investing in more efficient equipment.

Competitors are becoming increasingly aggressive in their marketingefforts

Buyer power is significant, but smaller computer technology has enabled some smaller
retailers to purchase directly from in manufacturers.


The following report is about the top two companies in the global fruit and vegetable
processing industry-H.J. Heinz Co. and Campbell Soup Co. Key segments of this
industry include canned fruit and vegetables, specialty canned goods, dehydrated
food, and fruit and vegetable juices.


Heinz was founded in 1869, and is currently one of the world's largest food producers,
with more than 45,800 people in over 200 major locations worldwide (IBIS). During
the year 2011, Heinz was ranked number one in the processed fruit and vegetable
processing industry with 6.8% of the market share, and approximately 10.56 billion in
revenues (IBIS). In the U.S. Heinz is mainly known for its flagship product Heinz
Ketchup, which dominated the U.S. ketchup market in 2007 with a 60% market share

Campbell Soup Company was started in 1869, and is mainly known for their canned
soup products. Currently Campbell’s has products being sold in 120 countries, and
employs approximately 18,400 people. During 2011 Campbell’s held 5.1% of the
processed fruit and vegetable processing industry with 7.68 billion in revenues (IBIS).

Aaron Blanch
                                                                           March 14, 2012

                       Industries Dominant Characteristics

Market Size and Growth Rate

The global fruit and vegetable processing industry is a 158.1 billion dollar industry,
and has been growing at an average annualized rate of 2.0% over the past five years.
This is somewhat low due to economic downturn that started in 2008, and increased
popularity of low priced private label brands (IBIS).Some causes for their growth
projections were the steadily growing global population, and increased demand for
convenient meals in countries that are becoming more developed (IBIS). The United
States and Europeare the largest markets, but both are very mature with growth
mainly following minimal population increases. There is a growing popularity of fresh
fruits and vegetables however, in many areas as people gain greater access to such
products due to technological advances (IBIS).

Number of Rivals:

Overall, the global fruit and vegetable processing industry is relatively easy to enter
and is thus fairly fragmented, with approximately 6,071 different enterprises in the
industry. The top four companies in the industry are Heinz, Campbell Soup Company,
Kraft Foods, and McCain Foods; which hold only about 19.2% of the global market
share.However, in their domestic markets, and in some foreign markets, each has a
fairly dominant presence(IBISWORLD).

In general, the industry is going through a consolidation phase as large companies
have acquired several smaller companies to gain greater market share and efficiency.
Heinz and McCain both did this during the early part of the last decade (IBISWORLD)

Scope of Competitive Rivalry

Fairly stiff competition can be found in the local, regional, national and international
levels of the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Competition at the local and
regional levels involve private label brands that mainly compete with name brand
products by having lower prices, since they don’t have the resources to develop their
own brand names. According to the national processing company, Del Monte,private
label brands holdabout 30-45% of the market in various categories in the U.S.
(Hoovers).However, all of the major competitors in the industry operate globally, and
with international tradetaking up a growing percent of the industry (in 2006 it
accounted for 24.4% and in 2011 it accounted for27.8%), competitors are focusing
more on the expandinginternational markets (IBISWORLD).

Aaron Blanch
                                                                           March 14, 2012

Number of Buyers

The number one segment of buyers in the industry are mass merchandising
wholesalers, like Wal-Mart or Costco, which account for 53% of industry revenues
(IBISWORLD). In a November 2011 report, the company Del Monte (a national
processor) accounted 60% of their sales to just 10 customers; with Wal-Mart
accounting for about 30% (Hoovers). This is because such wholesalers can distribute
goods effectively to individual retailers, although computer inventory systems are
helping smaller retailers order directly from some manufacturers. The second largest
segment of buyers in the industry isthe food service industry and food processors
(restaurants, casinos, hotels, catering services etc.) which accounted for 27.6%of the
industry revenues.

Degree of Product Differentiation

One of the reasons that the industry is so fragmented is because there are so many
diverse products on the market. Such huge diversity in cultural tastes and individual
preferences makes it very difficult for any one company to dominate the market.
Differentiation is a key to the success of name brand companies like Heinz and
Campbell’s while private label brands position themselves closely to more recognized
brands just at a lower price (IBISWORLD).

Product Innovation

Generally products endure for a very long time- with Heinz Ketchup lasting for about
100 years, just as one example. Competitive advantages are often sought through
new packaging designs. Heinz has currently done this with the introduction of their
new “dip and squeeze” packets. Hunt’s has also tried to differentiate its products
through its packaging. According to Gidmann’s industry report, Hunts recently came
out with a bottle it claims is 12% lighter and more environmentally friendly than Heinz
bottles of the same size.

Demand-supply Conditions

The U.S. and Australia markets are very mature markets and growth in these markets
is mainly connected to the population growth. With such slow growing populations,
these markets have stagnated according to the IBIS report, because of an increase in
substitute products. On the other hand, the processed food market has grown
significantly over the last five years in countries such as China and India. This is due
to their economic growth, improved technology, urbanization, and westernization of

Aaron Blanch
                                                                           March 14, 2012

their diets. Focusing on such developing markets has been attributed to be the main
reason for several major companies’ recent growth (IBISWORLD).

Pace of Technological Change

The pace of technological change has been low in the industry, since fruit and
vegetable processing uses fairly simple technology, and can be done in done in a
variety of ways. While very little technological changes have occurred in the industry,
applying new technological advances is key. For example, some manufacturers have
been using technological advances to produce more finished goods at the initial
processing sites. Doing soeliminates some processing steps, reduces shipping costs,
and utilizes plant capacity more efficiently (Hoovers).Also according to the
IBISWORLD report, innovations in packaging haveplayed one of the most key roles in
the industry.

Vertical Integration

Vertical integration with suppliers is a common practice because “purchases of raw
materials such as fresh produce, preservatives and packaging materials including
aluminum cans, glass jars and flexible plastic account for approximately 58% of
industry revenue” (IBISWORLD). Lowering such costs can give a competitive
advantage, and gives companies greater control and access of increasingly limited
quality inputs. However, investing in such activities ties up capital which could be
invested in other things that yield higher returns (IBISWORLD)

Economies of Scale

Economies of scale are playing a more crucial part in the industry, especially as
economic factors force margins down, and as suppliers are able to sell their goods to
more diverse markets due to improvements in shipping and other technologies. This
has been a major factor in the consolidation of the market.

                                    Strategic Moves
Heinz restructured, selling off low profit segments of it business and purchased
others. In 2004 it purchased Unifine Richardson, a foodservice sauce and salad-
dressing maker. Kraft acted similarly, selling off certain segments of its business
andacquiring Cadbury in 2009, and the LUBiscuit brand in 2008. Another common
strategic move is entering new markets in developing countries like China and India;
Heinz attributed 30% of its growth in 2009 to exceptional growth in emerging
economies across Asia. Other general strategies have beeninvesting considerable

Aaron Blanch
                                                                                                     March 14, 2012

amounts in new processing technology to increase productivity, and discount pricing
during the recession (IBISWORLD).

Five Forces

The following graph is shows the five forces and how much affect they have in the
fruit and vegetable processing industry.
                                                 New Market Entrants: High
                                                        100+ firms reg. enter & exit
                                                        Many market opportunities
                                                        Fairly simple technology used
                                                        Brand & capital barriers low

Supplier Power: Low                              Competitive Rivalry: High                 Buyer Power: High
         Major portion of income from industry          Increasingly globalized                    Brands are somewhat important
         Many other suppliers                           Economies of scale needed                  Dependent on few large buyers
         Threat of vertical integration                 Market growing slowly                      Buyers buy large quantities
         Low to moderate switching costs                Aggressive competition                     Identity of buyer adds prestige

                                                 Substitute Products: Medium
                                                         Fresh produce readily available
                                                         Produce seen as higher quality
                                                         Low switching costs
                                                         People want quick meals

Competitive Rivalry: High

The level of globalization is high and with it the need for economies of scale to
compete. The market is growing fairly slow, and competitors are becoming
increasingly aggressive to gain market share. Consolidation efforts to gain a
competitive efficiencies also prevalent in the industry(IBISWORLD).

New Entrants: High

Despite sunk capital costs, environmental regulations, and strong brand recognition
currently there are a hundred or more firms entering and exiting the industry each
year. This is because there are extensive market opportunities within the global
industry,the technology used is fairly simple, and acquiring the equipment to start
manufacturing goods is relatively easy (IBISWORLD).

Aaron Blanch
                                                                            March 14, 2012

Substitute Products: Medium

Fresh produce is becoming more easily attained due to improved technologies and is
seen as more nutritious. Also demand for quick, easy meals is increasing due to
increased urbanization and western influence. However switching costs are relatively

Buyer Power:High

Large wholesalers such as Wal-Mart and Costco account for 53% of the industry
revenues, and other large hotel chains, restaurants and other businesses account for
nearly 28% ofthe market.Also buyer images like Wal-Mart’s is important to sellers

Supplier Power: Low

It is common practice in the industry to contract for a grower’s entire production for
at least a year, so a great deal of their income depends on landing a good contract. In
addition to this, there are many suppliers in many developing countries, and switching
costs are relatively low for producers. The threat of vertical integration is also a key
reason why supplier power is low (IBISWORLD).

                                    Driving Forces

According to the IBISWORLD industry report the key driving forces in the fruit and
vegetable processing industry are changes in cost,population and economic growth,
andconsumer preferences.

Changes In Cost

The price of raw materials has a large effect on the profitability of the industry. As we
saw during the economic recession that started in 2008, profit margins dropped as
manufacturers were unable to pass on some costs to consumers because if prices rise
too much consumers will simply turn to alternative products (Hoovers)

Population and Economic Growth

Changes in the long-term industry growth rate are very much affected by population
and economic growth. Population growth has a strong affects on the fruit and
vegetable processing industry, since strong growth will increase the demand for
processed fruit and vegetables- particularly in mature markets. Likewise the economic

Aaron Blanch
                                                                           March 14, 2012

growth in China and India have enabled consumers to spend more and the increased
development creates more demand for quick prepared meals (IBISWORLD)

Changing Consumer Preferences

Another driving force in the industry is the changing consumption habits in various
segments. In North America and Europe consumers are becoming more health
conscious, preferring fresh produce, or more healthy processed goods. On the other
hand, consumer diets in developing countries like China and India are becoming more
westernized- preferring pre-processed products that allow for a quick meal. These
changes in consumption behavior have been key factors in the recent market changes

                                Key Success Factors

According to the IBIS WORLD report some of the key success factors affecting the
performance of the Global Fruit & Vegetables Processing industry included marketing
of differentiated products, quickly adopting new technology, upstream vertical
integration, and attractive product presentation.

Marketing Differentiated Products

Marketing a diversified range of products enables high capacity utilization, rather than
only seasonal operations; and also assists with brand recognition (IBIS). In foreign
markets, producers have developed many varieties of flavors to match the differing
cultural foods, and preferences. In 2010 Heinz and many other producers reduced
the salt content in their ketchup, which for Heinz was its first recipe change in 40
years, in order to cater to consumer’s health consciousness (IBIS WORLD).

Quickly Adopting New Technology

Adopting new technology quickly increases to increase productivity and reduce
costswhich are extremely important in such a competitive environment. One example
of how critical implementing such technology quickly is can be seen from a new

in the juicing industry that was introduced in the mid 1990’s, called counter-current
extraction. This process increased yields by up to 60 percent, which certainly gave a
competitive advantage to the first companies to implement the process. In recent
years companies have invested heavily in new technologies that reduce labor
requirements (IBISWORLD)

Vertical Integration

Aaron Blanch
                                                                           March 14, 2012

Vertical integration with suppliers is also a key to success in the fruit and vegetable
processing industry because “purchases of raw materials such as fresh produce,
preservatives and packaging materials including aluminum cans, glass jars and flexible
plastic account for approximately 58% of industry revenue” (IBISWORLD). Lowering
such costs can give a competitive pricing advantage, and gives companies greater
control and access of quality inputs. Heinz did thisin 2004 when it acquired Unifine
Richardson, a Canadian foodservice sauce and salad-dressing maker. Most companies
in the industry also keep costs down by purchasing fresh fruit and vegetables from
developing countries at low prices and through large contract agreements

Attractive product presentation

Attractive product presentation is a key factor in the fruit and vegetable industry
because it helps create brand recognition, and generate sales. Also, consumers often
purchase products based on their visual appeal, so packaging is key tosuccess in the

                                  Industry Outlook

Profits for global fruit and vegetable processors will remain relatively strong over the
coming years, with profits increasing gradually from about 4.8% to well above 5% by
2016. This growth forecast is attributed to the ability of large companies to get inputs
from developing countries at a low cost, and then sell the finished goods at higher
margins in more developed countries. The large market growth in countries such as
China and India are also key reasons for the growth forecasts.The availability of fresh
produce as alternatives and the degree of competition between major companies will
influence these numbers(IBISWORLD).

Aaron Blanch
                                                                                          March 14, 2012

                                     Works Cited
Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry. (n.d.). Retrieved march 12, 2012, from

Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2012, from IBIS World:

Gidmann, J. (n.d.). the squeeze on ketchup. Retrieved Feb 25, 2012, from Brand Channel:


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  • 1. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 Executive Summary Most of the growth in the fruit and vegetable market is found in the developing countries such as China, and India. The markets in North America, Europe, and Australia are declining.Currently the market profit margins are at about 4.8% due to the economic downturn, but they are forecast to slowly increase over the next five years. Many large companies are seeking greater economies of scale and efficiency through acquisitions of smaller companies, and investing in more efficient equipment. Competitors are becoming increasingly aggressive in their marketingefforts Buyer power is significant, but smaller computer technology has enabled some smaller retailers to purchase directly from in manufacturers. Abstract The following report is about the top two companies in the global fruit and vegetable processing industry-H.J. Heinz Co. and Campbell Soup Co. Key segments of this industry include canned fruit and vegetables, specialty canned goods, dehydrated food, and fruit and vegetable juices. RivalBackgrounds Heinz was founded in 1869, and is currently one of the world's largest food producers, with more than 45,800 people in over 200 major locations worldwide (IBIS). During the year 2011, Heinz was ranked number one in the processed fruit and vegetable processing industry with 6.8% of the market share, and approximately 10.56 billion in revenues (IBIS). In the U.S. Heinz is mainly known for its flagship product Heinz Ketchup, which dominated the U.S. ketchup market in 2007 with a 60% market share (Gidmann). Campbell Soup Company was started in 1869, and is mainly known for their canned soup products. Currently Campbell’s has products being sold in 120 countries, and employs approximately 18,400 people. During 2011 Campbell’s held 5.1% of the processed fruit and vegetable processing industry with 7.68 billion in revenues (IBIS). 1
  • 2. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 Industries Dominant Characteristics Market Size and Growth Rate The global fruit and vegetable processing industry is a 158.1 billion dollar industry, and has been growing at an average annualized rate of 2.0% over the past five years. This is somewhat low due to economic downturn that started in 2008, and increased popularity of low priced private label brands (IBIS).Some causes for their growth projections were the steadily growing global population, and increased demand for convenient meals in countries that are becoming more developed (IBIS). The United States and Europeare the largest markets, but both are very mature with growth mainly following minimal population increases. There is a growing popularity of fresh fruits and vegetables however, in many areas as people gain greater access to such products due to technological advances (IBIS). Number of Rivals: Overall, the global fruit and vegetable processing industry is relatively easy to enter and is thus fairly fragmented, with approximately 6,071 different enterprises in the industry. The top four companies in the industry are Heinz, Campbell Soup Company, Kraft Foods, and McCain Foods; which hold only about 19.2% of the global market share.However, in their domestic markets, and in some foreign markets, each has a fairly dominant presence(IBISWORLD). In general, the industry is going through a consolidation phase as large companies have acquired several smaller companies to gain greater market share and efficiency. Heinz and McCain both did this during the early part of the last decade (IBISWORLD) Scope of Competitive Rivalry Fairly stiff competition can be found in the local, regional, national and international levels of the fruit and vegetable processing industry. Competition at the local and regional levels involve private label brands that mainly compete with name brand products by having lower prices, since they don’t have the resources to develop their own brand names. According to the national processing company, Del Monte,private label brands holdabout 30-45% of the market in various categories in the U.S. (Hoovers).However, all of the major competitors in the industry operate globally, and with international tradetaking up a growing percent of the industry (in 2006 it accounted for 24.4% and in 2011 it accounted for27.8%), competitors are focusing more on the expandinginternational markets (IBISWORLD). 2
  • 3. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 Number of Buyers The number one segment of buyers in the industry are mass merchandising wholesalers, like Wal-Mart or Costco, which account for 53% of industry revenues (IBISWORLD). In a November 2011 report, the company Del Monte (a national processor) accounted 60% of their sales to just 10 customers; with Wal-Mart accounting for about 30% (Hoovers). This is because such wholesalers can distribute goods effectively to individual retailers, although computer inventory systems are helping smaller retailers order directly from some manufacturers. The second largest segment of buyers in the industry isthe food service industry and food processors (restaurants, casinos, hotels, catering services etc.) which accounted for 27.6%of the industry revenues. Degree of Product Differentiation One of the reasons that the industry is so fragmented is because there are so many diverse products on the market. Such huge diversity in cultural tastes and individual preferences makes it very difficult for any one company to dominate the market. Differentiation is a key to the success of name brand companies like Heinz and Campbell’s while private label brands position themselves closely to more recognized brands just at a lower price (IBISWORLD). Product Innovation Generally products endure for a very long time- with Heinz Ketchup lasting for about 100 years, just as one example. Competitive advantages are often sought through new packaging designs. Heinz has currently done this with the introduction of their new “dip and squeeze” packets. Hunt’s has also tried to differentiate its products through its packaging. According to Gidmann’s industry report, Hunts recently came out with a bottle it claims is 12% lighter and more environmentally friendly than Heinz bottles of the same size. Demand-supply Conditions The U.S. and Australia markets are very mature markets and growth in these markets is mainly connected to the population growth. With such slow growing populations, these markets have stagnated according to the IBIS report, because of an increase in substitute products. On the other hand, the processed food market has grown significantly over the last five years in countries such as China and India. This is due to their economic growth, improved technology, urbanization, and westernization of 3
  • 4. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 their diets. Focusing on such developing markets has been attributed to be the main reason for several major companies’ recent growth (IBISWORLD). Pace of Technological Change The pace of technological change has been low in the industry, since fruit and vegetable processing uses fairly simple technology, and can be done in done in a variety of ways. While very little technological changes have occurred in the industry, applying new technological advances is key. For example, some manufacturers have been using technological advances to produce more finished goods at the initial processing sites. Doing soeliminates some processing steps, reduces shipping costs, and utilizes plant capacity more efficiently (Hoovers).Also according to the IBISWORLD report, innovations in packaging haveplayed one of the most key roles in the industry. Vertical Integration Vertical integration with suppliers is a common practice because “purchases of raw materials such as fresh produce, preservatives and packaging materials including aluminum cans, glass jars and flexible plastic account for approximately 58% of industry revenue” (IBISWORLD). Lowering such costs can give a competitive advantage, and gives companies greater control and access of increasingly limited quality inputs. However, investing in such activities ties up capital which could be invested in other things that yield higher returns (IBISWORLD) Economies of Scale Economies of scale are playing a more crucial part in the industry, especially as economic factors force margins down, and as suppliers are able to sell their goods to more diverse markets due to improvements in shipping and other technologies. This has been a major factor in the consolidation of the market. Strategic Moves Heinz restructured, selling off low profit segments of it business and purchased others. In 2004 it purchased Unifine Richardson, a foodservice sauce and salad- dressing maker. Kraft acted similarly, selling off certain segments of its business andacquiring Cadbury in 2009, and the LUBiscuit brand in 2008. Another common strategic move is entering new markets in developing countries like China and India; Heinz attributed 30% of its growth in 2009 to exceptional growth in emerging economies across Asia. Other general strategies have beeninvesting considerable 4
  • 5. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 amounts in new processing technology to increase productivity, and discount pricing during the recession (IBISWORLD). Five Forces The following graph is shows the five forces and how much affect they have in the fruit and vegetable processing industry. New Market Entrants: High 100+ firms reg. enter & exit Many market opportunities Fairly simple technology used Brand & capital barriers low Supplier Power: Low Competitive Rivalry: High Buyer Power: High Major portion of income from industry Increasingly globalized Brands are somewhat important Many other suppliers Economies of scale needed Dependent on few large buyers Threat of vertical integration Market growing slowly Buyers buy large quantities Low to moderate switching costs Aggressive competition Identity of buyer adds prestige Substitute Products: Medium Fresh produce readily available Produce seen as higher quality Low switching costs People want quick meals Competitive Rivalry: High The level of globalization is high and with it the need for economies of scale to compete. The market is growing fairly slow, and competitors are becoming increasingly aggressive to gain market share. Consolidation efforts to gain a competitive efficiencies also prevalent in the industry(IBISWORLD). New Entrants: High Despite sunk capital costs, environmental regulations, and strong brand recognition currently there are a hundred or more firms entering and exiting the industry each year. This is because there are extensive market opportunities within the global industry,the technology used is fairly simple, and acquiring the equipment to start manufacturing goods is relatively easy (IBISWORLD). 5
  • 6. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 Substitute Products: Medium Fresh produce is becoming more easily attained due to improved technologies and is seen as more nutritious. Also demand for quick, easy meals is increasing due to increased urbanization and western influence. However switching costs are relatively low (IBISWORLD). Buyer Power:High Large wholesalers such as Wal-Mart and Costco account for 53% of the industry revenues, and other large hotel chains, restaurants and other businesses account for nearly 28% ofthe market.Also buyer images like Wal-Mart’s is important to sellers (IBISWORLD). Supplier Power: Low It is common practice in the industry to contract for a grower’s entire production for at least a year, so a great deal of their income depends on landing a good contract. In addition to this, there are many suppliers in many developing countries, and switching costs are relatively low for producers. The threat of vertical integration is also a key reason why supplier power is low (IBISWORLD). Driving Forces According to the IBISWORLD industry report the key driving forces in the fruit and vegetable processing industry are changes in cost,population and economic growth, andconsumer preferences. Changes In Cost The price of raw materials has a large effect on the profitability of the industry. As we saw during the economic recession that started in 2008, profit margins dropped as manufacturers were unable to pass on some costs to consumers because if prices rise too much consumers will simply turn to alternative products (Hoovers) Population and Economic Growth Changes in the long-term industry growth rate are very much affected by population and economic growth. Population growth has a strong affects on the fruit and vegetable processing industry, since strong growth will increase the demand for processed fruit and vegetables- particularly in mature markets. Likewise the economic 6
  • 7. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 growth in China and India have enabled consumers to spend more and the increased development creates more demand for quick prepared meals (IBISWORLD) Changing Consumer Preferences Another driving force in the industry is the changing consumption habits in various segments. In North America and Europe consumers are becoming more health conscious, preferring fresh produce, or more healthy processed goods. On the other hand, consumer diets in developing countries like China and India are becoming more westernized- preferring pre-processed products that allow for a quick meal. These changes in consumption behavior have been key factors in the recent market changes (IBISWORLD) Key Success Factors According to the IBIS WORLD report some of the key success factors affecting the performance of the Global Fruit & Vegetables Processing industry included marketing of differentiated products, quickly adopting new technology, upstream vertical integration, and attractive product presentation. Marketing Differentiated Products Marketing a diversified range of products enables high capacity utilization, rather than only seasonal operations; and also assists with brand recognition (IBIS). In foreign markets, producers have developed many varieties of flavors to match the differing cultural foods, and preferences. In 2010 Heinz and many other producers reduced the salt content in their ketchup, which for Heinz was its first recipe change in 40 years, in order to cater to consumer’s health consciousness (IBIS WORLD). Quickly Adopting New Technology Adopting new technology quickly increases to increase productivity and reduce costswhich are extremely important in such a competitive environment. One example of how critical implementing such technology quickly is can be seen from a new process in the juicing industry that was introduced in the mid 1990’s, called counter-current extraction. This process increased yields by up to 60 percent, which certainly gave a competitive advantage to the first companies to implement the process. In recent years companies have invested heavily in new technologies that reduce labor requirements (IBISWORLD) Vertical Integration 7
  • 8. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 Vertical integration with suppliers is also a key to success in the fruit and vegetable processing industry because “purchases of raw materials such as fresh produce, preservatives and packaging materials including aluminum cans, glass jars and flexible plastic account for approximately 58% of industry revenue” (IBISWORLD). Lowering such costs can give a competitive pricing advantage, and gives companies greater control and access of quality inputs. Heinz did thisin 2004 when it acquired Unifine Richardson, a Canadian foodservice sauce and salad-dressing maker. Most companies in the industry also keep costs down by purchasing fresh fruit and vegetables from developing countries at low prices and through large contract agreements (IBISWORLD). Attractive product presentation Attractive product presentation is a key factor in the fruit and vegetable industry because it helps create brand recognition, and generate sales. Also, consumers often purchase products based on their visual appeal, so packaging is key tosuccess in the industry. Industry Outlook Profits for global fruit and vegetable processors will remain relatively strong over the coming years, with profits increasing gradually from about 4.8% to well above 5% by 2016. This growth forecast is attributed to the ability of large companies to get inputs from developing countries at a low cost, and then sell the finished goods at higher margins in more developed countries. The large market growth in countries such as China and India are also key reasons for the growth forecasts.The availability of fresh produce as alternatives and the degree of competition between major companies will influence these numbers(IBISWORLD). 8
  • 9. Aaron Blanch March 14, 2012 Works Cited Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry. (n.d.). Retrieved march 12, 2012, from Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2012, from IBIS World: Gidmann, J. (n.d.). the squeeze on ketchup. Retrieved Feb 25, 2012, from Brand Channel: 9