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H2 Development Corporation
Dear Mr. Manydeeds,
Thank you for speaking with me today. As per our conversation, we are pleased to be asked to present
to you our proposed plan for facilitating restoration efforts for the Salton Sea as well as renewable
energy opportunities and a Joint Venture proposal with the Torres Martinez Tribe.
Within this document, we shall describe and identify the benefits for economic development from this
project as well as to provide significant agricultural opportunities and sustainable renewable energy
development capabilities, from Offshore Floating Solar Power and Onshore 20 Mw expandable Green
Hydrogen on-site production. We seek to offer for a local JV partnership and collaboration from the
Torres Martinez Tribe for this project. We will offer to partner with the Torres Martinez Tribe with our
entity “Native Born Energy” for these purposes.
The opportunity we propose, comes at a time for a much needed, timely resolve for deploying authentic
and practical – technology ready, working solutions (for highly complex and immediate problems) with
regard to the Salton Sea and for providing working solutions for both Sustainable Energy and for
Sustainable Agriculture, as well as for creating a sustainable and vibrant local economy.
As the trophic state of the Salton Sea declines and as the irrigation and economic status for surrounding
agricultural communities within the immediate abutting region is threatened, specifically each are inter-
related to the interests of The Torres Martinez tribe. Most in the region know all too well, there are
many potentially devastating contractual / political variables which are currently in the balance for
mitigation of the continued availability for irrigation water to be made available for the continued
success of local Agronomy. The immense benefits for maintained water levels of the Salton Sea for
ecological as well as agronomy purposes are self-evident and are vastly well known.
H2 Development Corporation
Compounding a shortage for irrigation water availability, the Salton Sea is also classified as being a
Hypereutrophic waterbody and faces rapid onset, continuous degradation from evaporation from
exposure to the heat of an arid desert region. As a direct result of unrelenting contributions toward
seeming demise, the Salton Sea is facing monumental challenges to overcome.
As the condition’s for providing the creation of the Salton Sea are manmade, the Anthropomorphic
contribution from mankind is also inherently responsible for providing the solutions to overcome the
condition’s human beings have caused. We shall propose to restore and to maintain our ecological and
economic presence within the region and we believe our proposed approach is sensible as well as
sustainable and achievable.
We believe our proposal could provide economic and ecological benefits as such, as to provide heralding
in of a brand new era of prosperity and to include great economic advantages to indigenous First
American Tribal communities.
As we are collectively a group of pioneering experts in disruptive and new and emergent technologies,
we can be considered as vanguards, for the creation of the Omega Project.
We shall provide a model from the Omega Project, to provide outreach and a working model, offered to
many other First Nation’s People’s to follow the example we will provide. Our technology capabilities
and our collective/combined history for achieving natural lake restoration and now to combine a
sustainable Green Hydrogen Energy economy, along with other manufacturing and engineering
successes, provides for the ‘restoration’ for not only Native American people’s but for the collective U.S.
public citizenry also.
Our entity Native Born Energy will provide for national opportunities for Native America and for the U.S.
public citizenry, for exemplifying the ushering in of the Green Hydrogen Economy and provide for a U.S.
Green Hydrogen economy and logistics Infrastructure. We will provide highly desirable high tech
manufacturing jobs for manufacturing Hydrogen Fuel Cell integrated devices on Native American lands
as well as for producing the Green Hydrogen Fuel infrastructure to fuel these devices.
We will also provide for immediate benefits and economic opportunities for localized PPA as well as for
providing energy Demand Management as well as to provide Master Gas Purchasing Agreements for
local/regional Hydrogen Refueling Stations to be built.
All of this emanates from within JV opportunities via Native Born Energy projects. We will offer JV
opportunities for every Native American Tribe who wishes to become a part of this endeavor. We will
help the First Native American’s “take back power, with power” and provide for a sustainable economy
all their own.
H2 Development Corporation
The monumental task at hand to overcome first, is to provide a restoration plan and a working solution
for the immediate triage required to be performed upon the Salton Sea. The means through which we
address working this problem is to employ our proprietary technologies and shovel ready solutions.
State of the Lake:
“The Salton Sea, a 350 square mile saltwater Marine Lake in Southeastern California, faces disaster.
In the next fifteen years:
• The amount of water flowing into the lake will decrease by about 40%;
• Its surface will drop by twenty feet and its volume will decrease by more than 60%; Salinity
will triple as a direct result of evaporation.
• The shrinking lake will expose 100 square miles of dust–generating lake bottom along the
lake’s exposed Littoral shelf. This dust will be exposed to the region’s blowing winds,
worsening the already poor air quality in the region.
• Exposed Lakebed will add as much as 100 tons of fine dust into the air per day.
• The total population of the air basin (currently about 650,000) will nearly double.
• The lake will be filled with algae, bacteria, and viruses, providing no value to birds or people.”
This statement was provided as an excerpt from the Pacific Institute’s document “Hazard’s Toll: The
Costs of Inaction at the Salton Sea”.
As long-term drought and increased irrigation demand from dependence upon drawing from the ancient
aquifer from the region, we have significantly diminished groundwater reserves. There exists now an
immense requirement for keeping with a sustained, existing agronomy practice and to sustain the local
economy from within the region, within the Imperial County Irrigation District.
H2 Development Corporation
The decline of the Salton Sea and the irrigation water required to provide continuity for keeping local
agronomy alive remain at jeopardy. Public Health and Ecological devastation from rapid decline from
the evaporating Salton Sea poses major economic and human decline from this condition.
Traditional Agronomy practices as provided from local watershed agriculture, provide for point-source
contamination for limiting nutrients, contributing to the Salton Sea’s decline and this practice provides
to exacerbate the decline of the Salton Sea. A causal-relation to the decline of the trophic state of the
Salton Sea lies within this known vector for contamination.
Point-Source limiting nutrients as evidenced in the practice of traditional agriculture, become run-off
from NPK fertilized surface soils. These limiting nutrients provide for nutrient contamination within the
Salton Sea. Anoxic conditions within the Salton Sea remain as a persistent and ever increasing result
from the point-source from where they have originated.
Changing the paradigm for best practices from local Agronomy must be the resolve for overcoming the
causality of nutrient loading. We will accomplish this from providing a new organic soil amendment
product. This new Organic Soil Amendment will come from within the Salton Sea itself.
As the Salton Sea suffers under the immense pressure from point-source limiting nutrient loading from
NPK Fertilizer from upland surface application’s and summarily from surface runoff, these limiting
nutrients find their way to be directly added into the Salton Sea.
As a Senior Lake Restoration Consultant from the past decade with Lake Savers, I have contributed much
of my 30 years of lake restoration study and practice to work with Mr. John Tucci, President of Lake
Savers. John Tucci and I have collaborated toward inventing natural mechanisms and biomimicry means
through which the reversal of Eutrophic water bodies could be achieved. As a result, we have created
and employed a working practice for achieving trophic index reversal with in-water body / whole
waterbody engineering with notable success over the past decade.
An independent study was performed by a PhD Limnologist to attest to the physical processes we have
employed. The resulting study was presented as a research paper and was defended successfully as well
as presented, accepted and published at a NALMS Conference at University of Wisconsin, Madison
conference. In this study, a presentation of Continuous Laminar Flow and multiple Inversion and whole-
lake bottom oxygenation was explicated. This Lake Savers process is consistent with other ground
breaking and proprietary / natural mechanisms we will employ within the Salton Sea.
With regard to specificity as to elucidate the primary means through which we shall provide for
achieving restoration of the Salton Sea, we will engineer for the removal of the identified and key
limiting nutrients of Phosphorus, NH4 Ammonia and we will also eliminate Hydrogen Sulfide (HS2O4)
from the internal load and storage, bound from within the depths of Salton Sea itself.
H2 Development Corporation
We will achieve this through deploying a product we invented, which we call Nutrizorb. Nutrizorb is
completely inert and poses no toxicity and is a naturally occurring material found commonly within
nature. The benefit of Nutrizorb for being beneficial is through its ability to utilize cationic adsorption
properties. The polarity charge from Nutrizorb is net negative, it essentially acts on NH4 Ammonia and
Phosphorus like a ‘Magnet’.
Nutrizorb has an incredibly high affinity specifically for Ammonia and for Phosphorus adtraction
capabilities. When added in specific dosages and with specific concentrations and through proprietary
mesh sizing, we have we have found that we were capable for removing NH4 and Phosphorus in
significant volume and concentration’s from being present from within a water body. The ability for
Nutrizorb to adtract onto itself and to hold/store Phosphorus and NH4 is quite high in terms of its
volumetric capacity. This is so, because the Nutrizorb has a crystalline lattice structure or cage-like
super-structure. This super-structure of naturally occurring nutrizorb combines two naturally occurring
cage-like vacuous super-structure naturally occurring compounds (each having a net negative atomic
polarity charge onto themselves) and each with high volumetric vacuousity or pore capabilities to store
the molecules of NH4 and P with impressive capacity.
It is through this mechanism that we will remove the limiting nutrients of NH4 and Phosphorus from
within the Salton Sea. This in turn will drastically limit the capability from HS2O4 Hydrogen Sulfide
formation to become produced or to proliferate from within the benthic zone of the Salton Sea.
We will plan to “Charge” the Nutrizorb with these nutrient limiting accumulations from within the Salton
Sea itself and then to provide for their ultimate removal (via Nutrizorb adtraction) from the Salton Sea,
after a retention time is achieved as such, to provide new applications of Nutrizorb. This will effectively
be an enduring process and will need to be a continued process. The Nutrizorb we have “charged”
directly from the Salton Sea’s Phosphorus and NH4 now becomes quite a valuable product for
Agriculture. It becomes the most powerful and non-toxic soil amendment one could possibly hope for.
The Nutrizorb in our Omega Project restoration plan, then becomes applied to the Torres Martinez
Plantations as a direct soil amendment (as a recycled/repurposed fertilizer).
Current science attests to Nutrizorb’s abilities to provide the advantage in this case for up to 1/3 less
irrigation water in agriculture and to provide for as much as 2/3 increased agricultural yield from where
it is applied. An additional benefit from the “Charged” Salton Sea Nutrizorb, is that when applied as a
soil amendment in this way, the “fertilizer” (Nutrizorb) cannot runoff the surface. The limiting nutrients
are electrostatically bound within the cage-like super-structure within the Nutrizorb. The nutrients are
essentially locked in and are bound to the Nutrizorb yet are fully available for direct use from crop root
systems. This provides yet another benefit, for significantly decreasing or doing entirely without any NPK
fertilizer or NH4 soil treatments to be required.
H2 Development Corporation
This is potentially paradigm changing and evolutionary for the profits and resiliency for truly organic and
sustainable new Agronomy protocols and best practices.
As the Salton Sea as well as local agriculture and local economy is clearly under imminent threat, there
are immediate benefits to embrace the restoration of the Salton Sea. We have explained how we shall
address limiting and removing the nutrients which cause water bodies to die through being continually
re-introduced and how we propose to mitigate these limiting nutrients from entering the aquatic system
and then to repurpose these nutrients back into the Biology of Agriculture. In doing so, we honor the
Earth. This is consistent with keeping for upholding traditional and ancient indigenous Indian values. It is
through this approach, to employ “Mother Earth’s” resources in balance (as well as from employing the
Suns Radiant energy), that we shall continue our explication for our Omega Project, to provide for
abundance and for economy, to foster resiliency and to support sustainability.
In recent discussions had with Mr. Pal Pauer, a renowned Geologist, having a long history of success
with well drilling throughout the world, we believe we can provide water resources to be part of the
Omega Project. These water resources according to Mr. Pauer, have enough water available for
providing enough new water supply to be directly added to the Salton Sea, as to co-equal the existing
daily evaporation. These waters are identified as “Primary Water” resources and are not currently part
of the existing aquifer supply. These “Primary Water” reserves are abundant and are located throughout
the San Andreas Fault proximity. We shall provide a letter from Pal Pauer to formally attest to this as
being factual information and to attest to his commitment for providing this resource for the Omega
Project as being part of our team.
H2 Development Corporation is a turn-key Green Hydrogen Energy Developer.
The Omega Project proposes restoration for the Salton Sea. It achieves for provisions for addressing
many separate vectors for profitability and for new economic opportunities.
To restore a priceless asset such as the Salton Sea, this project should be clearly in the best interests for
all stakeholders, who directly benefit from this endeavor. The costs associated from this endeavor will
be significant. The bankability for providing economic benefits from such a task as to restore the Salton
Sea, will be achieved through H2 Development Corporation’s wholly owned entity “Native Born Energy”.
We propose in the Omega Project, that the Torres Martinez Tribe form a Joint Venture with Native Born
Energy for not just the benefits associated from restoring the Salton Sea or for decreasing the irrigation
water to be required nor for the benefit from actualizing a 2/3rd
agricultural yield increase but to
produce renewable energy in the form of Green Hydrogen to be produced on-site.
The Omega Project and Native Born Energy (consisting of H2 Development Corporation and The Torres
Martinez Tribe) as a Joint Venture, will produce Multiple Megawatt Scale Green Hydrogen from a 20 Mw
Floating Offshore Solar Array. This floating Solar Array will be installed Offshore from existing property
H2 Development Corporation already has ownership of. Located mid-sea on the West Coast of the
H2 Development Corporation
Salton Sea, 1500 hundred acres and 2 miles of shoreline property are immediately available for the
Omega Project’s purposing for the installation of 60 Mw capacity from a floating Solar Array at this
location. Directly Onshore at this location, we will propose the Omega Project’s on-Site Green Hydrogen
Production facility.
An additional benefit for the 60 Mw floating Solar Array is directly corelated to the restoration of the
Salton Sea itself. This Floating Solar Array becomes a physical barrier to insolation from Solar Radiation.
The Shade provided will decrease the evaporation of the Salton Sea (a major concern) and it provides for
shelter to existing vertebrate (fish) population’s.
The Green Hydrogen to be produced at this facility will be operated for durations of extended
production, well after sunset. We have already discussed with the IID local energy Utility, the ability for
us to secure spinning reserve wholesale power purchase from IID. As the floating Solar Array produces
power to provide for self-consumption, to produce Hydrogen, in the evening, we will continue to
produce hydrogen, from wholesale cost electricity ascertained from the IID Utility.
As Green Hydrogen is increasing in market adoption and consumer demand (in particular within
California), the market for Green Hydrogen for existing Refueling Stations and for the Port of LA are now
within logistical reach from the Salton Sea, to provide immediate Green Hydrogen for these burgeoning
and emergent markets. The states of Nevada and Arizona too are now within reach from logistical ease
of access for these states to begin to introduce Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles to be delivered by
automotive manufacturers to their markets as well. As the Salton Sea Omega Project is entirely scalable,
we can ramp up Green Hydrogen production to meet market demands should nearby states adopt FC
Vehicles and/or Hydrogen related technologies to provide for electrical power.
A thought experiment should be considered for just how beneficial and practical-minded a large-scale
Green Hydrogen production facility can be at the Salton Sea location. If the Omega Project was
operational at the time of the most recent Hurricanes in Texas and Louisiana, there would have been
disaster-relief fuel immediately available from the Hydrogen “refinery” located within hours of reach for
those affected communities. Energy Security and decentralized energy production and Carbon-Free
energy from renewable energy and STORAGE of renewable energy are all bounties from Green
Hydrogen. These markets will absolutely be served when the next natural disaster hits the Gulf region
(via the Omega Project) and the inter-related connection from the restoration of the Salton Sea.
H2 Development Corporation has existing technology to provide immediate utility from generating
electrical energy from H2 Fueled Internal Combustion Engine/generators and from Fuel Cells. The
Demand Energy market, Peaker Plant market, direct on-site energy market, sustainable home building
market, home heating and cooling market and the transportation market all benefit directly from the
Omega Project’s economy of scale. An ESCO can easily be provided for surrounding housing and
commercial developments to take direct and immediate advantage of this energy provided by the
Omega Project’s Green Hydrogen production.
H2 Development Corporation
As we provide an economy of scale from the Omega Project to restore the Salton Sea, it should be
recognized that the emergent marketplace for Hydrogen (nationally) is currently severely limited from
growth because of the unavailability for an existing Hydrogen Production infrastructure – of scale. The
Omega Project to restore the Salton Sea resolves this conundrum with the JV of Native Born Energy and
the Torres Martinez Tribe. The Omega Project provides immense abundance for opportunity for bringing
about many other opportunities for all Native American Tribes as H2 Development Corporation is
committed to provide American Indian Nation’s the opportunity to find new economy from Green
Hydrogen and the safety and security accorded from this opportunity, to provide self-sustained and
long-duration tribal economies from Green Hydrogen and the energy economy it will provide.
In summary, The entire team of H2 Development Corporation and our Energy EPC Partners as well as
our Lake Restoration partners in Lake Savers have made great commitments for having thoughtful
consideration in the overall technologies to be employed as well as in all the Omega Project’s expenses
to be considered for all the incurred system and operational costs and for achieving the restoration of
the Salton Sea.
In terms of Capex, Opex as well as ROI, we weighed the entire benefits of this restoration project for the
Omega Project’s restoration of the Salton Sea, for the limiting of irrigation waters and from the benefits
associated with new and improved (sustainable) crop fertilization amendments as well as for Green
Hydrogen production and its connected Hydrogen powered energy generation technology for all
durable, practical and economic and sustainability advantages as could possibly be considered.
We have assessed the Omega project as a unanimous collective body, for being in keeping with what we
would consider as having an excellent investment opportunity in project scope and for this project scope
to be inclusive of having a status of being an exceptional and historical ‘first-case’ In its overall value for
those seeking a returned investment, as well as for participating in a practical renewable energy
“pioneering” sense. The Omega Project provides for an authentic and highly unique and durable working
application for commercialization for Mw class Green Hydrogen - as Power to Gas and Gas to power
operational, commercial showcase – as demonstrated in full operation.
Our technology partners for H2 Development Corporation’s direct technology manufacturers are
considered “Rolls Royce Class”. There are no theoretical technologies in which we are offering within the
Omega Project’s restoration of the Salton Sea. Our technologies as offered, have been in operation for
lengthy periods of time and from all over the world (as well as out of this world and even underneath
the Seas).
We are providing technology directly from the very same manufacturers which have been in operation
within the International Space Station and within several classes of various U.S. Naval Submarines. Our
ability to bring this once shrouded in secrecy technology, under one roof and to turn-key develop energy
applications (such as within the scope of the Omega Project), which have only recently been available to
H2 Development Corporation or even to enter into the public domain.
H2 Development Corporation
We have fostered great working relationships with our exclusive manufacturing and technology
partners. We have positioned ourselves in such a way that H2 Development Corporation has been
accorded the rare and unique opportunity, to make this highly unique and exclusive offer as to provide
to propose the Omega Project: Restoration of the Salton Sea.
We look forward toward having more meaningful dialog Stephen and we look forward toward our
collective collaboration with the U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs to achieve all we set out
to accomplish.
Please see attached requested biographical document’s describing our key project personnel and initial
project layout for Onshore Hydrogen Production, as well as Offshore Solar Array design layout.
Respectfully submitted with our collective best regards,
Jack Mosel, CEO Raul Martinez, Jr., COO
H2 Development Corporation H2 Development Corporation
(914)260-5678 (858) 342-7375
Rodger Moore, CTO
H2 Development Corporation
(714) 235-5007
H2 Development Corporation
H2 Development Corporation

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Salton sea omega project final narrative 10 29 17

  • 1. H2 Development Corporation 1 THE SALTON SEA “OMEGA PROJECT” ATTN: MR. STEPHEN MANYDEEDS, DIV. CHIEF U.S. DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR INDIAN AFFAIRS ENERGY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 10/24/17 Dear Mr. Manydeeds, Thank you for speaking with me today. As per our conversation, we are pleased to be asked to present to you our proposed plan for facilitating restoration efforts for the Salton Sea as well as renewable energy opportunities and a Joint Venture proposal with the Torres Martinez Tribe. Within this document, we shall describe and identify the benefits for economic development from this project as well as to provide significant agricultural opportunities and sustainable renewable energy development capabilities, from Offshore Floating Solar Power and Onshore 20 Mw expandable Green Hydrogen on-site production. We seek to offer for a local JV partnership and collaboration from the Torres Martinez Tribe for this project. We will offer to partner with the Torres Martinez Tribe with our entity “Native Born Energy” for these purposes. The opportunity we propose, comes at a time for a much needed, timely resolve for deploying authentic and practical – technology ready, working solutions (for highly complex and immediate problems) with regard to the Salton Sea and for providing working solutions for both Sustainable Energy and for Sustainable Agriculture, as well as for creating a sustainable and vibrant local economy. As the trophic state of the Salton Sea declines and as the irrigation and economic status for surrounding agricultural communities within the immediate abutting region is threatened, specifically each are inter- related to the interests of The Torres Martinez tribe. Most in the region know all too well, there are many potentially devastating contractual / political variables which are currently in the balance for mitigation of the continued availability for irrigation water to be made available for the continued success of local Agronomy. The immense benefits for maintained water levels of the Salton Sea for ecological as well as agronomy purposes are self-evident and are vastly well known.
  • 2. H2 Development Corporation 2 Compounding a shortage for irrigation water availability, the Salton Sea is also classified as being a Hypereutrophic waterbody and faces rapid onset, continuous degradation from evaporation from exposure to the heat of an arid desert region. As a direct result of unrelenting contributions toward seeming demise, the Salton Sea is facing monumental challenges to overcome. As the condition’s for providing the creation of the Salton Sea are manmade, the Anthropomorphic contribution from mankind is also inherently responsible for providing the solutions to overcome the condition’s human beings have caused. We shall propose to restore and to maintain our ecological and economic presence within the region and we believe our proposed approach is sensible as well as sustainable and achievable. We believe our proposal could provide economic and ecological benefits as such, as to provide heralding in of a brand new era of prosperity and to include great economic advantages to indigenous First American Tribal communities. As we are collectively a group of pioneering experts in disruptive and new and emergent technologies, we can be considered as vanguards, for the creation of the Omega Project. We shall provide a model from the Omega Project, to provide outreach and a working model, offered to many other First Nation’s People’s to follow the example we will provide. Our technology capabilities and our collective/combined history for achieving natural lake restoration and now to combine a sustainable Green Hydrogen Energy economy, along with other manufacturing and engineering successes, provides for the ‘restoration’ for not only Native American people’s but for the collective U.S. public citizenry also. Our entity Native Born Energy will provide for national opportunities for Native America and for the U.S. public citizenry, for exemplifying the ushering in of the Green Hydrogen Economy and provide for a U.S. Green Hydrogen economy and logistics Infrastructure. We will provide highly desirable high tech manufacturing jobs for manufacturing Hydrogen Fuel Cell integrated devices on Native American lands as well as for producing the Green Hydrogen Fuel infrastructure to fuel these devices. We will also provide for immediate benefits and economic opportunities for localized PPA as well as for providing energy Demand Management as well as to provide Master Gas Purchasing Agreements for local/regional Hydrogen Refueling Stations to be built. All of this emanates from within JV opportunities via Native Born Energy projects. We will offer JV opportunities for every Native American Tribe who wishes to become a part of this endeavor. We will help the First Native American’s “take back power, with power” and provide for a sustainable economy all their own.
  • 3. H2 Development Corporation 3 The monumental task at hand to overcome first, is to provide a restoration plan and a working solution for the immediate triage required to be performed upon the Salton Sea. The means through which we address working this problem is to employ our proprietary technologies and shovel ready solutions. State of the Lake: “The Salton Sea, a 350 square mile saltwater Marine Lake in Southeastern California, faces disaster. In the next fifteen years: • The amount of water flowing into the lake will decrease by about 40%; • Its surface will drop by twenty feet and its volume will decrease by more than 60%; Salinity will triple as a direct result of evaporation. • The shrinking lake will expose 100 square miles of dust–generating lake bottom along the lake’s exposed Littoral shelf. This dust will be exposed to the region’s blowing winds, worsening the already poor air quality in the region. • Exposed Lakebed will add as much as 100 tons of fine dust into the air per day. • The total population of the air basin (currently about 650,000) will nearly double. • The lake will be filled with algae, bacteria, and viruses, providing no value to birds or people.” This statement was provided as an excerpt from the Pacific Institute’s document “Hazard’s Toll: The Costs of Inaction at the Salton Sea”. As long-term drought and increased irrigation demand from dependence upon drawing from the ancient aquifer from the region, we have significantly diminished groundwater reserves. There exists now an immense requirement for keeping with a sustained, existing agronomy practice and to sustain the local economy from within the region, within the Imperial County Irrigation District.
  • 4. H2 Development Corporation 4 The decline of the Salton Sea and the irrigation water required to provide continuity for keeping local agronomy alive remain at jeopardy. Public Health and Ecological devastation from rapid decline from the evaporating Salton Sea poses major economic and human decline from this condition. Traditional Agronomy practices as provided from local watershed agriculture, provide for point-source contamination for limiting nutrients, contributing to the Salton Sea’s decline and this practice provides to exacerbate the decline of the Salton Sea. A causal-relation to the decline of the trophic state of the Salton Sea lies within this known vector for contamination. Point-Source limiting nutrients as evidenced in the practice of traditional agriculture, become run-off from NPK fertilized surface soils. These limiting nutrients provide for nutrient contamination within the Salton Sea. Anoxic conditions within the Salton Sea remain as a persistent and ever increasing result from the point-source from where they have originated. Changing the paradigm for best practices from local Agronomy must be the resolve for overcoming the causality of nutrient loading. We will accomplish this from providing a new organic soil amendment product. This new Organic Soil Amendment will come from within the Salton Sea itself. As the Salton Sea suffers under the immense pressure from point-source limiting nutrient loading from NPK Fertilizer from upland surface application’s and summarily from surface runoff, these limiting nutrients find their way to be directly added into the Salton Sea. As a Senior Lake Restoration Consultant from the past decade with Lake Savers, I have contributed much of my 30 years of lake restoration study and practice to work with Mr. John Tucci, President of Lake Savers. John Tucci and I have collaborated toward inventing natural mechanisms and biomimicry means through which the reversal of Eutrophic water bodies could be achieved. As a result, we have created and employed a working practice for achieving trophic index reversal with in-water body / whole waterbody engineering with notable success over the past decade. An independent study was performed by a PhD Limnologist to attest to the physical processes we have employed. The resulting study was presented as a research paper and was defended successfully as well as presented, accepted and published at a NALMS Conference at University of Wisconsin, Madison conference. In this study, a presentation of Continuous Laminar Flow and multiple Inversion and whole- lake bottom oxygenation was explicated. This Lake Savers process is consistent with other ground breaking and proprietary / natural mechanisms we will employ within the Salton Sea. With regard to specificity as to elucidate the primary means through which we shall provide for achieving restoration of the Salton Sea, we will engineer for the removal of the identified and key limiting nutrients of Phosphorus, NH4 Ammonia and we will also eliminate Hydrogen Sulfide (HS2O4) from the internal load and storage, bound from within the depths of Salton Sea itself.
  • 5. H2 Development Corporation 5 We will achieve this through deploying a product we invented, which we call Nutrizorb. Nutrizorb is completely inert and poses no toxicity and is a naturally occurring material found commonly within nature. The benefit of Nutrizorb for being beneficial is through its ability to utilize cationic adsorption properties. The polarity charge from Nutrizorb is net negative, it essentially acts on NH4 Ammonia and Phosphorus like a ‘Magnet’. Nutrizorb has an incredibly high affinity specifically for Ammonia and for Phosphorus adtraction capabilities. When added in specific dosages and with specific concentrations and through proprietary mesh sizing, we have we have found that we were capable for removing NH4 and Phosphorus in significant volume and concentration’s from being present from within a water body. The ability for Nutrizorb to adtract onto itself and to hold/store Phosphorus and NH4 is quite high in terms of its volumetric capacity. This is so, because the Nutrizorb has a crystalline lattice structure or cage-like super-structure. This super-structure of naturally occurring nutrizorb combines two naturally occurring cage-like vacuous super-structure naturally occurring compounds (each having a net negative atomic polarity charge onto themselves) and each with high volumetric vacuousity or pore capabilities to store the molecules of NH4 and P with impressive capacity. It is through this mechanism that we will remove the limiting nutrients of NH4 and Phosphorus from within the Salton Sea. This in turn will drastically limit the capability from HS2O4 Hydrogen Sulfide formation to become produced or to proliferate from within the benthic zone of the Salton Sea. We will plan to “Charge” the Nutrizorb with these nutrient limiting accumulations from within the Salton Sea itself and then to provide for their ultimate removal (via Nutrizorb adtraction) from the Salton Sea, after a retention time is achieved as such, to provide new applications of Nutrizorb. This will effectively be an enduring process and will need to be a continued process. The Nutrizorb we have “charged” directly from the Salton Sea’s Phosphorus and NH4 now becomes quite a valuable product for Agriculture. It becomes the most powerful and non-toxic soil amendment one could possibly hope for. The Nutrizorb in our Omega Project restoration plan, then becomes applied to the Torres Martinez Plantations as a direct soil amendment (as a recycled/repurposed fertilizer). Current science attests to Nutrizorb’s abilities to provide the advantage in this case for up to 1/3 less irrigation water in agriculture and to provide for as much as 2/3 increased agricultural yield from where it is applied. An additional benefit from the “Charged” Salton Sea Nutrizorb, is that when applied as a soil amendment in this way, the “fertilizer” (Nutrizorb) cannot runoff the surface. The limiting nutrients are electrostatically bound within the cage-like super-structure within the Nutrizorb. The nutrients are essentially locked in and are bound to the Nutrizorb yet are fully available for direct use from crop root systems. This provides yet another benefit, for significantly decreasing or doing entirely without any NPK fertilizer or NH4 soil treatments to be required.
  • 6. H2 Development Corporation 6 This is potentially paradigm changing and evolutionary for the profits and resiliency for truly organic and sustainable new Agronomy protocols and best practices. As the Salton Sea as well as local agriculture and local economy is clearly under imminent threat, there are immediate benefits to embrace the restoration of the Salton Sea. We have explained how we shall address limiting and removing the nutrients which cause water bodies to die through being continually re-introduced and how we propose to mitigate these limiting nutrients from entering the aquatic system and then to repurpose these nutrients back into the Biology of Agriculture. In doing so, we honor the Earth. This is consistent with keeping for upholding traditional and ancient indigenous Indian values. It is through this approach, to employ “Mother Earth’s” resources in balance (as well as from employing the Suns Radiant energy), that we shall continue our explication for our Omega Project, to provide for abundance and for economy, to foster resiliency and to support sustainability. In recent discussions had with Mr. Pal Pauer, a renowned Geologist, having a long history of success with well drilling throughout the world, we believe we can provide water resources to be part of the Omega Project. These water resources according to Mr. Pauer, have enough water available for providing enough new water supply to be directly added to the Salton Sea, as to co-equal the existing daily evaporation. These waters are identified as “Primary Water” resources and are not currently part of the existing aquifer supply. These “Primary Water” reserves are abundant and are located throughout the San Andreas Fault proximity. We shall provide a letter from Pal Pauer to formally attest to this as being factual information and to attest to his commitment for providing this resource for the Omega Project as being part of our team. H2 Development Corporation is a turn-key Green Hydrogen Energy Developer. The Omega Project proposes restoration for the Salton Sea. It achieves for provisions for addressing many separate vectors for profitability and for new economic opportunities. To restore a priceless asset such as the Salton Sea, this project should be clearly in the best interests for all stakeholders, who directly benefit from this endeavor. The costs associated from this endeavor will be significant. The bankability for providing economic benefits from such a task as to restore the Salton Sea, will be achieved through H2 Development Corporation’s wholly owned entity “Native Born Energy”. We propose in the Omega Project, that the Torres Martinez Tribe form a Joint Venture with Native Born Energy for not just the benefits associated from restoring the Salton Sea or for decreasing the irrigation water to be required nor for the benefit from actualizing a 2/3rd agricultural yield increase but to produce renewable energy in the form of Green Hydrogen to be produced on-site. The Omega Project and Native Born Energy (consisting of H2 Development Corporation and The Torres Martinez Tribe) as a Joint Venture, will produce Multiple Megawatt Scale Green Hydrogen from a 20 Mw Floating Offshore Solar Array. This floating Solar Array will be installed Offshore from existing property H2 Development Corporation already has ownership of. Located mid-sea on the West Coast of the
  • 7. H2 Development Corporation 7 Salton Sea, 1500 hundred acres and 2 miles of shoreline property are immediately available for the Omega Project’s purposing for the installation of 60 Mw capacity from a floating Solar Array at this location. Directly Onshore at this location, we will propose the Omega Project’s on-Site Green Hydrogen Production facility. An additional benefit for the 60 Mw floating Solar Array is directly corelated to the restoration of the Salton Sea itself. This Floating Solar Array becomes a physical barrier to insolation from Solar Radiation. The Shade provided will decrease the evaporation of the Salton Sea (a major concern) and it provides for shelter to existing vertebrate (fish) population’s. The Green Hydrogen to be produced at this facility will be operated for durations of extended production, well after sunset. We have already discussed with the IID local energy Utility, the ability for us to secure spinning reserve wholesale power purchase from IID. As the floating Solar Array produces power to provide for self-consumption, to produce Hydrogen, in the evening, we will continue to produce hydrogen, from wholesale cost electricity ascertained from the IID Utility. As Green Hydrogen is increasing in market adoption and consumer demand (in particular within California), the market for Green Hydrogen for existing Refueling Stations and for the Port of LA are now within logistical reach from the Salton Sea, to provide immediate Green Hydrogen for these burgeoning and emergent markets. The states of Nevada and Arizona too are now within reach from logistical ease of access for these states to begin to introduce Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles to be delivered by automotive manufacturers to their markets as well. As the Salton Sea Omega Project is entirely scalable, we can ramp up Green Hydrogen production to meet market demands should nearby states adopt FC Vehicles and/or Hydrogen related technologies to provide for electrical power. A thought experiment should be considered for just how beneficial and practical-minded a large-scale Green Hydrogen production facility can be at the Salton Sea location. If the Omega Project was operational at the time of the most recent Hurricanes in Texas and Louisiana, there would have been disaster-relief fuel immediately available from the Hydrogen “refinery” located within hours of reach for those affected communities. Energy Security and decentralized energy production and Carbon-Free energy from renewable energy and STORAGE of renewable energy are all bounties from Green Hydrogen. These markets will absolutely be served when the next natural disaster hits the Gulf region (via the Omega Project) and the inter-related connection from the restoration of the Salton Sea. H2 Development Corporation has existing technology to provide immediate utility from generating electrical energy from H2 Fueled Internal Combustion Engine/generators and from Fuel Cells. The Demand Energy market, Peaker Plant market, direct on-site energy market, sustainable home building market, home heating and cooling market and the transportation market all benefit directly from the Omega Project’s economy of scale. An ESCO can easily be provided for surrounding housing and commercial developments to take direct and immediate advantage of this energy provided by the Omega Project’s Green Hydrogen production.
  • 8. H2 Development Corporation 8 As we provide an economy of scale from the Omega Project to restore the Salton Sea, it should be recognized that the emergent marketplace for Hydrogen (nationally) is currently severely limited from growth because of the unavailability for an existing Hydrogen Production infrastructure – of scale. The Omega Project to restore the Salton Sea resolves this conundrum with the JV of Native Born Energy and the Torres Martinez Tribe. The Omega Project provides immense abundance for opportunity for bringing about many other opportunities for all Native American Tribes as H2 Development Corporation is committed to provide American Indian Nation’s the opportunity to find new economy from Green Hydrogen and the safety and security accorded from this opportunity, to provide self-sustained and long-duration tribal economies from Green Hydrogen and the energy economy it will provide. In summary, The entire team of H2 Development Corporation and our Energy EPC Partners as well as our Lake Restoration partners in Lake Savers have made great commitments for having thoughtful consideration in the overall technologies to be employed as well as in all the Omega Project’s expenses to be considered for all the incurred system and operational costs and for achieving the restoration of the Salton Sea. In terms of Capex, Opex as well as ROI, we weighed the entire benefits of this restoration project for the Omega Project’s restoration of the Salton Sea, for the limiting of irrigation waters and from the benefits associated with new and improved (sustainable) crop fertilization amendments as well as for Green Hydrogen production and its connected Hydrogen powered energy generation technology for all durable, practical and economic and sustainability advantages as could possibly be considered. We have assessed the Omega project as a unanimous collective body, for being in keeping with what we would consider as having an excellent investment opportunity in project scope and for this project scope to be inclusive of having a status of being an exceptional and historical ‘first-case’ In its overall value for those seeking a returned investment, as well as for participating in a practical renewable energy “pioneering” sense. The Omega Project provides for an authentic and highly unique and durable working application for commercialization for Mw class Green Hydrogen - as Power to Gas and Gas to power operational, commercial showcase – as demonstrated in full operation. Our technology partners for H2 Development Corporation’s direct technology manufacturers are considered “Rolls Royce Class”. There are no theoretical technologies in which we are offering within the Omega Project’s restoration of the Salton Sea. Our technologies as offered, have been in operation for lengthy periods of time and from all over the world (as well as out of this world and even underneath the Seas). We are providing technology directly from the very same manufacturers which have been in operation within the International Space Station and within several classes of various U.S. Naval Submarines. Our ability to bring this once shrouded in secrecy technology, under one roof and to turn-key develop energy applications (such as within the scope of the Omega Project), which have only recently been available to H2 Development Corporation or even to enter into the public domain.
  • 9. H2 Development Corporation 9 We have fostered great working relationships with our exclusive manufacturing and technology partners. We have positioned ourselves in such a way that H2 Development Corporation has been accorded the rare and unique opportunity, to make this highly unique and exclusive offer as to provide to propose the Omega Project: Restoration of the Salton Sea. We look forward toward having more meaningful dialog Stephen and we look forward toward our collective collaboration with the U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs to achieve all we set out to accomplish. Please see attached requested biographical document’s describing our key project personnel and initial project layout for Onshore Hydrogen Production, as well as Offshore Solar Array design layout. Respectfully submitted with our collective best regards, Jack Mosel, CEO Raul Martinez, Jr., COO H2 Development Corporation H2 Development Corporation (914)260-5678 (858) 342-7375 Rodger Moore, CTO H2 Development Corporation (714) 235-5007