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Marketing Outline
Sad Hippie
Project & Portfolio 4
October 2020
Table Of Contents
Executive Summary 2
Situational Analysis 2
Current Information 2
Artist Profile 2
Upcoming Plans 3
Marketplace Potential 4
Live Performance Potential 4
Plan Objectives 5
Branding Strategy 5
Utilize Visuals 5
New Logo 5
Cover art 5
Utilize Link Tree 5
Social Media Strategy 5
Instagram 5
Story Updates 5
Live Sessions 5
Facebook 6
Marketplace Merchandise 6
Live Q/A 7
Youtube 8
Lyric Videos 8
Music Videos 8
Twitter 9
TikTok 9
References 10
Appendices 11
Editorial Calendar 11
1. Executive Summary
Antonia Abutrabe would like to create a viable career out of her music. In order to do so
a marketing strategy will be deployed for branding and social media to further expand her reach
with the Rhythm and Blues music she makes under the stage name Sad Hippie. Thus,
expanding her market potential with the ultimate goal of performing live venues.
The first step in our branding strategy is the creation of Sad Hippie’s website which serves as a
one stop shop for all of her art. Secondly, in order to maximize market efficiency, we must
Utilize Visuals to create a consistent and aesthetically pleasing online presence. This will
consist of a logo and things like cover art. Third, the utilization of the website link tree will create
an interwoven web of her social media accounts. Fourth, merchandise will be created with the
likeness of Sad Hippie’s established brand.
Secondly, a social media strategy will be deployed with 5 accounts. First, Sad Hippie’s great
existing following on Instagram will be utilized by keeping them engaged with stories and live
sessions. In addition, Facebook will be used for their great marketplace feature. Third, a
YouTube account will be updated with future music videos and lyric videos. Fourth, A Twitter
account to provide her followers with links to recent additions in her collection of art. Fifth, a Tik
Tok account if she would like. Sixth, a Twitch account if she likes to play video games. Gaming
has a great gender split among viewers.
Moving on, social media analytics can be used to maximize the effects of social media
campaigns. Trends to analyze with easy to find metrics are the number of people reached by
your content, the number of interactions with your content, and the total follower's metrics to find
out characteristics and trends among Sad Hippie’s followers. This can help with determining
what is the best time of day to post pictures, go on live, tweet, etc.
All of this effort on social media is, to reiterate, is an attempt to make a viable career in the
music industry for our artist Sad Hippie. With that said, the goal of live shows is paramount. With
a strong online presence Sad Hippie will be able to be marketed to different live event
promoters with ease due to her impressive following and fan engagement which will make her
an undeniable choice for anyone in charge of booking talent.
2. Situational Analysis
2.1. Current Information
2.1.1. Artist Profile
This marketing analysis is for the independent artist Sad Hippie. When
she was injured in an accident in 2013, she didn’t let it keep her down.
Instead, she created her stage name Sad Hippie and started creating
music. Her main goal is to create authentic music that provides a place
for people to escape to during hard times or to feel empowered. Since
Sad Hippie doesn’t have a team of people to help her, she currently uses
Instagram as her main platform for providing updates about her music
and has 2,930 followers. She is hoping to increase her online presence
across multiple platforms to sell her music and merchandise. Sad Hippie
has two causes that are important to her, being vegan and the
environmental impact our actions have on the planet. To incorporate
these values into her career, she will look to use recycled material for her
merchandise line.
2.1.2. Upcoming Plans
After a recent interview, Sad Hippie announced she has completed three
new songs and is working on creating new material. She is also in the
process of creating her merchandise line to promote herself as an artist.
Part of this process includes working with students from the 3300+
Climbing club at Full Sail University to create a logo that can be her
signature to place on all products. Another area Sad Hippie has planned
is to create music or lyric videos for the tracks she has out. There is one
lyric video being created for Bad Habits by students in the Project and
Portfolio 3 class at Full Sail University and will be ready for release later
this year.
2.1.3. Industry Contacts
Some of the industry contacts for Sad Hippie are reggaeton artist Don
Omar who has appeared in Fast & Furious as well as created and
performed music for the movie, and New Jersey hip hop artist 070 Shake
who has released two albums since arriving on the scene in 2018. Sad
Hippie records at Lava Studios and trusts artist and producer Izzy Nyce to
work on her vocals. She has also used these connections to collaborate
on tracks like Early Morning with Izzy Nyce.
2.1.4. Released Music
Sad Hippie’s most current song was released three months ago and is
titled Bad Habits. Four years ago, she collaborated with artist Izzynyce on
a song titled Early Morning, and her other track from that year is titled
Feel Me. Her songs are available on Soundcloud, Spotify, and iTunes.
Sad Hippie has not released a full album yet, but one is on the way.
2.1.5. Website Creation
Currently, Sad Hippie is working with students at Full Sail University who
are part of the 3300+ Climbing club to create her professional website.
The artists main platform until now has been Instagram.
2.2. External Environment
2.2.1. SWOT
The SWOT Analysis will cover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats for Sad Hippie and her music.
● Great group of connections to include Don Omar, Izzy Nyce,
Cassius Clay, and others.
● Located in Guttenberg, NJ gives quick access to places like
Newark, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and The Bronx
● A solid following on social media, which mainly comes from
● Instagram is the main social media account. The other platforms
are just being created so the following is not so high.
● No defined target market for her music.
● While the material that is released does well. A lack of material in
terms of music and merchandise.
● The opportunity to gain new followers/ fans through other social
media platforms. Linking all the social media accounts helps with
people being able to discover Sad Hippie on all platforms.
● The lack of a website. While a website is currently in the works,
there is nothing yet. A website provides a controlled and
centralized way to monetize.
● More material that may attract a different audience.
● Major labels, who have a bigger audience with more money.
● Other up and coming artists in the same genre.
● Production companies charge high prices for low quantities of
inventory ordered.
2.2.2. Marketplace Potential
The ability to reach outside of her current followers/ friends in order to
gain new followers/ friends through the sale of merchandise and music.
Facebook Marketplace is used in 70 countries and by 800 million (Al-
Heeti, A., 2018, May 01) people monthly.
2.2.3. Live Performance Potential
The ability to gain new fans from other areas outside of her current
location. She also has the ability to be seen by more people. The
northeastern United States has almost 56 million (Census, N.D.) people
in that area of the country. While New York City has about 20 million of
those people living there. With 100’s of venues within a days drive live
performance is a stepping stone to getting noticed.
3. Plan Objectives
The purpose of this plan is to create a variety of online presences, allowing fans to
interact with Sad Hippie’s music on a variety of online platforms. Distribute Sad Hippies’
content, brand, and merchandise through social media and streaming platforms,
including the new Facebook shops. With assistance from 3000 and Climbing, Sad Hippie
will develop her newly created website, social media content, merchandise, and music,
to support a singular brand that resonates with Sad Hippies current and future fans.
Once a more prominent presence in the online and entertainment world is established,
metrics can aid in narrowing down an approach to penetrating the incredibly competitive
music industry.
4. Branding Strategy
4.1. Utilize Visuals
4.1.1. New Logo
During her time with 3300 & Climbing, Sad Hippie will be given assets by
the students. These assets will include a logo that can serve as the main
image for her brand. All sorts of merchandise and albums can display this
logo as it becomes an established and instantly recognizable symbol of
her as an artist.
4.1.2. Cover art
Art is both subjective and expressive. Sad Hippie expresses herself
through her music, and the art associated with it should represent her as
well. Cover art can turn heads and make people investigate a song that
would otherwise be ignored. Numerous resources can be used to make
this art, such as FullSail Students are online commission artists.
4.2. Utilize Link Tree
Linking accounts is a great way to increase exposure to an artist's content. Link
Tree is a website that allows users to easily connect all of their accounts into one
interwoven web of content. There are similar sites that allow the artist to link all of
their accounts, but this is generally considered to be the most user friendly and
well-known tool.
5. Social Media Strategy
5.1. Instagram
5.1.1. Story Updates
Instagram stories are a great way for Sad Hippie to break away from any
theme or curated content on her feed and show more personality. Stories
can also help boost fan engagement. Features like polls, questions,
sliders, or quizzes to get feedback from fans and get them involved. You
can even share your music from Spotify, Soundcloud, and other
streaming platforms directly via Stories.
5.1.2. Live Sessions
Live videos can be used as an opportunity for Sad Hippie to directly
interact with fans and forge long-lasting fan relationships. Live streams
could be acoustic performances, a behind the scenes look of a studio
session or a photo/video shoot, or even a chance to make big
announcements. Through consistency and interaction, fan engagement
and awareness will steadily increase.
5.2. Facebook
5.2.1. Marketplace Merchandise
Sad Hippie’s music has such a distinct vibe to it. Facebook recently
announced "Facebook Shops" for businesses/ artists to create specifically
for their merchandise. Marketplace allows you to track who views your
merchandise and you will be able to gain a better understanding of the
audience that is gravitating towards your music and/ or merchandise. To
go well with her branding of merchandise the following clothing options
are suggested.
5.2.2. Live Q/A
Sad Hippie will have to look at her Analytics on Instagram, Facebook, and
YouTube to see where her demographics are. She can then adapt and
prepare accordingly to her results. For example, on Instagram, three
different details can inform the account holder a lot about their follower's
Accounts Reached:
When you tap on the insight con, you can see more details on your
account’s reach and impressions. You’ll also see insights on your account
activity, such as profile visits and website visits. If you have an action
button on your profile, you’ll see the number of taps on that button. For
example, you can see data on call button taps, get directions taps, email
button taps, text button taps, and website taps. You can also see your top
posts, stories, and IGTV videos sorted by reach.
Content Interactions:
When you tap on this metric, you can see a detailed breakdown of your
post, story, and IGTV video content interactions. These include likes,
comments, saves, shares, replies, and other actions on your content. You
can also see your top posts, stories, and IGTV videos sorted by
Total Followers:
When you tap on this metric, you can learn more about trends across
your followers when you have at least 100 followers. These insights
include growth (how many followers you've gained or lost), top locations
of your followers, age-range, and times they're most active on Instagram.
Taking all information from social media platforms will help aim Sad
Hippie in the right direction during the Live Q/A session. She can
determine if she needs to have the Q/A during a specific time of the day.
What type of question she may get where most of her audience is
5.3. Youtube
5.3.1. Lyric Videos
Since Sad Hippie already has a YouTube channel, currently with 105
subscribers, the focus should be on creating video content as a way to attract
people, entertain fans, and gain attention to her music. At the moment, when
searching for Sad Hippie, there are no lyric videos available.
As an aspiring artist, it’s in Sad Hippie’s best interest to take advantage of
YouTube. According to (Cattel, n.d.), lyric videos can be the perfect combination
of affordability and effectiveness. Although it costs less than an official video to
produce, lyric videos are just as beneficial. They allow people to learn the lyrics
to a song while listening to it, which helps the artist get recognition and build
momentum before the actual music video gets released. For every song Sad
Hippie puts out, there should be a lyric video available on YouTube aligned with
her brand.
5.3.2. Music Videos
Understanding that music videos are an extension of the artist, it would
be the moment when Sad Hippie shares a message and determines how she
wants her music to be perceived. They are the first thing that comes into people’s
minds when thinking of a song. It goes from the choice of style and approach to
content and special elements. Just like with lyric videos, every song released by
Sad Hippie should have a music video that will help promote it. Studies show
(Pulse, 2016) that YouTube is the second biggest search engine and the largest
streaming music service worldwide; getting discovered through music videos can
be easy.
5.4. Twitter
Twitter has hundreds of millions of active monthly users and, unlike the other
platforms, it also lets you tweet all day long with links to Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube,
websites, and more. Not only that, but these external links open within Twitter in order
for you to get an immediate interaction to your tweet. So, if you tweeted a link to your
YouTube videos and music related links, people would see it right away and be able to
like, comment or even retweet almost immediately.
5.5. TikTok
By establishing a good following, which can be done with consistent uploads,
following trends, effective hashtags, lots of interactions and challenge creations, Sad
Hippie can increase her engagement in this social media and, with that, introduce her
own music and get a lot of attention on her account and music. Over half a billion active
users around the world are sharing their favorite songs on the platform through “dance
challenges”, “lip-sync videos” and a lot more music-based ideas. So, if Sad Hippie were
to create her own hashtag challenge and start a new trend on the platform, she would
not only go viral within TikTok, but also increase her following and engagement on all of
her other platforms as well.
5.6. Twitch
The Twitch platform is currently the market leader for content streaming services,
with daily average viewership sitting around 2.5 million people and monthly hours spent
watching at around 1.5 billion. It is a highly monetizable environment, with around 70%
of viewers willing to offer monetary support, and a partnership program that allows
streamers to offer viewer subscriptions ranging between $4.99 to $24.99. User
donations are also common within the platform. According to Twitch, 64% of users
purchase products recommended by streamers, showing strong engagement and
conversion rates in terms of influencer sponsorships.
From 2019 to 2020, the Twitch audience increased by 62% concurrent viewers,
showing the strength of reach the platform can offer streamers. Although the service
started gaining traction thanks to the gaming community, it has now expanded to music,
sports, travel, and has also developed frameworks for artists to license their music,
allowing other streamers to play the artist’s songs during their programming.
There is great potential for Sad Hippie within this platform, given her overall artist
proposal, music genres, presence and main themes. Differentiation is key, and by
presenting her art and product in combination with current streaming trends, the artist’s
reach could grow considerably. Female presence within Twitch is constantly increasing,
with several highly successful women producing in the platform. Live streaming could
become an innovative artistic approach, as well as a powerful source of income and fan
6. References
Al-Heeti, A. (2018, May 01). Facebook Marketplace is used in 70 countries, by 800 million
people monthly. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
Burstimo. (2019, October 02). Get Your Music to Go Viral Using TikTok: How Musicians
Can Use TikTok. Retrieved October 19, 2020, from
Cattell, L. (2018, October 29). The Benefits of Lyric Videos & How to Make One...
Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
Census. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
Cummiskey, C. (2020, August 10). Sad Hippie is 3300+Climbing's Next Artist. Retrieved
October 17, 2020, from
Instagram Help Center. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
King, A. (2020, May 21). Facebook, Instagram Launch 'Shops' - What Does This Mean for
Artists? Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
Majewski, G., Robley, C., Breuner, K., Collins, O., Sobhraj, J., Bravo, E., . . . Chris Robley
... is the Editor of CD Baby's DIY Musician Blog. I write Beatlesque indie-pop songs that've
been praised by No Depression. (2020, July 10). Why does Twitter still matter for
musicians? Retrieved October 19, 2020, from
(n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
Pulse. (2016, February 04). Why Music Videos Are Still So Important: Views from inside
the industry. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
Sad Hippie. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
The Only Link You'll Ever Need. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from
Following. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from
The Best Female Streamers on Twitch. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from
TikTok For Artists: How To Get Famous In 60 Seconds: Octiive. (n.d.). Retrieved October
19, 2020, from
TikTok for Musicians (The Ultimate Guide). (2020, April 03). Retrieved October 19, 2020,
Twitch For Musicians. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from
7. Appendices
A. Editorial Calendar

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Sad hippie outline

  • 1. Marketing Outline For Sad Hippie By Project & Portfolio 4 October 2020 Table Of Contents
  • 2. 1 Executive Summary 2 Situational Analysis 2 Current Information 2 Artist Profile 2 Upcoming Plans 3 Marketplace Potential 4 Live Performance Potential 4 Plan Objectives 5 Branding Strategy 5 Utilize Visuals 5 New Logo 5 Cover art 5 Utilize Link Tree 5 Social Media Strategy 5 Instagram 5 Story Updates 5 Live Sessions 5 Facebook 6 Marketplace Merchandise 6 Live Q/A 7 Youtube 8 Lyric Videos 8 Music Videos 8 Twitter 9 TikTok 9 References 10 Appendices 11 Editorial Calendar 11
  • 3. 2 1. Executive Summary Antonia Abutrabe would like to create a viable career out of her music. In order to do so a marketing strategy will be deployed for branding and social media to further expand her reach with the Rhythm and Blues music she makes under the stage name Sad Hippie. Thus, expanding her market potential with the ultimate goal of performing live venues. The first step in our branding strategy is the creation of Sad Hippie’s website which serves as a one stop shop for all of her art. Secondly, in order to maximize market efficiency, we must Utilize Visuals to create a consistent and aesthetically pleasing online presence. This will consist of a logo and things like cover art. Third, the utilization of the website link tree will create an interwoven web of her social media accounts. Fourth, merchandise will be created with the likeness of Sad Hippie’s established brand. Secondly, a social media strategy will be deployed with 5 accounts. First, Sad Hippie’s great existing following on Instagram will be utilized by keeping them engaged with stories and live sessions. In addition, Facebook will be used for their great marketplace feature. Third, a YouTube account will be updated with future music videos and lyric videos. Fourth, A Twitter account to provide her followers with links to recent additions in her collection of art. Fifth, a Tik Tok account if she would like. Sixth, a Twitch account if she likes to play video games. Gaming has a great gender split among viewers. Moving on, social media analytics can be used to maximize the effects of social media campaigns. Trends to analyze with easy to find metrics are the number of people reached by your content, the number of interactions with your content, and the total follower's metrics to find out characteristics and trends among Sad Hippie’s followers. This can help with determining what is the best time of day to post pictures, go on live, tweet, etc. All of this effort on social media is, to reiterate, is an attempt to make a viable career in the music industry for our artist Sad Hippie. With that said, the goal of live shows is paramount. With a strong online presence Sad Hippie will be able to be marketed to different live event promoters with ease due to her impressive following and fan engagement which will make her an undeniable choice for anyone in charge of booking talent. 2. Situational Analysis 2.1. Current Information 2.1.1. Artist Profile This marketing analysis is for the independent artist Sad Hippie. When she was injured in an accident in 2013, she didn’t let it keep her down. Instead, she created her stage name Sad Hippie and started creating music. Her main goal is to create authentic music that provides a place for people to escape to during hard times or to feel empowered. Since Sad Hippie doesn’t have a team of people to help her, she currently uses Instagram as her main platform for providing updates about her music
  • 4. 3 and has 2,930 followers. She is hoping to increase her online presence across multiple platforms to sell her music and merchandise. Sad Hippie has two causes that are important to her, being vegan and the environmental impact our actions have on the planet. To incorporate these values into her career, she will look to use recycled material for her merchandise line. 2.1.2. Upcoming Plans After a recent interview, Sad Hippie announced she has completed three new songs and is working on creating new material. She is also in the process of creating her merchandise line to promote herself as an artist. Part of this process includes working with students from the 3300+ Climbing club at Full Sail University to create a logo that can be her signature to place on all products. Another area Sad Hippie has planned is to create music or lyric videos for the tracks she has out. There is one lyric video being created for Bad Habits by students in the Project and Portfolio 3 class at Full Sail University and will be ready for release later this year. 2.1.3. Industry Contacts Some of the industry contacts for Sad Hippie are reggaeton artist Don Omar who has appeared in Fast & Furious as well as created and performed music for the movie, and New Jersey hip hop artist 070 Shake who has released two albums since arriving on the scene in 2018. Sad Hippie records at Lava Studios and trusts artist and producer Izzy Nyce to work on her vocals. She has also used these connections to collaborate on tracks like Early Morning with Izzy Nyce. 2.1.4. Released Music Sad Hippie’s most current song was released three months ago and is titled Bad Habits. Four years ago, she collaborated with artist Izzynyce on a song titled Early Morning, and her other track from that year is titled Feel Me. Her songs are available on Soundcloud, Spotify, and iTunes. Sad Hippie has not released a full album yet, but one is on the way. 2.1.5. Website Creation Currently, Sad Hippie is working with students at Full Sail University who are part of the 3300+ Climbing club to create her professional website. The artists main platform until now has been Instagram. 2.2. External Environment 2.2.1. SWOT The SWOT Analysis will cover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for Sad Hippie and her music.
  • 5. 4 Strengths ● Great group of connections to include Don Omar, Izzy Nyce, Cassius Clay, and others. ● Located in Guttenberg, NJ gives quick access to places like Newark, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and The Bronx ● A solid following on social media, which mainly comes from Instagram. Weaknesses ● Instagram is the main social media account. The other platforms are just being created so the following is not so high. ● No defined target market for her music. ● While the material that is released does well. A lack of material in terms of music and merchandise. Opportunities ● The opportunity to gain new followers/ fans through other social media platforms. Linking all the social media accounts helps with people being able to discover Sad Hippie on all platforms. ● The lack of a website. While a website is currently in the works, there is nothing yet. A website provides a controlled and centralized way to monetize. ● More material that may attract a different audience. Threats ● Major labels, who have a bigger audience with more money. ● Other up and coming artists in the same genre. ● Production companies charge high prices for low quantities of inventory ordered. 2.2.2. Marketplace Potential The ability to reach outside of her current followers/ friends in order to gain new followers/ friends through the sale of merchandise and music. Facebook Marketplace is used in 70 countries and by 800 million (Al- Heeti, A., 2018, May 01) people monthly. 2.2.3. Live Performance Potential The ability to gain new fans from other areas outside of her current location. She also has the ability to be seen by more people. The northeastern United States has almost 56 million (Census, N.D.) people in that area of the country. While New York City has about 20 million of those people living there. With 100’s of venues within a days drive live performance is a stepping stone to getting noticed.
  • 6. 5 3. Plan Objectives The purpose of this plan is to create a variety of online presences, allowing fans to interact with Sad Hippie’s music on a variety of online platforms. Distribute Sad Hippies’ content, brand, and merchandise through social media and streaming platforms, including the new Facebook shops. With assistance from 3000 and Climbing, Sad Hippie will develop her newly created website, social media content, merchandise, and music, to support a singular brand that resonates with Sad Hippies current and future fans. Once a more prominent presence in the online and entertainment world is established, metrics can aid in narrowing down an approach to penetrating the incredibly competitive music industry. 4. Branding Strategy 4.1. Utilize Visuals 4.1.1. New Logo During her time with 3300 & Climbing, Sad Hippie will be given assets by the students. These assets will include a logo that can serve as the main image for her brand. All sorts of merchandise and albums can display this logo as it becomes an established and instantly recognizable symbol of her as an artist. 4.1.2. Cover art Art is both subjective and expressive. Sad Hippie expresses herself through her music, and the art associated with it should represent her as well. Cover art can turn heads and make people investigate a song that would otherwise be ignored. Numerous resources can be used to make this art, such as FullSail Students are online commission artists. 4.2. Utilize Link Tree Linking accounts is a great way to increase exposure to an artist's content. Link Tree is a website that allows users to easily connect all of their accounts into one interwoven web of content. There are similar sites that allow the artist to link all of their accounts, but this is generally considered to be the most user friendly and well-known tool. 5. Social Media Strategy 5.1. Instagram 5.1.1. Story Updates Instagram stories are a great way for Sad Hippie to break away from any theme or curated content on her feed and show more personality. Stories can also help boost fan engagement. Features like polls, questions, sliders, or quizzes to get feedback from fans and get them involved. You can even share your music from Spotify, Soundcloud, and other streaming platforms directly via Stories. 5.1.2. Live Sessions Live videos can be used as an opportunity for Sad Hippie to directly interact with fans and forge long-lasting fan relationships. Live streams
  • 7. 6 could be acoustic performances, a behind the scenes look of a studio session or a photo/video shoot, or even a chance to make big announcements. Through consistency and interaction, fan engagement and awareness will steadily increase. 5.2. Facebook 5.2.1. Marketplace Merchandise Sad Hippie’s music has such a distinct vibe to it. Facebook recently announced "Facebook Shops" for businesses/ artists to create specifically for their merchandise. Marketplace allows you to track who views your merchandise and you will be able to gain a better understanding of the audience that is gravitating towards your music and/ or merchandise. To go well with her branding of merchandise the following clothing options are suggested. Bandana: Shirt:
  • 8. 7 Dress: Socks: 5.2.2. Live Q/A Sad Hippie will have to look at her Analytics on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to see where her demographics are. She can then adapt and prepare accordingly to her results. For example, on Instagram, three different details can inform the account holder a lot about their follower's behavior. Accounts Reached: When you tap on the insight con, you can see more details on your account’s reach and impressions. You’ll also see insights on your account activity, such as profile visits and website visits. If you have an action button on your profile, you’ll see the number of taps on that button. For example, you can see data on call button taps, get directions taps, email button taps, text button taps, and website taps. You can also see your top posts, stories, and IGTV videos sorted by reach. Content Interactions: When you tap on this metric, you can see a detailed breakdown of your post, story, and IGTV video content interactions. These include likes, comments, saves, shares, replies, and other actions on your content. You
  • 9. 8 can also see your top posts, stories, and IGTV videos sorted by interactions. Total Followers: When you tap on this metric, you can learn more about trends across your followers when you have at least 100 followers. These insights include growth (how many followers you've gained or lost), top locations of your followers, age-range, and times they're most active on Instagram. Taking all information from social media platforms will help aim Sad Hippie in the right direction during the Live Q/A session. She can determine if she needs to have the Q/A during a specific time of the day. What type of question she may get where most of her audience is located. 5.3. Youtube 5.3.1. Lyric Videos Since Sad Hippie already has a YouTube channel, currently with 105 subscribers, the focus should be on creating video content as a way to attract people, entertain fans, and gain attention to her music. At the moment, when searching for Sad Hippie, there are no lyric videos available. As an aspiring artist, it’s in Sad Hippie’s best interest to take advantage of YouTube. According to (Cattel, n.d.), lyric videos can be the perfect combination of affordability and effectiveness. Although it costs less than an official video to produce, lyric videos are just as beneficial. They allow people to learn the lyrics to a song while listening to it, which helps the artist get recognition and build momentum before the actual music video gets released. For every song Sad Hippie puts out, there should be a lyric video available on YouTube aligned with her brand. 5.3.2. Music Videos Understanding that music videos are an extension of the artist, it would be the moment when Sad Hippie shares a message and determines how she wants her music to be perceived. They are the first thing that comes into people’s minds when thinking of a song. It goes from the choice of style and approach to content and special elements. Just like with lyric videos, every song released by Sad Hippie should have a music video that will help promote it. Studies show (Pulse, 2016) that YouTube is the second biggest search engine and the largest streaming music service worldwide; getting discovered through music videos can be easy.
  • 10. 9 5.4. Twitter Twitter has hundreds of millions of active monthly users and, unlike the other platforms, it also lets you tweet all day long with links to Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube, websites, and more. Not only that, but these external links open within Twitter in order for you to get an immediate interaction to your tweet. So, if you tweeted a link to your YouTube videos and music related links, people would see it right away and be able to like, comment or even retweet almost immediately. 5.5. TikTok By establishing a good following, which can be done with consistent uploads, following trends, effective hashtags, lots of interactions and challenge creations, Sad Hippie can increase her engagement in this social media and, with that, introduce her own music and get a lot of attention on her account and music. Over half a billion active users around the world are sharing their favorite songs on the platform through “dance challenges”, “lip-sync videos” and a lot more music-based ideas. So, if Sad Hippie were to create her own hashtag challenge and start a new trend on the platform, she would not only go viral within TikTok, but also increase her following and engagement on all of her other platforms as well. 5.6. Twitch The Twitch platform is currently the market leader for content streaming services, with daily average viewership sitting around 2.5 million people and monthly hours spent watching at around 1.5 billion. It is a highly monetizable environment, with around 70% of viewers willing to offer monetary support, and a partnership program that allows streamers to offer viewer subscriptions ranging between $4.99 to $24.99. User donations are also common within the platform. According to Twitch, 64% of users purchase products recommended by streamers, showing strong engagement and conversion rates in terms of influencer sponsorships. From 2019 to 2020, the Twitch audience increased by 62% concurrent viewers, showing the strength of reach the platform can offer streamers. Although the service started gaining traction thanks to the gaming community, it has now expanded to music, sports, travel, and has also developed frameworks for artists to license their music, allowing other streamers to play the artist’s songs during their programming. There is great potential for Sad Hippie within this platform, given her overall artist proposal, music genres, presence and main themes. Differentiation is key, and by presenting her art and product in combination with current streaming trends, the artist’s reach could grow considerably. Female presence within Twitch is constantly increasing, with several highly successful women producing in the platform. Live streaming could
  • 11. 10 become an innovative artistic approach, as well as a powerful source of income and fan generation. 6. References Al-Heeti, A. (2018, May 01). Facebook Marketplace is used in 70 countries, by 800 million people monthly. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from marketplace-is-used-in-70-countries-by-800-million-people-monthly/ Burstimo. (2019, October 02). Get Your Music to Go Viral Using TikTok: How Musicians Can Use TikTok. Retrieved October 19, 2020, from your-music-on-tik-tok/ Cattell, L. (2018, October 29). The Benefits of Lyric Videos & How to Make One... Retrieved October 17, 2020, from of-lyric-videos-how-to-make-one Census. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from Cummiskey, C. (2020, August 10). Sad Hippie is 3300+Climbing's Next Artist. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from climbing-s-next-artist Instagram Help Center. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from King, A. (2020, May 21). Facebook, Instagram Launch 'Shops' - What Does This Mean for Artists? Retrieved October 17, 2020, from Majewski, G., Robley, C., Breuner, K., Collins, O., Sobhraj, J., Bravo, E., . . . Chris Robley ... is the Editor of CD Baby's DIY Musician Blog. I write Beatlesque indie-pop songs that've been praised by No Depression. (2020, July 10). Why does Twitter still matter for musicians? Retrieved October 19, 2020, from promotion/why-does-twitter-still-matter-for-musicians/ (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from rankings/northeast-states Pulse. (2016, February 04). Why Music Videos Are Still So Important: Views from inside the industry. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from music-videos-are-still-so-important-views-from-inside-the-industry-ebaa7d4758d2
  • 12. 11 Sad Hippie. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from The Only Link You'll Ever Need. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17, 2020, from Following. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from The Best Female Streamers on Twitch. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from TikTok For Artists: How To Get Famous In 60 Seconds: Octiive. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2020, from secs TikTok for Musicians (The Ultimate Guide). (2020, April 03). Retrieved October 19, 2020, from Twitch For Musicians. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, from 7. Appendices A. Editorial Calendar