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Running head: The Day I Never Want To Repeat 1
The Day I Never Want To Repeat 4
The Day I Never Want To Repeat
Amy Wilson
Eng121& English Composition
Erin Nelson
June 11, 2015
The Day I Never Want To Repeat
My day had begun like any other day, rousing up at 4:00
a.m. to set about my transformation as a waitress at a local
hometown family restaurant. As normal the day was equally
busy as ever, I was never so glad to watch the clock strike 2:00
p.m. Getting out to my car to leave I buckled up and tore out of
the parking lot at work, not knowing what was about to occur. I
was dying to get to the bank to get a deposit while I was
wasting a little time before I had to pick the kids up from
school, which was a daily procedure. Not knowing that within
eight minutes my life was about to have a turn for the worse.
I had gotten off work and started to the bank when an
unexpected turn for the worst began. An unknown car that was
in oncoming traffic suddenly was not familiar with the location
of the dentist office. As the other driver looked over her left
shoulder, they saw the dentist office to her left. The other driver
then snatched the steering wheel without looking for oncoming
traffic. Sadly, I was the oncoming traffic that was overlooked.
This is when the nightmare really began. Before I could get my
right foot to the brake, the unfamiliar car collided with mine.
There was an initial hit and all I could taste was the powder that
was given off by the air bags that were deployed in the car. At
this time I was praying, “Please let me make it through this.”
All I could hear was the metal crunching and then the car was
spinning out of control, the tires were squelching and all I could
smell the rubber burning on the pavement. And so suddenly the
spinning car came to a halt. Even so, my adrenaline was racing
and I was in sheer shock at what had exactly occurred. I
couldn’t determine anything from all the powder that did from
the deployed airbag. I then heard the other driver of the
unknown vehicle screaming out, “it's my fault is she okay”. So I
lifted the airbag from the windows and looked out to see what
all had just happened. At this time I unbuckled my seat beat and
opened the door to try and get out of the vehicle. This is when I
realized I was unable to move my leg. Scared to look down
thinking I was pinned in the car since the dash was all caved in,
this is when I saw that my foot was one way and my leg the
opposite. I knew then it was broken and with the adrenaline
from what had just happened I wasn’t feeling the pain. By this
time the fire department, police and ambulance was all coming
to the scene and telling me not to move. The EMT’s were
checking me and hooking the IV up when the firemen
yelled,”hotspot”. The EMT immediately started removing me
from the car onto the stretcher and the torching pain started
kicking in. I was loaded onto the ambulance where I was taken
to a local hospital to clean the womb and snap both bones back
into position to get on the ambulance again for an hour and half
drive to a bigger hospital. Once arriving at USA Hospital I was
taken into surgery and woke up in recovery room not know what
had just happened. Then placed in ICU for three days, then sent
home to finish recovering.
Once home and recovering I had a doctor’s appointment in
days to remove the stables and change cast out, everything was
looking good considering the bad break I had and multi
fractures of the foot. Not until returning to the doctor in three
months is when I found out the one bone had healed up
completely but the small one was still broke completely. So
time rocked on and the leg still did not heal after six months the
doctor released me to return to work. I worked as a waitress for
about seven months on my leg till one day that bad leg turned
black and blue and had swollen twice the size. The Orthopedic
took x-rays and seen that the screws had broken and was given
no choice but to take me back off work. So now I am back at
being home and my income had come to a halt.
I feel awful because now back to struggling making ends meet
with my husbands’ disability. I am looking at my kids and
wanting more for them, and feeling bad for not having extra to
go and do things as a family, because it took everything we
could do to pay the bills. These struggles got me looking into
going back to school in the non-traditional setting for me have
more surgeries before my leg will be fixed in order for me to
return to work. And in the non-traditional school, I can continue
to go while laid up with a cast on. I researched many schools
and chose Ashford University. I am excited about being back in
school to continue my education, but nervous at the same time
for its’ been so long since I was in any school.
I know with the struggles I have gone through lead me back
to continue my education I have dreamed of. I have to say if it
wasn’t for this tragic experience I would not have made the
decision to continue my education. Like many others I was
stuck in the rut of working a dead end job just to make ends
meet. Not only am I living a dream but now my kids are looking
up at me as a role model to not give up on what you really want
out of life. It wasn’t how I wanted it to happen, but things in
life happens for a reason
Life unexpected hurdles may be putting you in a situation to
better your life in the long run. Not only am I getting the higher
education. Now I am able to push my three teenage boys to look
more into continuing their education. So they can get a better
paying job. Since I have been back in school they see me being
dedicated and sitting at my computer and doing my homework.
Now my kids are pushing harder in their homework and grades
are getting better. That is what me prouder than anything.
Sometimes we don’t recognize how our lives as we know it
will work out. And sometimes we have to question as to where
we will end up? So never take life for granted and relax when
wee on that roller coaster we call “LIFE”. In the end, it’s right
where we are suppose to be. If it wasn’t for the struggles that
was thrown at me then I wouldn’t be here today, making the
choice of going back to school because I would have been
caught up in everyday rat race of going to work each day just to
make another dollar doing something I wasn’t really happy with
doing but because I had to. Now I have been given the
opportunity to be able to do something I enjoy. Also giving my
family a better way of life and see this from the struggles in the
luxury and it will give them the incentive to pursue their
education as well. Sadly this wouldn’t have been done if I
wasn’t in this terrible car wreck. But instead of feeling sorry for
myself now I am able to have a better outcome from it in the
end, just wish I didn’t have the permanent nerve damage.
PM Exam 1d (16e) Ch 1-5
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
____ 1. Production and marketing of goods and services are
two basic functions that create utility.
____ 2. An exchange process is an activity in which two or
more parties give something of value to each other to satisfy
perceived needs.
____ 3. The marketing concept focuses on the objective of
achieving short-term profits instead of long-run success during
tough economic times.
____ 4. Product-oriented rather than customer-oriented
management endangers the future growth of an organization.
____ 5. The private sector has an even greater array of not-
for-profit organizations than the public sector.
____ 6. The main goal of not-for-profit organizations is to
generate revenues above and beyond their costs to make money
for all stakeholders involved.
____ 7. An important difference between not-for-profit and
for-profit organizations is that, not-for-profit organizations
cannot market tangible goods.
____ 8. Marketing of sporting, cultural, and recreational
activities to selected target markets is known as cause
____ 9. Virtually all colleges and universities have alumni
associations that publish magazines, hold reunions, and try to
raise funds. These activities constitute organization marketing.
____ 10. The traditional view of marketing can be described as
transaction-based marketing.
____ 11. Relationship marketing moves customers up a loyalty
ladder—from new customers to regular purchasers, then to loyal
supporters of the firm and its goods and services, and finally to
advocates who not only buy its products but recommend them to
____ 12. Information technology has enhanced the
effectiveness of relationship marketing by leveraging mass-
marketing campaigns.
____ 13. Tactical planning usually involves the production of
quarterly and semiannual plans, along with divisional budgets,
policies, and procedures.
____ 14. To be most effective, the planning process should
include input from a wide range of sources both internal and
external to the organization.
____ 15. A mission can be defined as an essential purpose that
differentiates one company from others.
____ 16. An organization lays out its basic objectives, or
goals, in its complete mission statement.
____ 17. The number of suppliers available to a manufacturer
or retailer affects the bargaining power of buyers.
____ 18. A product strategy includes decisions about customer
service, package design, brand names, trademarks, patents, and
____ 19. The pricing strategy is the area of marketing that
receives the least amount of public scrutiny.
____ 20. According to the BCG matrix, cash cow businesses
produce strong cash flows and invest heavily in the unit’s own
promotions and production capacity.
____ 21. According to the BCG matrix, if a question mark
cannot become a star, the firm should pull out of the market and
target other markets with greater potential.
____ 22. Environmental scanning is the process of collecting
external data, analyzing it, and determining whether the trends
identified are opportunities or threats to the company.
____ 23. Strategic alliances are necessary in countries where
local laws require foreign companies to work with local
____ 24. A large pharmaceutical company invents a very small
device that can be implanted in people with diabetes to provide
time-released amounts of insulin. A patent for this invention
will set up a temporary oligopoly for the company.
____ 25. The antitrust laws in the United States were designed
to protect the interests of organizations having monopoly
____ 26. The competition between Amtrak, Hertz, and Delta
Airlines for the travelers’ dollar is considered indirect
competition because these services can be substituted for one
____ 27. The success or failure of a product is independent of
the competitive environment.
____ 28. Acquisitions and mergers help firms with limited
resources to gain access to new markets or new expertise.
____ 29. The industry deregulation phase has focused on
increasing the competition in industries such as utilities and
financial services.
____ 30. Economic recovery can be described as a period when
consumer spending begins to cautiously increase, while
companies try to hold down rising costs.
____ 31. Deflation is necessarily better for the economy than
inflation as inflation devalues money and reduces the
purchasing power of consumers.
____ 32. The cultural diversity of the United States results in
various submarkets, each with unique values, cultural
characteristics, purchasing behaviors, and consumer
____ 33. The choice between pleasing all consumers and
remaining profitable—thus surviving—defines one of the most
difficult dilemmas facing business.
____ 34. The basic consumer rights expounded by President
Kennedy include “the right to be safe,” referring to the idea that
the goods and services people buy should not be injurious in
normal use.
____ 35. The Direct Marketing Association helps consumers to
get their names removed from marketers’ targeted lists.
____ 36. Fresh Meadows, an organic yogurt manufacturer,
organizes camps to assist and encourage farmers in adopting
organic farming practices. Fresh Meadows is engaging in
socially responsible marketing.
____ 37. Every social network has its own search engine which
allows users to search for topics that interest them.
____ 38. CafeMom is a website that provides a platform for
mothers and mothers-to-be to interact with each other. The
website also provides information on various topics such as
parenting dilemmas, baby care, and green living. CafeMom can
be regarded as a social networking site.
____ 39., a website that aggregates Mac and
Apple related news, rumors, and reports, can be regarded as a
blogging site as it allows users to post all the news related to a
specific group of products.
____ 40. The first step in creating a social media marketing
plan is to write an executive summary.
____ 41. The overview of a social media marketing plan
describes the overall market conditions and the firm’s current
position in social media.
____ 42. Marketing efforts aimed at creating brand awareness
will have a broader target audience compared to those aimed at
strengthening relationships with existing customers.
____ 43. Adrian works with the marketing team of an
automobile company. He oversees the look and feel of the
online communities which the company uses to market its
products. His role is similar to that of a social media designer.
____ 44. The United States has the highest number of Internet
users in the World.
____ 45. A private exchange is a secure website at which a
company and its suppliers share all types of data related to e-
marketing, from product design through order delivery.
____ 46. The term e-tailing refers to online retail sales.
____ 47. The use of bots has made shopping easier, as it can
search hundreds of websites for information on products that
meet certain criteria set by the customer.
____ 48. Cookies and spyware are software used for protecting
a website by encrypting it.
____ 49. Pure-play e-retailers, even with no real experience of
selling and satisfying customers, have been more successful
than traditional retailers who entered e-business.
____ 50. For many companies, revenue is not a major website
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers
the question.
____ 1. Banks have recently begun to install ATMs in
supermarkets to address customers’ wants for instant cash when
they go shopping. What type of utility are banks creating for
____ 2. Which of the following is true regarding marketing?
The marketing concept emphasizes creating and maintaining
short-term successful relationships with customers and
Marketing encompasses such a broad scope of activities and
ideas that settling on one definition is often difficult.
Marketing refers to an activity in which two or more parties
give something of value to each other to satisfy perceived
The marketing concept is a belief that consumers will resist
purchasing nonessential goods and services.
____ 3. The marketing philosophy summarized by the phrase
“a high-quality product will sell itself” is a characteristic of the
_____ era.
____ 4. Which of the following statements regarding the
marketing era is true?
Marketing and selling would no longer be considered
synonymous terms.
Marketing was relegated to a supplemental role performed after
the production process.
The marketing concept was linked to a shift from a buyer’s
market to a seller’s market.
Business success often was defined solely in terms of
production successes.
____ 5. Which of the following is an example of person
A firm creating awareness of the importance of using public
A country promoting its sightseeing spots and cuisines.
A mall being inaugurated by a popular commercial actor.
A firm promoting an inter-state soccer match.
____ 6. Phoebe was asked to bring a can of food for the local
food bank as the “price of admission” for a certain ceremony.
This is an example of _____.
person marketing
organization marketing
ownership utility
cause marketing
____ 7. The Tour de Cure is a bicycle ride, not a race, to raise
money for the American Diabetes Association and is held in 40
states nationwide. This is an example of:
event marketing.
organization marketing.
person marketing.
place marketing.
____ 8. As an official sponsor of the Olympics, the Coca-Cola
Company engages in _____ marketing.
____ 9. Many hotel chains offer free stays and other perks to
repeat customers. This is an example of:
relationship marketing.
transaction-based marketing.
interactive marketing.
social marketing.
____ 10. Buying and selling are:
the two exchange functions of marketing.
physical distribution functions.
exchange and distribution functions, respectively.
distribution and exchange functions, respectively.
____ 11. Which of the following forms the first half of the
exchange process?
____ 12. Relationship marketing can help a company:
create long-term and cost-effective links with individual
customers and suppliers for mutual benefit.
reduce its strategic planning effort since the need for such
planning is greatly diminished by relationship marketing.
locate more effective media for use in advertising and mass
eliminate the strategic planning process and move into tactical
plans directly.
____ 13. Preparation of quarterly and semiannual plans by
personnel such as the general sales manager or advertising
director would be classified as _____ planning.
____ 14. Which of the following best represents a mission
U.S. Army: Be all that you can be
Bass Pro Shop: To be the leading merchant of outdoor
recreational products, inspiring people to love, enjoy, and
conserve the great outdoors
Kellogg's: Breakfast cereals at a price everyone can afford
Walmart: Stores big enough to make shopping interesting for
every family member
____ 15. Promotional schemes like frequent shopper programs
provide incentives to loyal buyers. Considering Porter’s Five
Forces model, such offers will:
reduce the threat of new entrants.
decrease the rivalry among competitors.
decrease the bargaining power of the supplier.
increase the threat of substitute products.
____ 16. Bell Weddings was the company that pioneered the
wedding planning industry. The owners realized that
customizing weddings to the wishes of the families, taking
charge of the responsibilities, and creating a day that is
memorable for clients was an incredible business venture. The
case of Bell Weddings illustrates the value of _____.
organizational vulnerabilities
the first mover strategy
operating plans
portfolio analysis
____ 17. An example of a firm's strength discovered by a
SWOT analysis might be:
ownership of valuable patents.
a narrow current product line.
changing buyer tastes in the marketplace.
existing government policies favoring the industry.
____ 18. Decisions relating to the product strategy primarily
revolve around _____.
the promotional offers that would increase the visibility of the
product in the market
the features of the products being released in the market
the choice of high/low or everyday low pricing by the company
the selection of wholesalers and retailers to transport the stock
to the market
____ 19. The performance framework developed by the Boston
Consulting Group (BCG) plots:
market share against market growth potential.
market attractiveness against number of product lines.
current market conditions against past trends.
performance in test markets before a full-scale rollout.
____ 20. In terms of the BCG Matrix, which of the following
SBUs are characterized by earning only low market shares in
low-growth markets?
Question marks
Cash cows
____ 21. YOU Inc., a radio cassette manufacturer, sold its
business due to poor market shares. According to the BCG
Matrix, the firm sold its business because the business had
become a _____ as seen in its poor prospects and performance.
question mark
cash cow
____ 22. Pharmaceutical companies often get patents granting
them the exclusive right to produce and market drug
formulations they have developed. These patents are:
the result of non-compete agreements signed by pharmaceutical
in violation of ethical principles on which business is based.
probably of little use because what one firm can patent, another
can duplicate.
rewards for the millions that firms have invested in the research
and development process.
____ 23. Which of the following is an example of indirect
A Sony home entertainment system competing with a Jacuzzi
hot tub
An ExxonMobil station opening across the street from a Shell
retail outlet
Competition among Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile
The purchase of a Honda Accord competing with a Toyota
____ 24. The _____ component of the marketing environment
consists of laws that require firms to operate under competitive
conditions and to protect consumer rights.
____ 25. Artisanal Brands, Inc. markets and distributes a line
of specialty, artisanal, and farmstead cheese products in the
United States. The company gives bulk discounts to their
wholesalers. The result is that smaller stores are getting the
products at a higher rate as compared to supermarkets and large
shopping chains. These stores will be protected under the
Sherman Antitrust Act
Robinson-Patman Act
Wheeler-Lea Act
Celler–Kefauver Act
____ 26. Which act prohibits restraint of trade and
monopolization and identifies a competitive marketing system
as a national policy goal?
The Wheeler-Lea Act
The Sherman Antitrust Act
The Federal Trade Commission Act
The Clayton Act
____ 27. If a business refuses to comply with a request by the
_____, the agency can issue a cease-and-desist order, which
gives a final demand to stop an illegal practice.
Environmental Protection Agency
Consumer Product Safety Commission
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Trade Commission
____ 28. The Council of Better Business Bureaus is a national
organization devoted to consumer
service and _____.
business self-regulation
corporate lobbying
socially responsible investing
____ 29. In times of prosperity, marketers respond to consumer
buying behavior by:
launching special value-priced products that are likely to appeal
to cost-conscious buyers.
holding down costs and offering superior services at lower
lowering prices and increasing promotions that include special
offers to stimulate demand.
offering new products, increasing their promotional efforts, and
expanding distribution.
____ 30. During which phase in the business cycle do
marketers consider lowering prices and increasing promotions
that include special offers to stimulate demand?
____ 31. When marketers offer new products, increase their
promotional efforts, and expand their distributional limits, it is
a sign of:
low inflation and low unemployment.
low inflation and high unemployment.
high inflation and high unemployment.
high inflation and low unemployment.
____ 32. Which of the following usually indicates a strong
Growth in services such as banking and restaurants
Cautious spending by businesses and consumers
A focus on basic, functional products with lower price tags
Increase in purchasing power coupled with uncertain consumer
____ 33. _____ are used by the federal government to control
extreme fluctuations in the business cycle that can lead to a
Monetary and fiscal policies
Stringent environmental policies
Mergers and acquisitions
____ 34. It is believed that marketers need to reevaluate their
strategies and concentrate on their most promising products
during the _____ stage of the business cycle.
____ 35. The amount of money available with people after
buying necessities such as food, clothing, and housing is
referred to as _____.
basic income
gross income
discretionary income
personal income
____ 36. It has been seen that periods of major innovations
often lead to:
reduced personal consumption.
higher standards of living.
decreased annual spending.
reduced discretionary income.
____ 37. Which technology creates a common interface for
data to be carried across networks between different devices?
____ 38. is a website that allows people to comment
on news articles and report on events occurring in their local
communities. It also allows users to edit and rate the topics of
their choice. can be grouped under which of the
following social media platforms?
Social blogging sites
Social networking sites
Online forums
Social news sites
____ 39. Which of the following is a unique feature of social
media marketing?
It is limited by geographical boundaries.
It creates ways for customers to engage in conversations with
each other and the organization.
It seeks to control the content and message received by the
It mainly focuses on promoting the company outright rather
than focusing on the audience.
____ 40. In a B2B context, businesses use social media mainly
share views and make final buying decisions.
learn about new goods and services.
connect with the general public.
build relationships, including partnerships with other
____ 41. The individual who creates and oversees the look and
feel of an online community, Facebook page, or other branded
content for a particular company is called a(n) _____.
online community manager
social media designer
content programmer
____ 42. The most important goal of a marketing website is to:
give prospective employees the opportunity to apply for jobs
provide financial information to investors.
increase purchases by visitors.
build relationships with customers.
____ 43. Which of the following is true of B2B E-marketing?
It cannot be used to provide detailed product descriptions.
It can help slash order-processing expenses.
It is a minor part of the e-business activity and typically
involves less steps compared to consumer purchases.
It is not a very attractive option for buying and selling as more
errors occur when orders are placed over the Internet.
____ 44. Which of the following terms refers to a company
website that sells products to customers?
Information kiosk
Corporate website
Online community
Electronic storefront
____ 45. It is now possible to enter into legal contracts online,
due to the development of:
the electronic shopping cart.
the electronic signature.
cloud computing.
data scrambling technology.
____ 46. Channel conflicts can be defined as conflicts:
over revenue sharing between manufacturers and their workers.
among manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers.
among customers and marketers regarding data privacy and
information security.
between marketers and the government over legal issues.
____ 47. Online communities like Internet forums,
newsgroups, and social networking sites take advantage of the
_____ function of the Internet.
____ 48. Specialized online services that center on a specific
topic or area of interest, such as white water rafting or stamp
collection, are known as:
electronic bulletin boards.
social networks.
____ 49. Web-to-store shoppers are a group of consumers who:
purchase an item online after having inquired about it by
visiting a store.
purchase the primary item on the Web and go to the store to buy
use the Internet as a tool when shopping at brick-and-mortar
promote online purchasing of products.
____ 50. The Metrics Group is a firm that helps companies
improve the performance of their websites. The firm rates the
effectiveness of the website based on the percentage of website
visitors making purchases through the site. Which of the
following measures is being used by the firm while assessing
the effectiveness of the websites?
Click-through rate
Brand awareness
Conversion rate
Customer engagement

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  • 3. doctor released me to return to work. I worked as a waitress for about seven months on my leg till one day that bad leg turned black and blue and had swollen twice the size. The Orthopedic took x-rays and seen that the screws had broken and was given no choice but to take me back off work. So now I am back at being home and my income had come to a halt. I feel awful because now back to struggling making ends meet with my husbands’ disability. I am looking at my kids and wanting more for them, and feeling bad for not having extra to go and do things as a family, because it took everything we could do to pay the bills. These struggles got me looking into going back to school in the non-traditional setting for me have more surgeries before my leg will be fixed in order for me to return to work. And in the non-traditional school, I can continue to go while laid up with a cast on. I researched many schools and chose Ashford University. I am excited about being back in school to continue my education, but nervous at the same time for its’ been so long since I was in any school. I know with the struggles I have gone through lead me back to continue my education I have dreamed of. I have to say if it wasn’t for this tragic experience I would not have made the decision to continue my education. Like many others I was stuck in the rut of working a dead end job just to make ends meet. Not only am I living a dream but now my kids are looking up at me as a role model to not give up on what you really want out of life. It wasn’t how I wanted it to happen, but things in life happens for a reason Life unexpected hurdles may be putting you in a situation to better your life in the long run. Not only am I getting the higher education. Now I am able to push my three teenage boys to look more into continuing their education. So they can get a better paying job. Since I have been back in school they see me being dedicated and sitting at my computer and doing my homework. Now my kids are pushing harder in their homework and grades are getting better. That is what me prouder than anything. Sometimes we don’t recognize how our lives as we know it
  • 4. will work out. And sometimes we have to question as to where we will end up? So never take life for granted and relax when wee on that roller coaster we call “LIFE”. In the end, it’s right where we are suppose to be. If it wasn’t for the struggles that was thrown at me then I wouldn’t be here today, making the choice of going back to school because I would have been caught up in everyday rat race of going to work each day just to make another dollar doing something I wasn’t really happy with doing but because I had to. Now I have been given the opportunity to be able to do something I enjoy. Also giving my family a better way of life and see this from the struggles in the luxury and it will give them the incentive to pursue their education as well. Sadly this wouldn’t have been done if I wasn’t in this terrible car wreck. But instead of feeling sorry for myself now I am able to have a better outcome from it in the end, just wish I didn’t have the permanent nerve damage. PM Exam 1d (16e) Ch 1-5 True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 1. Production and marketing of goods and services are two basic functions that create utility. ____ 2. An exchange process is an activity in which two or more parties give something of value to each other to satisfy perceived needs. ____ 3. The marketing concept focuses on the objective of achieving short-term profits instead of long-run success during tough economic times. ____ 4. Product-oriented rather than customer-oriented management endangers the future growth of an organization.
  • 5. ____ 5. The private sector has an even greater array of not- for-profit organizations than the public sector. ____ 6. The main goal of not-for-profit organizations is to generate revenues above and beyond their costs to make money for all stakeholders involved. ____ 7. An important difference between not-for-profit and for-profit organizations is that, not-for-profit organizations cannot market tangible goods. ____ 8. Marketing of sporting, cultural, and recreational activities to selected target markets is known as cause marketing. ____ 9. Virtually all colleges and universities have alumni associations that publish magazines, hold reunions, and try to raise funds. These activities constitute organization marketing. ____ 10. The traditional view of marketing can be described as transaction-based marketing. ____ 11. Relationship marketing moves customers up a loyalty ladder—from new customers to regular purchasers, then to loyal supporters of the firm and its goods and services, and finally to advocates who not only buy its products but recommend them to others. ____ 12. Information technology has enhanced the effectiveness of relationship marketing by leveraging mass- marketing campaigns. ____ 13. Tactical planning usually involves the production of quarterly and semiannual plans, along with divisional budgets, policies, and procedures.
  • 6. ____ 14. To be most effective, the planning process should include input from a wide range of sources both internal and external to the organization. ____ 15. A mission can be defined as an essential purpose that differentiates one company from others. ____ 16. An organization lays out its basic objectives, or goals, in its complete mission statement. ____ 17. The number of suppliers available to a manufacturer or retailer affects the bargaining power of buyers. ____ 18. A product strategy includes decisions about customer service, package design, brand names, trademarks, patents, and warranties. ____ 19. The pricing strategy is the area of marketing that receives the least amount of public scrutiny. ____ 20. According to the BCG matrix, cash cow businesses produce strong cash flows and invest heavily in the unit’s own promotions and production capacity. ____ 21. According to the BCG matrix, if a question mark cannot become a star, the firm should pull out of the market and target other markets with greater potential. ____ 22. Environmental scanning is the process of collecting external data, analyzing it, and determining whether the trends identified are opportunities or threats to the company. ____ 23. Strategic alliances are necessary in countries where local laws require foreign companies to work with local businesses.
  • 7. ____ 24. A large pharmaceutical company invents a very small device that can be implanted in people with diabetes to provide time-released amounts of insulin. A patent for this invention will set up a temporary oligopoly for the company. ____ 25. The antitrust laws in the United States were designed to protect the interests of organizations having monopoly positions. ____ 26. The competition between Amtrak, Hertz, and Delta Airlines for the travelers’ dollar is considered indirect competition because these services can be substituted for one another. ____ 27. The success or failure of a product is independent of the competitive environment. ____ 28. Acquisitions and mergers help firms with limited resources to gain access to new markets or new expertise. ____ 29. The industry deregulation phase has focused on increasing the competition in industries such as utilities and financial services. ____ 30. Economic recovery can be described as a period when consumer spending begins to cautiously increase, while companies try to hold down rising costs. ____ 31. Deflation is necessarily better for the economy than inflation as inflation devalues money and reduces the purchasing power of consumers. ____ 32. The cultural diversity of the United States results in various submarkets, each with unique values, cultural characteristics, purchasing behaviors, and consumer
  • 8. preferences. ____ 33. The choice between pleasing all consumers and remaining profitable—thus surviving—defines one of the most difficult dilemmas facing business. ____ 34. The basic consumer rights expounded by President Kennedy include “the right to be safe,” referring to the idea that the goods and services people buy should not be injurious in normal use. ____ 35. The Direct Marketing Association helps consumers to get their names removed from marketers’ targeted lists. ____ 36. Fresh Meadows, an organic yogurt manufacturer, organizes camps to assist and encourage farmers in adopting organic farming practices. Fresh Meadows is engaging in socially responsible marketing. ____ 37. Every social network has its own search engine which allows users to search for topics that interest them. ____ 38. CafeMom is a website that provides a platform for mothers and mothers-to-be to interact with each other. The website also provides information on various topics such as parenting dilemmas, baby care, and green living. CafeMom can be regarded as a social networking site. ____ 39., a website that aggregates Mac and Apple related news, rumors, and reports, can be regarded as a blogging site as it allows users to post all the news related to a specific group of products. ____ 40. The first step in creating a social media marketing plan is to write an executive summary.
  • 9. ____ 41. The overview of a social media marketing plan describes the overall market conditions and the firm’s current position in social media. ____ 42. Marketing efforts aimed at creating brand awareness will have a broader target audience compared to those aimed at strengthening relationships with existing customers. ____ 43. Adrian works with the marketing team of an automobile company. He oversees the look and feel of the online communities which the company uses to market its products. His role is similar to that of a social media designer. ____ 44. The United States has the highest number of Internet users in the World. ____ 45. A private exchange is a secure website at which a company and its suppliers share all types of data related to e- marketing, from product design through order delivery. ____ 46. The term e-tailing refers to online retail sales. ____ 47. The use of bots has made shopping easier, as it can search hundreds of websites for information on products that meet certain criteria set by the customer. ____ 48. Cookies and spyware are software used for protecting a website by encrypting it. ____ 49. Pure-play e-retailers, even with no real experience of selling and satisfying customers, have been more successful than traditional retailers who entered e-business. ____ 50. For many companies, revenue is not a major website objective.
  • 10. Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Banks have recently begun to install ATMs in supermarkets to address customers’ wants for instant cash when they go shopping. What type of utility are banks creating for customers? a. Form b. Possession c. Place d. Ownership ____ 2. Which of the following is true regarding marketing? a. The marketing concept emphasizes creating and maintaining short-term successful relationships with customers and suppliers. b. Marketing encompasses such a broad scope of activities and ideas that settling on one definition is often difficult. c. Marketing refers to an activity in which two or more parties give something of value to each other to satisfy perceived needs. d. The marketing concept is a belief that consumers will resist purchasing nonessential goods and services. ____ 3. The marketing philosophy summarized by the phrase
  • 11. “a high-quality product will sell itself” is a characteristic of the _____ era. a. production b. sales c. marketing d. relationship ____ 4. Which of the following statements regarding the marketing era is true? a. Marketing and selling would no longer be considered synonymous terms. b. Marketing was relegated to a supplemental role performed after the production process. c. The marketing concept was linked to a shift from a buyer’s market to a seller’s market. d. Business success often was defined solely in terms of production successes. ____ 5. Which of the following is an example of person marketing? a. A firm creating awareness of the importance of using public transport. b. A country promoting its sightseeing spots and cuisines. c.
  • 12. A mall being inaugurated by a popular commercial actor. d. A firm promoting an inter-state soccer match. ____ 6. Phoebe was asked to bring a can of food for the local food bank as the “price of admission” for a certain ceremony. This is an example of _____. a. person marketing b. organization marketing c. ownership utility d. cause marketing ____ 7. The Tour de Cure is a bicycle ride, not a race, to raise money for the American Diabetes Association and is held in 40 states nationwide. This is an example of: a. event marketing. b. organization marketing. c. person marketing. d. place marketing. ____ 8. As an official sponsor of the Olympics, the Coca-Cola Company engages in _____ marketing. a. place b.
  • 13. event c. person d. organization ____ 9. Many hotel chains offer free stays and other perks to repeat customers. This is an example of: a. relationship marketing. b. transaction-based marketing. c. interactive marketing. d. social marketing. ____ 10. Buying and selling are: a. the two exchange functions of marketing. b. physical distribution functions. c. exchange and distribution functions, respectively. d. distribution and exchange functions, respectively. ____ 11. Which of the following forms the first half of the exchange process? a. Standardizing b. Buying
  • 14. c. Selling d. Storing ____ 12. Relationship marketing can help a company: a. create long-term and cost-effective links with individual customers and suppliers for mutual benefit. b. reduce its strategic planning effort since the need for such planning is greatly diminished by relationship marketing. c. locate more effective media for use in advertising and mass marketing. d. eliminate the strategic planning process and move into tactical plans directly. ____ 13. Preparation of quarterly and semiannual plans by personnel such as the general sales manager or advertising director would be classified as _____ planning. a. consumer b. tactical c. procedural d. operational ____ 14. Which of the following best represents a mission statement?
  • 15. a. U.S. Army: Be all that you can be b. Bass Pro Shop: To be the leading merchant of outdoor recreational products, inspiring people to love, enjoy, and conserve the great outdoors c. Kellogg's: Breakfast cereals at a price everyone can afford d. Walmart: Stores big enough to make shopping interesting for every family member ____ 15. Promotional schemes like frequent shopper programs provide incentives to loyal buyers. Considering Porter’s Five Forces model, such offers will: a. reduce the threat of new entrants. b. decrease the rivalry among competitors. c. decrease the bargaining power of the supplier. d. increase the threat of substitute products. ____ 16. Bell Weddings was the company that pioneered the wedding planning industry. The owners realized that customizing weddings to the wishes of the families, taking charge of the responsibilities, and creating a day that is memorable for clients was an incredible business venture. The case of Bell Weddings illustrates the value of _____. a. organizational vulnerabilities b. the first mover strategy
  • 16. c. operating plans d. portfolio analysis ____ 17. An example of a firm's strength discovered by a SWOT analysis might be: a. ownership of valuable patents. b. a narrow current product line. c. changing buyer tastes in the marketplace. d. existing government policies favoring the industry. ____ 18. Decisions relating to the product strategy primarily revolve around _____. a. the promotional offers that would increase the visibility of the product in the market b. the features of the products being released in the market c. the choice of high/low or everyday low pricing by the company d. the selection of wholesalers and retailers to transport the stock to the market ____ 19. The performance framework developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) plots: a. market share against market growth potential.
  • 17. b. market attractiveness against number of product lines. c. current market conditions against past trends. d. performance in test markets before a full-scale rollout. ____ 20. In terms of the BCG Matrix, which of the following SBUs are characterized by earning only low market shares in low-growth markets? a. Stars b. Question marks c. Dogs d. Cash cows ____ 21. YOU Inc., a radio cassette manufacturer, sold its business due to poor market shares. According to the BCG Matrix, the firm sold its business because the business had become a _____ as seen in its poor prospects and performance. a. star b. question mark c. cash cow d. dog ____ 22. Pharmaceutical companies often get patents granting
  • 18. them the exclusive right to produce and market drug formulations they have developed. These patents are: a. the result of non-compete agreements signed by pharmaceutical firms. b. in violation of ethical principles on which business is based. c. probably of little use because what one firm can patent, another can duplicate. d. rewards for the millions that firms have invested in the research and development process. ____ 23. Which of the following is an example of indirect competition? a. A Sony home entertainment system competing with a Jacuzzi hot tub b. An ExxonMobil station opening across the street from a Shell retail outlet c. Competition among Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile d. The purchase of a Honda Accord competing with a Toyota Camry ____ 24. The _____ component of the marketing environment consists of laws that require firms to operate under competitive conditions and to protect consumer rights. a. economic b.
  • 19. competitive c. social-cultural d. political-legal ____ 25. Artisanal Brands, Inc. markets and distributes a line of specialty, artisanal, and farmstead cheese products in the United States. The company gives bulk discounts to their wholesalers. The result is that smaller stores are getting the products at a higher rate as compared to supermarkets and large shopping chains. These stores will be protected under the _____. a. Sherman Antitrust Act b. Robinson-Patman Act c. Wheeler-Lea Act d. Celler–Kefauver Act ____ 26. Which act prohibits restraint of trade and monopolization and identifies a competitive marketing system as a national policy goal? a. The Wheeler-Lea Act b. The Sherman Antitrust Act c. The Federal Trade Commission Act d. The Clayton Act
  • 20. ____ 27. If a business refuses to comply with a request by the _____, the agency can issue a cease-and-desist order, which gives a final demand to stop an illegal practice. a. Environmental Protection Agency b. Consumer Product Safety Commission c. U.S. Department of Justice d. Federal Trade Commission ____ 28. The Council of Better Business Bureaus is a national organization devoted to consumer service and _____. a. business self-regulation b. deregulation c. corporate lobbying d. socially responsible investing ____ 29. In times of prosperity, marketers respond to consumer buying behavior by: a. launching special value-priced products that are likely to appeal to cost-conscious buyers. b. holding down costs and offering superior services at lower prices. c.
  • 21. lowering prices and increasing promotions that include special offers to stimulate demand. d. offering new products, increasing their promotional efforts, and expanding distribution. ____ 30. During which phase in the business cycle do marketers consider lowering prices and increasing promotions that include special offers to stimulate demand? a. Prosperity b. Recession c. Growth d. Maturity ____ 31. When marketers offer new products, increase their promotional efforts, and expand their distributional limits, it is a sign of: a. low inflation and low unemployment. b. low inflation and high unemployment. c. high inflation and high unemployment. d. high inflation and low unemployment. ____ 32. Which of the following usually indicates a strong economy? a.
  • 22. Growth in services such as banking and restaurants b. Cautious spending by businesses and consumers c. A focus on basic, functional products with lower price tags d. Increase in purchasing power coupled with uncertain consumer demand ____ 33. _____ are used by the federal government to control extreme fluctuations in the business cycle that can lead to a depression. a. Deregulation b. Monetary and fiscal policies c. Stringent environmental policies d. Mergers and acquisitions ____ 34. It is believed that marketers need to reevaluate their strategies and concentrate on their most promising products during the _____ stage of the business cycle. a. recession b. recovery c. maturity d. prosperity
  • 23. ____ 35. The amount of money available with people after buying necessities such as food, clothing, and housing is referred to as _____. a. basic income b. gross income c. discretionary income d. personal income ____ 36. It has been seen that periods of major innovations often lead to: a. reduced personal consumption. b. higher standards of living. c. decreased annual spending. d. reduced discretionary income. ____ 37. Which technology creates a common interface for data to be carried across networks between different devices? a. IMS b. Wi-Fi c. VoIP d. RFID
  • 24. ____ 38. is a website that allows people to comment on news articles and report on events occurring in their local communities. It also allows users to edit and rate the topics of their choice. can be grouped under which of the following social media platforms? a. Social blogging sites b. Social networking sites c. Online forums d. Social news sites ____ 39. Which of the following is a unique feature of social media marketing? a. It is limited by geographical boundaries. b. It creates ways for customers to engage in conversations with each other and the organization. c. It seeks to control the content and message received by the audience. d. It mainly focuses on promoting the company outright rather than focusing on the audience. ____ 40. In a B2B context, businesses use social media mainly to: a. share views and make final buying decisions. b.
  • 25. learn about new goods and services. c. connect with the general public. d. build relationships, including partnerships with other companies. ____ 41. The individual who creates and oversees the look and feel of an online community, Facebook page, or other branded content for a particular company is called a(n) _____. a. online community manager b. social media designer c. content programmer d. blogger ____ 42. The most important goal of a marketing website is to: a. give prospective employees the opportunity to apply for jobs online. b. provide financial information to investors. c. increase purchases by visitors. d. build relationships with customers. ____ 43. Which of the following is true of B2B E-marketing? a. It cannot be used to provide detailed product descriptions.
  • 26. b. It can help slash order-processing expenses. c. It is a minor part of the e-business activity and typically involves less steps compared to consumer purchases. d. It is not a very attractive option for buying and selling as more errors occur when orders are placed over the Internet. ____ 44. Which of the following terms refers to a company website that sells products to customers? a. Information kiosk b. Corporate website c. Online community d. Electronic storefront ____ 45. It is now possible to enter into legal contracts online, due to the development of: a. the electronic shopping cart. b. the electronic signature. c. cloud computing. d. data scrambling technology. ____ 46. Channel conflicts can be defined as conflicts: a.
  • 27. over revenue sharing between manufacturers and their workers. b. among manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. c. among customers and marketers regarding data privacy and information security. d. between marketers and the government over legal issues. ____ 47. Online communities like Internet forums, newsgroups, and social networking sites take advantage of the _____ function of the Internet. a. entertainment b. communication c. information d. comparison ____ 48. Specialized online services that center on a specific topic or area of interest, such as white water rafting or stamp collection, are known as: a. electronic bulletin boards. b. podcasts. c. blogs. d. social networks.
  • 28. ____ 49. Web-to-store shoppers are a group of consumers who: a. purchase an item online after having inquired about it by visiting a store. b. purchase the primary item on the Web and go to the store to buy accessories. c. use the Internet as a tool when shopping at brick-and-mortar retailers. d. promote online purchasing of products. ____ 50. The Metrics Group is a firm that helps companies improve the performance of their websites. The firm rates the effectiveness of the website based on the percentage of website visitors making purchases through the site. Which of the following measures is being used by the firm while assessing the effectiveness of the websites? a. Click-through rate b. Brand awareness c. Conversion rate d. Customer engagement on