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Running head: STUDY PROPOSAL
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Course Title
Assignment Title
Capella University
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Research Problem
State the problem that underlies the topic for your research
proposal and evaluate physiological connections based on
knowledge of physiological mechanisms, neural transmission,
and neurotransmitter function gained in this course.
Literature Review
Provide an effective literature review of other studies done on
the same research problem. This section may include
information obtained in your Unit 5 research methods paper.
Use inline citations when appropriate.
Importance or Implications to Biological Psychology
Discuss the importance or implications of this research problem
to biological psychology.
Hypothesis Verification
State the hypothesis your study plan is designed to test and/or
state any questions that will guide your research plan.
Briefly describe the method chosen for the study you are
proposing based on the 4 methods covered I this course as
suitable for research in biopsychology. Be sure to provide a
rationale for choosing this method. (consider naturalistic
observation, case study, survey, and experiment)s
Describe how the validity of the research will be ensured.
Ethical Criteria
Discuss the necessary criteria to ensure the study will be
conducted safely and ethically.
Summary and Conclusion
Summarize your study plan and rationale for the chosen method
and design. A summary and conclusion section, which can also
be the discussion section of an APA Style paper, is the final
opportunity for the author to make a lasting impression on the
Research Articles
In every human’s life circle, there probably has come a time or
a situation in which, they have experienced pain. This might
consist of migraines, muscle aches, broken bone, post-surgical
pain., and honestly, a slew of other medical reasons. Such pain
can manifest as either acute or chronic. When the pain is mild,
an over-the counter pain reliever can be prescribed (Skidmore-
Roth, 2018). However, acute or chronic pains might be severe
enough to prompt a physician to recommend and prescribe a
stronger pain reliever known as opioids (Skidmore-Roth, 2018).
Opioids are a class of medication known as narcotics and are
both prescription and illicit in nature (Skidmore-Roth, 2018).
Unfortunately, because the prescription strength is a controlled
class II narcotic, they have the potential to become habit
forming when misused, as noted by the ever-increasing crisis of
opioid abuse and addiction (Skidmore-Roth, 2018). This paper,
therefore, seeks to present investigative findings regarding
whether or not the pharmacological maintenance treatment
approach truly has the possibility of reducing the occurrence of
addiction, but also in the management of drug related arrest,
lowering the rate of sexually transmitted diseases, while still
improving and restoring the individual’s functionality.
Critique Article 1
The first study that we will take a look at is the study conducted
by Bolek, Yargic, and Ekinci (2016), “The effects of
Buprenorphine/Naloxane Maintenance Treatment on the Quality
of Life, Substance Use and Functionality in Opiate Dependence:
A Follow-Up Study.”
Research Method
This research applied a quantitative method of research.
A sample of 50 individuals between ages of 18 and 65 years was
involved, each with an opiate dependency. Structured interviews
were administered over the 6-month period of treatment (Bolek
et al., 2016). The data collected was analyzed using several
variables aimed at eliciting the stress levels, psychiatric status,
quality of life and craving levels of the patients (Bolek et al.,
Key variables or phenomena of the hypotheses
According to Bolek et al., (2016), four main variables
were employed, namely stress level variables, craving level
variables, addiction severity and quality of life. The stress level
was measured using the perceived stress scale whereby patients
rated certain feelings that they had experienced (Bolek et al.,
2016). Bolek et al. (2016) asserted that a high score coincided
with a high-stress level. Craving levels were evaluated by a
visual analog scale, whereby the patients reported their levels of
cravings. According to Bolek et al. (2016), a patient’s addiction
severity was assessed using the Addiction severity index (ASI).
The ASI assesses the patients' functioning in seven areas, i.e.
medical, employment, legal, family/social, alcohol drug and
psychiatric (Bolek et al., 2016). These seven areas are
frequently affected by disorders related to substance abuse
(Bolek et al., 2016). Quality of life measurement were obtained
using the quality of life short form questionnaire consisting of
36 questions (SF-36). The SF-36 is a self-rating scale that
assesses physical, mental, social, energy, pain, and emotional
functions (Bolek et al., 2016).
Description of how the hypothesis was supported or not
The hypothesis of the study was if opioid maintenance
treatment reduced the rate of illicit drug use, crime, the spread
of sexually transmitted diseases, while increasing psychiatric,
somatic and social functionality (Bolek et al., 2016). The opioid
maintenance treatment used in this study were the medications
Buprenorphine and Naloxane.
This hypothesis was supported by a series of facts based
on the current study and comparison with previous studies on
the same (Bolek et al., 2016). There was a marked decrease in
substance craving, stress level, illicit drug use and an
improvement of the quality of life (Bolek et al., 2016).
According to Bolek et al. (2016), in accordance with the results,
craving levels reduced from a baseline standard deviation of
79.80 in the first month to 44.40 in the 6th month. This
reduction attributed to a reduction in stress levels primarily
attributed to the use of Naloxane (Bolek et al., 2016). In terms
of quality of life, all measured aspects of quality of life
increased by a considerable margin in the months under study in
relation to the baseline with positive milestones being reported
(Bolek et al., 2016). Stress levels were also noted to have been
reduced, as seen from the results of the PSS. A baseline level
of 46.96 in the 1st month, reduced to 42.48 in the 3rd month
and finally 41.52 within the last month (Bolek et al., 2016).
These results generally supported the hypothesis since they
pointed to a marked reduction in the use of opiates at the end of
treatment using either Buprenorphine or Naloxane (Bolek et al.,
2016). In comparison to other studies, all outlined studies in the
research showed a marked reduction in substance use due to
treatment at the end of twelve months (Bolek et al., 2016). The
results obtained from this study coupled by comparison of other
case studies supporting the hypothesis made.
Determination and explanation of whether the study was (or was
not) conducted safely and ethically by the authors
According to Bolek et al. (2016), ethical and safety
measures were highly adhered to and followed. An appropriate
sample was used in terms of age i.e., 18-65 years (Bolek et al.,
2016). This age bracket is considered to be adults and who are
capable of making sound judgments. This study was done on a
voluntary basis and no monetary compensation was offered
(Bolek et al., 2016). No individual was forced or coerced into
being part of the research. The authors excluded pregnant
women, breastfeeding mothers, patients with psychiatric
disorders and those who were illiterate. This shows the authors
ethical perspective since they did not want to bother the above-
mentioned groups of individual and they had the uttermost
respect considering their states (Bolek et al., 2016). Safety
precautions were adhered to as well as confidentiality. There
was no report of any unsafe methods and practices conducted by
the volunteers.
Critique Article 2
The second article that was analyzed was Baumeister and his
colleagues (2014) “The association between methadone dose
and concomitant cocaine use in methadone maintenance
treatment: a register-based study.”
Research Method
The main method of research used was the quantitative
approach, involving the use of surveys. Data collected was
obtained from the methadone registry of Basel City in
Switzerland (Baumeister et al., 2014). A survey sample of 613
patients under methadone treatment was used (Baumeister et al.,
2014). Baumeister et al. (2014) then divided these samples into
three groups: 1) low dose group, 2) medium dose group, and 3)
high dose group. Data analysis was conducted in a statistical
manner using the IBM SPSS software and a retrospective
analysis conducted (Baumeister et al., 2014).
Key variables or phenomena of the hypotheses
Two main dependable variables were used namely,
coexistence of heroin use and coexistence of cocaine use
(Baumeister et al., 2014). According to Baumeister et al.
(2014), there were four main elements or sub-variables
consisting of methadone dose, specialized centers, days with
take home and employment status. The methadone dose was
then divided into low dose methadone (LDM) < 60 mg/dl,
medium dose methadone (MDM) 60-100mg/dl, and high dose
methadone (HDM) >100mg/dl (Baumeister et al., 2014).
Description of how the hypothesis was supported or not
The hypothesis was if higher methadone doses would result
in lower coexistence of heroin and or cocaine use (Baumeister
et al., 2014). The research aimed at proving this hypothesis,
however, it was not supported by the findings of the research.
The findings dictated that patients in the low dose group had
fewer cocaine intake days in comparison to patients in the
recommended dose range i.e. > 60mg/dl (Baumeister et al.,
2014). The article compared other recent studies to fully
elaborate on their hypothesis. One study, Kennedy et al. (2013),
conducted a randomized study on methadone doses of >100
mg/day, combined with contingency management, in which the
results did not support the hypothesis. However, Peles et al.
(2005) found that a higher methadone dose significantly reduced
illicit opioids when used in methadone maintenance treatments
(MMT), thus supporting the hypothesis.
Determination and explanation of whether the study was (or was
not) conducted safely and ethically by the authors
The study was guided in both an ethical manner and safely.
The data collected was approved by the local ethics committee
(Baumeister et al., 2014) and followed the legalities behind data
collection of Basal City. A uniform criterion was used in the
sampling with no bias identified. This criterion was backed up
with data recorded in the registry and prescription records. The
data was anonymized (Baumeister et al., 2014) i.e., patients'
name and bio data were not revealed, hospitals and prescribing
doctors' names were kept confidential and no unsafe practices
were conducted or noted throughout the research. Data was used
in a logical manner to avoid any errors and gave an accurate and
elaborate picture (Baumeister et al., 2014).
Critique Article 2
The final research article that will be addressed is that of Alim
and her colleagues (2012) “Resilience to Meet the Challenge of
Addiction:Psychobiology and Clinical Considerations.”
Research Method
This research article incorporated qualitative research as the
main research method. The article used secondary data,
evidence, and material from other researches and disciplines in
order to develop their thesis (Alim et al., 2014). It employed the
use of observation, interviews and grounded theories. It was
exploratory and its goal was aimed at shedding light on the
topic (Alim et al., 2014).
Key variables or phenomena of the hypotheses
According to Alim et al. (2012), a number of these variables
were used in this research. The main variable was stress
responsivity across organisms (Alim et al., 2014). The elements
or sub-variables were noted as psychological differences in
coping with stress, variability within genetic make-up, quality
of early life experiences, an interaction between genetic make-
up and quality of early life (Alim et al., 2012). Alim et al.
(2012) explained that genetic makeup is a variable in and of
itself and encompasses gene-environment interactions, any
alterations in gene expression and difference or discrepancies
within the genetic code. Other variables included in the research
article included hormonal changes during stress and coping
mechanism during stress (Alim et al., 2012).
Description of how the hypothesis was supported or not
This hypothesis was supported with explanations and
evidence-based data obtained from other publications (Masten,
2001). This information and data was then divided into two
main branches of psychological factors associated with
resilience and neurochemistry of resilience (Alim et al., 2012).
Studies on psychosocial factors proved that certain social
attributes and history of adversity contribute to resilience
(Alim, et al., 2012). The authors highlighted various studies to
prove this point. Alim et al. (2012) utilized a few early studies
that were conducted by Masten (2001) and Rutterin (1985), each
of these previous studies emphasized and concluded that
children with prior adversity exposure had developed
psychosocial factors that had increased resilience. To support
specific psychosocial attributes such as the ability to fathom
emotions, both positive and negative Alim et al. (2012)
referenced the work of Fredrickson’s (2001) concept or how the
role of positive emotions contributed or linked to there being
more positive outcomes to support the above argument.
According to Alim et al. (2012), in neurochemistry of
resilience, the article explains the various neurochemical
pathways attributed to resilience including the hypothalamic–
pituitary–adrenal (HPA)axis and the endocrine system. In the
endocrine system, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine
systems were analyzed and specific scientific studies referenced
to prove the outlined points (Alim et al., 2012).
Determination and explanation of whether the study was (or was
not) conducted safely and ethically by the authors:
This study was conducted ethically by the authors. The
authors acknowledge the work of other writers and did not
disregard their finding in any way (Alim et al., 2012). All
referred materials were clearly referenced and the appropriate
acknowledgment and credit given to previous research as well
as to the organizations that supported the research process
through a financial disclosure (Alim et al., 2012). In addition
to the references to the previous studies used, the names of the
participants, locality or descriptions were not mentioned hence
retaining their privacy and protection of their confidentiality
was maintained and protected (Alim et al., 2012).
In summary, the use of opioids, on one hand, can be beneficial
and medically necessary, but if misused or abused, lends itself
to the alarming statistics of addiction. On the other hand,
managing recovery through the employment of Buprenorphine
or Naloxane maintenance treatment improves the affected
individuals’ quality of life (Bolek et al., 2016). Based on the
study findings, it can be inferred that the pharmacological
intervention approach significantly reduces relapse (Bolek et
al., 2016). Moreover, Baumeister et al. (2014) concluded that it
contributed to a decrease in the use of illicit substances noted in
the reduced conditions of cravings and generally lead to an
improvement in the quality of life, free from opioid dependence.
Even though, the treatment process and the recovery process
might be quite long, the remedy has been proven to exhibit
encouraging results within the first twelve months of using
medications such as Naloxane (Bolek et al., 2016).
Alim, T. N., M.D., Lawson, W. B., M.D., Feder, A., M.D.,
Iacoviello, B. M., PhD., Saxena, S., M.S., Bailey, C. R.,
Neumeister, A., M.D. (2012). Resilience to meet the challenge
of addiction: Psychobiology and Clinical Considerations.
Alcohol Research, 34(4), 506-515. Retrieved from
Baumeister, M., Vogel, M., Dürsteler-MacFarland, K., M.,
Gerhard, U., Strasser, J., Walter, M., Petitjean, S. A. (2014).
Association between methadone dose and concomitant cocaine
use in methadone maintenance treatment: A register-based
study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 9(1),
46. Retrieved from
Bolek, S., Yargic, I., & Ekinci, O. (2016). The effects of
Buprenorphine/Naloxane maintenance treatment on the quality
of life, substance use and functionality in opiate dependence: A
follow-up study. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni, 26(2), 141-
151. Retrieved from
Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The Role of Positive Emotions in
Positive Psychology: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive
Emotions. The American Psychologist, 56(3), 218–226.
Retrieved from:
Kennedy, A.P., Phillips, K.A., Epstein, D.H., Reamer, D.A.,
Schmittner, J., & Preston, K.L. (2013). A randomized
investigation of methadone doses at or over 100 mg/day,
combined with contingency management. Drug and Alcohol
Dependency, 1(3), 77-84. Retrieved from:
Masten, A.S. (2001). Ordinary magic: Resilience Processes in
Development. The American Psychologist, 56(3), 227-38.
Retrieved from:
Peles, E., Schreiber, S., Gordon, J., & Adelson, M. (2005).
Significantly higher methadone dose for methadone
maintenance treatment (MMT) patients with chronic pain. Pain,
113(3), 340-346. Retrieved from:
Rutter, M. (1985). Resilience in the face of adversity:
Protective Factors and Resistance to Psychiatric Disorder. The
British Journal of Psychiatry 147, 598-611. Retrieved from:
Skidmore-Roth, L. (2018). Mosby’s 2018 nursing drug
reference. (31st ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Inc.
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  • 1. Running head: STUDY PROPOSAL 1 STUDY PROPOSAL 3 Your Full Title of Your Paper Learner's Full Name Course Title Assignment Title Capella University Month, Year Research Problem State the problem that underlies the topic for your research proposal and evaluate physiological connections based on knowledge of physiological mechanisms, neural transmission, and neurotransmitter function gained in this course. Literature Review Provide an effective literature review of other studies done on the same research problem. This section may include information obtained in your Unit 5 research methods paper. Use inline citations when appropriate. Importance or Implications to Biological Psychology Discuss the importance or implications of this research problem to biological psychology.
  • 2. Hypothesis Verification State the hypothesis your study plan is designed to test and/or state any questions that will guide your research plan. Method Briefly describe the method chosen for the study you are proposing based on the 4 methods covered I this course as suitable for research in biopsychology. Be sure to provide a rationale for choosing this method. (consider naturalistic observation, case study, survey, and experiment)s Validity Describe how the validity of the research will be ensured. Ethical Criteria Discuss the necessary criteria to ensure the study will be conducted safely and ethically. Summary and Conclusion Summarize your study plan and rationale for the chosen method and design. A summary and conclusion section, which can also be the discussion section of an APA Style paper, is the final opportunity for the author to make a lasting impression on the reader. References Running head: RESEARCH ARTICLES 1 RESEARCH ARTICLES 2 Research Articles In every human’s life circle, there probably has come a time or a situation in which, they have experienced pain. This might consist of migraines, muscle aches, broken bone, post-surgical pain., and honestly, a slew of other medical reasons. Such pain can manifest as either acute or chronic. When the pain is mild, an over-the counter pain reliever can be prescribed (Skidmore-
  • 3. Roth, 2018). However, acute or chronic pains might be severe enough to prompt a physician to recommend and prescribe a stronger pain reliever known as opioids (Skidmore-Roth, 2018). Opioids are a class of medication known as narcotics and are both prescription and illicit in nature (Skidmore-Roth, 2018). Unfortunately, because the prescription strength is a controlled class II narcotic, they have the potential to become habit forming when misused, as noted by the ever-increasing crisis of opioid abuse and addiction (Skidmore-Roth, 2018). This paper, therefore, seeks to present investigative findings regarding whether or not the pharmacological maintenance treatment approach truly has the possibility of reducing the occurrence of addiction, but also in the management of drug related arrest, lowering the rate of sexually transmitted diseases, while still improving and restoring the individual’s functionality. Critique Article 1 The first study that we will take a look at is the study conducted by Bolek, Yargic, and Ekinci (2016), “The effects of Buprenorphine/Naloxane Maintenance Treatment on the Quality of Life, Substance Use and Functionality in Opiate Dependence: A Follow-Up Study.” Research Method This research applied a quantitative method of research. A sample of 50 individuals between ages of 18 and 65 years was involved, each with an opiate dependency. Structured interviews were administered over the 6-month period of treatment (Bolek et al., 2016). The data collected was analyzed using several variables aimed at eliciting the stress levels, psychiatric status, quality of life and craving levels of the patients (Bolek et al., 2016). Key variables or phenomena of the hypotheses According to Bolek et al., (2016), four main variables were employed, namely stress level variables, craving level variables, addiction severity and quality of life. The stress level was measured using the perceived stress scale whereby patients rated certain feelings that they had experienced (Bolek et al.,
  • 4. 2016). Bolek et al. (2016) asserted that a high score coincided with a high-stress level. Craving levels were evaluated by a visual analog scale, whereby the patients reported their levels of cravings. According to Bolek et al. (2016), a patient’s addiction severity was assessed using the Addiction severity index (ASI). The ASI assesses the patients' functioning in seven areas, i.e. medical, employment, legal, family/social, alcohol drug and psychiatric (Bolek et al., 2016). These seven areas are frequently affected by disorders related to substance abuse (Bolek et al., 2016). Quality of life measurement were obtained using the quality of life short form questionnaire consisting of 36 questions (SF-36). The SF-36 is a self-rating scale that assesses physical, mental, social, energy, pain, and emotional functions (Bolek et al., 2016). Description of how the hypothesis was supported or not supported The hypothesis of the study was if opioid maintenance treatment reduced the rate of illicit drug use, crime, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, while increasing psychiatric, somatic and social functionality (Bolek et al., 2016). The opioid maintenance treatment used in this study were the medications Buprenorphine and Naloxane. This hypothesis was supported by a series of facts based on the current study and comparison with previous studies on the same (Bolek et al., 2016). There was a marked decrease in substance craving, stress level, illicit drug use and an improvement of the quality of life (Bolek et al., 2016). According to Bolek et al. (2016), in accordance with the results, craving levels reduced from a baseline standard deviation of 79.80 in the first month to 44.40 in the 6th month. This reduction attributed to a reduction in stress levels primarily attributed to the use of Naloxane (Bolek et al., 2016). In terms of quality of life, all measured aspects of quality of life increased by a considerable margin in the months under study in relation to the baseline with positive milestones being reported (Bolek et al., 2016). Stress levels were also noted to have been
  • 5. reduced, as seen from the results of the PSS. A baseline level of 46.96 in the 1st month, reduced to 42.48 in the 3rd month and finally 41.52 within the last month (Bolek et al., 2016). These results generally supported the hypothesis since they pointed to a marked reduction in the use of opiates at the end of treatment using either Buprenorphine or Naloxane (Bolek et al., 2016). In comparison to other studies, all outlined studies in the research showed a marked reduction in substance use due to treatment at the end of twelve months (Bolek et al., 2016). The results obtained from this study coupled by comparison of other case studies supporting the hypothesis made. Determination and explanation of whether the study was (or was not) conducted safely and ethically by the authors According to Bolek et al. (2016), ethical and safety measures were highly adhered to and followed. An appropriate sample was used in terms of age i.e., 18-65 years (Bolek et al., 2016). This age bracket is considered to be adults and who are capable of making sound judgments. This study was done on a voluntary basis and no monetary compensation was offered (Bolek et al., 2016). No individual was forced or coerced into being part of the research. The authors excluded pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, patients with psychiatric disorders and those who were illiterate. This shows the authors ethical perspective since they did not want to bother the above- mentioned groups of individual and they had the uttermost respect considering their states (Bolek et al., 2016). Safety precautions were adhered to as well as confidentiality. There was no report of any unsafe methods and practices conducted by the volunteers. Critique Article 2 The second article that was analyzed was Baumeister and his colleagues (2014) “The association between methadone dose and concomitant cocaine use in methadone maintenance treatment: a register-based study.” Research Method The main method of research used was the quantitative
  • 6. approach, involving the use of surveys. Data collected was obtained from the methadone registry of Basel City in Switzerland (Baumeister et al., 2014). A survey sample of 613 patients under methadone treatment was used (Baumeister et al., 2014). Baumeister et al. (2014) then divided these samples into three groups: 1) low dose group, 2) medium dose group, and 3) high dose group. Data analysis was conducted in a statistical manner using the IBM SPSS software and a retrospective analysis conducted (Baumeister et al., 2014). Key variables or phenomena of the hypotheses Two main dependable variables were used namely, coexistence of heroin use and coexistence of cocaine use (Baumeister et al., 2014). According to Baumeister et al. (2014), there were four main elements or sub-variables consisting of methadone dose, specialized centers, days with take home and employment status. The methadone dose was then divided into low dose methadone (LDM) < 60 mg/dl, medium dose methadone (MDM) 60-100mg/dl, and high dose methadone (HDM) >100mg/dl (Baumeister et al., 2014). Description of how the hypothesis was supported or not supported The hypothesis was if higher methadone doses would result in lower coexistence of heroin and or cocaine use (Baumeister et al., 2014). The research aimed at proving this hypothesis, however, it was not supported by the findings of the research. The findings dictated that patients in the low dose group had fewer cocaine intake days in comparison to patients in the recommended dose range i.e. > 60mg/dl (Baumeister et al., 2014). The article compared other recent studies to fully elaborate on their hypothesis. One study, Kennedy et al. (2013), conducted a randomized study on methadone doses of >100 mg/day, combined with contingency management, in which the results did not support the hypothesis. However, Peles et al. (2005) found that a higher methadone dose significantly reduced illicit opioids when used in methadone maintenance treatments (MMT), thus supporting the hypothesis.
  • 7. Determination and explanation of whether the study was (or was not) conducted safely and ethically by the authors The study was guided in both an ethical manner and safely. The data collected was approved by the local ethics committee (Baumeister et al., 2014) and followed the legalities behind data collection of Basal City. A uniform criterion was used in the sampling with no bias identified. This criterion was backed up with data recorded in the registry and prescription records. The data was anonymized (Baumeister et al., 2014) i.e., patients' name and bio data were not revealed, hospitals and prescribing doctors' names were kept confidential and no unsafe practices were conducted or noted throughout the research. Data was used in a logical manner to avoid any errors and gave an accurate and elaborate picture (Baumeister et al., 2014). Critique Article 2 The final research article that will be addressed is that of Alim and her colleagues (2012) “Resilience to Meet the Challenge of Addiction:Psychobiology and Clinical Considerations.” Research Method This research article incorporated qualitative research as the main research method. The article used secondary data, evidence, and material from other researches and disciplines in order to develop their thesis (Alim et al., 2014). It employed the use of observation, interviews and grounded theories. It was exploratory and its goal was aimed at shedding light on the topic (Alim et al., 2014). Key variables or phenomena of the hypotheses According to Alim et al. (2012), a number of these variables were used in this research. The main variable was stress responsivity across organisms (Alim et al., 2014). The elements or sub-variables were noted as psychological differences in coping with stress, variability within genetic make-up, quality of early life experiences, an interaction between genetic make- up and quality of early life (Alim et al., 2012). Alim et al.
  • 8. (2012) explained that genetic makeup is a variable in and of itself and encompasses gene-environment interactions, any alterations in gene expression and difference or discrepancies within the genetic code. Other variables included in the research article included hormonal changes during stress and coping mechanism during stress (Alim et al., 2012). Description of how the hypothesis was supported or not supported This hypothesis was supported with explanations and evidence-based data obtained from other publications (Masten, 2001). This information and data was then divided into two main branches of psychological factors associated with resilience and neurochemistry of resilience (Alim et al., 2012). Studies on psychosocial factors proved that certain social attributes and history of adversity contribute to resilience (Alim, et al., 2012). The authors highlighted various studies to prove this point. Alim et al. (2012) utilized a few early studies that were conducted by Masten (2001) and Rutterin (1985), each of these previous studies emphasized and concluded that children with prior adversity exposure had developed psychosocial factors that had increased resilience. To support specific psychosocial attributes such as the ability to fathom emotions, both positive and negative Alim et al. (2012) referenced the work of Fredrickson’s (2001) concept or how the role of positive emotions contributed or linked to there being more positive outcomes to support the above argument. According to Alim et al. (2012), in neurochemistry of resilience, the article explains the various neurochemical pathways attributed to resilience including the hypothalamic– pituitary–adrenal (HPA)axis and the endocrine system. In the endocrine system, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine systems were analyzed and specific scientific studies referenced to prove the outlined points (Alim et al., 2012). Determination and explanation of whether the study was (or was not) conducted safely and ethically by the authors: This study was conducted ethically by the authors. The
  • 9. authors acknowledge the work of other writers and did not disregard their finding in any way (Alim et al., 2012). All referred materials were clearly referenced and the appropriate acknowledgment and credit given to previous research as well as to the organizations that supported the research process through a financial disclosure (Alim et al., 2012). In addition to the references to the previous studies used, the names of the participants, locality or descriptions were not mentioned hence retaining their privacy and protection of their confidentiality was maintained and protected (Alim et al., 2012). Conclusion In summary, the use of opioids, on one hand, can be beneficial and medically necessary, but if misused or abused, lends itself to the alarming statistics of addiction. On the other hand, managing recovery through the employment of Buprenorphine or Naloxane maintenance treatment improves the affected individuals’ quality of life (Bolek et al., 2016). Based on the study findings, it can be inferred that the pharmacological intervention approach significantly reduces relapse (Bolek et al., 2016). Moreover, Baumeister et al. (2014) concluded that it contributed to a decrease in the use of illicit substances noted in the reduced conditions of cravings and generally lead to an improvement in the quality of life, free from opioid dependence. Even though, the treatment process and the recovery process might be quite long, the remedy has been proven to exhibit encouraging results within the first twelve months of using medications such as Naloxane (Bolek et al., 2016). References Alim, T. N., M.D., Lawson, W. B., M.D., Feder, A., M.D., Iacoviello, B. M., PhD., Saxena, S., M.S., Bailey, C. R., Neumeister, A., M.D. (2012). Resilience to meet the challenge of addiction: Psychobiology and Clinical Considerations. Alcohol Research, 34(4), 506-515. Retrieved from
  • 10. Baumeister, M., Vogel, M., Dürsteler-MacFarland, K., M., Gerhard, U., Strasser, J., Walter, M., Petitjean, S. A. (2014). Association between methadone dose and concomitant cocaine use in methadone maintenance treatment: A register-based study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 9(1), 46. Retrieved from Bolek, S., Yargic, I., & Ekinci, O. (2016). The effects of Buprenorphine/Naloxane maintenance treatment on the quality of life, substance use and functionality in opiate dependence: A follow-up study. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni, 26(2), 141- 151. Retrieved from Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions. The American Psychologist, 56(3), 218–226. Retrieved from: Kennedy, A.P., Phillips, K.A., Epstein, D.H., Reamer, D.A., Schmittner, J., & Preston, K.L. (2013). A randomized investigation of methadone doses at or over 100 mg/day, combined with contingency management. Drug and Alcohol Dependency, 1(3), 77-84. Retrieved from: Masten, A.S. (2001). Ordinary magic: Resilience Processes in Development. The American Psychologist, 56(3), 227-38. Retrieved from: Peles, E., Schreiber, S., Gordon, J., & Adelson, M. (2005). Significantly higher methadone dose for methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) patients with chronic pain. Pain, 113(3), 340-346. Retrieved from: Rutter, M. (1985). Resilience in the face of adversity: Protective Factors and Resistance to Psychiatric Disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry 147, 598-611. Retrieved from: Skidmore-Roth, L. (2018). Mosby’s 2018 nursing drug reference. (31st ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Inc.