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Organizational Leadership Advertisement Research
Rodrick Story
Savannah State
Banks provide investment services as well as corporate banking
and wealth management services. The banking sector of the
United Arab Emirates is fragmented. The economy of the United
Arab Emirates is being filled by foreign banks despite the
protection provided to the banking sector. The UAE central
bank manages the banking sector. Advertisement of the banking
business is, therefore crucial to gear the banking business
towards global competition (Sayani, 2015). The United Arab
Emirates uses the following techniques to market their business.
Content Marketing
Customers always search online for content when they are in
need of services search as loans, bank guarantee, credit cards,
home banking, and online banking among others. The
consumers look for brands that have value and provide answers
to their questions. The UAE banks, therefore, generate articles
on conversations that are appreciated by the consumers. This
ensures that customers are engaged on their site (Randeree et
al., 2012). This also plays a role of introducing more people to
the United Arab Emirates banking sector.
The use of content encourages people to build a relationship
with the bank. For instance, a person reading an article on loans
is most likely interested in taking a loan from a bank. The bank
invites them to speak to representatives of the bank at the end
of the content for more information.Search Engine Optimization
(SEO)The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) aims at being
there whenever customers are looking. Banks sell mortgages,
loans, as well as, saving accounts to mention just a few. In the
modern world, customers invest their time learning about goods
and services and researching options before making a purchase
(Zeineddine, 2017). For example, if a customer has intentions to
refinance a mortgage, they would search for home financing
rates. The banks in the UAE use the SEO, providing the answers
online to gain customer trust as their financial leader. The SEO
optimizes pages by using the keywords in the URL and the title
page. Banks, therefore, ensure that they are visible on the pages
of the search engine for the success of their efforts in
Empowering Employees
The UAE banks have invested in their employees with the aim
of attracting more customers. Providing employees with tools to
enable them do their jobs effectively is a factor. Confusion,
inefficiency and disorganization results to lack of confidence
from customers (Petersen et al., 2015). The banks ensure that
their staff is equipped with consistent, accurate, as well as, up-
to-date information. Furthermore, they are able to provide the
customers with immediate answers to the questions.
Educating customers on financial literacy
The educational initiatives on financial literacy are directed not
only to the low income consumers but also the middle class
customers who need it but are embarrassed to ask. Educational
programs on finances generate goodwill at the community and
build a strong relationship between the banks and the consumers
(Petersen et al., 2015). The United Arab Emirates provide
financial literacy to the customers, and in return, they gain their
trust as their financial leaders. The banking sector has grown
tremendously in the United Arab Emirates. Generation of
awareness and goodwill through advertisement is, therefore a
necessity to catch up with the global competition. The UAE
banking sector has embraced both digital and non-digital forms
of advertisement to attract more customers.
This study will utilized critical appraisal methods to collect
information regarding organizational leadership style and
advertisement used among banks in the UAE. The research
focused on using critical review methodology in collecting data
on the issue topic. Through a systematic critical appraisal
approach, six articles with developed inclusion/exclusion
criteria were selected for review. The articles were sufficient in
topic and content to address the issue of leadership and
organizational development within the UAE.
Literature review
During the phase of organizational development, continue
success will rely heavily on business marketing strategies.
Therefore, there is need for any organization to ensure that they
incorporate leadership changes to ensure that the mistake is
corrected. Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) is an
organization that has responsibilities for ownership, operating
and deployment United Arab Emirates’ nuclear energy plants.
The main aim is to identify the effectiveness of leadership
changes in this entity. The way they were able to adapt to
leadership changes in this organization (Voegtlin, Patzer, &
Scherer, 2012). For any change to be realized in an entity there
is need for leadership transformation since it is an important
building block to get a successful change of efforts within a
Organizations are undergoing significant changes, and thus
ENEC is no exception. This implies that the entity should have
a continued change of strategy to remain relevant in the market
just as the way people experience various life cycles so is this
organization. Thus, there is need for ENEC to have development
changes, which include leadership changes. In most scenarios
leaders who had various departments in ENEC have been
making efforts to accomplish success, which is part of the
inherent job descriptions but at times they fail despite the fact
that they continue to struggle (Bolman, & Deal 2017:6). This
calls for leadership changes since there are other leaders who
are able to thrive well in their roles while others get shuttled
from job to job, and at some pont they get a job which they are
not effective in it, and it will surely be reflected in the
production. When production start to decline, then it will be a
good reflection of changing leadership. Leadership changes in
any organization is for the improvement of the entity’s
Leadership change assist in transforming an organization
operations, since it reaches a time whereby the leaders have
reached normalcy stage, and even the junior employees cannot
follow instructions given by the leaders. During this scenario, it
is important to have leadership changes just as we see in
political arena and in many entities whereby leadership is
changed over a certain specified period, (Trompenaars, &
Hampden-Turner, 2011:11). The new leaders can pick from
where their predecessors left and once they pick the momentum,
it is evident that they are able to improve the performance of
the organization. Therefore, when ENEC have change of
leadership they are able to improve the cooperation,
coordination of activities carried out it the organization, and
this will lead improved productivity of the organization.
Leadership changes can further lead to refined success, in this
gesture they will strive to improve the production, since they
will be having new energy and they do not want just to be like
the previous leadership, (Al-Dabbagh, & Assaad, 2010: 10). In
addition, they will be working add to initiate changes they saw
that their predecessor failed, and it will be good for the
continued of the Company. They will be concerned about the
management feeling the impact of the changes made, and thus
the success of ENEC.
Leadership changes can influence negatively the organizations’
performance. Since they will be insecure about change of leader
that has been occurring in the organization, there might be fear
of them being demoted, and this could affect their performance.
In addition, the current leadership might have gained
momentum and improvement might be a short while from being
realized and changing leaders could affect the good productivity
that was about to be seen (Randeree, & Ghaffar, 2012:61).
Therefore, from the above points we can conclude that
leadership changes will be very effective in bringing
performance improvement to ENEC, despite the fact the change
might pose an insignificant challenge that should not be taken
into much consideration.
The term Critical Appraisal is defined as the process of
examining research evidence systematically so as one can assess
its validity, results and its relevance before using it to inform a
decision (Hill & Spittle house, 2003). Being the era where
medicine must be evidence based, a physician need to possess
important skills to help in analyzing the scientific literature
critically. This is important because the medical knowledge is
kept up to date to ensure an optimal patient care.
The reader is introduced to the principles of reading critically
by the use of a selection of international literature in the
scientific articles of medicine. Wide uses of principles that are
accepted for critical appraising of scientific articles are
outlined. The reader doesn’t need an extensive methodological
knowledge. It is the basic knowledge of study design,
structuring of a given article, the role played by the different
section of presentation statistically, the source of error and the
limitations are presented. The fact that there has been an
increase number of the scientific publications; most physicians
don’t get enough time to read what others have written. It is
therefore important for the selection, reading, and critical
appraisal of the publication to be up to date. The reader is
required to be clear of their intentions before they start a
scientific article. They are also advised to read the most recent
of review be it a simple review article, or a systematic review
and a meta- analysis
Criterion for considering studies for this review
Types of studies
This study included surveys and case studies involving
leadership and organizational development for organization in
the UAE regions.
Type of participants
The participants for this study were organizations within the
UAE. The organizations could be privately owned, public or
multinational corporations. The organizations must have
underwent recent organizational development and must be
implementing leadership strategies.
Search method
I conducted a systematic search of survey and case studies.
There was no restrictions regarding number of language, but the
publication year was began from 2010 to 2017.
Electronic search strategy
I searched the following databases from their inception for
publication, published materials, ongoing studies conferences
and seminars, EBCOHOST. I used modelling strategies for
searching the database. The modeling strategy utilized
adaptations that are highly sensitive and those that are not
highly sensitive. The keyword search was a keyword string and
keyword phrases that included BOOLEAN operators AND/OR.
The specific keyword phrase for searching included:
“Leadership and organizational development within UAE”,
“Organizational development in UAE”, “Organizational
leadership in UAE”, “Leadership or Organizational develop
among UAE companies”. Keyword for the search strategy was
identified through reading around the topic and developing a list
of keyword phrases that were appropriate to the search.
The search results were filtered for relevance of the tittle of
paper, year or publications before selecting articles for abstract
review. Following abstract review and scanning through the
articles, suitable articles were selected for critical review. From
the search results, six articles were selected and used for
Searching other sources
I scanned the reference lists of the publication that I chose for
review for additional survey of leadership and organizational
development. I search Google Scholar to retrieve the existing
research articles that were within the research article’s selection
inclusion/exclusion criteria.
Data collection and analysis
Data collection and analysis involved selecting of studies
through scanning the abstract of all identified studies in article
selection step. The data collection excluded irrelevant studies.
The stage of the study involved assessing abstracts for
relevance and obtaining full texts for the selected article. I
scanned through the full text articles to determine the inclusion
of all of the sections of the study including abstract,
introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion
for their respective leadership and organizational development
issue within the UAE region.
Data extraction
Data extraction from the articles was done using the critical
appraisal method. The critical appraisal method is a systematic
description of the research article mechanism. The research
article mechanism included the author’s objectives, study
design, the participant’s study selection, and the results of the
selected study, discussion and conclusion.
Results analysis
Six articles were selected for this study and their critical review
is presented here as results.
Martin et al., (2013:1372), aimed at determining the impact of
directive and empowering leadership behaviors on the
performance of customer-rated work unit. They also aimed at
coming up with goals and empowerment theories as well as
ensuring that a directive and empowerment leadership enhances
proficiency. They also looked at how membership satisfaction
contributed to the expected requirements.
Ninety-five leaders from the United Arab Emirates were
randomly assigned to either empowering leadership (n=33),
control (n=30) or directive leadership (n=32). The assignment
was done using a random number table. 50% of the leaders were
women and 78% of the leaders had advanced degrees or finished
college. The contact information of the customers and
employees were provided by the leaders. However, Martin et
al., (2013: 1374) surveyed the customers and employees directly
in order to keep their responses confidential. The response scale
(strongly agree and strongly disagree) was used.
The findings of Martin et al., (2013: 1375) indicate the
contribution of leaders in encouraging wise decision making.
Empowering leadership style improves performance and
motivates the employees and customers. Inspiring and
motivating leaders perform better than those who simply
dictate. Martin et al., (2013: 1375), concluded that both
directive leadership and empowering leadership were effective
in improving proactive behaviors in working environment and
According to Barhem et al (2011:229), their main aim of doing
the research was to rank the characteristics of managers that
helped them to perform well in their different organizations. In
the first place, they were interested in knowing the characters of
the managers but later on, they deviated from the original idea
and started determining if their managers are able to work in an
international business environment Barhem et al (2011:230). We
are not informed on the type of sampling technique used, they
should specify since it can tell us, as the readers if they were
objective or subjective. The sample size used is not specific, in
that the study does not clearly explain the exact numbers of
managers were drawn from private or public domain. They
should have clearly indicated so that they can exclude the
likelihood of biasness.
The results given is not in line with what they were looking for,
for instance they wanted to rank the manager in terms of their
communication skills among others. Unfortunately, their
findings are contrary, in that they are giving us some of the
desires of those managers. Therefore, they were not able to
make their discussion objectively (Barhem, et al., 2011:231).
Furthermore, they made a conclusion that is not supporting their
Randeree & Ninan (2011:28), purposed to examine the
effectiveness of leadership in the use of team in business based
information technology (IT) projects. The study was performed
in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Randeree & Ninan
(2011:29) utilize quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Quantitative method measured the statistical data while
qualitative enables a holistic exploration and comprehensive
information. Feelings, attitudes, and ideas were explored using
a survey method. Data was collected using a questionnaire
whereby each of the teams was expected to explain the aims of
the research and the modes of responses they expect. Three to
four people from each of the forty-two teams were supposed to
Forty-four responses, representing a 36.6% response rate were
received. Ten project teams (23%) were considered because
only 11 of the 44 received reactions were complete. 76% of the
sample population in the project team had an experience of five
years. 80% of the sample population was a representation of the
private sector (Randeree & Ninan, 2011:30). An average score
of 3.82 recorded among the teams indicated that IT project
teams are effective. Randeree & Ninan (2011:31) concluded that
the approach of team projects to work is task-focused. However,
the projects prefer leadership styles that are people-oriented.
Randeree & Ghaffar (2012:61), aimed at examining how
different styles in leadership affect employee organizational
commitment and job satisfaction among the United Arab
Emirates (UAE). A case analysis was performed in the
construction sector. Three companies; consultancy firm,
contracting company and client organization were surveyed. A
qualitative analysis amongst employees working in the
construction industry of United Arab Emirates to determine how
employees look at different leadership styles was done.
Questionnaires were developed within which ten leadership
styles were incorporated. 250, 200 and 150 questionnaires were
distributed to the consultancy firm, contracting company and
client organization respectively (Randeree & Ghaffar, 2012:64).
Averagely, the survey showed moderate noticeability of the
team management and consensus leadership styles. 50% of the
respondents indicated that consensus leadership was prevalent
while about 40% believed it was consultative leadership style.
About 30 % proposed that team management leadership was
present. The responses depicted that; salary, the flexibility, and
nature of work, administration of a company and the manager’s
behavior influence job satisfaction. Randeree and Ghaffar
(2012:65), conclude that consultative and consensus leadership
styles are prevalent. Also, the size of the organization and
industry sector influences job satisfaction and organizational
The authors of this article aimed at determining the effects of
leadership style on an organization’s performance. They had
hypothesized that the leadership style will have implications on
financial performance of the banking sector (Cherian, & Farouq,
2013:109). They developed a methodology that assisted them to
arrive to their conclusion, nevertheless they had a poor method
of collecting their data. The judgment sampling approach, could
not give them appropriate results since they could end up
selecting banks that were within their vicinity thus affecting the
outcome of their findings (Cherian, & Farouq, 2013:109). The
number of selected banks might not be a true representation of
the all banks in UAE, as we are not given the total banks
registered in the country.
Furthermore, the selected number of banks to be researched is
likely to be few. The time used to administer the questionnaires
is not appropriate, since there are people who can easily answer
questions while others can take more time to answer (Cherian,
& Farouq, 2013:109). Thus, they could just give each person
enough time to give out their views. The results given were well
articulated in terms of how leadership will have an effect the
financial performance of an organization, just as was their aim.
They had a conclusion that revolved around what they were
researching on, without them getting out of context.
Abraham (2012:27) aimed at examining factors influencing the
satisfaction of employees in the company and develop a
programme to engage employees in the organization. The study
was performed at United Arab Emirates. 150 of 2500
employees of the organization were selected for the study using
a systematic sampling technique. Abraham (2012:27) developed
a questionnaire using thirty statements about job satisfaction.
Primary data collected through a survey was analyzed using
regression and correlation analysis.
Cooperation and working as a team, career development,
leadership and planning, role and communication, in addition,
rewarding and recognition, the conditions of working, training
program and benefits were considered (Abraham, 2012:27).
Employee satisfaction score was obtained from factors of
employee satisfaction. Recognition, and reward and training
program had a high correlation of (r = 0.813, p < 0.01) and (r =
0.725, p < 0.01) respectively. Working condition (r = 0.688, p <
0.01), and Leadership and planning (r = 0.684, p < 0.01) had a
high correlation. Team work recorded a low correlation of (r =
0.580, p < 0.01). Abraham (2012:27) concluded that role (r =
0.779, p < 0.01) is the most influencing employee satisfaction
factor while communication (r = 0.788, p < 0.01) is the least
The articles reviewed for this study highlight different aspects
of leadership and organizational development within the UAE.
The critical appraisal method used to review the articles focus
on strengths and weaknesses of the researches. The six articles
reviewed focus on different aspects of organizational
leaderships. They revealed that organizational leadership styles
co-exist with modern organizational development. The
organizations leave their new development to the knowledge
and commitment of leaders. Organizational leaders in this
region are approaching leadership styles through several
approaches, but most articles indicated leaders use
transformational leadership strategy. Within the UAE,
organizational commitment involves commitment from both
employees and leaders. Therefore, organizational development
in this region focuses on the willingness of the internal
stakeholders. The continued inclusion of women in
organizational management shows that UAE is improving
human resource management and diversity (Omair, 2010: 121).
The introduction of leadership and organizational development
(LOD) a course of higher learning in UAE institutions of higher
learning show that there is a general improvement of the modern
organizational leadership strategies within this region.
The United Arab Emirates presents a classic example of a
region embracing the systematic context of leadership and
organizational development. The research presented here reveal
that UAE as a case study to provide a greater insight on the
concept of leadership and organizational development. Analysis
of several studies indicate that most of the organizations in the
UAE seem to prefer transformational leadership style. The
second preference is transactional leadership style. Leadership
is critical in satisfying the need for organizational development.
The new approaches in organizational leadership and
development show that there is a changing practices, beliefs and
organizational cultures across the UAE organizations. The
organizations are changing their management strategies as
efforts of gaining competitive advantages.
Reference List
Abraham, S., 2012. Development of employee engagement
programme on the basis of employee satisfaction
survey. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT,
Finance, and Marketing, 4(1), p.27.
Al-Dabbagh, M. and Assaad, C., 2010. Taking stock and
looking forward: Leadership development in the Arab
world. Dubai School of Government Working Paper, (10-09).
Barhem, B., Younies, H. and Smith, P.C., 2011. Ranking the
future global manager characteristics and knowledge
requirements according to UAE business managers'
opinions. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary
Middle Eastern Issues, 4(3), pp.229-247.
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations:
Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.1-6
Cherian, J. and Farouq, S., 2013. Does effective leadership style
drive financial performance of banks? Analysis in the context of
UAE banking sector. International Journal of Economics and
Finance, 5(7), p.105.
Martin, S.L., Liao, H. and Campbell, E.M., 2013. Directive
versus empowering leadership: A field experiment comparing
impacts on task proficiency and proactivity. Academy of
Management Journal, 56(5), pp.1372-1395.
Omair, K., 2010. Typology of career development for Arab
women managers in the United Arab Emirates. Career
Development International, 15(2), pp.121-143.
Randeree, K. and Ninan, M., 2011. Leadership and teams in
business: a study of IT projects in the United Arab
Emirates. International Journal of Managing Projects in
Business, 4(1), pp.28-48.
Randeree, K. and Ghaffar Chaudhry, A., 2012. Leadership–
style, satisfaction and commitment: An exploration in the
United Arab Emirates' construction sector. Engineering,
Construction and Architectural Management, 19(1), pp.61-85.
Trompenaars, F. and Hampden-Turner, C., 2011. Riding the
waves of culture: Understanding diversity in global business.
Nicholas Brealey Publishing. 7-15.
Voegtlin, C., Patzer, M. and Scherer, A.G., 2012. Responsible
leadership in global business: A new approach to leadership and
its multi-level outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(1),
Petersen, J. A., Kushwaha, T., & Kumar, V. (2015). Marketing
communication strategies and consumer financial decision
making: The role of national culture. Journal of
Marketing, 79(1), 44-63.
Randeree, K., Mahal, A., & Narwani, A. (2012). A business
continuity management maturity model for the UAE banking
sector. Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), 472-492.
Sayani, H. (2015). Customer satisfaction and loyalty in the
United Arab Emirates banking industry. International Journal of
Bank Marketing, 33(3), 351-375.
Zeineddine, C. (2017, July). Nation branding in the Middle
East-United Arab Emirates (UAE) vs. Qatar. In Proceedings of
the International Conference on Business Excellence (Vol. 11,
No. 1, pp. 588-596). De Gruyter Open.
Essay 1: Midterm
1. Papers are due in class in hard copy on Tuesday, April 10,
not later. They may be printed front/back.
2. They should be roughly 1200-1450 words in length.
3. They should be double-spaced, black/white, 12 pt. type (e.g.
Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri)
4. They should not be mere regurgitations of class notes. Use
your own brain. “Compare and contrast really means to do just
5. They should try to describe as best you can the relevant
arguments, including identification of the central issue about
which an argument is being formulated.
6. They should not contain BS, e.g. “Since the dawn of man…”
7. They should contain properly quoted material with exegesis
of the same along with proper in-text citation, e.g. (Dworkin
8. I have included on a separate page in Canvas a “rubric” for
the purposes of explaining in general terms how papers are
Write an essay on the following:
In On Liberty Mill writes, ““All that makes existence valuable
to anyone depends upon the enforcement of restraints upon the
actions of other people” (7).
In the Euthyphro, Socrates asks, “Is the pious being loved by
the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being
loved by the gods” (Euthyphro lines 10-11)?
These statements and questions apparently represent two
different ways of conceiving of moral value and its origin.
Write an essay in which you carefully explain each of these
views and suggest some ways in which they are similar and
Then complete your essay by writing on ONLY ONE of the
following topics:
(a) Discuss what these conception of moral value means for the
relation between morality and religion for Plato and Mill
respectively. (Make sure to find and cite relevant texts.) Try to
make some determination about whether or not they are correct.
(b) Try to make some determination about what is more
valuable in relation to happiness – individual liberty (whether
or not you can do as you like) or virtue (what kind of person
you are and character you have). Justify your response.
What I Look For
1. A stated thesis. This is a vital ingredient of any good paper.
It tells the reader what the central claim is.
2. A stated plan for developing the thesis. In the first paragraph,
briefly say how the central idea will be developed. “I will show
X, then Y and then Z”
3. Textual usage: Make sensible use of texts to demonstrate
meaning, as sources of evidence or interpretation.
4. Development, lucidity, coherence: The points supporting the
thesis should be related to each other, and not be contradictory
to one another. To the extent possible one point should follow
more or less naturally from the next.
5. Clarity: Some sign that you understand the basic issue or
problem, and argument discussed in the text or in class for or
6. No BS: BS is relatively easy to spot. Its only purpose is to
fill space. These papers aren’t that long. Make every word
count. Here are some examples of common BS on philosophical
essays. (BS need not be false to still count as BS.) The test for
BS is probably a lot like Judge Learned Hand’s test for
pornography. If it looks like porn it probably is.
a. “Since the dawn of time, man has thought/questioned/etc.
b. “Descartes was born in….”
7. Imagination and Engagement: This is not easy to quantify and
may be the most difficult thing to do; however, I want you to
try to engage with the problem. Introduce your own view of the
matter – provided that you provide an argument for it.
Thesis: A thesis is the claim that you are proposing to discuss,
whose truth you are proposing to demonstrate. It is the most
difficult part of formulating a philosophical essay.
Sample 1
“In this paper I will show how deontologist and consequentialist
moral theories differ from one another when discussing if
suicide is right or wrong in certain situations. In order to show
this, I must show and discuss theories in which a deontologist
or Kantian type believes. Secondly, we must also see and
discuss the theories that which the consequentialist, or Millian
type believe. We will also discuss how each of these groups
reason with the question of is it ever permissible to commit
suicide? Among the moral theory of suicide, we will also take
the Categorical Imperative and the Greatest Happiness principle
into consideration.”
1. Does this paragraph have a thesis? If so, what is it?
2. Does it have a plan for developing the thesis? What is the
3. Is it clearly written? Why or why not? (or where is it and
where is it not?)
4. Does it contain much BS or does it more or less get to the
Sample 2
“The argument has been made numerous times about whether or
not suicide is ever justified. Kant gave a scenario of a man who
was reduced to despair by a series of misfortunes and was
contemplating taking his own life. The man asked himself it
taking his own life would be contrary to his duty to himself, and
he asks whether the maxim of his action could become a
universal law of nature. Suicide is never permissible because
from most philosophical standpoints, it would not be doing
anyone any good. In the first paragraph, I will explain why it is
not permissible to commit suicide. I will then discuss….”
1. Does this paragraph have a thesis? If so, what is it?
2. Does it have a plan for developing the thesis? What is the
3. Is it clearly written? Why or why not? (or where is it and
where is it not?)
4. Does it contain much BS or does it more or less get to the
Sample 3
“Due to its widespread effects and its irreversibility I believe
that it is never permissible to commit suicide. Doing so is both
an injustice to the person taking their own life, as well as to
their loved ones. I am going to use Kant’s categorical
imperative to provide the deontological view on why suicide is
immoral. Following that I will introduce utilitarianism….”
1. Does this paragraph have a thesis? If so, what is it?
2. Does it have a plan for developing the thesis? What is the
3. Is it clearly written? Why or why not? (or where is it and
where is it not?)
4. Does it contain much BS or does it more or less get to the

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  • 1. Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP ADVERTISEMENT RESEARCH 1 ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP ADVERTISEMENT RESEARCH 2 Organizational Leadership Advertisement Research Rodrick Story Savannah State Introduction
  • 2. Banks provide investment services as well as corporate banking and wealth management services. The banking sector of the United Arab Emirates is fragmented. The economy of the United Arab Emirates is being filled by foreign banks despite the protection provided to the banking sector. The UAE central bank manages the banking sector. Advertisement of the banking business is, therefore crucial to gear the banking business towards global competition (Sayani, 2015). The United Arab Emirates uses the following techniques to market their business. Content Marketing Customers always search online for content when they are in need of services search as loans, bank guarantee, credit cards, home banking, and online banking among others. The consumers look for brands that have value and provide answers to their questions. The UAE banks, therefore, generate articles on conversations that are appreciated by the consumers. This ensures that customers are engaged on their site (Randeree et al., 2012). This also plays a role of introducing more people to the United Arab Emirates banking sector. The use of content encourages people to build a relationship with the bank. For instance, a person reading an article on loans is most likely interested in taking a loan from a bank. The bank invites them to speak to representatives of the bank at the end of the content for more information.Search Engine Optimization (SEO)The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) aims at being there whenever customers are looking. Banks sell mortgages, loans, as well as, saving accounts to mention just a few. In the modern world, customers invest their time learning about goods and services and researching options before making a purchase (Zeineddine, 2017). For example, if a customer has intentions to refinance a mortgage, they would search for home financing rates. The banks in the UAE use the SEO, providing the answers online to gain customer trust as their financial leader. The SEO optimizes pages by using the keywords in the URL and the title page. Banks, therefore, ensure that they are visible on the pages of the search engine for the success of their efforts in
  • 3. marketing. Empowering Employees The UAE banks have invested in their employees with the aim of attracting more customers. Providing employees with tools to enable them do their jobs effectively is a factor. Confusion, inefficiency and disorganization results to lack of confidence from customers (Petersen et al., 2015). The banks ensure that their staff is equipped with consistent, accurate, as well as, up- to-date information. Furthermore, they are able to provide the customers with immediate answers to the questions. Educating customers on financial literacy The educational initiatives on financial literacy are directed not only to the low income consumers but also the middle class customers who need it but are embarrassed to ask. Educational programs on finances generate goodwill at the community and build a strong relationship between the banks and the consumers (Petersen et al., 2015). The United Arab Emirates provide financial literacy to the customers, and in return, they gain their trust as their financial leaders. The banking sector has grown tremendously in the United Arab Emirates. Generation of awareness and goodwill through advertisement is, therefore a necessity to catch up with the global competition. The UAE banking sector has embraced both digital and non-digital forms of advertisement to attract more customers. This study will utilized critical appraisal methods to collect information regarding organizational leadership style and advertisement used among banks in the UAE. The research focused on using critical review methodology in collecting data on the issue topic. Through a systematic critical appraisal approach, six articles with developed inclusion/exclusion criteria were selected for review. The articles were sufficient in topic and content to address the issue of leadership and organizational development within the UAE. Literature review During the phase of organizational development, continue success will rely heavily on business marketing strategies.
  • 4. Therefore, there is need for any organization to ensure that they incorporate leadership changes to ensure that the mistake is corrected. Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) is an organization that has responsibilities for ownership, operating and deployment United Arab Emirates’ nuclear energy plants. The main aim is to identify the effectiveness of leadership changes in this entity. The way they were able to adapt to leadership changes in this organization (Voegtlin, Patzer, & Scherer, 2012). For any change to be realized in an entity there is need for leadership transformation since it is an important building block to get a successful change of efforts within a Company. Organizations are undergoing significant changes, and thus ENEC is no exception. This implies that the entity should have a continued change of strategy to remain relevant in the market just as the way people experience various life cycles so is this organization. Thus, there is need for ENEC to have development changes, which include leadership changes. In most scenarios leaders who had various departments in ENEC have been making efforts to accomplish success, which is part of the inherent job descriptions but at times they fail despite the fact that they continue to struggle (Bolman, & Deal 2017:6). This calls for leadership changes since there are other leaders who are able to thrive well in their roles while others get shuttled from job to job, and at some pont they get a job which they are not effective in it, and it will surely be reflected in the production. When production start to decline, then it will be a good reflection of changing leadership. Leadership changes in any organization is for the improvement of the entity’s performance. Leadership change assist in transforming an organization operations, since it reaches a time whereby the leaders have reached normalcy stage, and even the junior employees cannot follow instructions given by the leaders. During this scenario, it is important to have leadership changes just as we see in
  • 5. political arena and in many entities whereby leadership is changed over a certain specified period, (Trompenaars, & Hampden-Turner, 2011:11). The new leaders can pick from where their predecessors left and once they pick the momentum, it is evident that they are able to improve the performance of the organization. Therefore, when ENEC have change of leadership they are able to improve the cooperation, coordination of activities carried out it the organization, and this will lead improved productivity of the organization. Leadership changes can further lead to refined success, in this gesture they will strive to improve the production, since they will be having new energy and they do not want just to be like the previous leadership, (Al-Dabbagh, & Assaad, 2010: 10). In addition, they will be working add to initiate changes they saw that their predecessor failed, and it will be good for the continued of the Company. They will be concerned about the management feeling the impact of the changes made, and thus the success of ENEC. Leadership changes can influence negatively the organizations’ performance. Since they will be insecure about change of leader that has been occurring in the organization, there might be fear of them being demoted, and this could affect their performance. In addition, the current leadership might have gained momentum and improvement might be a short while from being realized and changing leaders could affect the good productivity that was about to be seen (Randeree, & Ghaffar, 2012:61). Therefore, from the above points we can conclude that leadership changes will be very effective in bringing performance improvement to ENEC, despite the fact the change might pose an insignificant challenge that should not be taken into much consideration. The term Critical Appraisal is defined as the process of examining research evidence systematically so as one can assess its validity, results and its relevance before using it to inform a decision (Hill & Spittle house, 2003). Being the era where medicine must be evidence based, a physician need to possess
  • 6. important skills to help in analyzing the scientific literature critically. This is important because the medical knowledge is kept up to date to ensure an optimal patient care. The reader is introduced to the principles of reading critically by the use of a selection of international literature in the scientific articles of medicine. Wide uses of principles that are accepted for critical appraising of scientific articles are outlined. The reader doesn’t need an extensive methodological knowledge. It is the basic knowledge of study design, structuring of a given article, the role played by the different section of presentation statistically, the source of error and the limitations are presented. The fact that there has been an increase number of the scientific publications; most physicians don’t get enough time to read what others have written. It is therefore important for the selection, reading, and critical appraisal of the publication to be up to date. The reader is required to be clear of their intentions before they start a scientific article. They are also advised to read the most recent of review be it a simple review article, or a systematic review and a meta- analysis Methodology Criterion for considering studies for this review Types of studies This study included surveys and case studies involving leadership and organizational development for organization in the UAE regions. Type of participants The participants for this study were organizations within the UAE. The organizations could be privately owned, public or multinational corporations. The organizations must have underwent recent organizational development and must be implementing leadership strategies. Search method I conducted a systematic search of survey and case studies. There was no restrictions regarding number of language, but the publication year was began from 2010 to 2017.
  • 7. Electronic search strategy I searched the following databases from their inception for publication, published materials, ongoing studies conferences and seminars, EBCOHOST. I used modelling strategies for searching the database. The modeling strategy utilized adaptations that are highly sensitive and those that are not highly sensitive. The keyword search was a keyword string and keyword phrases that included BOOLEAN operators AND/OR. The specific keyword phrase for searching included: “Leadership and organizational development within UAE”, “Organizational development in UAE”, “Organizational leadership in UAE”, “Leadership or Organizational develop among UAE companies”. Keyword for the search strategy was identified through reading around the topic and developing a list of keyword phrases that were appropriate to the search. The search results were filtered for relevance of the tittle of paper, year or publications before selecting articles for abstract review. Following abstract review and scanning through the articles, suitable articles were selected for critical review. From the search results, six articles were selected and used for review. Searching other sources I scanned the reference lists of the publication that I chose for review for additional survey of leadership and organizational development. I search Google Scholar to retrieve the existing research articles that were within the research article’s selection inclusion/exclusion criteria. Data collection and analysis Data collection and analysis involved selecting of studies through scanning the abstract of all identified studies in article selection step. The data collection excluded irrelevant studies. The stage of the study involved assessing abstracts for relevance and obtaining full texts for the selected article. I scanned through the full text articles to determine the inclusion of all of the sections of the study including abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion
  • 8. for their respective leadership and organizational development issue within the UAE region. Data extraction Data extraction from the articles was done using the critical appraisal method. The critical appraisal method is a systematic description of the research article mechanism. The research article mechanism included the author’s objectives, study design, the participant’s study selection, and the results of the selected study, discussion and conclusion. Results analysis Six articles were selected for this study and their critical review is presented here as results. Martin et al., (2013:1372), aimed at determining the impact of directive and empowering leadership behaviors on the performance of customer-rated work unit. They also aimed at coming up with goals and empowerment theories as well as ensuring that a directive and empowerment leadership enhances proficiency. They also looked at how membership satisfaction contributed to the expected requirements. Ninety-five leaders from the United Arab Emirates were randomly assigned to either empowering leadership (n=33), control (n=30) or directive leadership (n=32). The assignment was done using a random number table. 50% of the leaders were women and 78% of the leaders had advanced degrees or finished college. The contact information of the customers and employees were provided by the leaders. However, Martin et al., (2013: 1374) surveyed the customers and employees directly in order to keep their responses confidential. The response scale (strongly agree and strongly disagree) was used. The findings of Martin et al., (2013: 1375) indicate the contribution of leaders in encouraging wise decision making. Empowering leadership style improves performance and motivates the employees and customers. Inspiring and motivating leaders perform better than those who simply dictate. Martin et al., (2013: 1375), concluded that both
  • 9. directive leadership and empowering leadership were effective in improving proactive behaviors in working environment and performance. According to Barhem et al (2011:229), their main aim of doing the research was to rank the characteristics of managers that helped them to perform well in their different organizations. In the first place, they were interested in knowing the characters of the managers but later on, they deviated from the original idea and started determining if their managers are able to work in an international business environment Barhem et al (2011:230). We are not informed on the type of sampling technique used, they should specify since it can tell us, as the readers if they were objective or subjective. The sample size used is not specific, in that the study does not clearly explain the exact numbers of managers were drawn from private or public domain. They should have clearly indicated so that they can exclude the likelihood of biasness. The results given is not in line with what they were looking for, for instance they wanted to rank the manager in terms of their communication skills among others. Unfortunately, their findings are contrary, in that they are giving us some of the desires of those managers. Therefore, they were not able to make their discussion objectively (Barhem, et al., 2011:231). Furthermore, they made a conclusion that is not supporting their findings. Randeree & Ninan (2011:28), purposed to examine the effectiveness of leadership in the use of team in business based information technology (IT) projects. The study was performed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Randeree & Ninan (2011:29) utilize quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative method measured the statistical data while qualitative enables a holistic exploration and comprehensive information. Feelings, attitudes, and ideas were explored using a survey method. Data was collected using a questionnaire whereby each of the teams was expected to explain the aims of the research and the modes of responses they expect. Three to
  • 10. four people from each of the forty-two teams were supposed to answer. Forty-four responses, representing a 36.6% response rate were received. Ten project teams (23%) were considered because only 11 of the 44 received reactions were complete. 76% of the sample population in the project team had an experience of five years. 80% of the sample population was a representation of the private sector (Randeree & Ninan, 2011:30). An average score of 3.82 recorded among the teams indicated that IT project teams are effective. Randeree & Ninan (2011:31) concluded that the approach of team projects to work is task-focused. However, the projects prefer leadership styles that are people-oriented. Randeree & Ghaffar (2012:61), aimed at examining how different styles in leadership affect employee organizational commitment and job satisfaction among the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A case analysis was performed in the construction sector. Three companies; consultancy firm, contracting company and client organization were surveyed. A qualitative analysis amongst employees working in the construction industry of United Arab Emirates to determine how employees look at different leadership styles was done. Questionnaires were developed within which ten leadership styles were incorporated. 250, 200 and 150 questionnaires were distributed to the consultancy firm, contracting company and client organization respectively (Randeree & Ghaffar, 2012:64). Averagely, the survey showed moderate noticeability of the team management and consensus leadership styles. 50% of the respondents indicated that consensus leadership was prevalent while about 40% believed it was consultative leadership style. About 30 % proposed that team management leadership was present. The responses depicted that; salary, the flexibility, and nature of work, administration of a company and the manager’s behavior influence job satisfaction. Randeree and Ghaffar (2012:65), conclude that consultative and consensus leadership styles are prevalent. Also, the size of the organization and industry sector influences job satisfaction and organizational
  • 11. commitment. The authors of this article aimed at determining the effects of leadership style on an organization’s performance. They had hypothesized that the leadership style will have implications on financial performance of the banking sector (Cherian, & Farouq, 2013:109). They developed a methodology that assisted them to arrive to their conclusion, nevertheless they had a poor method of collecting their data. The judgment sampling approach, could not give them appropriate results since they could end up selecting banks that were within their vicinity thus affecting the outcome of their findings (Cherian, & Farouq, 2013:109). The number of selected banks might not be a true representation of the all banks in UAE, as we are not given the total banks registered in the country. Furthermore, the selected number of banks to be researched is likely to be few. The time used to administer the questionnaires is not appropriate, since there are people who can easily answer questions while others can take more time to answer (Cherian, & Farouq, 2013:109). Thus, they could just give each person enough time to give out their views. The results given were well articulated in terms of how leadership will have an effect the financial performance of an organization, just as was their aim. They had a conclusion that revolved around what they were researching on, without them getting out of context. Abraham (2012:27) aimed at examining factors influencing the satisfaction of employees in the company and develop a programme to engage employees in the organization. The study was performed at United Arab Emirates. 150 of 2500 employees of the organization were selected for the study using a systematic sampling technique. Abraham (2012:27) developed a questionnaire using thirty statements about job satisfaction. Primary data collected through a survey was analyzed using regression and correlation analysis. Cooperation and working as a team, career development, leadership and planning, role and communication, in addition, rewarding and recognition, the conditions of working, training
  • 12. program and benefits were considered (Abraham, 2012:27). Employee satisfaction score was obtained from factors of employee satisfaction. Recognition, and reward and training program had a high correlation of (r = 0.813, p < 0.01) and (r = 0.725, p < 0.01) respectively. Working condition (r = 0.688, p < 0.01), and Leadership and planning (r = 0.684, p < 0.01) had a high correlation. Team work recorded a low correlation of (r = 0.580, p < 0.01). Abraham (2012:27) concluded that role (r = 0.779, p < 0.01) is the most influencing employee satisfaction factor while communication (r = 0.788, p < 0.01) is the least influencing. Discussion The articles reviewed for this study highlight different aspects of leadership and organizational development within the UAE. The critical appraisal method used to review the articles focus on strengths and weaknesses of the researches. The six articles reviewed focus on different aspects of organizational leaderships. They revealed that organizational leadership styles co-exist with modern organizational development. The organizations leave their new development to the knowledge and commitment of leaders. Organizational leaders in this region are approaching leadership styles through several approaches, but most articles indicated leaders use transformational leadership strategy. Within the UAE, organizational commitment involves commitment from both employees and leaders. Therefore, organizational development in this region focuses on the willingness of the internal stakeholders. The continued inclusion of women in organizational management shows that UAE is improving human resource management and diversity (Omair, 2010: 121). The introduction of leadership and organizational development (LOD) a course of higher learning in UAE institutions of higher learning show that there is a general improvement of the modern organizational leadership strategies within this region. Conclusion The United Arab Emirates presents a classic example of a
  • 13. region embracing the systematic context of leadership and organizational development. The research presented here reveal that UAE as a case study to provide a greater insight on the concept of leadership and organizational development. Analysis of several studies indicate that most of the organizations in the UAE seem to prefer transformational leadership style. The second preference is transactional leadership style. Leadership is critical in satisfying the need for organizational development. The new approaches in organizational leadership and development show that there is a changing practices, beliefs and organizational cultures across the UAE organizations. The organizations are changing their management strategies as efforts of gaining competitive advantages. Reference List Abraham, S., 2012. Development of employee engagement programme on the basis of employee satisfaction survey. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance, and Marketing, 4(1), p.27. Al-Dabbagh, M. and Assaad, C., 2010. Taking stock and looking forward: Leadership development in the Arab world. Dubai School of Government Working Paper, (10-09). Barhem, B., Younies, H. and Smith, P.C., 2011. Ranking the future global manager characteristics and knowledge requirements according to UAE business managers' opinions. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 4(3), pp.229-247. Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.1-6 Cherian, J. and Farouq, S., 2013. Does effective leadership style drive financial performance of banks? Analysis in the context of UAE banking sector. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(7), p.105.
  • 14. Martin, S.L., Liao, H. and Campbell, E.M., 2013. Directive versus empowering leadership: A field experiment comparing impacts on task proficiency and proactivity. Academy of Management Journal, 56(5), pp.1372-1395. Omair, K., 2010. Typology of career development for Arab women managers in the United Arab Emirates. Career Development International, 15(2), pp.121-143. Randeree, K. and Ninan, M., 2011. Leadership and teams in business: a study of IT projects in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 4(1), pp.28-48. Randeree, K. and Ghaffar Chaudhry, A., 2012. Leadership– style, satisfaction and commitment: An exploration in the United Arab Emirates' construction sector. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 19(1), pp.61-85. Trompenaars, F. and Hampden-Turner, C., 2011. Riding the waves of culture: Understanding diversity in global business. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. 7-15. Voegtlin, C., Patzer, M. and Scherer, A.G., 2012. Responsible leadership in global business: A new approach to leadership and its multi-level outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(1), pp.1-16. Petersen, J. A., Kushwaha, T., & Kumar, V. (2015). Marketing communication strategies and consumer financial decision making: The role of national culture. Journal of Marketing, 79(1), 44-63. Randeree, K., Mahal, A., & Narwani, A. (2012). A business continuity management maturity model for the UAE banking sector. Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), 472-492. Sayani, H. (2015). Customer satisfaction and loyalty in the United Arab Emirates banking industry. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(3), 351-375. Zeineddine, C. (2017, July). Nation branding in the Middle East-United Arab Emirates (UAE) vs. Qatar. In Proceedings of
  • 15. the International Conference on Business Excellence (Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 588-596). De Gruyter Open. 1. Essay 1: Midterm Parameters: 1. Papers are due in class in hard copy on Tuesday, April 10, not later. They may be printed front/back. 2. They should be roughly 1200-1450 words in length. 3. They should be double-spaced, black/white, 12 pt. type (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri) 4. They should not be mere regurgitations of class notes. Use your own brain. “Compare and contrast really means to do just that….” 5. They should try to describe as best you can the relevant arguments, including identification of the central issue about which an argument is being formulated. 6. They should not contain BS, e.g. “Since the dawn of man…” 7. They should contain properly quoted material with exegesis of the same along with proper in-text citation, e.g. (Dworkin 13). 8. I have included on a separate page in Canvas a “rubric” for the purposes of explaining in general terms how papers are graded. Write an essay on the following: In On Liberty Mill writes, ““All that makes existence valuable to anyone depends upon the enforcement of restraints upon the actions of other people” (7). In the Euthyphro, Socrates asks, “Is the pious being loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being loved by the gods” (Euthyphro lines 10-11)? These statements and questions apparently represent two different ways of conceiving of moral value and its origin. Write an essay in which you carefully explain each of these views and suggest some ways in which they are similar and different.
  • 16. Then complete your essay by writing on ONLY ONE of the following topics: (a) Discuss what these conception of moral value means for the relation between morality and religion for Plato and Mill respectively. (Make sure to find and cite relevant texts.) Try to make some determination about whether or not they are correct. OR (b) Try to make some determination about what is more valuable in relation to happiness – individual liberty (whether or not you can do as you like) or virtue (what kind of person you are and character you have). Justify your response. What I Look For 1. A stated thesis. This is a vital ingredient of any good paper. It tells the reader what the central claim is. 2. A stated plan for developing the thesis. In the first paragraph, briefly say how the central idea will be developed. “I will show X, then Y and then Z” 3. Textual usage: Make sensible use of texts to demonstrate meaning, as sources of evidence or interpretation. 4. Development, lucidity, coherence: The points supporting the thesis should be related to each other, and not be contradictory to one another. To the extent possible one point should follow more or less naturally from the next. 5. Clarity: Some sign that you understand the basic issue or problem, and argument discussed in the text or in class for or against. 6. No BS: BS is relatively easy to spot. Its only purpose is to fill space. These papers aren’t that long. Make every word count. Here are some examples of common BS on philosophical essays. (BS need not be false to still count as BS.) The test for BS is probably a lot like Judge Learned Hand’s test for
  • 17. pornography. If it looks like porn it probably is. a. “Since the dawn of time, man has thought/questioned/etc. …..” b. “Descartes was born in….” 7. Imagination and Engagement: This is not easy to quantify and may be the most difficult thing to do; however, I want you to try to engage with the problem. Introduce your own view of the matter – provided that you provide an argument for it. Thesis: A thesis is the claim that you are proposing to discuss, whose truth you are proposing to demonstrate. It is the most difficult part of formulating a philosophical essay. Sample 1 “In this paper I will show how deontologist and consequentialist moral theories differ from one another when discussing if suicide is right or wrong in certain situations. In order to show this, I must show and discuss theories in which a deontologist or Kantian type believes. Secondly, we must also see and discuss the theories that which the consequentialist, or Millian type believe. We will also discuss how each of these groups reason with the question of is it ever permissible to commit suicide? Among the moral theory of suicide, we will also take the Categorical Imperative and the Greatest Happiness principle into consideration.” 1. Does this paragraph have a thesis? If so, what is it? 2. Does it have a plan for developing the thesis? What is the plan? 3. Is it clearly written? Why or why not? (or where is it and where is it not?) 4. Does it contain much BS or does it more or less get to the point?
  • 18. Sample 2 “The argument has been made numerous times about whether or not suicide is ever justified. Kant gave a scenario of a man who was reduced to despair by a series of misfortunes and was contemplating taking his own life. The man asked himself it taking his own life would be contrary to his duty to himself, and he asks whether the maxim of his action could become a universal law of nature. Suicide is never permissible because from most philosophical standpoints, it would not be doing anyone any good. In the first paragraph, I will explain why it is not permissible to commit suicide. I will then discuss….” 1. Does this paragraph have a thesis? If so, what is it? 2. Does it have a plan for developing the thesis? What is the plan? 3. Is it clearly written? Why or why not? (or where is it and where is it not?) 4. Does it contain much BS or does it more or less get to the point? Sample 3 “Due to its widespread effects and its irreversibility I believe that it is never permissible to commit suicide. Doing so is both an injustice to the person taking their own life, as well as to their loved ones. I am going to use Kant’s categorical imperative to provide the deontological view on why suicide is immoral. Following that I will introduce utilitarianism….” 1. Does this paragraph have a thesis? If so, what is it? 2. Does it have a plan for developing the thesis? What is the plan?
  • 19. 3. Is it clearly written? Why or why not? (or where is it and where is it not?) 4. Does it contain much BS or does it more or less get to the point?