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Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Social Studies and
ELA Integrated Five-Day Unit80.0CriteriaPercentageNo
submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching
(74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target
(100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent100.0%Unit Plan:
Planning and Integration of ELA and Social Studies15.0%Not
addressed.Unit is inadequate for teaching one or more concepts
in the primary content area for the profile of students. Unit may
not include concepts from both content areas. The lessons are
inadequately aligned to standards-based learning objectives.
Learning progressions are inappropriate or not present. Plans
are developmentally inappropriate or simply do not meet the
needs of students.Unit is adequately designed to teach ELA and
social studies content for the profile of students. Unit includes
concepts from both content areas. The lessons are mostly
aligned to standards-based learning objectives, and demonstrate
some degree of learning progression. Unit is clearly designed to
teach ELA and social studies content for the profile of students.
Unit appropriately integrates central concepts from both content
areas. The lessons are aligned to standards-based learning
objectives, and demonstrate a reasonable learning progression.
Unit is well-crafted to teach ELA and social studies content for
the profile of students. Well-suited, central concepts are
creatively and meaningfully integrated from both content areas.
The lessons are strongly aligned to standards-based learning
objectives, and demonstrate a well-designed, logical sequence.
Unit Plan: Instructional Strategies15.0%Not
addressed.Strategies and resources in the unit plan are
inappropriate or do not create opportunities for students to
learn, practice, and master content, or strategies do not include
the use of technology.Unit plan demonstrates adequately
developed strategies and resources, including the use of
technology, to create opportunities for students to learn,
practice, and master content.Unit plan demonstrates clear,
developmentally appropriate, student-centered strategies and
resources, including the use of technology, to create
opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master
content.Unit plan demonstrates well-developed and skillful use
of effective, student-centered strategies and resources,
including the use of technology, to create meaningful and
engaging opportunities for students to learn, practice, and
master content.Unit Plan: Assessment 15.0%Not
addressed.Planned assessments do not adequately allow for
students to demonstrate their knowledge or skill development
and/or they do not align to the stated learning targets.Planned
assessments are adequate for monitoring students deep
understandings and skill development in content area. The
assessments are somewhat aligned to the stated learning
targets.Planned assessments provide clear, basic methods to
monitor students deep understandings and skill development in
the content area throughout and at the end of the lesson. They
are generally aligned to the stated learning targets.Planned
assessments creatively allow for multiple forms of evidence in
order to monitor students deep understanding and skill
development in the content areas throughout and at the end of
the lesson. They are well aligned to the stated learning targets
and standards.Unit Plan: Differentiation15.0%Not
addressed.Unit does not include appropriate considerations
regarding developmental and linguistic factors, based on the
class. Teaching/learning and assessment strategies are not
adequately differentiated to assist students in achieving learning
outcomes.Unit includes general considerations regarding
developmental and linguistic factors within the unit, based on
the class. Includes some differentiated teaching/learning and
assessment strategies that are designed to assist students in
achieving learning outcomes.Unit includes appropriate
considerations regarding developmental and linguistic factors,
based on the students in the class. Outlines differentiated
teaching/learning and assessment strategies that are designed to
assist in achieving learning outcomes.Unit skillfully and
concisely includes considerations regarding developmental and
linguistic factors, based on students in the class. Skillfully
outlines differentiated teaching/learning and assessment
strategies that address individual needs for achieving individual
learning outcomes.Reflection20.0%Not addressed.Reflection
inadequately addresses the assignment components, or is
missing one or more component.Reflection minimally addresses
all of the assignment components.Each of the assignment
components are appropriately addressed in the reflection.The
reflective analysis is complete; it represents a thorough
evaluation of the components of the
assignment.Mechanics10.0%Not addressed.The unit plan
contains inappropriate, incoherent language and/or sentence
structures.The unit plan contains mechanical and conventional
errors or non-relevant language that affects meaning and
clarity.The unit plan has a few mechanical and conventional
errors present that do not significantly affect meaning or clarity.
Word choice reflects basic, consistent, appropriate use of
practice and topic-related language.The unit plan is free of
mechanical and conventional errors. Word choice reflects well-
developed use of practice and topic-related language.Complete
Unit Plan Template10.0%Not addressed.Unit plan is either not
complete, developmentally inappropriate and/or is not in
alignment.Unit plan is complete, but some areas are not fully
developed. Needs of the students do not appear central to the
plans. Some alignment is present.Unit plan is complete and
developmentally appropriate, with clear alignment from
beginning to end.Unit plan is comprehensive, well-crafted for
the students, and thoroughly aligned. Total Weightage100%
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Time to
Present60.0CriteriaPercentageNo Submission
(0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable
(87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints
EarnedContent100.0%Strategies to Teach Children Listening
and Speaking Skills35.0%Not addressed.Lesson plan
insufficiently or inappropriately addresses listening and
speaking components. Students who are hesitant to present may
not have been considered.Lesson plan weakly includes the
listening and speaking components. Students who are hesitant to
present are not fully considered.Lesson plan clearly includes the
listening and speaking components. Students who are hesitant to
present are appropriately considered.Lesson plan skillfully and
concisely includes the listening and speaking components.
Students who are hesitant to present are artfully
considered.Differentiation Section35.0%Not addressed.Support
for students with exceptionalities and English as a second
language is inappropriate for the age or exceptionalities
described.Differentiation in the lesson plan begins to, but does
not fully meet the needs of students with exceptionalities and
English as a second language. Lesson plan includes clear,
appropriate support for students with exceptionalities and
English as a second language.Lesson plan includes skillfully
and creatively designed support for students with
exceptionalities and English as a second language.Complete
Lesson Plan Template15.0%Not addressed.Lesson plan is either
not complete, developmentally inappropriate, and/or not in
alignment.Lesson plan is complete, but some areas are not fully
developed. Needs of the students do not appear Lesson plan is
complete and developmentally appropriate, with clear alignment
from beginning to end.Lesson plan is comprehensive, well-
crafted for the students, and thoroughly aligned.
Mechanics15.0%Not addressed.The lesson plan contains
inappropriate, incoherent language and/or sentence
structures.The lesson plan contains mechanical and
conventional errors or non-relevant language that affects
meaning and clarity.The lesson plan has a few mechanical and
conventional errors present that do not significantly affect
meaning or clarity. Word choice reflects basic, consistent,
appropriate use of practice and topic-related language.The
lesson plan is free of mechanical and conventional errors. Word
choice reflects well-developed use of practice and topic-related
language.Total Weightage100%
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Clinical Field
Experience E: Integrating Instruction40.0CriteriaPercentageNo
submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching
(74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints
EarnedContent100.0%Assessment Data Summary 30.0%Not
addressed. Submission weakly summarizes the assessment data
and reasonably identifies modifications for future instruction.
Key points are insufficient or irrelevant.Submission minimally
summarizes the assessment data and moderately identifies
modifications for future instruction. Not all required elements
are included, or key points are lacking substance or relevance.
Submission adequately summarizes the assessment data and
reasonably identifies modifications for future instruction. Points
are general, but appropriate. Submission proficiently
summarizes the assessment data collected and skillfully
identifies modifications for future instruction. All required
elements are fully addressed.Mentor Feedback on Unit
Plan40.0%Not addressed. Summary of feedback provided by
mentor teacher is inadequate and demonstrates a vague
discussion around the unit plans development and
effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher
is unclear and demonstrates basic discussion around the unit
plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback
provided by mentor teacher is sound and demonstrates advanced
discussion around the unit plans development and
effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher
is thorough and demonstrates a professional discussion around
the unit plans development and effectiveness. Mechanics of
Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language
use)30.0%Not addressed. Surface errors are pervasive enough
that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate
word choice or sentence construction are used.Frequent and
repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies
in language choice (register) and/or word choice are
present.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they
do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence
structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related
language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors.
Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and
content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and
engaging.Total Weightage100%
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Benchmark - ELA,
Social Studies, and Arts Differentiated Instructional
Planning300.0CriteriaPercentageNo Submission
(0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable
(87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints
EarnedContent100.0%Part 1: Revised and New Lesson Plans
Integration of Literacy, Social Studies, and Arts [COE 2.3;
CEC 3.1; InTASC 4(c), 4(f)] 15.0%Not addressed.Revised
lesson plans do not integrate literacy, social studies, and arts
effectively. Some components of the lesson plan templates are
missing, incomplete, or unclear. Content sections do not
represent well planned instruction of concepts, knowledge, and
skills within the disciplines. Learning progressions are not
developed in consideration of student factors and needs.
Differentiation strategies are incorrect or inadequate in meeting
the students learning needs. Lesson plans are revised to
integrate literacy, social studies, and arts adequately. Many
components of the lesson plan templates are complete. Content
sections represent appropriately planned instruction of concepts,
knowledge, and skills within the disciplines. Learning
progressions are broadly developed in consideration of student
factors and needs. Differentiation strategies are inexplicit and
the lack of detail indicates students learning needs will not be
met. Lesson plans are revised to integrate literacy, social
studies, and arts clearly and accurately. Most components of the
lesson plan templates are complete, descriptive, and competent.
Content sections represent valid planned instruction of
concepts, knowledge, and skills within the disciplines.
Meaningful learning progressions are developed in
consideration of student factors and needs. Differentiation
strategies are adequate in meeting the needs of students in the
field experience classroom.Lesson plans are revised to integrate
literacy, social studies, and arts effectively and seamlessly. All
components of the lesson plan templates are complete, clear,
and thorough. All content sections represent in-depth planned
instruction of concepts, knowledge, and skills within the
disciplines. Meaningful learning progressions are expertly
developed in consideration of student factors and needs.
Differentiation strategies are well-researched and thoughtful to
the students in the field experience classroom.Part 2: Reflective
Summary Integrated Standards [COE 2.2; NAEYC 5c; InTASC
4(a)] 15.0%Not addressed.Summary insufficiently details how
the content standards selected are appropriate for the unit.
Rationale for the alignment of the standards to the lessons
learning and assessment activities is unclear or
irrelevant.Summary vaguely details how the content standards
selected are appropriate for the unit. Provides an overly
simplistic rationale for the alignment of the standards to the
lessons learning and assessment activities.Summary reasonably
details how the content standards selected are appropriate for
the unit and the students. Provides a clear rationale for the
alignment of the standards to the lessons learning and
assessment activities.Summary convincingly details how the
content standards selected are appropriate for the unit and the
students. Provides a solid rationale for the alignment of the
standards to the lessons learning and assessment activities.Part
2: Reflective Summary Strategies for Language Development
and Communication Skills [COE 2.5; CEC 5.4; InTASC 2(e)]
15.0%Not addressed.Summary ineffectively explains how the
strategies within the lesson plans are designed to enhance
students language development and communication skills.
Summary vaguely explains how the strategies within the lesson
plans are designed to enhance students language development
and communication skills. Summary reasonably explains how
the strategies within the lesson plans are designed to enhance
students language development and communication skills.
Summary convincingly explains how the strategies within the
lesson plans are designed to enhance students language
development and communication skills.Part 2: Reflective
Summary Learning Resources and Technology [COE 2.1; CEC
3.2; NAEYC 5a, 5b; InTASC 4(b), 4(c), 4(d), 5(a), 5(b), 5(c),
5(e); ISTE 1b, 1c] 15.0%Not addressed.Explanation of learning
and technological resources needed to effectively execute the
lesson plans does not relate to student needs or is unclear.
Rationale for the role of identified resources in creating
engaging opportunities for students is incomplete or
underdeveloped.Summary includes an overly simplistic
explanation of learning and technological resources needed to
effectively execute the lesson plans. Rationale for the role of
identified resources in creating engaging opportunities for
students is minimally developed. Summary includes a clear and
descriptive explanation of learning and technological resources
needed to effectively execute the lesson plans. Rationale for the
role of identified resources in creating engaging opportunities
for students is detailed and accurately developed.Summary
includes a convincing and thorough explanation of learning and
technological resources needed to effectively execute the lesson
plans. Rationale for the role of identified resources in creating
engaging opportunities for students is insightful and clearly
relates to the students needs.Part 2: Reflective Summary
Differentiation and Accessibility [COE 2.4; CEC 3.3; InTASC
2(b), 2(h), 4(g)] 15.0%Not addressed.Summary ineffectively
explains differentiation to make the lesson plans accessible and
appropriate for all students, including individuals with
exceptionalities, or modifications described are
inappropriate.Summary either minimally explains appropriate
differentiation to make the lesson plans accessible and
appropriate for all students, including individuals with
exceptionalities, and/or changes presented are inadequate for
the students needs.Summary clearly explains appropriate
differentiation to make the lesson plans accessible and
appropriate for all students, including individuals with
exceptionalities. Changes made are supported with a reasonable
rationale.Summary convincingly explains the appropriateness of
the differentiations to make the lesson plans accessible and
appropriate for all students, including individuals with
exceptionalities. Changes made are supported with an insightful
and accurate rationale.Part 2: Reflective Summary
Consideration [COE 5.4 Interpret implications of applying a
Christian worldview as an educator in a school setting.]
10.0%Not addressed.Individual student backgrounds are
insufficiently considered when making instructional decisions.
Instructional choices ineffectively prevent social and cultural
bias from affecting student learning.Individual student
backgrounds are minimally considered when making
instructional decisions. Instructional choices are overly
simplistic and weakly prevent social and cultural bias from
affecting student learning.Individual student backgrounds are
considered when making instructional decisions. Instructional
choices appropriately prevent social and cultural bias from
affecting student learning.Individual student backgrounds are
thoughtfully considered when making instructional decisions.
Instructional choices demonstrate high-order thinking in
realistically preventing social and cultural bias from affecting
student learning. Part 2: Reflective Summary Research
5.0%Not addressed.Rationale is supported by questionable
research, or research presented is lacking credibility and/or
relevance.Rationale is minimally supported by recent research-
based sources.Individual student backgrounds are considered
when making instructional decisions. Instructional choices
appropriately prevent social and cultural bias from affecting
student learning.Rationale is strongly supported by 3-5
insightful, high-quality research-based sources. Organization
5.0%Not addressed.Several paragraphs and transitions lack
logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or
cohesiveness. Organization is unclear. Paragraphs are not
always fully developed. Ideas show some inconsistency in
organization and/or in their relationships to each other.A logical
progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent.
Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic
sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to
purpose.There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and
transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph
and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph
structure is seamless. Mechanics of Writing and Format
(includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use and
appropriate format)5.0%Not addressed.Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in
language choice (register) and/or word choice are present.
Sentence structure may be incorrect. Practice-related vocabulary
may be incorrect or not used. APA formatting is not followed or
is incorrect or missing several elements. A lack of control with
formatting is apparent.Some mechanical errors or typos are
present, distracting to the reader. Sentence structure is correct,
but overly simplistic with minimal use of accurate practice-
related vocabulary. APA is used. Formatting is evident,
although some errors are present.Prose is largely free of
mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer
employs a variety of effective sentence structures and
accurately uses practice-related vocabulary. APA is fully used.
There are virtually no errors in formatting style.Writer is
clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
Practice-related vocabulary is well-developed and used
throughout. All format elements are correct.Total
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Clinical Field
Experience D: Collaborative
Discussion10.0CriteriaPercentageNo submission
(0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable
(87.00%) Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints
EarnedContent100.0%Mentor Feedback on Unit Plan70.0%Not
addressed. Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is
inadequate and demonstrates a vague discussion around the unit
plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback
provided by mentor teacher is unclear and demonstrates basic
discussion around the unit plans development and
effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher
is sound and demonstrates advanced discussion around the unit
plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback
provided by mentor teacher is thorough and demonstrates a
professional discussion around the unit plans development and
effectiveness. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling,
punctuation, grammar, and language use)30.0%Not addressed.
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede
communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in
language choice (register) and/or word choice are
present.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they
do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence
structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related
language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors.
Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and
content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and
engaging.Total Weightage100%
ECS-580 Social Studies and ELA Integrated Five-Day Unit Plan
Week 1
Lesson Title, Objectives, and
Brief Summary of Rationale
State Specific Standards
(include at least two social studies standards, one reading
standard, one writing standard, and one speaking and listening
standard in the unit)
Vocabulary and Academic Language
Instructional Strategy/Strategies Used
Summary of Instruction and Activities for the Lesson
(identify researched-based support strategies forstudents with
Materials, Resources, and Technology
1. What challenges did you encounter when planning a five day
unit that integrates cross-disciplinary skills?
2. How does cross-disciplinary instruction benefit all student
3. How did you select the strategies you used to enhance
language development and communication skills of individual
students through the integration of social studies content?
© 2017 Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Clinical Field
Experience C: Integrating Instruction, K-
330.0CriteriaPercentageNo submission (0.00%)Insufficient
(69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target
(100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent100.0%Descriptive
Summary of Teaching 25.0%Not addressed. Submission weakly
summarizes the opportunities for improvement and successes of
teaching. Key points are insufficient or irrelevant.Submission
moderately summarizes the opportunities for improvement and
successes of teaching. Not all required elements are included, or
key points are lacking substance or relevance. Submission
adequately summarizes the opportunities for improvement and
successes of teaching. All required elements are included.
Points are general, but appropriate. Submission proficiently
summarizes the opportunities for improvement and successes of
teaching. All required elements are fully addressed.Comparison
of Teaching Philosophy and Integrating Instructional
Practices25.0%Not addressed. Comparison of teaching
philosophies and integrating instructional practices is
incomplete or unrelated to what was described in the summary.
Comparison of teaching philosophies and integrating
instructional practices is unrealistic, unclear, or
underdeveloped.Comparison of teaching philosophies and
integrating instructional practices is basic, useful, and
appropriate for students.Comparison of teaching philosophies
and integrating instructional practices is insightful, realistic,
and clearly considers the needs of students.Lesson Plan
Preparation20.0%Not addressed. Description of the lesson plan,
provided by mentor teacher, is insufficient for future
instruction.Description of the lesson plan, provided by mentor
teacher, is basic and moderately outlines future
instruction.Description of the lesson plan, provided by mentor
teacher, is adequate for future instruction.Description of the
lesson plan, provided by mentor teacher, is thorough and well-
planned for future instruction.Mechanics of Writing (includes
spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)30.0%Not
addressed. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they
impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice
or sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in
language choice (register) and/or word choice are
present.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they
do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence
structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related
language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors.
Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and
content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and
engaging.Total Weightage100%

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Congratulations! You made it to the last week of the course. You.docx
Congratulations! You made it to the last week of the course. You.docxCongratulations! You made it to the last week of the course. You.docx
Congratulations! You made it to the last week of the course. You.docx

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Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal Point.docx

  • 1. Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Social Studies and ELA Integrated Five-Day Unit80.0CriteriaPercentageNo submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent100.0%Unit Plan: Planning and Integration of ELA and Social Studies15.0%Not addressed.Unit is inadequate for teaching one or more concepts in the primary content area for the profile of students. Unit may not include concepts from both content areas. The lessons are inadequately aligned to standards-based learning objectives. Learning progressions are inappropriate or not present. Plans are developmentally inappropriate or simply do not meet the needs of students.Unit is adequately designed to teach ELA and social studies content for the profile of students. Unit includes concepts from both content areas. The lessons are mostly aligned to standards-based learning objectives, and demonstrate some degree of learning progression. Unit is clearly designed to teach ELA and social studies content for the profile of students. Unit appropriately integrates central concepts from both content areas. The lessons are aligned to standards-based learning objectives, and demonstrate a reasonable learning progression. Unit is well-crafted to teach ELA and social studies content for the profile of students. Well-suited, central concepts are creatively and meaningfully integrated from both content areas. The lessons are strongly aligned to standards-based learning objectives, and demonstrate a well-designed, logical sequence. Unit Plan: Instructional Strategies15.0%Not addressed.Strategies and resources in the unit plan are inappropriate or do not create opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master content, or strategies do not include the use of technology.Unit plan demonstrates adequately developed strategies and resources, including the use of technology, to create opportunities for students to learn,
  • 2. practice, and master content.Unit plan demonstrates clear, developmentally appropriate, student-centered strategies and resources, including the use of technology, to create opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master content.Unit plan demonstrates well-developed and skillful use of effective, student-centered strategies and resources, including the use of technology, to create meaningful and engaging opportunities for students to learn, practice, and master content.Unit Plan: Assessment 15.0%Not addressed.Planned assessments do not adequately allow for students to demonstrate their knowledge or skill development and/or they do not align to the stated learning targets.Planned assessments are adequate for monitoring students deep understandings and skill development in content area. The assessments are somewhat aligned to the stated learning targets.Planned assessments provide clear, basic methods to monitor students deep understandings and skill development in the content area throughout and at the end of the lesson. They are generally aligned to the stated learning targets.Planned assessments creatively allow for multiple forms of evidence in order to monitor students deep understanding and skill development in the content areas throughout and at the end of the lesson. They are well aligned to the stated learning targets and standards.Unit Plan: Differentiation15.0%Not addressed.Unit does not include appropriate considerations regarding developmental and linguistic factors, based on the class. Teaching/learning and assessment strategies are not adequately differentiated to assist students in achieving learning outcomes.Unit includes general considerations regarding developmental and linguistic factors within the unit, based on the class. Includes some differentiated teaching/learning and assessment strategies that are designed to assist students in achieving learning outcomes.Unit includes appropriate considerations regarding developmental and linguistic factors, based on the students in the class. Outlines differentiated teaching/learning and assessment strategies that are designed to
  • 3. assist in achieving learning outcomes.Unit skillfully and concisely includes considerations regarding developmental and linguistic factors, based on students in the class. Skillfully outlines differentiated teaching/learning and assessment strategies that address individual needs for achieving individual learning outcomes.Reflection20.0%Not addressed.Reflection inadequately addresses the assignment components, or is missing one or more component.Reflection minimally addresses all of the assignment components.Each of the assignment components are appropriately addressed in the reflection.The reflective analysis is complete; it represents a thorough evaluation of the components of the assignment.Mechanics10.0%Not addressed.The unit plan contains inappropriate, incoherent language and/or sentence structures.The unit plan contains mechanical and conventional errors or non-relevant language that affects meaning and clarity.The unit plan has a few mechanical and conventional errors present that do not significantly affect meaning or clarity. Word choice reflects basic, consistent, appropriate use of practice and topic-related language.The unit plan is free of mechanical and conventional errors. Word choice reflects well- developed use of practice and topic-related language.Complete Unit Plan Template10.0%Not addressed.Unit plan is either not complete, developmentally inappropriate and/or is not in alignment.Unit plan is complete, but some areas are not fully developed. Needs of the students do not appear central to the plans. Some alignment is present.Unit plan is complete and developmentally appropriate, with clear alignment from beginning to end.Unit plan is comprehensive, well-crafted for the students, and thoroughly aligned. Total Weightage100% Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Time to Present60.0CriteriaPercentageNo Submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints
  • 4. EarnedContent100.0%Strategies to Teach Children Listening and Speaking Skills35.0%Not addressed.Lesson plan insufficiently or inappropriately addresses listening and speaking components. Students who are hesitant to present may not have been considered.Lesson plan weakly includes the listening and speaking components. Students who are hesitant to present are not fully considered.Lesson plan clearly includes the listening and speaking components. Students who are hesitant to present are appropriately considered.Lesson plan skillfully and concisely includes the listening and speaking components. Students who are hesitant to present are artfully considered.Differentiation Section35.0%Not addressed.Support for students with exceptionalities and English as a second language is inappropriate for the age or exceptionalities described.Differentiation in the lesson plan begins to, but does not fully meet the needs of students with exceptionalities and English as a second language. Lesson plan includes clear, appropriate support for students with exceptionalities and English as a second language.Lesson plan includes skillfully and creatively designed support for students with exceptionalities and English as a second language.Complete Lesson Plan Template15.0%Not addressed.Lesson plan is either not complete, developmentally inappropriate, and/or not in alignment.Lesson plan is complete, but some areas are not fully developed. Needs of the students do not appear Lesson plan is complete and developmentally appropriate, with clear alignment from beginning to end.Lesson plan is comprehensive, well- crafted for the students, and thoroughly aligned. Mechanics15.0%Not addressed.The lesson plan contains inappropriate, incoherent language and/or sentence structures.The lesson plan contains mechanical and conventional errors or non-relevant language that affects meaning and clarity.The lesson plan has a few mechanical and conventional errors present that do not significantly affect meaning or clarity. Word choice reflects basic, consistent, appropriate use of practice and topic-related language.The
  • 5. lesson plan is free of mechanical and conventional errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and topic-related language.Total Weightage100% Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Clinical Field Experience E: Integrating Instruction40.0CriteriaPercentageNo submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent100.0%Assessment Data Summary 30.0%Not addressed. Submission weakly summarizes the assessment data and reasonably identifies modifications for future instruction. Key points are insufficient or irrelevant.Submission minimally summarizes the assessment data and moderately identifies modifications for future instruction. Not all required elements are included, or key points are lacking substance or relevance. Submission adequately summarizes the assessment data and reasonably identifies modifications for future instruction. Points are general, but appropriate. Submission proficiently summarizes the assessment data collected and skillfully identifies modifications for future instruction. All required elements are fully addressed.Mentor Feedback on Unit Plan40.0%Not addressed. Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is inadequate and demonstrates a vague discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is unclear and demonstrates basic discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is sound and demonstrates advanced discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is thorough and demonstrates a professional discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)30.0%Not addressed. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate
  • 6. word choice or sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.Total Weightage100% Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Benchmark - ELA, Social Studies, and Arts Differentiated Instructional Planning300.0CriteriaPercentageNo Submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent100.0%Part 1: Revised and New Lesson Plans Integration of Literacy, Social Studies, and Arts [COE 2.3; CEC 3.1; InTASC 4(c), 4(f)] 15.0%Not addressed.Revised lesson plans do not integrate literacy, social studies, and arts effectively. Some components of the lesson plan templates are missing, incomplete, or unclear. Content sections do not represent well planned instruction of concepts, knowledge, and skills within the disciplines. Learning progressions are not developed in consideration of student factors and needs. Differentiation strategies are incorrect or inadequate in meeting the students learning needs. Lesson plans are revised to integrate literacy, social studies, and arts adequately. Many components of the lesson plan templates are complete. Content sections represent appropriately planned instruction of concepts, knowledge, and skills within the disciplines. Learning progressions are broadly developed in consideration of student factors and needs. Differentiation strategies are inexplicit and the lack of detail indicates students learning needs will not be met. Lesson plans are revised to integrate literacy, social
  • 7. studies, and arts clearly and accurately. Most components of the lesson plan templates are complete, descriptive, and competent. Content sections represent valid planned instruction of concepts, knowledge, and skills within the disciplines. Meaningful learning progressions are developed in consideration of student factors and needs. Differentiation strategies are adequate in meeting the needs of students in the field experience classroom.Lesson plans are revised to integrate literacy, social studies, and arts effectively and seamlessly. All components of the lesson plan templates are complete, clear, and thorough. All content sections represent in-depth planned instruction of concepts, knowledge, and skills within the disciplines. Meaningful learning progressions are expertly developed in consideration of student factors and needs. Differentiation strategies are well-researched and thoughtful to the students in the field experience classroom.Part 2: Reflective Summary Integrated Standards [COE 2.2; NAEYC 5c; InTASC 4(a)] 15.0%Not addressed.Summary insufficiently details how the content standards selected are appropriate for the unit. Rationale for the alignment of the standards to the lessons learning and assessment activities is unclear or irrelevant.Summary vaguely details how the content standards selected are appropriate for the unit. Provides an overly simplistic rationale for the alignment of the standards to the lessons learning and assessment activities.Summary reasonably details how the content standards selected are appropriate for the unit and the students. Provides a clear rationale for the alignment of the standards to the lessons learning and assessment activities.Summary convincingly details how the content standards selected are appropriate for the unit and the students. Provides a solid rationale for the alignment of the standards to the lessons learning and assessment activities.Part 2: Reflective Summary Strategies for Language Development and Communication Skills [COE 2.5; CEC 5.4; InTASC 2(e)] 15.0%Not addressed.Summary ineffectively explains how the strategies within the lesson plans are designed to enhance
  • 8. students language development and communication skills. Summary vaguely explains how the strategies within the lesson plans are designed to enhance students language development and communication skills. Summary reasonably explains how the strategies within the lesson plans are designed to enhance students language development and communication skills. Summary convincingly explains how the strategies within the lesson plans are designed to enhance students language development and communication skills.Part 2: Reflective Summary Learning Resources and Technology [COE 2.1; CEC 3.2; NAEYC 5a, 5b; InTASC 4(b), 4(c), 4(d), 5(a), 5(b), 5(c), 5(e); ISTE 1b, 1c] 15.0%Not addressed.Explanation of learning and technological resources needed to effectively execute the lesson plans does not relate to student needs or is unclear. Rationale for the role of identified resources in creating engaging opportunities for students is incomplete or underdeveloped.Summary includes an overly simplistic explanation of learning and technological resources needed to effectively execute the lesson plans. Rationale for the role of identified resources in creating engaging opportunities for students is minimally developed. Summary includes a clear and descriptive explanation of learning and technological resources needed to effectively execute the lesson plans. Rationale for the role of identified resources in creating engaging opportunities for students is detailed and accurately developed.Summary includes a convincing and thorough explanation of learning and technological resources needed to effectively execute the lesson plans. Rationale for the role of identified resources in creating engaging opportunities for students is insightful and clearly relates to the students needs.Part 2: Reflective Summary Differentiation and Accessibility [COE 2.4; CEC 3.3; InTASC 2(b), 2(h), 4(g)] 15.0%Not addressed.Summary ineffectively explains differentiation to make the lesson plans accessible and appropriate for all students, including individuals with exceptionalities, or modifications described are inappropriate.Summary either minimally explains appropriate
  • 9. differentiation to make the lesson plans accessible and appropriate for all students, including individuals with exceptionalities, and/or changes presented are inadequate for the students needs.Summary clearly explains appropriate differentiation to make the lesson plans accessible and appropriate for all students, including individuals with exceptionalities. Changes made are supported with a reasonable rationale.Summary convincingly explains the appropriateness of the differentiations to make the lesson plans accessible and appropriate for all students, including individuals with exceptionalities. Changes made are supported with an insightful and accurate rationale.Part 2: Reflective Summary Consideration [COE 5.4 Interpret implications of applying a Christian worldview as an educator in a school setting.] 10.0%Not addressed.Individual student backgrounds are insufficiently considered when making instructional decisions. Instructional choices ineffectively prevent social and cultural bias from affecting student learning.Individual student backgrounds are minimally considered when making instructional decisions. Instructional choices are overly simplistic and weakly prevent social and cultural bias from affecting student learning.Individual student backgrounds are considered when making instructional decisions. Instructional choices appropriately prevent social and cultural bias from affecting student learning.Individual student backgrounds are thoughtfully considered when making instructional decisions. Instructional choices demonstrate high-order thinking in realistically preventing social and cultural bias from affecting student learning. Part 2: Reflective Summary Research 5.0%Not addressed.Rationale is supported by questionable research, or research presented is lacking credibility and/or relevance.Rationale is minimally supported by recent research- based sources.Individual student backgrounds are considered when making instructional decisions. Instructional choices appropriately prevent social and cultural bias from affecting student learning.Rationale is strongly supported by 3-5
  • 10. insightful, high-quality research-based sources. Organization 5.0%Not addressed.Several paragraphs and transitions lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Organization is unclear. Paragraphs are not always fully developed. Ideas show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other.A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to purpose.There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. Mechanics of Writing and Format (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use and appropriate format)5.0%Not addressed.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present. Sentence structure may be incorrect. Practice-related vocabulary may be incorrect or not used. APA formatting is not followed or is incorrect or missing several elements. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.Some mechanical errors or typos are present, distracting to the reader. Sentence structure is correct, but overly simplistic with minimal use of accurate practice- related vocabulary. APA is used. Formatting is evident, although some errors are present.Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer employs a variety of effective sentence structures and accurately uses practice-related vocabulary. APA is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Practice-related vocabulary is well-developed and used throughout. All format elements are correct.Total Weightage100% Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Clinical Field
  • 11. Experience D: Collaborative Discussion10.0CriteriaPercentageNo submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%) Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent100.0%Mentor Feedback on Unit Plan70.0%Not addressed. Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is inadequate and demonstrates a vague discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is unclear and demonstrates basic discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is sound and demonstrates advanced discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness.Summary of feedback provided by mentor teacher is thorough and demonstrates a professional discussion around the unit plans development and effectiveness. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)30.0%Not addressed. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.Total Weightage100% ECS-580 Social Studies and ELA Integrated Five-Day Unit Plan Week 1 Monday
  • 12. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Title, Objectives, and Brief Summary of Rationale State Specific Standards (include at least two social studies standards, one reading standard, one writing standard, and one speaking and listening standard in the unit) Vocabulary and Academic Language Instructional Strategy/Strategies Used
  • 13. Summary of Instruction and Activities for the Lesson Differentiation (identify researched-based support strategies forstudents with exceptionalities) Materials, Resources, and Technology Assessment
  • 14. Reflection 1. What challenges did you encounter when planning a five day unit that integrates cross-disciplinary skills? 2. How does cross-disciplinary instruction benefit all student learning? 3. How did you select the strategies you used to enhance language development and communication skills of individual students through the integration of social studies content? © 2017 Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsECS-580ECS-580-O500Clinical Field Experience C: Integrating Instruction, K- 330.0CriteriaPercentageNo submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent100.0%Descriptive Summary of Teaching 25.0%Not addressed. Submission weakly summarizes the opportunities for improvement and successes of teaching. Key points are insufficient or irrelevant.Submission moderately summarizes the opportunities for improvement and successes of teaching. Not all required elements are included, or key points are lacking substance or relevance. Submission adequately summarizes the opportunities for improvement and successes of teaching. All required elements are included. Points are general, but appropriate. Submission proficiently summarizes the opportunities for improvement and successes of teaching. All required elements are fully addressed.Comparison of Teaching Philosophy and Integrating Instructional Practices25.0%Not addressed. Comparison of teaching philosophies and integrating instructional practices is
  • 15. incomplete or unrelated to what was described in the summary. Comparison of teaching philosophies and integrating instructional practices is unrealistic, unclear, or underdeveloped.Comparison of teaching philosophies and integrating instructional practices is basic, useful, and appropriate for students.Comparison of teaching philosophies and integrating instructional practices is insightful, realistic, and clearly considers the needs of students.Lesson Plan Preparation20.0%Not addressed. Description of the lesson plan, provided by mentor teacher, is insufficient for future instruction.Description of the lesson plan, provided by mentor teacher, is basic and moderately outlines future instruction.Description of the lesson plan, provided by mentor teacher, is adequate for future instruction.Description of the lesson plan, provided by mentor teacher, is thorough and well- planned for future instruction.Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)30.0%Not addressed. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.Total Weightage100%