SlideShare a Scribd company logo
John M. Robbins
User Experience Design

    Design 3E
Research &
Strategic Planning
Experience Brief
High Level User Flow
Content Analysis

Energy Client Campaign messaging broken down by level of persuasiveness.
1.   Persuasive content messaging = multiple explanations of message with external supporting evidence.
2.   Somewhat persuasive = 1 or 2 explanations of message, with minimal external supporting evidence.
3.   Non-persuasive = tangential reference to message with no external supporting evidence.
Gap Analysis
Engagement Strategy
Video Media
                 Expert Research
                        Provide contextual
                        lead ins for video

Tags, social
unique urls,
and embed
text should be
standard                      Provide episode
practice                      summary and basic
Video Media
                 Expert Research

                                                Provide multiple
                                                search options through
                                                different displayand
                                                display techniques.
Video Media
                      Expert Research
                                                     Provide multiple
                                                     search options through
                                                     different display

Explore unique ways
for re-purposing
archived content.
User Research
Image Collage
Card Sorting [Web Sort]
  Policies &
     & Law
 Schedule &

  Guides &

Card Sorting [Web Sort]


 Safety &

 News &

Audience Surveys

                                                                        Figure B: Based on 793 responses to the NAEA Audience Profile survey when filtered by all
                                                                        classroom educators. Respondents could select as many as apply.

Figure A: Based on 992 responses to the NAEA Audience Profile survey.
Respondents could select multiple audience types.
 Cara Molinas                                                                                                           Was a [CLIENT] student
 Elementary Arts Educator                                                                                               member, did not renew
                                                                                                                        Inexperienced educator
 “My first year as the lone art teacher of a new program was a blur. Last                                               Needs resources to start new
 year was survival; this year has been more about creating engaging                                                     program
 experiences for all kids.”

 Profile                                                                                                             Personal Information
                                                                                                                     Age: 27
 Cara was born and raised in Guanica, Puerto Rico. Her husband works as a high school social studies teacher and
 they have four kids under the age of 8 that they both work very hard to support. She lives near her extended        Location: Brooklyn, NY
 family as they moved all from Puerto Rico where she was ten, to Brooklyn, NY. Three years ago, Cara completed       Profession: 2nd year Elementary Arts
 a teaching degree from NYU, and is now in the middle of her second year as an elementary school art teacher at      teacher with a mobile cart
 the Roberto Clemente School.
                                                                                                                     Home Life: Married with 4 children
 Due to strong leadership, the school realized that it was doing nothing to address the total child. So, after       Hobbies: Family cookouts & beach days
 creative budgeting and a small corporate grant, they were able to hire Cara as a mobile art teacher along with a
                                                                                                                     Favorite TV Shows: Ugly Betty, HSN
 music teacher. With 600 + students, Cara has been working frantically to find curriculum resources and materials
 to outfit her “traveling art caravan.” Last year was a blur to her as she spent countless hours trying to prepare   Personality: Outgoing, energetic and
 engaging experiences for her kids on less than a shoestring.                                                        embraces her strong family bonds.

 Using her laptop that she purchased while in graduate school, Cara takes spends 1-2 hours the night before
 researching and preparing lessons. Cara was a [CLIENT] member as a student in her teaching program, but did
 not see the benefits for cost of membership. During the day she has no time for any computer work beyond            Internet Usage
 checking e-mail a few times a week when she has a 10 minute break.
                                                                                                                     Internet Usage: 1-2 hrs. a day

 Goals & Motivators                            Business Objectives                                                   Primary Uses: e-mail and lesson
 Cara comes to the site to …                   We want Cara to …                                                     planning
    Get Lesson Plans                              Become a member                                                    Favorite Sites: Incredible Art Dept,
    See examples of student work                  Share & Rate lesson plan                                           Computer: 3 yr old iBook. T1 line at
    Listserv once a week                          Show student work                                                  school, dial up connection at home.
    Get classroom management tips                 Participate in discussion forums
 Devon Harrison                                                                                                         Non-active [CLIENT] member
 High School Arts Teacher/Dept. Head                                                                                    Experienced educator
                                                                                                                        Minimal computer usage
 “I’ve seen education trends come and go, but give a kid a camera or put
                                                                                                                        Expertise & quality student
 them in front of a pottery wheel and that’s where true creative expression
                                                                                                                        work available

 Profile                                                                                                             Personal Information
 Devon is from Grand Rapids, Michigan and moved to Davis, CA for college. He is divorced with two teenaged kids,     Age: 51
 and works very hard to support his family with his ex-wife on the road frequently for her work in sales. Devon
 has always had a passion for art and has always incorporated art into his daily activities. Devon enjoys spending   Location: Davis, California
 time with his kids hiking, canoeing and camping, practices yoga regularly and working in his studio above the       Profession: High School Art teacher &
 garage.                                                                                                             Department head, 25yrs experience
 Devon has been an artist for 30 years focusing on pottery and photography. To support his artwork, he became        Home Life: Divorced with 2 Children
 an art teacher 25 years ago and has developed a passion for teaching high school aged kids and helping them         Hobbies: wood carving and yoga
 unleash their potential. For the past 15 year, Devon has worked at Davis Senior High School, serving as
 department chair for the past 5 years.                                                                              Favorite TV Shows: Discovery & History
 Devon uses the computer at school about ½ - 1 hour per day primarily for handling “administrivia.” In his role as   Personality: Soft spoken, calm energy
 department chair, he needs to keep abreast of grant opportunities and new curriculum ideas to share with his        very creative and abstract in his work
 team. Not being technologically inclined, he relies on some of his other team members to provide art research       and communication.
 and web support. Devon is a non-active [CLIENT] member.

 Goals & Motivators                             Business Objectives
 Devon comes to the site to …                   We want Devon to …                                                   Internet Usage
        Learn about the National convention           Become a more active member                                    Internet Usage: ½-1 hrs daily
        Update basic membership                       Contribute successful lesson plans & slideshows
                                                                                                                     Primary Uses: Work related and
        Get general information about                 Showcase student work
                                                                                                                     internet research.
        [CLIENT] contacts                             Post suggestions for photography and ceramics discussion
        Grant opportunities                           forums.                                                        Favorite Sites: Getty Images,
        Impact of NCLB on arts programs               Respond to blog postings on best practices.                    Computer: Dell Inspiron, Internet
                                                                                                                     Explorer, T1 at work, old 356 IBM at
Decision Making
Decision Making Ecosystem
                         PROJECT   Marketing & Social Media Strategy |          CLIENT                           |   DATE   10.05.09   |   VERSION   1.0   |   PAGE
                                                                                                                                                                      #1 Large Business

                                                                                                             Decide to                                                Decide where
                                      Decision Making Influencers                                            relocate                                                  to relocate
                                        Leading Sources of Information
                                        1. Dialogue with industry peers
                                        2. Articles in newspapers and magazines
                                        3. Business travel
                                        4. Online sources
                                        5. Word of mouth

                                        Most Effective Marketing Techniques
                                        1. Internet/Web site
                                        2. Public relations / publicity
                                        3. Planned visits to corporate executives
                                        4. Hosting Special Events
                                        5. Direct Mail
Jordan Douglas                                                                                            Decision Making Ecosystem Notes
Large Business                          Most Useful Online Features
C.F.O.                                  1. Demographic information
                                        2. Information on available incentives
                                        3. Current comparisons with competitors
Profile                                 4. Directory of available buildings & sites
Male, 54
                                        5. Information on quality of life
Married 24 years
2 children high school/
college age.                            Most Likely Need for Facility Change
Dedicated family man who                1. Manufacturing / production plant
enjoys working outside in               2. Regional sales office or service center
his yard when he’s not at               3. Corporate, division or regional headquarters
work. Has to travel                     4. Distribution center
frequently for work, so he              5. Back office facility
enjoys having a sanctuary
with easy access to
transportation and services.

                                       * All “Decision Making Influencers” data collected from:
                                       “A View From Corporate America: Winning Strategies in
                                       Economic Development Marketing”
                                       A Continuing Survey of Corporate Executives with Site Selection
                                       Responsibilities, by Development Counsellors International (DCI)
                                       July 28, 2008
Sitemaps & Wireframes
                                                                                                                                                   DATE      04.07.08
                                                                                                                                                   VERSION   1.0

     User Shortcuts:                                                               MySpace Navigation                                                               MySpace               Search

      Item 1        Item 2        Item 3         Item 4         Item 5          Item 6         Item 7          Item 8         Item 9        Item 10       Item 11   Item 12   Item 13      Item 14

1      [CLIENT] BIO                                                                              6
                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse
                                                                                                                                           [CLIENT] [Tagline]
        [ROTATING               Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget
         IMAGES]                lorem. Pellentesque eu eros.
                                Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce
                                eget. Pellentesque eu eros.
                                Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce                                                                          [VIDEO PLAYER]
      View my Pics, Videos      eget.

2 CONTACT           [CLIENT]
      Send Message                            Forward to Friend
      Add to Friends                          Add to Favorites
      Instant Message                         Block User                                         8     [CLIENT] STORY
      Add to Group                            Rank User
                                                                                                       Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus.
     GET INVOLVED [Take Away Items]                                                                    Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus.
                                                                                                       Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus.
        [CLIENT]                                            [X] Number of downloads                    Suspen disse orci Fusce eget porta cursus orci.
                                                                                                       URL: http://www.
     Copy and paste the following code:
          <center><br><a href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="</font></a><br> <a
                                                                                                 9     [CLIENT] BLOG
                                                                                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.
                [CLIENT] BANNER]                            [X] Number of downloads                     Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Duis euismod luctus est.
                                                                                                        Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros.
     Copy and paste the following code:
          <center><br><a href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="</font></a><br> <a
                                                                                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.
                                                                                                        Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. Duis euismod
                                                                                                        luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros.
                                                            [X] Number of downloads
        BUTTON]                                                                                         11.03.07
                                                                                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.
     Copy and paste the following code:                                                                 Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. Duis euismod
          <center><br><a href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="</font></a><br> <a                     luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros.

          Wall Paper
          Screen Saver
                                                                                                10 VIDEO [MySpace TV]

     [Survey / Trivial Pursuit / Twitter]


                             [ROTATING WIDGET]

                                                                                                           Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.

5    [CLIENT SlDESHOW]                                                                          11 PODCASTS
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do
      eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                                                                                          [PODCAST WIDGET]
                                                      Pellentesque eros sit dolor.
                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
               [SLIDESHOW]                            Pellentesque eros sit dolor.
                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                      Pellentesque eros sit dolor.                         Archives:
                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                                                           Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.
                                                      Pellentesque eros sit dolor.


                  [IMAGE]                                               [IMAGE]                                               [IMAGE]                                      [IMAGE]

                  [IMAGE]                                               [IMAGE]                                               [IMAGE]                                      [IMAGE]

                  [IMAGE]                                               [IMAGE]                                               [IMAGE]                                      [IMAGE]

                                                                                                                                                    View [CLIENT] Friends: All | Online | New

       Viewing [X] out of [X]: View All | Add Comment

            [IMAGE]             Curabitur bibendum, magna ac egestas porttitor, felis diam consectetuer dui, non egestas mauris lorem vel sem. .

            [IMAGE]             Curabitur bibendum, magna ac egestas porttitor, felis diam consectetuer dui, non egestas mauris lorem vel sem. .
2    Fieldnotes Blog | Contact Us | Login |                                 Search

       United States fund for UNICEF [Brand & Logo]

3          Who We Are                  Our People                  Our Work               Campaigns               News & Media

4                                                                                                                                                       6                     7

                                                                                                                                      [DONATE]                [SHOP]           [VOLUNTEER]

                                                                                                                                      [FIELDNOTES BLOG]                                 RSS
                                                                                                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                                                                                                                      adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum consequat velit. Full Post>
                                                     [PRIMARY VISUALS]                                                                Posted by Lorem I. Dolor on June 20th, 2007

                                                                                                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                                                                                                                      adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum consequat velit. Full Post>
                                                                                                                                                                                    All News >>
                                                                                                                                      Posted by Halim J. Nubic on June 18 , 2007

                                                                                                                                      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                                                                                                                      adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum consequat velit. Full Post>
                                                                                                                                      Posted by Halim J. Nubic on June 18th, 2007

    Recent News                                                                                                                  11
                                                                                                                                       Newsletter Sign Up
     6.20.07                                                        6.08.07                                                                Email:
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.
     Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu     Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu           Why Subscribe?                             Subscribe
     eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem.        eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem.
     6.18.07                                                        6.06.07                                                                                 [KIDS SITE]
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.
     Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu     Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu
     eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem.        eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem.
                                                                                                                                 13                                14
     6.10.07                                                        6.03.07
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc.                       [CHARITY
                                                                                                                                                                     [PARTNER LOGOS]
     Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu     Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu           NAVIGATOR]
     eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem.        eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem.
                                                                                                                All News >>
15                                                                                                                                                                                  1.800.4UNICEF
      © 2007 United States Fund for UNICEF. All rights reserved.              Privacy Policy | FAQ | RSS | Accessibility                                  333 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016
KEY      Homepage & Global Elements        3rd Party Supported Micro-Site         PROJECT    [CLIENT NAME]
                                                                                                                                                                           Primary Navigation                CLIENT staffed, affiliate Micro-Site   DATE       11.20.07
                                                                                                                                                                           Secondary Navigation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VERSION    1.3

                                                              ▲     Global Navigation                                                                                                                                                          ▼    Footer Elements/Navigation
Home Page
                                                                  About Us                        Membership                        Calendar                        Contact Us                        Search [box]                                  Copyright; Privacy Policy; Advertising; Address & Contact;
Primary visuals- diversity, mission,                              History, Scope, Services,       Login / Sign Up                   [Functionality TBD]             HQ, Affiliates, Regionals,        [Advanced search TBD]                         Accessibility Policy; FAQ
Welcome, News feeds, Blog,                                        FAQ, Advertising                                                                                  Advisory, Partners
Gallery, Events, Membership,
Newsletter, quick links

News & Events                             Learning                               Community                                Advocacy                                Research &                              Grants & Opportunities                     Careers                                Store
News feeds, RSS sign up,                  CLIENT Learning intro,                 Visual intro, blog feed, gallery         Intro, Advocacy news, quick             Publications                            Intro, list alphabetically, NAEF           Intro, career benefits through         Intro, shopping cart, top sellers,
Calendar, x-link to blogs,                Research highlight, best               feature, membership benefits,            links, issue highlight, X- link to      Intro to archive types, X-Link to       highlight, Awards highlight                membership, x-link to profile,         membership discounts, x-link
                                          practices, lesson plan intro,          sign up                                  advocacy archives                       Subscriptions, Publications                                                                                               to membership
                                          upcoming PD

  News Feeds                                Lesson Planning                        CLIENT Blog                               [Issue Pages]                          Research Archives                       Foundation Grants                          Jobs Board                              Books
  News feed archives, RSS                   Criteria, Grade Level & Topic          View by, categories, author,              Intro, news updates RSS,               Featured articles, search                                                          List alphabetically, sort by type,      List alphabetically, level, topic,
  signup                                    Filters, Submit Lessons                topic, most recent                        article highlight, take action         results & abstracts -general            Overview, Recipients, Tips                 geography, level                        Featured book, top picks,
                                                                                                                                                                    audience, full articles- member         Programs, Reports, Donations,                                                      members ranking

  Events Calendar                           Professional                           Art Gallery                               Links & Resources                      Advocacy Archives                       Awards                                     Resume Builder                          Articles
  List & graphic view by month,             Development                            Gallery intro, teacher and                Alphabetical links by issue,           Featured artlces, search,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            List awards alphabetically,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hints & Tips from members,              List alphabetically, level, topic,
  filter by state, national,                Webinars, Workshops, x- link           student directory, featured               resource sort by region/state,         abstracts & full articles –                                                        cross link to art gallery and           Featured article, top picks,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            application & submission
  member, non-member                        blogs, calendar                        portfolio, most commented,                featured resource                      general access                                                                     portfolio.                              members ranking
                                                                                                                                                                                                            process, awardees' highlight

  National Convention                       Best Practices Forums                  Membership                                Petition Forms
                                                                                                                             Classroom Forums                       Links & Resources                       Academies &                                                                        Subscriptions
  Visual intro, forms, registration,        Grade level & topic filters,           Benefits, Visual tour, join,              Alphabetical by region/state,          Alphabetical by region/state,           Institutes                                                                         List alphabetically, level, topic,
  previous, forum threads                   general view, members                  renew, update profile, account            most common, tips and                  most popular resources                  Overview, description & links,                                                     Featured subscription, top
                                            participate                            maintenance                               examples                                                                       proposal submission                                                                picks, members ranking

  State/Regional                            Educational Videos,                    Committees & Groups                                                              Surveys & Polls                         Links & Resources                                                                  Merchandise
  Conferences                               Podcasts & Slideshows                  Overview, contact info,                                                          Intro, archive list of survey’s         Grants & Foundations,                                                              List alphabetically, level, topic,
  Intro, forms, registration,               YouTube, SlideShare, RSS               directory                                                                        and polls, highlight survey,            Scholarships & fellowships                                                         Featured merchandise, top
                                            feeds.                                                                                                                  current poll entry/ graphic                                                                                                picks

  Newsletter                                                                       Chapters &                                                                       Print Advertising                                                                                                          Audio & Video
  Intro, sign up, recent news,                                                     Associations                                                                     X-link “About Us” advertising,                                                                                             List alphabetically, level, topic,
  archives                                                                         Overview, link lists                                                                                                                                                                                        Featured Audio & Video, top
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               picks, members ranking

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              List alphabetically, level, topic,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Featured Publication, top picks,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              members ranking
1. [CLIENT NAME] Logo & Tagline
                                                                                                                                                                                               The [CLIENT NAME] Logo and tagline will appear on
                                                                                                                                                                                               all pages and serve as navigation to the homepage.
                                                                                                                                                                                               All design will be coded in CSS.
                                                                                               Membership/Login | About Us | Contact Us |                                     SEARCH
                                                                                                                                                                                            2. Global Navigation
1                                                                                                                                 Text Size: A A   A | Email This Page | Print this Page       “Membership / Login,” “About Us,” “Contact Us,”
      [CLIENT NAME LOGO]                                                                                                                                                                       “[CLIENT NAME] Foundation,” and “Search global
      TAGLINE...                                                                                                                                                                               navigation will appear consistently on all pages.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Membership & NAEF will direct users to landing pages
3                                                                                                     Research &           Grants &                                                            within the main navigation, About, Contact & Search
       News & Events            Learning               Community                Advocacy                                                           Careers                  Store              will direct to sections unique within the global
                                                                                                      Knowledge          Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                               navigation. User preferences for text sizing, “Email
                                                                                                          5                                                                                    this page,” and “Print this Page” will also be provided
4                                                                                                             WELCOME                                                                          globally.
                                                                                                              Duis euism od lorem ipsum datumluctus est. Pellentesque eu eros.
                                                                                                                                                                                            3. Main Navigation
                                                                                                              Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Duis euism od lorem ipsum
                                                                                                                                                                                               “News & Events,” “Learning,” “Community,”
                                                                                                              datumluctus est. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget porta                “Advocacy,” “Research & Publications,” “Grants &
                                                                                                              cursus orci. Quisque porta cursus orci curabitur bibendum.                       Opportunities,” “Careers,” and “Store” navigate to
                                                                                                                                                                                               main landing pages for each section. Drop down
                                                                                                               [QUICK LINKS]                                                                   menus will also show sub-navigation for each section.
                                                                                                                                                             TAKE A TOUR
                                                                                                                   [Quick Link 1]
                                                                                                                                                                                            4. Visual Presentation
                                  [VISUAL PRESENTATION]                                                            [Quick Link 2]                                                              Designed by Virilion in flash, a series of images with
                                                                                                                   [Quick Link 3]                                                              text create a compelling narrative of teachers and
                                                                                                                   [Quick Link 4]
                                                                                                                                                        JOIN [CLIENT NAME]                     students engaged in the diversity of arts education.

                                                                                                                                                                                            5. Welcome
                                                                                                          6   [CLIENT NAME] BLOG                                                 RSS           A brief welcome statement to support the visual
                                                                                                                                                                                               presentation, provide a few quick links to new
                                                                                                              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum            highlighted content, and link to learn more about
                                                                                                              consequat velit. Full Article>  Posted by Lorem I. Dolor on Dec. 20th, 2007      [CLIENT NAME] membership and join.

                                                                                                                                                                                            6. [CLIENT NAME] Blog
                                                                                                              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum            Provides 3-4 of the most current Blog posts. Includes
                                                                                                              consequat velit. Full Article>  Posted by Halim J. Nubic on Dec. 18th, 2007      the Blog headline, category, date, time, website link &
7                                                                                                                                                                                              brief description. RSS feeds from Type Pad Blog
    NEWS                                                 EVENTS                                                                                                                                page with multiple authors and categories. Most
    12.20.07                                             12.15.07                                                                                                                              current and some “sticky” posts represented.
                                                                                                              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.                          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.                          consequat velit. Full Article>  Posted by Halim J. Nubic on Dec. 18th, 2007
    Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem.           Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem.                                                                                         7. News & Events
                                                                                                                                                                                               Provides 3-4 of the most current News & Events posts
    Pellentesque eu eros.                                Pellentesque eu eros.                            8   ART GALLERY [Classroom Images & E-Portfolios]                                    in separate columns. Includes headline, date, time,
                                                                                                                                                                                               link & brief description. Featured events or news (ex.
    12.18.07                                             12.13.07                                                                                                                              Convention) can be made “sticky” to persist.
    Lorem ipsum conse ctetuadipisc.                      Lorem ipsum conse ctetuadipisc.
    Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem.           Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem.                                                                                         8. Art Gallery
    Pellentesque eu eros.                                Pellentesque eu eros.                                                                                                                 This provides a rotating series of images each which
                                                                                                                                    [ROTATING IMAGES]                                          can navigate to the select classroom gallery (Artsonia)
    12.16.07                                             12.10.07                                                                                                                              or e-portfolio page (Digication). The title to this
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,                          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,                                                                                                           section will direct to the main Art Gallery landing page.
    Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem.           Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem.
    Pellentesque eu eros.                                Pellentesque eu eros.                                                                                                              9. Footer Elements / Navigation
                                View All News >>                                    View All Events >>                                                                                         Web site copyright, link to home, privacy policy,
                                                                                                                                                                                               advertising guidelines, accessibility policy and
    © 2007 [CLIENT NAME]    Home | Privacy Policy | Advertising | Accessibility Policy | FAQ
9                                                                                                                                                                                              frequently asked questions, are footer navigation.

                                                                                                                                                                                            [CLIENT NAME] HOME PAGE
Blueprint for
                                                                                                                 Website Re-Design

                                      Home Page:

             Products                 Stores               Recycling              News            About Us            Contact

             Oral Care                 Online Store        The Process            Releases        Our Story

  Local        Tongue Cleaner            Store Home          Overview             Media             History

Navigation     Toothbrush                                                                           Mission
                                         My Account          Sourcing               Print

               Toothbrush Jr.            Cart Contents       Suppliers                              Our Pledge

               Toothpick                 Check Out           Reprocess & Clean      Podcasts/TV   Staff
Navigation   Razors                    Retail Stores
                                                             Testing & Issues
                                                                                  Newsletter       Careers

                                         Whole Foods       Links                    Subscribe

               Blades                    Wild Oats           General                Archives

               Razor Triple              Trader Joes         E- Organizations

               Triple blades             Hannifords          E- Directories

                                                             E- Friendly Corps.
             Table Ware                Target
                                                             Recycle Guides
               Tableware                 Search by State
                                                             Your Neighborhood
               Tumblers                Amazon



               What's Next

                               Created By: John M. Robbins, Lead IA, Design 3E, December 18th, 2006
ACM SIGGRAPH.ORG Site Map                                                      1.1 Site Map         1.2 Accessibility   1.3 Contact

                                                                                                                                                                Global Navigation                     1.4 Search

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IDIA 630 Information Architecture
Team D Members:
                                                                                       SIte Map:                                                           Project:
John Robbins
                                                                                   Site Analysis & Relevance to Students                                                                    Site Development
Lynn Rogala
                                                                                          STUDENTS.SIGGRAPH.ORG                                                             Client Contact: Shannon Tucker
Mike Rogers
                                                                                                                                                                            Date:           March 26th, 2007
Liz Zietlow
Executive Dashboard
PROJECT             |   DATE   10.05.09    |   PAGE    Executive Dashboard |      VERSION   3.0

                                                                                                                                  Help I Contact I Logout

                                                                                                                          Enter Collaborative Workspace >

1                                                                                     2   Campaign Progress
                                                                                             Category            Previous Current Month            Status
                                                                                             Paid Media
                                                                                             Impressions           XXX,XXX         XXX,XXX         [X.X%       ]
                                                                                             Earned Media
                            [CAMPAIGN TIMELINE]                                                   Volume           XXX,XXX         XXX,XXX         [X.X%       ]
                                                                                                  Tone                 XX,XXX       XX,XXX         [X.X%       ]
                                                                                             Question(s)]          XXX,XXX         XXX,XXX         [X.X%       ]
                                                                                             Lorem ipsum dolor sit
                                                                                             amet, consectetaur . As   data becomes available

     Weekly Report
                                                                                             Web Traffic               XX,XXX       XX,XXX         [X.X%       ]
     TITLE                                                      DATE [Week of]               Membership                X,XXX       X,XXX           [X.X%       ]
                                                                                             % Active
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer                  XX.XX.XX                     Advocates                  XX%         XX%            [X.X%       ]
                                                                                      3      Membership & Campaigns
      Vestibulum ultrices, cus pellentesque.                    XX.XX.XX

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                                                                                                       [U.S. Map Graphic]
    Campaign Assets                                             View Archives >               Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed
                                                                                              do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
     MEDIA          TITLE                                       DATE
                                                                                             [About this Chart] >>
     TV              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer   XX.XX.XX                     Earned Media                               Tone

     Print           Vestibulum ultrices, cus pellentesque.     XX.XX.XX
     Online          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer   XX.XX.XX

     TV              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer   XX.XX.XX                     [About this Chart] >>

    Current Advertising                                                               5      Web Traffic                                Visitors
                                                                                                                                        Time on Site
                                                                                                                                        Average page views
                                                                                                                                        Traffic summary

                                  [VIDEO AD]                                                 [About this Chart] >>

                                                                                      6      Polling Questions                          [Question A]
                                                                                                                                        [Question B]
                                                                                                                                        [Question C]
                                                                                                                                        [Question D]

                                                                                             [About this Chart] >>
PROJECT   client   |   DATE   10.05.09   |   PAGE   Executive Dashboard |   VERSION   3.0

1. Campaign Timeline
   The existing Campaign timeline will retain the same level of functionality, content and detail, but will be narrowed in width to
   accommodate high level content illustrating campaign progress.

2. Campaign Progress
   A summary spreadsheet will be provided as a quick snapshot view, highlighting progress across each key metric area, in
   the most recent month. The column headings will be as follows: “Category” for the title of each metric, “Previous” will
   provide a baseline for the metric category being measured, “Current Month,” will show the latest information, and “Status”
   will provide the percent change including a simple graphic which indicates an increase, decrease or no change. Scrolling
   over any category, a pop up will reveal a descriptor for the specific measurement methodology. The graphic design
   elements will be further defined by Virilion with attention to color coding.

3. Membership & Campaigns
   A US map with text providing numeric data on:
    a. Total membership
    b. Membership growth in the past month.
    c. Active membership; both numeric data and percentage of total.
       * This figure will be calculated by sub-contractor, using a formula based on the number of members who have
       participated in: e-mail campaigns, gone to a meeting, or written a congressmen regarding legislation.

   Visual distinction for the states with campaign focus. Upon rollover of these campaign focus areas, a pop up box will reveal
   campaign specific membership levels, percentage of national average, membership growth rate and the percentage of
   “Active Members.”

     * For each graph or chart, an “About this graph” link provides a pop up descriptor for the specific measurement
     methodology. In addition, a glossary of terms will be provided to support the dashboard documentation.

4. Earned Media
   This chart displays the combined earned media volume across online media sources. Radian6 earned media measurement
   software will be imported and manually configured monthly to display progress in terms of total “Volume” and “Tone” for
   targeted earned media. A drop down selection menu will provide both views with “Tone” selected as the default.

   To determine the tone across a representative sample of articles, Virilion has developed a set of criteria based on a 3 point
    1. negative
    2. balanced
    3. positive

5. Web Traffic
   Importing data from Hitbox, this bar graph will be manually configured monthly to provide a variety of web site traffic data on
   client’s site. The total number of visits will show as default in a monthly view. An additional drop down selection menu will
   provide the following additional views:
     1. Number of visitors
     2. Time on Site
     3. Average number of page views
     4. Traffic summary

6. Polling Questions
   Utilizing data collected by client’s monthly flash polling questions, this data will be displayed in a complimentary format to
   the type of questions posed, and as the data becomes available. A drop down menu can be provided here to provide data
   for multiple polling questions.

   * Archived data & graphs for each metric area will be incorporated into Virilion’s weekly reports on a monthly basis.
   * The monthly manual data entry & reporting will be accounted for through the earned media retainer.
Case Study:
WEEI Sports Radio Network
WEEI- Project Launch Goals:
  •   Establish as THE go to place for Boston sports
  •   Create strong digital brands for radio personalities
  •   Develop unique integrated advertising opportunities
WEEI- The Situation:
WEEI was a radio powerhouse, but had a sleepy Website. No TV/video. No print. Hard to compete broadly in the Boston market for
sports news with radio alone – they were struggling to compete when up against the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, New England
Sports Network, Comcast Sportsnet, and the nationals like ESPN.
WEEI- The Solution:
Transform from a radio offshoot to the hub of the WEEI Sports Network WHILE paying homage to the radio roots as well as
marketing the radio shows more effectively.

                   BEFORE                                                                AFTER
WEEI- Web Site Development:
With a variety of content, and a diverse audience of passionate sports enthusiasts, it was important for WEEI to show a balance
between opinion, news and fun.
WEEI- Overall Architecture:
Providing multiple points of access to unique and news breaking content is what distinguishes as Boston’s sports network.
Filtering by content lens or media type, integrating social tools, and providing multiple incentives for personalizing membership; Virilion’s
newly designed architectural framework puts WEEI fans in charge.
WEEI- Site Map:
The site map provides a scalable structure, and progressive navigation broken into groups by content lens, media type, membership
and WEEI business access, with multiple access points and cross-linking to ensure that visitors are able to quickly navigate to their
content of interest within 2 clicks.
WEEI- Homepage Wireframe:
Creating a widgetized portal, quick visual access to the latest content, and integrated advertising space were the cornerstones
supporting WEEI’s homepage blueprint. Ensuring that top stories and writers were presented in balance with the latest and most
popular on-air shows was paramount to the use of space. Highlighting live and on-demand content, creating multiple tab views of
content, required early collaboration with 3rd party vendors like EveryZing A/V and Stats Data to create a cohesive user experience.
WEEI- Homepage:
Creating a widgetized portal, quick visual access to the latest content, and integrated advertising space were the cornerstones
supporting WEEI’s homepage blueprint. Ensuring that top stories and writers were presented in balance with the latest and most
popular on-air shows was paramount to the use of space. Highlighting live and on-demand content, creating multiple tab views of
content, required early collaboration with 3rd party vendors like EveryZing and Stats Data to create a cohesive user experience.
WEEI- Show Scheduling:
One way to provide an intro to the radio personalities was with a dynamic scheduling widget for the homepage. We designed an
experience to introduce personalities, show times, and what’s coming up on the day’s show.

                WEEI Schedule widget development
                                                                           This needs to keep 
   Needs to be able to                                                     current date & time
   scroll back 24hrs
                                 December 25th, 2008 7:43am
                                             Time | Program LISTEN: ON DEMAND
   Need to have admin 
   Need to have admin                                     Dennis &
                                                          D    i
                                 - 6am – 10am                              This button needs to be dynamic to 
   access to change                                       Callahan
                                                                           correspond with current date and time “On 
   timing and show for 
                                               [BRAND]                     Demand” for earlier programming links to 
                                                                           Everyzing’s page categorized by show & date, 
                                  LISTEN:               LIVE               “”Live” links to current program (Listen Live), 
   Need to  have show 
   Need to have show
                                  6am: Teddy Bruschi                       “Coming up” no link…
                                  7am: Headlines, Headlines, Headlines
                                  8am: Joke of the Day
   branding                       9am: For immature audiences
                                                                           This text area needs to be accessible to each 
                                                             Dale &
                                 + 10am – 2pm                Holley        respective program’s producer to edit details 
   Need to expand as an                                                  LISTEN: COMING UP
                                 + 2pm – 6pm                The Big        for show programming in a “twitter‐esque’ 
   ajax accordion widget                                                   format.
   using logos to the
   using logos to the
                                                                           Needs to be able to 
                                                                           scroll forward 24hrs
WEEI- Strong & unique brands for radio personalities:
Create strong digital brands for unique radio personalities required interviewing, research and flexible templates to support unique
WEEI- Integrated Advertising:
Provided multiple opportunities for advertisers to purchase page exclusives, integrated throughout the page while still
keeping the content at center stage.
WEEI- Integrated Advertising:
Created rich media concepts, integrated throughout the page while still keeping the content at center stage.
WEEI- The Results:
Sponsorship has increased, fan engagement has increased, and WEEI has now fought it’s way to number 1.
WEEI- The Results:
Sponsorship has increased, fan engagement has increased, and WEEI has now fought it’s way to number 1.
John M. Robbins
 D   esign   3E
 Principal Designer

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Robbins Portfolio Case Studies

  • 1. John M. Robbins Portfolio User Experience Design Design 3E
  • 5.
  • 6. Content Analysis Energy Client Campaign messaging broken down by level of persuasiveness. 1. Persuasive content messaging = multiple explanations of message with external supporting evidence. 2. Somewhat persuasive = 1 or 2 explanations of message, with minimal external supporting evidence. 3. Non-persuasive = tangential reference to message with no external supporting evidence.
  • 9. Video Media Expert Research Provide contextual lead ins for video segments Tags, social bookmarking, unique urls, and embed text should be standard Provide episode practice summary and basic meta-data.
  • 10. Video Media Expert Research Provide multiple search options through different displayand filters display techniques. techniques.
  • 11. Video Media Expert Research Provide multiple search options through different display techniques. Explore unique ways for re-purposing archived content.
  • 14. Card Sorting [Web Sort] FOR FAMILY AUDIENCE News Policies & Initiatives Safety & Law Schedule & Finance Why Immunize? Guides & Educational Support Interactives
  • 15. Card Sorting [Web Sort] FOR CLINICIANS AUDIENCE Clinical Education Safety & Liability Vaccine Provider Tools Educating Families News & Events Research
  • 16. Audience Surveys | Figure B: Based on 793 responses to the NAEA Audience Profile survey when filtered by all classroom educators. Respondents could select as many as apply. | Figure A: Based on 992 responses to the NAEA Audience Profile survey. Respondents could select multiple audience types.
  • 18. PRIMARY PERSONA #1 DIFFERENTIATORS Cara Molinas Was a [CLIENT] student Elementary Arts Educator member, did not renew Inexperienced educator “My first year as the lone art teacher of a new program was a blur. Last Needs resources to start new year was survival; this year has been more about creating engaging program experiences for all kids.” Profile Personal Information Age: 27 Cara was born and raised in Guanica, Puerto Rico. Her husband works as a high school social studies teacher and they have four kids under the age of 8 that they both work very hard to support. She lives near her extended Location: Brooklyn, NY family as they moved all from Puerto Rico where she was ten, to Brooklyn, NY. Three years ago, Cara completed Profession: 2nd year Elementary Arts a teaching degree from NYU, and is now in the middle of her second year as an elementary school art teacher at teacher with a mobile cart the Roberto Clemente School. Home Life: Married with 4 children Due to strong leadership, the school realized that it was doing nothing to address the total child. So, after Hobbies: Family cookouts & beach days creative budgeting and a small corporate grant, they were able to hire Cara as a mobile art teacher along with a Favorite TV Shows: Ugly Betty, HSN music teacher. With 600 + students, Cara has been working frantically to find curriculum resources and materials to outfit her “traveling art caravan.” Last year was a blur to her as she spent countless hours trying to prepare Personality: Outgoing, energetic and engaging experiences for her kids on less than a shoestring. embraces her strong family bonds. Using her laptop that she purchased while in graduate school, Cara takes spends 1-2 hours the night before researching and preparing lessons. Cara was a [CLIENT] member as a student in her teaching program, but did not see the benefits for cost of membership. During the day she has no time for any computer work beyond Internet Usage checking e-mail a few times a week when she has a 10 minute break. Internet Usage: 1-2 hrs. a day Goals & Motivators Business Objectives Primary Uses: e-mail and lesson Cara comes to the site to … We want Cara to … planning Get Lesson Plans Become a member Favorite Sites: Incredible Art Dept, See examples of student work Share & Rate lesson plan Computer: 3 yr old iBook. T1 line at Listserv once a week Show student work school, dial up connection at home. Get classroom management tips Participate in discussion forums
  • 19. PRIMARY PERSONA #2 DIFFERENTIATORS Devon Harrison Non-active [CLIENT] member High School Arts Teacher/Dept. Head Experienced educator Minimal computer usage “I’ve seen education trends come and go, but give a kid a camera or put Expertise & quality student them in front of a pottery wheel and that’s where true creative expression work available begins.” Profile Personal Information Devon is from Grand Rapids, Michigan and moved to Davis, CA for college. He is divorced with two teenaged kids, Age: 51 and works very hard to support his family with his ex-wife on the road frequently for her work in sales. Devon has always had a passion for art and has always incorporated art into his daily activities. Devon enjoys spending Location: Davis, California time with his kids hiking, canoeing and camping, practices yoga regularly and working in his studio above the Profession: High School Art teacher & garage. Department head, 25yrs experience Devon has been an artist for 30 years focusing on pottery and photography. To support his artwork, he became Home Life: Divorced with 2 Children an art teacher 25 years ago and has developed a passion for teaching high school aged kids and helping them Hobbies: wood carving and yoga unleash their potential. For the past 15 year, Devon has worked at Davis Senior High School, serving as department chair for the past 5 years. Favorite TV Shows: Discovery & History Channels Devon uses the computer at school about ½ - 1 hour per day primarily for handling “administrivia.” In his role as Personality: Soft spoken, calm energy department chair, he needs to keep abreast of grant opportunities and new curriculum ideas to share with his very creative and abstract in his work team. Not being technologically inclined, he relies on some of his other team members to provide art research and communication. and web support. Devon is a non-active [CLIENT] member. Goals & Motivators Business Objectives Devon comes to the site to … We want Devon to … Internet Usage Learn about the National convention Become a more active member Internet Usage: ½-1 hrs daily Update basic membership Contribute successful lesson plans & slideshows Primary Uses: Work related and Get general information about Showcase student work internet research. [CLIENT] contacts Post suggestions for photography and ceramics discussion Grant opportunities forums. Favorite Sites: Getty Images, Impact of NCLB on arts programs Respond to blog postings on best practices. Computer: Dell Inspiron, Internet Explorer, T1 at work, old 356 IBM at home.
  • 20. Decision Making Ecosystems
  • 21. Decision Making Ecosystem PROJECT Marketing & Social Media Strategy | CLIENT | DATE 10.05.09 | VERSION 1.0 | PAGE #1 Large Business Decide to Decide where Decision Making Influencers relocate to relocate Leading Sources of Information 1. Dialogue with industry peers 2. Articles in newspapers and magazines 3. Business travel 4. Online sources 5. Word of mouth Most Effective Marketing Techniques 1. Internet/Web site 2. Public relations / publicity 3. Planned visits to corporate executives 4. Hosting Special Events 5. Direct Mail Jordan Douglas Decision Making Ecosystem Notes Large Business Most Useful Online Features C.F.O. 1. Demographic information 2. Information on available incentives 3. Current comparisons with competitors Profile 4. Directory of available buildings & sites Male, 54 5. Information on quality of life Married 24 years 2 children high school/ college age. Most Likely Need for Facility Change Dedicated family man who 1. Manufacturing / production plant enjoys working outside in 2. Regional sales office or service center his yard when he’s not at 3. Corporate, division or regional headquarters work. Has to travel 4. Distribution center frequently for work, so he 5. Back office facility enjoys having a sanctuary with easy access to transportation and services. * All “Decision Making Influencers” data collected from: “A View From Corporate America: Winning Strategies in Economic Development Marketing” A Continuing Survey of Corporate Executives with Site Selection Responsibilities, by Development Counsellors International (DCI) July 28, 2008
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. PROJECT [CLIENT] - My Space DATE 04.07.08 VERSION 1.0 User Shortcuts: MySpace Navigation MySpace Search Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 1 [CLIENT] BIO 6 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse [CLIENT] [Tagline] ctetuadipisc. 7 [ROTATING Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget IMAGES] lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce [VIDEO PLAYER] View my Pics, Videos eget. 2 CONTACT [CLIENT] Send Message Forward to Friend Add to Friends Add to Favorites Instant Message Block User 8 [CLIENT] STORY Add to Group Rank User Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. GET INVOLVED [Take Away Items] Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. 3 Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. [CLIENT] [X] Number of downloads Suspen disse orci Fusce eget porta cursus orci. ICON] URL: http://www. Copy and paste the following code: <center><br><a href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="</font></a><br> <a 9 [CLIENT] BLOG 11.05.07 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. [CLIENT] BANNER] [X] Number of downloads Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Copy and paste the following code: <center><br><a href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="</font></a><br> <a 11.03.07 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. [CLIENT] [X] Number of downloads BUTTON] 11.03.07 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Copy and paste the following code: Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. Duis euismod <center><br><a href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx="</font></a><br> <a luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Wall Paper Screen Saver 10 VIDEO [MySpace TV] 4 PARTICIPATE [Survey / Trivial Pursuit / Twitter] [VIDEO] [ROTATING WIDGET] Archives: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. 5 [CLIENT SlDESHOW] 11 PODCASTS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet [PODCAST WIDGET] Pellentesque eros sit dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet [SLIDESHOW] Pellentesque eros sit dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Pellentesque eros sit dolor. Archives: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Pellentesque eros sit dolor. 12 FRIENDS OF [CLIENT] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] View [CLIENT] Friends: All | Online | New 13 FRIENDS OF [CLIENT] COMMENTS Viewing [X] out of [X]: View All | Add Comment [IMAGE] Curabitur bibendum, magna ac egestas porttitor, felis diam consectetuer dui, non egestas mauris lorem vel sem. . [IMAGE] Curabitur bibendum, magna ac egestas porttitor, felis diam consectetuer dui, non egestas mauris lorem vel sem. .
  • 27. 2 Fieldnotes Blog | Contact Us | Login | Search 1 United States fund for UNICEF [Brand & Logo] 3 Who We Are Our People Our Work Campaigns News & Media 4 6 7 5 [DONATE] [SHOP] [VOLUNTEER] 10 [FIELDNOTES BLOG] RSS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum consequat velit. Full Post> [PRIMARY VISUALS] Posted by Lorem I. Dolor on June 20th, 2007 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum consequat velit. Full Post> th All News >> Posted by Halim J. Nubic on June 18 , 2007 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum consequat velit. Full Post> Posted by Halim J. Nubic on June 18th, 2007 8 Recent News 11 Newsletter Sign Up 6.20.07 6.08.07 Email: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu Why Subscribe? Subscribe eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. 12 6.18.07 6.06.07 [KIDS SITE] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. 13 14 6.10.07 6.03.07 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetuadipisc. [CHARITY [PARTNER LOGOS] Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu NAVIGATOR] eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. eros. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget lorem. All News >> 15 1.800.4UNICEF © 2007 United States Fund for UNICEF. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy | FAQ | RSS | Accessibility 333 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016
  • 28.
  • 29. KEY Homepage & Global Elements 3rd Party Supported Micro-Site PROJECT [CLIENT NAME] Primary Navigation CLIENT staffed, affiliate Micro-Site DATE 11.20.07 Secondary Navigation VERSION 1.3 ▲ Global Navigation ▼ Footer Elements/Navigation Home Page About Us Membership Calendar Contact Us Search [box] Copyright; Privacy Policy; Advertising; Address & Contact; Primary visuals- diversity, mission, History, Scope, Services, Login / Sign Up [Functionality TBD] HQ, Affiliates, Regionals, [Advanced search TBD] Accessibility Policy; FAQ Welcome, News feeds, Blog, FAQ, Advertising Advisory, Partners Gallery, Events, Membership, Newsletter, quick links News & Events Learning Community Advocacy Research & Grants & Opportunities Careers Store News feeds, RSS sign up, CLIENT Learning intro, Visual intro, blog feed, gallery Intro, Advocacy news, quick Publications Intro, list alphabetically, NAEF Intro, career benefits through Intro, shopping cart, top sellers, Calendar, x-link to blogs, Research highlight, best feature, membership benefits, links, issue highlight, X- link to Intro to archive types, X-Link to highlight, Awards highlight membership, x-link to profile, membership discounts, x-link practices, lesson plan intro, sign up advocacy archives Subscriptions, Publications to membership upcoming PD 4.1.X.0 News Feeds Lesson Planning CLIENT Blog [Issue Pages] Research Archives Foundation Grants Jobs Board Books News feed archives, RSS Criteria, Grade Level & Topic View by, categories, author, Intro, news updates RSS, Featured articles, search List alphabetically, sort by type, List alphabetically, level, topic, signup Filters, Submit Lessons topic, most recent article highlight, take action results & abstracts -general Overview, Recipients, Tips geography, level Featured book, top picks, audience, full articles- member Programs, Reports, Donations, members ranking Applications Events Calendar Professional Art Gallery Links & Resources Advocacy Archives Awards Resume Builder Articles List & graphic view by month, Development Gallery intro, teacher and Alphabetical links by issue, Featured artlces, search, List awards alphabetically, Hints & Tips from members, List alphabetically, level, topic, filter by state, national, Webinars, Workshops, x- link student directory, featured resource sort by region/state, abstracts & full articles – cross link to art gallery and Featured article, top picks, application & submission member, non-member blogs, calendar portfolio, most commented, featured resource general access portfolio. members ranking process, awardees' highlight 4.3.X.0 National Convention Best Practices Forums Membership Petition Forms Classroom Forums Links & Resources Academies & Subscriptions Visual intro, forms, registration, Grade level & topic filters, Benefits, Visual tour, join, Alphabetical by region/state, Alphabetical by region/state, Institutes List alphabetically, level, topic, previous, forum threads general view, members renew, update profile, account most common, tips and most popular resources Overview, description & links, Featured subscription, top participate maintenance examples proposal submission picks, members ranking State/Regional Educational Videos, Committees & Groups Surveys & Polls Links & Resources Merchandise Conferences Podcasts & Slideshows Overview, contact info, Intro, archive list of survey’s Grants & Foundations, List alphabetically, level, topic, Intro, forms, registration, YouTube, SlideShare, RSS directory and polls, highlight survey, Scholarships & fellowships Featured merchandise, top feeds. current poll entry/ graphic picks Newsletter Chapters & Print Advertising Audio & Video Intro, sign up, recent news, Associations X-link “About Us” advertising, List alphabetically, level, topic, archives Overview, link lists Featured Audio & Video, top picks, members ranking Journals List alphabetically, level, topic, Featured Publication, top picks, members ranking
  • 30. 1. [CLIENT NAME] Logo & Tagline The [CLIENT NAME] Logo and tagline will appear on all pages and serve as navigation to the homepage. All design will be coded in CSS. 2 Membership/Login | About Us | Contact Us | SEARCH 2. Global Navigation 1 Text Size: A A A | Email This Page | Print this Page “Membership / Login,” “About Us,” “Contact Us,” [CLIENT NAME LOGO] “[CLIENT NAME] Foundation,” and “Search global TAGLINE... navigation will appear consistently on all pages. Membership & NAEF will direct users to landing pages 3 Research & Grants & within the main navigation, About, Contact & Search News & Events Learning Community Advocacy Careers Store will direct to sections unique within the global Knowledge Opportunities navigation. User preferences for text sizing, “Email 5 this page,” and “Print this Page” will also be provided 4 WELCOME globally. Duis euism od lorem ipsum datumluctus est. Pellentesque eu eros. 3. Main Navigation Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Duis euism od lorem ipsum “News & Events,” “Learning,” “Community,” datumluctus est. Donec cursus. Suspen disse orci Fusce eget porta “Advocacy,” “Research & Publications,” “Grants & cursus orci. Quisque porta cursus orci curabitur bibendum. Opportunities,” “Careers,” and “Store” navigate to main landing pages for each section. Drop down [QUICK LINKS] menus will also show sub-navigation for each section. TAKE A TOUR [Quick Link 1] 4. Visual Presentation [VISUAL PRESENTATION] [Quick Link 2] Designed by Virilion in flash, a series of images with [Quick Link 3] text create a compelling narrative of teachers and [Quick Link 4] JOIN [CLIENT NAME] students engaged in the diversity of arts education. 5. Welcome 6 [CLIENT NAME] BLOG RSS A brief welcome statement to support the visual presentation, provide a few quick links to new Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum highlighted content, and link to learn more about consequat velit. Full Article> Posted by Lorem I. Dolor on Dec. 20th, 2007 [CLIENT NAME] membership and join. 6. [CLIENT NAME] Blog Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum Provides 3-4 of the most current Blog posts. Includes consequat velit. Full Article> Posted by Halim J. Nubic on Dec. 18th, 2007 the Blog headline, category, date, time, website link & 7 brief description. RSS feeds from Type Pad Blog NEWS EVENTS page with multiple authors and categories. Most 12.20.07 12.15.07 current and some “sticky” posts represented. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc rutrum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. consequat velit. Full Article> Posted by Halim J. Nubic on Dec. 18th, 2007 Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. 7. News & Events Provides 3-4 of the most current News & Events posts Pellentesque eu eros. Pellentesque eu eros. 8 ART GALLERY [Classroom Images & E-Portfolios] in separate columns. Includes headline, date, time, link & brief description. Featured events or news (ex. 12.18.07 12.13.07 Convention) can be made “sticky” to persist. Lorem ipsum conse ctetuadipisc. Lorem ipsum conse ctetuadipisc. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. 8. Art Gallery Pellentesque eu eros. Pellentesque eu eros. This provides a rotating series of images each which [ROTATING IMAGES] can navigate to the select classroom gallery (Artsonia) 12.16.07 12.10.07 or e-portfolio page (Digication). The title to this Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, section will direct to the main Art Gallery landing page. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Duis euismod luctus est. Fusce eget lorem. Pellentesque eu eros. Pellentesque eu eros. 9. Footer Elements / Navigation View All News >> View All Events >> Web site copyright, link to home, privacy policy, advertising guidelines, accessibility policy and © 2007 [CLIENT NAME] Home | Privacy Policy | Advertising | Accessibility Policy | FAQ 9 frequently asked questions, are footer navigation. [CLIENT NAME] HOME PAGE WIREFRAME
  • 31. Blueprint for Website Re-Design Home Page: Global Products Stores Recycling News About Us Contact Navigation Oral Care Online Store The Process Releases Our Story Local Tongue Cleaner Store Home Overview Media History Navigation Toothbrush Mission My Account Sourcing Print Toothbrush Jr. Cart Contents Suppliers Our Pledge Online Toothpick Check Out Reprocess & Clean Podcasts/TV Staff Contextual Navigation Razors Retail Stores Testing & Issues Newsletter Careers Whole Foods Links Subscribe FAQ's Recyclable Blades Wild Oats General Archives Razor Triple Trader Joes E- Organizations Triple blades Hannifords E- Directories E- Friendly Corps. Table Ware Target Recycle Guides Tableware Search by State Your Neighborhood Tumblers Amazon Cutlery R&D Partnerships What's Next Created By: John M. Robbins, Lead IA, Design 3E, December 18th, 2006
  • 32. ACM SIGGRAPH.ORG Site Map 1.1 Site Map 1.2 Accessibility 1.3 Contact Global Navigation 1.4 Search 1.0.0 Home 2.0.0 Store 3.0.0 Publications 4.0.0 Events 5.0.0 Programs 6.0.0 Resources 7.0.0 Education 8.0.0 About Us 9.0.0 Membership Sub Sites 2.1.0 3.1.0 Conf. 4.1.0 Affiliated 5.1.0 6.1.0 Art/Design 8.1.0 Policies & 7.1.0 News 9.1.0 Join Videos Papers Stats Symposia Awards Resources Procedures 10.0 ARTS.SIG 2.2.0 3.2.0 Newsletter 4.2.0 5.2.0 CG 8.2.0 6.2.0 Calendar 7.2.0 Resources 9.2.0 Renew Membership Archives Conferences Pioneers Overview 2.3.0 3.3.0 Instructions 4.3.0 SIGGRAPH 5.3.0 Project 6.3.0 CG & IT 7.3.0 Building 8.3.0 9.3.0 Join Via 11.0 Chapters.SIG Conference for authors 2007 Grants Related LINKS Community Contact Us Mail or Fax 3.4.0 SIGGRAPH 4.4.0 SIGGRAPH 5.4.0 Art 6.4.0 Digital 8.4.0 EC 9.4.0 Accessing 12.0 WIKI.SIG 7.4.0 Students Rarities 2008 Gallery '97 Library Meeting Minute SIGGRAPH 3.5.0 4.5.0 2007 5.5.0 Art 6.5.0 Jobs & 7.5.0 Confs. & 8.5.0 Annual Corrigenda Sandbox Gallery '99 Career Workshops Reports 3.6.0 Conf. 4.6.0 5.6.0 Art 6.6.0 Industry 7.6.0 About the 8.6.0 Policies Documentation Symposium Gallery '01 Directory Ed. Committee Bylaws 3.7.0 CG 4.7.0 5.7.0 Art 8.7.0 FY 2005 Quarterly NPAR 2007 Gallery '03 Financials 3.8.0 Video 4.8.0 Web 3D 5.8.0 Art 8.8.0 Nomencla- Review 2007 Gallery '05 ture/Pronounce 3.9.0 Graphics 4.9.0 Graphics 5.9.0 Traveling 8.9.0 Logo Use Transactions Hardware '07 Art Show Policy 4.10.0 8.10.0 Conf. EDT 2007 Policies 4.11.0 8.11.0 Proposed SCA 2007 New Bylaws Site Map Key: Main Navigation Sub Site Relevant to Students Not Relevant to Students IDIA 630 Information Architecture Team D Members: SIte Map: Project: John Robbins Site Analysis & Relevance to Students Site Development Lynn Rogala STUDENTS.SIGGRAPH.ORG Client Contact: Shannon Tucker Mike Rogers Date: March 26th, 2007 Liz Zietlow
  • 33. Executive Dashboard Wireframes
  • 34. PROJECT | DATE 10.05.09 | PAGE Executive Dashboard | VERSION 3.0 Help I Contact I Logout EXECUTIVE DASHBOARD Enter Collaborative Workspace > 1 2 Campaign Progress Category Previous Current Month Status Paid Media Impressions XXX,XXX XXX,XXX [X.X% ] Earned Media [CAMPAIGN TIMELINE] Volume XXX,XXX XXX,XXX [X.X% ] Tone XX,XXX XX,XXX [X.X% ] [Polling Question(s)] XXX,XXX XXX,XXX [X.X% ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur . As data becomes available Weekly Report Web Traffic XX,XXX XX,XXX [X.X% ] TITLE DATE [Week of] Membership X,XXX X,XXX [X.X% ] % Active Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer XX.XX.XX Advocates XX% XX% [X.X% ] 3 Membership & Campaigns Vestibulum ultrices, cus pellentesque. XX.XX.XX Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer [U.S. Map Graphic] Campaign Assets View Archives > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt. MEDIA TITLE DATE [About this Chart] >> TV Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer XX.XX.XX Earned Media Tone 4 Volume Print Vestibulum ultrices, cus pellentesque. XX.XX.XX [GRAPH] Online Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer XX.XX.XX TV Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer XX.XX.XX [About this Chart] >> Current Advertising 5 Web Traffic Visitors Time on Site Average page views Traffic summary [GRAPH] [VIDEO AD] [About this Chart] >> 6 Polling Questions [Question A] [Question B] [Question C] [Question D] [GRAPH] XX.XX.XX [About this Chart] >>
  • 35. PROJECT client | DATE 10.05.09 | PAGE Executive Dashboard | VERSION 3.0 1. Campaign Timeline The existing Campaign timeline will retain the same level of functionality, content and detail, but will be narrowed in width to accommodate high level content illustrating campaign progress. 2. Campaign Progress A summary spreadsheet will be provided as a quick snapshot view, highlighting progress across each key metric area, in the most recent month. The column headings will be as follows: “Category” for the title of each metric, “Previous” will provide a baseline for the metric category being measured, “Current Month,” will show the latest information, and “Status” will provide the percent change including a simple graphic which indicates an increase, decrease or no change. Scrolling over any category, a pop up will reveal a descriptor for the specific measurement methodology. The graphic design elements will be further defined by Virilion with attention to color coding. 3. Membership & Campaigns A US map with text providing numeric data on: a. Total membership b. Membership growth in the past month. c. Active membership; both numeric data and percentage of total. * This figure will be calculated by sub-contractor, using a formula based on the number of members who have participated in: e-mail campaigns, gone to a meeting, or written a congressmen regarding legislation. Visual distinction for the states with campaign focus. Upon rollover of these campaign focus areas, a pop up box will reveal campaign specific membership levels, percentage of national average, membership growth rate and the percentage of “Active Members.” * For each graph or chart, an “About this graph” link provides a pop up descriptor for the specific measurement methodology. In addition, a glossary of terms will be provided to support the dashboard documentation. 4. Earned Media This chart displays the combined earned media volume across online media sources. Radian6 earned media measurement software will be imported and manually configured monthly to display progress in terms of total “Volume” and “Tone” for targeted earned media. A drop down selection menu will provide both views with “Tone” selected as the default. To determine the tone across a representative sample of articles, Virilion has developed a set of criteria based on a 3 point scale: 1. negative 2. balanced 3. positive 5. Web Traffic Importing data from Hitbox, this bar graph will be manually configured monthly to provide a variety of web site traffic data on client’s site. The total number of visits will show as default in a monthly view. An additional drop down selection menu will provide the following additional views: 1. Number of visitors 2. Time on Site 3. Average number of page views 4. Traffic summary 6. Polling Questions Utilizing data collected by client’s monthly flash polling questions, this data will be displayed in a complimentary format to the type of questions posed, and as the data becomes available. A drop down menu can be provided here to provide data for multiple polling questions. Assumptions: * Archived data & graphs for each metric area will be incorporated into Virilion’s weekly reports on a monthly basis. * The monthly manual data entry & reporting will be accounted for through the earned media retainer.
  • 36. Case Study: WEEI Sports Radio Network
  • 37. WEEI- Project Launch Goals: • Establish as THE go to place for Boston sports • Create strong digital brands for radio personalities • Develop unique integrated advertising opportunities
  • 38. WEEI- The Situation: WEEI was a radio powerhouse, but had a sleepy Website. No TV/video. No print. Hard to compete broadly in the Boston market for sports news with radio alone – they were struggling to compete when up against the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, New England Sports Network, Comcast Sportsnet, and the nationals like ESPN.
  • 39. WEEI- The Solution: Transform from a radio offshoot to the hub of the WEEI Sports Network WHILE paying homage to the radio roots as well as marketing the radio shows more effectively. BEFORE AFTER
  • 40. WEEI- Web Site Development: With a variety of content, and a diverse audience of passionate sports enthusiasts, it was important for WEEI to show a balance between opinion, news and fun.
  • 41. WEEI- Overall Architecture: Providing multiple points of access to unique and news breaking content is what distinguishes as Boston’s sports network. Filtering by content lens or media type, integrating social tools, and providing multiple incentives for personalizing membership; Virilion’s newly designed architectural framework puts WEEI fans in charge.
  • 42. WEEI- Site Map: The site map provides a scalable structure, and progressive navigation broken into groups by content lens, media type, membership and WEEI business access, with multiple access points and cross-linking to ensure that visitors are able to quickly navigate to their content of interest within 2 clicks.
  • 43. WEEI- Homepage Wireframe: Creating a widgetized portal, quick visual access to the latest content, and integrated advertising space were the cornerstones supporting WEEI’s homepage blueprint. Ensuring that top stories and writers were presented in balance with the latest and most popular on-air shows was paramount to the use of space. Highlighting live and on-demand content, creating multiple tab views of content, required early collaboration with 3rd party vendors like EveryZing A/V and Stats Data to create a cohesive user experience.
  • 44. WEEI- Homepage: Creating a widgetized portal, quick visual access to the latest content, and integrated advertising space were the cornerstones supporting WEEI’s homepage blueprint. Ensuring that top stories and writers were presented in balance with the latest and most popular on-air shows was paramount to the use of space. Highlighting live and on-demand content, creating multiple tab views of content, required early collaboration with 3rd party vendors like EveryZing and Stats Data to create a cohesive user experience.
  • 45. WEEI- Show Scheduling: One way to provide an intro to the radio personalities was with a dynamic scheduling widget for the homepage. We designed an experience to introduce personalities, show times, and what’s coming up on the day’s show. WEEI Schedule widget development This needs to keep  Needs to be able to  current date & time scroll back 24hrs December 25th, 2008 7:43am Time | Program LISTEN: ON DEMAND Need to have admin  Need to have admin Dennis & D i - 6am – 10am This button needs to be dynamic to  access to change  Callahan correspond with current date and time “On  timing and show for  [BRAND] Demand” for earlier programming links to  games. Everyzing’s page categorized by show & date,  LISTEN: LIVE “”Live” links to current program (Listen Live),  Need to  have show  Need to have show 6am: Teddy Bruschi “Coming up” no link… 7am: Headlines, Headlines, Headlines 8am: Joke of the Day branding 9am: For immature audiences This text area needs to be accessible to each  Dale & + 10am – 2pm Holley respective program’s producer to edit details  Need to expand as an  LISTEN: COMING UP + 2pm – 6pm The Big for show programming in a “twitter‐esque’  Show ajax accordion widget  format. using logos to the using logos to the right… Needs to be able to  scroll forward 24hrs
  • 46. WEEI- Strong & unique brands for radio personalities: Create strong digital brands for unique radio personalities required interviewing, research and flexible templates to support unique offerings.
  • 47. WEEI- Integrated Advertising: Provided multiple opportunities for advertisers to purchase page exclusives, integrated throughout the page while still keeping the content at center stage.
  • 48. WEEI- Integrated Advertising: Created rich media concepts, integrated throughout the page while still keeping the content at center stage.
  • 49. WEEI- The Results: Sponsorship has increased, fan engagement has increased, and WEEI has now fought it’s way to number 1.
  • 50. WEEI- The Results: Sponsorship has increased, fan engagement has increased, and WEEI has now fought it’s way to number 1.
  • 51. John M. Robbins D esign 3E Principal Designer 207.522.8114