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Governor’s Remarks at Opening Ceremony -- 02
Governor’s Closing Remarks -- 06
Remarks from R.I. President Sakuji Tanaka -- 09
Remarks of New Genera on Commi ee -- 10
Remarks of RYLA CEO -- 11
Introduc on of RYLA 12-13 -- 12
Reflec on from RYLArians -- 13
Reflec on from RYLA Staff -- 69
Evalua on & Feedback -- 82
RYLA Sponsors -- 87
RYLA Organizing Commi ee -- 89
Photo Grid -- 91
Governor’s Remarks
at Opening Ceremony
On Leadership
1“Leader” usually refers to the man who leads the way or the person who occupies the highest posi on in a hier-
archy, such as a president, a commander-in-chief, a CEO, a captain, a sec on master, etc. In other words, in any
organiza on, large or small, the one who stands in front or sits the highest is the leader, the decision-maker. However,
these are superficial defini ons. As we know, Den Xiau Pin did’n t serve as the State President of China, but he was un-
disputably the solo highest leader of China during the economical “Change and Open” era of China. On the other hand,
some so called “Poli cal Stars”, “Most Favored Persons”, despite being elected to the highest post, are not necessarily
true leaders. They are, at most, the media-manipulated voter’s favorite sons. By any criteria of judgment, they could
hardly meet the defini on of leaders.
2 So, what is the gist of “Leader” or “Leadership”? And, what are the differences between “leadership” and “man-
agement”? Are they simply synonyms or of dis nc ve meanings? I will endeavor to highlight some of the essen-
al characteris cs of leadership for discussion as follows:
(1) Vision:
The fundamental dis nc on between a leader and a manager is that a manager is to accomplish his assigned mis-
sion, while a leader is to decide what mission should be accomplished. Management masters Peter Drucker and
Warren Bennis in their book dis nguished the two as: “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the
right thing.” Put in other way, a manager is an efficient executant; and a leader, though not necessarily an efficient
execu ve, must be a person of far and high vision, based on past history’s teachings, seeing through the situa on
presently existed, and poin ng to the future of the trend of current. In essence, he must be an pioneer of vision.
(2) Inspiring ability:
A leader, whether he be a good guy, a bad guy, a just man or an evil one (for example, no one can deny Hitler or Stalin
were among the greatest leaders in history), must possess an outstanding capability to inspire, mo vate and fire up
his followers from despera on, insensi veness, frustra on, and defea sm to be awakened and to march into a com-
mon des ny with zeal, faith and driving force. This power, like the phrases “charisma” used by poli cal science and
media, is not capable of being expressively described in words. It is an innate gi , not capable of being cul vated by
trainings. In common parlance, it is metaphorically something like a “cheerleader”
(3) Trust:
A general without trust of his soldiers can never win a ba le. The most precious asset of a leader is the uncondi onal
trust placed on him by his followers, colleagues and subordinates, who are willing to sacrifice their bodies, mental
powers, capabili es, monies, mes and all sort of resources for the sake of the ways and objec ves ordained by their
leaders. Conversely speaking, a wise leader must have a grand scale mindset of “not using those about whom you
have doubt, and not having doubt about those whom you use”. Mutual trust ensures the accomplishment of big
(4) Image:
Every leader must be the best image builder by himself. If his image is a make-up packed by PR men or media, such
make-up will not stand for long. A true leader must be a born gi ed image builder, or must be self-trained to be an
able master of image building (such carved image may or may not be revealed by history). A leader a racts followers
by his image. No followers no leader.
(5) Courage:
No leader is a person lacking courage. Many persons who possess other elements of leadership do not become a
leader, because they are so caring about their reputa ons. They lack the courage to stand out in dangerous place
and me. They are not risk-bearing. The tend to be averse to any possible harm or damage. They dare not take
adventures. Some of such person have wisdoms, learnings and originali es, but they do not become leaders.
(6) Strategy:
A leader is not always an efficient administrator or manager. He may not be good in all details. He needs not to also
have good planning and execu on skills (All are the requisites of staff members and managers). But, he must have a
grandiose strategy for the future and des ny (like Moses in the Exodus or Kon-Min who envisaged the three na ons
strategy in the late Han dynasty). Leaders in the history are not known by their execu ve abili es, rather, they are
respected because of their strategic decision abili es in the grand design and des ny forecast.
3 We must note that a leader may not do the business solo. To say it rudely, the glory of a Marshall is paved above
the dead bodies of thousands of soldiers. Not everything is so ruthless and cruel. Nonetheless, a leader is not a
lonely hero. He is not a God. One of the most salient elements of leadership is “influence”, an ability to influence his fol-
lowers and to combine these powers to achieve the biggest success. Therefore, team work is a cornerstone impossible
to neglect in the discussion of leadership. Leadership expert John C. Maxwell emphasized the importance of teamwork
in leadership by lis ng six kinds of “compass” which measures the visions of a leader in a team:
(1)A Moral Compass (Look Above):
A moral compass is so important that the great entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie said: “A great business is seldom if
ever built up, except on lines of strictest integrity.” Greed (desire for materials, monies, powers, favorite men or
women, things, etc.), as you may think, is the real driving force. But even in an evil organiza on, there must have a
“norm” to keep the organiza on operate. The moral compass therefore means the consistent norm to judge right
from wrong in an organiza on. Without such compass, there will be no right direc on for a leader to lead his team.
(2) An Intui ve Compass (Look Within):
A Compass to self check. The vision of the leader must take root in the heads of his followers. If the team member
lose the vision, the leader will no longer be a leader.
(3) A Historical Compass (Look Behind):
It is most effec ve for you to convince someone with past experience. Human nature is afraid of “strangeness”. You
can hardly change a classic music fonder to a rock music fan overright. A leader should be able to connect his present
master plan to the past history and also expand to the future perspec ve.
(4) A Direc onal Compass (Look Ahead):
The most effec ve weapon to mo vate people is to give them a “Hope”. The story of “Relieving thirst by imagining
the plum trees ahead ”in the Chinese history of Tsao Chau of the late Han Dynasty is a good example. A leader should
have the ability to find a way-out for his team. The Direc onal Compass is to measure whether he is blind or not in
direc ng the path.
(5) A Strategic Compass (Look Around):
The purpose of strategy is the process to lead the team to the target. A leader should be able to iden fy the re-
sources available and let his staff and managers to formulate plans based on such resources.
(6) A Visionary Compass (Look Beyond):
Lastly, visions are con nuous. “You must have a long-range vision to keep you from being frustrated by short-range
failures” (Quote from Charles Noble).
4 To end this speech, I will tell a fable to illustrate the way to build leadership based on each team member’s differ-
ent characters and gi s.
Once upon a me, the animals decided they should do something meaningful to meet the problems of
the new world. So they organized a school.
They adopted ac vity curriculum of running, climbing, swimming, and flying. To make it easier to admin-
ister, all the animals took all the subjects.
The duck was excellent in swimming. In fact, he was be er than his instructor was! However, he made
only passing grades in flying, and was very poor in running. Since he was so slow in running, he had to
drop swimming and stay a er school to prac ce running. This caused his webbed feet to be badly worn
so he became only average in swimming. But “average” was quite acceptable, therefore nobody worried
about it---except the duck.
The rabbit started at the top of his class in running, but developed a nervous twitch in his leg muscles
because he had so much makeup work to do in swimming.
The squirrel was excellent in climbing, but he encountered constant frustra on in flying class because his
teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the treetop down. He developed “charley
horses” from overexer on, so he only got a “C” in climbing and a “D” in running.
The eagle was a problem child and was severely disciplined for being a non-conformist. In climbing
classes, he beat all the others to the top, but insisted on using his own way of ge ng there! (Quote
from Charles Swindoll’s book “Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life”).
This story illustrates that a duck is a duck and an eagle is an eagle, each have his strengths and weakness. A wise leader
shall not send a duck to eagle school. If he does, he will send the duck into trouble and be severely frustrated. A great
leader’s job is all about placing people in the right place so they can be successful.
5 As the above quoted fable tells, each one has dis nc ve gi ed asset. He or she should be educated according to
his or her orienta on, and should be placed in the right post (his or her “strength zone”). In this RYLA training,
each of you shall discover and develop your own “strength zone” and find your right posi on, thereby become the leader
in this post. I congratulate each of you for having this opportunity to par cipate in this RYLA camp to cul vate your
leadership and team work knowledge and skill. One day all of you will, I am sure, become a leader in each own jobsite
and workplace. May I wish all of you a very successful career future! Thank you.
Rotary Interna onal
District 3480
District Governor Charles Ya-Wen Chiu
Governor’s Closing Remarks
What Can We Expect Of Today’s Youth Leaders?
I、 Observa on 2013:
Today’s (in fact, in historical perspec ve, every genera on’s) young genera on is either described as “the angry
youth” or called “feeble weeds”. Faced with high unemployment, low wages (22k), social hierarchy distress, rock-
e ng house prices, soaring living costs, unbearable burden of raising children (in par cular, the school bills), and
dim future of economy, coupled with the uncertain na onality iden ty, and lost in the cyber world of 3C widgets,
what future can the young men and girls expect? Or, what can the society expect of this youth genera on? No-
body wants to be an underdog. But the doomed des ny seems so apparent.
You may be apathe cally indifferent to any social causes, or you are so vulnerable to the social unjus ce and un-
fairness and are easily provoked to ge ng involved in any kind of “cheep signaling” movements (I use this term in
a neutral sense. It is not intended to mean these movements are right or wrong. My point is that to demonstrate
“ideas” is one thing, and to convert these ideas into real implementa on is another thing).
II、 Historical Note (Philosophical):
Thomas Hobbes in “Leviathan” wrote: “Homo Homini lupus”(人對人來說是匹狼). From this no on he de-
veloped the “social contract theory” to explain the forma on and raison d´être of na on and government. Hsün
Ching (荀卿,即荀子) believed that the origin of human being is evil, the natural state of the society was full
of chaos, violence and cruel es. Humanity comes out of constraint and discipline of human nature (「故必
將有師法之化,禮義之道,然後出於辭讓,合於文理,而歸於治」)。 John Locke, Adam Smith and John
Stuart Mill found the beam of hope to resolve the conflict between “private vices” and “public benefits”. Karl
Marx dismissed these theories as merely ideology to jus fy the capitalists’ unjust power of wealth. Marxism was
mistakenly and ruthlessly u lized by Joseph Stalin to create the Communist empire of Soviet Union. The con-
straint of human nature concept was, through reinforcement of Friedrich Nietzsche’s “might is right” philosophy,
usurped by Adolf Hitler to commit the greatest sin in human history. And do not forget, when he was hailed as
“the Savior of the Third Reich”, the German cons tu on law professor Carl Schmi praised him that “the Fürer
saved the Law”. What a ridiculous human fate!
III、Back to the Reality:
In the 911 terrorist a ack of 2001, thousands of people lost their lives. But Richard Grasso, the then Chairman
of the New York Stock Exchange, was paid a colossal bonus (several thousand mes of the average salaries of a
white-collar worker) for his “heroic act” - He was said to have “saved” the Exchange because he went to the site
the day a er the tragedy to ring the Exchange opening bell before the television broadcast. Certainly he is a fat
cat. Robert Rubin, a former head of Goldman Sachs and the former American Treasury Secretary, who reaped
more than one hundred million dollars bonus from the money games (risky investments of financial products)
played by the Wall Street banks before he came to Washington. Then the 2008 financial crisis and collapse erupt-
ed. Under Rubin’s advice (and of course with many other economists), Present George W. Bush asked Congress
to give 700 billion dollars for the “Bailout”. Shortly a er the bailout money poured to the financial giants, huge
bonus were paid to the execu ves of these firms. A.I.G., the insurance giant, received 173 billion dollars bailout
money, soon paid 165 million dollars in bonuses to its employees in the division that had precipitated the crisis
(73 employees received bonuses of $1 million or more.). So, the world is not flat. Instead, especially in the global
financial system, the world is “curved”. It is possible that in the United States, the combined wealth of the few
top “richest families” may far exceed the combined proper es of half of the total American families. The same
happens everywhere, in China, Russia, India, and in fact every country in the world. Oh, how about Taiwan? You
all know be er than I do.
IV、Reflec on:
In 2008, Senate Barack Obama was campaigning for U.S. Presidency. He delivered a speech at the University
of Colorado with a topic “ A New Era of Service”. He cri cized President George W. Bush for failing to summon
Americans to “shared sacrifice” a er the events of September 11, 2001. He said: “Instead of a call to service , we
were asked to go shopping. Instead of a call for shared sacrifice, we gave tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans in
a me of war for the very first me in our history.” Obama encouraged “na onal service” or “public service”. He
told young people: “You invest in America, and America invests in you.” Obama won the elec on.
The “jus ce” in America has not improved appreciably since Obama took the office. However, what President
Obama has proposed seems to be the only possible way to navigate this world to a more just society. It is true
for America, it is also true for Taiwan. The world is not flat, the world is curved. The only answer to a ain a more
just society is “moral engagement”.
V、Jus ce Is The Quintessence:
How to address the problems of societal poverty and inequality (collec vely, civil unrest)? How to deal with each
individual’s hardships and failures? There are so many available means and ways, valid or useless. There is no so
called “One Solu on” (放諸四海而皆準). Poli cians, educators, philosophers, priests, and notably, economists,
and every kind of “social engineering” theories are abundant everywhere and every me. Yet, most of them are,
for sure, not useful, nor trustworthy. They are confusing, misleading, and contradictory. You must find your own
way to work out your own life. I cannot tell you how to succeed, nor even the Rotary. But there is one funda-
mental thing essen al to being a human being. That is “Jus ce”. A man of no jus ce is nothing but an organic
living mass; a society without jus ce is a state of Homo Homini lupus. This is not commonplace. This is simply
forgo en virtue. In the Hong Chun-Chiu case, in the Ta-Pu condemna on case, so many young men and girls
stood up to protest against “unjus ce”. These movements are not “cheap signaling”. What happened in Egypt
and Syria may also happen everywhere in the world. The human kind has been persistently pursuing the ideal
of “Jus ce”.
VI、Rotary Way To A ain Jus ce
Rotary is a worldwide network of inspired individuals who translate their passions into relevant social causes to
change lives in communi es. To carry out this mission, Rotary emphasizes five virtues: “Service”, “Fellowship”,
“Diversity”, “Integrity” and “Leadership”. The ideal of Rotary in this year (2012-2013) is “Peace through Service”.
It reflects what I quoted from President Obama: “A New Era of Service”. That is, the idea of “public service”. I
firmly believe that through Rotary service, we can help achieve the goal of peace and ul mately, the ideal of
jus ce.
VII、RYLA Prepares Youth Leaders To The Cause Of Peace And Jus ce Through
Leadership Development:
In Rotary, RYLA is the structured program to develop quali es of leadership, good ci zenship, and personal devel-
opment among the young people of their communi es. Agenda of RYLA include the following:
(1) Fundamentals of leadership
(2) Ethics of posi ve leadership
(3) Conflict resolu on
(4) Problem solving
(5) Building self-confidence and self-esteem
(6) Global ci zenship
These are undoubtedly the basic elements of virtues for a just society through public services. We offer this
Program to you, and in return, you make contribu ons to your own lives, your families and to the society. Rotary
invests in you, and you invest in Rotary.
I am glad to see-that the 2012-13 RYLA Camp of RI District 3480 was successfully carried out with 100 more par-
cipators. I knew that all par cipa ng members learned and enjoyed very much during this training. It will be a
gi for every one of you to have had this experience and the Debrief Report surely will become one of your most
treasured recollec ons in you lives. I give this short ar cle as my gi to all of you who par cipated in this Program
and who will be a leader in your future career post.
Rotary Interna onal
District 3480
District Governor Charles Ya-Wen Chiu
Remarks from R.I. President
Sakuji Tanaka
Peace Through Service
The concept of peace is one that differs among people and cultures. It may mean personal tranquility, happiness in
the family, and a sense of inner contentment — or it may mean a situa on of safety where basic human needs are met.
However we define peace, it is a goal that can be achieved through service.
In Rotary, service is much more than a sideline or an occasional pursuit. It is a way of life. It is an approach that
emphasizes considera on and caring for others, and leads to harmony among people. Through embracing service in all
aspects of our lives, we foster a spirit of sharing, find goodwill for others, and choose peace.
In the 2012-13 Rotary year, peace will be our focus and our goal. I will ask all Rotarians to ac vely work for Peace
Through Service, beginning with every individual, family, club, district, region, and na on.
A belief in the power of service lies at the very heart of Rotary. By making service our priority, we put the needs of
others above our own and transform our perspec ve. We empathize more deeply with the difficul es of other people;
we feel a greater drive to reach out, to do what we can to help others live more happily. We become more generous with
our me and resources, and more open to new ways of thinking.
Instead of trying to change others, we recognize that everyone and everything has something to teach us — and
every day, there are new ways for us to grow.
Through service, we become more tolerant of our differences, and more grateful for the people in our lives. Our
sense of gra tude drives us to understand others be er and to see the good in everyone. Through be er understanding,
we learn to respect others. With mutual respect, we live with others in peace.
Our Rotary service fosters peace in many ways. In our clubs and our districts, we work to bring health, safety, and
human dignity to communi es around the world. As individuals, we are inspired to value coopera on over compe on,
and the common good over personal gain. Through self-reflec on, we recognize that none of us is perfect and that each
of us has something to learn from others.
The mo o that is unique to Rotary, Service Above Self, describes the highest form of service. It is a path that any-
one can walk — a path that Rotarians have built, and that the whole world can follow. It is a path that eads to greater
kindness and contentment, tolerance and understanding. When we embrace Peace Through Service, we strive for a
greater peace for ourselves, and for our world.
Sakuji Tanaka
President, Rotary Interna onal, 2012-13
Remarks of New Genera on Commi ee
The Future of Rotary is New Genera on
Congratula ons on the success of 2013 RYLA of District 3480. The first
I think meaningful is to invite Rotary’s important service partner, the Rotarac-
tor, to be the organizer of 2013 RYLA. Most of the RYLA commi ee mem-
bers are so impressed that they took this challenge, spent a lot of efforts, and
started to work so efficiently to make it possible.
The 2nd point I would like to men on is the decision to pick up “English”
as the official language for the workshop. It gives most of the par cipants an
opportunity to learn the leadership with a foreign language, as for the new
genera on, the future stage is not just in Taiwan but in the world. For a future
leader starts to master an important interna onal language will equip him or
her a good weapon to compete globally. I believe this a good reason.
The 3rd is the keynote speech by Ms. Shen Hsin-Ling. She is an example and excellent model for the young gen-
era on to follow. Also, even she has not yet been a Rotarian, what she has done is “Service Above Self”. She is well-
qualified to be invited as an honorable member of a Rotary Club. She, at this age, has done much to serve the commu-
nity. Hope all the par cipants have learned from her inspira onal speech. The others such as the leadership training
programs provided by “Smart Orange” and “OBT”, the teamwork and the efficiency of the RYLA Organizing Commi ee
are worthwhile for a big applause.
I would like to suggest that more Rotary Informa on to be included in the program. Leadership is one of the five
core values of Rotary. As we are performing the “Rotary” Youth Leadership Award Workshop, we definitely must take
the opportunity to teach the par cipants what Rotary is and what Rotary does. All the Alumni of Rotary programs are
the poten al future Rotarians.
Anyway, my sincere congratula ons again for the job well done. We look forward to having further opportunity for
mutual coopera on of any Rotary service project in the year to come since the future of Rotary is new genera on.
Chairman, New Genera on Service Commi ee, RID 3480
P.D.G. Medicare
Remarks of RYLA CEO
We Serve, We Lead
What is leadership? The term gets thrown around a lot, but is it really?
What do leaders do which makes them leaders? Can leadership be learned?
These are the typical ques ons when talking about leadership.
Actually, RYLA answers all above ques ons. Definitely, leadership could
be learned in many ways. True leaders are in high demand and short supply in
every field. I was and am experiencing and learning all through RYLA. RYLA re-
ally teaches us about ourselves and how to become tomorrow’s next leaders.
In RYLA, we not only learn about leadership skills but to prac ce and improve
our leadership skills.
This is my third me a ending RYLA. Yet this me, I am not a par cipant but the chief execu ve officer for it. I
remembered at our first gathering, we were seeing if there’s anyone who would volunteer to serve this posi on. No one
stepped out! I was recommended and encouraged to do so. I was hesita ng and wondering if I could make it. However,
I stepped out and volunteered to serve. At that moment, what came to my mind was only Rotary’s mo o, “Come in to
learn, go out to serve.” I’ve been in this family for around 6 years, and it’s me to return what I’ve learned from it. So
what I want to men on is “embrace every challenge which comes to you, for you will learn something and grow even
mature a er that.”
It was our first-try that RYLA be organized by Rotaractors, instead of Rotarians. It was a long journey of 9-months
prepara on with more than 5000 man-hours. We together created something from nothing! The three-day program was
solid, fun and even educa onal. I s ll couldn’t believe that we made it big! However, it is the amazing team that fosters
RYLA! I am really appreciated for all feasible advices from RYLA commi ee, the hard work of the organizing team, and
the ac ve par cipa on of RYLArians. It is YOU made RYLA so wonderful! Thank you all!
I am lucky enough to serve as CEO this year. I do benefit from it a lot, confidence, leadership skills, and friendship.
It’s hard to describe my strong feelings in words. Yet I know, I will con nuously spread the spirit of RYLA for it does em-
power me to be a true leader of tomorrow. It’s a sweet process that you can work with a team, building trust with each
other, with people you don’t know for that long. Also, you bond with new people and learn much about Rotary aside
from leadership.
I’m grateful for my en re team member’s serving. We do lead ourselves and all the RYLArians to another stage.
Thank you all for making a fine page in history and marking a significant milestone together for Rotaract!
Last, I want to share a quote from former U.S. president Ronal Reagan, “A leader, once conceived a par cular
course of ac on is the right one, must have determina on to s ck with it and be undaunted when the going gets rough.”
Hope you do take something back from RYLA as me. Wish all of us find strength and determina on to ac on. Serve to
lead and lead to serve!
Yours in RYLA, Rotaract and Rotary,
Oliver Chang
Chief Execu ve Officer, RYLA, RID 3480
from Rotaract Club of Taipei
Introduc on of RYLA 12-13
We Serve, We Lead!
Young adults aged from 18-25 spent three days in a challenging program of discussions, inspira onal speeches,
leadership training and social ac vi es designed to enhance personal development, leadership skills and good ci zen-
During the camp, we meet Shen Hsin-Ling, a girl who devotes herself to helping local farmers and disadvantaged
kids, at our keynote speech. She shared with us how she starts her volunteer service and what she has gained from the
journey of service.
Also, we had a chance to par cipate in a character-building program provided by OBT, which focuses on leadership,
communica on, trust and coopera on. Besides, we were able to know more about our personal codes by the ac on
learning. U lizing adventure, personal commitments and shared insights, we thus gained an increased sense of confi-
dence in ourselves and in our team.
This winter, RYLA 3480 presented this superb camp at Aspire Park
in Longtan, Taoyuan, during 18-20 of January. Considered as one of the
outstanding youth programs in Rotary, our comprehensive volunteer
staff made RYLA 3480 a highlight of each par cipant’s experience.
lso, we hadd a chance to par cipate in a chara am provided by OBT, which focuses on leadership
Reflec on from RYLArians
Team 1 : Green Shrek (隊輔:Ashley)
I think that I was lucky enough to join RYLA this year.
I have not heard about the Rotary Club or RYLA before. In my freshmen year, one teacher encouraged us to a end
RYLA, but unfortunately the school does not par cipate in RYLA. The teacher can only be referee. If possible, I hope
everyone can take the chance to go to other places to open our eyes to see.I submi ed applica on one day before the
deadline due to the bad habit of procras na on. Although, I’m studying in foreign languages department, I think my
English is not good.
On the first day, RYLA staff members are very in mate in the MRT sta on exit holding a poster to guide us When I
walked closer to the bus, they smiled and asked me, RYLA?
I was assigned to the first squad of Ashley. I am very happy to be able to recognize my partners, despite our age are
not exactly the same, but did not affect our friendship.
In each ac vity, we had to rely on partners to work together and complete. Myself alone, I will never do!
Prom party surprised me at first night, thanks to RYLA staff’s cheering. A live band music, food and drinks, the night
was also the first me I invited girls to waltz with my clumsy dancing
The end of the first day of the winter vaca on this year is in the joy of dance. The next morning, a hearty buffet
breakfast for us day opened prelude.
Speech in the morning, especially Shen Xin-Ling, she reminds us that what is the most important thing. Although
she is very dis nguished, but s ll very modest. Thank you for Shen Xin-Ling, you gave me the encouragements. Games
in the a ernoon, I learned that the important thing can not be perceived with eyes only.Eyes see something, of course,
the first impression of the stranger.
I used to judge each person by appearances.But when our eyes are masked, everyone I encountered are the same,
because I met the heart of a stranger, and not only saw the appearance.
And the presenta on for service project is a major challenge. “Books, when you need them, you will find you have
too li le of them.”I want to thank my partners, because of them, we can complete final presenta on.The last day of
rocks climbing, I learned a lot of professional skills, and made all each other get closer.
A er three days of RYLA, I went back to Hsinchu.
The teacher who recommended me to par cipate in RYLA asked me how I felt, I answered, “fantas c!”
Then I raised my hands high in the air with two thumbs.
Recalling of these three days , I met a lot of new friends, learn how to use exis ng resources to complete the
task、team spirit、trust and challenge myself to complete final presenta on.
This 3-days camp is difficult for me because my English is not good.
But I believe that no pains, no gains. l learned experience and even more impressive part is team work with my
team mates. How to trust teammates and make them believe me as well? In preparing for presenta on and different
tasks, we learned the spirit of team work from RYLA this year. These moments are really good memories to me.
Everyone express their ideas and then we discuss with each other. Of course, we had some different opinions.
However, we will communicate and draw out the final conclusion. Although we have different ac vi es every day and
asked to complete in limited me, it is ring but worthwhile.
In lectures on charity, I was impressed by沈芯菱. She is at our age, but displays ambi on beyond usual. Look at
others, let’s think about whether we can put out a hand to help others without asking for anything.
Another Jeff 福哥 speech, his presenta on allows us to understand clearly. This
one-hour speech concluded that prepara on is a very important work.
Thank RYLA staff’s guidance in these three days. See you next me!!!
I really look forward to joining this leadership program. It is a chance that I can not only prac ce my English speak-
ing skills and also teach me more about how to be a leader. I am not a person that can comfortably talk to people who
just met a couple mes so I was really amazed by how my team worked together in these three days. It was on our way
to the Aspire Park and I heard two boys were talking in “English” then I really felt my English-learning trip started.
At first, I thought that this program would be full of speeches and was a li le worried about my being spaced
out. But later, I discovered that we were going to learn from the games, which made me more relaxed and excited. The
speeches on the second day were truly inspiring. Especially, the 24 year-old girl’s speech gave me a lot of energy. I also
have a lot of dreams about helping others just like her but what makes us so different? She use herself to prove that
saying is one thing and doing is really another. As she said, she didn’t learn any extra skills than we did; we all learned
about Internet and sending e-mails. The difference is that most of we use computers for entertainment, while she used
computer for helping people. She encouraged my enthusiasm toward my small dreams about helping my families with
a be er lives again.
I regre ed that I did not listen to 福哥’s principles on presenta ons earlier because I just gave an awful presenta-
on in English a couple months ago. If I had learned something from him earlier, I could have a higher score. However, it’s
s ll a good thing for me to learn it on my early 20s from a view of a life-long me. What he said was actually quite familiar
to us, though it was hard for us to achieve or we just “didn’t want to” do so since it took too much of me prac cing.
When we all kept si ng on the seats a er the presenta on on the second day, discussing about our final presenta-
on, I could really feel that we were a team and was amazed by how a team cooperated with each other. The challenge
we had on the third day impressed me a lot, not only because we had lots of fun but it made me feel that I could be a
good leader. I listened to the guidance carefully and deliberately did well to avoid making mistakes.
I had a lot of fun, making a couple of friends and learned a lot from RYLA this year. I believe that we can all be good
leaders in different fields in the future.
A ending RYLA camp is really a good choice for me to learn how to get along with people. Via par cipa ng many
kinds of ac vi es, I learned how to be a great leader, and what are the characteris cs of leadership, and so on.
In playing games, I experienced that our team makes teamwork perfectly, and we are also assigned works for each
person during brain-storming. I can see our team members put their hands together to make the goal.
The most impressive thing that I join RYLA camp is the two speeches. The first speaker , whose name is 沈芯菱,
has taught me that I have no much me to do something in my rest of my life because her life-check-paper. “Deduct your
sleeping- me of the one third of your life- me, how much me do you truly have in your life?” She makes me know that
life is very short, and we have got to do something not just dream about it. She makes me realize that “just do it.” And I
am so glad and so grateful that I met her in this camp. The second speaker, whose name is 福哥, has taught me that I can
be a good speaker just like him if I try so hard and be well-prepared. He makes me realize that nothing is possible, A er
listening the two speeches, I can tell that the most important thing to be a great leader is “Just do it.”
In this RYLA camp, I challenge myself to do the extreme sports. I did rock climbing and walked a single-plank bridge
in the sky! Although I did not do well in the rock climbing, I had tried my best and insisted un l the last moment. A er
overcoming the fear in my mind, heart, and my body, which is really a difficult thing for me, it feels so wonderful that I
will never forget this experience.
Actually, I had joined the RYLA camp last year at once. Comparing to this year, I think I have made a big progress in
my opinion. I am more confident and know much more for what I stand. The most important thing is that I know much
more about myself, I think it is not an easy thing to surpass oneself. A er this camp, I realize that what I have to improve,
I hope I can join the next RYLA camp, and do be er than ever.
Finally, Thanks for all of RYLA staffs, you all are so great! RYLA is the best!
It was really an unforge able experience to take part in this camp. This camp gave me a lot of things beyond my
expecta ons. In these three days, I had much fun, made many good friends, and knew more about teamwork, most
important of all, I learned the spirit of how to be an extraordinary leader.
I was a class leader in high school for three years. Even though I have this kind of experience, I s ll need to keep
learning to be a be er leader. In the three- day-camp, I combined my past experience with new informa on. There is
spark in my mind and I got my mind refresh. For example, the elements of being a great leader are focus, trust , consid-
era on and so on. Reflec ng my class leader life in high school. I give the classmates my trust, which makes the process
of work in class easier and more smoothly. Also I stood in their shoes and adjust my ways of doing.
In the camp, I had really awesome experience. I love every ac vity. I think every ac vity is well-organized and
well-designed. I can learn different things in each ac vity. On the first day, I learned how to dance with people who I
never met before. Breaking the ice with unfamiliar people is the thing I haven’t done before. I think this ability is impor-
tant because there are many circumstances that we need to build up the friendship with the people we first know. On
the second day, we had some brilliant speeches which gave me many inspira ons. And the ac vity in the a ernoon is
special. I got a lot of knowledge through the games. I learned precious things such as concentra ng on everything we
are doing. Also, I realized how to trust people for being a good leader. The importance of teamwork is emphasized. The
brainstorming at night was a new experience for me. I haven’t done this thing before. Speaking in front of a lot of people
without preparing is really nervous. I did my best because I didn’t want to regret. On the third day. In the morning, we
had exci ng OBT ac vity which is my favorite. In the a ernoon, we had presenta on for service project. I love the project
plans presented by every group.
I love this camp, I will encourage others to par cipate in the future.
It is an great honor to par cipate in the wonderful ac vity. To be a leader, I s ll have a lot to learn.
In this three-day RALY camp, we can not only prac ce how to communicate with others but also lead others as well
as being led. We learned the spirit of team work from our team members. That’s very important for me.
In this camp, we had the opportunity to exchange ideas about service ideas and discuss leadership. I like the RYLA
slogan, ”We serve, we lead”. Peter Drucker, ”Management is doing thing right; leadership is doing the right thing” a
leader is not necessarily an efficient execu ve but he must foresee future trends.
Thanks RALY, give me this chance !!
I was a very shy girl, so I decided to change myself. At first, when
my dad told me the camp ,”Rotary Leadership Award Workshop”, I
decided to join in this camp. I knew that I could learn many things in the camp. I hope that I could learn how to make a
good team work and some useful leadership skills. Most of all, I hope that I could change myself. And when my dad knew
that we have to speak English in the camp, he was really happy. He hoped that I could improve my English community
skills in this three days.
At the first day, when we arrived at the Aspire Park, no one knew each other. But the team leaders asked us to
introduce ourselves in English. I was nerves, because my English is really poor. I was really afraid that I would make the
mistakes. Fortunately, I made a good introduc on----that means I didn’t make any mistakes.
The first ac vity in Aspire Park in Longtan, Taoyuan County was the RPG game. We needed to make a good team
work to complete missions. I thought that we made a good team work. Only when we completed all the levels can we
enter the restaurant to take a break. It was cold outside but really funny. I even got sick, a er coming back! At night, the
party was really nice, everybody was really high. But it is a pity that I don’t have enough me to exchange name cards
to others. The speech was really great. Both speeches made me have new ways of thinking to become a be er person
in the future.
In this three days, I actually learned some good team work skills and personali es of a good leader.
I will learn to change myself.
What a wonderful experience that I have ever had in RYLA !
e camp I hope thatt I could learn how to make a
What’s RYLA? As a Rotaract Club member, but I have no idea about RYLA. Bak-Hai Rotary Club gave me an oppor-
tunity to join 2012-13 RYLA, I treasure the opportunity because I am already 23 years old.
I have to say that I get to know more about myself in these days.
On the first day, although the weather was so cold, our team did our best to play the field games. Our rela onships
became closer in that me. The party night, I was so happy to learn dancing with other girls and exchange name cards
with each other. I was so surprised that I got excited with band.
On the second day, I had so many feeling in the keynote speeches, because they said so many meaningful things.
I was so ashamed, because one of them is at my age, but I did nothing. Another lecture was talking about presenta on
skills, I learned so many prac cal skills.
I was surprised by the ac on learning me, because every member enjoyed interac ng with others. Although the
gym was so hot, but I though everyone’s heart was ho er than gym. In the Brainstorming me, there were just thirty
minutes assigned for us to figure out the marke ng strategies for service project. Everyone seized every minute and
second to challenge the mission. I used poor English to talk to everyone, it was a wonderful self-advancement.
We got up very early on the third day, because we have to play OBT ac vi es. Although I already played it years
ago, but I s ll had fun. Not only the adventurers but also the saver teams played together, everyone had great coopera-
on. It was a glorious me. We were so nervous in the a ernoon, because every team had to do final presenta on.
Thanks our members, they worked so hard to do the project.
Thanks RYLA for giving me so many valuable memories. Thanks to uncles who give us so many encouragements.
In the end, I also had a word to RYLA staff : Thanks for your painstaking.
Just like many famous poli cians, a leader should require not
just a determined mind but a strong will to lead a group of people.
In fact, a Leader doesn’t need to show their ability but to persuade
other smart people. I have been wondering what quali es a successful leader should have un l I had received the invita-
on from RYLA camp. A er a short hesitate, I decide to take courage to join this camp. Although I was a li le bit afraid
at the beginning, I had learned many things from this camp more than just leadership.
As I met our teammates, I thought that we might have some communica on difficul es because I’m the youngest
student in this camp. However, as we were ge ng more familiar with each other, I actually realized that age doesn’t
affect the rela onship between each other. In fact, I had met many friends that even nine years older than me. A er
many ac vi es such as ground ac vity, presenta on and rock climbing, I had learned that it is not really necessary to be
a whole leader of all. In fact, a leader should perceive the ability of the people, and encourage the poten al people to
represent their best.
eader should have un l I had received the invita-
Moreover, being a good leader for a specific situa on isn’t enough. In my opinion, a leader should also have to
learn how to “trust” a person. Flashing back to the memory as we were doing our presenta on, we were having a li le
conflicts by different opinions given by different people: Some of the people prefer to draw posters for Q&A prizes as
soon as possible, while others prefer to focus on the speech. So we decided to divide the group into two parts; people re-
sponsible for drawing poster, while others for the speech in the presenta on. In the end, the process was very efficient,
and I realized that all the people are actually powerful enough to build up a plan. The only thing we needed is a person
who can lead them into the right direc on.
Most importantly, through RYLA, I had become more confident and out-going. From the past, I used to be a shy,
humble kid who seldom communicated with others. However, as I met many people, especially people much older than
me. I suddenly realized that it is Okay to randomly meet someone you didn’t know. On the first day night of the RYLA,
we were invited to dance with people around you. Even though I was too afraid to dance with girls, I suddenly took the
courage to meet with other student. At that moment, I have learned that it is hard to achieve a dream without even
trying it.
A er the RYLA leadership ac vity, I had learned many unforge able experiences, and I want to thank all of the
teammates, facilitators and other staff. If I ever have a chance to join any related leadership camp, I am, definitely, will-
ing to par cipate.
Team 2 : Starry Night (隊輔:Vicky)
On the first day, we were unfamiliar, so we only cha ed with people nearby or on the same team. But through this
game “goalie” we became closer. When we arrived at Aspire Park, there were series of earth games, including puzzle
solving. At night, on the the highlight of the ball party, we danced waltz and invited girls to dance. Dance is really a very
happy thing, no wonder there are so many people fond of dancing, so the end of the first day of the trip in a happy
On the second day, we listened to Ms.”沈沁菱” and 王永福” on keynote speeches. 沈沁菱first introduced her
hometown. She was not born in a wealthy family, but knew how to share and to thank other people, this is a very great
spirit. Then王永福, he taught us on briefing. To make an presenta on, we had to be well-prepared. A ernoon, we have
training ac vi es on trust. Usually people will not trust strangers easily; however, this me we learned to believe people.
I learned in this course how to convince others and trust others is really not an easy task.
On the third day, we played OBT, the most exci ng ac vity, we were ed with ropes and climbed onto single-plank
bridge. It tested our pa ence, guts, and also the team work. When someone challenged to climb above, teammates
below had to support him in this ac vity. I learned that happiness comes from helping others succeed. In a ernoon, we
reported separately on social project presenta on. It was my first me to speak English on stage, I felt really great.
A er RYLA, I learned a lot of things, such as presenta on skills and leadership. Although it was only a short period
of three days, but we Starry night is the best.
I really enjoyed the three-day camp, spending me with amazing teammates and the Rylarians.
I did not expect it to be so interes ng before the event. However, I was impressed by our facilitator, Vicky. She was
so energe c and full of passion. She was a very responsible facilitator and always wore a smile. Although she was busy
with all the work, she tried her best to join and play with us.
In addi on, I like my teammates very much. We are so closely connected and worked together in games and proj-
ects. Although we did not win the first prize, but we all had fun during the sessions. The games on the first day helped us
break the ice and get to know each other. The projects made us understand each other more because we were able to
know in which field every person is good at. We came up with crea ve ideas and turned them into a complete project.
Although the night was tough, we s ll enjoy working together with each other. My teammates never blamed on oth-
We did our best and tried to make contribu on to the team. Unlike other teams, we spent a great night cha ng
and laughing together a er a ring day. Also, we made a reserva on for dinner a er RYLA. We wanted to con nue the
friendship instead of being passerby. I cherish our friendship and I hope that it will last forever.
Besides my teammates, I also like all the Rylarians, including the facilitators. They were very clever and innova ve.
I appreciate the ideas that they came up with, and I did learn much from them. It was really nice to meet other youths at
my age. Learning from each other is the best way to absorb knowledge for the communica on and interac on.
Thanks to all the staff responsible for RYLA. I really had fun and learned a lot during the three-day ac vity. It would
not have been so successful without your effort. Leadership is a very crucial element in our lives. Although we had many
games and lessons concerning leadership. Finally, thanks to all the Rotarians who supported the event. They gave us op-
portuni es to learn things which reference books can not provide. I had a great me and learned a lot. Thank you all.
This is my first me to join RYLA camp, so it’s so exci ng to me. I didn’t have any friends or anyone I know here.
I was so busy because I have a part- me job during my winter vaca on. So I just have one day to prepare my luggage,
introduc on card and other stuff.
On the first day, I brought heavy luggage and just sat back in the bus . And the staff wanted us to introduce our-
selves about school and age. A er introduc on, we played many ice-breaking games. When the bus arrived at the Aspire
Park, we played outdoor group exercise games.
Most importantly, the dancing night was so high and offered snacks, drinks and live band.
On the second day, we listened to two speeches.
Shen Xin-Ling is a girl who helped many people when she was young. She didn’t want any sponsors’ support be-
cause she did not want her offering to be regarded as metamorphism. And I also admire her courage. Because she is just
23 year’s old like me, but she is ready to complete many things I can’t do.
Another speech is about presenta on skills. It’s very useful to us and also helpful to our project on the third day.
A er dinner and brain storming. Our team mates had a small mee ng. In this mee ng, we talked about our what
we learned and everyone’s feelings. There were 11 people in our team. Someone was very ra onal and also someone
was crazy .But we achieved many goals in three days. Maybe we have different ideas in many things. But we discussed,
and made an agreement. So we didn’t have any dispute. That’s our pride. On the third day we had an OBT and presenta-
on. It’s also funny and Interes ng.
In these three days, I also learned how to be a good leader and what’s leadership.
A good leader must have personality traits, including vision, mo va on, trust, image, courage and strategy. And
most importantly, successful leader has power to influence others!
And I also learned the 6 compass. 1. a moral compass, 2. an intui ve compass, 3. historical compass,
4. a direc onal compass, 5. a strategic compass, 6. a visionary compass.
In this Ryla camp, I learned many things and also overcome many difficul es. Otherwise, I got acquainted with
many friends. And I believe these three days will last in my mind forever!
We serve, We lead!
Firstly, I really need to say that this is the best winter camp I have
ever par cipated. From playing the outdoor games to presenta on, it
not only teaches us about teamwork but also breakthrough. I think it is
really great to combine playing and learning. Now I want to tell about
these three days and how I felt.
On the first day, we met at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. My brother and I were a li le bit excited because we both
like to make friends. When I got into the bus, I met my first teammate, Kevin. He is a nice guy then we had a good con-
versa on. A er pu ng down our luggage, Vicky asked each teammate to introduce ourselves. There are ten members in
our team, the boys are Kevin, Elvin, Andy, Louis and me, the girls are Katy, Mary, Kate, Winnie and Audrey. Although we
made some mistakes in outdoor ac vi es, all of our team mates s ll got closer to be a good team. A er dinner, the party
was really cool. Dancing is a good way to let everyone not to be shy, of course I s ll think the singer did a good job to
create atmosphere higher than I thought. And exchanging name cards really made me breakthrough, I used to get easily
embarrassed in front of girls. This me I got the most cards in my team. When the party went to the end, my teammates
and I went to 7-11 for midnight snacks. This is the wonderful first day.
On the second day of brainstorming, we only have thirty minutes to make a brief introduc on about our project.
Each of us discussed many project targets, and agreed to help children who got nothing to eat. We helped them with
the food from market. Most of them may not be good-looking but s ll edible. Then we collected, and cooked for the
children. Here I wanted to say sorry to my team mates because I did not do in report. We discussed our project un l mid-
night .Then we went outside to share our experiences in these days, I thought my teammates were really awesome.
On the last day, we played the OBT. I was the first protector to save the climber. I am 60 KG, but he is 85KG. When
he fell down, it was too fast that I could not stop him so I flew into the air. We both laughed when he finished his achieve-
ment. I think this is the best moment in these ac vi es. At final presenta ons, the most important ac vity in RYLA. I did
my best and needless to say my teammates did great job. I love my team “starry night”. By the way, I was also surprise
that I won second prize for personal reward in RYLA, I think this shall belong to our team. Hope I can join the RYLA next
A er 3 days amazing ac vi es, all RYLArians had a good experi-
ence of group ac vi es, me included. I had be er to write down my
reflec on about the camp.
When it comes to why I joined RYLA camp, I would probably say that it was absolutely a coincidence. None of
members in my family are Rotarians; what’s more, I even didn’t know what Rotary club is. I just got a chance to see the
poster in my school, which looked so interes ng that I determined to join immediately.
y that it was absolutely a coincidence None ofN
When I met other members and our group facilitator in the bus, I got more and more excited about the camp.
In the group ac vity games, though our group kept running to wrong direc ons and got wrong clues, it is such a great
chance to promote mutual understanding and interac ons among our team members. We collected some materials to
decorate our armbands, which is our symbol.
As I men oned, we didn’t do a good job in the game. However, our spirit and perseverance are powerful enough to
beat any other group. We named our team “starry night”, which means we are always the most shinny stars at night.
Leader’s night must be the highlight in the first day. The band “Cheers” played for all RYLArians and gave us a mar-
velous party. With their interac on during the performance, we were all touched by their passion and vitality. Also, all
RYLArians learned an essen al skills of dancing. Waltz is a classical ballroom and folk dance in triple me. Though danc-
ing with girls is a li le embarrassing, we all enjoyed dancing and cha ng with those we were not familiar. It is probably
the first me for us to learn social dance. Indeed, it is an unforge able experience to learn another way to socialize.
Undoubtedly, Hsin-Lin Shen is another spotlight in these three days. Ms. Shen is not a famous celebrity but a
young girl at my age. She dedicated herself to helping local farmers and kids. Unlike most young people, who go shop-
ping or play video games in their leisure me, Ms. Shen always thinks about some service project that could make Tai-
wanese society be er. Even though she is only a young girl without limited resources, she seeks some handy tools in our
daily life. She told us that even a website or a short video could affect lots of people and drive them to do more service.
It is her spirit and courage that touched my heart deeply.
All in all, I felt really glad to join in RYLA camp. All the group ac vi es and keynote speeches broaden my vision
to my future. Of course, not everyone would be a leader in the future; however, we have to learn to be a leader and to
be led. Those are all significant traits that we should bear.
RYLA was a frui ul and unforge able experience. Through series of ac vi es and lectures, I witnessed how lead-
ership played a role in a group of people. We all know that enthusiasm; op mism, courage, insight, humbleness and
humor… are all very crucial traits of leadership ,but to say is one thing, to do is another. Therefore, I would say the great-
est part of RYLA was that it provided us a simulated environment, a miniature of our society, and let us learn how to
communicate and cooperate, in order to achieve our goal.
It was in a shivering cold a ernoon, when I first met my group members—Edward, Kevin, Winnie, Audrey, Andy,
Elvin, Katy, Kate, and Louis. Our counselor was Vicky, who was a pre y girl at my age. We got to know each other and
built up friendship. On the second day, we listened to a lecture given by Shen Hsin-Ling, who was an outstanding young
girl who set up a teaching website for poor, educa on-deprived kids. She also showed us some photos of those “ordinary
people”—ignored most of the me, yet they had the most posi ve a tude toward life. I admired her from the deepest,
and when she took out a paper with all the bricks represen ng the months we s ll have for the rest of our lives, I was
startled by the fact that, I won’t have that much me to do whatever I want to do. And what’s even more, when she took
out another paper with bricks represen ng the months that my parents s ll have, my eyes were full of tears. I felt that
my life needed a change.
Since me is limited, I should really make good use of it. Life is a con-
stant process of decision-making, and our choice will influence our future.
Although there are so many things worthy of giving a shot, be always focusing
on the ma er that means the most to you should be the only principle during
decision making.
Three days in RYLA wasn’t about compe on. It’s about leadership and
what’s more, coopera on. A er listening to Shen Hsin-Ling’s lecture, I think
a true leader is an mo vator. She doesn’t have to be the smartest, or the
richest, yet the fire she held so steadily ignited the li le seeds in everyone’s
hearts. That’s a true leader. And that’s what we look up to. Start now, and
envision the future. I hope, that when a er all of us went back home the li le
flame from RYLA, we could all set the flame on fire, and be the future mo va-
tor, no ma er what we do, where we are.
The ac vi es are cool, the first day morning of outdoor games, it let our team have a very good rela onship. At
night, we learned to dance at the party, exchanged name cards and made a lot of new friends. It surprised me to be
selected as the party queen. I am very shy, but it was an unforge able memories to me.
The next day was great, I was glad to hear such a nice speech. Because I’ve been engaged in volunteer ac vi es
for a long me, I like to share happiness with others, also like to help people and stray animals. The speech par cularly
touched my heart, and let me feel very meaningful.
In RYLA, I made lots of friends, and learned to lead and be led. The most important thing is “we all have the same
goal, which is the largest harvest in this ac vi es!
Team 3 : Caffeine (隊輔:Molly)
At the beginning, I was not sure what RYLA was and what I was going to experience in RYLA, but I know there
was something that would broaden my vision. During the three days in RYLA, I made many good friends. Some of team
members came from different universi es, so we did learn from each other. In addi on, the most special part of RYLA
was that it provided many opportuni es for every par cipant to be team leaders, and to develop their leadership. First
of all, one would be selected or volunteer to be the leader; and then he or she would conduct a series of discussions and
make sure every member know their own responsibility; lastly, the leader would be in charge of organizing everyone’s
output to get a project done.
Furthermore, there were also great speeches. Ms. Shen Xin-Ling was very amazing. It’s beyond our imagina on
that a girl engaged in charity ac vi es since she was only eleven years old, and even un l now. Thanks to her speech,
we learned about leadership and more aware of the importance of helping people in need. Originally, Ms. Shen helped
her neighborhood farmers sell fruit to the whole society in Taiwan. She had her faith, helped and served to spread hap-
piness, and then shared to more people. When listening to her speech, and watching the photos, I was reminded of
being thankful that I could sit here. She rendered many people, let more people want to serve the society and became
a wonderful cycle.
Besides the charity ac vi es, she also reminded us to treasure everything we have. Especially the life we owned.
She used an example ”life paper” to express most human’s life about 900 mouths, but excluding the past and sleeping
hours. It is a concept of quan fy that we can realize how much we s ll own. Maybe we are young now, but life is limited.
In addi on to our life, my parents are in the same situa on, don’t waste the chance and be kind to our parents. In other
func on, the life paper can be used in checking our life goals, know where we should move forward.
Finally, it was a precious chance to join RYLA. I think my vision has been broadened and even reshaped. I saw many
people of excellent English ability that made me want to improve. I made some good friends in RYLA, and they gave
me good sugges ons like ways of study, English-speaking tools, and making foreign friends. A er mee ng some foreign
friends, I found that conversion with them have a li le fun.
I made my study plan very soon and run it every day, and one of my dreams is to work abroad in movie post-
produc on company. To make something cool like” Avatar ”and” The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey”. I ignored this for
many years. It is never be too late to try anything valuable. Besides in career, I would also bring something beneficial
back to Taiwan.
Leadership Camp for three days, It really benefited my life. On the first day, I par cipated in outdoor games. Our
team figured out team name and then prac ced the team cheering. In ballroom dancing, we exchanged business cards
and listened to live band. Happy and memorable night party.
Next day, we present team cheering very nervously. I think some of our table limits failed, but cool!
I think that helps me a lot. I am also impressed with a series of lectures, and I’ll take me to learn! The immediate
group discussions required our ability to respond. Everyone should be responsible for his or her assignment in the group.
On the third day, we played OBT games and played our own role respec vely. Whether in school or in the company or in
the life, each one is an integral part of any role!
I really enjoyed this three-day event!
Hi, this is Lucas. I’m glad and honored to share my feedback at RYLA from 1/18 to 1/20. I would say RYLA is one
of the best training ac vi es I’ve had. The three-day program did provide me and all par cipants a great opportunity to
explore the field of leadership, and also, a great chance to know more about Rotaract and Rotary Clubs. Honestly, I even
considered being part of the club since I received so many touching ideas and scenes during the program.
The reason for me to register for this program was because I wanted to know more about how to be a leader and
how to help others to be leaders. Leadership has been one of the issues that interest me. I believe leadership is part
of everything. For example, when hanging out with a group of friends, and if needed to decide which restaurant to go,
then leadership is important if everyone wants to reach a mutual agreement. Therefore, I came to here with a ques on
on the first day. Although I couldn’t tell what was the connec on among leadership, field games, and ballroom party on
the first day.
I did realize that there is also several ways to learn how to be a leader finally. In the process, my special a en on
was drawn to how RYLA cul vated those young leaders, and I really appreciated the programs such as games, ballroom
party, speeches, and teamwork. RYLA not only provided par cipants opportuni es to know the know-how of being a
leader, but also set up a perfect pla orm for us to put what we’ve learned in to prac ce.
During my days in RYLA, I also have learned some impressive thoughts. First of all, one of the host members men-
oned that “leadership is a process, not just giving orders, but to encourage teammates.” That inspired me a lot, origi-
nally, I couldn’t give a precise defini on of leadership; however, through the words by the host, I was gradually able to
approach the true idea of leadership. Therefore, in RYLA, I liked to observe that what kind of leader I am and also how
others to be leaders, and did hope that I was the one who could bring warmness and power to my teammates. In addi-
on, in RYLA, I also have learned how to overcome difficul es. One of the host members said that “The key point isn’t
the difficul es, but your a tude toward it.” Yes, I was inspired by it a lot, and did hope that I can put this idea with me
wherever I go. Accordingly, when doing extreme sports, I forced myself to climb high, to walk, and jump. Those were the
breakthroughs that I couldn’t imagine I could achieve. With the belief of trus ng myself and believe in the importance
of having posi ve a tude, I realized that there is nothing which can beat me ever.
Thank you for everything, RYLA.
This is the first me for me to join Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Excellent ac vi es, excellent interac ons, ex-
cellent three days with my group members in the Aspire Park in Longtan, Taoyuan.
First day, we start to get along with each other during games. It’s hard to believe we just met and introduced our-
selves for 10 minutes and can play together like we’re all old friends. Playing games, team work, par es, we spent three
days together and making our friendship forever. I’m so glad that I’ve got those wonderful team mates. They speak Eng-
lish so well, and got those funny ideas. I really enjoyed the three days with all of them. I cherished every moment with
them and our friendship. Thank to Molly and CAFFEINE !!!!!
I am really happy in this three days. This camp is really great. I really love the first speech, given by Shen, Hsin-
Ling. It is incredible that she is young as us. How brave is she is! How kind is she is!I made up my mind to emulate
her. Hoping I could help more and more people in this society. Lots of words she said impressed me. The easy thing
you do for a long me will become significant .There is nothing impossible, and the key point is your a tude. It is true
that we all know, but we can’t do by ourselves. If we change our mind, the angle of our vision will not be limited to 160
degree. What’s more, the workshop is really useful. So many technique that I have learned such as the big words, half
words half picture, all pictures. A good presenta on is not compressing all informa on to the audience, but to persuade
Ac on learning is interes ng. Mirror and micmic blind game gave me lots of fun. The OBT is the most s mula ng
one It is quite shameful that I kept shivering and shou ng on the steel on the sky. Party night, talking to lots of different
friends. The atmosphere is pe y great. Cheer band is professional. I got many different cards!The dance is fun, too.
The service project gave us a chance to cooperate with the group team member and know more each other. The last
presenta on, though our performance is not pre y well, everyone did their best. I think this is a really good memory.
In our group, there are lots of remarkable people. Milly, she is beau ful and has rich good ideas and always the first
speaking person, gave our team lots of fun!Lucus, just like our big brother, he is not only smart but also kind!Every
word he said is very mature!He always thinks about other people’s feelings, the greatest leader that I have seen!His
English is so remarkable. Hoping that I could become as great as him one day!Eric is passionate and outgoing. The first
me I saw him, I regarded him as a foreigner. Tim is really brave and talented. I really love the power point he made. In
short, I really love my team, CAFFEINE. Thank you, guys for giving such great memory. Hoping we could meet each other
another day.
The last but not least, is the thing I learned from this camp. The leadership may need a future vision. The inspiring
ability to the group, knowing different members’ feelings. He always mo vates his followers. He has to trust his or her
members with a decisive mind and provide remarkable strategies to the whole team. The last thing I want to thank again
for all the RYLA camp workers. This is a really great team I have joined. Thank you all!
This me, I joined Ryla camp at January 18th to 20th. At beginning, I really didn’t want to a end, because I didn’t
know anyone in this ac vity and maybe we should put up the tent by ourselves. However, my father told me that camp
not only is very meaningful, but I can get a lot of special harvests and experiences..
First day, there were two main ac vi es to let us know each other more. The first one, we started with acquain ng
with each other through the game. Every group had to pass each challenge. So, we should keep discussing and com-
munica ng with our group members. And the second is the party. The staffs taught us how to dance the waltz, so that
we could dance with everyone, exchange the personal name card and chat with everyone even other group’s member.
Those ac vi es were very helpful to the goal which make us get familiar with everyone, I supposed.
The second day, we listened to the two speeches. I didn’t know first speaker at all before this speech. Her speech
contents were very touching and impressive to me. I didn’t know that there will have someone who is really caring about
every person in Taiwan. She not merely told those stories, but taught us that we should not waste our life me. It’s a
very persuasive speech. Next one is about the presenta on skills. In my school, I had a class which is taught us how to
make the presenta on success. I think that I have learned all skills about presenta on, however, a er this speech I think
I was not learn enough. If I want it perfect, I should learn it more. This speech is pre y valuable to me. In the evening,
we had a very terrible event, that is short presenta on in five minutes. We must outline our rough service concep on
in half hour , and then present it in 5 minutes. It’s very exci ng! I have never ever preparing a presenta on in this kind
of short me. That’s a big challenge for us. Finally, I don’t know that if our presenta on is good or not. But, we finished
and we did it without any quarrel. Just with harmonious coopera on. A er this small terrible presenta on, we had to
prepare a big horrible final presenta on for tomorrow. We should summarize today’s idea, make it longer and more
detail. In the conference hall, every group discussed never stop and hardly. Just like Olympic compe on. Everyone was
working very hard.
And the last day was coming. In the morning, we were awakened earlier than yesterday morning. And we were
led by the staffs to a secret place. What? Walk a ghtrope? Are you crazy? I will never do it! It’s my thought at first. We
should help each other, not only the person who on the ghtrope is important, but those partners on the ground are
also important. We know that how important about team work. At last I did it! I can trust my partners and our friendship
were becoming closer. And the following is scaring final presenta on, we finished it and every group showed a lot of
presenta ons with the en re different types. It makes me surprise! How a amazing presenta on exhibi on.
A er three days ago. I think that is very worthy and I’m very auspicious that I have the opportunity to join this
camp. It’s not only a camp, but a meaningful ac vity. I did many things that I have never done before.
Leader is someone who can mo vate others.
It was really amazing to join this camp for 3 days. In the camp I’ve learned a lot and also made variety of friends
from other universi es. This really broadened my horizon for we’ve discussed numbers of topics such as educa on, eco-
nomic and also our habits. Some people stand for A plan while another for B plan. And it is our various viewpoints that
made us improve. Tim, one of our team members, talked about his personal experience when he was in army, giving
us different view of seeing the society. He talked about the reality for entering the society and concluded that without
English, we have li le chance to get higher or be er jobs. S ll, I’ve talked with a girl from NTU. We’ve talked about psy-
chology a day long because both of us had studied about this. I will do my best to let others know it is really worthy join
this camp.
As for Lucas first. Lucas was one of the people in this camp I admire most. He was an English tutor in cram school
and also shows the empathy in most of the me. We talked English almost every moment while we met each other, even
when we stayed in the room. The next day we’ve lesion a speech for what is essen al for being a leader. And one of the
charisma that I didn’t think before was not only being a be er person but also encouraging your team mates. At that
moment, I‘ve decided to help Tim for he was embarrassed to speak English. Lucas and I discussed on how to improve
Tim’s English ability, wishing he can make a big improvement in the near future. Talking about empathy, whenever Lucas
found out that someone was in trouble, he would give his hand to others without hesita on.
Next, I would like to talk about what I have learned when
encountered with obstacles. The first obstacle I met was giving a
speech in front of people. I was nervous when I’m preparing. But
since I prac ced more and more, I became less nervous. S ll my
team mates also cheered me up. Next obstacle was walking in the
air in OBT games. I thought that I was brave enough to do this but
the truth is I was wrong. I could hardly breathe on the air. But s ll
again, thanks to my team mates suppor ng me. I finally beat my
fear. For what I learned in camp, do not fight by oneself. Your team
mates will become the strongest power for you.
I introduced my friend from other countries to Tim a er the camp.
Team 4 : Orange punch (隊輔:Tina)
The first day when I was lugging my things across the city to catch a 12:30 bus ride, I was doub ul of the days to
come. Because I help planned a few camps and events, I knew all too well that there were bound to be errors and delays
that will insidiously ruin the schedule. Rides that weren’t on me, should-have-could-have first-aid measures that may
lead to injuries, and unforeseen weather pa erns, all the li le things that will end up spoiling the fun. Most of all, a er
the long hard semester, I was not in the mood of excitement.
On the bus to our des na on, as I suspected, we played pe y games that robbed me of the chance to take a nap.
A three day disaster was unraveling before my eyes. I know some day I will look back and laugh at my own misfortunes,
but at that moment, there was nothing but regret that filled my mind.
A er we arrived, first on the schedule was running around the venue hun ng for clues and playing games. The
games were not exci ng per se. Worse of all, the facilitators had a very poor grasp at scheduling. Many teams had no
me to finish all the ac vi es, and had to return to the dining hall for dinner with an air of dissa sfac on. Subsequently,
there was an evening ball in the gymnasium, where we listened to a band play and danced. As expected, the acous cs
were terrible and the music was so loud it gave me headaches. A quick glance at my phone confirmed that my first day
was about to end in disappointment. The only consola on I got was that I was not the only one suffering.
The second day, I opened my eyes and braced. In the morning, we were crammed into the auditorium and listened
to two presenters. One ques on, “what is the furthest distance?” got me thinking. I was si ng in the middle of the
auditorium, and I took a good look at the people around me and at myself. The furthest distance is what ROTARY stands
for and what they actually are. The weight of the decisions the so-called aun e and uncles carry can do so much more
if they tried. They have the power to make a real impact to the society, yet they choose to entertain themselves with
trivial ma ers in the name of ROTARY. Time was ng dinner dates, mee ngs, and gatherings. It was a disgus ng display
of mediocrity, bureaucracy, and ludicrousness right before my eyes. The Rotaractors who spent so much me preparing
for this three-day event were doing a sublime job. They put much effort, determina on, and forethought into planning.
Yet their great inten ons were mutated by the even greater egos of the Rotarians, crea ng this miserable mess. Events
like opening ceremonies, opening remarks, and opening messages plaguing the schedule like a disease, overshadowing
the poten al of the event itself.
A er that realiza on, I could see more clearly. I threw away all the inten ons to learn, replaced it with a new reso-
lu on to enjoy the company, enjoy the events, and make the most out of my me, because fun wasn’t going to have
itself. Although there was much to be improved in later events, even the more obvious flaws no longer ma ered. I got
to really know and become friends with my team. Now I know the true meaning of misery loves company. When there
are great friends with you, even shit can smell good.
January was the last day of my school semster, I went to the school in the morning. I le earlier, because RYLA was
on the same day. A er lunch, I took the MRT to the bus stop. The buses were already there, wai ng for us. I went on
the bus with a friend I just knew, Ruby. We cha ed while we were wai ng for other members, she was really friendly to
me. Finally everyone was there, the bus started to move. We played games on the bus, our facilitator, Tina, also let us
introduce ourselves to others, which made us know each other more easily. Every group member on the team seemed
to be really nice.
A er we arrived at the Aspire park, we put down our luggage in a room, and all the ac vi es started. The most
unforge able ac vity must be OBT ac vity we did on the third day. We went to a place where we could experience those
high ropes adventures. I was quite afraid of height. As I first stepped at the thin rope, but I was scared, there was nothing
I could hold, and no one could help me to walk to the other side of the thin rope. What I really wanted to do was to quit,
but I didn’t. I hear people telling me that I could do it, they gave me faith, which made me keep walking forward. I made
it! But I believed, without them cheering me out, it won’t be possible.
In these three days, we also played a lot of games, which needed the whole group to par cipate in, which needed
everyone to cooperate, which needed us to put our trust in others. I gained a lot from those games. I really liked my
group, not only because they were nice, but also united. For example, a er the ring ac vity on the first day, everyone
wanted to go to bed, but our team gathered together, that was because every group needed to think of a team name
and a team call. Every group member provided a li le idea, really soon we created a perfect team call, and prac ced for
a few mes.
I think the most important thing in this camp was that we have to make a presenta on on the last day of RYLA,
what our group supposed to do was to come up with a topic and design a project. A er many discussions, we decided
to make a project about the Forgo en Children. They are the kids in special classes, because their parents are alcoholic
or possess other problems. We came up with some conclusions of how to help those poor children, and changed them
into a project. It was really hard at the beginning, because there were no samples we could take a look at. But then we
s ll made it, resul ng from our contribu ons, we finished a project. Also we made a power point with the skills learned
from the workshop of a really good speech on how to give a wonderful speech. From the process of doing this project, I
learned how to work with others, how to listen to others’ opinions and so on.
Time flies. Three days passed away so quickly. I felt really happy that I got the chance to par cipate in RYLA, it was
a really great me. I learned a lot, and also got to know many new friends. I hope that I will be able to use those skills we
learned in these three days in my daily life, and become a good leader in the future.
We Serve, We Lead, We Are Orange Punch!
I really want to thanks to my aunt to give me this chance to join the Rotary Youth Leadership Camp. I am also
wanted to thanks my mom, without her push, I won’t make my determina on to take part. Actually my English turn into
worse and worse since I become a University student. That sounds like an excuse .I really feel shame on me. So I am a
li le bit nervous……NO! There is a lot of nervous to open my mouse to speak English. My mom encourages me that I
should hold this chance to challenge myself. A er all, I decide to try.
First day when I got up to the Na onal Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall sta on I was really scared, but when I meet
my team leader the shadow in my mine is totally fade away. Because my team leader “Tina” give me a big smile and talk
to me friendly. It really warms my heart. Our team members are very outgoing and easy to talk to. We become friends
with each other soon. Through we fight for the game , we become more close.
I learned a lot of things in this camp. I really love the speech by 沈芯菱. I heard of her before but didn’t know her
very well. Her speech teaches me do not look down yourselves. Not only love yourselves but also help the person who
needs your help. I’m too small. I have no money, no power, without any resource to help anyone. That’s all excuses. It’s
about what you have; it’s about what you give. Just do it! Every single word she says just pumps my heart. This speech is
really meaningful. It gives me hope and love. I really admire her. To my surprise, she is only twenty-five years old. She is
young but she has already doing so many charitable things. No ma er what ages you are, just do the right things. Then
your life will become more meaningful and colorful.
Another important thing I learn through this camp is “Trust” and “Teamwork” Through the game, I try to trust a
stranger in a short me. When my eyes covered, I really scared to fell. But when my partner holds my hand. I feel relax;
I try my best to hand over my trust to him or her. And my partner did protect me very well. That gives me more confi-
dence walking step by step. To take a turns to me, I do the same thing to my partner. I try my best to lead and protect my
partner not to get hurt. I have to reciproca on my partner’s trust. I finally know that.
The most exci ng part is “Walk on the steel wire” I can’t believe that I can walk on that. I don’t trust myself and
my team members at first, but when I saw my members to use their best efforts to protect us. When I climb on the wood
and start to walk. My legs s ll shake but I’m not afraid, I believe my team members will protect me, so I’m not worry at
all. That’s teamwork!
This camp brings me a lot, and makes friends with a lot of people. Thank you very much RYLA! I have a great me
I am very happy to par cipate in this ac vity in this vaca on. I really obtained so much from RYLA.
I learned a lot from this lecture of how to present the power point such as how to make your presenta on more
vivid, more a rac ve, and more persuasive, and how to avoid these mistakes such as too much sentences, unnecessary
words, overly complex pictures, and so on…and the most important is how to construct your presenta on.
You have to consider your presenta on carefully as you can,
and at the same me you have to think how to keep your report run smoothly,
The service project presenta on deeply inspired me as well. I got a lot of ideas from other friends’, such as the
proposal of CSR (Corporate social responsibility), the proposal of service for the elderly program, the improvement of
environment for increasing the quality of children learning, the remote Community Service Program.
A er listening to these projects, I want to share an experience from my reading, a book.” Why Carnegie is Success-
ful,” by David Black Lung. The book inspires me a lot. He said: “Venture is their favorite thing to do.” However, nowadays,
many people are busy day and nights for pres ge and
money. Earning money and high educa on for diploma constantly. Is this really the life you want to live? In this era
of emphasizing diploma for having more perfect
future, for realizing the expecta on of parents, many people are so desperately
studying. However, to see back to the past a er growing up, He(She) feels that he(she)
really want is not this kind of life. Why did he always live in other people’s expecta ons. There is a saying in the
book :”how you would like to have a life me”, describing the process of inven on of Edison. Although it is hard and dif-
ficult to invent, it is fun, even one’s favorite, the dream and eager. This s mulates me to think of more carefully. I expect
I can do what I want in my future.
As far as I am concerned, I have the following thoughts. As the saying goes: “Having greater responsibility for the
more weight.” Being a leader is not easy. He(She) has more adventure and risk to face. Entrepreneurs are the leaders
who have the highest status. Regardless of any ma er,
The leader must make a correct decision. The decision is very important for the organiza on. If it is not good, for
lack of proper communica ons. It will result in possibility of risks.
However, as long as by con nuous improvement for reviewing the progress, I do believe that with enthusiasm, we
can make a progress constantly and arrive at the goal of success.
The quality of leader is absolutely important, we have to learn and learn constantly.
Especially about communica on, I realize the importance of par cipa ng in community ac vi es. The most Impor-
tant is learning to handle many ques ons about many things, including interpersonal rela onships and how to get alone
with any people. To sum up, interpersonal rela onships are full of various variables. Accumula ng experience to learn
how to handle, express, and communicate is the almighty road.
Hello, my name is Vinson, I wanted to share my experience about RYLA 2013.
Through three days, I learned a lot and made many good friends. First of all, we went through self-introduc ons
and tournaments to break ice, so we can know each other quickly and establish our team tacits in short me, and to
meet behind more difficult challenge. Because each person has different ideas, so I would listen and learn, then we dis-
cussed to research the perfect method to solve the problem.
And we had a party at first night. The staff taught us to dance Waltz so that we can invite ladies or gentleman to
dance and exchange name card to know each other more, by the way, maybe you can meet your Mr./Ms. Right here.
Second, they invited two speakers to share their stories and professional skills with us.
Shen Xing-ling, a girl at our age, but she has achievements more than many young men of the same age. She used
handy tools “internet” to help many people, including building a website to help the people from hometown selling
fruits, and construc ng the educa on website so that the children can learn on the website. She even held a summer
camp and invited university students to teach children who need help, we are at the same age, but our thinking was
much different at all! Another is A-Fu. He was a very professional teacher about briefing. He gave us a brilliant lecture
about how to make a successful briefing. A good briefing may make listeners focus on your report and feel interested.
If you were a great speaker it could let you get the customer’s orders, even win the sponsors of Venture Capital. These
skills and knowledge can make you strong no ma er where you are!
Third, we had a subject about trust, we needed to find a partner and face to face, the one has to make different
movements and the other has to imitate, so you need to focus on your partner or you will make mistakes. Another is that
the one has to mask his eyes and give his hands to the other one, and he needs to follow you to anywhere, of course,
you have to protect him.
Last, we have to make a presenta on in English, it’s the point of the Camp. Our topic is “Use ac vity to defuse in-
difference” it means that we have to learn how to help other people, I think it’s a daily subject, but not really easy to do
it, we have to finish this presenta on in few hours just like mission impossible! But we chose to believe in each other so
we discussed and listed a lot of methods. Because of our teamwork, everyone exert their specialty and then we finished
the impossible presenta on.
This Camp taught me the importance of teamwork, a good team could make it possible that one plus one will be-
come more than two, and a good leader is able to lead the whole team to success.
One day, my father told me that he strongly recommended a winter camp called “RYLA.” I didn’t know any about
the camp. I just knew the camp is about leadership. Therefore, I carried my curiosity and a ended the camp. The mys-
tery tour began.
I finally found out that “RYLA” represented “Rotary Youth Leadership Awards” a er I arrived the loca on of our
camp—Aspire Resort. I need to admit that the place is wonderful. It did offer a great field for all of us and did many
ac vi es. During the three days camp, although the camp kept men oning that how important the leadership is, I s ll
didn’t know what leadership is. But I learned another thing that is as important as the leadership called coopera on. As
the 4th group members (Team Orange), we did our best on team work stuff. No one was the leader, we all ac vely done
the work that ourselves good at. For instance, when my team was figuring out team slogan, some members gave some
ideas as others were using the internet to search for our group. Finally, we gathered all our ideas and finished a funny
one. And we all sa sfied with the work. This was just a li le example of our coopera on. There were many others in
three days camp. How to do a great team work? I think team orange members must know!!!!
The most impressed things in the camp are the speech of a brave girl and to experience firsthand in OBT. First,
the story of the brave girl really moved all the members. She tried all she could do to throw herself on public welfare.
She told me that the meaning of human being’s life. The treasures are not the thing you already have; the treasures will
come from people who you help with. Progress a li le bit every day, you will success in the end. On the other hand, if you
decide not to make any steps, you’ll end with nothing. Second, the experience on the OBT, this ac vity also taught me
about how important the team work. We needed whole group members carefully watch one member back to keep the
member from danger. We needed to gather all our power to support the one who was standing on the high steel rope.
No one can do that work by himself, but all together as a team we could do everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Team 5 : Pinky (隊輔:Alice)
In fact, my father was once a member of Rotary Interna onal Districts 3520. In my memory, it was a club where
several old man who had a great deal of me and money holding par es all the me; however, not un l I par cipated in
this ac vity did I know I was wrong. There are so much love and feedback behind leadership.
At first, I signed up for the camp since I saw Shen Hsin-Ling as one of the speaker. Also, the slogan caught my
eyes, “God: How do we change the world? Evan: One single act of random kindness at a me.” It was really inspiring.
On the other hand, another reason why I joined the ac vity was that I wanted to do something meaningful and
special. I par cipated in summer camps and held winter camp in high school; nevertheless, I needed some breakthrough
to prove that I had grown up and made good use of my me to learn new things not just playing my days. To my greatest
happiness, indeed, I learned a lot these days.
The interes ng Presenta on Skills lecture taught us how to vivify our presenta on. I think our school teacher
should all listen to this lecture. Besides, we learned how to be a leader and a good team worker, a leader is the one who
has the vision can do the right thing and who has the captain courage can take the risk of trying new things. And I love
the speech of Shen Hsin-Ling most. I always wonder ”What can I do to make a be er world?” - maybe I have to work
hard to be the next Bill Gates so that I have the ability to change the world or even save the world; yet, a er the speech,
I realized that I don’t have to be so greedy that try to change the world. A li le thing that anyone can do can make a
be er world. I really admire Shen Hsin-Ling so so so much. Tears falling down my check, I cried when I heard the story of
her on how a 11 girl started her life full of love and help. Most of all, it was really some kind of experience, broadening
my horizon, like leaving the school and becoming a part of the society. I did have a wonderful me.
I am so glad that I have a chance to join this leadership camp. First day’s game is really fun except for the extremely
cold weather. Second day is a substan al day. The speech that lecturer gave is so impressed. The one of lecturer’s speech
is very touching. She has lots of amazing stories that I am interested in. Another lecturer is talk about how to make a
fabulous presenta on and some ps about it which is so useful. The Brainstorming me is the most stressful me during
this camp. I never thought that I am able to create a project with our team just in 30 minutes, and we had to go in front
of everyone to introduce it. That’s the experience that I never had. The priest had told me that people have more than
500 to 600 abili es which we don’t know we have it.
This camp is absolutely a great chance to inspire poten-
al. This camp is different from the camp I joined before. It is
more educa onal and inspira onal. Although the process had
lots of stress, but it turns out that I can do it. At the end of the
camp, our teamwork figured out a project together and we pre-
sented together. Another thing I feel so great is that I male lots
of friends here. First day everyone looked so shy including me,
but through a day everyone was ge ng closer. I remembered
the third day’s Out Bound, we had to trust our partners. It is a
special experience. Usually when we do this ac vity the coach
will control our rope to make sure our safety, but this me we
had to let our partner be the coach who hold the rope. The weird thing is that I usually do not get familiar with strangers
in such a short me. Everyone in my team is easygoing and I am so proud of our team member. I really had a great me
in these three days. I would definitely love to join this camp next year.
It was truly an astonished memory for me in the past three days. I have known Rotary Youth Leadership Award
(RYLA) since I was in Taichung Second Senior High school (TCSSH) Interact club. It has been quite a long me since the
first me I met Rotary. I enjoyed all the terrific talks in every mee ng.
I also devoted myself in the service project every me I face such as cleaning up the world. That was really a good
experience for me that I can use my own strength to help our mother nature.
In the past three days, I experienced working with a group of elites, opening my own mind when faced with the
people or things I encountered. I adored the two speeches we had on the second day. I was so moved by the story Shen,
Hsin-Ling gave us. And I was so surprised that even she is at the age of 23, she can use her own strength to help so many
people and donate so much all by herself. She gave me many new ways to face things, always look on the bright side. I
am deeply infected by her energe c, posi ve a tude when facing challenges. I simply can s ll remember her words, “It
would be something when doing easy things for a long me.” which encouraged me a lot.
The speech about how to make a good presenta on given by Jeff Wang really gave me a brand new view of pre-
senta on and slide making. “Making a presenta on is not sending the informa on but to convince others.” is one of the
concepts he gave us which I never thought about it before. I usually need to do reports and presenta on at school or
toward others. But I have never thought about how to make my talk be er and how to prepare for that. His interes ng
and rich speech looks like taking li le effort on it. In fact, that is because he is well prepared and spends much me on
it. I also learned much from the course that Smart Orange gave us. They taught such as concentrate and focus are always
easy to say it out, but doing it is just another aspect. Through experiencing, they wanted to teach us in person and doing
it directly is much deeper branded in my mind.
Last but not least, knowing many fantas c people is also one of my biggest harvest during the three days. Even
though we didn’t have much me to chat with each other, we s ll keep in touch through the net a er the fabulous three
day adventure.
d thing is that I usually do not get familiar with stranngerst familiar
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report
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RID3480 2012-13 RYLA Report

  • 1. 1 Content Governor’s Remarks at Opening Ceremony -- 02 Governor’s Closing Remarks -- 06 Remarks from R.I. President Sakuji Tanaka -- 09 Remarks of New Genera on Commi ee -- 10 Remarks of RYLA CEO -- 11 Introduc on of RYLA 12-13 -- 12 Reflec on from RYLArians -- 13 Reflec on from RYLA Staff -- 69 Evalua on & Feedback -- 82 RYLA Sponsors -- 87 RYLA Organizing Commi ee -- 89 Photo Grid -- 91
  • 2. 2 Governor’s Remarks at Opening Ceremony On Leadership 1“Leader” usually refers to the man who leads the way or the person who occupies the highest posi on in a hier- archy, such as a president, a commander-in-chief, a CEO, a captain, a sec on master, etc. In other words, in any organiza on, large or small, the one who stands in front or sits the highest is the leader, the decision-maker. However, these are superficial defini ons. As we know, Den Xiau Pin did’n t serve as the State President of China, but he was un- disputably the solo highest leader of China during the economical “Change and Open” era of China. On the other hand, some so called “Poli cal Stars”, “Most Favored Persons”, despite being elected to the highest post, are not necessarily true leaders. They are, at most, the media-manipulated voter’s favorite sons. By any criteria of judgment, they could hardly meet the defini on of leaders. 2 So, what is the gist of “Leader” or “Leadership”? And, what are the differences between “leadership” and “man- agement”? Are they simply synonyms or of dis nc ve meanings? I will endeavor to highlight some of the essen- al characteris cs of leadership for discussion as follows: (1) Vision: The fundamental dis nc on between a leader and a manager is that a manager is to accomplish his assigned mis- sion, while a leader is to decide what mission should be accomplished. Management masters Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis in their book dis nguished the two as: “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right thing.” Put in other way, a manager is an efficient executant; and a leader, though not necessarily an efficient
  • 3. 3 execu ve, must be a person of far and high vision, based on past history’s teachings, seeing through the situa on presently existed, and poin ng to the future of the trend of current. In essence, he must be an pioneer of vision. (2) Inspiring ability: A leader, whether he be a good guy, a bad guy, a just man or an evil one (for example, no one can deny Hitler or Stalin were among the greatest leaders in history), must possess an outstanding capability to inspire, mo vate and fire up his followers from despera on, insensi veness, frustra on, and defea sm to be awakened and to march into a com- mon des ny with zeal, faith and driving force. This power, like the phrases “charisma” used by poli cal science and media, is not capable of being expressively described in words. It is an innate gi , not capable of being cul vated by trainings. In common parlance, it is metaphorically something like a “cheerleader” (3) Trust: A general without trust of his soldiers can never win a ba le. The most precious asset of a leader is the uncondi onal trust placed on him by his followers, colleagues and subordinates, who are willing to sacrifice their bodies, mental powers, capabili es, monies, mes and all sort of resources for the sake of the ways and objec ves ordained by their leaders. Conversely speaking, a wise leader must have a grand scale mindset of “not using those about whom you have doubt, and not having doubt about those whom you use”. Mutual trust ensures the accomplishment of big enterprises. (4) Image: Every leader must be the best image builder by himself. If his image is a make-up packed by PR men or media, such make-up will not stand for long. A true leader must be a born gi ed image builder, or must be self-trained to be an able master of image building (such carved image may or may not be revealed by history). A leader a racts followers by his image. No followers no leader. (5) Courage: No leader is a person lacking courage. Many persons who possess other elements of leadership do not become a leader, because they are so caring about their reputa ons. They lack the courage to stand out in dangerous place and me. They are not risk-bearing. The tend to be averse to any possible harm or damage. They dare not take adventures. Some of such person have wisdoms, learnings and originali es, but they do not become leaders. (6) Strategy: A leader is not always an efficient administrator or manager. He may not be good in all details. He needs not to also have good planning and execu on skills (All are the requisites of staff members and managers). But, he must have a grandiose strategy for the future and des ny (like Moses in the Exodus or Kon-Min who envisaged the three na ons strategy in the late Han dynasty). Leaders in the history are not known by their execu ve abili es, rather, they are respected because of their strategic decision abili es in the grand design and des ny forecast. 3 We must note that a leader may not do the business solo. To say it rudely, the glory of a Marshall is paved above the dead bodies of thousands of soldiers. Not everything is so ruthless and cruel. Nonetheless, a leader is not a lonely hero. He is not a God. One of the most salient elements of leadership is “influence”, an ability to influence his fol- lowers and to combine these powers to achieve the biggest success. Therefore, team work is a cornerstone impossible to neglect in the discussion of leadership. Leadership expert John C. Maxwell emphasized the importance of teamwork in leadership by lis ng six kinds of “compass” which measures the visions of a leader in a team: (1)A Moral Compass (Look Above): A moral compass is so important that the great entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie said: “A great business is seldom if ever built up, except on lines of strictest integrity.” Greed (desire for materials, monies, powers, favorite men or women, things, etc.), as you may think, is the real driving force. But even in an evil organiza on, there must have a
  • 4. 4 “norm” to keep the organiza on operate. The moral compass therefore means the consistent norm to judge right from wrong in an organiza on. Without such compass, there will be no right direc on for a leader to lead his team. (2) An Intui ve Compass (Look Within): A Compass to self check. The vision of the leader must take root in the heads of his followers. If the team member lose the vision, the leader will no longer be a leader. (3) A Historical Compass (Look Behind): It is most effec ve for you to convince someone with past experience. Human nature is afraid of “strangeness”. You can hardly change a classic music fonder to a rock music fan overright. A leader should be able to connect his present master plan to the past history and also expand to the future perspec ve. (4) A Direc onal Compass (Look Ahead): The most effec ve weapon to mo vate people is to give them a “Hope”. The story of “Relieving thirst by imagining the plum trees ahead ”in the Chinese history of Tsao Chau of the late Han Dynasty is a good example. A leader should have the ability to find a way-out for his team. The Direc onal Compass is to measure whether he is blind or not in direc ng the path. (5) A Strategic Compass (Look Around): The purpose of strategy is the process to lead the team to the target. A leader should be able to iden fy the re- sources available and let his staff and managers to formulate plans based on such resources. (6) A Visionary Compass (Look Beyond): Lastly, visions are con nuous. “You must have a long-range vision to keep you from being frustrated by short-range failures” (Quote from Charles Noble). 4 To end this speech, I will tell a fable to illustrate the way to build leadership based on each team member’s differ- ent characters and gi s. Once upon a me, the animals decided they should do something meaningful to meet the problems of the new world. So they organized a school. They adopted ac vity curriculum of running, climbing, swimming, and flying. To make it easier to admin- ister, all the animals took all the subjects. The duck was excellent in swimming. In fact, he was be er than his instructor was! However, he made only passing grades in flying, and was very poor in running. Since he was so slow in running, he had to drop swimming and stay a er school to prac ce running. This caused his webbed feet to be badly worn so he became only average in swimming. But “average” was quite acceptable, therefore nobody worried about it---except the duck. The rabbit started at the top of his class in running, but developed a nervous twitch in his leg muscles because he had so much makeup work to do in swimming. The squirrel was excellent in climbing, but he encountered constant frustra on in flying class because his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the treetop down. He developed “charley horses” from overexer on, so he only got a “C” in climbing and a “D” in running. The eagle was a problem child and was severely disciplined for being a non-conformist. In climbing classes, he beat all the others to the top, but insisted on using his own way of ge ng there! (Quote from Charles Swindoll’s book “Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life”).
  • 5. 5 This story illustrates that a duck is a duck and an eagle is an eagle, each have his strengths and weakness. A wise leader shall not send a duck to eagle school. If he does, he will send the duck into trouble and be severely frustrated. A great leader’s job is all about placing people in the right place so they can be successful. 5 As the above quoted fable tells, each one has dis nc ve gi ed asset. He or she should be educated according to his or her orienta on, and should be placed in the right post (his or her “strength zone”). In this RYLA training, each of you shall discover and develop your own “strength zone” and find your right posi on, thereby become the leader in this post. I congratulate each of you for having this opportunity to par cipate in this RYLA camp to cul vate your leadership and team work knowledge and skill. One day all of you will, I am sure, become a leader in each own jobsite and workplace. May I wish all of you a very successful career future! Thank you. Rotary Interna onal District 3480 District Governor Charles Ya-Wen Chiu 2012-2013
  • 6. 6 Governor’s Closing Remarks What Can We Expect Of Today’s Youth Leaders? I、 Observa on 2013: Today’s (in fact, in historical perspec ve, every genera on’s) young genera on is either described as “the angry youth” or called “feeble weeds”. Faced with high unemployment, low wages (22k), social hierarchy distress, rock- e ng house prices, soaring living costs, unbearable burden of raising children (in par cular, the school bills), and dim future of economy, coupled with the uncertain na onality iden ty, and lost in the cyber world of 3C widgets, what future can the young men and girls expect? Or, what can the society expect of this youth genera on? No- body wants to be an underdog. But the doomed des ny seems so apparent. You may be apathe cally indifferent to any social causes, or you are so vulnerable to the social unjus ce and un- fairness and are easily provoked to ge ng involved in any kind of “cheep signaling” movements (I use this term in a neutral sense. It is not intended to mean these movements are right or wrong. My point is that to demonstrate “ideas” is one thing, and to convert these ideas into real implementa on is another thing). II、 Historical Note (Philosophical): Thomas Hobbes in “Leviathan” wrote: “Homo Homini lupus”(人對人來說是匹狼). From this no on he de- veloped the “social contract theory” to explain the forma on and raison d´être of na on and government. Hsün Ching (荀卿,即荀子) believed that the origin of human being is evil, the natural state of the society was full of chaos, violence and cruel es. Humanity comes out of constraint and discipline of human nature (「故必 將有師法之化,禮義之道,然後出於辭讓,合於文理,而歸於治」)。 John Locke, Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill found the beam of hope to resolve the conflict between “private vices” and “public benefits”. Karl Marx dismissed these theories as merely ideology to jus fy the capitalists’ unjust power of wealth. Marxism was mistakenly and ruthlessly u lized by Joseph Stalin to create the Communist empire of Soviet Union. The con-
  • 7. 7 straint of human nature concept was, through reinforcement of Friedrich Nietzsche’s “might is right” philosophy, usurped by Adolf Hitler to commit the greatest sin in human history. And do not forget, when he was hailed as “the Savior of the Third Reich”, the German cons tu on law professor Carl Schmi praised him that “the Fürer saved the Law”. What a ridiculous human fate! III、Back to the Reality: In the 911 terrorist a ack of 2001, thousands of people lost their lives. But Richard Grasso, the then Chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, was paid a colossal bonus (several thousand mes of the average salaries of a white-collar worker) for his “heroic act” - He was said to have “saved” the Exchange because he went to the site the day a er the tragedy to ring the Exchange opening bell before the television broadcast. Certainly he is a fat cat. Robert Rubin, a former head of Goldman Sachs and the former American Treasury Secretary, who reaped more than one hundred million dollars bonus from the money games (risky investments of financial products) played by the Wall Street banks before he came to Washington. Then the 2008 financial crisis and collapse erupt- ed. Under Rubin’s advice (and of course with many other economists), Present George W. Bush asked Congress to give 700 billion dollars for the “Bailout”. Shortly a er the bailout money poured to the financial giants, huge bonus were paid to the execu ves of these firms. A.I.G., the insurance giant, received 173 billion dollars bailout money, soon paid 165 million dollars in bonuses to its employees in the division that had precipitated the crisis (73 employees received bonuses of $1 million or more.). So, the world is not flat. Instead, especially in the global financial system, the world is “curved”. It is possible that in the United States, the combined wealth of the few top “richest families” may far exceed the combined proper es of half of the total American families. The same happens everywhere, in China, Russia, India, and in fact every country in the world. Oh, how about Taiwan? You all know be er than I do. IV、Reflec on: In 2008, Senate Barack Obama was campaigning for U.S. Presidency. He delivered a speech at the University of Colorado with a topic “ A New Era of Service”. He cri cized President George W. Bush for failing to summon Americans to “shared sacrifice” a er the events of September 11, 2001. He said: “Instead of a call to service , we were asked to go shopping. Instead of a call for shared sacrifice, we gave tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans in a me of war for the very first me in our history.” Obama encouraged “na onal service” or “public service”. He told young people: “You invest in America, and America invests in you.” Obama won the elec on. The “jus ce” in America has not improved appreciably since Obama took the office. However, what President Obama has proposed seems to be the only possible way to navigate this world to a more just society. It is true for America, it is also true for Taiwan. The world is not flat, the world is curved. The only answer to a ain a more just society is “moral engagement”. V、Jus ce Is The Quintessence: How to address the problems of societal poverty and inequality (collec vely, civil unrest)? How to deal with each individual’s hardships and failures? There are so many available means and ways, valid or useless. There is no so called “One Solu on” (放諸四海而皆準). Poli cians, educators, philosophers, priests, and notably, economists, and every kind of “social engineering” theories are abundant everywhere and every me. Yet, most of them are, for sure, not useful, nor trustworthy. They are confusing, misleading, and contradictory. You must find your own way to work out your own life. I cannot tell you how to succeed, nor even the Rotary. But there is one funda-
  • 8. 8 mental thing essen al to being a human being. That is “Jus ce”. A man of no jus ce is nothing but an organic living mass; a society without jus ce is a state of Homo Homini lupus. This is not commonplace. This is simply forgo en virtue. In the Hong Chun-Chiu case, in the Ta-Pu condemna on case, so many young men and girls stood up to protest against “unjus ce”. These movements are not “cheap signaling”. What happened in Egypt and Syria may also happen everywhere in the world. The human kind has been persistently pursuing the ideal of “Jus ce”. VI、Rotary Way To A ain Jus ce Rotary is a worldwide network of inspired individuals who translate their passions into relevant social causes to change lives in communi es. To carry out this mission, Rotary emphasizes five virtues: “Service”, “Fellowship”, “Diversity”, “Integrity” and “Leadership”. The ideal of Rotary in this year (2012-2013) is “Peace through Service”. It reflects what I quoted from President Obama: “A New Era of Service”. That is, the idea of “public service”. I firmly believe that through Rotary service, we can help achieve the goal of peace and ul mately, the ideal of jus ce. VII、RYLA Prepares Youth Leaders To The Cause Of Peace And Jus ce Through Leadership Development: In Rotary, RYLA is the structured program to develop quali es of leadership, good ci zenship, and personal devel- opment among the young people of their communi es. Agenda of RYLA include the following: (1) Fundamentals of leadership (2) Ethics of posi ve leadership (3) Conflict resolu on (4) Problem solving (5) Building self-confidence and self-esteem (6) Global ci zenship These are undoubtedly the basic elements of virtues for a just society through public services. We offer this Program to you, and in return, you make contribu ons to your own lives, your families and to the society. Rotary invests in you, and you invest in Rotary. I am glad to see-that the 2012-13 RYLA Camp of RI District 3480 was successfully carried out with 100 more par- cipators. I knew that all par cipa ng members learned and enjoyed very much during this training. It will be a gi for every one of you to have had this experience and the Debrief Report surely will become one of your most treasured recollec ons in you lives. I give this short ar cle as my gi to all of you who par cipated in this Program and who will be a leader in your future career post. Rotary Interna onal District 3480 District Governor Charles Ya-Wen Chiu 2012-2013
  • 9. 9 Remarks from R.I. President Sakuji Tanaka Peace Through Service The concept of peace is one that differs among people and cultures. It may mean personal tranquility, happiness in the family, and a sense of inner contentment — or it may mean a situa on of safety where basic human needs are met. However we define peace, it is a goal that can be achieved through service. In Rotary, service is much more than a sideline or an occasional pursuit. It is a way of life. It is an approach that emphasizes considera on and caring for others, and leads to harmony among people. Through embracing service in all aspects of our lives, we foster a spirit of sharing, find goodwill for others, and choose peace. In the 2012-13 Rotary year, peace will be our focus and our goal. I will ask all Rotarians to ac vely work for Peace Through Service, beginning with every individual, family, club, district, region, and na on. A belief in the power of service lies at the very heart of Rotary. By making service our priority, we put the needs of others above our own and transform our perspec ve. We empathize more deeply with the difficul es of other people; we feel a greater drive to reach out, to do what we can to help others live more happily. We become more generous with our me and resources, and more open to new ways of thinking. Instead of trying to change others, we recognize that everyone and everything has something to teach us — and every day, there are new ways for us to grow. Through service, we become more tolerant of our differences, and more grateful for the people in our lives. Our sense of gra tude drives us to understand others be er and to see the good in everyone. Through be er understanding, we learn to respect others. With mutual respect, we live with others in peace. Our Rotary service fosters peace in many ways. In our clubs and our districts, we work to bring health, safety, and human dignity to communi es around the world. As individuals, we are inspired to value coopera on over compe on, and the common good over personal gain. Through self-reflec on, we recognize that none of us is perfect and that each of us has something to learn from others. The mo o that is unique to Rotary, Service Above Self, describes the highest form of service. It is a path that any- one can walk — a path that Rotarians have built, and that the whole world can follow. It is a path that eads to greater kindness and contentment, tolerance and understanding. When we embrace Peace Through Service, we strive for a greater peace for ourselves, and for our world. Sakuji Tanaka President, Rotary Interna onal, 2012-13
  • 10. 10 Remarks of New Genera on Commi ee The Future of Rotary is New Genera on Congratula ons on the success of 2013 RYLA of District 3480. The first I think meaningful is to invite Rotary’s important service partner, the Rotarac- tor, to be the organizer of 2013 RYLA. Most of the RYLA commi ee mem- bers are so impressed that they took this challenge, spent a lot of efforts, and started to work so efficiently to make it possible. The 2nd point I would like to men on is the decision to pick up “English” as the official language for the workshop. It gives most of the par cipants an opportunity to learn the leadership with a foreign language, as for the new genera on, the future stage is not just in Taiwan but in the world. For a future leader starts to master an important interna onal language will equip him or her a good weapon to compete globally. I believe this a good reason. The 3rd is the keynote speech by Ms. Shen Hsin-Ling. She is an example and excellent model for the young gen- era on to follow. Also, even she has not yet been a Rotarian, what she has done is “Service Above Self”. She is well- qualified to be invited as an honorable member of a Rotary Club. She, at this age, has done much to serve the commu- nity. Hope all the par cipants have learned from her inspira onal speech. The others such as the leadership training programs provided by “Smart Orange” and “OBT”, the teamwork and the efficiency of the RYLA Organizing Commi ee are worthwhile for a big applause. I would like to suggest that more Rotary Informa on to be included in the program. Leadership is one of the five core values of Rotary. As we are performing the “Rotary” Youth Leadership Award Workshop, we definitely must take the opportunity to teach the par cipants what Rotary is and what Rotary does. All the Alumni of Rotary programs are the poten al future Rotarians. Anyway, my sincere congratula ons again for the job well done. We look forward to having further opportunity for mutual coopera on of any Rotary service project in the year to come since the future of Rotary is new genera on. Chairman, New Genera on Service Commi ee, RID 3480 P.D.G. Medicare
  • 11. 11 Remarks of RYLA CEO We Serve, We Lead What is leadership? The term gets thrown around a lot, but is it really? What do leaders do which makes them leaders? Can leadership be learned? These are the typical ques ons when talking about leadership. Actually, RYLA answers all above ques ons. Definitely, leadership could be learned in many ways. True leaders are in high demand and short supply in every field. I was and am experiencing and learning all through RYLA. RYLA re- ally teaches us about ourselves and how to become tomorrow’s next leaders. In RYLA, we not only learn about leadership skills but to prac ce and improve our leadership skills. This is my third me a ending RYLA. Yet this me, I am not a par cipant but the chief execu ve officer for it. I remembered at our first gathering, we were seeing if there’s anyone who would volunteer to serve this posi on. No one stepped out! I was recommended and encouraged to do so. I was hesita ng and wondering if I could make it. However, I stepped out and volunteered to serve. At that moment, what came to my mind was only Rotary’s mo o, “Come in to learn, go out to serve.” I’ve been in this family for around 6 years, and it’s me to return what I’ve learned from it. So what I want to men on is “embrace every challenge which comes to you, for you will learn something and grow even mature a er that.” It was our first-try that RYLA be organized by Rotaractors, instead of Rotarians. It was a long journey of 9-months prepara on with more than 5000 man-hours. We together created something from nothing! The three-day program was solid, fun and even educa onal. I s ll couldn’t believe that we made it big! However, it is the amazing team that fosters RYLA! I am really appreciated for all feasible advices from RYLA commi ee, the hard work of the organizing team, and the ac ve par cipa on of RYLArians. It is YOU made RYLA so wonderful! Thank you all! I am lucky enough to serve as CEO this year. I do benefit from it a lot, confidence, leadership skills, and friendship. It’s hard to describe my strong feelings in words. Yet I know, I will con nuously spread the spirit of RYLA for it does em- power me to be a true leader of tomorrow. It’s a sweet process that you can work with a team, building trust with each other, with people you don’t know for that long. Also, you bond with new people and learn much about Rotary aside from leadership. I’m grateful for my en re team member’s serving. We do lead ourselves and all the RYLArians to another stage. Thank you all for making a fine page in history and marking a significant milestone together for Rotaract! Last, I want to share a quote from former U.S. president Ronal Reagan, “A leader, once conceived a par cular course of ac on is the right one, must have determina on to s ck with it and be undaunted when the going gets rough.” Hope you do take something back from RYLA as me. Wish all of us find strength and determina on to ac on. Serve to lead and lead to serve! Yours in RYLA, Rotaract and Rotary, Oliver Chang Chief Execu ve Officer, RYLA, RID 3480 from Rotaract Club of Taipei
  • 12. 12 Introduc on of RYLA 12-13 We Serve, We Lead! Young adults aged from 18-25 spent three days in a challenging program of discussions, inspira onal speeches, leadership training and social ac vi es designed to enhance personal development, leadership skills and good ci zen- ship. During the camp, we meet Shen Hsin-Ling, a girl who devotes herself to helping local farmers and disadvantaged kids, at our keynote speech. She shared with us how she starts her volunteer service and what she has gained from the journey of service. Also, we had a chance to par cipate in a character-building program provided by OBT, which focuses on leadership, communica on, trust and coopera on. Besides, we were able to know more about our personal codes by the ac on learning. U lizing adventure, personal commitments and shared insights, we thus gained an increased sense of confi- dence in ourselves and in our team. This winter, RYLA 3480 presented this superb camp at Aspire Park in Longtan, Taoyuan, during 18-20 of January. Considered as one of the outstanding youth programs in Rotary, our comprehensive volunteer staff made RYLA 3480 a highlight of each par cipant’s experience. lso, we hadd a chance to par cipate in a chara am provided by OBT, which focuses on leadership
  • 13. 13 Reflec on from RYLArians Team 1 : Green Shrek (隊輔:Ashley) 胡仕揚 I think that I was lucky enough to join RYLA this year. I have not heard about the Rotary Club or RYLA before. In my freshmen year, one teacher encouraged us to a end RYLA, but unfortunately the school does not par cipate in RYLA. The teacher can only be referee. If possible, I hope everyone can take the chance to go to other places to open our eyes to see.I submi ed applica on one day before the deadline due to the bad habit of procras na on. Although, I’m studying in foreign languages department, I think my English is not good. On the first day, RYLA staff members are very in mate in the MRT sta on exit holding a poster to guide us When I walked closer to the bus, they smiled and asked me, RYLA? I was assigned to the first squad of Ashley. I am very happy to be able to recognize my partners, despite our age are not exactly the same, but did not affect our friendship. In each ac vity, we had to rely on partners to work together and complete. Myself alone, I will never do! Prom party surprised me at first night, thanks to RYLA staff’s cheering. A live band music, food and drinks, the night was also the first me I invited girls to waltz with my clumsy dancing The end of the first day of the winter vaca on this year is in the joy of dance. The next morning, a hearty buffet breakfast for us day opened prelude.
  • 14. 14 Speech in the morning, especially Shen Xin-Ling, she reminds us that what is the most important thing. Although she is very dis nguished, but s ll very modest. Thank you for Shen Xin-Ling, you gave me the encouragements. Games in the a ernoon, I learned that the important thing can not be perceived with eyes only.Eyes see something, of course, the first impression of the stranger. I used to judge each person by appearances.But when our eyes are masked, everyone I encountered are the same, because I met the heart of a stranger, and not only saw the appearance. And the presenta on for service project is a major challenge. “Books, when you need them, you will find you have too li le of them.”I want to thank my partners, because of them, we can complete final presenta on.The last day of rocks climbing, I learned a lot of professional skills, and made all each other get closer. A er three days of RYLA, I went back to Hsinchu. The teacher who recommended me to par cipate in RYLA asked me how I felt, I answered, “fantas c!” Then I raised my hands high in the air with two thumbs. 陳柏任 Recalling of these three days , I met a lot of new friends, learn how to use exis ng resources to complete the task、team spirit、trust and challenge myself to complete final presenta on. This 3-days camp is difficult for me because my English is not good. But I believe that no pains, no gains. l learned experience and even more impressive part is team work with my team mates. How to trust teammates and make them believe me as well? In preparing for presenta on and different tasks, we learned the spirit of team work from RYLA this year. These moments are really good memories to me. Everyone express their ideas and then we discuss with each other. Of course, we had some different opinions. However, we will communicate and draw out the final conclusion. Although we have different ac vi es every day and asked to complete in limited me, it is ring but worthwhile. In lectures on charity, I was impressed by沈芯菱. She is at our age, but displays ambi on beyond usual. Look at others, let’s think about whether we can put out a hand to help others without asking for anything. Another Jeff 福哥 speech, his presenta on allows us to understand clearly. This one-hour speech concluded that prepara on is a very important work. Thank RYLA staff’s guidance in these three days. See you next me!!!
  • 15. 15 王上苹 I really look forward to joining this leadership program. It is a chance that I can not only prac ce my English speak- ing skills and also teach me more about how to be a leader. I am not a person that can comfortably talk to people who just met a couple mes so I was really amazed by how my team worked together in these three days. It was on our way to the Aspire Park and I heard two boys were talking in “English” then I really felt my English-learning trip started. At first, I thought that this program would be full of speeches and was a li le worried about my being spaced out. But later, I discovered that we were going to learn from the games, which made me more relaxed and excited. The speeches on the second day were truly inspiring. Especially, the 24 year-old girl’s speech gave me a lot of energy. I also have a lot of dreams about helping others just like her but what makes us so different? She use herself to prove that saying is one thing and doing is really another. As she said, she didn’t learn any extra skills than we did; we all learned about Internet and sending e-mails. The difference is that most of we use computers for entertainment, while she used computer for helping people. She encouraged my enthusiasm toward my small dreams about helping my families with a be er lives again. I regre ed that I did not listen to 福哥’s principles on presenta ons earlier because I just gave an awful presenta- on in English a couple months ago. If I had learned something from him earlier, I could have a higher score. However, it’s s ll a good thing for me to learn it on my early 20s from a view of a life-long me. What he said was actually quite familiar to us, though it was hard for us to achieve or we just “didn’t want to” do so since it took too much of me prac cing. When we all kept si ng on the seats a er the presenta on on the second day, discussing about our final presenta- on, I could really feel that we were a team and was amazed by how a team cooperated with each other. The challenge we had on the third day impressed me a lot, not only because we had lots of fun but it made me feel that I could be a good leader. I listened to the guidance carefully and deliberately did well to avoid making mistakes. I had a lot of fun, making a couple of friends and learned a lot from RYLA this year. I believe that we can all be good leaders in different fields in the future. 石乙婷 A ending RYLA camp is really a good choice for me to learn how to get along with people. Via par cipa ng many kinds of ac vi es, I learned how to be a great leader, and what are the characteris cs of leadership, and so on. In playing games, I experienced that our team makes teamwork perfectly, and we are also assigned works for each person during brain-storming. I can see our team members put their hands together to make the goal. The most impressive thing that I join RYLA camp is the two speeches. The first speaker , whose name is 沈芯菱, has taught me that I have no much me to do something in my rest of my life because her life-check-paper. “Deduct your sleeping- me of the one third of your life- me, how much me do you truly have in your life?” She makes me know that
  • 16. 16 life is very short, and we have got to do something not just dream about it. She makes me realize that “just do it.” And I am so glad and so grateful that I met her in this camp. The second speaker, whose name is 福哥, has taught me that I can be a good speaker just like him if I try so hard and be well-prepared. He makes me realize that nothing is possible, A er listening the two speeches, I can tell that the most important thing to be a great leader is “Just do it.” In this RYLA camp, I challenge myself to do the extreme sports. I did rock climbing and walked a single-plank bridge in the sky! Although I did not do well in the rock climbing, I had tried my best and insisted un l the last moment. A er overcoming the fear in my mind, heart, and my body, which is really a difficult thing for me, it feels so wonderful that I will never forget this experience. Actually, I had joined the RYLA camp last year at once. Comparing to this year, I think I have made a big progress in my opinion. I am more confident and know much more for what I stand. The most important thing is that I know much more about myself, I think it is not an easy thing to surpass oneself. A er this camp, I realize that what I have to improve, I hope I can join the next RYLA camp, and do be er than ever. Finally, Thanks for all of RYLA staffs, you all are so great! RYLA is the best! 張哲恩 It was really an unforge able experience to take part in this camp. This camp gave me a lot of things beyond my expecta ons. In these three days, I had much fun, made many good friends, and knew more about teamwork, most important of all, I learned the spirit of how to be an extraordinary leader. I was a class leader in high school for three years. Even though I have this kind of experience, I s ll need to keep learning to be a be er leader. In the three- day-camp, I combined my past experience with new informa on. There is spark in my mind and I got my mind refresh. For example, the elements of being a great leader are focus, trust , consid- era on and so on. Reflec ng my class leader life in high school. I give the classmates my trust, which makes the process of work in class easier and more smoothly. Also I stood in their shoes and adjust my ways of doing. In the camp, I had really awesome experience. I love every ac vity. I think every ac vity is well-organized and well-designed. I can learn different things in each ac vity. On the first day, I learned how to dance with people who I never met before. Breaking the ice with unfamiliar people is the thing I haven’t done before. I think this ability is impor- tant because there are many circumstances that we need to build up the friendship with the people we first know. On the second day, we had some brilliant speeches which gave me many inspira ons. And the ac vity in the a ernoon is special. I got a lot of knowledge through the games. I learned precious things such as concentra ng on everything we are doing. Also, I realized how to trust people for being a good leader. The importance of teamwork is emphasized. The brainstorming at night was a new experience for me. I haven’t done this thing before. Speaking in front of a lot of people without preparing is really nervous. I did my best because I didn’t want to regret. On the third day. In the morning, we had exci ng OBT ac vity which is my favorite. In the a ernoon, we had presenta on for service project. I love the project plans presented by every group. I love this camp, I will encourage others to par cipate in the future.
  • 17. 17 陳霈潔 It is an great honor to par cipate in the wonderful ac vity. To be a leader, I s ll have a lot to learn. In this three-day RALY camp, we can not only prac ce how to communicate with others but also lead others as well as being led. We learned the spirit of team work from our team members. That’s very important for me. In this camp, we had the opportunity to exchange ideas about service ideas and discuss leadership. I like the RYLA slogan, ”We serve, we lead”. Peter Drucker, ”Management is doing thing right; leadership is doing the right thing” a leader is not necessarily an efficient execu ve but he must foresee future trends. Thanks RALY, give me this chance !! 林姿吟 I was a very shy girl, so I decided to change myself. At first, when my dad told me the camp ,”Rotary Leadership Award Workshop”, I decided to join in this camp. I knew that I could learn many things in the camp. I hope that I could learn how to make a good team work and some useful leadership skills. Most of all, I hope that I could change myself. And when my dad knew that we have to speak English in the camp, he was really happy. He hoped that I could improve my English community skills in this three days. At the first day, when we arrived at the Aspire Park, no one knew each other. But the team leaders asked us to introduce ourselves in English. I was nerves, because my English is really poor. I was really afraid that I would make the mistakes. Fortunately, I made a good introduc on----that means I didn’t make any mistakes. The first ac vity in Aspire Park in Longtan, Taoyuan County was the RPG game. We needed to make a good team work to complete missions. I thought that we made a good team work. Only when we completed all the levels can we enter the restaurant to take a break. It was cold outside but really funny. I even got sick, a er coming back! At night, the party was really nice, everybody was really high. But it is a pity that I don’t have enough me to exchange name cards to others. The speech was really great. Both speeches made me have new ways of thinking to become a be er person in the future. In this three days, I actually learned some good team work skills and personali es of a good leader. I will learn to change myself. What a wonderful experience that I have ever had in RYLA ! e camp I hope thatt I could learn how to make a
  • 18. 18 林士凱 What’s RYLA? As a Rotaract Club member, but I have no idea about RYLA. Bak-Hai Rotary Club gave me an oppor- tunity to join 2012-13 RYLA, I treasure the opportunity because I am already 23 years old. I have to say that I get to know more about myself in these days. On the first day, although the weather was so cold, our team did our best to play the field games. Our rela onships became closer in that me. The party night, I was so happy to learn dancing with other girls and exchange name cards with each other. I was so surprised that I got excited with band. On the second day, I had so many feeling in the keynote speeches, because they said so many meaningful things. I was so ashamed, because one of them is at my age, but I did nothing. Another lecture was talking about presenta on skills, I learned so many prac cal skills. I was surprised by the ac on learning me, because every member enjoyed interac ng with others. Although the gym was so hot, but I though everyone’s heart was ho er than gym. In the Brainstorming me, there were just thirty minutes assigned for us to figure out the marke ng strategies for service project. Everyone seized every minute and second to challenge the mission. I used poor English to talk to everyone, it was a wonderful self-advancement. We got up very early on the third day, because we have to play OBT ac vi es. Although I already played it years ago, but I s ll had fun. Not only the adventurers but also the saver teams played together, everyone had great coopera- on. It was a glorious me. We were so nervous in the a ernoon, because every team had to do final presenta on. Thanks our members, they worked so hard to do the project. Thanks RYLA for giving me so many valuable memories. Thanks to uncles who give us so many encouragements. In the end, I also had a word to RYLA staff : Thanks for your painstaking. 林廷韋 Just like many famous poli cians, a leader should require not just a determined mind but a strong will to lead a group of people. In fact, a Leader doesn’t need to show their ability but to persuade other smart people. I have been wondering what quali es a successful leader should have un l I had received the invita- on from RYLA camp. A er a short hesitate, I decide to take courage to join this camp. Although I was a li le bit afraid at the beginning, I had learned many things from this camp more than just leadership. As I met our teammates, I thought that we might have some communica on difficul es because I’m the youngest student in this camp. However, as we were ge ng more familiar with each other, I actually realized that age doesn’t affect the rela onship between each other. In fact, I had met many friends that even nine years older than me. A er many ac vi es such as ground ac vity, presenta on and rock climbing, I had learned that it is not really necessary to be a whole leader of all. In fact, a leader should perceive the ability of the people, and encourage the poten al people to represent their best. eader should have un l I had received the invita-
  • 19. 19 Moreover, being a good leader for a specific situa on isn’t enough. In my opinion, a leader should also have to learn how to “trust” a person. Flashing back to the memory as we were doing our presenta on, we were having a li le conflicts by different opinions given by different people: Some of the people prefer to draw posters for Q&A prizes as soon as possible, while others prefer to focus on the speech. So we decided to divide the group into two parts; people re- sponsible for drawing poster, while others for the speech in the presenta on. In the end, the process was very efficient, and I realized that all the people are actually powerful enough to build up a plan. The only thing we needed is a person who can lead them into the right direc on. Most importantly, through RYLA, I had become more confident and out-going. From the past, I used to be a shy, humble kid who seldom communicated with others. However, as I met many people, especially people much older than me. I suddenly realized that it is Okay to randomly meet someone you didn’t know. On the first day night of the RYLA, we were invited to dance with people around you. Even though I was too afraid to dance with girls, I suddenly took the courage to meet with other student. At that moment, I have learned that it is hard to achieve a dream without even trying it. A er the RYLA leadership ac vity, I had learned many unforge able experiences, and I want to thank all of the teammates, facilitators and other staff. If I ever have a chance to join any related leadership camp, I am, definitely, will- ing to par cipate.
  • 20. 20 Team 2 : Starry Night (隊輔:Vicky) 游曜文 On the first day, we were unfamiliar, so we only cha ed with people nearby or on the same team. But through this game “goalie” we became closer. When we arrived at Aspire Park, there were series of earth games, including puzzle solving. At night, on the the highlight of the ball party, we danced waltz and invited girls to dance. Dance is really a very happy thing, no wonder there are so many people fond of dancing, so the end of the first day of the trip in a happy atmosphere!!! On the second day, we listened to Ms.”沈沁菱” and 王永福” on keynote speeches. 沈沁菱first introduced her hometown. She was not born in a wealthy family, but knew how to share and to thank other people, this is a very great spirit. Then王永福, he taught us on briefing. To make an presenta on, we had to be well-prepared. A ernoon, we have training ac vi es on trust. Usually people will not trust strangers easily; however, this me we learned to believe people. I learned in this course how to convince others and trust others is really not an easy task. On the third day, we played OBT, the most exci ng ac vity, we were ed with ropes and climbed onto single-plank bridge. It tested our pa ence, guts, and also the team work. When someone challenged to climb above, teammates below had to support him in this ac vity. I learned that happiness comes from helping others succeed. In a ernoon, we reported separately on social project presenta on. It was my first me to speak English on stage, I felt really great. A er RYLA, I learned a lot of things, such as presenta on skills and leadership. Although it was only a short period of three days, but we Starry night is the best. 黃雅晨 I really enjoyed the three-day camp, spending me with amazing teammates and the Rylarians. I did not expect it to be so interes ng before the event. However, I was impressed by our facilitator, Vicky. She was so energe c and full of passion. She was a very responsible facilitator and always wore a smile. Although she was busy with all the work, she tried her best to join and play with us. In addi on, I like my teammates very much. We are so closely connected and worked together in games and proj- ects. Although we did not win the first prize, but we all had fun during the sessions. The games on the first day helped us break the ice and get to know each other. The projects made us understand each other more because we were able to know in which field every person is good at. We came up with crea ve ideas and turned them into a complete project. Although the night was tough, we s ll enjoy working together with each other. My teammates never blamed on oth- ers.
  • 21. 21 We did our best and tried to make contribu on to the team. Unlike other teams, we spent a great night cha ng and laughing together a er a ring day. Also, we made a reserva on for dinner a er RYLA. We wanted to con nue the friendship instead of being passerby. I cherish our friendship and I hope that it will last forever. Besides my teammates, I also like all the Rylarians, including the facilitators. They were very clever and innova ve. I appreciate the ideas that they came up with, and I did learn much from them. It was really nice to meet other youths at my age. Learning from each other is the best way to absorb knowledge for the communica on and interac on. Thanks to all the staff responsible for RYLA. I really had fun and learned a lot during the three-day ac vity. It would not have been so successful without your effort. Leadership is a very crucial element in our lives. Although we had many games and lessons concerning leadership. Finally, thanks to all the Rotarians who supported the event. They gave us op- portuni es to learn things which reference books can not provide. I had a great me and learned a lot. Thank you all. 楊揆元 This is my first me to join RYLA camp, so it’s so exci ng to me. I didn’t have any friends or anyone I know here. I was so busy because I have a part- me job during my winter vaca on. So I just have one day to prepare my luggage, introduc on card and other stuff. On the first day, I brought heavy luggage and just sat back in the bus . And the staff wanted us to introduce our- selves about school and age. A er introduc on, we played many ice-breaking games. When the bus arrived at the Aspire Park, we played outdoor group exercise games. Most importantly, the dancing night was so high and offered snacks, drinks and live band. On the second day, we listened to two speeches. Shen Xin-Ling is a girl who helped many people when she was young. She didn’t want any sponsors’ support be- cause she did not want her offering to be regarded as metamorphism. And I also admire her courage. Because she is just 23 year’s old like me, but she is ready to complete many things I can’t do. Another speech is about presenta on skills. It’s very useful to us and also helpful to our project on the third day. A er dinner and brain storming. Our team mates had a small mee ng. In this mee ng, we talked about our what we learned and everyone’s feelings. There were 11 people in our team. Someone was very ra onal and also someone was crazy .But we achieved many goals in three days. Maybe we have different ideas in many things. But we discussed, and made an agreement. So we didn’t have any dispute. That’s our pride. On the third day we had an OBT and presenta- on. It’s also funny and Interes ng. In these three days, I also learned how to be a good leader and what’s leadership. A good leader must have personality traits, including vision, mo va on, trust, image, courage and strategy. And most importantly, successful leader has power to influence others! And I also learned the 6 compass. 1. a moral compass, 2. an intui ve compass, 3. historical compass, 4. a direc onal compass, 5. a strategic compass, 6. a visionary compass. In this Ryla camp, I learned many things and also overcome many difficul es. Otherwise, I got acquainted with many friends. And I believe these three days will last in my mind forever! We serve, We lead!
  • 22. 22 陳佑垣 Firstly, I really need to say that this is the best winter camp I have ever par cipated. From playing the outdoor games to presenta on, it not only teaches us about teamwork but also breakthrough. I think it is really great to combine playing and learning. Now I want to tell about these three days and how I felt. On the first day, we met at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. My brother and I were a li le bit excited because we both like to make friends. When I got into the bus, I met my first teammate, Kevin. He is a nice guy then we had a good con- versa on. A er pu ng down our luggage, Vicky asked each teammate to introduce ourselves. There are ten members in our team, the boys are Kevin, Elvin, Andy, Louis and me, the girls are Katy, Mary, Kate, Winnie and Audrey. Although we made some mistakes in outdoor ac vi es, all of our team mates s ll got closer to be a good team. A er dinner, the party was really cool. Dancing is a good way to let everyone not to be shy, of course I s ll think the singer did a good job to create atmosphere higher than I thought. And exchanging name cards really made me breakthrough, I used to get easily embarrassed in front of girls. This me I got the most cards in my team. When the party went to the end, my teammates and I went to 7-11 for midnight snacks. This is the wonderful first day. On the second day of brainstorming, we only have thirty minutes to make a brief introduc on about our project. Each of us discussed many project targets, and agreed to help children who got nothing to eat. We helped them with the food from market. Most of them may not be good-looking but s ll edible. Then we collected, and cooked for the children. Here I wanted to say sorry to my team mates because I did not do in report. We discussed our project un l mid- night .Then we went outside to share our experiences in these days, I thought my teammates were really awesome. On the last day, we played the OBT. I was the first protector to save the climber. I am 60 KG, but he is 85KG. When he fell down, it was too fast that I could not stop him so I flew into the air. We both laughed when he finished his achieve- ment. I think this is the best moment in these ac vi es. At final presenta ons, the most important ac vity in RYLA. I did my best and needless to say my teammates did great job. I love my team “starry night”. By the way, I was also surprise that I won second prize for personal reward in RYLA, I think this shall belong to our team. Hope I can join the RYLA next year. 陳柏安 A er 3 days amazing ac vi es, all RYLArians had a good experi- ence of group ac vi es, me included. I had be er to write down my reflec on about the camp. When it comes to why I joined RYLA camp, I would probably say that it was absolutely a coincidence. None of members in my family are Rotarians; what’s more, I even didn’t know what Rotary club is. I just got a chance to see the poster in my school, which looked so interes ng that I determined to join immediately. y that it was absolutely a coincidence None ofN
  • 23. 23 When I met other members and our group facilitator in the bus, I got more and more excited about the camp. In the group ac vity games, though our group kept running to wrong direc ons and got wrong clues, it is such a great chance to promote mutual understanding and interac ons among our team members. We collected some materials to decorate our armbands, which is our symbol. As I men oned, we didn’t do a good job in the game. However, our spirit and perseverance are powerful enough to beat any other group. We named our team “starry night”, which means we are always the most shinny stars at night. Leader’s night must be the highlight in the first day. The band “Cheers” played for all RYLArians and gave us a mar- velous party. With their interac on during the performance, we were all touched by their passion and vitality. Also, all RYLArians learned an essen al skills of dancing. Waltz is a classical ballroom and folk dance in triple me. Though danc- ing with girls is a li le embarrassing, we all enjoyed dancing and cha ng with those we were not familiar. It is probably the first me for us to learn social dance. Indeed, it is an unforge able experience to learn another way to socialize. Undoubtedly, Hsin-Lin Shen is another spotlight in these three days. Ms. Shen is not a famous celebrity but a young girl at my age. She dedicated herself to helping local farmers and kids. Unlike most young people, who go shop- ping or play video games in their leisure me, Ms. Shen always thinks about some service project that could make Tai- wanese society be er. Even though she is only a young girl without limited resources, she seeks some handy tools in our daily life. She told us that even a website or a short video could affect lots of people and drive them to do more service. It is her spirit and courage that touched my heart deeply. All in all, I felt really glad to join in RYLA camp. All the group ac vi es and keynote speeches broaden my vision to my future. Of course, not everyone would be a leader in the future; however, we have to learn to be a leader and to be led. Those are all significant traits that we should bear. 陳美然 RYLA was a frui ul and unforge able experience. Through series of ac vi es and lectures, I witnessed how lead- ership played a role in a group of people. We all know that enthusiasm; op mism, courage, insight, humbleness and humor… are all very crucial traits of leadership ,but to say is one thing, to do is another. Therefore, I would say the great- est part of RYLA was that it provided us a simulated environment, a miniature of our society, and let us learn how to communicate and cooperate, in order to achieve our goal. It was in a shivering cold a ernoon, when I first met my group members—Edward, Kevin, Winnie, Audrey, Andy, Elvin, Katy, Kate, and Louis. Our counselor was Vicky, who was a pre y girl at my age. We got to know each other and built up friendship. On the second day, we listened to a lecture given by Shen Hsin-Ling, who was an outstanding young girl who set up a teaching website for poor, educa on-deprived kids. She also showed us some photos of those “ordinary people”—ignored most of the me, yet they had the most posi ve a tude toward life. I admired her from the deepest, and when she took out a paper with all the bricks represen ng the months we s ll have for the rest of our lives, I was startled by the fact that, I won’t have that much me to do whatever I want to do. And what’s even more, when she took out another paper with bricks represen ng the months that my parents s ll have, my eyes were full of tears. I felt that my life needed a change.
  • 24. 24 Since me is limited, I should really make good use of it. Life is a con- stant process of decision-making, and our choice will influence our future. Although there are so many things worthy of giving a shot, be always focusing on the ma er that means the most to you should be the only principle during decision making. Three days in RYLA wasn’t about compe on. It’s about leadership and what’s more, coopera on. A er listening to Shen Hsin-Ling’s lecture, I think a true leader is an mo vator. She doesn’t have to be the smartest, or the richest, yet the fire she held so steadily ignited the li le seeds in everyone’s hearts. That’s a true leader. And that’s what we look up to. Start now, and envision the future. I hope, that when a er all of us went back home the li le flame from RYLA, we could all set the flame on fire, and be the future mo va- tor, no ma er what we do, where we are. 陳雅琴 The ac vi es are cool, the first day morning of outdoor games, it let our team have a very good rela onship. At night, we learned to dance at the party, exchanged name cards and made a lot of new friends. It surprised me to be selected as the party queen. I am very shy, but it was an unforge able memories to me. The next day was great, I was glad to hear such a nice speech. Because I’ve been engaged in volunteer ac vi es for a long me, I like to share happiness with others, also like to help people and stray animals. The speech par cularly touched my heart, and let me feel very meaningful. In RYLA, I made lots of friends, and learned to lead and be led. The most important thing is “we all have the same goal, which is the largest harvest in this ac vi es!
  • 25. 25 Team 3 : Caffeine (隊輔:Molly) 謝昌錡 At the beginning, I was not sure what RYLA was and what I was going to experience in RYLA, but I know there was something that would broaden my vision. During the three days in RYLA, I made many good friends. Some of team members came from different universi es, so we did learn from each other. In addi on, the most special part of RYLA was that it provided many opportuni es for every par cipant to be team leaders, and to develop their leadership. First of all, one would be selected or volunteer to be the leader; and then he or she would conduct a series of discussions and make sure every member know their own responsibility; lastly, the leader would be in charge of organizing everyone’s output to get a project done. Furthermore, there were also great speeches. Ms. Shen Xin-Ling was very amazing. It’s beyond our imagina on that a girl engaged in charity ac vi es since she was only eleven years old, and even un l now. Thanks to her speech, we learned about leadership and more aware of the importance of helping people in need. Originally, Ms. Shen helped her neighborhood farmers sell fruit to the whole society in Taiwan. She had her faith, helped and served to spread hap- piness, and then shared to more people. When listening to her speech, and watching the photos, I was reminded of being thankful that I could sit here. She rendered many people, let more people want to serve the society and became a wonderful cycle. Besides the charity ac vi es, she also reminded us to treasure everything we have. Especially the life we owned. She used an example ”life paper” to express most human’s life about 900 mouths, but excluding the past and sleeping hours. It is a concept of quan fy that we can realize how much we s ll own. Maybe we are young now, but life is limited. In addi on to our life, my parents are in the same situa on, don’t waste the chance and be kind to our parents. In other func on, the life paper can be used in checking our life goals, know where we should move forward. Finally, it was a precious chance to join RYLA. I think my vision has been broadened and even reshaped. I saw many people of excellent English ability that made me want to improve. I made some good friends in RYLA, and they gave me good sugges ons like ways of study, English-speaking tools, and making foreign friends. A er mee ng some foreign friends, I found that conversion with them have a li le fun. I made my study plan very soon and run it every day, and one of my dreams is to work abroad in movie post- produc on company. To make something cool like” Avatar ”and” The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey”. I ignored this for many years. It is never be too late to try anything valuable. Besides in career, I would also bring something beneficial back to Taiwan. 蔡佳蓉
  • 26. 26 Leadership Camp for three days, It really benefited my life. On the first day, I par cipated in outdoor games. Our team figured out team name and then prac ced the team cheering. In ballroom dancing, we exchanged business cards and listened to live band. Happy and memorable night party. Next day, we present team cheering very nervously. I think some of our table limits failed, but cool! I think that helps me a lot. I am also impressed with a series of lectures, and I’ll take me to learn! The immediate group discussions required our ability to respond. Everyone should be responsible for his or her assignment in the group. On the third day, we played OBT games and played our own role respec vely. Whether in school or in the company or in the life, each one is an integral part of any role! I really enjoyed this three-day event! 柯承佑 Hi, this is Lucas. I’m glad and honored to share my feedback at RYLA from 1/18 to 1/20. I would say RYLA is one of the best training ac vi es I’ve had. The three-day program did provide me and all par cipants a great opportunity to explore the field of leadership, and also, a great chance to know more about Rotaract and Rotary Clubs. Honestly, I even considered being part of the club since I received so many touching ideas and scenes during the program. The reason for me to register for this program was because I wanted to know more about how to be a leader and how to help others to be leaders. Leadership has been one of the issues that interest me. I believe leadership is part of everything. For example, when hanging out with a group of friends, and if needed to decide which restaurant to go, then leadership is important if everyone wants to reach a mutual agreement. Therefore, I came to here with a ques on on the first day. Although I couldn’t tell what was the connec on among leadership, field games, and ballroom party on the first day. I did realize that there is also several ways to learn how to be a leader finally. In the process, my special a en on was drawn to how RYLA cul vated those young leaders, and I really appreciated the programs such as games, ballroom party, speeches, and teamwork. RYLA not only provided par cipants opportuni es to know the know-how of being a leader, but also set up a perfect pla orm for us to put what we’ve learned in to prac ce. During my days in RYLA, I also have learned some impressive thoughts. First of all, one of the host members men- oned that “leadership is a process, not just giving orders, but to encourage teammates.” That inspired me a lot, origi- nally, I couldn’t give a precise defini on of leadership; however, through the words by the host, I was gradually able to approach the true idea of leadership. Therefore, in RYLA, I liked to observe that what kind of leader I am and also how others to be leaders, and did hope that I was the one who could bring warmness and power to my teammates. In addi- on, in RYLA, I also have learned how to overcome difficul es. One of the host members said that “The key point isn’t the difficul es, but your a tude toward it.” Yes, I was inspired by it a lot, and did hope that I can put this idea with me wherever I go. Accordingly, when doing extreme sports, I forced myself to climb high, to walk, and jump. Those were the breakthroughs that I couldn’t imagine I could achieve. With the belief of trus ng myself and believe in the importance of having posi ve a tude, I realized that there is nothing which can beat me ever. Thank you for everything, RYLA.
  • 27. 27 張芷瑜 This is the first me for me to join Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Excellent ac vi es, excellent interac ons, ex- cellent three days with my group members in the Aspire Park in Longtan, Taoyuan. First day, we start to get along with each other during games. It’s hard to believe we just met and introduced our- selves for 10 minutes and can play together like we’re all old friends. Playing games, team work, par es, we spent three days together and making our friendship forever. I’m so glad that I’ve got those wonderful team mates. They speak Eng- lish so well, and got those funny ideas. I really enjoyed the three days with all of them. I cherished every moment with them and our friendship. Thank to Molly and CAFFEINE !!!!! 戴章樺 I am really happy in this three days. This camp is really great. I really love the first speech, given by Shen, Hsin- Ling. It is incredible that she is young as us. How brave is she is! How kind is she is!I made up my mind to emulate her. Hoping I could help more and more people in this society. Lots of words she said impressed me. The easy thing you do for a long me will become significant .There is nothing impossible, and the key point is your a tude. It is true that we all know, but we can’t do by ourselves. If we change our mind, the angle of our vision will not be limited to 160 degree. What’s more, the workshop is really useful. So many technique that I have learned such as the big words, half words half picture, all pictures. A good presenta on is not compressing all informa on to the audience, but to persuade everyone. Ac on learning is interes ng. Mirror and micmic blind game gave me lots of fun. The OBT is the most s mula ng one It is quite shameful that I kept shivering and shou ng on the steel on the sky. Party night, talking to lots of different friends. The atmosphere is pe y great. Cheer band is professional. I got many different cards!The dance is fun, too. The service project gave us a chance to cooperate with the group team member and know more each other. The last presenta on, though our performance is not pre y well, everyone did their best. I think this is a really good memory. In our group, there are lots of remarkable people. Milly, she is beau ful and has rich good ideas and always the first speaking person, gave our team lots of fun!Lucus, just like our big brother, he is not only smart but also kind!Every word he said is very mature!He always thinks about other people’s feelings, the greatest leader that I have seen!His English is so remarkable. Hoping that I could become as great as him one day!Eric is passionate and outgoing. The first me I saw him, I regarded him as a foreigner. Tim is really brave and talented. I really love the power point he made. In short, I really love my team, CAFFEINE. Thank you, guys for giving such great memory. Hoping we could meet each other another day. The last but not least, is the thing I learned from this camp. The leadership may need a future vision. The inspiring ability to the group, knowing different members’ feelings. He always mo vates his followers. He has to trust his or her members with a decisive mind and provide remarkable strategies to the whole team. The last thing I want to thank again for all the RYLA camp workers. This is a really great team I have joined. Thank you all!
  • 28. 28 戴彣 This me, I joined Ryla camp at January 18th to 20th. At beginning, I really didn’t want to a end, because I didn’t know anyone in this ac vity and maybe we should put up the tent by ourselves. However, my father told me that camp not only is very meaningful, but I can get a lot of special harvests and experiences.. First day, there were two main ac vi es to let us know each other more. The first one, we started with acquain ng with each other through the game. Every group had to pass each challenge. So, we should keep discussing and com- munica ng with our group members. And the second is the party. The staffs taught us how to dance the waltz, so that we could dance with everyone, exchange the personal name card and chat with everyone even other group’s member. Those ac vi es were very helpful to the goal which make us get familiar with everyone, I supposed. The second day, we listened to the two speeches. I didn’t know first speaker at all before this speech. Her speech contents were very touching and impressive to me. I didn’t know that there will have someone who is really caring about every person in Taiwan. She not merely told those stories, but taught us that we should not waste our life me. It’s a very persuasive speech. Next one is about the presenta on skills. In my school, I had a class which is taught us how to make the presenta on success. I think that I have learned all skills about presenta on, however, a er this speech I think I was not learn enough. If I want it perfect, I should learn it more. This speech is pre y valuable to me. In the evening, we had a very terrible event, that is short presenta on in five minutes. We must outline our rough service concep on in half hour , and then present it in 5 minutes. It’s very exci ng! I have never ever preparing a presenta on in this kind of short me. That’s a big challenge for us. Finally, I don’t know that if our presenta on is good or not. But, we finished and we did it without any quarrel. Just with harmonious coopera on. A er this small terrible presenta on, we had to prepare a big horrible final presenta on for tomorrow. We should summarize today’s idea, make it longer and more detail. In the conference hall, every group discussed never stop and hardly. Just like Olympic compe on. Everyone was working very hard. And the last day was coming. In the morning, we were awakened earlier than yesterday morning. And we were led by the staffs to a secret place. What? Walk a ghtrope? Are you crazy? I will never do it! It’s my thought at first. We should help each other, not only the person who on the ghtrope is important, but those partners on the ground are also important. We know that how important about team work. At last I did it! I can trust my partners and our friendship were becoming closer. And the following is scaring final presenta on, we finished it and every group showed a lot of presenta ons with the en re different types. It makes me surprise! How a amazing presenta on exhibi on. A er three days ago. I think that is very worthy and I’m very auspicious that I have the opportunity to join this camp. It’s not only a camp, but a meaningful ac vity. I did many things that I have never done before.
  • 29. 29 盧冠溢 Leader is someone who can mo vate others. It was really amazing to join this camp for 3 days. In the camp I’ve learned a lot and also made variety of friends from other universi es. This really broadened my horizon for we’ve discussed numbers of topics such as educa on, eco- nomic and also our habits. Some people stand for A plan while another for B plan. And it is our various viewpoints that made us improve. Tim, one of our team members, talked about his personal experience when he was in army, giving us different view of seeing the society. He talked about the reality for entering the society and concluded that without English, we have li le chance to get higher or be er jobs. S ll, I’ve talked with a girl from NTU. We’ve talked about psy- chology a day long because both of us had studied about this. I will do my best to let others know it is really worthy join this camp. As for Lucas first. Lucas was one of the people in this camp I admire most. He was an English tutor in cram school and also shows the empathy in most of the me. We talked English almost every moment while we met each other, even when we stayed in the room. The next day we’ve lesion a speech for what is essen al for being a leader. And one of the charisma that I didn’t think before was not only being a be er person but also encouraging your team mates. At that moment, I‘ve decided to help Tim for he was embarrassed to speak English. Lucas and I discussed on how to improve Tim’s English ability, wishing he can make a big improvement in the near future. Talking about empathy, whenever Lucas found out that someone was in trouble, he would give his hand to others without hesita on. Next, I would like to talk about what I have learned when encountered with obstacles. The first obstacle I met was giving a speech in front of people. I was nervous when I’m preparing. But since I prac ced more and more, I became less nervous. S ll my team mates also cheered me up. Next obstacle was walking in the air in OBT games. I thought that I was brave enough to do this but the truth is I was wrong. I could hardly breathe on the air. But s ll again, thanks to my team mates suppor ng me. I finally beat my fear. For what I learned in camp, do not fight by oneself. Your team mates will become the strongest power for you. I introduced my friend from other countries to Tim a er the camp.
  • 30. 30 Team 4 : Orange punch (隊輔:Tina) 莊哲論 The first day when I was lugging my things across the city to catch a 12:30 bus ride, I was doub ul of the days to come. Because I help planned a few camps and events, I knew all too well that there were bound to be errors and delays that will insidiously ruin the schedule. Rides that weren’t on me, should-have-could-have first-aid measures that may lead to injuries, and unforeseen weather pa erns, all the li le things that will end up spoiling the fun. Most of all, a er the long hard semester, I was not in the mood of excitement. On the bus to our des na on, as I suspected, we played pe y games that robbed me of the chance to take a nap. A three day disaster was unraveling before my eyes. I know some day I will look back and laugh at my own misfortunes, but at that moment, there was nothing but regret that filled my mind. A er we arrived, first on the schedule was running around the venue hun ng for clues and playing games. The games were not exci ng per se. Worse of all, the facilitators had a very poor grasp at scheduling. Many teams had no me to finish all the ac vi es, and had to return to the dining hall for dinner with an air of dissa sfac on. Subsequently, there was an evening ball in the gymnasium, where we listened to a band play and danced. As expected, the acous cs were terrible and the music was so loud it gave me headaches. A quick glance at my phone confirmed that my first day was about to end in disappointment. The only consola on I got was that I was not the only one suffering. The second day, I opened my eyes and braced. In the morning, we were crammed into the auditorium and listened to two presenters. One ques on, “what is the furthest distance?” got me thinking. I was si ng in the middle of the auditorium, and I took a good look at the people around me and at myself. The furthest distance is what ROTARY stands for and what they actually are. The weight of the decisions the so-called aun e and uncles carry can do so much more if they tried. They have the power to make a real impact to the society, yet they choose to entertain themselves with trivial ma ers in the name of ROTARY. Time was ng dinner dates, mee ngs, and gatherings. It was a disgus ng display of mediocrity, bureaucracy, and ludicrousness right before my eyes. The Rotaractors who spent so much me preparing for this three-day event were doing a sublime job. They put much effort, determina on, and forethought into planning. Yet their great inten ons were mutated by the even greater egos of the Rotarians, crea ng this miserable mess. Events like opening ceremonies, opening remarks, and opening messages plaguing the schedule like a disease, overshadowing the poten al of the event itself. A er that realiza on, I could see more clearly. I threw away all the inten ons to learn, replaced it with a new reso- lu on to enjoy the company, enjoy the events, and make the most out of my me, because fun wasn’t going to have itself. Although there was much to be improved in later events, even the more obvious flaws no longer ma ered. I got to really know and become friends with my team. Now I know the true meaning of misery loves company. When there are great friends with you, even shit can smell good.
  • 31. 31 李易臻 January was the last day of my school semster, I went to the school in the morning. I le earlier, because RYLA was on the same day. A er lunch, I took the MRT to the bus stop. The buses were already there, wai ng for us. I went on the bus with a friend I just knew, Ruby. We cha ed while we were wai ng for other members, she was really friendly to me. Finally everyone was there, the bus started to move. We played games on the bus, our facilitator, Tina, also let us introduce ourselves to others, which made us know each other more easily. Every group member on the team seemed to be really nice. A er we arrived at the Aspire park, we put down our luggage in a room, and all the ac vi es started. The most unforge able ac vity must be OBT ac vity we did on the third day. We went to a place where we could experience those high ropes adventures. I was quite afraid of height. As I first stepped at the thin rope, but I was scared, there was nothing I could hold, and no one could help me to walk to the other side of the thin rope. What I really wanted to do was to quit, but I didn’t. I hear people telling me that I could do it, they gave me faith, which made me keep walking forward. I made it! But I believed, without them cheering me out, it won’t be possible. In these three days, we also played a lot of games, which needed the whole group to par cipate in, which needed everyone to cooperate, which needed us to put our trust in others. I gained a lot from those games. I really liked my group, not only because they were nice, but also united. For example, a er the ring ac vity on the first day, everyone wanted to go to bed, but our team gathered together, that was because every group needed to think of a team name and a team call. Every group member provided a li le idea, really soon we created a perfect team call, and prac ced for a few mes. I think the most important thing in this camp was that we have to make a presenta on on the last day of RYLA, what our group supposed to do was to come up with a topic and design a project. A er many discussions, we decided to make a project about the Forgo en Children. They are the kids in special classes, because their parents are alcoholic or possess other problems. We came up with some conclusions of how to help those poor children, and changed them into a project. It was really hard at the beginning, because there were no samples we could take a look at. But then we s ll made it, resul ng from our contribu ons, we finished a project. Also we made a power point with the skills learned from the workshop of a really good speech on how to give a wonderful speech. From the process of doing this project, I learned how to work with others, how to listen to others’ opinions and so on. Time flies. Three days passed away so quickly. I felt really happy that I got the chance to par cipate in RYLA, it was a really great me. I learned a lot, and also got to know many new friends. I hope that I will be able to use those skills we learned in these three days in my daily life, and become a good leader in the future. We Serve, We Lead, We Are Orange Punch!
  • 32. 32 莊淯詠 I really want to thanks to my aunt to give me this chance to join the Rotary Youth Leadership Camp. I am also wanted to thanks my mom, without her push, I won’t make my determina on to take part. Actually my English turn into worse and worse since I become a University student. That sounds like an excuse .I really feel shame on me. So I am a li le bit nervous……NO! There is a lot of nervous to open my mouse to speak English. My mom encourages me that I should hold this chance to challenge myself. A er all, I decide to try. First day when I got up to the Na onal Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall sta on I was really scared, but when I meet my team leader the shadow in my mine is totally fade away. Because my team leader “Tina” give me a big smile and talk to me friendly. It really warms my heart. Our team members are very outgoing and easy to talk to. We become friends with each other soon. Through we fight for the game , we become more close. I learned a lot of things in this camp. I really love the speech by 沈芯菱. I heard of her before but didn’t know her very well. Her speech teaches me do not look down yourselves. Not only love yourselves but also help the person who needs your help. I’m too small. I have no money, no power, without any resource to help anyone. That’s all excuses. It’s about what you have; it’s about what you give. Just do it! Every single word she says just pumps my heart. This speech is really meaningful. It gives me hope and love. I really admire her. To my surprise, she is only twenty-five years old. She is young but she has already doing so many charitable things. No ma er what ages you are, just do the right things. Then your life will become more meaningful and colorful. Another important thing I learn through this camp is “Trust” and “Teamwork” Through the game, I try to trust a stranger in a short me. When my eyes covered, I really scared to fell. But when my partner holds my hand. I feel relax; I try my best to hand over my trust to him or her. And my partner did protect me very well. That gives me more confi- dence walking step by step. To take a turns to me, I do the same thing to my partner. I try my best to lead and protect my partner not to get hurt. I have to reciproca on my partner’s trust. I finally know that. The most exci ng part is “Walk on the steel wire” I can’t believe that I can walk on that. I don’t trust myself and my team members at first, but when I saw my members to use their best efforts to protect us. When I climb on the wood and start to walk. My legs s ll shake but I’m not afraid, I believe my team members will protect me, so I’m not worry at all. That’s teamwork! This camp brings me a lot, and makes friends with a lot of people. Thank you very much RYLA! I have a great me there.
  • 33. 33 郭哲余 I am very happy to par cipate in this ac vity in this vaca on. I really obtained so much from RYLA. I learned a lot from this lecture of how to present the power point such as how to make your presenta on more vivid, more a rac ve, and more persuasive, and how to avoid these mistakes such as too much sentences, unnecessary words, overly complex pictures, and so on…and the most important is how to construct your presenta on. You have to consider your presenta on carefully as you can, and at the same me you have to think how to keep your report run smoothly, The service project presenta on deeply inspired me as well. I got a lot of ideas from other friends’, such as the proposal of CSR (Corporate social responsibility), the proposal of service for the elderly program, the improvement of environment for increasing the quality of children learning, the remote Community Service Program. A er listening to these projects, I want to share an experience from my reading, a book.” Why Carnegie is Success- ful,” by David Black Lung. The book inspires me a lot. He said: “Venture is their favorite thing to do.” However, nowadays, many people are busy day and nights for pres ge and money. Earning money and high educa on for diploma constantly. Is this really the life you want to live? In this era of emphasizing diploma for having more perfect future, for realizing the expecta on of parents, many people are so desperately studying. However, to see back to the past a er growing up, He(She) feels that he(she) really want is not this kind of life. Why did he always live in other people’s expecta ons. There is a saying in the book :”how you would like to have a life me”, describing the process of inven on of Edison. Although it is hard and dif- ficult to invent, it is fun, even one’s favorite, the dream and eager. This s mulates me to think of more carefully. I expect I can do what I want in my future. As far as I am concerned, I have the following thoughts. As the saying goes: “Having greater responsibility for the more weight.” Being a leader is not easy. He(She) has more adventure and risk to face. Entrepreneurs are the leaders who have the highest status. Regardless of any ma er, The leader must make a correct decision. The decision is very important for the organiza on. If it is not good, for lack of proper communica ons. It will result in possibility of risks. However, as long as by con nuous improvement for reviewing the progress, I do believe that with enthusiasm, we can make a progress constantly and arrive at the goal of success. The quality of leader is absolutely important, we have to learn and learn constantly. Especially about communica on, I realize the importance of par cipa ng in community ac vi es. The most Impor- tant is learning to handle many ques ons about many things, including interpersonal rela onships and how to get alone with any people. To sum up, interpersonal rela onships are full of various variables. Accumula ng experience to learn how to handle, express, and communicate is the almighty road.
  • 34. 34 蔡宗民 Hello, my name is Vinson, I wanted to share my experience about RYLA 2013. Through three days, I learned a lot and made many good friends. First of all, we went through self-introduc ons and tournaments to break ice, so we can know each other quickly and establish our team tacits in short me, and to meet behind more difficult challenge. Because each person has different ideas, so I would listen and learn, then we dis- cussed to research the perfect method to solve the problem. And we had a party at first night. The staff taught us to dance Waltz so that we can invite ladies or gentleman to dance and exchange name card to know each other more, by the way, maybe you can meet your Mr./Ms. Right here. :D Second, they invited two speakers to share their stories and professional skills with us. Shen Xing-ling, a girl at our age, but she has achievements more than many young men of the same age. She used handy tools “internet” to help many people, including building a website to help the people from hometown selling fruits, and construc ng the educa on website so that the children can learn on the website. She even held a summer camp and invited university students to teach children who need help, we are at the same age, but our thinking was much different at all! Another is A-Fu. He was a very professional teacher about briefing. He gave us a brilliant lecture about how to make a successful briefing. A good briefing may make listeners focus on your report and feel interested. If you were a great speaker it could let you get the customer’s orders, even win the sponsors of Venture Capital. These skills and knowledge can make you strong no ma er where you are! Third, we had a subject about trust, we needed to find a partner and face to face, the one has to make different movements and the other has to imitate, so you need to focus on your partner or you will make mistakes. Another is that the one has to mask his eyes and give his hands to the other one, and he needs to follow you to anywhere, of course, you have to protect him. Last, we have to make a presenta on in English, it’s the point of the Camp. Our topic is “Use ac vity to defuse in- difference” it means that we have to learn how to help other people, I think it’s a daily subject, but not really easy to do it, we have to finish this presenta on in few hours just like mission impossible! But we chose to believe in each other so we discussed and listed a lot of methods. Because of our teamwork, everyone exert their specialty and then we finished the impossible presenta on. This Camp taught me the importance of teamwork, a good team could make it possible that one plus one will be- come more than two, and a good leader is able to lead the whole team to success.
  • 35. 35 林忠諺 One day, my father told me that he strongly recommended a winter camp called “RYLA.” I didn’t know any about the camp. I just knew the camp is about leadership. Therefore, I carried my curiosity and a ended the camp. The mys- tery tour began. I finally found out that “RYLA” represented “Rotary Youth Leadership Awards” a er I arrived the loca on of our camp—Aspire Resort. I need to admit that the place is wonderful. It did offer a great field for all of us and did many ac vi es. During the three days camp, although the camp kept men oning that how important the leadership is, I s ll didn’t know what leadership is. But I learned another thing that is as important as the leadership called coopera on. As the 4th group members (Team Orange), we did our best on team work stuff. No one was the leader, we all ac vely done the work that ourselves good at. For instance, when my team was figuring out team slogan, some members gave some ideas as others were using the internet to search for our group. Finally, we gathered all our ideas and finished a funny one. And we all sa sfied with the work. This was just a li le example of our coopera on. There were many others in three days camp. How to do a great team work? I think team orange members must know!!!! The most impressed things in the camp are the speech of a brave girl and to experience firsthand in OBT. First, the story of the brave girl really moved all the members. She tried all she could do to throw herself on public welfare. She told me that the meaning of human being’s life. The treasures are not the thing you already have; the treasures will come from people who you help with. Progress a li le bit every day, you will success in the end. On the other hand, if you decide not to make any steps, you’ll end with nothing. Second, the experience on the OBT, this ac vity also taught me about how important the team work. We needed whole group members carefully watch one member back to keep the member from danger. We needed to gather all our power to support the one who was standing on the high steel rope. No one can do that work by himself, but all together as a team we could do everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 36. 36 Team 5 : Pinky (隊輔:Alice) 江小如 In fact, my father was once a member of Rotary Interna onal Districts 3520. In my memory, it was a club where several old man who had a great deal of me and money holding par es all the me; however, not un l I par cipated in this ac vity did I know I was wrong. There are so much love and feedback behind leadership. At first, I signed up for the camp since I saw Shen Hsin-Ling as one of the speaker. Also, the slogan caught my eyes, “God: How do we change the world? Evan: One single act of random kindness at a me.” It was really inspiring. On the other hand, another reason why I joined the ac vity was that I wanted to do something meaningful and special. I par cipated in summer camps and held winter camp in high school; nevertheless, I needed some breakthrough to prove that I had grown up and made good use of my me to learn new things not just playing my days. To my greatest happiness, indeed, I learned a lot these days. The interes ng Presenta on Skills lecture taught us how to vivify our presenta on. I think our school teacher should all listen to this lecture. Besides, we learned how to be a leader and a good team worker, a leader is the one who has the vision can do the right thing and who has the captain courage can take the risk of trying new things. And I love the speech of Shen Hsin-Ling most. I always wonder ”What can I do to make a be er world?” - maybe I have to work hard to be the next Bill Gates so that I have the ability to change the world or even save the world; yet, a er the speech, I realized that I don’t have to be so greedy that try to change the world. A li le thing that anyone can do can make a be er world. I really admire Shen Hsin-Ling so so so much. Tears falling down my check, I cried when I heard the story of her on how a 11 girl started her life full of love and help. Most of all, it was really some kind of experience, broadening my horizon, like leaving the school and becoming a part of the society. I did have a wonderful me. 苗喻晴 I am so glad that I have a chance to join this leadership camp. First day’s game is really fun except for the extremely cold weather. Second day is a substan al day. The speech that lecturer gave is so impressed. The one of lecturer’s speech is very touching. She has lots of amazing stories that I am interested in. Another lecturer is talk about how to make a fabulous presenta on and some ps about it which is so useful. The Brainstorming me is the most stressful me during this camp. I never thought that I am able to create a project with our team just in 30 minutes, and we had to go in front of everyone to introduce it. That’s the experience that I never had. The priest had told me that people have more than 500 to 600 abili es which we don’t know we have it.
  • 37. 37 This camp is absolutely a great chance to inspire poten- al. This camp is different from the camp I joined before. It is more educa onal and inspira onal. Although the process had lots of stress, but it turns out that I can do it. At the end of the camp, our teamwork figured out a project together and we pre- sented together. Another thing I feel so great is that I male lots of friends here. First day everyone looked so shy including me, but through a day everyone was ge ng closer. I remembered the third day’s Out Bound, we had to trust our partners. It is a special experience. Usually when we do this ac vity the coach will control our rope to make sure our safety, but this me we had to let our partner be the coach who hold the rope. The weird thing is that I usually do not get familiar with strangers in such a short me. Everyone in my team is easygoing and I am so proud of our team member. I really had a great me in these three days. I would definitely love to join this camp next year. 卿孝德 It was truly an astonished memory for me in the past three days. I have known Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) since I was in Taichung Second Senior High school (TCSSH) Interact club. It has been quite a long me since the first me I met Rotary. I enjoyed all the terrific talks in every mee ng. I also devoted myself in the service project every me I face such as cleaning up the world. That was really a good experience for me that I can use my own strength to help our mother nature. In the past three days, I experienced working with a group of elites, opening my own mind when faced with the people or things I encountered. I adored the two speeches we had on the second day. I was so moved by the story Shen, Hsin-Ling gave us. And I was so surprised that even she is at the age of 23, she can use her own strength to help so many people and donate so much all by herself. She gave me many new ways to face things, always look on the bright side. I am deeply infected by her energe c, posi ve a tude when facing challenges. I simply can s ll remember her words, “It would be something when doing easy things for a long me.” which encouraged me a lot. The speech about how to make a good presenta on given by Jeff Wang really gave me a brand new view of pre- senta on and slide making. “Making a presenta on is not sending the informa on but to convince others.” is one of the concepts he gave us which I never thought about it before. I usually need to do reports and presenta on at school or toward others. But I have never thought about how to make my talk be er and how to prepare for that. His interes ng and rich speech looks like taking li le effort on it. In fact, that is because he is well prepared and spends much me on it. I also learned much from the course that Smart Orange gave us. They taught such as concentrate and focus are always easy to say it out, but doing it is just another aspect. Through experiencing, they wanted to teach us in person and doing it directly is much deeper branded in my mind. Last but not least, knowing many fantas c people is also one of my biggest harvest during the three days. Even though we didn’t have much me to chat with each other, we s ll keep in touch through the net a er the fabulous three day adventure. d thing is that I usually do not get familiar with stranngerst familiar