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Stefano Mirti + Anne Sophie Gauvin 
#design the brave new world: 
an owner’s manual 
chapter next: 
on mass-education 
Inside the Mirror, Retune 2014 
Berlin, September 28, 2014
Today, I focus on one specific theme: 
how to educate people in the Brave New World.
How to educate people in the Brave New World is, in fact, 
one of the things that fascinate me the most. 
I also talk about it a lot in the “Brave New World, a user’s manual” 
(for the time being in Italian only)
"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real 
danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin." 
"In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be 
"All right then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to 
be unhappy." 
"Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right 
to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the 
right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what 
may happen to-morrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be 
tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind." There was a long 
"I claim them all," said the Savage at last. 
Aldous Huxley 
Brave New World
Few thoughts to frame our theme. 
Kodak at its peak, gave work to 140.000 people 
(only in Rochester, NY). 
Thanks to this, million people around the world, could enjoy photography. 
Now, Kodak does not exist anymore. 
We have Instagram. 
Thanks to Instagram, million people around the world, can enjoy photography. 
At Instagram, 14 people work. 
Where did the (140.000 - 14) = 139.988 go?
Imagine if we had met Jimmy Wales some fifteen years ago. 
What’s up Jimmy? 
It’s good. I am working at a new encyclopedia. 
Nice! How does it work? 
It’s kind of easy: imagine random people writing random stuff… 
Random people, writing random stuff, but how do you pay them? 
We don’t pay them, they do it as a pastime. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousand... 
Yes… You mean hundreds of thousands random people writing random things for fun… 
It looks like a conceptual art work. Like On Kawara, Alighiero Boetti… ...French Surrealism… 
No, no. 
It’s serious stuff. This encyclopedia I am talking about is not an encyclopedia. 
It will be THE encyclopedia. No other encyclopedia will be able to stand to our intelligence. 
Imagine we go to a restaurant. 
A special restaurant. 
When we get in, they take us the kitchen. 
And they tell us that it’s a new concept, a new restaurant. 
We have to cook. 
We have to serve ourselves 
and after eating, we have to clean the table and get back to the kitchen and clean the kitchen. 
We have to pay good money (nowadays, new concepts are priced quite high). 
And we have to feel smart and cool. 
This would be a very curious and strange and special restaurant. 
I don’t think it would be a good business. 
I am not sure people would like it so much. 
Or maybe not. 
If you think about furnitures and home interiors, 
Ikea convinced us that this kind of system works very well and we like it very much….
Instagram vs Kodak. Wikipedia, Ikea… 
The list is long, and you know the entries. 
A traditional hotel vs Airbnb. 
Buying a book written by someone else, or publishing your book via Lulu. 
Low cost flights, Uber cabs...
We live in a world where the Maslow pyramid turned upside down… 
I wake up in the morning 
and I am really worried on how many likes I’ve got on my last Instagram’s pic. 
My basic need is related on how many likes I get on my Instagram photos. 
This fact that I will never have a steady job or I will never have a retirement fund, 
it can wait. 
It’s something really faraway.
Undoubtedly, we live in a curious world. 
How to transfer knowledge to the younger generation, it is a tricky activity. 
This is our theme today...
Now that we framed the arena in which we are, 
we’ll show you some teaching environments we set up. 
we’ll tell you a little bit about how we work, 
how we see things, etc.
A couple years ago, 
the Abadir Academy of Design and Fine Arts 
(a school based in Catania, Sicily) and IdLab 
(a design studio in Milan) started this 
experimental project we called Whoami. 
the Etna volcano
We did a lot of teaching experiments in “Whoami”. 
After many tests, it is now a format: we use it quite often and keep improving it day after day.
Let’s use the MOOC (massive open on-line course) 
“Design 101” as a starting point. 
First, some data for you to understand. 
A course of 101 days long. 
101 video-postcards / 101 pdf-letters / 101 exercises 
A modular machine, reiterating itself every day, for 101 days.
Here, the trailer we did at the very beginning...
The system was easy. 
For 101 days, every day a video postcard with a brief. 
And a letter. 
Day after day, for 101 days...
Every day. 
One video, and one (long) letter...
Now, some data: 
42.895 students enrolled 
10.025 started the course 
629 completed it 
350 asked for the certificate 
300 submitted works for the final show 
100 came to berlin to the final show
If we think to our MOOC, 
the big question should be addressed to the students who finished it. 
Whenever you read about MOOCs, 
the big question is related to the students lost along the way. 
Actually, it should be the way around... 
Why did you finish? 
How could you make it all the way to the end? 
Don’t you feel a little bit strange?
If you think that the previous data was astonishing, 
you ain’t seen nothing yet...
Some other interesting data. 
How many people? Hours? 
How much money does it cost to 
produce a course like design 101?
Three people producing conceptual content and entertaining the students 
Three people producing visual content 
Two people producing videoclips 
One person editing sounds 
Roughly speaking, we are talking about 6000 hours of work 
If we pay these people 10 euro per hour, it makes an impressive 60.000 euro overall 
iversity gave us 25.000 euro 
Hence, to play this gig, 
we lost 35.000 euro from our own pockets.
If we look at the students’ data, 
our MOOC was a total failure. 
If we look at our work (how many people were 
involved, how much we worked, how much 
money we lost), it’s even worse. 
Why did we do such a thing? 
Why we are happy? 
Why are we doing it again this year? 
Why are we adding a new course?
In the teaser for Design 101, 
we said that our goal was to set up a community. 
We never said we wanted to educate thousands people. 
We never said we wanted to make a revolution (in education field) 
We never said we wanted to become rich. 
We never said we wanted to set up a start up or things like that. 
We were extremely clear with our intended goal. 
And this we did.
In a different way, 
we tested once more the timeless truth: 
In life everything is possible. At a cost. 
Now, let’s talk about the Design 101 community. 
Again, we give you some data (by now you understood we like data…): 
2936 people in our Facebook group 
6700 likes on our Facebook page 
1429 followers on Twitter 
1523 + 1423 pictures with the #Design101 and #design101 hashtags on Instagram
Altogether, we set up a community of some thousand people (from the close to the loose ones). 
They like us, we like them, we like each other. 
They are waiting for our next courses, they want to help us. 
They want to get involved in what we do. 
A community. Of some thousand people. 
This is quite priceless, isn’t?
How did we manage 
to set up a community?
We started with a clear mindset. 
To have fun and to share our process. 
We spent lots of time/love/energy 
communicating all kinds of Design 101-related things. 
Conversations started offline, 
some were continued online, 
some started online and continued offline. 
Most of the time, 
fueling us up with energy, 
sometimes positive, other times negative, 
over all, making the community growing.
At some point during the course, 
the students asked us if they could become the teachers for a day. 
This is what happened on day 98. 
And this was the turning point. 
Our students became teachers. And they did it perfectly.
Here is the video they made together, 
and here is the link to their letter.
Then, there was #blaueblumen, 
the end of the year show, party, exhibition at designtransfer in Berlin. 
About 100 students came from all around the world. On their expenses.
And two months later, 
3 students came to Milan to help us in the office and learn some new tricks. 
Together, they made a beautiful archive of Design 101 
and worked hard on communicating our summer camp.
here the link to our fabulous archive...
then, we did: 
Architecture, Between the Sea and the Sky, 
an online / offline summer camp. 
This summer, on Google+ and workshop in Siracusa.
To summarize our week in Siracusa...
Another big project we’ve been working on 
is the online/offline Master Relational Design. 
The first edition started in February 2014.
The first edition started on Valentines’ day, 
but we are now preparing a second edition for January 2015
In January, we will have two masters starting: 
this second edition of Master Relational Design 
and a brand new one called Macchine Pensanti.
Macchine Pensanti 
(or “Thinking Machines”) 
is about architecture. 
Over one year, 
the students will build a house together.
For our master programs, 
we work in modules. 12 modules over a year. 
As a general we have: 
12 months 
12 courses 
12 different partners 
12 different places 
12 different briefs 
When we meet “offline”, 
it is always in a different place around Italy. 
We travel a lot.
We talked about Design 101. 
We gave you a general idea of our master courses... 
They are in fact our biggest education-related projects for the moment. 
The other ones (either past, present or upcoming...) 
are collected on our Whoami website.
Every time, 
every course, every master is an experiment. 
Improving our formats, making things better at a lower cost. 
Step by step, 
widening our skills, 
widening our network(s) 
We are very happy, 
at the same time, we are a little bit tired. 
Of course we know that a revolution is not a dinner party, but still...
What we’ve learnt so far (1): 
We are absolute beginners. 
In this field, everyone is an absolute beginner. 
People who pretend to know, they lie.
What we’ve learnt so far (2): 
To teach very complex things is fairly easy. 
To teach very simple things is actually quite difficult.
What we’ve learnt so far (3): 
If using social media while teaching, 
the class needs to be transformed into a community. 
New tools require new interactions. 
To us, this seem to be common sense, but not many people have got this point right.
What we’ve learnt so far (4): 
Teachers are game moderators. 
They set a frame of work and press play.
What we’ve learnt so far (5): 
The success of a course is given by the quality and quantity 
of interactions between the students and teachers. 
A lot of interaction. 
A lot of high quality interaction. 
This (we understood) is not negotiable.
What we’ve learnt so far (6): 
We need situations, excuses and opportunities for students and teachers to meet in person.
What we’ve learnt so far (7): 
A school is a school. 
A community is a community. 
A school is not a community. A community is not a school. 
You can have a great community within a school, 
you can have a good school within a community… 
...but a school is not a community and a community is not a school. 
Social media are fantastic tools to develop communities. 
They can be used in a school environment, but at their best they are for community making.
Some useful things for you to know (1): 
we work on things we really like and we are passionate of 
it seems obvious, 
but a lot of people around us work upon different lines...
Some useful things for you to know (2): 
we learn and teach through narratives. 
“mythopoeic” is the key word.
Some useful things for you to know (3): 
we take the complete challenge, 
including the financial side
Some useful things for you to know (4): 
we learn while we do
Some useful things for you to know (5): 
we learn from mistakes 
we accept this (painful) fact that the best way to learn is via mistakes
Some useful things for you to know (6): 
we go step by step. 
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 
it is now five years we are working on this. 
and to make it working properly, it will take some other years.
Some useful things for you to know (7): 
we iterate improving upon time
Some useful things for you to know (8): 
we work with the network 
network is another very important and useful keyword. 
how to add nodes in our network (this is one of our obsessions)
Some useful things for you to know (9): 
we use existing tools 
if it exists, no need to invent a new thing
Some useful things for you to know (12): 
things we do are fun
By the way, here, you can get some more: 
The Community is the Message
And here, even more (one of our next courses):
Thank you for listening! 
Stefano Mirti / stefi_idlab 
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 
Anne-Sophie Gauvin / asgauvin 
on Facebook, Instagram

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#design the brave new world: an owner’s manual (revised version)

  • 1. Stefano Mirti + Anne Sophie Gauvin #design the brave new world: an owner’s manual chapter next: on mass-education Inside the Mirror, Retune 2014 Berlin, September 28, 2014
  • 2. Today, I focus on one specific theme: how to educate people in the Brave New World.
  • 3. How to educate people in the Brave New World is, in fact, one of the things that fascinate me the most. I also talk about it a lot in the “Brave New World, a user’s manual” (for the time being in Italian only)
  • 4. "But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin." "In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be unhappy." "All right then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to be unhappy." "Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen to-morrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind." There was a long silence. "I claim them all," said the Savage at last. Aldous Huxley Brave New World
  • 5. Few thoughts to frame our theme. Kodak at its peak, gave work to 140.000 people (only in Rochester, NY). Thanks to this, million people around the world, could enjoy photography. Now, Kodak does not exist anymore. We have Instagram. Thanks to Instagram, million people around the world, can enjoy photography. At Instagram, 14 people work. Where did the (140.000 - 14) = 139.988 go?
  • 6. Imagine if we had met Jimmy Wales some fifteen years ago. What’s up Jimmy? It’s good. I am working at a new encyclopedia. Nice! How does it work? It’s kind of easy: imagine random people writing random stuff… Yes… Random people, writing random stuff, but how do you pay them? We don’t pay them, they do it as a pastime. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousand... Yes… You mean hundreds of thousands random people writing random things for fun… It looks like a conceptual art work. Like On Kawara, Alighiero Boetti… ...French Surrealism… No, no. It’s serious stuff. This encyclopedia I am talking about is not an encyclopedia. It will be THE encyclopedia. No other encyclopedia will be able to stand to our intelligence. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • 7. Or… Imagine we go to a restaurant. A special restaurant. When we get in, they take us the kitchen. And they tell us that it’s a new concept, a new restaurant. We have to cook. We have to serve ourselves and after eating, we have to clean the table and get back to the kitchen and clean the kitchen. We have to pay good money (nowadays, new concepts are priced quite high). And we have to feel smart and cool. This would be a very curious and strange and special restaurant. I don’t think it would be a good business. I am not sure people would like it so much. Or maybe not. If you think about furnitures and home interiors, Ikea convinced us that this kind of system works very well and we like it very much….
  • 8. Instagram vs Kodak. Wikipedia, Ikea… The list is long, and you know the entries. A traditional hotel vs Airbnb. Buying a book written by someone else, or publishing your book via Lulu. Low cost flights, Uber cabs...
  • 9. We live in a world where the Maslow pyramid turned upside down… I wake up in the morning and I am really worried on how many likes I’ve got on my last Instagram’s pic. My basic need is related on how many likes I get on my Instagram photos. This fact that I will never have a steady job or I will never have a retirement fund, it can wait. It’s something really faraway.
  • 10. Undoubtedly, we live in a curious world. How to transfer knowledge to the younger generation, it is a tricky activity. This is our theme today...
  • 11. Now that we framed the arena in which we are, we’ll show you some teaching environments we set up. Then, we’ll tell you a little bit about how we work, how we see things, etc.
  • 12. A couple years ago, the Abadir Academy of Design and Fine Arts (a school based in Catania, Sicily) and IdLab (a design studio in Milan) started this experimental project we called Whoami. the Etna volcano
  • 13. We did a lot of teaching experiments in “Whoami”. After many tests, it is now a format: we use it quite often and keep improving it day after day.
  • 14. Let’s use the MOOC (massive open on-line course) “Design 101” as a starting point. First, some data for you to understand. A course of 101 days long. 101 video-postcards / 101 pdf-letters / 101 exercises A modular machine, reiterating itself every day, for 101 days.
  • 15. Here, the trailer we did at the very beginning...
  • 16. The system was easy. For 101 days, every day a video postcard with a brief. And a letter. Day after day, for 101 days...
  • 17. Every day. One video, and one (long) letter...
  • 18. Now, some data: 42.895 students enrolled 10.025 started the course 629 completed it 350 asked for the certificate 300 submitted works for the final show 100 came to berlin to the final show
  • 19.
  • 20. If we think to our MOOC, the big question should be addressed to the students who finished it. Whenever you read about MOOCs, the big question is related to the students lost along the way. Actually, it should be the way around... Why did you finish? How could you make it all the way to the end? Don’t you feel a little bit strange?
  • 21. If you think that the previous data was astonishing, you ain’t seen nothing yet...
  • 22. Some other interesting data. How many people? Hours? How much money does it cost to produce a course like design 101?
  • 23. Three people producing conceptual content and entertaining the students Three people producing visual content Two people producing videoclips One person editing sounds Roughly speaking, we are talking about 6000 hours of work If we pay these people 10 euro per hour, it makes an impressive 60.000 euro overall iversity gave us 25.000 euro Hence, to play this gig, we lost 35.000 euro from our own pockets.
  • 24. If we look at the students’ data, our MOOC was a total failure. If we look at our work (how many people were involved, how much we worked, how much money we lost), it’s even worse. Why did we do such a thing? Why we are happy? Why are we doing it again this year? Why are we adding a new course?
  • 25. In the teaser for Design 101, we said that our goal was to set up a community. We never said we wanted to educate thousands people. We never said we wanted to make a revolution (in education field) We never said we wanted to become rich. We never said we wanted to set up a start up or things like that. We were extremely clear with our intended goal. And this we did.
  • 26. In a different way, we tested once more the timeless truth: In life everything is possible. At a cost. Now, let’s talk about the Design 101 community. Again, we give you some data (by now you understood we like data…): 2936 people in our Facebook group 6700 likes on our Facebook page 1429 followers on Twitter 1523 + 1423 pictures with the #Design101 and #design101 hashtags on Instagram
  • 27. Altogether, we set up a community of some thousand people (from the close to the loose ones). They like us, we like them, we like each other. They are waiting for our next courses, they want to help us. They want to get involved in what we do. A community. Of some thousand people. This is quite priceless, isn’t?
  • 28. How did we manage to set up a community?
  • 29. We started with a clear mindset. To have fun and to share our process. We spent lots of time/love/energy communicating all kinds of Design 101-related things. Conversations started offline, some were continued online, some started online and continued offline. Most of the time, fueling us up with energy, sometimes positive, other times negative, over all, making the community growing.
  • 30. At some point during the course, the students asked us if they could become the teachers for a day. This is what happened on day 98. And this was the turning point. Our students became teachers. And they did it perfectly.
  • 31. Here is the video they made together, and here is the link to their letter.
  • 32. Then, there was #blaueblumen, the end of the year show, party, exhibition at designtransfer in Berlin. About 100 students came from all around the world. On their expenses.
  • 33. And two months later, 3 students came to Milan to help us in the office and learn some new tricks. Together, they made a beautiful archive of Design 101 and worked hard on communicating our summer camp.
  • 34. here the link to our fabulous archive...
  • 35.
  • 36. then, we did: Architecture, Between the Sea and the Sky, an online / offline summer camp. This summer, on Google+ and workshop in Siracusa.
  • 37. To summarize our week in Siracusa...
  • 38. Another big project we’ve been working on is the online/offline Master Relational Design. The first edition started in February 2014.
  • 39. The first edition started on Valentines’ day, but we are now preparing a second edition for January 2015
  • 40. In January, we will have two masters starting: this second edition of Master Relational Design and a brand new one called Macchine Pensanti.
  • 41. Macchine Pensanti (or “Thinking Machines”) is about architecture. Over one year, the students will build a house together.
  • 42. For our master programs, we work in modules. 12 modules over a year. As a general we have: 12 months 12 courses 12 different partners 12 different places 12 different briefs When we meet “offline”, it is always in a different place around Italy. We travel a lot.
  • 43.
  • 44. We talked about Design 101. We gave you a general idea of our master courses... They are in fact our biggest education-related projects for the moment. The other ones (either past, present or upcoming...) are collected on our Whoami website.
  • 45. Every time, every course, every master is an experiment. Improving our formats, making things better at a lower cost. Step by step, widening our skills, widening our network(s) We are very happy, at the same time, we are a little bit tired. Of course we know that a revolution is not a dinner party, but still...
  • 46. What we’ve learnt so far (1): We are absolute beginners. In this field, everyone is an absolute beginner. People who pretend to know, they lie.
  • 47. What we’ve learnt so far (2): To teach very complex things is fairly easy. To teach very simple things is actually quite difficult.
  • 48. What we’ve learnt so far (3): If using social media while teaching, the class needs to be transformed into a community. New tools require new interactions. To us, this seem to be common sense, but not many people have got this point right.
  • 49. What we’ve learnt so far (4): Teachers are game moderators. They set a frame of work and press play.
  • 50. What we’ve learnt so far (5): The success of a course is given by the quality and quantity of interactions between the students and teachers. A lot of interaction. A lot of high quality interaction. This (we understood) is not negotiable.
  • 51. What we’ve learnt so far (6): We need situations, excuses and opportunities for students and teachers to meet in person.
  • 52. What we’ve learnt so far (7): A school is a school. A community is a community. A school is not a community. A community is not a school. You can have a great community within a school, you can have a good school within a community… ...but a school is not a community and a community is not a school. Social media are fantastic tools to develop communities. They can be used in a school environment, but at their best they are for community making.
  • 53. Some useful things for you to know (1): we work on things we really like and we are passionate of it seems obvious, but a lot of people around us work upon different lines...
  • 54. Some useful things for you to know (2): we learn and teach through narratives. “mythopoeic” is the key word.
  • 55. Some useful things for you to know (3): we take the complete challenge, including the financial side
  • 56. Some useful things for you to know (4): we learn while we do
  • 57. Some useful things for you to know (5): we learn from mistakes we accept this (painful) fact that the best way to learn is via mistakes
  • 58. Some useful things for you to know (6): we go step by step. a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. it is now five years we are working on this. and to make it working properly, it will take some other years.
  • 59. Some useful things for you to know (7): we iterate improving upon time
  • 60. Some useful things for you to know (8): we work with the network network is another very important and useful keyword. how to add nodes in our network (this is one of our obsessions)
  • 61. Some useful things for you to know (9): we use existing tools if it exists, no need to invent a new thing
  • 62. Some useful things for you to know (12): things we do are fun
  • 63. By the way, here, you can get some more: The Community is the Message
  • 64. And here, even more (one of our next courses):
  • 65. Thank you for listening! Stefano Mirti / stefi_idlab on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Anne-Sophie Gauvin / asgauvin on Facebook, Instagram