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31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 203


                                                     PART FIVE

                   Career and Job-Search
                                     COMPILED BY RICHARD GREENE

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                                        Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          How to Use this Section (Properly!)                      page, toward CD-ROMs and online databases.
                                                                   However, many sources are still available in print.
          These resources for creating your list of organiza-
                                                                   Subscription services are geared for businesses
          tions to target were put together in three sections:
                                                                   and can be costly. Check with your local or main
                Section I: General References of company
                                                                   library to see if it subscribes.
          and industry information, directories, and online
                                                                        Following the print sources is a listing of
          compendiums of associations, regional resources,
                                                                   online resources. Many are or contain job boards,
          job boards, and more. This is a good way to start
                                                                   but they usually list resources as well. These
          making up your list of job targets while finding
                                                                   include news of the profession or industry, books
          out more about potential employers and the
                                                                   and other publications, e-newsletters, career
          industries and professions that interest you. A
                                                                   advice, user discussion rooms, and much more. If
          word of caution: Job boards, especially the big-
                                                                   you are trying to enter a new industry or profes-
          gies, are tempting places to hang out. However,
                                                                   sion, these online sites can provide you with the
          only about 6 percent of all jobs get filled via these
                                                                   latest happenings and allow you to chat with
          sites. The Five O’Clock Club approach is not to
                                                                   better-informed persons, so you can get smarter,
          hang out at your local job board, but rather to
          develop lists of persons to contact for targeted
                                                                        Entries in this section are listed alphabeti-
          and direct mailings, as well as for networking.
                                                                   cally, preceded by a short section on Trade Shows,
          Don’t spend more than 6 percent of your time on
                                                                   Printed Materials, sources of Free Trade Publica-
          job boards (6 percent of 35 hours amounts to a
                                                                   tions, and Job and Industry Information Sites
          little more than 2 hours maximum per week).
                                                                   ( and Following this is a
                Section II: Professions, Industries, Inter-
                                                                   link to the New York Public Library, which will
          ests . . . , which alphabetically lists some of the
                                                                   direct you to sites that contain selected industry
          most common professions and industries, along
                                                                   and directory information. These sites are kept
          with some of the fast-growing segments, such as
          biotechnology and satellite communications. Also
                                                                        The rest of the section’s listings are informa-
          included are listings for minorities, senior citizens,
                                                                   tion and job listings on:
          veterans, and more. For each entry, print sources
          are listed first, followed by online resources. Note       Academic and Education
          that many print sources, particularly directories,         Accounting
          are offered with CD-ROMs or as online databases
                                                                     Advertising, including Graphic Art and Design
          (usually by subscription). Some directories are no
          longer available in print versions, only as online         Aging Workers
          subscriptions. The trend is away from the printed          Apparel, Textiles, Fashion and Beauty

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        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

           Art and Design                                           Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
           Associations                                             Library Science
           Automotive                                               Manufacturing
           Aviation and Aerospace                                   Nonprofit
           Banking, Finance, Investing, Securities,                 Nursing
           Trading, Credit, and Other                               Public Relations
           Biotechnology                                            Publishing (Books, Magazines, Newspapers,
           Business                                                 Other)
           College/Liberal Arts/Recent Graduates                    Real Estate
           Communications Equipment and Services,                   Retailing
           including Telecommunications                             Sales and Marketing
           Construction and Building                                Small Business
           Consulting                                               Summer Jobs and Internships
           Disabled                                                 Transportation (Shipping, Marine, Freight,
           Diversity and Minorities (except Gay and                 Express Delivery, Supply Chain)
           Lesbian)                                                 Travel, Leisure, and Hospitality (including
           Electronics                                              Hotels, Food Service, Travel Agents,
           Energy, Alternative Energy, and Utilities                Restaurants, and Airlines)
           Engineering                                              Veterans
           Entertainment, including Media (Broadcasting             Vocational (no four-year college degree)
           and Publishing)                                          Volunteering
           Environmental                                            Wholesaling and Distributing/Importing and
           Ex-Inmates                                               Exporting
           Film,Video, and Photography                                 Section III: International contains print
           Food and Beverages                                     and online resources to tap the worldwide mar-
                                                                  ket. Three important things to remember: (1)
                                                                  many of the print and online materials in Sec-
           Freelancing                                            tions I and II contain global listings; (2) many of
           Furniture                                              the international listings in this section include
           Gay and Lesbian                                        the U.S.; and (3) there is loads of additional
                                                                  information on international jobs and careers—
                                                                  too much to include here. So, you can scour the
           Health Care and Medicine                               Internet and come up with a long list for your
           Human Resources                                        own interests. However, the resources included
           Information Technology/High-Tech                       here are comprehensive and among the best
           (Computers, Technology, and e-Commerce)                available.

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                                                                                        Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          What If I Don’t Find Resources That                        will find immediate and specific help from work-
                                                                     sheets designed to get answers to frequently
          Cover My Job Interests?                                    asked questions. Special attention is paid to
          If, for example, you want to look for a position as        researching small businesses, not-for-profits, and
          a Whatever Manager and need more specific                  government agencies. Includes an updated, com-
          resources, follow these steps:                             prehensive bibliography. Although some of the
                                                                     resources are dated, the author offers flowcharts
          1. Consult the Associations section. Almost every
                                                                     to help job hunters outline the types of informa-
             kind of job, profession, Whatever has it own
                                                                     tion they need.
             association (or associations). Look at the asso-
             ciation’s website, consider joining, and even be        The Best Places to Live
             so brazen as to call its office and ask for help.
          2. Search the Internet. Type in Whatever and pair          At this site, you can compare the cost of living
             it with Job, or Career, or Directory, or Associa-       among cities and create your own “best places”
             tion, or just by itself. The last option will gen-      list using the screening tool.
             erate millions of hits: Look at the first few for       Directories in Print
             keywords to use with Whatever in another      , annual
             search. You don’t have to look through pages            Lists about 15,500 active rosters, guides, and
             and pages of Internet sites. If it isn’t on the first   other print, nonprint, and address lists published
             or second page, refine your search.                     in the U.S. and worldwide. Hundreds of addi-
          Be careful of directories that are more than a year        tional directories (defunct, suspended, and unlo-
          or so old, since companies and employees                   catable directories) are cited with status notes in a
          change. Does this research method work? It cer-            title/keyword index.
          tainly does. That’s how this entire listing was put
          together, albeit with an initial list of resources
          from the New York Public Library.                          Associations

           Section I: General Reference                              Encyclopedia of Associations, Thomson Gale
                                                           , annual
          Note: For the North American Industry Classifi-            This is a comprehensive source of detailed infor-
          cation System (NAICS), the official U.S. Census            mation on more than 135,000 nonprofit member-
          Bureau listing of all NAICS, see                           ship organizations worldwide. Several versions
                              provide addresses and descriptions of
          Help! My Job Interview Is Tomorrow!: How to                professional societies, trade associations, labor
          Use the Library to Research an Employer                    unions, cultural and religious organizations, fan
          Mary Ellen Templeton, Neal-Schuman Publishers,             clubs, and other groups of all types. The versions
          2nd ed., 1997.                                             are: National Organizations of the U.S., International
          Offers the guidance academic and public librari-           Organizations, and Regional, State, and Local Orga-
          ans themselves would give if they had a few                nizations. An online version is available at some
          hours to spend with each job seeker. The guide             libraries. All versions are indexed by name, key-
          draws on commonly found library sources and                word, and company, with executives included for
          includes electronic sources as well. Readers with          the international version.
          only a few hours to prepare for their interview

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        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

        Associations Yellow Book, Leadership                      IRS data on nonprofits. Check with your local
        Directories                                               library to see if it subscribes.
                                                                  Weddle’s Association Directory Online
        This volume is said to be the nation’s leading
        directory of major trade and professional associa-
                                                                  Professional associations and societies often
        tions. Semiannual editions keep you current with
                                                                  operate websites featuring job boards, résumé
        association mergers and executive, staff, and
                                                                  banks, or other employment-related services
        board member changes. More than 42,000 offi-
                                                                  (these can include job agents, banner advertising,
        cers, executives, staff, and board members (with
                                                                  and discussion forums for networking). This
        contact information) at more than 1,000 associa-
                                                                  Directory is designed to help you find those sites.
        tions with budgets of more than $2 million. An
                                                                  It lists several thousand associations from around
        industry index organizes associations by their
                                                                  the world by their primary professional/occupa-
        principal fields. Indexed geographically by bud-
                                                                  tional focus and/or industry of interest (e.g.,
        get, political action committees, foundation
                                                                  Accounting/Finance, Computer Hardware, and
        (acronyms, association names), and individuals’
                                                                  Transportation) and provides a link to the website
        names, acronym, and organization name.
                                                                  they operate. For the most current listing of asso-
                                                                  ciation sites and a summary of the employment
        Online Resources                                          resources offered at the sites (e.g., job board,
        Associations on the Net                                   résumé bank), see Weddle’s Recruiter’s Guide to                                               Association Web Sites, which was compiled with
        Lists more than 2,000 associations. Simply key in         the Association for Internet Recruiting and pro-
        a profession. If you put in “accounting,” for             files more than 1,500 of the leading associations
        instance, you’ll find 22 organizations. Also try          and societies in the U.S.; under each business cate-
        gory, there’s a link to “associations.”
        Associations Unlimited, Gale, Web database,               Type in “job” in Yahoo’s search window and 148
        Thomson Gale                                              million results pop up. The first few pages of                                              entries are job banks. If you need to find a specific
        This web resource, available by subscription, com-        job board, type in “Bond trader job,” for example.
        bines data from the entire Encyclopedia of Associa-       Yahoo and Google, will lead you to other sites
        tions series and includes additional Internal             and publications on a wide variety of job, career,
        Revenue Service (IRS) information on nonprofit            and company information.
        organizations for a total of more than 456,000
        organizations. The database also contains associ-
        ation materials—brochures, logos, and member-             National Directories of Companies
        ship applications. An indispensable source for
        locating national, international, and local associa-      Print and Online
        tions; monitoring association trends; identifying         Bizjournals
        related associations; networking and making     
        professional contacts; and much more. Five                Bizjournals is the new media division of American
        search methods are available for easy searching:          City Business Journals, the nation’s largest pub-
        name or acronym, geographic location, and sub-            lisher of metropolitan business newspapers. It
        ject/SIC/free text; multiple-field searches using         operates the websites for each of the company’s
        field abbreviations with Boolean operators; and           41 print business journals and recently has

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                                                                                 Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          launched its first web-only local business news      Dun & Bradstreet’s
          and information site for Los Angeles. The com-
          pany plans to launch web-only operations in          D&B is now an online subscription service and
          additional markets. The national Bizjournals site    describes itself as follows: “The leading provider
          features local business news from around the         of global business information, tools, and insight
          nation updated throughout the day, top business      has enabled customers to decide with confidence
          stories from American City’s print editions,         for over 160 years. D&B’s proprietary DUNSRight
          industry-specific news from more than 40 indus-      process provides customers with quality informa-
          tries, advice columns, and a full menu of tools to   tion whenever and wherever they need it.” Check
          help business owners and operators manage their      with your library to see if it subscribes. D&B no
          businesses more successfully. There’s also easy      longer publishes the Million Dollar Directory and
          navigation to each of the 42 local business sites.   the Reference Book of Corporate Management,
          The site’s archives contain more than 750,000        America’s Corporate Leaders. D&B used to issue
          business news articles published since 1996.         annual versions of its directories, but now the
          Bizjournals’sites have more than two million         information is online. You may find a somewhat
          unique monthly visitors. E-mail offerings include    recent edition of these and other D&B directories
          daily local business updates from any Bizjournals    at your library. Be careful, as personnel may
          market, as well as weekly updates of industry        change.
          news from throughout the country. The site also
          features online local jobs boards, local online
          business directories, downloadable sales leads       Major Market Share Companies: Americas
          and strategic partnership opportunities.             (See International Directories)
                                                               Plunkett Research
          The Corporate Directory of U.S. Public
          Companies, Walker’s Research                         Plunkett’s Almanac of American Employers,
, annual                      Plunkett Research, Houston
          Essential financial and business data for more, annual.
          than 11,000 U.S. public companies, including         This volume targets only major corporations. It
          foreign companies filing American Depository         profiles 500 selected U.S. employers of 2,300+
          Receipts (ADRs). Published annually in January;      employees. These firms are located nationwide
          includes eight indexes.                              and represent all industry sectors. The Almanac
                                                               includes a fully featured CD-ROM. Additional
          The Corporate Yellow Book, Leadership                details, including a table of contents, are at

          Includes high-growth companies in its listing of     Plunkett’s Companion to The Almanac of
          more than 1,000 leading U.S. corporations chosen     American Employers
          from reports and lists published by numerous         This covers selected midsize firms from 150 to
          nationally recognized business sources. Has          2,300 employees, nationwide, from all industry
          names and titles of more than 48,000 executives;     sectors. Includes a fully featured CD-ROM.
          direct-dial telephone numbers for executives;        Details are at The
          more than 10,000 E-mail addresses for officers,      first section helps you explore various career
          management, and administrative services profes-      options; write cover letters and résumés; build
          sionals.                                             job-hunting networks; and master the interview.
                                                               The second section describes more than 250
                                                               career possibilities, providing such data as:

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        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

        working conditions, employment, job outlook,              Notable Corporate Chronologies, 3rd Ed., 2000
        earnings, related occupations, training, other            This two-volume set presents concise chronolo-
        qualifications, and advancement.                          gies for approximately 1,150 of the most signifi-
                                                                  cant corporations currently operating in the U.S.
        Thomson Gale                                              and abroad. Coverage focuses on both major
        Business Organizations, Agencies and                      established companies and notable newcomers
        Publications Directory 18th Ed., 2005,                    that have had a major impact on the American or
        Thomson Gale                                              world economies, standards of living, and                                              lifestyles.
        This Directory is arranged in five broad categories:      Small Business Sourcebook, Thomson
        U.S. and international organizations, government          Gale, 2005
        agencies and programs, facilities and services,           Has listings of live and print sources of informa-
        research and educational facilities, and publica-         tion designed to facilitate the start-up, develop-
        tions and information services.                           ment, and growth of specific small businesses, as
        Business Rankings Annual, 2005, Thomson                   well as similar listings for general small-business
        Gale                                                      topics. Entries are provided on a state-by-state                                              basis; also included are relevant U.S. federal gov-
        Contains lists of companies, products, services,          ernment agencies and branch offices.
        and activities compiled from a variety of published       Ward’s Business Directory of U.S. Private
        sources. Working from a bibliographic file the            and Public Companies, Thomson Gale, 2005
        editors have built up over the years, they have           Ward’s now lists more than 114,500 companies,
        culled thousands of items from periodicals,               90 percent of which are private. Locate potential
        newspapers, financial services, directories,              clients and create targeted mailing lists. In six
        statistical annuals, and other printed material.          volumes, arranged A–Z, geographically, by sales,
        The “top 10” from each of these rankings appears          SIC codes.
        in this volume, grouped under standard subject
        headings for easy browsing. Readers can quickly           Harris InfoSource
        locate all rankings in which a given company,   
        person, or product appears by consulting the              This directory is on CD-ROM and also in print.
        reference’s comprehensive index. In addition,             Lists manufacturing and all-business industry
        a complete listing of sources used to compile             slices available for every state, region, and the
        this Annual is provided in the bibliography.              entire U.S. Locate companies by name, geogra-
        Each edition includes a separately published              phy, product/service category, or SIC. Company
        cumulative index.                                         profiles include key decision-maker contact
                                                                  information, SICs, product/service categories
        Encyclopedia of Business Information                      and descriptions, company size information,
        Sources, Thomson Gale                                     sales, employees, contact information,, 19th ed., 2004                              and more.
        Identifies live, print, and electronic sources of
        information listed under alphabetically arranged          Hoover’s
        subjects—industries and business concepts and
        practices. Listings are arranged by type of
                                                                  Hoover’s Handbooks
        resource (directories, databases, newsletters,
                                                                  These four volumes provide in-depth information
        indexes, research centers, etc.) within each sub-
                                                                  on 2,550 of the world’s largest, fastest-growing,
        ject. Many entries also provide E-mail addresses
                                                                  and most influential public and private companies.
        and URLs covering online resources.
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                                                                                   Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          Hoover’s Handbook of American                          Hoover’s Online
          Business 2004                                
          This comprehensive two-volume set contains in-         Now a part of Dun & Bradstreet, this is a sub-
          depth profiles of 750 of America’s largest and         scription service; however, this site allows free
          most influential companies, plus a selection of        access to an A–Z company directory and an
          more than 50 of the largest privately owned com-       extensive listing of industries, and the latter
          panies, including Cargill and Mars. Hoover’s           opens pages of the “most-viewed” companies in
          examines the personalities, events, and strategies     each industry sector. Company listings have a
          that have made these enterprises leaders in their      paragraph description of the business operation,
          fields.                                                basic contact information, and a link to the com-
          Hoover’s Handbook of Emerging                          pany’s website. Subscription services are: The
          Companies 2004                                         Business Boneyard—a listing that provides a his-
          Covers small, rapidly growing companies in the         torical view of thousands of companies that have
          U.S. and tells the story of 600 such businesses,       merged, been acquired, or have fallen victim to
          with in-depth profiles for 200 of these firms. Also    market trends or weak management. Hoover’s
          includes lists of fast-growing companies from top      Online has more than 2,000 company records
          business publications. This Handbook covers            with contact information. Also available by sub-
          selected U.S. public companies with sales of           scription is a geographic index and a company
          between $10 million and $1 billion, at least three     listing by stock index. Check to see if your library
          years of reported sales, at least a 20 percent rate    subscribes.
          of sales growth during that time, and positive net     The National JobBank, Adams Media,
          income for their most recent fiscal year. There are,   Avon, MA
          however, a few exceptions to these rules, to cover, annual
          some interesting companies that don’t quite fit        Updated annually, this book contains profiles and
          the mold.                                              employment information for 20,000 companies;
          Hoover’s Handbook of Private                           cross-referenced and indexed. Among data are a
          Companies 2005                                         list of common positions, phone number for
          This volume covers 900 nonpublic U.S. enter-           recorded job lines, type of business, locations, and
          prises, including large industrial and service         more.
          corporations, such as Milliken & Co. and
          PricewaterhouseCoopers; hospitals and health-          Standard & Poor’s
          care organizations such as Blue Cross; charitable
          and membership organizations including the             Standard & Poor’s 500 Guide, 2004 Edition
          Ford Foundation; mutual and cooperative organi-        Job seekers will find concise and up-to-the-
          zations such as IGA; joint ventures such as            minute overviews of potential employers with
          Motiva; government-owned corporations such as          critical, often hard-to-find information. Contains
          the Postal Service; and major university systems,      market intelligence on all 500 of the companies
          including The University of Texas System.              listed in the S&P 500 Index, including company
          Hoover’s Handbook of World Business 2004               addresses, phone numbers, websites, names of
          Has in-depth profiles of 300 of the most influen-      key corporate directors, earnings and dividends
          tial firms in Canada, Europe, and Japan, as well as    data with three-year price charts, plus extensive
          companies from the fast-growing economies of           stock and other financial information. See also
          countries like China, India, and Taiwan.               Standard and Poor’s Register of Corporations,
                                                                 Directors and Executives, which is helpful in
                                                                 locating top personnel.

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        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

        Industry Profiles and Information                         site contains downloadable PDFs of reprints of
                                                                  this handbook. These cover the nature of the
        The Occupational Outlook and Salary Informa-              work, working conditions, number of jobs in the
        tion appears as live links at the New York Public         U.S., job outlook, and median annual earnings.
        Library Job Information Center’s website under            The employment projections mentioned in the
        Job Search Resources on the Internet at                   reference above are tables of numbers, while the Also see the section Professions/           Handbook has no tables but instead discussions
        Industries/Interests Industries—look under indi-          on jobs and industries.
        vidual entries for industry information.

        Bureau of Labor Statistics
        The U.S. Occupational Outlook
                                                                  Salary Information
        Employment Projections from the                           Profession-Specific Salary Survey
        Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)                                                           Research the salaries of more than 300 profes-
        The Office of Occupational Statistics and                 sions. This site has links to surveys done by a
        Employment Projections develops information               variety of organizations.
        about the labor market for the nation as a whole
        for 10 years into the future. Includes such topics
                                                                  Research salaries, post questions in a forum, and
        as the occupations with the largest job growth,
                                                                  sign up for a weekly newsletter from this site. A
        2002–12, showing the number of jobs for 2002
                                                                  free graph of salary ranges is given for different
        and 2012, with changes in the number of posi-
                                                                  levels of an occupation (from junior to senior) for
        tions and the growth rate. Employment projec-
                                                                  various cities.
        tions through 2012 are available for most
        industries, which are broken down by occupa-
        tions. For example, “Aerospace Product and Parts
        Manufacturing” has projections for 50 occupa-             Cutting-Edge Careers and Top
        tions, including aerospace engineers, aircraft
        mechanics, arbitrators, lawyers, management
                                                                  Employers Directories
        analysts—down to writers and authors. Statistics          50 Cutting-Edge Jobs, Ferguson, Chicago, 2000
        are also given for an occupation across all indus-        Presents information on 50 newer careers, plus
        tries on the same table.                                  how to break into the field, a glimpse at the
                                                                  future of the field and the specific earnings,
        Occupational Outlook Handbook
                                                                  responsibilities, and locations of the jobs. This is a
                                                                  potpourri of occupations that have been spawned
        Also published by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau
                                                                  by changes in technology, business, and the
        of Labor Statistics, this handbook is a nationally
                                                                  makeup of the population. Some listings are:
        recognized source of career information, provid-
                                                                  adventure travel specialist, biotechnology patent
        ing assistance to individuals making decisions
                                                                  lawyer, computer and video game designer,
        about their future work lives. Revised every two
                                                                  forensic psycho-physiologist, fuel cell technician,
        years, the Handbook describes what workers do
                                                                  Internet quality-assurance specialist, retirement
        on the job, working conditions, the training and
                                                                  counselor, and wireless service technician.
        education needed, earnings, and expected job
        prospects for a wide range of occupations. The

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                                                                                    Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          Find Job Vacancies in the Business World or             tionships.” The 10–12 pages profiles “are
          Private Sector, Planning Communications                 designed to deliver the industry knowledge and
, new edi-                industry analysis that generate an understanding
          tion available in late 2005 to early 2006               of the challenges and opportunities facing
          Provides details on the best Internet job and           prospects and customers.” More than 150 profiles
          résumé databases, specialty and trade periodicals,      are offered for $99 each, and are updated quar-
          job-matching services, job hotline services, direc-     terly. Each includes an industry overview, financial
          tories of employers, directories of professionals       benchmark data, industry opportunities, business
          for networking purposes, and salary surveys.            trends, credit and risk issues, and an industry
          Covers the business world, high tech, health care,      forecast.
          media, science and engineering, and the rest of
                                                                  Shibui Markets
          the private sector. See the table of contents (at the
          publisher’s website) for its full scope.
                                                                  SM sells online industry reports and provides
          The Big Book of Jobs 2005–2006 VGM                      free, on-screen information on about 100 indus-
          Career Books Staff, manufactured by                     tries under “Search by Industry.” Each industry
          McGraw-Hill                                             has its SIC Code listed. Clicking on one of these
          Up-to-date data from the U.S. Department of             industries brings up a screen with basic informa-
          Labor, plus cutting-edge career strategies from         tion on the industry’s products, services, and
          VGM. The Big Book lets job seekers save time by         activities, as well as its segments. For example,
          offering everything they need in a single volume.       “Major Group 13: Oil and Gas Extraction” has
                                                                  links to: SIC Code 131: Crude Petroleum and
          Peterson’s Top 2,500 Employers, Thomson Gale
                                                                  Natural Gas, 132: Natural Gas Liquids, and 138:
          Company information provided by Hoover’s
                                                                  Oil and Gas Field Services. Clicking on one of
          Online. Be careful—things have changed since
                                                                  these SIC Codes leads to a global list of compa-
          the year 2000! Includes indexes. Look for latest
                                                                  nies. Free financial information is given for each
                                                                  company, plus users can join online discussions
                                                                  for free. Company reports are available for pur-
          Business Information Websites                 
          Adams Internet Job Search, 6th ed.            
                                      Industry-specific and global featured listings of
          Completely revised and updated, the sixth edition       companies and organizations with live links to
          plugs job hunters directly into millions of oppor-      their websites. A search engine permits browsing
          tunities and a comprehensive reference helps to         The Business Internet to find jobs, products/ser-
          find millions of newly advertised job listings. Get     vices, news, etc.’s home page lists
          the most up-to-date lowdown on job sites. Find          about 25 industries, each broken down into three
          the sites and listings most relevant to your search.    or more subcategories; e.g., financial services is
                                                                  broken down into banking, insurance, and invest-
          First Research                                          ment. Banking’s subcategories include associa-
                                  tions, banking institutions, banking law,
          This company offers industry analysis and market        certificates of deposits, employment, online bank-
          research to help “sales and marketing profession-       ing, small business, and software, among others.
          als with the targeted understanding needed to           A section called “Popular Searches” has links to
          engage key prospects and deepen customer rela-

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        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

        banking for small business, the banking industry,         published on: Atlanta, Austin/San Antonio, Boston,
        foreign banking, and sweep accounts, plus more.           the Carolinas, Chicago, Connecticut, Dallas/Fort
        For each subcategory, clicking on “Jobs” opens a          Worth, Houston, Los Angeles, New York (including
        screen showing a limited number of positions.             New York City, Long Island, and Rockland and
        This site is best for putting together a list of          Westchester Counties, and Northern New Jersey),
        potential employers in a specific field. Companies        New Jersey, Ohio, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Fran-
        and associations pay to have their listings               cisco Bay Area, Seattle, Virginia, and Washington, DC
                                                                  Craig’s List
                                                                  This site is a local bulletin board, with a section
        Regional and Local Directories                            on jobs. It has postings for community, housing,
        Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State,            personals, and a bit more. The list of cities
        and Local Organizations, Thomson Gale                     keeps growing. If your hometown isn’t listed, annual                                      here, it may be by the time you read this:
        This is a guide to U.S. nonprofit membership              Albany, Albuquerque, Anchorage, Atlanta, Austin,
        organizations with listings for organizations with        Baltimore, Boise, Boston, Buffalo, Charlotte,
        interstate, state, intrastate, city, or local scope.      Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas,
        Associations include trade and professional asso-         Denver, Detroit, Eugene, Fresno, Hartford, Hon-
        ciations, social welfare and public affairs organi-       olulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Inland Empire,
        zations, and religious, sports, and hobby groups          Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Memphis,
        with voluntary members. Detailed entries furnish          Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Monterey,
        association name and complete contact and                 Nashville, New Orleans, New York, Norfolk,
        descriptive text information. This information is         Omaha, Orange County, Orlando, Philadelphia,
        not duplicated anywhere in Encyclopedia of                Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Providence, Raleigh,
        Associations, also published by Thomson Gale.             Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San
        Name and keyword indexes accompany each                   Diego, Santa Barbara, Seattle, Spokane, St. Louis,
        volume.                                                   San Francisco Bay, Tampa Bay, Tucson, Tulsa,
                                                                  Washington, DC. Plus Canada: Montreal, Ottawa,
        JobBank Series, Adams Media, Avon, MA                     Toronto, Vancouver . . . and other countries, too!
        Currently, there are more than a dozen separate           National Job Hotline Directory: The Job
        editions that cover the largest metropolitan areas        Finder’s Hot List: 1999–2001 (National Job
        and some states in the U.S. Each book contains            Hotline Directory), Sue A. Cubbage and Marcia
        profiles of local companies in all industries, with       P. Williams
        up-to-date information including company        
        descriptions and contact information, hiring man-         Although published a few years ago, this book
        agers, common professional positions, projected           contains a state-by-state listing of job hotlines, as
        number of hires, educational backgrounds                  well as a list of job-hunting resources and direc-
        sought, internship information, and benefits. Also        tories of employers by city.
        listed are executive search firms and placement
        agencies, professional associations, websites for
        job hunters, CD-ROM job-search sources, plus
        some tips on conducting a search. The guides are

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                                                                                      Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          Regional and Local Associations                          Recruiters
                                                                   Kennedy Information
          Thomson Gale                                   
          Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State
          and Local Organizations, Thomson Gale                    The Directory of Executive Recruiters
, annual                                     Corporate Edition, 2004
          (See Regional and Local Directories.)                    With advice on using executive recruiters and
                                                                   full firm contact information, including phone
          Associations Unlimited                                   numbers, fax numbers, and E-mail and web
          This online database combines data from the              addresses, the Directory is the best source for
          entire Encyclopedia of Associations series and           entering the “hidden” job market with executive
          includes additional Internal Revenue Service             recruiters. Five full indexes help the user target
          information on nonprofit organizations for a             information.
          total of more than 456,000 organizations. The
          database also contains association materials—            The International Directory of Executive
          brochures, logos, and membership applications.           Recruiters
          A key source for locating national, international        Lists full contact information for 2,515 firm loca-
          and local associations; monitoring association           tions in 80 countries; indexed by function, indus-
          trends; identifying related associations; network-       try, firm, and 5,300 search-firm principals;
          ing and making professional contacts; marketing          provides tips for job seekers along with recom-
          to associations, their members, and markets; and         mendations of books and other resources on
          more. Various types of search methods are avail-         career management and job changing.
          able. Check to see if a library in your area sub-

          Weddle’s Association Directory—online                    Job Boards and More

          Professional associations and societies often            Career Fairs
          operate websites featuring job boards, résumé  
          banks, or other employment-related services. This        A locator of job/career fairs searchable by date,
          Directory helps you find these sites. It lists several   job category, and state. Includes high-tech, pro-
          thousand associations from around the world by           fessional, sales, health care, and college fairs.
          their primary professional/occupational focus
          and/or industry of interest and provides a link to
                                                                   Provides a listing by date and city for free fairs
          the websites they operate. For the most current
                                                                   throughout the U.S.
          listing of association sites and a summary of the
          employment resources offered at the sites (e.g.,
          job board, résumé bank), see Weddle’s                    Lists California job fairs and resources for Califor-
          Recruiter’s Guide to Association Web Sites, a            nia job hunters.
          print directory compiled in conjunction with the
          Association for Internet Recruiting with profiles        How to Participate in a Job Fair
          of more than 1,500 of the leading associations 
          and societies in the U.S.                                Have a successful job fair experience—in 12 easy

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 216

        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

                                                    Live Links to Job Boards
           This section is taken from the New York Public           Career Resource Center
           Library website, Mid-Manhattan Library). This  
           provides links to the most popular job boards,           Extensive links to career-related websites.
           career-information sites, salary information, and
           more. The library updates this list often, so that all
           sites are current and active.                  
               This site is accessed by opening,       This site provides job information from big and
           going to the section on the branches, and scrolling      small companies, public and private organizations.
           down the page and clicking on “Job Information.”
           Then, open the link that says, “Job Search               HOTJOBS
           Resources on the Internet.” Under “Job Search- 
           ing—General Resources” is a listing of the most          This site enables job seekers to search by keyword,
           popular job boards chosen by the library staff that      company, U.S. location, and international location.
           covers a range of occupations with live links. Here      It also offers useful career tools such as interviewing
           is the listing:                                          skills, résumé writing, industry news, and a reloca-
           America’s Career InfoNet                                 tion center.
                                                                    Internet Career Connection
           This is a part of CareerOneStop, an extensive federal
           and state-sponsored career site. Find wages and
                                                                    This site provides job listings, career information, a
           employment trends, occupational requirements,
                                                                    career guidance service, and a résumé database. You
           state-by-state labor market conditions, millions of
                                                                    can take a free interest inventory to discover which
           employment contacts nationwide, and the most
                                                                    occupations best match your interests.
           extensive career resource library online.
           America’s Job Bank                                       Job Bank USA

           U.S. Department of Labor link to 1,800 state             Search employment listings, network, submit an E-
           employment services. User registration required.         résumé, and search the database using specific job
                                       Job Hunt
           Job seekers may search for jobs, post a résumé, and
           research the economic prospects of several states,       List of online job-search resources and services.
           as well as do salary research and get career advice.
           Career Builder                                 
                                                                    Worldwide access for all levels in all fields. Search
           Search for a job, post a résumé, read articles on        for jobs, post a résumé, open your own career-
           working life, and peruse the list of employment          management account, and research a featured
           agencies.                                                company.
           Career Guides @ Your Library
           Check out these great books available at your local
                                                                    This site provides job information for job seekers
                                                                    and employers, résumé-writing info, a free career

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 217

                                                                                            Career and Job-Search Bibliography

             test, a salary wizard, career articles, success stories,   A comprehensive site of employment listings and
             community programs, and online degree info.                information about job hunting on the Internet.

             Net Temps                                        
             A site targeted to the temporary-employment mar-           Job listings include finance, consulting, law, Inter-
             ket. Users may search for jobs and post a résumé.          net, health, consumer products and retail, media,
                                                                        marketing, technology, and science. This site offers
             NYTimes                                                    insider guides, company profiles, message boards,
                                    and firm rankings. An excellent source for industry
             Site features an easy-to-navigate design, articles         information; however, only a select group of indus-
             about careers and the workplace, and job listings in       tries are covered.
             the tristate area and nationwide. You can also post
             résumés on Job Market and sign up for daily E-mail
                                                                        Company profiles, industry profiles, career coach-
             The Riley Guide                                            ing, self-assessment, job listings, internship listings,
                                          and international jobs.

                                               colleague, or other professional. Members fill
          Contains career guides, links to salary informa-              out a profile, which allows others to contact
          tion for a variety of occupations. Link to                    them, as well as search the network for contacts
, the career website                     by such things as job title, job function, location,
          from The Wall Street Journal. Also, links to the              etc. Members can access those who are not in
          Journal’s JobStar Executive (for executives); infor-          their own network but in the overall database
          mation on job hunting and career management                   via these searches. There are more than 300,000
          (from the Journal and other sources) and JobStar              job listings from more than 1,000 employers
          Job Bank, a searchable database of 30,000+ mid-               worldwide. Jobs are posted directly on the
          dle- to senior-level positions is updated daily.              employers’own sites. This network allows
          A direct way of accessing JobStar is at                       users to get needed introductions to a hiring
, which is the Journal’s                 manager or recruiter. For example, a member
          executive career site. This site allows a nationwide          can call a hiring manager and say, “Joan Smith
          search for a particular profession (e.g., physics) or         of Exco recommended that I call you”—even
          type of job (e.g., IT vice president). The entries            if he or she only knows Joan via a network
          include a job description, information on the                 search.
          company, job requirements, and salary. This site
          also contains articles, discussions, and advice on
          various aspects of jobs and careers.
                                                                        Guides to Job and Career Websites

          This is a network of professional job seekers. The            Adams Internet Job Search Almanac, Adams
          idea behind this site is that, since members refer            Media Corp., 6th ed.
          each other, it is a network of trusted professionals.
          Service is free and persons join by being referred            Find millions of newly advertised job listings. Get
          online (via E-mail) by a classmate, coworker,                 the most up-to-date lowdown on job sites. Find

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 218

        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

        the sites and listings most relevant to your search.      profiled. Entries contain complete contact infor-
        Create electronic résumés readable by computers           mation and are arranged by type of resource. New
        and intriguing to prospective employers. Post             profiles on high-growth careers cover such hot
        résumés without a hitch. Research the hidden job          jobs as software engineer, database administrator,
        market to target the right employers. Network             and environmental engineer. This sourcebook
        with peers in cyberspace.                                 organizes the wide-ranging information available
                                                                  to today’s job seeker. Each category features vari-
        Best Career and Education Web Sites: A Quick
                                                                  ous sources, including reference works, online
        Guide to Online Job Search, Rachel Singer
                                                                  and database services, software programs, and
        Gordon, and Anne Wolfinger, JIST Works, 4th ed.,
                                                                  more. Also included is an alphabetical list of all
                                                                  the publications, organizations, electronic
                                                                  resources, and other sources of job-hunting infor-
        Listings and reviews of the 340 “very best” sites
        on the Internet for information on careers, col-
        lege, training, and job searching. This is not a          Plunkett’s Employers’ Internet Sites with
        catalog of everything out there; rather it is a care-     Careers Information, 2004–2005, Plunkett
        fully considered nomination of the most helpful,          Research, annual
        crucial, and information-packed sites available on        Plunkett’s editors have viewed thousands of cor-
        the web. Previously titled Quick Internet Guide           porate websites to pick out those with the most
        to Career and Education Information.                      useful career information. This book profiles hun-
                                                                  dreds of those best websites and indexes them by
        CareerXroads, Gerry Crispin and Mark Mehler,
                                                                  type of business, type of data available, type of
        MMC Group, Kendall Park, NJ, 2003
                                                                  jobs available, and more. Each site addresses the
                                                                  following questions: Can you apply for a job
        This book has reviews of the top 500 job sites and
                                                                  online? Is information available for the physically
        listings for more than 2,500 in total. The reviews
                                                                  challenged? Are jobs searchable by geographic
        include information on the site’s content, the
                                                                  region? Is the careers section searchable by type
        range of jobs posted on the site (10s, 100s, 1,000s,
                                                                  of job? Are benefit plan data available? Are inter-
        etc.), the range of résumés posted, whether there
                                                                  national jobs listed? Are specific job openings
        are any posting fees, the job disciplines and spe-
                                                                  posted? Are internships listed? Is there a special
        cialties, and a paragraph about the site. An excel-
                                                                  college recruiting section? In addition, profiles
        lent source for finding job boards and much
                                                                  provide a description of the business, size of the
        more. Indexes include corporation staffing pages,
                                                                  firm by annual sales, and human resources con-
        location, and specialty and industry.
                                                                  tact name, address, and phone number, along
        Job Hunter’s Sourcebook: Where to Find                    with corporate phone and fax numbers.
        Employment Leads and Other Job Search                     Purchasers of the printed book or PDF version
        Resources, Thomson Gale, Edition 6, 2004                  may receive a free CD-ROM database of the cor-
        Also lists sources of help-wanted ads, employer           porate profiles, enabling export of corporate data
        directories, employment agencies, placement               for mail merges and other uses.
        services, electronic resources, and other informa-
                                                                  Weddle’s Directory of Employment-Related
        tion sources for specific careers. Profiles 216 high-
                                                                  Internet Sites 2004
        interest professional and vocational occupations,
        from accountant and aircraft mechanic to sports
                                                                  This directory lists more than 7,500 websites that
        official and stockbroker. A master list of profiled
                                                                  specialize in online recruiting. All of the sites are
        professions lists alternative, popular, synonymous,
                                                                  organized and listed by occupational field, indus-
        and related job titles and links them to the jobs
                                                                  try, and/or geographic focus. The directory covers

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 219

                                                                                      Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          the global labor market and is said to access sites      Print
          not easily found by other job hunters. The Direc-        Plunkett’s Research, Ltd., Houston, TX
          tory lists sites in the U.S. and more than 20 coun-
          tries around the world.                                  This company offers reports and online subscrip-
          Weddle’s Job Seeker’s Guide to Employment                tions on industry sector analysis and research,
          Web Sites 2004                                           industry trends, and industry statistics. For job
                                          seekers, these reports contain industry and com-
          This book is billed as a consumer’s guide to             pany financial and sales information, vertical
          online job boards, résumé banks, and career por-         industry marketing data, product strategy data,
          tals. Completely updated for 2004, this reference        trends analysis, statistics, job-search data, com-
          presents the “best of the 40,000+ employment-            pany profiles, and executive lists. This enables
          related sites currently available on the Internet.” It   seekers to develop specific, targeted mailings, as
          supplies information about each site’s services,         well as be knowledgeable during interviews.
          features, and fees, such as how many and what            Plunkett’s Industry Almanacs
          kinds of jobs are posted, the salary ranges of the       Plunkett’s business and industry almanacs con-
          posted jobs, and whether the site contains infor-        tain the latest trends, competitive intelligence,
          mation about employers. Free updates are avail-          market research, business analysis, data and sta-
          able at                                 tistics grouped within specific industry segments.
          Your 24/7 Online Job Search Guide, Lamont                Included are profiles of hundreds of leading com-
          Wood, Adobe Reader eBooks                                panies. Each almanac comes with a CD-ROM
          Required: Adobe Reader 6.0; Platforms: For Win-          that contains its complete core databases. Each
          dows, Mac, Palm                                          almanac contains, among other information,
          Advanced navigation, search, bookmarks, and              industry information, business statistics, technol-
          multiple viewing options. Topics include the search      ogy trends, and up to 27 executive contacts that
          process, electronic résumé, leading job sites, other     are included in profiles of about 500 leading
          sites, using usernet and mailing lists, job-related      companies in the industry. Individual almanacs
          newsgroups, and corporate information sites.             are listed below. Check
                                                                   more information on each, as well as a list of
           Section II:                                             upcoming additions to this group. At press time,
                                                                   the industries covered were: Advertising & Brand-
           Professions/Industries/Interests                        ing, Airlines, Hotels, Travel & Tourism, Apparel &
                                                                   Textiles, Automobiles & Trucks, Banking & Mort-
          General                                                  gages, e-Commerce & Internet, (Computers, Internet,
          Trade Shows                                              Software & Hardware), Consulting Industry, Energy
          Events Eye                                               Industry (Energy, Alternative Energy & Utilities),
                                        Engineering & Research, Entertainment & Media
                                                                   (Entertainment, Media, Film, TV, Radio & Publish-
          Trade Shows, Exhibitions, Conferences and                ing), Financial Services (Finance, Investments, Bank-
          Professional Events Worldwide                            ing, Insurance & Mortgages), Food & Beverages,
          Features more than 5,200 trade shows, exhibi-            Heath Care, Biotech & Genetics, Insurance, Invest-
          tions, and conferences put on by nearly 1,000            ment & Securities, Real Estate & Construction Indus-
          organizers, with a total of more than 8,900 events       try (Real Estate REITs, Mortgages & Construction),
          through July 2006. New trade shows and exhibi-           Retail, Telecommunications & Wireless, Transporta-
          tions are added every month.                             tion, Supply Chain & Logistics. New titles under

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 220

        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

        development at press time were: Banking, Mort-            Job and Industry Information Sites
        gages & Credit Industry, Insurance Industry, Invest-      Industry News and Job Boards
        ment & Securities Industry, and Renewable,
        Alternative & Hydrogen Energy Industry.
                                                                  Vault contains career and industry information,
        Plunkett’s Industry Summary Reports                       message boards, and lists of “top 20” job boards.
        (e-books)                                                 This is a good source for industry information.
        These are downloadable e-books, based on the              Postings are searchable by keyword, city, and
        Industry Almanacs. Each is in PDF form, runs              state, except for Consulting, which is categorized
        about 30–40 pages, and covers industry informa-           by Management & Strategy, Tech, Operations,
        tion and trends. There is no list of company pro-         Human Resources, Change Management, Finan-
        files; thus, there is no executive contact                cial, Health Care, Marketing, and Other. The
        information. Cost is $99.99 for each. The list, at        industries covered are: Accounting, Advertising and
        press time, consisted of: Advertising & Branding          Public Relations, Consulting, Entertainment, Fashion,
        Industry, Airline, Hotel & Travel Industry, Apparel &     Government, Health/Biotech/Pharmaceutical, Invest-
        Textiles Industry, Automobile Industry, Banking and       ment Banking, Investment Management, Law, Media
        Insurance Industry, Biotech Industry, Computer and        & Marketing, Nonprofit, Real Estate, Technology,
        Software Industry, Consulting Industry, e-Commerce        Television, Venture Capital.
        Business, Energy Industry, Engineering Industry,
        Entertainment & Media Industry, Financial Services
                                                                  Wet Feet says that it “provides information on
        Industry Trends, Technologies and Online Access,
                                                                  companies, careers, and industries that job seek-
        Food Industry, Health Care Industry, Health Care
                                                                  ers use throughout their careers to make smarter
        Technologies Overview, Leading Global Entertain-
                                                                  career decisions. Wet Feet also offers job seekers
        ment & Media Companies, Mortgage Industry, Nan-
                                                                  expert advice, newsletters, salary benchmarking
        otechnology & MEMS Industry, Real Estate &
                                                                  tools, and discussion boards on everything from
        Construction, Renewable, Alternative & Hydrogen
                                                                  negotiating a raise to writing better cover letters.”
        Energy, Retail Industry, Telecommunications, Trans-
                                                                  This is a good site to find information about vari-
        portation, Supply Chain & Logistics.
                                                                  ous types of careers, what the latest industry
                                                                  news says, and who some of the key players are
        Free Trade Publications                                   in each area. Wet Feet sells Insider Guides (under                                              $20 each) on various industries and a limited
        This site allows professionals to get a free one-         number of financial institutions, such as Accen-
        year subscription to a wide variety of publications       ture, Deloitte, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley.
        in more than 20 broad categories. These are “con-         Guides, which can be downloaded, are available
        trolled subscriptions,” which means that readers          for General Career Help, Accounting, Advertising,
        must fill out a form that includes the company            Biotech & Pharmaceuticals, Brand Management &
        they work for and their title and often what types        Marketing, Consulting, Entertainment, Financial
        of equipment and services they use or get                 Services, Health Care, Human Resources, Law, Man-
        involved with during their buying decision.               ufacturing, Information Technology, Nonprofit &
                                                                  Government, Oil & Gas, and Real Estate. There are
                                                                  also guides for various aspects of job-hunting and
                                                                  career management; e.g., business schools, free-
                                                                  lancing, promotions, and more.

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 221

                                                                                      Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          New York Public Library Industry-              
                                                          is a metacollection of Internet
          Specific Guides and Directories                          resources that have been gathered for the acade-
 (Science, Industry, and Business            mic job hunter. It includes links to faculty, staff,
          Library)                                                 and administrative positions.
          Open the page on research and click on the box
                                                                   Chronicle of Higher Education Career
          “Introductory Research Guides.” Guides are pro-
          vided for a few selected industries. Clicking on
          “Industry-Specific Directories” will bring up a list
                                                                   Content and listing of all positions available (for
          of about 75 industries. Clicking on each will open
                                                                   free) from the previous week’s edition of the
          up a page with a listing of appropriate directories.
                                                                   Chronicle of Higher Education. Listings from the
          Many of these are included in this listing. There
                                                                   current week’s edition are available online to
          are also materials taken from other sources.
                                                                   subscribers only.
                                                                   Education America Network
          Academic and Education                         
                                                                   America’s largest online source for education
          Print                                                    employment opportunities.
          101 Career Alternatives for Teachers: Exciting
          Job Opportunities for Teachers Outside the               Higher Ed Jobs
          Profession, Margaret Gisler, Prima Pub., 2002  
          Turnover rates within the teaching industry are          Search for academic jobs by position, location, or
          skyrocketing, with half of all teachers leaving the      keyword.
          profession within their first five years. In addition,   K-12Jobs
          an enormous number are scheduled to retire in  
          the near future. This book shows the best fields         This site includes information on job fairs, state
          for teachers to use their skills and experience, and     certifications, education resources, résumés,
          the most attractive and lucrative alternative jobs       salaries, and newsgroups.
          for teachers.
                                                                   University Job Bank
          The World of Learning, Europa Publications,    
          Taylor & Francis Group, U.K., annual                     Job listings for faculty/staff positions, as well as
          An international directory of educational, cultural,     employment opportunities for postdoctoral can-
          and scientific institutions with contact information     didates and a résumé bank.
          on more than 150,000 persons who are the chief
          personnel in higher education worldwide. Also
          provides information on more than 400 organiza-
          tions. An online version is available by subscription.
          Online                                                   Careers in Accounting, Gloria L. Gaylord and
          Academic Employment Network                              Glenda E. Reid,VGM Professional Careers Series,
                                       3rd ed., 1997
          Primary, secondary, and higher learning positions.       Covers careers in public, corporate, government,
                                                                   and nonprofit accounting, as well as what’s
          Academic Position Network
                                                                   required to be a sole practitioner, educator, or

          Searchable higher education database.

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 222

        Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings

        financial planner. Contains career advice and             Accountant, Auditor, Banking, Investment, CFO,
        covers recent trends in this field, although some         COO, College, Controller, Finance, Insurance,
        of this book is obviously dated.                          President, CEO.

        Online                                           (see previous listing)
        Accountemps                                               Wetfeet Inside Guide, Careers in Accounting,                                       e-book, (see, listed previously)
        Accountemps specializes in providing temporary
        staffing services by accounting, finance and book-
        keeping professionals.                                    Advertising, Including Graphic Art                                            and Design
        Post a résumé, join a discussion group, view list-        Print
        ings of CPAs and accounting firms, and see other
        resources. Search for jobs by state, city, company
                                                                  Three directories are offered, either online or in
        name or keywords. This site also has links to other
                                                                  print with a CD-ROM. The Adweek Directory,
        resources for accountants, online discussions, and
                                                                  Brandweek Directory, and Multicultural Mar-
        online professional education courses (this part of
        the site was under development at press time).            keting in America Directory. Electronically,
                                                                  these can be targeted by multiple criteria and
        AICPA Online: American Institute for                      viewed in detail. Key contact information for
        Certified Public Accountants                              personnel and companies can be downloaded.                                             The data are updated constantly to provide the
        AICPA Online provides information that includes           most current information available. The publica-
        how to become a CPA, taking the CPA exam, and             tion’s site,, also provides industry
        career opportunities.                                     news that is updated daily.
        Careers in Accounting                                     The Advertising RedBooks, LexisNexis                   
        Some of the best info on the Internet on fields           The RedBooks bills itself as “the most compre-
        such as public accounting, tax, auditing, and             hensive, most trusted information source on the
        managerial accounting. Also links to quite a few          advertising industry. Available in print volumes,
        other sites and some useful books.                        on CD-ROM and online.” The website offers
        Execu/Search Group                                        some free searches, but total online access to the                                      more than 30,000 companies listed is by subscrip-
                                                                  tion. However, this information is available in the
        This site is for professional recruitment and tem-
                                                                  print versions. The website contains an extensive
        porary staffing in the New York metro area, spe-
                                                                  listing of associations related to the ad industry.
        cializing in accounting/finance, accounting
                                                                  Individual RedBooks are published for Agencies,
        support, financial services, graphics, health care,
                                                                  Advertisers (Business), Advertisers (Geographic
        human resources, information technology, legal,
                                                                  Listing), and International Advertisers and Agen-
        and office support.
                                                                  cies. The Agency Database contains detailed pro-
        Financial Job Network                                     files of nearly 13,500 U.S. and international                                               advertising agencies, including accounts repre-
        This network lists global job opportunities for           sented by each agency, fields of specialization,
        financial professionals in the following categories:      breakdown of gross billings by media, contact
                                                                  information on agency personnel, and much

31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 223

                                                                                    Career and Job-Search Bibliography

          more. The Advertiser Database contains informa-         external consumer brands, corporate, and world-
          tion on more than 15,500 U.S. and international         wide links. The Account Assignments database
          advertisers that each spend more than $200,000          tracks account management for the world’s lead-
          annually on advertising. Each listing includes          ing brands and companies, i.e., which advertising
          advertising expenditures by media, current              agency handles which accounts in which coun-
          agency, fiscal year-end and annual sales, contact       tries. Fully searchable by brand, brand owner,
          information on key personnel, brand name info,          company, or advertising agency, the database now
          SIC classifications, and other key data.                contains more than 10,000 worldwide account
                                                                  assignments for almost 4,000 leading brands.
          Breaking into Advertising: How to Market
                                                                  Some information is free to anyone; however,
          Yourself Like a Professional, Jeannette Smith,
                                                                  much is by subscription only. A month’s subscrip-
          Peterson’s, Princeton, NJ, 1998
                                                                  tion is $55.
          Smith presents an overview of the ad business,
          how to break into it, and how to get ahead once         Advertising Age
          you’re in.                                    
                                                                  Advertising Age magazine’s job bank powered by
          Plunkett’s Advertising & Branding Industry
          Almanac; also Summary Report (see Plunkett’s
          above)                                                  Adweek
          U.S. Sourcebook of Advertisers, Schonfeld &
                                                                  Search for a job, post a résumé, read articles,
                                                                  search for job fairs, and read the online version of
, annual
                                                                  Adweek magazine.
          A directory of publicly owned corporations that
          advertise. Corporate name, address, and phone           Art Hire
          number are provided, along with the names and 
          titles of three senior executives, ad budgets, sales,   For visual/music/sound/voice artists. Lists posi-
          fiscal year closing, and more. Organized by state       tions across the U.S., not just in New York and
          and ZIP code.                                           L.A.

          Online                                                  Media Bistro
          3 D Site
                                                                  Dedicated to anyone who creates or works with

                                                                  content, or who is a noncreative professional
          A community-based effort focused on the com-
                                                                  working in a content/creative industry. That
          puter graphics industry (3-D artists, modeling,
                                                                  includes editors, writers, television producers,
          and special effects).
                                                                  graphic designers, book publishers, people in
                                            production, and circulation departments in indus-
                                        tries including magazines, television, radio, news-
          This site contains information about the global         papers, book publishing, online media,
          advertising industry. Some job postings are here,       advertising, public relations, and graphic design.
          but this site is best for company profiles and          Its mission is to provide opportunities (both
          account assignments. analyzes              online and off-line) for you to meet each other,
          more than 1,000 leading advertisers, brands, and        share resources, become informed of job opportu-
          agencies and provides histories, up-to-date news,       nities and interesting projects, improve your
          financial information, and more than 20,000             career skills, and showcase your work.

Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
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Career and Job-Search Bibliography - Compiled by Richard Greene
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  • 1. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 203 The Five O’Clock Club PART FIVE Career and Job-Search Bibliography COMPILED BY RICHARD GREENE 203
  • 2. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 204
  • 3. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 205 The Five Career and Job-Search Bibliography O’Clock Club How to Use this Section (Properly!) page, toward CD-ROMs and online databases. However, many sources are still available in print. These resources for creating your list of organiza- Subscription services are geared for businesses tions to target were put together in three sections: and can be costly. Check with your local or main Section I: General References of company library to see if it subscribes. and industry information, directories, and online Following the print sources is a listing of compendiums of associations, regional resources, online resources. Many are or contain job boards, job boards, and more. This is a good way to start but they usually list resources as well. These making up your list of job targets while finding include news of the profession or industry, books out more about potential employers and the and other publications, e-newsletters, career industries and professions that interest you. A advice, user discussion rooms, and much more. If word of caution: Job boards, especially the big- you are trying to enter a new industry or profes- gies, are tempting places to hang out. However, sion, these online sites can provide you with the only about 6 percent of all jobs get filled via these latest happenings and allow you to chat with sites. The Five O’Clock Club approach is not to better-informed persons, so you can get smarter, hang out at your local job board, but rather to faster. develop lists of persons to contact for targeted Entries in this section are listed alphabeti- and direct mailings, as well as for networking. cally, preceded by a short section on Trade Shows, Don’t spend more than 6 percent of your time on Printed Materials, sources of Free Trade Publica- job boards (6 percent of 35 hours amounts to a tions, and Job and Industry Information Sites little more than 2 hours maximum per week). ( and Following this is a Section II: Professions, Industries, Inter- link to the New York Public Library, which will ests . . . , which alphabetically lists some of the direct you to sites that contain selected industry most common professions and industries, along and directory information. These sites are kept with some of the fast-growing segments, such as up-to-date. biotechnology and satellite communications. Also The rest of the section’s listings are informa- included are listings for minorities, senior citizens, tion and job listings on: veterans, and more. For each entry, print sources are listed first, followed by online resources. Note Academic and Education that many print sources, particularly directories, Accounting are offered with CD-ROMs or as online databases Advertising, including Graphic Art and Design (usually by subscription). Some directories are no longer available in print versions, only as online Aging Workers subscriptions. The trend is away from the printed Apparel, Textiles, Fashion and Beauty 205
  • 4. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 206 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings Art and Design Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Associations Library Science Automotive Manufacturing Aviation and Aerospace Nonprofit Banking, Finance, Investing, Securities, Nursing Trading, Credit, and Other Public Relations Biotechnology Publishing (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Business Other) College/Liberal Arts/Recent Graduates Real Estate Communications Equipment and Services, Retailing including Telecommunications Sales and Marketing Construction and Building Small Business Consulting Summer Jobs and Internships Disabled Transportation (Shipping, Marine, Freight, Diversity and Minorities (except Gay and Express Delivery, Supply Chain) Lesbian) Travel, Leisure, and Hospitality (including Electronics Hotels, Food Service, Travel Agents, Energy, Alternative Energy, and Utilities Restaurants, and Airlines) Engineering Veterans Entertainment, including Media (Broadcasting Vocational (no four-year college degree) and Publishing) Volunteering Environmental Wholesaling and Distributing/Importing and Ex-Inmates Exporting Film,Video, and Photography Section III: International contains print Food and Beverages and online resources to tap the worldwide mar- ket. Three important things to remember: (1) Franchising many of the print and online materials in Sec- Freelancing tions I and II contain global listings; (2) many of Furniture the international listings in this section include Gay and Lesbian the U.S.; and (3) there is loads of additional information on international jobs and careers— Government too much to include here. So, you can scour the Health Care and Medicine Internet and come up with a long list for your Human Resources own interests. However, the resources included Information Technology/High-Tech here are comprehensive and among the best (Computers, Technology, and e-Commerce) available. Insurance Law 206
  • 5. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 207 Career and Job-Search Bibliography What If I Don’t Find Resources That will find immediate and specific help from work- sheets designed to get answers to frequently Cover My Job Interests? asked questions. Special attention is paid to If, for example, you want to look for a position as researching small businesses, not-for-profits, and a Whatever Manager and need more specific government agencies. Includes an updated, com- resources, follow these steps: prehensive bibliography. Although some of the resources are dated, the author offers flowcharts 1. Consult the Associations section. Almost every to help job hunters outline the types of informa- kind of job, profession, Whatever has it own tion they need. association (or associations). Look at the asso- ciation’s website, consider joining, and even be The Best Places to Live so brazen as to call its office and ask for help. 2. Search the Internet. Type in Whatever and pair At this site, you can compare the cost of living it with Job, or Career, or Directory, or Associa- among cities and create your own “best places” tion, or just by itself. The last option will gen- list using the screening tool. erate millions of hits: Look at the first few for Directories in Print keywords to use with Whatever in another, annual search. You don’t have to look through pages Lists about 15,500 active rosters, guides, and and pages of Internet sites. If it isn’t on the first other print, nonprint, and address lists published or second page, refine your search. in the U.S. and worldwide. Hundreds of addi- Be careful of directories that are more than a year tional directories (defunct, suspended, and unlo- or so old, since companies and employees catable directories) are cited with status notes in a change. Does this research method work? It cer- title/keyword index. tainly does. That’s how this entire listing was put together, albeit with an initial list of resources from the New York Public Library. Associations Directories Section I: General Reference Encyclopedia of Associations, Thomson Gale, annual Note: For the North American Industry Classifi- This is a comprehensive source of detailed infor- cation System (NAICS), the official U.S. Census mation on more than 135,000 nonprofit member- Bureau listing of all NAICS, see ship organizations worldwide. Several versions provide addresses and descriptions of Help! My Job Interview Is Tomorrow!: How to professional societies, trade associations, labor Use the Library to Research an Employer unions, cultural and religious organizations, fan Mary Ellen Templeton, Neal-Schuman Publishers, clubs, and other groups of all types. The versions 2nd ed., 1997. are: National Organizations of the U.S., International Offers the guidance academic and public librari- Organizations, and Regional, State, and Local Orga- ans themselves would give if they had a few nizations. An online version is available at some hours to spend with each job seeker. The guide libraries. All versions are indexed by name, key- draws on commonly found library sources and word, and company, with executives included for includes electronic sources as well. Readers with the international version. only a few hours to prepare for their interview 207
  • 6. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 208 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings Associations Yellow Book, Leadership IRS data on nonprofits. Check with your local Directories library to see if it subscribes. Weddle’s Association Directory Online This volume is said to be the nation’s leading directory of major trade and professional associa- Professional associations and societies often tions. Semiannual editions keep you current with operate websites featuring job boards, résumé association mergers and executive, staff, and banks, or other employment-related services board member changes. More than 42,000 offi- (these can include job agents, banner advertising, cers, executives, staff, and board members (with and discussion forums for networking). This contact information) at more than 1,000 associa- Directory is designed to help you find those sites. tions with budgets of more than $2 million. An It lists several thousand associations from around industry index organizes associations by their the world by their primary professional/occupa- principal fields. Indexed geographically by bud- tional focus and/or industry of interest (e.g., get, political action committees, foundation Accounting/Finance, Computer Hardware, and (acronyms, association names), and individuals’ Transportation) and provides a link to the website names, acronym, and organization name. they operate. For the most current listing of asso- ciation sites and a summary of the employment Online Resources resources offered at the sites (e.g., job board, Associations on the Net résumé bank), see Weddle’s Recruiter’s Guide to Association Web Sites, which was compiled with Lists more than 2,000 associations. Simply key in the Association for Internet Recruiting and pro- a profession. If you put in “accounting,” for files more than 1,500 of the leading associations instance, you’ll find 22 organizations. Also try and societies in the U.S.; under each business cate- Yahoo gory, there’s a link to “associations.” Associations Unlimited, Gale, Web database, Type in “job” in Yahoo’s search window and 148 Thomson Gale million results pop up. The first few pages of entries are job banks. If you need to find a specific This web resource, available by subscription, com- job board, type in “Bond trader job,” for example. bines data from the entire Encyclopedia of Associa- Yahoo and Google, will lead you to other sites tions series and includes additional Internal and publications on a wide variety of job, career, Revenue Service (IRS) information on nonprofit and company information. organizations for a total of more than 456,000 organizations. The database also contains associ- ation materials—brochures, logos, and member- National Directories of Companies ship applications. An indispensable source for locating national, international, and local associa- Print and Online tions; monitoring association trends; identifying Bizjournals related associations; networking and making professional contacts; and much more. Five Bizjournals is the new media division of American search methods are available for easy searching: City Business Journals, the nation’s largest pub- name or acronym, geographic location, and sub- lisher of metropolitan business newspapers. It ject/SIC/free text; multiple-field searches using operates the websites for each of the company’s field abbreviations with Boolean operators; and 41 print business journals and recently has 208
  • 7. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 209 Career and Job-Search Bibliography launched its first web-only local business news Dun & Bradstreet’s and information site for Los Angeles. The com- pany plans to launch web-only operations in D&B is now an online subscription service and additional markets. The national Bizjournals site describes itself as follows: “The leading provider features local business news from around the of global business information, tools, and insight nation updated throughout the day, top business has enabled customers to decide with confidence stories from American City’s print editions, for over 160 years. D&B’s proprietary DUNSRight industry-specific news from more than 40 indus- process provides customers with quality informa- tries, advice columns, and a full menu of tools to tion whenever and wherever they need it.” Check help business owners and operators manage their with your library to see if it subscribes. D&B no businesses more successfully. There’s also easy longer publishes the Million Dollar Directory and navigation to each of the 42 local business sites. the Reference Book of Corporate Management, The site’s archives contain more than 750,000 America’s Corporate Leaders. D&B used to issue business news articles published since 1996. annual versions of its directories, but now the Bizjournals’sites have more than two million information is online. You may find a somewhat unique monthly visitors. E-mail offerings include recent edition of these and other D&B directories daily local business updates from any Bizjournals at your library. Be careful, as personnel may market, as well as weekly updates of industry change. news from throughout the country. The site also features online local jobs boards, local online business directories, downloadable sales leads Major Market Share Companies: Americas and strategic partnership opportunities. (See International Directories) Plunkett Research The Corporate Directory of U.S. Public Companies, Walker’s Research Plunkett’s Almanac of American Employers,, annual Plunkett Research, Houston Essential financial and business data for more, annual. than 11,000 U.S. public companies, including This volume targets only major corporations. It foreign companies filing American Depository profiles 500 selected U.S. employers of 2,300+ Receipts (ADRs). Published annually in January; employees. These firms are located nationwide includes eight indexes. and represent all industry sectors. The Almanac includes a fully featured CD-ROM. Additional The Corporate Yellow Book, Leadership details, including a table of contents, are at Directories Includes high-growth companies in its listing of Plunkett’s Companion to The Almanac of more than 1,000 leading U.S. corporations chosen American Employers from reports and lists published by numerous This covers selected midsize firms from 150 to nationally recognized business sources. Has 2,300 employees, nationwide, from all industry names and titles of more than 48,000 executives; sectors. Includes a fully featured CD-ROM. direct-dial telephone numbers for executives; Details are at The more than 10,000 E-mail addresses for officers, first section helps you explore various career management, and administrative services profes- options; write cover letters and résumés; build sionals. job-hunting networks; and master the interview. The second section describes more than 250 career possibilities, providing such data as: 209
  • 8. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 210 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings working conditions, employment, job outlook, Notable Corporate Chronologies, 3rd Ed., 2000 earnings, related occupations, training, other This two-volume set presents concise chronolo- qualifications, and advancement. gies for approximately 1,150 of the most signifi- cant corporations currently operating in the U.S. Thomson Gale and abroad. Coverage focuses on both major Business Organizations, Agencies and established companies and notable newcomers Publications Directory 18th Ed., 2005, that have had a major impact on the American or Thomson Gale world economies, standards of living, and lifestyles. This Directory is arranged in five broad categories: Small Business Sourcebook, Thomson U.S. and international organizations, government Gale, 2005 agencies and programs, facilities and services, Has listings of live and print sources of informa- research and educational facilities, and publica- tion designed to facilitate the start-up, develop- tions and information services. ment, and growth of specific small businesses, as Business Rankings Annual, 2005, Thomson well as similar listings for general small-business Gale topics. Entries are provided on a state-by-state basis; also included are relevant U.S. federal gov- Contains lists of companies, products, services, ernment agencies and branch offices. and activities compiled from a variety of published Ward’s Business Directory of U.S. Private sources. Working from a bibliographic file the and Public Companies, Thomson Gale, 2005 editors have built up over the years, they have Ward’s now lists more than 114,500 companies, culled thousands of items from periodicals, 90 percent of which are private. Locate potential newspapers, financial services, directories, clients and create targeted mailing lists. In six statistical annuals, and other printed material. volumes, arranged A–Z, geographically, by sales, The “top 10” from each of these rankings appears SIC codes. in this volume, grouped under standard subject headings for easy browsing. Readers can quickly Harris InfoSource locate all rankings in which a given company, person, or product appears by consulting the This directory is on CD-ROM and also in print. reference’s comprehensive index. In addition, Lists manufacturing and all-business industry a complete listing of sources used to compile slices available for every state, region, and the this Annual is provided in the bibliography. entire U.S. Locate companies by name, geogra- Each edition includes a separately published phy, product/service category, or SIC. Company cumulative index. profiles include key decision-maker contact information, SICs, product/service categories Encyclopedia of Business Information and descriptions, company size information, Sources, Thomson Gale sales, employees, contact information,, 19th ed., 2004 and more. Identifies live, print, and electronic sources of information listed under alphabetically arranged Hoover’s subjects—industries and business concepts and practices. Listings are arranged by type of Hoover’s Handbooks resource (directories, databases, newsletters, These four volumes provide in-depth information indexes, research centers, etc.) within each sub- on 2,550 of the world’s largest, fastest-growing, ject. Many entries also provide E-mail addresses and most influential public and private companies. and URLs covering online resources. 210
  • 9. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 211 Career and Job-Search Bibliography Hoover’s Handbook of American Hoover’s Online Business 2004 This comprehensive two-volume set contains in- Now a part of Dun & Bradstreet, this is a sub- depth profiles of 750 of America’s largest and scription service; however, this site allows free most influential companies, plus a selection of access to an A–Z company directory and an more than 50 of the largest privately owned com- extensive listing of industries, and the latter panies, including Cargill and Mars. Hoover’s opens pages of the “most-viewed” companies in examines the personalities, events, and strategies each industry sector. Company listings have a that have made these enterprises leaders in their paragraph description of the business operation, fields. basic contact information, and a link to the com- Hoover’s Handbook of Emerging pany’s website. Subscription services are: The Companies 2004 Business Boneyard—a listing that provides a his- Covers small, rapidly growing companies in the torical view of thousands of companies that have U.S. and tells the story of 600 such businesses, merged, been acquired, or have fallen victim to with in-depth profiles for 200 of these firms. Also market trends or weak management. Hoover’s includes lists of fast-growing companies from top Online has more than 2,000 company records business publications. This Handbook covers with contact information. Also available by sub- selected U.S. public companies with sales of scription is a geographic index and a company between $10 million and $1 billion, at least three listing by stock index. Check to see if your library years of reported sales, at least a 20 percent rate subscribes. of sales growth during that time, and positive net The National JobBank, Adams Media, income for their most recent fiscal year. There are, Avon, MA however, a few exceptions to these rules, to cover, annual some interesting companies that don’t quite fit Updated annually, this book contains profiles and the mold. employment information for 20,000 companies; Hoover’s Handbook of Private cross-referenced and indexed. Among data are a Companies 2005 list of common positions, phone number for This volume covers 900 nonpublic U.S. enter- recorded job lines, type of business, locations, and prises, including large industrial and service more. corporations, such as Milliken & Co. and PricewaterhouseCoopers; hospitals and health- Standard & Poor’s care organizations such as Blue Cross; charitable and membership organizations including the Standard & Poor’s 500 Guide, 2004 Edition Ford Foundation; mutual and cooperative organi- Job seekers will find concise and up-to-the- zations such as IGA; joint ventures such as minute overviews of potential employers with Motiva; government-owned corporations such as critical, often hard-to-find information. Contains the Postal Service; and major university systems, market intelligence on all 500 of the companies including The University of Texas System. listed in the S&P 500 Index, including company Hoover’s Handbook of World Business 2004 addresses, phone numbers, websites, names of Has in-depth profiles of 300 of the most influen- key corporate directors, earnings and dividends tial firms in Canada, Europe, and Japan, as well as data with three-year price charts, plus extensive companies from the fast-growing economies of stock and other financial information. See also countries like China, India, and Taiwan. Standard and Poor’s Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives, which is helpful in locating top personnel. 211
  • 10. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 212 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings Industry Profiles and Information site contains downloadable PDFs of reprints of this handbook. These cover the nature of the The Occupational Outlook and Salary Informa- work, working conditions, number of jobs in the tion appears as live links at the New York Public U.S., job outlook, and median annual earnings. Library Job Information Center’s website under The employment projections mentioned in the Job Search Resources on the Internet at reference above are tables of numbers, while the Also see the section Professions/ Handbook has no tables but instead discussions Industries/Interests Industries—look under indi- on jobs and industries. vidual entries for industry information. Bureau of Labor Statistics The U.S. Occupational Outlook Salary Information Employment Projections from the Profession-Specific Salary Survey Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Research the salaries of more than 300 profes- The Office of Occupational Statistics and sions. This site has links to surveys done by a Employment Projections develops information variety of organizations. about the labor market for the nation as a whole for 10 years into the future. Includes such topics Research salaries, post questions in a forum, and as the occupations with the largest job growth, sign up for a weekly newsletter from this site. A 2002–12, showing the number of jobs for 2002 free graph of salary ranges is given for different and 2012, with changes in the number of posi- levels of an occupation (from junior to senior) for tions and the growth rate. Employment projec- various cities. tions through 2012 are available for most industries, which are broken down by occupa- tions. For example, “Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing” has projections for 50 occupa- Cutting-Edge Careers and Top tions, including aerospace engineers, aircraft mechanics, arbitrators, lawyers, management Employers Directories analysts—down to writers and authors. Statistics 50 Cutting-Edge Jobs, Ferguson, Chicago, 2000 are also given for an occupation across all indus- Presents information on 50 newer careers, plus tries on the same table. how to break into the field, a glimpse at the future of the field and the specific earnings, Occupational Outlook Handbook responsibilities, and locations of the jobs. This is a potpourri of occupations that have been spawned Also published by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau by changes in technology, business, and the of Labor Statistics, this handbook is a nationally makeup of the population. Some listings are: recognized source of career information, provid- adventure travel specialist, biotechnology patent ing assistance to individuals making decisions lawyer, computer and video game designer, about their future work lives. Revised every two forensic psycho-physiologist, fuel cell technician, years, the Handbook describes what workers do Internet quality-assurance specialist, retirement on the job, working conditions, the training and counselor, and wireless service technician. education needed, earnings, and expected job Indexed. prospects for a wide range of occupations. The 212
  • 11. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 213 Career and Job-Search Bibliography Find Job Vacancies in the Business World or tionships.” The 10–12 pages profiles “are Private Sector, Planning Communications designed to deliver the industry knowledge and, new edi- industry analysis that generate an understanding tion available in late 2005 to early 2006 of the challenges and opportunities facing Provides details on the best Internet job and prospects and customers.” More than 150 profiles résumé databases, specialty and trade periodicals, are offered for $99 each, and are updated quar- job-matching services, job hotline services, direc- terly. Each includes an industry overview, financial tories of employers, directories of professionals benchmark data, industry opportunities, business for networking purposes, and salary surveys. trends, credit and risk issues, and an industry Covers the business world, high tech, health care, forecast. media, science and engineering, and the rest of Shibui Markets the private sector. See the table of contents (at the publisher’s website) for its full scope. SM sells online industry reports and provides The Big Book of Jobs 2005–2006 VGM free, on-screen information on about 100 indus- Career Books Staff, manufactured by tries under “Search by Industry.” Each industry McGraw-Hill has its SIC Code listed. Clicking on one of these Up-to-date data from the U.S. Department of industries brings up a screen with basic informa- Labor, plus cutting-edge career strategies from tion on the industry’s products, services, and VGM. The Big Book lets job seekers save time by activities, as well as its segments. For example, offering everything they need in a single volume. “Major Group 13: Oil and Gas Extraction” has links to: SIC Code 131: Crude Petroleum and Peterson’s Top 2,500 Employers, Thomson Gale Natural Gas, 132: Natural Gas Liquids, and 138: Company information provided by Hoover’s Oil and Gas Field Services. Clicking on one of Online. Be careful—things have changed since these SIC Codes leads to a global list of compa- the year 2000! Includes indexes. Look for latest nies. Free financial information is given for each edition. company, plus users can join online discussions for free. Company reports are available for pur- chase. Business Information Websites Adams Internet Job Search, 6th ed. Industry-specific and global featured listings of Completely revised and updated, the sixth edition companies and organizations with live links to plugs job hunters directly into millions of oppor- their websites. A search engine permits browsing tunities and a comprehensive reference helps to The Business Internet to find jobs, products/ser- find millions of newly advertised job listings. Get vices, news, etc.’s home page lists the most up-to-date lowdown on job sites. Find about 25 industries, each broken down into three the sites and listings most relevant to your search. or more subcategories; e.g., financial services is broken down into banking, insurance, and invest- First Research ment. Banking’s subcategories include associa- tions, banking institutions, banking law, This company offers industry analysis and market certificates of deposits, employment, online bank- research to help “sales and marketing profession- ing, small business, and software, among others. als with the targeted understanding needed to A section called “Popular Searches” has links to engage key prospects and deepen customer rela- 213
  • 12. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 214 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings banking for small business, the banking industry, published on: Atlanta, Austin/San Antonio, Boston, foreign banking, and sweep accounts, plus more. the Carolinas, Chicago, Connecticut, Dallas/Fort For each subcategory, clicking on “Jobs” opens a Worth, Houston, Los Angeles, New York (including screen showing a limited number of positions. New York City, Long Island, and Rockland and This site is best for putting together a list of Westchester Counties, and Northern New Jersey), potential employers in a specific field. Companies New Jersey, Ohio, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Fran- and associations pay to have their listings cisco Bay Area, Seattle, Virginia, and Washington, DC included. Craig’s List This site is a local bulletin board, with a section Regional and Local Directories on jobs. It has postings for community, housing, Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State, personals, and a bit more. The list of cities and Local Organizations, Thomson Gale keeps growing. If your hometown isn’t listed, annual here, it may be by the time you read this: This is a guide to U.S. nonprofit membership Albany, Albuquerque, Anchorage, Atlanta, Austin, organizations with listings for organizations with Baltimore, Boise, Boston, Buffalo, Charlotte, interstate, state, intrastate, city, or local scope. Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas, Associations include trade and professional asso- Denver, Detroit, Eugene, Fresno, Hartford, Hon- ciations, social welfare and public affairs organi- olulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Inland Empire, zations, and religious, sports, and hobby groups Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Memphis, with voluntary members. Detailed entries furnish Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Monterey, association name and complete contact and Nashville, New Orleans, New York, Norfolk, descriptive text information. This information is Omaha, Orange County, Orlando, Philadelphia, not duplicated anywhere in Encyclopedia of Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Providence, Raleigh, Associations, also published by Thomson Gale. Reno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Name and keyword indexes accompany each Diego, Santa Barbara, Seattle, Spokane, St. Louis, volume. San Francisco Bay, Tampa Bay, Tucson, Tulsa, Washington, DC. Plus Canada: Montreal, Ottawa, JobBank Series, Adams Media, Avon, MA Toronto, Vancouver . . . and other countries, too! Currently, there are more than a dozen separate National Job Hotline Directory: The Job editions that cover the largest metropolitan areas Finder’s Hot List: 1999–2001 (National Job and some states in the U.S. Each book contains Hotline Directory), Sue A. Cubbage and Marcia profiles of local companies in all industries, with P. Williams up-to-date information including company descriptions and contact information, hiring man- Although published a few years ago, this book agers, common professional positions, projected contains a state-by-state listing of job hotlines, as number of hires, educational backgrounds well as a list of job-hunting resources and direc- sought, internship information, and benefits. Also tories of employers by city. listed are executive search firms and placement agencies, professional associations, websites for job hunters, CD-ROM job-search sources, plus some tips on conducting a search. The guides are 214
  • 13. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 215 Career and Job-Search Bibliography Regional and Local Associations Recruiters Kennedy Information Thomson Gale Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State and Local Organizations, Thomson Gale The Directory of Executive Recruiters, annual Corporate Edition, 2004 (See Regional and Local Directories.) With advice on using executive recruiters and full firm contact information, including phone Associations Unlimited numbers, fax numbers, and E-mail and web This online database combines data from the addresses, the Directory is the best source for entire Encyclopedia of Associations series and entering the “hidden” job market with executive includes additional Internal Revenue Service recruiters. Five full indexes help the user target information on nonprofit organizations for a information. total of more than 456,000 organizations. The database also contains association materials— The International Directory of Executive brochures, logos, and membership applications. Recruiters A key source for locating national, international Lists full contact information for 2,515 firm loca- and local associations; monitoring association tions in 80 countries; indexed by function, indus- trends; identifying related associations; network- try, firm, and 5,300 search-firm principals; ing and making professional contacts; marketing provides tips for job seekers along with recom- to associations, their members, and markets; and mendations of books and other resources on more. Various types of search methods are avail- career management and job changing. able. Check to see if a library in your area sub- scribes. Weddle’s Association Directory—online Job Boards and More Professional associations and societies often Career Fairs operate websites featuring job boards, résumé banks, or other employment-related services. This A locator of job/career fairs searchable by date, Directory helps you find these sites. It lists several job category, and state. Includes high-tech, pro- thousand associations from around the world by fessional, sales, health care, and college fairs. their primary professional/occupational focus and/or industry of interest and provides a link to Provides a listing by date and city for free fairs the websites they operate. For the most current throughout the U.S. listing of association sites and a summary of the employment resources offered at the sites (e.g., job board, résumé bank), see Weddle’s Lists California job fairs and resources for Califor- Recruiter’s Guide to Association Web Sites, a nia job hunters. print directory compiled in conjunction with the Association for Internet Recruiting with profiles How to Participate in a Job Fair of more than 1,500 of the leading associations and societies in the U.S. Have a successful job fair experience—in 12 easy steps. 215
  • 14. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 216 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings Live Links to Job Boards This section is taken from the New York Public Career Resource Center Library website, Mid-Manhattan Library). This provides links to the most popular job boards, Extensive links to career-related websites. career-information sites, salary information, and more. The library updates this list often, so that all sites are current and active. This site is accessed by opening, This site provides job information from big and going to the section on the branches, and scrolling small companies, public and private organizations. down the page and clicking on “Job Information.” Then, open the link that says, “Job Search HOTJOBS Resources on the Internet.” Under “Job Search- ing—General Resources” is a listing of the most This site enables job seekers to search by keyword, popular job boards chosen by the library staff that company, U.S. location, and international location. covers a range of occupations with live links. Here It also offers useful career tools such as interviewing is the listing: skills, résumé writing, industry news, and a reloca- America’s Career InfoNet tion center. Internet Career Connection This is a part of CareerOneStop, an extensive federal and state-sponsored career site. Find wages and This site provides job listings, career information, a employment trends, occupational requirements, career guidance service, and a résumé database. You state-by-state labor market conditions, millions of can take a free interest inventory to discover which employment contacts nationwide, and the most occupations best match your interests. extensive career resource library online. America’s Job Bank Job Bank USA U.S. Department of Labor link to 1,800 state Search employment listings, network, submit an E- employment services. User registration required. résumé, and search the database using specific job requirements. BestJobsUSA Job Hunt Job seekers may search for jobs, post a résumé, and research the economic prospects of several states, List of online job-search resources and services. as well as do salary research and get career advice. Monster Career Builder Worldwide access for all levels in all fields. Search Search for a job, post a résumé, read articles on for jobs, post a résumé, open your own career- working life, and peruse the list of employment management account, and research a featured agencies. company. Career Guides @ Your Library NationJob Check out these great books available at your local This site provides job information for job seekers library. and employers, résumé-writing info, a free career 216
  • 15. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 217 Career and Job-Search Bibliography test, a salary wizard, career articles, success stories, A comprehensive site of employment listings and community programs, and online degree info. information about job hunting on the Internet. Net Temps A site targeted to the temporary-employment mar- Job listings include finance, consulting, law, Inter- ket. Users may search for jobs and post a résumé. net, health, consumer products and retail, media, marketing, technology, and science. This site offers NYTimes insider guides, company profiles, message boards, and firm rankings. An excellent source for industry Site features an easy-to-navigate design, articles information; however, only a select group of indus- about careers and the workplace, and job listings in tries are covered. the tristate area and nationwide. You can also post résumés on Job Market and sign up for daily E-mail alerts. Company profiles, industry profiles, career coach- The Riley Guide ing, self-assessment, job listings, internship listings, and international jobs. colleague, or other professional. Members fill Contains career guides, links to salary informa- out a profile, which allows others to contact tion for a variety of occupations. Link to them, as well as search the network for contacts, the career website by such things as job title, job function, location, from The Wall Street Journal. Also, links to the etc. Members can access those who are not in Journal’s JobStar Executive (for executives); infor- their own network but in the overall database mation on job hunting and career management via these searches. There are more than 300,000 (from the Journal and other sources) and JobStar job listings from more than 1,000 employers Job Bank, a searchable database of 30,000+ mid- worldwide. Jobs are posted directly on the dle- to senior-level positions is updated daily. employers’own sites. This network allows A direct way of accessing JobStar is at users to get needed introductions to a hiring, which is the Journal’s manager or recruiter. For example, a member executive career site. This site allows a nationwide can call a hiring manager and say, “Joan Smith search for a particular profession (e.g., physics) or of Exco recommended that I call you”—even type of job (e.g., IT vice president). The entries if he or she only knows Joan via a network include a job description, information on the search. company, job requirements, and salary. This site also contains articles, discussions, and advice on various aspects of jobs and careers. Guides to Job and Career Websites This is a network of professional job seekers. The Adams Internet Job Search Almanac, Adams idea behind this site is that, since members refer Media Corp., 6th ed. each other, it is a network of trusted professionals. Service is free and persons join by being referred Find millions of newly advertised job listings. Get online (via E-mail) by a classmate, coworker, the most up-to-date lowdown on job sites. Find 217
  • 16. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 218 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings the sites and listings most relevant to your search. profiled. Entries contain complete contact infor- Create electronic résumés readable by computers mation and are arranged by type of resource. New and intriguing to prospective employers. Post profiles on high-growth careers cover such hot résumés without a hitch. Research the hidden job jobs as software engineer, database administrator, market to target the right employers. Network and environmental engineer. This sourcebook with peers in cyberspace. organizes the wide-ranging information available to today’s job seeker. Each category features vari- Best Career and Education Web Sites: A Quick ous sources, including reference works, online Guide to Online Job Search, Rachel Singer and database services, software programs, and Gordon, and Anne Wolfinger, JIST Works, 4th ed., more. Also included is an alphabetical list of all 2004 the publications, organizations, electronic resources, and other sources of job-hunting infor- Listings and reviews of the 340 “very best” sites mation. on the Internet for information on careers, col- lege, training, and job searching. This is not a Plunkett’s Employers’ Internet Sites with catalog of everything out there; rather it is a care- Careers Information, 2004–2005, Plunkett fully considered nomination of the most helpful, Research, annual crucial, and information-packed sites available on Plunkett’s editors have viewed thousands of cor- the web. Previously titled Quick Internet Guide porate websites to pick out those with the most to Career and Education Information. useful career information. This book profiles hun- dreds of those best websites and indexes them by CareerXroads, Gerry Crispin and Mark Mehler, type of business, type of data available, type of MMC Group, Kendall Park, NJ, 2003 jobs available, and more. Each site addresses the following questions: Can you apply for a job This book has reviews of the top 500 job sites and online? Is information available for the physically listings for more than 2,500 in total. The reviews challenged? Are jobs searchable by geographic include information on the site’s content, the region? Is the careers section searchable by type range of jobs posted on the site (10s, 100s, 1,000s, of job? Are benefit plan data available? Are inter- etc.), the range of résumés posted, whether there national jobs listed? Are specific job openings are any posting fees, the job disciplines and spe- posted? Are internships listed? Is there a special cialties, and a paragraph about the site. An excel- college recruiting section? In addition, profiles lent source for finding job boards and much provide a description of the business, size of the more. Indexes include corporation staffing pages, firm by annual sales, and human resources con- location, and specialty and industry. tact name, address, and phone number, along Job Hunter’s Sourcebook: Where to Find with corporate phone and fax numbers. Employment Leads and Other Job Search Purchasers of the printed book or PDF version Resources, Thomson Gale, Edition 6, 2004 may receive a free CD-ROM database of the cor- Also lists sources of help-wanted ads, employer porate profiles, enabling export of corporate data directories, employment agencies, placement for mail merges and other uses. services, electronic resources, and other informa- Weddle’s Directory of Employment-Related tion sources for specific careers. Profiles 216 high- Internet Sites 2004 interest professional and vocational occupations, from accountant and aircraft mechanic to sports This directory lists more than 7,500 websites that official and stockbroker. A master list of profiled specialize in online recruiting. All of the sites are professions lists alternative, popular, synonymous, organized and listed by occupational field, indus- and related job titles and links them to the jobs try, and/or geographic focus. The directory covers 218
  • 17. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 219 Career and Job-Search Bibliography the global labor market and is said to access sites Print not easily found by other job hunters. The Direc- Plunkett’s Research, Ltd., Houston, TX tory lists sites in the U.S. and more than 20 coun- tries around the world. This company offers reports and online subscrip- Weddle’s Job Seeker’s Guide to Employment tions on industry sector analysis and research, Web Sites 2004 industry trends, and industry statistics. For job seekers, these reports contain industry and com- This book is billed as a consumer’s guide to pany financial and sales information, vertical online job boards, résumé banks, and career por- industry marketing data, product strategy data, tals. Completely updated for 2004, this reference trends analysis, statistics, job-search data, com- presents the “best of the 40,000+ employment- pany profiles, and executive lists. This enables related sites currently available on the Internet.” It seekers to develop specific, targeted mailings, as supplies information about each site’s services, well as be knowledgeable during interviews. features, and fees, such as how many and what Plunkett’s Industry Almanacs kinds of jobs are posted, the salary ranges of the Plunkett’s business and industry almanacs con- posted jobs, and whether the site contains infor- tain the latest trends, competitive intelligence, mation about employers. Free updates are avail- market research, business analysis, data and sta- able at tistics grouped within specific industry segments. Your 24/7 Online Job Search Guide, Lamont Included are profiles of hundreds of leading com- Wood, Adobe Reader eBooks panies. Each almanac comes with a CD-ROM Required: Adobe Reader 6.0; Platforms: For Win- that contains its complete core databases. Each dows, Mac, Palm almanac contains, among other information, Advanced navigation, search, bookmarks, and industry information, business statistics, technol- multiple viewing options. Topics include the search ogy trends, and up to 27 executive contacts that process, electronic résumé, leading job sites, other are included in profiles of about 500 leading sites, using usernet and mailing lists, job-related companies in the industry. Individual almanacs newsgroups, and corporate information sites. are listed below. Check for more information on each, as well as a list of Section II: upcoming additions to this group. At press time, the industries covered were: Advertising & Brand- Professions/Industries/Interests ing, Airlines, Hotels, Travel & Tourism, Apparel & Textiles, Automobiles & Trucks, Banking & Mort- General gages, e-Commerce & Internet, (Computers, Internet, Trade Shows Software & Hardware), Consulting Industry, Energy Events Eye Industry (Energy, Alternative Energy & Utilities), Engineering & Research, Entertainment & Media (Entertainment, Media, Film, TV, Radio & Publish- Trade Shows, Exhibitions, Conferences and ing), Financial Services (Finance, Investments, Bank- Professional Events Worldwide ing, Insurance & Mortgages), Food & Beverages, Features more than 5,200 trade shows, exhibi- Heath Care, Biotech & Genetics, Insurance, Invest- tions, and conferences put on by nearly 1,000 ment & Securities, Real Estate & Construction Indus- organizers, with a total of more than 8,900 events try (Real Estate REITs, Mortgages & Construction), through July 2006. New trade shows and exhibi- Retail, Telecommunications & Wireless, Transporta- tions are added every month. tion, Supply Chain & Logistics. New titles under 219
  • 18. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 220 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings development at press time were: Banking, Mort- Job and Industry Information Sites gages & Credit Industry, Insurance Industry, Invest- Industry News and Job Boards ment & Securities Industry, and Renewable, Alternative & Hydrogen Energy Industry. Vault contains career and industry information, Plunkett’s Industry Summary Reports message boards, and lists of “top 20” job boards. (e-books) This is a good source for industry information. These are downloadable e-books, based on the Postings are searchable by keyword, city, and Industry Almanacs. Each is in PDF form, runs state, except for Consulting, which is categorized about 30–40 pages, and covers industry informa- by Management & Strategy, Tech, Operations, tion and trends. There is no list of company pro- Human Resources, Change Management, Finan- files; thus, there is no executive contact cial, Health Care, Marketing, and Other. The information. Cost is $99.99 for each. The list, at industries covered are: Accounting, Advertising and press time, consisted of: Advertising & Branding Public Relations, Consulting, Entertainment, Fashion, Industry, Airline, Hotel & Travel Industry, Apparel & Government, Health/Biotech/Pharmaceutical, Invest- Textiles Industry, Automobile Industry, Banking and ment Banking, Investment Management, Law, Media Insurance Industry, Biotech Industry, Computer and & Marketing, Nonprofit, Real Estate, Technology, Software Industry, Consulting Industry, e-Commerce Television, Venture Capital. Business, Energy Industry, Engineering Industry, Entertainment & Media Industry, Financial Services Wet Feet says that it “provides information on Industry Trends, Technologies and Online Access, companies, careers, and industries that job seek- Food Industry, Health Care Industry, Health Care ers use throughout their careers to make smarter Technologies Overview, Leading Global Entertain- career decisions. Wet Feet also offers job seekers ment & Media Companies, Mortgage Industry, Nan- expert advice, newsletters, salary benchmarking otechnology & MEMS Industry, Real Estate & tools, and discussion boards on everything from Construction, Renewable, Alternative & Hydrogen negotiating a raise to writing better cover letters.” Energy, Retail Industry, Telecommunications, Trans- This is a good site to find information about vari- portation, Supply Chain & Logistics. ous types of careers, what the latest industry news says, and who some of the key players are Free Trade Publications in each area. Wet Feet sells Insider Guides (under $20 each) on various industries and a limited This site allows professionals to get a free one- number of financial institutions, such as Accen- year subscription to a wide variety of publications ture, Deloitte, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley. in more than 20 broad categories. These are “con- Guides, which can be downloaded, are available trolled subscriptions,” which means that readers for General Career Help, Accounting, Advertising, must fill out a form that includes the company Biotech & Pharmaceuticals, Brand Management & they work for and their title and often what types Marketing, Consulting, Entertainment, Financial of equipment and services they use or get Services, Health Care, Human Resources, Law, Man- involved with during their buying decision. ufacturing, Information Technology, Nonprofit & Government, Oil & Gas, and Real Estate. There are also guides for various aspects of job-hunting and career management; e.g., business schools, free- lancing, promotions, and more. 220
  • 19. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 221 Career and Job-Search Bibliography New York Public Library Industry- is a metacollection of Internet Specific Guides and Directories resources that have been gathered for the acade- (Science, Industry, and Business mic job hunter. It includes links to faculty, staff, Library) and administrative positions. Open the page on research and click on the box Chronicle of Higher Education Career “Introductory Research Guides.” Guides are pro- Network vided for a few selected industries. Clicking on “Industry-Specific Directories” will bring up a list Content and listing of all positions available (for of about 75 industries. Clicking on each will open free) from the previous week’s edition of the up a page with a listing of appropriate directories. Chronicle of Higher Education. Listings from the Many of these are included in this listing. There current week’s edition are available online to are also materials taken from other sources. subscribers only. Education America Network Academic and Education America’s largest online source for education Print employment opportunities. 101 Career Alternatives for Teachers: Exciting Job Opportunities for Teachers Outside the Higher Ed Jobs Profession, Margaret Gisler, Prima Pub., 2002 Turnover rates within the teaching industry are Search for academic jobs by position, location, or skyrocketing, with half of all teachers leaving the keyword. profession within their first five years. In addition, K-12Jobs an enormous number are scheduled to retire in the near future. This book shows the best fields This site includes information on job fairs, state for teachers to use their skills and experience, and certifications, education resources, résumés, the most attractive and lucrative alternative jobs salaries, and newsgroups. for teachers. University Job Bank The World of Learning, Europa Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, U.K., annual Job listings for faculty/staff positions, as well as An international directory of educational, cultural, employment opportunities for postdoctoral can- and scientific institutions with contact information didates and a résumé bank. on more than 150,000 persons who are the chief personnel in higher education worldwide. Also provides information on more than 400 organiza- tions. An online version is available by subscription. Accounting Print Online Careers in Accounting, Gloria L. Gaylord and Academic Employment Network Glenda E. Reid,VGM Professional Careers Series, 3rd ed., 1997 Primary, secondary, and higher learning positions. Covers careers in public, corporate, government, and nonprofit accounting, as well as what’s Academic Position Network required to be a sole practitioner, educator, or Searchable higher education database. 221
  • 20. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 222 Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings financial planner. Contains career advice and Accountant, Auditor, Banking, Investment, CFO, covers recent trends in this field, although some COO, College, Controller, Finance, Insurance, of this book is obviously dated. President, CEO. Online (see previous listing) Accountemps Wetfeet Inside Guide, Careers in Accounting, e-book, (see, listed previously) Accountemps specializes in providing temporary staffing services by accounting, finance and book- keeping professionals. Advertising, Including Graphic Art and Design Post a résumé, join a discussion group, view list- Print ings of CPAs and accounting firms, and see other Adweek resources. Search for jobs by state, city, company Three directories are offered, either online or in name or keywords. This site also has links to other print with a CD-ROM. The Adweek Directory, resources for accountants, online discussions, and Brandweek Directory, and Multicultural Mar- online professional education courses (this part of the site was under development at press time). keting in America Directory. Electronically, these can be targeted by multiple criteria and AICPA Online: American Institute for viewed in detail. Key contact information for Certified Public Accountants personnel and companies can be downloaded. The data are updated constantly to provide the AICPA Online provides information that includes most current information available. The publica- how to become a CPA, taking the CPA exam, and tion’s site,, also provides industry career opportunities. news that is updated daily. Careers in Accounting The Advertising RedBooks, LexisNexis Some of the best info on the Internet on fields The RedBooks bills itself as “the most compre- such as public accounting, tax, auditing, and hensive, most trusted information source on the managerial accounting. Also links to quite a few advertising industry. Available in print volumes, other sites and some useful books. on CD-ROM and online.” The website offers Execu/Search Group some free searches, but total online access to the more than 30,000 companies listed is by subscrip- tion. However, this information is available in the This site is for professional recruitment and tem- print versions. The website contains an extensive porary staffing in the New York metro area, spe- listing of associations related to the ad industry. cializing in accounting/finance, accounting Individual RedBooks are published for Agencies, support, financial services, graphics, health care, Advertisers (Business), Advertisers (Geographic human resources, information technology, legal, Listing), and International Advertisers and Agen- and office support. cies. The Agency Database contains detailed pro- Financial Job Network files of nearly 13,500 U.S. and international advertising agencies, including accounts repre- This network lists global job opportunities for sented by each agency, fields of specialization, financial professionals in the following categories: breakdown of gross billings by media, contact information on agency personnel, and much 222
  • 21. 31950 05 pp.203-282 7/1/05 4:50 PM Page 223 Career and Job-Search Bibliography more. The Advertiser Database contains informa- external consumer brands, corporate, and world- tion on more than 15,500 U.S. and international wide links. The Account Assignments database advertisers that each spend more than $200,000 tracks account management for the world’s lead- annually on advertising. Each listing includes ing brands and companies, i.e., which advertising advertising expenditures by media, current agency handles which accounts in which coun- agency, fiscal year-end and annual sales, contact tries. Fully searchable by brand, brand owner, information on key personnel, brand name info, company, or advertising agency, the database now SIC classifications, and other key data. contains more than 10,000 worldwide account assignments for almost 4,000 leading brands. Breaking into Advertising: How to Market Some information is free to anyone; however, Yourself Like a Professional, Jeannette Smith, much is by subscription only. A month’s subscrip- Peterson’s, Princeton, NJ, 1998 tion is $55. Smith presents an overview of the ad business, how to break into it, and how to get ahead once Advertising Age you’re in. Advertising Age magazine’s job bank powered by Plunkett’s Advertising & Branding Industry Almanac; also Summary Report (see Plunkett’s above) Adweek U.S. Sourcebook of Advertisers, Schonfeld & Search for a job, post a résumé, read articles, Associates search for job fairs, and read the online version of, annual Adweek magazine. A directory of publicly owned corporations that advertise. Corporate name, address, and phone Art Hire number are provided, along with the names and titles of three senior executives, ad budgets, sales, For visual/music/sound/voice artists. Lists posi- fiscal year closing, and more. Organized by state tions across the U.S., not just in New York and and ZIP code. L.A. Online Media Bistro 3 D Site Dedicated to anyone who creates or works with content, or who is a noncreative professional A community-based effort focused on the com- working in a content/creative industry. That puter graphics industry (3-D artists, modeling, includes editors, writers, television producers, and special effects). graphic designers, book publishers, people in production, and circulation departments in indus- tries including magazines, television, radio, news- This site contains information about the global papers, book publishing, online media, advertising industry. Some job postings are here, advertising, public relations, and graphic design. but this site is best for company profiles and Its mission is to provide opportunities (both account assignments. analyzes online and off-line) for you to meet each other, more than 1,000 leading advertisers, brands, and share resources, become informed of job opportu- agencies and provides histories, up-to-date news, nities and interesting projects, improve your financial information, and more than 20,000 career skills, and showcase your work. 223