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Student of BBA, RAJ SMS,Babatpur, Varanasi
Ph. No. 8577997707, Email-
E-governance is nothing but a mediator between government and citizens, it is the use of a range
of modern information and technologies by government to improve efficiency, services etc. Or
E-governance = Transparency+Accountabilty+Efficiency- (Monopoly + Discretion).
which make Government more accountable by increasing the opportunity for citizens
participation in the governance process & bringing citizens closer to elected officials , as the
result is positively related to improved government citizens relationship & corruption reduction ,
and also playing an important role against corruption in modern governance, which opens up
the door to vast opportunities for transforming governance, to solve the social as well as
economic problems exit in the developing countries like India.The need of E-governance is to
take cautious step to ensure better reach and access otherwise dispatches in access & only
increase problems of corruption and social & economic injustice. CARD is one of the major
success stories of E-governance in Andhra Pradesh. This paper reveals the performance of E-
governance to increase, efficiency, responsiveness, accountability and bring transparency in the
working of the government system & reduction corruption and then the Impact of E-governance
is faster Processing, & promoting social welfare.
Key Words: Accountability, E-Governance, Transparency.
Before moving on to defining what e-Governance comprises of, it is important to realize
what e-Governance is not. Misconceptions lead to baseless fear and unfounded resistance. That
is why it is important to first realize what e-Governance is not.
1.1 What e-Governance is Not?
a) It is not about changing government processes and inter-agency or inter-personal
b) It is not limited to computerization of government offices
c) It is not just about being able to type documents using computers
d) It does not put government security and confidentiality at risk
1.2 E-Governance
E-Governance is composed of three major components:
1. G2C (Government-to-Citizen) involves interaction of individual citizens with the
government. Examples include payment of utility bills or downloading government forms
from the Internet. The e-Citizen Portal of Singapore is one of the most highly acclaimed
G2C sites. The portal has relevant information organized according to topics and has
specific entry points for teenagers, working adults, senior citizens and foreigners. It also
has scope for citizen feedback and questions.
2. G2B (Government-to-Business) involves interaction of business entities with the
government. Examples include corporate tax filing or government procurement process
through the Internet. One primary success story of online government procurement
is Malaysia’s e-Prohelan web-site which has about 3,500 government procurement
centers and about 30,000 suppliers.
3. G2G (Government-to-Government) involves interaction among government officials,
whether within a government office or within government offices.Examples
includes using e-mail for internal government communication or a customized software
for tracking progress of government projects. A popular G2G service is e-Police System
in Karnataka, India, which has an electronic searchable database of various types of
police records.
It is G2G which is generally referred to as being e-Government. Therefore, e-
Government may be perceived as being a sub-component of overall e-Governance. Although it
needs to be kept in mind that in some literature, the terms ‘e-Government’ and ‘e-Governance’
are used interchangeably. In this paper, e-Government refers to G2G only, not the other
components of e-Governance, namely G2C and G2B.
In developing countries, ICT is being used to
streamline governments and connect them more closely with the people they are supposed to
serve. My aim is to summarize the related information, which can provide guidance to
government officials and others in the developing world on e-government models and resources.
The whole e-governance content has been divided into three segments as:
• Segment I examines the three phases of e-government, which is defined as publish, interact and
• Segment II focuses on the actual process of achieving e-government policy goals, focusing on
the transformation of government through ICT. This segment covers five key determinants of e-
governance success.
• Segment III takes a different look at e-government, addressing ten challenges and opportunities
that arise in developing and implementing e-government projects.
E-government utilizes technology to accomplish reform by fostering transparency, eliminating
distance and other divides, and empowering people to participate in the political processes that
affect their lives. Governments have different strategies to build e-government. Some have
created comprehensive long-term plans. Others have opted to identify just a few key areas as the
focus of early projects,
To better understand the e-governance implementation into three phases. These phases are not
dependent on each other, nor need one phase be completed before another can begin, but
conceptually they offer three ways to think about the goals of e-government.
Phase-1 : Publish-Expand Access to Government Information
Phase -2: Interact-Broadening Civic Participation In Government
Phase-3: Transact : Marketing Government Services Available Online
Segment-II: Transforming Governments Through E-Government Projects
E-government is about transforming the way government interacts with the governed.
The process is neither quick nor simple. It requires a coherent strategy, beginning with an
examination of the nation’s political will, resources, regulatory environment, and ability of the
population to make use of planned technologies.The success of e-government requires
fundamentally changing how government works and how people view the ways in which
government helps them. There is no “one size fits all” strategy in implementing e-government,
but I have identified five essential elements in the transformation process.
They are as follows:
Five Elements of Successful E-Government Transformation
 Process Reform
 Leadership
 Strategic Investment
 Collaboration
 Civic Engagement
Segment-III Challenges And Opportunities – For the Design of E-Government Programs
Once governments commit to strategies transforming their governance processes,
significant challenges and opportunities will arise during their implementation. I have identified
ten considerations that must be addressed by the e-government initiatives of developing nations.
They are as follows:
1. Infrastructure Development
2. Digital Divide
3. Accessibility
4. Trust
5. Privacy
6. Security
7. Transparency
8. Education and Marketing
9. Public/Private Competition/Collaboration
10. Benchmarking/Qualitative Methods
There are many who are resistant to e-Governance due to lack of awareness and fear of
the unknown. This section attempts to respond briefly to a few common queries regarding e-
Will e-Government Change Government Processes?
The objective of e-Government is not to change existing government processes but more
to strengthen and make existing processes more efficient.
Will e-Government Force New Hierarchical Structure?
e-Government does not necessitate change of existing hierarchical structures. It however
encourages new dimensions of cooperation and relationship among different government offices
due to improved communication systems.
Will Sensitive and Confidential Data Get Lost or Stolen?
Digitally converted government information needs to be carefully stored and sometimes
guarded against unauthorized access. There are ways of keeping back-ups and ensuring security
by digital authentication of users. Digital storage is not riskier than filing of paper documents.
Will People Lose Jobs if e-Government is Implemented?
There is fear that people will become redundant and may even lose jobs if e-Government
is implemented. Although some manual tasks will become redundant, computers can never
replace humans on many occasions. Continual re-training of officials and staff need to be
arranged that their tasks and responsibilities are in tune with the changing dynamics of e-
Will Government Officials be Positive Towards IT?
Much of the resistance to IT comes from high-level government officials. The young
officials are more positive towards IT and are more open to change and re-learning. However,
computer access is largely limited to high-level officials. The scenario of attitude towards IT will
change as more and more useful applications are developed and the junior officials move up the
Benefits from successful implementation of e-Governance are numerous. It is no longer a
matter of debate whether citizens will be adequately benefited or not through e-Governance. The
countries that have been able to fruitfully implement e-Governance are now able to reap these
benefits. However, more and more public Internet service centers will have to be built to serve
Some of those benefits are outlined below:
Increases Government Efficiency
e-Government can enhance government efficiency in innumerable ways. For example,
through video-conferencing facilities, important meetings can be held without physical
movement of officials. With today’s traffic situation, this can save a great amount of time and
money for government officials. With electronic exchange of data and other information,
communication among officials can be much faster than before. Instant electronic access to data
and automated report generation facilities from complex databases can enhance government
decision-making in a way unimaginable with conventional methods of analysis.
Cuts Down Costs to Society
Faster and more informed government decisions can contribute to avoiding huge amounts of
economic loss. Also, if government forms and other procedural information are made available
online, then time and money wasted to get these from government offices can be vastly reduced.
Power to the People
One of the most important benefits of e-Governance is that it empowers citizens. Through
transparent information about government procedures and responsibilities, citizens become more
aware of their rights. The government machinery should not be an inaccessible behemoth, but a
transparent provider of services to citizens. e-Governance allows the government to serve better,
and allows the citizens to demand more from the government.
Better Relation with Private Sector
Relationship between the private sector and the government has a definitive influence on
the business environment of a nation. e-Governance encourages that relationship to be more
friendly and more interactive. Through e-Governance, one-stop services for businesses can be
provided, important information such as policy changes can be disseminated quickly, among
other benefits.
Encourage Private Sector Towards Use of IT
The government can have an influential role in encouraging the private sector to
effectively move towards the use of IT. For example, if government tenders and announcements
are brought online, it will automatically encourage suppliers to interact through the Internet. e-
Governance is a very important instigator to modernizing businesses in a nation.
Encourage Citizen Awareness About IT
For a society to prepare itself for the new century, its citizens must be attuned to use of IT
in all aspects of daily life. e-Governance produces a major thrust in making citizens aware of IT
as an everyday tool, not just as a luxury item. For example, when citizens can get bills and see
exam results online, they will look at the power of the Internet in a new light.
Enhance National Image
With current global political situation, enhancement of national image is more important
than ever before. Modern system of governance is representative of a nation’s maturity. e-
Governance is the most visible and effective tool of modernization and transparency in the
The major Impact of E-governance is faster Processing,
Shorter wait , Shorter queues, lesser corruption more transparency and etc
The following impact of e-governace are as follows:
To make use of latest technologies that makes work sophisticated, easy and accurate.
To increase transparency in the functioning of various departments.
To provide citizens access to information.
To make efficient use of resources and time.
To enlighten people about the government’s role in social and economic development.
To strengthen the inner flaws in the working system.
To improve the communication between government and citizens, and government and
To benefit rural India and bridge the digital divide to build a digital community.
To get the productive and efficient work from the people.
To reduce corruption & differences among communities.
According to World Bank
“Corruption is the misuse of public offices for private
use”. Public life in today’s India is dominated with concerns about corruption &
inability of politicians to tackle it efficiently. Different scandals in India are not
exceptions but it is a regular feature of Indian politics.
World Bank definition: “E-governance refers to the use by government agencies
of information technology that have to transform relations with citizens,
businesses, and other arms of government. These technologies can serve a variety
of different ends: better delivery of government services to citizens,improve
interactions with business and industry, citizen’s empowerment through access of
information, or more efficient government management. The resulting benefits
can be less corruption, increase transparency, greater convenience, revenue
growth, and cost reduction.” To define the level of corruption just discusses the
statement of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi (ex. prime minister of India). He said if one rupee
begin to spent on such plans only 15 paisa reached the beneficiary with 40 paisa
being spent on overheads and 45 paisa lost due to corruption.
2.2 E-governance policies against corruption:
Corruption considered To the extent that increased transparency, accountability and
predictability (of rules and procedures) are made priorities, e-government may offer a weapon
against corruption. There are different action can be taken by e-governance to reduce corruption.
Many governments chosen the entire department must be on-line like customs, income tax, sales,
Every services of government must be delivering online to every citizen all over the country. E-
government can lead to centralizes data which can be used for improving audit and analysis.
Each decision can be traceable that is useful to exposure of wrong doing things and fear of
embarrassment can be a deterrent to corrupt practices. E-government introduces competition
which improves service level and reduces corruption. Take strict actions for complains of
citizens that submitted against corrupt practices. The information present in a
manner that leads to transparency of rules and their application in specific decisions,
increasing accountability by building the ability to trace decisions, actions to individual civil
servants represent the successive stage to counter corruption.
E-government, however, does not guarantee the end of corruption. Officials who master
technology-empowered processes can find new opportunities for rent seeking. Under such
circumstances, e-government may simply cause an inter-generational shift in corruption
toward younger, more tech-literate officials. One especially sensitive issue, right from the
start, is whether fighting corruption should be part of the e-government vision. Each society
must answer that question for itself. If fighting corruption is included in the vision, the next
key question is when to announce the anti-corruption goal to the public. If fighting corruption
is publicly announced as a major part of the e-government agenda, it could help build
coalitions and public pressure for anti-corruption results. However, publicity too early in the
e-government process runs the risk of causing fear and resistance from corrupt officials, who
are likely to exert negative pressure even upon their uncorrupt colleagues. Another option is
to not publicize the anti-corruption goals of an e-government program but rather “sell”
e-government(especially within the government) as a program to accomplish other goals such
as improving government services, increasing attractiveness of the country for investment,
reducing costs to the public/business or improving the competitiveness of the local private
sector. Given the sensitivity of these issues, involvement of non-government stakeholders in the
discussion is important.
2.3 E-governance: anti-corruption strategies
 E-government introduces transparency in all its decisions, actions, performance, rules
and all kind of data.
 Build accountability for access the information through internet.
 Entry point for simplification of rules & reengineering processes.
 Makes decision traceable.
 Provide documentation to citizens for follow up.
 Automates processes to take away discretion.
 Introduces competition among different department of government services.
3. Suggestions:
At last I would like to suggests that while E-governance initiatives can make
important contribution to improving public services they can best do so by helping
improve overall relationship between government & citizens and also help to reduce
How does E-governance help to reduce the corruption?
E-governance polices are used to provide the best services to the citizens, create more
transparency and reduce the corruption. Now the governments have to chosen to go online in
departments such as customs, income tax, sales tax and property tax which are highly corrupt
and citizens have interface with these departments. E-governance introduces competition which
improves services level and reduce the corruption. All the Egovernance application focuses on a
single objective that is to reduce corruption.
There are five tools to reduce corruption:
 Education
 Change the government process
 By increasing direct contact between government and citizens
 Take strong action against corrupt person and institutions
 Increasing transparency and professional accountability
4. Conclusion
I have made an attempt to summarise the impact of E-governance , which
solves the social as well as economic problems existing in the developing countries like India. E-
government plays an important role against corruption. E-government, however, does not
guarantee the end of corruption. Policies of e-government increase transparency, accountability
and close the opportunity of middleman. As we know Corruption plays an important negative
role all over the world that can never be ignored, It is not the responsibility of only government
but also the citizens, who want to see the country clean and corruption free. The awareness is
necessary; media plays an important role in this. The public must be made aware of all the
government policies and online services.
a. Www.Transperancy.Org
b. Www.Worldbankgroup.Org
c. Www.Google.Com
d. Www.Experts123.Com
e. Www.Wikipedia.Org

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Research=e governance / Impact of E-governance / Role of E-governance in Indian Economy

  • 1. IMPACT OF E-GOVERNANCE PRABHAT KUMAR PANDEY Student of BBA, RAJ SMS,Babatpur, Varanasi Ph. No. 8577997707, Email- Abstract E-governance is nothing but a mediator between government and citizens, it is the use of a range of modern information and technologies by government to improve efficiency, services etc. Or E-governance = Transparency+Accountabilty+Efficiency- (Monopoly + Discretion). which make Government more accountable by increasing the opportunity for citizens participation in the governance process & bringing citizens closer to elected officials , as the result is positively related to improved government citizens relationship & corruption reduction , and also playing an important role against corruption in modern governance, which opens up the door to vast opportunities for transforming governance, to solve the social as well as economic problems exit in the developing countries like India.The need of E-governance is to take cautious step to ensure better reach and access otherwise dispatches in access & only increase problems of corruption and social & economic injustice. CARD is one of the major success stories of E-governance in Andhra Pradesh. This paper reveals the performance of E- governance to increase, efficiency, responsiveness, accountability and bring transparency in the working of the government system & reduction corruption and then the Impact of E-governance is faster Processing, & promoting social welfare. Key Words: Accountability, E-Governance, Transparency.
  • 2. 1. INTRODUCTION CONCEPTUALIZATION OF E-GOVERNANCE Before moving on to defining what e-Governance comprises of, it is important to realize what e-Governance is not. Misconceptions lead to baseless fear and unfounded resistance. That is why it is important to first realize what e-Governance is not. 1.1 What e-Governance is Not? a) It is not about changing government processes and inter-agency or inter-personal relationships b) It is not limited to computerization of government offices c) It is not just about being able to type documents using computers d) It does not put government security and confidentiality at risk 1.2 E-Governance E-Governance is composed of three major components: 1. G2C (Government-to-Citizen) involves interaction of individual citizens with the government. Examples include payment of utility bills or downloading government forms from the Internet. The e-Citizen Portal of Singapore is one of the most highly acclaimed G2C sites. The portal has relevant information organized according to topics and has specific entry points for teenagers, working adults, senior citizens and foreigners. It also has scope for citizen feedback and questions. 2. G2B (Government-to-Business) involves interaction of business entities with the government. Examples include corporate tax filing or government procurement process through the Internet. One primary success story of online government procurement is Malaysia’s e-Prohelan web-site which has about 3,500 government procurement centers and about 30,000 suppliers. 3. G2G (Government-to-Government) involves interaction among government officials, whether within a government office or within government offices.Examples includes using e-mail for internal government communication or a customized software for tracking progress of government projects. A popular G2G service is e-Police System
  • 3. in Karnataka, India, which has an electronic searchable database of various types of police records. It is G2G which is generally referred to as being e-Government. Therefore, e- Government may be perceived as being a sub-component of overall e-Governance. Although it needs to be kept in mind that in some literature, the terms ‘e-Government’ and ‘e-Governance’ are used interchangeably. In this paper, e-Government refers to G2G only, not the other components of e-Governance, namely G2C and G2B. 1.3 PROCESSES AND METHODOLOGY In developing countries, ICT is being used to streamline governments and connect them more closely with the people they are supposed to serve. My aim is to summarize the related information, which can provide guidance to government officials and others in the developing world on e-government models and resources. The whole e-governance content has been divided into three segments as: • Segment I examines the three phases of e-government, which is defined as publish, interact and transact • Segment II focuses on the actual process of achieving e-government policy goals, focusing on the transformation of government through ICT. This segment covers five key determinants of e- governance success. • Segment III takes a different look at e-government, addressing ten challenges and opportunities that arise in developing and implementing e-government projects. Segment-I THE THREE PHASES OF E-GOVERNMENT E-government utilizes technology to accomplish reform by fostering transparency, eliminating distance and other divides, and empowering people to participate in the political processes that affect their lives. Governments have different strategies to build e-government. Some have created comprehensive long-term plans. Others have opted to identify just a few key areas as the focus of early projects, To better understand the e-governance implementation into three phases. These phases are not dependent on each other, nor need one phase be completed before another can begin, but conceptually they offer three ways to think about the goals of e-government. Phase-1 : Publish-Expand Access to Government Information Phase -2: Interact-Broadening Civic Participation In Government
  • 4. Phase-3: Transact : Marketing Government Services Available Online Segment-II: Transforming Governments Through E-Government Projects E-government is about transforming the way government interacts with the governed. The process is neither quick nor simple. It requires a coherent strategy, beginning with an examination of the nation’s political will, resources, regulatory environment, and ability of the population to make use of planned technologies.The success of e-government requires fundamentally changing how government works and how people view the ways in which government helps them. There is no “one size fits all” strategy in implementing e-government, but I have identified five essential elements in the transformation process. They are as follows: Five Elements of Successful E-Government Transformation  Process Reform  Leadership  Strategic Investment  Collaboration  Civic Engagement Segment-III Challenges And Opportunities – For the Design of E-Government Programs Once governments commit to strategies transforming their governance processes, significant challenges and opportunities will arise during their implementation. I have identified ten considerations that must be addressed by the e-government initiatives of developing nations. They are as follows: 1. Infrastructure Development 2. Digital Divide 3. Accessibility 4. Trust 5. Privacy 6. Security
  • 5. 7. Transparency 8. Education and Marketing 9. Public/Private Competition/Collaboration 10. Benchmarking/Qualitative Methods 1.4 SOME COMMON QUESTIONS REGARDING E-GOVERNANCE There are many who are resistant to e-Governance due to lack of awareness and fear of the unknown. This section attempts to respond briefly to a few common queries regarding e- Governance: Will e-Government Change Government Processes? The objective of e-Government is not to change existing government processes but more to strengthen and make existing processes more efficient. Will e-Government Force New Hierarchical Structure? e-Government does not necessitate change of existing hierarchical structures. It however encourages new dimensions of cooperation and relationship among different government offices due to improved communication systems. Will Sensitive and Confidential Data Get Lost or Stolen? Digitally converted government information needs to be carefully stored and sometimes guarded against unauthorized access. There are ways of keeping back-ups and ensuring security by digital authentication of users. Digital storage is not riskier than filing of paper documents. Will People Lose Jobs if e-Government is Implemented? There is fear that people will become redundant and may even lose jobs if e-Government is implemented. Although some manual tasks will become redundant, computers can never replace humans on many occasions. Continual re-training of officials and staff need to be arranged that their tasks and responsibilities are in tune with the changing dynamics of e- Government. Will Government Officials be Positive Towards IT? Much of the resistance to IT comes from high-level government officials. The young officials are more positive towards IT and are more open to change and re-learning. However, computer access is largely limited to high-level officials. The scenario of attitude towards IT will change as more and more useful applications are developed and the junior officials move up the hierarchy. 1.5 WHY E-GOVERNANCE?
  • 6. Benefits from successful implementation of e-Governance are numerous. It is no longer a matter of debate whether citizens will be adequately benefited or not through e-Governance. The countries that have been able to fruitfully implement e-Governance are now able to reap these benefits. However, more and more public Internet service centers will have to be built to serve citizens. Some of those benefits are outlined below: Increases Government Efficiency e-Government can enhance government efficiency in innumerable ways. For example, through video-conferencing facilities, important meetings can be held without physical movement of officials. With today’s traffic situation, this can save a great amount of time and money for government officials. With electronic exchange of data and other information, communication among officials can be much faster than before. Instant electronic access to data and automated report generation facilities from complex databases can enhance government decision-making in a way unimaginable with conventional methods of analysis. Cuts Down Costs to Society Faster and more informed government decisions can contribute to avoiding huge amounts of economic loss. Also, if government forms and other procedural information are made available online, then time and money wasted to get these from government offices can be vastly reduced. Power to the People One of the most important benefits of e-Governance is that it empowers citizens. Through transparent information about government procedures and responsibilities, citizens become more aware of their rights. The government machinery should not be an inaccessible behemoth, but a transparent provider of services to citizens. e-Governance allows the government to serve better, and allows the citizens to demand more from the government. Better Relation with Private Sector Relationship between the private sector and the government has a definitive influence on the business environment of a nation. e-Governance encourages that relationship to be more friendly and more interactive. Through e-Governance, one-stop services for businesses can be provided, important information such as policy changes can be disseminated quickly, among other benefits. Encourage Private Sector Towards Use of IT
  • 7. The government can have an influential role in encouraging the private sector to effectively move towards the use of IT. For example, if government tenders and announcements are brought online, it will automatically encourage suppliers to interact through the Internet. e- Governance is a very important instigator to modernizing businesses in a nation. Encourage Citizen Awareness About IT For a society to prepare itself for the new century, its citizens must be attuned to use of IT in all aspects of daily life. e-Governance produces a major thrust in making citizens aware of IT as an everyday tool, not just as a luxury item. For example, when citizens can get bills and see exam results online, they will look at the power of the Internet in a new light. Enhance National Image With current global political situation, enhancement of national image is more important than ever before. Modern system of governance is representative of a nation’s maturity. e- Governance is the most visible and effective tool of modernization and transparency in the government. 2. IMPACT OF E-GOVERNANCE The major Impact of E-governance is faster Processing, Shorter wait , Shorter queues, lesser corruption more transparency and etc The following impact of e-governace are as follows: 2.1 POSITIVE IMPACT OF E-GOVERNANCE To make use of latest technologies that makes work sophisticated, easy and accurate. To increase transparency in the functioning of various departments. To provide citizens access to information. To make efficient use of resources and time. To enlighten people about the government’s role in social and economic development. To strengthen the inner flaws in the working system. To improve the communication between government and citizens, and government and business. To benefit rural India and bridge the digital divide to build a digital community. To get the productive and efficient work from the people.
  • 8. To reduce corruption & differences among communities. According to World Bank “Corruption is the misuse of public offices for private use”. Public life in today’s India is dominated with concerns about corruption & inability of politicians to tackle it efficiently. Different scandals in India are not exceptions but it is a regular feature of Indian politics. World Bank definition: “E-governance refers to the use by government agencies of information technology that have to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. These technologies can serve a variety of different ends: better delivery of government services to citizens,improve interactions with business and industry, citizen’s empowerment through access of information, or more efficient government management. The resulting benefits can be less corruption, increase transparency, greater convenience, revenue growth, and cost reduction.” To define the level of corruption just discusses the statement of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi (ex. prime minister of India). He said if one rupee begin to spent on such plans only 15 paisa reached the beneficiary with 40 paisa being spent on overheads and 45 paisa lost due to corruption. 2.2 E-governance policies against corruption: Corruption considered To the extent that increased transparency, accountability and predictability (of rules and procedures) are made priorities, e-government may offer a weapon against corruption. There are different action can be taken by e-governance to reduce corruption. Many governments chosen the entire department must be on-line like customs, income tax, sales, Every services of government must be delivering online to every citizen all over the country. E- government can lead to centralizes data which can be used for improving audit and analysis. Each decision can be traceable that is useful to exposure of wrong doing things and fear of embarrassment can be a deterrent to corrupt practices. E-government introduces competition which improves service level and reduces corruption. Take strict actions for complains of citizens that submitted against corrupt practices. The information present in a manner that leads to transparency of rules and their application in specific decisions, increasing accountability by building the ability to trace decisions, actions to individual civil servants represent the successive stage to counter corruption. E-government, however, does not guarantee the end of corruption. Officials who master technology-empowered processes can find new opportunities for rent seeking. Under such circumstances, e-government may simply cause an inter-generational shift in corruption toward younger, more tech-literate officials. One especially sensitive issue, right from the start, is whether fighting corruption should be part of the e-government vision. Each society must answer that question for itself. If fighting corruption is included in the vision, the next key question is when to announce the anti-corruption goal to the public. If fighting corruption
  • 9. is publicly announced as a major part of the e-government agenda, it could help build coalitions and public pressure for anti-corruption results. However, publicity too early in the e-government process runs the risk of causing fear and resistance from corrupt officials, who are likely to exert negative pressure even upon their uncorrupt colleagues. Another option is to not publicize the anti-corruption goals of an e-government program but rather “sell” e-government(especially within the government) as a program to accomplish other goals such as improving government services, increasing attractiveness of the country for investment, reducing costs to the public/business or improving the competitiveness of the local private sector. Given the sensitivity of these issues, involvement of non-government stakeholders in the discussion is important. 2.3 E-governance: anti-corruption strategies  E-government introduces transparency in all its decisions, actions, performance, rules and all kind of data.  Build accountability for access the information through internet.  Entry point for simplification of rules & reengineering processes.  Makes decision traceable.  Provide documentation to citizens for follow up.  Automates processes to take away discretion.  Introduces competition among different department of government services. 3. Suggestions: At last I would like to suggests that while E-governance initiatives can make important contribution to improving public services they can best do so by helping improve overall relationship between government & citizens and also help to reduce corruption.
  • 10. How does E-governance help to reduce the corruption? E-governance polices are used to provide the best services to the citizens, create more transparency and reduce the corruption. Now the governments have to chosen to go online in departments such as customs, income tax, sales tax and property tax which are highly corrupt and citizens have interface with these departments. E-governance introduces competition which improves services level and reduce the corruption. All the Egovernance application focuses on a single objective that is to reduce corruption. There are five tools to reduce corruption:  Education  Change the government process  By increasing direct contact between government and citizens  Take strong action against corrupt person and institutions  Increasing transparency and professional accountability 4. Conclusion I have made an attempt to summarise the impact of E-governance , which solves the social as well as economic problems existing in the developing countries like India. E- government plays an important role against corruption. E-government, however, does not guarantee the end of corruption. Policies of e-government increase transparency, accountability and close the opportunity of middleman. As we know Corruption plays an important negative role all over the world that can never be ignored, It is not the responsibility of only government but also the citizens, who want to see the country clean and corruption free. The awareness is necessary; media plays an important role in this. The public must be made aware of all the government policies and online services.
  • 11. 5. REFERENCES:- a. Www.Transperancy.Org b. Www.Worldbankgroup.Org c. Www.Google.Com d. Www.Experts123.Com e. Www.Wikipedia.Org