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Research Proposal
Type of Study
Research Question
Systematic Observation
Naturalistic Observation
Measuring your outcome variable (Dependent Variable)
Qualitative – Field notes then looking for patterns or categories
you can describe.
Use examples to demonstrate those patterns. Going to need
multiple opportunities to observe.
Quantitative – How are you going to get numbers (counts or
Number of questions get right
Number of times they do behavior
Length of time they do some behavior
Average value on a series of likert questions
Number rating during an observation
Each Variable needs both Conceptual and Operational definition
Independent Variable
Conceptual – Describe what it is
Operational – identify the groups
Dependent Variable
Conceptual – Describe what that variable is
Operational – How will you get numbers for it (how will you
measure it) Needs to be specific
Coded behaviors (Observation)
Survey questions
Standard measures (ruler, watch)
End with Hypothesis or Research Question
Participants – Sample method, issues
Design - Why
Measures – Definitions, examples, validity, reliability
Procedures – Step by step detail
Analysis – how do you propose to analyze data (what statistical
test or procedures)
Always keep in mind
External Validity
Internal Validity
Construct Validity
When designing your study.
ChE 201 – ChE Fundamentals
Final Exam Review Problems
1. Natural gas composed of 60. mol% methane, 30. mol%
ethane, and 10. mol% propane at 25 C and 500. psia is fed at a
rate of 50. m3/hr into a boiler. In the boiler it is blended with
enough air to provide 20% excess oxygen and combusted. The
exhaust gas is passed through several air pollution control unit
operations before being released through a smokestack into the
atmosphere at a temperature of 400 C. Determine the flow rate
(in m3/hr) of exhaust gas through the smokestack. {Answer:
79,400 m3/hr}
2. Determine the density of steam at 200 bar and 400 °C.
a) Use the ideal gas law {Answer: 64.3 g/l}
b) Use the compressibility factor. {Answer: 101 g/l}
c) How can you easily verify your number? How well did the
models work?
3. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is produced in a long
tubular reactor under harsh conditions (T = 200 C and 1800
bar). Ethylene is pressurized, mixed with catalyst, and pumped
into the reactor where (LDPE) is produced. The reactor itself is
0.5 m in diameter and 1800 m in length. Hint: the following
equations may help you.
Where is the mass flow rate in kg/s, is the volumetric
average fluid velocity in m/s, and A is the cross sectional area
in m2.
a) What phase is the ethylene? How can you tell? {Answer:
b) If the flow rate of ethylene at the beginning of the reaction
(i.e. when conversion is 0) in the reactor is 2.0 m/s, determine
the mass flow rate in kg/s. {Answer: 192 kg/s}
4- One method of producing propylene is the dehydrogenation
of propane (C3H8) to propylene (C3H6) according to the
A schematic of the reaction is shown below. The fresh
feed (Stream 1) has a total flow rate of 100. mol/min and is
composed of 96 mol% propane and 4.0 mol% propylene. The
single pass conversion of propane across the reactor is 40% and
all of the hydrogen is separated in the flash drum. Stream 5
exiting the flash drum is fed to a distillation column where 90%
of the propylene is separated. The product (Stream 6) exiting
the distillation column is composed of 99 mol% propylene and
1.0 mol% propane. The second stream exiting the column
(Stream 7) is recycled back into the process.
a) Why is there no purge stream for this process? (5 points)
{no impurities or excess reactants}
b) What is the overall conversion of propane? (15 pts) {99%}
c) What is the molar flow rate of propane in Stream 2? (10
pts) {238 mol/min}
d) What is the molar flow rate of propylene in Stream 7? (10
pts) {11mol/min}
e) What is the recycle to fresh feed ratio (Stream 7 / Stream
1)? (15pts) {1.5}
f) Suggest 2 possible reasons why the single pass conversion
of propane is relatively low. (5 points) {slow kinetics, reaction
reaches equilibrium}
Stream 2
96% Propane
1.0% Propane
99% Propylene
100. mol/min
4.0% Propylene
Stream 1
100.% Hydrogen
Stream 3
Stream 5
Stream 4
Stream 7
Stream 6
{Answer: 13,066 kJ/s}
a. Rationale – a description for the need of the study you are
proposing. In a rationale you
should address what is known about the topic (from your
sources) and what is unknown and
necessary to be studied. A good rationale will demonstrate why
the study is important and
necessary to contribute new knowledge to the topic.
b. – a description and explanation for the design that you will
use (Naturalistic
observation, systematic observation, content analysis,
correlational design, experimental,
Research design:
observational design: watch and describe the naturalistic
systematic content
-correctional design: ,measure, relate and predict survey,
interview, archival;,
-experimental design: manipulate for cause and effect
Experimental design
-manipulation of one variable(independent/manipulated) to see
effects on other
-control: experimental group or control group
-random assignment
Correction design:
-measure 2 variables(or more) and see if they are related; use
one variable to predict the
-used for prediction
-cannot determine cause and effect
-no manipulation
Naturalistic observation
-natural settings: an extended period of time
-observe complex setting and behaviors
-researcher a part of situation
Systematic observation
-careful observation of few specific behaviors in a particular
-observations are qualitifiable(countable)
-coding system
-categories of behaviors and then count up how many times each
category of behavior
-should be sample and easy to do
c. Participants – a description and explanation for the
participants you would include,
sampling method.
Sampling method refers to the way that observations are
selected from a population to be in the
sample for a sample survey.
Sampling methods: Simple Random Sampling, cluster sampling,
stratified sampling,
systematic random sampling
d. Variables/Measures – a description and explanation for how
you will measure
your variables, including conceptual and operational definitions
of all variables in your
study. Issues of reliability and construct validity should be
Dependent variable(DV): outcome
Independent variable(IV): which group are you in
Variables: anything that “varies” changes
-situational variables
-behavioral/responose variables
-individual characteristic
-medicating variable: 3rd variable ifluence the relationship
between 2nd variable
-confounding variable: variable that is uncounted for, new know
cohat would
Capturing variables: qualitative or qualitative
-qualitative: observed in only a few people
-describe behavior in a naturalistic setting
-detailed and in-depth description
-few cases or setting(samll samples)
-interpret themes and patterns
-simple behavior: easily observed(counted)
-large sample
-uses statistics
Relationship between 2 variables:
-positive: when 2 variables changes in a situation
-negative: opposite direction; one increase, one decrease
-curvilinear: change the direction in some change, negative to
positive; positive to
-no relationship
-conceptual definition: sleep--state of rest
-operational definition: sleep--eyes close, depth breathing
Ways to measure variables
-physiological response
-observation of behavior
-ask: survey/interview/assessment
Research validity
-construct: accuracy of measures used
-internal: ability to determine cause and effect(control)
-experiement are strong in internal validity
-external: ability to generalize beyond the study
-conclusion: an accurate conclusion based on results
concurrent validity: ex: To demonstrate a measure’s concurrent
validity, researcher
compares children’s score on her measure of helpful behavior to
rating of how the child
is linked in the classroom
e. Procedures – very detailed description of how the study will
be conducted. The
procedures should be detailed enough for someone else to
follow and be able to
conduct the study (like a recipe). The more appropriate
methodological ideas that you
include from class the better your grade.
methodological issues:
-concealment can overcome reactiveity
-conceal with one way mirror, hidden microphone, hidden
-allow time for people to get use to eqipment and observtion
-need 2 or more coders and should be in aggreement more than
80% of time
f. Analysis – a description of what statistical analyses would be
used to analyze
your study.
Rationale for Study (Inquisitiveness): Rationale for proposed
study builds off of information
from the sources used in the paper. Research Question/
Hypothesis is interesting and addresses a
new variable or methods to bring new knowledge to topic.
(Addresses a gap in literature)
Rationale convinces reader that the study is worth conducting.
Design & Methods: Design is appropriately selected to answer
the specified research question
(support hypothesis). All aspects of methods are described
(participants, materials, measures,
procedures). Descriptions of methods are detailed and include
explanation for their inclusion.
Measures are clearly described and appropriate. Proposal
demonstrates sophisticated knowledge
of course content.
Analysis: An appropriate procedure of analysis is selected to fit
methods described Analysis
selected would address all research questions/ hypotheses
Evaluating Claims Assignment
ChAD 101 Research Methods
This assignment is designed for students to apply their
knowledge of research methods to evaluate claims regarding
child and adolescent development found in a variety of sources.
Students will also demonstrate their understanding of course
content by developing a proposal for an empirical study
designed to add information to the selected topic. This
assignment serves as the Program Learning Objective 4
assessment for the department [Differentiate between sources of
information (research, professional, and popular) and evaluate
the credibility and validity of each type of information source].
Description of Assignment:
Students will take an in-depth look at a topical issue in child
and adolescent development. In this assignment students will
find non-scholarly and scholarly sources that focus on a central
issue of interest. Students must include 4 non-scholarly sources
of different types (e.g., newspaper, magazine, TV
advertisement, Twitter feed, blog, podcast, etc.) and 4 scholarly
sources (1 literature review and 3 empirical studies) in their
research of the topic. Students will evaluate each of the sources,
identify competing ideas, and based on the strength of the
evidence of the sources, make conclusions regarding the topic.
Students will then propose a study that would help contribute
knowledge to the topic or resolve unanswered questions on the
topic.Keys to success
· Start early
· GO chat with John about your ideas and the paper
· Create an outline to organize your thinking
· Look at grading rubric
· Use Writing Center at any stage of developing or writing your
paper. Schedule time at to
Completing the Assignment:
1. Identify a topical issue about child or adolescent
development (e.g., should armed police officers be stationed in
schools? Is playing Fortnite and similar video games harmful to
children? What is effective ways to combat cyberbullying?).
Perhaps select one of the issues in your In the News source if
you are interested in it, consider a topic you have heard about in
your classes, or search online to find other current issues. See
the library’s “Start your research” guide at
to help get started.
2. Conduct a search for 4 non-scholarly sources (source comes
from someone not affiliated with a University). Find sources
related to that topic that come from different media sources
(e.g., newspaper, magazine, blog, organization website,
advertisement, TV, documentary, book, personal interview,
podcast, social media feed). You will be assessed on how well
you pick sources that demonstrate a connection to one another.
3. Search for 4 scholarly sources that address the topic you have
selected. Again it is best to find sources that address the claims
of the non-scholarly articles as closely as possible. Three of
your sources must be empirical studies (data was collected and
analyzed). One of your sources should be a literature review. It
is useful to find your literature review first, as they usually
provide sufficient background on the topic to help you
understand the topic and find additional scholarly sources. Still
struggling to find sources? Contact the ChAD librarian Susan
Kendall ([email protected]) she is happy to help.
4. Submit the Topic Description Assignment (worth 10 points).
This should include (1) a brief mention of your general topic
(e.g., Effects of Video Games) and why it is significant, (2) a
specific thesis statement you will support or a specific research
question you will address (e.g., In what ways can educational
video games improve learning?), (3) An APA reference list of
all 8 sources you have found, and (4) A substantive evaluation
of one of your sources, like you did for the “In the News” or
“Reading Assignment” tasks. You will get feedback after this is
5. Read through and evaluate your remaining sources. Take
notes as you identify the claims (what they say) and evidence
(why reader should believe it) used in all of your sources.
Claims are ideas put forth by the author or organization. The
claim of the sources will also be supported by evidence (i.e.,
ideas from intuition, personal anecdotes, statements from
authorities on the topic, evidence of tradition, logical
connections, and/or empirical observation).You should consider
the strength of the evidence in convincing the audience about
the claim as well unanswered questions you have about the
topic. You will be providing a critical review of your sources,
so it is important to review all your sources with an evaluative
frame of mind. You will have practiced this during the “In the
News” and “Reading Assignment” activities earlier in the
6. Outline your paper.Look at your notes for all your sources
and think about what themes there were among them, (e.g., a
few sources discuss Educational Video Games are not
educational or fun, a couple sources say kids learn from video
games when played with others – one is about friends and the
other is about parents, and lastly a few sources get into virtual
reality games providing experience based learning). These
themes will serve to be sections for the body of your paper and
help you connect ideas from each of your sources. It doesn’t
matter if your sources agree, just be sure there is a logical way
to group them together. Remember a source can be used in more
than one area in your paper, especially if there are multiple
claims that are made in it and it is meaningful to discuss both
claims in your paper.PART 1 Literature Review Paper Write-up
(Worth 80 points about 7 pages long)
7. Paper write up – Your write up of this assignment should
contain the following:
a. An introduction that presents the topic and main claim(s) you
will be addressing in your paper. The introduction should
capture the reader's interest, present any controversies in the
topic, a thesis or question you will address in the paper, and an
outline of the rest of the paper.
b. Body of your paper organized in themes/sections. Within
these sections you should describe the claims and evidence from
your sources. Present information about positions your sources
take, how they support those positions. Follow the description
with a critical evaluation of your sources. Explain the strengths
and weaknesses of the information provided by the source and
unanswered questions or how the source contributes to the topic
and leads to the next paragraph.
c. Comparison of sources. You should make comparison among
sources and your evaluation of the sources. How do the sources
support one another, refute one another, and explanations for
which sources were more impactful and why.
d. Conclusion. You should make conclusive statements about
the topic/issue you are addressing, implications of the issue to
parents, teachers, counselors, or others in interacting with
children, and issues or factors that are left unresolved or
unaddressed.PART 2 Research Study Design Proposal (worth 20
points – about 3 pages long)
8. In addition to the paper write-up, you will also design a
proposal for a new empirical study. The purpose of your
proposed study should go to address unresolved or unaddressed
factors that you identified in the paper or to strengthen the
evidence for a claim. The proposal should include the
a. Rationale – a description for the need of the study you are
proposing. In a rationale you should address what is known
about the topic (from your sources) and what is unknown and
necessary to be studied. A good rationale will demonstrate why
the study is important and necessary to contribute new
knowledge to the topic.
b. Design – a description and explanation for the design that
you will use (Naturalistic observation, systematic observation,
content analysis, correlational design, experimental, quasi-
c. Participants – a description and explanation for the
participants you would include, sampling method.
d. Variables/Measures – a description and explanation for how
you will measure your variables, including conceptual and
operational definitions of all variables in your study. Issues of
reliability and construct validity should be addressed.
e. Procedures – very detailed description of how the study will
be conducted. The procedures should be detailed enough for
someone else to follow and be able to conduct the study (like a
recipe). The more appropriate methodological ideas that you
include from class the better your grade.
f. Analysis – a description of what statistical analyses would be
used to analyze your study.
Your proposal will be graded on the appropriateness of the
design, detail, and inclusion of concepts from class. You will
not actually conduct the study, you are just planning a study.

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Research ProposalType of StudyResearch Question.docx

  • 1. Research Proposal Type of Study Research Question Quantitative Systematic Observation Correlation Qualitative Naturalistic Observation Experiment/Quasi
  • 2. Measuring your outcome variable (Dependent Variable) Qualitative – Field notes then looking for patterns or categories you can describe. Use examples to demonstrate those patterns. Going to need multiple opportunities to observe. Quantitative – How are you going to get numbers (counts or scores) Number of questions get right Number of times they do behavior Length of time they do some behavior Average value on a series of likert questions Number rating during an observation Variables Each Variable needs both Conceptual and Operational definition Independent Variable Conceptual – Describe what it is Operational – identify the groups Dependent Variable Conceptual – Describe what that variable is
  • 3. Operational – How will you get numbers for it (how will you measure it) Needs to be specific Coded behaviors (Observation) Survey questions Ratings Tests Standard measures (ruler, watch) Format Rationale End with Hypothesis or Research Question Method Participants – Sample method, issues Design - Why Measures – Definitions, examples, validity, reliability Procedures – Step by step detail Analysis – how do you propose to analyze data (what statistical test or procedures) Always keep in mind External Validity Internal Validity Construct Validity When designing your study. ChE 201 – ChE Fundamentals Final Exam Review Problems 1. Natural gas composed of 60. mol% methane, 30. mol% ethane, and 10. mol% propane at 25 C and 500. psia is fed at a
  • 4. rate of 50. m3/hr into a boiler. In the boiler it is blended with enough air to provide 20% excess oxygen and combusted. The exhaust gas is passed through several air pollution control unit operations before being released through a smokestack into the atmosphere at a temperature of 400 C. Determine the flow rate (in m3/hr) of exhaust gas through the smokestack. {Answer: 79,400 m3/hr} 2. Determine the density of steam at 200 bar and 400 °C. a) Use the ideal gas law {Answer: 64.3 g/l} b) Use the compressibility factor. {Answer: 101 g/l} c) How can you easily verify your number? How well did the models work? 3. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is produced in a long tubular reactor under harsh conditions (T = 200 C and 1800 bar). Ethylene is pressurized, mixed with catalyst, and pumped into the reactor where (LDPE) is produced. The reactor itself is 0.5 m in diameter and 1800 m in length. Hint: the following equations may help you. and Where is the mass flow rate in kg/s, is the volumetric average fluid velocity in m/s, and A is the cross sectional area
  • 5. in m2. a) What phase is the ethylene? How can you tell? {Answer: supercritical} b) If the flow rate of ethylene at the beginning of the reaction (i.e. when conversion is 0) in the reactor is 2.0 m/s, determine the mass flow rate in kg/s. {Answer: 192 kg/s} 4- One method of producing propylene is the dehydrogenation of propane (C3H8) to propylene (C3H6) according to the reaction: A schematic of the reaction is shown below. The fresh feed (Stream 1) has a total flow rate of 100. mol/min and is composed of 96 mol% propane and 4.0 mol% propylene. The single pass conversion of propane across the reactor is 40% and all of the hydrogen is separated in the flash drum. Stream 5 exiting the flash drum is fed to a distillation column where 90% of the propylene is separated. The product (Stream 6) exiting the distillation column is composed of 99 mol% propylene and 1.0 mol% propane. The second stream exiting the column (Stream 7) is recycled back into the process. a) Why is there no purge stream for this process? (5 points) {no impurities or excess reactants} b) What is the overall conversion of propane? (15 pts) {99%} c) What is the molar flow rate of propane in Stream 2? (10 pts) {238 mol/min} d) What is the molar flow rate of propylene in Stream 7? (10 pts) {11mol/min}
  • 6. e) What is the recycle to fresh feed ratio (Stream 7 / Stream 1)? (15pts) {1.5} f) Suggest 2 possible reasons why the single pass conversion of propane is relatively low. (5 points) {slow kinetics, reaction reaches equilibrium} Stream 2 Reactor Flash drum Column 96% Propane 1.0% Propane 99% Propylene Reactor Flash drum Column 100. mol/min 4.0% Propylene Stream 1 100.% Hydrogen Stream 3 Stream 5 Stream 4 Stream 7 Stream 6
  • 8. a. Rationale – a description for the need of the study you are proposing. In a rationale you should address what is known about the topic (from your sources) and what is unknown and necessary to be studied. A good rationale will demonstrate why the study is important and necessary to contribute new knowledge to the topic. b. – a description and explanation for the design that you will use (Naturalistic observation, systematic observation, content analysis, correlational design, experimental, quasi-experimental). Research design: observational design: watch and describe the naturalistic systematic content analysis -correctional design: ,measure, relate and predict survey, interview, archival;, observation -experimental design: manipulate for cause and effect experiment quasi-experiment Experimental design -manipulation of one variable(independent/manipulated) to see effects on other
  • 9. variable(dependent/outcome) -control: experimental group or control group -random assignment Correction design: -measure 2 variables(or more) and see if they are related; use one variable to predict the another -used for prediction -cannot determine cause and effect -no manipulation Naturalistic observation -natural settings: an extended period of time -observe complex setting and behaviors -researcher a part of situation Systematic observation -careful observation of few specific behaviors in a particular setting -observations are qualitifiable(countable) -coding system -categories of behaviors and then count up how many times each category of behavior occurs) -should be sample and easy to do c. Participants – a description and explanation for the participants you would include,
  • 10. sampling method. Sampling method refers to the way that observations are selected from a population to be in the sample for a sample survey. Sampling methods: Simple Random Sampling, cluster sampling, stratified sampling, systematic random sampling d. Variables/Measures – a description and explanation for how you will measure your variables, including conceptual and operational definitions of all variables in your study. Issues of reliability and construct validity should be addressed. Dependent variable(DV): outcome Independent variable(IV): which group are you in Variables: anything that “varies” changes -situational variables -behavioral/responose variables -individual characteristic -medicating variable: 3rd variable ifluence the relationship between 2nd variable -confounding variable: variable that is uncounted for, new know cohat would happen Capturing variables: qualitative or qualitative -qualitative: observed in only a few people -describe behavior in a naturalistic setting
  • 11. -detailed and in-depth description -few cases or setting(samll samples) -interpret themes and patterns Quantitative -simple behavior: easily observed(counted) -large sample -uses statistics Relationship between 2 variables: -positive: when 2 variables changes in a situation -negative: opposite direction; one increase, one decrease -curvilinear: change the direction in some change, negative to positive; positive to negative -no relationship Variables: -conceptual definition: sleep--state of rest -operational definition: sleep--eyes close, depth breathing Ways to measure variables -physiological response -observation of behavior -ask: survey/interview/assessment Research validity -construct: accuracy of measures used -internal: ability to determine cause and effect(control) -experiement are strong in internal validity
  • 12. -external: ability to generalize beyond the study -conclusion: an accurate conclusion based on results concurrent validity: ex: To demonstrate a measure’s concurrent validity, researcher compares children’s score on her measure of helpful behavior to rating of how the child is linked in the classroom e. Procedures – very detailed description of how the study will be conducted. The procedures should be detailed enough for someone else to follow and be able to conduct the study (like a recipe). The more appropriate methodological ideas that you include from class the better your grade. methodological issues: -equipment -reactivity -concealment can overcome reactiveity -conceal with one way mirror, hidden microphone, hidden camera -allow time for people to get use to eqipment and observtion -reliablity -need 2 or more coders and should be in aggreement more than 80% of time -sampling
  • 13. f. Analysis – a description of what statistical analyses would be used to analyze your study. Rationale for Study (Inquisitiveness): Rationale for proposed study builds off of information from the sources used in the paper. Research Question/ Hypothesis is interesting and addresses a new variable or methods to bring new knowledge to topic. (Addresses a gap in literature) Rationale convinces reader that the study is worth conducting. Design & Methods: Design is appropriately selected to answer the specified research question (support hypothesis). All aspects of methods are described (participants, materials, measures, procedures). Descriptions of methods are detailed and include explanation for their inclusion. Measures are clearly described and appropriate. Proposal demonstrates sophisticated knowledge of course content. Analysis: An appropriate procedure of analysis is selected to fit methods described Analysis selected would address all research questions/ hypotheses Evaluating Claims Assignment ChAD 101 Research Methods
  • 14. Purpose: This assignment is designed for students to apply their knowledge of research methods to evaluate claims regarding child and adolescent development found in a variety of sources. Students will also demonstrate their understanding of course content by developing a proposal for an empirical study designed to add information to the selected topic. This assignment serves as the Program Learning Objective 4 assessment for the department [Differentiate between sources of information (research, professional, and popular) and evaluate the credibility and validity of each type of information source]. Description of Assignment: Students will take an in-depth look at a topical issue in child and adolescent development. In this assignment students will find non-scholarly and scholarly sources that focus on a central issue of interest. Students must include 4 non-scholarly sources of different types (e.g., newspaper, magazine, TV advertisement, Twitter feed, blog, podcast, etc.) and 4 scholarly sources (1 literature review and 3 empirical studies) in their research of the topic. Students will evaluate each of the sources, identify competing ideas, and based on the strength of the evidence of the sources, make conclusions regarding the topic. Students will then propose a study that would help contribute knowledge to the topic or resolve unanswered questions on the topic.Keys to success · Start early · GO chat with John about your ideas and the paper · Create an outline to organize your thinking · Look at grading rubric · Use Writing Center at any stage of developing or writing your paper. Schedule time at to Completing the Assignment: 1. Identify a topical issue about child or adolescent development (e.g., should armed police officers be stationed in schools? Is playing Fortnite and similar video games harmful to children? What is effective ways to combat cyberbullying?).
  • 15. Perhaps select one of the issues in your In the News source if you are interested in it, consider a topic you have heard about in your classes, or search online to find other current issues. See the library’s “Start your research” guide at to help get started. 2. Conduct a search for 4 non-scholarly sources (source comes from someone not affiliated with a University). Find sources related to that topic that come from different media sources (e.g., newspaper, magazine, blog, organization website, advertisement, TV, documentary, book, personal interview, podcast, social media feed). You will be assessed on how well you pick sources that demonstrate a connection to one another. 3. Search for 4 scholarly sources that address the topic you have selected. Again it is best to find sources that address the claims of the non-scholarly articles as closely as possible. Three of your sources must be empirical studies (data was collected and analyzed). One of your sources should be a literature review. It is useful to find your literature review first, as they usually provide sufficient background on the topic to help you understand the topic and find additional scholarly sources. Still struggling to find sources? Contact the ChAD librarian Susan Kendall ([email protected]) she is happy to help. 4. Submit the Topic Description Assignment (worth 10 points). This should include (1) a brief mention of your general topic (e.g., Effects of Video Games) and why it is significant, (2) a specific thesis statement you will support or a specific research question you will address (e.g., In what ways can educational video games improve learning?), (3) An APA reference list of all 8 sources you have found, and (4) A substantive evaluation of one of your sources, like you did for the “In the News” or “Reading Assignment” tasks. You will get feedback after this is submitted. 5. Read through and evaluate your remaining sources. Take notes as you identify the claims (what they say) and evidence (why reader should believe it) used in all of your sources.
  • 16. Claims are ideas put forth by the author or organization. The claim of the sources will also be supported by evidence (i.e., ideas from intuition, personal anecdotes, statements from authorities on the topic, evidence of tradition, logical connections, and/or empirical observation).You should consider the strength of the evidence in convincing the audience about the claim as well unanswered questions you have about the topic. You will be providing a critical review of your sources, so it is important to review all your sources with an evaluative frame of mind. You will have practiced this during the “In the News” and “Reading Assignment” activities earlier in the semester. 6. Outline your paper.Look at your notes for all your sources and think about what themes there were among them, (e.g., a few sources discuss Educational Video Games are not educational or fun, a couple sources say kids learn from video games when played with others – one is about friends and the other is about parents, and lastly a few sources get into virtual reality games providing experience based learning). These themes will serve to be sections for the body of your paper and help you connect ideas from each of your sources. It doesn’t matter if your sources agree, just be sure there is a logical way to group them together. Remember a source can be used in more than one area in your paper, especially if there are multiple claims that are made in it and it is meaningful to discuss both claims in your paper.PART 1 Literature Review Paper Write-up (Worth 80 points about 7 pages long) 7. Paper write up – Your write up of this assignment should contain the following: a. An introduction that presents the topic and main claim(s) you will be addressing in your paper. The introduction should capture the reader's interest, present any controversies in the topic, a thesis or question you will address in the paper, and an outline of the rest of the paper. b. Body of your paper organized in themes/sections. Within these sections you should describe the claims and evidence from
  • 17. your sources. Present information about positions your sources take, how they support those positions. Follow the description with a critical evaluation of your sources. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the information provided by the source and unanswered questions or how the source contributes to the topic and leads to the next paragraph. c. Comparison of sources. You should make comparison among sources and your evaluation of the sources. How do the sources support one another, refute one another, and explanations for which sources were more impactful and why. d. Conclusion. You should make conclusive statements about the topic/issue you are addressing, implications of the issue to parents, teachers, counselors, or others in interacting with children, and issues or factors that are left unresolved or unaddressed.PART 2 Research Study Design Proposal (worth 20 points – about 3 pages long) 8. In addition to the paper write-up, you will also design a proposal for a new empirical study. The purpose of your proposed study should go to address unresolved or unaddressed factors that you identified in the paper or to strengthen the evidence for a claim. The proposal should include the following: a. Rationale – a description for the need of the study you are proposing. In a rationale you should address what is known about the topic (from your sources) and what is unknown and necessary to be studied. A good rationale will demonstrate why the study is important and necessary to contribute new knowledge to the topic. b. Design – a description and explanation for the design that you will use (Naturalistic observation, systematic observation, content analysis, correlational design, experimental, quasi- experimental). c. Participants – a description and explanation for the participants you would include, sampling method. d. Variables/Measures – a description and explanation for how you will measure your variables, including conceptual and
  • 18. operational definitions of all variables in your study. Issues of reliability and construct validity should be addressed. e. Procedures – very detailed description of how the study will be conducted. The procedures should be detailed enough for someone else to follow and be able to conduct the study (like a recipe). The more appropriate methodological ideas that you include from class the better your grade. f. Analysis – a description of what statistical analyses would be used to analyze your study. Your proposal will be graded on the appropriateness of the design, detail, and inclusion of concepts from class. You will not actually conduct the study, you are just planning a study.