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Reproductive physiology
The functions of the female reproductive system are:
Formation of egg cell
Reception of sperm
Provision of suitable environments for
fertilization and fetal development
Parturition (childbirth)
Lactation, the production of breast milk, which
Complete nourishment for the baby in its early
• Early embryonic gonads can become either testes or
• A particular gene on the Y chromosome induces the
embryonic gonads to become testes.
• Females lack a Y chromosome, and the absence of this
gene causes the development of ovaries.
• The embryonic testes secrete testosterone, which induces
the development of male accessory sex organs and
external genitalia.
• The absence of testes(rather than the presence of ovaries)
in a female embryo causes the development of the female
accessory sex organs
• In sexual reproduction, germ cells ,or
gametes(sperm and ova), are formed within the
gonads(testes and ovaries) by a process of
reduction division, or meiosis.
• During this type of cell division, the normal
number of chromosomes inhuman cells—forty-
six—is halved, so that each gamete receives
twenty-three chromosomes.
• Fusion of a sperm cell and ovum(egg cell) in the
act of fertilization results in restoration of the
original chromosome number of forty-six in the
zygote ,or fertilized egg.
Sex Determination
 Each zygote inherits twenty-three chromosomes
from its mother and twenty-three chromosomes
from its father.
 This does not produce forty-six different
chromosomes, but rather twenty three pairs of
homologous chromosomes.
 The twenty-third pair of chromosomes are the sex
 In a female, these consist of two X chromosomes
,where as in a male there is one X chromosome and
one Y chromosome.
 The X and Y chromosomes look different and contain
different genes
The gametes are said to be haploid(they contain
only half the number of chromosomes in the
diploid parent cell).
Because all ova contain one X chromosome,
whereas some sperm are X-bearing and others
are Y-bearing ,the chromosomal sex of the
zygote is determined by the fertilizing sperm
If a Y-bearing sperm cell fertilizes the ovum, the
zygote will be XY and male; if an X-bearing
sperm cell fertilizes the ovum, the zygote will be
XX and female
• In Klinefelter’s syndrome,the affected person
has 47 instead of 46 chromosomes because of
the presence of an extra X chromosome.
• This person, with an XXY genotype, will
develop testes and have a male phenotype
despite the presence of two X chromosomes.
• Patients with Turner’s syndrome, who have the
genotype XO (and therefore have only 45
chromosomes), have poorly developed
(“streak”) gonads and are phenotypically
Formation of Testes and Ovaries
• Following conception, the gonads of males and
females are similar in appearance for the first 40 or
50 days of development.
• At this stage, the embryonic structures have the
potential to become either testes or ovaries.
• The hypothetical substance that promotes their
conversion to testes has been called the testis-
determining factor (TDF).
• The structures that will eventually produce sperm
with in the testes, the seminiferous tubules, appear
very early in embryonic development between 43
and 50 days of conception
 The tubules contain two major cell types: germinal and
 The germinal cells are those that will eventually become
sperm through meiosis and subsequent specialization.
 The non germinal cells are called Sertoli cells and the
Leydig (or interstitial) cells.
 Leydig cells in the embryonic testes secrete large
amounts of male sex hormones, or androgens. The major
androgen secreted by these cells is testosterone.
 Testosterone secretion during embryonic development in
the male serves the very important function of
masculinizing the embryonic structures.
 In contrast to the rapid development of the testes, the
functional units of the ovaries—called the ovarian
follicles—do not appear until the second trimester of
• As the testes develop, they move within the
abdominal cavity and gradually descend into the
• Descent of the testes is sometimes not complete
until shortly after birth.
• The temperature of the scrotum is maintained at
about 35°C, about 3°C below normal body
temperature. This cooler temperature is needed
for spermatogenesis.
• The fact that spermatogenesis does not occur in
males with undescended testes—a condition
called cryptorchidism
Development of Accessory Sex Organs
and External Genitalia
• In addition to testes and ovaries, various
internal accessory sex organs are needed for
reproductive function.
• Male accessory organs are derived from the
wolffian (mesonephric) ducts, and female
accessory organs are derived from the
müllerian (paramesonephric) ducts
• The secretion of testosterone by the Leydig cells
of the testes subsequently causes growth and
development of the wolffian ducts into male
accessory sex organs :the epididymis, ductus
(vas) deferens, seminal vesicles,and ejaculatory
• The external genitalia of males and females are
essentially identical during the first 6 weeks of
• The secretions of the testes masculinize these
structures to form the penis and spongy (penile)
urethra ,prostate ,and scrotum.
• In the absence of secreted testosterone, the genital
tubercle that forms the penis in a male will
become the clitoris in a female.
• The penis and clitoris are thus said to be
homologous structures.
Endocrine Regulation of Reproduction
• The functions of the testes and ovaries are
regulated by gonadotropic hormones secreted
by the anterior pituitary.
• The gonadotropic hormones stimulate the
gonads to secrete their sex steroid hormones.
• This interaction between the anterior pituitary
and the gonads forms a negative feedback loop.
• Before puberty, there are equally low blood
concentrations Of sex steroids-androgens and
estrogens-in both males and females
• During puberty, the gonads secrete increased
amounts of sex steroid hormones as a result of
increased stimulation by gonadotropic hormones
from the anterior pituitary.
• The anterior pituitary produces and secretes two
gonadotropic hormones—FSH and LH.
• The gonadotropic hormones of both sexes have
three primary effects on the gonads:
1. Stimulation of spermatogenesis or oogenesis
2. Stimulation of gonadal hormone secretion; and
3. Maintenance of the structure of the gonads(the
gonads atrophy if the pituitary gland is removed).
The Onset of Puberty
• Secretion of FSH and LH is high in the newborn, but
falls to very low levels a few weeks after birth.
• Gonadotropin secretion remains low until the beginning
of puberty, which is marked by rising levels of FSH
followed by LH secretion.
• This rise in gonadotropin secretion is a result of two
(1) Maturational changes in the brain that result in
increased GnRH secretion by the hypothalamus and
(2) Decreased sensitivity of gonadotropin secretion to the
negative feedback effects of sex steroid hormones
Characteristic Age of First Appearance Hormonal Stimulation
Appearance of breast buds 8-13 Estrogen, progesterone,
growth hormone,
thyroxine, insulin, cortisol
Pubic hair 8-14 Adrenal androgens
Menarche (first menstrual flow) 10-16 Estrogen and progesterone
Axillary (underarm) hair About 2 years after the
appearance of pubic hair
Adrenal androgens
Eccrine sweat glands and
sebaceous glands; acne
(from blocked sebaceous glands)
About the same time as
axillary hair growth
Adrenal androgens
Characteristic Age of First Appearance Hormonal Stimulation
Growth of testes 10–14
Testosterone, FSH, growth
Pubic hair
10--15 Testosterone
Body growth
10-16 10--16
Growth of penis 10-15 Testosterone
Growth of larynx (voice lowers 10-14 Testosterone
Male Reproductive System
• The Leydig cells in the interstitial tissue of the testes are
stimulated by LH to secrete testosterone, a potent androgen
that acts to maintain the structure and function of the male
accessory sex organs and to promote the development of
male secondary sex characteristics.
• The Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testes are
stimulated by FSH.
• The cooperative actions of FSH and testosterone are
required to initiate spermatogenesis
• Testosterone is by far the major androgen secreted by the
adult testis.
• This hormone and its derivatives (the 5α-reduced
androgens)are responsible for initiation and maintenance of
the body changes associated with puberty in males.
Male Accessory Sex Organs
• The seminiferous tubules are connected at both ends to
a tubular network called the rete testis.
• The epididymis is a tightly coiled structure, about 5
meters long if stretched out, that receives the tubular
• Spermatozoa enter at the “head” of the epididymis and
are drained from its “tail” by a single tube, the ductus,
or vas deferens.
• Spermatozoa that enter the head of the epididymis are
non motile.
• This is partially due to the low pH of the fluid in the
epididymis and ductus deferens.
• The pH is neutralized by the alkaline prostatic fluid
during ejaculation, so that the sperm are fully motile
• Sperm obtained from the seminiferous tubules
cannot fertilize an ovum.
• The epididymis serves as a site for sperm
maturation and for the storage of sperm between
• The ductus deferens carries sperm from the
epididymis out of the scrotum into the pelvic cavity.
• The seminal vesicles then add secretions that pass
through their ducts; at this point, the ductus deferens
becomes an ejaculatory duct.
• The ejaculatory ductis short (about 2 cm), however,
because it enters the prostate and soon merges with
the prostatic urethra.
• The prostate adds its secretions through numerous
pores in the walls of the prostatic urethra, forming
a fluid known as semen.
• The seminal vesicles secrete fluid containing
fructose, which serves as an energy source for the
• This fluid secretion accounts for about 60% of the
volume of the semen.
• The fluid contributed by the prostate contains
citric acid, calcium, and coagulation proteins.
• Erection, Emission, and Ejaculation
• Erection, accompanied by increases in the length
and width of the penis, is achieved as a result of
blood flow into the “erectile tissues” of the penis.
• As the erectile tissues become engorged with
blood and the penis becomes turgid, venous
outflow of blood is partially occluded, thus aiding
• The term emission refers to the movement of
semen into the urethra, and
• Ejaculation refers to the forcible expulsion of
semen from the urethra out of the penis.
• Emission and ejaculation are stimulated by
sympathetic nerves, which cause peristaltic
contractions of the tubular system, contractions
of the seminal vesicles and prostate, and
contractions of muscles at the base of the penis.
• Erection is controlled by two portions of the
central nervous system—the hypothalamus in
the brain and the sacral portion of the spinal
Female Reproductive System
• The two ovaries, about the size and shape of large
almonds, are suspended by means of ligaments from
thepelvic girdle.
• Extensions called fimbriae of the uterine (fallopian)
tubes partially cover each ovary.
• Ova that are released from the ovary—in a process
called ovulation—are normally drawn into the uterine
tubes by the action of the ciliated epithelial lining of
the tubes.
• The lumen of each uterine tube is continuous with the
uterus(or womb), a pear-shaped muscular organ
heldin place within the pelvic cavity by ligaments.
• The uterus consists of three layers.
• The outer layer of connective tissue is the
perimetrium, the middle layer of smooth
muscle is the myometrium, and the inner
epithelial layer is the endometrium.
• The stratum functionale, which cyclically
grows thicker as a result of estrogen and
progesterone stimulation, is shed at
• The uterus narrows to form the cervix, which opens
to the tubular vagina.
• The only physical barrier between the vagina and
uterus is a plug of cervical mucus.
• These structures, the vagina, uterus, and fallopian
tubes, constitute the accessory sex organs of the
• The vaginal opening is located immediately posterior
to the opening of the urethra.
• Both openings are covered by longitudinal folds—the
inner labia minora and outer labia majora.
• The clitoris, a small structure composed largely of
erectile tissue, is located at the anterior margin of the
labia minora
Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Parturition
 During the act of sexual intercourse, the male ejaculates an
average of 300 million sperm into the vagina of the female.
This tremendous number is needed because of the high sperm
fatality; only about 100 survive to enter each fallopian tube.
 A woman usually ovulates only one ovum a month, for a total
of less than 450 ova during her reproductive years.
 Fertilization normally occurs in the uterine tubes.
 Each sperm contains a large, enzyme-filled vesicle above its
nucleus, known as an acrosome, that is central to this task.
 A fertilized egg, or zygote, containing the diploid number of
chromosomes (forty-six).
• On the sixth day following fertilization, the
blastocyst attaches to the uterine wall, with the
side containing the inner cellmass positioned
against the endometrium.
• When implantation occurs,the trophoblast cells
of the chorion secrete chorionic
gonadotropin,or hCG. This hormone is
identical to LH in its effects and therefore is
able to maintain the corpus luteum past the
time when it would otherwise regress.
• The secretion of estradiol and progesterone is
thus maintained and menstruation is normally
Formation of the Placenta and Amniotic Sac
 As the blastocyst implants in the endometrium and the
chorion develops, the cells of the endometrium also undergo
 These changes, including cellular growth and the
accumulation of glycogen, are collectively called the
decidual reaction.
 The maternal tissue in contact with the chorion frondosum
is called the decidua basalis.
 These two structures, chorion frondosum(fetal tissue) and
decidua basalis (maternal tissue), together form the
functional unit known as the placenta.
 The embryo, together with its umbilical cord, is therefore
located within the fluid-filled amniotic sac(the volume is
increased and the concentration changed by urine from the
fetus; also contains sloughed off from the fetus, placenta,
and amniotic sac).
• Functions of placenta:-
• a) Hormonal:-secrete hCG, progestrone and Estrogen
• b) Metabolic:-synthesizing glycogen and cholesterol,
energy source for the developing fetus..
• c) To exchange nutrients, gases and fetal metabolic
• Labor and Parturition
• Powerful contractions of the uterus are needed to expel
the fetus in the sequence of events called labor.
• These uterine contractions are known to be stimulated by
two agents:
• (1) oxytocin, hormone produced in the hypothalamus and
released by the posterior pituitary (and also produced by
the uterus itself), and
• (2) prostaglandins, a class of cyclic fatty acids with
paracrine functions produced within the uterus
• The concentration of oxytocin receptors in the
myometrium increases dramatically as a result of
estrogen stimulation making the uterus more sensitive
to oxytocin.
• These effects culminate in parturition,or childbirth.
• Oxytocin may also play a role in promoting the
involution (reduction in size) of the uterus following
• Lactation
• During pregnancy, high levels of progesterone stimulate
the development of the mammary alveoli and estrogen
stimulates proliferation of the tubules and ducts.
• The production of milk proteins, including casein and
lactalbumin, is stimulated after parturition by prolactin

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reproductive physio.pptx

  • 2. The functions of the female reproductive system are: Formation of egg cell Reception of sperm Provision of suitable environments for fertilization and fetal development Parturition (childbirth) Lactation, the production of breast milk, which provides Complete nourishment for the baby in its early life.
  • 3. Introduction • Early embryonic gonads can become either testes or ovaries. • A particular gene on the Y chromosome induces the embryonic gonads to become testes. • Females lack a Y chromosome, and the absence of this gene causes the development of ovaries. • The embryonic testes secrete testosterone, which induces the development of male accessory sex organs and external genitalia. • The absence of testes(rather than the presence of ovaries) in a female embryo causes the development of the female accessory sex organs
  • 4. • In sexual reproduction, germ cells ,or gametes(sperm and ova), are formed within the gonads(testes and ovaries) by a process of reduction division, or meiosis. • During this type of cell division, the normal number of chromosomes inhuman cells—forty- six—is halved, so that each gamete receives twenty-three chromosomes. • Fusion of a sperm cell and ovum(egg cell) in the act of fertilization results in restoration of the original chromosome number of forty-six in the zygote ,or fertilized egg.
  • 5. Sex Determination  Each zygote inherits twenty-three chromosomes from its mother and twenty-three chromosomes from its father.  This does not produce forty-six different chromosomes, but rather twenty three pairs of homologous chromosomes.  The twenty-third pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes.  In a female, these consist of two X chromosomes ,where as in a male there is one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.  The X and Y chromosomes look different and contain different genes
  • 6. The gametes are said to be haploid(they contain only half the number of chromosomes in the diploid parent cell). Because all ova contain one X chromosome, whereas some sperm are X-bearing and others are Y-bearing ,the chromosomal sex of the zygote is determined by the fertilizing sperm cell. If a Y-bearing sperm cell fertilizes the ovum, the zygote will be XY and male; if an X-bearing sperm cell fertilizes the ovum, the zygote will be XX and female
  • 7. • In Klinefelter’s syndrome,the affected person has 47 instead of 46 chromosomes because of the presence of an extra X chromosome. • This person, with an XXY genotype, will develop testes and have a male phenotype despite the presence of two X chromosomes. • Patients with Turner’s syndrome, who have the genotype XO (and therefore have only 45 chromosomes), have poorly developed (“streak”) gonads and are phenotypically female.
  • 8. Formation of Testes and Ovaries • Following conception, the gonads of males and females are similar in appearance for the first 40 or 50 days of development. • At this stage, the embryonic structures have the potential to become either testes or ovaries. • The hypothetical substance that promotes their conversion to testes has been called the testis- determining factor (TDF). • The structures that will eventually produce sperm with in the testes, the seminiferous tubules, appear very early in embryonic development between 43 and 50 days of conception
  • 9.  The tubules contain two major cell types: germinal and non-germinal.  The germinal cells are those that will eventually become sperm through meiosis and subsequent specialization.  The non germinal cells are called Sertoli cells and the Leydig (or interstitial) cells.  Leydig cells in the embryonic testes secrete large amounts of male sex hormones, or androgens. The major androgen secreted by these cells is testosterone.  Testosterone secretion during embryonic development in the male serves the very important function of masculinizing the embryonic structures.  In contrast to the rapid development of the testes, the functional units of the ovaries—called the ovarian follicles—do not appear until the second trimester of pregnancy
  • 10. • As the testes develop, they move within the abdominal cavity and gradually descend into the scrotum. • Descent of the testes is sometimes not complete until shortly after birth. • The temperature of the scrotum is maintained at about 35°C, about 3°C below normal body temperature. This cooler temperature is needed for spermatogenesis. • The fact that spermatogenesis does not occur in males with undescended testes—a condition called cryptorchidism
  • 11. Development of Accessory Sex Organs and External Genitalia • In addition to testes and ovaries, various internal accessory sex organs are needed for reproductive function. • Male accessory organs are derived from the wolffian (mesonephric) ducts, and female accessory organs are derived from the müllerian (paramesonephric) ducts
  • 12. • The secretion of testosterone by the Leydig cells of the testes subsequently causes growth and development of the wolffian ducts into male accessory sex organs :the epididymis, ductus (vas) deferens, seminal vesicles,and ejaculatory duct. • The external genitalia of males and females are essentially identical during the first 6 weeks of development
  • 13. • The secretions of the testes masculinize these structures to form the penis and spongy (penile) urethra ,prostate ,and scrotum. • In the absence of secreted testosterone, the genital tubercle that forms the penis in a male will become the clitoris in a female. • The penis and clitoris are thus said to be homologous structures.
  • 14. Endocrine Regulation of Reproduction • The functions of the testes and ovaries are regulated by gonadotropic hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary. • The gonadotropic hormones stimulate the gonads to secrete their sex steroid hormones. • This interaction between the anterior pituitary and the gonads forms a negative feedback loop. • Before puberty, there are equally low blood concentrations Of sex steroids-androgens and estrogens-in both males and females
  • 15. • During puberty, the gonads secrete increased amounts of sex steroid hormones as a result of increased stimulation by gonadotropic hormones from the anterior pituitary. • The anterior pituitary produces and secretes two gonadotropic hormones—FSH and LH. • The gonadotropic hormones of both sexes have three primary effects on the gonads: 1. Stimulation of spermatogenesis or oogenesis 2. Stimulation of gonadal hormone secretion; and 3. Maintenance of the structure of the gonads(the gonads atrophy if the pituitary gland is removed).
  • 16. The Onset of Puberty • Secretion of FSH and LH is high in the newborn, but falls to very low levels a few weeks after birth. • Gonadotropin secretion remains low until the beginning of puberty, which is marked by rising levels of FSH followed by LH secretion. • This rise in gonadotropin secretion is a result of two processes: (1) Maturational changes in the brain that result in increased GnRH secretion by the hypothalamus and (2) Decreased sensitivity of gonadotropin secretion to the negative feedback effects of sex steroid hormones
  • 17. Characteristic Age of First Appearance Hormonal Stimulation Appearance of breast buds 8-13 Estrogen, progesterone, growth hormone, thyroxine, insulin, cortisol Pubic hair 8-14 Adrenal androgens Menarche (first menstrual flow) 10-16 Estrogen and progesterone Axillary (underarm) hair About 2 years after the appearance of pubic hair Adrenal androgens Eccrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands; acne (from blocked sebaceous glands) About the same time as axillary hair growth Adrenal androgens
  • 18. Characteristic Age of First Appearance Hormonal Stimulation Growth of testes 10–14 Testosterone, FSH, growth hormone Pubic hair 10--15 Testosterone Body growth 10-16 10--16 Growth of penis 10-15 Testosterone Growth of larynx (voice lowers 10-14 Testosterone
  • 19. Male Reproductive System • The Leydig cells in the interstitial tissue of the testes are stimulated by LH to secrete testosterone, a potent androgen that acts to maintain the structure and function of the male accessory sex organs and to promote the development of male secondary sex characteristics. • The Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testes are stimulated by FSH. • The cooperative actions of FSH and testosterone are required to initiate spermatogenesis • Testosterone is by far the major androgen secreted by the adult testis. • This hormone and its derivatives (the 5α-reduced androgens)are responsible for initiation and maintenance of the body changes associated with puberty in males.
  • 20. Male Accessory Sex Organs • The seminiferous tubules are connected at both ends to a tubular network called the rete testis. • The epididymis is a tightly coiled structure, about 5 meters long if stretched out, that receives the tubular products. • Spermatozoa enter at the “head” of the epididymis and are drained from its “tail” by a single tube, the ductus, or vas deferens. • Spermatozoa that enter the head of the epididymis are non motile. • This is partially due to the low pH of the fluid in the epididymis and ductus deferens. • The pH is neutralized by the alkaline prostatic fluid during ejaculation, so that the sperm are fully motile
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  • 22. • Sperm obtained from the seminiferous tubules cannot fertilize an ovum. • The epididymis serves as a site for sperm maturation and for the storage of sperm between ejaculations. • The ductus deferens carries sperm from the epididymis out of the scrotum into the pelvic cavity. • The seminal vesicles then add secretions that pass through their ducts; at this point, the ductus deferens becomes an ejaculatory duct. • The ejaculatory ductis short (about 2 cm), however, because it enters the prostate and soon merges with the prostatic urethra.
  • 23. Cont… • The prostate adds its secretions through numerous pores in the walls of the prostatic urethra, forming a fluid known as semen. • The seminal vesicles secrete fluid containing fructose, which serves as an energy source for the spermatozoa. • This fluid secretion accounts for about 60% of the volume of the semen. • The fluid contributed by the prostate contains citric acid, calcium, and coagulation proteins.
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  • 25. • Erection, Emission, and Ejaculation • Erection, accompanied by increases in the length and width of the penis, is achieved as a result of blood flow into the “erectile tissues” of the penis. • As the erectile tissues become engorged with blood and the penis becomes turgid, venous outflow of blood is partially occluded, thus aiding erection. • The term emission refers to the movement of semen into the urethra, and • Ejaculation refers to the forcible expulsion of semen from the urethra out of the penis.
  • 26. • Emission and ejaculation are stimulated by sympathetic nerves, which cause peristaltic contractions of the tubular system, contractions of the seminal vesicles and prostate, and contractions of muscles at the base of the penis. • Erection is controlled by two portions of the central nervous system—the hypothalamus in the brain and the sacral portion of the spinal cord.
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  • 28. Female Reproductive System • The two ovaries, about the size and shape of large almonds, are suspended by means of ligaments from thepelvic girdle. • Extensions called fimbriae of the uterine (fallopian) tubes partially cover each ovary. • Ova that are released from the ovary—in a process called ovulation—are normally drawn into the uterine tubes by the action of the ciliated epithelial lining of the tubes. • The lumen of each uterine tube is continuous with the uterus(or womb), a pear-shaped muscular organ heldin place within the pelvic cavity by ligaments. .
  • 29. CONT… • The uterus consists of three layers. • The outer layer of connective tissue is the perimetrium, the middle layer of smooth muscle is the myometrium, and the inner epithelial layer is the endometrium. • The stratum functionale, which cyclically grows thicker as a result of estrogen and progesterone stimulation, is shed at menstruation
  • 30. • The uterus narrows to form the cervix, which opens to the tubular vagina. • The only physical barrier between the vagina and uterus is a plug of cervical mucus. • These structures, the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes, constitute the accessory sex organs of the female. • The vaginal opening is located immediately posterior to the opening of the urethra. • Both openings are covered by longitudinal folds—the inner labia minora and outer labia majora. • The clitoris, a small structure composed largely of erectile tissue, is located at the anterior margin of the labia minora
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  • 32. Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Parturition  During the act of sexual intercourse, the male ejaculates an average of 300 million sperm into the vagina of the female. This tremendous number is needed because of the high sperm fatality; only about 100 survive to enter each fallopian tube.  A woman usually ovulates only one ovum a month, for a total of less than 450 ova during her reproductive years.  Fertilization normally occurs in the uterine tubes.  Each sperm contains a large, enzyme-filled vesicle above its nucleus, known as an acrosome, that is central to this task.  A fertilized egg, or zygote, containing the diploid number of chromosomes (forty-six).
  • 33. • On the sixth day following fertilization, the blastocyst attaches to the uterine wall, with the side containing the inner cellmass positioned against the endometrium. • When implantation occurs,the trophoblast cells of the chorion secrete chorionic gonadotropin,or hCG. This hormone is identical to LH in its effects and therefore is able to maintain the corpus luteum past the time when it would otherwise regress. • The secretion of estradiol and progesterone is thus maintained and menstruation is normally prevented
  • 34. Formation of the Placenta and Amniotic Sac  As the blastocyst implants in the endometrium and the chorion develops, the cells of the endometrium also undergo changes.  These changes, including cellular growth and the accumulation of glycogen, are collectively called the decidual reaction.  The maternal tissue in contact with the chorion frondosum is called the decidua basalis.  These two structures, chorion frondosum(fetal tissue) and decidua basalis (maternal tissue), together form the functional unit known as the placenta.  The embryo, together with its umbilical cord, is therefore located within the fluid-filled amniotic sac(the volume is increased and the concentration changed by urine from the fetus; also contains sloughed off from the fetus, placenta, and amniotic sac).
  • 35. • Functions of placenta:- • a) Hormonal:-secrete hCG, progestrone and Estrogen • b) Metabolic:-synthesizing glycogen and cholesterol, energy source for the developing fetus.. • c) To exchange nutrients, gases and fetal metabolic wastes. • Labor and Parturition • Powerful contractions of the uterus are needed to expel the fetus in the sequence of events called labor. • These uterine contractions are known to be stimulated by two agents: • (1) oxytocin, hormone produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary (and also produced by the uterus itself), and • (2) prostaglandins, a class of cyclic fatty acids with paracrine functions produced within the uterus
  • 36. • The concentration of oxytocin receptors in the myometrium increases dramatically as a result of estrogen stimulation making the uterus more sensitive to oxytocin. • These effects culminate in parturition,or childbirth. • Oxytocin may also play a role in promoting the involution (reduction in size) of the uterus following delivery. • Lactation • During pregnancy, high levels of progesterone stimulate the development of the mammary alveoli and estrogen stimulates proliferation of the tubules and ducts. • The production of milk proteins, including casein and lactalbumin, is stimulated after parturition by prolactin