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                                           G.N. Wikramanayake
                                Department of Statistics and Computer Science,
                                           University of Colombo.

Key words: database re-engineering and migration, meta-programming and legacy systems.


         A wealth of information is held in databases supporting the IT capabilities of organisations. Many of
these databases are called legacy databases in that they and their associated applications were developed with
software systems that are now technologically obsolete, particularly when compared with the more recent
systems being used for new developments in the organisation. These legacy databases need to be evolved and
migrated to modern computing environments, so that their existence remains beneficial to their community of
users. The evolution path of these databases is based on a re-engineering process. The Conceptualised
Constraint Visualisation and Enhancement System (CCVES) for relational legacy databases, developed at
Cardiff, is a database software tool that assists with the migration process of legacy databases, and its re-
engineering databases using meta-programming technology is described here.

         This tool is initially used to create a graphical model of a relational legacy database which shows its
current integrity constraints applicable to the elements of the model. CCVES was developed using meta-
translation techniques and can accept input from a variety of relational systems (INGRES, Oracle and
POSTGRES have been tested) to produce graphical models of a database’s schema as either as ER model or an
OMT model accompanied by a display of the integrity constraints in force in the database. CCVES can also be
used to enhance the legacy database by accepting input of explicit new constraints which the underlying
database does not support or which are incomplete in the database in that they should be enforced. This enables
further constraints to appear in the graphical model. These constraints are used to enhance the original
database’s meta-data model; and to assist legacy databases to be evolved and viewed in new ways. These
constraints can also be used to detect inconsistent legacy data prior to its migration from its current database
and help in the transparent migration of legacy databases which permits users to continue using them while
they migrate.

         Meta-programming technology have been successfully used in several recent research projects to
address heterogeneity issues. A key to this approach is the transformation of the source meta-data or query into
a common internal representation which is then separately transformed into a chosen target representation.
Thus components of a schema, referred to as meta-data, are classified as entity and attribute on input, and are
stored in a database language independent fashion in the internal representation. This meta-data is then
processed to derive the appropriate schema information of a particular DBMS. In this way it is possible to use a
single representation and yet deal with issues related to most types of DBMSs. A similar approach is used for
query transformation between source and target representations.

                                            16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997          1
1. INTRODUCTION                                         technology itself limits them from being
                                                        adapted to meet the changing business needs
Over the years rapid technological changes              catalysed by new technology. The older
have taken place in all fields of computing.            systems which have been developed using
Most of these changes have been due to the              3GLs and in operation for many years, often
advances in data communications, computer               suffer     from     failures, inappropriate
hardware and software which together have               functionality, lack of documentation, poor
provided a reliable and powerful networking             performance and are referred to as legacy
environment (i.e. standard local and wide area          information systems.
networks) that allow the management of data
stored in computing facilities at many nodes            The current technology is much more flexible
of the network. These changes have turned               as it supports methods to evolve (e.g. 4GLs,
round the hardware technology from                      CASE tools, GUI toolkits and reusable
centralised mainframes to networked file-               software libraries), and can share resources
server and client-server architectures which            through software that allows interoperability
support various ways to use and share data.             (e.g. ODBC). This evolution reflects the
                                                        changing business needs. However, modern
Simultaneous developments in the software               systems need to be properly designed and
industry have produced techniques (e.g. for             implemented to benefit from this technology,
system design and development) and products             which may still be unable to prevent such
capable of utilising the new hardware                   systems themselves being considered to be
resources (e.g. multi-user environments with            legacy information systems in the near future
GUIs). These new developments are being                 due to the advent of the next generation of
used for a wide variety of applications,                technology with its own special features. The
including modern distributed information                only salvation would appear to be building in
processing applications, such as office                 evolution paths in the current systems. This
automation where users can create and use               will ensure that any attempts to incorporate
databases with forms and reports with minimal           the modern technology will not adversely
effort, compared to the development efforts             affect the ongoing functionality of existing
using 3GLs. Such applications are being                 systems.
developed with the aid of database technology
as this field too has advanced by allowing              Re-engineering of legacy databases using
users to represent and manipulate advanced              meta-programming technology in such a way
forms of data and their functionalities. Due to         that the process is transparent to the current
the program data independence feature of                users has proved to be a successful. This paper
DBMSs the maintenance of database                       describes the benefits of this technology to the
application programs had become easier as               very important application areas of enhancing
functionalities   that    were    traditionally         and evolving heterogeneous distributed legacy
performed by procedural application routines            databases to assist the legacy database
are now supported declaratively using                   migration process. The role of meta-
database concepts such as constraints and               programming in this context is described here
rules.                                                  by considering the complementary roles of
                                                        schema and query meta-translation systems,
In the field of databases, the recent advances          the schema meta-visualisation system and
resulting from technological transformation             schema meta-integration system.
include many areas such as the use of
distributed database technology, object-                The rest of the paper is organised as follows.
oriented-oriented technology, constraints,              Section 2 identifies the re-engineering of
knowledge-based systems, 4GLs and CASE                  databases with special emphasis on the
tools. Meanwhile, the older technology was              relational model. This is followed by an
dealing with files and primitive database               overview      of   the     meta-programming
systems which now appear inflexible, as the             technology. Three main stages in the

2       16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
application of our system are described next.          •    Determine keys, e.g. primary keys,
The role of our system in context of meta-                  candidate keys and foreign keys.
programming technology is then described.              •    Determine entity and relationship types.
Finally, we complete the paper by identifying          •    Construct suitable data abstractions, such
some of our experiences and drawing                         as    generalisation   and     aggregation
conclusions.                                                structures.

                                                       2.1 Contents of a relational database
                                                       Diverse sources provide information that leads
Software such as programming code and                  to the identification of a database’s contents.
databases is re-engineered for a number of             These include the database’s schema,
reasons: for example, to allow reuse of past           observed patterns of data, semantic
development efforts, reduce maintenance                understanding of application and user
expense and improve software flexibility 11.           manuals. Among these the most informative
This re-engineering process consists of two            source is the database’s schema, which can be
stages, namely: a reverse-engineering and a            extracted from the data dictionary of a DBMS.
forward-engineering process. In database               The observed patterns of data usually provide
migration the reverse-engineering process may          information such as possible key fields,
be applied to help migrate databases between           domain ranges and the related data elements.
different vendor implementations of a                  This source of information is usually not
particular database paradigm (e.g. from                reliable as invalid, inconsistent, and
Informix to Oracle), between different                 incomplete data exists in most legacy
versions of a particular DBMS (e.g. Oracle             applications. The reliability can be increased
version 3 to Oracle version 7) and between             by using the semantics of an application. The
database types (e.g. hierarchical to modern            availability of user manuals for a legacy IS is
relational database systems). The forward-             rare and they are usually out of date, which
engineering process, which is the second stage         means they provide little or no useful
of re-engineering, is performed on the                 information to this search.
conceptual model derived from the original
reverse-engineering process. At this stage, the        Data dictionaries of relational databases store
objective is to redesign and / or enhance an           information about relations, attributes of
existing database system with missing and / or         relations, and rapid data access paths of an
new information.                                       application. Modern relational databases
                                                       record additional information, such as primary
The application of reverse-engineering to              and foreign keys (e.g. Oracle), rules /
relational databases has been widely described         constraints on relations (e.g. INGRES,
and applied 2-4, 8-11, 18. The latest approaches       POSTGRES, Oracle) and generalisation
have been extended to construct a higher level         hierarchies (e.g. POSTGRES). Hence, analysis
of abstraction than the original E-R model.            of the data dictionaries of relational databases
This includes the representation of object-            provides the basic elements of a database
oriented concepts such as generalisation /             schema, i.e. entities, their attributes, and
specialisation hierarchies in a reversed-              sometimes the keys and constraints, which are
engineered conceptual model.                           then used to discover the entity and
                                                       relationship types that represent the basic
The techniques used in the reverse-                    components of a conceptual model for the
engineering process consist of identifying             application. The trend is for each new product
common characteristics as identified below:            release to support more sophisticated facilities
                                                       for representing knowledge about the data.
•   Identify the database’s contents such as
    relations and attributes of relations.

                                         16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997    3
2.2 Keys of relational data model                       between two entities will have the same
                                                        attribute names in the entities involved. This
Theoretically, three types of key are specified         naming convention was used in 2 to determine
in a relational data model. They are primary,           relationship    types,      as    foreign     key
candidate and foreign keys. Early relational            specifications are not supported by all
DBMSs were not capable of implicitly                    databases. An important contribution of our
representing these. However, sometimes                  work is to support the identification of foreign
indexes which are used for rapid data access            key specifications for any database and hence
can be used as a clue to determine some keys            the detection of relationships, without
of an application database. For instance, the           performing any name conversions. We note
analysis of the unique index keys of a                  that some reverse-engineering methods rely on
relational database provides sufficient                 candidate keys (e.g. 8, 10), while others rely on
information to determine possible primary or            primary keys (e.g. 2). These approaches insist
candidate keys of an application. The                   on their users meeting their pre-requisites (e.g.
observed attribute names and data patterns              specification of missing keys) to enable the
may also be used to assist this process. This           user to successfully apply their reverse-
includes attribute names ending with ‘#’ or             engineering process. This means it is not
‘no’ as possible candidate keys, and attributes         possible to produce a suitable conceptual
in different relations having the same name for         model until the pre-requisites are supplied. For
possible foreign key attributes. In the latter          a large legacy database application the number
case, we need to consider homonyms to                   of these could exceed a hundred and hence, it
eliminate incorrect detections and synonyms             is not appropriate to rely on such pre-
to prevent any omissions due to the use of              requisites being met to derive an initial
different names for the same purpose. Such              conceptual model. Therefore, we concentrate
attributes may need to be further verified              on providing an initial conceptual model using
using the data elements of the database. This           only the available information. This will
includes explicit checks on data for validity of        ensure that the reverse-engineering process
uniqueness and referential integrity properties.        will not fail due to the absence of any vital
However the reverse of this process, i.e.               information (e.g. the key specification for an
determining a uniqueness property from the              entity).
data values in the extensional database is not a
reliable source of information, as the data             2.3 Entity and Relationship Types of a
itself is usually not complete (i.e. it may not             data model
contain all possible values) and may not be
fully accurate. Hence we do not use this                In the context of an E-R model an entity is
process although it has been used in 2, 11.             classified as strong (regular) or weak
The lack of information on keys in some                 depending on an existence-dependent property
existing database specifications has led to the         of the entity. A weak entity cannot exist
use of data instances to derive possible keys.          without the entity it is dependent on. The
However it is not practicable to automate this          enhanced E-R model (EER) 5 identifies more
process as some entities have keys consisting           entity types, namely: composite, generalised
of multiple attributes. This means many                 and      specialised     entities.     Different
permutations would have to be considered to             classifications of entities are due to their
test for all possibilities. This is an expensive        associative properties with other entities. The
operation when the volume of data and / or the          identification of an appropriate entity type for
number of attributes is large.                          each entity will assist in constructing a
                                                        graphically informative conceptual model for
In 2, a consistent naming convention is applied         its users. The extraction of information from
to key attributes. Here attributes used to              legacy systems to classify the appropriate
represent the same information must have the            entity type is a difficult task as such
same name, and as a result referencing and              information is usually lost during an
referenced attributes of a binary relationship          implementation.       This       is     because

4       16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
implementations take different forms even               abstractions can only be introduced either by
within a particular data model 5. Hence, an             introducing them without affecting the
information extraction process may need to              existing data structures or by transforming
interact with a user to determine some of the           existing entities and relationships to support
entity and relationship types. The type of              their representation. For example, entities
interaction required depends on the                     Staff and Student may be transformed to
information available for processing and will           represent a generalisation structure by
take different forms. For this reason we focus          introducing a Person entity.
only on our approach, i.e. determining entity
and relationship types using enhanced                   Other forms of transformation can also be
knowledge such as primary and foreign key               performed. These include decomposing all n-
information.                                            ary relationships for n > 3 into their
                                                        constituent relationships of order 2 to remove
2.4 Suitable Data Abstractions for a data               such relationships and hence simplify the
    model                                               association among their entities. At this stage
                                                        double buried relationships are identified and
Entities and relationships form the basic               merged and relationships formed with
components of a conceptual data model. These            subclasses are eliminated. Transitive closure
components describe specific structures of a            relationships are also identified and changed
data model. A collection of entities may be             to form simplified hierarchies. We use
used to represent more than one data structure.         constraints to determine relationships and
For example, entities Person and Student may            hierarchies. By controlling these constraints
be represented as a 1:1 relationship or as a is-a       (i.e. modifying or deleting them) it is possible
relationship. Each representation has its own           to transform or eliminate necessary
view and hence the user understanding of the            relationships and hierarchies.
data model will differ with the choice of data
structure. Hence it is important to be able to
introduce any data structure for a conceptual           3. META-PROGRAMMING
model and view using the most suitable data                TECHNOLOGY
                                                        Meta-programming technology allows the
Data structures such as generalisation and              meta-data (schema information) of a database
aggregation have inherent behavioural                   to be held and processed independently of its
properties which give additional information            source specification language. This allows us
about their participating entities (e.g. an             to work on a database language independent
instance of a specialised entity of a                   environment and hence overcome many
generalisation hierarchy is made up from an             logical heterogeneity issues. Prolog based
instance of its generalised entity). These              meta-programming technology has been used
structures are specialised relationships and            in previous research at Cardiff in the area of
representation of them in a conceptual model            logical heterogeneity 6, 14. Using this
provides a higher level of data abstraction and         technology the meta-translation of database
a better user understanding than the basic E-R          query languages 7 and database schemas 15 has
data model gives. These data abstractions               been performed. This work has shown how the
originated in the object-oriented data model            heterogeneity issues of different DBMSs can
and they are not implicitly represented in              be addressed without having to reprogram the
existing relational DBMSs. Extended-                    same functionality for each and every DBMS.
relational DBMSs support the O-O paradigm               We use meta-programming technology for our
(e.g. POSTGRES) with generalisation                     legacy database migration approach as we
structures being created using inheritance              need to be able to start with a legacy source
definitions on entities. However in the context         database and end with a modern target
of legacy DBMSs such information is not                 database where the respective database
normally available, and as a result such data           schema and query languages may be different

                                          16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997    5
from each other. In this approach the source            applied experimentally to the legacy database
database schema or query language is mapped             to determine the extent to which it conforms to
on input into an internal canonical form. All           them. This process is done at stage 3 (cf. paths
the required processing is then done using the          C-1 and C-2 of figure i). The user can then
information held in this internal form. This            decide whether these constraints should be
information is finally mapped to the target             enforced to improve the quality of the legacy
schema or query language to produce the                 database prior to its migration. At this point
desired output. The advantage of this approach          the three preparatory stages in the application
is that processing is not affected by                   of our approach are complete. The actual
heterogeneity as it is always performed on              migration process is then performed. All
data held in the canonical form. This                   stages are further described below to enable us
canonical form is an enriched collection of             to identify the main processing components of
semantic data modelling features.                       our proposed system as well as to explain how
                                                        we deal with different levels of heterogeneity.

4.      APPLICATION                                     4.1 Stage 1: Reverse Engineering

We view our re-engineering approach as                  In stage 1, the data definition of the selected
consisting of 3 stages. At stage 1, the data            database is reverse-engineered to produce a
definition of the selected database is reverse-         graphical display of the database. To perform
engineered to produce a graphical display (cf.          this task, the database’s meta-data must be
paths A-1 and A-2 of figure i). However, in             extracted (cf. path A-1 of figure i). This is
legacy systems much of the information                  achieved by connecting directly to the
needed to present the database schema in this           heterogeneous database. The accessed meta-
way is not available as part of the database            data needs to be represented using our internal
meta-data and hence these links which are               form. This is achieved through a schema
present in the database cannot be shown in              mapping process as used in the SMTS
this conceptual model. In modern systems                (Schema Meta-Translation System) of Ramfos
such links can be identified using constraint              . The meta-data in our internal formalism
specifications. Thus, if the database does not          then needs to be processed to derive the
have any explicit constraints, or it does but           graphical constructs present for the database
these are incomplete, new knowledge about               concerned (cf. path A-2 of figure i). These
the database needs to be entered at stage 2 (cf.        constructs are in the form of entity types and
path B-1 of figure i), which will then be               the relationships and their derivation process
reflected in the enhanced schema appearing in           is the main processing component in stage 1.
the graphical display (cf. path B-2 of figure i).       The identified graphical constructs are
This enhancement will identify new links that           mapped to a display description language to
should be present for the database concerned.           produce a graphical display of the database.
These new database constraints can next be

6       16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
             Enhanced                            Visualisation                          Enforced
             Constraints                        (EER or OMT)                           Constraints
                                                with Constraints

                             B-1                                                 C-1
                                            B-2             A-2

                                               Internal Processing

                                        B-3                       C-2


                                           Heterogeneous Databases

                      Stage 1 (Reverse Engineering)                       Stage 2 (Knowledge Augmentation)
                                              Stage 3 (Constraint Enforcement)

         Figure i: Information flow in the 3 stages of our approach prior to migration

a) Database connectivity for                                  point for the meta-translation process as in
   heterogeneous database access                              previous Cardiff systems 12, 15,. We found that
                                                              it is not essential to produce such a textual
Unlike the previous Cardiff meta-translation                  file,    as    the    required     intermediate
systems 7, 12, 15, which addressed heterogeneity              representation can be directly produced by the
at the logical and data management levels, our                database access process. This means that we
system looks at the physical level as well.                   could also by-pass the meta-translation
While these previous systems processed                        process that performs the analysis of the DDL
schemas in textual form and did not access                    text to translate it into the intermediate
actual databases to extract their DDL                         representation. However the DDL formalism
specification, our system addresses physical                  of the schema can be used for optional textual
heterogeneity by accessing databases running                  viewing and could also serve as the starting
on different hardware / software platforms                    point for other tools (e.g. The Schema Meta-
(e.g. computer systems, operating systems,                    Integration System (SMIS) of Qutaishat 12.)
DBMSs and network protocols). Our aim is to                   developed at Cardiff for meta-programming
directly access the meta-data of a given                      database applications.
database application by specifying its name,
the name and version of the host DBMS, and                    The initial functionality of the Stage 1
the address of the host machine (we assume                    database connectivity process is to access a
that access privileges for this host machine                  heterogeneous database and supply the
and DBMS have been granted). If this                          accessed meta-data as input to our schema
database access process can produce a                         meta-translator (SMTS). This module needs to
description of the database in DDL formalism,                 deal with heterogeneity at the physical and
then this textual file is used as the starting                data management levels. We achieve this by

                                           16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997           7
using DML commands of the specific DBMS                 Graphical data models of schemas employ a
to extract the required meta-data held in               set of data modelling concepts and a language-
database data dictionaries treated like user            independent graphical notation (e.g. the Entity
defined tables.                                         Relationship            (E-R)             model,
                                                        Extended/Enhanced        Entity     Relationship
Relatively recently, the functionalities of a           (EER) model 5 or the Object Modelling
heterogeneous database access process have              Technique (OMT) 17). In a heterogeneous
been provided by means of drivers such as               environment different users may prefer
ODBC 16. Use of such drivers will allow                 different    graphical     models,    and     an
access to any database supported by them and            understanding of the database structure and
hence obviate the need to develop specialised           architecture beyond that given by the
tools for each database type as happened in             traditional entities and their properties.
our case. These driver products were not                Therefore, there is a need to produce graphical
available when we undertook this stage of our           models of a database’s schema using different
work.                                                   graphical notations such as either E-R/EER or
                                                        OMT, and to accompany them with additional
b) Schema meta-translation                              information such as a display of the integrity
                                                        constraints in force in the database 18. The
The schema meta-translation process 15                  display of integrity constraints allows users to
accepts input of any database schema                    look at intra- and inter-object constraints and
irrespective of its DDL and features. The               gain a better understanding of domain
information captured during this process is             restrictions applicable to particular entities.
represented internally to enable it to be               Current reverse engineering tools do not
mapped from one database schema to another              support this type of display.
or to further process and supply information to
other modules such as the schema meta-                  The generated graphical constructs are held
visualisation system (SMVS) 13 and the query            internally in a similar form to the meta-data of
meta-translation system (QMTS) 7. Thus, the             the database schema. Hence using a schema
use of an internal canonical form for meta              meta visualisation process (SMVS) it is
representation has successfully accommodated            possible to map the internally held graphical
heterogeneity at the data management and                constructs into appropriate graphical symbols
logical levels.                                         and coordinates for the graphical display of
                                                        the schema. This approach has a similarity to
c) Schema meta-visualisation                            the SMTS, the main difference being that the
                                                        output is graphical rather than textual.
 Schema visualisation using graphical notation
and diagrams has proved to be an important              4.2 Stage 2: Knowledge Augmentation
step in a number of applications, e.g. during
the initial stages of the database design               In a heterogeneous distributed database
process; for database maintenance; for                  environment, evolution is expected, especially
database re-design; for database enhancement;           in legacy databases. This evolution can affect
for database integration; or for database               the schema description and in particular
migration; as it gives users a sound                    schema constraints that are not reflected in the
understanding of an existing database’s                 stage 1 (path A-2) graphical display as they
structure in an easily assimilated format 1, 5.         may be implicit in applications. Thus our
Database users need to see a visual picture of          system is designed to accept new constraint
their database structure instead of textual             specifications (cf. path B-1 of figure i) and
descriptions of the defining schema as it is            add them to the graphical display (cf. path B-2
easier for them to comprehend a picture. This           of figure i) so that these hidden constraints
has led to the production of graphical                  become explicit.
representations of schema information,
effected by a reverse engineering process.

8       16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
The new knowledge accepted at this point is             for the same additional knowledge. The
used to enhance the schema and is retained in           augmented tables are created and maintained
the database using a database augmentation              in a similar way to user-defined tables, but
process (cf. path B-3 of figure i). The new             have a special identification to distinguish
information is stored in a form that conforms           them. Their structure is in line with the
with the enhanced target DBMS’s methods of              international standards and the newer versions
storing such information. This assists the              of commercial DBMSs, so that the enhanced
subsequent migration stage.                             database can be easily migrated to either a
                                                        newer version of the host DBMS or to a
a) Schema enhancement                                   different DBMS supporting the latest SQL
                                                        standards. Migration should then mean that
Our system needs to permit a database schema            the newer system can enforce the constraints.
to be enhanced by specifying new constraints            Our approach should also mean that it is easy
applicable to the database. This process is             to map our tables for holding this information
performed via the graphical display. These              into the representation used by the target
constraints, which are in the form of integrity         DBMS even if it is different, as we are
constraints (e.g. primary key, foreign key,             mapping from a well defined structure.
check constraints) and structural components
(e.g.    inheritance     hierarchies,    entity         Legacy databases that do not support explicit
modifications) are specified using a GUI.               constraints can be enhanced by using the
When they are entered they will appear in the           above knowledge augmentation method. This
graphical display.                                      requirement is less likely to occur for
                                                        databases managed by more recent DBMSs as
b) Database augmentation                                they     already    hold    some     constraint
                                                        specification information in their system
The input data to enhance a schema provides             tables. The direction taken by Oracle version 6
new knowledge about a database. It is                   was a step towards our augmentation
essential to retain this knowledge within the           approach, as it allowed the database
database itself, if it is to be readily available       administrator to specify integrity constraints
for any further processing. Typically, this             such as primary and foreign keys, but did not
information is retained in the knowledge base           yet enforce them. The next release of Oracle,
of the tool used to capture the input data, so          i.e. version 7, implemented this constraint
that it can be reused by the same tool. This            enforcement process.
approach restricts the use of this knowledge
by other tools and hence it must be re-entered          4.3 Stage 3: Constraint Enforcement
every time the re-engineering process is
applied to that database. This makes it harder          The enhanced schema can be held in the
for the user to gain a consistent understanding         database, but the DBMS can only enforce
of an application, as different constraints may         these constraints if it has the capability to do
be specified during two separate re-                    so. This will not normally be the case in
engineering processes. To overcome this                 legacy systems. In this situation, the new
problem, we augment the database itself using           constraints may be enforced via a newer
the techniques proposed in SQL-3, wherever              version of the DBMS or by migrating the
possible. When it is not possible to use SQL-3          database to another DBMS supporting
structures we store the information in our own          constraint enforcement. However, the data
augmented table format which is a natural               being held in the database may not conform to
extension of the SQL-3 approach.                        the new constraints, and hence existing data
                                                        may be rejected by the target DBMS in the
When a database is augmented using this                 migration, thus losing data and / or delaying
method, the new knowledge is available in the           the migration process. To address this problem
database itself. Hence, any further re-                 and to assist the migration process, we provide
engineering processes need not make requests            an optional constraint enforcement process

                                          16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997    9
module which can be applied to a database               However, we demonstrate how to create and
before it is migrated. The objective of this            populate a legacy database schema in the
process is to give users the facility to ensure         desired target environment while showing the
that the database conforms to all the enhanced          role of SMTS and QMTS in such a process.
constraints before migration occurs. This
process is optional so that the user can decide
whether these constraints should be enforced            5. THE ROLE IN CONTEXT OF
to improve the quality of the legacy data prior            META-PROGRAMMING
to its migration, whether it is best left as it            TECHNOLOGY
stands, or whether the new constraints are too
severe.                                                 Our approach described in section 4 is based
                                                        on preparing a legacy database schema for
The constraint definitions in the augmented             graceful migration. This involves visualisation
schema are employed to perform this task. As            of database schemas with constraints and
all constraints held have already been                  enhancing them with constraints to capture
internally represented in the form of logical           more knowledge. Hence we call our system
expressions, these can be used to produce data          the Conceptualised Constraint Visualisation
manipulation statements suitable for the host           and Enhancement System (CCVES).
DBMS. Once these statements are produced,
they are executed against the current database           CCVES has been developed to fit in with the
to identify the existence of data violating a           previously developed schema (SMTS) 15 and
constraint.                                             query (QMTS) 7 meta-translation systems, and
                                                        the schema meta-visualisation system (SMVS)
4.4 Stage 4: Migration Process                             . This allows us to consider the
                                                        complementary roles of CCVES, SMTS,
The migration process itself is incrementally           QMTS and SMVS during Heterogeneous
performed by initially creating the target              Distributed Database access in a uniform way
                                                        6, 14
database and then copying the legacy data                     . The combined set of tools achieves
over to it. The schema meta-translation                 semantic     coordination    and     promotes
(SMTS) technique of Ramfos 15 is used to                interoperability    in    a     heterogeneous
produce the target database schema. The                 environment at logical, physical and data
legacy data can be copied using the import /            management levels.
export tools of source and target DBMS or
DML statements of the respective DBMSs.                 Figure ii illustrates the architecture of CCVES
During this process, the legacy applications            in the context of meta-data processing
must continue to function until they too are            modules. It outlines in general terms the
migrated. To achieve this an interface can be           process of accessing a remote (legacy)
used to capture and process all database                database to perform various database tasks,
queries of the legacy applications during               such as querying, visualisation, enhancement,
migration. This interface can decide how to             migration and integration. All these processes
process database queries against the current            uses the meta-data for their internal process.
state of the migration and re-direct those
newly related to the target database. The query         There are seven sub-processes: the schema
meta-translation (QMTS) technique of                    mapping process 15, query mapping process 7,
Howells 7 can be used to convert these queries          schema integration process 12, schema
to the target DML. This approach will                   visualisation process 13, database connectivity
facilitate transparent migration for legacy             process, database enhancement process and
databases. Our work does not involve the                database migration process. The first two
development of an interface to capture and              processes together have been called the
process all database queries, as interaction            Integrated Translation Support Environment 6,
with the query interface of the legacy IS is            and the first four processes together have been
embedded in the legacy application code.                called     the     Meta-Integration/Translation

10      16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
Support Environment 12. The last three                query mapping process, referred to as QMTS,
processes were introduced as CCVES to                 to generate the required queries to update the
perform database enhancement and migration            database via the DBC process. At this stage
in such an environment.                               any existing or enhanced constraints may be
                                                      applied to the database to determine the extent
The schema mapping process, referred to as            to which it conforms to the new
SMTS, translates the definition of a source           enhancements. Carrying out this process will
schema to a target schema definition (e.g. an         also ensure that legacy data will not be
INGRES schema to a POSTGRES schema).                  rejected by the target DBMS due to possible
The query mapping process, referred to as             violations. Finally, the database migration
QMTS, translates a source query to a target           process, referred to as DBMI, assists
query (e.g. an SQL query to a QUEL query).            migration by incrementally migrating the
The meta-integration process, referred to as          database to the target environment (route C-1
SMIS, tackles heterogeneity at the logical            to C-6 in figure ii). Target schema constructs
level in a distributed environment containing         for each migratable component are produced
multiple database schemas (e.g. Ontos and             via SMTS, and DDL statements are issued to
Exodus local schemas with a POSTGRES                  the target DBMS to create the new database
global schema) - it integrates the local              schema. The data for these migrated tables are
schemas to create the global schema. The              extracted by instructing the source DBMS to
meta-visualisation process, referred to as            export the source data to the target database
SMVS, generates a graphical representation of         via QMTS. Here too, the queries which
a schema. The remaining three processes,              implement this export are issued to the DBMS
namely: database connectivity, enhancement            via the DBC process.
and migration with their associated processes,
namely: SMVS, SMTS and QMTS, are the                  6. EXPERIENCES AND
subject of the present thesis, as they together          CONCLUSIONS
form CCVES (centre section of figure ii).
                                                      CCVES, although it has been tested for only
The database connectivity process (DBC),              three types of DBMS, namely: INGRES,
queries meta-data from a remote database              POSTGRES and Oracle, could be easily
(route A-1 in figure ii) to supply meta-              adapted for other relational DBMSs as they
knowledge (route A-2 in figure ii) to the             represent their meta-data similarly - i.e. in the
schema mapping process referred to as SMTS.           form of system tables, with minor differences
SMTS translates this meta-knowledge to an             such as table and attribute names and some
internal representation which is based on SQL         table structures. Non relational database
schema constructs. These SQL constructs are           models accessible via ODBC or other tools
supplied to SMVS for further processing               (e.g. Data Extract for DB2, which permits
(route A-3 in figure ii) which results in the         movement of data from IMS/VS, DL/1,
production of a graphical view of the schema          VSAM, SAM to SQL/DS or DB2), could also
(route A-4 in figure ii). Our reverse-                be easily adapted as the meta-data required by
engineering techniques 18 are applied to              CCVES could be extracted from them.
identify entity and relationship types to be          Previous work related to meta-translation 7 has
used in the graphical model. Meta-knowledge           investigated the translation of dBase code to
enhancements are solicited at this point by the       INGRES/QUEL,            demonstrating         the
database enhancement process (DBE) (route             applicability of this technique in general, not
B-1 in figure ii), which allows the definition        only to the relational data model but also to
of new constraints and changes to the existing        others such as CODASYL and hierarchical
schema. These enhancements are reflected in           data models. This means CCVES is capable in
the graphical view (route B-2 and B-3 in              principle of being extended to cope with other
figure ii) and may be used to augment the             data models.
database (route B-4 to B-8 in figure ii). This
approach to augmentation makes use of the

                                        16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997     11
12   16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
The meta-programming approach enabled us                4. Dumpala S.R. and Arora S.K., ‘Schema
to implement many other features, such as the              translation using the entity-relationship
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different data models, e.g. relational and                 International Conference on Entity-
object-oriented, the ability to easily enhance             Relationship Approach, Chen P.P.-C.
or customise for different display models, e.g.            (Ed.), Washington, 1981, pp. 339-360.
E-R, EER and OMT, and the ability to deal
with heterogeneity due to differences in local          5. Elmasri     R.   and   Navathe     S.B.,
databases (e.g. at the global level the user               ‘Fundamentals of database systems’, 2nd
views all local databases as if they come from             edition, Benjamin/Cummings, 1994.
the same DBMS, and is also able to view
databases using a preferred DDL syntax).                6. Fiddian N.J., Gray W.A., Ramfos A. and
                                                           Cooke A., ‘Database meta-translation
We were able to successfully reverse-engineer              technology: integration, status and
a leading telecommunication database extract               application’, Database Technology, Vol.
consisting of over 50 entities. This enabled us            4, 1992, pp. 259-263.
to test our tool on a scale greater than that of
our test databases. Beside all or parts of our          7. Howells D.I., Fiddian N.J. and Gray
system have been successfully used for other               W.A.,     ‘A    source-to-source   meta-
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7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                        Data Bases, Stocker P., Kent W. and
                                                           Hammersley P. (Eds.), Brighton, 1987, pp.
This work was supervised by Prof. W.A. Gray                227-234.
and Dr. N.J. Fiddian, and was carriedout at
University of Wales, College of Cardiff. This           8. Johannesson P. and Kalman K., ‘A
work was partially funded by the Association               methodology for translating relational
of Commonwealth.                                           schemas into conceptual schemas’,
                                                           Proceedings    of    8th     International
                                                           Conference    on      Entity-Relationship
8.      REFERENCES                                         Approach, 1989, pp. 279-294.

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14      16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997

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පරිගණක ක්ෂේත‍්‍රයේ වෘත්තීය අවස්ථා දිනමිණ, පරිගණක දැනුම
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Re-Engineering Databases using Meta-Programming Technology

  • 1. RE-ENGINEERING DATABASES USING META-PROGRAMMING TECHNOLOGY G.N. Wikramanayake Department of Statistics and Computer Science, University of Colombo. Key words: database re-engineering and migration, meta-programming and legacy systems. ABSTRACT A wealth of information is held in databases supporting the IT capabilities of organisations. Many of these databases are called legacy databases in that they and their associated applications were developed with software systems that are now technologically obsolete, particularly when compared with the more recent systems being used for new developments in the organisation. These legacy databases need to be evolved and migrated to modern computing environments, so that their existence remains beneficial to their community of users. The evolution path of these databases is based on a re-engineering process. The Conceptualised Constraint Visualisation and Enhancement System (CCVES) for relational legacy databases, developed at Cardiff, is a database software tool that assists with the migration process of legacy databases, and its re- engineering databases using meta-programming technology is described here. This tool is initially used to create a graphical model of a relational legacy database which shows its current integrity constraints applicable to the elements of the model. CCVES was developed using meta- translation techniques and can accept input from a variety of relational systems (INGRES, Oracle and POSTGRES have been tested) to produce graphical models of a database’s schema as either as ER model or an OMT model accompanied by a display of the integrity constraints in force in the database. CCVES can also be used to enhance the legacy database by accepting input of explicit new constraints which the underlying database does not support or which are incomplete in the database in that they should be enforced. This enables further constraints to appear in the graphical model. These constraints are used to enhance the original database’s meta-data model; and to assist legacy databases to be evolved and viewed in new ways. These constraints can also be used to detect inconsistent legacy data prior to its migration from its current database and help in the transparent migration of legacy databases which permits users to continue using them while they migrate. Meta-programming technology have been successfully used in several recent research projects to address heterogeneity issues. A key to this approach is the transformation of the source meta-data or query into a common internal representation which is then separately transformed into a chosen target representation. Thus components of a schema, referred to as meta-data, are classified as entity and attribute on input, and are stored in a database language independent fashion in the internal representation. This meta-data is then processed to derive the appropriate schema information of a particular DBMS. In this way it is possible to use a single representation and yet deal with issues related to most types of DBMSs. A similar approach is used for query transformation between source and target representations. 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997 1
  • 2. 1. INTRODUCTION technology itself limits them from being adapted to meet the changing business needs Over the years rapid technological changes catalysed by new technology. The older have taken place in all fields of computing. systems which have been developed using Most of these changes have been due to the 3GLs and in operation for many years, often advances in data communications, computer suffer from failures, inappropriate hardware and software which together have functionality, lack of documentation, poor provided a reliable and powerful networking performance and are referred to as legacy environment (i.e. standard local and wide area information systems. networks) that allow the management of data stored in computing facilities at many nodes The current technology is much more flexible of the network. These changes have turned as it supports methods to evolve (e.g. 4GLs, round the hardware technology from CASE tools, GUI toolkits and reusable centralised mainframes to networked file- software libraries), and can share resources server and client-server architectures which through software that allows interoperability support various ways to use and share data. (e.g. ODBC). This evolution reflects the changing business needs. However, modern Simultaneous developments in the software systems need to be properly designed and industry have produced techniques (e.g. for implemented to benefit from this technology, system design and development) and products which may still be unable to prevent such capable of utilising the new hardware systems themselves being considered to be resources (e.g. multi-user environments with legacy information systems in the near future GUIs). These new developments are being due to the advent of the next generation of used for a wide variety of applications, technology with its own special features. The including modern distributed information only salvation would appear to be building in processing applications, such as office evolution paths in the current systems. This automation where users can create and use will ensure that any attempts to incorporate databases with forms and reports with minimal the modern technology will not adversely effort, compared to the development efforts affect the ongoing functionality of existing using 3GLs. Such applications are being systems. developed with the aid of database technology as this field too has advanced by allowing Re-engineering of legacy databases using users to represent and manipulate advanced meta-programming technology in such a way forms of data and their functionalities. Due to that the process is transparent to the current the program data independence feature of users has proved to be a successful. This paper DBMSs the maintenance of database describes the benefits of this technology to the application programs had become easier as very important application areas of enhancing functionalities that were traditionally and evolving heterogeneous distributed legacy performed by procedural application routines databases to assist the legacy database are now supported declaratively using migration process. The role of meta- database concepts such as constraints and programming in this context is described here rules. by considering the complementary roles of schema and query meta-translation systems, In the field of databases, the recent advances the schema meta-visualisation system and resulting from technological transformation schema meta-integration system. include many areas such as the use of distributed database technology, object- The rest of the paper is organised as follows. oriented-oriented technology, constraints, Section 2 identifies the re-engineering of knowledge-based systems, 4GLs and CASE databases with special emphasis on the tools. Meanwhile, the older technology was relational model. This is followed by an dealing with files and primitive database overview of the meta-programming systems which now appear inflexible, as the technology. Three main stages in the 2 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
  • 3. application of our system are described next. • Determine keys, e.g. primary keys, The role of our system in context of meta- candidate keys and foreign keys. programming technology is then described. • Determine entity and relationship types. Finally, we complete the paper by identifying • Construct suitable data abstractions, such some of our experiences and drawing as generalisation and aggregation conclusions. structures. 2.1 Contents of a relational database 2. RE-ENGINEERING DATABASES Diverse sources provide information that leads Software such as programming code and to the identification of a database’s contents. databases is re-engineered for a number of These include the database’s schema, reasons: for example, to allow reuse of past observed patterns of data, semantic development efforts, reduce maintenance understanding of application and user expense and improve software flexibility 11. manuals. Among these the most informative This re-engineering process consists of two source is the database’s schema, which can be stages, namely: a reverse-engineering and a extracted from the data dictionary of a DBMS. forward-engineering process. In database The observed patterns of data usually provide migration the reverse-engineering process may information such as possible key fields, be applied to help migrate databases between domain ranges and the related data elements. different vendor implementations of a This source of information is usually not particular database paradigm (e.g. from reliable as invalid, inconsistent, and Informix to Oracle), between different incomplete data exists in most legacy versions of a particular DBMS (e.g. Oracle applications. The reliability can be increased version 3 to Oracle version 7) and between by using the semantics of an application. The database types (e.g. hierarchical to modern availability of user manuals for a legacy IS is relational database systems). The forward- rare and they are usually out of date, which engineering process, which is the second stage means they provide little or no useful of re-engineering, is performed on the information to this search. conceptual model derived from the original reverse-engineering process. At this stage, the Data dictionaries of relational databases store objective is to redesign and / or enhance an information about relations, attributes of existing database system with missing and / or relations, and rapid data access paths of an new information. application. Modern relational databases record additional information, such as primary The application of reverse-engineering to and foreign keys (e.g. Oracle), rules / relational databases has been widely described constraints on relations (e.g. INGRES, and applied 2-4, 8-11, 18. The latest approaches POSTGRES, Oracle) and generalisation have been extended to construct a higher level hierarchies (e.g. POSTGRES). Hence, analysis of abstraction than the original E-R model. of the data dictionaries of relational databases This includes the representation of object- provides the basic elements of a database oriented concepts such as generalisation / schema, i.e. entities, their attributes, and specialisation hierarchies in a reversed- sometimes the keys and constraints, which are engineered conceptual model. then used to discover the entity and relationship types that represent the basic The techniques used in the reverse- components of a conceptual model for the engineering process consist of identifying application. The trend is for each new product common characteristics as identified below: release to support more sophisticated facilities for representing knowledge about the data. • Identify the database’s contents such as relations and attributes of relations. 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997 3
  • 4. 2.2 Keys of relational data model between two entities will have the same attribute names in the entities involved. This Theoretically, three types of key are specified naming convention was used in 2 to determine in a relational data model. They are primary, relationship types, as foreign key candidate and foreign keys. Early relational specifications are not supported by all DBMSs were not capable of implicitly databases. An important contribution of our representing these. However, sometimes work is to support the identification of foreign indexes which are used for rapid data access key specifications for any database and hence can be used as a clue to determine some keys the detection of relationships, without of an application database. For instance, the performing any name conversions. We note analysis of the unique index keys of a that some reverse-engineering methods rely on relational database provides sufficient candidate keys (e.g. 8, 10), while others rely on information to determine possible primary or primary keys (e.g. 2). These approaches insist candidate keys of an application. The on their users meeting their pre-requisites (e.g. observed attribute names and data patterns specification of missing keys) to enable the may also be used to assist this process. This user to successfully apply their reverse- includes attribute names ending with ‘#’ or engineering process. This means it is not ‘no’ as possible candidate keys, and attributes possible to produce a suitable conceptual in different relations having the same name for model until the pre-requisites are supplied. For possible foreign key attributes. In the latter a large legacy database application the number case, we need to consider homonyms to of these could exceed a hundred and hence, it eliminate incorrect detections and synonyms is not appropriate to rely on such pre- to prevent any omissions due to the use of requisites being met to derive an initial different names for the same purpose. Such conceptual model. Therefore, we concentrate attributes may need to be further verified on providing an initial conceptual model using using the data elements of the database. This only the available information. This will includes explicit checks on data for validity of ensure that the reverse-engineering process uniqueness and referential integrity properties. will not fail due to the absence of any vital However the reverse of this process, i.e. information (e.g. the key specification for an determining a uniqueness property from the entity). data values in the extensional database is not a reliable source of information, as the data 2.3 Entity and Relationship Types of a itself is usually not complete (i.e. it may not data model contain all possible values) and may not be fully accurate. Hence we do not use this In the context of an E-R model an entity is process although it has been used in 2, 11. classified as strong (regular) or weak The lack of information on keys in some depending on an existence-dependent property existing database specifications has led to the of the entity. A weak entity cannot exist use of data instances to derive possible keys. without the entity it is dependent on. The However it is not practicable to automate this enhanced E-R model (EER) 5 identifies more process as some entities have keys consisting entity types, namely: composite, generalised of multiple attributes. This means many and specialised entities. Different permutations would have to be considered to classifications of entities are due to their test for all possibilities. This is an expensive associative properties with other entities. The operation when the volume of data and / or the identification of an appropriate entity type for number of attributes is large. each entity will assist in constructing a graphically informative conceptual model for In 2, a consistent naming convention is applied its users. The extraction of information from to key attributes. Here attributes used to legacy systems to classify the appropriate represent the same information must have the entity type is a difficult task as such same name, and as a result referencing and information is usually lost during an referenced attributes of a binary relationship implementation. This is because 4 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
  • 5. implementations take different forms even abstractions can only be introduced either by within a particular data model 5. Hence, an introducing them without affecting the information extraction process may need to existing data structures or by transforming interact with a user to determine some of the existing entities and relationships to support entity and relationship types. The type of their representation. For example, entities interaction required depends on the Staff and Student may be transformed to information available for processing and will represent a generalisation structure by take different forms. For this reason we focus introducing a Person entity. only on our approach, i.e. determining entity and relationship types using enhanced Other forms of transformation can also be knowledge such as primary and foreign key performed. These include decomposing all n- information. ary relationships for n > 3 into their constituent relationships of order 2 to remove 2.4 Suitable Data Abstractions for a data such relationships and hence simplify the model association among their entities. At this stage double buried relationships are identified and Entities and relationships form the basic merged and relationships formed with components of a conceptual data model. These subclasses are eliminated. Transitive closure components describe specific structures of a relationships are also identified and changed data model. A collection of entities may be to form simplified hierarchies. We use used to represent more than one data structure. constraints to determine relationships and For example, entities Person and Student may hierarchies. By controlling these constraints be represented as a 1:1 relationship or as a is-a (i.e. modifying or deleting them) it is possible relationship. Each representation has its own to transform or eliminate necessary view and hence the user understanding of the relationships and hierarchies. data model will differ with the choice of data structure. Hence it is important to be able to introduce any data structure for a conceptual 3. META-PROGRAMMING model and view using the most suitable data TECHNOLOGY abstraction. Meta-programming technology allows the Data structures such as generalisation and meta-data (schema information) of a database aggregation have inherent behavioural to be held and processed independently of its properties which give additional information source specification language. This allows us about their participating entities (e.g. an to work on a database language independent instance of a specialised entity of a environment and hence overcome many generalisation hierarchy is made up from an logical heterogeneity issues. Prolog based instance of its generalised entity). These meta-programming technology has been used structures are specialised relationships and in previous research at Cardiff in the area of representation of them in a conceptual model logical heterogeneity 6, 14. Using this provides a higher level of data abstraction and technology the meta-translation of database a better user understanding than the basic E-R query languages 7 and database schemas 15 has data model gives. These data abstractions been performed. This work has shown how the originated in the object-oriented data model heterogeneity issues of different DBMSs can and they are not implicitly represented in be addressed without having to reprogram the existing relational DBMSs. Extended- same functionality for each and every DBMS. relational DBMSs support the O-O paradigm We use meta-programming technology for our (e.g. POSTGRES) with generalisation legacy database migration approach as we structures being created using inheritance need to be able to start with a legacy source definitions on entities. However in the context database and end with a modern target of legacy DBMSs such information is not database where the respective database normally available, and as a result such data schema and query languages may be different 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997 5
  • 6. from each other. In this approach the source applied experimentally to the legacy database database schema or query language is mapped to determine the extent to which it conforms to on input into an internal canonical form. All them. This process is done at stage 3 (cf. paths the required processing is then done using the C-1 and C-2 of figure i). The user can then information held in this internal form. This decide whether these constraints should be information is finally mapped to the target enforced to improve the quality of the legacy schema or query language to produce the database prior to its migration. At this point desired output. The advantage of this approach the three preparatory stages in the application is that processing is not affected by of our approach are complete. The actual heterogeneity as it is always performed on migration process is then performed. All data held in the canonical form. This stages are further described below to enable us canonical form is an enriched collection of to identify the main processing components of semantic data modelling features. our proposed system as well as to explain how we deal with different levels of heterogeneity. 4. APPLICATION 4.1 Stage 1: Reverse Engineering We view our re-engineering approach as In stage 1, the data definition of the selected consisting of 3 stages. At stage 1, the data database is reverse-engineered to produce a definition of the selected database is reverse- graphical display of the database. To perform engineered to produce a graphical display (cf. this task, the database’s meta-data must be paths A-1 and A-2 of figure i). However, in extracted (cf. path A-1 of figure i). This is legacy systems much of the information achieved by connecting directly to the needed to present the database schema in this heterogeneous database. The accessed meta- way is not available as part of the database data needs to be represented using our internal meta-data and hence these links which are form. This is achieved through a schema present in the database cannot be shown in mapping process as used in the SMTS this conceptual model. In modern systems (Schema Meta-Translation System) of Ramfos 15 such links can be identified using constraint . The meta-data in our internal formalism specifications. Thus, if the database does not then needs to be processed to derive the have any explicit constraints, or it does but graphical constructs present for the database these are incomplete, new knowledge about concerned (cf. path A-2 of figure i). These the database needs to be entered at stage 2 (cf. constructs are in the form of entity types and path B-1 of figure i), which will then be the relationships and their derivation process reflected in the enhanced schema appearing in is the main processing component in stage 1. the graphical display (cf. path B-2 of figure i). The identified graphical constructs are This enhancement will identify new links that mapped to a display description language to should be present for the database concerned. produce a graphical display of the database. These new database constraints can next be 6 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
  • 7. Schema Enhanced Visualisation Enforced Constraints (EER or OMT) Constraints with Constraints B-1 C-1 B-2 A-2 Internal Processing B-3 C-2 A-1 Heterogeneous Databases Stage 1 (Reverse Engineering) Stage 2 (Knowledge Augmentation) Stage 3 (Constraint Enforcement) Figure i: Information flow in the 3 stages of our approach prior to migration a) Database connectivity for point for the meta-translation process as in heterogeneous database access previous Cardiff systems 12, 15,. We found that it is not essential to produce such a textual Unlike the previous Cardiff meta-translation file, as the required intermediate systems 7, 12, 15, which addressed heterogeneity representation can be directly produced by the at the logical and data management levels, our database access process. This means that we system looks at the physical level as well. could also by-pass the meta-translation While these previous systems processed process that performs the analysis of the DDL schemas in textual form and did not access text to translate it into the intermediate actual databases to extract their DDL representation. However the DDL formalism specification, our system addresses physical of the schema can be used for optional textual heterogeneity by accessing databases running viewing and could also serve as the starting on different hardware / software platforms point for other tools (e.g. The Schema Meta- (e.g. computer systems, operating systems, Integration System (SMIS) of Qutaishat 12.) DBMSs and network protocols). Our aim is to developed at Cardiff for meta-programming directly access the meta-data of a given database applications. database application by specifying its name, the name and version of the host DBMS, and The initial functionality of the Stage 1 the address of the host machine (we assume database connectivity process is to access a that access privileges for this host machine heterogeneous database and supply the and DBMS have been granted). If this accessed meta-data as input to our schema database access process can produce a meta-translator (SMTS). This module needs to description of the database in DDL formalism, deal with heterogeneity at the physical and then this textual file is used as the starting data management levels. We achieve this by 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997 7
  • 8. using DML commands of the specific DBMS Graphical data models of schemas employ a to extract the required meta-data held in set of data modelling concepts and a language- database data dictionaries treated like user independent graphical notation (e.g. the Entity defined tables. Relationship (E-R) model, Extended/Enhanced Entity Relationship Relatively recently, the functionalities of a (EER) model 5 or the Object Modelling heterogeneous database access process have Technique (OMT) 17). In a heterogeneous been provided by means of drivers such as environment different users may prefer ODBC 16. Use of such drivers will allow different graphical models, and an access to any database supported by them and understanding of the database structure and hence obviate the need to develop specialised architecture beyond that given by the tools for each database type as happened in traditional entities and their properties. our case. These driver products were not Therefore, there is a need to produce graphical available when we undertook this stage of our models of a database’s schema using different work. graphical notations such as either E-R/EER or OMT, and to accompany them with additional b) Schema meta-translation information such as a display of the integrity constraints in force in the database 18. The The schema meta-translation process 15 display of integrity constraints allows users to accepts input of any database schema look at intra- and inter-object constraints and irrespective of its DDL and features. The gain a better understanding of domain information captured during this process is restrictions applicable to particular entities. represented internally to enable it to be Current reverse engineering tools do not mapped from one database schema to another support this type of display. or to further process and supply information to other modules such as the schema meta- The generated graphical constructs are held visualisation system (SMVS) 13 and the query internally in a similar form to the meta-data of meta-translation system (QMTS) 7. Thus, the the database schema. Hence using a schema use of an internal canonical form for meta meta visualisation process (SMVS) it is representation has successfully accommodated possible to map the internally held graphical heterogeneity at the data management and constructs into appropriate graphical symbols logical levels. and coordinates for the graphical display of the schema. This approach has a similarity to c) Schema meta-visualisation the SMTS, the main difference being that the output is graphical rather than textual. Schema visualisation using graphical notation and diagrams has proved to be an important 4.2 Stage 2: Knowledge Augmentation step in a number of applications, e.g. during the initial stages of the database design In a heterogeneous distributed database process; for database maintenance; for environment, evolution is expected, especially database re-design; for database enhancement; in legacy databases. This evolution can affect for database integration; or for database the schema description and in particular migration; as it gives users a sound schema constraints that are not reflected in the understanding of an existing database’s stage 1 (path A-2) graphical display as they structure in an easily assimilated format 1, 5. may be implicit in applications. Thus our Database users need to see a visual picture of system is designed to accept new constraint their database structure instead of textual specifications (cf. path B-1 of figure i) and descriptions of the defining schema as it is add them to the graphical display (cf. path B-2 easier for them to comprehend a picture. This of figure i) so that these hidden constraints has led to the production of graphical become explicit. representations of schema information, effected by a reverse engineering process. 8 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
  • 9. The new knowledge accepted at this point is for the same additional knowledge. The used to enhance the schema and is retained in augmented tables are created and maintained the database using a database augmentation in a similar way to user-defined tables, but process (cf. path B-3 of figure i). The new have a special identification to distinguish information is stored in a form that conforms them. Their structure is in line with the with the enhanced target DBMS’s methods of international standards and the newer versions storing such information. This assists the of commercial DBMSs, so that the enhanced subsequent migration stage. database can be easily migrated to either a newer version of the host DBMS or to a a) Schema enhancement different DBMS supporting the latest SQL standards. Migration should then mean that Our system needs to permit a database schema the newer system can enforce the constraints. to be enhanced by specifying new constraints Our approach should also mean that it is easy applicable to the database. This process is to map our tables for holding this information performed via the graphical display. These into the representation used by the target constraints, which are in the form of integrity DBMS even if it is different, as we are constraints (e.g. primary key, foreign key, mapping from a well defined structure. check constraints) and structural components (e.g. inheritance hierarchies, entity Legacy databases that do not support explicit modifications) are specified using a GUI. constraints can be enhanced by using the When they are entered they will appear in the above knowledge augmentation method. This graphical display. requirement is less likely to occur for databases managed by more recent DBMSs as b) Database augmentation they already hold some constraint specification information in their system The input data to enhance a schema provides tables. The direction taken by Oracle version 6 new knowledge about a database. It is was a step towards our augmentation essential to retain this knowledge within the approach, as it allowed the database database itself, if it is to be readily available administrator to specify integrity constraints for any further processing. Typically, this such as primary and foreign keys, but did not information is retained in the knowledge base yet enforce them. The next release of Oracle, of the tool used to capture the input data, so i.e. version 7, implemented this constraint that it can be reused by the same tool. This enforcement process. approach restricts the use of this knowledge by other tools and hence it must be re-entered 4.3 Stage 3: Constraint Enforcement every time the re-engineering process is applied to that database. This makes it harder The enhanced schema can be held in the for the user to gain a consistent understanding database, but the DBMS can only enforce of an application, as different constraints may these constraints if it has the capability to do be specified during two separate re- so. This will not normally be the case in engineering processes. To overcome this legacy systems. In this situation, the new problem, we augment the database itself using constraints may be enforced via a newer the techniques proposed in SQL-3, wherever version of the DBMS or by migrating the possible. When it is not possible to use SQL-3 database to another DBMS supporting structures we store the information in our own constraint enforcement. However, the data augmented table format which is a natural being held in the database may not conform to extension of the SQL-3 approach. the new constraints, and hence existing data may be rejected by the target DBMS in the When a database is augmented using this migration, thus losing data and / or delaying method, the new knowledge is available in the the migration process. To address this problem database itself. Hence, any further re- and to assist the migration process, we provide engineering processes need not make requests an optional constraint enforcement process 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997 9
  • 10. module which can be applied to a database However, we demonstrate how to create and before it is migrated. The objective of this populate a legacy database schema in the process is to give users the facility to ensure desired target environment while showing the that the database conforms to all the enhanced role of SMTS and QMTS in such a process. constraints before migration occurs. This process is optional so that the user can decide whether these constraints should be enforced 5. THE ROLE IN CONTEXT OF to improve the quality of the legacy data prior META-PROGRAMMING to its migration, whether it is best left as it TECHNOLOGY stands, or whether the new constraints are too severe. Our approach described in section 4 is based on preparing a legacy database schema for The constraint definitions in the augmented graceful migration. This involves visualisation schema are employed to perform this task. As of database schemas with constraints and all constraints held have already been enhancing them with constraints to capture internally represented in the form of logical more knowledge. Hence we call our system expressions, these can be used to produce data the Conceptualised Constraint Visualisation manipulation statements suitable for the host and Enhancement System (CCVES). DBMS. Once these statements are produced, they are executed against the current database CCVES has been developed to fit in with the to identify the existence of data violating a previously developed schema (SMTS) 15 and constraint. query (QMTS) 7 meta-translation systems, and the schema meta-visualisation system (SMVS) 13 4.4 Stage 4: Migration Process . This allows us to consider the complementary roles of CCVES, SMTS, The migration process itself is incrementally QMTS and SMVS during Heterogeneous performed by initially creating the target Distributed Database access in a uniform way 6, 14 database and then copying the legacy data . The combined set of tools achieves over to it. The schema meta-translation semantic coordination and promotes (SMTS) technique of Ramfos 15 is used to interoperability in a heterogeneous produce the target database schema. The environment at logical, physical and data legacy data can be copied using the import / management levels. export tools of source and target DBMS or DML statements of the respective DBMSs. Figure ii illustrates the architecture of CCVES During this process, the legacy applications in the context of meta-data processing must continue to function until they too are modules. It outlines in general terms the migrated. To achieve this an interface can be process of accessing a remote (legacy) used to capture and process all database database to perform various database tasks, queries of the legacy applications during such as querying, visualisation, enhancement, migration. This interface can decide how to migration and integration. All these processes process database queries against the current uses the meta-data for their internal process. state of the migration and re-direct those newly related to the target database. The query There are seven sub-processes: the schema meta-translation (QMTS) technique of mapping process 15, query mapping process 7, Howells 7 can be used to convert these queries schema integration process 12, schema to the target DML. This approach will visualisation process 13, database connectivity facilitate transparent migration for legacy process, database enhancement process and databases. Our work does not involve the database migration process. The first two development of an interface to capture and processes together have been called the process all database queries, as interaction Integrated Translation Support Environment 6, with the query interface of the legacy IS is and the first four processes together have been embedded in the legacy application code. called the Meta-Integration/Translation 10 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
  • 11. Support Environment 12. The last three query mapping process, referred to as QMTS, processes were introduced as CCVES to to generate the required queries to update the perform database enhancement and migration database via the DBC process. At this stage in such an environment. any existing or enhanced constraints may be applied to the database to determine the extent The schema mapping process, referred to as to which it conforms to the new SMTS, translates the definition of a source enhancements. Carrying out this process will schema to a target schema definition (e.g. an also ensure that legacy data will not be INGRES schema to a POSTGRES schema). rejected by the target DBMS due to possible The query mapping process, referred to as violations. Finally, the database migration QMTS, translates a source query to a target process, referred to as DBMI, assists query (e.g. an SQL query to a QUEL query). migration by incrementally migrating the The meta-integration process, referred to as database to the target environment (route C-1 SMIS, tackles heterogeneity at the logical to C-6 in figure ii). Target schema constructs level in a distributed environment containing for each migratable component are produced multiple database schemas (e.g. Ontos and via SMTS, and DDL statements are issued to Exodus local schemas with a POSTGRES the target DBMS to create the new database global schema) - it integrates the local schema. The data for these migrated tables are schemas to create the global schema. The extracted by instructing the source DBMS to meta-visualisation process, referred to as export the source data to the target database SMVS, generates a graphical representation of via QMTS. Here too, the queries which a schema. The remaining three processes, implement this export are issued to the DBMS namely: database connectivity, enhancement via the DBC process. and migration with their associated processes, namely: SMVS, SMTS and QMTS, are the 6. EXPERIENCES AND subject of the present thesis, as they together CONCLUSIONS form CCVES (centre section of figure ii). CCVES, although it has been tested for only The database connectivity process (DBC), three types of DBMS, namely: INGRES, queries meta-data from a remote database POSTGRES and Oracle, could be easily (route A-1 in figure ii) to supply meta- adapted for other relational DBMSs as they knowledge (route A-2 in figure ii) to the represent their meta-data similarly - i.e. in the schema mapping process referred to as SMTS. form of system tables, with minor differences SMTS translates this meta-knowledge to an such as table and attribute names and some internal representation which is based on SQL table structures. Non relational database schema constructs. These SQL constructs are models accessible via ODBC or other tools supplied to SMVS for further processing (e.g. Data Extract for DB2, which permits (route A-3 in figure ii) which results in the movement of data from IMS/VS, DL/1, production of a graphical view of the schema VSAM, SAM to SQL/DS or DB2), could also (route A-4 in figure ii). Our reverse- be easily adapted as the meta-data required by engineering techniques 18 are applied to CCVES could be extracted from them. identify entity and relationship types to be Previous work related to meta-translation 7 has used in the graphical model. Meta-knowledge investigated the translation of dBase code to enhancements are solicited at this point by the INGRES/QUEL, demonstrating the database enhancement process (DBE) (route applicability of this technique in general, not B-1 in figure ii), which allows the definition only to the relational data model but also to of new constraints and changes to the existing others such as CODASYL and hierarchical schema. These enhancements are reflected in data models. This means CCVES is capable in the graphical view (route B-2 and B-3 in principle of being extended to cope with other figure ii) and may be used to augment the data models. database (route B-4 to B-8 in figure ii). This approach to augmentation makes use of the 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997 11
  • 12. 12 16th National IT Conference, Sri Lanka, 11-13 July 1997
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