SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Long shot to make the strong body
                                      The clothing goes with the colour theme of            language identifiable and represents the
                                      the page and represents a classy look                 sense of power. It shows the audience that
       The name of the magazine is in                                                       the person is a powerful figure in the music
       big bold red font and in the                                                         industry
       background to make the main
       focus the image, the contrast                                                                             50 Cent name is enhanced to grab
       of colours make it stand out,                                                                             emphasis, it sets itself apart from
       the font is bold and covers a                                                                             the rest of the text as 50 cent is a
       lot of space bringing attention                                                                           high caliber celebrity the attention
       and making the magazine title                                                                             of the magazine will increase
       catchy and appealing                                                                                      significantly

                                                                                                             The scarface colour
                                                                                                             scheme is very appealing
     The contrast of colours from
                                                                                                             as the film is very popular
     one side to the other makes
                                                                                                             therefore the design will
     the cover overall unique and
                                                                                                             bring in a lot of interest
     eye-catching thus instantly
                                                                                                             and will draw in a lot of
     attracting the audiences
                                                                                                             scarface fans
                                                                                                       Well structured to put focus on the image this
The image is positioned right in the centre of the
                                                                                                       is the reason why there is no overlapping of
page to grab the most interest and allow the
                                                                                                       the image and is placed in the front and
audience to recognize the artist
                                                                                                       everything else is removed to the background
                                                                                                       or put to one side. This allows the artist to be
                      Barcode is a                                                                     noticed more as a result more audience
                      convention to                                                                    interest
                      all magazines

                                      The palette of colours black, white and red combine well to
                                      allow every aspect of the magazine to stand out thus a greater
                                      chance the audience will become aware of this magazine
Bold large font placed in the              Articles positioned on the top allows the
 background to make the                     audience to understand the what type off                     Red lettering to
 celebrities look important and             content is within the magazine                               bring attention and
 intimidating. This allows the                                                                           make the
 audience to identify the power                                                                          information seem
 and importance of the artist                                                                            important

 Medium shot to show the                                                                              Image takes up most of
 strong body language                                                                                 the page emphasizing
 and facial expression                                                                                power and ensuring
 which enable the                                                                                     what the main focus of
 audience to analyse the                                                                              the page is.
 artist character

Text is placed to one side so                                                                        All 3 artist are
that the page is more                                                                                dressed to match
presentable and looks tidy thus                                                                      the pages theme
making the audience feel more                                                                        which overall
comfortable as they are not                                                                          makes the page
being overloaded with                                                                                look more
information                                                                                          professional
Tattoo and ring visible so that artist
can be easily recognized engaging
more of the audience                                                                                 Shapes to add emphasis on
                                                                                                     the quantity of information in
                Website and                                                                          the magazine so readers get
                barcode                                                                              there moneys worth

                                                                                                      Effective use of a rhetorical
          Watch signifies a classy look to                                                            question to get the
          match with the shades and               The colour scheme of red, white and black are       audience intrigued and
          represents the artists identify very    used throughout the piece to make the page stand    colour to make the artist
          well so he can be straight away         out therefore attracting the audiences attention    name stand out and bring
          recognized                                                                                  in interest
There are a variety of fonts used all around the
                                           image so reader have a certain perspective on the
 Color scheme is mostly                    writing
 yellow this includes                                                                       The magazine name
 lettering and background                                                                   is in the background
 (Furniture). Yellow is a very                                                              show the importance
 bright colour and will most                                                                of the image and the
 definitely stand out to the                                                                power it contains
                                                                                            Here there is a catchy slogan
                                                                                            that is used to persuade the
 Shapes and use of exclamation                                                              audiences to buy the product
 marks emphasis and brings
 attention to the information as                                                            Long shot to show the
 well as helps support the main                                                             figure of the person and
 focus (image) for instance the                                                             attractiveness engages
 arrow shapes pointing to the                                                               readers. Also it slightly
 image                                                                                      tilted low which can be
                                                                                            said is a low angle shot
 The main information is in                                                                 this brings out and
 a larger font and in yellow                                                                emphasis's the glamour
 showing Mariah Carey is                                                               The image is placed right in the center
 main focus, The writing                                                               of the page with Mariah Carey a very
 beneath indicates it was                                                              attractive and important figure to the
 intended to draw in the                                                               audience in a posture or pose while
 audience because of the                                                               semi naked will entice the male and the
 inviting picture, also it                                                             female audience
 anchors the title with the
                                                                                                    Barcode is a
                                                                                                    convention for all
                                           Layout is less structured as the exciting adventurous
Colour palette consist of yellow, black,
                                           factor is wanted to be expressed however it is still
blue and white which are used
                                           effective as it attracts attention to the image as the
effectively to make the magazine
                                           text doesn't interfere with the image being placed
colourful and seem fun and exciting
                                           on wither side
this pleasing the audience
Magazine name in background draws             Long shots to          Background grey allows other features
more attention to image and the logo          represent the facial
                                                                     such as text and images to stand out
goes with the theme or colour                 and body language of
                                                                     grabbing the audiences attention
scheme of the page to overall make it         the artists
look classy and professional.
                                                                        White clothing worn by the 3 figures
                                                                        make them stand out with the
                                                                        contrasting background and allows
           Very popular                                                 them to be more recognizable by the
           celebrities                                                  audience as a results more attention
           creates a huge
           attention boost

  Layout allows the main                                                   Musical instrument directly makes
  focus on the 3 artist as                                                 the magazine theme of music
  the text is out of the                                                   realised right away even if you are
  way on the sides of the                                                  not familiar with the brand
  page and the image
  takes up most of the                                                         + is to emphasis the
  front page this enable                                                       amount of info to be
  the artist to be noticed                                                     found within the
  by there huge fan base                                                       magazine so you get your
  increase the interest the                                                    moneys worth thus
  magazine receives                                                            audience will be more
                                                                               interested to buy the
  Palette of colours                                                           magazine
  blue and white are
  used as them two
  colours combine well                                                           Barcode
  and are eye catching

  Big bold white font with exclamation
  mark to make it clear what the main title
  is and to express it as well as allowing
  the audience to see the title from a
The lettering is done in a very unique and sophisticated style making the most important
                                 information clear to see as it is emphasised in bold text and the audience always like uniqueness
                                 or unconventional techniques being used as this shows the magazines being adventurous

Combination of black, grey and                                                                   Simple layout split into 3
white go together well and contrast                                                              parts picture texts heading
off each other to stand out. The                                                                 content) this allows the
black lettering is clear and easy to                                                             page to look very
read because of the white                                                                        organised and professional
background. This makes the
information easier to read for the                                                               The information is positioned
information and more                                                                             on the right hand side of the
understandable as a result                                                                       page to fit in with the layout of
navigation around the page is                                                                    the page including the image
easier                                                                                           making the page look more
                                                                                                 organized and better to look at

                                                                                             There is a separate fashion section
                                                                                             showing the importance of fashion to
                                                                                             the audience and as there is a section
                                                                                             on it the magazine will be a huge
                                                                                             interest to them
         The image is taking up
                                                                                                   The effective of lighting is used as
         most of the page
                                                                                                   the outside is a dark grey and as it
         showing that the
                                                                                                   get closer to the image it gets
         person is a big part of
                                                                                                   brighter adding emphasis and
         the genre of the
                                                                                                   drawing in attention to the image
         magazine also it can
         excite the audience           The styling of the image with the clothing and the body
         seeing an image of one        language gives the page a sexy and sophisticated look
         of there favourite            and making the genre very identifiable. Also it allows
         artists.                      the audience to pick up on the new trend or styling of
                                       the people they look up to
The issue is shown so the regular
                                                                                 readers understand exactly what the are
                 The date to evident                                             reading
                 the latest of its
                 copies to ensure to
                 the audience the
                 are reading the                                                             The masthead is clear big
                 latest news                                                                 bold lettering to establish
The layout is simple with the picture                                                        itself on the page making it
on the side representing the                                                                 clear and easy for the
background and a white insert so that                                                        audience to remember and
the text can be written in a more                                                            recognise
organized way making the page more
  Pictures at the side                                                                          A white border is used so that
  reveal articles                                                                               black colour text can be
  featured in                                                                                   inputted which makes it much
  magazine and gives                                                                            more easier to read therefore
  you a hint of what is                                                                         allows the audience more
  to be found inside                                                                            comfort
  intriguing the
                                                                                                Articles are written in bold so
                                                                                                that it is clear to the audience
                                                                                                when searching through
Well structured list of                                                                         magazine
chronological ordered articles in
the magazine features which
makes it easier to navigate around
the magazine making it more user
                                        Gives page number article name and a little info to help readers
                                        understand article
“speedstars” the language here matches with the clothing styling of a
Masthead is clear stands out and styled in a creative way to   hoodie and cap/hat which arguable is representing the street side
express its brand and make it identifiable                     here the audience get to understand what information and towards
                                                               which audience the magazine is targeted at as young people are
                                                               featured so it probably targeted towards the young audience

           “content” in huge
                                                                                                     Snapshot of the front
           bright lettering to
                                                                                                     cover to further
           make it clear to the
                                                                                                     represent the image of
           audience that this is
                                                                                                     the brand and reminder
           the contents page
                                                                                                     to the audience of the
                                                                                                     main story or article
    Tour info is a topic which
    the target audience will                                                                      Follows its colour scheme of pink
    have an interest in                                                                           black, yellow and white very
    therefore will be more                                                                        accurately. This makes the page
    eager to see more                                                                             look very colourful and gives a
    information from the                                                                          positive vibe or message that the
    magazine                                                                                      magazine is full of excitement and
 Interviews of celebs like
 Justin Timberlake will have a                                                                   Structured in a simple but
 huge interest as he is such a                                                                   effective way as it looks fun and
 big star and role model to the                                                                  excited revealing maybe it target
 audience                                                                                        audience . Easy to see what to
                                                                                                 look for therefore making it more
     Page reference and                                                                          user friendly
     article names help's                                                                        Picture featured blends
     with navigation around                                                                      in with the genre and
     the magazine thus                                                                           age group
     making the magazine
     more user friendly                                                                          Light blue tab grabs
                                                                                                 attention as it contrasts
                                                                                                 from the rest of the page
The artist with the main attention has been
                              dressed and edited to be the main focus by the
                              others being faded out. As Will I Am (artist) is   Follows the colour scheme white, gold and
  The clothing matches the    the most known person audience can                 black which combine together excellently to
  colour scheme of the page   familiarise themselves with him and his group      make the page look attractive and easy to
  and they are all wearing    thus bringing interest                             read
  stylistic clothing and he
  female is wearing less
                                                                                                  The white background
  clothing to attract more
                                                                                                  allows most of the
  male audiences
                                                                                                  material to stand out
                                                                                                  especially the black
Article discussing career                                                                         lettering
which audience have big
interest as they look to
celebrities as role models

  The font is big bold
  and clear to the
  audience and it help
  them to understand
  the article
                                                                                                  Text is placed on right hand
  Image takes up most of                                                                          side so it leaves enough
  the page representing the                                                                       space to add a good amount
  size of the band and                                                                            of information and doesn't
  allowing the audience to                                                                        interfere with the overall
  see each band member                                                                            layout of the page. This will
  clearly                                                                                         make the page look more
              Rhetorical questions engages      Structured very well looks                        presentable and organized
              the audience as to what thee      very organised and
              issue of the article is           spacious looks good on
                                                the eye
This editing technique
   of capturing the picture
   in black and white                “Queen” shows that she is a very big                                   Red font stand out
   combining with the font           person in the R&B genre thus will bring    The picture on each side    and gives a good
   technique makes it                attention to all the R&B listeners         shows the importance of     structure to the
   unique and adds a bit                                                        the person                  interview laid out
   more colour to make all                                                                                  article as its clear
   the focus on the stars                                                                                   which part of the text
   name. This makes the                                                                                     is the question and
   audience aware of the                                                                                    which is the answer
   celebrity the article is
   based on.
                                                                                                   The black translucent
                                                                                                   background is effective as the
                                                                                                   picture is not disturbed the
Article is discussing                                                                              text as well as the text is easy
experiences which                                                                                  to read. Also it allows the
the audience are                                                                                   readers to analyse the body
interested in as its                                                                               language of the person which
based on a celebrity                                                                               will support the article and
and they want to                                                                                   help the audience understand
know the mistakes                                                                                  the article overall
the celebrity has

                                                                                                 Image is on a whitish
                                                                                                 background thus in contrast the
   The layout is structured                                                                      background colour of the page
   well( brakes up info in parts)          The colour scheme of white, black and red             as well as the lighting effect in
   and needed to as there is a lot         make the information very noticeable and help         the image used while edited
   of information otherwise the            with the structure such as the interview (article)    helps the image to be vibrant
   information would not be                which allows the magazine to have better              and bright
   readable to the audience                communication with the audience
The image is positioned on the left hand side of                                         Layout is very spacious
the page so that when you turn from the previous                                         allows the reader to
page you see the image first and get to feel and                                         read the text more
understand the tone and mood of the article right                                        easily and not be put off
away allowing the audience to get involved                                               my overload on
emotionally                                                                              information

The stories are
usually based
around the the
celebrities and
there problem and
lifestyle. These
stories may want
the audience to feel
more ambitious
concerned for
health etc

The title is in bold and
uses the contrasting
effect to stand out
and make it clear to
the audience what
the article is about
                                                                                 The text is placed in the right
                                                                                 page in a column layout so
             The image has an added effect to go with the black and white
                                                                                 that the story is sectioned
             theme of the page this allows the page to look classy and
                                                                                 better as a result more easier
             professional as well as revealing the tone of the story which the
                                                                                 to read thus increases
             audience can interact with
                                                                                 audience pleasure

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Radial analysis of music magazines

  • 1. Long shot to make the strong body The clothing goes with the colour theme of language identifiable and represents the the page and represents a classy look sense of power. It shows the audience that The name of the magazine is in the person is a powerful figure in the music big bold red font and in the industry background to make the main focus the image, the contrast 50 Cent name is enhanced to grab of colours make it stand out, emphasis, it sets itself apart from the font is bold and covers a the rest of the text as 50 cent is a lot of space bringing attention high caliber celebrity the attention and making the magazine title of the magazine will increase catchy and appealing significantly The scarface colour scheme is very appealing The contrast of colours from as the film is very popular one side to the other makes therefore the design will the cover overall unique and bring in a lot of interest eye-catching thus instantly and will draw in a lot of attracting the audiences scarface fans attention Well structured to put focus on the image this The image is positioned right in the centre of the is the reason why there is no overlapping of page to grab the most interest and allow the the image and is placed in the front and audience to recognize the artist everything else is removed to the background or put to one side. This allows the artist to be Barcode is a noticed more as a result more audience convention to interest all magazines The palette of colours black, white and red combine well to allow every aspect of the magazine to stand out thus a greater chance the audience will become aware of this magazine
  • 2. Bold large font placed in the Articles positioned on the top allows the background to make the audience to understand the what type off Red lettering to celebrities look important and content is within the magazine bring attention and intimidating. This allows the make the audience to identify the power information seem and importance of the artist important featured Medium shot to show the Image takes up most of strong body language the page emphasizing and facial expression power and ensuring which enable the what the main focus of audience to analyse the the page is. artist character Text is placed to one side so All 3 artist are that the page is more dressed to match presentable and looks tidy thus the pages theme making the audience feel more which overall comfortable as they are not makes the page being overloaded with look more information professional Tattoo and ring visible so that artist can be easily recognized engaging more of the audience Shapes to add emphasis on the quantity of information in Website and the magazine so readers get barcode there moneys worth Effective use of a rhetorical Watch signifies a classy look to question to get the match with the shades and The colour scheme of red, white and black are audience intrigued and represents the artists identify very used throughout the piece to make the page stand colour to make the artist well so he can be straight away out therefore attracting the audiences attention name stand out and bring recognized in interest
  • 3. There are a variety of fonts used all around the image so reader have a certain perspective on the Color scheme is mostly writing yellow this includes The magazine name lettering and background is in the background (Furniture). Yellow is a very show the importance bright colour and will most of the image and the definitely stand out to the power it contains audience Here there is a catchy slogan that is used to persuade the Shapes and use of exclamation audiences to buy the product marks emphasis and brings attention to the information as Long shot to show the well as helps support the main figure of the person and focus (image) for instance the attractiveness engages arrow shapes pointing to the readers. Also it slightly image tilted low which can be said is a low angle shot The main information is in this brings out and a larger font and in yellow emphasis's the glamour showing Mariah Carey is The image is placed right in the center main focus, The writing of the page with Mariah Carey a very beneath indicates it was attractive and important figure to the intended to draw in the audience in a posture or pose while audience because of the semi naked will entice the male and the inviting picture, also it female audience anchors the title with the image Barcode is a convention for all magazines Layout is less structured as the exciting adventurous Colour palette consist of yellow, black, factor is wanted to be expressed however it is still blue and white which are used effective as it attracts attention to the image as the effectively to make the magazine text doesn't interfere with the image being placed colourful and seem fun and exciting on wither side this pleasing the audience
  • 4. Magazine name in background draws Long shots to Background grey allows other features more attention to image and the logo represent the facial such as text and images to stand out goes with the theme or colour and body language of grabbing the audiences attention scheme of the page to overall make it the artists look classy and professional. White clothing worn by the 3 figures make them stand out with the contrasting background and allows Very popular them to be more recognizable by the celebrities audience as a results more attention creates a huge attention boost Layout allows the main Musical instrument directly makes focus on the 3 artist as the magazine theme of music the text is out of the realised right away even if you are way on the sides of the not familiar with the brand page and the image takes up most of the + is to emphasis the front page this enable amount of info to be the artist to be noticed found within the by there huge fan base magazine so you get your increase the interest the moneys worth thus magazine receives audience will be more interested to buy the Palette of colours magazine blue and white are used as them two colours combine well Barcode and are eye catching Big bold white font with exclamation mark to make it clear what the main title is and to express it as well as allowing the audience to see the title from a distance
  • 5. The lettering is done in a very unique and sophisticated style making the most important information clear to see as it is emphasised in bold text and the audience always like uniqueness or unconventional techniques being used as this shows the magazines being adventurous Combination of black, grey and Simple layout split into 3 white go together well and contrast parts picture texts heading off each other to stand out. The content) this allows the black lettering is clear and easy to page to look very read because of the white organised and professional background. This makes the information easier to read for the The information is positioned information and more on the right hand side of the understandable as a result page to fit in with the layout of navigation around the page is the page including the image easier making the page look more organized and better to look at There is a separate fashion section showing the importance of fashion to the audience and as there is a section on it the magazine will be a huge interest to them The image is taking up The effective of lighting is used as most of the page the outside is a dark grey and as it showing that the get closer to the image it gets person is a big part of brighter adding emphasis and the genre of the drawing in attention to the image magazine also it can excite the audience The styling of the image with the clothing and the body seeing an image of one language gives the page a sexy and sophisticated look of there favourite and making the genre very identifiable. Also it allows artists. the audience to pick up on the new trend or styling of the people they look up to
  • 6. The issue is shown so the regular readers understand exactly what the are The date to evident reading the latest of its copies to ensure to the audience the are reading the The masthead is clear big latest news bold lettering to establish The layout is simple with the picture itself on the page making it on the side representing the clear and easy for the background and a white insert so that audience to remember and the text can be written in a more recognise organized way making the page more presentable Pictures at the side A white border is used so that reveal articles black colour text can be featured in inputted which makes it much magazine and gives more easier to read therefore you a hint of what is allows the audience more to be found inside comfort intriguing the Articles are written in bold so audience that it is clear to the audience when searching through Well structured list of magazine chronological ordered articles in the magazine features which makes it easier to navigate around the magazine making it more user friendly Gives page number article name and a little info to help readers understand article
  • 7. “speedstars” the language here matches with the clothing styling of a Masthead is clear stands out and styled in a creative way to hoodie and cap/hat which arguable is representing the street side express its brand and make it identifiable here the audience get to understand what information and towards which audience the magazine is targeted at as young people are featured so it probably targeted towards the young audience “content” in huge Snapshot of the front bright lettering to cover to further make it clear to the represent the image of audience that this is the brand and reminder the contents page to the audience of the main story or article Tour info is a topic which the target audience will Follows its colour scheme of pink have an interest in black, yellow and white very therefore will be more accurately. This makes the page eager to see more look very colourful and gives a information from the positive vibe or message that the magazine magazine is full of excitement and entertainment Interviews of celebs like Justin Timberlake will have a Structured in a simple but huge interest as he is such a effective way as it looks fun and big star and role model to the excited revealing maybe it target audience audience . Easy to see what to look for therefore making it more Page reference and user friendly article names help's Picture featured blends with navigation around in with the genre and the magazine thus age group making the magazine more user friendly Light blue tab grabs attention as it contrasts from the rest of the page
  • 8. The artist with the main attention has been dressed and edited to be the main focus by the others being faded out. As Will I Am (artist) is Follows the colour scheme white, gold and The clothing matches the the most known person audience can black which combine together excellently to colour scheme of the page familiarise themselves with him and his group make the page look attractive and easy to and they are all wearing thus bringing interest read stylistic clothing and he female is wearing less The white background clothing to attract more allows most of the male audiences material to stand out especially the black Article discussing career lettering which audience have big interest as they look to celebrities as role models The font is big bold and clear to the audience and it help them to understand the article Text is placed on right hand Image takes up most of side so it leaves enough the page representing the space to add a good amount size of the band and of information and doesn't allowing the audience to interfere with the overall see each band member layout of the page. This will clearly make the page look more Rhetorical questions engages Structured very well looks presentable and organized the audience as to what thee very organised and issue of the article is spacious looks good on the eye
  • 9. This editing technique of capturing the picture in black and white “Queen” shows that she is a very big Red font stand out combining with the font person in the R&B genre thus will bring The picture on each side and gives a good technique makes it attention to all the R&B listeners shows the importance of structure to the unique and adds a bit the person interview laid out more colour to make all article as its clear the focus on the stars which part of the text name. This makes the is the question and audience aware of the which is the answer celebrity the article is based on. The black translucent background is effective as the picture is not disturbed the Article is discussing text as well as the text is easy experiences which to read. Also it allows the the audience are readers to analyse the body interested in as its language of the person which based on a celebrity will support the article and and they want to help the audience understand know the mistakes the article overall the celebrity has made Image is on a whitish background thus in contrast the The layout is structured background colour of the page well( brakes up info in parts) The colour scheme of white, black and red as well as the lighting effect in and needed to as there is a lot make the information very noticeable and help the image used while edited of information otherwise the with the structure such as the interview (article) helps the image to be vibrant information would not be which allows the magazine to have better and bright readable to the audience communication with the audience
  • 10. The image is positioned on the left hand side of Layout is very spacious the page so that when you turn from the previous allows the reader to page you see the image first and get to feel and read the text more understand the tone and mood of the article right easily and not be put off away allowing the audience to get involved my overload on emotionally information The stories are usually based around the the celebrities and there problem and lifestyle. These stories may want the audience to feel more ambitious concerned for health etc The title is in bold and uses the contrasting effect to stand out and make it clear to the audience what the article is about The text is placed in the right page in a column layout so The image has an added effect to go with the black and white that the story is sectioned theme of the page this allows the page to look classy and better as a result more easier professional as well as revealing the tone of the story which the to read thus increases audience can interact with audience pleasure