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    Selina Ahmed
The conventions a magazine is anything
 The different font sizes,                         NME FRONT COVER              expected of a magazine. The main image in
 colour and types of text                                                       this case is of the famous singer La Roux
 make it seem more                                                              drawing the audiences attention to the
 interesting and appealing to                                                   magazine with her popularity. The image is
 the audience. It also makes                                                    also very large so stands out clearly.
 it stand out compared to                                                       There is large bright font to catch your eye
 other magazines.                                                               and let you know what the best and most
                                                                                appealing parts of the magazine are.
The logo of the company is at the top so it                                     The logo or name of the magazine (NME) is
is clear in a bright font. The main image is                                    at the top in bright colours so you instantly
the only image and is very large so it is the                                   recognise the company.
centre of attention to draw the target                                          The barcode is at the front and is clear.
audience in. The font is next to the main                                       There are flash’s, pull quotes and puffs all
image and is very large and bright to attract                                   across the magazine to add to the appeal to
the reader. The barcode is at the bottom.                                       the reader.
The use of bright colours against dull
colours makes the important things stand
out clearly.
                                                The colours are bright for
                                                the font such as yellows,
                                                                                          The information is
                                                whites and reds which all
 The text is next to the main image and                                                   given to the audience
                                                stand out against the white,
 sometimes overlapping it however it does                                                 through written text
                                                black and slightly dull main
 not draw attention away from the main                                                    such as interviews,
                                                image. However due to the
 image as it is a famous and popular singer                                               stories, information
                                                main image being La Roux a
 so will be noticed first then the text                                                   and even
                                                famous singer it can hold its
                                                own against the bright text
                                                and entice the audience in.
The title is at the top of the page with
the logo again drawing attention and          NME CONTENTS PAGE                   The different fonts and text
confirming the company name.
                                                                                  sizes make the contents seem
There is anchorage to texts to make the
                                                                                  more interesting and exciting.
articles seem more appealing.
                                                                                  This technique also helps show
All the articles listed have page numbers
                                                                                  the more important pieces of
so you can find an article of specific
                                                                                  text or pull quotes that will
importance to you. The colours are
                                                                                  catch the readers eye.
bright to catch the readers eye and draw
them in.

                                                                                   The information is given
                                                                                   to the audience through
Her is lots of text surrounding the main                                           written text such as
image to make it seem important.                                                   interviews, stories,
There are a few other images providing                                             information and even
anchorage and increasing the interest                                              advertisements.
in the articles. The title ‘contents page’
is at the top so it is clear to the reader.
Advertisements are at the bottom as
they’re not as important as the
magazines content.
                                                The colours are bright and eye
                                                catching with large font to attract
 The text surrounds the images making           the audience.
 them seem important and framing                The images are large and of a very
 them drawing interest from the                 high quality to please the reader and
 audience.                                      make them want the buy the
                                                magazine again for its good quality.
Typically the double page                                                     Due to the text being so
spread takes up two whole                   NME DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD            small it is not standing
pages and has a main image                                                    out o the reader making
and text together. It is                                                      it less important and in
usually an interview or                                                       the shadow of the
special article as it takes up                                                quote ‘USA got the love’
so much magazine space                                                        which is bold, a large
                                                                              font and therefore
The main image is eye-                                                        stands out clearly. This
catching and stands out the                                                   way the audience will
most and because it is of a                                                   be less interested in the
well known artist ‘Florence’                                                  article due to its size
it increases the attraction                                                   and therefore looks
to the image.                                                                 unimportant.
The txt is to the side of the
image so it does not take
away the attention from
the main image. The text
‘USA got the love’ is the
biggest font so stands out
and has used part of her
lyrics from her song ‘you’ve
got the love’                             The bright red of Florence's hair
                                          links in with the red of the USA
The main image is coinciding with the     flag and clashes against the
text however the text is very small and   black and white making her
weak compared to the main image of        stand out so she is the most
Florence and the red of her hair and      important image on the page.
props making her bold and taking up all
the attention from the article.
The masthead is at the top along with
the company logo so you know what               Q FRONT COVER
magazine your reading
The main image is the biggest image                                         The largest fonts are for the magazine
and is eye-catching and is of a famous                                      name ‘Q’ and the main feature of the
person so draws the reader in.                                              magazine ‘Oasis are back!’ this shows
There is a barcode on the front and                                         us that they want the reader to notice
there are pull quotes, puffs and plugs                                      this as this is what they are banking
over lapping the image.                                                     on as the reason the reader buys the

The main image is the largest image                                       The colours of the font and the
with a picture of Noel Gallagher                                          background contrast with each other
taking centre stage. The logo and                                         making each other stand out in their
magazine name is at the top of the                                        own way. The bright red and white
magazine as a masthead therefore                                          entices the reader along with the pull
taking centre stage. There are pull                                       quotes, puffs and plugs whilst the image
quotes and plugs such as ‘Oasis are                                       of noel Gallagher creates interest in the
back’ t grab the readers attention.                                       magazine. This is also enhanced by the
                                                                          layout with the font being large but the
The main image is being overlapped by                                     main image being larger and more over
the font and masthead however it still                                    powering drawing the reader in.
commands the most attention out of the
page as it is black and white so is an       The information is being given
unseal colouring and is of a famous artist   to the reader through puffs,
noel Gallagher from a group called Oasis     pull quotes, flashes, large font
who are obviously the main feature.          and even the main image.
This magazine goes slightly against the
normal conventions as the masthead is                                           The main image does take up most of
                                             ROLING STONE FRONT COVER           the attention from the text by its size
at the top a usual however it is being
covered by the main image so is only                                            however the bright blue of the font
recognisable by a few words.                                                    really makes it stand out against the
The main image is large and takes up                                            black of the main image so drawing
most of the page.                                                               more attention to the font. The use of
The barcode is on the front and the                                             overlapping allows for more text to fit
main image is surrounded by text such                                           on the page and looks stylish. When the
as puffs and flashes to draw the reader                                         font overlaps of the main image it really
in.                                                                             stands out becoming clearer so the
                                                                                audience can se it better and are more
The layout is that the main image is in
the centre overlapping the masthead
therefore showing this famous person
‘Amy Winehouse’ importance in this
issue of magazine. They have made
Amy mostly in black so the bright blue    The use of linking the colours of the masthead and the main feature ‘Amy
font stands out against her catching      whine house’ shows the importance of the article inside. This font is also
the audiences eye.                        very big making it stand out and become eye-catching to the reader.
The main image is surrounded by text      The smaller font which is black is sued for the flashes, pull quotes and puffs
which is in bold colours to stand out     as they are important to the magazine but are not what is pulling in the
against the white background. They        audience for this issue. Amy Winehouse is key for the attraction so has
are snippets of information and are       large and bright text.
just enough to attract their target
audience.                                                             The audience are being pulled in and given
The colours are bright around Amy to make the font stand out          information though the puffs and plugs on the
but to also aid ain the prominence of the main image of Amy.          front cover. The use of the well know singer for
This is what is going to draw the reader in and rolling stone is      the genre of alternative music draws the target
confident about that as they have even covered their own              audience in and creates more interest and
masthead with this image.                                             enthusiasm for the magazine.
The masthead is at the top but is being
overlapped slightly by the main image           UNCUT FRONT COVER
showing its importance in this article.                                        The main image is meant to be
The main image is slightly to the side                                         main the main focus on the front
but is the largest image.                                                      cover however I feel with this issue
There is a headline at the top along                                           the text is taking centre stage as it is
with a skyline.                                                                large, bright, overlapping and
The layout is that the main image is                                           seems to be everywhere on the
very large but is not central it is slightly                                   page covering the image and
to the side. However this makes way                                            removing the attention from it. This
for the large text of ‘Oasis’ who are                                          may decrease the amount the
clearly on the front cover showing that                                        audience is drawn to I as it is
this font is just as important so the                                          covered with to much information
main image has to share the spotlight.                                         scaring the target audience away.
There are plugs, pull quotes, puffs and
flashes at the top and bottom of the
                                                                                   The magazine reaches out
front cover making it seem a little
                                                                                   o the reader and appeals
crowded and the main image covers              The use of the grayscale            to them through the text
some of the masthead enhancing this            background against the              on the front such as pull
feeling of lack of space.                      bright coloured font makes          quotes and flashes. The
                                               the font stand out more than        use of bright colours and
The use of large red text makes it stand
                                               the central image. Due to the       different types of font also
out against the page showing its
                                               large amount of text the            aids the passing of
importance in the magazine. The
                                               image is smothered and              information between the
smaller font is in black and yellow so is
                                               attention is drawn away from        magazine and the target
still noticeable but I not as important.
                                               it defeating the purpose of         audience.
The different types of fonts makes the
                                               the central image
magazine interesting and not boring
interesting the reader.
The masthead and skyline are at the top
of the magazine whilst the main image is                                     The text in this magazine seems to overlap
in the centre but overlaps the name of            SPIN FRONT COVER           the main image a lot and is everywhere on
the magazine ‘spin’ slightly.                                                the page. This makes the main image
There is no visible barcode so this may be                                   seem less important and the magazine
on the back and the picture is surrounded                                    front cover a little messy. The use of the
by flashes, pull quotes, puffs and more.                                     black and white font does not really stand
                                                                             out as much as the white and red title for
                                                                             spin as there is already black and white in
The main image is in the centre so                                           the main image so it seem less important.
commands the most attention . The
image is also of the whole group
‘Mumford and sons’ not just a single                                          The use of many different fonts may
artists which can make the front cover                                        interest the reader but I believe there are
look crowded. The text ‘Mumford and                                           too many fonts being used making the
sons’ is large and bold and overlaps the                                      front cover look overcrowded and messy
main image slightly detracting some of                                        with no main outstanding pull quotes or
the attention. The page is bright but has                                     puffs. The different text sizes highlights
too much colour going on making it                                            the more important information on the
confusing as there is so much going on to                                     front cover such as ‘Mumford and sons’
look at you don’t know where to look                                          as they are the main feature and
first.                                                                        ‘summer live guide’ showing this edition
The use of the red colours makes certain bits of text stand out               is special and different.
such as the magazine name ‘spin’ however there is too much
colour going on so the reader is not sure what is the most
important article to read or what to read first creating          The information is given to the audience through the
confusion. However this can be eye-catching for the audience      large bright text which draw' them in and the amount
and draw them in with the variety of colour and the use of more   of colours on the page. However the use of too much
than one artist on the front.                                     colour can distort the mode of address.
The conventions of this contents page is                                     The main colours of red and white link to the
  the title of the page being at the top so             Q CONTENTS PAGE        magazine name Q which is also red and white.
  clear to see, there being a main image                                       This makes it easily and instantly recognisable
  that draws the most attention, anchorage                                     to their target audience that this is a Q
  and graphic features to create more                                          magazine. The bright colours also create
  interest in the articles and page                                            interest and make the important information
  numbering so the reader knows where to                                       stand out clearer. The images are bright and
  find certain articles or content that they                                   clear so they are recognisable such as the one
  want to read.                                                                of Lana del ray so they stand out and their
The page has been done in simple colours                                       target audience are instantly drawn to it.
linking with the magazines logo as the ‘Q’                                     The colours are also basic and simple so not to
logo is white and red so is most of the                                        confuse or intimidate the reader with too
contents page showing linkage between                                          much colour.
the two.                                                                        The main communication of this
The images are taking up most of the spec                                       contents page to the reader is through
with a small amount of text showing the                                         the use of text as it is the simplest form
importance of the photo of the very                                             but the images play a large role to as
recognisable image of ‘Lana del ray’. She                                       they show things the audience will
also has a very large page number on her                                        recognise such as famous singers or
photo showing it is an important articles.                                      places.
It’s a ‘must read’.                                     As we can see the images in this contents page take centre stage as
                                                        they are larger and boulder having more of an impact than the text.
                                                        Even though the text is clear and bold it is small so does not stand out
The use of a few different types of font makes the
                                                        against the images. This magazine has used their photos to tell the
content page seem more interesting to the reader.
                                                        contents of their magazine for example using the very large photo of
The larger bolder font makes it clear that this is to
                                                        Lana del ray which will be instantly recognisable by Q readers. She also
be read first and is the most important. The
                                                        has a very large page number on her in red and white so it stands out
smaller thinner font is less important and is only
                                                        clearly. This shows the magazines confidence that readers will not
for reading the contents page in detail. The larger
                                                        need to read the articles name and brief information but will be able
the text the more important and eye catching it is
                                                        to recognise the image and go straight to that page without hesitation.
drawing in the reader.
The title ‘contents’ is typically at the                                        The colours match the logo of uncut
 top of the page so it is clear to the                                           which is the same technique used by Q
                                                  UNCUT CONTENTS PAGE
 reader what page this is. There is a                                            in their magazine creating yet again
 main image that lets the reader know                                            linkage. The red and white is bright
 of a special or important article. The                                          against the black image making the
 contents is by the side of the picture                                          text stand out clearly but the sheer size
 along with page numbers in a large                                              of the main image helps it be noticed
 font next to important articles that are                                        by the target audience even though it
 a must read.                                                                    is not in vibrant eye catching colours.
 The text has been placed down the side
 of the main image of Dr John a famous
 artist and the main image of him takes
 up more than half the page showing its
 dominance and importance in this
 magazine issue. The title has been                                              The largest font is the one for the title
 placed at the top so it is clear and easy to                                    contents so it is clear to the audience
 see. The page is in the typical portrait                                        what page this is. The seconded biggest
 format so is easy to read and the image                                         font is the one saying ‘Dr John’ this
 can also fit on the page.                                                       shows us he is of great importance in
                                                                                 this issue of the uncut magazine and is
                                                                                 their main feature. The smaller text on
The main image is the most important as it is the largest and the black and      the side is about the rest of the
white colour scheme makes it very poignant against the red of the font.          magazine. Some is large such as a title
There are also no other graphic features or use of anchorage enhancing its       or a pull quote but the rest is smaller so
dominance on this page. In comparison the text is very small and inferior to     is not as important and not meant to be
the main image making it seem unimportant and therefore may be looked            read in great detail.
over. The image also takes up more room compared to the text which has
very little room making it smaller so the audience may not be as interested in
it and just want to read the main article. However this is shown to be on page
72 so the target audience will flick through most of the magazine and see
other articles which they will go back to after to read.
The colours of the font and backgrounds
The title for the magazine ‘contents’ is       ROLLINGSTONE CONTENTS PAGE make certain things stand out like the title
clearly at the top of the magazine so                                     or specific articles directing the readers
easy for the reader to notice. There are                                  interest to these articles or things. The
techniques such as anchorage and                                          photos are clear but are not too bright so
graphic feature to create interest.                                       do not dominate over the colour of the
Unusually there is not one main                                           text and the backgrounds.
domineering image that stands out
over the rest. The text is by the side of                                          The different types of fonts make the
the images.                                                                        page more interesting to the reader and
                                                                                   the sizes show what is more important or
The text and images have an equal                                                  will be liked or read by a majority of the
amount of space sop one is not                                                     readers. The larger font shows a main
dominated by the other. The images                                                 piece of text and the smaller font is just
have their page numbers on them                                                    additional information if you want to read
linking them to certain or specific                                                it. This use of font sizes highlight the more
article and a little bit of extra                                                  important piece of text without the
information such as a pull quote can                                               audience having to sift through lots of
be found on the contents page next                                                 information to fond the article they want
tot his number. Thus way the reader                                                to read.
                                            The layout is with images down the
looks over all the text to find this        side of the page next to the text. They
number becoming more interested in          both have an equal amount of space so
the other articles. The images are also     the text is not overshadowed by the
not too bright so do not take any           pictures. The title is at the top and is
attention away from the text. They sit      on a bright red background to make it
side by side in harmony.                    stand out to the audience. There are
                                            page numbers on the images so theses
                                            main articles can be found quickly and
                                            easily by the reader at their
The title is very clear as with all
contents pages however it does not                                                  There are only a few types of
read contents page but the magazines                SPIN CONTENTS PAGE              fonts and sizes sticking with the
name ‘spin’ instead. There is a main                                                theme of simplicity for this
image and the text is overlapping it.                                               contents page. However the
                                                                                    larger font and bolder font is
                                                                                    being used words such as
Layout is a little different to other                                               ‘Coldplay’ or ‘wolf parade’ who
magazines. The only image which is the                                              are famous artists. This way the
main image takes up the whole page                                                  reader instantly knows what the
whilst the font sits on top but to the                                              article is about and does not
side. This makes it seem less important.                                            always need to read the extra
There is a pull quote in the top right                                              information given underneath in
hand corner obviously front the artists                                             a smaller font so can go straight
how are featuring in this issue of spins                                            to that article.
magazine making the magazine ore                                                    The different fonts make the page
interesting for the reader.                                                         more interesting as the colours
                                                                                    are quite simple which may come
                                                                                    across as boring.
 The main image is obviously more superior to the
 text due to its domineering size. The colours of the
 text are not that different from the main image         The colours are very simple in greys whites and greyscale
 showing they have a connection. The simplicity of       however the use of the bright red and white for the logo of
 the two together makes them seem harmonious             ‘spin’ makes I stand out and add a splash of colour to the
 and that they can maybe work together. Due to           magazine. This makes the contents page look unique and
 their being only one image the photo of the artists     trendy so appeals to an alternative target audience.
 is not too overpowering so there is not a of of         The small amount of blue for advertising at the bottom
 clutter on the page naming it easier for the reader     also stands out due to the greyscale colour scheme making
 to read the text.                                       it look important and a must read.
There is as usual a large                                                                       The image and text are both
image of the artist featuring                                                                   equal in size so both share a
in there article and this has                      Q DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD                         similar amount of power in
taken up the whole page                                                                         this article. However there is
along with the article by the                                                                   a lot of text so this may put
side of the image.                                                                              the reader of reading the
                                                                                                article but the image is very
The layout is of the artists
                                                                                                simple yet professional
featuring on the side next to
                                                                                                making it stand out more
the text. The image is very
                                                                                                than the text. However to
large and the text is quite
                                                                                                make the text have some
small but takes up a whole
                                                                                                attention a giant red l has
page show its importance.
                                                                                                been placed over the text to
They are either side of each
                                                                                                make the text stand out. This
other to show that they link
                                                                                                L stands for the artists lady
together and are about he
                                                                                                gaga and also the beginning
same topic and that the
                                                                                                word on the first sentence. A
image is not just a random
                                                                                                clever and professional way
poster. The text is in neat
                                                                                                for the text to compete with
columns making it looks
                                                                                                the image.
sophisticated matching that
of the picture by its side.
                                                    There are only three different types of font and size making the double
The use of the greyscale colours makes the          page spread simple just like the picture the reader does not feel
photo look sophisticated and professional           overloaded with things to look at. The first type of font says the artists
and helps the transition tot looking at the         'name lady gaga making it clear who the article is about as it is bold
text go smoothly. The bright red l really           and large. The giant l enhances this and makes it seem even more
stands out against the black text and white         interesting and the smaller font is sued for the text which is not for
background letting the reader know that             show but for reading. The page seems more appealing to the reader
this is not an article to miss if they were just    even though there is a lot of text to read so does not scare them away.
flicking through he article. The whole point
of he red is to grab the readers attention.
This double page spread has many
images not just one main image. A of                                                  There are colours all over
the images are at the top of the page         UNCUT DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD                the double page spread
and some are underneath. However                                                      making the page confusing
the conventions stick to a typical                                                    and too colourful. The
magazine as the text and images are                                                   reader will be unsure where
side my side showing their                                                            to look first and it may put
attachment and relevance to one                                                       them of reading the
another.                                                                              magazine. The images are
                                                                                      very clear and the font
The layout is that the images are                                                     colours of red and black
mostly at the top whilst the text is                                                  stand out very clearly
at the bottom. However some of                                                        against the white
the images are scattered around.                                                      background making them
Due to the amount of images and                                                       look bright and interesting.
text the layout looks overcrowded
and messy. The title is on the left
hand side in the middle and not at
the top of the page but it is bold so
shows us it is the main title.
Most of the images are at the top but because there are some at      There are a few different fonts and text
the bottom it shows the dominance of the images over the text.       sizes making the page look more
The images are bright, vibrant and have lots of colours and are      interesting and exciting compared to
very large so overshadow the text. The text is quite small but       some other magazines double pages
some is in red making it stand out On this page the integration of   where they have a very limited amount of
text and images s not entirely fair with the images having more      fonts so look boring. The larger fonts are
power and space.                                                     used to highlight the more important
There is also anchorage here as the images show something            piece or titles so the target audience can
happening at the top and the font says 'Meanwhile somewhere          locate where to read from and know what
in Brooklyn' linking the top images to the text and images below     they are reading about.
to tell a story.
The image as before takes up
The page layout is of the
                                                                                             two and a half pages so is
main image taking up one                        SPIN DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD                      obviously the main feature
and half pages whilst the
                                                                                             and the most important over
text only has half a page.
                                                                                             the text. The magazine is
This shows us that the
                                                                                             clearly relying on the famous
image is ore important for
                                                                                             face of Florence to grab the
the reader first rather than
                                                                                             readers attention. However
the text. This technique is
                                                                                             the text ‘Florence and the
used to instantly grab the
                                                                                             machine’ also takes up a
readers attention and then
                                                                                             large amount of room trying
they will read the article
                                                                                             to compete with the image.
after recognising Florence
                                                                                             This is the magazines
as the main image. The
                                                                                             seconded technique to draw
large title ‘Florence and
                                                                                             the reader in. The actual text
the machine’ also takes up
                                                                                             its self is very small so the
a lot of the page to grab
                                                                                             image is shown to be more
the readers attention
                               There are five different types of fonts and
This magazine follows the      their sizes making the article seem more       The colours are in greyscale and black
typical conventions of a       interesting. By having the magazine            and white making the page simple and a
double page spread with        covered with these and different sizes it      little boring. The magazine is banking on
an image of the artist         makes up for the lack of colour form the       their text ‘Florence and the machine’
being featured and the         text and image. The large text ‘Florence       and her image to draw their target
text along side them. The      and the machine’ is the first piece of text    audience in with them realizing who she
image is very big and          that the target audience will read. This       is rather then using bright colours to
clear and some of the          being an alternative music genre magazine      draw their readers in. It makes the page
font is overly large to        their readers will see this and then see the   look sophisticated and professional but
show the importance of         image and want tot read the article as she     as said before a little dull and readers
this page and to catch the     is very popular amounts Alternative music      may flick through and not notice it.
readers eye.                   magazine readers.
This magazine conventions are a
little different to the typical          ROLLING STONE DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD
double page spread. There is very
                                                                                   The colours are black and white
little text and the main focus is
                                                                                   so are not very attractive so
the image showing us that there
                                                                                   would not draw the reader in.
is more information on the other
                                                                                   However the sheer size of the
side and this is almost the front
                                                                                   picture and the word ‘killers’
cover for a book.
                                                                                   will draw their target audience
The layout is of the main image of                                                 in as they are and alternative
the killers as the background and                                                  music band and this is an
then the text overlapping at the                                                   alternative music magazine.
bottom in the left hand corner.
The largest text is a bot higher up
with the bands name so if people
cannot recognise the artists from                             The different font sizes shows the reader which is
the image they will from the                                  the most important text to read making them
name.                                                         drawn to this area and able to pick up the
                                                              information quickly and easily. They are instantly
The image is shown to be the dominant one over the            told by the large font ‘the killers inside’ so some
text as it is the background so takes up the whole            may not want to read the smaller font
double page spread showing this issues importance.            underneath and will skip right to the next page to
The text however is inferior and much smaller in the          read about the killers. The smaller font is just
left hand corner at the bottom. However this may              additional information for those keen readers.
suggest that there will be lots more text once the page       There are two font types and a few font sizes. The
is turned over and less images. The larger words ‘the         words ‘the’ and ‘Inside’ even thought hey are big
killers inside’ makes the text quite powerful and backs       they are still but as big as the word ‘killers’ so are
up my point of there being more information ‘inside’          smaller in size and power.
or over the other page.

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Magazine analysis

  • 1. MAGAZINE ANALYSIS Selina Ahmed
  • 2. The conventions a magazine is anything The different font sizes, NME FRONT COVER expected of a magazine. The main image in colour and types of text this case is of the famous singer La Roux make it seem more drawing the audiences attention to the interesting and appealing to magazine with her popularity. The image is the audience. It also makes also very large so stands out clearly. it stand out compared to There is large bright font to catch your eye other magazines. and let you know what the best and most appealing parts of the magazine are. The logo of the company is at the top so it The logo or name of the magazine (NME) is is clear in a bright font. The main image is at the top in bright colours so you instantly the only image and is very large so it is the recognise the company. centre of attention to draw the target The barcode is at the front and is clear. audience in. The font is next to the main There are flash’s, pull quotes and puffs all image and is very large and bright to attract across the magazine to add to the appeal to the reader. The barcode is at the bottom. the reader. The use of bright colours against dull colours makes the important things stand out clearly. The colours are bright for the font such as yellows, The information is whites and reds which all The text is next to the main image and given to the audience stand out against the white, sometimes overlapping it however it does through written text black and slightly dull main not draw attention away from the main such as interviews, image. However due to the image as it is a famous and popular singer stories, information main image being La Roux a so will be noticed first then the text and even famous singer it can hold its advertisements. own against the bright text and entice the audience in.
  • 3. The title is at the top of the page with the logo again drawing attention and NME CONTENTS PAGE The different fonts and text confirming the company name. sizes make the contents seem There is anchorage to texts to make the more interesting and exciting. articles seem more appealing. This technique also helps show All the articles listed have page numbers the more important pieces of so you can find an article of specific text or pull quotes that will importance to you. The colours are catch the readers eye. bright to catch the readers eye and draw them in. The information is given to the audience through Her is lots of text surrounding the main written text such as image to make it seem important. interviews, stories, There are a few other images providing information and even anchorage and increasing the interest advertisements. in the articles. The title ‘contents page’ is at the top so it is clear to the reader. Advertisements are at the bottom as they’re not as important as the magazines content. The colours are bright and eye catching with large font to attract The text surrounds the images making the audience. them seem important and framing The images are large and of a very them drawing interest from the high quality to please the reader and audience. make them want the buy the magazine again for its good quality.
  • 4. Typically the double page Due to the text being so spread takes up two whole NME DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD small it is not standing pages and has a main image out o the reader making and text together. It is it less important and in usually an interview or the shadow of the special article as it takes up quote ‘USA got the love’ so much magazine space which is bold, a large font and therefore The main image is eye- stands out clearly. This catching and stands out the way the audience will most and because it is of a be less interested in the well known artist ‘Florence’ article due to its size it increases the attraction and therefore looks to the image. unimportant. The txt is to the side of the image so it does not take away the attention from the main image. The text ‘USA got the love’ is the biggest font so stands out and has used part of her lyrics from her song ‘you’ve got the love’ The bright red of Florence's hair links in with the red of the USA The main image is coinciding with the flag and clashes against the text however the text is very small and black and white making her weak compared to the main image of stand out so she is the most Florence and the red of her hair and important image on the page. props making her bold and taking up all the attention from the article.
  • 5. The masthead is at the top along with the company logo so you know what Q FRONT COVER magazine your reading The main image is the biggest image The largest fonts are for the magazine and is eye-catching and is of a famous name ‘Q’ and the main feature of the person so draws the reader in. magazine ‘Oasis are back!’ this shows There is a barcode on the front and us that they want the reader to notice there are pull quotes, puffs and plugs this as this is what they are banking over lapping the image. on as the reason the reader buys the magazine. The main image is the largest image The colours of the font and the with a picture of Noel Gallagher background contrast with each other taking centre stage. The logo and making each other stand out in their magazine name is at the top of the own way. The bright red and white magazine as a masthead therefore entices the reader along with the pull taking centre stage. There are pull quotes, puffs and plugs whilst the image quotes and plugs such as ‘Oasis are of noel Gallagher creates interest in the back’ t grab the readers attention. magazine. This is also enhanced by the layout with the font being large but the The main image is being overlapped by main image being larger and more over the font and masthead however it still powering drawing the reader in. commands the most attention out of the page as it is black and white so is an The information is being given unseal colouring and is of a famous artist to the reader through puffs, noel Gallagher from a group called Oasis pull quotes, flashes, large font who are obviously the main feature. and even the main image.
  • 6. This magazine goes slightly against the normal conventions as the masthead is The main image does take up most of ROLING STONE FRONT COVER the attention from the text by its size at the top a usual however it is being covered by the main image so is only however the bright blue of the font recognisable by a few words. really makes it stand out against the The main image is large and takes up black of the main image so drawing most of the page. more attention to the font. The use of The barcode is on the front and the overlapping allows for more text to fit main image is surrounded by text such on the page and looks stylish. When the as puffs and flashes to draw the reader font overlaps of the main image it really in. stands out becoming clearer so the audience can se it better and are more The layout is that the main image is in intrigued. the centre overlapping the masthead therefore showing this famous person ‘Amy Winehouse’ importance in this issue of magazine. They have made Amy mostly in black so the bright blue The use of linking the colours of the masthead and the main feature ‘Amy font stands out against her catching whine house’ shows the importance of the article inside. This font is also the audiences eye. very big making it stand out and become eye-catching to the reader. The main image is surrounded by text The smaller font which is black is sued for the flashes, pull quotes and puffs which is in bold colours to stand out as they are important to the magazine but are not what is pulling in the against the white background. They audience for this issue. Amy Winehouse is key for the attraction so has are snippets of information and are large and bright text. just enough to attract their target audience. The audience are being pulled in and given The colours are bright around Amy to make the font stand out information though the puffs and plugs on the but to also aid ain the prominence of the main image of Amy. front cover. The use of the well know singer for This is what is going to draw the reader in and rolling stone is the genre of alternative music draws the target confident about that as they have even covered their own audience in and creates more interest and masthead with this image. enthusiasm for the magazine.
  • 7. The masthead is at the top but is being overlapped slightly by the main image UNCUT FRONT COVER showing its importance in this article. The main image is meant to be The main image is slightly to the side main the main focus on the front but is the largest image. cover however I feel with this issue There is a headline at the top along the text is taking centre stage as it is with a skyline. large, bright, overlapping and The layout is that the main image is seems to be everywhere on the very large but is not central it is slightly page covering the image and to the side. However this makes way removing the attention from it. This for the large text of ‘Oasis’ who are may decrease the amount the clearly on the front cover showing that audience is drawn to I as it is this font is just as important so the covered with to much information main image has to share the spotlight. scaring the target audience away. There are plugs, pull quotes, puffs and flashes at the top and bottom of the The magazine reaches out front cover making it seem a little o the reader and appeals crowded and the main image covers The use of the grayscale to them through the text some of the masthead enhancing this background against the on the front such as pull feeling of lack of space. bright coloured font makes quotes and flashes. The the font stand out more than use of bright colours and The use of large red text makes it stand the central image. Due to the different types of font also out against the page showing its large amount of text the aids the passing of importance in the magazine. The image is smothered and information between the smaller font is in black and yellow so is attention is drawn away from magazine and the target still noticeable but I not as important. it defeating the purpose of audience. The different types of fonts makes the the central image magazine interesting and not boring interesting the reader.
  • 8. The masthead and skyline are at the top of the magazine whilst the main image is The text in this magazine seems to overlap in the centre but overlaps the name of SPIN FRONT COVER the main image a lot and is everywhere on the magazine ‘spin’ slightly. the page. This makes the main image There is no visible barcode so this may be seem less important and the magazine on the back and the picture is surrounded front cover a little messy. The use of the by flashes, pull quotes, puffs and more. black and white font does not really stand out as much as the white and red title for spin as there is already black and white in The main image is in the centre so the main image so it seem less important. commands the most attention . The image is also of the whole group ‘Mumford and sons’ not just a single The use of many different fonts may artists which can make the front cover interest the reader but I believe there are look crowded. The text ‘Mumford and too many fonts being used making the sons’ is large and bold and overlaps the front cover look overcrowded and messy main image slightly detracting some of with no main outstanding pull quotes or the attention. The page is bright but has puffs. The different text sizes highlights too much colour going on making it the more important information on the confusing as there is so much going on to front cover such as ‘Mumford and sons’ look at you don’t know where to look as they are the main feature and first. ‘summer live guide’ showing this edition The use of the red colours makes certain bits of text stand out is special and different. such as the magazine name ‘spin’ however there is too much colour going on so the reader is not sure what is the most important article to read or what to read first creating The information is given to the audience through the confusion. However this can be eye-catching for the audience large bright text which draw' them in and the amount and draw them in with the variety of colour and the use of more of colours on the page. However the use of too much than one artist on the front. colour can distort the mode of address.
  • 9. The conventions of this contents page is The main colours of red and white link to the the title of the page being at the top so Q CONTENTS PAGE magazine name Q which is also red and white. clear to see, there being a main image This makes it easily and instantly recognisable that draws the most attention, anchorage to their target audience that this is a Q and graphic features to create more magazine. The bright colours also create interest in the articles and page interest and make the important information numbering so the reader knows where to stand out clearer. The images are bright and find certain articles or content that they clear so they are recognisable such as the one want to read. of Lana del ray so they stand out and their The page has been done in simple colours target audience are instantly drawn to it. linking with the magazines logo as the ‘Q’ The colours are also basic and simple so not to logo is white and red so is most of the confuse or intimidate the reader with too contents page showing linkage between much colour. the two. The main communication of this The images are taking up most of the spec contents page to the reader is through with a small amount of text showing the the use of text as it is the simplest form importance of the photo of the very but the images play a large role to as recognisable image of ‘Lana del ray’. She they show things the audience will also has a very large page number on her recognise such as famous singers or photo showing it is an important articles. places. It’s a ‘must read’. As we can see the images in this contents page take centre stage as they are larger and boulder having more of an impact than the text. Even though the text is clear and bold it is small so does not stand out The use of a few different types of font makes the against the images. This magazine has used their photos to tell the content page seem more interesting to the reader. contents of their magazine for example using the very large photo of The larger bolder font makes it clear that this is to Lana del ray which will be instantly recognisable by Q readers. She also be read first and is the most important. The has a very large page number on her in red and white so it stands out smaller thinner font is less important and is only clearly. This shows the magazines confidence that readers will not for reading the contents page in detail. The larger need to read the articles name and brief information but will be able the text the more important and eye catching it is to recognise the image and go straight to that page without hesitation. drawing in the reader.
  • 10. The title ‘contents’ is typically at the The colours match the logo of uncut top of the page so it is clear to the which is the same technique used by Q UNCUT CONTENTS PAGE reader what page this is. There is a in their magazine creating yet again main image that lets the reader know linkage. The red and white is bright of a special or important article. The against the black image making the contents is by the side of the picture text stand out clearly but the sheer size along with page numbers in a large of the main image helps it be noticed font next to important articles that are by the target audience even though it a must read. is not in vibrant eye catching colours. The text has been placed down the side of the main image of Dr John a famous artist and the main image of him takes up more than half the page showing its dominance and importance in this magazine issue. The title has been The largest font is the one for the title placed at the top so it is clear and easy to contents so it is clear to the audience see. The page is in the typical portrait what page this is. The seconded biggest format so is easy to read and the image font is the one saying ‘Dr John’ this can also fit on the page. shows us he is of great importance in this issue of the uncut magazine and is their main feature. The smaller text on The main image is the most important as it is the largest and the black and the side is about the rest of the white colour scheme makes it very poignant against the red of the font. magazine. Some is large such as a title There are also no other graphic features or use of anchorage enhancing its or a pull quote but the rest is smaller so dominance on this page. In comparison the text is very small and inferior to is not as important and not meant to be the main image making it seem unimportant and therefore may be looked read in great detail. over. The image also takes up more room compared to the text which has very little room making it smaller so the audience may not be as interested in it and just want to read the main article. However this is shown to be on page 72 so the target audience will flick through most of the magazine and see other articles which they will go back to after to read.
  • 11. The colours of the font and backgrounds The title for the magazine ‘contents’ is ROLLINGSTONE CONTENTS PAGE make certain things stand out like the title clearly at the top of the magazine so or specific articles directing the readers easy for the reader to notice. There are interest to these articles or things. The techniques such as anchorage and photos are clear but are not too bright so graphic feature to create interest. do not dominate over the colour of the Unusually there is not one main text and the backgrounds. domineering image that stands out over the rest. The text is by the side of The different types of fonts make the the images. page more interesting to the reader and the sizes show what is more important or The text and images have an equal will be liked or read by a majority of the amount of space sop one is not readers. The larger font shows a main dominated by the other. The images piece of text and the smaller font is just have their page numbers on them additional information if you want to read linking them to certain or specific it. This use of font sizes highlight the more article and a little bit of extra important piece of text without the information such as a pull quote can audience having to sift through lots of be found on the contents page next information to fond the article they want tot his number. Thus way the reader to read. The layout is with images down the looks over all the text to find this side of the page next to the text. They number becoming more interested in both have an equal amount of space so the other articles. The images are also the text is not overshadowed by the not too bright so do not take any pictures. The title is at the top and is attention away from the text. They sit on a bright red background to make it side by side in harmony. stand out to the audience. There are page numbers on the images so theses main articles can be found quickly and easily by the reader at their convenience.
  • 12. The title is very clear as with all contents pages however it does not There are only a few types of read contents page but the magazines SPIN CONTENTS PAGE fonts and sizes sticking with the name ‘spin’ instead. There is a main theme of simplicity for this image and the text is overlapping it. contents page. However the larger font and bolder font is being used words such as Layout is a little different to other ‘Coldplay’ or ‘wolf parade’ who magazines. The only image which is the are famous artists. This way the main image takes up the whole page reader instantly knows what the whilst the font sits on top but to the article is about and does not side. This makes it seem less important. always need to read the extra There is a pull quote in the top right information given underneath in hand corner obviously front the artists a smaller font so can go straight how are featuring in this issue of spins to that article. magazine making the magazine ore The different fonts make the page interesting for the reader. more interesting as the colours are quite simple which may come across as boring. The main image is obviously more superior to the text due to its domineering size. The colours of the text are not that different from the main image The colours are very simple in greys whites and greyscale showing they have a connection. The simplicity of however the use of the bright red and white for the logo of the two together makes them seem harmonious ‘spin’ makes I stand out and add a splash of colour to the and that they can maybe work together. Due to magazine. This makes the contents page look unique and their being only one image the photo of the artists trendy so appeals to an alternative target audience. is not too overpowering so there is not a of of The small amount of blue for advertising at the bottom clutter on the page naming it easier for the reader also stands out due to the greyscale colour scheme making to read the text. it look important and a must read.
  • 13. There is as usual a large The image and text are both image of the artist featuring equal in size so both share a in there article and this has Q DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD similar amount of power in taken up the whole page this article. However there is along with the article by the a lot of text so this may put side of the image. the reader of reading the article but the image is very The layout is of the artists simple yet professional featuring on the side next to making it stand out more the text. The image is very than the text. However to large and the text is quite make the text have some small but takes up a whole attention a giant red l has page show its importance. been placed over the text to They are either side of each make the text stand out. This other to show that they link L stands for the artists lady together and are about he gaga and also the beginning same topic and that the word on the first sentence. A image is not just a random clever and professional way poster. The text is in neat for the text to compete with columns making it looks the image. sophisticated matching that of the picture by its side. There are only three different types of font and size making the double The use of the greyscale colours makes the page spread simple just like the picture the reader does not feel photo look sophisticated and professional overloaded with things to look at. The first type of font says the artists and helps the transition tot looking at the 'name lady gaga making it clear who the article is about as it is bold text go smoothly. The bright red l really and large. The giant l enhances this and makes it seem even more stands out against the black text and white interesting and the smaller font is sued for the text which is not for background letting the reader know that show but for reading. The page seems more appealing to the reader this is not an article to miss if they were just even though there is a lot of text to read so does not scare them away. flicking through he article. The whole point of he red is to grab the readers attention.
  • 14. This double page spread has many images not just one main image. A of There are colours all over the images are at the top of the page UNCUT DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD the double page spread and some are underneath. However making the page confusing the conventions stick to a typical and too colourful. The magazine as the text and images are reader will be unsure where side my side showing their to look first and it may put attachment and relevance to one them of reading the another. magazine. The images are very clear and the font The layout is that the images are colours of red and black mostly at the top whilst the text is stand out very clearly at the bottom. However some of against the white the images are scattered around. background making them Due to the amount of images and look bright and interesting. text the layout looks overcrowded and messy. The title is on the left hand side in the middle and not at the top of the page but it is bold so shows us it is the main title. Most of the images are at the top but because there are some at There are a few different fonts and text the bottom it shows the dominance of the images over the text. sizes making the page look more The images are bright, vibrant and have lots of colours and are interesting and exciting compared to very large so overshadow the text. The text is quite small but some other magazines double pages some is in red making it stand out On this page the integration of where they have a very limited amount of text and images s not entirely fair with the images having more fonts so look boring. The larger fonts are power and space. used to highlight the more important There is also anchorage here as the images show something piece or titles so the target audience can happening at the top and the font says 'Meanwhile somewhere locate where to read from and know what in Brooklyn' linking the top images to the text and images below they are reading about. to tell a story.
  • 15. The image as before takes up The page layout is of the two and a half pages so is main image taking up one SPIN DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD obviously the main feature and half pages whilst the and the most important over text only has half a page. the text. The magazine is This shows us that the clearly relying on the famous image is ore important for face of Florence to grab the the reader first rather than readers attention. However the text. This technique is the text ‘Florence and the used to instantly grab the machine’ also takes up a readers attention and then large amount of room trying they will read the article to compete with the image. after recognising Florence This is the magazines as the main image. The seconded technique to draw large title ‘Florence and the reader in. The actual text the machine’ also takes up its self is very small so the a lot of the page to grab image is shown to be more the readers attention important. quickly. There are five different types of fonts and This magazine follows the their sizes making the article seem more The colours are in greyscale and black typical conventions of a interesting. By having the magazine and white making the page simple and a double page spread with covered with these and different sizes it little boring. The magazine is banking on an image of the artist makes up for the lack of colour form the their text ‘Florence and the machine’ being featured and the text and image. The large text ‘Florence and her image to draw their target text along side them. The and the machine’ is the first piece of text audience in with them realizing who she image is very big and that the target audience will read. This is rather then using bright colours to clear and some of the being an alternative music genre magazine draw their readers in. It makes the page font is overly large to their readers will see this and then see the look sophisticated and professional but show the importance of image and want tot read the article as she as said before a little dull and readers this page and to catch the is very popular amounts Alternative music may flick through and not notice it. readers eye. magazine readers.
  • 16. This magazine conventions are a little different to the typical ROLLING STONE DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD double page spread. There is very The colours are black and white little text and the main focus is so are not very attractive so the image showing us that there would not draw the reader in. is more information on the other However the sheer size of the side and this is almost the front picture and the word ‘killers’ cover for a book. will draw their target audience The layout is of the main image of in as they are and alternative the killers as the background and music band and this is an then the text overlapping at the alternative music magazine. bottom in the left hand corner. The largest text is a bot higher up with the bands name so if people cannot recognise the artists from The different font sizes shows the reader which is the image they will from the the most important text to read making them name. drawn to this area and able to pick up the information quickly and easily. They are instantly The image is shown to be the dominant one over the told by the large font ‘the killers inside’ so some text as it is the background so takes up the whole may not want to read the smaller font double page spread showing this issues importance. underneath and will skip right to the next page to The text however is inferior and much smaller in the read about the killers. The smaller font is just left hand corner at the bottom. However this may additional information for those keen readers. suggest that there will be lots more text once the page There are two font types and a few font sizes. The is turned over and less images. The larger words ‘the words ‘the’ and ‘Inside’ even thought hey are big killers inside’ makes the text quite powerful and backs they are still but as big as the word ‘killers’ so are up my point of there being more information ‘inside’ smaller in size and power. or over the other page.