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                         CATHOLIC FAITH
Saturday, July 7, 12
                        BAKIT KAILANGAN NG CATECHISM?

                   To evangelize like the apostles. Catechists are “lay

                   Working with priests to spread our faith in God.

                   Evangelization means to tell people the “Good News”
                   that Jesus has come to save mankind from sin and

                   Catechism is missionary work.

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   Christians who so love God that they go to distant
                   places away from their family and all they know to
                   teach pagans/non-believers or people of different
                   religions about God.

                   Martyred missionaries - die for their faith in and love
                   for Jesus (unwelcome in many places)

                   Martyr - from the Greek word “martys” meaning

Saturday, July 7, 12
The 70 Disciples
                       Early Missionaries

                       In the Gospel of Luke
                       10: 1-24, Jesus sent 70
                       of his disciples, early
                       followers of Jesus, to
                       different places to
                       preach the Gospel.

Saturday, July 7, 12
                       SAINT STEPHEN AND SAINT PAUL

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   First disciple of Jesus to be martyred for his faith.

                   Was classmates with Saul (later St. Paul)

                   Was a Christian among Christians, and full of the
                   fruits of the Holy Spirit - humility, gentleness, purity,
                   kindness, charity - that many admired him

                   Head of 7 disciples named by the Apostles as deacons
                   to do works of charity and spread the Gospel.

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   The perfect minister of charity and the Gospel.

                   He knew divine scripture by heart.

                   Fearless in his service of God in the face of adversity.

                   Was a great speaker and defended Jesus in the Jerusalem
                   tribunal. Criticized the chief priests for their hard-
                   hearted resistance to the Holy Spirit and for putting to
                   death Jesus, the Messiah all Jews had been waiting for.

                   Was stoned to death.

Saturday, July 7, 12
Stoned to death for
                       his beliefs.


                       Doesn’t this sound
                       familiar? Hindi ba’t
                       pinagtatawan at
                       kinukutya ang
                       Kristiyano ngayon?

Saturday, July 7, 12
                   Stephen prayed for Saul and all who persecuted him
                   and Christians.

                   Stephen’s brave sacrifice converted many to
                   Christianity. People marveled at the unwavering
                   devotion of Stephen to Jesus and began to believe.

                   Saul persecuted Christians - “...entering house after house
                   and dragging out men and women, he handed them over for
                   imprisonment. Acts 8:3b

                   It is believed that St. Stephen’s prayer for Saul led to
                   his conversion.
Saturday, July 7, 12
On the road to Damascus to persecute Christians... The Lord said,
                       “Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
                       “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:5b)
Saturday, July 7, 12
                          CREATION OF A MISSIONARY

                   On the road to Damascus to arrest Christians, Saul had
                   an experience that converted him from Judaism to

                   Realized he had been blind to the truth and resolved to
                   work tirelessly to bring people to God. “...present everyone
                   perfect in Christ. For this I labor and struggle, in accord with the
                   exercise of his power working within me” (Colossians 1:28b-29).
                   “For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in
                   power and in the Holy Spirit and [with] much conviction” (1
                   Thessalonians 1:5a).

Saturday, July 7, 12
                   So why do we need Catechism?

                   To learn and experience the truth that God loves us so
                   much that He sent His Son to save us from sin and the
                   results of sin (death)

                   To realize the value of this gift of ETERNAL LIFE with
                   our Father in heaven, and to cherish it, to nourish it.

                   To turn away from all that separate us from God.

                   And finally, to become “catechists” to others, to spread
                   our faith, by telling others of the love of God.

Saturday, July 7, 12
                        MAY MGA KAPATID NGA BA SI JESUS.

           In the Annunciation, Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary
           and said “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are
           you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” The
           Angel told Mary that she was to give birth to the Son
           of God.

           Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do
           not know a man?”And the angel answered and said to
           her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the
           Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is
           to be born will be called the Son of God. (Luke 1:34-35)

Saturday, July 7, 12

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   Many Protestants deny Mary’s perpetual virginity
                   because some text in the Bible refer to the “brethren of

                   2nd century document “Protoevangelicum of James” tells
                   of Mary being virgin before, during, and after Jesus’ birth

                       States that St. Ann, Mary’s mother, had promised
                       Mary as a “virgin for the Lord” to work in the
                       temple. (vow of chastity)

                       Joseph as guardian of Mary’s vow of virginity, a
                       widower and much older than Mary, had children
                       from a previous marriage.
Saturday, July 7, 12

                       Before Jesus died, He entrusted His mother to John
                       "Woman, behold your son!" and to his disciple "Behold, thy
                       mother!" in John 19:26-27. If Mary had other children,
                       Jesus would have entrusted Her to them and not to His
                       disciple, John.

                       Brethren - “Brother” in Hebrew meant any male
                       relative that a person did not descend from. (eg. the
                       husband of your true aunt). If a person is directly
                       descended from a man, regardless of the number of
                       generations, the person is said to be a “Father”; No
                       word for “cousin”.

Saturday, July 7, 12

                       One of the 10 Commandments “Thou shall keep holy
                       the day of the Lord.”
                       "Where two or three come together in my name, there am I in
                       their midst" (Mt. 18:20)

                       Jesus Himself instituted the Holy Eucharist during the
                       Last Supper before His passion and death by
                       crucifixion. Jesus asked that we receive His Body and
                       Blood (through the Eucharist) “Take this all of you and eat it.
                       This is My Body which will be given up for you.” “Drink this Blood,
                       the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for
                       you and for all men so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in
                       memory of Me.”

Saturday, July 7, 12
Jesus instituted the Eucharist
                                               during the last supper and
                                               asked us to remember Him
                                               in the Eucharist.

                       Today we remember
                       Jesus sacrifice in the
                                 Holy Mass.

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   We receive the grace of God when we receive Holy
                   Communion. We are strengthened as we affirm Jesus
                   as our Lord and God by accepting Him in the
                   We go to Mass on Sundays to obey Jesus, to remember
                   Him, and to be together as the family of God.

Saturday, July 7, 12

               2 Major Parts: Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist

               Gathering: Gathering in Church, the assembling, is to bring us together
               into one united body, ready to participate by giving of ourselves, by
               breaking bread together.

               Greeting: The celebrant will ask us to join him in making the Sign of the
               Cross. He will intone: "The Lord be with you," to which the
               congregation replies: "And also with you." Then the priest may very
               briefly introduce the faithful to the Mass of the day.

               Penitential Rite - consisting of the "Confiteor" (I confess). penitential
               words included in it. It is a prayer giving faithful praise to the Lord and
               imploring his mercy.

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   Gloria - The "Gloria" is an ancient hymn in which the Church,
                   assembled in the Holy Spirit, praises the Father and the Son.

                   Opening Prayer

                   Liturgy of the Word - Readings, Responsorial Psalm, Gospel, Homily
                   (catechism on the readings)

                   Prayers of the Faithful - petitions, things that we are asking from

                   Profession of Faith - “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will
                   come again.)

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   Liturgy of the Eucharist

                        Preparation of Gifts


                        Acclamation (Santo, Santo, Santo)

                        Consecration - when the bread and wine are miraculously
                        turned into the body and blood of Christ. (“My Lord and My

                        Offering - offering the sacrifice of the Mass to God, offering
                        ourselves to God as well.

Saturday, July 7, 12
                   Intercessions - Acknowledging that the Mass is being offered in
                   communion with all its members living or dead, who are called to
                   share in God’s salvation.

                   Communion Rite

                        Lord’s Prayer - “Ama Namin”

                        Rite of Peace - Peace be with you

                        Lord, I’m not worthy to receive you....

                        Communion - we receive the body and blood fo crhsis.

                        Concluding Rite

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   Judaism had so many laws that confused many people.

                   When Jesus was asked what the most important
                   commandment was, Jesus answered him, “The first of all
                   the commandments is, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one
                   Lord” (One and Only God) Love the Lord your God with all
                   your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all
                   your strength.'

                   “The second is this, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS
                   YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater
                   than these."

Saturday, July 7, 12
                                  RIEZEL SAMERA ’S QUESTION:

                   Any prayer, whether repeated (like the Rosary,
                   novenas) or not (personal prayer), is acceptable to

                   Repeated prayer - It is like saying I love you to God. Is
                   there a limit to the number of times we should tell
                   God that we love Him?

                   Many Christians dismiss the Rosary as “vain
                   repetition” referring to Matthew 6:7, which reads: “But when
                   ye pray, use not vain repetition, as the heathens do: for they think
                   that they shall be heard for their much speaking” (KJV).

Saturday, July 7, 12
                   “As the heathens do” - Jesus was referring to “empty”
                   or “vain” vocal prayer as practiced by the pagans,
                   “who feared to omit from their prayer the name of
                   one god or the mention of one request.”

                   The key word here is “vain” or “empty,” not
                   repetition. Pagans then believed that their gods had
                   human-like traits, that they were fickle and petty and
                   had to be impressed with their incessant vocal
                   prayers. It wasn’t “repetition” that Jesus did not want,
                   it was praying to false gods and praying without
Saturday, July 7, 12

                   Jesus Himself taught a prayer that He meant to be
                   repeated. “The Our Father/Lord’s Prayer”

                   All prayers --- a response to God’s love. As God
                   reveals Himself to Man, man responds to Him in
                   prayer. (Catechism, 2567)

                   Christian tradition has maintained 3 major
                   expressions of prayer: vocal, meditative,
                   contemplative. -- three basic traits in common--
                   composuire of heart.

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   Rosary - a vocal prayer, also a meditative prayer on the mysteries of
                   the life and death of Jesus

                   We remember the joyful events in Jesus’ life such as the
                   annunciation, Jesus birth, being presented at the temple.

                   We remember Jesus passion/suffering and death on the cross. We
                   remember the glorious events in Jesus’ life in which His divinity is

                   The power of our prayers does not come from how we feel during
                   prayer, but on the grace of God given through our steadfast
                   discipline (1 Cor. 15:58; cf. Catechism, 2725).

Saturday, July 7, 12
                   A regular recitation of the Rosary helps us to develop the discipline
                   that is needed to grow in our faith. It develops obedience and
                   faithfulness to our Lord.

                   Sometimes, we do not feel like praying the Rosary or going to Mass
                   but if we overcome our feelings of laziness and dryness, we will
                   develop a stronger, more unshakeable faith in God as we strive to
                   remain faithful to Him in the little things that we can do.

                   Regularity and frequency of prayer need not depend on how we
                   feel. The Rosary is an exercise in steadfastness/persistence. The
                   mere act of reciting the Rosary is a movement toward God.

                   Same with praying other repeated prayers such as novenas and
Saturday, July 7, 12

                       This is a popular misconception that is being spread
                       about Catholicism by other Christian religions.

                       There are 3 Churches:

                         Church Triumphant          Saints, those who are in heaven

                                                Christians on earth who are living; who
                                                struggle against sin, the devil and "..the
                           Church Militant       rulers of the darkness of this world,
                                                  against spiritual wickedness in high
                                                        places" (Ephesians 6:12).
                          Church Suffering              Christians in Purgatory

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   We adore and worship God alone and no other.

                   Saints - people just like us who have lived their lives for God, who
                   did all things for the love of God, who served God by serving the

                   Saints in heaven are our champions -- they are the ones rooting for
                   us. Their work is to pray for the Church Militant, that we may strive
                   to live according to the laws of God and be forgiven our sins.

                   We do not worship saints, we only ask for their help to pray
                   to God for our needs. (Prayer and worship do not end when a
                   person dies and saints continue to pray in heaven.)

Saturday, July 7, 12

                   There are many patron saints that we can ask for help and prayers.
                   They become patron saint of something that is related to their
                   experience or journey while here on Earth.

                   For our part as Church Militant, we must pray for a world that has
                   become too materialistic, a world that has forgotten about God.
                   We must pray for the forgiveness of our sins.

                   We also pray for the forgiveness of the sins of the people in
                   Purgatory (Church Suffering), because there is nothing they can do
                   to get out of Purgatory except for our prayers. This is why we
                   should make it a practice to pray for our loved ones who have died.

Saturday, July 7, 12
                                JOMAR VISCO’S QUESTION:

                       The goal of Chariteach is simple - it is mainly to teach you about the
                       love of God

                       To shepherd you who are babies in the faith towards the right
                       direction in the middle of all the noise that you hear around you.

                       GOD = Love = Charity

                       God is the source of all love and charity is love in action.

                       Chariteach also aims to equip you with the right values and
                       understanding of the different things that happen around you. (eg.
                       happiness, sorrow, anger, forgiveness, bullying, atheism, relativism,
Saturday, July 7, 12

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Questions on the Catholic Faith

  • 1. QUESTIONS ON THE CATHOLIC FAITH Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 2. KEITH ALLEN’S QUESTION: BAKIT KAILANGAN NG CATECHISM? To evangelize like the apostles. Catechists are “lay apostles” Working with priests to spread our faith in God. Evangelization means to tell people the “Good News” that Jesus has come to save mankind from sin and death. Catechism is missionary work. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 3. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES Christians who so love God that they go to distant places away from their family and all they know to teach pagans/non-believers or people of different religions about God. Martyred missionaries - die for their faith in and love for Jesus (unwelcome in many places) Martyr - from the Greek word “martys” meaning “witness” Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 4. The 70 Disciples Early Missionaries In the Gospel of Luke 10: 1-24, Jesus sent 70 of his disciples, early followers of Jesus, to different places to preach the Gospel. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 6. SAINT STEPHEN First disciple of Jesus to be martyred for his faith. Was classmates with Saul (later St. Paul) Was a Christian among Christians, and full of the fruits of the Holy Spirit - humility, gentleness, purity, kindness, charity - that many admired him Head of 7 disciples named by the Apostles as deacons to do works of charity and spread the Gospel. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 7. SAINT STEPHEN The perfect minister of charity and the Gospel. He knew divine scripture by heart. Fearless in his service of God in the face of adversity. Was a great speaker and defended Jesus in the Jerusalem tribunal. Criticized the chief priests for their hard- hearted resistance to the Holy Spirit and for putting to death Jesus, the Messiah all Jews had been waiting for. Was stoned to death. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 8. Stoned to death for his beliefs. Question: Doesn’t this sound familiar? Hindi ba’t pinagtatawan at kinukutya ang maraming Kristiyano ngayon? Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 9. STEPHEN PRAYED FOR SAUL Stephen prayed for Saul and all who persecuted him and Christians. Stephen’s brave sacrifice converted many to Christianity. People marveled at the unwavering devotion of Stephen to Jesus and began to believe. Saul persecuted Christians - “...entering house after house and dragging out men and women, he handed them over for imprisonment. Acts 8:3b It is believed that St. Stephen’s prayer for Saul led to his conversion. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 10. On the road to Damascus to persecute Christians... The Lord said, “Saul, why are you persecuting me?” “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:5b) Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 11. CONVERSION OF SAUL CREATION OF A MISSIONARY On the road to Damascus to arrest Christians, Saul had an experience that converted him from Judaism to Christianity. Realized he had been blind to the truth and resolved to work tirelessly to bring people to God. “...present everyone perfect in Christ. For this I labor and struggle, in accord with the exercise of his power working within me” (Colossians 1:28b-29). “For our gospel did not come to you in word alone, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and [with] much conviction” (1 Thessalonians 1:5a). Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 12. CATECHISM IS WITNESSING So why do we need Catechism? To learn and experience the truth that God loves us so much that He sent His Son to save us from sin and the results of sin (death) To realize the value of this gift of ETERNAL LIFE with our Father in heaven, and to cherish it, to nourish it. To turn away from all that separate us from God. And finally, to become “catechists” to others, to spread our faith, by telling others of the love of God. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 13. JENNIE LYN BATAS’ QUESTION: BAKIT NATIN KINO-CONSIDER NA BIRHEN SI MARY GAYONG NAGKAROON NG MARAMING KAPATID SI JESUS. MAY MGA KAPATID NGA BA SI JESUS. In the Annunciation, Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” The Angel told Mary that she was to give birth to the Son of God. Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. (Luke 1:34-35) Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 15. VIRIGINITY OF MARY, CONT’D Many Protestants deny Mary’s perpetual virginity because some text in the Bible refer to the “brethren of Jesus” 2nd century document “Protoevangelicum of James” tells of Mary being virgin before, during, and after Jesus’ birth States that St. Ann, Mary’s mother, had promised Mary as a “virgin for the Lord” to work in the temple. (vow of chastity) Joseph as guardian of Mary’s vow of virginity, a widower and much older than Mary, had children from a previous marriage. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 16. VIRIGINITY OF MARY, CONT’D Before Jesus died, He entrusted His mother to John "Woman, behold your son!" and to his disciple "Behold, thy mother!" in John 19:26-27. If Mary had other children, Jesus would have entrusted Her to them and not to His disciple, John. Brethren - “Brother” in Hebrew meant any male relative that a person did not descend from. (eg. the husband of your true aunt). If a person is directly descended from a man, regardless of the number of generations, the person is said to be a “Father”; No word for “cousin”. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 17. JENNY ROSE CORNEJO AND RAVEN’S QUESTION: BAKIT KAILANGANG MAGSIMBA TUWING LINGGO? One of the 10 Commandments “Thou shall keep holy the day of the Lord.” "Where two or three come together in my name, there am I in their midst" (Mt. 18:20) Jesus Himself instituted the Holy Eucharist during the Last Supper before His passion and death by crucifixion. Jesus asked that we receive His Body and Blood (through the Eucharist) “Take this all of you and eat it. This is My Body which will be given up for you.” “Drink this Blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all men so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of Me.” Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 18. Jesus instituted the Eucharist during the last supper and asked us to remember Him in the Eucharist. Today we remember Jesus sacrifice in the Holy Mass. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 19. BAKIT KAILANGANG MAGSIMBA TUWING LINGGO? We receive the grace of God when we receive Holy Communion. We are strengthened as we affirm Jesus as our Lord and God by accepting Him in the Eucharist. We go to Mass on Sundays to obey Jesus, to remember Him, and to be together as the family of God. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 20. CARMELA MONTECINO’S QUESTION: WHAT ARE THE PARTS OF THE MASS AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? 2 Major Parts: Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist Gathering: Gathering in Church, the assembling, is to bring us together into one united body, ready to participate by giving of ourselves, by breaking bread together. Greeting: The celebrant will ask us to join him in making the Sign of the Cross. He will intone: "The Lord be with you," to which the congregation replies: "And also with you." Then the priest may very briefly introduce the faithful to the Mass of the day. Penitential Rite - consisting of the "Confiteor" (I confess). penitential words included in it. It is a prayer giving faithful praise to the Lord and imploring his mercy. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 21. PARTS OF THE MASS Gloria - The "Gloria" is an ancient hymn in which the Church, assembled in the Holy Spirit, praises the Father and the Son. Opening Prayer Liturgy of the Word - Readings, Responsorial Psalm, Gospel, Homily (catechism on the readings) Prayers of the Faithful - petitions, things that we are asking from God Profession of Faith - “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.) Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 22. PARTS OF THE MASS Liturgy of the Eucharist Preparation of Gifts Thanksgiving Acclamation (Santo, Santo, Santo) Consecration - when the bread and wine are miraculously turned into the body and blood of Christ. (“My Lord and My God” Offering - offering the sacrifice of the Mass to God, offering ourselves to God as well. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 23. PARTS OF THE MASS Intercessions - Acknowledging that the Mass is being offered in communion with all its members living or dead, who are called to share in God’s salvation. Communion Rite Lord’s Prayer - “Ama Namin” Rite of Peace - Peace be with you Lord, I’m not worthy to receive you.... Communion - we receive the body and blood fo crhsis. Concluding Rite Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 24. JENNY ROSE CORNEJO’S QUESTION: ANO ANG KAILANGANG GAWIN PARA MAGING TUNAY NA KRISTIYANO? Judaism had so many laws that confused many people. When Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was, Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord” (One and Only God) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' “The second is this, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these." Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 25. GRACHEL LO, MADEL MALLARI, RODERICK PANGANIBAN, RIEZEL SAMERA ’S QUESTION: BAKIT KAILAN NG PAULIT-ULIT NA DASAL GAYA NG ROSARY? Any prayer, whether repeated (like the Rosary, novenas) or not (personal prayer), is acceptable to God. Repeated prayer - It is like saying I love you to God. Is there a limit to the number of times we should tell God that we love Him? Many Christians dismiss the Rosary as “vain repetition” referring to Matthew 6:7, which reads: “But when ye pray, use not vain repetition, as the heathens do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking” (KJV). Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 26. “VAIN REPETITION” “As the heathens do” - Jesus was referring to “empty” or “vain” vocal prayer as practiced by the pagans, “who feared to omit from their prayer the name of one god or the mention of one request.” The key word here is “vain” or “empty,” not repetition. Pagans then believed that their gods had human-like traits, that they were fickle and petty and had to be impressed with their incessant vocal prayers. It wasn’t “repetition” that Jesus did not want, it was praying to false gods and praying without sincerity. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 27. REPEATED PRAYERS Jesus Himself taught a prayer that He meant to be repeated. “The Our Father/Lord’s Prayer” All prayers --- a response to God’s love. As God reveals Himself to Man, man responds to Him in prayer. (Catechism, 2567) Christian tradition has maintained 3 major expressions of prayer: vocal, meditative, contemplative. -- three basic traits in common-- composuire of heart. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 28. REPEATED PRAYERS Rosary - a vocal prayer, also a meditative prayer on the mysteries of the life and death of Jesus We remember the joyful events in Jesus’ life such as the annunciation, Jesus birth, being presented at the temple. We remember Jesus passion/suffering and death on the cross. We remember the glorious events in Jesus’ life in which His divinity is revealed. The power of our prayers does not come from how we feel during prayer, but on the grace of God given through our steadfast discipline (1 Cor. 15:58; cf. Catechism, 2725). Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 29. REPEATED PRAYERS A regular recitation of the Rosary helps us to develop the discipline that is needed to grow in our faith. It develops obedience and faithfulness to our Lord. Sometimes, we do not feel like praying the Rosary or going to Mass but if we overcome our feelings of laziness and dryness, we will develop a stronger, more unshakeable faith in God as we strive to remain faithful to Him in the little things that we can do. Regularity and frequency of prayer need not depend on how we feel. The Rosary is an exercise in steadfastness/persistence. The mere act of reciting the Rosary is a movement toward God. Same with praying other repeated prayers such as novenas and devotions. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 30. MADEL MALLARI’S QUESTION: IN THE 10 COMMANDMENTS, IT IS SAID THAT WE SHOULD NOT HAVE OTHER GODS. BUT WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SAINTS IN CHURCH THAT PEOPLE PRAISE? This is a popular misconception that is being spread about Catholicism by other Christian religions. There are 3 Churches: Church Triumphant Saints, those who are in heaven Christians on earth who are living; who struggle against sin, the devil and "..the Church Militant rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12). Church Suffering Christians in Purgatory Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 31. ABOUT SAINTS We adore and worship God alone and no other. Saints - people just like us who have lived their lives for God, who did all things for the love of God, who served God by serving the needy. Saints in heaven are our champions -- they are the ones rooting for us. Their work is to pray for the Church Militant, that we may strive to live according to the laws of God and be forgiven our sins. We do not worship saints, we only ask for their help to pray to God for our needs. (Prayer and worship do not end when a person dies and saints continue to pray in heaven.) Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 32. ABOU T SAINTS There are many patron saints that we can ask for help and prayers. They become patron saint of something that is related to their experience or journey while here on Earth. For our part as Church Militant, we must pray for a world that has become too materialistic, a world that has forgotten about God. We must pray for the forgiveness of our sins. We also pray for the forgiveness of the sins of the people in Purgatory (Church Suffering), because there is nothing they can do to get out of Purgatory except for our prayers. This is why we should make it a practice to pray for our loved ones who have died. Saturday, July 7, 12
  • 33. JAMILLE JOY REYES, JUVELYN SAMONTE, JANINE VILLEGAS AND JOMAR VISCO’S QUESTION: WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM CHARITEACH? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? The goal of Chariteach is simple - it is mainly to teach you about the love of God To shepherd you who are babies in the faith towards the right direction in the middle of all the noise that you hear around you. GOD = Love = Charity God is the source of all love and charity is love in action. Chariteach also aims to equip you with the right values and understanding of the different things that happen around you. (eg. happiness, sorrow, anger, forgiveness, bullying, atheism, relativism, etc.) Saturday, July 7, 12